Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 16, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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upon the question definitely so thnt wc rsn
present the matter to the court anil have It
determine It one way or the other. Then
your duty In very plain."
The 'governor: "It la not necessary to
pas on that at thJ time. If It. Mr. 81m
erair Mr. Blmeral: "No, 1 would sot think 9
today. No, air."
The governor: "We can do It thla after
Boon or tomorrow T"
Mr. filmeral: "Tea, air."
The auditor: "It la not necessary to pass
on that before your argument, la It?"
Mr. Blmeral: "No, Mr. If you wlah me
to present .my argument I wilt give yoa
such law upon It I have. I do not drslre
to take any ' snap Judgment upon It, of
Tbe governor: "Very well."
Mr. SI morn I: "J will aay, In order that
we may proceed with aome definite Idea,
that I will fije election by The Dee Build
ing company against the five system. I
will denlKnate them as systems, for In
tance, the Union Pacific. I will file these
objection during tbe day. 1 have cne
here with me now; the Union Pacific Is
tbe only one I have the data for. If you
wlah me to read thla now I will do ao, and
tben Mr. Rorawater can proceed with hie
N Teat of the Argameat.
Mr. Bimetal proceeded with hie argu
ment a follows:
''In presenting to you thla question of
the Intangible property or the franchise
of railroads for taxation I desire to preface
my remarks by saying that I am aware
cf the fact that It would be a new de
partur In the action of this board In the
atate of Nebraska. But we are living In
a progressive age and we hare to meet
the varied condition of business and of
property in lis manifold conditions as they
arise. Fifty yeara ago corporations were
malt, comparatively speaking, and there
was no value In stocks. Today the vast
wealth of this country is In the bands of
corporations; the rtocks and b.'ynds of cor
porations are worth millions upon million,
while fifty yeara &go they were worth
thousands. Tbe property of corporations
to largely In their franchises? rather than
In the physical or tangible properties
which are visible to . the naked eye. It
baa therefore become a question that I
being agitated from the Atlantic to the
Pacific, not only as an economic question,
but alao In Its political phase, and I be
lieve that It la the duty of Nebraska, under
our law and under our constitution, to
keep In the foreground, rather than lag
behind. In the rsscssment of the fran
chises of the. great corporations. It was
suggested here this morning that under
eur. statutes there waa no provision made
for the assessment of the franchises. De
fore I go Into tbe law on this question I
desire to read you aome letters that Mr.
Rosewater has received from aome states
In the west. First, I will read you a letter
from the secretary of atate at Lansing,
Mich., upen this question of the taxation
of the franchises of railroads. He says,
among other things: 'While the constitu
tion or laws of this state do not provide
for the assessment of tbe franchise of
railroad companies definitely, the value ot
the franchises are taken Into consideration
In determining the total value of taxable,
property.' That Is from Mr. Warner, sec
retary of1 state of the atate of Michigan.
Now here la what the auditor ot the atate
of Indiana lays: 'Tbe atate board. In
making the assessment on railroad prop
erty, la governed by all tbe Information
that it can obtain relative to auch property.
It la the Intention of the board to amess
these properties at their cash value, having
always In mind that such assessment be
equalised and In conformity with the as
sessment made by the local authorities
against other classes ot property. Tbe
franahtaea -of ,,raIl;co4 corporations are lu,
eluded In tbe assessment made by the
board against such' property, francblaea,
tangible . property, earning capacity, ex
penses' of operation, etc, all enter Into
the consideration of the board In fixing
the cash value ot property.'
Condition In laws,
"You ieve undoubtedly heard of the low
taxation of railroads in Iowa, and here la
what this governor of Iowa saya In a letter
addressed to Mr. Rosewater of date May 6:
'It la true that our law does not apeclflcally
require tbe council to take Into considera
tion the value ot the franchise, but It has
always been assumed In this atate that the
value ot the Intangible property ot railway
corporations should be considered. This la
made plain by the following extract! from
the statute which controls the executive
council in making up the assessment: "In
assessing aald railway and its equipment
maid council should take Into consideration
the groaa earnings per mile for the year
ending January 1 preceding and any and all
other matteri necessary to enable said eoun
ell to make a Just and equitable asGcisment
Of such railway property.' It will be aeen
that under thla language It la the plain
duty of tbe executive council to consider
every element of value which the property
may have, and the fact that groaa earnlnga
are emphasised Indicates that the earning
rapacity of the railway ahall be one of the
influential factors ot the problem. It goee
without saying that the gross earnlnga and
.he net earnlnga. If uaed to determine the
ralue . of property. Include the Intangible
value or franchise value. Without reflect
ing in 'any sense upon the past action ot
ihe' executive council In Iowa It may be
aid with truth that the work ot assessing
railroad property ha not proceeded along
logical lines, and I do not wonder that the
repreaentatlvea ot railway companies us
the Iowa assessment as an argument for
keeping, down the rates of assessment In
other state. I believe that the railway
com pan lee themaelvca recognize that the
valuatloo upon the. railway lines In Iowa
heretofore has been very much below as
compared to the real value of other proper
ties, and the only argument with them la
Jhat they were assessed aa high aa other
taxable property. I do not forecast wW.
the executive council will do this year, but
I think there la a general belief that the
railway aasessmcnt will be materially In
creased. Franchisee Asaesaeel Rlaevrhere.
