THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, MAY 21, lf02. 3 PAY INTEREST PROMPTLY People Who Lease and Buy School Lands eping Up Their Contract ASSESSORS GATHERING STATISTICS Stale (tilrmaa l.ladsay AaiUai fed Have Ceaaty Cesasaltteee Or. Iird Early la tbe Camay I a a. ' . fFrorn a Btaff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. May JO. (Special.) A notable feature of th semi-annual apportionment of fundi for tbc public schools Is the In crease la the revenue of Internet on school and Mllnc land, leased and sold. In the half-year period ending May It tbe total amount received on sale coa tracts wat I122.M1. while In the corresponding period a year ago the receipt were only 1106.201. The rerenue from lease contract was 178, 132. while for the aame period a year sg mly $m.9P8 waa received from thia source. Tbeae lnrreasei are at 111 more gratifying when It la known that aver too,000 of acbool land eontracta have been pall off lnce January 1. thue reducing, the source from which the Interest money la derived. All school land, with the excep tion of a few hundred acres baa been Irased, and collections of Intereat money ware never eailer. ' This showing makes a boomerasg of the plank la last year's populist platform. In which the party patriots declared that they "viewed with alarm the great shrink age In. the revenue from the state school snd saline lands. The comparisons are made "With the figure of a period that averaged as high as any' corresponding period during the fusion - admlalstratlca They show that while the contracts on .thousands of acres have been paid oC the Interest money baa steadily increased. Other money in this aeml-annual appor tionment waa derived as follows: State school taxes. $122, BH; intereat on United States bonds. 1300; Intereat on ccun'y bond. 164,424; interest , on warreits. $27. 058; Interest on school district bonds, 487; game and h Ucenae fees, $2.0fS; peddler' license, $89;' embalmera' balance, 4.05. Total.' $4i:.$4. Caaatles Gathering Statistics, - i County commissioners throughout tbc tate are awakening to" the meaning of the secent decision of the supreme court whica jpheld the law requiring precinct eseist 10 gather information fcr the State 'Murea jt Labor and Industrial Statistics, In mauy it tbe countlea extra aesr hare Been employed to do the wore. 1 "One county clem has Informed us that A will cost this' county at least 5v0 to comply with the law," aald Chief tnerk flodge. ' 'The authorities cf tms comity save heretofore disregarded the nrovlsioua or me act. but are now willing to do . commanded. The expense is for additions, men t oo the enumerating. "We find there Is a very general senti ment throughout the state to obey the mandate of the court. Several county clerks have asked for more schedules and others are seeking Instruction as to how te proceed with tbe work. We have yet to find any county wherein tbe commissioner are Intending to disregard (th law. If all of the counties return the schedule with the Industrial and agiacuitural Information properly recorded, w will be able to pre sent within tbe next few months statistics that will be more nearly accurate thaa any ot the same character ever compOed by the department." Deprecates Two Ceaveatloa. Stste xhalrman H. C. LtxidMr deprecate tbe fact In several counties -the republican central eomhitttee have decided to have two separate' conventions held tor the pur pose of selecting state and congressional delegates, and for nominating candidate. "I had hoped that with an early state convention the various county committees would arrange to hare all of their work done in a single' convention." said Mr. Lindsay. "Where two conventions are held the reorganisation of the county machinery la postponed until the laat one. My Idea T-aa that It would be an advantage to have tb committees reorganised early In the season, thus giving sufficient time for of tertlv eampeiga work, - Announcement 1 mad that the wedding of Ml Bmllle Savage of thl city and Mr. Adrian R. Harvey of Omaha will he eolemnlsed at tb executive mansion on Jua 4. The bride-elect I a daughter of Governor Savage. Mr. .Harvey la aecretary of an Omaha bonding association. After tbe bridal tour Mr. and Mrs. Harvey will tnak their home in Omaha. Another change in tbe management of th Lincoln Oa and Electric company will tak place June L whea Edgar L. Powers will be succeeded as, manager and superin tendent by C. D. Strong of Uong Branch, N. 3. Mr. Powers has resigned to accept th poeiUoa of consulting engineer of the Chi' cago Gas company. The Stat Dental association began Its aaNial meeting tonight- The aessloa was preliminary te work whkh will follow