Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 25, 1902, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 18, Image 18

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Tim Omaiia Sunday Ber
Eslly B (without Sunday), One Yttt H 00
any He ana Bunilsy, one Year w
. Illustrated kite, una If ear l.'V
rUnday Be. One Yenr W
fraturaay Bee, One Year 1 0
twentieth Centu-y tirmrr, One Year. I.w
"Dally Uee (without Sunday), per copy.. 2c
anally Bee (altfiout buiion) , per wwk,.Uc
lUy fee (Including ttunuay), per week.Kc
Sunday Hee, per copy to
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Evening Bee (Including bunuayj, per
" week 15c
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State of Nebraska, Douglas County, sa.t
Oeorgs jb Tuchuck, secretary uf 1'Oa Bee
Publishing Company, being uuiy sworn,
ays that the actual number ul full ana
complete copies ef The Dally, Morning,
Kvenlng ana Sunday Bee printed during
the month of April, was as follows:
l K9.03O 17 20.K1O
ae.sao is 110,540
' 4 2U.B10 IS lit,BBU
1 2,6IM) 20,0.10
. U,T0 21 KU.OSU
1 jta.aiv 12 ao.BtM)
.1 I VU,4UM U UV.BOU !
1 itu.utu at ....ximuo
1 ,,,460 25 at,4iO
U ?:.-.1,B10 3 2H,B10
it at,4TO 27 UU.UOO
11 21,S19 Sn Vttt.SUO
14 20,60 U 20.SMU
it 2U,4(M M 2U.U20
Total bHU,U4S
.Lees unsold and returned copies... 1O.107
Net total rales e)ri,aJ
Utt dally average KtMiXT
' Cabscrlbed In my presence and sworn to
fceiora rne this Jth day ot April, A. D.
Notary Publio.
For the wheat crop In this section the
water cure seems to have proved enil
- nently successful.
' We are assured that the Nebraska
Grand Army oMhe Republic has uo de
sign to set up a rival Steele trust.
I The retirement of Nixon from the head
tt Tammany suggests that the braves
need no prophet so loug as there la no
2 Drofit
When It comes to prompt and ade
quate response to the call for relief for
suffering, Uncle Bam leads the interna
tional procession.
Maclay'a book about the naval war
with Spain will not be used In the Naval
academy. It will not be used any
where except in collections of freak book
publications. '
Ail of us are awaiting In impatience
eruption of the special correspond-
f and magazine writers who have
n surveying the field of the eruptions
fi Pelee and Soufriere.
, -What a fortune could be made if one
could buy Nebraska railroads at the
values they are returned by their man
agers for assessment and sell them at
tbe prices they command on the stock
Denmark will extend the option the
United States has taken on Its West In
dian Islands until another opportunity
Is had for ratification. No danger that
any other purchaser will step In to raise
the bid.
And now it is the Oould lines that are
to be expanded Into a vast transcon
tinental railway system Joining Atlantic
said Pacific. The vision of an ocean to
ocean railroad will not down till It ma
terializes. Without professing to ability at mind
reading we feel sufe in saylug that
after viewing all the garden spots of
Cuba., Oolouel William Jennings Bryun
la still of the opinion thut Nebraska
Is tbe better place to live lu.
While at the business, those volcanic
disturbances could stive lots of time,
money and labor by cuttiug an isthmian
canal through for us over night without
waiting for the aid or consent of any
ae la the selection of the route.
. Railroad property in Omaha has paid
la actual money less taxes for city pur
peeea each year since the tax commis
sioner system went luto effect than It
did the year before the separate munici
pal assessment roll was established.
I ,"Yhere s the Ideal equity In this?
Fifteen years ago -Nebraska's state
debt amounted to less than
Today It exceeds li.OOO.OUO. In other
! ords, during the hist fifteen years the
State debt has Increased at tbe rate of
(100,000 a your notwithstanding tbe ex
press provision of the constitution that
Umlte the Indebtedness of the state to
1 100 AW. It goes without saylug that
the state debt could have becu wiped
Ot long ago If the railroads had beeu
compelled to pay their full share of the
lUte taxes.
