Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 17, 1902, Page 10, Image 10
TIIE OMAIIA DAILY BEEi SATURDAY, MAY 17, 1?02. 10 t COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL 1 Trade Tik Profeuional Aspect, Baled by Good Crop Prospects. OATS . ALONE MAINTAIN ADVANCE i IsarlrJptarn In Whrtt goon Checked r f vnd Sharp Relapse Follows Heavy Hog Receipts Plar Ilavoo with Provision Prices. r CHICAGO, May lS.-Qood crop prospects (ruled the quiet grain pita today. Trade was almost entirely professional In char lacter, and, although wheat had a few 1 bulllah Influence, lower prices were the Jeneral rule. July wheat cloaed He lower, uly corn 94l'c lower and July oata He up. Provlsfnna closed 2V,44"Hc depressed. Early In the session wheat showed some tendency toward a Rood bull movement. Cables were higher or steady, regardless of our losses yesterday. Receipts In the 1 northwest were still very small. In ad dition to this, rain begun falling again In itbe northwest and advices from the Red river vallev told a very bullish story of delayed spring seeding. Offerings at the opening Improvement were not sufficient for the small demand and prices worked up to TMiSjT&c for July, after opening a shade to H&'ao up at 75c to Wa't'. General harvest news, however, was prom ising. The northwestern curtailment of re ceipts were Deginning to lose some 01 tii--.r bullish effect Further, the export demand was Inactive. Kansas millers made a re port of tho condition of their state crop, in dicating a yield of 63,000,000 bushels, quite a bearish advance over the recent scare f a reduction to 26,000,000 bushels. The bearish factors In the end served to start some fairly active selling. There was lit tle support, most of the crowd waiting for 'a leaner, juiy siunipeu Fumyi? an, iclosed c down at 74'4fi76c. Local re I elpts were 20 cars, 3 of contract grade; Minneapolis and Duluth reported only S9 'ears, making a total for the three points fof too. ram. aeiilnst 204 last week, and 211 a vear ago. Primary receipts were 168.0U0 kbushels, against 3n3,O0O bushels last year. -Argentine shipments were 624,000 bushels, Wmnarerl to 778.000 bushels a year ago. iSeaboard clearances In wheat and flour equaled 400,000 bushels. The seaboard re nnrtAil AO Innris taken for exDort. Corn showed weakness all day. Cables were lower to start wun ana irom every where came reports of favorable weather and promises of a bumper yield of corn ithls season. The cash demand was slow fand what there waa of It, was being filled easily. Freer offerings of cash stuff were (reported rrom interior points or jowa ami l Illinois and receiving houses were moder- ?te sellers against purchases In the coiyri ry. The bull party made no apparent 'effort to support the market and the de mand came chiefly from shorts with profits. Local receipts showed, so far, but little Inclination to Increase, but tips from the I country insisted that within a week the dally run here would be 200 cars, where now I It Is generally below 60. Trade was much restricted, but the. decline was steady. !Julv sold down from 62N.C to a weak close, Kc lower at 6161c. Receipts were 68 cars. Oats were very dull and made almost no appreciable changes. There was no out side business In the pit and the local acalnera were waiting for developments : There was a general decision to not sell ; short much further until more decidedly 'bearish news came to hand. The moist weather northwest deterred the bears from following the action of the other pits. July, new, sold at 387,c and closed HSiSio UP at 6'&36kC- Receipts were 108 cars. Provisions ruled weaker and needed the . support that came meagcrly from the crowd heavily Interested on the bull side. The larger run of hogs at most of the i western packing centers and the lower firices at the yards Induced llbersl sell ng. Trade was rather light. July pork closed 7Hc lower at 117.35, July lard &Sf7He down at 110.30 and July ribs 2V,c up at 39.70 9 72H- Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 30 cars; com, 60 cars; oats, 140 cars; hogs, 30,000 head. Ths leading futures ranged as follows: Articles. Open. I Hlgh. Low. Close. Yes'y. Wheat i I May 75, 75 74H 74 75 July 7! 754I" 74fc(y74W75 76 Sept. 7SH&K74 H 72 73T578 13 Corn . I May 1H "W t 61 H July 2t,(6H 82 61 616". 61'A Bept. H Oats I May 48 43 43 43 29 H a July S4V4 S4 344 43 bJuly 36Va 3T4 3H 3f 34V4 a Bept. ' 30 80 80 30$ 36V4 17 25 17 25 17 22H 17 22 17 80 July . 17 86 17 40 17 85 17 35 17 42 Bept. 17 46 17 66 17 46 17 60 17 52V4 May" 10 17H 10 27 10 274 10 274 10 25 July 10 80 10 324 10 30 10 30 10 374 Sept. 10,80 10 874 10 34 10 324 10 374 S75 8 75 975 76 875 July ' t 674 "24 674 9 70-24 9 75 Bept. 8741 76 9 674 9 724 9 75 No. 1 a Old. b New. Cash quotation were as follows; FLOUR Steady; winter patents, $3.90ffl 4.00: straights, $3.2O3.80: clears, tt.0y3 60; spring specials, $4.2i'oH.30; patonts, $3.4041 $.aO: straights. $3.4V&3.30. . WHEAT No. . 72vcr754c; No. 2 red. S2c. OATS No. . 434i&h3c; No. 2 white. 454c: No. S white, 454F46& RYE No. 2. 604c. BARLEY Fair to choice malting, 69a72e. SEEDS No. 1 flax, $1.60; No. 1 north western, $1.77. Prime timothy seed, $6.40. Clover, contract grade, $8.35. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., $17.25 f 17.10. Lard, per 100 lbs.. $10. 324$ 10. 35. hort ribs sides (loose), $9.709.80. Dry salted shoulders (boxed). $3.0ntg8.25. Short Clear sides (boxed), $10.40(&10.50. WHISKY-On basis of high mines. $1 30. The following were the receipts and ship nents yesterday: Articles. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 19.000 ,000 Wheat, bu 2e,O00 18,000 Corn, bu 56,000 217,000 0ts, bu 123.000 262,000 Rye. bu 6.000 9,000 Barley, bu $2,000 1,000 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market waa easy; creamery, 183214c; dairies, iMfaOOo. Cheeae. unchanged, liSjlic. tags, steady; freely 14gl5c. SEW YORK GE3BKAL MARKET. Quotation I tho Day Commodities. Varlona NEW TORK, May . FLOUR Receipts. 17,297 bbls.; exports. 19.. 100 uu.o. siaraci auu out steady; winter patents. $J.lsj4.2i.; winter stralshts.; Minnesota patents, $4.1ou4.2o; winter extras, $3 164J3.40; Minnesota bak- ers, wiiomi; winter low grades, $2,764 $.M. Kye Hour, dull; flr to good, $3.13 SPR.??.ME t VM .-K"?: . .ilow ..western. . KYlWEasy; No. I western, rjb'ic. f. o. d., annat; state. ti&ic. c. L f.. New York vairiuio. BARLEYDull; feeding. 64S8c, c. 1. f., New York; making.. J471c. c. t f.. New York. ..iu?AT-Ke'1t 145275 u.! exporta, U.044 bu, Bpot, easy: No. t red, jc In elevator; No. 2 red, 804c, f. o. b., afloat; iimviicin, iuiuin. ojo, 1. o. 0. Bfiost: No. 1 hard, Manltooa, 574c. f. o. o., anoat. tip to the last hour wheat was well sustained and higher than last nlgbt Influenced by cables, rain In the north- wesi, foreign, ouying, a small movement and covering, but after 1 o'clock on more lavmnu crop news ana lair export out look unloading took place, destroying all advance and the close was V4c lower; May, MU4i814c. closlnar at aOVc: Julv . T-16c. closing st Suc; September. 7H 43.1.4c. closing at 78V; December, VsJ sOSc. cloning at 7Se. CORN tWolpts, 8.400 iu.: exports. 