Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 25, 1902, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 16, Image 16

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CHAPTER XXX (Continued.)
, (Copyright, 1901. by B. R. Crockett.)
Anton McMillan did not reply at once.
He teemed to be la brown study. 80
John had perforce to repeat bli question.
"Have you come with a message from
four master?"
"Aye, free my maJster!" said Anton with
"Well?" said John, tugging fiercely at the
last knot and rather wishing that the taci
turn herd bad chosen some other time for
Ala Yllit.
"Ye will permit me to ask a question?"
Mid Anton.
The young minister nodded without look
ing up.
"Ask away!" he said cheerfully.
"Ye are to be quit o' the manse by noon
tomorrow V
"That la the notice I hare got from the
Klerk of presbytery," said John, succinctly.
"Aye?" said Anton. "Weel, what may ye
fee thlnkln' o' dola'?"
"Dolngr said John Glendonwyn; "well,
tor the present I thought of taking lodgings
In the town of Kllgour and walking out to
visit any who might desire my ministra
tions." "That will be Terra Inconvenient," said
the herd, with grave deliberation.
"Doubtless," said John, a little Irritably,
Hxt you see, Anton, beggars cannot be
hand, hae matr nor doobled. He has led
farms by the score, an te far as It may be
said o' ony mortal wlthoot offence, the cat
tle on a thoofiand hills are his. Oln Greg
ory Olendonwyn, your falther, were to
threaten to pit htm oot o' Benangower, It
Is odd that he wad answer him at he did
Nellson o' Clatterlnabawe. 'Sir,' he wad
say, I will mak you an offer to tak' your
hale estates at valuation!' Bigger odds
still that he wad julst haud at him. wl' a
golly o' muckle braid oaths aa coorse as
Kilmarnock. Therefore, dtnna think o'
that! Gin ae door shuts, anltber will open
for Anton. I am a lanely man, and bae
gotten a guld wage for near on sazty year.
Auld Anton will no want. But there stands
his bit hooeie and prood will his falther'a
son be to welcome ye there, till etccan time
as the fowk draw aboot ye, and ye hae a
bonnier manse blgglt than the yln ye are
leavln' for conscience sake."
"I thank you. Anton," said John Olen
donwyn, touched to the heart, "you are to
me aa Aaron and Hur for the upholding of
my hands."
The old Cameronlan herd looked up
"Ye will na mlstakt', will ye, sir, will
ye?" he said a Uttle anxiously. "I and all
I have are yours, as gin ye were son to me
that son hae nane. But when It come to
the Sabbath morn I wull gang doon the rae
who had slipped out of a shut and dark
ened house to breathe the morning air, to
watch and to pray.
"God blees Joha today. I wish I were
with him. Please make him feel that I am
thinking of him."
And Falrlle Olendennlng, who had prayed
these words almost unconsciously, looked
llngerlngly up at the side of Bannangower.
For she had news of John's removal thither,
and with her face still in that direction the
pulled a white rose from the little tree by
her bower, and, first kissing It, she threw
Is as far as she could over the tall beech
hedge In the direction of the white speck
among the heather of the hillside.
Alao at the window of a certain room In
a aquare, whlte-walled manse on the oppo
site side of the river there was standing
a tall, white-robed figure.
The window waa open and sweet aire
were stealing In across the water off the
great wastes of heather. There wa a
whaup flying over the town, uttering his
wild cry. But so early Is It that there Is
no noise In the Sabbath-quiet streets to
Utter bondsmen to Gregory Olendonwyn
and a few stanch pillar of kirk and state
to be seen making a contrary trickle In the
direction of the steepled knows beside tbe
empty manee.
"They are come out to te what shall be
done," said John; "so much Is well. But
It will not last it cannot last!"
Nevertheless for that day his heart was
sufficiently elate within him. For he
thought, "At least I am not wholly alone
In thla the hour of my trial."
The brief entry underneath Is tsken from
the diary of one who was present upon the
occasion and shows the effect produced by
the young minister's first appearance as a
field preacher:
"I went to the- Old Quarry Hole and
found a strange thing Many of the coun
try lads and ' cotters from the terms had
been cutting out and arranging seats, tome
on the but rock, tome on quarry atones
excavated but abandoned, and atlll more
on an amphitheater of turf. In front of
which the preachtng box had been aet up.
