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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 17, 1902)
1ST THE OMAHA DAILY TJEE: SATURDAY, MAY 17, 1902. KELLET, STIGER A CO. .WeTiave provided for every possible need ta quality, weight anil prices for women sod children's summer hosiery and under wear. Our coaching parasols and umbrellas sur fess In Talus and price any Una ever tiered before. Women's fast black stockings, lisle finish, fancy drop stitch or plain, double heel and toe, fully worth 23c pair, our price, 15c, I pairs for 26 c . 25c pairFor Saturday we have placed on our counter a special bargain Women's lace, lisle, fast black hose; also a superior quality In fine cotton, maco sole. Our cus tomers will appreciate these values. All the new and pretty patterns In black lace silk, finished lisle stockings; also the Bobby white and black, gray or plain white, real novelties, 8aturday, SOc pair. 15e Children's school hoe, fine ribbed, Hermsdort black, double knee1, heel and toe, all sixes, 5 to 9. i . 10 Women's rlchlleu ribbed vests, full taped, well made, all alzes. I ' 25c Silk mercerised vests for women, isllk crocheted neck, silk taped, low neck, sleevelets or wing sleeves, umbrella pants, i with deep lacs trimming to match. Special values for Saturday's sale. We have a tew dozen left of the cele ; toreted "Munslng" union suits, low neck, ! sleeveless, kaee length, best finish, best fit, i best material, all sizes, 36c each. 3 for II. EOe The pure Vega silk vesta, beautifully ( finished, low neck, sleeveless. Just the qual , lty sod weight for warm weather, pink, sky and white. Boys' balbrlggan underwear, shirts, long ' or short sleeves, drawers, ankle or knee 'length, nicely made, all sizes, Saturday, i25o each. The only perfect fitting combination suit for boys and girls, the "Munslng," made Well, fits well, looks well, all styles for all ages, only 60c suit. Coaching parasols, natural color; also pure white, hemstitched border, very pretty handles, paragon frame, $1.65 each. The Hew and lateet styles In white and black, green, navy, pink, natural color, pure white, from $1.00 to $15.00. 1 . $1.60 A protector In sunshine and rain. Woman's gloria silk umbrellas, steel rod, paragon frame, pearl handles, with ster ling trimmings, natural wood handles, silk tassels and cover, real bargain, black, navy and red. We have a large line of children's para sols, from 25c to $2.00. KELLEY, STIGER & CO., iftii.' ' Cor- 15 th nd Farnam Sts. I 3fT A PROMPT SETTLEMENT, The national Life Insurance Company Pays Mrs. Haas Five Thou sand Dollars. The tragic death of the late Andrew Haas, who was run down and killed by a Rock Island train at South Omaha early lhB month, and the prompt payment of $5,000 to Mrs. Ida L. Haas, wife of the deceased, by the National Life Insurance : company of Montpeller, Vermont, through Charles E. Ady, general agent, forcibly I Illustrates the value and wisdom ot life Insurance. - ' Mr. Haas settled a $5,000 endowment pol 1 Icy with the National In November, 1901, at which time he re-insured, taking another policy for $5,000, which waa in force at the time of his death. The National, with ' Its usual promptness, was the first com jpany to pay In thla case. BERKA SURE ENOUGH JUDGE te-Observes Lawyer In Commenting; oa Motion Filed In District liVv'Tv'''- ... Coart, ! i The attorney for Lillian Stevens, a adored woman convicted in the district ! court Wednesday of larceny, has moved to j arrest the Judgment to the case because i "Louis Berka, who acted as examining maglstate as police Judge ot Omaha, la not 'the legal police Judge and, therefore, has no legal authority to Inquire into aald offense or to bind said Lillian Stevens over ' to the district court" ' When the motion waa filed an attorney who practices almost entirely in the dis trict and federal courts saw It and smiled. "I am of the opinion," he said, "that obody will undertake to make this state ment In Judge Berka's own court. I was 'down there the other morning for an hour and watched him put through a grist, and .If Louis Berka isn't