"The extracts that I have read from theao
letter Indicate the action of other boards
whoae duty la similar to that ot yours.
They have taken Into consideration and do
assess the franchises ot railroads, although
their 'laws and the constitution may net so
provide In so many word-, it would strike
fi Udt It id's gt;"ratlou t nd at thlk time
the du'' of 'bm board to at sets the fran
chise, and If. foraooth. It be Illegal, why
pot let tbe railroads go Into court and en
join you from doing it? You are here to
represent , the people of the state and not
the i-:''jadi. Than, aa such representa
tives, let it ba ynau- duty and your privi
lege at thla time fj assess the franchisee ot
these roads, a.nq 1? they desire to contest It
let them do o. Now I shall refer briefly
to tbe law of tins state In reference to
whether or tier franchise can be legally
assessed.' The first thing that you will no
tice Is the constitution of tbe state itself.
being section) of article Ix, which Is spe
cific, and which 1 self-acting and only r-
Do not gripe nor Irritate) the aiimea
tary canal. They art gently yet
promptly, Cluae effectually stud
6oiatj ami-jut; ouU, " '
quires the action of this board to carry out
lis provisions.
Portion 1. (Taxes). The legislature rhT
provide such revenue as may be needful
by levying a tax by valuation, so that
every person and corporation shall pay a
laic In proportion to the value of his, her
nr Its property and fratwhtfoa, the- vsl
to be ascertained In auch manner as the
Irftlulnture shall direct.
"Now It aay that the value Ja to be as
certained In auch a manner a the legisla
ture shall direct. How Is that value to be
ascertained by this board? By an Investi
gation of the facta. Are there aay fact
whlth tbe law require to be et before you
In order that you may ascertain the value
ef the franchise? On page 779 of tbe com
piled statutes for 1901 it saya 'Capital stock
of corporations, bridge, express, ferry, gas.
manufacturing, mlnlrg. savings bank, stage,
steamboat, street railroad, transportation
and all other companies or associations In
corporated under the laws of this state ex
cepting Insurance companies.'
What line tbe Hoard nonet
"Every year the corporations present to
this board their net earnings, the amoant
of their capital stock, and why Is that done?
Has it ever been utilized by tbl b:ard?
Has It ever been referred to for the pur
pose of taxation by thla board? There Is
aome reason for this statute being In here,
and, as I maintain, it la only for the pur
pose of assisting you at arriving at the
value of the franchise.
"Will It be said that tbe railroad com
pany I not a transportation company? Tbe
provision of this statute take In all cor
porations and association Incorporated
under tbe laws of thla State except In
surance companies. It la tbe universal rule
ot law that where a particular exception
la made nothing else Is Included except
that particular exception. When It ex
clude Insurance) companies all other com
panies are taken Into consideration and
must be taxed. This section provides that
corporatlona shall la . addition to other
properties required by this act to be listea,
make out and deliver to tne assessor a
aworn atatement of the amount of It cap
ital stock, setting forth particularly, first,
the name and location of the company or
association, the amount ef capital stock
authorised and the number of sharea Into
which the capital stock Is divided, the
amount of capital stock paid up, the market
value, or It no market value then tbe actual
value of the stock, the total amount of all
Indebtedness for current expenses from
such expenses the amount paid for the
purchase or improvement of such property-
"Now that, a you will observe, baa been
held unconstitutional; they cannot deduct
Indebtedness of the company.
Propertr Most Be Mated.
"Sixth. The assessed valuation ot all tbis
real and personal oronertv. which real anil
personal property shall be listed and val-
uea as oiner real and psrsonal property I
valued and assessed. Under thla chantar
the aggregate amount of ths fifth and
sixth item shall be deducted from the ag
gregate value ot the shares of stock a
provided by the fourth item and tha ra.
malnder, If any, shall be listed by the as
sessor in the name of the company or cor
poration a capital stock thereof. In all
cases of failure or refusal of any person
io mace sucn return or statement It shall
be the duty of tbe assessor to make such
return or statement from the best Informa
tion ho can obtain.
'Section 3 ears that 'tha Twmi-a ahoii
take Into consideration the number of mllea
and the rlsht-of-wav. uinF.iiFii.tii,K
thereon, main and sidetracks, depot' build-.
Inge, depot grounds.
houses, and the personal property neoe-h
ary ior conatruction, repairs, etc.' You
cannot atop there; you havs to go further.
You havs got to See If there be any other
provision ot tbe law which aay that It Is
rour , duty to value the franohlse, and we
find this provision In section as. which n.
vldes the method bv which .
acquire knowledge of the franohlse. Now,
lei me can your attention to this decision
of the supreme court of Nebraska. I will
refer to It as the Omaha decision. It has
not as yet been reported. The syllabus
ay: 'That part of section 32 of the
revenue act which require the assessor
to deduct the amount of the corporation
Indebtedness from the actual
shares of stock to determine what shall be
eesoesed as capital stock I unconstitutional
and void.'