"There were, to far as I could tee, near
onto (00 persons present, some doubtless
drawn from curiosity from Kllgour and
other neighboring parishes, but most of
them tenants and cotters on the Cower
estate, for whom It said no little that they
should be present on an occasion which
they knew might affect their livelihood.
"At last the young minister, Mr. John
Olendonwyn, was' seen approaching over
the hill. He looked tall and slim, blue of
eye and pale of face more like a student
than one who, after being a placed minis
ter of the Kirk of Scotland in one of Its
best parishes, had made himself separate
from his own kith and kin and damaged
his prospects, o far, at least, as these
were In the power of his father to hurt or
to help.
"The first pealm had lust been given out,
His feeling Increased In force and acri
mony when he heard that his ton had ob
tained a tlte tor bit church In the village
of Oower Itself no other Indeed than that
house and garden which he, Gregory Olen
donwyn, had bestowed upon the faithful
Babby Lockhart and her heirs for her care
and diligence In rearing thlt ungrateful
It was Factor Halllday who brought the
newt to his master and he had entered ex
pecting to provoke a great outbreak of
furious anger. None, however, came, which
disappointed him. Gregory Olendonwyn sat
with a gray set face thinking, and the fac
tor had perforce to slip out with no newt
to carry either to tbe servants' hall or to
the higher vehmegerecht of the bead gard
ener, the head gamekeeper and the chief
forester of the estates, the vassalt and
vavasours of the feudality of Oower.
Now to such a pass bad thla hatred come
that the matter of Gregory Glendonwyn't
thinking wat frightful even to himself.
"No" he waa repeating over and over
to himself, "not If I disown him not If I
am compelled to use against him the last
weapon In my power, shall a penny of my
money, a penny of my wife's money be
spent on defying me, brow-beating me In
the face of my own people. I will thow
him what It It to thwart hit father, to Join
himself with beggarly thowmen and po
litical mountebanks. He haa given up the
stipend of his parish. He can have little
from the company of scarecrows and beg
gars who will dare to favor him In Oower.
For the rest I will keep him from ever
getting a penny out of the Gower eatates.
He has signed away his own property and
Inheritance like a fool. But I will hound
him from Gower. I will cast him off as a
son. And, by heaven and Him who dwells
there, I will take the Inheritance he la sure
of out of hit hand. I can and I will!"
And Gregory Olendonwyn, being a man of
action, rose up at once and proceeded to
carry out his threat.
For a great Idea had occurred to htm, a
thought at once so striking and far-reaching,
yet so mortifying to his own pride,
that only the desperate hatred which be
had been 'cultivating against hit aon In
1 J
(chooser. It It that or nothing. There It
ot a nan In Gower that darea take me In
not a, house taht will shelter me and mint.
"Aye, ther It" tald Anton, auddenly,
wkh a lift of hit mountainous browt, and a
gleam of the fearless hillman'a eyt; "ther
la on man that Una feared o' the wrath
c kings let alan Gregory Olendonwyn o'
Cattle Oower. Ther it hae bit herd's
tout 1' th palrlsh where ye are welcome
you and your; aye, even your auld leddy
there, wha hat dootleaa been used to tome
thing far different!"
Letting go the bog John Olendonwyn
Stood up In astonishment.
"But you are not of th Kirk." h cried,
"you do not bold with ut who have re
linquished her communion?"
' "And what o' that?" tald Anton th
herd, To th Jews yo maun come!' jjuotb
Peter. 'Pell a bit!' laid Paul. 'Circum
cise!' tald Pater. 'Com on!' tald Paul.
Aad wtthatood him to hit fact, th furious
wee ettercap that he was, him wl' the lam
leg. So let It be wl' you and me, minister!
Coaveoantt or nochti' tayt I. 'Speerltual
Independence!' aaya you. 'Render unto
Caesar!' tayt you. 'Plague th dolt,' aay
t 'Hav at ye!' aayt you, wl' your nelves
up. And I wad be willln'l But conaldor
gin Paul cam' to Jerusalem and thae dell's
blrk.lta o' tempi officer were hard at bis
tall, wadna Peter tak him to you door h
ken aa weel, an', let him into the secret
th knock that brings out th young lass
to tilth and ready? Wad h no tllp htm
la. think ye? And gin Peter cam' to Da-
aaeacut. wad Paul no gte him a lend o"
bta basket, for a' tbe bit difference that
had been aswten them?"
