irj 1 HE OMAHA oUN DAY JdEE PAGES 13 TO 24. ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. ' OMAHA, SUNDAY lOHNING, MAY 25, ll02. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. PI il MYDEN'S BUY AN ENTIRE STOCK OF VASII GOODS FROM ONE OF THE GREATEST goods, name pHttcrns and name dosipn that.thpy are paying 19c, 25c and 39c, in our lliirain Koom, Monday at 10c a yard. This w or tunall to .duplicate these at 19c and 25c, also read onr 7Jc, 5c and 3Jc wash goods add these cheapest goods are'sold elsewhere i WASH GOODS ffa this lot you will find 19c; 25c and 8c organdlea, dim It let, batistes, holly batiste. Red Cross batiste, Irish dimities, Red Cross printed dotted Swisses wortb 25c: Toil da Sola, at fine ts stilt, wor'h 25c; plain white organdies, regular 25c goods; plain whit dotted Swisses worth 19c and 2.1c and Sc; 15c, 19c and 26c plain white India, linen, woven corda. woven atrlpea, worth from lc to 3?c, and other wash goods too numerous to mention, all will go in this sale If! at yard IWW Bealdes these we will have large line of Uc, 16c, 19c dimities, batistes, organdies. In nil the shadings of high-priced Imported goods. In this sale they will go at yard liiC Another large line of 10c, 12c and 15c domestic wash gooda. organdlea, dlmtti-s nd batistes. These goods ara aold In this town as high as lfc. In order to close quickly we will sell them Monday E at a yard JC 10,000 Yards of the Finest Silks From Qno of America's AND ORO GRAIN IN LIGHT COLORS. FINEST CREPE DE CHINE AND FOULARD SILKS, BLACK SILKS AND WHITE THIS STOCK OF THE NEWEST White wash silk from thla great atock on aula Monday. 21-Inch white wash silk for 25c 24-lnch whita wash allk for 35c. J7-lath white wash allk for 39c Pure allk and real floe qualify. Monday will be Foulard Day. You can buy your foulard dresa .end save half your money. Over 100 places In thla great atock. These ara tha Tery flneat foularda made and tha dertga and colorings ara Brat class. Abova all. the quality la tha very beat to ba had tor ! You may take your choice of en- ic Urn lot. all one price I U C i Great Underwear Salo The $10,000 aprlng and summer over-stock f one of tha largest factoriea in America, bought at 30c on the dollar, now on aale. Theaa garmenU are all new and fresh; .'healthfully and exquisitely made up; per fect fitting, combining etyle, comfort and hlgheet value. Sea them Monday. Men's plain, colored and fancy striped shirt. Ynd drawer. In '" P S made to sell up to ibe; 35C on sal at 1"!'' zJT Men'a fine lisle thread ahlrta and draera. In plain and fancy colora, SQC worth $100. at :". , Men'a $100 allk ahlrta and drawers. In pink, blue and lavender, all slses, I HQ on aale at laWU Men's 60c underwear, la plain and Jjncy colors, on aala 25 C Men's $1.00 union sulta, 49 C tkuriven'a elastic seam drawers, JIQ m on aale at 'Wli Jadies' line Jersey ribbed sleeveless and short aleeva vest. IQC Ivadlea' fine lisle thread vesta. In. Pln blue. black and while, OCm worth 6uc at fcw Ladlea' umbrella Jersey knit . pant, trimmed with wide lace. O C ft worth 60c, at aW Ladles' gowns, skirts, chemise, corset covers and drawera, trimmed with fine la and embroidery, worth QRc 11. W and $2.00. at JJUW Ladles' fine chemise, gowns, corset covers and aklrts, trimmed with insertion and edge of tine Valencennea lace and full Swlaa embroidery, worth I OQ $2.60 and 6100, at litfO Glove and Corset Sale Dr. Warner's Ruat Proof, tape girdle, white, pink and blue, $1.00 quality at 69o Ladles' straight front corsets, In batiste and ventilated, at 49c A full Una of W. B. Erect Form corsets, also W. C C, Kobo, Thompson's Glove Fitting and R. A O. corsets, all new up to date