Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 25, 1902, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 14, Image 14

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foaajoaaale- Novelties la Drwt
rial aad Deeratr.
NBTvV YCTRK, May 23. Foulard has Deer
accepted the choice material for tho
oorrectl r professional plng-pons; frock, a
mart pin dottei. or mihuteljr figured,
cream white, satin twill foulard, built up
oo the lines of a decorated shirt waist ault
) about the highest expression of taste at
the tennis tahle.
There are subtle difference to b detected
tetween the foulard shtrt' waist auit that
Is intended for general weaf and the equally
oft, silken and pretty frock that Is de
signed to meet the requirements of the new
and overwhelmingly popular game. To any
one who dcslrea to see the ping-pong dress
at Its best attention must be directed to the
green and white foulard with the ball pockets-
of stitched white suede hanging on
either hip. The skirt of this gown is In all
respects conventional save In the folded
triple box pleats that .run down the Inner
line of either hip. These pleats hang close
when the wearer stands with heela to
gether, and they spread to give her longest
fcrp full freedom. The waist Is, to all IB
tents and purpose a shirt waist with a
chemisette of white taffeta that la stitched
with green, and yoked la at the top. A
Daring collar of oatt leaf green taffeta falls
upon the shoulders, and this good color Is
repeated on the cuffs of the halt sleeves and
forma the belt 8traps and bindings of
stitched white taffeta and big greenish
mother-of-pearl buttona, with a belt buckU
of the same, ars the only other decorative
materials used on this distinctively graceful
little ault. ....
Waist Baada aad Hackles, f
There la noticeable everywhere strong
"feeling," so to speak, for waist band and,
buckles. The wherewithal for the girdling
of. her svelte or too sufficient waist Is
matter of (he Intensest moment to shopping
femininity. The .belting counter has be
come as Interesting 'and crowded aa that
devoted to neck wear. Fancy buckles show
Bo decline In public value or In Jeweled
Importance. Some of the newest notes ars
truck with huge gilded, silvered and
bronxed leather buckles, that have tongue
of metal to match. The strap that circles
the waist Is then of leather, to harmonize
with the showy buckle, or a length of wide,
easily crushed and shimmering satin, taffeta
ribbon serves the purpose.
A startling Importation, seen In a very
exclusive shop the other day. wa a big
aquaro bronze leather buckle, atudden with
turquoise dots and threaded with a broad
turquose blue satin surah ribbon. - Another
buckle, that Is bound to cla,lm tta .losers
of ardent admirers, are the nvjsscl ai.d
clam shell belt clasp. Some of these re
flect the glorious tones of the matrix opal;
ome are let In Cape Noma gold or are
thickly atudded with diamond aparks and
flash from among the glass-encased treaa
urea of the fashionable jeweler. It would
be lnvldloua to claim any popularity of the
narrow, girdle over Ua wide rival; women
display a marked liking for both and showy
cinctures are adopted with coats and gowns
A Shaatanar Poaaree Frock.
A case In point la displayed In the two
summary eoatume shown in the group.
Here we have a pale grey veiling to the
right and an equally pale Shantung pongee
to the left. - The pongee la garnletnd with
Stitched bands of luelf and worn with a
v"- .T" . - '
' AH the New --:
are in the stores now. They sre
wonderfully made eofjeu. Hcht
that Ih figure doc na feel their
wtlcht and yet sturdy enough to
give the most satisfactory war.,
All W. B. Summer Erect Forms
arc mad of cur own special white
batUewhiih it attach as canvas
aad a cool at net.
C hoots from the following
" Si f' tUght figures I $1.M
' ;j for medium fibres i l.N
71 for developed figures 1.5
e fa medium figure t t.M
(U (of stout figures i J.H .
v If imut dWr saaoat
.f 4piy jr,iU Sti.t (
vniomm ISO.
hi t m n ipMni-w e aw ICT
pretty figured yellow silk muslin shirt. Its
coat, to speak technically It should . be
called a coatee,' affords a very satisfactory
view of a grey green satin moire ribbon
belt elapsed in front by a Florentine silver
buckle. The belt, in coflor and material
matches the little four-in-Oband necktie snd
the buckle show a couple of Cellini eupida
caught in chains of silver roaes.
