Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 21, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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protect th property of rtld company a
ld board I required to do by sections
to and 40 of ald chapter Ixxvll.
Fraachlae Omitted.
1 Thin relator further itatea that
aid respondent met aa a board of assess
ment, prior to the 1Mb day of May, 19n2.
and continued In session up to and In
cluding the lth day of May, 19"2, when It
adjourned Une die! that on Wednesday,
May 14, 1902, thla relator filed with the
said board a written petition, demanding,
among other things, that aald board
the property. Including the franchises of
aald railroad systems operating and doing
business in the state of Nebraska at their
fair value for taxation for the year 102,
and In thla behalf allowed to aald board (aa
relator avers the fact to be) that the basis
upon which 'all property, Including the
Property of thla relator la assessed for
axatfon for the year It?, in the state of
Nebraska, la about 20 per cent of the fair
value thereof. And your relator In said
petition also demanded that the aald board
should assess at Ma fair-value the fran
chise or franchlsea of all of aald railroads
doing business in the atste of Nebraska for
taxation for the year Wfl. And In thla be
half your relator alleges the truth and the
fact to be that said respondents refused
and . neglected to assess for taxation for
the year 1M the franchises of any of said
railroads, aa It was their duty to do under
and by virtu of the constitution and laws
of the atat of Nebraska, said respondents
tatlng that there was no statute law re
quiring them to assess the franchises of
sld rallroada. , although each and all ol
said franchises are of great value, the
exact value of which la to thla relator un
known, but ha alleges them to be of the
fair value of about AX, 000,000. 00 for all-of
aald railway systems operating and doing
bualnesa In the state of Nebraska for the
year 190t and for many yeara last past,
and that, had said .respondents performed
their duty In this behalf and assessed the
value - of the franchisee of aald railroad
eompanlea and all of them, aa by law re
quired fof taxation for the year 1902, It
would have materially Increased the grand
total of assessed valuation for aald year
and ao reduced the taxes of all other tax
payers, including those of this relator. In
the state of Nebraska. But that said re
spondents, assessed the tangible property
of all of said railroads operating and do
ing bualnesa In the state of Nebraska for
the year )02 at the sum of 23,5M),592.70,
without rcklng Into consideration the fair
value of th franchlsea of said rallroada or
any of them for the year 1902. Your re
lator also avows that aald board failed and
neglected to assess the value of the fran
chises of said telegraph companies.
Records of No Moment.
T. Relator further' state that owing
to the meager, vague and unintelligible
manner In which the aald board keeps its
records it Is Impossible to tell the method
by which It arrived at a basis for assessed
value of the tangible property of said rail
road for 1902. That said respondents In
making the' assessment of th tangible
property for said railroad eompanlea for
taxation for the year 1902, and In fixing the
basts of said assessment for aald taxes
for aald year, ascertained the same by
computing the average of the county as
sessment ot other property, but did not,
infarrlvln at th average of the assess
ment of other property in aald countlea,
take ' Into consideration the assessments
for the cities,' towns and villages In said
tate. In which said eompanlea owned
property, whloh It waa th duty of th
respondents to consider as one of the
factors in determining th aaaesament
gainst the tangible property of aald rail
road eompanlea. ao aa not to discriminate
in favor of aald railroad eompanlea, and
against other property similarly situated
in the atat of Nebraska.
4. That said respondents are, about to
quails said assessment for the year 1002
a required by section 74 of aald "Revenue"
act and that if th levy of said taxes
galnat said railroad and telegraph com
panies la made, as la now being planned
by aald respondents, all other property in
the state of Nebraska, Including that of
your relator, will - be taxed at a much
greater rate proportionately than it would
be If said aaaeasment In respect to sstd
railroad and telegraph eompanlea for tha
year 1W3 had been made upon th fair vniu
Of all of aald corporations property and
franchises as by law required.
IV It at Is Asked of Board.. , ,
' t. That said respondents said
State board of Eauailxatlon aforesaid.
kav grossly and knowingly violated their
duty to th people of th atat of Ne
braska, and to this relator, by disregard
ing th plain provisions ot th constitution
and laws of the state of Nebraska by not
assessing the franchlaea of all of aald cor
poration at their fair value for taxation
lor tha vear 1902. Now. therefore. we
being willing that full and speedy Justice
should be don in th Dremlses. flo com
mand you and each of you that you re
convene aa a atat board of equalisation
t a convenient and early day and hour
after th service ot this writ in you, and
that' said Charles Weston, auditor, one of
th respondent herein, proceed in th
meantime and Immediately to obtain th
tacia anq information rrom sam corpora
tions, ana an ot mem, aa required oy aeo
tlona 22 and S3 and 40a. of chanter lxxvli
of the Compiled Statutes of 1601, of tha
tat of Nebraska, entitled "Revenue," or
In auch other manner aa may appear most
lkaly to secure correct information aa to
th fair. value of th property and fran
chlsea of all of the aald corporations, and
that you fully and carefully examine Into
th question ot th fair value of tha prop
erty, Including rights, privilege and the
franchises of each of aald corporations,
subjeot. to taxation in th atat of Nebraska
for 1802 taxes, and for that purpose you
hold sessions from day to day, within
reasonable hour, until all evidence and
argument ot counsel relating to tha fair
valu of said property, including fran
chlsea, be fully heard, and that from th
evidence you determine th fair valu aa
of the data of said 1S02 assessment, of the
property, Including franchlaea, rlghta and
privileges, of each of the aald corporations,
aubjact to taxation for the year 1903, In the
tat ot ' Nebraska, and that when aald
valu Of said property, including fran
chises, is ao determined by said board, th
aald auditor certify the result thereof to
th county clerks of th several countlea
in which tlie property ot the aforesaid
corporations, or any part thereof, may h
situated, th aaaesament per mils so made
on th property. Including franchlaea of
such corporations, specifying the number
of miles and the amount in each of aatd
countlea ot tha aaaeasment ot 1802 taxes, a
by law provided, or that you appear before
th supreme court of the atat of Nebraska,
in the city of JUncoln, Neb., on the i& day
of June. 1902, at 10 o'clock a. m., to show
fause why you refuse to do ao.
