Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 22, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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ztj Co:m:tm h Ltnouoer Ettftaiai
Tita it Xrtrj Point
nutm system voted down
iedidates Fleeed la fteawtaaflea Waa
BlTt All Aleaa rri
Bleed Frlead at J
Froo a Bta7 Correspondent I
laTNOOLN. hUy XL (Special.) The Lan
caster court 7 republican met la conven
tion today, with 47 iiW exa . e . and msd
in following nomiaatloni: Ftst sen
ators. H- CrNcUl aDd B. F. Becfctol; rep
feseatativea. J. H. McClay. J. H. KuckPil,
jr, H. M. Burgess, Charles J. srter.
J i. mn G. Holliet; county attorney. J. L
Caldwell; romminloner. Samuel Til too
Tha chairman of tbe convention wa J. C
IF. McKesson, secretary of Governor 5av-
A reeolutioh offered by L. L. Lindsey
hwns adopted endorsing H. H- WUm for
governor and K. J. Burkett for congress.
The Interesting feature of tbe contest
which had been waged In the primaries was
Um question of direct prlmsrlce. A effort
was mad te discuss thi questioa before
th nominations acre made, but Chairmaa
MrKeMoi ruled that tbe nominations must
t Bade tm. After tbe nomlnstiono Judge
A Ilea Field presented tie following reso
laUon. supporting It la extended
speech :
Ve Iwa Direct Frlaaartee.
Resolved, by the republicans of Lancas
ter county In convention ifmbM, That
tn DcrninM of this convention for mem
ber of the leixisiature te and are hereby
Instructed to present and secure the pas
Sere of if possible a direct primary law.
providing for tfce nomination of all public
officers by a direct vote of the people.
Tbe opposition to the resolution i led
try E. B. Stephenson. Bud Uodaey and T. ,
C. Hunger. Judge Strode aad C H. Bar-
ent made peorhes for tbe roaoluUoa an4
tbe -dlacoaslaa ana closed by Judge Field.
Tb rail call hwed tbe reaolutioa de- j
I eated. :i to Ilf, tbe delegate from the
country praclacta being grnrral!y oppoaej
to tbo syateia of direct primaries.
A telegram wa received from E. J. Bur
kett, reading as follow :
Chatrmtn County Central Committee,
Uncoin: I regret inability to attend con
vention. Extend niy nest withe to aU
and con gr relate oonrentlon upon excel
lent preaHlr.g condition in the country,
testifying to tba correct poller of republi
can party. - E. J. BURKE TT.
The convention adjouraad without adopt
ing a platform or resolutions.
make la Letter Baa.
hi ail carrier ,tnarnk opened c a mall
box la tbe aeuthweauera part of town and
found a live acako therein. Jl was of a
harmless kind, but for all that tbe carrier
aid not exactly like tt and reported the
affair to tba police, Henry Ernst, a small
Russian boy. wa located a tbe one wbo
tut tba snake in the hex. Tba bey ex
plained it by saying ha laid the snake oa
tbe box and the reptile crawled Into the
Ht Intended for receipt of mail. Tb chief
gara tba boy a lecture and allowed bin
to go.
J. J. Bill Visits lAaveala.
Sheltered In hu palatial special car. J.
3. Hill, the famed railway magnate, passed
tba night Is Lincoln, leaving; thi maraicg
for the tar west. He turned a number of
pace oa the turUa.gtoa station platform
last even leg. took a few mental photographs
of tba architectural proportions of the ata
tloa and Ita surroundings. . with the equip
tnetot and aback -4x aihls4 r tired tB tba
faatBcas of tba car. Not many were avar
of ht doming and few whs aaw him oa the
platform recognised him. After his first
appearance be occupied tbe time with his
correspondence and barred tha floor
against visitor and newspaper me a. ,
VTlth him were a number of officials whoa
as picked up aa he came along from Chi
cago. . They Informed waiting newspaper
men that tha trip was purely one of in
spection. Not since his abaerptloa of tba
Burlmgton has Mr. Hill visited Its territory
and his idea is to view It In all Its aspects.
Aboard tb train with him are President
Georga B. Harria, Director C E. Perkins.
Darius IdHlcr. traffic' manager: Howard
Elliott, aeoood vica president: F. E. De
lano, general maaager of tha Q: Super
intendent Nutt and a number of then. In
cluding General Manager Holdiego of
' Omaha
Onward la Denver went the special tra'.a
this morning. The trip' will be made la
eary stages. Tbe idea Is to slew the coon
try and tha prospects of a wealth of bull
ae this tall, aa well aa to not Burlington
condition all tit way. From Denver the
special will make Its way ta Billing and
from that town Mr. Hill will have his
private ear transferred to tb Northern Pa
cific and then ts the Great Northern.
The Nebraska State Dental, aaaoclatloa
continued lit annual con wet. cm today. To
Xlght the XAnoolB dentists entertained the
Tlalting members of the association at a
banquet. The election of ofScere and de
termlnatlan of the place tor tbe next meet
ing 1 oa the program for tomorrow morn
ing's session, . ,
Kastka Oat fcartas Oeatraet.