Former Governor Thomas of Colorado
gvants to take the place of Senator Tel
ler when tbe latter's term expires next
year, hi principal arguuieut being that
be professes to be a dyed-ln-tlie-wool
democrat while Mr. Teller Is only a all
er republican. In view ot the sacri
fice made by Senator Teller In leading
the bolt from the St. Louis convention,
this certainly la political Ingratitude.
But If the people of Colorado consult
their own beat interests they will return
to the senate neither Governor Thomas
oor Senator Teller but some good repub
lican, s
Coming events sometimes enst their
shadows lefore. but the shadow of past
events rarely ventures In front of any
Nxly, not even a dark horse. The at
tempt to launch gubernatorial boom
for former (Jovernor Crounse Is per
fectly legitimate, but the attempt of the
Lincoln Journal to create a political sen
sation by coupling the Crounse boom
with reminiscent misinformation is a
piece of inexcusable Imposture, In this
gem of fiction the Journal recalls the
fact that ten years ago Lorenzo Crounse
held a position' of great honor and
responsibility In the United States treas
ury and continues:
President Harrison was president and
ambitious to succeed himself. Edward
Rosewater was straining himself to break
into the cabinet as postmaster general. He
had presented a diagram of his modest am
bition to President Harrison for the guid
ance of that distinguished gentleman an.i
official when he should come to make up
bis second term cabinet.
President Harrison evidently believed
that It would be well to make this conces
sion to Nebraska as the surest way ot
keeping the state In line on the national
Issues, but was not disposed to allot so Im
portant a position to the state as long as
Lorenio Crounse held his also Important
place la the treasury. In order to gratify
the ambition of Mr. Rosewater he would
have to get rid of Mr. Crounse in some way.
One fateful night there was a banquet of
leading republicans In Omaha, given to In
augurate Dr. Mercer's boom for governor.
That same night Hon. E. K. Valentino
arrived In Omaha to see Mr. Rosewater.
It was not because the ex-congressman was
particularly partial to Mr. Rosewater as a
friend and fellow republican. He came as
an emisBsry of the president to suggest a
way to get Crounse out of the treasury.
The method proposed was to nominate him
for governor. Mr. Valentine had to await
Mr. Rosewater's return from tbe Mercer
gubernatorial boom banquet that he might
lay the enterprise before him
The effect was as pronounced as a work
of magic. The next morning, so. runs the
tradition. The Bee showed that the banquet
champagne had begun to sour by announc
ing in tones of unmistakable hostility that
the nomination of Dr. Mercer would simply
mean a "boodle campaign." That is where
Dr. Mercer got It where the pullet ob
structed the cleaver In the neck in con
sequence of which he has never since been
able to assimilate any Rosewater medicine.
Probably few people have ever Imagined
that Governor Crounse was nominated for
governor to advance the aspirations of Mr.
Rosewater to shine as a member of the
cabinet. It will be readily recalled, how
ever, how the name of Lorenxo Crounse was
borne abroad through the state as the mod
ern Moses until he was nominated.
The power that controls events Is some
times cruelly inconsiderate, and necessi
tates a mighty bad finale to a mighty good
story. It is recalled and recounted as a
conspicuous example of the irony of fate
that Mr. Crounse was triumphantly elected
governor of Nebraska, while Benjamin Har
rison's pretensions In the direction of the
presidency for the second term were shat
tered, and Mr. Rosewater's cinch on a cab
inet position went with them.
This would be mighty interesting read
ing, if it were only true. As a matter
of fact, Lorenzo Crounse occupied the
highly honorable position of assistant
secretary of the treasury, as he bad
other honorable and lucrative positions
previously, through the influence and ef
forts exerted by The Bee and its editor.
It is true that Benjamin Harrison was
president ten years ago, but nobody ever
solicited or suggested to him that Ed
ward Rosewater be made a member of
his cabinet Rosewater never bad any
aspirations to be In Harrison's cabinet,
McKlnley's cabinet nor any presiden
tial cabinet Rosewater did not strain
himself to break Into the cabinet lie
was at that time chained to bis post as
editor of the paper be bad established
and which he desired above all things
to make a heritage for his children.
The truth Is that Rosewater regarded
Crounse as tbe only available man who,
as the standard bearer of the republican
party, could match Van Wyck, and the
first . suggestion, Inviting Crounse to
head the ticket, came from Rosewater.