Witness;. J. J. Buillvan, chief Justice of
th supreme court, and the seal of said
court hereto affixed thla 20th day of May,
19uf. -
Attorney General Front will appear be-
for lb supreme, court aa attorney for th
Board 01 Equalisation. Th rallroada, ot
course,, will b. rapreeenUd by legal talent
but th attorney' general will appear in bia
official capacity stats's attorney, and will
defect th beard. ,
Because, of the absence of all members
' ot the board the officers of th auprem
court war unable to serve the writ. Th
governor left th city oa a morning train
nd member ot hit one fore wer unable
to say wher he could be found. Auditor
Wsstoa is at his hom and la not expected
to return until next week. Treasurer Stu
tter waa in th city, but could not b found.
Tonight It waa announced that he had gone
to rem.
f ' (Continued from First Page.)
tied this afternoon with a fellowship meet
ing; Upon motion At Elder F. L. Hill ot
Dayton, O., th moderator cabled tha con
gratulatlon ot th general assembly to
Cuba on the birthday of th new republic
"T. Estrada Pal ma, president, Republie
ot Cuba Th general assembly ot th
Presbyterian church of th United 8tatea
Of America sand congratulations and
pray tor God's blessing on th osw re
Heading Restores Tratas.
PITTSBURG. Mar JO.-The Readlna- ta.
day restored to aervic the eight paasenger
trams recently annulled on week aays on
th Shamoklr) division between Pottavtll
nd Bhamokin and Ashland because of th
strike in th coal regions. The reason
flven by th officials for' putting these
rains back la that it waa for the purpose
of adjusting the train crews. Th strong
croteet made aaalnst tha oracttcal iaola.
lion of ta large territory from the reat ot
th world la believed to have had much to
do with restoring these trains- No move
waa made toward rcatorlng Sunday trains
throughout th coal regiona.
The Non-Irritating
Cathartic ,
' ' Eatjr to take, asy to oparats-s
Hood's Pills
Congressman Burkatt Induces Senator; Not
to Out Home Appropriation.
Cesean 1m Hon AmenamcsU and
the Bill low Goes to tha Presi
de at for Slgnatare Change
la Postal Service. "
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WABHINOTON. Mar 20. (Special Tele
gram.) Th houaa appropriation of $300,-
000 contained la th omnlbua publle
publlo building hill tor Lincoln la re
tained In the senate measure which waa re
ported today, but it waa not retained ex
cept by hard and earnest work oa th part
ot Representative Burkett, who mad a
personal plea with th senate committee
oa publle building and ' grounds for its
retention. Aa mad op yesterday after
noon th bill reduced the Lincoln appro
priation $50,000. Acoordtng to Mr. Burk
ett' statement he had been apprised of
th intention to reduce the " appropriation
for esveral days, but had never given up
hop of getting onsldratlon at tho last
moment. Tho first knowledge he had that
th doings of the commute wer known on
tho outald waa contained In Th Bee ot
Saturday and h at one began a systematic
effort with a view of holding the appropri
ation which the houss gav Lincoln intact.
Hit success la shown in tha senate bill aa
reported today. Th hill alio carries aa
appropriation of $46,000, aa previously an
nounced, for Omaha. So far aa Nebraska
la concerned there are ho other changes
over th house measure.
Iowa in the aggregate gets a alight In
crease over the total appropriation tor
that state ao far aa public,, building are
concerned. Marshalltown is reduced from
$15,000 to $80,000; Boone from $100,000 to
$80,000, while Muscatine la given $16,000 for
a aite which was not included in the bill
aa it came from the house.
The. appropriation for Dea Moines ia In
creased $40,000, while the area of the alte
of the new building at that place la re
duced from 80,000 to 70,000 square feet.
Just betote the bill waa reported thla
morning the committee decided to give
Yankton $7,600 for the purchaae of a alte
Instead of $5,000, aa previously stated. .
BUI tor Pontoon Bridge.
Representative Burkett today Introdnced
a bill In behalf of the Plattamouth Pon
toon Bridge company authorising the con
atructlon of a pontoon bridge across the
Miasourl liver in Sarpy county, Nebraska,
and Mills county, Iowa. The bridge, accord
ing to the bill, la to be built under the
usual regulation prescribed by the War
department and .Is to be constructed with a
draw of 300 feet in the clear. According
to the terms of the measure the bridge la
to be commenced within six months and
completed within a year.
Senator Dietrich today Introduced a bill
authorizing tha secretary of war to fur
nish condenmned cannon to be used in con
nection erlth the monument to be erected
to the memory of the late James Laird,
former member . of congress . from Ne
breaks." The bill' provides that the cannon
ire to be delivered to the mayor of Hast
ings,. Nob., for disposition according to the
terms of the bill. '
Representative fiurkett. announced today
that he bad secured a position for Miss
Olive Jack of Otoe county in the library
ot congress at a salary of $1,000. He stated
that there were 100 appllcante for this po
sition. .....