The companion frock baa a jaunty little
Grand Prix coat, worn over a tucked white
lawn ehlrt. A wide fold of black aatln
taffeta ribbon goes about tbw waist and is
held In front by a pearl buckle colored a
rich and jewel-like blue. The buckle's
tongue Is gilt, to match the gilt and blue
enamel buttons that adorn the coat's shaped
The Coat of Man? Cats.
Here we come fairly and squarely upon
the question of coats and their Importance.
Never before have so many coats, of so wide
a variety of shapes, seemed essential to
the proper costuming of womankind. I
there a shopper with soul so dead that she
has not already begged, borrowed or stolen
the money for a "basque covert coat," and
having got this desire of her heart has she also sighed after a knee or heel-long
bl.ick taffeta "surtout," yearned for
cream or tan lace hung "Victoria" and
bollly bought a silk "frocks and frills," or
tallctd and tucked moire "Eton." These
by the way, are just a few of the coats on
the market at present
There le some difficulty In deciding as to
which type predominate. The basque cov
ert ccat is meant for morning wear and
is the handy andy for summer time. The
voluminous taffeta surtout, that may hang
loose or fie the figure partially, la supposed
to be particularly designed for the auto
mobile and the unspeakable dust Its whtx
zlag wheel arouse. The Victoria Is the
indulgence of rich, ehowy, carriage folk.
and the frocks and frill and tailed Etoni
are worn by everybody on all occasion a.
It la to be hoped by autumn the rage for
so wide a variety of coats will have aome
what aubsided. The present mad extrava
gance In feminine dreaa wa recently Illus
trated by the heap of nineteen trunks piled
In a railway baggage room and claimed by
one email lady. She bewailed herself the
responsibility of such a wardrobe and de
clared that one vast trunk was filled with
wraps only; another, somewhat smaller,
was packed with neckties, chiffon boas and
tulle sashe, while a third was filled to
the brim with silk and cotton petticoats.
Colored Shoe.
With the unquestionable decline In the
popularity of yellow shoe It remain to
be aeen whether a warm welcome await
the new green, and red, and grey leather
shoes of this season's Introduction. These
are made up in Oxford ties and Colonial
street slippers. The color of their leather
la not aggressive and their shape are most
conservative. The dress shoe of the
season Is beyond all dispute the Colonial
slipper, made of patent leather or black
Russian calf, and finished with buckle or
big bow as the purchaser may pleaae. Moat
of the daintier types of out-door Oxford
tie are made with Colonial heels, some
what pointed toe and a big bow of black
ribbon fastens at the top of the lacing or
an unusually wide black ribbon Is used aa
lacing and form the broad bow over the In-
The dress Oxford, for nine women In ten.
Is of patent leather with the highest pos
sible skirt dancer heel, pointed toe and
exaggeratedly wide lacings. For ping-pong
a Udy little vlcl kid Oxford, with three
band of rubber aeros the sol and a rubber-
clad heel or a broad buckled Colonial tie
with the rubber sol strops and heel caps.
are recommended. A very gay new dancing
slipper, just out, is a patent leather duch
ess shoe, with the big Instep flap of crlnv
on or green velvet, crossed by a long nar
row gold or cut eteel buckle.
Wfcea She Goes X-Crahblnsx.
There Is, a surprise In store for the wild
sea wavea that race along the fashionable
beaches, a aurprtae In the shape! of new
bathing suits, made of the wool lest white.
grey and sandy brown veiling. The. mesh
of the veiling that 1 used I as coarse as
the weave of a coffee sack, and the pro
fesslonal title of thla gooda la wool-bur
laps. Its weight Is nought, through Its
coarse mesh It sheds the water aa though
It were greased, and It dries while you go
gossiping oa your way to your bathhouse.
Crush browa aad cream whit straws, of a
fine Italian braid, known In England aa
Thame hats, have just come over for
beach wear on thla side. They are aa close
woven as Indian basketa, and can be fast
ened under the chin for erabblng. on which
excursions they promise, a In Florida, to
be extensively worn; th suitable crabbing
or clamming gown being a aandy brown
wool-burlaps bathing dress.
