Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 17, 1902, Page 11, Image 11
THE OMAHA DAILY TIEE: SATURDAY, MAY 17, 1002. 11 SPECIAL NOTICES rill te takes III It sa. for the la edltloa and til : p. aa. (r oUt aaet Sanda edltlaa. . . ft tea, 1 nora Srat Ineerllea, ( a war thereafter. Nathla takea far lata than an far Ikt Srst laser ttaav. Tbaaa ad vertlseaeeaia aaat ha raa eoaseeatlvely. . Advertisers, ay reqetestlaa a ansa tered eheek, raa have answers Jreeaed ta a aaakired latter la tar at Tka Baa. Aaawara aa addreeoea will Va delivered a nreseata4l4B sf taa) aeek aalr. WAVrt;U MALfai HbLr. A LIVE man of g(od address capable of earning trom (2o to 6o a ween to ft 1 1 permanent, position; exi:rleiiced salesman prererreu. can witn reference to fc.. J. tit an ley, Paxton Hotel, Omaha, Paturday, after 9 a. m. B W 16 OOOD messengers wanted; increased pay, A. I). T. Co., 312 South 13th, B 1 la FOR HAl,F A DAY 8 WORK. If you nva in tne country or In- a amall town and have u good acquaintance among the tanners and 10ck raisers In the nelghDorhood you can muke . taaliy by four or live hours' wtAik. Write us aod we will aenu your our proposition. The bee Publishing Co. bollcuors' Dept., Omaha, Neb. umm WANTED, a good man In every County to take subscriptions for Tne Twentieth Cen tury Farmer. Our agents muKe good wage! everywhere. lttierenees required. Addreae 'twentieth Cenlttry Farmer, Omaha, Neb. B W3 THREE or four good men wanted; 110) per month. Call Ui raxton diook. isxum WANTED, salesmep to folk IX orders o.l a new proposition by which Vou tun earn 13 to (6 a day; yojng men Trom 23 to is Ceaireu, who are bustiers and well re oni - mended. Room lut, ciuahu Bee Blug. ll-Mo9 WANTED, gentleman desires to take private Icaaonc In French two' evenings each week. Must call at my resident, t Address, slating method of teaching, X ' 42, Bee. ... 11 M;0 a. R. RATIiDL'N slves private lessons In bookkeeping. Room 16, Commercial Na tional bank. - uii WANTED Two good gunsmKhn at once , steady work; good wagea.-, AooreKs r I Bchumann. Memphis, Teun. B M774 1Z' A MERCANTILE agency wants repre sentatives; salary and commission. Box D 256, Boulder, Colorado. B 190 17 WANTED, stone masons, bricklayers and tenders, to work on Unity Tempt ; steady work for several months. Apply to Henry 1 Brennlng, lougiun, wyo. u mioj is WANTED, i first-class bookbinder and finisher, at once. -Address A. Rank, F'rt Vjodgo, la. - M17U17 WANTED, carpenters. Address Otto Kocr ner, Contractor, xutan, rieo. 13 'M 169 18 Pl'SHINO salesmen can learn of Komcthlng to their advantage by writing The ilawks Nursery Co., Milwaukee, M. , ' . JJ-1S5 Jii WANTED, 2 cnatmskers. prlr'e, ti50 up. Elliott & uormiy, r.agie urove, iu. . B-182 17 WANTED, four Well-dressed business men that are well acquainted In Omaha snd . vicinity who are willing to work, wages, to right parly, not less than fuw pel month. Inquire from .3) tq 12 a. m Georg T. Hall, 2W-210 Be building, B-MUU 2i WANTED, -young man us .collector, as isiant bookkeeper, one who ran use type ' writer preferred; must be well acnunlnted , in city. A , nee. . a m-u .is- TWO or more sub-agents who ran furnish from IKW to ia. 1 have the best money making proposition In the west. Can make from iio to 120 per day. No can , vasslng. Investigate. Call alter 10 a. m, E. N. tteasee, Karbach Hotel. B 2"o Is' WANTED, man, good appearance, . to travel. in Dortloii Nebraska :. goAd salary young man over 21 preferred; references aelf-addressed envelope. Manager V. Oil 4 lis, 360 Dearborn, Chicago. a M-a 17' MEN to learn barber trade; we guarantee graduates positions at top wages arte only two months experience with us two years saved;, tools donated; wages paid naiuraays. can or wrne, juoie Barber College. - 1623 Fftruam tU. ... ., , B-.M220$2 WANTED A mechanic who has had some experience In the running. of power new ing macnines; give, age. wagea expecie . and references. Address A W. Uee. . B M23S 18 CARPENTERS wanted, 12.60 per day. Ad dress Jos. Bchleslger, VutSJi. Neb.,. Con tractor. - . . ; y-JWii HELP WANTED Male; salesmen to sell an elegant new line of steel engraved an three-color calendars for 1903 to adver Users. Tha Chas. IL. Elliott Co., 1'hlla delphla.. . .... B-M230 18' with some capital to take an interest In and management of a well established coal business I city. A 48, Bee, U--M22 18 . WANTED, for U. S. army, able-bodied u married men between agaa of 21 and cltlsens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read ana write unguan. tor intormation uppiy to Recruiting Ortlcer. 16th and Liodgn ats., Omaha, ana powtofnes, building, Llnuoln, lALKtHCX WANTED. SALESMEN wanted for full line of fruit and ornamental trees; pay weekly; outfit free. Lawrence Nursery company, Law , renoa, &an. - . v jut' WE HAVE a number of agencies In N ' braska and western Iowa where we u: good men selling our Standard Stock Food to farmers and feeder; they must have teams aad give full time to the . bjslness; they must be men of high - standing.' have some knowledge of live tock and good butdtMva ability; we fur nish wsgntia fer such men and offer ex ceptional Inducements to permanent sales- 1 mtrni .bond required; send for appllcatlor fc blank. The F, S. Sanborn Company Omaha. Neb. 1 . Maf7 M38 itlon A GOOD and experienced traveling sales man for wines and liquors for South . Xkota and Iowa. Applicants musl apply . . With reference. Uoyd uoaltlon and salary ,'. for right M.arty. Address A. Breslauer A Co., 243 Broadway, Milwaukee. Wis. , . , M 200 1H SALESMEN Up-to-date, active, to sell flrst-class groceries direct to consumers , at wholesale; trade Is permanent and . profitable; ftrat-class territory and lib eral Inducements. George Meldrum A Co., S and 71 N. Green St., Chicago. III. M23S 18 HAMtO-.ttHAU UklLs. AN ENERGETIC woman not under 25 to fill permanent position, one having had " experience in handling Vlavl preterred. Position will pay at least lJo a week. Apply Saturday at t i. m. to E. J. Stanley, Paatao Hotel, Omaha. C-188 1 WANTED, two young lady students to ropody aid sclentlllo niassage. Call or write Room X30, i-iee tiiag. c 14 lot Girls.. Call Canadian office. 