Hot Springs Bill Passes Senate.
' f he senate ' "concuffed in the -house
amendment-In regard to the Hot Spring
sanitarium measure and th bill now goes
to- the president for hi signature. .
Secretary Shaw . eontemplatea going to
.uskegee, Ala., to Join the Representative
Thompson party, which1 is making tour
of the south with a view of inquiring Into
the aoclal and industrial condition of the
negro race.
Senator Millard today recommended H.
A. Prlddy for postmaster at Harrlaon,
Sioux county.
W. F. Kelly of Lincoln, an attorney of
that city, is in Washington on his way to
New York on legal busness.
Major John P. Baker, paymaeter of th
department of the Missouri, has , been
granted two months and eight days' leave.
Contract Surgeon James E. Miller now
at Des Moines, has been ordered to Fort
Canby, Wash., for duty. ,
The comptroller of the currency has ap
proved th application of th following per
sons to organlx th First National bank
of Pocahontas, la., with $25,000 capital: W.
McEwen, James Bruce, L. C. Thornton,
H. J. Murray and W. D. MoEwen.
Th Bankers' National bank of Chicago
has been approved aa a reserve agent for
the First National bank of Ruthven, la.
Frank Bond ot Cheyenne, Wyo., ha been
appointed irrigation aaslstant In connection
with th experiment station of the Agri
cultural department.. -
Postal Matters, i
These rural free delivery routes will be
established' July 1:' ' Nebraska, Benson,'
Douglas county,' one additional route; area
covered twenty-six square miles, popula
tion, 600. Qresham, York county, two
routea, area' seventy-seven square miles,'
population, 1,060. . Osceola,. Polk county,'
four routes, area 12S squsre miles, popula
tion 1,860. Iowa, Bucklhgham, Tama county,
one route, area thirty squar miles, popu
lation, 42$. Rockford, Floyd county, five
routes, area, 107 square miles, population,'
1,400. Traer, Tama county, four routea,
area, 123 squar miles, population 1.828.
Three rural mall routes haye been ordered.
from Fall City, effective July 1, and a
rural free delivery rout from Emerald,
Lancaster county, has been reported fa
vorably. Representative Mercer was today no
tified by the Postofflc department that
rural free delivery routes had been ordered
established from South Omaha, Benaon,
Herman And Florence.
Th postomce haa been discontinued at
Lacelle, Clark county, la., and th mall
goes to Osceola, also Orandvlew, Gage
county, Neb., mail to Firth. The post
offices at Blessing, Blackhawk county,
Owen, Cerro Oordo county and Crystal,
Tama county will be discontinued. V
Under the annual readjustment of post
masters salaries I these Nebraska changes
wer announced todayi Columbus, in
creased $200; Cosad, David City. Edgar,
Falrbury, Franklin, Gordon, Genoa, Hooper,
Humboldt Increased $100; Fairfield, Got hen
burg, Indlanola and Kearney, decreased
Th poitefflce at Gibbon, Neb., has been
advanced to th presidential class and the
aalary of th postmaster will be $J,000.
Blase In Maw Jersey Hospital tor In
. . teas Cssmi Wild Ex
. ..; oiteaseat. ., .
NEW YORK. May 20. A fir at th Nw
Jersey Etat Hoapltal for th Inaane at
Morris Plain cauaad wild excitement among
th 1,600 patterns. The guards were only
able to restrain them by th most vigorous
fforts. -r
Whan th fir was first discovered, in th
laundry, th patients; war hastily brought
togethes In h yard and surrounded by a
cordon ot guard ana attendant, who held
them ' hack wbaa tky anad a dash for
Aa aoon aa 'lb Baaae wer discover!
most of the guards and attendants were
sent to the various wards to get the patients
but. None of the violently Insane or crim
inals was In the threatened building, but
the alarm of Are caused even those whose
mlnda were but allghtly unbalanced to be
come frantlo with terror. Nearly all the
patients were in the dormltorlea, which
made the task ot getting them out ot the
building much easier, a they could be
tnarahaled aa at the regular fir drill.
In some of tho wards furthest from the
lire a few patients who could be trusted
were left. The others were marched from
the building. Although they were greatly
frightened, a few soothing words from the
guards pacified them and there waa little
trouble until all were assembled In the
yard. . There they again became panic
stricken and many tried to break through
the thin line of guarda. Th women seemed
more frightened than the men and several
times they led dashes for freedom.
Had there been any concerted movement
the whole 1,600 would have escsped. Twenty
or thirty would make a audden run toward
the guards and th latter would have hard
work getting them back In the crowd with
the others. This would work the others up
to a frenxy and another group would charge
toward another part of the line, only to be
driven back.
Men and women used their fists freely
and several of the guarda were badly
bruised by the struggling mob. As far as
could be learned, however, none escaped.
When the flames were extinguished the
patients were led back to their dormitories,
but for hours they could not be quieted.
The financial loss was small.
(Continued from Flrat Page.)
ris ft Co., packers, from fixing the price of
meats or from working In conjunction with
the Beet trust, so-called.
The order was sought becauae the attor
ney general doubted whether the quo war
ranto proceedtnga Instituted last night at
Jefferson City against other packers could
be maintained against a co-partnership,
such aa the Nelson Morris company.
The order states that Nelson Morris A
Co. is enjoined until further orders of the
court from becoming a member or party to
any agreement, confederation, combination,
poo or understanding with the Armour
Packing company, the Hammond Packing
company, the Cudahy Packing company,
Armour & Co., Swtft and Company, Henry
N. Krug Packing company and Schwarschlld
& Sulzberger company, or either ot them,
to fix and maintain in Kansas City, St.