gooda, at $1.00 and up; the Nemo, Belt Reducing and Delta Dip for stout figures, at $2.60; also the La Greque Belt tor stout figures at.. - $2.60 Ladles' glovea in all tha lateat shades with "Kayser" patent tips, at 60c, 75c and. $1.00 Ladles' lace lisle glovea In all ahadea, wrlat and elbow lengths at 60c and 75c Ladles' lisle thread gloves In all ahadea at S5o and 60c Special Hosiery Sale L0O0 doe. ladies', men's and children's stock ings la lsla thread and fine cotton, In plain black and fancy colors, stripes, checks and figures, worth up to 60c, on aala at 10c Ken's Furnishing Sale Men'a $L00 belts la all tha newest styles at 50c Men's 60c suspenders, also 'the President, In all colora, at 25c Men's and boys' $1.00 colored laundered sMrts, with separata collars stnd cuffs, at 4c Men'a 6oc neckwear, all styles and colors at 26c Men'a $1.10 and $2.00 colored madras ahlrta, all the aery lateat aprlng styles and best maaea, at tfcc Men's shirt waists, tha Gold brand, the ' beat made. Carpets Reproductions of Oriental ruga, a superior fabric, true tn colorings and dealgna to the tnaat production of tha Orient, at one- twentleta of tha price. al3 Brussela rugs. 10.S, $14 M and $11 V6. xlj Axmlnster rugs. $1176. $22.60 aad $25 00. xl) Smyrna rugs. $11.75. $17.60 and $20. Art squares, $2 5, $3.5, $5. $, $7.60 and $$ 60. Columbia Brussels carpet, one yard wide, T5o yard. Wilton velvet carpet, S9e yard. Bruaaela carpeta. 4So, 6c and (9c yard. Japanese matlinga, SOc, 25c aad SOe yard. China matUnge. II 4c, 16c, Soa and 26e yard. Fiber carpeta, handsome patteraa, tie. 60c and 60c. Window ahadea, complete with roller aad fixtures, 7 feet loiig. SOc Ihlr Gctods Wa have a eemplMe stock of switches and curly pompadoura, all ahadea and Wcgtha. mads up from the beat quality of Imported hair. 16-Inch swiuh. $2.64 valae. for $1-41 24-laca switch. $20 value, for SIM XS-lncB switch, $4 00 value, (or. ...... Sl-M I'acm nnnnc Hnnoco m Ai-icninA nn oni c in dadhaim onnri WHUII UUUUU IIUUUKO II. HitlUlilUli Ull tsHLU III UHllUfill. llUUIll and Still on another counter we will put a large line of line wash goods in all the new shades and colors, pink, baby blue, linen color, etc. We defy anybody to ahow bet tor goods for 7Hc yard on thla aale. and all you want at a yard ... 3c SILKS On the silk counter we will tell Liberty tatlnes and - other plain, colored goods worth 25c a yard, at 10c e new We will sll $1 silk foulards In the new spring shades, at 39c We will aell 4S-lneh all silk mouesellne de sole, double fold, the regular SI grade, all eline de ade, all cka an! 29c ahadea and colors, including blacka an! creams, in this sale a yard only 18-lnrh tnoussellne de sole, regular 35o r 35o u can 7ic worth gooda, all the colors that la left you can buy in thla aale at a yard A large line of black figured allks, worth 75c a yard, on sale Monday at a yard 39c STYLES AND COLORS FOR THIS SEASON'S Wide black wash allk from thla great stork on sale Monday. S6-inch black wash silk, worth 76c, for S9c. 36-lnch black wash allk. worth $1.25, for 66c 86-Inch black wash allk, worth $1.60, for 75c. Tbeea ara all fine, pure allk. Big lot of white and black allk cord, fine taffetas. In colors, and beautiful foularda, allks. all from great atock and HA worth up to 76c and $1.00, go at UwC Big Sale of Table Linens Monday we will place on aale tha largest line of table linens and napkins ever offered In the city. 68-lnrh bleached damask, regular 35c, for, yard 19o 68-Inch unbleached damask, regular 35c, for, yard 224c 63-Inch half bleached damask, regular 40c. for, yard S2He 68-lnch half bleached damaak. regular SOc. for, yard 424c 60-inch bleached damaak, regular 45c, for, yard 384e 68-lnch bleached damask, regular 474c. for, yard 424e 60-inch bleached damask, regular 60c, for yard 49c 60-Inch unbleached damaak,. regular 60c, for yard 49e 72-lnch unbleached damask, regular 98c, for. ard 724 TJ-lnch bleached Irish damask, regu lar $1.00, for, yard ?24e 72-lnch bleached Irion, damask, regu lar $1.50. for. yard $1,224 72-lnch bleached Irish damaak, regu lar $2.00. for. yard $1.71 72-inch bleached Irish damask, regu lar $2.50, for. yard $2,124 KAPKIXS. Fringed napkins, regular 35c, for, doxen ... 