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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1902)
TOE OMAnA DAILY BEE: SATTJimAMAY 17, 1002. a tflASCE for men SCHOOLS 6prlntndent Fowler Bnlei that Afljonct , tMitrlcti Can Be EstablUhsd. SUBMISSION THIS YEAR NOT MANDATORY .Maeoln Partlee Who Have Bt Ina estlsetlnc Central Heating Plaat itktnt Proaoaaee It a access. I (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, May 1. (Special.) Ststs 6u PtrlDtetidelit Fowler hat ruled tbat tbe tjueetlon Of the organization of adjunct tilth School districts In ttala ststs mar 4gaU be iubmltted to voters at the forth coming abhual district meetings H.olde 'that the la made tbe submission of this ueelloA mandatory last year, but this Veaf. leaves it to tbe discretion of tbo lenool authorities. Mr. fowler ssyei a the school men of the state are a unit tn their pre for the establishment of an adjunct district In every county where thra H an approved high school. No ways and means can be devised that will do Irrnre Mr the Improvement of the rural or emmnn school than the establishment of an adjunct district In every county having en approved high school. There can be no Houbt sa to the authority of the county Superintendent to submit the question of the establishment of an adjunct district or to submit the proposition for Its dis continuance, provided he shall give due rtotlro to the moderator of each common erhool district Instructing him to submit the said question to a vote of the legal Voters of tils district at the annual meet ing. June II''!. And It shall be the duty Of each moderator of such county to submit said question on that date and to certify the results of such vote to the county su perintendent. If a majority of the votes last in any county on said question shall te In favor of the establishment of an ad junct district, the county superintendent shall certify auch fact to the county clerk and the county board shall thereafter an nually levy a tax of not to exceed T mills on the dollar of assessed valuation of such adjunct district. Central Heating Plant. sod rye It IB Bead. Winter1 wheat la ex. j eellent. PIERCE. Neb.. Mar i (Special Tels gram. A nice showef of rain fell here early this morning. Just the thing to start the corn growing. BROKEN BOW. Neb., Mar 1. (Special.) In tbe last forty-eight hours rain has been falling most of tbe time. At 7 o'clock this morning tbe precipitation bad reached three Incbes. At no time was the rainfall heavy enough to do damage. Tbe pros pects for small grain 1 very much Im proved and the pastnrea for stock have never been in better condition at this tea- son of tbe year. Farmers snd stockmen are greatly encouraged. EXETER. Neb.. Mar 1 (Special.) Light rain btt been falling almost continually tinea morning, most of the time very light. Tbe downfall was about 1.75 inches. Thlt morning the tun Is thin In g for too first time sines Mondsr. DEFENDANT FAINTS IN COURT Exciting; Ttxaea Daring; tha Prelli laary Heariaa; of Lswriscs gpohn at Hastln.s. HASTINGS. Neb., May (Special Tele gram.) The case of the Stats of Nebraska against Lawrence Spohn wat brought be fore County Judge Dungan today. Spohn Is charged with burglary. When he wat brought into the court room he swooned snd during the sntira proceedings he wst In such a nervous condition that he could onlr find relief br lying on the floor. Roy Van Fleet, tha complainant, was the first witness called snd he Immediately Informed the court that he desired to withdraw the complaint, but County Attorney Snider ob jected snd Insisted upon prosecuting the esse. Several witnesses testified. It was while Art Richardson was on tha stand that excitement ran high. During his testi mony the counsel for the defense aaked him If be had not also on one or more oc casions bean arrested under much suspi