The decision ot the supreme court against
Charica Roe, appealed from Douglas
couaty. affirm the Judgment of tb lower
court, which revoked the executive garbage
contract held by Alexander McDonald. The
syllabus follows:
fader the provision of tbe charter gov cittes of the metropolitan claa the
authorities thereof, f r vhe purpose of
t rolectlr.g ami preserving the public
lealth, comfort end welfar. are empow
ered to enact by ordinance ii necessary
anrC reasonable regalauufis tor tbe collec
tion and rrmovxl of all nJth and
simt Douoiii end utr tio.e(ime eub-
sianoes, Katies. tai.Ve manure, rubbish a
other waate and rei use scatter, accumu
lating la centers of population, which,
wimoot u:h rt-gulauontf. would become
n Eleanors. - snaaacu.g to Vhe conit'rt and
heaita of tit inhabitant of sucix d'jn
and to license iik a persona engaced in
such occupation or bumoeas.
Such dues may also, aa incident vo the
pewer of reg-ulation. grant an exc'jl"e
i.n viler by ocmtraot to on person t eoi
lect aua remove under its oma immettlat
CirecUoa and oontrol. and in pursua&o of
reg-ulationa enacted ft that purpose, tloee
OKiiojs sad unwholesome subetanoe
ahirh are nuisancee per a and a mentic
to the oublic htalta.
Tb legislature cannot under tbe guise of
police regulation arbitrarily invade private f ?tfT rT,. , ..rrfrrrnc to the extent of
proja-rt y or j-ersonal rlgfcta. The iet wben j jj n yr Pound C
sum rvgxustion are caited In question, la , jYe,hen aretnet Ivuil. Af' rn-d. rav, C
hthr tney ba aorca malum to the; ,llK,n ,,mt Farmer ftate ban el
publ.e hea::b or put.Hc " arorvi;e. Af-rme't Barne. C
whether euih la la lact the aim aoucnt to i FrklTl sin jtllton. Rei-ered. Al
b attiobed ' bert c
It U net c-Tnjter.i for tbe rtty aa a Tt'rpir aralnat Jennette- Reversed.
pc.Hc-e rrulaui to rrant a rootn.poly to - jUnd C
or tndKlual by contract to enter upoei , puni,,,, .dinat McMurtry. Rereroed.
the private j.reiniee of tne tribaMtaota of :
the city and at tbetr "f"" 'ct d ', Grand lodre. Ancient Order of rnlted
tb( lr.wmut oubetancea. am h , Workmen. frnet Brte Reverad and
a ahe. cinder, otab roanare or other (,. for ,w tn8l. -)th oirectlrvn to
abbataacoa-not in themiwive aulaancea, , ,kw ertrnAnt ta tTTOT ,0 properry cor
but ahich If alloyed to aocuTulate In u- ) fc petition at to tbo came of the
reasonable jua.n:lUe would become aura ptT 0VdanU
or which may be uUliaed for Gore air,t la-r. Rrceed Ame- C.
f.clal purpoae. jcb an attemrted eaerclae Gc.t vlJnrt fl. r,rmel M. C.
jf power 1a In eacca of 'Jl'c,",-TtfX "il Thora afralnat Dodfo county. ReveroedL
by the t barter an lnvaaion of the per- Am, -T
aonal and property nghii lV1? Run'gulat aralnrt AJiderwrn. Affinoed.
In retralnt of trade ODd otineceaearUy jjtinr C
create a monoj!. Ricketti aralm EuckmafT. ReTeraod.
The eectlon of tbe ordinance of tbe city A'bert, C
and uninforclble because of an attempted Mt,T Reversed Ame c
f;,1 Df,-P1.! .IrLrtl Her alnrt Roe AfSnrTei Holcomb. J.
thorlty conferred wllb the charter aorera- ptate, n M nrht mlnf, pi-a-e. Writ
Ing auc city. denied. Sullivan. C. J. Sedrwlca. J con
la tbe opiaioa Jadfc Holromb Clacnaae currtnir In the concl union that thi court
tha c roiiowa- a Jurisdiction of tbe action but do not
ma caae aa lo.iowa. eapres any opinion on tbe question of
Tbe defendant In error, relator in tbe re-5jUdlcata. Holcomb, J : 1 cotk-ut 1n
court beiow, rued out a riant of babeaa lBe point Hated In the aixtb paragraph
corpu for the purpose of refSlTiire their ,k Tliabu and what la said in the
libertT from Imprisonment in the city Jail,
where they were committed for tbe allea-ed j
violation of one of the ordinance of the )
city of Omaba. it being: alleged aa a ground
lor tbe issuance CI a wni ana comenoea
at the trial that ihe ectkn of tbe ordi
nance authorising their conviction and im
prisonment wa null and void and their
oetention therefore unlawful. A trial in
the district court reu!td in a Judgment
boldltig tbe section of the city ordinance
under which tbe conviction wa had void
and discharging the relator from custody.
The respondent, a cutodian of the
prisoner under tbe commitment issued on
conviction In the criminal trial prosecute
error proceeding in thi court for the
purpose of obtaining a reversal of the
judgment aiacbarglLaT tbe relator from
Taraa Dw aorta.
Tba rase f tbe fcUate aalnt tba Ml
aourt Pacific Railway Company wa
miaaed because It 1 a criminal actioa and
cannot be rommeaoed before tbe supreme
court la original Juriadlctloa. Thi 1 tbe
caae la which tbe tat wa seeking to re
cover over StOu.OOO from the railroad com
pany because of violation of tbe maximum
freight rate law. It wa begun, by former
AVon General Smyth. The opinion ia
tni CM u Ju,tlce guiiivan. The
Tnabu, follow:
"The OBjy authority thi court ha to take
cognisance cf crime i that gtv-en by tba
constitution in the grant ot -appellate Jurls-i-c
tion. . .