Joaeph or elsewhere In the state of Mis
souri the price to be paid by retail butchers
or dealer in meats, or consumers of lard
and meats of any kind.
The order asks that the packera be re
atralned from the various over-receipts as
charged In the bill filed and says:
"At the several stock yards and open
and competitive markets In Chicago,
Omaha, Sioux City, St. Joseph, Mo., Kana
City, East St. Louis, St. Paul and any other
placea in. the United State where they cus
tomarily purchase live stock coming to
those markets."
The attorneya for the packera offered no
objection to the filing of the petition for a
temporary injunction. Judge Henry will
fix the day for the hearing some time thla
Packer Pile Motion.
f JEFFERSON CITY, Mo., May 20. Attor
neys for the Cudahy, Hammond, Armour
and Swift packing companies have filed a
motion in the supreme court to quash tha
alternative writ of ouster Issued several
fays ago by the attorney general. They
allege the 'writ was Issued irregularly, be
cause it Is made returnable at a time when
the court will not be In session. The court
will pass on the motion June 4.
Harvey W. Long, Seward.
SEWARD, Neb., May 20. (Special.) Har
vey W. Long died suddenly yesterday cfter-
noon about 6 o'clock. He leaves two small
children, which have been placed In the
care of friends, his wit having died about
two yeara ago.
The remains of Mrs. Mattle Roberts were
brought home from Oklahoma yesterday
evening, the funeral taking place this aft
ernoon from the residence of her mother,
Mrs. W. R. Davla. Mrs. Roberta leavea
two sons, her husband having died several
years ago.
Sarah A. Stone, M'Cool.
YORK, Neb., May 20. (Special.) Sarah
A. Stone died at McCool Sunday. Th de
ceased waa a pioneer resident of South
York county, having located on a farm ad
Joining McCool twenty-five yeara ago. The
funeral aervlcea were held at th Cathollo
church in York. Deceased leave a hus
band and four children.
Mr. Lnoy Bingham Wood.
Mrs. Lucy Bingham Wood, mother of Miss
Martha Wood ,of this city and sister of
the late Hon. John A. Bingham of Ohio,
died yesterday at her home on Charlea
street, at the age of 84. The remains will
be taken to Iowa City for Interment beside
her late husband, Joseph Pembroke Wood.
People Oct Wilful. ,
A cow or horse or even a dog will refuse
to cat or drink what the animal knowa to
be harmful, but mankind will persist la
pouring In coffee even after having been
fully assured thin It la steadily killing htm.
Once in a while they wake up and do th
sensible thing.
A lady aaya: "Why will people wait as
long as I did wben it is so eaay to aave
oneself the suffering caused by coffee
drinking? After using coffee several years
dlacovered that I waa breaking down
nervously. I conaulted several doctors, but
lu spite of everything steadily grew worae.
'On physician advised m to quit cof
fee and I triad quitting by th us, of will
power, but every time it was a miserable
"My atomach was in dreadful shaps and I
waa unable to sleep at night, nervous pros
tration set in and I became barely able to
drag about.
"One day while visiting a minister's
wife, a motherly old lady, she proposed to
give me a cup of coffee, th kind sh hsd
been using three times a day tor three
year. So sh brought out a cup ot th
most fragrant, delicious beverage. It was
coffee and It waa not coffee. I tried it and
was eater to know how it was made.
"She aald: 'Five years ago I was af
fected mucli as you are. but I quit drink
ing coffee and began using Postum Food
Code, and that produced the result you
see and restored me to health.
"She said a lot more, and wben I went
home I got a box of Postum and begun
using it. Such a aoothlng effect took place
cd I began sleeping nights and felt a
relief from my awful nervous tension
Gradually and surely I got well and now I
teel as strong and healthy aa a woman
should at my age. with all my old-tlm
energy restored. .
"I earnestly entreat all ooffe drinkers
to change to Poatum. What Is tb us
ot suffering day and night becauf of
s'ora paltry coffee whan on has but to
lesv it eft and use Postum to be well, and
I think anyone will agree with me that
health ia worth everything else; money,
prsperty or fame." Nam glvsa by Postum
C., Battle Crk, Mich,
Terriflo Wind and Ba'a Cannes. Half Down
Deaths and Many Injuries. ,
Baslaes Section ot City Damaged to
Extent of Million Dollar and
Many Sobwrnan Town Are
Serlooaly Affected.
CINCINNATI. May to. Shortly after 11
o'clock today thla locality waa atrlcken by a
terriflo wind and rala storm, causing the
loss of a halt a dosea Uvea and injuring
many. The fury ot the storm continued
only half an hour, but In that time over a
million dollars ot damage waa done in the
buslnese section of Cincinnati and aa much
In other parts of ths city and suburbs.
WILLIE WILLEN, aged 4, drowned In
MRS. FLACHN'ER drowned in Covington.
CLEM DAVIER, teamster, drowned In
GEORGE BECKER, teamster, drowned In
the streets of Cincinnati.
FERDINAND RAPP. peddler, -drowned in
a cellar In Cincinnati.
D. W. C. BELLEVILLE, carpenter, blown
from a roof in Cincinnati.
Storm Come from Sooth.
Prior to th unprecedented falling of rain,
denss clouds were seen to the south and
the city became as dark as night. It was
afterward learned that there had been a
terrlfflo waterspout on the Lewisburg hills,
In the southern suburbs of Covington, Ky.,
and It moved over the Kentucky suburbs
Into this city, passing up the Miami valley
and causing damage aa tar away aa Day
ton, O.