15th A Dodge. WANTED, deserving young lady or gentle, . man to take life scholarship la Omaha 1 W'St business and shortrutnd collesa and pay for It when course la finished and position secured. Address A 1. Be. WANTED, ' a teacher' to Instruct the u French language to I ' tlt of three, V twice a week; atat terms. Address V. 34, - Bee. i- - C M42 F1R8T-CLAS3 walat .and sxtrt makers must be ex erlenced, 110 other need apply. Addreae teeblck a Dressmaking Depart ment, tJeadwpod. 8. D. . C 107 2S WANTED, a good competent girl at V1 a. Hd An, good wagea. C U7 11 WANTED, experienced salesladies In glove, vetltr.g and dress trimming department. J. L. Brandels A Sena, butlen Store. . . C-M198 -RELIABLE girl- fo sjeral housework. Mrs. C. a., purwn, iiw b. si. C-M17! 17 WANTED. lrl for aenersl housework fitmlly of three; good, wagea. Apply i--t 1. Aom At. . f .- - a 1 1 aa tt DAILY Copying letter at home; either V enci.iae ! acamps- witn appuea tlm. ' Illinois ladAistrial Union. Kui. SH, alasonle Setabie, CUtwao. C Hii U WASTED PEMAtE HELP. LADIES, to learn hs Irdresslng, manicur ing or facial mawair; only rour required; positions watting RrsI'istes, Kiimni"r resorts, pslnce tralna, ladles' malris. traveling companions and rlty establishments Call r writ. Moler College, 1:3 Farnam St. C-M219 22 WANTKD-A rood girl, eonrt wrw. Mrs. . i . . i ,m ta iH'imit'llW rH, A-,'l uavetip iq 10 I.ADT solicitors to travel Iowa; salary, i omnilnytoii and expenses pain; a rare chance for the riant parties, fall at St. James Hotel Saturday, from l'l to II a. m. and 2 to 4 p. m C M212 ! I'OR HLM HOIIKI. VANS and bsggag wagons. TeL 1195. D-2D5 TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storage Co.; office IjU'x Mrntm, or ieis. isvj-'i. HOI IQF ,n a" rrt of city. The O. Davis Co., ibi Bee Bldg. HOL8E8, stores. Bemls, Paxton block. D J33 FOR RENT. 7-room house. 22d and Call, forma Sts., n modern, in good repair, large yard. Inquire at 5U7 N. Y. Life building. ... D-297 SEE PAYNE. HOSTWICK A CO. ff.r choice houses. 601-2 N. Y. Life Bidg. lei. ll. D 302 HOUSES and flate. Rlngwalt. Barker block FOR RENT. 9-room. modMn, detached house, newlv nalnted and DaDerea. iiv. 621 Capitol Ave. Tel. 673. B. H. Roblson. LJ JUM ItMPni' 1 r tn n a n - n 1 ,lnrn 1 n ll R. ui'.w-, "'"-'a. ""ii:" - .- room nats. iizaro. zju . a si. ..urnw HOUSES, etc. F. D, Wead, 1K4 Douglas. is v CHAS. K. WILLIAMSON, 1203 Farrtnm St. Maggard V. A S. Co., 1713 Webster. Tel.1496. FOR RENT. 1111 Hurt St.. A large fine re'l rience, 8 rooms, and tnorougniy mooern hot water heat, steel range In kitchen lur varil with Khnri tree!"', will rent to a flrst-ciass tenant from June 8 for $-7 per month. Inquire on premises. , D M147 20 FOR RENT, six-room cottage, city water l?nn ner month: 2i23 ( a dwell Bireei. .n nulre James Ooldsmith. room 18. T!. 8 Bank building. D M199 18 FOR BUNT-Kleven-rnom modern house suitable for boarding nouse; near itign school, 'lhe O. F. Davis Co., M0 Hee Bldg. - . D 2Uir-20 rnn .Tulv furnished 9-room house, mod ern, fine location, large snaoy yarn, -a i Bee. , L NEW 8-room modern house on J4th ' 8t near Fnrnam. for ease tor three years Ed O. Hamilton, 211 S. 17th St. Tel A 1132 TS t')1? ID ij tHi.ii in FOH KEIV X HHM5IIEI) HUUMS. FURNISHED rooms, all modern. 320 N, 15th St. jj-oj mis ELEGANT rooms, tlneat location In the . city, i&w CapWol Ave. tr-xs. LARGE, also smaller room.. 808.N. 19th St. Cj 100 10 . TWO housekeeping rooms, $8. 2623 St. Mary e. n. aiiii mn- IWO well furnished south rooms. 2013 Douglas. tMitt FRONT room, modern, $8. 1717 Webster. Hi 4(4 junei- FOR RENT, a nlco large f'urnlshed. frotit room, with alcove. 701 0. zotu si. E M476 THE LANGE HOTEL, 04 8. 13th st DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnam. av evrf TWO beautiful connecting parlors, fur nished or ' unfurnished ; modern nome; large lawn; privilege of light housekeep ing. 2023 Burt. . Er-MS04 NEWLY furnished rooms, with good board. 807 N. 25th Bt. J!i MO NICELY furnished room, everything mod ern: to other roomers. 2129 Farnam St., 3d floor, west side. Tel. L-2499. E-M177 ?! 'VtHSISHKU ROOMS AND HOARD. FRONT room and board. 1922 California. F-170 M NICE rooms with good board; reasonable; -bath, gas. electric ugni ana teiepnone. 411 N. 26th. ... F-M2S3 Mcrrtam, comfortable summer home. Tel. 85. F 3o ROOMS, flrst-class board. 2224 Farnam. NICE cool south rooms, large front, fur nished or unfurnished; others; fine loca tion. 616 N. 23d. r-iae-n i fr OV UUAI-l flFlAiMtubll HUOlli. iiksk room sosce. $5 per month, ground floor room In The Bee building, facing Furnain street; no expense for light, heat or Janitor service. K. c. raters m k.o.. Rental Agents, u ouuuing. u n SUITE - of ' rooms, modern, housekeeping. 61 Georgia Ave. - O MSol UNFURNISHED rooms for light "house keeplng, Ink So. 16th lit. Inquire at No. $. Ut 1U71 AQ GIRL for general housework. Mrs. Shook, 2617 Farnam.