Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 21, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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The DMAi i a Daily Bee,
Pally He (without Bunday), On Tear.W.OO
lMilv ind Hundav. Una Year W
Illustrated Bee, una Year I
eunaay wee, una near a-v
fiaturriav Ona Year 1 0
Twentieth Ceiitu'y Farmer. One Year. LU I
pally Baa ( wit ht Sunday), pr copy.. le
L4ly baa (without Bunday par wee..Uc
iiveninf ia iwithout Bunday), per weekiuc
Evening .Bee (Including ttunaayj, pr
weak ...... 16c
Complaint of lrreularttiea In delivery
ahould be addressed to Cliy Circulation
Omaha The Bee building.
South Omaha city iiaii Building, Twen-ty-rtfih
and M street.
Council Bluff 10 -earl Street.
Chlcaso lati) Unity Building.
New Jork Temple Court.
Washington 6ul Fourteenth B treat.
Communication relating to new and
editorial matter ahouid be auaresaed:
Omaha Bee, Eoltorial Department. letter and remittance should I
be adarea.ed: 'ihe Be fubU.wni Com- I
pany, Omaha.
Remit by draft,- exprea or poital order,
eayaole to 'in Bee PuDllahtng Company,
'my a-cent stampa accepted in payment of
, mall aevwunt. t-arsonat chacka, except on
fcmaha or aaatern axenange, not accepted.
'Itihi BEi rUBLlHttlttk COii.fA.tiX.
Lata ot Nebraska, Dougiaa County, a :
George B laechuok, secretary of 'in Be
Publishing Company, being duly a worn,
ay that the actual number ot full and
complete copla ol The Daily, Morning,
.Evening and bunday Bee priuiod uuring
ui mouu ot April, iinu. waa a leuows;
1 2U.5UO
1 liU.UttV
4 UU.B10
J 110,010
M... ai,45o
u ite,sio
12 U0.4TO
14. ao.oso
14 St0,48O
u si,soo
M sit,ao
26 m,4u
K a,5o
27 ,
2s UU,ntH)
2 aO.OHO
to ao.aao
Total '. ch,45
Lm unold and r.turned coplaa... 1O.10T
Nat total tale 87u,tt3M
JJt dally v,rttJQj:,g',2acijyC,T
Cobacrtbed In my preaenc and iworn to
betor m this uU day of April,
CSeal) M. B. H UNGATE.
Notary Public
The members of the State Board of
Equalization now have an opportunity
to tell the supreme court why.
If a tight la to be waged on the bis
cuit trust we suppose doughnuts will be
the most appropriate ammunition.
Having reached the Injunction stage,
the war of Lancaster county repub
lican factions may be said to be on
In earnest
The strike of the anthracite coal mln-
era has already screwed up the price of
bituminous coal. It's all ill wind that
blows nobody good. - i
Reports from all over Nebraska are
most promising for crop prospects. The
Nebraska farmer will ride on the frout
eat If favorable conditions bold out
It is noticeable Jhat while we occa
sionally add to the number of republics
that make up the nations of the world,
the monarchies show no Increase In
Cuba would be haDnv if it could have
guaranty that all Its future governors
would be as energetic and watchful of
Ita Interests as General Wood, now re-1
tiring from duty In that island. I
Those Jacksonlan Insurgents propose
,to have a hearing before consenting to
Ibe made the victims of a political
-water cure. Colonel Bryan's essay on
.The Philosophy of Bolting" should be
called Into requisition.
A Massachusetts woman js coming to
Nebraska to be married to a man she
has never met She can reaasure her-1
elf that she Is taking no greater I
chances In the wedlock lottery than la
her prospective husband. I
If legal loopholes enable Nebraska
railroads to escape paying taxes on the
most valuable part of their property we
might aa well know now aa later. If
not the railroads should pay their taxes
on the same basis as other people.
Douglas county populists are volun
teering to write the platform on which
their state ticket Is to be planted.
Presumably they have , selected this
exacting task ; because there are not
enough of them to do anything else.
Henry Vatterson will remain in ed-
ltorlal charge of the Courier-Journal
notwithstanding the change In the
ownerehlp of that property and plctur-
esque warnings against the menace of
the dread man on horseback will con-
tlnue to flow from his pen.
The news comes by pipe line to the
local pppocratlc organ all the way from
Washington that both Nebraska sen-
ators are known to be favorable' to the
renomination of our non-resident con-
gressinan. But the successor to Our
Dave will be nominated here at home
and not In Washington.