police Judge nobody ever was. Ho doesn't allow anybody any tops. A drunken vag tried to clear him- ' self with a lie and Berka waved him aside ;Wlth the. smile of a man who knows all .the old tricks by heart. Then a young law yer started In to tell what ought to be done with another prisoner and the court settled him wlthjust two words, 'sit down!' SvSn the policemen had to toe the mark and t heard him 'call' a sergeant so neatly that the 'bluecoat' didn't open his mouth 'the rest of the session. They all seem to take It for granted that he will make good whatever be says, and this Indeed a brave man who puts It on paper that "Louts Berka Isn't police Judge ot Omaha.' " Tbs ladles wonder low Mrs. B. manages to preserve her youthful looks. The secret Is she takes PRICKLY ASH BITTERS; It keeps the system In perfect order. POUCE AND CONSTABLE MIX Chief Brtargs of Soata Omaha Conflicts Mlaloa. The troubles of Chief of Police John "Brlggs of Sooth Omaha and Oonatabls Clark threats to koep the courts busy for some tins ' to corns. Yesterday Chief Brlggs and William Healey, who had been arrested by Clark charged with taking two prisoners tram Blm, were erralgned in Justice Fos ter's1 court snd were granted a change of venue to Justice Altstadt's court. Immedl ately after the Judge bad ruled on the ap plication Chief Brlgga arreated Constable Clark oa a warrant charging him with die 'turblng the peace, Issusd from the polloe court of South Omaha. Justice Altstadt has set the Brlggs-Healsy case for Satur day afternoon. Chief Brlggs took Clark to Booth Omaha. KEEP YOUR STOMACH WELL .'. - Everything depends on the stomach, liorafords Acid , Phosphate) CUR Ed habit : , ual stomach weakness, Im , proves appetite, digestion .', said nutrition, and removes . the cause of headaches and '.'wakefulness. It is a splendid . , TOMO for all weak condi tions, quickly improving gen eral health, lusbt on having illorsford9 HUU 4PhosphLto I I !Cfor - pen t'ntll Oi.'tO Satardny Evenlnsr. jjroi if a) rrnorvnrnifn' FURNISHINGS AND HATS Very special bargains for Saturday in new and stylish Shirts, Shirt Waists, 'eckwear, Hats, etc. with sooks, Men's Suspenders. 26-cent kind, on sale In basement Satur day Firemen and Police with leather ends special price Satur day the regular 5c Suspenders 15c Men's Newtst Styl e Belts, in black, tan ana gray 6o-cent qualities for 25c Men's $2 Hats at $1.39 Men's stylish Fedora and Derby Hats, the Panama the Fedoras come In black and different colors, the Derbys In black, 12 values, Saturday Men's $3 Hats at $1.98 Men's Hats of the newest styles, Derbys doras, the kind that retail usually for 13.00, on sale Saturday at Men's $1.50 Hats at 98c A great variety of men's and boys' Hats, In the latest shades 98c and blocks, regular 11.60 values , CARD FROM BOSTON STORE. News of the Great Rase and Carpet Sale We Will Have Monday. We recently told you of an Immense pur chase of carpets and nigs that we had Just consummated. These goods were formerly the stock of a very prominent dry goods house. They decided to discontinue the carpet and rug business, needing the space to enlarge other departments, and we bought the whole stock. It is now arriving and we find it to consist of immense quan tities of fine, high-class rugs in room sizes. This Arm, being in the carpet business for only a short time, the stock is absolutely of the newest and best makes and latest designs. There are Immense quantities of high- class Wilton, Velvet, Moquette and Ax mlnster carpetlngs and a limited number ot real Oriental rugs In small sizes. The price at which we bought the stock enables us to offer the biggest bargains in fine floor coverings that Onlaba has ever known. . . , This stock Included sn Immense quantity of straw mattings of all grades, oilcloth ot all kinds and an immense variety of drap eries, drapery materials and One lace cur tains. The straw mattings will be offered Wednesday. The date ot the lace curtain sale will be announced later. The rugs and carpets placed on sale Monday. Watch the papers for par ticulars. J. L. BRANDEIS 60 N 3. Boston Store, Omaha. Anv ainn ta h .tor that atanda shoul der to shoulder with your wants. Ilayden Bros. Keaa our aa oa rage i. Headquarters wedding rings. Edholm. teweler. Shampeolng and hair dressing. 