1.660 .f k"' weaa; r.o. a. s4c In elevator and S4c.. f o. b.. afloat. Options mar ket ti wekk throughout under liquida tion and easier cables, together with bear ish crop news, prospects for Urger re ceipts and lark of support, closing Vfrlc net lower: Mav cloaed ut teUn' ii,i ti674c: lleptember, 66464c. closing at &Vc; Det ember closed at 6Vc. OA TTO t'ecelpts, 46,600 btt.; exports, 6.R81 cuu djpvi. ..iei; no. , 4BC; no. , 464c; 10, 1 wwte. .M4c; No. I white. Mc: track. wnifrn, iraci, wniie. SOWQ30C Options, quiet and lower, with corn. HAY uuil; shipping. (5iac; good to cnoice, iimiwc HOPS Quiet; state, common to choice, vmi crop, uta'.'ic; ibuu, waisc; olds. 4jo. Pactnc coast, Uwl crop, 1044-1 9c; U00, 13 J rlDES Finn; Oalveaton, $0 to 23 lbs., 18c; California, u to S lbs., lc; Texan dry. 24 tO IDS. . lC. LEATHER Firm; acid. 244325c. WOOL Quiet; domestlo floors. fi29e. PROVI8ION8 Beef, flrra; family. $16 00 tjlS DOi mm. 114; beet bams. Ul 00i2.0; ; racket ft&.Oul&.&O; city extra India mess, 1 LtiimS.W. Cut meats, dull: pickled bellies. lO tflHO: pickled shoulders. $8 So C o; pickled bams. Ill 5 13 Lard steady; western steamed. $10.75; reft nod, I st.od; contmont. Ill 00: South America, ; $11.70; compound. $8 fc 75. Pork, firm; ! rurally, $l6.rjJ0 00; short clear, $is.&OS21.00; t mw. ai WQih ou t b UTTER .RecelnU. 1.11 tkaa.i firm .! alat tUiry, vci state creaiMsry, 2l 22'4c; June creamery. Imitation, 19HS21c; factory. WriJ"c. TAI.I.OV-8teady: dty (32 per pkg). 634c: country pkgs. free), 6Q7c. I'iltE.HK necetpts, 1.101 psgs.; nrm; fancy large, colored, llc; fancy large. hlte, 114c. F.tKJS Kecelpts, 11,35 pkg.; steady; stats and Pennsylvania, 17c; western, at mark, lfi'gl7'4C. MUL.AB8ES steady; Mew urieans, as a 41o. M ETAIjfl Some advance In tin at New Tork gave a steady closing tone, with spot quoted at $30.06 30.30. This followed a gain of 17s 6d at London, where spot closed at 137 6J and futures at 132 15s. Copper was steadv to firm here, with lake at 812.12 and electrolytic, Ill.90iffl2.00 and casting at $11. 74'g 12.00. At London copper closed even with yesterday's final prices, with spot and futures at 54 10s. Lend waa steadv. Spelter ruled steady at $4.46 ond Inndon was unchanged and steady st 1H 10s. The local Iron maraet ruiea steady. Warrants continue nominal; No. 1 -northern foundrv. $19 vjj20.&0; No. 2 northern foundry. $13 5020.50; No. 1 south ern foundry. $1S; No. I southern foundry, soft, $18.50rrjl60. TJie English markets were steady, with Olasgow closing at 63s fd and Mlddlesborough at 48s 104d. The Ixnrion metal markets will remain closed until next Tuesday owing to the holi days. OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKETS. Condition or Trade and Quotations on Staple and Fancy Produce. EGOS Including new Not 2 cases, 144c; cases returned. 14c. LIVE POULTRY Chickens. 10c; old roosters, according to age, 43c; turkeys, 11c; uucks and geese, 7c; broilers, per lb.. 25c. HUTTER Packing stock, 17c; choice rlnlrv In tubs, 1920c: separator. 23c. FRESH CAUGHT FISH Trout. c; crapples, 10c; herring, 5c: pickerel, 8 c; pike. Mi 10c: perch, 6c; buffalo, dressed, 7c; sunflsh, 6c; blueflns, 8c; whlteflsh, 11c; cat fish, 13c; bind: bass, lc; naiinut, 11c; sal mon, 16c; haddock, 11c; codfish, 12c; red snapper, 10c; roe shad, each, 60c; shad roe, ner nalr. 30c: split ahad. per lb.. 10c: lob sters, boiled, per lb., 25c; lobsters, green. per 10., 3c. FIOEON8 Live, per doi., 75c VEAL Choice, frgc CORN-61C. OATS 4He. BRAN Per ton. $19.50. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Whole sale Hay Dealers' association; Choice hay. No. 1 upland, 19; No. 1 medium. $8.50; No. 1 coarse. Id. Kye straw. $6 40. These prices are for hay of good color and quality. Demand fair. Receipts light. VEGETABLES. EGO PLANT Florida, per doi., 11.25. SOU ASH Florida, per dos.. 11.0001.25. - CAULIFLOWER Southern, per box, 12 00. POTATOES Northern, $1.00(31.10; Colo rado. $1.25: new potatoes, per lb.. 3M04c. GREEN ONIONS Per dos., according to size of bunches, lfo'c. ASPARAGUS Home grown, per doi., 35 Iff 40c. CUCUMBERS Hothouse, per doi., $1,259 1.40. - i SPINACH Home grown, per bu., 35c LETTUCE Hothouse, per doi., 85c. PARSLEY Per dos.. 3CKS35C. RADISHES Per doi., 20b25c; per box, 11.50. WAX BEANS Illinois, per box, $2; 4 wax. 75c. GREEN PEAS Per bu. box. 11.7532.00; per one-third bu., Iko'ioC. RHUBARB Home grown, per lb., 14c CABBAGE California, new. 3ic ONIONS New southern onions. In sacks. per in., 3'fj3i4c. TOMATOES Florida, per 6-baiket crate, 13.50; choice, v.itxai.w. NAVY BEANS Per bu., $2. FRUITS. CHERRIES California, per box. $1.75. F1US California, ne wcartona, $1; Im ported, per lb.. 12'fll4c. STRAWBERRIES Per 24-qt. case, $3.25 8.50. GOOSEBERRIES Per 24-qt. case, $2.60i TROPICAL FRUITS. PINEAPPLES-Florlda. 30 to 36 count, $4.&0iS.OO. BANANAS Per bunch, according to slse, t2. 23(112.76. ORANGES Budded, $3.25; Mediterranean sweets, J aixfia.vb. LEMONS Fancy, $3.50; choice, $3.25; Mes slnaa, $4.004.5O. MISCELLANEOUS. HONEY Per 24-sectlon case. $2.753.0O. CIDER Nehawka, per bbl., $3.26; New roiruKN-m id., bc sneuea. sc. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, per lb.. 12c; hard shell, per lb., 114c; No. 2 soft shell, 10c; fio. i nara snen, c; Braclls, per I 1 1 , . ..... I V. 14., 1 ' - M- III., A1vl i a, rrr i jv; , aiitiuiiuo, suit shell, 16c; hard shell, 16c; pecans, large, per id., uc; smaii, iuc; cocoanuis, per saca, $j.ou. HlDKS-No. 1 green, 6c; No. z green No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 124 lbs.. 8c: No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs., 6c; dry hides, 812c; sheep pelts, 10C ; horse hides, Jl.&Wt2.25. OLD METALS A. B. Alpern quotes the following prices: Iron, country mixed, per ton, iu; iron, stove piate, per ton, VI po; copper, per lb.. 84c; brass, heavy, per lb., 84c; brass, light, per lb.. 6c; lead, per lb., Iftc; line, per id., 2c; ruDoer, per id., sc Bt. Lonls Grain and Provisions. BIT tOTHB Xfnu 1 mrfflT T .. No. 2 red cash, elevator, tic; track. Hi ;: May. 78c; July. 7247240; Septera- .24c; No. 2 hard. 764&784c. )RN Lower: No. 2 casn, 634c: track, BitC ber. 6VS654C; May, 62c; July, 614b'14c; feeptem- I uer, OTOoec. OATS Lower: No. 2 caah. 43ic: track 443444c: May. 434c; July, 33c; September, Mtcj no. i wniie, wsjHbc. hie-Mteaay at eoc FLOUR Quiet, steadv: red winter oat ents, $3.66&3.80; extra fancy and straight. aj.oow.ou; clear, ao.uKjy.2u. BEEO-Timothy, steady. I5.0W6.Z6, CORNMEAI-Steady. $3 15. GRAN Quiet, easy: sacked, east track. ma 1 strong; timothy, $1Z.50V15.50; pral r.o, aiv.iruu'io.ou. WHlbKl-Steady, l.w. IRON COTTON TIES Steady, $1.06. BAGGINO-Steady. 54$4c. HEMP TWINE-ic. PROVISIONS Pork: Lower: tohhlno $17,874 for new, $17,474 for old. Lard: Lower at $10,174. Pry salt meats, steady: boxed lots, extra shorts and clear ribs. $10.00: short clear. $10,124. Bacon, steady; boxed lots, extra shorts and clear ribs. $10,874: short clear. $11.00. METALS Lead: . Firm at $39744.00. Spelter: Steady at $4.16. POULTRY-Bteady; chickens 1 n . tur- keys, so; ducks, 64c; BUTTER-Steady; dairy, 1632oc. geese, 44f44c. creamery, 162Sc; Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls. 4.000 9.000 Wheat, bu. 24.000 32,1X10 73,000 161,000 46,000 Corn, bu. ... Oats. bu. . 