23o Fringed napkins, regular 75c for dosen 49c Bleached all linen napkins, regular $1.25, for, doxen 98c Bleached all linen napkins, regular , $1.50. for, doxen $1.23 Half bleached all linen napklna, regu lar $1.00. for. dosen 724c Half bleached all linen napklna, regu lar $1.50, for. doxen $1.38 Half bleached large die napklna, regular $1.75, for, doxen $1.49 Halt bleached large dies napkins, regular $1.60. for doxen $1-224 Bleached all linen napkins, regular $2.50, for. doxen $1.90 IH1RT WAISTIXG9 AND DRESS GOODS. WHITE Opera batlate, 35c, 46c and 50c yard. French lawn and batiste, 48 Inchea wffle, 60e and 5c yard. Persian lawn, 25c, SOe, S6o, 40c and 60e yard. Imported organdlea, (8 Inches, regular 75c, for 69c yard. Imported organdies, (8 Inches, regular 90c, for 7Sc yard. Imported organdiea, 68 Inchea. regular $110, for 89c yard. 10.000 yarda Victoria lawn, 40 Inchea wide, regular 15c. for 10c yard. 20.000 yarda Victoria lawn, 40 Inchea wide, regular 20c.- for 15e yard. 50,000 yards India ltnon, from Be to 25e yard. .. , 60,000 yarda checked nainsook, 6c and lOe yard. Oxford cheviots, regular S5c, for 25c yard. Oxford chevtota, mercerised, regular SOe, for 35c yard. Imported damaak ahlrt w listings, 45e yard. Madras cloth, satin a tripes, regular 60c for S5c. MI SLISS AD SHEETINGS. Bleached mualln, regular 7c. for, yard. le Old Glory muslin, 16 yarda for $1.00 8-4 unbleached sheeting, regular 18c, for, yard 164e t-4 unbleached ebeeting, regular SOe, for. yard 14 $-4 bleached aheetlng." regular 20c, for. yrd 164c A 9-4 bleached sheeting, regular 2Zc. for yard 184e Remnanta of table linen at reduced prlrea. English long cloth. 85o bolt of 12 yarda. Drapery Goods by the Yard S6-tnch dotted and figured Swisses, fancy nets, embroidered mualln. Nottingham and Arabian aeta at 10c BUkollaea. 36 Inchea wide, at 7e. Other yard gooda, beautiful la design and rang of pattern, at 12c, 15e and lie par yard. Wall Paper and Paints Greataat eut prtoe sale aver held. Reg ular 6e and 6o papers at 24e per roll; 8c to 86e papers at 6c, 74c, 10c, 124c 15e and 20c. For one week only. Beat ready-mixed paints at Mc galloa. Varnlaaeg, alaina, enamels, ate. at cut price, 15c sllkolluea to close, at 2!fi I ea. for , 19c cretoua and art denims, fine figures, for Monday only a yard '. Checked linen toweling, regular Sr grade, on sale i.t 25c tnerrertxed linings. In black and colors, at AW .3c Gc Remnanta, 25 and 39c wash goods In lengths from 2 to 10 yards, some mercerised, some silk striped, some plnln end some figured all will go In this sale Q'a at O iC 36-Inch wide Indigo blue percale, C 19c grade, will go at a yard UV 124r Scott h glr.gliam, nice stripes, checks and plaids, mill go fV? at a yard U-0 Black veiling, with white dots and white veiling with black dote, the regular 13c and 19c grade, we will aell "f at a yard f 15 dozen ladles' f'.OQ, $;.so and S3 00 pam aola, finely trimmed with silk and chif fon, aa long aa they last in the bargain room Monday, QQea only .'