United States Supreme Court Opinion.
'As I read this decision. It means slmnlr
this: That section 32, ao far a It require
the Indebtedness of the corporation to be
deducted. Is void, because It Is not allowed
In the assessment ot the property of In
dividuals, and therefore It could not be
allowed to corporations, and It la the duty
or ma assessor to asses the property and
the franchise, both. There Is a very inter
esting case upon this question In the su
preme court of the United States, decided
by Justice Brewer; I will call your atten
tion to It. It 1 the case of The Adams
Express Company against Tbe Ohio Stat
Auditor, a decision upon a rehearing, vol
ume 168, United Bute Supreme Court Re
port, page 185. a follow:
But thla contention nracttnAllv l,nAi
the existence of Intangible property, or,
at least, denies Its liability for taxation.
In the complex civilisation of today, a
large portion of the wealth of a commu
nity consists In Intangible property, and
there, is nothing In the nature of things
or in the limitations of the federal con
stitution which restrains a state from
taxing at ita real value such intangible
property. It matters not In what
this Intangible property consists whether
privileges, corporate franchises, contracts
or obligation. It Is enough thnt It is
property which, though Intangible, exists,
which has value, produces income, and
peases current in the markets of the
world. To Ignore this intangible property,
or to hold that It Is not subject to taxa
tion ai na nccepica value, la to eliminate
from the reach of the taxing power a
large portion of the. wealth of the coun
try. In the cltv o New York in t irat'.l tfc.
heud.usrters of ooporatlon ose cor
porate property Is confoe-wiiy of .he value
ui, a value wnicn can be real
ised by Ita atockholders at sny moment
they see fit. Its tangible property and Its
business sre scattered through many
states, all whoae powers are Invoked to
protect its property from trespass, and
secure it in the peaceful transaction of It
wiuniy uisyrrstta Diisineae. Xet. because
that tangible property is only 4.00C,OUO, we
are told that that is the limit of the
taxing power of these states. In other
word. It asks these states to protect
property which to it Is of the value of
iH.Aio.00O but Is willing to pay taxes only
on the basis of a valuation of tt.OOw.uoo.
iiiv injustice oi mis sprang ror Itself.
In conclusion, let uu aa" thnt rhi. I.
emtrentlv a pr.-ctlcn. .;e, that courts
must i. ok die 'hinge a they ure, and as
possessing a value which la accorded to
them in the markets of tha worM .i
that no flneamin theorlM Kn, ...
should Interfere to enable these corpora
tions, whoae buslnt-ss is Tarried on thi-ourn
many state, to escat;a do.; t-arli. In
each state such burden of taxation as a
,f.r uiBiui,uiii hi ina actual value of
their property among those states re
quires. "That Io the language of the supreme
court ot the United Btatea. I will say. In
conclusion, gentlemen, as I aald in the be
ginning, thla la a queatlon that ha arisen
all over the country. We cannot eacape
It; It la bound to come up In varloua anl
innumerable way. It may be downed by
the railroads tor thla time, or It may go
Into court. If you aee fit to assess them,
cr they may persuade you that their fran
chisee should not be assessed, but never,
theless It k bound to corns up. .not only
In the state ot Nebraska, but you aee it
is pending In Iowa. New York has al
ready passed on the question through Its
legislature. Michigan and Minnesota anl
all the states throughout this vast country
are more or less agitated upon this ques
tion. The Texas supreme court has passed
upon it. requiring a tax on the franchise.
VThett we get to sseetjstnr the torpor
ttrms at their true valuations, including
franchises, at that moment will the atate
and tbe people have solved to a very large
extent the question ot trust and monopo
lies, because, aa stated In thla case de
cided by Justice Brewer, the express com
pany held tangible property worth tt.eno,
000, and they asked that the assessor
sesrs only on that (4,000,000, and yet It
goes Into tbe markets ot the world and
says: 'Ws have property here worth
$11,000,000. bat we do not propose to pay
taxea on property worth more than $4,W0,
000.' You can aee In such a case a great
Injustice is being done, and sooner or
later there will be an uprising and an up
heaval throughout this entire country
which will, through the uprising of the
people, overburdened by taxation, compel
these great corporatlona to beer their fair
share In the great expeuse of government."
(Continued from First Page.)
humor tonight. He waa pressed for a state
ment, but refused to give information be
yond the bare fact that the convention
had decided to strike. He held a confer
ence with National Secretary-Treasurer W.
B. Wilson regarding future movements.
Peeale Are Disappointed.
SCRANTON, Ta., May 15. It wa disap
pointment rather than surprise that the
news of the prolongation of the strike was
received In thla region. It waa felt yes
terday that the strike was likely, but there
was a hope existing that something would
avert It. When the news came great de
pression settled over the community.
Everybody believe It will be a long strug
gle and that before It is ended there will
be no small smount of violence. In an
ticipation of efforts on the part of tho
strikers to prevent the wasberlea from
working 'the companies are swearing in as
deputy sheriffs all their bosses and office
The Retail Growers' association has called
a meeting for next Monday to pass on tbe
matter of discontinuing credits. The whole
salers have Informally declared they will
reduce credits from thirty to seven days.