The assertion that E. K. Valentine
was dispatched to Nebraska as special
envoy from President Harrison is too
absurd even to pass muster at a camp-
fire meeting. There was no necessity
for sending Valentine or any one else to
communicate with Rosewater, who had
talked the program over fully with
Judge Crounse, and had his assurance
mat ne would accept tne nomination if
It came without any effort on his part
The story about the Mercer boom is
equally stupid, it not idiotic.
The Irony of fate defeated Benjamin
Harrison for president while Lorenzo
Crounse was elected governor of Ne
braska, and tbe Irony of fate Jbflt made
Tom Majors lieutenant governor kept
Crounse out of the senate. That part of
It at least Is historic. The political
resurrectionists ought to keep within
the narrow limits of truth.
The very earnest desire manifested by
foreign governments to cultivate the
friendship of the United States is pleas
ing to Americans. It appeals to their
pride and patriotism as beiug an ac
knowledgment thut this nation has be
come a power which it behooves the
strongest goverumenU to respect and
whose friendship is indispensable In the
conduct of world affairs. Uf course this
republic has long bad the respect of
other nations, which could not but recog
nize Its growing strength and Influence,
but the expression of this respect and
of the desire for International amity has
never before beeu so profuse and ardent
as at present. The finest compliments
are bestowed upon tbe United States
government and people and tbe leading
powers seem to be vlelug with each
other to make this country feel thut Its
friendship ami good will are particu
larly wanted.
This is uot the result of auy sieclal
efforts on our part to win foreign friend
ship. We have steadily pursued our
traditional policy In dealing with Euro
pean government. We have no alliance
with any of them, we have accorded
no special favors to any of them, nor
have we asked any consideration from
them that we were not fully entitled to.
When we vyej-e engaged in a foreign, war
we demanded? ojly that they should let
us aloue and wehave fept aloof from
all their controversies. We have in
listed .ufion having our rights recog
nlz.ed and our Interests protected every
where and In order that this might be
done have demanded concessions of the
European governments. We have gone
on firmly asserting the Monroe doctrine
and wherever occasion seemed to require
It have warned the European govern
ments that they would not be permitted
to violate that dextrine. We have
shaped our foreign policies without fear
and favor, treating all foreign govern
ments with equal fairness and Justice.
There has been no special courting of
amity on our parf, but a straightforward
and honorable course at all times and
In all circumstances, -nod doubtless this
has bad more to do than our success
In war and our great development In
financial and commercial power In win
ning the respect of other nations. Our
diplomacy has been open and clear, our
dealings with other nations honest and
siuecre. Therefore we have their con
fidence and shall retain tt so long as we
continue In the upright and honorable
course that has so far been pursued.
The American people, however pleased
and gratified they may be with these
expressions of European friendship, will
not permit themselves to be drawn
thereby Into any departure from the
traditional principles of the republic.
We shall have no favorite among the
old-woild powers, but will treat all with
equal fairness and Justice.
The death of Lord Pauncefote removes
from the diplomatic service of Great
Britain one of Its ablest and most dis
tinguished representatives, who during
the years that he had been occredited
to the United States as minister and
ambassador faithfully and ably served
bis government and was esteemed by
our government as a high-minded and
honorable diplomatist Since Lord
Pauncefote came to this country, In 18S0,
a number of important questions have
been In controversy between Great
Britain and the United States, in the
consideration of which he had always
shown a conciliatory spirit It Is said
that he regarded the negotiation of the
convention which disposed of the Ques
tions growing out of the Clayton-Bulwer
treaty as the greatest accomplishment
of his diplomatic career and so un
doubtedly it was. It was very largely
due to the Influence of Pauncefote thut
the British government was Induced to
accept the treaty and the British public
was persuaded that it was best for the
government to do so.
Secretary Hay says of Lord Paunce
fote that "he was a good friend of ours."
There Is no doubt of this. He could
have had other posts, but he liked the
United States and its people and de
sired to remain here. While strictly
observing all the social obligations of
his position, Lord Pauncefote did not
obtrude himself upon public attention
and was little known outside of diplo
matic and official circles In Washing
ton, where, however, he was very popu
lar, and highly esteemed for his per
sonal qualities.
