The Omaha Daily "Bee. ESTAULI8IIED JUNE 19, 1871. OMAHA, FIJI DAY MOHN1NO, MAY 10, 1002 TEN PAGES. BIN OLE COPY FIVE CENTS. STRIKE WILL CO ON Bupniion in Anthracite Mines Continued by Vote of tha Convention- KEN WILL FIGHT OWNERS TO BITTER END Host Serious Labor Struggle in History ii Freely Predicted. HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND IDLE Workmen Assert Their Ability to Endure Hardships Inoidentto Tie-up. BUSINESS DEPRESSED OVER THE RESULT Action of Convention la .Not t'nanl nsta and Antl-Strlke Men Nearly Succeed la tarrying Day for Price. HAZLETON, Pa., May 15. The anthra Ute miners In convention, late thla after Soon, decided to continue the strike of the 145, Ono men against the mine ownera and to fight It out to the bitter end. The mat ter of calling out the engineers, firemen nd pump runnera will be decided by the delegates tomorrow. The vote to continue the suspension was as follows: Total vote cast, 811: for strike, against strike, 84914; majority for trike, liiH- President Mitchell, however. In compli ance with the rules of the United Mine Workers, announced to the public that the action of the convention waa unanimous. Tbe step taken today by the miners, after practically considering the matter for two months, has wiped out the uncertainty of the situation and It Is freely predicted that the most serious labor struggle in the (history of tbe country. If not the world, Is bout to begin. That Is the view taken by nearly every miner. While the lenders are cautious and will not forecast their ac tions. It Is not unlikely that miners' fight Will be carried Into the bituminous coal regions and Into other fields of industry. Miners lj t p for Itnlny Day. t Mine workers for eighteen months have been looking forward to tbe strike that is Upon them. Tbey have suved their money nd are considered to be In better shape Wlay for fight than they were in tne great strike of 1!00. That struggle ended by the mine owners giving the men 10 per cent Increase after elx weeks' suspension. The operators are on record as being un alterably opposed to granting tbe men any concessions, and they have personally In formed the mine workers' leaders of that fact. The workmen fear the present fight may mean the destruction of their organiza tion, because they believe the mine owners re bent more on wrecking their union than tbey are on opposing the demands for higher wages and shorter work 'days. President Mitchell's advice to the miners was for peace, and be gave It to tbem In the plainest and moat forceful language. He was ably assisted by President Fahey fnd Secretary Hartleln of the lower dls rlct and Secretary Dempster of the upper territory. President- Nichols of the first fl 1st riot wss the great champion of tbe Strike advocates. ; Llitrs to No Restraint. Mr. Mitchell, who was the last to speak, raa listened to with .the greatest attention. It la also said that telegram' was read from the American Federation of Labor gainst a permanent suspension. But the felegatee would not listen and amid con siderable excitement the vote waa taken. For a time It looked aa though the peace advocates would win, but when dolecatl n after delegation from the lower dli. let, tbe last to be railed, answered "yes," It as seen that the men who favored a fight had won. The result was received by the conven tion with applause. wMch, however, was Hot very enthusiastic or prolonged. The ben appreciated the seriousness of their decision, which no doubt dampened their ardor. I The proposition to call out tbe engineers, Bremen and pump-runners was separated from the main question early In tha .dls tusslon, which began shortly after the con Ven'lon met this morning. There was an almost equal division In this matter and the ((bate became bo Involved that Jt was de cided to consider the phase of tbe question Separately. Take l)nel Courage. The men, having thrown down the gauntlet to their employers, have taken re newed courage, and It would not be aur prising If the convention tomorrow decided to call out the other employee referred to. Tbe miners Insist that nearly all the englneera, firemen and pump-runners be long to their organisation and aay they can get them all to quit If they want to. In the event that this is brought about It Would do Incalculable dinum In tha nlnM through flooding unless the companies can succeed in filling tho men's places. While the people of the coal fields are glad that the suspense and uncertainty occasioned by the long delays in reaching a conclusion of the strike question are over, the news of the convention's action has caused considerable depression. Business has been paralyzed to a certain extent and It probably will tome to almost a stand still. Vast Crowds oa Hand. There waa a great crowd of miner In Hazelton today. They came from all parts of the region and many of them ecngre. Med In the vicinity of the convention hall, They were gathered In large groups, each nationality flocking by Itself and awaiting ' for some Information from the Inside. Be Ides these there were present about twenty-five newspaper correspondents and big contingent of agents of corporations who were awaiting to flash every so rap of information to the outside world. It waa exactly a quartsr to 6 o'clock when the vote to strike wss completed and the convention