Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 21, 1902, Page 5, Image 5

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Outcome of Teste-rday'i Game Herer In
Poubt After Start.
Home Team Bats Better, Fields Bat
.. nana Bases Batter Taaa
the beaver Aaplraata for
. . Peaaaat Ileaera.
Rourk a men simply wslked away from
the Denver (rli-.lles at Vlntoo Street nark
Vueeday afternoon, the core being I to
a. Aiae vara the battery work of the
visitors, the gsrae had many close brushes,
beautiful hl'i and sharp plara, ao It was a
satisfying contest to watch. However, with
the aolid field of each team playing perfect
can, me game centered around the pitch
ra, and Alloway waa ao superior to Whit
ridge in eery way that the result was
a safe bet all the time. Omaha outplayed
the visitors at every point.
The difference waa not ao marked till the
fifth Inning, when Whltirldge suffered a sorry
lump. Oonllng mad a bit; then YVhitridge
maae an error that let Oondlng to second
and Alloway to firaL . Thla was followed
with a hit by Carter, another by Oenlna and
a wild pitch by Mr. Whltrldge that let Car
tef aiore, Qondlne: and Alloway having al
ready preceded him across the home plate.
Finally Tom Fleming did go out t first,
and there waa but Oenlna left on canvas.
But Whltrldge gave Calhoun" his base, let
him ateal aecond and then Dolan flew out.
With two men on bags Stewart hit a timely
Ingle, scoring both. Then Hlckey flew out.
toe team having batted dear around.
Denver ftalia Rlarht Hera
That waa a. lead- which waa simply hoc
less when held by so good a team a the
Rangers, and Denver waa plainly all in,
making it worse by quitting. The Orltillee
did make three mora blta, but they cam
one to an Inning, and were melees. Be
fore closing with Whltridge it should be
, said that he fielded his position beautifully
are for that one error, .making sis Diet
assist. . '
"Podge" Alloway was simply iavlnolble
, In all innings save tb fifth, when three
. g Ingler scored a lone run, iba only earned
l One. He also, did some atar fielding.
, Thomas started to catch the game and Wat
doing pretty work when In the third an
, outshoot from Alloway' circa swing broke
1 the nail on the third finger of his right
! band, spoiling him for throwing. 80 Oond
I leg went in, and the industrious little
I Catcher had his batting clothes on and but
' toned. He. hit lftoo during the game.
- Oenine waa there again with twa nice
hlta deiplte Ma bad shoulder, but la the
fifth on Wall's safe single to center Frank
could only roll the ball to Stewart, who then
fielded It borne la time to nail Jones at the
! plate on a very close decision, but never
' theless in y beautiful play.
Foar OaoSlded laalnca.
During the last four Innings the leaders
- imply played with the much vaunted ai-
plranta for top honors. Oenlns even stole
home once, but Stewart . spoiled a tat
ateal by foul, for h did not see frank
coming on the. pitch. The Grliilies must
do better If they hope to take a game Out
of thla aeries. Tha attendance was 1,000.
It waa ladies' day, as will b nest Friday at
well. Tha score: '-'
, . AB. R. H. Q. A. B
Carter, rf ... 4 I J i 1
&-mln, cf . 4 I S 1 1 0
' Flemlna-. rf ft - A 1 a a a
Calhoun, lb 1.1 t 14 1 6
Folan.js ., 1 J -. g I 1
Oondlnr, o t t t I 0 2
.Alloway, p .-. 110 1 4 0
Totals .. 30 I u 77 U 1
AB. R- IT A. A. A.
Delehanty, to 4.1 410
Preeton. cf .1.0, 110 0
Jonea, If ., 4 0 0 t 0 0
Wall, lb- .4 " 0
Jo 0
I I v
I t i
Pundon, .lb ,.. ,...1
Frisk, rf 4
Radcllfr,1 ea 4
MoConnell, 0 ......... 4
Whltiidgo, p ......... a 0
Totals ...... S t U t I
Omaha ...... I M 1 I M I M
Denver 0 00010010 1
Earned runs: Omaha 4, Denver L Two
base hlta: Dolan. Flemlnf. Three-btse-hiu:
Calhoun, Frisk, "acrlnee hits: Crcr-
' tar, Oenlna, Dolan, Hlckey, Alloway.
Passed balls: MoConnell . wild pitch:
Whltridge I. Stolen baaea: Calhoun, Qen
lna. Baaea on barfla: Off Alloway 1 off
Whltridge S. Hit by pitched ball: Alloway
1 Struck out: By Alloway 1, by Whlt
ridge S. Left on baeea: Omaha 1, Denver
4, Double play: Stewart to Dolan to Cal-
,houn. Time of game: 1:41. Umpire: La
Peoria Beat Kaaaaa City.
KANSAS CITY, May JO.-Olbeon waa
wild today and he received poor support.
1 Attendance, 0. Score:
Peoria 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1
Kama Clty....l t 0 M M i N ( i
Batteries: Kansas City, Gibson and
Armstrong: Peoria. Hart and Wilson.
