The Omaha Bee. agftiajfrflf'Xsj PAGES 1 TO 12. P UNDAY ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. OMAHA, SUNDAY 3IORN1MG, MAY 25, 1002 TWENTY-FOUB TAOES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. a par FREM GOING DAFT Terrible Disasters of the Last Few Daji Cause an Epidemic of Insanitj. FEAR THE END OF WORLD IS AT HAND Eruption of Mount Pelee In Martinique Start Them Along Gloomy Path, TEXAS TORNADO ADDS TO THEIR TERROR Artronomer Evokes Theory that Earth is to fie Bent Into Fragments. OCEAN TO POUR IN ON INTERNAL FIRES Explosion Will Follow Which Will Wreck the Plaaet and' Divide it Into Several Small Onea Which Will Soon Die. (Copyright 192, by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS, May 24 (New York World Ca blegram Spocial Telegram.) Th disaster at Martinique and neighboring West Indian Islands have unbalanced many people. A dosnn rases of Insanity are recorded In Paris alone and several others In the provinces. Out of them all only three are ascrlbable to grief at loss of relative In Bt. Pierre, while the rest were due to terror. ' Young Mme. Martlono, married a . year go, unable to receive new from her hus band, who went to Martinique a few week go to Install a new electric tram line, fa tally hot herself and her baby yesterday. The aged Countess Rotrou fell dead on re ceiving confirmation by cable of the death of three son who had gone there four months ago to examine a plantation they had Just Inherited. A whole family of five committed aulclde In Marseilles because. heretofore wealthy, the destruction of their property In St. Pierre has ruined them. Continuous rain and strangely overcast skies have upset the minds of some people nd give substance to the numberless pre dictions lately issued by fanatics that the end of the world is coming. Counties number admit feeling of nervousness, though yet able to laugh at their own ter rors. Others are constantly being conveyed to hospitals, gone mad upon reading about the Texas tornado, a new volcante eruption or some other catastrophy. The newspaper editors receive numerous request from subscribers to discontinue their papers because reading about erup tion, tornado and earthquake prove distracting to the women of their houses. Jules Planquette, brother of Robert Planquette, the composer of the opera "Chime of Normandy," a noted, professor of geology, wrote yesterday a long letter as erttng that the earth la about to be shat tered by a number of amaller planets. Then ha hanged himself in order not to witness the horrible moment. Evidently he, too, bad gone crasy. Evolves a, Startling Theory. Planquette had previously entertained a theory that the rcent eruption were caused by a vacuan '-nald the earth, which presently would result In a vast suction of air through the crater, the oxygen giving the Inside fire tremendous: activity; that a great universal quaking of the earth would follow, opening crack la the bottom of the tea, the water of which would pour through them and the enormoua quantity of liquid would Immediately be converted Into steam pressure, which soon would burst the earth asunder. This would not necessarily kill all It inhabitants, but the human race would be divided Into colonies en the v oral fragments of the earth, which would continue to revolve In concert, but be sep arated a the moon 1 from the earth now, until each piece, being much amaller, would (row cold more quickly and In about five centuries the human race would become ex tinct. Tha statement 1 confirmed that suppos edly extinct volcanoes In the center of France, one at Auvergne and another near Creusot, emit rumbling and the neighboring village are panicky. The whole region around Pau and Blarrlts 1 shaken by alight earthquake almoat dally. The municipal council of Pau telegraphed a request to the minister of the interior to appoint com mission of scientists to examine whether there I any likelihood of volcanoes In the Fyrennee. VANDERBILT MAKING A RECORD Bow Generally Recognised In France , ' Equal to the Beet Aao. moblllsts. (Coryrlght. 190J, by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS, May 24. (New York World Ca blegram Special Telegram.) W. K. Van derbllt. Jr., la now recognised In Franc a the equal of the beat French automobile crack. The paper publish biographies of him and the Illustrated papers show him la a hundred ways. He hold the kilometer record for petroleum machines, bat th Eerpollet ateem vehicle retain th best record for speed, which fact Mr. Vanderbllt ays gall him night and day. as he favor petroleum fuel. Therefor be baa Just or dered a sew machine to be specially built, regardless of expense, embodying several of hla owa improvement. With th new automobile he Intends to smash all record from one to tea kilometer, everybody re gret that the breaking of a driving sprocket threw Mr. Vanderbllt out of the two days' road race organised by the min ister of agriculture to determine the su- perlorlty of alcohol as a fuel, because his running la the first two hours Indicated that be waa the moat likely to win. An other American automoblliat making hi mark her la David Wolfe Bishop, a New lork millionaire. MflRRIF A TITI C APTTQ All n k.i. ri ni-k. Earl Who Vowed