adjourned. The delegates, how ever, were not allowed to leave the build ing, President Mitchell announcing that they should remain In the hall until he . himself bad announced the result to the waiting crowd. When he appeared at tha front door there was a great rush at him, but he would not open his mouih uj. il mil the correapondenta had been assembled around him. Mitchell Shasta ' A great cheer waa glvea by the miners when the national leader finally shouted the result and the wild rush for telephones and telegraph wires ensued. Hax'etoo and surrounding towns are tonight celebrating tha Inauguration of the permanent strike by giving parados. Tbe question- of where the strike head quarters will b sslabllahed has not been decided upon, but Wllkesbarre will. In all (.robabillty, be Selected. President Mitchell waa apparently la good ,CiUuu4. & EMtooAl Page.) FUGITIVES ARE ROUNDED UP Colonel Oaynor and Captain Ureen Arc Captured by Detectlvea at Quebec. QUEBEC, Mar 15. Colonel John F. Gay nor. who forfeited hla ball of 40,000 be cause of hla disappearance from Savannah, where he waa Indicted on a charge of con spiracy to "fraud the United States gov ernment, . y -partner, Captain W. D. Oreen, w ' f . out of Quebec today by an Au. 'i, named Bennett and five assist.' . Bennett haa be-. ' Sy rival of Oaynor and .'"'' j'i'l keen watch on their ' tu. '''' morning to waa Joined by fives .the ar pt a Thle a, who carried out a seemingly well laid plan to capture tbe accused. About 11 o'clock Oreen waa coming out of the postofflce, when three of the men approached blm and one of them, producing a document, showed It to Oreen. The latter atood dumfounded and asked permission to speak to someone, but In re ply was hurried Into a cab and rushed to Lower town, where he was placed on the Montreal tug Spray. In the meantime Bennett and the two other detectlvea went to the Chateau Frontenac, where Oaynor and Oreen were staying. Bennett remained outside while his comrades went Into the lobby. At the time Colonel Oaynor waa talking to the clerk. Both men went up Immediately and Invited him outside, where Bennett waa awaiting him In a cab. MONTREAL, May 15. The warrant upon which Oaynor and Oreen were ar rested in Quebec were sworn out by Marlon Erwln of Macon, Ga., who haa been for aome time In this city. Re Is advised by tbe law firm of McMaster & Hlckson and the warrants were given Into the hands of Chief of City Detectives Carpenter to execute. The warrants charge tbe men with em bezzling funds from the United States gov ernment and were issued by Judge Lafon tane, who thereby compels them to appear before the extradltloni commissioners In Montreal. WASHINGTON, May 16. Tbe kidnaping and aubsequent arrest of Oaynor and Oreen at Quebec was the result of a carefully laid plan of Chief Wllkle of the secret service. It was denied that the depart ment had sent men to apprehend tbe fugi tives, but It was later learned that In spectors Bennett, Burke, Taylor and three others had been assigned to the case. The capture was planned to come off yesterday and the department bad been looking for news of their arrest all day. Even now the secret service officials will not admit the receipt of any advices, but It Is known that the whole arrangements were perfectly carried out, even to the Issu ance of the warrants by the Judge on the application of Chief of Detectlvea Car penter of Montreal. It Is stated that It Is not unusual for United States secret service men to go over the line Into Canada In order to watch the movements of persons wanted for offenses committed in the United States and that frequently this Is done with the knowledge of the Canadian au thorities. BRYAN HAS TALK WITH PALMA New Prealdeat at Cabs Assents He Prefers ulet Home s Office. (Copyright, 1902, by Press Publishing Co.) HAVANA, May 16. (New York World Cablegram Special Telegram.) President Palma had a long conference with Gov ernor Jenntnga of Florida and Colonel William J. Bryan this morning. Tbe presi dent said he had come to Cuba reluctantly, preferring his home at Central Valley and a quiet life with hla . family rather than public life. But be came because he felt It his duty. He wanted tbe Cubans and tbe Spaniards to turn their backs on the past and unitedly face the future. The native pride of the Spaniards was com mendable and he hoped they would take a similar pride In Cuba. He wanted oppo sltlon for the betterment of the govern ment, but not the personal opposition of prejudice. He would be ready and willing to heed criticism and thought the liberty of the press a great national benefactor He was familiar with American history and would endeavor to have Cuba follow In the footsteps of the United States. The Spanish colony will give a brilliant ball Saturday night In honor of the corona tion of Alfonso XIII. President Palma will attend. He says b- k glad to show his respect for the government of Spain and thinks the Cubans should take an Interest In the mother country. SUCCESSOR FOR CORRIGAN Peralatrnt Reports that Bishop Mc Donnell of Brooklyn Is to Bo "riveted. ROME. May 16. There are persistent re ports at the Vatican that Bishop Charles McDonnell of Brooklyn, N. Y., la likely to be tha aucceaaor of the late Archbishop Corrtgan of the archdiocese of New York. Nothing, however, has been decided pend Ing