"That wad he no." cried Babby Lock-
hart auddenly. "and I wull tell y tor why
th basket wad ha been broken doon,
hoop, rib and wattle by the wecht ot th
ltebrary Paul wad ha ba haulin' up and
doon ln't. Na aauehwandt that ever were
grows by Abana and Pharper, rlvert of Da
' 'xoatous. wad ha atood It for an hour!"
"Bo," tald th herd, disregarding her In
dignant Interruption, "thla la the measag
fra my malster that I ha gotten no fra
Malater Habbleahaw ' Itennangower, but
fra a Higher Han'. 'Gang doon, as th
Lord ass prospered you,' said the Vole to
late aad early, 'an' offer to th minister
th shelter o your bit hoose. It's no
xauckle, Malster Olendonwyn, but O y ar
welcome aa th first green araaa on the
a.Ul o' anew to th hungry yowea. Com
your waya up. man. There's graund caller
air on Bennaugower, a bit burnl to wash
)url in wl' pool that wad droea y were
aa big a Samson and bis weaver' beam.
And heap o' mutton hama and oatmeal for
' Babby to bake lnt cake. - And there's th
bearooa.' for you, and your buikt and your
tudyln' th heather growln' bonny up to
th verra window, and tbe larks tellla' y
' th day lang boo t praise God wl' the
vpaprtngln' heart. Come your way up wl
gfl, laddie. Y ken auld Anton that haa
washed y weel a' your days. What he
tneana he says. And what b says he
ajietaa I"
' John clasped the hand held out and th
water atood salt la hit eyes.
"But." he tald, slowly and thoughtfully,
"will not your master turn you away? Ben
fcangower belongs to my father, and you
kaow what he hat threatened! Why thould
you meddle la a Quarrel which la aot your
J- gwafe
Th old man threw back bis head wit
th gesture ot a covenanter before tht Star
Chamber. .
"Tru It te." h said, "that Abram Hab
.taahaa, A Ran na nanara ml.k t r W Vi
servant that haa aerv4 htm aad hi father
and taxty year 0' yowca and lambs at th
hlddln' o Gregory Olendonwyn. But
Judge no. Aad for this reason. Abram
tiabbleshaw, great billy!' cult aa he It, it
aa toad servant to ony asaa. HI father
afor him was a rich man and what ha
fed, AWaJB. tola' Pleased T tha gUla'
nd hi mt ower th lang mulr and up by
the Croat Roads to the Kirk O' th Coave
nants at Cauaeyend.
"According to th flesh, I dlnna Ilk
Malster Osborne at weel aa you. But, ye
tee, him and me 'greea aboot the Coav-
nantt and the Paying o' the Cess an' the
Ceevll Maglstrato and things Ilk that
thlnga that ye car na mair aboot than ye
do whetcher my coille Tyke has a rough
coat or a smooth. But whllk are as the
breath o" life to auld Anten that wat bred
to that way even fra hit youth up."
"With that, or with anything that con
cerns th conscience. I think you will not
find me meddle," said John Glendonwyn.
But the fear In my heart la that there
will be but few In the parish who see at I
do, or who will desire that I should con
tinue among them."
Th old man took a quick look over hi
shoulder to see if Babby were still in th
room. But she had disappeared to finish
her own preparations, having now the
prospect of a better "doonaittin' " (aa ahe
called It), than In "toon lodgings," where
all the would have to do would Just be to
tee that the ladladdy did not cheat ber
laddie or eat hi butter behind hit back.
Happy landlady, aound ought to be your
tleep In the town of Kllgour thlt night,
considering what you have escaped!
"Maybe there' roalr wl' ye than y wad
think, air," he tald, "like a' thlnga It Julst
needs a begtnnln'. And noo that ye are to
ha an abldln' place In the parish ltsel
(slo aa It la), there's mony the yln will
ttand by ye in the quarry-hole on Sabbath
morning. Fear y never that Th Lord
shall rise up a folk for Hlmsel', and th
auld aeed o' the Covenant and the moss
hog shall be sown smang Ither klrka also!"