cion. Before the court could Interrupt 1 Richardson cried out In heated tones: No. air. and vou ara a liar if you say "secretary Hewlett ot tna commercial nib sua Manager Humpe of Lincoln Trae- The counsel for the defense also gave the loo company returned last evening irom ponce a nar(i rub while cross-questioning Topeka and St. Joe. where they went to Patrolman Dycu, Dy g.ying that if he wat jooa into me question or a cenTrai supply le,,oui ln looking after gambling dens nesting piant. Mr. newicic went on oenau he ln proMCUtiDg this case he would of the club to Investigate the matter from be bettw ,ppreclated br the public. Judge the standpoint of the contumer and Mr. nn. ,hre.rend the attornev for eon- numpe irom me viewpoint oi toe proaucer. tempt- xfter the -witnesses had been Both unite ln saying that the plan has ex4mlned th, defendant was bound over to met not only wun nnanciai success to ine ths June Urm of tne autrlct court ,n tne companies who xurnisn neat, nut 10 me um o $500 Mr Spoh1( ,4ther of th. ae. fendant. furnished ball snd the boy wat consumers .. In St. Joseph the trsctlon company fur Dishes the heat snd ln Topeka the electric ment- iigni company. iney nave several mues ot mains, and the rates are low enough to make It a good thing for the contumer snd tbe company. In Topeka the charge is 30 cents per-foot for radiation, and ln St Joseph It is 25 cents. The difference In cost it explained by the fact that ln Bt. Joseph the entire lighting, heating and , traction Interests are ln one company's tands." 1 t Governor Savage has appointed the fol lowing delegates to the convention of the taken to private rooms for medical treat- KILLED IN PISTOL DUEL Bam Johnson. Snot Twice la Qaarrel Which Arises Over Woman, MEDICINE BOW, Wyo.. May 18. (Spe cial.) Sam Johnson, who wss wounded by T. E. Riley during A saloon row Tuesday National Association of Military Surgeons. D,ht- ,ald T-Urdmy. Riley and Johnson which will be held in Washington. D. C.', f"eled over ft woman and Johnson drew June 5, 6, and 7: Carl D, Evans, Colum- ft gun. Riley dared him to shoot and bus; Samuel B. Toder. Norfolk; R. E. Git- P1Ief ow trlk,n JI?h"n over. fen. Lincoln; J.. V. Beghtol, Friend; Louis "4 wUn tha W"P?-. H PJ H. Dlers. Beward; WUHs Talbot. Broken the "n way and stsrted to back out of Bow; J. M, Blrkner, Lincoln: A. P. Glnn. th Wofn; ttam raised his fun rit.- riirroi-H w w.M.n b-.. red two shots at fciley. who returned j.)ce . . . .. the fire, hitting Johnson twice In the Chairman H.C, Lindsay ot the republican - "aw'd tb J00? state centrs) convnlttee. hat, Issued. call "d pUed his pistol at Riley without Tor s meeting ot tha state executive com- I mlttee ln this city on Wednesdsy evening. It Is asserted that the meeting has been called for tbe purpose of selecting a tern Wymoro Saloon Fight Bitter. WTMORE, Neb.. May 18. (Special.) I porary chairman of the stste nominating I From Tueaday afternoon until Wedneaday convention. I night at a late hour the mayor and council were ln almost continuous session, hearing evidence In the remonstrance against In the annual drill of the university ca- I granting saloon licenses. E. O. Kretainger det battalion for tha Omaha cup this aft- I appeared for the remonstrators and W. H. srnoon ths victory wss won by Company I Ashby, Judge Haxlett and R. S. Bibb for D, of which Captain A. K. Barnes and Lieu- I the saloonmen. A treat volume of testi- lenanta T. F. Gould and J. T. Mllek are I mony was introduced. The council over- omcers. Companies C. B and A were given I ruled the remonstrances and would have honors In the order named. The gold I granted licenses, but sn appeal to die- medal for best Individual drill was won by trlct court was at once taken. It It R. a. Davidson, while tbe tllver medal wat understood that the matter will come uo given to E. E. Bborey. Prlies