Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 20, 1902, Page 10, Image 10

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'Aggregate InoTeai in AiseMmenta of Fire
Publio Samoa Corporation
Ileal Estate Eirbante Committee aad
' v Corporation Offlrlale Agree on
Z- JUil.e of STROfOOO neadr
for Tea Very.
Omaha Street Ry. Co $ K,nm)
Omaha Water Co 676,0"0
Omaha Gas Co 400,000
Omaha Thomson-Houston
Electric Light Co 117.500
Jiebraaka Telephone Co.. 1",310
Total '. $1,761,810
Total Increase
The assessment of the Omaha Street Rail
way "company has been raised by com
promise from $550,000 to $1,300,000.
The motion for a rehearing !n the cane
of the Omaha Gaa company will be with
drawn, and the tax levy ordinance will be
passed at the regular meeting of the city
council Taesday night.
The Injunction Issued from Judge Dickin
son's court last January, restraining the
council from passing the tax levy ordinance
until a hearing had been secured in the
cases of the five public service corporations,
lias been dissolved.
The city council will meet In general
committee Tuesday morning to All In the
.fclanks In the tax levy ordinance, which was
put upon its first and second readings last
!rebruary, and to decide the tax rate.
The total Increase In the assessments of
the five public service corporation which,
through the efforts of the Real Estate ex
change, has been secured over the figures
ef the Board of Review, la $1,523,190, dis
tributed as follows: Street railway com
pany, $750,000; electric light company, $57,
600; telephone company, $65,690; gas com
pany, $375,000; water company, $276,000. -
At J '30 yesterday afternoon there was a
roll call of the board on all of the foregoing
assessments, which were embodied In the
final report of the council sitting as a
board of equalization. The vote waa
unanimously affirmative. At 2:45 the board
adjourned sine die.
Testimony ts Brief.
When the Board of Equalization was
called to order at 10:15 yesterday morning
Attorney Mcintosh arose and said: "It sticks
In my throat to say It, but apeaklng for my
clients I am compelled to announce that the
tax committee of the Real Estate exchange
and the officers of the Omaha Street Rail
way company have arrived at an under
atanding In the matter of the company's aa
aessment, and the figure they have agreed
tipon la $1,800,000. I now suggest that we
wear a few witnesses and take some evi
dence, and that the case then be left In the
hands of the board."
"President Karr said: "I see Attorney
Webster of the street railway company U
here; what has he to say?"
"I have nothing to say," answered Mr.
Webster. "It's a matter of humiliation
tvlth me."
F. D. Wead of the Real Estate exchange
was sworn.
"Mow much capital stock, has the street
railway company T" asked Attorney Mc
intosh. "Five million dollars' worth," waa the
"What la Its bonded indebtedness T"
"My understanding la that It's $2,350,000."
"Do you know of any aalea of stock
that have been made recenly?"
"Yes; there were some made last fall."
"What did the stock sell at?"
"At from 76 to 90 cents on the dollar."
Several other questions were asked
touohlng the company's track mileage and
It franchises in Dundee and South Omaha,
due of Lion and Lamb.
"I am surprised," said President Karr,
"that Mr. Webster doesn't object to any
en these questions."
The laughter which greeted this sally
drowned Mr. Webster's reply, which waa
something about the lion and the lamb
lying down together.
Tax Commissioner William Fleming waa
worn. He testified that the real estate
of the atreet railway company for 1902 had
been assessed at $76,095 and that the rate
of assessment waa 40 per cent of the fair
cash value.
William O. Sbriver, one of the com
plainants, waa the next witness,
"Would $1,300,000 as an assessment for
the atreet railway company be on an equal
lty with the assessment of other personal
property of the city?" asked Mr. Mcintosh.
. The witness aald he thought It would
The council then took a recesa until 2
p. m.
To a reporter for The Bee Mr. Mcintosh
aald: "I shall withdraw my motion for
a new hearing Jn the case of the Omaha
Has company, because I don't think It Is
right to tie up publio business and compel
firemen and policemen to shave their war
rants Just to raise the assessment of ona
company. It we had gone on with the hear
ing of the atreet railway company It
would have been different, but aa It 1a I
hall withdraw the motion."
