Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 21, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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Bert Lertxm Ttvlor Psts Hit "Lis r-a'-Type
. . Lyric" it "Book Tom.
Crk Streac,"' 5fw wTrf Tt E. P.
Oppeahelse IrrikMr1! Pebllsa a
. "Blstery ef EaiUtk
We are U teceist ef twa nil book ef
poems published by Will Urn t LcrJL Beth
collection are loetaa compose! by xn
connected with the Chlreg paper. "Jobs
JlrGeren i Poems' ki th tltl o out of
th books. Mr. McGirera hss fcr masy
years been ceaaecled with Chlcags Jsili
newspapers la SB editorial eificlij. Tail
little relume of blank verse contains
poems writtea sad im published twenty
to thirty years ego, bat never until now
br ovgbt between ccrers ot their ova. Tb
MlT reflection is "'Line-o'-Trpe Lrrie."
br Jm Lestcn Tsylor. Anybody who reels
th Chicago Trlbun win ot reja.r as
Introduction to tils sutbor er hi eersea.
Mr. Taylor's Verse as tbey hsee sppeered
la his column oa tfc editorial pace ot tb
Chiracs Tribune hire delighted thousand
ef readers who will undoubtedly be glsd to
tse theia ia book form. Readers v. bo bars
enjoyed tbe clever bits' made ty the Bil
lout!ne forks sad th "Bonk Booster"
1I1 And evea a keener enjoyment la the
weraes, (bat carry through them a Tela of
humor that makes their perussl a pleasing
recreation aai Sttrnf -relsx-ativ for the
mind tired with the dey's tares.
Rherwia Cody, sat hoc ef Ths Art of
Snort Story Writing.' kit a-ade a eoller
tloa .of famous khcrt stories which has
recently beea published' by A. C. MoCrurg
Co.. under the title of. "The World a
Greatest Ebort Stone" It eontaia. thir
teen stories selected from tbe best sothor.
Sir. Cody hs, .gone into the question eery
carefully, and considers That alt list rep-
reseats typical masterpieces et tbls form
ef literature It is Mt likely thmt his
, (waders will qusrrel with ths following list:
"Pattest Gnselds." rAlsddla." "Rip Tsa
.Wlakle," -A Psiision ia the reaert." "A
Child's Drwo f a Btar." -A . Princess'
Trvredr," Tba Go 11 Bu " -A Piece of
String "The Mas Who Would Be Kt-et,"
"Oarla Blrse - "Oa k tbs Btslrs." "A
Christmas Carol. Each story Is Intro
fluced by aa Istroductlon by Mr. Cody
critical and. historical.
"Enoch Stroae.; a aoret by E. P. O?
, . pen helm, pobllbed by O. ,VT. tnlllusbim
f Co. Enoch Btroo Is a mechanical atd
practical atglneer In a factory-In one of
- lbs Bagllsb salretowBs. Sprang from the
lowest strata of lbs people, and tbs son of
' Osaken jiarrnta, he Is yet endow d with
a-urh rara mentality as enables him to be
' eotn weU educated, though entirely self
, taught, and la every way brars the mark
ef a ansa of power. In bis leisure boars hi
works out 11 iBTentlra dubbed a "sMracle
crane," which Is destined anon to revola
CJonlss labor, not oniy In TSngland but slso
is America. Aa odd mlaadreeturs brings
- Btrons Into acqaalntaBcs" with Willy Wll
aca. the daughter of low-elsss English par
ents. ' la tbs meaatims the . rrsne li per
terted, aad lntroduecd lato tie factory sad
i ttrons arrows more and more Into public
v a teem. - His erane makes blm rich. -. He
aoakes blmsetf cbampioa of the people. Is
elected labor represeatattrs and takes his
r eat ta parliament. ' Mea of title an J
'-' wealth Bosn reallxs his power and seek ti
: wake much of blm. Meanwhile, -in a spsam
-v ef Bp, e prpoes' JCady MsllUKtourt
and la promptly refusea. Xot aoiil long
t-fter this does Btrone tears that Milty's
frequent wisits ta him bad become known
. to aal misunderstood by Lady MaHsgcourt.
The next mors to the drama la tbs death
' 1 ef Milty's mother, the lmprispament of her
, father, and her era easting out apaa ths
world. Bbe comes te Stsae with her story.
who la pity marries her. Tbs second part
- ef the story to ,- taken up .with . St rone's
' career as a parrtameetaiiaa, a social power
and a marital fslluae.' Us caa neither lift
his wife to fall owa level ear lore her as
aoau. Once' sure ef blm she grows
exacting and wildly Jealous wbdn she can
ot aria his lose. Failing la the lattec.
abs does her atmoat to degrade bim la the
yes af those who Igaora heraelf. lady
Malingraurt epmea 'ocrs mora - ta ths
.. ffroat. Tbs straggle finally settles Into
which af tbs two women will gala
( asoendanry oxer tbetcan wbather tbe ane
- will handicap bim lato etfaeement or tbs
ether push him ca ts ths falDlrmaat of his
. pwrs and pabiie- career. The denouement
Is unexpected, and tbs climax ts reached
through the Brian's newly awskened eeaae
ef duty through an anlooked for raia:t, aad
' the snsry enos with bis wifs resting with
aoatectmeat la her huafcaed ' arms.
Charles Beribner's fioas kava published
' "A HULory of English Literature. " by W.
