Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 25, 1902, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 15, Image 15

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W. V. COLE, Manager.
Omaha's Polite Rraort Opens Second
tun Memorial Dart
High Cla FntrtlnmonU Every After
noon and Kvenln.
Bfasleal Event Eatraoralaarr.
ao a rtist s so.
InchiAlnr soloist from nellntdt'a and
, othr bandit. DIRECTION, AI.VIN HT8
Iw and Grand Moving Picture Rpnroduo
Uon Klrst time evt-r neen here, the
fn colors, vividly depleting; the life of
By the famous aeronaut. Prof. Bam
I Murphy.
TI'REfl. Baas Ball, Bhootlna; Tournnmenta and
, other fames will ba arranged on the ath
letic field.
Admission to Park, 10p; children, 10c.
Car fare, 5c. Walnut Hill car line to the
F.liaco's Trocadero
Matinee and Evening.
la a Monster Testimonial Program.
The greatent bill of the season. Including
all profesxinnal and amateur acts In the
city and from abroad.
Rosenthal in an
Original Specialty
Onrt More.
The Girl from Southern Tennessee.
Boubrette a la Fannie Rice.
of the Vaudeville Stage.
Rivers and Madden, Jones and Revere,
Madeline Franks, Junle McCree, Allen and
Mcintosh, Hurt Jones, Imogens Comer,
Rathbone Slaters, Phyllis KufTel. Idylla
Vyner, Tom Anderson, Amphlon Quartette.
A Reminder Popular Prices Buy a seat
and Join the merry throng of pleasure
seekers which will be present on this oc
casion. BOYD'S-'iafAS:
Opening this afternoon and till Wednesday
Opening Thursday and Balance of Week
Special Matinee Decoration Day
Prices Mats., any reserved seat, 10c;
night, 10c, 15c and 26c.
Campbell Bros. Great
Consolidated Shows
Will Eshlblt M
South Omaha Monday, May 26
Inapproachable la Wealth ana
With an entirely new show new, ele
gantly flnleVieil costumes and wardrobes
The Laat of His Ulna.
Known to exist. As large aa an elephant
pan at 1 and 7 p. m.
Thomas J. Kelly
Studlo-Davidge Illk.
Imatroawu, Dryns, CnltorM leoaa
HaT "Owa M.k IMnMnu sra
mam um b lb. (ru trliM Flo.Ov
AloftM. fcJU Illuauuluu atli Ai T
Il.a. Bujj Ml. A IsMraMlojia far
mot Bsiad. la Immtn
mntm iuH r4ttc4 Is srt..
UON A MEALY, 17 St,. Cfclcag.
TW WarMI Lr Bad, tw. Mil.
Colorado Springs vs. Omaha.
May 23-6.
Oame called at Take South Omaha
uara ooum.
i: v,,r,
and 43d St.
N. Y. City,
Flrepraet Maelera
Maaerata Rat.. a&aelaalv.
Eateaatva Library AeeesstbJe
Orchestral Concerts Every Evening..
All Cars faae the Eaayire.
Send for descriptive Booklet.
W. JuUNiuuN UULXi'. Proprietor.
1 j TO I P. M
U a special Millard feature.
J K. alARKEL, BON. Props.
And now cometh the season when things
theatrical hold little of Interest for the
public at large. It's too blsmd hot for
one reason and another reason Is that
there's mighty little doing. All the stars
have gone Into retirement more or less
artlght for the purpose of storing up new
energy that they may twinkle with un
dlmmed luminosity during another season.
The little ones who shine in the light of
the stars and who have been sufQclently
provident ars "resting" some plaee, while
those who were not like the ant of the
proverb are either forced to seek their
uncle" or do stunts with summer stocks
for cakes and coffee. In most of the west
ern cities, Omaha Included, the summer
took company will keep the Thespian tem
ple's fires burning slowly, while out-of-
door vaudeville at roof garden or ummr
garden or beer garden, as the rase may
be, will keep alive the memories of the
various things that were thought to be
funny or clever or pathetic last winter.