Realty Maa Satisfied.
It la understood that a majority of the
tax committee of the Real Estate exchange
la satisfied with the present assessments of
II as been rudely denned by some Cynic
aa "slop and sweets." And after all
there's mora truth than poetry la the
definition. Ice cream and cake may
satisfy the palate, but they are far from
eatisiyinz to the stomach, which requires
that food be nutritious first and nice
afterward. By careless eating women
pare the way for stomach " trouble,"
and its kindred miseries.
Or. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov
ery is confidently commended aa a
cure for diseases of the stomach and
other organs of digestion and nutrition.
By curing diseases which prevent the
assimilation of food it enables the body
to be built up and strengthened in the
only way known , to nature by food
digested and assimilated.
Por twelve long' months I soflercd aatold
mUery," writes an. Motile Colgate, of Kan
dolph, Charlotte Co., Vs. No tacgucosald
jjtcm the pam that 1 endures before I com
menced Uking lir. Pterce's medicine. I was
mat able to do anything at all. Could sot tat
earthing exact bread aad tea r if 1 did the
tup of my head hurt so it seemed It would kill
with all that I could do It would bnra like
Are. But now. since ung your ' Golden Med
ical iJUwwry ' end ' Honle Prescription,' I
can eat a Utile of almost anything I wanLand
can da a Rood day's work aa well aa suybody
em. Am better then 1 have been fur years.
Dr. Pierce's Pleaaant Pclkta cure
ajffc headache,-
the flva public service corporations, with
the exception of those of the gas company
and water company, which they think too
Aa reported In The Dee of Saturday, the
tax committee stood firm for $1,300,000 aa
the aseeamcnt of the street railway com
pany. This morning officers of the com
pany met with the committee and an
nounced that they had decided to accept
this figure. It is the same figure the com
pany agreed to accept three weeka ago, but
afterward backed down from.
The tax committee of the Real Estate ex
change has figured that under the ruling of
the supreme court In granting the writ of
mandamua IS. 639,000 hss been added to the
taxable property of the city. The ruling la
In effect that the bonded Indebtednesa of
corporations instead of being subtracted
from the taxable property may be added to
it. The bonded indebtednesa of the water
company Is $4,000,000; street railway com
pany, $2,350,000; electric light .company,
$202,000; gaa company, $2,087,000; telephone
company, no bonds. It figures also that,
including the $250,000 raise secured before
the Board of Review last winter, lta
"shaking up" of the corporations has just
doubled their aggregate assessment.
A Recognised and Reanlarly Pre
scribed Remedy la the Practlee
of Leading; Physicians.
Increasing favor among the progressive
members of the profession ia constantly
adding new names to the already long list
of advocates of the curative and restorative
properties of the waters from the famous
Buffalo Llthla Bprlngs of Virginia.
No waters from any part of the world are
more widely known or have higher med
ical endorsement.
Nature, through the medium of these
Springs, has provided a powerful specific
for the treatment of rheumatism, gout, dia
betes, Brlght'a disease, Calculi, atone In
the bladder, gall atones and kindred dis
eases due to uric acid and other poisonous
Influences In the blood. The composition of
Buffalo Llthla Water so nearly approx
imates that of the blood serum that they
become identical Immediately after it Is
taken into the system. This fact accounta
for its peculiar efficacy in the treatment
of the above named diseases.
Remarkable cases of lta solvency and dis
integrating properties In the removal of
calculi aud gall atones have been reported,
the most recent of which comes from Dr.
Edmond J. Melville of Bakersfleld, Vt., In
which he states that a vesical calculua
formation, weighing about 60 grains, waa
removed after the patient had made liberal
use of Buffalo Llthla Water.
In the diseases of women the water baa
also been found unusually effective, and has
called forth many strong endorsements from
eminent physicians.
A pamphlet treating fully on the virtues
of tho Buffalo Llthla Water, and citing
many interesting cases and doctors' reports,
will be sent free to anyone addressing the
proprietor of Buffalo Llthla Water Springs,
Grants Injunction to Restrain Maa
from Molestlna His "Wile
and Children.