When the leylalaOve thought 1 cast tn
the mould of tbe criminal law it will be
presumed, nothing appearing to the con
tra rv, that the remedies contemplated were
those geDerallv um4 in courta exercising
criminal Jurisdiction. The provislona or
section of tbe act of 1KH&. known as tbe
Maximum freight rate law." being puni
tive and not remedial, are to be enforced
in accordant with the procedure In tb
criminal code.
In the opinion Judge Sullivan aays: 1
Thi action waa commenced In thi court
to recover tbe sum of M3i.uii0, claimed by
the state from the Missouri Pacific Rail
way company on account of nineteen al
leged violation of the act of lKSi. oom
monlv known as "the Maximum freight
rate law. No question Is made as to the
validity of tbe statute, and tbe defendant
bv it counsel disclaims sny wish or in
tention to evade responsibility for the acts
described in the petition. It denies, bow
ever, that tbe case 1 odc which this court
ha original authority to hear and Oct er
mine. Or a era aa Sabsslttea Metleas.
Pettibone against Fltarerald: guardin
ad litem allowed 7S to be taxed aa a part
of tbe cost in the case.
Res against State ex rel School District
of Sarpy County. Motion to modify Judg
ment a to amount awarded denied. Motion
to modify Judgment a to costs denied.
Motion for rehearing denied.
Bowman oralnst Bellow Fall Saving
lntitution. Villi H. Thompson appointed
guarman ad htem for minor heir, plaintiff
in error.
Bock against Groom a Motion to vacate
Judgment of dismissal suspended. Motion
for rehearing sustained. Leave to supply
Moore acainst Heltael. Motion for man
date install ter denied.
Russell against Anderson. Motion to
atria teriefs of appellant overruled. Motion
to smrm overrule!. wn 10 apprin-es w
serve and tie answer briefs within three
Woolsev against WITUama. Appellant's
briefs stricken from fciea. Judgment of
district court affirmed.
Dillon anlnst Watson. Appellant al
lowed ten day t serve and file briefs. Ap
pellee allowed not to exceed thirty day
lheretaf tjr
Omaha against Clarke. Motion for leave
to withdraw bill of exeeptione for correc
tion and amendment overruled.
Trompen acainst Tatea. Motion for leave
to Lincoln Drug company to voluntarily
become a part' defendant In error over
ruled. Motion to supply record sustained.
Motion for leave to amend petition in error
Cady lumber Company against Clark.
Mellon to dismiss appeal sustained.
State against Nebraska Saving Sank.
Obtection to Jurisdiction overruled.
State ex rel blessing against Davis.
Hearing on application for order of refer
ence continued to June X.
Farmers' and Merchants' Insurance Com
pany against Collins. Motion lo quash bill
of exceptions passed until June t
Ordere on application for rehearing:
Peters against Huff. Rehearing denied.
Nebraska National Bans against Hallo
well. Rehearing denied.
Clarke against Irwin. Rebeartng denied.
Farmers and Merchants' Bank of Galve,
111., against Masher. Rebeartng allowed.
Concordia Lioaa and Trust Company
against Parrotte. Rehearing denied.
Coddlngton Savings Bank against Ander
son Rehearing denied.
Cre against Reicbenberg. Rehearing
Trennerry against Reicbenberg. Rehear
ing denied.
Iecker against Decker. Rehearing denied.
First National Bank of Greenwood
against Reece. Rehearing denied.
Carpenter Paper Company against Trn
daie Rehearing denied.
Gregory against Laaritt. - Rehearing
Rush ton against Johnston. Rebeartng
Loan and Trust Company against Stod
dard. Rehearing denied.
McCormick Harvester Manufacturing
Company against Scott. Rehearing denied.
Stafford acainst Harmon. Rehearing
Hc.t.ij against Norman. Rehearing
Glynn against Olvnn. Rehearing denied.
Hubrnka againat vera. Rehearing denied.
"pinion filed May B:
Rtnder aralnst Kingman. Affirmed. Kirk.
Patrick, C.
Union Pacific Railroad company against
Cheyenne county. Affirmed. Kirkpatrxk. C.
State against Missouri Pacific Railroad
company Dismissed tor want of Jurisdic
tion. Sullivan. C. J.
Farmers' Mutual Insurance company
against Kinney. Reversed. Oldham, C.
F-attke (.reek Valley bank against Collina.
Atsrmed. ttarnes, t
Judgment affirmed. Reversed Insofar j
It rt ieaee property not atteched and at-1
tached property directed to be first sold. If
insufficient to pay cost, and decree, then
other premise necume ta seventh find-
ing of referee or as much a noctwsary be
sold and proceeds so applied Hastlsr. C
Brua against Brun. Affirmed. Kirk
pa trick. C
Knight against Denman. Reversed.
Pound. C
Univiln ivi ty . UnrriiaiL ftvetru wttfe
dlrectlcn to enter aa order granting plain-
Good Old Grandma's Advice
Tba children are sick scad for grandma! Who is there L'ka ber for
wisdom and rexdenraa, and sympathy, sisca the first baby came? What
would we have done without ber?
HcwKt a Bpienaia. sbt el ssecb
wraiM U.J ve LLlj. aa ssvs b vol
rr W vUmI !!. fcwvtj W. fij.
ssa, U T usi twist. riisnwii, Oala.