25o, at tbs Bathsry, 211-220 Bee Building. Tel. 1718. GARDENERS ARE KICKING NOW Those Wk Paid for Capitol Avenue Sites Looking; for Satis . faction. i Maw h Omaha aardenera are making medicine for the city council and will en deavor to administer a dose at the next meeting of the council. The trouble orig inates over the failure of the council to en force Its market house ordinance after re ceiving considerable sums of money from numerous Omaha gardeners In payment ot rent on stands oa the Capitol avenue sue. Said one ot these gardeners yestsrday morning: "The Omaha gardeners who bid on stands at the Capitol avenue site are going to hold a conference tomorrow to consider what ac tion to take In regard to the preaent mar ket altuatlon. We paid money tor me most desirable stands st that alts and now find that they are worthleas. , The customers will not go to Capitol avenue and we are compelled to come to Harney street. Here we have no market master and no rights. The first man who arrives In the morning takes the most desirable location and those who follow get what Is left. Many of us who would havs paid large sums tor atands here and who have paid large sums for stands on the official market site find our selves shut oat by some one who has paid nothing either here or there. We want pro tection for our money. If the city cannot give us that for which we have paid we think It no mors than fair that It should return our money. . "I do not know 'what the gardeners will do, but several plans have bees suggested. One Is that, we simply demand s return ot our money: another that those who have paid money for stands on Capitol avenue be given permission to select corresponding stands on Harney street or Eleventh street until the city has really established the Capitol avenue site. The majority ot fTie gardeners seem to fsvor the latter plan, while one or two suggest that the city Is liable for damages for taking ths money and failing to provide exclusive market privileges -oa the-f SDltvi Avsaus-slU." tr Men's Woven Madras Shirts With detached cuffs, White Nainsook Shirts separate ruffs, ana i'leateci Kosom Shirts of small figured Pollama cloth with sep arate cuffs, nil 11. U0 values, 75c Saturday a price Men's Highest Grade Shirts Of woven madras, plain white striped nain also white grounds wun me nw till 4IIT- w 98c small figures, some witn pleated bosoms, all have de tached cuffs, 1. BO values, Saturday's price... v Men's Shirt Waists Made of ele gant woven madras cloth. In 40 atyles, at 98c $1.25 $1.50 Worth 30 per cent more. Men's BalbrlgRan Underwear, drawers made with double 19c Bern an sizes shirts and drawers 35c quality in basement Men's Fine Underwear Of Otis lisle thread, in Egyptian, drab, tan, blue, pink, also silk mercerized shirts and drawers, 1 values, Sat'day 50c Including 1.39 and Fe 1.98 25c and 50c Caps at 15c Men's and boys' 25c and 50c Summer Golf and Yacht Caps on sale in the basement at 15c KELLEY, STIGER A CO. Men's Wear Large Assortment Men's Negligee Shirts, Collarless Summer NIGHT SHIRTS, CELEBRATED MUNSIN'Q UNION SUITS. FINE LINES OF FANCY HOSE. Our negligee shirts are all here and ths line is more complete than ever before. The prettiest patterns and' greatest va riety ana the best values at popular prices, 11.00 and 11.60. For summer wear the low-necked night shirts. are t'.e most comfortable, made from the new soft finished cambric and nicely trimmed. Special value at SOc. Finer ones at 75c, 11.00 and, 11.25 each. We still continue to sell more union suits for men each season. They are the most sensible style of underwear for any one. We have a fine lisle union suit at (1.50. The Munslng union suits we sell at 11.00 and up. Fancy half-hose in new stripes and figures and luce effects for 25c a pair; fancy lisle hose, regular 60o value, for 35c; 75c values for SOc. KELLEY, STIGER A CO., Cor. Farnam and 16th Sts. Store open