28,000 Liverpool Grain and Provisions. LIVERPOOL. May 16. WHEAT S do t. sieauy; no. 1 nonnern, spring, easa; ISO. 1 C alifornia. 6s 5d. Futures. Quiet: May. 6a IVi; July. sl4kd: September. 6s Sfltd. CORN Spot, steady: American mixed. new, os u; American mixed, old. bs 844. Futures, quiet: July. 6s2d; October, te 2d rrAo-uiniaiBn, hkchu y at oa sa. FIXL'R St. Louis fancy winter. firm, firm. $s 9d HOPS At London (Paclflo coast). t iUfi Its. PROVISIONS-Beef, firm; extra India meaa 1111 a. Mil Pafh at rnn ' nrlma vnAaai western, 76a. Hams, short cut, 14 to 16 lbs., steady. 54a id. Bacon. Cumberland cut. 6 to 30 lbs., steady, 60s 6d) Short ribs, II to 24 lbs., steady. 52s: Ions; clear middles. light 28 to 84 lbs., stesdy, bit 6d; long clear middies, neavy, Ji to 40 Iba.. steady, us d; short clear barks, 16 to 20 lbs., steady at 62g 6d; clear bellies. 14 to If lbs., steady, ezsod. Hhouldera, square, 11 to 1$ lbs., steady. Z'Jm 6d. Lard, American renned, in psus, steady, 62a 3d; prime weatern, In tierces, firm at 63s. Bl.'TTEK Finest United States, firm. 95s. CHEESE Firm: American finest white, old. 57s: American finest white, new. American finest colored, old, 61s; American nnest colored, new, nrm, bos. TALLOW Prime city, firm at $ls; Aus tralian, in London, nrm at 14s. Receipts of wheat durlna the last thi daya. (ti.OOO centals. Including $43,000. Re ceipts of American during tne last three days, 24,200 centals. Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, May 16. WHEAT May, 7?Sc; July, 71S'0,n4c; cash. No. $ hard, 744c: No. $. 74c; No. 1 red, 79c; No. t, 7c; 1 at.rlnar TAlr. CORN-Mav S2c: Seotember. 6t(564r: cash. No. 2 mixed, 67c; No. 2 white. 6.y 674c; No. 8, 664c. OATS No. $ white, 45c. RYF2-NO. t. 4oUc. HAY Choice timothy, $l$.50; choice praj rle. tl 5tVa 13.00. BUTT hilt Creamery, 20c; dairy, fancy, 18c. EGOS Weak: new No. I whltewood cases Included, turned, USac Wheat, bu Corn, bu , Oats, bu 13 Vc, loss off; cases re- Receipts. Shipments. II i0 80. 400 66 300 61.20 I 86.0U4 $4.0uv M Inneapolls Wheat, Flonr and Bran. MINNEAPOLIS. Msy 11 WHEAT May, 76Vc; July. ,6Sc: beptember. 71 Wc: on track. No. 1 hard. 78c; No. 1 northern. 76V4 b77c; No. $ northern, 7Wc. FLOL'R rirst palenta. $1 8&&1S&: se-ond patents. $3 6L3 7$: first clearvU.$u3-li fc&AX-la bulk. $1i.09i7U-M. ENORMOUS STEEL BLAST Weekly Capacity for Furnacei Exoeede Pre- Tious Eecords, WEATHER CONDITIONS ARE DISTURBING Baalness Sltnatlon Affeoted by Vneer- taln Ontlook, Thonah Heavy Dis- trlbntlon of Wages Accel erates Retail Trade. NEW YORK, May 16. R. O. Dun 4 Co. s Weekly Review of Trade says: Weather conditions . continue the only serious disturbing factors In the business situation. Excessive moisture and low tem perature made the crop outlook more un certain and much depends on a continu ance of prosperity In the agricultural sec tions. On the other hand record-breaking At tribution of pay In the Pittsburg region accelerated retail trade, while resumption of woolen and other mills added largely to the active force. Transporting llnea continue to mage splendid exhibits, earnings for the first week of May exceeding those of a year ago by 6.3 per cent, and surpassing me same week's eA minus In 1900 bv 19.9 per cent. As was Indlcsted by weekly reports, pig Iron Droductlon attained a new record for the month of April at 1,305.326 tons, and the weeklv rnnArltv of furnaces in mast May 1, according to tne iron Age, was .-w,wi tons, far surpassing all previous high water murks. Such an enormous production would sug gest accumulation of supplies, but con sumption easily k?eps pace, furnace stocks showing a decrease of about 10,000 tons during April, to much the lowest point In recent years. Onntntlnna VnnflmiA to vnrv Widely. BC cording to date of delivery, and there Is len nnt business nwlnff to scanty SUP- tilles and to the srnwlna tendency or con sumers to place orders for future delivery. mere is now very lime evmem-e m uui" holding off for a break. Ralls and itruc- lunii gui'pues are ui uticu noui livery next year. Footwear manufacturers at tne east p nort an increased volume of orders from western jobbers, but wholesalers In the nrinrlnal eastern centers are placing fow fall contracts. Retailers are only sending moderate duplicate orders for summer goods, fair supplies remaining or eariy purchases. Sole leather Is quiet. Hides again securea a moaeraie aavsmw in prices hnth for domestic ftnd forelgrt. If! the dry goods market there Is evidence of Increased buying for fall and next spring, but only small supplementary or ders for the present season. Cold weatner naa retaraea joooing ira at mmv nolnts. Domestic trade in cot ton goods Is steady, with supplies In strong hands, but export Duainess is aun. mora liberal deliveries of woolen goods are re ported, showing that fewer looms are Idle. The beat demand la for staple lines of men's wear and medium grades of fancy While it Is generally agreed mat mere has been mucn improvement in ine winter wheat states since the opening of the month, prices became somewhat firmer on the publication of the official report of For the last week exporxs were .:;'. iwt bushels, flour included, against year ago. Corn advanced on lighter re ceipts and reports of slow progress In nln ntln Failures for the week numbered 228 In the United States, against 177 last yeaf. ind seventeen In Canada, against nine teen a year ago. WEEKLY CLEAH1XQ HOl'SE TABLE. Aa-g-reajate of Dnalness Transacted by the Associated Banks. NEW YORK. May 16. The following tattle, romnilnd bv Bradstreet. shows the benk clearings at the principal cities for the week encea May 10, wun tne percent age of Increase and decrease aa compared with the corresponding week last year: I Clearings. I Inc. CITIES. Dec New York Chicago Boston $l,560,89,373l.. 40.2 142.011.9301.. 130,130,9031 62,01 19,6441 43.227.0 "21.. 3.3 13.7 Philadelphia ... St. Louis Pittsburg San Francisco 8.2 27,647.4311 14.4 'ii'.b 6.3 Baltimore 23,297,783i.... 19,484,7001.... 16,369,2421.... Cincinnati Kansas City .. Cleveland Minneapolis .., 20.6 6.6 14.i62.26oi 11,500.7091 12,517,2H 11,202.7741 10.971,1331 9.420,9081 7,193,4521 7,088,1721 6.504.9001 6.430,6731 5.767.6211 11.6 12.8 12 36.2 New Orleans ... Louisville Indianapolis ... Detroit 9.8 OMAHA Milwaukee -.... Providence .... Buffalo St. Paul , Bt. Joseph 11.4 8.4 1.4 17.9 4.102,7111. V302.077I 4.328.1341. 19.5 "i'.h "i'.i 10.7 Denver 1.6 Richmond SavalJnaJ1 V S8' Lk8 J.217,)l 42.2 City 8,707,0661 Albtiny 8,475.163! . 6,148,7431 8.400.1161 2.583.1231 8.677.0171 4.386.4101 2.819,0681. 1.987,708!. 2.805,2841 2.778.1181 8.432.2761 2.202.3161 . 2.506.631! l,Ol6,4n3l 1,517.7941. 1.420,0701. 1,628,5341 1.356.7671. Los Angeles Memphis 61.6 21.6! Fort worm 11.4 8eattle Washington Hsrtford Peoria Toledo 58.2! 