It was In this way and with these ad
vertisements of welcome that John Glen
donwyn went to bide In th herd's house
of Anton McMillan, th Cameronlan hep
herd of Benoangower. And on the follow
ing Sabbath day. Judge ye with what feel
Ings John Glendonwyn aross and went out
to meditate upon th aid of th mountain.
It waa early. Farm and xothoust and farm
steading lay there In tbe unbroken Sabbath
quiet. Th peculiar brooding alienee, the
hush and aw of that day affected John
Olendonwyn keenly. His waa the only foot.
save those of the black-faced sheep, which
that day had trod th great tolltudet hi
eyet wandered over, or scattered the morn
ing dew upon these purpling ridges.
So thought John Olendonwyn, but he was
wrong. There were two and perhaps three
already astir and ready in the ancient
Scota phrase, "compassing the throne ot
grace" for him. He had not gone far from
the house when the sound of a voice "peak
ing In th profound allenc stayed and held
him. It cam out of a great bush ot
heather and broom, aa from an oratory.
Th minister of Gower, today th minister
of Cower no more, stole up and listened
It waa th Cameronlan elder who waa
"Thou with Whom it all wisdom and
dlrsctlon." hs wa aaylng, "grant to the
young niau this day that he may speak
Thy word, without fear. In all simplicity,
In the love of It. Be a mouth unto him
and wisdom, and raise up about htm an
hearing people In thla parish ot Oower that
needs alcllke salrly "
Joha stepped back. Tht Cameronlan wa
pleading for him. but he had no right to
listen to tne worda. They were not ad
dreaaed to hi ear. Yet aa he wended hi
way up th llttl brow trickle of sheep
walks and brushed th dew from th
bracken-bourocha, he felt Infinitely re
freshed and strengthened.
"The prayer of a righteous man avalleth
much," ao raa hia meditation. And how
much more would h hav been aided had
he known that dowa on the edges of th
woods opposite Kllgour. near that shining
whit fpeck to which hi eyes turned ao
often, still apparently smokeless and lit
I lea U U mereis gun, titer a (iri
acar him back to his airy domicile. 1
Veronica Caesar looked around. Two of
her sisters and a little brother were asleep
In th same room. She looked out again,
eighed, thook her head, and, murmuring,
'No no I know It can never b!" ah
turned and went quietly about the house,
laying aside the worn week-day clothes
and looking out those which are donned
fresh and fresh every Sabbath morning
uniform, In fact, of th Caesarian legionaries.
Then one smiled, though tomehow her
eyet were wet.
"Thlt Is what I was meant for, evi
dently," she said, and bruahed harder at
th bottoms of Henry's trousers, which
bore tbe ttalnt of muddy waya and care
less) feet.
Which, In Its way, wat a prayer every
bit aa good at the other two. For It
self-sacrifice bs not th matter and es
sence of prayer. It Is on o( th strong
pinions that lift It heavenward.
lfe Tames, toaiimcbatar,
That wat a ctrange Sabbath day la Boot-
land when In 470 pulpits ther waa either
silence and emptiness or th vole of a
stranger nothing Ilk It sine th
Drucken" parliament pf th restored
Charles stilled the kirk service over all
the touth and wast, and at th heather
on fire with those field preaching which
In time were to bring down th mighty
from their aeata.
Th disruption waa accomplished. Th
minister had don their part would tbe
peopl follow them, or, Ilk th kirk Jack
daw, "bid by th waa's?" It was a day
ot testing.
Breakfast at th herd' house of Ben-
nangower wat a silent meal that morning.
John Glendonwyn was thinking of his first
service at a minister outside the Kirk ot
Scotland. The Cameronlan elder, having
done th thing which alone waa In hla
power to do, wan silent out of sympathy
a very fine gentleman wat thlt herd of
At last th hour band of the great eight
day clock approached 11, and It would take
the better part of an hour to reach the
Quarry Hoi In front of th village of
Gower where th aervlce waa to be held.
Th Cameronlan and the selt-outed min
ister walked still and silent together until
they reached th llttl stll where the road
down to the Quarry aeparated from the
track which wimpled onward through th
heather toward the towa of Kllgour.