V. Moody, assistant professor ef English
literature, aad B M. LiSTeUw aaaistaat pro
fessor of English, both af tbs Vaieerslty ef
' Chicago. Beginning with tbe Aaglo-Baxoa
penod. It carries the atadeat through the
( rarlouS ceaturies to and Including ths sine
teaath. ' The proportions ot this book bars
( ' bsa carefully ooasidered. A fan half of
ths SiMkca has beea given to -the last two
centuries and much mars to the nlaeteeatb
eettury thsa to ths eigateealh.' The chlaf
Cureo la esch era bars beea set ta relief
and ths miner agurrs bars beea grouped
about thm, suggesting tbeir relative alg
, x.lraaca A fall working biography, in
eluding texts, biography and rriOrlsm, has
beea sddea. abkk Is ot great assistanca to
tbe student
t Another spring book written partly in a
1 , reminiscent vela Is Joha' Carcia'a Aa
Americaa at Oxford." Mr. Corbia ta a Bar
; vard toaa who bka beea ia residence at Ox-
ford aad fcas sea much of English Ufa.
Bis book ts informed with exceptional
kaowledge ef Americas as well ss English
aniversitiee. Mr. Corbia coeers la bis nar
rative the a bole range of college actfTlitee,
outdoor aad Indoor life, stbletue sad clsbe,
examlnalioBS aad srausements. the uciver
ity aad tas outside aorld. Ke deals
lightly with ths history' of Oxford. Its
Splendid past snd it great influence on
English life, sad la the light ef tbis history
aai study touches ea tbs problems which
aew eoooera the Americaa cairerslty. ths
aeclal aad athSeuc problem, ths admlnisira
ways UiA
toe bow Tea.
Society Stationery
Our Ui4ay la Ue laj-g-Aat-Our
foods the proper Hilar.
plasty artsare, Ur rweaam Bt
'Mil.'!! m" ' ""' ",' 'er.
siu4a raua. Liner Swear. Tbiacs Hack
lUixarr ao-Uoa. M ascn. V r-e ar can
W Wl of bargains
I&J rsxaana. fHxeef.. taae tJTL 4
tWa srl ei-t!cfi! st tbs larga s.aesTo
of ths serrlce f tbs anirereity Is tka riva
lry. Tb sotbor adTocstss lbs s'tesdacrs
st Oxford cf ffradoate from the Amertrsa
UBlrersltles rather thsa tbs schools. rlalm l
tbl ..hoi a ma work barm to the .-
den Hcagbtcs. Ml2ia ft C9.
Isaac K. Punk. edltor-!a-chlef of the
Standard Plcticrary. with the ssrlstance ef
M. J. Moses, bas prepared a standard Flret
Besder. which we hsve- receired from Fuak
ft "vVsnalk srcortparled by a "Teacher s
Msnusi" for tbe sane, A knowledge ef its
authorship makes tbe reader one of rsltis
ta educators. Tbe senior editor dors not
hesitate to ear frsskly tbst he did aet give
harder work te the Standard Dictionary
tbaa he bas glvea te tbls little primary
rtader. for, la bia - Judgment, It Is Terr
difficult to overestlicst tbe Inpertaoca of,
a primary reader. In tbe making of tbls
reader the slm ha beea to give clear eaua
tlaiioa. te train Is detecttne; and producing
tbe sound that make up the lang-oate. to
inspire lore for nature, for truth, for coun
try, for otbers, te start tbe beginnings et
a public spirit, ef reverence for things ss
ere a ef those elements la rhsrsrter that
maks true mea aad women. A school sys-.
tern ihst does aet grew character Is a fail
ure, abaterer else msy be Us excellence,
and we believe that a great advance la ed
ucational work for tbe younger pupils has
been made la this reader. Tbe teacher will
find the accempaaytng "Teacher'a Manual."
with Ita suggestions and methods for P re
secting the Ifssoa, of great aaeisunca.
"A Lay Thesis aa B We Wines"' Is by
Xdwsrd R. ImdrtPt. a maker of urines.
Mr. Kmerseo dses not mtnee ma tiers that
reeuire straightforward basdliag. Prom a
practical standpoint the author demolishes
tbe theory last an "uafarmented wins'
caa exist' cr ever did extst. He drew a
sharp distinction tetweea tec per; iko aad
totM abniaerace. and can te 'olcr lb
ptohibitioast who . advocates leglslstlcn
which is distinctively class discrimination,
making no provision for (leastsrs and epl
deasKS. Hs frankly s'ates tat be Is a
burlnest for moae. tnst people mttt buy
bis wines or he will tall, but clslms that
the people who have' the - asoaey, and
iherefors are bis raalastay and support,
are not tbe drunkards aad ths sots, but
ts la -abiding and self -respecting ettisens;
not tbe msa who abuses tae gooa tungs
of life, bat tlie msa abs. around bis own
fireside, with his family beside blm, makes
proper ese of wine. The Thesis Is. In a
word, a statement of the many questions
Involved la ths cc Dai deration of Biblical
wines and their ase, ef temperance as op
posed te total abstinence- Merrill A Baker,
'Mr. TVhttaeea" la a story of tbe brig
ands, by Elisabeth PuUen. published by
Lathrop Pebilshlag company. Mr. Jeremiah
Wkltsoaa. a practical Americaa business
maa, wholesale dealer In tanners' supplies.
bas a aort of "Jekyll aad Hyde" nature
so far as bis buslaess aide and bis poet
ical side are. concerned. Under his very
conventional exterior be has a burning de
sire to see Italy. Tbe chance comes
whea his undo leaves bim S&.000. .With
tils he goes to Italy and has advent res-
Captured br brigands, .be wins them by
his courage. refuses to ransom himself,
sed Is sctoslly made chief of tbe brigands.
Thereupon ha sets tbe band sad Its opera
tions upon a business basis, forms the
Travelers' Refief associstloa wit by-Iks s
and parliamentary code of procedure, and.
as leader of his first "ope rati era attacks
tb coach ha which tb . young Italian
seeorlt he bas tulles la lor with la trav
eling. Tbe many experiences ef Jeremiah
are varied and be taatly labds again ia
Xew Tork with bis wife and a 9va dollar
aote. tb lat of the 15 .left blm by bis
uncle, aa happy and contented as caa be.