. UDw WEAR. High claM moire silks from great stork, in white and all colors, both In velours and pure allk. In mcst every color, every where in the land at $1.25 and $1.60. on aale here at 75 Wide ailka from great stock on sale, plalda ailk worth $2.00. full 36 lnrhea wide, col ored, yard wide taffetas, worth $1.50. col ored 27-lnch tafletaa, worth $1.00, all at 69 Fine pure silk crepe de chene, ent colora, from thla great alwaya for from $1.00 to $1.25, on aala Monday In 25 differ atock, sold G4 Hardware, Steves and Hcusefurnishings SPECIAL MONDAY SALE. Wa ' carry .' the ' INSURANCE GASOLINE STOVE as aafe as gas. ' The best on the market at less price than any ordinary gasolene atove aold elsewhere. We have them with 3 budners with step, with best National over all complete (regular $15 atove) for $9.95 The best Junior 2-burner Cabinet Gasoline Stove made, with brass atandplpe (regu lar $4.60 stove) for $2.95 Steel gasoline oven 95c 40 different kinds of Refrigerators and Ice Chests up from . , $4.95 The Standard Steel Range the beat made extra large, with high warming closet, grsy Iron top, large 22x19x14 oven, as bestos lined throughout, very handsome (a regular $37.00 range) for $29.95 Extra fine No. S Square-cast Cook. 18-inch oven, nicely nickel-plated (a regular $15.00 stove) for $10.43 Plain Screen Doors 65c Fsncy Oil Doors 89o Adjustable Screens, hard wood 25c SEASONABLE GOODS. SEASONABLE PRICES. 16-inch Lawn Mowers $2,491 Hardwood Hose Reels 49c 6olld steel Grass Hooka 15c Garden Hoe 133 Turkey Dusters 10c Garden Rake 13c 4-tlne Manure Fork 39c Galvanised Waah Boilera 79c Universal Food Chopper 95c Poultry Netting (galvanized after woven) S-feet wide, per yard ...2c ..44e ...64c ....7c 8c ...74c ....49e ....15c ....15c ....42c ....29c ....S9c ..$139 ....10c 8c 9e ....10c S-feet wide, per yard 4-feet wide, per yard .... (-feet wide, per yard .. 6-feet wide, per yard .... Guaranteed Hoaa Grans Catcbera S-tie Broome Grass SVears, solid steel . Economy Cobbler Set .... 20-ttne Lawn Rake Japanaae Bread Box ..... 25-pound Family Scales .. Carpenter Clawhammer ... The beat Wire Cloth made 24-Inch, per yard 26-Inch, per yard 28-Inch, per yard SO-lnrh, per yard .He 16-inch, per yard ....12 Monday's Great Wash Goods Sale The greatest variety of fin waah goods in Omaha. Wa place on aale Monday the entire stock of one of New York's largest Importer's fancy dresa fabrics, such as 45-tnch plain color French mull. In cream, primrose, pink and light blue, worth He very place where It la shown, at lie yard. All the finest Scotch woven tissues, all colora. in stripes, checks and plain ahadea, at 19c yard. All the black dreaa novelties, lace grena dine, lace Jocquard. German Swlaa and French Alma; thee fabrics In all cotton and worth, toe. He to $3.00 yard, at 25o yard. French embroidered waiat patterna. In all linen, also French mull and batlate. aa embroidered and ronaldered the hand.iomest noveltiea ever shown In exclusive atylea, rNl value la $ uo, 17 iu. IS 00 and H 50, a'l on aula Monday at, your choti-o, fc: 96 pattern. fin In 10 1 1 " -"VW4f''if Ml 24 and 26-lnch umbrellas, aell made, good bleck. regular 60c goods; will go f)P- at. each fcUV ' Children's Toe fanc7 trimmed parasols, we will sell Monday, only 1 to a OE customer, at, each aCwC We wtll aell turkey red damask, fine color, good grade, at a yard 17 c FURNISHING GOODS Ladles' 35c underwear, in vest and pants, also union suits, In all sites, I ft IUC Children's 35c vests snd pants. In all size. with short or long sleeves, white or ecru, on sale at , IOC Ladies' and children's fast black, full seam learn- Gc less stockings, on sale at a pair Ladies' 10c handkerchiefs, In white O and fancy borders, ct OC Ladies' 30c res'n and pants, lace trimmed, with long or short sleeves, in at lajC Men's 60c shirts