The retailers claim they will, In conse
quence, be compelled to shut down on
credits entirely.
Three Farmers burned to Deceit h
In West Virginia
American hotel burned here last night.
Three live are known to have been lost.
Several adjoining buildings were also con
sumed. Three bodies have been recovered.
. The other buildings burned were the home
of Hon. Rankin Wiley and Klppllng's resi
dence and meat market. The fire originated
In tbe American hotel, a wooden structure.
The loss Is probably $30,000.
Those who lost their lives are:
JOHN BLACK, Kanawha county.
ELIAS HAMBRICK, Olenwood, Mason
All were formers and were here as grand
Jurors at the criminal court. They were
sleeping on the second floor and mean of
escape were cut off.
Lee Carlisle, a mate on the Ohio river,
waa so badly burned that he will die. It 1
believed that all the bodies havs been re
covered. .Henry Woodall and Maude Wise
were also injured.
DES MOINES, May 15. The town of Far
li.n, seven mile north of Jefferson, In Greon
county, on the Chicago, Milwaukee St.
PaujfodK was, visited, by a conflagration
laat night that wiped out the entire busi
ness section, entailing a loss estimated at
more than 140,000.
Every store In ths town. Including the
postofflce, is a mass of ruin. Ths losses
thus far known are: Mahlon Head, build
ing, 31,000; Charles Try, building and con
tents, 16,000; Henry Roher, dry goods,
$5,000; postofflce building and contents,
$4,000; "8. C." Lumber company, $4,000;
other buildings and merchandise, $16,000.
Interstate Commerce Commission Ac
cepts Their Promise to
' Equalise nates.
CHICAGO, May 15. Representatives of
western railroads today promised tbe Inter
state Commerce commission to agree on an
equalization of the live stock and dressed
beef tariffs which would be satisfactory to
the Chicago Live Stock exchange. An
agreement must be reached by June 16 and
It must be In effect by June $0.
Chairman Knapp and Commlsslonera Flfer
and Prouty were on the bench when today'a
meeting waa called to order. Tbe meeting
wa for the purpose ot investigating the
allegation' made by tbe Live Stock exchange
that the rate on live stock la proportion
ately higher than the dressed beef rate
from the Missouri river east, the earns be
ing a discrimination unjust td Chicago
packers and live stock men.
The following railroad men were present;
W. P. Blddle of the Santa Fe, F. A. Wann
of tbe Alton, M. C. Markbam ot the Illinois
Central, A. C. Bird of the St. Paul, Tnomaa
Miller of the Burlington, Henry Gower ot
the Rock Island and Y. E. Kellogg of the
Great Western.
The Llv Stock exchange was represented
by T. "'. ';. n.lltiBon. The railroad men
asked for a postponement ' and pledged
themselvrs to a readjustment of tha tariff.
iJr. Tomlinaon declared that such promisee
had been made before and wanted the In
vestigation to proceed. The commission
ers, however, after a conference, concluded
to give the railroads a rhance to make good
their promise and postponed the meeting
till June 16.
Cripple v li ". heiuntlsni. She la
laable to Help Usi alu Child
In lame Room.
NEW YORK, May 15. Crippled with
rheumatism and unable it move from her
bed. Mrs. Wllliao Wbdi-r of Newark, N.
J., saw rr douriicer Lia, 1 vest and 6
nv ia tit., barn to de; t- wl.h'r a few
fsei f her bed.
sir. Wagner ha been unable to get out
of bed for a month. While her nurse
was absent the child procured matches,
and, while playing with them, aet fir to
her clothing and the curtains.
Mrs. Wagner screamed loudly, but the
child waa fatally burned before assistance
arrived. After the Are. which had apread
about the rooms, had been quenched, Mra.
Wagner was found to be unconscious.
Children Like It.
"My little boy took the croup en night,"
saya P. D. Reynold of Mansfield, O., "anl
grew so bad you could hear him breathe all
over the houae. I thought be would die, hut
a few dose ot On Minute Cough Cur re
lieved and sent him to sleep. That' tb
lost w heard ot the croup." One Minute
Cough Cure la absolutely aafe and acts at
once. For coughs, colds, croup, grip,
aathma and bronchitis.
The ladies wonder how Mrs. B. manage
to preserve her1 youthful looks. Tbe secret
kseps the stca In perfect order.
Professor of Literature at Princeton Elected
by the PreibjUriana.
Tltal Qnestlen of the Re-vision at Con
fession ot Fnlth Comes tp nt
Latter Part ef ttenernl
NEW YORK, May 15 Dr. Henry Van
Dyke, professor of literature at Princeton
university, was, late this afternoon, elected
moderator of the general assembly ot the
Presbyterian church, which body began It
deliberations here today. He wa elected
on tbe aecond ballot. The result ot the
first ballot waa;
Dr. Van Dyke, 217; Dr. Kerr, 86; Dr
Holmes, 90; Dr. Moffatt, 144; Dr. Duffleld
There were 98 vqtee cast, 299 being neces
sary to elect.