the receipt of the names of the three candidates) whom the clergy of the arch diocese will aelect and from which the archbishop will be chosen. A high authority at the Vatican aald to the correspondent of the Associated Press that It seemed aa though Bishop McDonnell could have the appointment for the asking. NOT HESITATING AT MILLIONS Andrew Carnegie Woold Give Lib erally to Have lulled States Release Philippines. (Copvrtsht. V9"I. by Press Publishing Co.) LONDON, May 15. (New York World Ca blegram Special Telegram.) Andrew Car negie, when queettoned tonight on tbe ac curacy of Seward's statement respecting tha Philippines, aald: "Sewaid's statement la quite true. 1 would g adly pay I2O.CO0.OO0 today to re store tbe republic to Its first principles." Politicians Order Strike. STOCKHOLM, Sweden. May 15. The general ntrlke decreed by the social demo cratic psrty In support of the suffrage bill, tbe debate on which begins In Parliament today, was carried out aa arranged and the t'etip cf businaas has be prsMtoslly earn plete fines this morning. Traffic generally Is suspended The atreet cars, cabs, van, carta and steamers are not running and no work la going on la any of tbe factories or shops. Ths printers have also Joined the strike, which will last throughout tha parliamentary debate. Hints Ko Contract Balsts. LONDON. May 15. Jn the House of Commons today the president of tho Board of Trade, Gerald Balfour, Informed Rear Admiral Lord Charles Bereaford. conserva tive, that ha had reaaon to believe that no contract existed giving the American shipping combine the right to take over ths shares of or the fleet at the Cuaard Una, BRITONS THANK AMERICANS Chamberlain Expresses Gratitude of En gland for Aid to St. Vincent. TRANSMITS KIND FEELINGS TO ROOSEVELT Offer of the President to Send Relief to Volpnno Sufferers Is Cordially Appreciated by the British. LONDON, May 15. The colonial aeere- tary, Mr. Chamberlain, tonight wrote to the foreign office desiring Lord Lanadownn very gracefully to acknowledge and accept President Roosevelt'a offer of assistance and to Inform Mr. Roosevelt that Mr. Chamberlain cabled to the governor of St. Vincent today asking for information aa to the best method of util zing' fie United States' offer. Until the governor s snswer Is received nothing definite can be done. The colonial office especially asks the Associated Press to announce that any relief Intended for the Inhabitants of the Island of St. Vinci nt can, for tho present, be safely sent and will be wisely dis tributed If addressed to the governor of the Windward Islands, St. Vincent. Apprrelnte Roosevelt' Offer. The Associated Press is authorized to announce officially, on behalf of both the foreign office and the colonial office, that President Roosevelt's offer has created the deepest gratitude here. All the officials declare that no occurrence of recent years has so brought home to them the deep and material friendship existing between the two governments. Lord Monkbretton, Mr. Chamberlain's secretary, said to a representative of the Associated Press: "We are. Indeed, grate ful to America. Our only difficulty Is to Insure an equitable distribution of tbe relief sent from all sources. Until we hear from the governor of St. Vincent we be lieve It would be better to defer organizing a system of distribution, though anything sent to him will doubtless be well applied. Experiences from previous d if as' ere teaches us that unprincipled persons take advantage of charity, and that a man who has only had his pig-sty burned down will demand a new house. We have heard noth ing today and find It difficult to communi cate with St. Vincent. Bnlfoar Spenks with Feel In sr. In a statement In the House of Com mons today regarding the measure pro posed by the government for the relief of the sufferers from the volcanic outbreaks In the Weet Indies, the govern ment leader, A. J. Balfour, after a reference to the steps taken, added: "We have taken account of the moat sympathetic manner in which tbe United States government has, to use Its own language, expressed' its desire 'to share In the work of rescue.' As to tbe manner In which this generous offer can best be ac cepted, the government of the Windward Isles has already been consulted." The correspondent of the London Times, at Paris, M. de Blowltz, sup plies hla paper this morning with an account of the St. Pierre disaster, tele graphed to him by a friend, from Fort de France, Martinique, under date of yester day by way of the island of Malta. The account, which does not differ very materially from that already told, con cludes as follows: It Is a melancholy and almost humiliat ing thing that the site of St. Pierre has to be guarded by the military, for numer ous pirates from the neighboring Islands were preparing to come and lay hands on anything of value. WASHINGTON, Mai 15. By dlrectlou of the president ' Secretary Hay, on May 12, sent the following cablegram to Ambassador Choate at London: Express to British government tha sym pathy of the president ami the people of this country in the affliction which has befallen St. Vincent and our tlesi.'e to share In the work of aid and refene. NEW YORK, May 15. A cablegram waa received today at the offices of the Quebec Steamship company saying that the steamer Korona, with survivors of tho