- - c-mii t ROOMS and alcove, being entire floor ef modern Drica; cnoice nciiuvuimruu. 111 quire U 8. 25th St. , G-M211 18 FOR RENT Unfurnished single rooms with water, steam neat ana gas. vtunueii Bldg.,. .loth and Harney. Beeamtor A-vAt nc. Oaiavb aMJ uHRni, FOR ' RENT, the building formerly occu pied oy me uee at sis rium 01. ai uss lour stories and a basement which was formerly used aa The Bee. press room. This will be rented very reasonably. If Interested apply at once to c. c. j-iose- water, secretary, room hm, wee Duuuing, ... ..- A ADA FOR KENT, store -In frrst-ciass location rent reasonable. Appir n. c. rtwn s Co., ground tloor. Bee Bldg. 1264) FOR RENT, desk room or large spaoe suitable for merchandise broker or party doing buolneaa In wholesale district. In quire llene Co., 914 Farnam St. - 1-M2&4 BRICK STORE, 22x40, 13LS Podge. 120. . 1-M1S0 19 FOR RENT, desk room, with roll top desk and 1 pnone. J. 11. jonnsoa, iu in. i Life. I-M201 AliU.STS WAMLD. WANTED, canvassing agents In every county to solicit suDscripuons to inn. TwkNTlETll CENTLKX FARMER: steady emplcymtut wKh assured good tncoriie; agents In the country with horse and bUkSV especially dealred; cavu vsHsers miki easily $60 to $100 per monto. Address century farmer solicitors Bureau. Bee building. Omaha. Ill V- CANVASSINO agents, this ad Is worth 6c. vut out and send with your name to Joe ttyaulding. council Blurts. J lo 20 AGENTS make $ dally selling the cheap est KPd most perfect t-r niter evei Invented; retails at $1 50; big prortt; ex riusiv lerruory. eeneca.- r nier 10 Serwua, Mo. . . J-Mi3 18 AGENTS WANTED "Complete Story of the Martinique and Bl. Vincent Horrors and the Worlds Great Disasters; edited bv Hon. m. A. Gareshe. L . S. ex-consu to Martinique, asxisted by his son-in-law Mr. Vliuetii de Messliny, a native or St Pierre: boo pages, profusely Illustrated only 11 S; Inst book, best terms; com plete outfit free; send 10 cents to pi postage; order today. Waverly Publla, Ing Co.. Lakeside Bldg.. Chicaxo. III. M233 IV sO.oho PEOPLE killed: a mountain to blown off: a city destroyed: every In habitant dead; ships blown up, burned ana sins; tne greatest volcanic deal rue tlon in the world s history: a full accoun of the awf jl catastrophe In Martinique ana aajaceni islands, also other historic disasters of the world; big seller, bes book, best terras; write today for free ouini. . nicago uibie House. : r ut Ave., Chicago. . J M231 Is COMPETENT cook, good wages Apply WASTED TO REST; WANTED, for light housekeeping-, 4 to I rooms; must be modern. K-Ml7 17- WANTED two or three rooms with boniM In small family for man and wife. A Bee. K-M2S WANTED. Two or three light hnusekecp. Ing furnished rooms for young entipie. A S4, Hee. K M21i 17 FOR 8t.K FlHMTl HE. CHICAGO Furniture Co;, 1410 Dodge. Tel. P'20. New and secondhand, bought, sola, em hanged. O 311 FOR SALE HOUSES, WAGOS9, ETC. FOR SALE, buggies, phaetons, carriages. runaoouts, new ana eeconunana, si. cm nrlces Renalrinfl. and trimmlnir: also Dut 1 i on runner tires. 1'ieiner, ana ceav- enwrtn Bts. w m' J'AINTINO and repairs on wagorm, etc.. our specialty, it. rosi, mn ana Leav enworth. Tel. 1447. P 313 SEVERAL fine driving horses. Walter 1'neips, room u, N. x. Lite bldg. P-M404 FOR SALE A thoroughbred Imported Shetland pony. Inquire of A. D. Bran dels, Boston Store. ' P M779 FCR SALE, cheP. good second-hand phae ton, call in tne evening, s. si. P-M125 19 FOR SALE, fine saddle horst, knows all the gaits, either lady tr gentleman can ride him; can be seen any evening alter b o'clock at 46lh ind Center sts. P M134 19 FOR SALK IS KLLA.MiOlS. 2DHAND safe cheap. Scbwartx, 114 fl. 13th. X "' FLE8CHER sells bicycles, 1622 Capitol Ave. VJ 319 2DHAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1119 Farnam. 100 STYLES trusses; catalogue free. Sher man & McConnell Urug Co., lbtn ana Dodge, Omaha. W 314 WIRE -fence for poultry, hog, lawn and yard, hitch posts, tree guards. Wire Works, 617 H. 16th St. Tel. Ii90. Q M972 July9 INDIAN goods and tellcs. 1119 Farnsm. , y 117 FOR SALE, phonographs, superior to any other musical Instrument; 15 up. The Wlttman Co.. 1621 Farnam. Q 315 FOR SALE, scholarship In an Omaha shorthand school, cheap, inquire i&i nee Bldg. y waas BICYCLES and phonographs on easy payments--!.! down. $1.50 per week; 2dhand wheels, la, $8 and $10; new wheels, $li. Omaha Bicycle Co , 16tU and Chicago Sts. Q-M320 STAMP photos, lc each. Velox, 13 &Far'm. VI an au.i 6EABROOKE Wall paper. 408 N. 16th St. Q-MS7U M24 Fill timbers for house movers, etc., 40 to 71 feet; '.'ribbing and hog fence. Sol Douglas. Q-313 'TYPEWRITERS, latest Remington, Smith- Premier, Densmore, replaced by THN UNDERWOOD: low price. Rentals, 12.60 to $4 per month A. H. Workman A Co., 1617 Farnam. "Phone 2439. J M532 6AM L BURNS for gas fixtures. ' VI MS40 M-0 STEREOPTICANS and moving picture macnines. a. v urn, itu t arnam t. Q 414 M30 , CLOSING out household goods and stoves cheap. 1314 Dodge tit. VI mum js SECONDHAND billiard and pool tables billiard tables repaired; a large Btock or cheap bar fixtures, cigar counters, etc. The Brunswick, Balke, Collender Co., 407-9 So. 10th. VI ais NEW and 2dhand typewriters. 1U9 Far-Q-M762 nam. . . FOR 8ALKj- second-hand dejks.. chairs- and waibut ottice counter and railings. va. bash office, 1415 Farnam st.' Q-1148 , FOR SALE, complete outfit. butchers' tools, consisting nr doume cooler sxio, gasonne engine, buffalo chopper, etc., nearly, new. Address A. D. Reynolds, Denlson. Ia. VI M19S IS FOR SALE, fine trotting roadRter, younir. sound, safe, i'rlce reasoname. Also, it desired, buggy and harness. Address A 4P, Bee. 7 . Q-M190 18 OR SALE, Carriage top trimmer's na- . I. , . 