There wa some discussion a to whether
another ballot should be cast before the
end of the session, as there waa a com
munion service scheduled. After some talk
It was decided to cast another ballot; be
fore this waa done, however. Dr. Robert
R. Booth of New York arose and withdrew
the name of Dr. Duffleld. He aald that
this was done at tbe request ot Dr. Duf
fleld. The result of the second ballot was:
Dr. Van Dyke, 2yS; Dr. Moffatt, 22?; Dr.
Holmes, 49.
Ths votes given to Dr. Kerr on the first
ballot were scattered between Dr. Van Dyke
and Dr. Moffatt.
Election Made I'nnnlmoas.
After the result wa announced the re
tiring moderator. Dr. 'Henry C. Mlntoa,
moved that Dr. Van Dyke' election be made
unanimous and this was done. On tha
second ballot there was cast 574 votes, of
which 287 were necessary to elect.
Amidst cheera Dr. Van Dyke was escorted
to the moderator's chair, and a he took It
Dr. Mlnton said:
"My brother, it becomes my duty to In
form you of your election to the office of
moderator of this general assembly and to
present you with this book of law and
order. I trust that God may spare you
to us all and that He may grant you His
blessing 1l the work before you."
Dr. Van Dyke In reply aald: "I thank
you with all my heart for giving me the
privilege of standing In a place made sacred
to me by the memory of my father. I have
not deserved this honor, but will do my
best, if you will help me, to be a loyal
and true moderator in the- church In which
I was born and which I love with all my
Dr. Van Dyke then declared the session
adjourned until tomorrow at 9,a. m.
Gavel from Jerssslem,
At the first business session of the as
sembly the moderator presented as a gift
from Rev. M. A. Steen ot Stockton, Cel., a
rosewood gavel, which had been brought
from Jerusalem.
In seconding Dr. Van Dyke's nomina
tion, Rev. Herrlck Johnson ot Chicago said
that his candidate was a scholar, of scholarly
habits. Instinct and ambition.
"I have been asked by some present,
'What about Dr. Van Dyke's theology? Is
be orthodox? Isn't he shaky about his
theology? In reply- to these question I
say that what his honorable father be
lieved and stood for he stands for and be
lieves. He Is a child ot the covenant. What
his father believed was ' handed down by
his father." . , v-
Rev. Joseph' J. LartpifVof Omaha nomi
nated Dr. D. R. Kerr, the president ot
Bellevue college, Bellevue, Neb.
The sermon of Dr. Mlnton, the retiring
moderator, waa on "The Enduring Mieslon
of Preabyterlanlam." His text was from the
eleventh chapter, fortieth verse of He
brews. So Race, No Humanity.
Dr. Mlnton said doubtless God could have
made men wholly independent of each other.
fatherlese and childless Melchlzedec. But
In that case there would have been no race,
no humanity. And what Is true of tbe race
applies to tbe church. All are bound to
gether. A healthy and generou denomlna
tlonallam need be no hindrance to the
progress of the church. All may appropri
ate the text. And so, too, may Presby
terians, standing on the threshhold ot a
new century.
Continuing, the preacher asked:
Ars our contribution nut nf ristaT Ta
our faith a back number, and our type
of piety and character unsulted to current
conditions? In answering such an Inquiry
note first that Preabyterlanlam has always
characteristically approached men on their
rational aide. Men are thinking aa never
before, and men think their way back to
the eternal problems of God. Presbyterian
Ism has ever answered to the human mind
ror tne trutn or Ootf, and that call will
never die until the psychology of the
human heart Is changed.
It follows that our church has ever plsced
the emphasis on education. It has alwava
stood for an educated pulpit, and an In-
leiugem pew. ine niftnest note of Fresbv
terlunlsm is that of Intellectual conviction.
of appeal to men's Judgment ou the sure
ground of truth.
Government and Doctrine.
My third thought is that there are cer
tain elements In the government snd doc
trine of the Presbyterian church which
especially ht It to exert a powerful Indirect
influence in tne interest or law and order,
and in promoting the civilization ot man
klrd. Ouc more the PresbytH-n church has
peculiar ouullricatlons for raeetu . ha 1.1. -
sionary call, which Is the commanding oi'e
in . nnai a marcning orders ul tne oegu .
nlng of the twentieth century. It believes
In the divine message; in the divine sender,
and in man's supreme need. This is the
Alpha and Omega ot a missionary creed.
Ours is a glorious birthright,, but ours ts
a more glorious outlook. Many prophets
and righteous men have desired to see the
things which we see and have not seen
them, and to hear the things which we
hear, and have not heard them. The
riches of a hallowed hlnlory are tributary
to our service, and Its crimsoned trasurea
are ready at our command. K f rt.f cen
turies looked down upon Napoleon's troops,
a!', history waits for our loyalty and de
votion. The circle of all the centuries has
lis center In our own.
Tho records of patriarchs' a iJ prophets,
of apostles and martyrs cam ot be rounded
out till the loyal alleglunce, the Christ
like spirit, the consecrated energies of our
generation are counted in. It la a glorious
company of which we are a part. We
perform our mlaston, we fill our place, we
Bcoomiiliah our word in the plan of re
demption of a lost race, covering the vast
ewetp of time, and in the march of the
redeemed of Ood toward the far-off goal
of perfection, which is complete In Jeaus
Camberland Presbyterian Assembly.