The Wash Petticoat.
What a vaat amount of admiration.
needle work and hard money la being apent
on tbe gay wash petticoat The white
underskirt, with It pretty embroidered
flower. 1 not nearly good enough for the
hundred and one women who want color;
consequently we had counters full of glng
ham. percale, lawn, pongee, wash madras
wash mohair and dimity petticoats, rang
lng in price from $1.50 to $15, $25 and $30
Those at tbe flrat-mentloaed price are good
enough and pretty enough for a queen
Tbey are tucked and abundantly flounced
and well cut; the expense of the others lies
In their shaped flounces of Imported French
gingham, encrusted with motifs of Irish
point, or they -are hand-made and the
flounce are decorated with flight of hand
embroidered butterflies and trait of Held
flower In their natural color. Such skirts
are for use under duck and linen gown
and for all but evening costume. The waah
petticoat have routed the aummer silk
skirt. In the evening, when the colored cot
ton skirt I put off, a gorgeous white lawn
affair is assumed, or a sweet white net or
esprit petticoat Is donned. The white cot
ton esprit petticoats ars good investments.
They wssh perfectly, take the starch
beautifully and form the most buoyant
foundations for silk, muslin or lac gowns.
For Fashionable Babies.
Again we see well dressed little girls
wearing white atocklngs with their plain
cotton and linen gown. Evidently there
are mothers who approve of thla mode,
though not yet do we see any but the merest
bablea who wear the white hosen with
dressy costumes. Black hose, half silk, half
llele, la eateemed the fashionable foot cover
ing for little maids In short and very much
frilled skirts. Wide fringed satin surah and
aatln taffeta sashes are the girdle most
esteemed at aummer afternoon parties
whereat embroidered Swiss muslin con
tinue to be the most modish toilet. A
captivating needleworked muslin tea party
frock I illustrated. The yoke of the waist
is spangled with white dot and the base
of the yoke and edge thereof, the edges of
th flounces and the sleeves are enriched
with a needleworked finish in Louts XVI
pattern. Instead of plain scallop.
Quit the most recent outburst of In
fantile gorgeouaness Is evinced by th costly
and beautiful white embroidered Swiss mus
lin coats made upon tinted taffeta linings.
For toddlers of high degree the cap Is
bought to accord In color and needlework
pattern with the coat and under the trans
parent frill of the handsome wrap, sketched
to Illuminate this text, full taffeta ruffles
are gathered, their edges finished a trifle
longer than those of muslin and button
holed In rounding points. MARY DEAN.
!f Da n;er of tbe American Wo all
Going- Astrar While Abroad.
One of the American commissioner to th
Pari exposition scouts tbe idea that Ameri
can women traveling abroad require chap
erones. "Whatever the convictions of so
ciety may demand," he says, "the American
gentlewoman, even though she is budding
into womanhood, Is perfectly able to take
care or herself abroad in conditions which
to the woman of the continent demand a
"I was coming down the Rue des Nations
one day when I noticed a particularly good
looking and well dressed American girl sit
ting upon one of the Iron chairs that were
plkced everywhere about tbe grounds. She
waa drawing pictures In the gravel with her
parasol, looking at no one and not striving
In any way to attract attention. I observed
a Frenchman of the Bonl de Caatellane
type eyeing her and I lingered, being just
curious enough to desire to see what would
happen. Discovering that aha waa unac
companied, he approached her with perfect
aelf-assurance, and, with a politeness so
exaggerated that It waa Insolence, mad her
low bow. . , .
"She eyed him calmly and not a muscle of
her face moved. The broad and ailly com'
pllmenta be began to pay her were received
with tbe same atony stare. Slowly she
unclasped her pocketbook and, aearchlng
among her change, took out cinque centimes.
or 1 penny, and gravely handed It to him
as though she mistook him tor a beggar
asking for alma.
" 'Oh, non, non, mademoiselle,' be ex
claimed, flushing. Thereupon she shruggsd
ber shoulders and fell to drawing pictures
. i
in the gravel again, aa If the Incident had
already passed out of ber mind. Tbe dis
concerted Frenchman could not get away
fast enough."