-1 mSsrs yaw with w Swt
did -v 1 a ase. Jv sisui ar 1
l t.k rKk t fc-n -t .oa ut vl-t kmn.
Hbsirl. ft irk b. 1 rw4 (HriMi si
LmA mm ms llira ml tslur 1 rjw4
1 ts - I am mix aiaca
- sua. Jaas , fsvU Xa; Islaaa. data.
The wxvdom ol year of experience anth ber own health, and
erandpa acd the children's, aad children's chGdrea has taurht
rrandma what is rood for ber and the eeveral generation of f a rr, i?T
ah has looked after. Grandma of today know and advises that
Cautcarcts Caady Cathartic arc tha esly perfect tarn fly inedirine for
aU bowel troubles, children' diieisn. diseasea of tha stomach &d
lretr, sick bear! aches, biliousness aad bad blood.
I f f P lT hm
fctf li4 Biaiiijr
ootnton In relation thereto: further tba
that. 1 exnres no opinion on the subject
the Jurisdiction and authontv of the
court to coerce by mandatnua the chief
executive of the state. On the Question of
res-adjtidicata as held and applied in thi
case. I concur in all that 1 said and de
cided In the opinion.
City of Uncoin against First National
bank. Motion to dismiss overruled. Hol
comb. J. ...
The orniori In tbe following casea win
not be ofhdally reported.
Western Vnion Telegraph company
againrt Church. Affirmed. Ktrkpatrlck C.
Kershaw against Barrett. ASmied. Day,
Oandy aralnvt Estate of BlsseO. Re
versed. Pound. C.
Raynor against Wj more. Reversed. Day.
Twrareea Brothers Dcsaaa Arrest at
Sheriff aa Draw tie Who la
fared These la Fight.
DAKOTA CITT. Nrb.. May II (t?peeisl.(
Sheriff John Sides went to Lincoln to ob
tain requisition papers from Governor Sav
age oa tbs governor of South Dakota for
the arrest of Sheriff Lewison and Deputy
Sheriffs Homer Robb, Alfred Griffith and
Sam Holliday.
The met are charged with assault and
Intent to kill by Fred. Valaire and Adelor
Turgeon. brother, wbo reside on a neck of
land about fifteen miles north of this place.
On May S tbe Turgeons resisted arrest by
the officer oa the charge ot trespass and
In a fight which ensued the three brothers
were wounded. The Turgeon allege that
they were on Nebraska soil and that tb
officer had no power to arrest tbem.
Governor Hen-eld of South Dakota ha
Issued requisition papers on Governor Sav
age for tbe arrest of tb Turreons on the
charge ot trespass.
Itraagrr Few ad la Serf elk Says Be
Das Relatives, bat aXesaeaaaers
Ketklaa- Farther.
MADI50X Neb, May IL (Special Tele
gram.) A max apparently 43 years old,
weighing 140 pound, sandy hair yellow
moustache wa picked up on tbe streets of
Norfolk and brought before the commis
sioners of insanity here Monday.
He Is unable to give any account of him
self further than that hi name ts John
Jones. He is not delirious, but his mind
is a blank, owing apparently to brain
aays he bas some respected folhs, but
be cannot recall their names or their ad
dress. " ewe case at Week at Harvard.
HARVARD. Neb, May H (Special)
Thl week 1 gives to the various closing
exercises and class reunions ot the Har
vard public schools. Last evening Rev. T.
E. Sblrly preached tbe baccalaureate ser
mon, services being held In the Christian
church, all other churches uniting. This
evening class day exercises will be held at
the Christian church and tomorrow after-
nooc at tbe same place the graduating claa
will deliver essays. Friday evening tb
graduation exercise will be held at Stokes
opera house? at which time Stat Superin
tendent W. K Fowler will deliver the ad
dress and Superintendent W. B. Backus
present the diplomas to the class, eight
boys and nine girl a
Ta rasa
te Heme red Dead,
May IX (Special.)
Cnlon memorial service will be held la
tb opera house next Sunday morning at
U o'clock, the sermon being delivered by
Rev. J. G. Shirk, pastor ot the Methodist
Episcopal church. The Decoration day ex
erdsea will be held In tb opera boa
Friday morning at It o'clock, under th
auspice of Pierce post. No. lfl. Grand
Army of the Republic The address will
be give by Judge Joseph A. Williams,
after which the prooessioa will be formed
and will march to the cemetery, where th
Grand Army ritualistic service will be read
and th grave of the honored dead will be
decora ted.
Fareata Lg lgaeraal at htarrlagta.
KEARNET. Neb, May ZL (Special Tele
gram.) Cecil N. Gibbons and Mia Effie S,
Ever on of thi city were married at Grand
Island September L XML but announce
ment waa hot made until today. Teung
Gibbon was attending a Chicago busln
college and lor personal reasons wished
ta be married before finishing his course,
s did not advise his father until he re
turned a tew days ago. He is th eon of
J. P. Gibbons, a grain merchant of thi
city, and Miss Eversoa is a daughter of
F- J. Eversoa, th well known traTeli&g
Ta rask ranarrs' Telesksa Uae,
WTMORE. Neb, May XL ( Special. At
1 a eonferenoe last Monday evening of rep-
X'Pt rara
TeiepDon company, with headquarter at
Blae Spring, and a number of Wymor
,, . . M .