were pre- before Judae Stull next Monday afternoon. seniea oy a committee consisting ot Misses Margaret Honeywell, Blanche Garten, Ruth Wilson and A. Cody. - Judges ot the con test were: Lieutenants Henry Clsy Evans, Farrott snd Goodale. Dairymen Express Thanks. Jaror Is Stockholder of Defendant. FREMONT, Neb., May 18. (Special.) The Jury work of the May term of ths district court wat concluded today snd for tha first time ln a many years no criminal case Ths State Dairymen's Association met I was tried. In ths esse of Button sgalnst In special session tonight and adopted res- I the Standard Cattle company the Jury wss olutions expressing thanks snd spprecla- I unablato agree. After tbe Jurors were tlon for the efforts ot ths Nebraska delega- I dismissed It was learned that oas ot them tlon In eonrreaa and others In i.iin, I wss a stockholder ot tne defendant. James In tne enactment of tbe oleomargarine bill, I Stewart recovered a verdict for $825 against and particularly tor the untiring efforts of Jmes McDonald for damages tor the con Charles T. White of Chicago, secretary ot I version of stock of boots snd shoes which the National Dairyman a union. A reso- 1 ha claimed were worth 13,700. lutlon was also adopted urging contrlbu- I r : . . ... , tlona to Nebraska fund to compensate Crn.he. Into Loaded Stock Car.. Ur. White for bis services. TECUMSEH, Neb., Msy !. (Special.) I Burlington freight train No. 113, coming FLOOD HITS NORTH PLATTE "iVJ1 tVL litlT-JISHJ lla nsl 1ln fcmfah 1 at ftvanl n mr Ttia dsn- Over Sis lnehe. of Balnfall Since w un,b t0 iU)p th6" trn , pnnany Fioata All instable lit crashed Into the cart, deetroylng the Articles. I pilot on ths engine. The hogs were te- verely thaken up. but the dsmsge wss noml- I h,l .Tha AmmmmA cnrlna nrnrmAA lit NORTH PLATTE, Neb.. May "--(Special Be,trlce wlth th, rr,,fht wltn but Telegram.) One ot the beavleat rains In ths history of the city fell last night, snd todsy about one-half of the town it under water. Two parties ln the west part ot tha city had to abandon their hornet. little delsy. Falls City. Commencement FALLS CITY. Neb.. May 18. (Special.) cn.r. ..h.-.iv.' I Commencement exercises ot the Falls City Infr Floor, in two or thre. bu.iD... bouse. ool wlU b,U1 J" "L 0U; ara covered with water and the damage lu"r,a"' "-' 4" umv"" . will bs considerable. The rainfall last the total rainfall .Inc. Sunday night to 'ta V J" f C!U of ,b,! Friday morning i. 8.27 Inches. GIBBON. Neb., May 18. (Special.) After three days snd night, steady rain ths sua Christian church. - The Junior class will entertain In honor of ths seniors at ths High school building Friday evening. has corns out bright this morning. Wonni I M,)r !S" have done considerable damage to growing rrops. but It Is hoped the hot sun following Us downpour will cook tbe pests. Indl- Jnalera Oration to Sealers.' ALBION. Neb.. Msy 18. (Special.) Ths IlaJajs The Illustrated Bee. 1-?EW WORDS ARE ALL rthftt la needed to oonviooe buo regular airvu, skud tomed to Its uniform excellence, of tbe weekly feast of good things la pictures snd text supplied by The Illustrated Bee. It Is a magajlne ln every respect and worthy to be classed as auch. In fact, many pre tentious msgaxlnes do not spend either tha money or care ln prepara tion that is bestowed on tbe Illus trated Bee. The next number will partake of tbe nature ot ft specie! issue, with featurei of uncommon merit. CLl'B WOMEN will And tome thing of especial interest in tbe ilhis llustratlons. For frontispiece The Illustrated Bee present! a fine picture of Mrs. Demlat T. Denlson, the newly elected president ot the General Federation of Women's clubs. Thlt It made from the latest photo graph of Mrs. Denlson and la an ex cellent likeness ot the woman who is to be the head of united club work for the next two years. Pictures