Judge Read has interposed the strong arm
of the law to protect Margaret Egan, bed
ridden with an Illness brought on by over
work to keep her children fed and clothed,
from the abuse and violence of her hus
band, James. The restraining order forbids
the husband and father from molesting any
member of the family or fiom going even so
near to them aa the yard about titelr resi
dence on Irard street between Forty-sixth
and Forty-seventh.
In her petition for dlvorco Mra. Egan al
leges that'' they were married in Omaha
June 24, 1885, have eight children, the eldest
of whom la 16 years old and the youngest
4; that her husband drlnka excessively and
has aerved thirty days in the city Jail for
abusing the family while intoxicated, and
that since hla release he baa been more
abusive in deed and word than before until
he haa wrecked her nervea and made her so
ill that for weeka ahe haa been confined to
her bed unable to longer do the work that
she haa been doing to aupport the family.
Deeislva Finish of Three-Handed
Flcht, with Police Court
Peter Christiansen, who rooms at the
"Rusty Shovel" on North Sixteenth atreet
and who aald he ,took his meals at the
"Greasy Spoon" In the same locality, la
nuralng a badly disfigured head and will
have to pay a $30 fine aa a result of a fight
early Sunday morning. Christiansen and
Ella Phillips had a quarrel and aa a finish
to that he struck her In the mouth, dis
lodging several of her teeth and othwlae
disfiguring her face. A fellow - roomer
whom they called Miller, promptly etruck
Christiansen In the bead with a hammer,
cutting a gaah several Inches long and
knocking him out. Miller then ran and
has not been arrested.' Yesterday morning
the Phillies woman awore out a complaint
against Christiansen and Judge Berka did
the rest.
Hack of Machinery la Use Before Re
cent Fire la Good Con
dition. Charles Oruentg, proprietor of the Omaha
match factory, which was deatroyed by fire
tbla spring, ia making arrangements to
open that factory aa soon aa possible. He
has aaved from the wreck much of the
machinery which was in use before the fire
and finds that It haa not been ao seriously
damaged aa waa expected when they
started to aave It.
'The question' which is now Interesting
me," aald Mr. Oruenlg. "is that of loca
tion. I have not decided where to open
the factory. I can rent buildings suitable
for the purpose, but I am considering the
question of building 'one which' can be
made practically fireproof, so that no
repetition of the former disaster can take
place. It la only a matter of time when
the factory will again be In operation."
Baralars at Carpenter Shop Flad It
Neceasarr to Give t'p
a Joe.
Burglars made aa unsuccessful attempt
to open the safe of W. 8. Brooks, csrpenter,
H10 Capitol avenue, Sunday night. They
did aucceed, however, la boring three holes
through the door cf the safe. Entrance
waa gained to the shop by breaking In a
rear door, after which the maa took sev
eral bits and a braoe and tried to open the
safe. Being unsuccessful in this, they took
ths brace and bits and several tools with
them when they left the building.
Mrs. Anna Peterson, 111 North Twenty
sevsnth avenue, reported to the police that
her realdence had been entered by robbers
and a $30 gold watch stolsa during her
Bam'l Burns asks ladles to call and aee
the new Lotus (salad) ware.
Shampooing aad hairdraaslag. lie, at the
Bathery $11-210 -Bee -Building. Tsl.-lTlt, j
Timber Now Being Prepared by Douglas
County Party Leaden.
Prospective Delegates front This
Conntr ley They Will Consent
to Fanloa on Condition that
"Pop" Heads Ticket.
Douglas county populists are arranging
to carry to the state convention a prop
osition for a constitutional convention, a
demand for which they will endeavor to
have Incorporated informally upon the mat
ter for some time and according to state
ments made the sentiment in favor of the
constitutional convention is unanimous,
while there ia a division of opinion aa to
the form. Some believe the plank in favor
of the convention should be brief, almply
stating the necessity for a revision of the
constitution, while others would have the
changea advocated made a part of the plat
form. In addition to the constitutional conven
tion there Is much discussion at ths form
of the platform as a whole and the division
of opinion la greater there than In regard to
the constitutional provision. Fusion will
also be considered seriously by the Douglas
county contingent before It entera the con
Demand for Hew Constltatlon.