to morrow. Fresaaat Boy - Iseesa 4a' Harts. i FREMONT. Neb.. May 20. (Special.) Th remains of Albert Anderson, a 14-year- old boy of thl city who died at the Preaby terlaa hospital la Omaha yesterday, were broug'-t her tar burial. Young Anderson sustained serious Injuries by Jumping from a moving passenger train September last He never recovered from hi hurts, which caused a nervous disease that proved fatal. - District reart at lewari. SEWARD. Neb., May 20. (Special.) Dis trict court convened yesterdsy, with Judgs Bamberger on the bench. Several lmpor tant eae will come up tor hearing at this term, among which la that of the Jonea Na tlonal Bank against Charles W. Mosher et aL The jury term will begin aext Mon day, whan there will be several liquor anl gambling cases disposed of. An Accepted Fact aflLWATJKKa 13 A QUALITY LEADER. Orifinal Methods is 3Y p.7 hare bad much to do with the uaprooedea- ted euoeeae f the brew. Not a battle of Blata Beer leavea the plant that has aot beea thoroughly sea tursd and sterilised. DLATZ MALT-VI VINE (Kea-latasJcaat) Tonic. Druggists or direct. UL tUTZ til WING CCJCU mttei OBLASLA aVWaC.II i 1 BLflTZ FT BEER W3 HOLDS LAWRENCE NOT GUILTY .aasaaaaa Jirr Dnltm Mea "elbe Threateaed Wonliffi wHa Feathery Caat U 5t Rioter. TECVMSEH. Neb.. May 20 Special Tel egram.) In th case of the Bute of Ne braska against C. E. Lawrence and others In tbe district court here today, on charge of rioting, tbe Jury brought In a verdict of not guilty after being out but twenty znla utee. Three years ago a Mr. Woolsey and Law-, reace with their families were residents of Elk Creek. Woolaey left for California, leaving his family behind; likewise did Mrs. Lawrence. Ia due time divorces were secured and Mr. Woolsey and Mrs. Lawrence, were married. Not long alnoe tbey moved bark to Nebraska, locating at Hubbell, where Woolaey 1 now In, business. At Christmas time last year Mr. and Mr. Woleey went down to Elk Creek to visit. They were quartered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Zach Cody la that village, when on the night of December 21 Lawrense and a doten or so of his fellow rltlsens visited the Cody horn and. It la charged, threat ened Mr. and Mrs. Woleey In a serious manner. A ' certain short time was specified In which the Wolseys should leave the place or suffer a coat of tar and feathers. A rig was secured and they left at once. Wolsey sought recourse la the courts. but the result was not favorable to his claims. The prosecution wss represented by County Attorney True and George A. Adams Lincoln, while the defense was made by Colonel L W. Colby of Beatrice and Judge S. P. Davidson of Tecumeeh. Numer ous witnesses were examined on both sides the rase seemed to be of unusual Interest, the courtroom being crowded both yester day and today. BANKERS AT GRAND ISLAND Grtsf Six of Nebraska Aseaelatloa Ccaveaes la Aaaaal Seaaloa ssi Ptograa Readered. t GRAND ISLAND. Neb.. May 20. (Bp-' rial.) Between twenty and thirty bankers. representing group, six of the Stat Bank era' association, arrived in tbe city thl afternoon and are holding an annual ses sion. Tb group Include the counties of Grant, Hooker, Thomas. Blaine. Loup. Gar field, Wheeler, McPhereon, Logan. Custer, alley, Greeley, Sherman, Howard, those parte of Lincoln and Dawson north of the Platte. Buffalo and Hall. President Bentley of this city opened the sessloa with the annual address after which papera were read on:, "Pioneer Banking" by Hon. T. M. Currle of Sargent; "Caution td Bankers" George B. Darr of Lexington; Purpoae of Bank Supervision" Hon. 'E. Roys of the Bute Banking Board; "A Few Remark on Banking" by E. D. Hamilton of Grand Island; "Exchange" by John A. Mil ler of Kearney; ""Negotiable Instrument Law" by 8. K. Warrick of Broken Bow. . . Yerk Cowaty Dreaehrd. YORK, Neb.. May 20. (Special.) Nearly v laches of rain has fallen la the last forty-eight hours. Every lagoon, basin and gully is filled with water. Tbeae rains are bringing out the largo acreage of win ter wheat and farmers are predicting that York county will have another bumper crop of winter wheat. About one-half of corn has been planted and many field are up. Pasdree were never better at this time of year. Alfalfa is kneehlgh and tar mere are getting ready for first rutting; Htk Scfceal raaarseearat at Adanae. 