! builrM U was decided t eo-cperat
I lB bringing the company's lln to thi city.
! Thl mov will connect Wymor with moea
than en hundred of tb best fsrmers east
cf town, ala with th town cf Blue Spring.
Holmes mie. Liberty and Barneeum. Th
company als propose to push Its lines
i aouta and southwest.
- hta. harty Wssd. Kaaaetk. lad.
Until! Iwt artsh HSf
it au was la ftarfe a.arr aha I
a4 w r -a s arvrk. 1 smos bat auars
t Cofsa baiw 1 aaj slial MOM WaMW
ir iaa. KeaaOJaX. II
sola is ami. 1 h um tajuet easae4 C CcT
K sa r - - a-. - -
f eaijsnjr. Cl.x g a Mew Taca
arr asklac Casea -eat tar a Sew ntrbta W-
rora ttlabt i wa Slaa Sa paaa s i-wiBm
Si fa la leiia. ac-rel l t.i ria.
a 1 ar-...'.at tanaS a I aai mut iai a
erects trass All ssareea Beew Flat
tertag Owtleek. far Farmers
This Tear.
Crop reports from all sources are of tbe
most optimistic kind. Snmors of damage
due ta tbe dry. warm weather of April
have beea dispelled by the copious rainlall
of May, and throughout Nebraska. South
Dakota, western Iowa and northern Kanaai
the conditions bow prevailing are most
promising. Tb government reports, msde
up till Monday, give tbe Information that
tbe stand of winter wheat through this re
gion is excellent. While the straw will be
abort, awing to retarded growth during
April, tbe stalks are heading well and
there is now sufficient moisture to ensure a
large yield. Aa increased acreage ever last
year 1 reported. Rye ia la good condition,
though hot se favorable aa winter wheat.
Spring wheat and oat are well up and
Rains have Interfered eemewhat with tb
planting ot corn, but the work k generally
well advanced and the early planted is al
ready up and growing finely. Potatoes are
also up and promise well. An unusually
large acreage of potatoes baa been planted
this year.
From railroad and other aources 1
gained Information which more than sub
stantiates tbe government re porta. Agri
cult urs la the country tributary ta Omaha
never gar more promise at a bausOful
yield than at present.
Refaae ta Bald rmeeraet Kxer-
else X alee Webrasha City Beard
Aeeedee ta Deaasa.
cial.) The graduating class ot tbe high
school has been In a stale of excitment
for several day because of the action
of tbe Board of Education In apportioning
the seats for the graduating exercises al
lowing each pupil twelve tickets, and as
the clsss numbers twenty-one. this would
distribute but 2i2 ot the 20 tickets. Tb
pupils object.
At a meeting yesterday afternoon It was
determined to refuse to go on with the ex
ercise unless the board would allow them
reasonable number of tickets.
Their demand was for twenty tickets each.
but has not beea acceded to. Tbe pupil
have the sympathy ot the public.
Badleea Flees, Waa Faaeed Weaaea
Whew rOrawraedl la Flatte stiver,
Caarareel with Maaslaaarater.
BCHTTLEH, Neb, May SI (Special.)
Madison Fleck of Linwood Is oa trial here
ia district court before Judfe Hollenbeck
being held responsible for the death of
Mrs. Rimes snd her niece, who wer
drowned In tbe Platte river.
Their team backed off th bridge when
Fleek waa passing them oa the structure.
Harry Wilson was convicted of blgbwsy
robbery. Wilson secured $20.00 from Ed
Dugan at the point of a revolver. He
claimed that the mcney belonged to him,
having beea stolen by Dugan.
Activity la Kesrsry Crease ladastrr.
KEARNET. Neb.. May 2L (Special Tele
gram.) The cream Industry In thl county
Is assuming tremendous proportions. Over
a.006 pounds are chipped weekly to the
Beatrice Creamery company of Lincoln and
LM pounds to the Hygela Creamery com
pany ot Omaha. In addition the Watson's
ranch creamery Is receiving LStK) pounds.
Tbe total Is over a,000 pounds acr week and
th bueinea 1 increasing wtth the exten
sion ot th alfalfa acreage, . which will
mak Kearney th cream center of Ne
braska. UarbtBtaa Dcatrey-a Ckarch Steeple.
HASTINGS. Neb, May XL Special Tele
gram.) During a hard rain atonn her thi
afternoon lightning struck the steepl of
the German Presbyterian church and shat
tered It quite badly, beside tearing a larr
hole In the west sids of the building where
the bolt made It's exit- When th light
ning struck the steeple it knocked a large
gilded ball off tb top and hurled It down
oa the head of Miss Mabel Rboadea. who
was passing by. Her head wa bruised.
but so serious Injury waa sustained.
All eared rrgtr is Jailed.
OOLCMBCS. Neb, May XL (Special V
Roy Page waa arrested at Clarks yesterday
by Sheriff Byrne oa a charge of forgery
and with him were secured a borse. buggy
and harsesa. alleged te have beea stolen
by him la Omaha tenadays ago. The forged
Instrument waa aa order on E. D. Fitx-
pa trick for 112-&0 worth of graphophone rec
ords, the nam attached ta the order being
that of Henry Lubker. a local Implement
dealer. He la about 20 years of ag and
the son of a divorced Omaha couple.
Falls Dead Over aaa'e Crave.