Roralma, left St. Croix today and will proceed direct to New York. It. shculd arrive here May 19 or 20. Plans for Receiving; Funds. Colonel Bralnard, who is In charge of supplies of the army building. New York, received an order from Washington today Instructing- him to receive all public do nations In tbe way of supplies' for the relief of the sufferers in the West Indies. Edmond Bruewart, the French consi-1 general at this port. Is extremely pleaaed at the promptness with which relief has been sent to Martinique. "I have never seen anything organized so quickly or sat isfactorily," he aald. "I can say for France that It la deeply grateful. "I expect that M. Cambon will today make public the cablegram he has received from M. Delcasse, the foreign minister, thanking the Americans who have come so generously to the aid of the survivors of thk dreadful disaster. One of those who Is especially thanked by Senator Delcasse Is Senator Fairbanks." The cablegram Is as follows: On behalf of the people of Francs trans mit the expression of their extreme grati tude to Senator Fairbanks for his gen erous Initiative, Bodies Are Being Burned. NEW YORK. May 15. In the destroyed olty of St. Pierre the work on the rulna Is being continued In an unsatisfactory man ner, says a Fort de France dispatch to the Herald The dead are being burned, tbe pyres being fed with petroleum and tar. Great fire are kept going, which, at Bight,, light up the entire island, and which, being seen at St. Lucia, led to the belief that. Fort de Franco had burned. Although thousands have been burned, many still remain to be cremated. Search- era, while walking through the ashee, often step upon what seems to be a cbarred pillar of stone, only to learn as It yields grue somely under foot tfcat It k the trunk of another unfortunate. Some of tbe walls of tbe houses that still stand crumble and tall at touch. Some ldta of the terrible beat that poured down from, Mount Pelee may be had when It la known that the Iron rollers of the Prtnelle Sugar mills were melted aa though they had been put through a furnace. ronntlesa Floating Bodies. The Danish war ship valkyrien has re turned from Fort de France, says a St. Thomas, D. W. I., die-patch to the Tribune The officers confirm previous reports of hav ing steamed through countless floating bod ies on tho. way to Fort de France. Margaret Stokes, the ft-year-old child who Is one of the survivors of the steam ship Roralma, which was destroyed at St. Pierre, la ths only remaining member of a family of flvo that lived In Brooklyn up to a few months ago. The child's father was Clement Stokes, at one time a well-to-do merchant of Barbadoea, B. W. I., but for tha laat few years bookkeeper for da partnient store in Brooklyn. Stokes died Cvutliiuad, sov& P -A INDIANA ERECTS MONUMENT "baft Dedlrated In Honor of Soldiers and Sailors of State Gen eral Wallace Presides. INDIANAPOLIS. Ind., May 15. Impres sive ceremonies and an assemblage of more than 50,000 people made notable the dedi cation of the Indiana state soldiers' and sailors' monument at 10 o'clock thla morn ing, tbe cornerstone of which wss laid In 1889 In the presence of Benjamin Harrison and his cabinet. The monument stands 2844 feet high In the center of Monument place, which Is In the heart of Indianapolis. The total cost of the monument waa $598,319.48. The shaft was designed by Bruno Schmits of Berlin, and is constructed of Indiana oolitic limestone. The crowning feature la a bronze statue of "Victory." Tbe shaft Is decorated by army and navy a.ftragals In bronze and by large stone groups, "In Peace and War." The balcony, 2284 feet above the street level. Is reached by ele vator and from it tourtala from all over the world view the entire citv of Indian apolis and miles of the country surrounding. John W. Foster of Washington, D. C, former secretary of state, delivered the oration. In which, after dwelling on the war history of Indiana, he said that every soldier who receives a pension should watch with Jealous care vthat no deserter, no skulker, no unworthy camp follower, through the cunning of dishonest claim agents, should have the same badge of honor. He referred to the corruption of public and municipal bodies as a menace to the foundation of the government, com mended civil service as the "only method of filling offices where all applicants stand upon a common level, and the only way of securing the best results In administra tion." General Lew Wallace, author of "Ben Hur," presided at tbe ceremonies and de livered a short address. Oustavus V. Men zles of Mount Vernon, on the part of the board of control of the monument, delivered It to the state, and Governor W. T. Durbln made the speech of acceptance. James Whltcomb Riley read a poem writ ten for the occasion, entitled "The Soldier. There are eight stanzas of eight lines each. One of the stanzas follows: The soldier why, the very utterance is music as or rallying Dugies blent With blur of drums and cymbals and the chants Of battle hymns that shake the conti nent Tbe thunder-chorus of a world le stirred To awful universal Jubilee Yet ever through it, pure and sweet, are neara The prayers of womanhood and Infancy. DAUGHTER OF DOWIE DIES Iters for Hoars from Barns While Her Father Prays for Recovery. CHICAGO, May 15. Esther Dowle, daughter of "Dr." Alexander Dowle, pro prietor of "Zlon," died last night of burns, having suffered for hours, while "EJtJah II" prayed over her. .