There John and th elder shook hands
and looked a moment In each other's eyes
th look, which meant, "Good apeed. Oo
thy way a good way. though not mine!
And to do men differ with good and
commendable difference about religion
throughout Scotland. Mea do not differ
about that t which they are Indifferent.
Let the Blue Banner wave, and th Bush
Burn yet nneoneumed, aad St. Andrew with
his crosier b set on high, and half a dosen
steeples b seen In every village athwart
th land! Let men argue and brother turn
hit back upoa brother on the Sabbath
mora, each traveling to hla own particular
Zlon to hear th gospel preached according
to hit desire and conscience. If th hives
ar healthy let ther be mor and mora.
Good and not evil haa com to th Kirk of
Scotland through Its divisions. Adversity
and not prosperity hath made It great. High
kirk. Low kirk. Olddllng kirk. Broad kirk
Psalm kirk. Hymn kirk and even Laodlcan
Paraphrase kirk, let them emulate each
other to good work and atlmalat oo
another to th bt and least somnolent
Dumote. What a dull fusloale plae
Scotland would b without Its religious
rivalries and emulations!
It waa a striking sight which greeted
Joha that glorious Jun day, high-arched
nd resplendent of ua. From every tide
the people poured la all making for the
TUlag. o&ly. a alasler tyrUikJlrn of U
and whll th people were singing I taw
a great many people turn round and some
few put up their platdt and thawlt about
their bead at If they did not wish to ba
recognised. But tbe elders and those who
bad taken a prominent part with the young
minister atood boldly bareheaded beside
him, singing to the tune 'French' the
psalm which begins, 'I to th hills will lire
my aid, from whence doth come mine aid.'
Presently I heard a carriage drive up ana
stop. Then a toon at the tinging of the
psalm wat over I taw Mr. Glendonwyn
puthlng a way through the throng, which
mad way for him readily. There waa a
llttl broad-bodied, lawyer-looking man
with him, but It waa Mr. Olendonwyn, who
appeared most keen upon the business.
" 'By what right do you hold this meet
ing In this place?' he called out In g loud
vote aa he cam near the preaching box.
Then th young minister looked calmly
down, and answered with a great quiet
that won th respect of all: Sir, w 'are
advised that th place is public. It has
not been fenced for forty yeans, nor have
th quarry atonet been worked within th
memory of man. We believe that we have
a right to worship her according to our
" 'Then you believe a He, which will be
nothing new to you!' cried Mr. Glendon
wyn, lifting hla hand threateningly, aa It
h would have smitten his son to the
ground, 'but w will soon show you. My
friend her htt an Interdict which will
settle that matter.'
'Sir,' tald tha minister gravely, 'this
la tht Lord's day morning, and no time for
tha aervice ot any legal document. Toraor
row I and my offlc bearers will be at the
gentleman' service."
Then he lifted up bis bands and aald,
very reverently, 'Let ua pray.'
"At wblch Mr. Glendonwyn turned and
Stamped hit way back through the con
course in a great and high anger, declar
lng In th hearing of all that he would
cast hi ton off forever, and that he would
llv to repent that day' work with other
speeches which I need not set down her.
Mr. John's sermon that day was on tha
text, "Th Lord Hath Don Great Things
for Ut, of Which We Ar Glad." And b
tpok with much fervor of the reforma
tion of John Knox, of the Intrusion, ot
bishops, of th high days of Presbytery, of
the twenty-five years' of persecution and of
th long deadneas of prosperity which fol
lowed. I cannot mind all be aald. but
at the last, whea near hla concluding, he
had thla enlargement of the spirit. Speak
lng of th sacrifices which might yet be
required, he amid: "There ar many thlnga
against ua many atrong thlnga and many
powerful men. But ther la on thing
which may encourage us when w that
ar on th earth shall depart and th
gat of th eternal loom before ua
though th portal be high as ths heavens,
we shall find th gat itself small and
mean aad low. whll ever IU lintels shall
be written In letters of gold th worda,
'Aa a Llttl Child.' "
"A word which many took aa an answer
to th reflection which had been ao freely
mad upon Mr. John that he should have
tet himself up to be wiser than Dr. Caeear
and Mr. Aibllns and his own father, being.
aa It were, a young man and but a child In
the aervlce ot the kirk."