to Wed Gatekeeper' Daaghter to Become Haabaad ( Noble Dmi, (Copyright, 1802, by Press Publishing Co.) BKRL1N. May 24 (New York World Ca blegramSpecial Telegram.) The betrothal of Earl Beaucbamp and Lady Letiie Uroa veaor, a sister of th duke of Watmtntr, dlspoee of a pretty romance which for year haa hung around thla handtom young nobleman name. It waa said that b fell 1 love when SO year old with th beautiful daughter of the gat keeper of hla country mansion. Madresfield Court, and pledged himself to marry her wbea aha should be educated up to the position t which she r-at to be called. Bine then Beaucbamp baa been governor of New South Wales, a poaltiea te which his tasxpeiisace brought lamentable ftllur. Kow h Is chiefly noted for the wonderful collection of aauJt boxes a aa gathered at Immense ooet. CHANCE TO DISPLAY JEWELS BnJItr Martla r.lrfi an Ktf talament Which la tailed a Jewel Competition. (Copyrteht. 1902, by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS. May 24. (New York World Ca- blegr.m-Speclal Telegram. )-Mrs. Bradley Martin decided to mark tn eoa 01 ner Parla season with as entertainment which naa been much discussed, beforehand since, play competition." Seventy people aat at I ten tables In the private salon in the Elysee Palace hotel. The two adjoining dining rooma were also utilized that an orchestra placed In the one furthest re- mlht wft ,u melodic tnm afar. umiskuii ; autuiu(rau; ' wm luinri saiiuu. It had been announced that Mrs. Bradley Martin was going to wear even more Jew elry than she usually does, having recently acquired an enormous amount at various auction sales of historic heirlooms which five experts bad been working on In her own apartment, spending six weeks In re pairing and resetting according to Mrs. Bradley Martin s Ideas. But she was so mocked by the Paris press because of her love of exhibiting heavy gems in the French salons that she concluded to disappoint ex pectancy and appeared In a lovely dress of lavender gray velvet, the only ostentatious ornamentation of which was trimming laced with diamond studs. Many of the women invited, not wishing to be outdone by the hostess, went literally loaded with precious ornaments. Among the few who succeeded in making an impression without showing bad taste was Mrs. Arthur Paget, whose diamond dog collar was a unlquo specimen of massive splendor; Mr. Astor and Mrs. Stuyvant Fish. Mrs. Astor wore a dress of white satin brocaded with black velvet and trimmed with rows upon rows of -costly pearls around neck, wrist and waist, and even on the lower hem, while on the front the gems formed an apron-like cascade. Mrs. H. Lehr wore no Jewels, yet she looked charming In a gown of black and gold. Mrs. Kerntchan wore eight rows of pearls about her neck, every pearl of which once belonged to some crowned head. One of the handsomest women present waa Mrs. Bayll of New York, who Inaugurated the latest fashionable decolctte the dress cut square in front, as low as possible. while Use back was cut V-shape down to the waistband. Among the other guests were Count Montsaulnln, Mrs. Ronalds, Mr. and Mrs. Bishop, Earl Cairns, Mrs. Orivold Grey, Baroness de Sellllere, Mrs. Reed, Arlstarchl Bey, Mr. and Mrs. Munroo, Count and Countess Chandon de Brlalles, Messrs. Edward Tuck, Luckmeyer, Harrl- man, Gerbry, Cutting, Thome, Baldwin. Raul Duval, Otis, Reverend, Morgan and Priace Dellgne. GOSSIP OF PARIS THEATERS Aronaon Discovers n New Violinist nnd an Amrrleua Tenor la Highly Honored. ' (Copyright. 1803, by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS, May 24. (New York World Ca blegram Special Telegram.) Rudolph Aronson claims to have discovered In Buda Peath a violinist wonder named Jeroslor Koclan, who will eclipse Kubellk. Mr. Aronson says he has engaged Koclan Ira mediately for an American tour, guaran teeing mm iioo.uoo. Koclan la to appear Bret In publlo in London May 2G, then at William Waldorf Astor' muslcsl on June 7, and In New York early In November. Mr. Aronson add that he ha associated with him In thla enterprise Joseph Letter of Chicago, and Mr. Arkell, th former owner of Judge. William Caatleman, an American tenor, haa achieved the astonishing distinction of being chosen to create the part of Slgfrled In the first Paris production of "Gotter Damerung." Maurice Maeterlinck' new play, "Mon- nia Via," is a psradlcal departure from hi usual method, being a perfectly clear melodrama. The critics agree that there are a number of exquisitely written scenes but that the action la slow and improvable, The Bernhardt theater will open next week with the great Italian tragedian Novellis. Jean de Reaxke Intends to start a move ment to get an engagement for Miss Van Bandt, th wonderful American soprano, who waa driven from Parla twelve year go for appearing unsteady on the stage, The new grand opera, "Orsala," has an awfully somber tone of the period of the Venetian republic,' with much murdering. Th music, by the two Hlllemancher broth ers, is rather learnedly northern and cold. A little American-Chinese play, "The Cat and th Cherub." by Fernald, used as a curtain ralaer at Rejanea theater, ha been delighting Parla audience, winning unanimous praise. Rejan I going to Lon