ot Mrt. Sarah S. Decker, ot Mrs. Robert J. Burdette, Mrs. Jennie O. Keytor and other prominent American women will also appear. SPAIN'S BOY KING will come Into bis own on Sunday, when he at- ' taint bit alxteenth year and becomet legally ot age. He will bs crowned with the ceremony that bss been ob served in Bpsin for centuries. A special article gives a glimpse of the boy life of thlt youthful ruler and something of hit habits snd disposi tion. One of Its interesting features it an account of tbe ceremonial that attended hit birth, furnished by one ot the official witnesses. Illustrations for the article are made from recent photographs ot the boy king, the queen mother and tbe Ilka, KING EDWARD'S CORONATION will take many Americana to Lon don next month. In fact, tha beglra ' has already set ln. From New York comes ft tpecial article dealing with this topic, snd telling of the Ameri cans who are expected to cut some figure at this royal show. Some very well known names are Included ln tbe list. For, Illustrations photo graphs of a number of 'American women who have the entree to the sxcluslye circles of the English courts have been uted. CUBA'S NEW GOVERNMENT tikes hold on Tuesday, when General Wood will formally relinquish tbe authority he bat to long and well wielded there and Tomaa Estrada Palma will be duly Inaugurated as the first president of the Cuban republic. A special correspondent of The Bee writes of conditions that now prevail in the Island, the reception given to President-elect Palms on his return from the United States snd outlook for the new government. This will be found of great lntereat, as It is from a trained newspaper man, who Is thoroughly converssnt with Cuban affairs. Illustrations are from pho tograph, made since the return ot Benor Pslma to tbe island. SUM AND UNCLE SAM have just found out that they have many Interest, ln common. Frank G. Car penter tell, about them ln bis weekly letter, giving a detailed account ot tbe resources snd advantages ot 81am and of the extension ot Ameri can enterprise ln that little known kingdom. Mr. Csrpenter treats this topic ln his well known style. Impart ing a great deal ot valuable Informa tion In ft highly entertaining manner. Photographs which he made himself during his visit to the Far East are uaod to furnish the Illustrations tor the article. FLORIDA SCENES IN WINTER afford the theme for the story of a de lightful trip taken by some Nebraska people, which la told In a charmingly simple way by two of tbe women who went along. . From the snow and ice of the north, through the historic land of Tennessee and Georgia, to the region of perpetual sunshine, accom panied by congenial friends under favorable conditions. Is certainly sn ideal outing. The illustrations which accompany tbe text are ot acenea around venerable St. Augus tine. PEACE ABSOLUTELY CERTAIN London Hewtpaper Baji Attitude of Boeri Jaitifies Positive Assertion. BRITISH GENEROSITY POWERFUL FACTOR EaaTlleh Grant Twenty-Five Million Dollars for the Pnrpoae of Beballdlo Destroyed Farms ot Boers. esttoos are fine for an Immense crop ot Juniors of ths High school entertained the winter grain. Corn planting Is suspended nior ciass si me residence 01 b. u.-mr-tor tbts week, sad everyone Is lubllsnt rter wtth rl breakfast. Toasts, els- over tbs prospects. I 8nt decorations, and aumptuous menu 'IMPERIAL, Neb.. Msy 18. (Speclsl.) I wer otner 'tures of ths occasion. Tbe Chesa countr lust received another snlen- baccalaureate sermon to ths senior clast it did wettlsg. For teveral daya It hat been to rsd next Sunday evening at the cloudy and misty, with occasional light Pr B0U "7 uoorge 01 tne aietuo- ralas rains, closing Wednesdsy night with I al(( cnurcn. an all nlvht ilii4v Anmn nnne t n th snt of 1.M inches.