One may escape any of these by staying at
home and watering the flowers or cutting
the grass. At all events, attendance Is not
compulsory. But so many people feel Im
pelled to do something during the long
summer evenings and so frequently there
Is nothing to do but go to the theater or to
one of the gardens and thus the patronage
Is likely to be always on a paying basis.
Omaha Is to be well looked after in the
way of summer amusements this year. A:
Boyd'a theater the Ferris Stock company
will put on two standard plays each week,
most of them well known comedies, with
now and then a thriller Just to show that
can be done. Mr. Ferris promises a
better grade of acting than was given here
ast summer. At Krug's park the regular
out-door music and vaudeville show will
be given during the season under even
better conditions than those which made
that garden so popular last summer.
Courtland Beach will be open and will add
bathing and boating to Its other attrac
tions and Lake Manawa will do business
at the old stand, so there will be no lack
of some place to go for those who seek
surcease from the heat at home and can
pot find relief In golf or Its attendant de
lights. The Ferrts company begins Its
season at a matinee performance today
and the Krug park and Courtland beach
openings come later In the week.
Coming- Events.
The Ferrts Stock company gives the first
performance of Its summer engagement at
the Boyd this afternoon. The opening bill
will be Nat Goodwin's "In Miziourt." This
play will be continued until Wednesday
night. Thursday night the comedy drama
Denlse" will succeed It and continue for
the balance of the week. Both produc
tions will be given with special scenery.
William Karris, the scenic artist who haa
been painting the scenery used by the
Woodward 8tock company during the last
season, has been engaged for the summer
by Mr. Ferris. The roster of the princi
pals of the new company la as follows:
Dick Ferris, Orace Hayward, Malale Cecil,
Robert Blaylock, W. Elmore, Lawrence
Barbour, Thaddeus Gray, Joule Haines,
Miss Elmore, W. Winters, Ted Brackett
and Kittle DeLorme. Mr. Ferris will
enact the comedy roles In all of the pro
ductions and Miss Hayward the leading
female roles.
For two performances only, matinee and
evening today, at the Trocadero, Manager
Rosenthal will present his combination
professional and amateur acts. A very
large number of acts have volunteered,
among which are the Madison Square
Cycle Whirl; Tennis Robblns, the Omaha
songstress, who Is better known aa the
Girl from Southern Tennessee;" Dottle
Dimple, fascinating aoubrette; Ezra Ken
dall of the vaudeville stage; Rivera and
Madden, Jones and Revere, Madeline
Franks, Junle McCree, Allen and Mcin
tosh, Burt Jones, Imogens Comer, Rathbone
sisters, Phyllis Ruffell Idylla Vyner, Tom
Anderson, the Amphlon quartet and others.
Manager Rosenthal will also appear In an
original specialty.
Krug Park will open Its second-season
next Friday, May 30, with many improve
ments, and the first of a line of polite
and high-class attractions on which Its
dependance Is placed to repeat last season's
success. The car Una baa been double
tracked to the entrance expediting the
transit of large crowds with comfort.
Another much needea want haa been filled
by extending a aix-lnch water main from
Forty-second street to furnish an
The Greateat Glory of this Goldea A are
Eiroptaa Htaagsrle,
Triple Cireaa Hippodrome.
Oceania Aqaarlnaa and Coa-
Kress of LIviasT Phenomena.
Will Barely Ealblt at
Twentieth aad Paal Streets aa
Monday, Juno 9th
Largest elephant that walks the earth, now
wim m. ureal rin-Ancnru Hhnai
Taller, longer, weighs more. Cost more
uan any eiepnant evercaptured.
Imported direct from the Philippine islands
lor our wonderful new menagerie.
The girl wonder! The only lady somersault
rider In the world on a bareback horse.
A challenge of $10,000 to produce her equal.
The only lady four and six-horse rider the
world haa ever produced. For grace and
skill ana haa no equal.
The world' highest diver; actually flings
himself backward from the highest point
ever dived from.'