Tbe abort books are for sal by tbe Met-
est Btationery Co., 1S0I Faroem street.
A meeting of the Ft rat TTerd BepuMlcsB
club is called Tor Friday. May k. lsuz. a
Lincoln ball. Sixth ana Piere streeta.
The McKlnley club, recently orwaslte& :
young republicans of Douglas county, wil
give a smoker at tb MUiard bote MTednes
day night.
Tom White haa pleaded guilty - to
burglary aad been sentenced to spend an
other ove years -aiaor.g lormer acquaint'
anoes at tbe stats penitentiary.
William M. Marshall of Chicago has been
awarded a contract for supplying tbe army
with eighty-four cavalry horses at iUk
each. These Horses are to be used by tbe
engineers at ort tearanwonn.
Msrr C. Miiispaush and Nellie C Davis
daughters, have petitioned for the probate
of the will of Mellora Clark eon. asking
that Lhev and Thomas B. McPhersoa be
entrusted Vita the execution ef its ero-
vielona. There Is really valued st tou.Wre
ana personal property valued at gZ.500,
Civil eerriee era mtn at loci ts announced
for Omaha Jan 17, for tbe purpose of
secur-ln elirlbies to tbe peslttan of record
and iden tl ncatioo clerk la the C'nited
etatea penitentiary service. There la
vacancy at Atlanta, Ca., paying 1J0B per
annum to a person having sufficient fa
miliarity with tbe Ttterunon avatem ef
measurement and Identiflcatioa and who fa
aa -aoepi in ins pnoiograpy of prisoners.
Commlsaioners Ostrom and Hofeldt of tt
county board hsve undertaken the eoaae-
tat oencate fasa er ceittng to time aad
to termination aa Industrioua lot of rural,
lata out near the old fair grounds ea West
Leavenworth who are said to have under,
mined tbe road Jy diraina too far in the
sandpits which are so plentiful along there.
The First
Return of
iBAr-TKB ait.
It wa with tb report that tb eaariaa
ef Louisiana to Spain was irrevocable that
kill bet returned te - New Orleans from
Prance, after tb port et New Orleans aad
ef tae whole colony, with it, had heea al
ia cat closed against trade by tbe decree
under which ths Spanish authority had
rsvumed Its regulations as a royal mo
nopoly. The paper money of the colony
v. as aeotber eaua ef alSerence with Spain.
as ths caieeisu Insisted that ths French.
government would hav raised it I par.
while tllca would recognise It rta
current value, la attempting te ds 3me
thlag; te coociliat tbe revolutionary tem
per ef th pec pie. he ord red tb troops te
be paid la paper xaeaey a falsi mistake, aa
It feet blm tbeir confidence and took awsy
the last pport oa ahlch h could rely.
Lafrenlere new organised .ths revolu
tionary sasoclatloa which resulted fa ths
brief existence of Louisiana as ths first
sutonrmeus community ia North America.
The principal members of th revolu
tionary association wer Lafreaiere him
self, aha wsa still tbe srutraey geaeral ef
the celsny; ths "lateadeat commissary of
tbs coloay. Feucault. who afterward de
serted his associates; Ck trailer Mason, wbe
a as a knight of St. Loaia, a weattby planter
and a former captsia la ths Faeach army;
Cap', a la Neyaa aad Lieuteaant tteavtlle.
nephews ef the celebrated Bienville, foueder
ef tb eoioey; Jean aad Joseph Milhet,
Commander VUlare. of "th German coart."
Hardy ds BoisMas. a former member ef
the superior council, art ia addition te
these Doocet. Noras, Marquis. Carcass.
Petit. Peepet aad a aux&ber of ethers,
atari y all preauerat is th afiairs ef tb
colony. They met generally at tb bona
of Madame Preset, ah wsa ' Feucault s
"friend" ia tbe Paiisiaa sease ef tbe word.
Tbe house was retired aad sarre ended by
a larg gardea under th magnolias af
a hick tb reveluttoeists arranged te ualte
Uxh the celoats ef the f2armaa coast
g, - , Courts Ert Fot BtTflnnotllj Oppowd
PilAtory TartJCl.
TIf Ut kr Bllaa Ges rata Oat
f reales Maaer. Walla Tlase
l.ast r Attaraers Is
Their Owi.
I notice la Tbe Bee seme remarks by a
district Judge ahlch lodicat that b aad
others ef the beach are troubled ever a
prospeetiv rush af work at the end cf ths
present term. said an attorney yesterday
moralng." "They eeem t fesr thst there
will be more tbaa csa be properly attended
to sad the remark, as printed, appears to
Imply thst perhaps the attorneys could
hsve helped some If they would.
"Well. I concede that lawyers are net
prose to rush matters, but I wish te pre
test against the iT-ateotkiia that they are
respcasibl for all the timethst's lest by
the blind goddess In her work as judicial
welghmaater. It seems ts me that ths
court themselves' sre act as expedious ss
they might be. nor as ambitious to savatbe
district's time. Judgs Baxter declared !a
tbe MDler-rnltt case that' be wouMa't
tolerate any delay, but that Is tbe only
instance. I recall this ten or last whea
a Judge baa made anything like a real do
ssed for economy of time-' and that came
after the contest bad heea so long ba ccurt
that tbe preerat generation could scarcely
remember Its beginning, t think that at
torneys hsve found la tb general sttltad
ef Judges encouragement rather thsa dis
coaragement for this sort ef thing. They
have found that almost any kind cf aa ex
cue will sufflcs wkh' so an ef tbe Judge
when an attorney wishes a case passed and
they bare drifted Jnte tb habit of doing
tbtegs whea It is most convenleat.