- The grsst 00 the Teon.h Co.noll A.nei.ts. ranges btt never been at fine as It new TECUMSEH, Neb., Msy If. (Special.) is. snd small grain could not be la better I The Tecumaeh city council has appointed condition. The famous crop ot 1891, which I L C. Chapman city attorney,- M. - B. enabled this county to tske second premium I Thurber city electrician. W. Goodman at the State fair was not nearly so good I engineer st power plant, and T. W. Wilson st thla season as the present outlook. ( poundmaster. The council may soon pass Farmers as well ss business men are greatly I a dog tag ordinance. A license to run elated over the prospects. J bowling v slley has been grsnted James WILCOX. Neb.,. May 18. (Special.) I Moots. This community-was again1 visited with a I-toch rata Wednesday and Thursday. This ' makes five Inches ot fall during May. Rye I BEATRICE, Neb., May 18. (Special Tele- la heading out and the early winter wheat I gram.) Rev. S. P. Benbrook. the minister , will head la about a week. Farmers are I who did the shooting at Wymore Wedaet- Jubilant, and ssy that this insures a good I dsy, has not succeeded In getting ball. His wheat crop for this county. Some corn I preliminary hearing was not held today Is already up and looking fine. Pastures I sad hs Is still la the custody ot the sher- are good and the price of farm lands are I Iff- Ne new developments kss come to I advancing. I light la ths case. - ALBION. Neb.. May 18. (Special.) A ' grand rata has fallen la a continuous drls- ' sle tor the last forty-eight hours, govern . aient gauge showing l is Inches preclplts tloa. There la much complaint of the d;mctive work ot tbe cutworms to oata. CITHER FEATURES of the next nam- U ber of The Illustrated Bee in elude scenes at the unveiling ot the L company monument, taken last Sun day; tbe views of the Iowa School tor the Deaf, taken tbe morning after the fire, and many other topics and persons of more then psaslng interest. As a whole, ths number will be found one of tbe best. If you sre not now a subscriber you should placs your order with your newsdealer today. York Bonne s)rene with Cash. YORK, Neb.. May 18. (Special.) The average York county farmer Is making to much money that local banks are over burdened with depoelts, (or which they have H Itt IU ivra retje ia fleeted ue detu&sd Xwr lotas. The Illustrated Bee. GRATEFUL HAPPY U0E1EQ Thank Pe-ru-na for After Years of Their Recovery Suffering. LONDON. Msy 18. The Dslly Msll thlt morning says It understsnds that sufficient Indications ot the attitude ot the Boer lead ers st Vereentglng hsve transpired to justify the assertion tbat peace In South Africa it absolutely aasured. A powerful factor ln attaining this re sult, the psper tsyt, has been tbe British generosity ln tbe matter of farm rebuilding. for which, It believes, about 5,000,000 has been granted. LOOKS BETTER FOR TREATY Folkethlngr Resolvee In Favor of Cession of West Indies to Vnlted States. COPENHAGEN. May 18. The Folkethlng, lower house, today, by 98 to 2 votes, passed a resolution ln favor of the cession ot the Danieh West Indies to the United States on condition that a tubsequent popular vote of tbe inhabitants ot the islands shows a majority In favor thereof. The matter was then returned to ths Landsthlng, which, by 33 to 30 votes, re affirmed the resolution providing for a lim ited plebiscite and the ratification of the treaty only if favored by a majority of three-quarters. This obstruction shelves the queetlon until sfter elections in Sep tember, when the government hopes to ob tain a majority ln the Landsthlng. FATAL $P0TJN REPUBLICAN Whirlpool In River Below Dam at Orleans, Kebrsiks, Claims Three Victims In One Week. ALMA. Neb.. May 16. (Special.) The third victim within a week to meet death In the Republican river just below the mill- dam at Orleans wss a young boy named Arnet. who was drowned there yesterday. A party