Will the United States retain tbe com
manding position in tbe world's com
merce which it has reached? The ques
tion is answered in the affirmative by
Mr. O. P. Austin, chief of the bureau
of statistics, who points out that the
United States is the world's largest pro
ducer of the chief requirements of man
food, clothing, heat light and manu
factures. This country produces more
foodstuffs than any other, it produces
more than three-fourths of the world's
supply of cotton, it leads In the produc
tion of coal and petroleum, while in
manufactures the United States 1b also
the world's largest producer, the value
of our manufactures being nearly
double that of the United Kingdom and
nearly equal to that of France, Ger
many and Russia combined.
Our power of production not only
shows no signs of abatement but It is
reasonable to expect that the develop
ment of science and Invention and the
application of American energy will
still further reduce the cost of produc
tion and transportation. In the opinion
of Mr. Austin, this high standing of tbe
United States as an exporting nation
will be welcomed by the commercial
world rather than antagonized, as has
been Intimated and feared in certain
quarters. He thinks the suggestions of
the exclusion of American products of
the field and factory not likely to be
realized. The commercial world buys
the products of our fields and factories
because it requires them for dally use
and because It can obtain them more
readily and cheaply from this country
than from any other part of the world.
Refusal of Europe tc purchase from
the United States any of the great arti
cles of which we furnish ao large s
proportion of the world's supply would
be to cause an advance in the price of
those articles Lu other parts of the
world. As this country supplies one
fifth of tbe wheat entering into interna
tional commerce, three-fourths of the
cotton, practically all of the corn and a
large proportion of the meat supplies of
Europe, it can readily be understood
what the effect would be of eliminating
our production of these articles from
the world's supply. Hence it is to be
expected that the demand for these nat
ural products will coutluue Indefinitely,
while we should be able to at least re
tain for our manufactures the markets
that have been acquired.
lu respect, however, to manufactures,
a more vigorous competition in the fu
ture is to be looked for. The manufac
turing countries will improve tbeii
methods, shaping them as nearly as pos
sible to the American system, and when
this is accouipllshod we shall uot find it
so easy to invade their markets and
capture their trade. It is also quite
possible that some of those countries
will endeavor to better protect them
selves, through tariff discrimination,
from the competition of our manufac
tures, unless we shall make more lib
eral trade arrangements with them. This
is what Mclviuley had In mind when be
said that "We must not rcDoss la fan
cled security that we can forever sell
everything and buy little or nothing."
The commanding commercial position of
the United States seems secure, but In
order to retain and strengthen It a brood
and enlightened iollcy In regard to our
trade relations Is necessary.
According to rsfurns compiled by the
state labor bureau, only 175 prisoners
are confined In county Jails, while In
forty-five counties the Jails are unoccu
pied for lack" of Inmates. Keeping tn
view the fact that' Nebraska is a com
monwealth of nearly 1.100,000 popula
tion, this Is a most remarkable exhibit,
arguing In strongest possible terms for
the good behavior and law-abiding
character of its people. Add to this
the fact that the state penitentiary con
tains today fewer convicts than It did
when the population was a third again
smaller, and thetgh rank taken by
our state lu point of freedom from
crime and criminals Is still more forcibly
What this gratifying condition meaus
for Nebraska Is seen when the benefits
are computed. Jails are always costly
luxuries and Jails full of prisoners most
expensive. But twelve of the ninety
Nebraska counties have not yet felt It
necessary to erect any Jail at all, while
in most of the remaining counties the
Jailers are working at less than hulf
time. Absence of the criminal element
means relief from expensive criminal
prosecutions and expensive custody of
criminals, both before and after convic
tion. " It means that the great mass of
the people are honest and industrious
producers, while the proportion living by
preying upon the others is reduced to
the minimum.
A great state almost entirely freed
from the heavy drag of crime cannot
fall to go forward with steady stride.
Senator Spooner Is reported to be
preparing a substitute for the Cuban
bill, proposing to pay to the govern
ment of Cuba 23 per cent of the duties
collected on Cuban products, as was
done with Torto Rico, Cuba In return
to make a 25 per cent reduction on
products coming from the United States.