ProaooBOed a Very I'sefal Article, bat
Math Abased.
Most of the Ills that female flesh la heir
to, according to many physicians and all
dresa reformers, have their source and
origin In the corset. Some Indignant re
formers have even declared the corset the
invention of the devil, delivered by him to
his agents, tbe Paris dressmakers, for the
destruction of humanity.
Now there haa arisen in Paris a defender
of the corset, who is in no way connected
with the dressmaking trade. He is a phy
sician, whose specialty 1 hygiene, and his
name 1 Frantx Qlenard. In the current
issue of the Revue Sclenttflque M. Qlenard
lays down these three propositions-.
First The corset haa Us reason of being
from the esthetic viewpoint.
Second Esthetics and hygiene may be
reconciled even In tbe corset.
Third The corset Is of use and value In
certain maladies.
M. Olenard admits that from a hyglenlst
these statementa are somewhat audacious.
His Justification of hi third point must be
passed over here as chiefly of Interest to
physician and attention confined to his
first and second.
Clothing, he asserts and he appeals to
tbe researches of the ethnologist for proof
waa originally adopted neither for protec
tion against the weather nor out of
modesty, . but simply from a desire for
adornment. Aa civilisation advanced the
clothing of tbe sexes waa differentiated to
emphasize In each the quality most ad
mired by the other.
Hence man's costume ha tended more
and more to straight lines, signifying
strength and action. Woman's haa tended
to curved lines, signifying beauty and sup
pleness. Tbe corset Is an attempt to pre
serve tbe curved outline of the waist and
even to accentuate Its fascinations. It may
not always be successful In thla effort, but
It alms at beautiful result and may be
made to produce that result.
The two enemte of th beautiful In
woman, M. Glenard asserts, are nature.
which aa woman grow older tends to de
stroy her youthful curves and to approxi
mate her ' figure to man', and fashion.
which In the attempt to correct nature
and preserve the charm of youth, often
goes to excee and produce an Inartistic
and unhealthful condition.
The Ideal corset, he declares, should
modify and Improve nature without
slavishly bowing to the excesses of fashion.
which becomes inartistic when it attempts
to do too much and to go too far. He Is
certain that aucb an Ideal may be realised
and that such a corset would be hygienic-
ally valuable aa well as artistically effective.
In other words, M. Olenard upholds the
use of the corset and condemna only It
abuse. That la precisely what sensible
women have been doing for several centur
lea la practice, without Injury to them'
aelves and to toe delight of all beholders.
They will doubtless be gratified to find
that tor their practice there ta now scien
tific justification and authority.
iBBerlt Disposition and Good Looks
of Their Mother.
A tbe only daughter of General TJlysae
B. Grant, Mr. Nellie Grant Sartort occu
pies a spot of ber own In the heart of
Americana, aa waa ahown during th ni
nes from which she ha just recovered.
Th many who know her personally are
especially gratified at her return to health.
M,re. Sartori 1 a few year beyond 40,
but continue to look ten years younger
than she la. Since ber return a few years
ago from England, where she lived while
her husband waa alive, Mrs. Sartori baa
resided in Washington and bas resumed In
some respect the position she occupied a
Nellie Grant, th most popular girl in
The unaffected nature and sweet dispo
sition which has endeared Mrs. Sartorls to
ber friends and which made ber "My Sweet
Nellie" to her illustrious v father ha been
Inherited by Rosemary, br youngest
daughter. Mis Sartori haa just passed
ber twenty-first blrthdsy. She baa recently
returned from England with her sister.
whose engagement to Archibald Balfour was
broken after the wedding preparations were
well under wsy. The sister are devoted to
each ether and are aeldom separated. Mia
Sartori waa educated at private English
school and at Georgetown convent, Wash
ington. She la especially accomplished In
music, for which she haa shown an aptitude
since infancy.
Frills f Fashlea.
An attractive green straw bat I trimmed
with white hydrangea with a little green
Pearl button lend the finishing touch to
collars, cuffs, revers and strapping! on
tallorea wasn dresaes.