- Miss Dowle wis 23 years old and a stu dent at the University of Chicago. Yesterday- morning her hair caught fire from a gas Jet and her head and face were hor ribly burned. Nurses placed salve on the patient's wounds, he Dowle doctrine al lows of the use ot medicine externally. Meanwhile the-"dlvlne healer" was hur rying to the bedside from his new city of Zlon, at Waukeegan. Upon his arrival the attendants were excluded from the room and Dowle sank to his knees in prayer. His supplications lasted all day. He re fused to cease even to take the nourish ment which his followers would have pressed upon him. The patient was unconscious much of the time and died at 9 o'clock In great agony, having returned to consciousness a short time before. News of the death did not come out until today, when the coroner was notified. An inquest was set for 11 o'clock today. At the Inquest "Dr." Dowle was the first witness. He frequently broke down under bis grief. He deolared that his daughter's nlghtrobe had been burned from her body, and that vaseline had been rubbed on ber by Deacon Spelcher's orders. Bpelcher has a license to practice medi cine. He declared that during tbe after noon the patient's condition had become very serious, and that Dr. Campbell, a medical practitioner, had been sent tor to consult with Dr. Spolcher. Campbell, the witness said, had aald there was little hope. Dowle declared that when Esther regained consciousness she asked him to pray for her. As no time, he saldrhad she asked for medical attendance. The Jury then returned a verdict that death was 'due to burns accidentally re ceived. IOWA LIQUOR LAW INVALID Supreme Court . Holds Mulct La.w to Be Vnconatltu- tlonal. ' DE9 MOINES, la.. May 15. The supreme court ruled today that the sale of liquor to "bootleggers" and other realdent violators of ths Iowa law cannot be prohibited when the sales are made by agents of non-resi dent dealers. The court holds that the section ot the Iowa liquor law known as the "mulct law,' prohibiting such sales, la in conflict with Interstate commerce laws and Is therefore unconstitutional. The decision Is rendered In the case of State agatnat Pat Henappy of Jefferson county and is reversed in favor of the de fendant, who waa agent for an Illinois liquor bouae, soliciting orders at Fairfield which were filled by shipment direct to the purchaser. The effect of the decision Is to prevent further seizure of liquor in the hands of express and other transportation companies and disposes of dozens of such cases now pending. COPPER CONCERN BOUGHT Oreen Consolidated Copper Company Passes late the Hands of New Owners. LOS ANGELES, Cat.. May 16. A special to the Express from Btsbee, Aria., says: It la rumored that control of tbe Oreen Cuuauliuitcd Copper enmnany has nsud to new owner, who are stated to be the principal owners of the General Electric company of New York. It Is alleged tho new ownera have ac quired tbe Green Consolidated on basts of about 1100 .a share for control of the property. This figure represents a transac tion aggregating a sum in excess of $30, 000,000. The purchase Is said to have been for cash. It is alleged here that Colonel Green and hla associates have disposed of their Naco-Cananea railroad and are out of the Cananeaa for good. Among the new owners of the Oreen Consolidated are said to be E. H. Harrtman and several Standard Oil INQUIRY INTO BEEF TRUST Investigation to Determine Status of ths Combination is Begun, MAN ON "BLACK LIST" GIVES TESTIMONY Snys All Parkers Advanced Prices Simultaneously and Shut Ulna Out tatll He Submitted to Terms. ALBANY, N. Y., May 15. Former Su preme Court Justice Judson 8. Landls, as referee, today began an Investigation under the provisions of the Donnelly anti-trust law to determine whether or not an Il legal combination to manipulate the price of meat exists among the large packing houses of the west. Attorney Oeneral John O. Davles, with Attorney J. Newton Flero as counsel, ap peared on behalf of the state. The firms affected were represented by attorneys. Subpoenaes feave been issued for Arthur Colby, who, it is said, acted as agent for the packers In fixing prices to be charged for beef, and for the business managers and representatives In this state of Ar mour and company, the Cudahy Packing company. Nelson Morris and company, Swift and company, Schwarsschtld and Sulzberger and the O. H. Hammond com pany. These corporations do business In this state as foreign corporations, and it is stated that if the attorney general can secure evidence to substantiate his claim that a combine exists he will apply to th supreme court for an order revoking their certificates permitting them to do business In this state. All Prices Ko t'p at Once. Andrew W. Gerlock, meat dealer of New York, waa the first witness. He had known and had dealings with Armour and company, Cudahy Packing company, Nel son Morris and company, Swift and com pany, Sohwarzschlld and Sulzberger, and H. Hammond and company. He stated tbe prices of "straight beet" at present varied from $11 to $12 per hundred pounds as against $8 per hundred six months ago. The same rule, bo declared, held good with other kinds of meat. This