Daa Molaoa Loses Sarla-fa.
DES MOINES, May .-Weakneee at
the bat today caused tha home team to
Icee the second game of the series to
Colorado Springs, bcore t . j
Dea Molnea ....0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0-11 i
Colo. Springs.. .0 OOlOtOOO-liO
1 Batteries: Des Molnea, Barry and Han
son; Colorado Spring, McNeeley and Ar
(tuur. .
y . klrewara Oat Bat St. Jaaepk.
ST. JOSEPH. May JO. Milwaukee won
today's gam by superior stlok work.
Milwaukee ....0 4 0 0 4 0 1 0 0 10 1 I
St. Joseph ....0 104000 06 lis
V Batteries: Milwaukee, Bracken. Swarm
stead and Lucia: St. Joseph, Maupln and
taadlaa at the Team.
Played. Won. Lost PC.
Omaha II i -7
Kansaa City ii 11 1 .Tot
Denver Jl i . .
Colorado Springe 4 It 13 .14
St. Joseph M IS
Milwaukee h t 11 .4
Peoria II
Dea Molnea 21 4 IT .130
Came today: Denver at Omaha; Mil
waukee at St. Joseph; Peoria at Kansaa
City; Colorado Springe at Des Molnea.
' - lawa 'Varettr Defeale Grlaaall.
tlOWA CITY. May 10. (Special Tele
ram.) Iowa defeated Orlnnell U to 4 on
owa field today. Captain Clarke, who
started to pitch for Orlnnell waa batted
hard In the aecond Inning, and out of the
box In the fourth. King, who auceeeded
, FOR '
, drink:
Katsrsl LaiaUvs MlaeraJ Water.
The safest and mojt
effective cure.
Always ask for. ,
trt'LL KAMK)
or you may be imposed
upon. Substitutes are
Mm. frr1 twa runs bv bases on balls
(r1nrll Blared Flk and Clarke, now
playing th"lr fifth year of co1-k hm
ball, In defiance of the contract which
siipuiatea conference ruiea tor tne game.
IV. H. E.
Iowa 0 4 11110 1-14 17 1
Orlnnell 100101 004 S 1
Bsfterles: Iowa, Vo and Rice; QrlnnelL
Clarke, King and Marsh.
Chicago Agala Leads Bostaa Dowa
tha Mae by lone Timely
CHICAOO, May 10. The locals sgatn de
feated Boston today by well placed hits
n mm inninps. tayiur was invmciois
until th ninth, when three hlt.r were
Duncneti ort mm. Attenaance, i.vio. Bcore:
Miller, If ... I I 1 I 0 Lmh. ef I f
In, ti 1 t t ' D-nvoirt. lb.. 1 t i I
r.t tk . . s i
Cens'l's, rf.. 1 I
, W : V""IT, VIS
Crny, rf... I I
Cksnce, .... (
L, lb.... t I
O Htn. Ik. I 1
Stl-.afr. nil
i i
i i
I t t
1 I
Orr ft. n I t I
Utttf. Ss IS I
Counner. It. 1 If
Mnrtn, e I
Tsrloe, .... t 1
Plitlnter. .. S 1 S
I'KltU-xIs ..
t i i
TM.I. . . i S A
Batted for Plttlnaer In the ninth
Chicago 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1
noion v o o 0 o 0 0 0 11
Ieft on bases: Chicago, g; Boston, 10,
Jones. Bchaefer, Courtney. Struck out:
i ,.j uuiii, Qiuien oases
pr 1y'"r. s; ay nttinrer, . Baa on
balls: Off Tsvlor. ! oft Plttln.. a
Willi nlth tHttinmAw TIM.. 1 .e tV
yum. v urn. j.
Plttiaarg; Beat Palllle.
fltei-MaiMfIA a . . .
riiiomruf, may it wti 4 slue
at-lltaV srimA IhrAl.akAHt aal k tblaa.w..-
w-m aa ouaiiuuv. Willi rui nil r far
the more fortunate In bunching. There
no speoiai features, leaver a arm
played out In the lxth. Attendance, 1,100.
a u a m
ris e t i i s a
TTie-nss, ef.. t I 4 I
RrnwfiA- It 1 s ft 1 A
Cenre-, ss... f 1 4 I t
nMHfn't t 1 A A
rxui, ib,, i i i i i
Bsrrr. rf.... 114 4
Wssner. It... I 1 I t
Brsnarid. Ik 1 4 t I
Usck, it,.... title
flTM.M A ft A
ran, ... e e I i
Hulewttt, ss. 1 t t I
Hftllmsa, Ik. 1 I I I 4
cmma. tk... a a i a
LeftTer. a.... 4 1110
white, p 4 1114
Chnbro, ... 4 4 4 1 Cl
fc, , . a- TT I ... V ,4 I
j j i . ... ti n u ii
On out When wlnnlnc ,.
PlttSltllFir AAAAv,....