WTLBER, Neb, May XL (Special.) Tea-
terday afternoon Bartholomew Eoubek and
his wife went ta a country graveyard near
their boms about twelve miles northwest
ot here ta care for the grave of a son who
died many year ago. Whil thus engaged
Mr. Zoubek fell forward over th grav
and died Instantly of heart disease, H
was 72 years of aga and had beea a real
dent of this county lor about twenty-serea
Caaaellr Cavsa Owe ta alary.
COLTTMBTTR. Neb, May XL (Special. V
Judge Grlmisoa opened the May term ot
tb district court her Monday. Th first
esse which waa given ts the jury today
was that of Vincent Connelly, charged with
assault and lnint te kill Andrew Chris-
tenses at Lalndsey January 1. Connelly. It
is alleged, drew a raaor and cut two deep
gashes la Christensen's neck during
frarus betweea the two. Tb defense
pleaded aeU-protectioa.
hedl atleara Over Oerasaaats Beads.
MADISON. Neb-, May XI. (Special Tel
egram.) Mr. and Mrs. Albert Moses were
overtakes by th ilora Sunday and sought
shelter In th buggy abed of Joseph Kil
pa trick' bars la Schoolcraft precinct. Th
wind toppled over the bara, then picked aa
the buggy with Its frightened eccupaais
and dumped all la a heap. Mra. Moses re
reived a sprained wrist, otherwise no een
oua results attaaded tbe mix up.
Faraaaasid Drwe ia the Blae,
ErWARD. Neb, May XI ( Special.
Oba Gigg. a young max wh had heea work
ing oa a farm near Staplehurst, wai
drowned la the Bias river Monday evening
Has Fhintpsea found his clothing oa tb
river bank and later the body waa found.
The coroner's Jury returned a verdict yes
terday that he cam ta hia death by dross
leg. Gibb wa about ZS year at ago and
hi relative live la Ksasaa.
Wadtaaa Twaaehera Get Mar Pay.
MADISON. Nek.. May XI (Special Tele
gram.) The Board af Education elected
teachers aad fixed eaiaries tor the ensuinA'
year. The increase la teachers' salanea
for th year will b UCe. Mia CathsrlB
Wsoda of Flattsmouth waa elested princi
pal and K B, MossmaB rs-eiected super'
ewravrd Will Far Water kasaa.
SEWARD. Neb, May H t f peciai ) Tb
city oewacll at Its aeaaloa yesterday evea
ing ordered fl.OM af water bonis ptud. which
wtth tt.70 of rwgietered w arras u also ar-
dered paiA. aaakea A (sod record for th
present administration, toward has been
drained each year In attempting to get tb
water plant en a paying basis and this Is
the first time there has bee any attempt
ts pay off the Indebted
Tawaer a Caaareeslaaal Asaireat.
FIERCE. Neb, My It (Special V Hon.
R. A. Tswsey of this place has told a num
ber of his friends that while not set kin
the nomination of congressman, he will
accept tbe honor and will de hi best to
be elected ff nominated. Mr. Tswsey sever
has beea a candidate for any office, bat the
nomination of county clerk la 1r1 and
stats senator la 1J0 came to him un
solicited. Thlak Pfelster laeaae.
WILE EH, Neb, May II (Special.)
Complaint ha beea made before tbe In
sanity board against a man named Pfelster.
who. It Is said. 1 roemln . around the
country south of Swantoa la a craned con
dition and afflicted with tb smallpox. Tbe
people of that neighborhood are very much
exercised over tbe matter and aa officer
went out this afternoon ta capture the
hi ad tee a Maeea Fleet.
MADISON. Neb.. May II (Special Tele
gram ) Glebe lodge. Ancient Free and Ac
cepted Masons held an election of officers
last tlgtt Chris Shavland was re-elected
master for a third term; M. B. Foster,
sector warden: Ed Frlcke. Junior warden;
E. F. Prince, treasurer, and B. A. Maloney,
Hsasr-Breakeri Oa ta JalL
DAKOTA CITT. Neb, May XL (Special.)
John Tobln and John Katon. th two men
who were arrested her for robbing th
house of F. A. Robinson, were sentenced
to fifteen days in Jail by County Judge
Elmers. Tobin gave hi home as Galesburg,
111, and Katon Red Oak, la.
Aaetaer toaker at Haaaaeldt.
HTMBOLDT, Neb, May XL (Special.)
A drenching rain, accompanied by much
thunder and lightning, prevailed here most
of tbe night- This downpour, wi'h a num
ber of other recent rain, puts tbe ground
in splendid condition and crop prospect
are very favorable.
Tag Wae Grades te.
cial. Tbe commencement exercises of the
Battle Creek High ecbool were held at the
opera house last bight. There were e-lght
graduates, all young women. Rev. Leedom
of the Methodist Episcopal church ad
dressed the class.
Bai at ss Is Dismissed.
DAKOTA CITT. Neb, May XL (Special.)
Ia Justice Spencer's court yesterday the
case against E. A. Fume, manager ot
the Grain, Beet and Preserving company ot
South Sioux City, charging him with adul
tery, was dinmissed. tba complainant not
Dtertple ta Meet at Beatrice.
BEATRICE. Neb, May XL (Special Tel
egram.) Th semi-annual convention of
tbe disciples ot Christ in the Fifth district
of Nebraska, which wa to have beea held
at Wymor May 21 to 29. has been changed
and will be held at Beatrice oa the same
Raiafall at Srknuka City.
cial. A heavy rain has been tailing her
tor the past twenty hour and the ground
is getting a thorough soaking. Vp to thl
evening aomethlng over aa Inch of water
has fallen. Ther is very Hula wind.