A clever milliner haa introduced a new
form of buckle, having all th appearance
ol straw, out actually maao in enamei
Very beautiful Is a hat In which wistaria
I the flower, th purple wistaria, outlining
me mil vi ine nat. wmiv tuv hvwb i
filled in with white tulle.
Black currant are a very popular fruit
on corn-colored straw hats, which have
for trimming velvet bowa of th hues of
tn louage.
Pretty little sued card case are simply
made, the only ornament being a small de
aiKQ la diamond set lu on vomer. Upon
" " "
one is a bowknot and on another a fleur
de Us.
Chalk-colored cloth which ' verges on
white and pale gray and doe not really
belong In either claea la a fashionable
fabric. Putty and cloud gray sre among
the favored ahadea of th season.
Voile, transparent enough to show the
glimmer of a silken lining, Is another
great favorite. There is a certain dark
blue voile of a metallic tint which Is worn
over green glace with excellent effect.
The Dresden dimity skirt Is the newest
in petticoats. The ground Is plain or
colored, with floral decorations in delicate
or gray hues. A pllnae flounce or double
frills of the same material finish the skirt.
A pretty, simple little blue bodice made
by a smart tailor Is simply tucked in a
cluster of fine tucks in the upper part of
the front. On either side of the tucks a
band of lace insertion of a cream shade Is
set in. running down as far as the tucks,
and the stock and bands of the sleeve
are of the same lace, which look like
point de Paris.
One of the most delightful of rings bring
in the familiar serpent, two of them In
fact. They face each other at the back of
the ring. In the top of each head is a
good-sized diamond. The eyes are small,
green stones, and between the two heads
Is a turquoise In cabouchon shape, round
and deep, as big, perhaps, aa a large pea,
which Is a good site for many stones, but
not large for the turquoise, which is more
often 'of greater circumference. This stone
le unusually fine and tbe ring very beau
tiful. For aad Aboat Women.
Mrs. Clara KUdare. the only white
woman who waa killed In Guatemala by
the earthquake, was a native of California.
Miss Mary Morton, voungest daughter of
the former vice president of the United
States, devotes most of her time and her
large Income to the benefit of unfortunate
children of New York City.
Mrs. IT. S. Grant and Mr. Sartorls will
pend the summer in Coburg, Canada,
where Mrs. Grant bought a beautiful cot
tage last year. They will have with them
Mrs. Sartori' daughter, the Misses Vivian
and Rosemary Sartorls, who have recently
returned to Washington after a winter with
relatives in England. Coburg la a favorite
summer resort for army people.
A memorial 1 to be erected to the mem
ory of Mrs. Foster, the prison philanthro-
f)iet, who recently perished in a hotel tire
n New York City, and President Roosevelt
nas sent tne following letter to the com
mittee: "I gladly Inclose my subscription
to heln erect a monument to Mrs. Rebecca
Salome F outer, better knewn aa the 'Tomb
Angel.' It is a very real pleasure to testify
even in so small a way to her work."
Mary Peden, 15 year old, of Miles City,
Mont., prevented what might have Droved
a serious railway disaster four mile from
uues city last weea. ne saw a Dridge
on' fire on the Northern Pacific road and,
knowing that passenger train No. 1 wa
almost aue inn rusnea to me staDie,
mounted a horse and galloped madly In a
race against time to the station there. 8Ue
nottned tne agent, who neid the train lour
hours, i
It Is declared that Miss Maria Andlssner.
an Austrian woman of fortune and social
position. 1 the only femsle tourist who
ever crossed the Andes. Miss Andlssner
haa just left New York for her home after
an extended tour of the new world. Last
March she wss In Rio and, though SO years
old, determined to make the overland trip
to Peru.. For a good part of the journey
she had to be strapped to the mule which
sne rooe.
The youngest princess at the coronation
services will be Victoria Alexandra of
Wales, who has just kept her 6th birthday.
She was the moat charming of all Queen
Victoria diamond tumiee gilts, tbe great
franddaughter in succession to the throne,
he little earl of Airlie. who la in his Sth
year, will. It is said, be the youngest peer
to take part In the coronation. The father
of the boy died leading a cavalry charge In
Bourn Ainca over a year ago.