29.0 5.0 12.6 6.9 Portland, Ore Rochester Atlanta Des Molnea New Haven 23.5 16.6 6.8 66.4 6.8 Worcester 8.7 Nashville Springfield, Mass. Norfolk 13.5 1.6 "i'.i Grand Rapids 1.467,8211... t.o Bcranton Portland, Me Sioux City Augusta 1.419.024 8.3 1.229,5451, 1.594.9101 1,418.7601 1.377.8661 1.557.2321 1.1IK.003I 1.691,5861 1,137,9741 974.7931 1.234.6411 1.161.9941 1,025.0391 914.3241 630.0001 922.0f.ll 6'(3.1il 772.0911 , 631.9H0I 4.3 10.0 67.0 Syracuse '26! Dayton. U Tacoma 8.0 33.0 24.9 28.8! 10.3 40.7 36.6 Spokane Topeka Davenport Wilmington. Del... Evansvllle Birmingham Fall River 7.1 22. 61 Macon Little rock Helena 63.7 Knoxvllla 13 5 Lowell Akron Wichita Springfield. Ill Lexington 6.6 7O7.6.10I . . . 690.9151... 248.6981... 42.5 525.806! 12. 9 New Bedtora 693.0111 610.36ol 661.3K9I 616.76SI Chattanooga Youngstown 7.1 .. 85.71.. 20.51.. Kalamaaoo Fargo Blnghamton Rock ford 434.8161'. 19.2 . 360.KXH 9.3. 409.99211 23.21. &16.0.I0I V 40.8i. Canton Jacksonville, Fla.., 51.118I . 442.8501 4M.740I 293.8151 235,7561 2:M.2S7I 17. 9i91 74.6 45.3! 76.2 Sprtngfleki, u Chester , ulncy , loomington 21.1 14.1 Sioux Falls , Jacksonville. 111.. Fremont 159,9941 65.8 11.710,H2I 27.2.. nyuBirm Oalveatonl .8M.0u)l.w.. Columbua. O Wheeling Wllkesbarre 7,33,8TI 11.1 876.7291 706.1201 897,6721 1L.6I "UMumoni Decatur 193.736! -I- Totals, it a $2.8X4.492.2351. 823.693.3621 . 30.8 1.8 Outside New 'York.. CANADA. Montreal . ..1$ 21.560,931 $.71 1.579.4X.M 14 61 3.910,2x21 67. if Toronto ... Winnipeg . Halifax ... 1.778 . 3111 25.61 .1541 f 8. .M5! 15. Vancouver, B. C Ml Hamilton 87S, Bt. John. N. B. Victoria. B. C. 832.SM6I 10.4 624.iOI....... $.8 l,4i,072 7.5 I 1.634.748 1 Quebec Ottawa Totals. Canada. ..!$ 46.691.6141 10.7. Not Included In totals because containing other items than clearings. Not Included In totals because . of no comparison for last year. BRADTKBETS REVIEW OP TRADE. FXavorable saC'rop Advleea Psrsaai Controllfjiaj'Factor of Dealings. NEW YORK May 1 Bradstreet's says Conditions governing trade lack unl formity and explain Irregularity In ad vices from dl.Yarent sections. The pre eminent feature Is, of course, the tavor able character of nearly all t-rop advices (winter wheat excepted!, but even here the Improvement snvce Aiay 1 has neutralised mucn tnat waa unravnraDie nerure. The shadow rwerhanging eastern trade In tha shape or a g strike, has decDoned eneral anthracite coal strike, has deeponed wits, the formal eus- mansion of work and the -strike announce- menu fh cool rweathr Uibsrto ba lr tarded demand, present demand has suf fered In comparison with the outlook for the future, but reorder business from Job bers has been very fair despite this. wneny stated the winter wneai yinu w.n .ftoOT ".' VK than In 1899. while spring wheat promises well. Oats promises well and cotton cropaa- vlces are also more favorable. Produce prices and dalrv products sre weakening as supplies Increase, but meats sre still high, ahd permanently lower prices are not looked for until autumn. Notable strength Is still shown in prices of munv Mtsnlea nsrtlcularlv those in which speculation Is not very prominent. Cash wheat, flour and corn are all higher on the week, hog products hsve advanced, hides are at about the highest point in years and copper, long a laggard, Is stif fening in price on tree consumption. Cotton is prominent among tne bihii- declining, but the depression Is most marked in futures, iTini cioms are -n cent lower. Sugar Is unsettled. The decrease in European Deet sowings Is onlv a small one, and raws and refined are lower, but the canning season Is ap proaching, and a large yield Is looked for, as the fruit crops promise well. Coffee Is no higher and supplies sre very heavy. Anthracite coal, as a result of tne smite, has been marked up $1 per ton by retailers. Dry goods sre quiet at the east, out tne drop In print cloths Is not regarded as Indicating sny weakness, orders for iaii prints are at value. Rather more Is doing In wool, ths new crop of the west Is higher than last yesr. Mills engaged on dress woolens are busy and overcoatings are ordered largely ahead, The strike of woolen mill hands seems to be falling. Despite the largest production or pig iron on record, at the rate Of ls.twuv tons a year. Bessemer rrtg Is 821 at Pittsburg, No. 2 northern sells at $22 In Chicago, an advance of $6 In six months, and 60 cents to 11.50 hhrher than recent sales, ana soutn prn Iron can no longer be held down to $12 and sales are reported $16 at Blrmlng hn m Billets .ere out of the market, but coma be sold at $34, and light rails sen at w, while alanilaril rails are not to be had. thniirh 30.000 tons are reported sold for iienemher rieiiverv. fiate are anvancina spikes are higher, and structural orders have han nlnefl for 1903. neat, inciuning nour, exporm ir mc week aggregate 0,172,634 bushels, against ri .000 last week, and 2.265.nw tnis wees t-- vear. Wheat exports. July I. iwi, to date, fortv-slx weeks, aggregste 224.339.696 hnuhola gsalnll 1K3.Ki7.BU7 last Season. Corn exports aasregate HZ.7H6 nusneis. against 126,755 last week, and 2,704,594 last vear. Julv i. 1901. to date, com exports are 25.278,414 bushels, against 169,722,136 last season. Business failures for the week number 190, a against 179 last week, 192 In this week ast year. 165 In 190D. lw in i ana 211 in 1S98. For Canada, failures for the week number twentv-two. against twenty two last week and twenty-four In thli week a year ago. SEW YORK ITOCKi AHD BONDS. Anthracite Strike Keenly Felt and Whole Stock List Is Weak. NEW YORK. May 16. The conspicuous feature of today a weak stock market was entire lack of any supporting demand at any stage of the decline. Even the room shorts, who almost Invariably cover short contracts a the end of a day of declining prices, showed no solicitude about cover ing, and the market seemed entirely to lack resiliency. The liquidation was not neavy, but such as It was was very general. While the rleciitlnn nf tho anthracite miners for a strike was the ostensible cause of tne weakness, the deDresslon was not connnea to the coalers, nor was it particularly con spicuous there. Reading was first in point or activity, dui allowing for Its half shares the sales were but little In excess of those of Union Pa clllc. The three-point decline In Reading was fairly attributable to the fact that It has been selected aa the representative ot recent speculative confidence on the coal trade outlook. Other shares were active eouallv Wltn the balance of the market, with losses of from one to three nolnts. Confidence in a favorable outcome of the strike to the benefit of the coal operators continued to be expressed in Wall street today. But this could not alter the general Impression that a prolonged and serious struggle is in prospect. 