don tor a coronation engagement. So Is Sarah Bernhardt. COUNTESS SNUBBED BY QUEEN London Society Still Talklnw of Meet ing Between Connte of War wick and First Lsuly. (Copyright, 1902. by Frees Publishing Co.) LONDON, May 24. (New York World Ca blegram 8peclat Telegram.) -Everyone Is still talking of the wonderful effect created by the countess of Warwick at the last court. In white dress and rose-colored velvet train she easily carried off th palm for regal beauty and stateltness. She wore a Marl Antoinette curl down the neck which several other women tried, but found unbecoming. She presented her daughter, Lady Marjole Orevllle, who I handaoms. but Inherit her father' somewhat thick' set figure. King Edward received the beau tiful countess with marked graclousness. while the queen merely gav a stereotyped bow and then looked to the next comer. It was a critical moment the meeting of these two women and all eye were trained to see how they would comport themselves under th ordeal. Neither one displayed th slightest nervousness, but it waa noted that the countess' demeanor had en added touch of haughtiness as she p- I nrn..hed tha nusen and aweiit naut th. r r - - presence with an air somewhat suggesting conscious triumph In tb yssra since they had met face to face. The queen, on the other hand, received Mrs. George Klppel with an especially agreeable smile and the king beamed all over hla face at the aame time. When th king and th queen walked through the gallery where the guests were drawn up both stopped and spoke for quite a while with Mrs. Keppel, who looked very handsome and debonair In a magnificent whit dreaa and biasing coronet. Her again th king spoks to tb countess of Wsrwlck. but th queen passed on with out exchanging a word or a glance In her direction. Toletol I Again 111. LONDON, May 24. Th agent la Eng land of Count Tolstoi, th Russian novelist and reformer, telegraphed th Associated Press today confirming the report that Tol tol I again 111. H I suffering from ty phoid fever. Hi temperature la 101 and hi mind, la lucid, ARMY SYSTEM IS BAD Brtins and Hot Society LighU Wanted to Lead Great Britain'! Troops. SCATHING REPORT BY EXPERT COMMITTEE Extravagant Living Keeps Many Capable Men from Serrioe in the Army. i CAVALRY SERVICE MOST INEFFICIENT Private Income Needed to Piece Out Salary in This Department of Army. RADICAL REFORMS ARE RECOMMENDED Disclosures of Inefficiency In Sot th Africa. Likely to Lead to n Revo latlon In Organisation of the Army. (Copyright, 1902, by Press Publishing Co.) LONDON, May 24. (New York World Ca blegramSpecial Telegram.) The system of educating British army officers has been declared by a committee of experts, after elehteen montha of Investigation, to be effete, rotten from top to bottom. The re port explains the secret of much that ha happened in South Africa In the attenc to subdue the Boers. Sandhurst, the British West Point, it equivocally condemned. The whole t of training, mental, moral and physic. will be radically altered. The existing sys tem, the committee asserts, offers no re ward for seal or ability and an officer's ad vancement depends upon anything but knowledge and efficiency In other words. It depends entirely on seniority and favor itism. An officer, especially mentioned for clev erness and energy, gains nothing unless he has "pull" of some sort. The extravagaat living, especially In the cavalry, will be checked. Polo tourna ments will be prohibited, while regimental coaches and pack of hound will be abol ished. The time-honored notions, that the biggest dandies make the best officers and that the sedulous cultivating of sports and pastimes, at the expense of professional duty, equips a man to be a successful com mander, at last have been exploded by the bitter humiliation In the South African war. The possession of a considerable private Income has hitherto been an essential to holding a commission in a cavalry regi ment, owing to the regimental expenses, which now will be cut down. The commit tee asserts that a between money and brslns It Is better that the army should have the latter. Censored Telegram! Not Trnthfnl. Even more sensational than this sweeping report is the second volume of the Times' History of the 8outh African War," In which the mismanagement of the Natal cam paign and Buller's blunders are remorse lessly exposed. Battles like that at Talana hill were brazenly described la censored dispatches brilliant British victories, and now, for the first time. It Is admitted that they were overwhelming defeats.' The whole truth about the humiliating disaster at Nicholson's Nek, the flight of Orimwood's Infantry brigade and the cavalry stampede are described with painful minuteness, the account wtndng up with an admission that the surrender, though premature, "was not more humiliating than many Instances In which the struggle was abandoned when there was much better hope of escape or relief." The most startling part of the criticism of Buller' conduct la hi abandonment of hla guns at Colenso, the lamentable failure at Splonkop and the historic hellogram di recting General White to surrender Lady smith. A pitiful picture Is alio painted of the panic of cad in the War office by Buller' contradictory dispatches, on moment refus ing reinforcement, the next counselling surrenders. Balfour 1 complimented for hi firm, courageous counsel at this critical moment. At hi suggestion Buller waa ordered by cable to either persevere or come horn. If Buller haa any defense It 1 believed that he will be stung by this merciless In dictment Into making It at all risks. The book affords the first glimpse, partial and restrained, of fact In th South Afri can campaigns, which the most rigorous censorship ever known hitherto contrived to conceal. LIONS INCREASE IN IRELAND Dublin Coo Doing a Proatuble Baal- ness In Selling the Yonng. (Copyright. 