More than all the Adam-named and Noah-
saved mulU-famoue soologtcaj wonders.
Trained Jaguars, Tigers, Lions. Leopards,
Bears, Lynxes, Wtldcata, GrtssHes, Cata-
mounts. Horses, Stallions, Monkeys and
100 exalted circus -champions In ISO supreme
High Dive at 10 a. m. and : p. m.
All tents are waterproof. Excursions ea
all railroads.
Doers epen at 1 and I p. n, Perfornv
aooe.t.l A&g S Jja. v.
abundance of moisture. Handsome store
rooms and an Icehouse have been erected
to replace those destroyed by fire. A new
Ice cream and soda water pavilion in
which Is Installed the largest soda foun
tain in the city, haa been added. Tha cafe
haa been enlarged and put In the hands of
an experienced caterer, who promisee a
superior cuslne. Hot and cold meals will
be served. Steska and English mutton
chops will be a specialty. The landscape
gardener has added trees shrubbery snd
flowerbeds and the lighting power have been
Increased. The afternoon and evening con
certs will be made a prominent feature of
the dally entertainments. Huater's new
concert band of thirty pieces haa been en
gaged to give a series of progrsms ss
varied as Bellstedt's, with which organi
zation It will be remembered Director
Alvln Hunter was a aololot. The programs
will be rhnnged meekly and oftener l( nec
essary. The "Passion Play" will be another
of the principle features. This Is a new
moving picture reproduction of the great
religious drama at Oberammergau In colors
The Him Is over 20.000 feet long and In
lta entirety requires over two hours to run.
Balloon secessions and parachute leaps
will be given by Aeronaut Sam Murphy.
Riding on the burros, the merry-go-round,
swings, the mutoscopes, bowling alley
and other devices will aa before constitute
some of the pastimes. A red and golden
baboon were added to the zoo last week
and more animals are being negotiated for.
After once entering the park the perform
ance will all be free.
Ante Room Echoes
Westward the star of lodgedom takea
Its way and many eyea are turned to the
Great Salt Lake of Utah and over and be
yond to the portals of the Golden Gate, for
to the west this year go the Shrlnera. the
KnlghU of Pythias and the Elks. The
Shrlnera we have with us first, for the
first delegation to the slope will pass
through Omaha next Wednesday, when El
Kaaba temple of Cedar Rapids will be going
to the Imperial council meeting. The Iowans
have given themselves plenty of time and
they will see much of the country and the
people before the meeting of the council.
By going ahead they will also have time
to stop enroute longer than those whose
schedules allow for but little more than
ordinary running time, as will be the case
with Tangier temple, which will not leave
until June 4, when the other delegations
to the west will have passed.
The Elks will meet In Salt Lake next
month and an Omaha man la slated for ex
alted ruler In the person of George P.
Cronk. There la no other candidate for
the position In the field and none will be
mentioned If present plans are carried out.
The old divisions In the order have beon
cured. No scars remain, but as one of the
men who brought about the reunion and
kept the affairs of the Elks out of the
civil courts, Mr. Cronk la held in high es
teem by the persons who were in either
faction. This In a great measure accounts
for the fact that he will have no opposition.
In August the biennial convention of the
supreme lodge. Knights of Pythias, will be
held In San Francisco, and as hundreds of
thousands of Knights of Pythias will be
there from all over the country and the
event a memorable one It Is hoped that Ne
braska lodge No. 1, and Omaha especially,
will have a goodly representation there at
that time. A rate of $45 for the round trip
has been secured. This Is less than the
regular one-way rate. All members In
tending to make the trip will please give
their names to J. W. Fyfe, keeper of rec
ords and seals, at Haydens' store, or to
Will C. Matthews, master of finance, whose
office Is In the United States National bank
The Knights of Khorassan of Des Moines
purpose to attend the aesaion of the Im
perial palace, to be held in San Francisco
in August, concurrently with the supreme
lodge of Knights of Pythias, a special train
passing through Omaha. The members of
Moquadem temple wishing to be of that
party will please send their names and ad
dresses to John W. Fyfe, secretary, care
Hayden Bros.' store.