1 .. . J .. V. ii usid .1? month?. Address Bo- Ha.t-T lnga, Neb. ' . Q M222 0 . 40 PER CENT discount on -Graphophones, horns, etc. Omaha Bicycle Co., iN.min. Q-M218 1" .- CLAIRVOYANTS. PROF. LEAHIE-rPARLORS. 619 DODGE Clairvoyant and Palmist tells ' you all sou want to know, every hone, fear end wish of your life, faulta, quality, capability, trade or profession you. are bent suited fori fortunate and unfortunate periods of lifel breaks evil Influences; how to win the one you love, conquer enemies, restore lost affections; advice on business, health, marriage, divorce, etc. Hours, 9 to 9. 8 MStfS J3 MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant. 1614 Cass St. B (HI 11ME. GYLMER, genuine palmist . 115 8. 11 a szi ELECTRIC TREATMENT. UUE. SMITH, baths, 111 N.15, 2d floor, R. 1 1 i-o-Jb A-LHBU.NAL. Ulddlemlss, wall paper cleaner. Tel. 1733. u juiu J I DR. ROY. chiropodist, corns and superflu ous hair removed by electricity. K. 12, Frenxer block. u 324 PRIVATE hospital, before and during con finement; cauies aaopieu. uug urant bl. Mrs. Gardels. Tel F-US3. U 324 FLESCHER will hx your bicycle right. V LI 325 HA1RDRE8SING, manicuring and chiro pody, for ladies oniy, in connection with The Bathery. 216-220 Bee l31dg. l7-32ti RUPTURB permanently cured In 30 to SO days; sena tor circular, u, a. woou, m. V., 521 New York Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. U-327 ACCORDION pleaUng, cheapest, best and quickest, atra. a. v. iuara. ii oi uougias. u-3a GRAMOPHONES and supplies, wholesale and retail. - couins Aiano Co., iti Doug laa. u ts CHIROTODY a specialty, In connection with The ttsmery, rooms iio-eo Bee Bldg. Tel. I'll. U-33o SHAMPOOING and halrdresslng, 25c. In connection witn mt uatnery, Iie-130 Bee building. Tel. 1716. U 331 M. H. NASH Your deal with Ed has been fixed. Come home. C. A. M. " U 620 U VIAVA, woman's way to health. Home treatment, nooaiei tree. Ho i-ee Bldg., Omaha. . U 134 RUPTURE cured, no pain, detention from business; senu tor circulars. umpire Rupture Cure Co., 933 N. Y. Life Bldg., CJniuna.. u ii BEE Proctor, fine pictures. CI tin 16th. U-4W J3 ROOMS. 610 So. lOtt Bt 'Phone 1SU. U-2 J3 DRESSMAKING and cutting taught with Livingston Machine Academy, 1607 Doug las. . U-MT77 21 ELITE PARLORS, lis 8. 16th St.. Id floor. u-m: J7 DR JAMES H. PEABODY has moved from Capitol avenue to flat over Graham's drug store, northeast corner Twen'y fourlH and Farnam streets. . U M751 23 ' LOWEST -PRICES In accardloa and side pleating. The Goldman Pleating Co., 300 Douglaa block.. . U-MTSl FOUND, best Ice cream soda In city. 6c. tShrader's Store, 24th and Seward. u u i iv l CRESCENT given away with each 122 10 I casn you pay at 1- lescoer a. Cap. Ave. ' ' U-151 30--. ' UUE. BUt 1 11, baths. 111 N. 15. 2d floor, r t . U-1U3 J I FGRSNAL. THERE ARE TWENTY REASONS WHY You Should Smoke the Stoecker Cigar I, First, they are the best on the market. The other nineteen we won i mention. WILL Miss (trace Woods, who was for merly at J. R.'s please send her present address A 60, Omaha Bee. U Mli9 17 TO Whom It May Concern: Notice Is hereby given that 1, K. t;. iniams, will not be further responsible for or pav anv debts, bills or obligations niaue or" entered Into by my wife, Mullein Evelvn Williams. M24 17 PRIVATE home for ladles before and dur ing contlnemeni; names anopieu. .nM Burdette. Mrs. Burget. C M.'16 J16 MOLL1E Give It careful study. Pge 182, May What to Eat. George. IT MJ28 17 MOSEY TO I.OAS HKAL, KSTATL. 44 PER CENT on business property. u per cent on residence property. Options to psy whole or part any time. W. B. MEIKLE, 401 S. 15th St. W-333 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate, lirennan-j-ove tu., . o. um. W-334 WANTED, city loana and warrants. W. Farrtam Smith A Co., 1220 r amain 8t. W 33J FARM and city loans, low rates. W.rH, Thomas, xst nil. sani jjiu. xei. - W 339 PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. U w g PER CENT loans. Gar rln Bros., 1604 Farnam. w 340 pRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1624 Douglaa vv iA LQW RATEs. Private money. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, . Mala Floor n. x. Lite tiug W-M408 WANTED, city and farm loans; also bonds and warrants, it. c. i'eiers fc . oM Farnam St.. Bee Bldg. . . . W-r-341 4'4 TO S P. C. money. Bemls. Paxton Blk, MOSEY TO LOAS CHATTELS. unit 1 MONE $ Y! MONEVI WHEN IN NEED OF MONEY DEAL WITH THE AMERICAN LOAN CO. LOANS FROM $10 TO 1200 MADE On Furniture, Pianos, etc., and to people holding a steady position, huhni uuu llclty or removing the property, and at mucn CHEAPER AND EASIER RATES than iaeihr. Tnu can have the money on the same day you ask for It, and the loan can be paid off In easy weekly or monthly payments, or aa your circum stances will permit, thus ensiling you to pay without inconvenience w Come in and talk It over with us. AMERICAN LOAN CO.. Boom 303, Third Floor. Paxton P0 10 YEARS In our present location. Deal with an old reliable tlrm and establish a credit that will be of use to you In the future. We make loans on Furniture. Pianos, Live Stock and to Salaried Peopl. Our rates are as low as any and muck lower than many. Our motto Is, "Try to please. If you have dealt with us and are pleased tell otners. 