While storm dsmages ar reported
throughout Kentucky the worst point seems
to have been In Covington.
The water rolled down the hills In a
wave twenty feet deep at placea, and was
about 100 yarda wide. The frame house of
Edward Wohrle was carried for a distance
of over four blocka and finally waa dashed
to pieces in the Covington ball grounds.
The house was occupied by tour families
Henry Wlllan and wife and four children,
Henry Simmons, wife and children, Henry
Qualby and family, and Mrs. Qualby. All
had narrow escapes except Mrs. Flachner
and Willie Wlllen, aged 4, who were
drowned. Mrs. Wlllen and her other chil
dren were almost drowned when rescued.
It Is believed that Mrs. Flachner, a alster
of Mrs. Wlllen, lost her life In trying to
save Willie.
. Searching Party at Work.
Searching parties are still at work to
night In Willow Hollow, at the foot of Lew
isburg hill, where others are reported miss
ing. In this section cuthouses and stables
were carried ' away. One stable with
four horses, was swept over Into the Cov
ington ball grounds and the horses
drowned. . The house of Mrs. Watson was
submerged, but she and her children were
rescued. . Clem Davler, who was driving a
team near the flood in the Kentucky suburb,
had his wagon' overturned by the water and
was drowned. ' -
The buildings of the Queen City Bathing
club on the river front at Dayton, Ky., op
poalte Cincinnati, were demolished. The
greatest damage on both aldea of the river,
especially' to the bualnesa houses in Cincin
nati and. also in Covington, and Newport,
Ky., came from cellars being auddenly
filled. wiy, water, it being impossible for
the sewers, and gutters to carry tha -water
oft. For. a short time the water waa deep
In all,'the, .etree'ta, and, traffle aa well as
business was 'suspended. . .
' General Panlo Ensaes.
In tha; midst ot darkness and unprece
dented downfall of rain there was, for a
snort time, a general panic in anticipation
ot a tornado that would aweep everything.
Superintendent Baasler of the United States
weather bureau reported the wind as sixty
miles an hour, and the rainfall In less than
half an hour of 2.88 inches, the greatest
on record her.
At the Cincinnati morgue there are the
bodies of three victims. Oeorge Becker.
widower, while driving a beer wagon, was
struck by a telegraph pole and knocked
from his wagon. He waa plonloned to the
ground and' drowned on one ot the principal
Ferdinand Rapp, a peddler, waa caught
by the water while trying to get gooda out
ot a cellar.
D. W. C. Belleville, a carpenter, was
carried away with the' roof of a building
on which he was working, and killed.
Dantase and Injnrlo.
There are very many reported aa injured.
Daniel Grace and Louis Kern were seriously
nurt. ine aamage in th cellars or aom
of the jobbers runs aa high aa $25,000 and
$30,000 each. Several small frame houses
on Price Hill were demolished by a land
slide, but all of the occupants escaped.
Ther was considerable damage to sewers.
Guy M. Gest. contractor, who was putting
the telegraph and telephone wires In con
duits, suffered great damage in the excava
tion be Is making throughout the city. In
one large manhole aixteen feet. deep where
h 1 giving an underground exhibit to
tha National Electric Light association in
eaalon her, ssveral men had narrow es
capes. Th water rushed into th large
excavation and the men were pulled out
after they were completely 'aubmerged.
(Continued from First Page.) '
m., those who were to witness the cere
mony, began to arrive In carriagea through
a street kept clear by the police. All the
naval officers were arrayed in full uniform
resplendent In gold braid and plumed
The Cubana generally wore black frock
coata, white waist coata and silk hat.
They formed a distinguished looking as
semblage as they gathered in tha audience
The ceremony itself waa brief and simple
After formal greetings General Wood read
ths documentary tralsfer prepared by the
War department, pledging the new govern
ment to Immediately proclaim the constitu
tion and the Piatt amendment contained In
the appendix and to undertake all obliga
tions assumed by the United Statea with
reapect to Cuba, by the treaty ot Paris,
Formal Transfer Proclamation.
Proclamation "B" la Issued by General
Wocd, as military governor. It recites in
due form that the Cuban congress convened
In Havana May 5, examined tb credentials
and certified to th election of the sens
tors and representatives now In the con
gress and alao found Tomas Eatrada Palms
and Luis Estates Romero to have been
elected respectively president and vie
president ot th republic; that on May 10,
at noon, th Cuban constitution will go Into
Therefor th document read:
Thereupon, at that tlm th occupation
of Cuba, by th United Statea and th
military government of th Island will
ase and determine and the government
and control pf the island will b trans
ferred to th president and congress, so
elected, to be held and exercised by them
under th constitution set promulgated.
fluch transfara will be upon th under
etandlng snd condition that th new gov
ernment doca thereby and by tha ac
ceptance thereof, purauant to th pro.
miuti ot in aaia ajpjnua, iv m con
Mr. Edward Schubarth and Mrs. H. C Allington Whom the
Doctors Said Had Incurable Consumption, Were
Permanently Cured by
Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey
NMhus City, N. H., Fh. lt.lMI.
0ntlmen : It ta with great plMaur tht I writs
to Inform yon thai 1 bars uiwd eight bottlM ot your
Puro Milt Whltky. I would not hae Wn br
today only for your wondorful medlrtne. t hava uM
all kinds ot ooush syrup and been under tbo car
of doctors. 1 havo had thrao sarar altarki ot trtP
and pneumonia, which have left ma with a bad cough
and weak lunaa and heart. 1 am M years old. It
haa toned up my system and stopped the hemor
rhages. I cough but Tory little. 1 only regret I did
Sot know of your whiskey before. 1 cannot express
what tt haa don for ma. 1 beg to remain. Yours
Mrs. H. C. ALLlNOTON, Nov. tt, l0t.