Two laehea af Bala at htavdaaaaw
MADISON. Neb, May XL (Special Tele
gram.) Thi vicinity had another good
shower this afternoon, making about, two
Inches, of rale fall th last week. Email
grain Is looking fine. Corn planting is de
layed on account of heavy nana.
Gage Cewaty D reached.
BEATRICE, Neb, May XL (Special Tel
egram.) One of the heaviest rains ot th
sesaon visited Beatrice and vicinity this
afternoon. Th ground 1 thoroughly soaked
and crop prospects la Gage county look ex
ceedingly bright. .
Eatertala Associate Baakera.
cial.) The visiting banker of group six
of the State Bankers' association wer
entertained by the local bankers last evea
Ing at a banquet at the Koehler boteL
Bala Bite Favyllllea.
PAPTUJON. Neb, May XL Special.)
Another heavy downpour fell la thi vtcia
lty thi afternoon and soaked th ground
thoroughly. Most ot th corn 1 up aad
doing nicely and pasture look Una.
Cattle Die af BlaekJec
MADISON. Neb, May ZL (Special Tele
gram, i A herd of oattle belonging ta O.
S. Christian, northeast of town, are af'
fected wtth blackleg and a number of th
aaimala have died.
iBvesters Will . Flad aa Opaartaavltr
far tawJrk Betaraa ta a
Live Ttwa.
ST. EDWARD, Neb, May XL Ta th
Editor of Tbe Bee: St. Edward ha be
come prominent because of Ita splendid
producing soil, grain and livestock mar
kets and la today one of tbe busiest vil
lage of Its slxe ia tb state. In 1SK) wa
wer credited with a population, of C3&. but
today we have L000 with la our bordere.
To show something of our financial
standing ws will gtv the total deposits
a wer published la the statement as or
dered on April 0 of the two national bank
located here. There was f2QI.2ss.vf of th
people' money oa hand at th close of bus
iness that dsy.
But this does not show our wealth by
any degree, as we hsv th finest farming,
valiey aad table land found la any com
munity and whoa, ws say that ther 1 not
a foot of wast land it speaks volumes for
our thrifty, well-to-do farmere.
This beautiful little city does business
with tbs fsrmers within a radius of eight
miles in any direct I oa and th trade Is
brisk all to tiro.
W have the finest store building, a
splendid water-power flouring mill with a
capacity of sot sacks per dsy. tb beat elec
tric light cystem. telephone system, long
aad local, with eighty-three connectioae;
rboola, cbBi-chea. residences and cottages
of say tows of Its sis ta tha state.
Oa May T w wer visited by a heavy,
destructive fire, burning out 1ZX feet oa
Mala street, all woodea structures. W ar
sadly la deed of several two-story brick
bandings te rent aad a good brick hotel
building would be a paying lavetmeat
Ther Is a splendid opportunity for some
oae to place money la a poaitiaa ta ears
The Commercial club aal the citlse&a
are agitatiag tha uestioa of putting ta a
waterworks system- W hsv abundance
of power aad caa raise the money necessary
for th plant. Information of the above
will be cheerfully gives by
Secretary at Commercial Club.
Imparl tat ta th blood prod seed by di
gestive disorders must be drives out before
hot weather sets is, otherwise stcknsa will
appear at a time wksa a strong, rig-ureas
body at asost Beaded. Prickly Ash Bitten
will expel all Impurities aad pat th yetaa
ta pert set ardar.
Mrs, . Frances W. Grtsham,
League of Educational Society, Washington, EX
C. Says She Was Perrnanently
Cured by
Vvarner's Safe Cure
Diseased or weak kidneys cause mora
trouble aai eot&falicatiea than any other
sickness. It the kidney become diseased
aad ar anable to de their work properly,
the liver becomes affected, tbea tbe blad
der, tbe urinary organa, tb blood aal
tbe tosnch- The btood become Impover
ished, th urine become muddy, and
will have a brick dust sediment It It
stands for 14 hours, th liver becomes
torpid and pains in the back are almost
constant as ths system becomes pream.
ted with ths disease, the stomach la
rendered unable to digest the food prop
erly, the result Is a general breakdown,
Warner's Safe Cure will purify and
strengthen th kidneys, kill the disease
germs, prevent ths serious complications
that arc bound t arts aad rectors
perfect health.
1 firmly believe that I owe my llf to
Wmer's Saf Cure. For tw year I
suffered with kidney trouble aad I
could had no relief anywhere. I spent
hundred of dollar on doctors and med
icines. Some would give temporarly re
lict aad others none whatever. I decided
to try Warner's Safs Cure aa a last
resort, and with I had followed the ad
vice of friend sooner. It was the only
thing that helped me. and in leas than
tour months It had made a new woman
of me. I am entirely cured, and I give
all the praise to Warner's Safe Cur.
Frances W. Gresham, Secretary and
Treasurer. Higher League ot Educational
Society. Wafhlcgi-on, D. C
vegetable and contains no narcotic or
harmful drugs ; It Is tree from sediment
and pleasant ta take. It does sot consti
pate. It is a moat valuable aad effsctiv
tonic; It is a stimulant to digestion and
awakens the torpid liver, putting tbe
patient Into the very best receptive stale
tor the work of the restorer of ths kid
neys. Warner's Safe Pills takes with
Warner's Sat Cur move the bowel
gently and aid a speedy core.