For the firs v year after the preaent
charter was enacted the tax levy was
24 mills. While this rate would not
raise sufficient Tevepue to tueet the cur
rent demands for city and achool gov
ernment for the coming year, the tax
payers of Omaha have a right to de
mand that the levy for 1002 should not
exceed the amount absolutely necessary
to meet the loweat estimate of current
The selection of Xorria Brown to be
recommended to the coming republican
.r,.i,.n .ir.
man la a recognition of the vounaer ele-
ment of the party, which will doubt-
less appreciate the compliment. The
vonna rennbllcana of Nebraaka could
have no more capable spokesman or
one more certain to come fully up to
tha tlga. expectations ot the delegatea
ta ti convention, - -
Pr. William B. Ely of University
flaee, who claims to bare grappled
with the problem of railroad assessment,
ventures through the Lincoln Journal
to assure the taxpayers of Nebraska that
"a dispassionate consideration of the
subject ought to ron t! nee any
minded man that the assessment of Ne-
t,rs.ka railroads Just made is as good
approximate to Ideal equity a. 1.
nr. Ely ha. reached this conclusion
- an examination of the records of
, vt w v
several counties in the state, which he
fhmt thl,,pnf varies
"RT" ,now lnal lnc assessment tutipb
all the way from one-thirteenth to one
twentieth of actual value. Taking the
tate altogether, Dr. Ely Insists he is
entirely on the safe side In assuming
the assessment to average one-thirteenth
of actual market value, although In his
judgment one-twentieth would probably
be nearer the truth. Taking one-
thirteenth as the average assessed val-
uatlon makes the following Summary
. . . -. .i,, KohmWi'i rail
' ' ' Per Mile.
Union PaclOe 1127.400
Burlington MUaourl 117.540
MUaourt Pacltte UO.000
Chicago, Rock Island Pacific 60.600
Omaha Soutnweatern S4.6O0
Fremont, Elkborn aV MIourl Valley. 46,800
Tout actual valu ot all rail
roads $346,664,696
This aggregate Dr. Ely computes to
be the valuation of the "tangible, visible,
material properties of the railroads,"
and while he admits that "the fran-
cbises have real value which perhaps
are quite equal to that of their material
property," he excuses their exemption
iroin taxatiou ou me gruuuu tuui me
statute for the assessment of railroads
contains no provision for assessing their
Invisible property In tbelr franchises."
The trouble with Dr. Ely Is that his
mathematics are not as good as his sur
gery. In his calculations be seems un-
wllllnelv to adont the IokIc of the State
Roard of Enualizatlon. which enter-
talned the confused notion that 15 per
cent and one-fifteenth are the one and
the same thing, when as a matter of
fact there Is as much difference aa be
tween a horse chestnut and a chestnut
horse. One-fifteenth, instead of being
15 per cent, la less than 7 per cent
There is not a single county In Ne
braska that lists property at 7 per cent
or anything near it. Only one county
out of the ninety goes as low aa 10 per
cent, and the average will range from
one-sixth to one-seventh, Instead of
from one-thirteenth to one-twentieth.
The Union Pacific Is now assessed at
$0,800 per mile. If this represents one
seventh of the value of its tangible
property Ita actual value would be
$68,600 per mile. But the return of the
Union Pacific is for 1,020 miles, while
the assessment at $9,800 la on only 467
miles of Its main line, while the re
mainder of Ita mileage la assessed at
$3,500 per mile. Where does the Ideal
equity come In?
The same discrepancies between Dr.
Ely's estimate and the real thing are
found throughout his computations,
Take, - for example, the Fremont Elk-
born ft Missouri Valley railroad, which
he values on a standard of $40,800 per
mile. At one-seventh of that amount
the assessment would be $8,685 per
mile, but It Is assessed at only $3,500 a
ms. m 18U it was assessed at aa.uuu
P m,le and that assessment seemed to
be satisfactory to the managers of the
The assumption that the ranchlses of
the railroads are not to be assessed lor
taxation because the statute makes no
special provision Is In flat contradiction
to the express provision or tne statute,
which requires the roads to return with
their list of tangible property an ex
MMt of their capitalization In stocks
and bonds as well as their earnings. If
the assessment was Intended to cover
only the tangible or material property
it would not matter to the state board
what they were capitalised for or what
they were earning, any more than It
would concern the assessor how much
rent a man gets from tenanta or how
muen the liveryman gets for the hire of
his horses,
After much discussion the bouse
representatives adopted an amendment
to the naval appropriation bill which
provides that one battleship, one
armored cruiser and one gunboat shall
be constructed . In government navy
yards. This action has been urged by
the labor unions of the country and
by others who believe that the govern
ment should employ Ita navy yards lu
building Ita war ships. Instead of nialn-
talnlng the yards simply for the pur-
pose of making repairs. ' The' govern-
ment Investment in navy yards Is about
$100,000,000 and the annual cost of
maintaining the yards Is $10,000,000 and
all the work now done In tbein Is repair-
lug, the annual cost of which la stated
to be about $4,000,000.
while It is of course necessary to
haVe navy yards, -it has appeared to
many that under existing conditions
there Is a great waste of public money
and that these government plants, being
I wey equipped for the building of ehlps,
ought to be utilised by the government
in constructing some of the war ves
sels. An advocate of thia policy said
In the bouae of representatives a few
days ago: "It haa been estimated that
the United States has up to the present
time spent nearly $100,000,000 In the
.equipment of ita navy yards and prac
tically the only use' to which they are
now put Is to keep Ita vessel In repair.