SPRINGFIELD, Mo.. May 15. The aev-enty-second
general assembly of ths Cum
berland Presbyterian church In the United
States met In this city at 10:20 o'clock this
People who o
can't eat meat J
o can eat and
and grow fat on
S Fact! S
morning. The attendance Is unprecedest
edly large. Rev. E. E. Morris of Marshall,
Mo., the moderator, preached the opening
sermon, his theme being "The Manifest
Righteousness of God."
Mr. Morris was snatsted in this service
by cx-Mnderator D. E. Bushnell, D. D., of
St. Louli; W. H. Flack. D. D.. of Marshall,
Mo.; K. G. McLean, D. P., of San Antonio,
Tex., and F. R. Earle, D. D.. of Clarksrllle,
Ark. Before the adjournment for lunch and
In anticipation of the formal organisation
at I p. m., Rev. Ira Land ret h of Nashville,
Tenn., gave notice that ho would present a
resolution before a moderator is elected
providing for a cabinet to assist that officer
In appointing the committees, this cabinet
to consist of one commissioner from each
synod and to he choaen by the represents
tlve from the several rynods. It is still
Impossible to predict who will be moder
ator, though the friends of three or four
men are actively seeking votes for their
One or two speakers In their preliminary
church extension roll yesterday hinted
broadly that one of the Issues likely to be
raised at this meeting would be a reorgan
Izatton of the church mission work by the
organization ot a borne hoard. Much en
thuslasm has resulted from yesterday's dis
cussions, and much of the assembly's time
will In consequence he given to planning
for church extension and development In
country plaoes as well as n cities.
goathera Presbyterians Meet.
JACKSON, Miss., May 15. The forty
second annual session of the Presbyterian
Church ot the United Statea began Its de
liberations here today. The assembly la
composed of commissioner from the tot
lowing states:
Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia,
Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri,
North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee,
Texas and Virginia.
The conference was called to order by
ths moderator. Dr. Leander M. Woods of
Memphis. Two hundred and fifty, delegates
are present.
When the assembly was organized In
Augusta, Go., In 1861, about 70,000 Presby
terians were represented. The membership
represented by the meeting today I about
230,000, an Increase of more than 300 per
cent In forty-one year.
Simultaneous with the meeting here the
northern assembly Is being convened In
New York. Dr. N. A. White ot Lexington,
Va., is mentioned as the next moderator,
(Continued from First Page.)
recently and the widow decided to return
to the home of a wealthy slater In the
Barbadoes. The widow packed her prop,
erty, and In company with a faithful col
ored nurse, Clara King, who had been with
the family In Barbadoes, she started on
the Journey that waa to be the last under
taken by the family.
French People Surprise Americans by
Their Cool Attitude Toward
Martinique Disaster.
PARIS, May 15. The American visitors
here cannot understand the seeming in
difference of the Parisians in regard to
the Martinique disaster. Beyond tbe half
masted flags over the government offices
there are no signs of public mourning.
The people flock to their usual resorts, at
tend the races, fill the . theaters, none ot
which have been closed, no "extras" aro
Issued and there Is no demand for them.
But the evening papers containing bulle
tins of ths automobile race are eagerly
purchased. '
The various ftinds being raised for the
relief of the Martinique sufferers now only
totals 305,000 trancs. Including the large
subscriptions ot the foreign potentates and
tbe 20,000 francs from the municipalities.
The provinces seem more Interested in tho
disaster than the capital. They are actively
organizing committees to raise funds and
there Is much mourning at the seaports
whose ships were destroyed.
A representative of the Associated Press
has Just returned from the ministry ot the
colonies. Beside the reporters, who were
In the waiting room around the green
board on which the official bulletins are
posted, were almost exclusively natives ot
Martinique. Occasionally woman Issued
from the minister's room In tears after
learning the fate of some loved one. The
opposition. Is beginning to UBe the cata
clysm as a club to beat the government.
Campmeetlns; of Free Methodists.
SIOUX FALLS, S. D.. May 15. (Special.)
A camp meeting of the northwest dis
trict of the South Dakota conference ot the
Free Methodist church will bs held at
Faulkton, June 5 to 16.
Showers and Warmer la Nebraska
Friday and In East Portion
WASHINGTON, May IB. Forecast:
For Nebraska Showers Friday; warmer
In east portion; Saturday, fair In west,
showers In east portion.
For Iowa Showers Friday and probably
Saturday; warmer Friday.
For Illinois Shower Friday auu w ii.atr
In northern portion; Saturday, showers'
fresh eaat winda.
For Missouri Showers Friday; Saturday,
showr. except fair In aouthweet portion
Fc iiania fair Friday, except showers
in the northeast portion; Saturday, lair.
For South Dakota Shower Friday and
wcrner in east portion; Saturday, showers,
except fair in extreme west portion.
Loral Record.
OMAHA, May 15. Official record of tern-
ferature and precipitation compared with
he corresponding day of the last three
1903. 19ni. 190ft. isw.