11 aia not neea the formal announcement by President Mitchell of the Duroose of the miners to make the strike a national mining strike to awaken anxiety over tne pobsidio ex tension or the labor trouble by sympatny Into other fields, and especially into the bituminous coal fields. The effect upon the Iron and rteel indus tries, already struggling with scarcity of material of all kinds, would be most notable. Reports of an advance of $4 a ton In the Drlce of southern Iron rather strangely added to the depression, as it Is felt that the maintenance of the high level of con sumption Is dependent upon the sustained steadiness of the price. Attention was given also to the estimate of the Iron Age that the producing capacity of pig Iron for the country would be Increased 300,000 tons this year and 4,000,000 tons by tne end of 1909. The wet weather In the northwest retard ing the seeding of the crops may have been a depressing Influence, although the weakness In the com market should nave been a fair offset. In snlte of the week s reDorta of larxe movements of cash toward New York the preliminary estimates today from the known movements of money Indicate a gain of only about $1,000,000 after allowing lor tne aosorpiion oy tne suDtreasury operations. mere is tne usual mystery snout ins effect of the week's shifting of loans on the lean account 01 banks themselves There haa been undoubtedly a areat ex tension of credits In foreign markets, but It Is not clear whether the local liquids tlon In the stock market has gone to the rerjavment of loans to the banks them selves or to the trust companies. The mar ket closed Inanimate at about the lowest. Bonds were dull and lrreaular. Total sales, par value. $2,860,000. United States bonds were all unchanged on the last call. The following are tne closing prices es tho New xom mock exenange: Atehlaon TTTi'Bo. Paclflo ; 444 do pta ' no. naiiway ak Baltimore a O KB1 do pfd ;.. i do pld., Texas Psctne H Canadian Facias ir7,Toledo. Bt. L.. A W il Canada Bo 6 do ofd ITU Chra. A Ohio.. 4S4 Union Paclflo .... IT do pfd 76!wabaeh Tt't do pfd 7 Wheeltns A L. E ...lOIVi Chicago A Alton... ... 17 do pfd ... tH ... 43S ... 114 Chicago, Ind. A L, do pta.. Chicago A E. Ill 141 do td pfd ... w ... M Chicago O. W ISWWIe. Central do lat pfd.. do Id pfd... st 41 do pfd ... 47V, Adama Ex Chicago A N. C . R I. A P W....144 American Ex United States Ex. Wella-rargo Ex.. Amal. Coppor ... Amer. Car A P.. do pfd Amer. Lin. Oil... do pfd Amer. B. A R.... ...110 1714 ...116 Chicano Tor. A Tr. ll .10 pta .. 17 V ..1031,, .... 474, .... WVk C. C C. 4 Bt L Colorado Bo .. so .... SI1 do lat pfd do 2d pfd .. 71 .. 4J" ..171V, ..MJ .... 4Va ... 00 rel. A Hudson.. Del. U. w Dearer A R. O.. do pfd... 41it Anac. Mining Co Ill do pfd MS Brooklyn R. T. IIVOolo. Fuel A I 3 Erie , do let pfd do td pfd , .. 44T4 Con. Oaa .. filiCon. Tobecoa pfd. ..lkl Ocn. Electric .... .. aoH Hocking Coal . . at llnter. Paper ..ltltl do pfd .. 444 Inter. Power .. sit Laclede Oss .. 44 !Na. Biscuit .110' ill Orest Nor. pfd . .IK Hocking Valley , . ll4 do pfd Illlnole Central lows Central ... 14 T It 44 do pfd Uke Erie A W. do pfd . .1H National Lee ..lis No. Americas V A N t... Ill 44 Manhattan L.... Met. Bt. Ry Moi. Central ... Mrs. National Minn. Bt. L.. Mo. Paclflo M.. K at T ..II! Paclflo Coast .147 I . 174 . 14 .110 . M . 21 Pacific Mall II People's Una .., Pressed B. Car., do pfd Pullman P. Car. Republic Steel , do pfd Sugar 101VL l no livA Ttv in 1 do pfd . M4 IMA N. 1. Central .. N T. Central .. .lMVTenn Coal 4k I ..... U Norfolk A W.... . 44". Union Beg P do pfd , it4 do pfd ex Ontario A W.... .. It U. g. Leather do pfd V. g. Rubber do pfd rennaylventa ... ..141 Reading do lot pfd do Id pfd .. HV .. 47 IU. 8. Steel .. 40H S04 , l 4 t L. A S. r 16 U do pfd. do lat pfd do td nfd U 1 Weatern t'nlon .... 71 Amer. Locomotire. 17 I 4o pfd SJK. C. Southern.... HIV do pfd , It t. L. South; do pfd g. Paul do pfd Trust receipts. Iisdoa llock dnotatlons. LONDON May 164 p. m. Closing: KsglNorfolk A Western... IIS do pf4 Il' V Ontario A Westers... M4i IJCong., money so stxount , .Anaconda Alcblaoai . tr PennerlTsnla .ne Reading .loSSt do lat pfd. ' I2S4 do pfd JUItlmore A Ohio... I tf'anadtan Pacific .iu! do id ptd. . 11 Southern Rr . snMI do pfd 1444 -heaapeeke Ohio. !!!!!!!!! S$ 18c 44 J ,4 hlcago 0. W M. a St. P ,173 .Southern Pacific iJjeover R. O do pfd . 41 t'nlon PaelSo ,11 I (o pfd.... . 1S U g. Steal. . tS 4o pfd.... . M Wabash ...r .167 do pld ... .Wist Spntah 4e . .isi4 so 41 M'4 . tiv , 441, , II uB?z do id pfd.!.!'.!!!'. iMlllnole Central ii.ouleviIle a Nash.. K A T 14 Rand Mines o pfd. 40 Ueueers .... T. Central 141 BAR SILVER Uncertain: 234d per ounce UriNK.v-uk Mr cent. The rata of discount In the open market for short and tnree months' bills Is zV4r V" cent. Bank Cleorlaaro. BOSTON. May 18 Exchanges. $.04,- 1,485: balances. $4,662,348. BALTIMORE. Viv 1A Clearings. $8.838. irfu- k..l.n. t&j t ,v - mnnsv. fi ner cant. 1 XiiCAUO," Ua-3.-Clrtas, $37.41.74i balances, $1.8SJ57; posted exenange, .. for Sixty days, HHi1 on nrmanu, .tw York exchange, 304MOc premium. OMAHA. Mav IK. nan riraruiKn umn;, $1,138, 694.78; corresponding day last year. $937,i0.61; Increase, $M1. 394.17. PHILADELPHIA. May 16 Clearings, $22820.417; balances, $3.39.000; money. iWl ST. LOUIS. May 18V-Clea rings. $S,539.7.Vi; balances, $96,97; money, steady st 44"" per cent: New York exchange, nothing do'."- .. w NKW iukk, May i. e-xi;iibiis-. -.- 822,010; balances, $S.97R,&97. CINCINNATI. May IS Clearing, .',". 150. Money at 4-36 per cent. New ork ex change, 2&Q3SC premium. New York Honey Irtarfcjet. NEW YORK. May 16. MONEY On call. firm at 446 per cent; closing bin snj asked, 4C&44 per cent; prime mercantile prjr.iil?: v: .... ... ,, a i hioiiumi In bankers' bills at $4.87 for demand and at $4.M4i84 .84 for sixty days; posted rates, $4.Mr4 854 $4.8743 83; commercial bills, $4 .83VS4.84. SILVER war, oiic; Mexican oouars, BONDS Government, iwaay; in active; railroad, Irregular. The closing quotations on uunus are ma follows: It. g. ret. U, ref n4.! L. vnl. 4s.. ..1M .. M .. II . .IMS ..mivi .. 12V, So eoepon , Ml. Central 4. So n. reg. ins leu do lalnc Mlna. it. U M . K. T. 4s. So coupon . So now 4s, IT4 do coupon . oo ol 4o. I do Ill HI N. T. Central Is ,.1044 do coupon . do 6s, re.. do gonorsl S4s.... 10S 10SV4 S. J. C. ion. Is. 13S do coupon . 106H 101V, No. Ptclflo 4s do ! ..IMS .. 7V ..101 .. 4 ..niS .. 94 .. 17 .. 4i .. .. M ..121 ..121 .. MH ..10S4 ..104 ..HO1 ..1114 .. 76 Vi ..114 .. MV4 .. au Atfh. fn. 4s do 11. 4o. oil. M. A W. con. 4s.. Resdlnc sen. 4s.... Rt L A I M e. So.. St. U A 8. F, 4.. Boltlmoro A O. 4...'1S , 10Wi w ,1....10 do IS do coot. 4s. Csntds So. Is. Ccnlrsl ot On. Bt. L. Southw. is. do 8. A. A A. P. 4s.. Ro. Pacific 4a do Is Ine Chefc A Ohio 4HS...10 Chic o A A So. Railway as C. B. A Q. MwlTuaa A l'ac. Is... C. M 4 It r . 11, T.. Bt. U A W. C. N. w. c. C, R. I. P. C C C A Bt h t .114 c'nloo PaclB- 4a .11141 do conv. 4a... .108VilwS,n 1 , dc Sa . ul do dvb. B.... Chicago Tcr. 4. Colorado so. M Denror A R O. 4a. .1014k Went .Shore 4a. Erla artor Hon 4a....loov Whaol. A L. E. do sonernl as b. ' i " F. W. a D. C la. ...114 ilon. lonooco s Hocking Vol. 44a... .111 I .. 4 Boston Stock Quotations. BOSTON. May 16 Call loans. 63T6 per ..nt iima loans. 