and drawers. In plain and fancy colors, all sixes. at 19c Leading Silk Mills on Sale Monday SILKS, THAT ARK WARRANTED . THIS GREAT SILK SALE IS OF UTMOST IMl't ALL THE FANCY SILKS FROM THIS GREAT STOCK ON SALE. Mind you these are the highest grades. Novelty silks that are made. 50 bolts fine quality waist silks, in stripes, checks, bro cades, corded and lace effects, real hand some silks, worth $1.00 and $1.25, A ft for only TjC Choice of lOoN atylea in the moat beautiful silks of all kinds and colors, real hand some silks that sell for $1.50 up to $2.00, will go Mon day at 75( Phenomenal Values in Shoes Monday Immense purchases of three big bankrupt shoe factoriea givea the Big Store a chance to place before the buyers of Omaha and vicinity a chance to buy good shoes lower than ever before offered In Omaha. Men's fine vlcl kid bals., worth $3.00 and $3.50 Men's fine box calf bals., worth $3.00 snd $3.50 Men's fine velour calf bals, worth $3,00 and $3.50 Women's fine vlcl kid lace, worth $3.00 Women's fine box calf lace, worth $3.00 Women's pat. leather, lace, worth $3.00 and $3.50 Women's pat. kid lace, worth $3.00 and $3.50 1.53 1.96 1.96 1.96 1.96 1.96 1.96 Misses' and children's shoes at about 1-3 of their value. Sole agents for the Stetson and Crossett shoes for men,, and the Brooks Bros., Ultra and Grover shoes for women. These makes represent the BEST, regardless of price Bargains in the Bargain Room Boya' satin calf bals, worth 11.75 Men's eatln calf bals, worth $1.60 Women's vlcl kid Oxfords, in tan or black, worth up to $3.00 Child's Dongola lace. 1.00 98c 89c 19c 38c worth 35c . .. Child's tennis Oxfords, worth 60c More Interesting Grows Our Great Laeo Curtain Salo For 20c you can get $1.0 tn valued Here are values. Read them overt Thousands of pairs of aottlngham curtains 1 lot worth up to $2.00, for '. 490 1 lot worth wp to $2.75 and $5.00, for from , 85c to $1.15 Ruffled curtains, fish net curtains, SOc to 75o Brussels lace curtains, worth ap to $7.60, '0' $185 to $3.15 Renaissance curtains, point de Calais cur tains, Arabian curtains, all at SOe to 26o oa tha dollar. A large collection of portieres, consisting of satla damask, Orleatal stripes, Persian border and extra heavy tapestry, beautiful range of patterna, all at less than one quarter value. r?rn LIU We ill be the greatest 10c sale of Wash Goods ever held in Omaha, and n Omaha at 10c. Boys' 50c sweaters. In fancy stylos, at 25c Men's 75c colored laundered shirts, with ;a. with 29c separate collars and ruffs, at Men's 25c suspenders, all kinds at 12 c One lot of men's colored' and white latin dered shirts, slightly soiled, worth up to 75c. at 19c 95c 25c 35c 95c all sices CLOTHING Boys' all wool knee pants suits, worth $3.50 and M 00, at Bors' 75c wash suits, at 33c and Boys' 75c knee panta, at BoyV all wool long pants, worth 13.50, at Boya' 75c wash suits, worth SI. 50, all slses up to 15 years old, at 45c Men's $3.60 and $4.00 all wool pants' gQ Men's all wool panta. worth $2.50 and $3.00, at, a pair 1.25 GREAT SILK SALE IS OF UTMOST IMPORTANCE TO YOU BECAU8E OF THE LOW Elegant brocade Pompadour silks, printed Paon silks, Dresden and raplllion rain bow allks, heavy brocades for linings, the swellest silks out, worth up to QQ $3.50 and $5.00, at JUC THE GRANDEST LINE OF BLACK SILKS WE EVER YET HAD THE PLEAS URE OF SHOWING YOU GOES ON SALE MONDAY. Black grenadine sale the prettiest grena dines made, all double width and real floe quality. In plain, stripes and figures, worm $1.60, $1.75, $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00. all go at ' 90 Furniture Have you a furniture want? Are you looking for a certain article of furniture? Have