Oeorge Magney says: "I believe Ne
braska should have a new constitution and
that the people's party should be the prime
movers in such a proceeding. The dele
gates from this county will favor the plan
undoubtedly and I am In favor of having
a plain demand for a constitutional con
vention and let the details be In a great
measure left to the men ' sent to that con
vention by the people. The platform must
be abort, sharp and decisive. There Is no
time for platitudes, such as were con
tained in the last state platform. The
Douglas county delegatea probably will be
In favor of conceding to the democrats a
greater ahare of the offices on the state
ticket, but will never consent to giving
that party the right to name the candidate
for governor.
J. J. Points, who la a member of the popu
list state committee, says: "We want a
constitutional convention, and we want the
people'a party to ask for It. We want a
short platform which will mention the un
derlying principles of the party and we will
be for fusion provided we are permitted to
name the candidate for governor, aa waa
agreed upon when the democrats named the
candidate for supreme judge last year. It
the democrats Insist upon naming the can
didate for governor It will mean a split.
There should be no politics In the question
of the constitutional convention, but the
best men In the state should be chosen, and
they should be permitted to exercise their
own judgment in framing a document for
the indorsement of the people. However, a
provision similar to that in New York, per
mitting tho constitution to expire by limi
tation every ten years would not be a bad
Wants No Platltades. '
Ik J. Qulnby taya: "For one, I am op
posed to republlcanlzlng the populist plat
form by wording it, as our last one was,
In meaningless and deceptive platitudes.
Such platforms are Intended to mislead
only fools. Sensible people never read
them seriously. Such platforms are a dis
grace to any party that poses as a reform
party. I believe our platform should de
mand a constitutional - convention for the
purpose of revising our constitution.
Among the changea to be made In that con
stitution should be one engrafting direct
legislation upon the fundamental law of the
state. It ia time that the people should
reclaim the initiative, referendum and
power of recall, not only that they' may
I ropose measures for the publio good and
veto the acts of unscrupulous legislators,
but that they have the power to recall
those from publio office who violate their
trust. It should provide means for local
option In taxation, that each community
might ralae lta taxes In Its own way, aa
they are this year doing In Colorado. It
should make more easy the acquisition by
the people of public utilities in order that
the people at large may profit by public
ownership of public service utilities. It
should mals punishable under the criminal
code all employera who blacklist men
whose only offense la that they demand
recognition of their manhood and their
rights. It should provide for a depository
for publio moneys in order that publio offi
cials shall not profit by farming out publio
funds. More than this, our platform should
endorse and defend the principle of state
Insurance and the endeavors of labor unions
to ameliorate the conditions of the tollers.
It should demand an Immediate and specific
remedy for the extortions of the railroads
and other publio service eorporatlona."
Tha Hollaad-Anaerlenn Liner.
The new twin-screw stsamshlp Noordam
of the Holland-America line, which has
made lta maiden trip to America, arriving
here Sunday last, ia pronounced a model
of perfection.
Through the addition of thla new ateamer
the fleet for the regular weekly mall serv
ice between the United States and the
Netherlands Is completed. This steamer
waa built by the well known shipbuilders.
Harland A Wolff, Belfast; waa aucceesfully
launched In October, 1901; developed on lta
trial trip a speed of aeventeen knots per
hour and has the following dimensions:
Length, 685 feet; width, sixty-two feet)
depth, forty-four feet; registered tonnage.
13.000. Like the other twin-screw steamers
of the line, it la constructed of steel, pro
vlded with bilge keels and haa engines of
T.500 horse power of the triple expanalon
type. Powerful dynamo furnish the vessel
throughout with electric light. Twelve
bulkhnads extend to the upper deck, divid
ing the ship into thirteen water-tight com
part men ta. Four decks are aet apart for
the accommodation of passengers. First
cabin accommodates 300 passengers, second
cabin 150 passengers and third cabin 1,200
passengers. All the room are very spa
cious and well ventilated. The promenade
deck la over 200 feet long and twenty feet
wide on each aide. On thla deck there are
six rooms with private entrances, toilet,
bathroom, private hall and atalrcase lead
ing to the saloon deck. Numerous bath
rooms are found In Judicious1 locations all
over the ateamer, aa well for first aa for
second cabin passengers. The rooms as
signed to the third claaa will accommodate
two, four and six persons each. In addition
to which a large number of family rooms
have been constructed. Special care haa
been taken with regard to the aanltary ar
rangements In accordance with the most
approved modern requirements.