11 you mc uiouno, "K .'S st " """X - ti 2 Established In 1M2. ,. Tel. .10. Ji. M167 LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO SALAitlKD n.un,t, niciy(ui;i stars, boarding nouses, ew., wiuiuuv w Aaa(at terms: 40 offlcefl In Dim dual cltiee. Tolman. 440 Bflftxd ofvT' Biag. . . ".'i'i' MONEY loaned on pianos, tumluire Jew elry, horses, cows, eto. C. F. Heed, 319S.11. LOANS on CHATTELS and SALARIES, FllOKiNJA tKLUIl CO.. succtsscrs to J. W. TAXLOE. .. n VKlnn Hlork TEk 745. To accommodate our COUNCIL BLUFFS patrons we nave estaDiusneu eiegani , ui fines a.t ROOM 24. WICKliAM BLDG. intersection Broadway . At "erl Sts. TEL. 8. - X 4o4 ' MONEY loaned on P,lalnnoU to salaried ptopie; DUiinm connuenuai, wewi lain. MONET loaned on furniture, live stock, Jewelry, to salaried people. Foley Loan Co., sue. 10 uuir ureen, iior X 350 BUSINESS CHANCES. TO GET In or out of business call on ytll liams, Room u, juccagua uunuiug. x 353 ' , ,h. K.f ...... ,nelc In the I Ji..Vol'rai i5?,!n fowa: larae w.i airrieultural section of Iowa: larg niii trade: stock will invoice ubou $10,000; protlts large; must . close up an estate interest me ouiy nu Z Address v 40, teo. . IF' YOU want to BUY or BELL real tale can or write, NEW SNOW-CHUTtCH CO.. it, n..n, M y. Life Bids.. Omaha. . Y-551 trnn utr m. a. Atood. clean stock of grocer les, queensware and notions, one of the best stands In a live Nebraska town, do ing a good Duainess; reason lor seuing, poor health. Address Grocer, Bee Ottice, i.'ouncu rsiuns. FORTUNES easily made by small but wise I investments; ine smau woFnanoin anv. nrnm c u i r nnmtrtun tv writs tor our "ClulcU to Wealth." Tralse A Co., 231 Unity Bldg . Chicago. 1 MS58 Mi3 15,000 for Controlling interest In a rapidly increasing legitimate manufacturing busi ness, destined to be a very prolltable enterprise. Court closest investigation. J. 1L Johnson, New xork Lite. vfl29 EXPERIENCED partner wanted In ten unrt AwninAt Duainess in aoou iiiriTini western town, 1'or particular address At. Bee. i-ati( if run Etanerjr aiiw ii.uuwitw. dulng $10,000 business yearly. ior i,ix cash, worth $2,UU0. Address. Louis warn, Le Mars. Iowa,- ,xa- i., . rj oai v mtmtU rt hardware an1 hn ness lti town or sou oeuuie iu luuiunci ern Iowa; stock will Invoice about $5,0o0. Address A XI, BtC. a Mil HAVE AN OPENING FOR a responsible man with $10.0u0 to 120,00 cash; splendid salary and a chance to . double money In one year. Lyme ' Waterman, promoter of enterprises, lo-m . B. 2Slh St.. city. Y-1&3 16 I WHEN you waut to buy. sell or exchange I your Dusiness or property quicx, see H. Johnson. 843 N. Y. Life. Y-M175 A MONEY MAKINO PROPOSITION for live man who can furnish litio.oo to $JtX' Can make from 110 to fcx every day. Wi stand anv. kind of Investigation. Ca after 10 a. m. on General Agent, room 71. Karbach Hotel. y w 18 run cxchinue, WILL exchange good oak wardrobe for folding bed. N 49, Bee. Z M519 PIANO to trade for horse and buggy. Levlne, 304 N. 11 n. 1M 2V FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. HOMESTEADS free to all who have not taken benefit of homestead law; Hoseb reservation opened soon; Chamber!: -land ottice, where you register fur chauce and choice. Write A. R. Collin, send II oj for valuable Information; no swindle; 'perfectly straight References, Bank of Iowa and Dakota, Chamberlain, S. D. KE-912 16 BUY best bouse paints, varnishes, etc.: quality highest, prices lowest. National Oil and paint Co., loll Jones St. At. J154" JJ21 I HOUSES and lota la all parts of city; auto I acre property aad farm lands. Tat O. I uavis CO., iUKia tu, oee uuiitlln nir-i Ml IF YOU want one ef the nicest Bonn In liaitscom Place I will give rod bargain. Owner left city. Muat Sail . ii liierwod, t7 U. Y. U ldg7 FOR SA1.K REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE. 1.130 acres of good farming I land l.i acres In crops this veer, ai a i sacrifice. In central part of Nebraska. O. H l'eterson. Ill N. 16th. Omaha. THE OMAHA REALTY CO.. 1301 Douglas St . iinstairs: small houses for sale; cheap building lc u. Call for catalogue and price list, private money to loan on easy terms. nc ji FOR i;EASE OH SALE. benutlful country home of SO acres with 9-room house, large barn and outbuild ings, splendid water system, large lawn, shade trers and fruit orchard. Three miles from Omaha P. O., on paved street I Will make 1 to 6-year lease to right party. A 29, Bee. RE 108 18 BENSON ore homea are lielnsr built In Benson than in all other suburbs combined. This is simply because It offers the advan tages. II you wnnt to Know now to lot or r nome on easy terms can ra BLNSON & CARM1CHAEL. 642 PAXTON BLOCK. RE M171 17 BEAUTIFUL home, 8 rooms, modern, eouth front, large lot. frice i,i, smtiu amount down, balance monthly payments, same as rei.t. lit mis, i axion dik. BEE PAYNE. BOSTTYVICIC ft CO. for choice bargains, twl- ti x. Liie mug. lei. jui. THREE MILLION acres corn, wheat, gras- lng and irrigated iana tor saie. t.. n. Andrus, Agent Santa Fe System, room , Union depot, jvanas cuy, mo. FOR SALE, Immediately, 6-room house and lot, witn large, oarn. ct. Anuerson, 4th and L sts., two nines west or r. u. KH-ftlllK 1B- RANCH and farm lands for sale by the I Cnion i-'acinc isauroau company, u. a. McAllester. land commissioner. Union Pa cltlc IIeauquarters-Omana, xseb. GEORGE G. WALLACE, real estate, mort gage, rentals, insurance, iirown block. RE-369 ALFALFA farm for sale: 160 acres, alfalfa; well improved; going to en Write to LrlK Johnson, it. 2, Lexi Neb. RE U04 HOUSES, lots, farms, ranches, loans; also I iire insurance. 