1902, by Press Publishing Co.) DUBLIN, May 24. (New York World Ca blegram Special Telegram.) It Is a singu lar fact, and one caualng much speculation among scientist as to the reason for, that nowhere out of their own habitat do lion breed so freely a in Ireland. The Dublin too la noted for regular litter of young Hon, which are exported at very profitable price to all part of tha world. One Hones lon in sixteen years has contributed cub worth $7,000 to th zoological society ex chequer. In all 217 Cuba have been born and reared In the Dublin Hon house and over $25,000 haa been realized from their ale. The Irish Hon in tact haa coma to be known to zoologists, menagerie and trav eling shows mors Intimately than the far- famed British variety. BOERS TO BE GIVEN TIME Leader Are Net te Be Hastened : Conferences with Their Follower. LONDON, May 2J. Th development in the South African peace aituatlon today bear out all tb detail cabled to th i soctatsd Press. A member of the government said: "You are personally correct la Insisting that everything Is settled and that tha war la at an end. It may be, however, that sev eral week will elapse before a definite an nouncement can be made. We want to give the Boer leaders every cnanc In their con ference with their follower and that take time." British Blunder Denounced. LONDON, May 24. Th second volume of the London Times' "History of the War," which ha Just appeared. Is attract log attention because of It scathing de nunciation of British generals and the Wsr office. The criticism Is given additional weight by the fact of It appearing under the auspices of "The Thunderer." No enemy of Great Britain could more frankly aeoounc Brulaa blunders. ARE AFRAID OFAIRSHIPS N0W Accident to Severe Deters Many front Following; Ont Their Ideas In This Line. (Copyright. 1902. by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS. Mav 14 (New York World Ca blegramSpecial Telegram. )-The accident to Severo's airship, Psx, has deterred three lt .. , . 1 . . . t. - . t ...I. uicuuiUK lumriiiuri lur i uvj 01. iwui. iai. i priie. Mr. Blight, an Englishman who had been keeping twenty workmen busy for six months, has sold his balloon for Junk and has advertised the shed be built on the out skirts of Paris for sale by auction. Jerome Pascal, a Frenchman, who haa two balloons completed, tried for Ave days, but unsuc cessfully, to induce somebody to make an ascension witn mm. wnen a young aero- naut finally accepted, Pascal' heart failed htm completely and he sent the World' Paris bureau a humorous letter requesting the correspondent to publish that hla bal loons, patents and appliances are for aalo cheap to any American desiring the best untested machine Invented for entering the St. Louis competition. A third man has also abandoned his airship propriety. Two Americans, brothers, named Pollard, ar rived here the week before the Pax acci dent, bringing plans for a machine they in tended ulld and try here. They saw the trag . save concluded to sail home ner i"' ay. Sachet, the young engi ne .s -with Severo, was burled in an ) nl8 body being followed to the .few. His young widow and babe .ged father and mother, whose sole . he was, have already received from .J iptlons $5,000. Severo's funeral was Impressive owing to the participation .razllian officials here. -ALOUS HUSBAND AFTER KING Desires to Search Leopold Yncht for HI Wife, bnt I Summarily Ejected. (Copyright. 1902, by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS. May 24. (New York World Ca blegram Special Telegram.) King Leo pold s yacht Alberta, in which be Is now cruising on the northern sea. Is being dogged by a smaller steamer, chartered by a Jealous German husband, a leadlug banker, who believes his young Partslenne wife Is concealed aboard the vessel. The woman left her home a month ago. Her husband tried forcibly to search Alberta lately at Dunkirk when the king returned on a mysterious flying trip of twelve hours to the French capital. But a soon as the Identity and business of the Irate visitor became known he wa summarily ejected. Owing to the great prominence of all parties this may develop Into the greatest scandal of the time. FRANCE LONG ON SUBMARINES Minister of Marine Orders Thirteen New Bents of Thla Clna for the Government. (Copyright. 