Meantime In hla tower of gray stons
high over th sea-edge Gregory Glen
donwyn sat, eating his heart out with
anger for the disappointment of hla hopes,
but with the open defiance of his surviving
on for th last bitter drop In his eup. He
had no longer any fear of him. Th paper
which Joha had signed to hastily had been
sufficient to enable Gregory Glendonwyn to
procur th turn requisite for hla Immedi
ate need and to cover Rupert' defalca
tion!. It did not matter to him that John
waa left absolutely penniless. Indeed that
rather added th bitter stimulant ot mer
ited punishment to hi paternal mediia
1 Ueaa,
hit heart could hav brought him even to
contlder it.
The Snarl of the Gavy Wolf.
These amiable thoughtt with regard to
bit ton caused Gregory Olendonwyn to
make up hit mind to pay a visit of some
Importance to the story one to which he
himself looked forward with no great an
ticipations of pleasure. Indeed ao little did
he desire to make It tor Its own sake that
be opened his mind that night to a certain
Mr. Christopher Ingalls (of Sharp, Smart
St Ingalla. W. S., of Edinburgh), who wat
staying with him at the castle. Mr. Ingalls
bad recently made himself exceedingly use
ful to Mr. Glendonwyn in fact ever since
Mr. McCrosty had declined to have any.
thing to do with Gregory's Irregular and
unlawful intromissions with his younger
son's maternal inheritance.
He It was who obtained and served th
Interdict shutting the quarry to the newly-
formed Free Presbyterian congregation and
driven them triumphantly forth to worship
on the roadside, where next Sabbath be In
tended to have half a doten county officer
on hand with instructions to keep them
moving. Mr. Ingalla had alao gained much
favor with hit principal by discovering a
flaw In the deed by which Mr. Glendonwyn
had handed over the cottage and garden to
Babby Lockhart. At least th litigation
(and Mr. Glendonwyn meant to carry It to
the bitter end, to tha House of Lords If
neoessary) would take several years, and
he anticipated mor money than a strug
gling country congregation could afford to
spend on the matter.
It was an Interview he had with Dun
can Grlerson, however, which finally de
cided him to proceed to extremities with
hla son and to take th desperate resolu
tlon which he wat now, In company with
Mr. Ingalls, about to put Into execution
Duncan had come up on tbe Sabbath
morning after breakfast and requested on
bis own behalf and on th part of a certain
number of the upper servants of the House
of Gower an Interview with their master.
"What Is It Grlerson?" Mr. Glendonwyn
cried, looking up testily. "This Is Sunday
and I have much on my mind today."
It waa tbe morning of th tervlce la th
Old Quarry Hoi.
"So faav we, tlr, to hav we!" aald
Grlerson, and without further preliminary
he opened the door and ushered In Banner'
man, the head gardener; Cuthbertson, the
forester; Mrs. Mair, the housekeeper, and
two of the upper house servanta to th
presence of the master of Caatle Oower.
"This ts most unseemly and untlmeous,"
said Gregory Glendonwyn. "But apeak out.
Let me hear what you hav to aay! Hav
you any complaints to make?"
"Sir," aald Duncan Orleraon, "being th
oldest servant In th caatl as well aa oa
th estate, I am aaked to apeak for those
others who ar her. Sir, w hav had our
disputing In public, our searching of
heart In private, with regard to matter of
religion, and we have come te aak your
permission to attend th aervlce of th
Fre Presbyterian Kirk of Scotland la thla
parish upon tuch daya aa w hav had
heretofore our ordinary liberty of attend
ance upon ordinance. W do not think It
Is a matter which ought to come betweei
master and servant, but we hav been long
with you serving you. as far aa In ut lias,
faithfully, and wa would not do anything
secret or (aa It were) underhand with
Dumb-atrlokea a at Gregory Olendonwyn.
The rebellion bad com vary near hi
throne. For a moment he could not an
ewer because of the furious aagar which
swelled In hit breast.
Then the tempest broke forth la tts full
That day and hour they should leave
hla dwelling. Tbey had been suborned by
his son, on who rejoioed la stirring up
ttrtte, who tet the most sacred obligation
at Aefla&c, caring for svuUU&g except gig
own vain glory. He, Gregory Olendonwyn,
ould pay them their wage ana tny
hould go.