43 e mis, x-ajiion diock. RE 360 FOR SALE, three lots, with six-room cot tage; price, 11,800; owner leaving fiiy. Address Z 88. Bee office. RE W4S9 FARMS If you wish to buy a grain, fruit or stock farm, get my list 01 western Michigan (lower peninsula) bargains; write today; tney are going rapiaiy. s. V. R. Hayes, urana itapias. Mien. RE M4ft4 J2 UII 1 CHARLES E.. 1203 vy iijijii iim w 1 ,, (amain street. RE 363 COTTAGE with six large rooms on 30-foot corner lot: three blocks rrom car: nouBe newly painted and has new roof. It is a I Dargain at si.niu ana can oe oougnt wiin payment down, balance to suit. . 1. ii. Turkington. J5 Bee Bldg. RE M2U FOR SALE, tine 12-room perfectly an- pointea resiaence, near tiunscom para; beautiful exterior and Interior: every modern convenience, gas, electric lights, hot water heating system, etc.: large barn; cost 111,000. Address A 2a, uee. RE M210 IS MEDICAL. DR. PRIES, the acknowledged loading speciaust in diseases 01 women in umana. would call the attention of suffering ladies to nis unsurpassea accommoaations before and during confinement and his treatment for Irregularities, no matter what cause. Call or address, with stamp. T T 1 1 . n . .... Lj 1 .... U 1 1 I Dr. Pries, Arlington Block, 1513 Dodge, omana. so. SHORTHAND AND TYPU WRITING. A C. VAN SANT'S school. 717 N. Y. Life. 3w BOYLES" college, court reporter principal, ix. 1, Ajire. 3tx NEB. Business A Shorthand College, Boyd's a neater. Hit MANtFAOTlIUNa. P. MELCHIOR, 13th and Harney, ma-1 cninmt. Mill OMAHA Safe and Iron Wks., make a spe cialty 01 ore escapes, enutiers, aoors and! suits, c. Anareen, A-rop., iox a. 10th st Mil NOTICE!, PAPER HANGERS. OMAHA Steam Paste Co.. manufactuer of paste ior an purposes; in parrels and half oarreis. write tor prices. 2210 turning. STAMMERING AND STUTTERING, CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramge Bldg. FLORISTS. L. HENDERSON. 1519 Farnam. Tel. 1253. Send for price list, cut flowers and plants. CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly euenuea to. j. a. ocmtiree. iuin ana iaxe streets. . GARBAGE, ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO., cleans cesspools ana vaults, removes garbage and ut'ttu unimais at reaucea prices, dam in. la. Tel. Lis. 924 OSTEOPATHY. G1D E. A ALICE JOHNSON, osteopaths. bulto 61a, N. Y. Lite Bldg. Tel. 164. 361 DR. A. T. HUNT, 512 McCagua Bldg. - Tel, iUuz. DR. MRS. MUSICK, Douglas Blk. Tel. 2821, 3.0 STORAGE. PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co., 911- U Jon... genial storage and torw.rdUig, OM. Van Btor. Co.. 15114 Farn. Tell. 1559-S63. DRESSMAKING. IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy, 2042 Farnam. WJi J10 BY THE day. 2314 So. ltb Street. 14 21 PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat. Ing; all business confidential. 1301 Doug'as. ACCORDION PLEATING. REDUCED prices In pleatlnx. ruchlnxa. tucklnss and appllquelng. For full In formation Inqjlre Ideal Pleating Co , liio I Howard St. .,2 J 7 LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, lc; collars, lc; cuffs, 4c. 1750 Leavenworth. Tel. bi7. PHOTOGRAPHS. MRS. MINER, chlldrcn'a photos snrrlalty. Ill is. um. -Mltl 2 FIR DRESSING. ., - LlJtn. ' O. R. GILBERT CO., tanners. 1424 So. AN NOl SCEMEJTI. WATERS PRINTINO COMPANY. Tele- d1u,iia 219. 111 oulh TblrKeata straec -M4-J IIICC I.F.S. COASTER brake put on. 16.00 at Flesrher's. i. ffi THE GARDENERS protect old age as well as life. Charter members free. Particu lars from Frank Rosewater, supreme manager. ZZ2 Uee Bldg. 724 Hit K EL IM ATISO. OMAHA Fisting Co.. Bee Bldg. Tel. 2T.15. KOI CATION AL FRENCH, Spanish, fencing. 408 N. 2th st M61 COWS. WILL TRADE CERTIFIED milk for cowa. subject to test ior uioercuiosis. nanuary Dairy, 2016 Farnam, street; phone No. 411. fllMo M24 TAILORING. JOE YOUSEN removed to 1111V4 Farnam St Jl BALB TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale Tie Co., 811 North 16th. 374 ATTORNEYS. MACFARLAND A MAY, 305 N. Y. Life. IO Al JINK. ALPIRN buys all kinds of scrap Iron and ....... n,4 II 1 .. . ! , I J , tnn I UKiais. vio Ai.UHtia si. An. nil. 1- LAWN MOWERS. Sharpened, repaired. I. I. Wks, 1406 Howard. M214 POSTOFFICE NOTIClu Parcels post malls for Germany close at 5 p. m. Wednesday Regular and supplementary mails close at foreign etation half hour later than rlonlnir lime shown hclow. Ipveent hiit supplementary mails for Europe and Central America, via Colon, close uue hour later at foreign gtatleui. Transatlantic Mails, SATURDAY At 7 a. m. for FRANfR SWITZERLAND, ITALY, SPAIN, PORT- IUAU 1LKMSI, liUHT, GREECE, BRITISH INDIA and LORENZO MAR. OCEZ. ier s. s. La Chamimitne. via Havre iiiihii ior oinur puns tic Europe nmsi ds uirccicu uvr s. ui c nim-1 iiagnc"); at 70 a. m. for NETHER- bAMra niret-i, per s. a. iooraam (mall muat bo directed "per s. s. Noordum"): at 9:30 a. 111. (supplementary 11 a, m. ) for EUROPE, per s. s. Saxonln. via gueenstown; at :3o a. m. for SCOTLAND direct, per s. s. Astoria imau must be di rected 'per s. s. Astoria"); at 10 a. m. fer ITALY direct, per a. a, Trave (mall 1 "PRINTED MATTER, ETC. This steamer 1 and samples for Germany only. The same ciass or man matter ior otner parts of Europe will not be sent by this ship lint.., B.iii(.iii 1 1 v , 1 i mi' t u ,1 hv 1, After the closing of the supplementary Transatlantic malls named above, addt- tlonal supplementary mans are opened on the piers of the American. Enallsh. French and German steamers, and remain open until within 10 minutes C the hour of sailing 01 steamer, I Malls for Sooth and Central America, I . ' West Indies, Ete. SATURDAY 'At 9 a. th. for PONCE, ner b. s. ir-onoe tmau ior otner parts of Porto itico must re airectea per s. s. ronce" : at 9 a. m. (supplementary 9:30 a. m.) for j uttni JH1.U (except i once), cl KACAO and VENEZUELA. Per s. s. I'hllndel- pnia (man ior ronce, sa vanilla ana t ar- (HKetia must, oe uireciuti iier s. a. A nna - deTDhla"): at 9:30 a. in tBunolementarv io-ai n mi for i.Fi.WAnn o.,H tt'iMii. WARD IHT-ANns and HU1TWII DiiTcii an 1rtt1.