of ten, including Arnet and an older brother, were fishing at that place when tho boy slipped snd fell into the tor rent. There Is a swift whirlpool just at this point snd the suction quickly carried him beneath the water. His brother Immediately sprang to his aid and tbe drowning boy clung to him while the two roe and tank, but the third time only the elder one emerged from be neath ths water and was rescued with diffi culty. The body of the unfortunate boy wat re covered latt night a short distance below the dam. Chnrch to Coat Six Thousand. ADAMS. Neb.. May 18. (Special.) At a meeting of the official board ot tho Metho dist church of thlt place the contract was let for a new church edifice to cost $6,000 to Fred D. Stlnson of Sterling, Neb. The building Is to occupy the quarter of the block Just east of the Presbyterian church. Butl.dtnsr Boom at Central City. . CENTRAL CITY, Neb.,: May 16. (Spe cial.) The piping has' been distributed for Central City's new gas plant. Several new business houses and a large number of dwellings sre being erected, with prospects of many more. Farmers sre busy plant ing corn. Fall wheat It looking fine. enue. Detroit. Mich.. M!3&B I 1 .. ; t Temperance, in a , . i 1 VIM. : .M Isiarasee Inspector Injnred. BEATRICE, Neb., May 16. (Special Tele gram.) Thoma. Godfrey, state boiler in spector for the Hartford Insurance com pany, wa. badly injured here today by being truck on the head by a large Iron door while Inspecting a boiler belonging to the Central Granaries company. Elks Capital Entertainers. PLATTSMOUTH. Neb., May 16. .'Special.) The entertainment given by the Elk. in Parmele's opera house last evening was one of the most "enjoyable events given here for some time. There wss an Im mense crowd present and the play waaa uccets ln every feature. Dearreo of Honor Initiates. FALLS CITY, Neb., May 16. (Special.) The Degree of Honor held a banquet at Masonlo hall Thursday night. Mrs. Hard ing, grand chief of honor, was present snd sddressed the order and conducted the initiation of about fifteen candidates. Scholarships for Southern Teachers. NEW YORK. May 18.-8even special scnoiarsnips nave neen estaonsnea ln Teachers' college, Columbia university, for the assistance of southern teachers by Oeorge F. Peabody, V. E. Macy and John Crosby Brown of this city, who attended tne recent educational conrerence In the south. No distinction of race or sex will be considered In making the awards. Any teacher ln the southern states may become a canaiaaie.- FORECAST OF THE WEATHER I Miss Muriel Armltage, 36 Greenwood av District Organizer ot the Royal Templars 0 recent letter, says: The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, Ohio. Gentlemen "I think that a woma troubles public, but restored health It la my duty to tell what Peruna has I Buffered for five yeara with nter wreck. I tried doctors from tne aiire dltlon. In mr despair I cnlleil on an would persist and take It regularly. aoon as I bearan taklnsr it tna 11 on taking It. I kept this up for olx fifteen bottles I considered myself en tasje. FEMALE WEAKNESS IS PELVIC CATARRH. Always Half I Sick arc the Women who Have Pelvic Catarrh. Catarrh ot any organ, if allowed to progress will affect the whole body. Catarrh without nervousness is very rare, but pelvic catarrh snd nervousness go hand in hand. What Is so distressing a sight ss a poor. half sick, nervous woman, suffering from the many almost unbearable symptoms of pelvic catarrh? She does not consider herself 111 enough to go to bed, but she is far from being able to do her work without the greatest exhsustlon. This is a very common sight snd is almost alwayt due to pelvic, catarrh. It la worse than foolish for so msny women to suffer year after year with a dlt- eate that can be permanently cured. n naturally shrinks from making her has mesvat