What an enormous Investment and what
a pitifully amall return. Statistics show
that It costs over $10,000,000 annually
run our navy yards to enable them to
a "
work. What DUBiness man of ordinary
intelligence could , permit such condl
ts continue? It to a wanton wa.te
ot public money for .which there Is no
exeuee." On the other hand It Is con
tended that the building of sblpa by the
government will be more expensive
than their conatructlon in private shin-
I yards, chiefly. lor the., reaaoa mat
ernment employes work only eight I
hours a day, while those In private I
yards work nine and ten hours. I
Another objection made to government
construction la that the work wouia unexampled prosperity spread over xe
probably not be so well done as In prl- braska with the presidency of McKln-
vate yards. It waa also urged that con-
structlon would be much slower In the
government than In private yards. This
reasoning against government con-
structlon, however, had little Influence
on the house and doubtless will not
have much tinon the nubile Most
neonle will be unable to see why as I
good work cannot be done in the navy
varda as In the private shipyards, or
why ships cannot be constructed very
nearly If not quite as rapidly in the
former aa In the latter. At any rate
the difference of a few months In the
time of constructing a battleship
would not be a serious matter.
The house acted wisely In providing
that three of the jnew war vessels
authorized In the naval appropriation
bill shall be constructed in tne navy
rards. Let the experiment be given a
fair trial, the work of this kind that has
been done by the government not being
sufficient to determine whether or not
the building of naval vessels In govern-
ment yards Is good policy.
There appears to be small probability
of anything being done at the present
session of congress to strengthen tne
Interstate commerce law. Chairman
Knapp of the commission has submit
ted a report to the chairman of the
senate committee on Interstate com-
c - rivtn. In vhlph bp ar-
merce, otruui .a.u-,
a-ues for the Corliss-Nelson, a measure
that la vigorously opposed by the rail-
roads. It is stated that Senator El-
kins Is making a strong effort to ascer
tain the views of railway managers on
his bill, but It seems to be difficult to
elicit definite responses. The senate
committee on interstate commerce, It Is
announced, will shortly begin the hear
ings upon the proposed amendment
of the interstate commerce act begin
nlna- with the members of tne com-
mission and continuing with such rail-
way representatives as may be dlspoaed
way represeniauv a t "
to give the committee their opinions.
It may be very well to have these
hearings, but at this late date m tne
pftalon they cause delay that may pre-
elude action on the proposed amend
ments. And It would seem that they
are not necessary to the enlightenment
of congress, which certainly ought to be
-m.i-Jntl well Informed regarding
bo the public opinion on the question
of .amending the law and the views or
most railway managers. The demand
tnr atremrthenlntr the Interstate com-
merce has an overwhelming pub-
tin aiinrmrt and the necessity for It
has been moat conclusively demon-1
strated. With few exceptions the rail-
-.ia rioair that the law shall remain I
tt, ,. ,,. ah-ii be amended ao
aa it is,, unless it snail pe amenoeu
as to. legalize pooling. The proposed
hearings are not likely to tnrow ny
new light upon the situation.
! qskbral lcvnard wood.
The name of General Leonard Wood
will be forever associated with the
Cuban republic and will alwayf be beld I
. k ho a of that country,
iu , . " Mtitiii1a
who have just attested their gratitude
for what he has done. W acconi-
nil shed a great work In the Island and I
" . . a. -a I
mnlA a most honorable record. Wnen
... 0 . fi.naral Wood
the war wltH Spain came General Wood
was a surgeon in we army, w
into the war aa a colonel of the' rough
an1 when the American OCCU-
. . , -.-a- tmv.
Dation commenced he. waa maae gov-
ernor of the province of Santiago. ;l in
this position he disclosed uncommon
.rfmthi.titiv ahllltv and commended
, ,u. .n- .Ilk. nf
mmseii w w
the CUDans ana me .nwuiw -
thorltles. When a successor to Gen-
era! Brooke at Havana waa to ; be
chosen there was no thought of any
one but Wood. The ability had
shown at Santiago greatly Impressed
President McKinley, public sentiment
in thia country favored bis selection
r.,r.n neonle wanted him.
ouu a,u7 x v- ar "
r .11 tha nnnfldfirnS. riaiVMed 111 I
A, - . ,-lM,1Ull viaiAn,
him waa Juatlfled Is familiar history,
It may fairly be said that ne aimosi
recreated Cuba. It was : a great tbsk
that waa devolved upon Mm. ne
i ti nln demand and was
w na ruuai s - r
. . . jk Mm th la.
able lo aay m uCi...wu, -
land that it Is free rrom an coiuub'uu.
diseases, that facilities for education
are more general than ever before, that
nubile order prevails throughout the
public oroer i;vaii
country and that everything Det"u'
for efficiently carrying pn the now gov-
srnment haa been provided. For tms
most meritorious work General Wooa s
reward Is a brigadier generalship in tne
regular army and no one will auest,on
that he deserves it. Of all who were
connected with the freeing ana regeu
eratlon of Cuba, none achieved more
hnohl distinction than uneri
Leonard Wood.