-Mt.17 tit'lAMA - m uAni.. belle (mall ior Grenada and Trinidad must be directed "per s. s. Fontubcllo ); at 9:30 a. m.- (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for FORTUNE 1HLAND. JAMAICA. SA VANILLA and CARTAGENA, per s. s. Altai (man ior cosiu jucu must be 'II rected "per a. s. Altar K at :30 a. m UunlSemSntary 10:30 a. m.) for HAITI and SANTA MART A, per s. .. Adiron- dack; at 10 a. m. for CUBA, per a. b. Mexico, via Havana; at 12:30 p. m. for CUBA, per s. a. Parrac, Via Matahzas (ordinary mall. only, which must bo di rected per s. a. 1'arran ). Mails for Newfoundland, by rail to North a ior orniuuuuiaim, ujr ran iu ioriti dney, and thence by steamer, close at Is ofllce dally at 6:30 p. ni. (connecting )se here every Mondaj-. M fdncsday and turdavi. Malls for Mlmielon. py rail to Syd thl close Sa Boston, ioston, ana tnence dv sieamer, close at his office dally at 6:30 p. m. Malls for ;uba. by rail to Florida, and thence by ra rilmmtehort rtallv ... t Cuba steamers, are dispatched dally, ex cept Thursday, final connecting closes, for dlsnatch via Port. Tainria n Mondays Wednesdays and Bator. days at "5.30 a. m.. for dispatch via Miami, on aaonaays ano Satur days at 6:30 n. m. Malls for Mexico CI I v. overiana, unless rpeciatiy aauref,sea ror I dispatch by steamer, close at this office dally except Sunday at Lao and 11:30 p. m , Sundays at 1 D. m. and 11.''' D. m n. Mans for Costa Rica. Bellie. Puerto Cortex and Guatemala, by rail to New Orleans, and inenca vy Birimci, uivw a i. una ouice dally except Sunday at 1:30 p. rn.. Sun- aays at 1 .w p. m. tt;uiiit;ia cimri nere Mondays for Belise, Puerto Cortex and Guaten.ala. and Tuesday for Costa Rica.) Registered, man closes at e;w p. m. pre Vious day Vraaspaciaa Malls, Mails' for the Philippine Islands, via San Francisco, close here asny at t w p. m. up to May llih, Inclusive, for dispatch per u. a. trannoort. Malls for Hawaii. China. Japan and Phllln- nine islands, via Ban r ranciseo, close here dally at 8:30 p. m. up to May 12lh, Mails for' China and Vapan. via Seattle. inclusive, ior oispatcn per s. s. rcru. clore here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to May 14th, inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Kln shlu Maru. (RealstereU mall must be directed "via Bcattlu"). Malls for .Australia, (except West Aus tralia, which Is forwarded via Lurope), X' 7..l.nH 1.-1,1 U ,1 , , , u a ., ,1 11 . , via Ban Francisco, 'close hre dally at 6: A p. m. after April 26th and up to May nth. inclusive, or on arrival 01 e. s. Camnanla, due at New York May 17th, or uiapaicil pel B. m. vciiiuia. M"I' for China ana Japan, via Seattle ana v-or.. . pa tered mall must be specially addressed. (Merchandise for the U. 8. Postal akency at Shanghai cannot be forwarded via ('anadal. Malls for Hawaii, Japan anil China (aUo letter mall and separately addressed peri odicals for the Philippine Islands, via Manila), via San Francisco, close here daily at e:ao p. m. up to May "jza, in elusive, for dispatch per a. . Coptio. Mails for China and Japan, via Tacoma close here dally at e:3i p. m. up to May 23d, inclusive,- ior dispatcn per s, Glenosrie. Malls for Australia (except West Australia which aoes via turone. and jvew y.esianu which goes via San Franclscoi, and Fiji Islands, via Seattle and Victoria, B. C, close here dally at 6 3o p. m. after May 17th and up to May "24th, inclusive, for dispatcn per s. s. ailowera. Malls for Hawaii, via Saa Francisco, rlose here daily at 6:30 p. rn. up to May 2cth, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Alameda. Mans for Tshttl and Marquesas islands, via San Francisco, close here dally at .3o p tn. up to June 4th. inclublve, for " 1 ' Transpaclflo malle are forwarded to port or sailing daily ana tne scneauie or clos ing Is arranged on the presumption ot their uninterrupted aivenar-a transit. Registered mall closes at 1.00 p. to. privlouj day. c UKrs till en VAn tot i, riiimtnifr. Postofnce, New York, N. Y., May 9, 19ul. LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE. I The annual meeting of the stockholders I pf the Fr.niont. fclkhorn A Missouri Yal I ley Railroad company will be held at the office of the company In Omaha, Neb., on Friday. Mav 23. 12. at 10 o'clock a. .rn. for the election of directors end the trans&c- tlon of such other business aa may come before the me'etlne. J. B. REDF1ELD. aocrrtaj-y. AlWill I ... . .... ..I ri,li.(iffn TIA vllirht o7iHlum a b Ik I tsnou id re read daily bv an interested. I m:-:--" r r as changes may occur at any time). ' V'JS.ii""-,-f. f.?:S Y Foreign mail for the woK ending May ' """S" t Fxi r'." a li L ii i iaS M In 17. 