Maximum temperature... f "9 64 87
Minimum Umwratur.... m M 65 4S
Mean tmp ature 63 68 so 2
Precipitation IS .06 .38 .28
Record of temperature and precipitation
at Omaha for this day and since March 1,
Normal temperature 2
Deficiency for the day
Total excess since March 1 2S9
Normal precipitation 14 Inch
Excess for the day 06 Inch
Total rainfall alnc March 1 1 36 Inches
Deficiency since March 1 J. 25 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 1901 ... .1.46 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period. 19u0.. .07 Inch
Heperts from Stations at T F. M.
: c
: 9
: 5
: a
: .
. -I 1
: 3
Omsha, cloudy
Valentine, raining
North Platte, part cloudy.
Cheyenne, clear Lake City, clear
Rapid City, part cloudy....
Huron, raining
64 66 .02
H .It
6i TO. .04
2 SQ
ttti (PS
601 5.'; .1,
Wllllston. cloudy
Chicago, cloudy
St. Louis, part oloudy..
St. Paul, cloudy
Davenport, cloudy
Kansas City, cloudy....
Havre, cloudy ..,
Helena, raining. ,
Hlsmarck. raining
Galveston, clesr
6x no
621 .00
74 .00
621 .01
V 641 T
6-M 64 .on
a; n .00
44 64 ."ZH
H -12
71 SO: .04
T indicate Usee of precipitation.
Local Forecast Official.
House Committee Eeport Will Substitute
for the Rosebud Bill.
ttrDresentaHvea Hall and Cannon
Likely ta Clash Over Appropria
tion for Improvements
of Army Posts.
tFrom a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, May IS. (Special.) The
house committee on Indian affairs today
decided to substitute the house bill ratify
ing the treaty with the Rosebud Indians
In South Dakota, opening a portion of the
reservation In Gregory county to settle
ment for the one which passed the senate,
The substitution of the house " mensure
will raise a fight over the Question ot free
homes as was anticipated, but It 1 thougnt
something satisfactory to Intending set
tiers will result when the Mil get lnte
The omnibus public building bill will be
renorted to the senate tomorrow. Accord
lng to Senator Millard tbe bill will
carry $45,000 for completing the postofflce
at Omaha, according to the desires of the
citizens, by making the Seventeenth street
side conform to the Sixteenth street eleva
tlon. There will be no other Increases over
the house measure so far as Kebrnaka Is
concerned. Senator Dietrich ha labored
earneatly to have York and Grand Island
Included In the bill for purchase of sites.
but the public building and grounds com
rolttee has decided to let these two growing
Nebraska cities watt until another year.
Oone-ressman Stark has also Interested
himself .actively In securing a site and
building for York and placer1, on tile with
the committee an exhaustive brief on be
half of that place, but the committee de
cided to hold additions to the house bill t
the closest possible point.
The secretary of the Interior transmitted
to congress today an estimate for payment
of the Indebtedness Incurred by the
Indian agent of the Sac and Fox Indians
of Iowa for the purchase ot supplies and
employment of labor.
Senator Millard Introduced a bill today
to reimburse J. E. Turner for exeesn Inter
est paid on purchase ot certain lan Is.
S. A. Stacy, postmaster at Ord Neb.,
wa today nominated for reappointment-
Hall. Will FlKht Cannon.
Representative Hull of Iowa, chairman tf
house committee on military affairs, said
today that If Representative Cannon,
chairman of the committee on approprla
tlons, insisted upon Instructing the house
conferees on the military appropriation bill
to recede on the Item in the bill appro
prlating 14,000.000 for construction and re
pair of such permanent or temporary build
ings at established posts aa the secretsry
ot war may deem necessary, that a atrug
gle would take place and that he would
resist the effort to Instruct the conferees
with all the force at his command. Whllo
It might not materially affect Fort Des
Moines so far as getting money to carry
on the work of construction Is concerned,
the fact remained that $400,000 of the
$4,000,000 Is understood by try secretary
of war to have been intended for Fort Des
It is expected that the Interior Of the
postofflce building at Omaha will be painted
this year, according to Senator Millard,
who stated today that the building needed
this repair very badly. ,
W. V. Morae and O. W. .Wattles of
Omaha are in tbe city. .
. Contract Surgeon James . K. Ashburn,
United States army. Is relieved 'from duty
t Fort Grant, Arlx., and upon the expira
tion of his leave will proceed to Fort
Crook for duty.
Rural free delivery aervlce will be estab
lished on July 1 ns follows: Nebraska
Humboldt, Richardson county, one addi
tional route; area covered, thirty-three
square miles; population, S00. Waco, York
county, two additional routes; area, fifty
six square miles, population, 950. Iowa
South English, Keokuk county, one ad
ditional route; area, twenty-seven square
miles; population, 482.
A summer postofflce will be opened June
t at Beach, Dickinson county, la.
Dr. W. H. Emmons has been appointed
pension examining surgeon at Decorah, la.
Wllrox-Krebbs, '
PAPILLION. Neb.. May 15. (Special.)