'ADAMS, Neb, May JO. (Special.) Tbe annual commencement aeason Is at hand her now. Thecotelng Friday wfU be field day. Sunday craning th baccalaureate ser mon will be delivered by Rev. Stevens at tbe . Methodist church, and oa Thursday evening will occur the eeventh annual commencement at the opera house. State Superintendent Fowler ia to deliver th commencement address and will present th diploma to a class of three young women and three young men. ... Heavy Mala at Part Calheaa. FORT CALHOUN, Neb., May 20. (Bp elal-) The heaviest rain of the .season fell here Monday afternoon. The v rain waa accompanied by hall. The small grains are ia aa excellent condition, with a heavy stand, and corn that la up la also a good stand. Th rains bar greatly aided the strawberries and other small fruit. Shalt la Coagrviilsaal Field. BEATRICE. Neb, May 10. (Special. ) Hon. M. E. Shults of this city is announced as a candidate for congress from tbe Fourth district. He as well and favorably known throughout th district, has filled with credit a number of positions of trust aad Is a staunch republican. ' TMalesaas Teadered at Shelby. SHELBY. Neb.. May M. (Special.) Th graduation xerclae of th Shelby High school were held at ths Ancient Order Cnlted Workman hall lect evening. There were alx graduates. State Superintendent Fowler gar aa Interesting address aad pre sented the diploma. JaasT Saaaera, Hetlred Xasoa. OSCEOLA. Neb.. May 10. (Special.) Os ceola lodge. A. F. A A. M., has placed Judge T. H. Saunders oa the retired list, he new being exempt from dues. Judge Saunders has been a Mason for nearly thirty years and has Just paaaed hi sixty fifth birthday. Graaa Iaraaa Teacaera Oft ILalae. GRAND ISLAND. Neb.. May K. (Spe cial.) Th Board of Education at a meet ing laat erealng elected forty teachers for the ensuing year and fixed the salaries. making aa Increase, oa th am number of Wee b era, of about 1700 per year. Viae eralsates at Waketel. WAKEFIELD. Neb, May 10. (Special.) The graduating eaeretee of the class of 10I of th Wakefield High school will be held la the opera bouse Thursday night. Nine pupils will graduate, each on being oa th program for aa oration. Haaie gekaol Board Eleeta. MONROE. Nth.. May 0. (Speelal.)- Prof. J. E. Hlcka waa re-elected auperln tendent of achoola for the fifth year by unanimous rote of the school board. Mia FaanlE- Weeks and MM Gertrude Fel low ware also re-elected. . rolaorteoa Rataa Daaaastac CCLBERTSON, Neb, May 0. (Special.) It has rained her every night for more thaa a week, with a total rainfall of over four Inches. Some damage la being done to disked cane aad corn, the aeed rotting In the ground. Beatrice Gradaatlaa; Exerelee. BEATRICE. Neb, May TO. (Special ) Tbe graduating aad da day exerclaes of the Beatrice High school wUl be held the reolng of Jua t aad I la th Paddock opera bouse. Weamaa Adjadared I HASTINGS. Nan.. May M. (Special Tele gram) Mlaa Sarah GrabUl of Ayr waa brought to Hastings today aad adjudged la ease. She will be takea te linMrta tomor- few. NEBRASKA CROP CONDITIONS All but Small Section of State Get Bin tall Abort tie SormaL SPIENDID WEEK FOR GROWING CROPS sail Grata Greatly lasaraved, Cerm Plaatla Sllshtly. Delayed la ease f retinae. tt Ret . Serleaaly. LINCOLN. May M. (Special.) Tbe ,Vnl(ed Statea Department of Agriculture, Nebrarka section cf the crop service, Issue the following: The last week has been warm and wet. with less than the normal amount of sun shine. Tbe dally mean temperature has averaged 7 degrees above normal in tbe eastern portion of the state, and 10 de grees above in the western. The rainfall has been above normal in all except the northeastern counties, where It has been decidedly below normal. The rainfall ha generally oeen between 1 and 7 Inches la the central and southern coun tlea, exceeding I Inches in a rery large portion of this district, while In the north eastern countlea it ranged irom a quarter to a half-Inch. Tbe last week has been -very favorable for the growth of regwtatlon. Winter wheat has continued to Improve In condition; It is heading In southern counties with short straw. Rye is heading and promises to be somewhat less than an average. Oats have Improved, but are still below average condi tion. Cora planting has been retarded by the rain in parts of tbe state; nevertheless. com planting Is well advanced for the time of year, nearly finished In southern counties and well advanced in northern. The early planted corn is coming up nicely, with a good stand. Report by counties: Soatkeaatera Sectloa. Butler Wheat doing splendidly; oats and grasses growing fast; early planted corn coming up nicely; potatoes fine. Cass Inter wheat looks well, but will generally head short; oat condition Im proved: corn planting nearly done; corn coming up nicely. , ciay ran wneat nas unprovea wonaer fully. but Is twKlnnlng to bead short: corn co ruins: up nicely; oats and grass much Improved. . Fillmore Wheat much Improved: oata generally looking well; corn, coming up nicely; potatoes looking fine. Usee Wheat Improved