4117614 ner cent, umciai closing of stocks and bonds: Atchison 4s... 10J4AdTonture Gaa la IS Allouoa Max. Contra! .4s. ... Sll Amaisamsieo. .... H. E. O. A Mil Bingham Atehlaon 77!Calumt A Heels. OO Did lbiiwiipi Boaton A Albany.. ..MX Coppor Ranse ... Boston Ma ........14 Dominion Coal ... Beaton KI0TSU4 14 franklin N. T-, N. H. A.H...MMJIalo Royal Union Paclflo ......ioi oni Moi. Central ....... IWa. Old Dominion .... American Sugar ...lpriOacoola do pld ,u r-arroi American T. A T...n Qulncy Dominion I. A 8.... St4 Bants Fa Copper. Gentral Electrle. .... Tamancs Maes. Eiee,trio 44.H Trlnltr do pro..., .... , r U nited States N. E. O. A . United Fruit ., 4 t'uh Victoria Winona ....:.., Dslr Weat .... V. 8. Steel ... 44W,! ... ... Volverlns Cnltod Copper do pta. Weetlngh. Common., lof Hew Tork Mlnt-nr ((sotatlona. new YORK. May' :16V Tho following are tne Closing pncea on uniuui Adams Con Alice . 20 ,. 4K . 60 ,. It Llltle Chief .... 11 ....760 ....196 .... ( .... 90 .... 11 .... ii .... 40 ....126 Ortaaio Dnhlr Brooco Brunswick Con pnoenix Potoal BsTaco Coeastock Tunnel . ,. 6tt Con. Cot A Vs... Deedwoue Terra . .. .144 ,. T6 ,.14S . 71 . J Sierra, rSovada Horn Sliver Oman iaasyo Standard iron Silver , LeadTllle con Coffee) Market. ' NEW YORK. May 16.-COFFEE Spot Rio, steady; No. 7 Invoice, 6 9-16c; mild, quiet; Cordova, 8412c. The market opened steady, wun prices o 10 iw pointe nigner, and after the call further (advanced 6 to 10 point on' brisk general news. Firmer European cables and rather lighter Bra slllan receipts than predicted) were the chief factors of support. Jite'ln the day the whole list easea orr ginaer realising hv loeal longs. The market was finally quiet and net 5 points higher. Total sales were 27,600 bags. Including-, June at 6.20c: July, v6.40c; August, 6.40c; 'September, 6.50 5. 56c V October, 6.60c; tweember, 6.75 b.80c; January, 6.85c; Fetiruary, 6.95c; March JK evw(p.uw: ; April, Wool Market. . BOSTON May 16. WOO Lr- Strictly fine on the coureo. oasis u quotea at 47(ff48c; fine and fin medium at 4846c, ftaple at 4 B60c and medium at 37040c. Fine washet I fleeces are very quiet, with the offerings s nail. Ohio t and Pennsylvania XXX, nominal. 28&29c; XX and above, ztKflXic; A, 24, p;jc, wuni Michigan X. 22t)24c. Ohio delaine' is quoted. at 2829c. No. 1 washed combing i 2Hi'W,Ci The msrket on Australian woo is very firm. Choice combing scoured Is Quoted at 70020- good, ei3$8c. and average, i65(fJ6oc. BT. IXJUIO, may id, v tjtji. r c- tlve, steady; medium grades, li jiJHc; light fine, 1316c; heavy fine, 10l2c.tub washed, 154fHc. Dry'iOosli Market. t NEW YORK. 'Jtfay 16. DRY Ot 50DS There has been rap new features tc day In the print cloth situation ot tne ary gooas market. The demand here for all d escrlp- . tlons of cotton and woolen goods ha beet 4 quiet, without change In prices. L.lne. li u very nrm, dui quiet. ounapa are uuv ,1, but seady. k ., MANCHESTER, MaytlS. DRY OOt )DI 1 Cloths and yarns, dull! Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Mar 16.-OOTON- Snot closed quiet; middling .uplands. Hc; (fmld- Oling guir, vc ; aaies, o,"tu oairn. r u- yires closed quiet; May9.16c; June, t'.Ooc; uly, -8.85c; August, 8.68c;September, .12c; October, 8.97c; November. J2c; Dec aaben, 7.91c; January, 7.91a; February, 7.9CK l tsgsr Hsrkel. NEW. YORK, May 16-SCOAR- -Raw. steady; fair refining, 2Tci centrlfut ,-al, 96 test, 3 7-16c; molassen, 2711-16c; rt iflned, ?Ay 1 IjONJJUjn. may wutaevrb xeet, liuay, 6a $d. ' Oil and IWoaln. OIL. CITY. May 16. OlXr-Credit ba'fancet . $1.20: certificates, no hi 4: shipment a, 86, - 8S5 bbls.; average, 98,823 hsbls.; rune,, 83,Sf7 bbls.; average, .8.9Z9 bbisif Toledo Grain a sad Seed. TOLEDO. May 16 W EAT Fairly J ae- tlve, weali; caah, 6414c; May, mc; Jf uly. 774c; September, 764c CORN Fairly actlv Irly active, tresk; cash, 62c: May, 63c; July, 62c; September, 61e. f OA J B uuil. steady; (.as n. tw; ayi , 43c: July, utikc: tjeaaemoer. v- sc. BEEL Clover, dull, stea.l:; cash, $3.07; .k. K. 11. x: n e 1 $4. k34.6U; Al Jgust, ... lllk i. r- Al... ... 1 Mai r 15... ... 7Uj Maj r 16... '.'.'.Mi 1 tidies .'." n4 1 T7 ...oyj Th ft 11 cars of "" t ye"te 151 O. R.ta5 ::: u j- h- V ...124 I B. F I .... Hi Mullejf ,...170 Short.. ... 114 F. ... 3. Wl .-M CarlS' tt .... 60V, broug ... J Ros C, M toiJ$7.50 bid. Timothy. $3.20. - Pkllauaelphla Prodne t Hgrki t. PHILJIDBIiPHIA. May iltV BU TTER Firm, fair demand; extra xvestern, cream ery, 23c; extra nearby print I, zbc. KOtit rirr.j. rair aemana: rreani nearDy, 16H17c; frush western. 16 jfl7cf : fresh southwestern, 16a6c; fresh soul hern, 16 J15HC, . m . m CltbEBC nrm. tair aemarsa; re sw York full creams, small, . tfVaijnw Ni iw York fair to good, llfe12c. Hllwuket Grain Mirk t. MILWAUKEE. May It . V HEAT iflteady. Close: No. 1 north, irn. 77H'a78c: No. 2 northern. 76i877c: July, 71 Q'bc. ' DVD 11,-k... TkT 1 AT, B A RLEY Firm ; No. 2. TJfiCtd : wamble. lG'TSc. (LUitrw Juiy, ait. j Peorlai Market. PEORIA. May 16V-CORN K4 Her; No. , .VlWc OATS Easy; No. t white. 4l ic. billed through. WtllBKT On the basis of.HJJi for On- IshevWioods. Dnlntk Grain Market, DU 6UTH. May 16 -WHEAT-S ash. No. 1 hard. 78tac; No. 3 northern, 78"! e; No. 1 north. rn.:tc; May, 764c; July, "4 c; Sep tembe r, 73c. OAT B Caah. 4oc; Bepiemoer, s ic CORN-tJOWc (. eJosenh Live Stock Mas ket. BT. JOSEPH. Mo., May 16 CA TTLE Receipt s. 500 head: steady: tiatlvei , $5 iiyi 7 26: cows and helfera, $1.6u6.7ia1 veals, 3fa ( ; atockers and feeders, U .J5a6 45. HOje Receipts. .6oO head; ateadl y; light and lia tit mixed, $6 sufo7 i; jntdll im and heavy. 17.0642 7 35; pigs. 14 1536.20. SHEEP AND LAMbS Rocelptl 4. head; steady; lambs. $7.ou , 1.400 losrm City Live Btoek Marktet. SIOUX. CITY. May 1 -Scla Tele gram! ICATTLE - Receipts. It head: Steady; be-eves. 6 0o4: cutvs, bulls and mixed. 13 fc'ot.54; stockers and dredenf, $3-00 4J4W; yeaurllnga and ealvea, U-X4li. HV8 ReceljAt. 3 ); 6c low, saUl OS M faevva'-aaa Bn4B 4ee.evar..wa. 0. YAH.. LIVE STOCK MARKET Catl 1 Beceipta Li (ht nd Trtde Baled Actite t Higher Prioee. HOGS GENERALLY FIVE tENTS LOWER Upnly iheep on Sale and They vBronttat Jw at Abont Steady Prices Wltfcaat Dlfflcnlty and Every- m IB nolil Ksrlv. SOUTH OMAHA. May 14. nerelDc-af were; Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. lomclal 5 mday! .. 8.818 3.87U 8.707 .. l.m 8.299 $.968 .. 2,258 8.071 1.678 .. 1.945 8.436 m 1,322 10,966 987 I'nrc"" jesnav .. Official V ednesday otnclal 1 hursoav.. Utllclal Friday Five 1 lays this week. .12,927 Same a ays last week 10,168 Sajne feek before ..11,832 Same f three weeke vn. 13 mw 11,496 18.341 12,975 13.901 24,746 22,474 Jeme' four weeks ago.il3i227 .Biama days last verv.. iLirt7 kRECfEIPTS FOR THE Y1T.ATI TO TIATK 1 irJsa following tab'ss shows ths receipts of uie, hogs and sheep at South Omana for ths year toioate ana comparisons with last jutar. L,.,, not. 1901. Inc. Dec -T""t 129i,022 261,361 80.661 e'.8.795 878.637 99,158 Grttfiepe 89,153 ""ow'nc table shows the average " f,' ' h8s d on tus South Omaha fcaxket the paat several dsys, with com kelsons with fd.mer years: Jate. I 1902. J 01.il00.(18.lS9.lS$7.lS9. vrrll 28. 4 iurll 2. t Jrll 30. Uy 1... lay ... K. lay $... M ay 4.... M sy 5.... M ty ... M. ty 7..., M. ty 8... Mr vy ..., Ma y 10... Ma y 11... 1 7W I $ $71 $ S8 $ 71 $ 751 ( M 2 0 $65 I 3 69 79 3 74 3 a V . 6 64 $ 82 $ 83 $ 80 $ 14 B0)i(S6426$Cl $ 79 $ U J a 5 71 5 18 1 66 $ 90 118 "5 t 5 72 i 17 $ 65 8 87 8 71 . 