Monday night Nebraska lodge No. L
Knights of Pythias, had an unusually In
teresting and sprightly meeting. Two weeks
ago the lodge Inaugurated a rather novel
procedure In the meeting. On each meet
ing night a member la appointed to pre
pare a paper on his particular buslnesa or
calling, to be read by him at the next or
subsequent session, when a general dls
cusslon Is had on the subject by the mem
bers. Last Monday night V. C. Setter read
a paper on telegraphy, showing the progress
made In the science, lta benefit to the busi
ness of the world and lta tremendoua force
to civilization. Speeches were delivered by
Dr. Merriam of Triune lodge. Judge Berka
of Jan Hue lodge, Chancellor Commander
Wagner of Omaha lodge and others. Mon
day night Prelate A. A. Heath will read a
paper on "Good Beef," and how best to ob
tain a moiety of It In these day of strenu
ous prices. For the first meeting night In
June Brother Brltt haa been appointed to
prepare a paper on law, and the duty of
Pythlans to It. Thla to be followed by a
paper from Brother Cooper on equity. It
origin and meaning, lta relation to our or
der and the good It serves.
Arrangement are being made for me
mortal exercise to be held on the after'
noon of the second Sunday In June In Myr
tie hall. Fifteenth and Douglas streets, to
which the public are Invited. In all llkell
hood Judge Jacob Fawcett will be chosen
to deliver the memorial oration. Commtt-
toes have already been appointed to attend
to the decoration of the grave of deceased
members on that day.
Thursday evening, June S, at 7: SO, Head
Consul W. A. Nortbcott will deliver an ad
dress to members of the society of Modern
Woodmen of America at Crelghton hall
Members of the order In Omaha, South
Omaha and Council Bluff are Invited to be
Clan Gordon, . No. 63, Order of Scottish
Clans, held its regular meeting early Tues
day evening and after a big braw young
Scotsman had been Initiated, the door were
thrown open to the Scottlab people, and
about W0 women and men were present to
enjoy one of the clan' socials. Among the
number on the program were songs by
Clansman R. W. Watson, Robert Kerr and
Adam Jameson. Judge Shields, Mr. Ken
nedy and Mrs. Shields recited. Clansman
W. J. Hlslop gave evidence of musical abil
ity by his manipulation of tha phonograph
and Clansman Lindsay blew a few tunes
from ha'penny whistle. Ioe cream and
cake were served and dance followed.
Mis Jean Is Falconer, the Nebraska gold
medalist, gave the Highland fling, with her
usual grace and finish.
A delightful entertainment was given
Thursday evening at Royal Arcanum hall In
The Bee building on the opening of May
flower garden. No. 1. the first of the Gar
deners' local garden to blossom In Omaha.
In spite of Inclement weather the hall was
packed to . overflowing, and many were
turned away. The following officers were
elected and Installed: Head gardener, Ed
ward Augustine. Jr.; past bead gardener,
. B. Orlffea; vies bead gardener. Mrs.
Helen U. Adam; recorder. Loyal 8. Mole;
treasurer, Mlas J. A, Hutton; head uahar,
8. C. Ksndts; first usher, Mtsa Myrtle Ma
garreU; gate usher, airs. U. JO. Dodsoo.
Here beglnneth one of a series of articles
on "Muelc Considered Nationally." The
series has been lnaplred by a circular, writ
ten by Mr. Kowalsky of San Francisco,
which waa sent to me by a friend In Wash
ington, D. C. This circular has the fol
lowing hesdlng:
Fifty-seventh Congress, First Session Sen
ate uorument No. .ff9.
National Conservator' of Music and Art.
Argument in favor of a National Con
servatory of Music and Art, by Henry 1.
Kowalsky of Fin Francisco, Cal. tTo ac
company 8. 5872.)
Mr. Kowalsky has developed hi scheme
thoroughly and It is to be hoped that some
thing will come of It The circular t
divided Into sections and It Is my Intention
to consider the best points each week In
this column until the circular has been
thoroughly ventilated.