advance, he swore, was made sim ultaneously by all of tho firms mentioned. As a result of a dispute with the man ager of Swift and company regarding pay ment for beef he could not procure beef from any firm in New York without pay ment in advance. He declared that Michael Mulcahy, an agent for Swift and Company, had told him that he waa on the "black list" and would be kept there until he settled his dispute with the firm. This condition, he declared, existed for ten days, when the matter was settled. Witness said that Adams & Co. and the St. Louis meat companies were not in the alleged combine. Refuses to Give I'p. Alfred Epstein, a New York attorney. was called. Mr. Flero aaked him If it was true that be had in hLs possession letters and communications with reference to the operations of the beef combine. He said be bad not, although he had seen what purported to be a book contain ing communications which passed between Mr. Cudahy and bis confidential man, E. L. Hughes. The book never had been in hla possession, but left with a client. He de clined to name his client, claiming that bis knowledge waa in tbe nature of a confidential communication between an at torney and a client. Justice Landon overruled tbe objection and ordered him to answer. He refused and the attorney general asked that he be adjudged in contempt. The witness then stated that tbe federal government now had possession of the alleged evidence and asked again that the question be not pressed. Attorney General Davles renewed his mo tion that the witness be declared in con tempt, but consented to an adjournment in order that Mr. Epstein could prepare a brief showing why the question was not a proper one. PHILADELPHIA RECORD SOLD William 8. Stena-er Pays Two Million Three Hundred Thousand Dol lars for Property. PHILADELPHIA, May 15. By order of the United Btates court of Eastern Penn sylvania James E. Mack, special commis sioner, today sold at publlo auction 9,050 aharss of the 10,000 shares of thePfalladel- phla Record Publishing company, par value $100. William 8. Stenger of Philadelphia bought the stock for $2,300,000. Mr. Stenger is an attorney and was secretary of the common wealth during Governor Pattlson's first term. Mr. Stenger also bought $470,000 ot the Issue of $500,000 6 per cent bonds of the Record company, paying $64,000 therefore. When asked who be represented in the transaction Mr. Stenger smilingly answered. "Myself," and declined to say anything further. There was a large attendance at the sale, many newspaper owners from other cities being among those present. Wesley M Oler of the Baltimore Herald was Mr. Btenger's principal competitor. His laat bid was $2,296,000, and tbe stock was knocked down to Mr. Stenger at bis bid of $2,300,000. Adolph Ochs of the New York Times also was an active bidder, but be stopped at $1,830,000. After the two large blocks of stocks and bonds had been disposed of a lot of 150 shares of Record Publishing rompany stock was sold to Mr. Stenger for $220 a share. The first bid was $900,000 and aeveral of the early bidders dropped out before the $1,600,000 mark was reached. Attorney Stenger, when questioned as to whom he represented, said: "I purchased tbe Record In my own name nd will take tbe title to the property when it la transferred in my own name, Of rouraa others ara Interested with m In the" purchase, tmt at present I have nothing to say on that point. I do not wish to say however, that the change of ownership brought about by my purchase will vnot cause any shakeup In the paper either in its administration or its policy. It will continue to bo what it Is now In all prac tiesl and aubstantlal respects, The owner ship will be changed and that is all that will be changed. The Identity of the per sonality of the old Record will remain what It Is at present and readers and patrons of the Journal established and built up by William M. Singerley and bis aaslstants, will not perceive any deviation or shadow of turning In the management." Vain Attempt at Suicide, WATERLOO, la., May 15. (Special.) Nora Lockhart was rescued from a suicide's grave in the Cedar river by frtenda. She attempted to Jump from the railroad bridge of tha Chicago Great Western. Sbs spent tbe night In Jail and since decided to slay oa sf ta while. CONDITION OF THE WEATHER Forecast for Nebraska- Showers Friday I Warmer In Knst Portion Saturday, Fair In West; Showers in Kast Portion. Temperature at Omaha Yeaterdayl Hour. Heat. Hour. Hear, fi a. m ...... n.t 1 t. m ...... P t a. m r2 9 p. m A.i T a. ni ...... nt a p. m. . . , . . firi K a, M 4 p. m. fin la. ni Bil R p. nt...... fid 1(1 n. m n:i 6 p. m Ill 1 1 a. m. . . . . . r4 T p. m. . . (14 lil nu....... ot H p, s rt O p. in . Ml APPEAL TO NEBRASKA FOR AID Committee to Receive Donations for St. Pierre Sufferers Carls on the t'harllable. OMAHA, Neb., May IS, 1903. To the Public: Having been appointed by tho president of the United States a commit tee to receive and distribute funds for the relief of the sufferers from the appalling catastrophe In Martinique and St. Vincent, we sincerely and earnestly request that liberal contributions be sent without delay to Victor B. Caldwell, cashier of tho United States National bank, Omaha, who will serve ns treasurer of the fund. VICTOR B. CALDWELL, JOHN C. WHARTON, Committee. OMAHA, Neb., May 1. 