1902, by Press Publishing Co.) PARIS. May 24. (New York World Ca blegramSpecial Telegram.) Minister - of Marine De.Lanessan has Just ordered thir teen new submarlc boat built on the new plan by Laubauf. According; to the apect ftcatlona they must submerge completely In five minute and be delivered finished In three montha. With these new crafts France will have twepty-thre submarine boat. CHANGES IN POSTAL SERVICE Readjustment of Salaries Made In. Number of Nebraska, , Offices. (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, May 24. (Special Tel gram.) Albert L. Drew ha been appointed a rural free delivery carrier at Burlington, la. Postoffice discontinued: Orum and Splker, Waahtngton . county. Neb., mall to Kennard and Herman respectively; Louise, Blackhawk county, la., mall to Laporte City. Earl A. McElroy and Augustus A. Tylee have been appointed clerk in the post- office at Lincoln, Neb. Th following changes In presidential postmaatera' salaries were announced to day; Nebraska Increase: Nebraska City, $200; Lincoln, Newman Grove, Niobrara, Plalnvtew, Plattamouth, Ponca, St. Edward, Scrtbner, Sidney, University Place, Wake field, Wiener, York, $100. Decrease: Orleans, $200; Norfolk, Oxford, Peru. Ruahvlll. $100. Wyoming Increase: Sheridan, $300; Doug las,; New Castle, $200; Buffalo, Cambria, Casper, Lander, Rock Springs, Saratoga, $100. Decrease: Green River, $200. Rural free delivery service will be estab lished on July 1 at Lamont, Buchanan county, la.; length of routes, 47ft miles; population, 695. i, The abstract of the condition of th na tional bank of South Dakota at th close of business April 30, a reported to the comptroller of the currency, shows ths average reserve held a 11.5 per cent. against 32.74 per cent on February 25. Loans and discounts Increased from IS. 6S9.S37 to $7,129,670, gold coin from $259. 045 to $312, M0, total specie from $427,395 to $509,087, - lawful money reserve from $660,239 to $774,675, individual deposits from $8,941,600 to $9,688,261. The banks of Iowa, exclusive of De Moines, show th average reserve held at 26.65 per cent, against 28.29 per cent on February 25. Loans and discounts In creased from $63,148,459 to $66,374,756, gold coin from $1,752,871 to $2,017,166, total specie from $3,163,990 to $3,486,911. lawful money reserve from $4,912,172 to $5,313, 783, Individual deposits from $63,608,834 to $66,745,322. THIRD JURY CONVICTS IRWIN Guilty of Murder of Oscnr Miller, Mak ing Second Convicted, While One I Clcnred. CLARINDA. Ia., May 24. (Special Tele gram.) After being out all night th Jury In th Page county district court early thla morning returned a verdict finding Wesley Irwin guilty of murder in the second de gre for th death of Oscar K. Miller. He la th second person found thu guilty for Miller' death, while one of th three al leged to have been together la the crime was cleared. 'IV Cdact Drive Mnn Insanst. SIOUX FALLS. B. D., May 24. (Special.) Th penitentiary her again haa a woman prisoner in the person of Mrs. Sophia Serr of Hutchinson county, who, with Phillip Knodsl, also of that county, has Just been placed In th Institution. They were each given three yeara' imprisonment. Knodel Is the father of alx children and Mra. Serr the mother of two. Last January the couple eloped and fled to California. They later returned to Nebraska, where they were arrested and returned to South Da- keta. The husband of the woman, aa the resun oi uis wue ceaauci. ui become In sane CORONATION A DRAG Only Peace in South Africa Can Bare the Season from Proving a Fiasco. EDWARD SAID TO BE GREATLY NETTLED Prioe of Seats in Stands and Other Places or Vantage Take a Severe Tumble. DOWN IN REACH OF ORDINARY POCKETS fine! Jt Difficult to Raise Money for Deoorative Purposes. MISERABLE WEATHER ADDS TOTHE GLOOM Invitation Now Being Sent by the King to HI Personal Friends to Attend the Corona tion Ceremony. (Copyright, 1902, by Press Publishing Co.) LONDON, May 24. (New York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) There has been a stump in the coronation season. Nothing can save It from dismal failure ex cept a declaration of peace. For the last two months we have been waiting In eager expectation for the promised outburst of unexampled and brilliant gaiety which waa to make the season of 1902 unique In social annals, but Instead of gaiety there Is de pression, dullness and a feeling of disap pointment. The king is a prey to deep chagrin. It la asserted, at the poor show London society Is making In honor of this great occasion. The absence of all signs of the enthusi astic interest which heralded Queen Vic torla's two Jubilee is unmistakable. The classes who hope to make money out of visitors and the section of the press which thinks it policy persistently to adulate the court are doing everything possible to pump up popular excitement. There Is lit tle response and no spontanelety of inter est la evinced as was the caae at the Jubl lees; there Is no symptom of that gradu ally swelling emotion which culminated In th triumphal progress through the capital of the venerable queen In 1887 and again In 1897. The story Is that the king asked some members of his entourage to explain the dead-alive perfunctory spirit in which his people are approaching the celebration and the reply waa: "First, the war; second, because the cor onation ceremonial is to be participated in by only a small set claw; third, because the novelty of royal processions through the streets haa worn oft. There 1 something in