Dear Sirs: 1 picked up on of your circulars on s
table about a month ago and read It through. After
reading I went out and bought a bottle ot your
whiskey, which helped me right away. 1 am now oa
my third bottle, using It for so-called Incurable con
sumption, snd. I feel like a new man. I think that
if I had known of your whiskey when I waa at home
In Chicago. I would hare never eome out here for my
health. ED. SCHUBARTH. 1008 Market Street, bea
Tf. Oat. lith, 101.
There are thousands of cases just like
that of Mr. Schubarth and Mrs. Allington,
where the patients thought they had In
curable consumption until their doctore
Brescribed Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey,
luffy's Pure Malt Whiskey Is absolutely
fure and possesses more curative power
han all other medicines. It contains 'no
fusel oil, so common in other whiskies, and
which Is a dangerous Ingredient In whiskey,
especially for the diseased system, when
the poison takes effect.
Duffy's Pur Malt Whiskey not onty drives 4ut
consumption germs and heals ths lungs, but It
builds up new tissue and renovatea the entire Sys
tem. It aids digestion, atlmulatea and enriches the
blood, tones up the heart, tnvlgoratea and bullda up
the body ao that tt will throw oS all disease. At
tha Medical Convention in Albany, one of tha lead
ing doctors aald ha would rather have Cutty's Furs
stitution, assume and undertake all and
several the obligation assumed by the
United States of America and her majesty,
th queen regent of Spain, signed at
Paris on the tenth day of December, 1S9S.
Proclamation "C" simply declare the
new constitution to be in full force after
the date thereof and recites ' the pro
visions. ,
Then comes the folowlng:
CUBA, Havana, May 20 To the President
and Congress of the Republic of Cuba:
Sirs Under the direction of the president
of the United States, I now transfer to
vou as the duly elected representatives of
the people of Cuba, the government and
control of the Island, to be held, and ex
ercised by you, under the provisions of tha
constitution or tne republic or Cuba, here
tofore adopted by the constitutional con
vention and this day promulgated, and I
hereby declare the occupation of Cuba by
the United States and the military govern
ment of the Island to be ended.
This transfer of arovernment and control
Is upon the express condition, and the gov
ernment of the United Statea will under
stand that by the acceptance thereof, you
do now, purauant to the provisions of the
said constitution, assume and undertake,
all and several, the obligations assumed by
the United States with respect to Cuba, -by
the treaty between the United Statea of
America and her majesty, the queen regent
of Spain, signed at Paris, on the 10th day
of December, 1S98.
All money obligations of the military
government down to this date have been
paid as far as practicable. The publio
civil funds derived from the revenue of
Cuba, tranaferred to you this day, are
transferred, subject to such claims and
obligations, properly payable out of the
revenues of the island upon demand. The
sum of $100,000 has been reserved from
th transfer of funds to defrav anticipated
expenses of accounting, reporting and wind
ing up tne anairs or tne military govern
ment, after which any unexpended balance
of said aum will be paid into the treasury
of the Island.
Call Attention to Sanitation. ; .
The plans already devised for the sanita
tion of the cities of the island and to pre
vent a recurrence of epidemic and in
fectious) diseases to which the government
ot the United States understands that the
provision of the constitution, contained. In
the fifth article of the appendix, applies are
as follows: - -
First A Man for the paving ana sewer
ing of the city of Havana, fCr which a con
tract has been awarded by the municipal
ity of that city to McGlvney, Rokeby &
Becond A Dlan for water works to sun-
ply th city of Santiago de Cuba, pre
pared by Captain 8. E. Reckenbach, In
charge of the district of Santiago and ap
proved by the military government, pro
viding for taking water from the water of
San Juan Canyon and pumping the same
to reservoirs located on the heights to the
east of tha city.
intra A plan ror tne sewering ot na-
irana a err t . frt mhlnh war a aa nrfl rnad
by the military governor of Cuba and Is
now under construction.
Fourth The rules and regulations estab
lished by the president of the United
States on January 17, 1899, for the mainte
nance of quarantine against epidemic dis
eases at the porta of Havana, Matanzaa,
Cienfuegos and Santiago de Cuba and
thereafter at the other ports of the Island,
aa extended and amended and made ap
nllcable'to future conditions by the order
of the military government dated day of
April, iwz.
Fifth The sanitary rules and regulations
in force in the city of Havana and in any
other city providing official rules, etc.
It Is understood by the government of the
United itatea that the present government
shall continue as a defacto government
ending the aettlement of the title to said
land by. treaty Dursuant to the Cuban
constitution and the act of congress of the
United states approved Marcn i,
I am further charaed bv the president ot
the United States to deliver to you the
letter which I now hand you.
Military Governor.
' Letter front President Roosevelt. '
ttrUI4ra irOTtflD lir.aktnMAn Tt C
May 10 1902. To the President and Con
gress of the Republic of Cuba: Sirs On
(he 20th of this month the military gov
ernor of Cuba will, by my direction, trans
fer to you the control and government of
the Island of Cuba, to b thenceforth ex
ercised under the provisions of the con
stitution adopted by your constitutional
convention as on that day promulgated,
and he will thereupon declare tne occupa
tion of Cuba by the United Btates to be
at an end.