till 9:30 p. m. Saturday. The kind of gooda we sell is our best ad vertisement. Read about ' our - goods on Page 7 and come to our store Saturday. Hayden Bros. Eleetrle Lighted Bleeping? Care . On "The Overland Limited- are 14 section cars with drawing rooms. Interior finished in Circassian walnut, English oak and Cuban mahogany, with furnishing to harmonize. Each section and drawing room is provided with two electric reading lamps, and electric lights adorn the empire ceilings. Drawing room with annex toilet room. containing dressers with every convenience. Including ladles' electric curling Iron beater, etc. This famous train reaches Salt Lake City 12 hours and San Francisco 16 hours ahead of all competitors. If you contemplate a trip to any western point the Union Pacific offers you ths highest degree of comfort and luxury. with no additional cost and a great saving ot time and expense. Ctly ticket office, 1324 Farnam street. 'Phone 111. Union station. 10th and Marcy. "Phone 628. Granhopaono at a Bargain. FOR SALE Latest model type. A. O. combination graphophone, which clays both large and email records; list price, ISO. This Is especially dealgned tor concert pur poses, having a thlrty-slx-lnch horn and stand. It also includes twenty largs Edi son records and carrying cass of twenty tour records. The machine la entirely new snd haa never been used. Will aell at a bargain. Address X II, In care of Tbs Bee. It's economy to trade at this store. Hay den Bros. Read our ad on Page 7. Edholm, ths Jeweler, is selling a fine 14-K, 25-yssr. filled case, with 17-Jewelled movement, for $25.00. Card of Thanks. We desire to express our heartfelt thanks to relatives, friends and neighbors, also to Woodmen ot the World, who so kindly as sisted us during our sad bereavement and tor the many beautiful floral offerings at the death of our aon. John Sullivan. MR. AND MRS. SULLIVAN. BROTHER AND SISTERS, AND SON WILLI AM. Da nee Tonight. Jolly Eight club's lively ball this evening, Washington hall. Eighteenth and Harney streets. Pine orchestra, a grand, good time tor you. Cents 26c. Welcome. Publish your legal notices la The Weekly Bee. Telephone 231. Shampooing and balrdreselng, 25c. st the Batbery, 111-220 Bee Building. Tel. 1711. BaydsB'SrosAsa Is -oarage f. Men's Stylish Neckwear, 35c This Is a line of ties that consist of strictly up-to-date styles made from silks and satins used in making the SOc lines In the assortment are the latest style tecks, four-ln-hands. strings, clubs. Imperials and other much wanted kinds; colors and pat terns without number, every one nice ly made and the values are 35c of great Importance .. The advantage in buying your clothing here is the absolute reliability of the, clothing, together with the asstirauce of lowest prices. Customers who ore looking for spring suits and who instinctively yield to the in fluence of economy, naturally look to this store for safe and trustworthy dealings. Your con- uuence is wen piacea. simple, plain, forceful prices for which good Men's Suits $7.50 This line embraces suits of fine thibets, unfinished worsteds, tweeds, striped worsteds, cheviots and 'lassimeres, in all colors and patterns; not a suit in this lot which ought to be sold for less than $10.00, and most of theni worth more; 2LC Saturday , 1 ZjJ Men's Suits $10 made of the finest imported and domestic tweeds, worsteds, Eerges; we feel confident that one glance at' this handsome array of suits will make a customer of you; QL'l C worth $15.00; Saturday .pivJ n Wash Waist Specials pi. styles. Special Saturday. . ..... ... -rs5 - ALXi WOOL SUITS made measure v Your Double Personality ; is bound to assert itself In your dress. The clothes worn while you are a hustling business man will not do when you are In society. Clothes for business or pleasure mads cor rectly here. ' s i 17ANAL1AKER & BROWN "The Foremost Tailoring House of America." 