Reuben Wilcox of Papllllon waa married
Wednesday to Miss Cora Krebbs of Omaha
at the home of the groom's parents. The
ceremony was performed by Rev. Davidson,
pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church
of this place. The couple will reside In,
BATTLE CREEK. Neb., May 15. (Spe
cial.) Fred C. Preuner and Minnie Bler
man were married yesterday at noon at
the G'.rman Lutheran church, Rev. J. Hoff
uan officiating.
ltt-s. J. J. Rlttrr, Plattainonth. .
PLATTSM OTJTH , Neb., May 15. (Spe
cial.) Mrs. , J. Rltter of Eagle waa bur
led yesterday. 5he waa 36 year old and
hal resided In Cass county since she waa
S years of te. Deceased leaves a husband
and six children.
Haass BbeftTord.
COLUMBUS, Neb.. May 15.-(Special.)
Miss Hannah Shefford died last night. She
was an aged woman who has Jong been
an Invalid at the home of ber nephew, Ed
Marmoy, east of town.
Seen res Control of the Moaon.
NEW YORK, May 15. Confirmation 'ot
the report that joint control of the Chi
cago, Indianapolis & Louisville, (Monon)
system baa been acquired by the Louis
ville A Nashville and Southern railroads
comes from several authoritative sources.
Ths tsrms of the deal are not disclosed,
but It Is generally believed that the new
Interests in Monon paid something like $50
for ths commoj stock and $85 for tbs pre
ferred. The total capital atock of the road
la $15,500,000, of which $5,000,000 Is 4 per
cent non-cumulative preferred stock, the
balance common. There are bond Issues
aggregating $14,210,000. Representatives of
John W. Gates were in conference with a
member ot the firm of J. P. Morgan Co.,
but it was said the conference had nothing
to do with Monon affairs.
Tha Best Liniment.
"I have derived great benefit from the
use of Chamberlain's -Pain Balm for rheu
matism and lumbago," aaya Mra. Anna
Hagelgana, of Tuckahoe, N. J. ''11 hus
band used It for a spralnsd back and was
alao quickly relieved. In fact, it la ths
best family liniment I havs ever used. I
would not think of being without It. I
have recommended it to many and they
always speak very highly of it and de
clare Its merits ars wonderful."
Flood Damaae la Oklahoma.
OKLAHOMA CITY. Okl., May 15. Nearly
five Inches of rain fell in tho vicinity of
Chandler In three houra laat night, flood
ing ths Iieep Fork - and Its tributaries,
drowning stock and destroying crop and
fences. J. A. McLala of Chandler was
killed by lightning.
Proof Positive.
The occasional beer
drlaker as readily a
I the connoisseur will
dleoever "ilLitt"
renulnsnna and pur-
illy in ths Bret class.
The aroma suggests
1 p u r 1 1 r t h taste
proves It.
Export, Wslner, Pri
vate Stock, Muenoh-
sner. are ths brands.
Each a leader In Its
, " hf
Qtoa-tntozloant) Ton!. Druggists
or direct.
VAL BLATZ ftfiHYlNa C9 AUwaiket.
1411 Demerlaa ft. Tat. 10SJ1,
Montai Of Phyloml?
Hulls GrapoTonio
will restore lost energy and
strength. It is a crushed fruit
laxative a simple compound of
grapes, fruit and herbs. Felish
able as nectar to the palate. Sooth
ing and gentle in action. Powerful
in its effects for relieving the in
tern of all impurities. No griping
pains; no unpleasant results what
ever. It reconstructs the wornout
system, refreshes the overworked
brain, drives away depression and
dull care, and invites "nature's
sweet restorer balmy sleep. ' '
One dose benefits. One bottle
convinces. Price 60c, Bottle as
large as tha common $1.00 size.
Sherman & McConnell
'tin ?; y- v.or-16th n 1
, II (Is 1 Dodge fits., Omaha,
All pains from whatever causs
sre cured by Mull's Lightning
Pain Killer. Drink It or rub
Itoo flfio.
IMi Fore
Harrisburg, Pa.
. Washington, D. C.
MAT 14 to Vt.
Good returning till June KX
Abo ONE FARE PLUS $100 te
Minneapolis and Return
May 18, !, X
1401.14A8 Far nam BU,
Woodward A Burgess,
Last Performance of llewnlar fieaaoi
Don't Mies HI
A superb company of fifty people.
Prices; 2m to II. ou.
Opening bill; "IN MISSOURI." Prlcis:
Mats., any seat, 10c. Mights, Wo, iac, wc.
M.k riMkH iUbAl-liHtaiid li(M.
Entire wevk, Including Saturd iy evening.
Beautiful Choristers Oreat Olio. Evening
prices, 10c, UOo. 80c Smoke If you like.
yUEKS Entire change of program. Sun
day matinee and night. Rosenthal's ama
teurs and professionals Rosenthal In an
original specialty.
and 6Jd St.
N. V. City.
Moderate Rates
turn tan air Library
Orchestral Concerts Every Evening.
All I are taaa the Liaplio.
Send for descriptive Booklet.
W. JoliN&oN QULHlJ. Prop rtet.,
VI .Si TO 1 P. M
Is a special Ml Hard feature.
J E. MARKKL aV BON, Props.
C H peepU-s, Mans rT
A. 11. pa-venport, A nuclpal Clerk.
11 n
I JY.'.H