Philadelphia o 2 i i i i n
Earned runs? Plttshiir. . nvn..i
Phla. I. Twobaa. bit: Braneheld. Three-
S Dransnria, ieever. louglas,
eacrlflce hits: Chesbro, Douglaa, Childs
"'"' jmaea; uavia IZ). Uoualaa tZ). Ha. .
ms n. Hiu, An u . . r f . .
vur.iiu, i, uu rvruie, I. BtruCK oat: B'..'L y -neaoro, J oy v n te, 6.
Wild pitch: White. Time: 1;00. Umpire,
tandlagr of the Teams.
Played. Won. Lost PC.
16 4 .S43
1 t .440
1 11 .57T
11 14 .440
11 1 .407
10 It .154
10. IS .36?
IB .148
mtcago , ss
New Vork .S
Boston m
Cincinnati h
Fnuadeiphia 24
Brooklyn at
St. Lou la st
Oamea today: Boston at St. Louie; Brook
J?.,i Cincinnati; New Tork at Pittsburg;
lenatora After Soma Bzeltlagr Playlns
Oir Vp Plght ta taa v
a slow, but htrhly eKcltlng, game from
washlnrton today. Twelve of the hnma
team were left on bases. Attendance, 1,169.
a u n A a I a u n a m
MeOrSw. Ik. 4 I 1 I Vr. ef 1 1 4
BftlDSOO. II., I I I I I
Keister, rf... t I 1 I I
f e r. ef. Ill WolTTn, Ik. 4 1 1 I I
Wllllsmt, Ik. 1 1 i 1 t PeUk'ly. I(. 1 I 1 I 4
wmor, n. s s I s 1 CoushllB, Ik. 4 I 4 4 4
McOsna, lk.. t 1 4 Csrsy, lk.... 1 I T 1 4
OU..rt, ss... 4 lit 4Clr. ss 4 4141
Brunslua. 4411 s Drill
MoOlnsUy. i I 4 4 0,Towo
e l 4 l . A A A A A
lOrth. s 4 4 4 4 1
s S IT IS 11
Total, ...I ft n ii a
Baltlmora .0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 44
Washington 0 1000001 1-1
Earned rimi1 TVashlnAnn e n.i,i..AM
1. Two-base hlta: Carey, Wolverton. Me-
uann. oaonnce nits: deleter (H), Ely m.
Double plays: Coughlln and Carey, Ely
and Cafe vi
Ely. coughlln And Carey.
Baaes on balls: Oft Townsand, 4; off Orth,
1: off McOlnnlty 7. Struck out: By Town-
i;na, j; oy aicuinnity, - on bases:
Washington, i; Baltimore, 7. Wild pitch:
Townaend. Timet 1:80. umpires: O'Laug
lln and Sheridan.
Yoaa Wlaa for Boatoa.
BOSTON. ' lfsv
10. Both pitchers were
but Young's superior
the victory for Boston.
ftifti.inti if a
tffectiv today,
steadiness landed
Attendance, i.17.
psrent, .es... t
9 Hftrti.l, If.. 1 1 1 4 4
e 4 Fulti, ef 4 114
sum, el
Colllas. Ik.,
frssmsn, rf.
l i
I i i
Psrls. lb.... Mill
s s
4 L Cross, Ik. t I
i,Oolrt., rf.. 4 I i 4 4
M. Crots. ss. 4 i 4
1 ItMlmAK. .. 4 4 t 4 4
Hiekmsa, If.
LftCh'AA- lk.
Olessna, tk.
S 1
"'. e 1 i
Toung, 4 14
Cftstre, tk.
risnk, r
: 0
TeUls ... 1 If 11 ll ' Tetsls ... t iu ii
bos ion o 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 I
Philadelphia 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 01
? Earned runs: Boston, 1- Phlladelphla.l.
wo-baa hits: Freeman. Hickman. Crlger.
acridoe hits: young. 14. Cross. Stolen
aaea: coliina, KullU. Double playa:
arnt and Collins. Bases on balls: Oft
Mank. 1. Struck out: By Young, ; by
lank. L Time: 1:41. lmrjlre: irrmh'
era. .
taaalagr of taa Teaaaa.
Played. Won. Lost. PC.
Detroit ....
... ll 8 .ono
Chicago SO 11 eoo
fpetoa 22 la .501
St. Le-ula 1 n a .579
Philadelphia ti it ) .571
Baltimore 21 10 11 .4S5
Waahlnaton 4.1 S 11 tn
Cleveland ..21 4 17 Ml
uamee tooay: Cleveland at Philadelphia:
Chlcaro at Boaton; St. Louie at Washing-
tun, muQii ! Dsiumort.
Lealsvllle al Kaaaaa City Divide
Bvea a Iatereatlac
Doable Header.
KANSAS CITY. Mar SO. Lou lav! 1L and
Kansas City divided honors In a double
header here todav. McDonald a nil CitmAv
collided In the fourth Inning of the second
gams and both were rendered unconscious.