6 66 6 26 $ 58 8 93 8 '.2 8 26 ; 622$(2l$5866$80 fi t8 IK l IM 111 H 68 I 21 $90 $ 70 $ 80 J 00 6646 10 869 $71 $19 708 t65(12$66$89 $1 " 07 6 61 6 15 8 62 3 95 $ 68 . 5 65 6 lfl I 62 $ 97 $ 67 8 10 f t 9 6 16 8 66 4 19 $ 66 $ 17 '708 668 I 68 4 3f $ 65 I 90 7 12H 6 71 S 17 4 22 $ 61 $ 15 7 12' 6 66 6 21 $ 61 $61$ 21 I 7 07SI 569623863425 8 19 1 tes Sunday, JSTERDAY'8 SHIPMENTS. llowlng list shows the number of feeders shipped to the country y and their destination: Cars. .chroeder, Elwood, Neb. B. & M.. 1 VgKson. Elwood. Neb. B. A M 2 Aggson, Elwood, Neb. B. & M.... 1 Bros., Nebraska City. M. P 1 Pine Cattle Co., Bassett, Neb. 'wi'lBoni"Traer"la. N."'w!!!!!!.'!.'.'! .iundeen. Tabor, la. Q 1 official number of cars of stock ht In today by each road was: ds. Cattle. Hosts. Sh'n. H'ses. & St. P. Ry 3 ish ourl Pacific Ry.. 1 .n Pacific system. 11 ; N. W. Ry 4 E. & M. V. R. R.. 20 St. P., M. A O.... 5 & M. R. Ry 3 B. & Q. Ry S R. I. P.. east . A 1 23 11 26 17 10 23 26 3 4 IC. , R..I. & P.. west.. .. pJIJnols Central Total receipts 64 165 The disposition of the day's receipts was IS folloWB. each buver nun-haafns the (number at head Indicated: Buyer), Omaha Packing Co..., Swift and Company.,..., Cudahy Packlna- Cos. Cattle. I Bh' ... 122 ... 818 ... 690 ... 65 ... 21 7 8 ... 80 1 2,853 1.933 4,131 217 LArmour & Co y. , KO. H. Hammonds. , Vansant & Co..., , tHlll & lluntalns-e r LLIvlngstone &. challer piamllton & Ro'.hschlld -j. t: ttouoick. HVolf & Mumvn Jdorton & iJrr eson fother bujrerg... , 376 47 Totals 1.221 11,264 1,082 CATTLEr Ther. wns n. Iliht run of oat- tie here for even a Friday, so that the suppl y for the week to considerably less than for the same days of last year. ' v ttie neavier man tor last week. Packers were all anxloua for supplies, so that tb e trade ruled active from start to nnlsh and everything waa disposed of In sTod f reason. Bees', eteers again made up the bulk of the jfferlngs and the quality was rery good . Oowing to the light receipts there 'r hardly enough to go around, so that buy erg were ail out early and were bidding tp jnger prices.- On such kinds aa they w .nted the market looked 64710c higher, so that the market today was at the high V int of the year. A bunch of steers sold s high as $7.20, which Is the high price of ' he year. For the week the deairabla gradea are fully 2030c higher. The me- mum cattle nave not improved as mucn as the good to choice grades, but still they are also somewhat higher than they were a week ago. The cow market was fairly active today, but still buyers did not seem to be as anxious for cow stuff as they were for steers. The best grades sold steady to strong, but on other kinds trade was not very active and the prices paid did not look any more than steady with yester day. Bulls, veal calves and stags all sold with out difficulty at yesterday's quotations where the quality was at all satisfactory. There were very few (tuckers and feed ers on sale this vn rnlng. so that prices were strong, even though It Is the Isst end ot the week. A bunch of white faces sold art high as $5.20, but the quality was of course choice, yesterday tnero were nine cars shipped to tav country. Representa tive sales; BEEF STEERS. A. Pr. No. At. 1171 1114 lilt 130 4 j.... M6 1170 HIS 1311 1160 1111 ut 1114 1126 11M till lift! 1170 1210 Pr. I 66 I 40 I 40 I 40 I 70 4 46 I 70 I 74 I 70 I 74 I 76 I 76 I SO 10 I 16 I 16 I 14 I 10 10 4 10 4 16 4 16 1 00 1 (4 7 10 T II 440 t K II.. ... 17.., !.. 17.. 17.. II.. I.. 20.. I.. 17.. 0.. II.. II.. 7.. 7.. 10.. 11.. 11.. II.. 10.. 11.. to.. II.. II.. M.. II... 14.. 1.. ..1040 .. 170 ..1030 .. 740 .. 174 .. 740 .. IM .. ill .. 140 .. IM .. no .. IK .. MO .. IM .. in .. ISO .. IM .. 144 .. Ill ..1060 ..107 ..144 .. .. ! ..lost ..1014 ..1114 .1014 4 00 4 00 4 10 4 60 4 46 4 16 4 Tr 4 15 1 n i 16 6 60 60 60 I Tl I T6 I 0 I 00 I 00 00 I 00 I 16 to I I H I 16 40 I 46 I 60 1 1 4 1 1 I 4 1 t I 1 a 4 1 1 1 6 1 II B . t II to II a) Itll 12M 1144 ISM 1144 ...,.1110 im 1171 1 U2& 7 10 1 80 STEERS AND" BULLS. ...100 I 40 COWS. It... I so Wab. Miss VaW )C- I m c.t 1C- . 4 St 1016 1 04 4 40 IJ7 M0 140 70 146 M4 104 lt.0 141 1010 10f.O 120 OM lose 141 IM 140 '..1140 1070 1H 1170 144 114 116 Ill 1040 1140 1060 711 M0 1000 lit T74 460 I 40 I 60 I 40 I 40 I 76 i 16 I 76 t 76 I 00 I 00 I 00 I 06 I 16 I 16 I 16 1 40 I 60 I 60 I 10 I 40 I 70 I 76 I 76 I 16 4 00 4 OS 4 00 4 oo 4 00 4 II 4 16 40 4 60 4 40 4 60 4 60 4 60 4 40 4 76 4 76 4 74 4 76 $4 '4 H'4 00 I 0 10 6 It 4 M 6 W 0 40 60 1 60 li 64 bi 64 HEIFEP.S. I 76 4 16 1 T0 T6 1 46ft , 10 4 76 11. 611,4 SO BULLS. 110 I U 1 1IM 1"0 I 40 1 1440 1120 I 46 1 1UU 0 I 74 1 1IW 14 I 16 1 ym 1M0 'I 75 I 1760 I 04 6 04 I 00 4 1 4 40 40 4 40 4 40 I I 76 1. 11lrl IWJ f aa i icy. bJ4 40 J6 141 4 1 HlU MM 4 CALVES. 114 i 1 40 i 00 4 ... 110 I 00 I IM I 00 1...., I e 1 130 4 14 ....loot 4 t .. likifj 10 ..Jl44440 ...MW 7lo0 ..4M Hue STOCKflCALVES. le 1 M 4 4 110 I 0 410 4 4u STOCK COWSVAKD HEIFTR1 1 '4 1 -II I ,. M IN 104 3 16 1 at a la - 1040 1 140 1 - 740 04 1 1070 1 1011 1 1010 17 SOI 1 1040 I aM i no 3 70 1 140 1 14M 11 1047 1 170 1 1171 1 1174 1 1110 II 1041 1174 1 1140 1 10 1 1IJ 1 110 ll4 t 1144 lT- I tl 1 10' 1 114: 1 n....114ul sen I no 1st 6 7 ."fT.,,. 44 STOCKERS AND FLEDERflL l-. 610 I 00 1 115 4 M i. 741 4 HOGS There was a heavy run of hoes Nro today for a Friday and aa other mar kets were quoted lower prl fg at this point .lecnnca nnout sr. iranirg was rather slow on the start, but finally bj.vers and sellers got together and In a short time the bulk of the offerings was out of first hanns. A few of the best heavyweight hogs sett! at steady prices and the top was the same aa yesterday, but aside from a few sale the general marktt was a nickel lower. The lightweights wer neglected, ihe same as usual, snd left until the close, when they sold unevenly lower. The bulk of tho good weight hoes sold from 37.00 to IT.iin end os high as $.. 30 was jiald. The medium,,l? rm 1.V..I. 0T VO tO ..t" Hill IIIO light stuff from $6.95 down. Practically everything waa disposed of In good season. representative srties; No. AT. SI) Pr. No. At. Bh. Pr. 1 IM 304 15 46 76 I 10 2Vi 9 9 9 SO 4 9 4 MVi 4 44 H 4 M 4 45 I S S5 I M f M 4 (I 1 00 T 00 T 00 T 09 7 00 1 00 T 00 7 00 7 00 T 00 T 00 7 00 T 09 7 00 T 00 T M T 00 7 00 T 00 7 00 T 00 7 00 1 OlVfc 7 0t4 T PI', 1 05 7 06 T 06 T 06 7 06 T 06 7 0 t 06 T 08 7 06 7 06 7 06 7 06 T 0 7 06 7 06 T 06 7 OS 7 06 7 OS 7 OS T 06 7 06 T 05 7 06 T OS 7 06 7 OS 7 OS t 05 7 06 (.... 77 41.... 77.... 71.... 41.... 10.... 77.... Tl.... 74.... 74.... 75.... 4.... 76.... .... ...Ml 7 OS i IM ,..12 ...131 ...IU ...131 ...141 ...111 ...12 ...2N0 ...126 ...13 ...13 ...17 ...131 ...0 40 t 071, 110 7 07V, 10 7 7v , 14 64.... ..lo . .IM ..1st ,.1M ..II ..IM ..1S4 ..101 ..III ..100 ..117 ..m4 ..lot ..lis) ..11 1.... SO. ... m T 07, 40 t Olta 140 1X1 so 140 140 11 140 10 0 10 140 SO 140 40 to.... 41.... 71.... 40 7 10 7 19 7 10 T 14 7 19 7 19 7 19 7 1 I 19 7 1 T 1 I 1 T 1 f 1 T 1 T 19 7 19 7 14 T 14 110 110 140 2O0 mo 110 0 9 19 0 40 SO 40 110 44 129 'io 140 10 7.... It..., .... 