Then It wat that Duncan urterson
owed himself before his master with th
ceremony of an Oriental and after that
promptly erected Dimwit and looked tne
laird of Oower In tbe face with the spirit
of a Scottish free man.
No. Mr. Olendonwyn," be tald. not
Ilk strsnger dogs will we be driven from
the doors we hve entered o long. W
are all good tervantt with our charactera
to look to and three men have wive and
families, which I thank God I have not.
We will terv you faithfully to th limits
of our notices I myself for a month and
the others for atx montbt, according to
their agreement!. During that time we
will abstain from any declaration of our
sentiments and from attendance on ordi
nance according to th way that our con
sciences approve"
Your conscience, Grlerson," sneered his
master, "of a truth It must have been
growing In tenderness during these lsst
The old man bowed hla head.
"I thank God I have tried to make
amends tor tome of the 111 I have done,"
he tald. "You have a right to cast that
up to me, air. But at least my future shall
not copy my paat. I hav learned ao much
from Mr. John "
"Silence!" shouted Mr. Glendonwyn, "If
you nam that name In this house I will
knock you down aye, If you could claim
100 years' service Instead of fifty. And at
for the rest of you I will deal with you
tomorrow morning that la, I and Mr. In
galls. You shall have liberty all the llb-
rty you like to exercise your religious du-
tiea according to your consciences, but If I
get my way you ahall have some way to
travel In order to do It. You can go."
All which things and many otbers, slight
but Infinitely galling to a pround and ar
bitrary man, worked like fire In the vein
of Gregory Glendonwyn. He would once
for all make an end of his ton. As a
meant to an end he set out with his new
friend and man of business, Mr. Christo
pher Ingalls, to call upon David Olenden
nlng and his daughters.
Little was said by tbe way. Mr. Glen
donwyn waa full of his Intention, and as for
Mr. Ingalls, hs wat engaged In estimating
what this new connection would be worth
to bit firm enough, he thought, being a
pushing man, to buy out Sharp and Smart,
who were both oldish men and would be
content to retire to one of these estates of
a few thousand country acres each, of
which there were to many Just now In the
market and especially In the hands of
tuch clever practitioners at Messrs. Sharp,
Smart and Ingalls, Writers to the Signet.
60 in the 'clear, sifted a light of a June
forenoon when the clouds were like a semi
globe of ground glass, these two gentlemen
walked into the blue double leaf of David
Olendennlng't door and the taller of them
knocked firmly and determinedly thereon
with the knob of his cane. It had a gold
knob and wat fully aa well known in the
parish as the owner himself.
The Flower Cot was gay and brilliant as
ever with geraniums and sllpperwort of
strange, uncanny shapea, speckled and ring-
streaked like tropic fruits. The air was
delicate with lilac, white and purple, and
Fairlle'a white roset clambered over all.
"A tweet place," tald the lawyer, looking
about him. "Yours of course, Mr. Glendonwyn?"
But the master of Oower Castle did not
reply to the Ill-omened query. He wat
looking rather anxiously about. He
knocked tha second time without receiving
an answer. Did the Glendennings mead to
deny themselves to him? Or, worst of all
for his present purpose, had -they carried
hit own former directions and gone away?
But no at the third application of the
gold knob to the blistered panel there
came forth from a low door, variously
atreaked In blue and orange and acarlet, a
tall man with gray locka of hair about hla
face, which eacaped, oddly enough, from
underneath tbe flat paper cap he wore, and
the atrangett eyea, looking out from undnr
thaggy browt, which were In their turn
subject to ths strangest twltchlngs. This
gaunt figure, hollow of cheek and fiery of
ye, moved quickly along till the bony
arms and multi-scarred handa, tbe shoulder
slightly stooped and the threatening mili
tant countenance were interposed between
Gregory Glendonwyn and the creeper-bung
door of the Flower Cot at wblch he had
been knocking.
"You are Mr. David Olendennlng?" said
Gregory Glendonwyn, lifting his bat po
'I am!" replied th threatening figure
with grim brevity, without returning the
"Then, Mr. Olendennlng." tald hit vie
Itor. nowlae abashed, "I am come to hav
an Important Interview with you"
"I dcalre none!" quoth David, with a
nap of determined Jaw, like the Oray
Wolf, after which he waa named, when h
grips a thigh bone.