TT . ,
Many commentators are discussing in
seriousness or levity recent rulings or
various Judges to the effect that a wife
. ri.,ht t nroteot herself against
" . . . .w -.
an abusive nusnana even to tlv"v
of uaina- firearme if necessary. If this
right belongs to the wife, It follows, or
course, that it belongs equally to tne
....k. h nnrht to be Drivlleged to
MUOUauU) "MV "
realst when an augry wife comes at
him with a rolling pin or a tea kettle.
Where la the courageous Judge who will
deliver an edict In favor of the poor
. . .
henpecked husband?
". ' 77T,,. iu.
The most conservative estimate of the
value of railroad property In Omana.
represented by depots, depot grounds
-n terminal facilitlea. that have been
. . . ..0 .nnrataement
dumped into the general appraisement
of railroad assessment witnoui uo iu
a ripple on the surface, la from $7,OU0,
000 to $10,000,000. If this property
were taxed for Ita due proportion for
were taxea lor in ' '
munklpal Uxatlon the city tax levy
could readily be reduced by 2 mills and
Doaalbly by 8 mill.
... . .
XOO Blie BCiluVt piwiuouureu
Un current bait year will exceed la
amount the highest recorded aisiriDU'
tlon. When the school apportionment
went up under fusion administration
every suggestion that It was due to the
lay waa resented as detracting rrom
the credit of the fusion politicians.
Inasmuch as the school funds are now
under republican tare, the prosperity
explanation will doubtless be more
warmly received by our fusion friends.
"itn me rcpuniaii, u or tne agree-
ment of the Chicago Ouialm lines not
to compete wiin one ouoiner in speed.
passengers may get the beuetit of some
of the Improvements In roadbed and
equipment niaae Dy ail me ranroaae.
There la no good reason why the time
between Omaha and Chicago should ex-
ceed twelve hours on the longest route
for the fast trains. It can be cut lower
than that, but under present conditions
a twelve hour run would be perfectly
o.iuic miuuui, uirHius w
or sarety in any way.
Expert Oplaloa.
Washington Post.
Me. r1vl n A tin th tfttfcal jav
t0 th MUBi ob,erv,ng that th, et
trust bit off more than it could chew. And
Mr. Cleveland is quite an authority oa
chewing. ,
Preparing; for Emerf eaclet,
Philadelphia Record.
It baa been decided that the house of
representatives at Washington shall have
a medicine case, with emergency drugs, and
a case of instruments for minor surgical
operations. Occasionally a member, aa
employe or a visitor suddenly becomea ill,
whl,e there (( phvilcuini fcmon, the
member, thev da not narrv medicines.
Then, too, the Tillman-McLaurln affair In
the senate suggests that the personal col
llslona ot members may become violent
enough to require medical or surgical at
Thai World Do Move.
Chicago Chronicle,
A' Chicago Judge not long ago advised
women who were beaten by their husbands
to protect themselves with firearms, It ne
cessary, and a New York Judge has just
decided that a lady may with propriety
hammer her husband with a poker and not
b" deemed guilty of cruelty. Thua have
we advanced from the time when, under
declared that a husband
was rlviieited -modicum castitinem ad.
blbere," provided the chaatleement waa In
fllcted with a stick of no greater thickness
than two thumbs. The world do move.
Polly of Overaenaltlveaess.
, Success.
Oversensitive people are usually very
nQe grained, highly organised and Intelll
'become SST con!
,cienUous workers. Thl falling tor It la
a falling, and a very eerloua one, too ia
an exaggerated form of self-consciousness.
enureiy uinereni irom egotism
or conceit, causes self to loom up In suca
large proportions on the mental retina aa
10 overshadow everything else. The vie
tlm ot It feels . that, wherever he goae,
whatever he does, he la the center of ob
ervatlon. and . that all eyea. all thoughta
tocllKejt ,, nim Ma ,.,,., ,h..
pMpis are oritlcUIng his movements and
hla person, and making fun at his expense
wnea, in jeallty, ,they are not thinking of
hla,-and. perhaps) did not see him.
Trapping of Two Crook.