Plain gold rings- Edholm, Jeweler.
Homiieekfn1 tSaearnlaa.
Very low rates for round trip tickets via
Missouri Pacific railway, Tuesday, Msy to,
to certain points In southwest Missouri,
Kanaaa, Oklahoma aud Indian Territory,
Texas. Arkansas, eto. For further Infor
mat Ion, land pamphlets, rates, etc., write
or call at company's office, southeast cor
ner Fourteenth and Douglaa atreeta, Omaha,
Neb. T. F. GODFREY, P. and T. A.
Publish your legal notices la The Weekly
Bee. Telephone lit.
Largs plain lockets. Edhotm, Jeweler.
A Great Purchase
Half prices govern the selling of the Carpets
and Rugs bought of a well known retail store.
It's an extraordinary event.
This sale offers unequalled opportunities. The very
highest grades of rugs and carpets, the most select pat
terns and designs are offered at just about half their worth.
The store we bought them from had installed the carpet
department but three months previous, consequently
everything is new.
$J5Ru?sfor $19.98
Moquette, Axmlnster and Smyrna
Rugs of the highest gradea In a great
variety of very beautiful patterns.
sizes 8x12. These ruga ordinarily re-
tall for $35.00 our
apeclal sale
$1.50 Carpets 69c Yard
Best gradea of Axmlnster, Wilton,
Velvet and Body Brussels Carpeta, a
beautiful line of choice patterns, with
and without border, regular retail
us j a vniaieis a v a it
' prices range up to
$1.60 yard, apeclal
$3.50 RuS $1.50
Moquette, Axmlnster and Smyrna
Rugs that were aold TV
for $3.60, on I i I
sale at
$10.00 Rurs $2.98
Moquette, Axmlnster and Royal
Wilton Run In door size, many of
them 36x72, worth up
to $10.00
The Straw Matting from this stock will be
placed on sale Wednesday, as follows
All the heavy China Matting that
usually sells for 25o
yard, will go
at, yard
It Involven Visitor from Iowa and
Young Woman of Thla
William Aldrlch,'from over In Iowa, re
ported to the police Sunday afternoon that
he had been robbed of a watch and $30 by
a woman and claims that hla great love
for the woman waa the cauae of the rob
bery. To the police he showed many let
ters full of love that had been written to
blm by the woman. Thursday he came
to Omaha to aee her and while he waa drunk
he aald she took hla money and watch.
He waa compelled to leave town, and only
returned Sunday. OUle Chase waa ar
rested and charged with the theft. She
waa Identified by Aldrlch, who carried her
photograph in hla pocket. The woman
denied that ahe ever aaw Aldrlch. He waa
held to prosecute.
Brotherhood Wine Co. On Top.
Yesterday James H. Pottle blew Into
Omaha again and In less than an hour had
made a deal with the old, reliable house of
Gladstone Bros, company to handle the
former's famous champagnes. Thla will
enable the Brotherhood's already large list
of patrons In Omaha to procure these fine
champagnes In smaller quantltlea than case
lots when desired. -
The Brotherhood Wine company haa
never failed to redeem all promises and a
trial will convince patrons that their
champagnes are not only the purest and
dryest of American wines, but only lack
French labels to make them equal to the
beat foreign brands.
Grayhepnone at a Bargain.
FOR SALE Latest model type, A, O.
combination graphophone, which nlays both
large and amall records; list price, $0.
This la especially designed for concert pur
poses, having a thlrty-slx-lnch horn and
stand. It also Includes twenty large Edi
son records and carrying case of twenty
four records. Ths machine la entirely new
and haa never been used. Will sell at a
bargain. Address X 36, in care of Ths Bee.
B-nit . -Hil-a rt Inrnmoratlnn. nntlpft nf
stockholders' meetings, eto., to The Bee.
we will give tnem proper tegai insertion.
Bee telephone. 238.