"I trust I shall be able to aatlsfy you
that what I ask te for your good," eeld
Mr. Glendonwyn, "and I may add, for tht
benefit of those belonging to you."
"I ken of no posalble benefit that I or
mine could be glad to rereHve from you or
youre, Gregory Glendonwyn," answered the
Joiner of Ftoatcroft. "save that ye thould
gang oot through that yett and never tet
toot on my doorstep again."
"But," persisted Mr. Glendonwyn,
suavely, "It Is matter which concerns not
only you, but your children and children's'
children Indeed all who come after you!"
A tudden access of fury telied the old
man. He lifted a small vlciou-bedtd
American ax which waa ttandlng by th
tide ot the wall.
"Oln y do not tell m by what right ye
speak of my children's children," he
shouted, "by the Lord that Is on high, I
will cleave you to the breats-bane!"
Singularly devoid of courtesy was this
grim Old Orey Wolf.
"Concerning that I can satisfy you to the
full," said Gregory Glendonwyn, who, on
his part, certainly did not lack hla share
of the family courage, for he never
blanched at the near gleam of that threat
ening edge or at tbe swelling muscles of
that mighty arm. "Permit me to speak
with you apart for half an hour only. This
Is ray legal adviser, Mr. Christopher In
galls of Edinburgh. He will tell you that
the matter Is both urgent and private."
"I have nothing that needs to be held
private with you or with any of your race,"
aid David, "nor shall ye enter my hoose
while there ts breath o life in my body.
But yonder Is the woodshed tf ye choos
to pass in, I will not prevent ye."
"I thank you," said Gregory, gravely,
going on before. Mr. Chrletopber Ingalla,
whose apprenticeship to the law had not
included precedents for dealing with Inter
dicts In th shape of American axe, fol
lowed him, not a little bewildered.
"Now, speak your mind, and be brief,"
quoth David. And standing thus, the ax
handle still In his hand the head gleaming
up from a great block of chipped and dinted
hardwood, the Old Gray Wolf looked the
very type of an executioner waiting to do
his office.
"Sir," tald the Laird of Oower. whom no
display of force could either daunt or de
flect from his purpose, "I have come to In
vite my late son's wife and his infant son
to take their due positions In my bouse,
and to be acknowledged before all men sa
their position befits, and as I am willing
and anxious to receive them."
For a moment David Olendennlng stood,
as It had been, stricken dumb with the sur
prise of the words. He had been ready to
resent insult, and now, so far as his house'
enemy knew how to do it, honor wat don
to him and hit.
It was tome time before the old Orey
Wolf spoke. He stood like a status carved
In yellow Ivory, all, that la, sava the great
bushy gray eyebrows, wblch kept working
strangely, like mercury "pumping" before
a storm.
And still Gregory Glendonwyn was not
warned, though (a It were) all the four
storm-cones were being hoisted at once.
Then suddenly It came. Tbe old carpenter
of Boatcroft extended hi arm Ilk torn
gaunt semaphore.
"Go," he cried, "there lies your way!
Marriage, I ken naught of any marriage.
I ken o' no daughter of mine that it a wife
to a son of yours. If I did I would brain
them and their offspring with thla ax. I
will have no dealings with you or yours.
Go while by God't grace I can restrain
"Sir," said Gregory Glendonwyn, "this
ts not a matter for anger or dispute. It Is
a matter of right and Justice. Your daugh
ter Catherine la my late aon't wife. That
they were married admit of no doubt,
though once, I own, I doubted It. I have
the names of tbe witnesses. It It equally
certain that the child born upon th leland
was nay, Is, the heir to the ettatea of
With a voice more doggedly grave than
ever, David Glendennlng replied:
"I ken nothing of heirs and marriage.
I acknowledge none. I acorn you and your
name, your land and your heirships. I
would rather that my daughter should live
and die shamed than that she should bear,
even by common repute, tha name of a das
tard and a coward, a ravlsher of daughters
from their father's hearth, a traitor to tbe
woman that trusted him and to tbe love
be professed !"
(To be Continued.)
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