Springfield .Republican,
The kidnaping of Oaynor and Greene at
Quebec by United State detective la much
enjoyed by our people. Those precious raa-
M1"' WDO are, wanted In Georgia for trial
cha eo..-,,..- ,nd fraud .gatn.t
th6. united State government In connec-
Hon with the Oberlln M. Carter case, had
" counuj-uiui vinuaiiy comeasmg
H J Ik. ' a ax. J a ii a i
the,r sullt and safe, aa they thought, In
th-lp Quebeo bad ,ntolenUy wlgglea
their fingers from their noses at Uncle
Bam, taunting him with inability to catch
them. The kidnaping consists simply In
getting the men to Montreal, where It is
..." ,. ... ... . , .
ta 8U(n t0 tte queat for extradition than
those of Quebec Whether the extradition
la accomplished or not the experience Gay-
nor nd Greene have now had with the
1InltM. i.iti,.. m .k.
les Impudent There ought to be law
enough In the extradition treaties of
America and Oreat Britain to bring them
to Justice.
Washington Pot: Eventually the coal
I consumer will b driven to organisation and
atruggl will assume the ahape ot
i rriartarlaa
I lum-mpuiw journal. .io uiortcuv cuu
afforu CM6 wher. a Um ot
compuiory arbitration might be defended
i by the most cogent argument, namely, tha
wen neing or tne puDiic.
nansas uuy journal: ii is said mat ue
. ...
neuonai administration is directing its at
to th(1 .nthr.c,t. ..., ,nd ...
the 4ttorney geBeral may conclude to in
atltute proceedings against It. If the antl
trust law can be made affective In any case
It certainly ought to be applicable to this
monopoly, which fills all the condition
necessary to constitute a harmful and
vlcl0Ui truit It be jae to refresh
I tho memories ot our free trade friends
tot mere is not ana nan t Been any tariff
consumer, it will be observed, are put ex-
acUy ,n pM,ton of th. buy'er of pt,,.
i 0r revenue tumpi from the national gov
ernment. They can bay nowhere else, and
- -
I New York have put themselves, o far as
anthraCta coal ,nc,.d. in tha i-t
I position of a government. As respects this
necessary of llf they have a monopoly ilk
I service. Such ar aom of the results of
. r..i ,. ,.,,.- --.mi,., th
cerUjiy , worthr of consideration, and
I most serious consideration, oa th face ot
Springfield Republican: Of th total
I a . aatVaa.lta ..1
amountlnf to ,bout 64 0O0 0O0 ton. th. three
iUteg of Pennsylvania, New York and New
Jersey consume about 6fi per cent, or
S5.000.000 tons. Th Nw England etate
l ia pr cam, or a mua over e.uw.vw
I cant, or (,600,000 ton. Canada and ' th
I tong Yars ago anthraciu coal waa ex
I tenilvaly used In manufacturing and trans
porutlon. but now such use is largely con
I Oned to district no mora ramot from tha
m,U(, ,re(i th, eonaumptloa of hard
- 1 Coal im almost entirely confined to th
stove and furnaces la th dwelling of th
pp'"- a suspension o. pri m
summer a.aso. accordingly, will not dl-
..,llh,.iri., t an ar..t
1 ,-tentl except in th country adjacent to
I th mine, and bltumlnoua coal will ba
avauauia iuara M aiaawiiara. auri.a v
1 1 - 4. 1 .w . , . . . .
I ioa awn coat auoar wouia tmu wvra
aarloua from aa Industrial standpoint than
thU u th hard oej mao.
Live Nebraska Towns
Broken Bow Custer
Broken Bow 1 the county seat of Cutr
county, one of the Urgent counties In the
tate. It 1 near the center of the county
and nearly In the geographical center of
the state. The town site was platted In
June, 18S2, and in the following fall elec-
tlon waa designated aa the county teU.
The town waa without railroad accommo- people and fully 75 per cent of the popu
datlons until August, 186, when the B. & latlon of the county, which 1 about 20,000,
M. was built through. The greater growth
waa made within the four year following
the advent of the railroad and has ever
Ince held Ita reputation of being the
largest and moat Important city In Ccn-
tra! Nebraska.
The hard time of 1S94 and 18 ft 5 gave It
quite' a setback, when the population and
business were materially diminished. Since
1S96 the population and business of the
city has steadily increased. We question
whether there I a city In the state ot Its
population that la "ependent wholly upon
an agricultural district for its support that
doea anywhere near the business of Broken
Bow. The present population of the town
will reach fully 1.600, over two hundred other la located in the center of the bust
more than when the census was taken In nesa part ot the city. It la well set In
1000. It hits more than alxty business . graaa and trees and 1 the pride of the
houses, besides lawyers, doctor and real - city,
estate office). All of these house are en- A amall stream courses through the elty
Joying good trade and are doing a pros-
perous buslnesa. In the last few years
better dwelling and bualneashousea have
taken the place of the pioneer buildings,
and today the city can boast of some aa
fine buslnesa blocks and residence build-
ings aa can be found In any city of the
tate with double Ita population.