Oannon was aent to the bench for abualna
tha umpire. Attendance, l.SuO. Score:
H.Q.A.B.I K.H.O.A.B.
rf. .. 1 1 4 !K-snee,
eiK-snee. cf.... 111
nrm. of ... t
OftSSM, lk.. I
4 14
hatkfus. rf.,
114 1
f I f
1 II 1 SiSmltk. It.
OaamI. Ik... I
Ormdr. lk
PiswrMf, It. t
4 ;IIIa, ... 4
iplAS. .
I 1 O Drlsa, Ik.. t
t ) Um, ss.... 4
I i t MoBndft. lb. 1
1 i tiWerblu. ... 1
Teuls ... 1 11 IT It ' Teuis ... f if U ft
Louisville 04101100 1-1
Kansas City 00010101-4
Earned runs: Kansaa City 1, Louisville L
Two-bSk hlta! Oansel. Oannon. Thras.
base hits: Bothfus, Smith, Flournoy. Sac
rince hits: Kerwln, Clymer. Stolen basea:
uannon, uansei. uouoie play: Tannehlll
to Osnsel to Shannon. First base on halls-
Off Weyhlng i, oft Dunkle &. Hit by pitched
ball: By Weyhlng 1, bv Dunkle 4. Time of
aauiv. A.w. uiUftiirv. nftco.
- - leeest Oaaae.
AftHM. ' AVVlBli.l.A.
BMOAkl a. H O A B
Ksa. ef.... 1 4)4 Ksnrta. rf... III
hatkra rt-ik i til icirse. st... t I I l
s I f m 1 tak Aft ak ft w a, av a a a.
ayiiiisai, ss... w a) aw w w VWUIlua, ff f 1
Or.,, lk.... 4 4 i tS(.i.. u K s t
0ar. H.... I 1 4 4 Oa.iaI. lb... I 114 4
STi 2 i ill Ior. U4 4 I 4 4
0 Brtsa. tk.. I it isnrwsr. s... 1 I I
Laaws. ss ... 1 4 4 4 Tiiftnlll. ss 4 I I I e
kJ-Brtsft Ik. 1 I I 4 Schft.b. tk.. I I I
McImbsJS. a. 4 4 D.nar, a.... 4 4 4 1 1
slfe, p I I 1 I i Flaherty. .. 1 1 4 I 1
teUU ... I U It t "' Totals ..."" M U "l
Kaaaaa City 11011041 I
Louisville 0 0 1 1 0 0 I 1-4
Earned mna: Kansaa City 1, LoulaWlle
1 Two-baae hits: Bevtlle. McBrtde. ria
IVJ' rw"u Three-baae hlta; Oear.
xRW!' Wet'114. Stolen base:
1 ie?" rwll.t" bilf: a McDonald
1. , off Denser I, off Plahertr 1 Hit bv
Ditcher) ball: By Wolfe l7 by FJaherty
Struck out: By Wolfe 17 by hahertj t
V,olte 1H. by Denser 1 by Flaherty L
Time Of game: 100. Umpire: Ward!
Pr tar Calaaaaaa. .
tho tou team at lVu&v 'ui j
ring to end today and tha asms wa an
eeey victory for Columbus. Chaplelkl was
iiu. Aiirnnance, ptv. ecore:
Mftrt, ef
.... esse etnurilis!. Ib
Knoll, rf.
1 4
PhTi, lb....
klAsney, rf.
Uiir. If...
klr-TS, ik..
C'sna. lb..
Tumr, Ib.
Ntitress, as
Tor, c
'saner, s.
l.rnrh. ef.,.. t
Werden, lb.. 4
Wllmot, rf.. 4
Mrrftrl'd. If. 4
t II
srllsls, ss..
Brers, e
cbspleskl. p.
Totsls ... I 14 1 I
otais ...It II IT II ol
i oiumnus 1 1 0 S 4 0 1 1 14
Minneapolis 0000000000
Earned runs: Columbus 7. To-baee
hlta: Myers, Evans, Lally. Three-base
hits; Mraney. Home run: Fox. Passed
balls: Byers (t). First base on balls: Off
Chapleskl , off Wagner 1. Hit by Pitched
ball: By Chapleekf 4. Struck out: Bv
ChapiMki 1, by Wagner 1. Sscrlflce hits;
Wllmot, Knoll. Stolen baeea: Meanev,
Turner (t), Lally (2). Myers. Left on
bases: Minneapolis i, Columbus . Time
vi same; i.oo. l mpire: bright.
Hooelera Third gralht.
MILWAUKEE. May lO.-Killen kept the
hlta well acattered thla afternoon and the
home team dropped the third game to In-
uiauBuiia. Aiiinainn, tun. tscore:
.. . J R.H.O.A.B.
Kuhns. If..
nnrnmr, n I I 1 s v ciinsmsn. ss. 1 4 I
.111 Mound., ef.. I I 1 I
. ( 1 1 Hftilman, If. I 4 I 4 (
. t I 14 1 I Parrott. lb.. 4 t 11 4 1
O' Brian, ss
Klhm. lk...