M kt Pay the rreleTstr , '.
Then, too, I msy set up the claim that
there is less demand for celerity of action
upon the part ef a lawyer teas there Is
up os a court. When a Iswyer sacrifice his
ttm by delaying matters be ts spending
his own money, in eCert. When er Judge
allows delays be speada p ths people'
money., a his own salary goes oa stfd the
salaries of thos about blm. Frequently 1
have eeea squads ef Jurors sitting around
the corridora drawing XI per Cay for bold
log dowa tbe bearbe. while half ' tb
Judges were either in their offices ar away
from the building; entirely. These Judges
get (2.600 per year and don't pretend te
work more , tbaa ten months Ik every
twelve. Their bailiffs draw 175 per month,
hare little te do but keep order. Ice water
aad books, and. Ilka tbe Judgeswerk only
about tea moaths in tbe " year. Then
there is a stenographer for each Judge, and
be gets 1125 per month. Sons of tbem
put In nearly full time; others not much
more thsa half. And, cf course, they getJ
the two month vacation, with their sal
aries going right on. We lawyers msy
take vacstions, but It is at our own ex
pense. Incidentally. I may add. that It all
lawyers are charged as much a for
transcripts as I am. and I presume they
are, the court stenographers maks enough
money on the aid te give them a good
living. Indeed. I bare been told by earn
of them that their salaries are practically
clear. t
Casts Fees Baa4reel a Day,
- Thus, you see, tb lawyer save really
leas to answer for whea there I delay than
bar the Judges, and If they are pro
crastinating, , why eon t the , court pat . a
Stop to It by simply refuslngr te delay mat
ter ftr any but tb very beat ef reasons?
Every time aa adjournment Is takes by tb
eourta for a half day or a day It cost tbe
ceanty between $20 and S400, J figure, aad
surely It is tb Judges', sot the uterners'
business to see to It that that aert ef thing
doesa t happen any ortener-tbaa is abso
lutely necessary. ' ''
Veterees Arraasrlaar far Stat Fa.
eaaapxaeat sad Okserraset
ef Mexoerlal Day,
The advance guard of tbs Grand Army of
tb Republic and the Woman Relief
oorps are expected te arrive Wednesday ta
get la I la for the aaaual eBcampmat aad
meeting t be held Thursday and Friday.
The local committee met Monday eight
aad completed arrangement for the meet
lags. Tbe Grand Army of ths Republic
meetings will be held la Washlngtoa ban
and at the same time ta Woman' Relief
oorps will bold forth at Pattersoa haJL
The flrat meeting will be called to order at
2 o'clock Thursday afUraooa.
Commander-in-Chief Torrance of the
Grand Army of ts Republic aad Mrs. Ca
lls ta Jonss, national president of tbs
Woman's Relief corps, will both be present
and ar expected t arrir Thursday.
Tbe general committee ef the Oraad Army
of tbe Republic alas held Ita weekly meet
ing Monday might t further arrange for tb
observance ef Memorial day. Marshal t
Milhet from Fr-nce Failure of
,a the recenUy arrived vAeedlaa exUes ia
tbe movement to drive out the Spaniards.
' iaitlal rislag of tbe first revolution
American oil took place at New Orleans
October 11. 1 Tsa. tb data for which
Feuesult had called a meeting of the coun
cil. The revolt began by spiking th gruas
at th Teheupttowla gat during tbe nlgbt.
On th rooming of tb 2Sth Captain Noysa,
formerly ef the French regular, led tb
insurgent Acadian Into tbs town aad they
aers Joined by Villar at the head of tbs
German colonista The lower gates ef tb
town were forced by tbe French planters
from below aad the insurgent forces thus
coaceatrated and placed under tbe supreme
command ef Captala Marquis, formerly of
tbs Swiss troops of the French line, took
complete control of tb city. They were
armed with fowling pieces, eld muskets aad
all manner of mors or less anserriceabls
weapons, but tbey bad waited until th
Spanish soldiers bad beea aeat to ether
posts and they found Aubry unwilling te
tola a tattle with them la support ot Clloa.
Greatly agitated Aubry sent tor Lsfreniere
aad urged thst the revolutionary
would necessarily end la failure. Finding
tbat the revolutionary leader was sot to
be soTSd. Aubry left bim with tbe sir,
lag tbat "tbe chiefs of conspiracies hsve
always met with a tragical ead." Feuesult
wavered under similar influences, but rh
revolutionary forces la posseastoa ef the
tows did aet and the revolutloa ta it first
stsg succeeded si most beyond hope. .
Whea the re vol a Lion Isle catered th town
th few Spaniard la it, Gayarr. Loyola
and Navarre ef Clloa's council among them,
railed te him and barricadtd bis house,
which l hey prepared for a self ss beet
tbey ecu 14. it waa several times thnst
eaed with assault, but actios waa delayed
until the scperior council covid meet aai
"legalize- ike revelailoa. At the raeetiage
held ea October t sxd !. the address
presented by Lafreaiere ss attorney gen
eral. from which uottlca has already
beea mads, wsa adopted aa aa als a da-
N. Getidea snd S, B. Drleekach were p
polated a committee t request ef Fuper
mteadent Fear that all tbe acbeol ch V
drea be t urrx-d. cut that day and line ap
6a Douglsa street from TWteesth t Six
teenth te keep tbe rrewJs bark la rter
te give the proceeslea room la which to
paaa. afver which they are expected te fall
In line snd march te the park. It 1 re
quested ttat all military organisations that
participate In tbe exercise have a boquet
la tbe muxxie of each gun. to be dropped oa
the grave.