Broken Bow has four exclusive dry goods
stores, three general stores, tour exclusive
grocery stores, three drug stores, three
Jewelers, two millinery stores, four hard
ware and furniture stores, one harness
hop, two second-hand stores, one ex
clusive clothing store, four blacksmith
shops, one wagon shop, two Implement
store, one windmill and tank factory, one
marble worka, three meat markets, two
egg, butter and poultry dealers, three
banks, three hotels, one candy factory,
seven restaurant and boardlnghouses, one
tin and repair ship, three printing offices,
two cigar factories, six real estate firms.
one abstract office, two Insurance offices.
one book and muslo store, three dressmak
era' establishments, one tailor shop, two
billiard halls, two shoe shops, eight feed,
livery and breeding barns, two photograph
galleries, two paint ahops, three barber
shops, one bakery, two grain elevators,
two lumber yards, one large flouring mill,
two feed mills, two dentists. United Staves
land office.
Two large achool buildings, one In the
north, the other In the south part ot the
city, provide for the achool accommoda-
tlon of nearly 600 achool children and a
Minor Scenes anal Incident Sketched
on the Spot.
Considerable Interest haa been caused by
the action of congress In ordering th print
ing in facsimile of 6,000 copies of what la
known aa "Jefferson'a Bible." Thia la one
of the Jeffersonlan worka purchased
by the national government and the so-
called bible la the only one that has not
been reprinted. The book, which Is a col
lection of the teachings of Christ, waa
originally bought for $400 by the National
museum and 1 kept under lock and key.
It la a duodecimo volume of eighty-two
double pages, or 164 pages, though Jefferson
paged only the left-hand page. He used
four testaments In aa many languages. On I
the left-band page he pasted the clippings
In two columns, first In Greek and Latin.
On the right-hand he put the French and
the English version, making four finely
printed columns la Greek, Latin, French
and English. There are marglnlal notes In
Jefferson'a own handwriting, with a table
in front giving the pages and citing the
chapters and verses from which the clip
pings are taken. He omitted everything ot
a miraculous nature, confining the clippings
to the teaching of Jesus.
In the concluding verse ot the work, ac
cording to Representative Lacey, who haa
made a atudy of the volume, Jefferson com
bined two verses, as follows:
John. xlx:42: There they laid Jesus.
Matthew, xxvil:60: and rolled
a areat stone to tha door of the sepulcher.
and departed.
Jefferson, being a free-thinker, burled
Jesus forever In the grave and gave no hope
ot "the resurrection and the life."
Ex-Senator Manderaon of Nebraaka has
not lost the art of story telling, says the
Washington Post, and, being In Washington
to look after the Interest of the sugar beet
grower, he spend soma time at the cap
ltol, where hi company In the cloak room
la always sought. Yesterday General Man
deraon made thl contribution to the sym
posium: "Some years ago," he eald, "I had oc
casion to make a trip across the plains and
we camped out aa we went along. The first
night out I watched a cowboy cooking sup
per. I waa quite Interested, not only be
cause I waa hungry, but also because I
Imagined that the cowboy was lorae 'finely
educated fellow, who knew how to enjoy
good eating and who would cook to per
fection. The cupper, however, was almply
vile. It could not be eaten. There was
plenty of good stuff, but It had been spoiled.
" 'William,' I said to the man, 'what are
your quallflcatlona for cooking?'
" 'I haven't any,' waa tn frank reply. 'I
simply have a awo'.urn leg and I can't
ride.' "
The atatement waa printed a few days ago
that the action or Bpeaaer Henderson
in trying to get Secretary Shaw to mak
th speaker' private secretary,- Julian
Richards, flrat aaauitant eecretary ot the
treasury, was a crafty move on the speak
er's part to promote hla own preBiaentiai
boom for 1904.
Secretary Shaw waa asked about It and
aald Berlously:
I regret to say that Henderson caa never
be president. I have known him long ana
like him well, but I must cay In all serious
ness that Dav can never be president." .
Secretary Shaw and Speaker Henderson
both come from Iowa and th visitor scented
a row between the two. Mr. Bhaw talked
this way for two mlnutea. It looked aa if
he and the speaker had parted company
for good. Then the secretary said:
"I'll tall you th reason In strict con
fidence. Speaker Henderson wsa bora la
Some 800 Ideal berths fur ambitious young
Americana will be worth studying for and
atudylne for hard. In the event that Sana-
tor Lodg succeeds In reorganizing the
consular service and putting It on a per
manent life tenur basis, a he I now en
deavoring to do. H proposes to dlvld
our various consular offloaa Into ten uni
form gradea, ranging from consul general
of th first-class, with a salary of f 10.000 a
rear, to consul of th sixth class, receiving
11,800 a year. Applicant must be between
th, ajres of 21 and 8S and muat pas an ex
amination tn French. German or Spaaiah;
also In various commercial subjecta. Life
positions ar to be made of tha consular
berths. STeet aad small, which have been
emptied aad reflllad since the adminlstra-
County's Capital.
moot excellent High school. Seven church
building, representing as many different
denomination, via.: Baptist, Methodist,
Presbyterian. Christian, United Brethren,
Episcopalian and Catholic. All except
the latter have resident pastor. The
town and vicinity are English speaking
are native Amerlrana. The town has a
splendid opera bouse, a largely attended
business and normal college, a state ml-
Utla company, an excellent brass band and
several large fraternal societies and In
ou ranee orders, . among which are the
Masons, Odd Fellows, Workmen, Woodmen,
Modern Brotherhood of America, Ben Hur,
Foresters and Bankers' unions. We nave
a moat excellent local telephone system
that extenda to the several towns of ths
county, many neighborhoods, and Into the
counties of Sherman, Valley Blaine, Loup
and' Logan.