At the same time I desire to expreas to
vou the sincere friendship and good wishes
ot the United States and our most earnest
hope for tne stability ana success ot your
government, for the blessings of peace,
Tuatine. nrostierltv and ordered freedom
among your people and for enduring friend-
Btates and the republic of Cuba.
President ot the United Statea.
Woodr Hoists Cabas Flag;.
Senor Pal ma attached his signature to a
document, as president ot tha Cuban re
public, after an exchange ot congratula
tions, and the veteran General Gomel as
cended to the roof of th palace, wher b
wa accorded a great reception.
General Wood personally hauled down th
American colors, which were saluted, and
with bis own banda hoisted the Cuban flag,
as an act ot the United Statea, General
Gomes assisting.
At th tlm th transfer took place in
Havana, General Whiteside, at Santiago,
turned over bis authority to bla Cuban suc
cessor and aalled away with the American
cavalry which had been in garrison there.
General Wood and his stall and ths
American troops smbarked Immediately
after the hoisting ot the Cuban flag and the
American ahlpa steamed out ot the harbor.
Hay Inform tha World.
WASHINGTON, May 20. Secretary Hay,
according to the plan arranged some time
sgo, took the final step today of acquaint
ing the nations ot the globe that the United
States government has redeemed its soltmn
plsdg to make a free people In the island
at Tuba.
Thia was done by the. dispatch by cable
to every capital wher is resident either
n emhaaaador or minister for th UniUdl
states of an identical note Informing outAremedy. I took them for kidney trouble
representative that th military occupa
tion of tb island of Cuba by th t'nlted
States haa this day ceased and that an In
dependent government, republican in form,
has been Inaugurated there under the pres
idency ot Tomas Estrada Pal ma.
The ambassadora and minlatera are in
structed to convey this information to th
government to which they ar accredited.
Malt Whteke to cur consumption, catarrh, asthma
and diseases ot the throat and lunga than all the
quark medlrlnra In the world, and the doctore pres
ent agreed with him unsnlmously. Duffy's Pure Malt
Whlakev is good for old and yeung. It haa carried
the blessing ot health ta hundreds of thousands ot
poor sufferers Many havs trted to Imitate It, and
unreliable dealers hare been known to try to eell
their customers some cheap substitute because there
waa mora profit In tha substitute. So wa caution our
tatlent to be careful and aee that "Duffy's Pure
Islt Whlskev" la on the label, and that It Is our
own patent bottle, with th name blown In the bot
tle. Thla la the only way Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey
la sold. If ofldred In bulk or la flasks It la a fraud.
Writ Duffy Malt Whiskey Co., Rochester. N. T.,
for two game eotinters for whist, euchre, tc : enclose
4 cent in stamps to mover postage. Valuable medical
booklet free. Mention thla paper. Duffy's Malt
Whiskey Is sold by all druggists, grocers or direct,
11.00 a bottl. It la the only whiskey recognized by
th government aa a medicine. Refuse substitutes. .
Naarly a Hundred Structure! Are Demol
ished by Streami of Mad.
Potomac Reaches St. Pierre and Amer
ican Sailor Recover the Body of
Late Consul Thoma J.
FORT DE FRANCE, Island ot Martinique,
May 20. A severe Inundation at Basse
Polnte, on the northeast coast of thla
island, at 2 o'clock this morning, swept
away twenty houses and fifty other build
ings were damaged by the flowing mud
which has swept over the Vallee d la
Riviere. There waa no further loss ot life,
Basse Polnte having - been abandoned sev
eral days ago.
FORT DE FRANCE, Island ot Martinique,
May 19. The expedition sent to recover the
bodiea of the American and British con
aula at St. Pierre today nearly resulted In
a fearful horror. The vessels taking part
In . the expedition were the United 'States
steamer Pptomac, and the British cruiser
Indefatigable '
i i Potomac Reaches Port.
Potomac ' under the command of Lieu
tenant" Benjamin B. McCormlek, ar
rived there first, at 11 o'clock In the
morning, and landed working parties. On
party went to the site of tho, American
consulate and the other, headed by Lieu
tenant McCormlek, went to the north end
ot the town, to the spot where (be British
consulate .stpodj from where Jhe lieutenant
could" see Mount'Felea,' and" noticed that a
huge column- of smoke and gas war pouring
out., ot the. crater -in a' manner similar to
tha eruption of May 8 last. He thereupon
rushed to the site of the American con
sulate and ordered all hands to the boats.
The American sailors picked up .a heavy
metallic coffin in a ,woodcase, containing
the remains of the United States consul,
Thomas. T. Prentls, apd carried it to a
boat.-The American party was in Imminent
danger. .
In the meanwhile Indefatigable had ar
rived off St. Pierre, but left the shore,
heading for the sea, blowing its siren. At
that time huge streams of molten matter
waa pouring Into the sea, raising columns
of steam, and the whole eea was hldeons,
having turned a yellow-green color, while
what was' apparently smoke waa issuing
from the mountain. The detonations were
continuous and were accompanied by a
fearful storm ot lightning, thunder and
rain. The flashes were of terriflo
violence, and during the storm new craters
opened In Mount Pelee.
American Sailors' Nerve.
Fortunately the wind kept the clouds of
smoke and gaa from enveloping th Ameri
can and British war ships or th working
party. Th coolness - and courage ot ' ths
American sailors were noteworthy.
The remains of Mr. Prentls are now
here. There will be funeral aervlcea on
board the United States oruiser, Cincinnati,
tomorrow. May . 20. The burial will tak
place ashore. There will be no apeclal
ceremony, .. .
The volcanic mountain Is apparently In
great activity and the escape ot the war
vessels, and, particularly ot the shore
party, waa very narrow.