you called here? Are you aware that we have built up our enormous business In furniture by lust foreseeing what you would want, then filling these want with flrat-class goods and at lower prices than similar goods can be bought elsewhere? Do not delay any longer. Remember we are selling furniture this month lower than ever. Come and see us. Wa ara able to make you tha lowest price. ODD DIVANS. We have just secured a manufacturer'a sample line of old settees and divans. These goods are of special make nd were made up for ahow pieces. They are all in perfect condition, bave oak and ma hogany frames; all the newest grades of upholstering. Not one of these would sell for less than $15.00. Sals price $7.85. See them. LAWS SEATS AND PORCH CHAIRS POH WARM WEATHER. We are prepared to meet your views and at the same time consider your purfee. A good well-made, neatly-finiahed seat for 9oc. A four-foo seat, light' or red, for $1.60. An elegant canvas reclining chair, hard maple frame with arms, for 85c. Everything In seats and rockers. Our picture aad framing - department Is tha largest and best equipped west of Chicago. Let us figure on your framing. 8ee our line of pictures, framed and In the sheet. Your photo enlarged by our own special artist. Grand Ribbon Sale Monday Monday is always Ribbon Day with us and each Monday we try to give bigger and better bargaisa In new, stylish Ribbons. 80, no matter how good and cheap you bought Ribbons before, Monday will eclipse them all. ,' Nos. 7, 9, IS and 16 satin and gros grain ribbons, worth up s 2 yd , Al per yd.;... a All colors of plain ALL SILK TAFFETA and striped fancy Klbbona, worth jn 25 and Sue yd., per yd ,.. IUC The new satin or Liberty taffeta, C worth 35c, per yd .-. 13 W Extra wide taffeta and high-class novelty fancy rtbbona, worth 60 and sue, 4Ca per yd a96 LADIES' BELTS. Satin fold, moire allk and new elastic belts worth 00c ana si.u, , -. for 25, 50 NEW MADE UP VEIIjJ. These are the lateat noveltiea, not old fashioned or out of date, but the very latest up-to-date stylish novelties, 14 and 14 yarda long, finished on all aldea. Tha right thing, worth ll.t. 0 On sale at 4UC ALL OVER EMBROIDERIES. Juat rlaht for ahirtwaiata. yokes, etc. $1.00 all over emoroiaeriea at $2.00 all over embroideries). at .. $3.00 all over embroideries, at ,, $7.00 all ovar embroideries, at - PEARL BUTTONS. All sixes, on sale. per dus 26o novels, each ...... ........ ... ... mm. $l.uo copyright books, at sue copyright books. at Special neck ruff aale, ft at ....9 ..29c ...98c .1.50 3.00 :....2ic -5c ...50c ...39c 8c '3 uuU;2)d guarantee every lady in Omaha vicinity to soli them, the same HAMMOCKS & CROQUET SETS We are headquarters for hammocka and croquet aeta. A good variety to select from. HATS Boys' hat. 25c at Ladles' hata, at Children's hata, at 10c I5c BE Sl'RB AND READ OVR FAMOUS THIRTY-MINUTE SALES FROM 8:30 TO 9 A. M. We will sell 7c dimities, only 10 yards to customer, at, Is a yard IV FROM 9:30 TO 10 A. M. We will sell extra heavy LL muslin, regular 6V,c grade, only 10 yards to a Q'f customer, at. a yard faajV THERE ARE TIMES WHEN IT WILL PA NEEDS AND THIS IS ONE OF THOSE T THE FINEST THAT WB HAVE EVER I Black taffeta, 27 Inches wide, worth $1.25, on cale Monday at only 75c. Black taffeta, 36 tnchea wide, worth $1.00. on sale Monday at only 65c. Black taffeta. 