122 S. 15th St s of Dourlas - y Boone's Knoll Old-fashioned, hand-made sour mash purest snd best whiskey made In old Ken tucky, distilled in the spring of 1881. We have Just received a shipment of this prime whisky. It was exported and Im ported again to avoid early payment of revenue, and is now 21 years old. This is for a blgh-class family trade. Price. $8.00 gallon or $2.00 quart bottle. We have others, whiskies from 75c to $1.(0 per quart. California wines, $1.25, $1.50 and $2.00 gallon. CACKLEY BROS. Fine Wines and Table Liquors. Opposite Postoffice. Telephone Uia. AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED HUN TER RYE. City orders delivered promptly. Piano Building Gems interesting to you when you are contemplating a ulano purchase. What rauoea the tmnieiiae difference la piano prices T You want to know? .. , A postal card brings a "Walter"' Piano Booklet tails you all about It- Fred R. Walter, Mff. Airent. 3113 California St. Bend articles o. incorporation, notices of stockholders' meetings. to The Bee. Ws will give them proper legal Inasrtloa. JBse Islspoone, n n TJhat we mean by a bargain is reliable merchandise at materially less than ruling prices. Come to this store Saturday and see how well we live up to our dejinition ' isn't ne wno snrieKs statement of a simple, plain, forceful fact, clothing can be sold. Youth's Blue Serge Suits suits that are correctly made, in styles that boys like, that suit and fit them and that show i their merit in excellent service; the color ta absolutely guaranteed and fC are worto. $10.00; S.-iturday.. "v Youth's Suits maae of Scotch chev iots, French flannels, in plaids and stripes; an entirely new production; not only are these suits superior in wearing qualities, but the prices are absolutely lower than in any other store and are worth $12.00; 7 0 Saturday '. O V Saturday we will place on sale 50 dozen women's wash waists, made to sell and sold everywhere for $1.00; made of a superb qual ity of dimities and other materials; profusely tucked; all the very latest and smartest effects, including Gibsons, in a number of 69c w Another One for Saturday 40 dozen women's wash waists, made of very fine ma- terials; styles are the latest and smartest effects. Qualities that sell for g $1.50 and $2.00. Saturday. kJK '.SCOFIELQ cumsuiTca IBM Donatas St. ShirtVaists You'll not regret ?ooklng here if in search of correct styles and designs in shirt waists. Ours cost no more, but we believe you'll say are pret tier, better made and, therefore, more satisfactory to buy than any others shown in Omaha. See those at $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 and $2.00. We have others costing more, too. More Silk Petticoats $5,50 Just received better secure one now. You'll wake up .some morning and find you can't get one for less than $7.60. 1 '.SCQFIELD amiasuiTca ou las Street. Does Your Boy Wear Shoes? If he does ws can fit him and suit him here Dre L. Shooman 'always expects the boys on Saturday and Is prepared to fit to their feet a shoe at $1.50 that has never been equalled anywhere elae for near the money Made of good, honest leather wttb a good, heavy sole that will stand ths hard knocks that a good, lively boy will gie them We take as much care in fitting these $160 shoes as we do any shoes in the country. . Drexel Shoe Co., Catalogue free for the asking. Onssa'i V'n-te-aafe Saoe Hones, FAR SAM STREET Postal Card Will Get It SAMPLE COPT OF THE ' Twentieth Century Farmer The Best Agricultural Weekly. Ad dress. Omaha, Kee. in.!; louaest who is most sincere, and so we make Silk Skirt Specials ioaays express brings us a special shipment of one of the best silk skirt values we have ever been able to offer. They are skirts that are positively worth $20; are made of the best taffeta and peau de soie silk, gorgeously trimmed with chiffon and satin ruffles. The fit and workmauship are of the highest order. We have rarely, if ever, been able to offer such astonish ing great value at such a price. They go on sale Saturday morn ing at $10.00 Another One of Our Famous Sales. rTTt tfxrronrra udu ivn opt t ivn r KEN LOTS. We have Rotten together wh and $4.00 lines, and placed them all on our as luvy j tin i hi , irrr nun, .oif. There are SAILORS and NORFOLKS, stilts, two and