ST. THOMAS. P. W. L, May 20. At S
o'clock this morning heavy detonations
were heard from the southesst, the direc
tion In. which Martinique lies, surpassing
those .ot May 7. . .
To Issue Joint Bonds.
NEW YORK, MaV 20. Th director of
the Southern and Louisville & Nashvlll
road met todav and arreted to issue joint
4 per rent bonds for controlling interest in
the Chicago, Indianapolis A Louisville, or
Mimon system. The price to be paid for
Monon common is 78 and for th pre
ferred 90.
Albany Reject Carnecle Gift.
ALBANY, N, Y., May JO. An orrtlnanc
for the acceptance from Andrew Carnegie
of 1160,000 for a free publlo library, has
been rejected by the city council. All th
councilman wer present and the vote atood
10 in th affirmative and 9 In th negative.
E. W. Grovs,- -
This nams must appear oa every box of
the genuine Laxative Bromo-Qulnin Tab
lets, tb remedy that eurea a cold in on
day. 25 cent. '
There Is No Use Leaving Omaha. Be
. Ileus the Statements of
Omaha Residents. '
Endorsement by resldenta ot Omaha.
Proof posltivs from Omaha peopl.
Cannot be evaded or doubted.
Read thi statement:
Mrs. Gusta Bohlman, 1911 Oak etrt,
says: "Doao's Kidney Pills ar a good
which started about ssven yeara ago. caused
by a cold settling in my back. I procured
them from Kuhn k Co.'s drug ator and
they cured m."
For sale by all deslers. Prtc 60c. Fos-ter-MUburn
Co.. Buffalo, N. Y-, sol sgeots
tor tb United 8tatc.
Remember th nam Doan's and tak
no substltut.
II! 5L
ll ltfc.U Ul
White Ribbon Remedy
cone ntikvst patient' kaowleda.
White Ribbon Remedy will cure or de
stroy the diseased ppti;, tor alcoholia
stimulants, whether tne patient is a con- .
Armed Inebriate, "a tippler," social
drinker or drunkard. Impossible for any
one to have an appetite tor alcoholio
liquor after using Vhit Ribbon Remedy,
feu do teed by inriuttera of W . C. T. II,
Mr. Moore, Press Superintendent ot th
Woman's Christian i.n.perauce union,
Ventura, Cel., write: ''1 have lasted Whits
Rlobon Remedy on very obstinate drunk
ards, and the cure have been many, in
many cases th Remedy was given tecretly.
1 cheerfully recommend ana endorse Whit
Ribbon Remedy. Members of our union ar
delighted to tind a practical and economi
cal treatment to aid ua In our temperance
Mrs. M. A. Cowan, of th Woman'
Christian Temperance Union, states: "I
know of so many people redeemed
irom the curse ot drink by the use
ot While Ribbon Remedy that I earnestly
lequest you to give It a trial.' Druggists
or by mall, tl. Trial package free by writ
ing or calling on Mr. A. M. Townsend (for
years secretary of the Woman's Christian
Temperance -union), 21S Tremont St., Bos
ton. Mass. Sold In Omaha by
Phone 747, 8. W. Cor. ith and Chicago.
Gooda delivered FREU to any part at elty.
Good enough
for anybody!
jAul Havana Filler
4s. 4k .
of same value as tags from
'star: 'horse shoe:
'spearhead: standard navy:
'old peach & hon ey;
and 7. V " Tobacco?,
It cures Pain In Bark, Side and Vnder
Shoulder Blades, Palpitation of the Heart,
Blotches or Plmplee on Face, Poor Appe
tite, Bad Taste in Mouth, Restlessness t
Night, Night Sweats, Headache Tired
Feeling, etc.. SO day' treatment 25c. All
druggists. s
Food bsapajotar.
Jk4 Infirmary, 21th and
(lrmary, 2tt
Ma tin tin; louAi 100 and aoo.
Entire Week, Including Saturday Evening.
All new face New program Two shows
dally Evening prices, Kic, 2oo, SOc Smok
if you like. ONE DAY ONLY, Sunday Mat.
and Nlarht. May 20. Rnsnnthal's Amateur
and Professionals and the Madison Squar
Cycle Whirl
Kosemnai in
n original sps-
JOHN RICHIE of South Omaha, th
champion 122-pound man of th world, and
MIKE BARTLEY, th famous lightweight
of Chicago, will give a TWENTY-ROUND
QLOVE CONTEST at 123 pounds Friday
evening, May 23, under the auspices of the
Twin-City Athletlo Club, at Blum's Hall,
N street, one block from csr line. South
Omaha. Admission, 11.00 and 12.00. Three
good preliminaries and battle royal. One
of four rounds, one of six rounds and one
of ten round. Poors open at ( o"clock.
Contest commences at (. Main contest,
Denver vs. Omaha
May 20, 21, 22.
Oam called at 1:43. Tak South Omaha
Care South.
... a. i - .usi iji sa IIW I his
ii Broadway
N. Y.City.
t Aeaalbl
Moderate) Rate
Bstss.lfa Library
Orchestral Concert Every Evening).
All Car fas Ik feaavtr.
Bend for descriptive Booklat. .
W. JOHNSON QUJNf-'. raprttr.
lltb a4 DoaglasScs,
U Mj TO I P. M.
is special Millard faatur.
eaee ,
J E. MARKEL s BON, Prop.
C. It. Peeple. Manager.
A. B. Davenport. Principal Clerk.
mm m mm
Etsutfvtl j.
f). Ruff if m