It Is said that Senator Allison and some
others look favorably upon this plan,
which was suggested early ' in
the discussion of proposed reciprocity
with Cuba. Tbe plan was unfavorably
regarded by the house republican lead
ers, chiefly on the ground that there is
no constitutional authority for such a
course, and It Is not improbable that a
like view will prevail in the senate.
The rebate on imports from Forto Rico
is obviously not a precedent for the
reason that that Island was United
States territory, while Cuba is foreign
If there is no constitutional obstacle
to a rebate, however, there is no doubt
that it Is preferable to a direct tariff
reduction, as provided for In the house
bIH now in the senate. As heretofore
pointed out It would afford relief both
to tbe government and the people of
Cuba, make certain that Cuba and her
people alone would be the beneficiaries,
secure reciprocal trade concessions
from the Cuban government and dis
charge every obligation assumed by this
country toward the island.
A rebate would not injure or dis
courage any domestic Industry or pre
vent its further development as It is
reasonably believed a reduction in tbe
tariff would do. It would plage in the
hands of the Cuban government an an
nual Income of several millions of dol
lars, the expenditure et which In public
improvements and the support of
schools would be of great benefit to the
Cuban people as whole, whereas a
tariff concession of 20 or 23 per cent
would be an advantage mainly to the
sugar and tobacco growers and of little
if any benefit to the masses of the
people. It is argued against a rebate
that we have no responsibility for the
finances of tbe Cuban republic, whose
government can raise whatever revenue
it needs by taxation, therefore there la
no necessity for our voting money to
that government Our obligations, It Is
urged, are to tbe people of Cuba who
are mainly dependent upon the markets
of the United States for their sugar and
tobacco. Grant this and still It Is to be
said that more of the people of Cuba
would undoubtedly be benefited by
turning over several millions of dol
lars annually to the government of the
Island than by the proposed reciprocity
It will probably be several weeks be
fore the Cuban bill Is taken up in tbe
senate and ita fate In that body Is un
certain. It Is intimated that a filibus
ter will be Inaugurated to prevent a
vote on the measure, but It Is doubtful
if the opposition will take this course.
In the meantime something may be
done by the Cuban government looking
to reciprocity negotiations.
In a paper read before tbe Illinois
Bute Medical society lust week one of
the most promlneut members of the pro
fession renewed the plea for a mor
liberal view of the relationship betweea
Uie practitioner and the press as tn
bridge between medical science and thr
public. Tbe speaker asked tbe pointed
question: "Is it not a wrong applica
tion of a correct 1 principle when we
make it unethical for a physician to
discuss medical topics in tbe secular
yress or cast suspicion upon hlin be
cause bis name happens to appear in a
uewspaper column:" But answering, be
We deprecate the Ignorance and du
plicity ot the public in being fleeced by
quacks, dosing themselves with useless and
injurious patent nostrums, and rallying to
the support of Irrational medical fads. Ws
complain of tha secular press for Inserting
patent medicine and quack advertisements,
for giving publicity to medical fads, for
which they receive pay, and then refuse
to avail themselves of this same agency
for tha dissemination of tha truth, with
out picney and without price, because ot
an unreasonabla prejudice.
This is the same old story to which
Tha Be has often called attention. It
Is unethical and suspicions according to
the medical code for a physician to ad
vertise In the newspapers and pey for
his advertising, but If he can work his
name Into a published account of sn ac
cident -or noted case of Illness, "without
money snd without price," the breach of
the code will be overlooked. The un
ethical offense In s word lies not lu re
sortlug to newspaper advertising, but In
paying for It as for other things of
In a footnote to bis new book, Her
bert Spencer, apropos of the repeated
excuse offered by the British that the
Boers commenced the war, Informs his
readers that "In the far west of the
United States where every mau curries
his life In his haud and the usages of
fighting are well understood, It Is held
that he Is the aggressor who first moves
his hand toward his weapon." The
great English philosopher must have
been rereading some ancient yellowback
literature portraying the Imaginary at
tractions of the 4 mining camp aud
concluded that the picture holds good
today. We fear his westward Journey
would never end If he should set out to
find "the far west of the United States,"
that conforms to his citation.
The fatal termination of a "glove con
test" In Boston might be takeu us an
object lesson for some of the over
enthuslustlc devotees of the manly art In
this vicinity. Prize fighting Is a dan
gerous recreation, no matter under what
polite name it may be disguised.