Shampooing and hair dressing, "tc, at the
Bathery. 211-220 Bee Building. Tel. 1711.
; Baby spoona. Edholm. jeweler.
HOLBROOK Lawrence Cooper, son of
Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Holbrook. aged 13
months, at the residence. 8703 North Twen
tieth streot.
Funeral Tuesday at 11 a. m. to Forest
Lawn cemetery.
JOHNSON Ralrh Julian, son of William
H. and Harah K. Johnson, May m.
Funeral services st family residence, JIM
South Seventeenth street, 2 p. m. Tuesday.
Interment. ProsDect Hill cemetery. Friends
invited. t
Tou don't want
a cbesp paint
that will last
one season and
then begin to
crack and scale
off. You want
a good paint at
the right price.
We have it.
1 gallon Outside Paint, best $150
1 quart Floor Paint, beat 0o
1 quart Carriage Paint, best 76o
1 quart Oil wood Stain, best 60c
1 pint Bath Tub Enamel, beat 60o
Ask tor Color Cards and est 1 mates.
Mtfc-autsl rata
LtStroata, Paaaha.
rn rrvinr'n!
and Sale of Fine
$19.00 Rufs for $9.98.
Smyrna and Brussels Rugs, site 9
12, in a very extensive line of beau
tiful and choice patterns. Rugs that
sell In the regular way
for up to $19.00
on sale for
Made-up Carpets $15.98
This stock Included an immense
line of made up carpeta, in Wilton
and Moquette. They were made to
sell for up to $40.00. We offer you the
choice of all of them,'
(all sizes and all
gradea) for
Art Squares $2.98
Tour choice of all the art aquarea
thla stock contained, ln-y V
eluding various grades J
and sizes, at
$3.50 and $5.00
Carpet Sweepers, $1.50
We will place on sale all the Car
pet Sweepers that came In thla atock,
at $1.60. They are the beat makes and
range In value from
$3.60 to $5.00
All the finest Jolntless Japanese
Matting, beautiful lalald patterns
per yard
Only $45
and Return
First-class round trip open to every
body $46.00 from Omaha to Los An
geles and San Franolaco via GREAT
May 27th to June 8th .
Final Limit 60 Days. . '
tickets good for return -until Tune
Ouiy 63 Honrs
and 40 Minutes
Omaha to Us Angeles.
via El Paao Short Line. Choloe of
route going and returning.
For further Information call at or
1 1223 Farnam BU
Rock Island Route
Selling; a csn of paint SEEMS easy.
From the number of paint "ads" and the
way they read you would also think the
paint would go on without a brush and
last forever. But when the customer gets
stuck, then they come to a paint house
to find out what to do. We tell 'em, buy
good paint. In buying the HOR8E8HOU
BRAND Mixed Paint, made by the Mound
City Paint and Color Co., Bt. Louis, you
will make no mistake. It Is the very best
high grade paint that can be made and
the price only 11.60 per gallon. No lOo or
20a added for the name. The paint has
been sold In Omaha, for the last fifteen
years, bas made lots of friends and bolds
them. We are sole agents.
Old Reliable Paint House.
14th it Douglas Street.
Bco Want Ads
Produce Rosulls
tUr'ail tHHmXHm ! TiU Jul, if V H i' i !
I A Sale
Our New York buyer lmri.a chnnce to close out a lot of
children's suits, which we will place on
Special Sale, Tuesday,
May 20th!
This purchase enables us to make prices that are un
questionably low. The suits involved in iiiis purchase are
all this season's handsomest patterns they are correctly
made, in styles boys like, that lit and look well. Mothers
. who wish a good, serviceable suit for the boys, at one-half
their value, will find this a most exceptional opportunity.