these explanations, but there 1 still more In the fact that King Edward does not Inspire that sentl mental devotion engendered by the long and memorable reign which the Britons lavished on Queen Victoria, who, also unlike him, possessed the attraction of being unknown to the vast majority of her subjects. Stands Going I' p. Already the principal West End street ftr .Alsfigured by. unsightly boarding, In closing stands of every kind. The club. whir have suffered grievous loss by the spread of the fashion of restaurant dining, are feeling heavily the financial strain of providing suitable decorations. White's, In St. James street, a historic institution, has " compelled to make a whip among ite members for subscriptions and the result m so poor that It 1 doubtful whether It can decorate at all. The big political cluba, whose funds are augmented by political gifts, are speculat ng heavily In seating accommodation and all find the demand for seats sluggish In the extreme. At the St. James' club, a great diplomatic center, only eight seat have been applied for to date, at $25 each, whereas at the last Jubilee the committee found It necessary there, as at other clubs, to ballot for th available places. The street decoration and Illumination are being well organised, but In many cases the original plans have been curtailed be cause the necessary subscriptions were not forthcoming. The seat agent are coming down noticeably In their Interpretations of profit and now offer very good seat on Pic cadilly and 8t. Jame street at from $10 to $75 apleoe. Compared with the prices asked a month ago, these figure encourage the hop that In coronation week the Judicious visitor can get th best possible accom modatlon for very much lea even than th present quotation. The miserable, unseasonable weather con tributes to the depressing Influence under which King Edward 1 to be crowned, but If th peace negotiations Issue successfully that may save the situation. Otherwise the much-boomed coronation may prove a painful fiasco. Invitation from th King. King Edward' personal friends have re ceived their Invitations to the coronation The cards, which came carefully packed In tissue paper, between cardboards, are about ten inches long by eight inches deep, artis tically printed in sepia brown, with devices of the imperlsl crowns and heraldic em blaxonmenta of the king and queen around the border. The Invitation read: "By command of th king, th earl marshal Is directed to in vite to be present at the Abbey church of Westminster on the 26th day of June, 1902. Norfolk, Earl Marshal." The card is elegant, but simple, and is Intended, apparently, to be retained aa an heirloom. It 1 also announced that through tb Intercession of tb queen the peereeae la tb abbey are to be seated in chairs In stead of bard benches. These chairs are of mahogany, of the Chippendale type, and not upholstered. The abbey authorities expect each guest will buy her cbslr afterward as memory of tb occasion. Otherwise they will be publicly auctioned off. There I no doubt about th utilitarian spirit in which everything appertaining to thla up- to-date coronation Is being exploited. Creating n New Title. King Edward la credited with intending to signalise his coronation by creating a new tius. "trince oi we empire." to be conferred upon those who already bav. tb Order or in uaner ana wno nave per- formed services which can be recognized In no other way. A caae In point la that of the duke of Norfolk, on whom fall tb brunt of th arrangement for tb corona tion and who already possesses every dis tinction possible. The title will not be hereditary and will be open only to duke. It I rumored that th first recipients of this nsw honor will be, in addition to tha duks of Norfolk, the dukes of Devonshire, Richmond and Fife. The bolder of this dignity will be entitled to be addressed 'his highness ' and get precedence of all except the royal dukes. It Is asserted that Lord Salisbury op- ped thi creation on th ground that It I bM rather a German flavor. The king 1 I (Continued on Second Page.) THE BEE BULLETIN. Forecast for Nebrsska Fair Sunday; Slightly Cooler; Westerly Winds. Page. 1 Disasters Make French Crasy. British Army System I Bad. Coronation Sruaon n Drag. Fay Homage to a, Ureat Soldier. Many Killed In Mine Dlaustcr. Talk of Settling Coal Strike. SI New froM Orer Nebraska. 4 Panaccfote Dice In Washlagton. S Rich Chlnnmnn Visits Omaha. Horsethlevrs Bnsy Near Omaha. Society News and Gossip. T Methodists VUlt Assembly. Booth Omahn New. Connty to Harvey Railroads. 8 Connrll Blnfl and Iowa News. 0 Sporting Events of Sntnrdny. 11 Weekly Sporting Review. 14 Woman' World and Work. 15 Amusements and Music. 16 Story, "Banner of Bine." IT Pardoned After Fifty Yeara. Orrateet Noise Ever Heard. IS Editorial. 10 One Cnnal Most Re Built. King Alfonso XIII. Passing of the Frontier. Tribute to Sailor Dead. 23 Illustrated Memorial Poem. Indian Farming In Arlsona. 