Bftbb. lb...
1 1 I I Thlftl. rf 4 1 I s
Coultr. ef.., 4
rot. lb 4
Hrdcm, s... 1
Klllen, a.,., i
till McAnt's. Ib. 1 I 1 s
site bom, e s I l l
lit Orsnt, lb.... 4411
14 14 Elliott, p.... 4 4 4 4
Totals ... I 11 tl ii ft tm.i. i a a a
J".31""11" I 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0-
Milwaukee lOOOOOOO 01
narnea runs: Indianapolis 1. Two-baae
'-"'i;: ' ?pt, mcAnarews, Kuhni,
nce hits: McBrtde, Kuhns. Fox. First
""" n oaiis: un biilott Z, ofl Klllen t.
Bioifn Dsjiea: Moanever (Z), Kuhna, Babb.
Struck out: By Elliott 1, by Klllen 1. Dou
ble Dlavs: Mrptrla In rilnAm.n c .
O'Brien to Klhm. Coulter to Heyd'on. Babb
y m. ...... n onsea; MllwaUKee 7. In-
Haskell lmo ' ame; i:n. umpire
Saints' Pitcher Kaoekett Oat.
nSE PAUV'.tMaf' i"-Toledo knocked
Davie out of the box In the seventh In
ning today and won the game. The home
i i. 'i..,r,,, game in tne neia,
Attendance, 3S7. Bcore:
R.H.O.A.E. r h o a a
Sir?' ".' 1 1 ' 0 OX"-, tb.... 4 4 111
Millar, rf.
a s Diiitra, if... sill
1111 Shar, st
S S ft A flitr.iiu w . - .
Bmltn, lb..
Turnar. lh.
OIIMA. ff. .
T ' - v n.ii.(, B... V A ft V V
411 4 Shannon, cf. 1 I I 4 I
MftrftTS, lb... 1 1 4 I ULuml,-
....... -
rf . I t 1 0 4
ruitt, it...
till O'HuKtlns. lb. 1 i 1 I I
0 1 4 4 0 Fierce. 6 1 I t 1 1
Klftlnow. a
Hock, p....
a l o l o
UK lft. p S 1 4 1 1
Crlbblns, p.. 0 0 1 0 0
Tetsls .
I t 17 It "l
Totals ... I It 11 t
Toledo ..
..0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 S
St. Paul
.ii ii n -g ii n n n
xwo-oaee hlta: Miller, Smith. Home run:
Foutt. stolen bases: Qeler. Hugglns.
4 Bl BftaakftTi ftftaft Ka 11a ftl ftfat ift ..1 A . - mm m 4 av
a. L . ' V" 1 ti on MOCK, 2.
Struck out: By Mock. 8; by Davis, 8; by
Crlhhona t k.ii. m V,... .
pitch: Davis. Left on baaes: Bt. Paul :
TAIAA 1, . .... . . ..." '
w,Uu, A. aiiub; no. umpire: jinaiu.
Staadlna- of tha Teams.
Played. Won. Lost. PC.
Indianapolis ..
St. Paul
Kansas City
26 It 7 .730
20 18 7 .660
a 13 8 .691
21 11 t .671
28 18 10 .66$
23 9 14 .391
21 6 IS .Vt
.20 4 IS .200
Games tndav Iiulavllia ar v.....
Indianapolis at Milwaukee; Toledo at St'
Paul; Columbue at Minneapolis.
RlKhlana Park Defeata Cotner.
T.TttfVlT.M Maw M a 1 fY--. - . .
The Highland Park college base ball team
nf Tlekal Mni 1-141 Hakfaka ak4 Pntnaa saII... .a
Htvvelock this afternoon 14 to S. Score:
Highland Park ....0OO8O6S8 It' 1 i
Cotner 0000000808 6
xiaiienes: mgniana FarK, Paul and
Sunta; Cotner, James and Judlvlne. Home
runs: Peters, Aaseth. Three-base hlta:
Aaseth. Two-baae hits: Aaaeth, Hancock.
Soldiers Vletortoaa Ball Players.
oiunuiB, b. u.. May 10. (Special.
The Olympic baae ball team of Deadwood
played a game with the aoldlera at Fort
... . ou. duiiua. iiiv iiimB whs won oy tne
soldiers, the score being 11 to 7. It was a
iwm mmi. v w mo uiui inoinr, wnen tne
visitors went to pieces.
Taree-I Leaarae.
At Davenoort Terra Hauta 1 nivM.
port 0.
At Rock Island Bloomlngton 6. Rock Isl
and 8.
At Cedar Raolda Evansvlll K r..
Raplda 1.
At MooKiora Rocitrord 18, Decatur 3.
In Soathern Assoclatioa.
At Chattanooa-a MemDhla . rhatta.
noogav 1.
At Nasnviue Nashville 18, Little Rock 4.