It was gravely decided laat week by
Justice Marean of Brooklyn that a wife
may lilt her husband on the head with
stove lifter without being adjudged guilty
of giving sufficient provocation for divorce.
Mrs. Louis Hart man deemed It necessary
to regulate her spouse and while doing so
employed the domeatlc implement named.
giving mm one smart rap on tne neaa.
Then Ms stepson threw him downstairs.
Louis appealed to the court for relief from
such a strenuous home lUe. but hie honor
gave the decision noted above, holding tht
the assault did not estaDiisn cruelty wiinm
the meaning of the law affecting limited
Should Bowaro of a Serious Organic
Break-down. Take Heed in Time.
The ordinary every-day life of most of our women is a ceaseless
treadmill of work.
How ranch harder the daily tasks become when some derangement
of the femalo orpans makes every movement painful and keeps tha
nervous system all unstrung!
One day ehe is wretched and utterly miserable ! in a day or two sho
is better and laughs at her fears, thinking there is nothing much the
matter after all ; but before night the deadly backache reappears, th
limbs tremble, the lips twitch it seems as though all the imps of
Satan were clutching her vitals ; the goes to pieces and is fiat ou her
No woman ought to arrive at this terrible state of misery .because
these symptoms are a sure indication of womb troubles. Sne must
remember that Lydla E. Pinkhain's Vegetable Compound is almost
an infallible cure for all female ills, such tta Irregularity of periods, which
cause weak stomach, sick headache, etc., displacements and inflammation
of the womb, or any of the multitudes of illnesses which beset the
female organism.
If there is Anything In your cae Aiont which you wonlrl
like special advice, write freely to Mr, l'inkham. Ho man will
see your letter. She can surely help you, for no person in America
has such a wide experience In treating female ills as she has had
Address is Lynn, Mass. ; her advice Is free and helpful.
Mrs. Richard Dixon wrote to Mrs.
trouble. Her letters are here printed.
" Dear Mrs. Pinkham: I have Buffered for four years with pain in my
back, and a terrible bearing-down feeling in the lower part of my bowels, ana
at times the abdomen seems to swell and becomes very sore. I nave terrible
sharp pains in my ovaries and am very nervous, also troubled with leueorrhrea
and irregular menstruation. I have started to take Lydla 15. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound, but I do not feel much better, so I thought I would
write and ask you what to do. Please answer soon, as I am a great sufferer
and long to get relief." Mas. Richard Duos, 11 Farewell St., Newport, E.I.
(Jan. 11, 1900.)
" Dear Mrs. PhtkiTam: I want to thank you for your letter of advice. Since)
taking your Vegetable Compound, Liver Pills, and using your Sanative Wash,
as directed by you, my backache and terrible pains in ovaries have disap
peared. I feel that your Vegetable Compound should be used by all weak
women." Mrs. Richard Drxow, 11 Farewell St., Newport, R.l. (April 11, 1901.)
"Will not the volumes of letters from women who have been
made strong1 by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound con
vince others of the virtues of this great medicine ?
When a medicine has been successful In more than a million
cases, is it "jstice to yourself to Bay, without trying it, "I do not
believe it would help me "t - -
Surely you cannot wish to remain weak and sick and dis
couraged, exhausted with each day's work. If you have some
derangement of the feminine organism try Lydla 12. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound. It will surely help you.
nEWAHU Ws baTS deposited with the National City Bank of Lynn, S500Q,
wbloh wi II be paid to any paraon who can find thai th aboTe testimonial latter
are not genuine, of were published before obtal'iins the writer's ipaolal per
mission. Lydia K. Plnbbam Medlolne Co., Lynn, Mass,
Graduates of flva of the best known colleges of America Included In corps of
Instructors. Music, Art and Modern Languages taught by women of extended resi
dence In European capitals, under the Instruction of the best masters. Gives good
general education and prepares for any college open to women. Principal a certltt
cate admits to college. Out-door sports, splendid gymnasium under direction of pro
fessional instructor. MISS MACRAE. Principal. Omaha.