very much, .some pieces heading; oats and pastures Im proves; some corn up; promise tor good apple crop. Hamilton Com plantlnc delayed by rain: ail crops growing finely. jenerson heat heading short, promises about half crop; corn about all planted and coming up to a good stand; pastures much ImDroved. Johnson w heat heading snort, nut doing wen; oais injn; pastures mucn improved: corn nearly all planted and cultivation be gun. Lancaster vv inter wheat heading and growing nicely, but will not make a full crop: oata Improved; pastures good; corn coming up. Nemaha Wheat rapidly recoverlnr from effects of dry. windy weather; oat look wen; potatoes and early planted corn being cultivated. Nuckolls Wtieat looking- - better, some &leoes will make half a crop; corn plant ig about finished; corn coming up; stand good. Otoe Too wet to work In fields; wheat heading short, but has good body; some corn large enough to cultivate; fruit prom ise ima. Pawnee Wheat will be a little short, but nearly average crop; oata looking better; corn coming up niceiy; pastures improved Polk Winter wheat doing finely, but short strewed; oats fairly good; corn plant ing wen aavanceo; meaoows and pastures looking fine. Richardson Oats growing finely; wheat heading abort; corn about all planted and coming up nicely; apples setting well; plums poor. Saline Wheat improved. but heading very Bonn, oiii ooing iainy wen; corn nearly all planted and coming un welL Saunders Oats and wheat Improved by run. out wneat win oe nuie more than nan a crop: core coming up nicely; plant lnr about finished. - . Thayer Oata greatly benefited bv rain, but some wheat fields bevond helrj: corn coming up, stand good; corn planting near ly nnisnea. York Grass and grain made good growth; jiu piKsinuaT .aciayea. Kortbeastera- Sectloa. Antelope Com nearly all planted; small grain doing- finely. Burt Oata and wheat growing alowly; rye headed out: corn about all planted, coming up nicely; rain would be bene- nciai. cedar small grain looking well; corn Colfax Rye heading out; spring wheat and oata looking well; corn planting about nan aone; eariy potatoes nice. Cuming Corn about planted; gtotatoea look well; cherry crop will be lees than expected; grass much Improved; rein would be beneficial. Dakota Oats, wheat and barley dolnr well; grass growing nicely; com planting nearly finished; early potatoes being cul tivated. Dixon Wheat, oats and grasa doing ell: com planting- well advanced: tiros- peria tor a good iruit crop. uoage small grain Improving: rve headed; corn coming up nicely: pastures improving; eany potatoes iooa nne. jJouKiaa uata and wneat look well grass growing finely; com planting well advanced; cherries and plums setting nicely. Unit rm - lMlrtn n a . turea excellent; stoca in good condition; corn planting in progresa. Knox small grain and grass nne: corn planting well advanced. Madison Most of the oats and all of the wheat look nne: corn about half planted oeeis mostly pianiea, some up. Pierce Small grain growing nicely clally oats; early planted corn coming up niceiy. Platte Winter wheat areatlv Improved pastures much better; com planting re- taraea py rain; eany pianiea up niceiy Saroy Winter wheat looks fairly well: a little spring wheat and oata belna plowed up; corn planting well advanced; pastures good. Thurston Com planting progressing rapidly, tome coming up; good stand; pas tures exceptionally good; small grain do ing nicely. Washington tjats and wneat- good; corn lantlng well advanced, but retarded soma y rain; pastures good; early planted com up. Ceatral Seetloau Blaine Graaa growing rapidly; com com lnr up: several showers. Boone Oats and wheat Improving rap idly; graaa and auaira nne: com plant ing well advanced: soli In fine condition. Buffalo Kye and winter wheat heading out and looking fine; spring wheat and oats growing rapidly, but thin stand. Custer uraas growing niceiy; com planting In progress, early planted coming up: potatoes coming up: cattle doing well La wson Karly planted com up, good atand: pastume fine: rve heading, some very snort; corn planting retarded by rain. uarneid rii wneat looking nne. some fields headed: range looking fine; stock in excellent condition; early com up. Greeley Rye beading out and looking fine: oats snd spring wheat Improved pasture good; corn planting delayed by rain. Hall Wneat heading very short; surer beets la fine condition; cultivation com. menced. Howard Rye heading out; winter wheat growing well; oata looking fairly well cherries snd plums set little fruit. Loup-Oround too wet for corn planting paaturea good; small grain looking fine where not Injured by cutworms. Merrick Bulk of com planted and early filanted