At Birmingham New Orlaane 1. nirmine.
ham 1.
At Atlanta Atlanta 10, Shreveport t.
On Colleae Diamond.
At Iowa City Iowa 17, Orlnnell 4.
At lrflnneanftlle MlnnaaiMa S XTaIm
Dame 7.
At Cambridge Harvard 86, Lehigh 1.
Treatoa Wades Iato McCook.
M'COOK. Neb.. May SO. f SoeolaJ Tul
gram.) A baae ball game between MoCook
ana Trenton resulted in victory for the
visitors by a score of 16 to 13.
With the Bowlers.
On Clark's allevs last nlarht tha fnllnv.
lng scores were made in tha individual
ninepin tournament:
1st. Id. M Tvttal
W. E. Rlddell.... 6 4 16
David Cole 6 8 1 11
C. H. Mullln 7(8 20
W. J. Little T 1 ( 18
J. R. Snyder 6 6 8 14
M. R. Huntington.... 6 8 7 16
W. H. Emery 17 1 ,
3. Clark...., 3 6 7 16
C. R. Orlfntha 6 6 6 17
B. Elermann 16 1 10
Ptfteea Montha for SwladllnsT.
CHEYENNE, Wyo., May 20. (Special
Telegram.) In the United States court to
day J. T. Norton, the attorney, pleaded
guilty to the charge of using the mails for
fraudulent purpoaea and was sentenced to
serve fifteen months In the penitentiary.
Norton conducted a matrimonial bureau
and advertised for a husband under the
Bame of Mabel Dundas. At the time of his
arrest, three months ago, be was engaged
to be married to acorea of men In different
parts of the country and bad worked them
all for money. He did business for over a
year and realised thousands of dollars. He
attempted to produce a Mabel Dundas, but
the officers threatened to prosecute her as
an accomplice, and ths woman dropped
out of sight.
Aran Shattered by Guashot.
YANKTON, S. D., May 20. (Special.)
Peter Jensen of Irene waa badly wouaded
laat Saturday afternoon while duck shoot
lng In an old laks nsar Centervllle. Whll
getting out of a boat he pulled a gun after
himself, muzile foremost which was dis
charged, blowing oft all the Beeo of the
left forearm and shattering the bosea,
Draaged to Death by Horse.
CHAMBERLAIN, 8. D.. May M. (Spe
cial.) At Oacoma Sunday evening Loula
Seeae met a violent death. He was
throwa from a Corse and dragged a con
siderable distance, death resulting. Basse
was well known throughout the range
Mass MeetlasT of Republican Ltagst.
SIOUX FALLS, 8. D., May 10. (Special.)
It hsa been definitely determined to have
the big meeting of the State League of Re
publican Cluba on Tueeday evening. June I,
the evening before the republican atate
convention, Instead of on Wednesday fore
noon, June 4. as originally contemplated.
Slaaa Palls Prlaoaer Gees Mad.
SIOUX FALL8. 8. D., May 10. (Special.)
Ia the county jail In thla elty is a at ran
gsr who is a raving maniac. He arrived
at Oerretaoa the latter part of last week,
and shortly before being placed la Ja4
suddeaJy became violently Uaantw
Senator Olapp Declare Minoritj it Forced
to Retreat in Face of Facts.
Bacoa of Georgia Feara Establish
meat of Them la Phlllpplaea Will
Brlaar Resalts Similar to
Those In Cnba.
WASHINGTON. May 20. The subject of
the concentration of the Inhabitants of the
Philippines Into eatnpa was a leading topic
of the discussion of the Philippine bill In
the senate today. Mr. Bacon of Georgia
attacked the policy of concentration, liken
ing It to the reconcentrade camps estab
lished by General Weyler la Cuba.
Mr. Poraker of Ohio defended the action
of the military authorities In establishing
the camps In the Philippines as wise and
proper and aa a means of protecting friendly
Filipinos from assassination at the bands
of roving bands of Insurgents. He read a
description of the camps to show that they
really were camps of Instruction and sani
tation. Mr. Hoar of Massachusetts spoke briefly
In line with Mr. Bacon, criticising the con
centration camps and pointing out the dif
ficulty la getting army officers to testify
regarding the situation.
Eloqaent Speech by Clap p.
The day's debate waa closed by Mr. Clapp
of Minnesota In an eloquent speech, in
which he urged that the Filipinos ought
to be taught to admire and respect the
United States as a nation which always
has stood far liberty and progress and never
had broken Its word to any people, great
or small.
Mr. . Bacon, addressing the senate on the
Philippine bill said that there was, In part,
civil government now established In the
Philippines under the war power which was
as full In Its powers as that conferred by
the pending bill.
He read a paragraph In the bill to show
that It contained a broad and unlimited
grant to the Philippine commission to dis
pose in unlimited fashion, of the public do
main In the Philippines. He declared that
an examination of the bill would show that
a corporation could obtain 1,000,000 acres
of land aa easy as It could get 6,000 acres.
This, he declared, was an "enormity."