Clttsea et 014 Bar State TReaedtatee
Ttteraaeea af "Aatfa ta Cea
aad Elsewhere.
Judge Baldwin has received tb follawtsg
letter fnrs J. B. Whltmore. s mercbsat of
Holrcke; Vssa. : .
H0LT0KE. Sim.. May !. Jadgre Bald
wla: My Dear fir I hare Jt read A Tbs
Omaha Be of May 12 attracts tram ysur
eddres at the unveiliag of tbe moaameat
for the roes cf Tbarstoa RiSea.
Ia. your reference to Massachusetts tbe
fact did not probably occur te yea that one
of the mea, la whose honor tbe monument
is erected, aaa a bob of. 'the "Old Bay
State." Cannot you people or tb west un
derstand that Benator Boar (tbe only prom,
loent anti-statesman tram Massachusetts).
Atkinson. WlneJow. Boutwell sad Bowles
Shamefully misrepresent us?
MasssrbB!etta stscds by l record and
is as troysl and pa trio tie today aa la 177
snd IK1 and 1SV. Don't let a few aoiry
croakers lead yoa ta think otherwise. (Tell
tbls to Omaha and Nebraska If you choose).
Sincerely yocra. , J. B. WHITMORE.
Mas at Veraea Asaeelattea Pays Be-
specie te Parraaer (Vlce Be ,
aeat far Sekrsika,
At the coaccil of tb Mt. Vernon' saso-
ciatien, at ML Vernoa. Va Mrs. Rebekab
L. Manderson, rtce regent for Nebraska,
announced ths death ef tbe former rice
regent. Mrs. Meliora Ctsrksoa, aad the fol
lowing memorial was offered and adopted r
The sad news rescnes us, while In ooua-
c'L of the death of Mrs. Meliora McPherson
Clarkeoo, tbe widow ot tae late tunop
Clarkonn, and ta former vtoe regent Cur
Nebrasks cf tbe Mount Vernon associa
tion. Drlirate health pre wonted Mrs.
Clrkfwn attendlns tsore thai ene of the
council st Mount Voroonf but tne iafluenc
cf her Une mind and gracious preeene en
that occasion mad the regret srrcster thst
she could not hare met more frequently
her fellow workers at tne ooara.
Mrs. Clkrkson was a true type af a
gentlewoman, and we aa sn aeanciation, ex- 1
oreea etnoere re arret
smnpethy for bee family snd friends. I
IOWXSEND ftegent
Barliaglea, Jtertkreeetera aad at. real
Roads Eater Speed War la
CHICAGO. Msy JO. The fast time mad I
by the Rock Island's aew trala haa started I
a kpeed wsr tetweea tbe westera roads.
A speed r which began last tall .was
settled la December by aa agreom be
tween th executive office re ef - tb raft-
road that tbe fastest time of passenger
trains between here and Omaha hould be
thirteen boars and thirty mlasBea and be
tween Chicago and St. Paul twelve beurt
and fifty-fire minute.
Tbe Rock Islaad train .runs tram bare to
Omaha ta thirteen hours and sfakebe rt-
tors trip la twelve boars aad tblrry mlaatea, i
er aa hour leee than -tae- seat in am ttm
fixed try the agreemenr ft Jfikpnber -ficial
ef the western line.
Today the Burlington. orthwesFera and
Et. Paul road notified Chairman MacLeod
of lhe Western Passenger aesoelatioa thst1
they would consider tbwmselre sbsolred
from further malatenaae of tbe speed
agree meat because ot its viola t,ica by tb
Rock laland road.
Tbs first road te retaliate .against tbe
Rock Island is Jths North eat em. which
has added a sleeping 'car to its mail trala
which runs from Omaha to Chicago ia
elerea boars. The Burllagtoe road ub-
doubted! y will reduce tbe tirae of It trains
between her and Omaha.
Leave Maaaajeaaeat af Werttra t'aiea
la Des Melaea for ttaallar
Plaee la Bast.'
DES M0IXE3. May J0- C T. Ames, man
ager of tb Westera Cnioa Telegraph com
pany In Das Moines, for several years, baa
beea appointed manager for the efflee cf the
company la Boston, " '
Wreck aa tae Ciaeer furef.
CHARUESTOK, I1L, May -XLPasenger
trsia No. on- the "Clover lraf" was
a-recked here st 1 a. m. today. Three cars.
eoatalntasj tovty-three paasenyera were
overturned aad eight were seriously in
jured, it thought thejr win recover.
The- eeriooely ljur-d are: J. Y. Joonson,
tcsei t ueuis; mjks jssue . nanoier. fct.
lul : attae Zera ljelnvint. Oevelaod. O.
Mrs. O. B. Clark. Toledo. O : Mra. B J.
Hsrmna, OtUaa, O.; K. A. beiman. Baa
rraacmco. , .
Re volution
His Mitotan.
ere giving Vlloa three days ts quit the
colony. This he did promptly- enough. He
was already ea tbe Spanish frigate la ths
harbor when tbe decree wa officially pre
seated to blm. Aubry protested ia tas
aaa of Ibe king of Franc agaiast th
revolution and f cucauli, ia order to be pre
pared for any emergency recorded hi
cplnioa that under French lav "son of th
Spanish officer could be legally sent away."
I Ilea, however, did sot car to stay to
argue ths legality ef tbe decree of ex
pulsion, and oa tbe evening of October tL
l-68. he sailed from New . Orleans ia
French ship for Havana, wbers bs found
60 Spanish troops tbe long -delayed re-
oreement Ti bad beea waiting for. He I
kil bad enough ef attempting te covers
Louisiana, however, and bs satisfied aim-
self with msklrg out tb report . te the
Spanish court which led ta th cabinet
council ea tb question ef abaadpnlng
Louisiana er suppressing th rebellion.