23 Market Rtporli. Temperature nt Omahn Yesterday t Hour. Drg. Hour. De-g. 1 p. m J a. an I 2 p. nt HO T m. m T2 a p. m MO S n. m ..... . U S -4p.m...... hO 9 a. ni Sl ft p, tit HI 10 n. m 72 p. in HI 11 su xu 7ft 7 P. m HO 12 m 77 ROSEWATER-GURLEY DEBATE Ralea to Govern Agreed Ipoa by Parties Covering Division of Time. The Joint debate between Hon. Edward Rosewater and William F. Gurley In sub ject to the following regulations and rules agreed upon by the particlpanta: Mr. Rosewater opens the debate in a apeoch of twenty mluutes; Mr. Gurley re pile in a speech of twenty minutes; the balance of the time will be divided as fol lows: Mr. Rosewater fifteen minutes, Mr. Gurley fifteen mluutes; Mr. Rosewater ten minutes, Mr. Gurley ten minutes; Mr. Rosewater ten minutes, Mr. Gurley ten minute; Mr. Rosewater five minutes, Mr, Gurley five minutes; Mr. Rosewater fire minute, Mr. Gurley five minutes; Mr. Rosewater five minutes, Mr. Gurley five minutes; Mr. Rosewater five minutes, Mr. Gurley five minutes. Under thla ar rangement each ' disputant has sev enty-five minutes. Mr. Rosewater opens, Mr. Gurley closes, the debate. The debate will be taken in shorthand, each disputant having his own stenographer, Mr. Rosewater to furnish a copy of hi re marks so taken to Mr. Gurley, aud Mr. Gurley to furnish a copy of his remark to Mr. Rosewater. Mr. Rosewater agree, it he publishes any portion of the debate, to publish It' all, the report to be made from the stenographer's copies, subject to ordinary rule of editing, each party sub mitting to the other copy containing such changes In the construction of sentence as may be necessary to cover any possible grammatical errors; otherwise the report to be verbatim. Mr. Wharton will preside for Mr. Rosewater, and Mr. Goss for Mr. Gurley. Mr. Wharton will call the meeting to order and introduce Mr. Rosewater. At the conclusion of Mr. Rosewater's first speech Mr. Goss will introduce Mr. Gurley. After the first introduction neither presid ing officer will do more than to announce the speakers. No Interruption of either speaker In any unseemly maner will be tolerated. Mr. Gurley desires a respectful hearing for Mr. Rosewater and Mr. Rose water desires the same for Mr. Gurley. TORNADO DAMAGES CROPS Rye and Flerce Wind Beat Wheat, Oat Into the Kansas Soli. ST. JOSEPH, May 24. A tornado atruck Marshall county, Kansas, late today, caus ing great damage to buildings and growing crop. The most caver losses occurred near Marysvllle, where the fierce wind was accompanied by hall that beat much of th wheat, oata and rye Into the earth. A far a can be learned tonight no Uvea were lost. GUTHRIE, Okl., May 24. The Oklahoma river are receding. Tb total damage of the flood throughout the territory 1 es timated at over $1,000,000. CHICAGO, May 24. A thunderatorm of marked aeverlty passed over Chicago to night. The rainfall was one Inch in a lit tle less than forty minutes. In th sub urbs and parks many trees were blown down. BELLEVILLE, III., May 24. A heavy windstorm, accompanied by a downpour of rain and hall, awept over Belleville to day. The roof of the National hotel wa lifted and dropped Into the street. Th street are strewn with fallen tree and debri. O'FALLON, III., May 24. A tornado raged In O'Fallon for an hour today. Th roof of Wachter opera house wa blown Into the street. Chimney were blown down, big trees uprooted and windows broken in. The rain was tb heaviest that ever visited the town. Th Darrow mine shafting was blown down. OSHKOSH, Wis., May 24. The heaviest rainstorm that there Is any record of In this city fell here this morning. It is laid In aome parte of the city to have been a cloudburst. After a time tb delug wa turned to ball and there wa much dam ag to gardena and fruit. WARSAW, Ind., May 24. A aevere wind nd electrical storm swept tbl region to day. The village of Monoquet, three miles north of this city, wa seriously damaged. Dozens of other house were unroofed or blown down. JO BE BURIED IN KANSAS SOIL Remalaa of General Lenvcnwortn a.a- bunacd from Deceased's Chosen Resting Place. HOBART, N. Y.. May 24 The remalna of Brigadier Oeneral Henry Leavenworth wr disinterred at Woodlawn cemetery, Delhi, today and ehlpped to Fort Leavenworth. Kan., where they will be re-Interred in th National cemetery on Memorial day. Gen ral Leavenworth died July tl. 1834. Nothing but the bone, which war In a good atata of preservation, were found They were enclosed in a metallic chestnut case for ahlpment. Oeneral Leavenworth aelectej the Delhi cemetery aa his last rest Ing place and there la much dissatisfaction In the removal of hla body. HOMAGE TO A SOLDIER Tribute of American People Bestowed ia TJnreiling Boohambeaa Statue. PRESIDENT MAKES ELOQUENT ADDRESS Countess de Bochambeaa Uncovers Monu ment of Her Pamous Ancestor. GREAT CHEERS GREET BRONZE FIGURE Preach and Americans Vie in Honoring Memory of Washington Compatriot M. CAMBON ACCEPTS HONOR FOR FRANCE Presenro of Yankee Soldlera - nnd French Naval Troop Gives Mili tary Aspect Recalling Scenes of Orlglnnl Alliance. WASHINGTON, Msy 54. Amid the en thuslastic demonstrations of a great con course of people the superb bronze statue of General Count Marshal de Rochambeau, who brought the force of France acrosa tbe sea at the hour of greatest peril In the American revolution, was unveiled today. Seldom has an event presented so many brilliant features of military pageantry and at the same time given occasion for the manifestation of the strong bonds of