A Soot hi nH Poultice.
Saturday Evening Post.
When In doubt try to calculate how much
greater the other fellow's troubles are tbau
your own.
Old Theory Blown I p.
Philadelphia Record.
One ot the very few who escaped death
in St. . Pierre was a man condemned for
murder, who was awaiting execution in a
oubterranean prison cell. So much for the
bigotry that has attributed this dreadful
calamity to a Judgment for sin. But per
haps this man was lnnoceut.
Mortal Peril of Flylna;.
Portland Oregonlan.
"It ain't such a thundering sight of fun
when you come to light," was Darius
Green's only objection to flying, and the
pertinence ot the observation has never
been surpassed even in these days of air
ships. The one unconquerable thing that
stands In the way of aerial navigation is
the mortal peril of the occasional accident.
Give the Child a Chance.
Chicago Post.
It Is proposed to have the age limit of
pupils in our public schools changed from
I to I years. The next suggestion will
probably be that the children be permitted
to be born In school. Is a child to have no
time to be a child? Is Its formal education
everything. The real trouble Is that most
children are sent to the public schools too
Cuba's Grand Start.
Philadelphia Record.
Probably no republic ever started under
such favorable conditions as those which
the United State . created for Cuba. Two
years ago an attempt to establish an In
dependent Cuban government would have
been obstructed by ambitious demagogues,
with a following of reckless Jayhawkers.
Thanks to the scrupulous and Intelligent
labors of America's representatives on tho
Island, President Palma has entered upon
bis duties free from party opposition.
Valme of the lasday Rest.
Duluth Herald.
An Important contribution to scientific
data bearing on the necessity of Sunday
rest from labor has been made by a Penn
sylvania railroad official. He selected two
groups of laborers from the working force
of a certain freight house controlled by his
road. He measured tha working capacity
of each group In terms of tons handled
dally for a week. On Sunday one group
rested; the other worked as usual. On the
following Monday the men who had been
continuously at service showed a decrease
of 10 per cent in efficiency as compared
with the previous Monday, and each day
after their comparative delinquency became
greater. The men who had their Sunday
reaplte, on the other hand, were as valua
ble to the company the second week as the
Some Reflections on Plower Whoso
Season la On.
Boston Transcript.
One of the most delightful among tbe
flower festivals of the year Is that of the
lilac; it is also one of the earliest. This
old favorite, beloved of our grandmothers,
has not only lost none of Its ancient charm,
but In these latter days develops from time
to time new abilities to delCght, as hitherto
little known species are brought forward
and new varieties are produced by the
hybridizers. The old limits of its flowering
period have also been very greatly ex
tended by the same means. No other flower
ing shrub except the rose is such a univer
sal favorite and Ilea so near to our hearts;
It is the flower of rich and poor alike, for
It grows stoutly everywhere with only the
least encouragement, and is so thoroughly
hardy that even In the most sever sea
sons when many other of our most reliable
plants have succumbed to the rigors of our
northern winter, It never falls to cover
Itself In tb flowering season with loads ot
fragrant bloom.
Though probably of Oriental origin the
lilac has had a long history In Europe. The
eminent botanist, Franchet, In an article
quoted at length In Garden and Forest from
tbe Revue Hortlcole, says It was brought
into western Europe about tha middle of the
fifteenth century. Pierre Belon, the inter
esting old French naturalist, saw It about
1548 In the gardens of Constantinople; the
first exact Information, however, dates from
1566, when an excellent figure of the plant
under tbe name of lilac appeared In Mat
tiolus' "Commentaries of DloBcorldes.
which was mad from a painting brought
from Constantinople by Busbeoq. the am
bassador of Ferdinand I, who lived several
years In that city. Busbecq Is generally
supposed to have Introduced the lilac Into
Europe, probably first into Italy. Mattlo
lus, who bad not seen tb living plant when
tha first edition of his commentaries was
published, relates In a later on that be
had received before 1570 flowering and
fruiting branches from the Botanical gar
den of Padua.