. After nioa'a bants h meet, tbs people in
th Boarket place of New Orleans cheered
themselves hoars for France and Louis th
eil-Beloved, but th
republican ceaspiT'
atom, after tbs council had sdoptfd r "Jus
tification."" written by Lsfreniere tor pub
lication and filled with loyalty to France,
proceeded te form tbeir plans aad to draw
op tb accessary documents tor establish
ing the Republic of 'Louisiana, of ahlch
Lafrenlere wss to be msde "protector.
Thus from October, 1761, until July, 176J,
whea Couat O'Reilly eppeared before New
Orleans .with a powerful Spaalah fleet, th
roloajr of Iwiisnns wss detached from th
control ot Europe aad th first Americaa
revolution bad succeeded.
It is something more tbaa a coincidence
that Just at this time the British General
Cage, stationed at Boston, began to call
la the British troops from Mualssippl rir
nations, feeling tbat there was seed te
geaceatrate tbem agaiast tbs tegianings
ef the second Americaa revolution, which
carried out the work of Lafrenlere tkreugk
tbat of Jeficrsoa.
Cotm. liUr ParKamffiiUry Tight fa Boar!
1 . cfEdnoation.
Bale Beaelrlag, replle a Pay fa
Beeke gaaeadea Beeaaee eeheal
Bearel Bereaae Prasaisce
te Be Create.
The Wemaa's club baa won Ita fight with
tbe Board of Education, which met Monday
tight, aad tb girl' gymnasium at the
High school ta te be opened, aal placed
In charge ef aa lastructor. Juet whea it
will be opeaed. however. Is not certain, ar
that It will not ke at a more remote date
thaa September 1 ef this year. At that
time the Instructor' salary begins. It la
thought by several of ths board, aotwlth
tandiog this, that tb gymnasium may b
placed ia operation at cece.
Tbe battle for tb opening ef tb gymna
sium wa not won wit boat a straggle. Tb
lines war sharply draws, and for awhll
It looked as tbeagh tb friend and enemies
af tbe measure mould be throwing books
and ink bottles at each other. Tbe ques
tion came ap ea a motioa t appoint Mis
Gertrude M scomber, daughter ef Judge J. H.
Maromber as physical director at a eslary
of $61 per month.
Mr. Weed objected en the ground of econo
my, while Mr. Howard said tbs beard sboall
net let slip so excelleat an opportunity to
secure a competent Instructor la this de
partment. Ceaammee Bepert Favorably
Tie motioa that Miss Macomber be ap
pointed was mad by tbe chairman of tb
High school committee. Robert Smith, which
committee had reported tarorabls to tb
appointment. President Barnard said the
report was insufficient, a It did not show
that the candidate bas been examined as ta
her qualification, aad ordered the roll called
oa tb qeesttea cf whether tb report should
be referred back to the committee. This
resulted la eight negative and seven af
Urma live rotes, and tb question was lost.
A motion was then made thst Miss Ms-
comber be elected. It was put to a rote,
and resulted: la rot ef at afflrmatire
and aix aegatlv rotes. President Barnard
declared 'the motion lost, as. bs said, a
two-third rote was required, to elect a
1fcher wba bad sot beea examined. Robert
Smith appealed from tbe decision of tb
chair. The appeal was put to a rote, thus:
Shall tb chair be sustained V It result ed
1 negstiv to ix afflrmatire. Presl
carnara ruieo mat tne cnatr haa peea
sustained, stnoe a two-third rote wsa re-
fjulred te eve mils the chair.
Robert Smith said: Tbls is aa-arbi
trary -ruling, and aa attempt to defeat ths
purpose of a majority ef this board. Such
rr. lings would better become the presiding
fflcer ef a kangaroo court tbaa of a digni
fied assembly Ilk this.
Makes Seeea Appeal.
r7. F. Jobxaoa appealed from the chair's
decision ea the result ct the last rota, sad
th appeal was eeoooded by Robert Smith.
President Barnard attempted to explain
bis position.
'Aa appeal is not debatable'" exclaimed
W. T. Jehnsea. There 1 aa appeal be
fore th house, and any chairman , that
k't pat aa appeal ought te be Im
peached!' -
Thbt wa the climax of tb seen. A
half dozea member were talking at oacs.
all trying to catch the Cbfclrmaa'a eye. and
tbe chairman was rapping for 'rdet. J-JL
Smith raised hi - rolc shore th tuauit
end said: - -
"Vaie Macomber la a' graduate ef tb
Stat adversity, and. under ear rule.
leen't require' to be examined! 60 sll.thU
quibbling Is becid th QuesUea. and lidlc-
Tbe troth of this struck heme, and tbe
laugh srhlch t&yowd. being hearty and
j general, cleared th atmosphere and good
nature aad order were restored. The ap
peals trem tbs chair were forgotten, aad
th disewaaioa rererted ta tbe subject ot
under what rule Mis Macomber should b
appointed. If appoiated at all.
Miss Macomber wa anally appointed by
tb following rote:
Ayes-nAndreeen. Cermak. Funkbouser,
Howard, "Theodore Johnson, W. F. John.
sob, Xsyaard. Mcintosh, J- J. smith. Rob
ert Smith 10.
Kay Homan. Tk-evy, fjtubendorf. Wood,
President Barnard .
I'poa motion ot Levy th rule requiring
High ecaeel pupil te pay tor their text
books was suspended by a unanimous vote.