mining up well; pasture and hay and much improved; small grain growing well. Nance Grass growing fast; cherries and trawoemea set well; crop in excellent oonditlon. Bherman Com planting retarded by rain; grain aad grasa growing well: rye headlns- out: cutworms damaging alfalfa. Valley Fail grain doing finely: spring grain poor etaad ana conaiaeraoiy a&nv aged by cutworms; much com to be blamed vet. Wheeler Oata and wheat etooling well tors nearly all planted. i tsstkwMttrs tectloau Adams Rains have thickened oata evervthtna- arowina nicely. Chase Pastures excellent; slock doing finely: corn about ail planted. Dandy Heavy rains; farm work sua Drndd. but crop growth nicely. Franklin Winter wheat much improved lr.g not finished, early planted coming up nicety. Frontier Fall wheat heading: corn plant. In nearur aula had, early tiianted "' p nlrly; considerable kafflr com planted. Furnas wheat ha srrowa wonoerfullv. beginning to head; corn planting retarded rain: alfalfa excellent: pastures rnod. Ooeiier vv Inter wheat and rre headlna: small grain Improved beyond expectation: ; orn coming up nicely; corn planting de- ved bv rain. Hirlan Wheat and oata doing finely: com planting nearly done. . nayet h.arlr planted corn coming up. good stand; small grain doing well: grass paaturea growing finely; grasshoppers umerous. Hitchcock Grass good; all vegetation rowing finely; some damage by washing rom heavy rln. Kearney winter wheat recovering rap- Idly, whl be nearly average crop: graaa. oat and barley growing rapidly. L-incoin Ke beginning to head, good crop; hay crop will be large; corn and ugar beets damaged somewhat by heavy rains. Perkins Grasa and wheat In fine condi tion; plenty of rain. Ked Vi mow M Inter wheat much Im proved: alfalfa beginning to bloom; pas- ures fine; com planting delayed by rain. vtensier t. orn coming up: wneat im proved somewhat; moet of the com plant ed, early planted coming up nicely; oats rather thin. Weatera aad Ksrlaweslera Seetloa. Banner Grasshoppers very thick: small grain helped by rain. Wox Butte Oram irorltit well: com com ing up; not much planted. Hrown Corn planting well advanced: all crops growing nicely. Cherry Grass fine: cattle aalnlna- fast: lfalfa good. Cheyenne Wheat, oats and Tall ex cellent; plenty of rain. Uawei Grass and small grain need rain: twit doing fairly well. ieuei urass and small gram lookina- fine: grasshoppers numerous. Keith crops arowina wen: an abundance of rain. Keya Paha Grass growing finely; spring heat and oat Injured bv cutworms, corn planting retarded by rain; some alfalfa sown. Ixigan Early planted com up. looks fine: small grain looks well. , Kock Com planting well advanced; grass .iiimi pi kiii lining wni, tiirrnes and wild fruit full of bloom; plenty of rain. Bcotts Bluff Crops and grass on range materially Improved bv rain. fcnetidan email area In looks well hut needs rain; fruit prospect good. Sioux Some rain, good for crops and grass. GUESTS OF COMMERCIAL CLUB Scarce Eatertalned at Aaaaal Fratlr- Itea of Fresaoat Orgtaaiaatloa aad O Ulcers Are He-elected. FREMONT, Neb., May 80. (Special.) The - annual meeting of the Fremont Commercial club was held at the court house last evening. Tbe members and their ladles, numbering 300, were present. In the corridors of tbe building and also Inside tbe bar were arranged displays of tbe members, consisting of advertising matter, pictures and notions. In two rooms were arranged an exhibit of the work of the city schools, which attracted much at tention. Refreshment were served. During tbe evening music was rendered by Prof. Swi hart' orchestra. The report of Secretary J. F. Hansen showed that much work had been accom plished. Th movement for a general Im provement of tbe roads leading to tbe city and for a different apportionment of the county road fund had been especially suc cessful. The old officers were unanimously elected. CHURCH SUSTAINS- PASTOR Rev. Besbreok Oeeeple HI Palplt aad Doctor Whoa He Shot at la Expelled. WTMORE, Neb.. May 20. Special.) Rev. 8. P. Bcnbrook of the Christian church, who figured a one of the principals In a shooting scrape bore last week, occu pied his pulpit Sunday morning and preached to a large congregation. r '' In the afternoon the elder examined a number of witnesses as to the caUs lead ing to the shooting and Bedded that Dr. W. H. Johnson, unoa whom the pastor made his assault, should be expelled from mem bership. In the evening the membership present voted to sustain tbe finding of the eUJese hy a vote of 32 to i. FORECAST OF THE WEATHER GeaeraJly Fair la tbe Predletloa for Kebraska Wedaeaday aad Tbaraday. WASHINGTON, May 20. Forcat : For Nebraska Generally fair Wednesday and Thursday. For Iowa Shower and cooler Wednes- day; Thursday, fair. For Missouri Generally fair Wednesday and Thursday. For Kansas. Oklahoma. Indian Territory, Arkansas. Colorado. West Texaa and Wy omingFair Wednesday and Thursday. ' Local Record. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU, OMAHA, May . Official record of tem perature ar.d precipitation compwru wnu the korrespondlng day of the laat three years: Maximum temperature Minimum temperature Mean temperature im. 1901. 1900. 1!S9. 87 71 76 M 70 U 49 48 . 78 62 62 H Precipitation T T .00 .41 Record of temperature and precipitation at Omaha for this day and since March a. 1902: Normal temperature Excess for the day Total excess since March 1 Normal precipitation rflni..rv for the dav 1 S4G .14 Inch .14 inch Total rainfall since March 1 1 SS jnche pendency lnce March 1..........J .1 incnea Deficiency for cor. period, lftU..2.u Inches Pendency for cor. penoa, iuu o mtu Reports froaa Statloas at T r. ax. HI -5i eg a H : c : 2 CONDITION OF THE WEATHER. Omaha, clear M 7u 70 4 87 1 T 70 1 .00 72 1 .W 62 1 .04 Ml .02 64 .U0 Valentine, clear North Platte, clear .... Cheyenne, clear Bait Lake City, cloudy Rapid City, clear Huron, clear 621 74i 2 7ii (Ci 7! 82 8H; 62 1 4ti 64; Bill 7S. .00 WHUston, part cloudy . Chicago, part cloudy .. 64. .NO 8u .Ou 94 i .01 kl LOuis, part ciouay Pt, Paul, part cloudy leaven port, clear Kansas City, clear .... Havre, part cloudy .... Helena, cloudy 84: . .m (-( .Ou 62, .00 M -18 70! T Bismarck- ciouay Galveston, cloudy IC, .00 T Indicates trace of precipitation. Hi a 111 America' Best CHAMPAGNE "SPECIAL DRY." "BRUT." GOLD SEAL" U made by the French process from the choicest grapes growa In our owa vineyards, excels aay other Ameri ca wise and equal aay Imported. GOLD EAL" may bo placed on the table of the moat fastidious eonaoiaaeur without fear of criticism or comparison with aay imported champagne. Why pay twice as muck 'for foreign labels? ' . . , v. ...... . . . i x a . .11 in Cm-sSBea I ' , T -a itl vJa.l stAL" 1 pPCCil i7i Club aad cafee. SARAH BERNHARDT sin: I BJd U urban win l a OOl-U ItiL" C it A MP A Gftlt excellent. Iii faoc. superior t many rrenee Chasnpagnea. It surprises mm that aucb a fu win ca be irvdueed In Aioenca. THOMPSON MS MAJORITY His rrirads Carry Thirteen Out of Twenty Precinct in Lincoln. SLOAN GETS THE FILLMORE DELEGATION Jadae Korrls Eadoreed aa fsagm sloaal Taadldate by Faroes Ceaaty aad Allea Palls Oat at tbe Coateet. LINCOLN, Neb.. May 10. (Special Tele gram.) The republican primaries In this city resulted In a sweeping victory far the Thompson or so-called machine element. Of the twenty city precincts only seven were carried for the direct primary or anti machine ticket. If the country precincts stand with tbe majority forces of .the city, as they are expected to do, the antt faction will not get a rlce on the convention ticket. Jn the Third ward Wlnnett carried his ewa precinct by a majority of only alx rote, th other three precinct going against him. In the Fourth O. W. Webster loat "in his own precinct, but won in the other three. It is conceded that Senator O'Neill and Representatives Warner and Mockett will be nominated. Besides these men the most probable slate Includes C. F. Beghtol for senator ajid John H. McClay tor repre sentative. Another nomination for repre sentative will go either to E. T. Roberts or J. M. Burgess. This leaves still another nomination for tbe lower house and It will be given to tbe country. Joseph Burns was defeated In the Third ward and Is probably out of the race. Fillmore Ceaaty for Sloaa. GENEVA. Neb.. May 20. (Special Tele gram.) The republican county convention held today was tbe largest and most en thusiastic delegate convention ever held la the couaty. The primary system of voting in this contest had determined In advance tbe relative strength of the two candidates. and it waa no surprise when the roll cai gave Mr. Bloan 110 votes to Mr. loungers 78. After the adoption of resolutions, strongly endorsing Mr. Sloan's candidacy for the congressional nomination, a motion waa carried authorlxing him to select dele gates to the congressional and stste conven tions In the Interest of bis csndldacy. He thanked the convention for the courtesy shown him and named the delegates to Beatrice, but expressed his furl confidence In the loyalty of every republican in the convention, and asked that tbe state delega tion be selected by them from the eighteen townships In the convention. A striking feature of the convention was the speech of Hon. O. P. Baker of Exeter in seconding the motion extending the privilege to the successful candidate, in which he stated that he spoke by authority