1002. To the Public: President Roosevelt has appointed Hon. John C. Wharton and Hon. Victor B. Caldwell a committee to solicit funds for the relief of the stricken people of Mar tinique and St. Vincent. As mayor of the city, and at the request of the committee. I appeal to the citizens of Omaha In be half of this cause, believing that tbey will generously respond to the call made in tho cause of suffering humanity. Omaha must not be outdone by the other cities of the country In this great cause, which Is en listing the sympathy of the whole civilized world. FRANK E. MOORES, Majror. OMAHA. Neb., May 18, 1902. To the Editor ot The Bee: The undersigned have been appointed by the president of the United States aa a committee to receive and distribute funds for the relief of the sufferers from the recent terrible catas trophe in Martinique and St. Vincent. This Is the roost appalling dlsaater of modern times and has aroused the horror and wakened the sympathy of the whole civ ilized world. We ask that your valuable paper, which haa ever been interested in the cause of humanity and mercy, publish the enclosed appeal, and that you will do all in your power to assist tbe committee In securing prompt and liberal contributions. VICTOR B. CALDWELL. JOHN C. WHARTON. RETURNS WITH ITS CARGO Steamer Cannot Unload Because Venesuelane Are Too Duay ' with War. NEW YORK. May 16. The Dutch steamer Prlns Frederick Hendrlk arrived today from ports In Venezuela and tbe islands of West Indies. The steamer, however, paaaed Martinique too far distant to know anything of the eruption. At Carupano, Venezuela, the people were in a state of defense, having bad battle with tbe government forces few days be fore. The town was barricaded and every man carried a gun. Captain Vender Oott of the steamer contradicted the report that the city had been bombarded. He said it bad fallen after 1,400 men bad gone out to meet the enemy and only 350 returned. It could not be learned If they bad been killed, wounded or captured or bad merely run away. At Cumana the captain went ashore, but could find no officials to do business with and consequently was unable to discharge his cargo for that place. The inhabitants were also under arms and bustnesa ap peared to be suspended. INSURANCE COMPANY LOSES Forced to Pay Policy of Ten Thousand Dollars to Widow of Adam Roth. ST. LOUIS. May 15. In the United States district court today Judge Adams rendered a verdict In favor of Mrs. Mar garet Roth, who susd for the payment of $10,875 life Insurance policy held by ber husband, Adam Roth, the wholesale grocer, In the Mutual Reserve Life asso ciation ot New York. Tbe verdict In cluded costs. A short time prior to his death Mr. Roth refused to pay an assess ment on the policy, and thla act, the company claimed, made the policy invalid. Judge Adams said: "Mr. Roth had paid many assessments on bis policy and the net value paid waa sufficient to carry after his lapse for a period extending to the time of his death. Therefore the fact that be failed to pay an assessment con stituted no defense." ' UNITED 0RDER0F FARM HANDS Organisation May Be Formed to liar- vest Crops from Oult to Canada. WICHITA, Kn.. May 16. Tbe rlca growers of Texas and Louisiana, through their organization, have opened communi cation with tbe Implement dealers of Kan sas and Oklahoma with view of co-operating in securing hands, first for tbe care of the wheat harvest In the north and then in tha rice harvest of the south. The final purpose is to organise an army of travel ing farmhands to follow wheat, rice and corn harvesting from New Orleans to North Dakota. CR0KER MAY COME BACK Tammany thief tan to Leave Ills Wantage Dairy to Fill Klxon's Place. NEW YORK. May 15. Tbe Evening Post baa the following today: It was reported at Tammany ball this morning that Richard Croker will be in New York within a month and will either resume tbe leadership of ths organization or select successor to Nixon. It was predicted that a thorough poli tician, probably one of the district leaders, will be chosen, aa the experiment ot put ting a business man at the head of Tam many ball baa turned out to be failure. Chooses t'enln for Bed. OTTUMWA. Ia.. May 15. (Special.) After spending a alght In ooflin, Hans Albert, a violinist, declared to tbe under taker In charge of the casket that be bad reformed for good. He waa placed In the coffin at bis own request when Intoxicated. The awakening was dramatic. Albert thtnk Udl lbs SMurraUJui morning fc4- uriitA. TAX ON FRANCHISES Boasoni Given for Assessing ths Intangible rroperty of Railroads. STOCKS AND BONDS REPRESENT VALUE Fhysioal Property Not All that Should Appear on tho Eolls, MILLIONS NOW ESCAPE TAX COLLECTOR Securities and Shares of All Companies Ought to Bo Listed. LAW IN PREMISES MADE CLEAR B. W. Mineral Presents Araumrnt to State Hoard of Kqnallaatlon on Points Involved In Pend ing 4,'omplalnt. (From a 8taff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, May 15. (Special.) Following the addrers of E. Rosewater before the State Board of Equalization, arguing for i.n Increase In the valuation ot the physical property of the Nebraska railroads, E. W. Slmeral made, an argument In favor of list ing and assessing the franchises of theso corporations. At the close of Mr. Simeral's address tbe board took