ao-mach to ue that I feel done for me. Ine Irregularities, which hronaht otj rrni .1 nuun we piraiciir, lUI WIIMOUt old nurae, who advised me to try Per I thought this was the least I could .affecting me differently from anyth months, and steadily gained strength tlrely cured. I am a grateful, happy 1 ?. r. .1' for tho sake of other suffering women hysteria and made mo a physical any perceptible change In my con una, and promised good results It I do and procured a bottle, I knew no Ing I had used before, and ao I kept and health, and when I had need woman today." Miss Muriel ArmU Peruna cures catarrh permanently. It cures old, chronic cases as well as a slight sttack, the only difference being in the length ot time that should bs taken to ef fect a curs. Miss Nellie Weaver, 2031 South Ninth street, Philadelphia, Pa., writes: "Having heard and read of Peruna, when my system became to run down that I thought I would never regain my health. I decided to give Peruna a trial. I gained In health and ttrength and consider Peruna the best remedy on the market." NELLIE WEAVER. Mary V. Bartholomew, St. Franclsville, 111., sayt: "About twelve years ago I was af fllcted with female trouble (pelvlo catarrh.) I doctored with several skillful physicians, but kept getting worse until I became bedfast. I was In this condition about two years, under the attendance ot four physi cians. I got no better during this time. Finally, looking over Dr. Hart man'a female book I concluded I would write for advice. I am not aorry I did ao. I owe my life to Dr. Hartman nnd Peruna. My frlendo and neighbors never espeeted to aee me well again." Slary F. Bartholo mew. Mrs. B. F. Ellis, Curve, Tenn., writes: "I with to add my testimony td the life tavlng value ot your most excellent medi cine, Peruna. "I was tick with Indigestion and bowel trouble; tried a good physician and many kinds of medicine, but - grew worse and weaker all the while. "My ton advised ma to try Peruna, as It wat good for ao many ailments snd might be beneficial to me. I . sent for a bottle and I wa. to weak that. I could not tit up In bed. After taking Peruna for two days I was able to tit up and eat anything- that 1 wanted. "I am now well and getting stronger and gaining in fleBh every . day. . Thanks to Peruna, tbe King of Medicines." - MRS. B. F. ELLIS. If you do not derive prompt and satisfac tory results from the uss ot Peruna, wrlto . at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full state ment of your case, and he' will be pleased to give you bit valuable advioe gratia. Addrets Dr. Hartman, President of tha , Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio. Fair Saturday and Sunday Warmer ta Southwestern Nebraska. and WASHINGTON. May 18. Forecaat: For Nebraska Fair Saturday and warmer la southwest portion; Sunday fair. For Iowa and Missouri Generally fair Saturday and Sunday. For Kansas, Oklahoma, Indian Territory and Arkansas Fair Saturday and Sunday. Local KMsra, OFFICE OF THE WEATHER Bt'REATT. OMAHA. May la.-iomoial record of tem perature and precipitation compared with tne corresponaing aay ot ine last tnree years: 1903. 1901. 1900. vm. Maximum temperature. .. 78 7ft 69 74 Minimum temperature ... 62 0 H 61 Mean temperature 6 69 61 62 Precipitation T .00 T .00 Record of temDerature and DreclDltatlon at omaba tor tnis aay ana since fllarcn 1, 1902: Normal temDerature 62 Deficiency for the day S Total excess since March 1 292 Normal precipitation 14 inch Deficiency for the day 14 Inch Total rainfall since Marcn 1 a. 35 inches Deficiency slnoe Marcn 1 2.39 Inches Deficiency for cor. period. 19U1... .1.59 Inches Denciency tor cor. pnoa, isuu men Heporte from Stations at T P. at. SPECIAL EXCURSIONS VIA ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD from Omaba. $30.00 Harrlsburg. Pa., and return. Datet ot tale. May 14th to 19th, In elusive. Round trip tickets wV'I alto be told to points In Pennsylvs.'