Hanoovaa Tan, Pltnplea,
rravklea. Moth Paiohaa,
Kaab and sain ais
mm, and evsrf
blemish on baautjr,
and arnaa dstee-
Inn It haa atond
narmieaa wa utsia
It to be aura t
la properly mad.
Acoapt no oountar.
fit of similar
nam. Dr. I A.
csyra said to a la
dy of th haul-to
(a patlant)!
;-As you ladles will use thorn, I recom
mend 'OOCJHAUD'8 CREAM' as tbe least
harmful of all the Bkln preparations. or
sals by all Druggists and Fancy Goods
Dealers In the U. S. and Europe.
VltHD, T. HOPKINS. Wea'r,
SI Great Jones fit.. N. T.
Represents th highest quality that M Is
possible: ta maintains Do not confound
It with other dry wines. It stands alona.
No foreign make Is Its superior. Tsstc
delightful. Bouquet cxqulsita. Try it,
you will be pleated.
The greatest restorer of health. Guar,
anteed to cure Stomach, Uver and Kidney
Complaints, Catarrh, Pains in Hark and
Shoulders, Neuralgia, lyiaa of Mumory,
Coaled Tongue, lilutches or Pimples on the
face, Rhaumailani, utc. 3u days treatment
tbe. All tiruaglsla.
t or ski yara tea only aala aua raiishl
t'aiusi Huauia.orlwr mliruubl.t.
k. 1 CM W Ui 1 1 1 s a,L .AldruvtM.U.
or by mall, frtoa. S Srua ... fer
'ltum- srtafaCuanl." Wlloos MU
taai Co.. -v M. uia St.. 1'kua. .
Bold by Shermsn V McConnell Drug Co.,
0. W. Cr- J'b ann rvulwa Rts.. Omaha.
Pinkham when she was In great
White Ribbon hemedy
tuUrw nl.liuul tutllatn'm kauHlat,
While Klobun Itemed will cure or de
stroy tbe l!s;sxci ai-itU. fur alconoila
slimuiauis, wncihr uia oatlant Is a toil
nrmcd inebriate, "a upplar," social
UruiKtr or drunkard. Impoaaioia lor i.y
onv to nave an appetite lor mconoilo
liuuuia alter uaiug V una Ribbon iU'Uiady.
fe,.uw.aeu o u; ol vv . v. 4 t.
Mis. Moore, Press buperintaudaul ol the
Woman a ciinatliin "i.iv.prani; union,
Veuiuia, Cai., writes: "i Uave i.ia VVlin
itibuon Keiuedy ou very ooi"l di una
ara. and tne cures have been many, in
many cuaea th Hemedy waa given eecretly.
i ciieariuliy recommend ami audoiae W tills
Kluuou steiuedy. Mimuem l our union are
delighted to Hud. prictai and economi
r,i treatment to aid us in our tenjoaraiiee
work." ... ... .
Mrs. M. A. Cowan, 01 m ""
Christian Temperance L'nlon, stales: 'I
know of bo many People rd.enid
from th curtie of drink by th ua
of W hit IUlibon Hemody that I 'rneally
rauuest you to b'lve It a trial.' Druggists
or by mall, II. 'ir.ui package fr. by writ
lng at oaillns on Mr. A. M. Towuaend (for
veara secretary of the Woman ChrUUaa
Temperance union. 2) ireuiont 6U, tos
ion. Mass. Bold in Omaha by
Phone T4T. . W. Cor. 16th and Chicago.
Gooda delivered FRliifi w any part Ur.
Every Woman
I. inuraaiAd ana shaaJa hnaw
Vol tU auAatluJ
MARVEL Vhlrlisg Bpry
T nw ' Missl Sf rlatt.
aat'MOS i.ouTannr.s,
. Sill
t aa araasM VV
1 1 'aur. 4 Yai" r u y;
lAHiai., av srira ,f, i'i: i.d stsiji;. tot n-
iiual4 boos-ssslse-H S
Hill ,,niiiiin ...........
Room Ui TUaa SlUg., N. T,
D or al by
kUa.aAlik alvt-M-...!. PHtO Vw
Corner Sixteenth and Dodg streets, Omaha