All that Is necessary for any of these
great causes Is a compound elixir of agita
tion, exploitation and ventilation.
In developing mines and mining we might
also consider music and art.
Because a thing has never been done Is
no reason that It should not be done. And
then we do not need the consent of any
nation on earth, if we can get Americans
ta want It. If they want it they will have
It. Every musician should therefore see to
it that Americans are Induced to feel the
need of a national conservatory of music
and art.
Let us take up this week the first phase
of the subject: "To estsbllah one conser
vatory In the city or vicinity of Washing
ton, D. C, which will be a building con
taining forty studios sufficiently large for
classes of fifty student of music, and
twenty studioa for painting; one large as
sembly concert ball for ensemble. It Is to
be known and called The American Na
tional Conservatory of Music and Art. The
second to be established of a similar char
acter at New York; another at or near Chl
cngo, and a fourth In the vicinity of San
Francisco. Certain states are to be ap
portioned to each conservatory and to bo
known as the district to which the pupils
of the several states that shall be so ap
portioned will attend. Only ad
vanced pupila In music and art will be ad
mitted, after passing an examination, the
standard of which will be fixed by the
board of regents or directors. To
control and govern these conservatories, a
national board of regents shall consist of
the president of the United States, as an
ex-officlo member; the president pro tem
pore of the senate, the speaker of the
house, the chairmen of the senate and
house committees on education, and seven
citizen selected by the president. They
shsir be known as the governing and con
trolling board, who shall elect the general
director, whose salary will be fixed by the
said board. The general board will ap
point advisory boards from the citizens of
the respective districts to be hereafter de
signated, which boards shall select and em
ploy a director who shall take charge of
the specific territory for which he will ba
Only a man devoid of judgment will deny
the power of music to elevate, educate
and benefit the citizens of any place. The
human soul ha for hi birthright the law
of rhythm, which la the first great law
of music. A local business man said to
me the other day: "We have seen the In
fluence of music at our band concert and
we aee that the people want It." True In
deed, but still there ie more to be said
and more to be done. How about the Com
mercial club? Is It not neglecting a duty
In that It evolve no scheme for the de
velopment of local musical affairs T How
about the possibility of an annual May
Nothing will bring us Into such close
contact with our neighboring town a
thi. Let us try it! But, no, some few
wise business men, who don't like musio
themselves, ignore the possibilities, and
there you are.
I there no one buslnesa man who will
take the matter up?
It Is with regret that I chronicle the
departure of Charles W. Clark, the emin
ent artist, who will leave Chicago next
month to take up hia abode in Paris. Mr.
Clark la one of the few great American
singer. He la an artist to ths core. He
will leave America. He will have no real
Why la It that American teacher must
go abroad In order to teach Americans?
Every good artist who leaves this country
to take up a residence abroad weaken
iff Uv--r-Wfc.
a i r I' liosiA'io ,w-
1 aS a) i a 71
New York, N. Y.
Dear Sim I have used your Bittera
and found it a valuable tonic. It
btimulates'tlie stomach, increases the
appetite and prevents Helching and
lleartburn. G. Tflngsten, M. D.
American strength on the side of music
and strengthens European strength.
But what of It? Mr. Clark could sing a
recital to hundred ot interested people and
and get but scant notice In the Chicago
presa. But let "Dirty Dick" stsb "Leary
Llrzie" and the charming life of the dear
old tenderloin will be given special men
tion in Chicago' dallies.
And what Is true of Chicago Is true of
other plecea, and mark you the newspa
pers are not altogether to blame. They
print what their patrons and their adver
tisers expect. If this Is not true, why do
we never hear a complaint from aald pa
trons and advertisers?
One of the foremost teacher In Berlin
today is advertised aa George Ferguson.
He la. I am told, an American, through and
through. Then Charles W. Clark will have
Paris for bis permanent address. Just like
Clarence Eddy. My friends, musical and
otherwise, let us quit shooting firecrackers
on the Fourth of July, or else let us boom
our American product for a while.