41.... 60.... 74.... 74.... 71.... II. ... Tl.... 71... .127 70 147 ..I5t .. 14.. 7.. 70.. 44.. 4.. 41.. ...141 ...143 ...244 ...141 ...141 ...141 IT.... 17.... It.... tl0 .140 .141 0 II If.... 17.... 41... 74.... .... 76.... 77.... 71.... II.... ... SO.... 47.... ,...K't ...lit ...110 ....111 ...ill ...114 ,...1M ,...101 ...107 ...111 ...117 ...o ....tot ,...111 ,...114 ,...11 IM 110 i 140 40 N in to so 110 140 IW 40 110 10 109 ISO ISO ISO 140 100 40 140 71. ..146 74 137 7 14 T 1 T 19 7 10 7 10 t 19 7 19 7 19 7 1 T 14 T 1 t 10 T ltv, 7 12i 7 ll4 1 1IH T 12V, T IS T 16 7 IS 7 IS 7 IS 7 IS T IS T IS T 16 7 16 8 te 41 126 II 141 II 11 ..141 ..111 ..134 ..II ..131 ..13 ..13 ..161 71... 44... 76... 44... 4... 74... SO.... 1.... 77.... 70.... 46 II 6 71 70 71. TS. 131 140 HI 74 in 14. .110 ....131 ....HI ....179 ....179 71.. M.. Id.. ".. 74.. ...111 ...ill ...11 ...f4 ...114 40. 61. 1. 110 00 140 'io "so ...141 ...lot ...m ...141 ...231 ...1ST ...149 ...141 ...SOI ...24 ...170 ...140 ...IO0 ...111 ....! ...Ill ....144 ...151 ...lit ,...174. ...171 ...110 ....147 ...146 ,...101 ...106 ,...107 ,...285 ...305 SI.... 49.... 16 45 44 ... 70.... 71.... 61.... 14.... PS.... IT.... 40.... 41.... 65.... 40.... 40.... 44.... 67.... 44.... (5..., 4.... 44... 61.... 31.... 47.... 6.... 40.... 6f.... 42.... 70., ..117 66 144 64. IU n 47.. ..71! ..I1T ..116 ..111 ..111 ..II ..111 ..11 ..111 ..117 ..116 ..130 ..111 110 10 9 110 14.. 47.. T 17 T 17, 7 lTl 7 17V? 7 SO 7 10 7 Kt 7 10 7 SO 7 20 7 1 7 10 7 to 7 10 7 J!) 7 19 7 10 T M T IS 7 16 7 15 7 15 T IS 7 IS 7 IS 7 19 77.. 47.. 6. . .. 140 119 110 140 "io 110 149 10 9 SO 10 IM 76.. .. 7.. 47.. 44.. 44. 71 IS 149 71 Ill 41 Ill 71 IK 19 SO 71 107 7. 114 IT... 61... Ill 136 It ,....!! 120 Ill 13 tni 110 71... II... ... 77... r... ..17 ..116 140 120 110 4S 41.. 47.. ...12 .121 16... 40 7 OS SHEEP There was another ver llsrhl run of sheep here today, so that the total receipts for the five days of this week are behind the supply of either last week or of last year. About all that was on salo today was a few bunchea of dinned weth ers and yearlings, which sold at to. 50, which was considered a good, steady price. There were no iambs on sale to test tne market, but It was evident from the way packers acted that they were anxloua for either good lambs or good sheep. Quotations for ollppea stock: Good to choice wethers, $5.80&4l.00; fair to good. $5.50 $96.75; good to choice ewes, $6.00ig6.b0; fair to 5000, H ooiao.oo; good to cnoice lambs, 86.10 4.26; fair to good, 6.7fxg6.10. Wooled stock sells about 2Sfi60o above cllDDed stock. Choice Colorado wooled lambs, $6.75(7.10; fair to good. 86.60(26.75. Representative sales: No. - Av. Pr. 61 ewes 76 $4 00 36 cull ewes 40 4 00 26 clipped ewes 88 4 25 65 western lambs 46 6 85 4 cull lambs 30 4 00 448 clipped sheep and yearlings. '82 6 50 442 clipped wethers 101 6 60 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Cattle Stesvdy, Hogs I,owi, Sheep and Iambi Stronsr. - CHICAGO. May 16. CATTLE Receipts. 8,500 head, including 500 Texans; active and steady; good to prime steers, $7. 0037.50; poor to medium. $5.00f6.5O; stockers and feeders. I2.75iij6.50; cows, $1.60&6.25; heifers. $2.753.60; canners. $1.60fiC.5O: bulls, $2.76c0 6.76; calves, $2.00(37.00; Texas-fed steers, $6.6O0.4O. HOOS Receipts, Z7,ooo near; estimated tomorrow, 30,000; left over, 3.0O0; market 61j lOo lower: close strong; mixed and taitch ers1, $6.90(8'' 80; good to choice heavy,; $7.30 fi7.47; rough heavy, $6.96f(7.20; lighti$6.75 &7.06; bulk of sales, $7.0007.25. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 6.000 'head; strong; lambs stronsr to 10c heghcri good to cnoice wetners.; ljair to choice mixed. $5.5oa.00: western sheen.' $5.30(6.50; native lambs, $5.5006.85; western lambs,; coioraao wooiea lambs, tob. 37.30. Official yesteraav: Receipts. Shlptnents. Cattle e. 9-673 Hogs ee 29.890 3,018 ' 4.543 . 1,255 Sheep 11.167 Kansas City Live Stock Mar bet. KANSAS CITY. May 16 CATTLE-R a. celpts, 1,000 natives, 700 Texana, 60 icalvee. Best beef steers, bUffloc Higher; best grades of other classes, strong; common, M-eaker; choice export and dressed beef steers, $6.807.40; fair to good, Jo.OOS; rtockers snd feeders. $3.00(&6.00; western-fed . steers, $4.00$6.90; Texas and Indian steeni, $3 6541 $.75: Texas cows. $2.604.76;. native cows. $2.ofcr6.50; native heifers, $.1.35(06.60; scanners $1.764j2.25; bulls. $3.256.25; calves $2.60r 6.75. HOOS Receipts, 10,000 head; besti gradea Bc lower, others 10c lower; top 17.42V,; bulk of sales, $7.00(37.80; heavy, $7.2" 7 42V,; mixed packers, $7.1O7.30; light. $6.80 7.10; Yorkers. $7.0O6j7.10; nigs. $i.25(a6.75. SHEEP AND LAM BS Receipts, 800 head: market 10016c higher; active; na tive lambs. e5.6TKa7.10; western limbs. $5.40 417.16; native wethers. $6.32jU)5i; western wethers, $4.305.65; fed ewes. $4. 5j36.60; Texas clipped yearlings, $5.604j-53.80; Texas clipped sheep, U-25q6.x; stockers and feed ers, New York Live Btoek BJatrket. NEW YORK. May 16. BEF7VES Re ceipts, 2,988 head; steers, lOttlnc higher; bulls and cows, steady to strong; steers, $2.76(87.80: bulls. '33.75i-o6.80; fancy bulls. 14; cows, 32.50S6.02; cables about atefidy; ship ments tomorrow, 470 cattle, 16 ssheep and 6,900 quarters of beef. UAL. V BjO rteceipta, lis nettu. witraBt active and 25c higher; veals. $5.0jj7 60; buttermilks, $4 60; city dressed veals, firm at fcVffllc per lb. HOOS Receipts, 1,615 head. Market firm feeling; state hogs, $7.60; mixed western, $7.00. SHEId? AND LAMPS Receipts. B.S67 head; sheep, steady to strong: iambs. I1.-31 16o higher; spring lambs, stesdy: sheep, all clipped. $4.0CKSl85; export sheep. $6.60; unshorn. $4.0004 .50; spring lambs, $7.60tQ8.00; by the head, $2.60(34.25 t-sch. t. Lonls Live stock Market. ST. LOUIS, Mav 16. CATTLE Receipts, 1,000 head. Including no Texans. Market steady to strong; native shipping and ex port steers, $5.5037 15: dressed beef snd butchers' steers. $4 80(86.60; steers under 1,000 Tbs., $4 50(j12t; stockers and feeders, $2.8004. 86: cows snd heifers, $2 2664.60; can ners. $1.I0t2.O; bulls, $3 0Oa5.46; calves, $3.00fJ7.26; Texas and Indian steers, fed. $4 60&6.0o: grassers, $3.4634.5$; cows and heifers. $275'n4S5. HOOS Receipts, $.000 hesd. Msrket 5 10c lower: pigs and light, $4 7MW 90; pack ers. $6.SfV?i7.10; butchers, $7.0X07.35. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, ISO) head. Market, steady; native muttons. $5 25'34.00; lambs, $6.0Ck77.6O: culls and bucks, $3.50(0450; stockers, $2.50S3.0O, took In Btaht. The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at the five prl 11 Hnal markets for May 16: Cattle Hogs. She p OCH South Omaha 1.323 10.96 27,000 10.000 4(i0 t.soO Chicago .. Kansas City St. Louis .... St. Joseph ... Totals .... 3.500 1.7u0 $.000 500 8,023 61,466 16,747 BOYD COMMISSION COMPANY Rooaa 4, Mew York Life Bid. GRAIN. PROVISIONS. STOCKS Bought and sold for oash or ea margin. All telegraph, telephone or mall prderg will receive careful 4a4 prompt attention. ' . eisliooe luA.. . QUJOIK XM- t. 1 9rT .000 800 L4UT- 'V t I i ! ,linat.Dr satra P T T""1 '4 l ,