Two parks adorn the city, one which la
provided with a small artificial laks. The
from west- to east, which, by mean ot
dama, provides aa abundance of Ice for
the summer season. A large per cent of
the people own their homes and a number
of them tha ' buildings In which they do
business. Wa have no old empty dwell
lnga. but on the other hand a number of
office rooms .are occupied by families for
want ot more dwellings. Good house are
constantly in demand.- The city draws
trade from a long distance In every dire
tlon. The stock markets are exceptionally
good aa a rule, which materially helps
the trade and makes Broken Bow one of
the best stock and grain shipping points
on the B. ft M. Four passenger trains,
two each way, dally affords ample accom-
modatlona for mall and the traveling pub
lic. Farming and atockralalng la the
great Industry of the vicinity, with hogs
and cattle largely on the lncreaee. The
corn crop was generally good In this vi
cinity last year, and with the high price
for corn, hogs and cattle our farmers are
on the high road of prosperity, and aa a
rule the price of city and farm property
are on the Increase. Only the location of
the railroad division here, which la con-
fldently expected In the near future, la
needed to make Broken Bow the best town
in the state for its slse. It Is atrlctly a
temperance town. It baa not had a licensed
saloon for three year and the . Increased
population la made up from substantial clt-
liens from the farms and other places who
desire to locate here to educate their ehll-
areD tree from the town of saloon vice.
tlon of Washington at the will of changing
"Such a reorganised establishment will
offer Ita personnel ths delights snd ad
vantages of foreign travel," says the
Brooklyn Eagle. "Anyone ripening In the
service will have seen pretty much all ot
the world. Many 'congressmen recognise
the necessity for reform, and It now seems
to be only a question of time before the
necessary legislation which tha State de
partment, the varloua chambers of com
merce and boards of trade are aaktng for
will be passed. What these patrons of the
reform want la a lifetime of usefulness,
storing up experience as potential energy
for Uncle Sam'a benefit. Today a man In
the service loses hla Job aa soon aa hla ap
prenticeship haa been served."
A man named Jobnaon was a candidate
for a consulship and the Iowa delegation
were backing him for' the place. Tbey
finally found a vacancy to which the presi
dent promised to appoint their candidate.
Thereupon' Mr. Johnson went to the State
department to undergo the usual examlna
tlon aa to his fitness. He had no trouble
until he reached the sixth question:
"How many Hessians came to thia coun
try to fight for the English?"
Johnson didn't know, but he did not pro
pose to be left entirely. This Is what he
wrote for an answer:.
"A great many more than ever went
Everybody knows that the late Repre
sentative Amos Cummlngs used to be a
When the New York Sun moved Into Its
new building years ago, relates the Wash
ington Post, the compositors were lined up
before "time" waa called. Each man
grabbed hla case and filed out In proces
sion from th old to the new office. On the
top of each "cap case" waa a pair of old
shoes, In which the typo had shuffled
about In working hours through untold
years. The aggregation of mangled foot
wear made a hit with the people outside
and waa th talk of New York for a day.
The humor of the thing struck Cum
mlngs, and every old printer will appreci
ate the line which Cummlnga dashed oft to
meet the occasion:
Dear to the heart of the soldier bi honor.
And dear to the heart ot th drunkard hla
booze, .
But nothing compared to th love of the
printer, , , .
The foot-weary printer for a pair of old
shoes. i
The coekroache haunt them where'er b
may plant them.
They're half-filled with type, display type
and news, . A
He may never wear them, but miles he will
carry them, . .
And throw up hi "sit" ere he'll part from
those shoe.
Day after daj, about our clothing, we may
hare neglected our hats especially the
straw variety largest, best and most com
plete shown in Omaha beautiful braids
and shapes.
Genuine Panama Hat -Porto
Rico Panama Hat
French Palm, Milan, Split, etc., $1.00,
$1.25, $1.50, $2.00 and up to $6.00.
Exclusive Clothiers and Furnishers.
nS llccx, tilantvacr.
Thorns A. Morris, th first brigadier gen.
oral appointed from Indiana in the civil
war, la still living In Indianapolis at thl
age of 90.