Locally, the same condition exists. How
many pupils go east from Omaha to acquire
a musical education, which could be just aa
thoroughly attained In Omaha? I mean by
that, pupils go east expecting to do great
thing In tha "mystic east" with some
teacher who Is "In the east," but haa prob
ably come from some town smaller than
Omaha; while In Omaha we have good
teachers who have come from the "east"
and have settled In the west for business
It la all very well for Omaha musicians to
get east for further development, but let
them see to It that they have secured every
thing that ran be secured In Omaha first.
This I "standing up for Omaha."
Up to date there Is not a single Instance
of an Omaha atudent going east to study,
and accomplishing any great thing, except
perhaps Miss Mary Munchoff. There have
been many departures, but mighty few de
buts. Many have left and have. In vulgar
parlance "got left." Many have wandered
but who ha won?
There are aa good musicians and musical
Instructors In Omaha today as there are In
any other city, proportionately speaking. If
you think there is no musical atmosphere
In Omaha, It Is because you have never been
drawn Into It. It Is here. It 1 here to
stay. Get Into It and help make It general.
There are some Omaha people who per
sistently attempt to discourage students
by saying, "Oh, So-and-So Is no good. You
go east." In other words, "Why, how can
he be any good, he lives In Omaha?" Now,
let u be honest. The man or woman who
makes such a remark means exactly what
I have written and Is a disgrace to the
name citizen.
I repeat, Omaha Is well equipped to take
care of the student, and some Omaha teach
ers are recognized nationally. Let us
stand by each other aa the Commercial
club does by Its members. And let us all
pray for the speedy coming of the ttmo
when the Commercial club of Omaha will
recognize the value of muslo and musi
cians to the city of Omaha ere It 1 too
late ere It la too late!
And the romance ha left us even In the
old-fashioned hurdy-gurdy or hand organ.
Nowadays .we see a mechanical music box
hauled round the street by a horse. I
suppose that the enterprising vendor of
street music realized that hi muslo was
composed of "chestnuts" and that, there
fore, a caee of "horse chestnuts" could be
The recital given by the pupil of Mr.
Slgmund Landsberg at the First Congre
gational church Thursday night was a moat
delightful event. Usually a pupil' reci
tal Is looked upon with ennui, aa a specie
of "langwelllge geschlchte," but such was
not the case In Mr. Landsberg' program.
Every pupil was thoroughly equipped and
despite the Inclemency of the weather a
large audience assembled to hear the stu
dents do themselves proud. .Mr. Landsberg
Is a born teacher and his work waa proven
by muslclanly qualitiea displayed by each
of his pupila. Lack of space In this
column prevents an Individual mention of
each exponent. '
On Wednesday evening Mr. Kelly gave
a recital of aongs In his studio under the
caption, "A Spring Day In Arcady." All
ot the songs bad some bearing on the Idea
of a spring day. In scenes bucolic and
pastoral. The students assisting were the
Misses Mabel Swift, Hilda Barrow, Agnea
Weller, Bertha Philllppl, Christine Peter-
Are symptoms of a weak and disordered
stomach, and. 1! you are a sufferer from any J
of them and want to get well we would urge you
to give this wonderful medicine a fair trial. J
Stomach Bitters
It is a specific remedy for the stomach
and contains nothing that would injure the
most delicate system. A dose before meals
will strengthen your stomach, improve your
appetite and start you on the right road to
good health.
Here is convincing proof.
Fleasanton, Cal.
Dear Birs I have used your Bit
ters and .have always found it benefi
cial for a disordered, stomach. It
does everything you claim for it.
J. E. Featherstone.
en. Daisy Hlggtn. Minnie Meysr snd Mr.
It I alway gratifying to record tha suc
cess of an Omaha musician, but still more
so to announce that after securing sue-
cease elsewhere he will return to Omaha
and take up his abode her.