Five Thoasand the Limit.
Mr. Lodge, chairman of the committee,
Interrupted to say that section 77 of the
bill restricted the ownership of land by a
corporation to 5,000 acres.
"Is It," Mr. Bacon asked, "the purpose
of the United States to retain the Philip
pine islands In colonial dependency or to
grant to them a government of their own 7"
That he thought, waa the great central
question around which all other questions
relating to the lelnnds must revolve. "If,"
said he, "we have the high and noble pur
pose of giving the Filipinos a free govern
ment whether partial or absolute then
now is the time for congress to act upon
that purpose.
Who la Defender of Army.
"Who la the defender of the army?" he
queried." "The man who denounces the
outrages in the Philippines and declares
they are unworthy of the army, or the man
who defends the outrages and makes no dis
tinction?" Senators who denounce these
outrages and the perpetration of them were,
he thought, the real friends ot the army.
Mr. Foraker siild that Mr. Bacon had
likened the concentration camps In the
Philippines to those In Cuba, established
under General Weyler. He ftlado compar
iaona of the camps to show that such was
not the case. The establishment of these
camps, Mr. Foraker aald, waa not an act
of brutality, as had been charged! but an
act of mercy and kindness and as a means
Of protecting the people from the roving
bsnds of banditti.
Mr. Hoar aald everybody knew, and It
was useless to try to disguise the fact,
that It waa difficult to get the army officers
to testify as to matters which reflected on
the administration ot a war. They were
brave men, but they flinched from making
such criticism. They were apt to fear that
their promotion, for which they were con
stantly striving, would be affected.
Senator Clapp'a View.
Mr. Clapp of Minnesota delivered a
forceful speech In support of the pending
measure. He raid that the Initial inquiry
into the consideration ot the bill was
whether the United States should with
draw its forces from the Philippines or
should remain In the islands. No consid
erable number of Americans, he believed.
favored a policy ot retreat, ...
A responsibility rested upon this govern
ment, he said, which could not be lost sight
of. The Filipinos, in the circumstances, must
await the result of the developments In the
Islands, and they ought to be aasured from
the history of this country that the results
eventually Would Inure to their advantage.
He taunted the democrats by declaring
that In the beginning of the present debate
they had warmly attacked the army, tell
ing, as he said, only one side of the situ
ation In the Philippines as to outrages
and barbarities. He asserted that sines
the other side of that story had been told,
that since the outrage! and Infamies prac
ticed by the Filipinos on the American
troops bad been laid bare a storm of In
dignation had arisen among the American
people, which had caused the democratic
minority to seek shelter by declarations
that their attack was not on the army,
but on the policy of which the army was
only the instrument.
Mr. Clapp aald that as an object lesson
the best tonic you can
14 111 !
nothing like it for building up the nerves, for
throwing off that feeling of exhaustion, and for
making rich bloofl v
Suppose you ask your doctor how often he
prescribes this splendid tonic.
After suffering terribly, I was induced to try your Sarsaparilla. I took three
bottles and now feel like a new man. I would advise all in need of a tonic to try
this medicine." I. D. Good, Brown town, Va.
11 -M a kfttda. ASaraaitta.
of America's fostering care of liberty and
free Institutions the republic of Cuba ought
to be held up to the view ot the Filipinos
and not a picture of enslavement and col
Directs Action of Conferees la sea
ate Dlspatea for the Thlra
Time In Week.
WASHINGTON. May 20. For a third tlm
within a week the bouse has Instructed lit
conferees on matters ot dispute between
the senate and house. Todsy the Instruc
Hons were given on amendment In the
army appropriation bill before the con
terees had even considered the matters In
controversy. The motion to Instruct was
made by Mr. Cannon of Illinois, chairman
of tha appropriations committee. It waa
resisted by Mr. Hull, chairman of the com.
mlttee on military affairs, and the some.
what spirited debate which followed de
veloped antagonism between the commit
teea. The amendment at which Mr. Can
non aimed was that which Increased the
appropriation for military posts from $3
000,000 to $4,000,000.
A resolution offered by Mr. Hltt, chair
man of the committee on foreign affairs, the
committee felicitating Cuba on her prog
ress, was adopted Immediately.
A bill on the passport law was passed,
The remainder of the day waa devoted to
private claim bills.
During consideration of bills on tha prt
vate calendar a measure to pay George
Rushberger of Johnstown, Pa., $6,000 for
discovering and capturing Santa Ana's
money at Cerro Gordo, N. M., In 1847, was
called up. The house, however, was not
In the humor to pass a bill that extended
over such a long period and the exacting
clatute was stricken out.
I'nnanal Honor Bestowed on Com
mander for Services by
Navy Department.
WASHINGTON, May 20. Secretary Moidy
has done Commander McCrea the unusual
honor of tendering to htm the formal thanks
of the Navy department for his excellent
services in command of the vessel Machlas
at the Isthmus of Panama.