It wsa explained that Ik is aetUm was takes
la view of lb Increased revenue resulting
from tb work ef tb Real Estate exchange
ia seexriag a rehearing ef the caae of th
fir public service csrporaUona before the
Board of Equalisation. It waa estimated
that the acbbol revenue would be Increased
betweea ft.OOS and tlO.MO.
Treasurer Hennlnr reported f74.XiT.fiO ia
school fund oa baAd April SO. and war-
ran La aggregating lU,inU outstanding.
A xommunlcatioa was received from Chief
Donahue, saying that ia futur h will ea
force the law which restrain salooa
keeper from selling liquor te mlaora. Hs
was extended a rote ef tbsBka.
ealraa Hlgk Sekaal Walk.
A cotio from tb Board of Public Work.
requiring tbe school board to build a walk
along th north side of tbe High school
grounds, was received, th work te be
completed within fifteen days. It was re
ferred te the High school committee.
Kela Larson, being tb lowest bidder, was
awarded tbe contract for eoddlng ths High
school grounds. H will de th work for
I cent per quare yard.
J. C Marsh, photographer, wa gives per-
mission to take photograph of the grada-
a ting class, provided the pictures ar takes
outside ot school hours.
Tb work of disinfecting school books
during vacation wsa referred to a special
committee, com prosing Cermak. Mcintosh
aad W. F. Jobbsoa.
South Omaha News.
For tbs first tires ia ths history ef South
Omaha th voters raised aa ebjeetloa to
tbe granting ot s franchise by th city
council. Tb questios ap was whether the
city should grant to th South Omaha Ia-
dependent Telephone company tbe right te
as it treeta. alleys, eta, for a period
ot years. Some weeks age this ordinance
was introduced aad it was published a
is pro riled by tbs atw charter. Tbe char
ter, howerer, previses that ia the cae ef
tb graating of a fraacbis ord Ins ace. if a
petit km or remonstrance ehould be pre
sented containing tbs aamea of one-fifth
ef tbe voter, that tbs questioa must be
submitted te tbs people before tbe fran
chise caa be granted. The petition read
last sight contained the names ef abeat
0s retera. Msyer K owl sky referred the
petHioa to th Judiciary committee aad tb
city attorney.
Following along la the telephone )lae
rams a aotlce treat the Kiectne bigaai
Maaufacturiag company t the efieet that I
it bad sold its fraachlse te Fraaa Craw
ford. Tbe aotlce ef the aal aad the se-
ceptaaee ef the saske by Mr. Crawford
went te the Judiciary committee for cos-
At th 'suggest ioa at Adkias th mayar
area authorised te employ aa attorney te
ivpreeset the city ta a aumber ef cases
coming mp, sherds the present city sttor-
vrl n f
The Set, price $1.00, Consisting of CUTICURA
SOAP, to cleanse! the skin, CUTICURA OINT
MENT, to heal the skin, and CUTICURA RE
SOLVENT PILLS, to cool the blood, is often suffi
cient to cure the most torturing, disfiguring skin, ,
scalp, and blood humours, rashes, itchlngs, and
irritations, with loss of hair, when all else fails, ,
Assisted br Crnccaa Orrrinrr, for pwerv-nr, purifTin-f. Dd fcut'.fr
iBE tbe skin, for clesnrtng tbe scalp ol cru-rt. eale. and daudrutT. and the (
ttopplar ol falling hair, for aoftenint. whiU'iiiBff . and oot.tal-ilr m, JZ
id sore band, for btT rash, itchinea, aDd chafljifr, lo the form r bath
for armoring Irritation and Inflammations, or too free r ofienir rr
apiratiom'in tbe form of washes for ulcerative weaknesses, atxl lor many,
gaoative, antiseptic purpose arhlcb. readily furffest ttaeuiselTW to reooK-o, , -especially
toother, nod for all the purpose ct the toilet, hath, and cursory.
&LUl Lau.aCVTiccai LRiiVvxwY i. well lor all otb-r bood r.wl let 4 h-mr
rkM vJcMtamttMt oa. pnee Sf. CfTK i 4 Itt.ia aiteiwive aiirl. ,
aSomlmitood auaiim ni1CM- buiaoat caeoa. and sooKHi.fvai've yet oompouarted.
ijTTHMa.r' if -
ney became interested before bis election.
No special fee was determined upon, but
It I understood thst the finance committee
will look after this matter.
O'Connor complained thst there Is a
dearth of water hydrants, sad be said that
a large number of hydrant bavs been or
dered which have sever been placed. Ad
kins, Welsh snd Broderick sere named as
fecial committee to confer with the
water company in regard to the locating
of om nineteen hydrants.
Ia tbe matter cf the report of tbe ap
praisers of tbe Third ward fire ball. Welsh
reported adversely and the report was
adopted. Tbe sense of the meeting wa
that the Insurance companies should be
notified, at once to repair the building and
place It la th same condition It wa be
fore th fire, or elee pay Into tbe rty
treasury' tbe full amount of tbe Insurance.
jCotic of tb action ef tbe council la this
mstter will be sent to tbe agents of tb
Insuraac companies by tbe city clerk to
day. .
D- VL Click tendered bis resignation as
building Inspector, -,snd without comment
tbe assyer directed that tbe communication
be placed oa ale.
Several liquor and dray licenses were
granted 'and a number of disputed tax
claims were referred for invest! gatioa.
After some petitions ' for Improvement
had beea read aad considered tb council
adjourned for ene week.
Tfeaeaers aad JaaKare Kleetea.
At last Bight's meeting; of tb Board et
Education a s umber cf teachers and Jani
I tors were elected. Tb teacher choaea
1 arei., Kate Donahue. Agnes Ay er. Mary M fi
ler; Jtosephln Tfesron, Mary Dietrich, Nel-
li Coowsy, Anna Fowler,- Julia Carney,
Anna Smith.