.ts, Maryland and District of Columbia at rats ot one tare from .Harrlsburg. $12.65 St. Paul and return. Tickets on sale May 17th, 18th, 19lh. All through trains sre equipped with buf fet, library cars, drawing room sleeping cart and free reclining chair cars; all wlds vestlbuled .and of ths latest design. . For full particulars regarding rates, train service, time tables, etc., sddress W. H. BRILL, Diet Pass.-Agt, III. Cent. R. R.. 104 Farnam Street. . I. Ill Mil , HI ll..f HI. ljm ill MIJUll " r.r - - iii'i.? I'M iL Wil ( n 1; w! ,i I CONDITION OF THS f H : g , WEATHER. : : " s . . lil I rim. ha .Aa valentine, part ciouay .... North Plsff rart clourfv I Cheyenne, cloudy Bait Lae. clear Rapid City, clear huiou, part cloudy WllUitnn cloudy I Chicago, clear St. Louis, clear Bt. Paul, raining Davenport, clear Kansas City, part cloudy Havre, part cloudy Helena, part cloudy lOatlvraton, part cloudy 78! 71 .'JO Tt S0t (0 701 76' .0 H 61 .00 70! 721 . 70( 7t SZ Ml Ml H 7! s2 7? 74 1 fcii Ml .00 Ml .01 5, ail .T 7&i A W I ludKaUs Usee of biccipUaUuo. "a. .""V rV I "V TTV o) n nv mm ly CURED TO STAY CURED FOREVES On account of lta frightful hldeousnetts. Blood Poisoning Is comraouly called the King of sll Diseases. It may oe tuner nertaiutry or cumutira. U"7D"","', tern is tainted wun It. the diKease may manifest itself In the form of Scrofula. Kisema, Kheumallo Pains, Sufi or Swollen Joints, Eruptions or Copper Colore4 fipota on the Face or Bodv, little Ulcers, In tbe Mouth, or on the Tongue, bore nl..i a..n. Tnn.ii. tf.iiinii nut nf Hntr i,t Kvcbrusi. and rtnally a Ieurous- like Decay of the Flesh and Uont-s. If you have any of these or similar aymu tome, get BROWN'S BLOOD CL'KE Immediately. This treatment la practically the sisult of Ufa work. It contains no dangerous drugs or Injurious medicines of sny kind. It goes to the very bottom of the Disease and forces out every raril. lt, of Impurity. Soon every sign and symptom disappears completely and forcer The nlood, the tisoue, the fiesh, the bones and the whole system are cleansed, purified and restored to perfect health, and the ratleni prepared anew tor the dull., and pleasures of life. B ROW N 8 BIXMD CL'RK. fc.uO a bottle, lasts one month. MADE IlY DR. BROWN, ikii Arch Street Philadelphia, tula only y ikftsias fc McCoaaeli Drasj to., tiiu ana IXtd.t it.. Omaha. DR. McGREW (Ag53X SPECIALIST. Dleeaaee mm Ulsosaess (, Oalr. ga Years' Ksaerleaoe. IB Teara la Oasaaa. VARICOCELE whit i'Jffigfti gtfest ana mwi i,iuii uw j discovered. No pain whatever, no cutting; and does not interfere wlta work or buat- nesa. Treatment at omce or at noma ana a permanent tun un. Hot Springs Treatment tor Sypbllis And all Blood .Diseases. No "BREAKINa signs of the disease disappear at once. A treatment "" - -"-77- . ,, . more satisfactory than the "old form" of ir.l7m.nt and at leas than 11ALV TUU COST. A cure that U guaranteed to be permanent ior u hUC D Oft nnnca cured of nervous UVLn ZUiUUU debility, loan of vitality. i,4 all uunatutal weaknesses of snea trtrtcture, Uleel. juaney sua. oisaasr uuf ttlArhUICa WW, COaatLTATION Treatment ry au. y. Offlos over 16 K Mth street, between Fa. Oougiaa aia uaaiu. cxiCHisvt a a (MttLIBM EfinYROYAL PILLS r.V ant. J mmt Italy lu-IKH'.l K.NULI.Hlt B A Int. rajlMbt- l..41. Drud tef t'HlCIIJUll KK'S K.N Ot i. ara h .m iw. iniw a, lat.ain.. araa l., a a.a SabattlMlaoa. hI Ijalta la. ra a. S- af fw U i ,.i t arai 4a. is aavia IM fuaaakn, TwUU H4 'Maffc,iiUau. ra. t.ra Haia. J.ili1Miiai, ...4 ay bra4(,u t aiwli laf ha.,UMfcJ Ca, Wrk rSIMa m flMALI BK AN. ;re. unniUur retfu- nor ; airouie4l, leftl. Ifctl ;Colil.b aitfvjr. "I,.r. fuaT"Jai. bt Hiifla I iun; nal euiluji. c-c r.ila4 lu s lew aa). s.i.' a ftasnuaa atcraaeUr Ssuacuu. UUk saA Lmss s VOtviENs 4