Therefore, I announce with much mu
sical pride and personal gratification that
Mr. Robert Cuscaden, violinist, will return
to Omaha In ths fall and will open hi
studio In Omaha. Mr. Cuscaden I sn artlat
and a gentleman. In every sens of the
word, and hi experience In routine In
the great unrivalled Berlin Symphony or
chestra a portrait of which la before me,
as I write, and In which hla physiognomy
looms up distinctly, with Nlklsch (another
American gone abroad) conducting thla
experience will be a great thing for him
here. When Robert Cuscaden left here, a
glowing tribute was paid him In this col
umn, and a brilliant future waa predicted
at the time. He ha fulfilled all expecta
tion and I welcome htm back with all ths
Joy ot my nature.
Ths work done by the chorus st Hastings,
Neb., was highly complimented by Mr.
McCreary, the well known tenor, who waa
engaged to do the tenor part ot tha work.
Alfred R. Gaul' cantata. "The Holy City,"
Mr. McCreary mad a pronounced hit,
according to the Hastings papers, and he
Is enthusiastic about the work of the chorus
and orchestra under Mr. Rees. Mr. Jules
Lumbard was the baa soloist, and Omaha
haa every reason to be proud of the two
representatives Bent down to assist In the
nrndllrttnn It I. tft hm honed that Other
Nebraska cities will look to Omaha for '
the fulfillment of concert engagements. It
will be an Inspiration to them to hear the
work of Omaha' best artists. Many so
called "atari" who come from country
towns and happen to reside in cities larger
than Omaha, are receiving engagement
which Omaha singers could take car of
In splendid shape.
The last musical meeting of the Woman'
club for this season will be held at the
First Congregational church tomorrow at
1:30 p. m. The participant will be Mlwe
Ella Ethel Free, Elche, Hancock, Paulson,
Mesdames Ely, Urquhart, Cudaby and
Munteterlng and Dr. and Mr. Baetens.
Mr. E. P. Bsker of South Omaha will
conduct two performance of th Dudley
Buck setting of the "Golden Legend." The
chorus Is said to be a vigorous musical
Mme. and Dr. Baetens' recltat will take
place on Thursday evening, May 89, at I
o'clock at First Congregational church.
The following will take part: Mra. Por
ter Oarrett, Mrs. Charles Cope, Jr., Maud
Muller, Ella Beach, Lillian Bookmeyer, Es
tella Brown, Lucy Millar, Marie Meyer.
Verna Hayes. Laura Turner, Essey Aarons,
Marguerite Raymer, Blanche Sorenson,
Mr. J. Brown, Dr. Baetens, Msster Loran
Currier. Morris Bllsh, Harry Marks, Ben
jamin Prelsman. Muslo lovers are cor
dially Invited. THOMAS J. KELLY.
Marie Swanson, Harpist. 929 S. 18th St.
Jealons Hosband Shoots His Wife, Her
Lover and Ends His Owi
KANSAS CITY. May 14. A epeclal to the
Star from Arkansas City, Kan., says:
Frank Wilson today shot and seriously
wounded his wife, killed Abner Canter
and then committed suicide. Wilson wa
jealous of Canter's attention to his wife.
All three had lived on a farm In the ter
ritory across the line from here.
Wilson' bad threatened to kill his wife
and they separated, the woman moving to
Arkansas City yesterday to the home of
her mother, Mr. Sarah Favorite.
While Canter and Mr. Wilson wer at
work In the yard Wilson fired at Canter
without warning, killing him Instantly, and
fired two shots at his wife, one bullet break
ing her forearm and the second striking her
In the back and going entirely through the
body. Then he ahot himself In the mouth,
dying Immediately.
Wilson was a farmer and Canter had
worked for him aa a teamster. Wilson was
28 year old, hla wife 25 and Canter
wa 30,
To Give Ceremonial Session.
The Dramatic Order, Knights ot Khor
assan, will give a ceremonial session on
the evening of June 16 In Myrtle hall. Tha
tyro that journey across the burning
sanda of the desert will be refreshed at the
well of Zem Zem and banqueted at on
of the leading hotels.
WaK bSb. a .
Greatest Slaughter In Piano
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