from Mr. Youagers. He assured the convention that t,he con test Just cloned had not weakened the ties of republicanism nor soured tbe unsuccess ful candidate or his friends, that Fillmore county desired to have tbe republican nom ination for congressman and that from now until the convention Mr. Sloan would have no more earnest supporter than those who had stood shoulder to shoulder with Mr. Tounger. His 'speech was warmly received. Mr. Sloan also made a brief talk, which was received wii enthusiasm, and at It close a motion that both state and con gressional delegations be instructed to use all honorable mesne to secure his nomlna tion was unanimously carried. In accord ance with the recommendation of tbe state committee a county central comlttee wae elected. ' Allea Geta Oat of Fight. . BEAVlR CITT, Neb., May 20. (Special Telegram.) Th republican county eon. vcntlon today wa a surprise, lnaa much as there wss no contest . over the selection of a congressional dele gallon between Judge Norris of Mc Cook and Senator Allea of Arapahoe. The canvas had been raging for many weeks, as it was concluded that the candidate who received the endorsement of Furnso county would undoubtedly have the support of th Fourteenth judicial district Early this morning Senator Allen real ized that his fight to secure hie home county was a losing one and be therefore withdrew and helped In making the selec tion of a Norris delegation ttnanlmous. The' state delegates are iinlnstructed and are as follows: E. N. Allen. Fred Boch ner, N. M. Ayers. F. N. Merwin. A. P. Van Burg. A. H. Shoenberger. W. E. Bab cock. Charles Shafer, N. A. Pettygrove, E. W. Parker, L. Eaton and C. M. Brown. Delegate to the senatorial convention were also selected and will go without in structions. Ths convention passed resolu tions, which go la effect, that delegates to the state convention should not vote for the renomination of any republican who bad been derelict In official duty. Clay Ceaaty Stroag for Dlaaxaere. CLAY CENTER. Neb.. May 20. (Spclal.) Th republican county convention has been called to meet here Thursday. May 29. While an attorney and two represen tative are to be nominated, all interest In Clay county la centered in th nomination of Hoa. John B. Dlnsmore for governor by the state convention. The delegate which will be selected at tb county convention wUl be Instructed to this effect. MAY MEAN MILLERS' COMBINE Meetlas Called for May 28 to Effeet Orgaalsatlaa of Scbratka Cristas alter. BEATRICE, Nb.. May 20. (Special Tele gram.) Tbe millers of the South Platte country. In session here since yesterday, adjourned today. Committees were ap pointed to confer with the railroads rel ative to an equitable adjustment of freight rate and steps were taken to form aa organisation. It was decided to hold a meeting at Hastings or Tecumseh Wednesday. May 28. when an association of some kind will be effected. Maleola Ford Temporarily lasaao. NEW TORK. May 20. A coroner's Jury which inquired into the deaths of Paul Leicester Ford, the author, and Malcolm Ford, his brother, the noted athlete, re turned a verdict that Malcolm was tem porarily insane at tbe time et tb tragedy. SOld orerv woero son oorvw as aut issais A Noted Knight Templar Owes His Health to Penina. Colonel T. P. Moody, a prominent Knight Templar, la well known In every city In the Cnlted State weat of Buffalo, N. T.. a Jewelers' Auctioneer. In the city of Chicago a a prominent lodge man. being a member of the K. T.' and also of the Masorta. The cut ehow Colorwl Moody In the costume of the Oriental Consistory Mseons, S2nd degree. Ia a recent letter from t00 Michigan avenue, Chicago, III.. Mr. Moody says tbs following: For over twenty-five years r I suffered from catarrh, and for over ten years I suffered froan catarrh of the stomach terribly. "I have taken all kinds of medi cines and have been treated by pall kinds of doctors, as thousatnds of ray . acquaintances are awar in different parts of the United Mates, where I bare traveled, but my relief was only temporary, until a lljtle over a year ago I started to take Pcruna. and at the present time I am better than I have been tor twenty years. "The soreness has left my stom ach entirely and I am free from ladlgestion and dyspepsia and will say to all who are troubles with catarrh or stomach trouble of any kind, don't put it off and suffer, but begin to take Pcruna right away, and keep it up until you are cured, as you surely will be if you persevere. "My wife, as many In tbe southwest ran say, was troubled with a bad cough and bronchial trouble, and doctors all over the t country gave her up to die, ss they could do nothing more for her. She began tak ing