Warner's Safs Crrc Is new put vp la two
direct. 50 cents aad tl 00 a bottle.
Refuse substitutes. There is "none Just a
cured all forms of kidney disease for thirty
In leading hospitals.
To convince every sufferer from diseases ot the liver, kidney, bladder aal blood
that Warner's Safe Cur will cure them a trial bottle will be sect absolutory free
postpaid to everyone who win write Warner Safe Cure Co, Rochester, N. T, and
mention having aeea this liberal offer la this paper. The genuineness of this offer Is
fully guaranteed by tbe publisher. Our doctor will send medical booklet, costs lain g
symptoms and treatment of each disease, and maay convincing testimonials tree.
- vxiopt pacuic t 0
of California A
j and Return
I I fcj 27 u to 8. I v
Three Trtvlns Dolly
16 Hours Quicker
Thtwn Any Lln
N.3 ticket oyricr X S ' .
. u Fsai u X S
W. X. Jrari Faeea Jary, C'k armed wtth
Herder at &erge B.
DETROIT, May 2L W. at. Jones, a ono
tlm re id eat of Lincoln. Xeh, wa placed
oa trial today on th charg of murdering
George H. Hey wood, whoa battered body
waa found oa the sidewalk a abort distance
from his home early one morning la April.
Jooea roomed la Heywoode house and waa
arrested tbe same morclag th body waa
found. Th evidence against him is entirely
sail Iserrsa la Btarkrtlaa af Beas
as Cwaspared vrtth Last
CINCINNATI, htay IL ( Special Tela
granv) Ths Frio Current aays there has
beea a email Increase la marketing of hoga.
with a total western packing; of
compared with li9.0M th preceding week
and aua.W"! last year. Ebao hUrrh 1 th
total 1 4.t.)fl, against 4.U.eO a year
age. Fromiaeat pi tea cosapar aa (olleas:
mot. itn.
Oil ram l..t L'.
OMAHA .. ......... su. Wja
Kansas City .
Sc. Joseph a. rt.ia
it- Louis ta
eueua Oty . 17s.
Indiana pons lw.stw tik.
St Faul .' 12:,wa ii.,(im
Milwaukee .... , ir.
(IncinnaU ' lll
Ottusawa Mlaw MO
ksiads - 7.wa K gov
Sii saas ssa aav
Sal S ail Srusaiats aaj alMM
saeaaa ssr blaB.uuas Trwal
S oaaasav as a Ha- laa laj aaaae law xaas
teal saanaa. amaal 4 Sat. ssa fa usa aaaiir.
13 ya Saaa aaaaRAh ar uaja has, try suaa'
yaa-Ia It saau Laa SasC ass aaaAaa ajaUsis aasr.
f aras a aJ a. saaaiT n Saac llisnaa ma, Mali, auatv
lass saS aaliaas ais. 1 al'aiaa lass sa Saaiaan a
aaS I a ail it. I ry a aaSa.
tar SVc. laas t
Sara ia rsAA. ava-
4iiii A im Ate. si. X.
Secretary an J Treasurer Higher
Thousands, both Btea.
and women, have kidney
disease and da not know
It. It 1 hereditary. H
aay ot your family 1
thl or past generatiso
hsv beea troubled With,
kidney disease of aay
Bright a .
dlse a. a . :
raea aa a -
regular sixes and sold by all drugglsta or
a good aa Warner's Safe Cur. It haa
year. It Is prescribed by doctors snd tised
I The Bee
prints daily ,
the most complete
: Sporting :
News 1
The sporting department of
- . i m
Jftoeta tJt Tub Ri&s
v aal br
SatltstsiaK at MrUmaU DttO COv
Corner Sixteenth and nods' streeta. Osaana
BLOOD poisorj
la the worst disease on earth, ret the
easaaa.t to cure M HEN" VOL KNOW
WHAT TO XXX. Many have famples, spots
a the skin, sows ia in anouiii. uloera.
fallitig bair. bone pains, catarrh; (oa t
kt.ew It ia EUX'D FoleON. bend ta I'H.
bROWN. Kli Arch 1st.. Ftuladeipfcla. Fa.,
for BROWN'S BLOOI CVRli. U per
buttle; last one soontn. tooia cr ly sy
lumtii A slrConneU Lrus Co. ltk atd
lodg St . Oma La..
Brsra's Czpselss Z?l&9Z&
I I 1 11 CrvA4aaUlBmV WIWyU4gf aIM,
IL J -T 1 laalii-Af IUL.tMiV. fifaUlaaV .BSL
III mm m. VI um &t c in
W aaT-y lAtc.i4 I kV t iMst MUU Mi. ilaC rtWuiU;
vt r aii Umi pi'WUi tashhttrea IlitH
s A Ml I, M.ifctUb fValfct laaad bm1 i
VW:T''I'S, 1
'Vv "JH f"3 rheumatic gout.
L vVrV.;J aT Inflammation of
N ,,tN. tha bdad-
' W era- aad ,
I ttrtrx !
e4hr" j
I kjdatr
Every crni
frW.ll eS5
aaat,epia. vxS'!
Wj mo auui i fm U- L f
i.,lrala Sa. a i at la t f f
tuu ssraiiausa saj v-'n a. Cv I J t. Si aj Ca. L' . T