These Janitors were chosen: High school,
John LiDdstrom. H. Dudley, assistant; Un
coin arhool, M. Msberry, A. L. Barber,
assistant; Westside. Joha Voss, with P.
Irwin, assistant; . Highland. Guy Seater,
1 Hswthorae, C. Chrlstiaasoa; Juagmsnn, IX
B. Beldlng; Brown Park, Frank Vosscek,
Freak Yarra, aaaistaat ; Corrigaa school,
C, Peterson; Lowell. James Morton; Al
bright, Louis Boreasen; High school a en ex,
C. C. Miller; Field school. J. Huderek. .
It wa decided by- the board to dispense
with the service of both of tb csrpenters
Bow en the payroll on June 1. W. D. Wst
oa was elected bead carpenter for the
year.' ' "
Ths census enumerators will meet with
Superintendent McLesa at the High school
building on Wednesday morn lux to receive
No truant officer will b Sppsicted for tb
tlm being, aa tbe board considers tbe ex-
pens unnecessary at tbt time.
Superintendent McLean will go to Grand
Island on Frldsy to attend tbs state orator
leal conteet.
Cerperate Asseasaseat laatchedU '
The statement of Tag Commissioner Fitt-
ir era Id tbat be will assess ali corporations
ia South Omaha at their actual cash ralue
is causing the work et the deputies to be
watched with interest- Tbs statement of
tbe water company la tbe Omaha assess
ment contest tbat the South Omsba' prop
erty owned by It wa of tb rain of 110.
SM and tb 'element of Mr. Fitxgerald that
he will take tbls a a basis of assessment
of all large corporate institutions, puts lbs
assessment work before ths public Noth
ing definite caa be learned from tbe com-
mtssloBer's office as te this assessment, ncr
will any Information bs forthcoming, in all
probability, until after the geuersl assess
ment Is mad knows. '
"Let ihm COLD DUST
.-: -X. il s . ; s i I -
As a cleaner, soap doesn't begin to compare with
GOLD DUST does more work, better work and does
it cheaper. It saves backs as well as pocketbooks.
Qutag. wVrk, Beam, saLoua. Maaars et OVAL FAJiT SOAP
Refuse to Let Losxed Holder Retain tc
Omsik u Fronuiwd,
Oaiks'i Star Fielder la Gasae Whea
He STseald Be ta Hospital '
Oelag ta Hart' Da.
Manager Billy Hart of tbs Peoria base
ball team Is banging oa to "Loaned" Eton-,
tbe heavy hitting outfielder, for dear life,
aad will tax "Pa" Rourke's p&Ueace t it
utmost endurance. Hart aaa to bar let
Stone come to Omaha from Peoria lest Sun
day, whea all the teams were 00 ths move,
so thst tbe youthful phenomenon could play
tbe Denver series here. Denver's tesxa was
la Peoria at the time, baring Just finished
a series there. It wss thought thst Eton
would come in with tb westerner,
But be dldnt. and Manager Rourke wired
Monday afternoon for Hart to get blm here
not later tbsn Tuesday moralng oa asy con
dition. Meanwhile Hart had tskea Stoae
along to Kansas City, knowing that . b
would seed the boy s gainst ths Cowboys,
and Rourke received ss an asaaer to hla
telegram tbe sews that Stone was playinx
tall 1b Kaw tovra.
So tb latest bow is thst ' Stone" ' wlil
reach Omaha this morning, as Hart said he
must bar blm for one sacra gams with
Kansas City yesterday, 'but would reluc
tantly park him ea the Bight train aad'
send him up to help out Bourse's crippled
team. Thus Frank Genlns bad to , play
another of tbe Denver series with thst
cruelly maimed shoulder. It was pltifwl
te see Frank tossing tbe ball in froa' tbe
field underhanded Monday. -when bs usu
ally has such a strong, free throw for say
eld distance, la batting, too, bis shoulder
hurls him terribly, and it wae only 1th aa
effort thst caused a wince plainly visible In
the grandstand that Genlns poled out a
slugls and agaia a needed two-bagger fo
tbs ninth ianmg of the first gram with
F. J. Haakla and J. R. Hankie of To
peka. Kan., both botel men, ar st the
Dellone. ,
Albert Watkln ef IJwr1 spent tbe 0y
In Omfaba to keep out of the turmoil cf
the primary fight at hore.
hlrs. Sbriruel Hanover has gone to Lin
coin on business for tbe Home for the
Friendless society. She will return this
week. .:'.
Frenk Wet herald, millets banker and -politician
of Hebron. Is in Omaha.-He de-
Dies ail stories to the effect that be as
willing to take tbe republican nomination
for governor.
General Kobbe. rommiwUng the Depart
ment of the Uakotaa. with Colonel O. E.
Pond, chief quartermaster of that depart
ment, and Captain T. W, Dsrrsh, thief
commissary officer, passed through Omaha
on their way from 0t. Paul to Fort Meade
on a tour of inspection.
Nebraskans at the Merchants: Georgs
I., perry, Ord; J. W. Harntaart, Auburn;
Charles 8. Parsdies. Nebintka City; Mr.
and Mrs. Wood and W. White. North
Platte; P. H.. Thomson; Minder; W. W.
Herge. North Piatle; H. Art-uckle. Wis
ner; Mr. and Mrs ifyd. plsUsinuuth; W. '
t. Duvsll. LliK-oln; John- T PiJee, Da
kota City; P. C. A. Pains. Tekamsh; U lU
Dam Westering. Holstvln; W. B. kngdaiiL
Ot.kdale; J. E. Long. Oakland; C. Mciiea
eroy, Blair; C. li. Ashton, Lincoln.'
twins do your work9'