Tbe lilac soon thereafter became popular
la western and central Europe, and is
spoken of In 1601 as common In the gardens
ot Belgium and Germany, appearing at the
same Mm under tha same nam In the
neighborhood of Parts, though twenty years
later It Is called la Morln's catalogue
Slriaga Corruela Lusltaala. It Is generally
supposed that the lilao la of Asiatic origin,
and though found growing naturally la tie
Daaublaa region and claimed by torn as aa
indigenous growth tber. this aems to be
doubted by som careful botanists. -
If you dwarf the boy you cannot develop
the man.
Practice builds on the plans laid down by
To put out another's sun will not Increase
your own.
The steeple will last no longer than the
An Iceberg In the pulpit cannot kindle a
firs In the pews.
God's estimate of us will not be Influenced
by our advertising.
The Christian who borrows religion will
never have any to return.
It la safer to throw back the switch than
to pray God to save the train.
Satan batted his first pitfall with an ap
ple, hla chief bait now Is gold.
People In the west have no kick coming
on tb water cure.
According to a Chicago court the French
author of "Cyrano de Bergerac" loses his
case by a nose.
Cincinnati and its environ received and
shed a shocking deluge ot water the other
day. The operation was extremely painful
Since Mrs. Hetty Green discarded her
handbag public curiosity as to where she
carries bcr pistol haa reached sn acute
Russell Sage has had the rent of his
home advanced 60 per cent and gave up
gracefully. The landlord who did the Job
deserves a place among the Immortals.
Rhode Island has raised the legal limit
of residence for divorce to two years. Lit
tie Rhody cherishes the notion that time In
large doses ha a soothing effect on hot
Seventeen-year locusts have started a
musical soiree In Pennsylvania. As a
trouble brewer the Keystone state threat
en to yank the laurels from the brow of
An eminent scientific, authority declares
that the people of Mara ars looking at New
York City. This lends a shade of. truth to
the assertions of moralists that the town
"smells to heaven."
Sir Robert Ball says that the reports of
the eruption of Krakatoa In 1883 were
heard 8,000 miles. This happened a few
years before golf suits made their appear
ance on the western hemisphere.
People who have struggled to assimilate
some of the freakish names of our Oriental
possessions can take a day off and wrap
their vocal chords around a Massachusetts
sugar plum. Lake Chaubunagungamaug,
which nestles In the foothills of Askne
bunglt. Judge C. C. Goodwin of Salt Lake,
formerly editor of the Salt Lake Tribune,
has again donned the harness and launched
the Goodwin Weekly, modeled after J. Ster
ling Morton's Conservative. The people
of the west, with whom the Judge has
camped since Comstock days, will welcome
his return to the profession he has long
honored and adorned.
Seasonable Remark on the Custom
ary Joke on Gradaatlon.
Saturday Evening Post.
The school graduation essay is at our
doors. Worse than this, the joke of the
newspaper humorist concerning tbe school
graduation essay la already beginning to
be sounded.
The burden of the humorist's complaint
Is that the young men and women in their
essays attack problems which are beyond
them. . True. Rut it Is well to attack
problems which are beyond us. Aim. high,
ays the seer. Hitch your wagon to a star,
says tbe other seer. The graduating young
man who writes of the Mystery ot Human
Existence need not be made the subject of
ridicule, even though he may not entirely
clear up the mystery. Would the humorist
have him write on Truck Farming as a
Money-Making Investment? Return, Oh hu
morist, to your plumbera-blll pleasantry
and your lost-umbrella Joke. The world is
too much with us; getting and spending we
lay waste our powers.
To the thoughtful observer the tubject
chosen by the young manjaving the High
school or academy seem ot much less im
portance than the way he handles It. If
he puts his thoughts In good English, and
delivers them clearly and frankly, let us
not Inquire too closely as to tbe newness
or the strict value of the Ideas. . He standa
a better chance after he leaves school of
acquiring Ideas of worth than he will of
picking up a flexible command of his mother
Notice These Prices.
Every Pair as Advertised.
$6.00 Men's and Women's Patent
Leathers, Vici Kids, Box Calf,
all new styles and shapes
$5.00 Men's and Women's shoes in all
leathers, haud welts and turns, all j
HOW DUttjJCD, gj an
$4.00 Men's and Women's
gO 8-t -
$3. 50 Men's and women's
$3.00 Men's and Women's
go at
$2.50 Misses' shoes in Patent Leathers, Vici Kid, in
- eluding all of Jenness Miller goods 137
itii ai ,
J2.00 Mioses' and Children's
entire line goes at
Don't fail to take advantage of this opportunity NOW.