36 inchea wide, worth $2.00, on aale Monday at only $1.10. Black taffeta, 3d inchea wide, worth $2.50, on aale Monday at only $1.17. Black peau de aole. 27-ln. wde, worth $2.25, on aale Monday at $1.25. Black peau de aole, 36-in. wide, worth $3.00, on sale Monday at only $1.75. Black peau de aole, 22-ln. wide, worth $2.50, on sale Monday at only $1-50. Flannel Department 2 raaes extra heavy Shaker flannel, regular 84c per yard, at e 15 pieces 27-Inch white wool and linen flannel, regular price per yd., 40o, at.. 28c 1 case 36-Inch drapery eateen, regular 20c yard, at 12H 1 case 36-inch sllkollne, regular per yard, 10c, at j 5 Remnants of embroidered and plain white flannel less than half, price. Bed Spreads S cases extra heavy fringed, cut or ners, Marseillies patterns, worth $2.26 each, at. ..$1.25 S caaea full size Marseilles patterns, regulsr $1 each, at 226 best made crochet bed spreads, -worth up to $3 each. at.......... ....$1.28 275 full sixe Marseilles bed spresds, worth up to $3.50 each, at..' $1.6 S cases good aixe crochet bed spreads, extra heavy, each .....49c Chin,) Department Beautiful line of colored glaaaea, vases.. 10c 6-plece berry set, fire polished crystal, set 16e 6-plece cream sets, fine polished crystal, ' set 16c Handled sherberts Cups.... American porcelain plate, pie alia...... American porcelain plates, tea sixe..... American porcelain plates, dinner sixe.. American porcelain cups and saucers, each 1 le American porcelain vegetable) dishes.... le American porcelain meat platters 6c All sixes lamp chimneys ...14 Gas and gasoline mantles 60 Complete brackets, with reflectors 21c Decorated cups snd saucers, flow blue each 24c Specials in Jewelry Ladles' fancy belts mads of best silk and satin ribbon mounted with aeparats back buckles and slides, regular $1.50 value, sale price.. .$L0O Large pearl sash pins ,...25o 15 styles ladles'-gold-filled waist sets. .430 Ladies' solid gold rings, set with ruby, saphlre and emerald doublets, at. ...$1.9$ Solid (old neck chains... $3.00 Beat gold-filled neck chains from $1.00 to $3.00. ' Eyes Tested Free by Our Expert Eye Specialist Alumlnold spectacles or eye glaaaea, fins quality lenaes, value $2.50, at 9$c Gold-filled frameless eye glasses. 10-year guaranteed mountings, worth $5.00. t $2.8 Colored spectacles (eys protectors) Slo Spring Clearing Salo Of Pianos Without a question tha largest stock of high grade pianos In tha city Is now be 1 nt shown la our music annex, which consists of the world renowned Cblckerlng, Fischer, Decker, Wegman, Conorer Bt ull, .Cable, Ja cob Bold. Kingsbury, Wellington and a number of others. Pianos for rent, also ptanoa tuned, moved and repaired. Tel. 1683, till we defy any other house, largo FROM 10. SO TO 11 A. M. We will aell nainsook checks, regular 1148 white gooda, only 10 yarda to O ' a a euatomer, at, a yard sCiy FROM 1 TO 1:30 P. M. Wa will sell 36-Inch perralea, only V) yarda to a euatomer, at, a yard 21c . only FROM 2 TO 2:30 P. M. We wtll aell 74e. 10o and 124o towels, only 3 pair to a customer, at, each .. 2!c FROM I TO 1:30 P. M. Wa will give one of our famoua wash goods sale. This Includes 15c, 19c, 26c and 29a dimities, organdies and batlatea. In lengths from 24 to 10 yards, only 10 yarda to a customer, at, a yard 2lC FROM 4 TO 4:30 P. M. We will sell the celebrated HlU'a mualln, a little finer and a llttlo heavier than Lonsdale, only 10 yarda to a AO customer, at, a yard Tt Several other salea during the day. Y YOU TO EVEN BUY FOR FUTURE IMES THIS US A STOCK OF FINE SILKS BOUGHT. SWELL BROCADES IN SATIN PRICES AND THE FACT THAT ALL OF Black moire velnur, 36 Inches wide, worth $2.59. on sale Monday at only $1.26. Black moire velour, 27 Inchea wide, worth $1.75, on ssle Monday at only 35c. Double width black crepe de chene. 46 Inchea wide, pure silk, and aold regularly for $2.75. 