1SSJ2. will close (PROMPTLY In all cases! "ca''1 ,,Bl '-M "., plU a p nada. at the General Postolflco. aa follows: K" Ti .i,."" . t ao . . . ngton, PARCELS POST MAILS Close one hour I " " " - VIM lC ,1111 , 1 lUFllIB 1 1 1 1 1 V OlIU .1 11 UKIUIT. CARRIAGES "Artlntle productions" from a number of the acknowledged lead ers In America. Unique designs for the glimmer of 1902. We could mention twenty. Space forbids, however. We are credited with having the finest line of "Harness" in the city. Call and test us. Drummond Carriago Go. IStti ml Harney Sis. AILWAY TIME CARD. I K ION STATION 10TH AND MARC Y. talon 1'aelflo. Leave. Arrive. ...a :io am a 7:W pm ...a 8. so am a 1 15 pm ...a 4:25 pm ...all. 30 pm a 4 5$ pm a 7 job am Overland Limited.... Fast Mall California Express., Pacltlc Express Eastern r.xnresa Atlantic Express Llncoln-Stromsburg Ex.b 1:05 pm bl2:30 pm Grand Island Local b 5:30 pm b 9:36 an ( hlrign, Milwaukee fc St. I'aal. Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm a 1:05 am Chicago A Omaha Ex..b 7:15 am b 1:40 pm Missouri I'acltlc. Bt Louis Express alOrOO am S .:JS prrt K..' C 4c St. L. Express. al0:50 pm a 6.15 am Wabash. Bt. Louis "Cannon Ball" Express a 5:15 Dm a 1:20 am St. Louis Local, Council BluKs ...al0:00am a 10:90 pm Chicago, Rock. Islrnd ana raelflc. EAST. Ivcave. Arrive. pm in m iu rn Lincoln, Colo, bringr,. I'enver, fueblu una West a 1:30 pm a 4:16 pm Colo., Texas, Cal. at Oklahoma lycr a b.w pm a 9:50 am Illinois l enlnil Chicago Express a 7:20 am a 6:10 pm I Chicago, Minneapolis A St. Paul Limited a 7:50 Dm a 8:06 am Minneapolis A bt. Paul Express b 7:20 am bl0:36 mn Chicago Express alO.Ss pm Chicago fc lortbwotern. "The Northwestern Line." Chicago Special a i:10um all:20 pm I Chicago l'lmsenger a :ia pm a s.oo am Eastern express aiu:uo am a 4 06 pni Lustcrn epeuiai ,..a i,u tmi a. ou im Fant Mail i l.JO pm a 2. Winn I oinana-cnicugu i.ii.i;aiiii a :i0 am Fust Mall a 1:30 am a a;3o p.n .a :0 am ulO.js pra .a 7:55 pm a k:4o uu a 8:15 a in a l:u0 pin I Cedar KapldB Pass, I Twin Citv Express. Twin City Limited.. WEBSTER D1CPOT 15TH A WEBSTER Fremont, Llkhora A Missouri V: t. .ve. Black Hills, Deadwood, Hot Springs a 1:00 pm a 6:00 pm Wyoming, Casper and oougiaa .0. o.w pm e e:w pm Hastings, York, David City, Superior, Geneva, Exeter and Seward. ...b 3:00 pm b 6:00 nm Norfolk, Lincoln and Fremont o y:su am blO.25 am Fremont Local o 7:30 am Miaaoarl Paolfle. Nebraska Local, Via Weeping vtaier D cm pra al0:25 am Lhlcaao, St. I'aal, Minneapolis A Omaha. . . ..; I Twin City A usaenger....a o:w am a 9:09 pm 1 sionx city i'afceiiner...a i.w cm all 211 a m I Luitraou Local b 6:40 pm b 1:46 am ' I I nliRLINGTON STATION IOTH A MAMiiw 1 , llnrlliialna jt- thlcago, Uurllugton t Qolacy. Leave. Arriv rtiltmo Boeclal a 7 :00 am a 4 :05 nm nlili.flan Vestlbuled EX..AL :U0 tins A l a i Chicago cocat o.jj am Bii:oopm Chicago umitcu owjiia a : am Fast Mall a 1:40 pm llurllngton A Miaaoarl River. Wvmore Beatrice and Lincoln a b.vj am oji:m tm firSff aJiiisS HH .'"i,1; "V'ei 6:45 u!?ck ,HL" "2 i pm i am Hnund Express all:10 em "a 1:00 nm Colorado Vtstlbuled Fiver . a 3:00 nm Lincoln Fast Mall b 3:00 pm ' a 9:17 am Fort Crook ana Platts- moutn a u:.u pm 011:05 am ;.,,',, it Phi -llic Jet a 7-AO nm i M ge vu f ,M,1, , j?,t' i ,:,?! P a 8-2" Bellevue & 1 acltlo Jot...a 3.00 am Ivansna Clly, St. Joseph A Council liluffa. t-.. pi,v t . v v . t 1 a.?tis Five? fcx ? !: Kansas City Kansas City IN Ignt EX...B10 . 20 am a 1:06 nm . :10 pm all:15 am so pm a s:i5 am " ,V5U' "lr.'1.1. "'"V"'. -.ou"" I r '" " "a" STEAMSHIPS. HOLLAND-AMERICA LINE New Vork-Rotterdam. via Boulogne. SI. M. New Twin-Screw a. s. of 13,000 tons regurt?r. I Twin-Screw sinnrHem HUUIuaill May 17, 10 a. pt . Pi.i..J. 1 steamer I Twin-bcrew Steamer OldimiUdill May 24. W 1 I a. tn. Twin-Screw Potsdam Steamer rUUUdlll May 31, 10 a. m. Apply to Harrv Moorea. 1416 Farnam street; J. 8. UcHituf, UZi Farnam alreeti n, s. duuvt, auua ainaui umi. Mini IS esse, First National Bank, omana. ANCHOR UMk-V, a. MAll-STAiAAlgHl Eslllni ngulcrly betweaa NEW VORK, LUNUuNDEKHY GLASGOW) NEW YUUK. UlliHALTAK 4 NAFLEaC uDerlor aocommotlatlons. EioslKnt Culslss.' Mttrt aXS au.T' rsard lor tb cvuifurt ot pauu(rs studKnialy tea klnila or Hound TriD tickets iMurd btve Ns York and Scotch. EnsllAh, Irlia and all frlncliial Continental. DoUil at attraMK . rates or tUk,l sr genaral information apply tn HKNUtRlON BKOs . (.ftlcaa. or aor AAtcAA. aui.m. . m iMfAiiAul 1A1 i I1IV - .,.-. ..... , ..,. I Il3 rifCllUn Lliit - ' . - mm , , w Twin-screw ot War dlveipltna. l.uAurtous an j rvnMaa corn fort porfaviraJatua. Ti- piumMlnl-abHlA. WlmlmUlAw O t0Mttl 4910 ' rraikraprartuA. Balltnai trum K-XOIUMgWiy ,,(rmallon aall r writ ta H. W. kossiSBXI.aAa.aMi. Aak, 1 1 Hwae K.,ttl,Itt. HARHY U. MOOKES. 14U Farnam St. J. g. U NAI.LY, 1aa ParnAia St., rust Nat l Bank. UtOIU.K E. AHHUll. 111! rArnaw si, tt. S. JONES. 1MI rarnaat Hu FOUR SEPARATE AXO DISTIXCT SERVICES. Fast Twln-Brre Passenger Steamers ail- hng regularly from Boston,' Portlsni anl I . . ,, . i. , r , . Montreal to Liverpool, also Boston to I Mediterranean ports. . bend for booklet, -Mediterranean Illustrated. ' For rates. etc., apply to local agent or eomi.njr-s I ofnee. OU Dearborn St.. Chieaae, 111. Reply Cards aad Eavelopes. WASHINGTON. May U. The commls- I slon appointed by the postmaster general. compoaea oi lour assistant postmasters Stiier hi and tne auditor tor the rnstomce epartment. to report upon the advisability and desirability of the adoption of the re- y .postal card ana envelope win meet re next Monday to hear the advocates of the various plans. All Interested persons I have been asked to appear. . I Price of t'oa Advaaeasl. I NEW YORK, May "1. The retail coal I dealers of this city advanced lbs price cf I anthracite coal 11 a ton today aa a remit I oi tne uruer tot iue lyuiuiuauun VI lAt AUillCl 1 . M w. !' P 9 mi i i VIUTfJsf I I.1MAVU1 I (cu rxva J I . F.T.'ll'I'l II" j il'I'B : VI'I ft ! ' IP