a recess until today and today was In session but a few mo ments, an adjournment being taken until tomorrow morning to allow the various railroads to make answer to the argumonta advanced by Mr. Rosewater and Mr. Slm eral. Auditor Weston explained that this continuance waa not requested by the rail roads and that, in fact, be did not know whether or not tbey intended to make any reply, but he said the board agreed that an opportunity ahould be gWen them to do so If they desired. In presenting the matter to the board, Mr. Slmeral said: "I should like to make statement and also request. There are two points which we desire to take up, one of which Mr. Rosewater will deal with alone, being the tangible property of the railroads. That, of course, is something that has always been assessed. And I am going to take up the question of tbe lntanglbl property or the franchises, and the duty of the board to assess tho franchise and of course it would limit the argument or perhaps not necessitate my saying any thing at ail, If you gentlemen would intl n ate or let the record show as to whether or not you propose to follow the courao heretofore taken by all the boards and not assess the franchises of the roads. If you take that course I have nothing to say. Mr. Rosewater covers the balance and I am not posted on those questions that be is. If, on the other hand, you desire to take up the question as matter of law ex clusively, that Is, the question as to tho duty of the board under the law to assess the franchise as part of the road. If such be tbe case then I should like to be beard." Views of Governor and Auditor. " By tbe governor: "Personally I want to assess everything in tbe state that we can assess. I want to see money enough, if it is possible, to run all tbe legitimate ex penses of the state." By Mr. Slmeral: "I feel that as fir as I am concerned that there la but ont ques- " tlon before you. I would suggest If it Is agreeable to you you might pass a resolu tion or have the record show that you either do or do not assess the franchises; then we will know where we are." By " the auditor: "I know there bas aothing been put upon tbe record as yeC regarding the assessment of the francnlses of the railroads, but I believe It haa been the opinion of the board and that the opin ion has been tacitly acted upon up to the present time that we bad no power to assess the franchises, and as far as I am personally concerned that is my view In the matter. We are not a board created by the constitution And endowed wltb pow ers Independent of the legislature. We ara simply authorized by the legislature to do certain specific things in regard to tbe as sessment of the railways, and my view ot the matter Is that we cannot transcend the powers that ara specifically conferred upon us in regard to railway assessments. The statutes require the railway companies to make certain reports to tho auditor and the franchise is not Included In that report. The statutea aay more. Tbey say that the Board of Assessment in making up the value of tbe railways shall take Into con sideration tbe report that tbe railways are required to make, and it does not give this board the power to go beyond that report In making uo the valuation. Furthermore, ths statutes do not require the railroads of the state to furnish thla board with the data from which the value of the franchise could be estimated. Under tbe rule as laid down by the supreme court in its recent decision of the Omaha tax cases, and in view of the matter it is my opinion that the board cannot go Into the subject." Not Matter of Record, Mr. Slmeral;. "May I ask if you would have any objection to having your views made a matter of record so that we can have record that is specific 7" Tbe auditor: "I ant only one of the board, but aa far aa my views are concerned I am not unwilling to have them made a matter of record." Mr. Slmeral: "I mean aa a board. W1U you pass a resolution to that effect?" The auditor: "I am only one of the board, and I am speaking for myself individually, understand." Mr. 81 moral: "But do you not believe that under the law that you have tbe right to assess franchises?" Ths auditor: "That la my view ot the matter." Mr. Slmeral: "Then if the other members of the board are of tbe same opinion or majority of them are ot the same opinion that Is all that would be necessary." The governor: "As far as I am concerned I do not know whether-we have the right or not, but if it can be shown that we bare tbe right to assess franchises then we ought to do It, but I do not know whether we have or no. I am willing to learn and willing to bear anything that you or any one else haa to aay on that subject." Tbe auditor: "Certainly. I am of the aame opinion aa tar as that la concerned." Mr. Slmeral: "Certainly I understand that. But my Idea was this. Of couras here la the position In which we are placed. What I want Is to be able, if necessary, to present the matter to the supreme court and ask them to determine whether under the law It Is tbs duty of tbe board to assess franchises. Now, In ordor to do that It would require actionon your part to say whether you are going to or not." The governor: "Well, I am not pre pared to say now whether we are or not. Mr. 8lmeral: "There is no hurry about that, but 1 would like tut tha bosrA to paS