The latest quotation for a seat In ths
New York Stork exchange I T5.000, yet
ome raav purchase at that price who
wouldn't buy a seat In church at a thou
sandth part of the sum.
David McLean Parry of Indianapolis, pres.
Ident ot the National Association of Manu
facturers, waa born on a farm near Pitts
burg. He rises at B:S0 a. m. and la at hli
office deck at :45 every morning.
The Cook County (111.) Democracy has
invited David B. Hill to attend Ita annual
picnic on June 7 aa the guest of honor.
Mayor Tom Johnson of Cleveland haa ac
cepted an Invitation to be present.
It Is understood thst the president will
designate Adjutant Oeneral H. C. Corbln
and General Wood aa representative of
thia government to wltnesa th military
maneuver In Europe during tha coming
A new mechanical genius has appeared in
Chicago, tho claims to have evolved a
horseless, dustles street sweepar. The ma
chine la to be run by a gasolln motor and
he eays that a system of fans, which operat
with suction tubes, will take up all tha
Don Proepero Colenna, th mayor of
Rome, who will. It Is aald. soon visit Amer
ica. Is the twelfth prince of Sonnlno and
younger brother of Prince Antonio Colonna,
twelfth prince of the name and head of the
famoua family, Don Proapero waa born In
Kansaa City utter a loud protest
against the assertion of a shoe drummer
that more number eight women' shoes are
aold there than In any town In the country.
The rude alander originated In a typo
graphical blunder. The figure ahouid have
been eighteen.
Congressman Mahon of Pennsylvania rose
to a auestlon of personal privilege a day
or two ago and In the course ot his re
marks aald that the men who had been
circulating a certain report about him had
hearts "as black aa th aoot In the Inner
most flue of hell."
Th town of South Elgin. III., has a Ore
chief only 19 year old Edward Tracey by
name. Two year ago he aaved the live of
two person who were caught In a burning
building and. Mayor Doxey has Just ap
pointed "lilm chief In recognition of hla
bravery and efficiency at that time.
About the time Frank R. Stockton's "The
Lady or the Tiger?" waa at the height of
Ita vogue and when the author- waa being
deluged dally with letters asking for an
answer to the question, he was entertained
at dinner by a literary woman whom he
numbered among hla warmest frtenda. She
had ices molded in two shape a lady and
a tiger. "Now, Mr. Stockton," said he,
"which will you have a lady or a tiger?"
Without a moment' hesitation the author
replied: "Both, If you please."
Detroit Freo Press: "Pullem, the dentlt
ought to make a good poker player."
"He drawa and fills so well."
Chicago Tribune: "What started the fuse
at the milkmen's ball?"
"Some blamed fool asked one of the men
If he had brought hi pumpa along."
Phlledalphla Press: Mis Roman tlrju
The foreign nobility, having nothing to do,
must lead awfully monotonous lives.
Miss Peppey Yes, I notice those that
come over here never seem to have any
Washington Star: "Have yen a good ear
(or music?" asked the Inquisitive- guest.
"No," answered Mr. Cumrox, ."but I am "
not unpopular In artistic circles. My ear
may be deficient, but I have a good pocket
book for music." .
Cleveland Plain Dealer: "Our daughter
has at last met her fate, my dear."
"How do you know?"
"She received several letters from her
admirer this morning, but his was the
only one she didn't fumigate and sterilize."
Bomervllle Journal: Banks I wouldn't
marry the best woman in the world.
Blnks You couldn't. She married me
thirteen years ago.
Ohio State Journal: "Think of the pa
tience Job had," said the' mother to her
small son who had a boll on his neck.
"Job was covered with bolls."
"Gee whls," exclaimed tho offspring, "
"you oughtn't f blame him far havln' lots
ov pashence; he needed It."
Chicago Post: "He" an exceedingly gal
lant and sensible young man. I heard mm
say that a man is aa old as he feels and
a woman"
"Oh. thafa ancient!"
Walt till I'm through. And that a
woman 1b half as old aa ah look."
Philadelphia Record: "Now,-then," ald
tha heavy villain, "having perfected our
conspiracy, we must take care, that It
doesn't leak out."
"Why not let the plot thlckenf" sug
gested the low comedian from his place of
Bomervllle Journal.
This lock of dark hair, curling, soft and
Be how It twines around my finger now
Affectionately, with clinging clasp,
A mute reminder of a youthful vow.
Tied with a dainty bow of ribbon blue.
What thronging memories It call to
Ah, if th futur we could only see
But youth, and youth In love, 1 alway
How soft and fine It curling tendril are!
Bweet Kate no, come to think, her hair
set Kate I
w. Il.hl.
Could it have been her little cousin Nell
Who gave It to me that October night?
No. Nell's waa auburn. I remember now.
Waa this from Fan. or Dot, or Evelyn?
Or was It Grace who clipped It off? By
I wonder who the deuce It could have
$5.00 to $12.00
$2.00 to $4.50