three-piece suits. We do n they are suits that critical buyers have re ynvco. uuo , ii la Unix uauica npydrui Valfces ABBS! BELT PINS. Round silver medallion heads; same In gold plate, with place for picture in back. Porcelain Pins, hand painted. New, nobby patterns In Bracelets. Spend a few moments in our store. Look for the name. S. W. LINDSAY, The Jeweler, 1516 Douglas St. "DOMINOED" You will surely be domlnoed-Mt you sre s man and wear any other shoe than the "Onimod" $3.50 or $2.50 As we have said before, the "Oni mod" shoe is for men exclusively. We make tbem. We sell them. Why do we sell shoes at factory price? Because we manufacture them. . Regent Shoe Go -nut IUU 205 S. 15th Only Men's 8hoe Store on 16th St. SOAP SPECIALS 15c II. sc H. Soap, $1.00 dos.: cake.... to 60c Soclete Hygienlque Soap (all you want), cake 29o 25c Kirk's Juvenile soap, 20c box; cake 10c 25c 4711 White Rose Glycerine, 36c box; cake 12c New size 4711 White Rose Glycerine, 65o box; cake , 25 o 25c Packer's Tar soap, cake , loo 25c Pear's Cnscented soap, cake 12c 25c Cuticura soap, cake 20c 25c Plnaud's Violet Sensation, 69c box; raks 23c 5c Lifebuoy (new), cake 5c Our White Castile soap, best on earth, full H-pound rales (U cakes or pounds). $1.00; cake 10e We've 200 kinds of soaps. Call for the kind you use. MYERS-DILLON DRUG CO., iSta and Farnam Streets. Omaua. Thone 150. See about a nurse. - -' S. H mm Men's Swell Shirts Our recent shirt selling has been re markable, our dollar shlrta are great value. Today we have ready a si rerb showing of fam-y shirts in stiff and soft bosoms at 75c auj 11.00 Ihs niarlras Is fine and tho colorings are new and rich. The shirts are made by the best AmcrU-sn shirt makers. They have style and character that appeal to every tasteful man. a Nebraska pricestare the lowest Knee Pants Suits made of bine eerge, in good guaranteed colors; tliey are well made and perfect' in lit; in order to ap preciate the vaLue that is in this suit look around, see-what other clothing de partments are ajsking for this same suit, then you will aree with us that it's the best value iuithe land and worth $3.50; O'OEC Saturday. ,e awO Knee Pants Suite made of cheviots, flannels, in all the newest shades, in plaids, overplauls and stripes; made with the best of.linhigs and trimmings; a suit well worth $500; O tZt r Saturday. . JUU M 1 at are left of many I5.0U lines, $4.60 lines vauio iur oaiuruay, ana fLB Jong SINGLE and ' DOUBLE breasted coat Ot claim f siPMM aro tSiVk on tu i . Z , , aiurn, mi t vuBi.isru an 7JHJt?iitnT. VcllUCa (LX Off :atalogueon request. Our Banquet As May 15 vu our anniversary, we gava our regular banquet, with Herr Helnrich as the chef, and a great event it was. That it waa a MOKRI L afTnlr goes with out question, as HARRY THE MARRIAGE MAN was there In all his splenrtor, not withstanding the fact that he OUTSHINKD them all In storing away this worlds goods the night before at the Royal Arcanum spread. Even Elmer honored us with hl reence and said he didn't care a rap whether the OMAHA DRUO TRI'ST LIKED IT OR NOT. And Jack (our Jack) and the clerks of our store made up the rest of the marry makers. Oood IRISH OIRLS ended up the best square meal that ever happened. 6c Doan's Kidney rills 40c 6)c Williams' I'lnk Pills for Pale People io 5oc Kld-no-olrts c Wc Cramer's Kidney Cure .. " 400 5oc Lleblg Beef Extract n0 11.00 German Klmmeil Bltti-rs 7f,n $l.liO Ff-ru-na (one to a customer) E7o i.fiO Wine i'ardul (one to a customer).. 49c 1 pint Sherwln & Williams Hath Tub Enamel (a full pint, mind you) 7So fl .00 Her s Malt Whisky 680 $1.00 Hromo Hrltser ... 70 WE NEVER CLOSE. SCIIAEFER'S CUT PRICE DRUG STOKE Tel. T47, S. W. Cor. Itttb. and Chleasjo. A Good Wife and Health are a man's best wealth, and he can con tribute to tbe health of himself and wife, by using Mets beer. It Is pure, healthful and nutritious and Is a delightful beverage at any season, and during warm weather there isn't a thirst quencher that can equal it. ' - Aletz Bros. Brewing Co. Tel. 119. Oatnna. Or Jacob Neumayer. Aft., cars Neumaye Uoul. Council masvlya, ...