10 plecea from tbla I "IC great atock at Il 10 MAIL ORDERS filled on any of abova adver tised allks, but owing to fact that many lines will last but a short time wa can not send samples of these specials. You may order in fullest confidence and when received if not satisfactory, return and we will refund money. Extra Special Inducements in Our Cloak Dept for Monday's Customers 1,000 woman's all wool mIuJk mnA a aklrts In cloak department, second floor. " rwny-aay aKirts ere trimmed with 11 rows of stltchina. deeD flminr - . , seams. The dress skirts are trimmed with, satin and taffeta bands and are interlined and velvet bound all colors for S2.S0. 100 doxen waists whit . 32 to 46, bought from the National Waist tu.. new I or it. rnr nnK.tMiii ...w ' - - - - - . fr. -.-, Jl LI, up to $1.60, sale price 5!. 200 women's suits, In all the leading atyies just what others ask you $18 and $20 for. ' salo price $8.75. 75 dosen women's waah waists. In, white, lawns, piques, madras, xephyrs, ginghams ana ncoicn oiotns, in uiDson open front and back style, worth up to $2.50, sal price 860. 100 women's Bilk skirts, the greatest va riety you ever saw, In every atyle Imagin able, made of the beet OlwrniiiH tsfrMt.a don't fall to aee them; worth up to $20.00; aala price $9.90. 20 women's sulta, just as nice and juat aa well made as others advertise at $16.00, sale price $5.00. "Children's dresses, made of nloe ging hams and wash, materials, others ask 60c, for 19c. Women's kimonaa, beautiful garments, nicely trimmed and nicely made, tha 11.00 quality, for one day only at 6O0, 576 flne lawn waists, trimmed with im ported embroidery and insertion, at $5.00, $3.00 and $2.60. 200 women's and misses' skirts, made of medium weight golfing cloth, trimmed with satin bands, a flyer for Monday at only $1.39. 700 women's skirts. In Una cheviots, serges, golf cloths and vicunas, neatly trimmed and well made, perfect hang and finish, for $5.00. 75 beautiful eta mine skirts, those graceful, stylish garments shown only by Hayden, Rroa.. oi maim r sir no 112 on mwA ham 26 DOZEN WOMEN'S WRAPPERS AT 250. a oxen percale wrappers, trimmed with, ruffles over shoulder and two rows of braid, 15-inch flounce. seDarate waist llnlnr xi quality, for 69e. 60 doxen fine lawn and percale wrappers. In light and dark colora, the $3.00 quality for Site. GRAND MILLINERY BALE. Monday we offer the moat attractive val uea in exquiette new milliners' creations See our spiendld showing of street hata at cut prices. Letting Down the Prices cn Groceries Evaporated apples California evaporated peaches, choice Evaporated California pear ......... Evaporated blackberries T4 ..10o ...100 . a J24o .. JOo . .10o ...10a ..74a ..S4 Evaporated apricots Evaporated nectarines California loom muscatel raisins Cleaned seeded retains Cleaned patrons currants Special bargain In California prunes. 8 lbs. tapioca S lbs. sago ... ... 9a . . . 9d ... 9a ... 9a ... 9a ... 9a ... 9a ...10a ...15a S lbs. oatmeal S lbs. pess . S lbs. hominy .... ...... S lbs. flake hominy t Ibat green peas . I lbs. spilt peas ,. t lbs. rice 1 sack cornmeal .. Keats and Lard Boneless corned beef to ...S4 ...STbo ..124o ,.10 ..84a .124 ...11a ..440 ...640 .... 6a ...848 ...Cta .... 6a . S5o ....67o Pickled pigs feet ... Pickled Trips Breakfast bacon .... No. 1 hams Picnic hams Dried beef Summer ssusage ... Bologna sausage .... Welnerwurst Pork sausage Minced ham. cooked Salt pork Potted ham , 5- lb. pail lard 6- lb. pall lard Butter and Eggs Fancy separator creamery butter 21t Choice dairy butter 198 This Is a good table butter. Freeh country butter 15j Strictly fresh sggs 14o When Tired Shopping Get m free cap ( oar delieluaa i-oroa ad m lasly. fresh eraekrr at oar steaaoaatratloa. We ara tatratfaclasr or elraeat eueea aad chocolate sad par fresh crash era. 9a