A few more weeks winds op this sale and store.
The Rochester Shoe Go.
1515 Douglas Street.
Fomerville Journal: The New Jersey
minister who says that all the women will
go to heaven and all tbe men to the other
place Is a man. Isn't heT
St. Louis Globe-Kemncrat: Notwith
standing the troubles In China and the kid
naping of Miss Stone, the Presbyterian
Board of Missions collected more money
last year than ever before
St. Louis Tost: The opinion of a clergy
man that the earthquake are the death
throes of satan Is encouraging. It Is to be
regretted, however, that the old rebel has
been ro long dying. Earthquakes have been
known for thousands of years.
Washington Post: We all along felt that
the Southern Methodists would effect soma
arrangement with their conscience which
would enable them to accept the money
which was secured from the government by
the aid ot professional lobbyist- and rather
worldly methods.
Baltimore American: The death of the
young theological student who was refused
a license to preach because he cast doubt on
the authenticity of Adam and Eve, and who
was said to have had his end hastened
by worry In consequence, shows that the
capacity of our first parents for trouble
making was not burled with them.
Boston Transcript: It Is made a matter
of news that two pews In on of the most
fashionable and wealthy Washington
churches were recently sold for 82,750 and
81.600, respectively. When we compare thi
with the 875.000 paid for a sest In the New
York Stock exchange It shows where the
most people are looking for their treasure.
Chicago Chronicle: Is there any fabrica
tion so silly that it will not be believed
by someone? Here we have a clergyman ot
Pontiac, III., assuring tbe Presbyterian gen
eral assembly that Chicago saloon keepers
maintain a sort ot alcoholic kindergarten
where children are fed "doctored" randy
so that they may acquire a taste for liquor.
What must be the Intelligence ot a man
who will credit such a story and who will
assume responsibility for It by retailing It
before a distinguished gathering?
Detroit Free Press: R. V. Wrlght-They
say Miss Antique has a past.
Mies Cutting Yes, but she denies about
fifteen years of It.
Brooklyn Life: He It seems strange I
should be so much In love with you, when
three weeks bro we hadn't met.
She Oh, it olten happens that way.
Philadelphia Press: Mother How often
'have I told you not to allow that young
man to kiss your
Daughter I don't know, ma, but cer
tainly not as often as he 1ms klxstH me.
Somervllle Journal: Kate
Jack kissed her last night.
Laura She does, dues she?
miuit have asked him to.
Dolly says
Well, she.
Chicago Post: "1 want yotlr daughter,"
said th young man aggressively.
The old man was shrewd.
"Have you got her?'' he asked.
. "I have."
"Then take her."
Washington Star: "Suppose I were an
absolutely perfect woman, she remarked
sharply. "Do you know what you'd do
"No," answered her husband. "What?"
"You'd growl because you bad nothing to
growl about."
Philadelphia Catholic 8tandard: "Want
to marry my daughter, eh?" said the old
gentleman. "Ain't you the fellow that was
talkln' of goln' on the stage?"
"Well. yes. I did think of appearing be
fore the footlights if"
"Young man." said the old gentlemnn,
rising menacingly, "you'd better start dis
appearln' before the foot lights."
Detroit Free Press: Mr. Mack If I finl
sn eligible younsr man what shall I te.l
him about you. Miss Amy?
Miss Amy Oh, tell him I'm very accom
plished and agreeable tell him yoj saw
me running a lawn mower.
Bliss Carmen In Smart Set.'
May comes, day comes.
One who was away comes;
All the earth Is glad again,
Kind and fair to me.
May comes, day comes.
One who was away comes:
Set his place at hearth and board
Aa they used to be.
May comes, day comes.
One who was away comes;
Higher are the hills of borne.
Bluer is the eta.
June comes, and the moon comes
Out of the curving sea.
Like a frail golden bubble.
To hang in the lilac tree.
June comes, and a croon comes,
l'p from the old gray sea.
But not the longed-for footstep
And the voice at the door for me.
shoes 1 Q 3
: --.1: .