friend ship existing between tha French republic and the United States. For the first time In Its history the na tional capital wltnesKed the sight of rank on rank of French aeamen swinging through Pennsylvania avenue and mingling their cheer with those of the American blue Jackets and soldiers, while at the same time the FTench tricolors were entwined with the Star and Stripes, and the sound of the "Marseillaise" waa heard with the-1 "Star Spangled Banner." Ceremony of I'nvclllng. The ceremony of unveiling occurred at tbe southwest corner of Lafayette square, almost directly opposite the White House, where the massive figure of the French general has been erected. Surrounding the figure were great atande to accommodate tbe many distinguished officials and guests Invited to take part In the exercise. On every hand the colors of Franc and AmerJ lea were blended, one stand being hung with great fold of red, and another with white, and another with blue. Within this amphitheater were gathered representative of every branch of the government. Includ ing the president of the United States and members of bis cabinet, the chief Jus tic and associate Justices of the United State supreme court, the lieutenant general of the army and the admiral of the navy, sen ators and representatives. Not less distinguished was the represen tation of France, designated by President Loubet, and including General Brugere th highest field officer in tbe French army; Vice Admiral Fournler, inspector general of the French navy; Oeneral Count Chat endar, the descendant of Rochambeau and Lafayette, and other diettngulshed in French military, official, literary and ar tistic life. M. Cambon and Stuff. With them were the French ambassador, M. Cambon, and the entire staff of tb French embassy, all In brilliant diplomatic uniform, while the diplomatic corps wa represepted by the German, Russian, Ital ian and Mexican ambassador and th min isters from many foreign countries. President Roosevelt and the members of the cabinet were escorted from the White Houee by a file of minute men dressed in the uniform of continental days. The president noted the appropriateness of tha uniform for the occasion and made a brief complimentary speech to the escort. When the prestdent arrived at the presi dential atand the entire assemblage aros and greeted him with lusty cheers. After an Impressive Invocation by Rev. Dr. Stafford, who took the place of Cardinal Gibbons, President Roosevelt delivered the address of welcome. He spoke In strong voice and with great earnestness, pausing; frequently at the outbursts of applause. Countess Discloses the Shnft. A th president concluded hi addres the Countess de Rochambeau caught up the cords tied to tbe flag enveloping the statue and the massive bronze figure emerged through the folds of red, white and blue. At the same Instant tb boom of an artillery salute came from a battery of heavy guna nearby and the strains of the French national hymn, "The Marseil laise," came from the Marine band. It waa an Inspiring moment, and led by President Roosevelt, the entire aaeemblage Joined In cheering. Another demonstration occurred at the close of Oeneral Brugere' address, ben. with characteristic French vehe mence, he gave tills pledge or unaying Franco-American friendship: Entr vous, entre nous; a la vie, a la mort." ("Between you, between us; In life in death.") The ceremonies today were tha culmina tion of the effort of M. Jules Boeutve of the French embassy, extending over the last two year. He ha sought to strength en the bonds of friendship betwean tb two countries, and to this end baa brought to a successful conclusion the legislation, by which the atatue waa made possible. Streets Are Filled. The ceremony of unveiling wa fixed at 11 o'clock this morning, but long before that hour the streets were filled with inarching men and a great crowd eager to witness the exercise and review. A battalion of French seamen arrived by special train from Annapolla early in the day, and, headed by th crack band from th French battleship, awung'tbrough Pennsylvania avenue to Lafayette square, where the shrouded figure of tbe French field marshal awaited the signal for un veiling. The American soldier, aailor and. marine already had assembled and gav their French brothers-ln-arm a hearty welcome. Tbe American troops were under com mand of Major Oeneral 8. B. M. Young aal embraced a battalion of sngineer, a bat talion of sailor and marines, with the Marine band, a batallon of cavalry and field artillery and a brigade of national guardsmen et the First Columbia, repre senting in all tbe various branches of th United Bute military and naval cervices. President Welcomes French Gassts. The president made tbe following brief address: Mr. Ambassador, and you, the repre seniatives of the mighty republla of France; 1 extend to you on behalf of the people of the United Biatea the warmest and most cordial greeting. We appreciate to tbe full all that is implied In this srobassy, composed of such men as thoss who have been sent over hers by President Loubst to commemorate ths unvslllng of the statu of ths great marshal whose sailor and soldier of Franc struck tbe decisive. (Continued on Fourth Pag-)