The last report of the commander has
just been received, detailing the sensational
cpim-e of Bocas del Toro by the rebels,
and Us recapture by the Colombian govern
ment forces. Enclosed In the report were
numerously signed letters from the prlnci
psl business Interests of Bocas, commend'
lng tha commander to the Navy department,
tor his cool Judgment and enterprise. The
Judgment is that had It not been for thtt
officer the town would have been looted
and Americans would have suffered In prop
erty and life. The Navy department Is
grudging In Ita display of formal approvals.
The secretary In hla letter says:
The department is gratified that your
effort to prevent dlorder and destruction of
property and suspension of business have
met .with such success and have been ap
preciated by the residents of Bocas Del
a orro.
A careful preusal of your written re
ports and of letters received from those
hnvlng Interests In Bocas Del Torro con
vinces the department that In dealing with
affairs on the Uthmua you have displayed
good Judgment.
The department desires, therefore, to ex
press to you its. appreciation of your serv
ices while in commnad of Machlas at Is
thmian ports during the recent trying Con
Republicans Dlsrnss the Mtuar,' bnt
No Definite Course Is
, Determined On.
WASHINGTON. May 20. The republican
members qf the house of representatives
held a caucus tonight to ascertain whether
the Fowler financial bill reported from the
committee on banking and currency should
be energetically pushed at. the present ses
sion of congress.
It specifically provides for the establish
ment of the gold standard, creates a sys
tem of branch national banks, provides tor
a system of paper currency and for a divi
sion of banking under a board of control
In the treasury to take the place of the
present comptroller of the treasury.
Mr. Fowler, the author of the bill, made
an extended explanation of Its purpoaea
and advocated speedy action. He was
closely questioned, the Inquiries disclosing
a tendency to regard the measure a too
broad. This sentiment took form In a
motion by Mr. Warner of Illinois to propose
further consideration of the subject until
the next session of congress.
Mr. Powers of Maine opposed the measure
as likely to create a banking trust
Mr. Hill of Connecticut and Mr. Bar-
tholdt of Missouri favored, the action, tha
latter saying the American press and finan
cial interests approved the measure.
The caucus finally adjourned for a week
without action.
President Ooea to Haw York.
WASHINGTON. Mav 10 PraaMant
velt, accompanied by Secretary Cortelyou,
Dr. Urie and a stenographer, left here to
day In a Drlvate car attached t ttia is-aX
o ciock tram over the Pennsylvania for
New York, where tha nraaMant arttl
an addresa tonight before the Presbyterian
noaru oi noma missionaries at Carnegie
nan. The party will return on the told-
nignt tram to Washington.
Verdict la Brooke Case.
NEW YORK. Mav 20. The rornnar'a ur
iiimucii ui nit, ueam ui a4ivr r . fsrooas.
wno waa snot at tne Ulen Island hnr.I
February 14 last, today returned a vardit
that he came to his death at the hands of
peiaun or twrauns unanown.
III Posted
The newspapers keep you
Read this one and you will
learn that Aver's SarRflnarill ?
" J " r a
oossiblv take. There's
J. C AVER CO.. Uwetl, Maes.
You very often heap people say they wish they could
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In Smith's (Jrccn Mountain Renovator we have a
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We urge you to try this medicine. ' '
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JUL! troubl5d fvor 5 Of So mrs with what some physician,
pronounce Eciema and I other. Salt Rheum. It is at any rate a Case of
bad blood disorder and anything; but pleasant-constantly itchin. I
Ha? I1 tr"ted in m?ny d,ffcrent wy nd tried almost everything
that made any pretentions to cire blood diseases, and to no purpose
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Grekm Mountain Kr.NrovAToR. 1
Hr7uI.Vff.U,Sred4t.uee fahfuny. wording to directions, with won
derful effect-allaying the itching-though not yet entirely cured, am a
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will be. In fact I am so much impressed with the curative power, of
the medicine that I am ever ready to extol its merits."
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Kele's Hotel, Albany, N. Y.
If you have any blood troubles or diseases or disturban
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Sick men ought to use it
Weak women ought to use it
Ailing children ought to use it
It is the one great family medicine that oan be abso
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If you have ever used it, you know how good it is. .
If you haven't try it and if it doesn't prove to be Just
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8 tv aM J i preienasrs. nas my sympathlea Indeed; though, when wa
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There la nothing like a well kept hard
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Whenever a new tenant moves In. our
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Ground Floor, Bee Bunding, Rental Agents.
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It matter not how often you have been deceived by
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health are too precious to give up on account of these
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The man who sees himself gradually losing- strength,
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In the fond hope of a cure through the promises of these
'l!"t0Iy ' over wenty-nve years, there Is really
rhiK .m,?fh.txcu f?r pat escapada In trying to tell
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inCi'irS.'h4r?ihln,can'i be tru Pclallat for the "ia
son that he has selected and followed no specialty.
2Lt "A" yUT"U o take no more chances. We
oo not pretend to cure catarrh, consumption or fits, etc
Wood Fioor
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