There are about 500 suits in the purchase, which we
have divided into two lots:
LOT NO. 1 Consists of 275 suits made of strictly all wool
cheviots, cassimeres in plain or fancy colors, all desirable,
the suits are all' fresh, new and bright, and made in the
newest Norfilk or double breasted styles, n'e know that
unless mothers see them they will question the desirability
of buying them simply because the prico.on this superior
quality of goods is so low, but we emphatically state that
they are positively the same class of suits that you have
been paying $2.50 and $ 3 for, sizes 4 to 16 Al r
Tuesday, as long as they last -U 1 1 U U
LOT NO. 2 Consists of 225 suits made of strictly all wool
cheviots and fancy cassimeres, in all desirable patterns,
in beautiful shades, in Norfolk and double breasted. This
suit is so good, so serviceable, so handsome, that we cannot
find words of praise to do them justice they are superbly
tailored and lined with Italian lining, which gives the very
best service, suits that if purchased through the regular
way would positively cost $3.50 and $4.00, Q A jn
sizes 4 to 16 Tuesday and as long as they last uZlUU
Are You Ready for a Straw Hat?
In our hat repartment we are showing one of the most
complete assortments of straw hats, and at prices that are
wonderfully small.
MEN'S STRAW HATS In all the swellest shapes, in
all the popular straws, at 25c, 35c, 45c, 75c, ?1.00, $1.25,
f 1.50, ?2.00, ?2.50.
25c, 35c, 45c. v '
YOUNG .MEN'S STRAW HATS, 25c, 45c, 75c.
We are showing a very attractive assortment of men's
real Panama hats at prices that assures you a saving of
Our Prices for Genuine Panamas:
The kind sold else
The kind sold else
fore$6.50, 4i50
where $
for f 4. 50,
Is a graduate, an) thoroughly understands his profes
sion.. When down town step In and let him test your
eyes. There will be no expense to you. We employ
the very best men and turn oat the very best work.
Look for the name.
S. W. LINDSAY, The Jeweler,
1516 Douglaa St.
Misses' and
Children's Shoes
Here Is a sbos that bas every bit
of (he value te them that our Boys'
$1.50 Shoes bare that have gained
such a wonderful reputation for value
Plump vlcl kid for school wear a
lighter weight for dreas lace
only with either kid or patent tips
Sixes 5 to I tt fl.OO-SH to 11 at 11.23
11 to i at $1.60 and i to
women's slxe with spring beel, $2.00
No such value given anywhere else
as In these shoes we won't sell any
shoe that ws can't recommend.
Drcxcl Shoe Co.,
Catalogue free for the asking.
Onia ba'a tp-to-dafe Ikoe Honse,
Postal Card Will Get It
Twentieth Century Farmer
The Best Agricultural Weekly. Ad
dress, Omaha, Neb.
Try one, then notice the fine Aroma of our present Havana
Tobacco and compare It with high priced Imported Cigar.
r. SL Bice Mercantile Claaa Ce, MaauXacturers. at. Loula. Valoa Made ,
rnWaaaTli II Mil if iTi
l flint" I MJgBi
The kind sold else
where J"T Pf
for $12.00, iOU
Best in the World.
And universally eateemed for lta btgh
stsndard of excellence the famous Metj
Beer. Made from selected grades of bar
ley, malt and hops, 'tis strictly pure,
healthful and nutrltous. Gives strength,
PROPERLY MATURED, It never varies In
quality. A beer that's at ones food and
drink. Always the beat by every test.
Ale tzBros., Brewing Co.
Telephoae 110, Oaaaba,
Or Jacob Neumayer, Agt., care Neumayer
HoteL Council .bluffs. Is.
Tho Marvel
Whirling Spray
Syringe la being advertised over the names
of various concerns In different localities,
and those people for whom they are ad- 1
vertised are getting fancy prices for them
because many people do not know that
this article can be aold by anyone at any '
price they aee fit.
We sell tha genuine MARVEL Whirling
Bpray ladles' syrlriK for 2 25. The Tyrlau
Whirling Bpray syringe for $2.00.
A guaranteed 2-quart combination ht
water bottle and fountain syringe for $1.00.
Guaranteed 2-quurt hot water bottle,
WHILE THEY LAtST, K,c. Other syringes, . .
and we carry an end I ens variety, from '.
Mo up. When In need of anything in the "
Rt'rtHER OoOLtf or BYRINUE or Bl'ft.
PENBOKY line Juat remember WJ3 ARB
NOT IN THE COMBINE and sell every,
thing we carry aa LOW- aa we PLEA5&-.
not aa HIGH aa we MIGHT! , .
Tel. TT, g. W. Cor. lOtb, aad Calcaa.