Peruna with tbe result thst she 1 bet ter now than she baa been in years, and her cough baa almost left her entirely. The soreness ha left her lung and she Is as well as she ever was In her life, with thank, as she says, to Peruna. Tours very truly. T. P. MOODY." Catarrh in its various forms is rapidly becoming a general curse. An undoubted remedy ha been discovered by Dr. Hart man. This remedy ha been thoroughly tested during the past forty years. Prom inent men have come to know of its virtues and are making public utterances on the subject. To save tbe country we must save the people. To save the people we must protect them from disease. Tbe dis ease that is at once tbe most prevalent and stubborn of cure Is catarrh. If one were to make a list of the different names that have been applied to catarrh. in d iff ere m. locations and organs, the re in different locations and oragans. the re sult would be astonishing. We have often published a partial list of these names, and the surprise caused by the first publica tion of It to all people, both professional and non-professional was amusing. And f CONSTIPATION It is surprising how allow themselves to become and remain consti pated. They apparently do not know that thia . . condition poisons tbe entire system. N'ot irame-, ,i ' diately of course, but after a little time at tbe pot- . aonous impurities accumulate tbey attack tbe vital organs and undermine the constitution. Ante- ! suit, the victim becomes pale,-hollow-eyed and callow, the breath is foul, the head aches fre- quently, the strength slowly declines and the once strong, active body becomes weak and nervous. Prickly Ash Bitters is a cleansing tonic and restorative just suited to such conditions. It is a genial stimulant for the stomach, liver and bowels, purifies the system thor oughly and invigorates "the kidneys, conveying strength and new life to the whole internal organ ism. Under its marvelous reviving influence there is at once a brightening up in body and brain, re newed energy, strength, vim and cheerfulness. 1 SOLD AT DRUG STORES. T1vWi SPECIAL EXCURSIONS VIA ILLINOIS CEXTRAL RAILROAD frasa Omaha. J20.0O Harrlsbnrg. Pa., and return. Dates of aale. May 14th to 18th, In clusive. F.ound trip tickets will also be sold to point la Pennsylvania, Maryland and District of Columbia at rat ot on far from Harrisburg. 112.6& St. Paul and return. Tickets oa sal May 18. 1, 20, 102. All through train ax equipped with buf fet, library cars, drawing room sleeping cars and tree reclining chair cars; all wld vettlbuled and of th latest design. For full particular .regarding rates, train r. fee, time Utiles. tc. address W. H. BRILL. DUC Paae. Agt., IlL Cent. R. R. ltug Xarnam Street. DO YOU KNOW HOW CHEAP A WANT-AD IS? Tou can put a twelve-word want-ad In The Bee three times for fifty cents. Thl aoeau wrt wkst ttaare, fcertag yr prartne I discovered aa lutallibkienntor Emails I aad tiarvou Dliy , aad 411 ana a tall eureuva ran ot fa Benwdy. lasting ahe atoesfaa. to cy eo oa trial, so Weat IW satasiaim bOCmw, Bo fay. mmdf afcyoar aaata 4 milrtmt. auasvar Ttmmy wjsi w so auMTas ss. SLta py . "". na.s. e-rsk turn au? at. aa-a, Lrf l t. i.utauaaalrj 'a I cn ' 4 A tlx -w Colonel T. P. Moody, of Chicago, Had CaUrrrh Twenty-fiwa Years and tVs Cured by IVrnna. yet wo have never enumerated all of th diseases which are classed ac catarrh. It must be confesoed, however, to see even this partial list drawn uj In battle array la rather appalling. If the reader .desires to see this list, together with a short ra pe It ton of each cne, send foe our free ca tarrh book. Address The Peruna Mcdicla Co., Columbus, Ohio. many teorjle there are who PRICE, $ 1.00. jLI I ICED WCEJ-Ol'T KEK-DOWK With thin, drawn, muddy, sallow or blood ies faces, no sppetite, no ambition ; better to-day, worse tv-morrow; all show a coa dltloa that seeds immediate Manttoa. It 1 your stomach tbat Is tLe rauae. Your bowels need clearing, and your liver stlmu- -iated. Ion't wait, use ' LAXAECOLA THE GREAT TOS1C LAXATIVE. Ton will get relief from the first dae. Pans, safe, speedy, gentle, it tenlo proper tie build you Op wi.Uo curing you. It earea eoasQ)tu.n. sUarpeus tk a, .little. . c tears th ruiileiini. vieaasna and I'Uni.M Va lileoO. idm up Uie entire svsttiu, aud . auaae you teal well and keep well. TwaaWieteos la or .tonic and Uvktt--, x mad or lldrviuu,of tioo-tspWal LAAAlu Ut Co . .V V. itviKUK rims hiik utAPecqi For sal by Snerinaa "MrConuell Lru Co. rCMALK sjgAMSj Wir; Mut.gML foci. Tw, S-OBarsuje.; liot iMrf t'iiu: Kmsoou DMt j finm cuu rciicto Ua a low ) . uu aa : aaeraiaa A ts4aao aruKguiJ. lavk aad twot av . vn "wvjsi in iisiiim mi av".isii( 4. i a N -4 j ill