Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 14, 1902, Page 9, Image 9

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THE OMA1TA' DAILY BEEt WDN ESPAY, MAY-" 14, : 1002,- -
wll h Ittkfii (! la aa, fv the
edttlo sgatll HO p. SB.
far marnlna Mad SeaSar edltlea.
Ratee, l)-3e a word ml laaertfea,
ll t nil tkcrMllf r. . Kalklig taken
for Irae than tM foe the urst laser
lln. Tlrt ed-retleeaeets aenat
ran foaeeeattvely.
Advertisers, by reaeaatiasT
ern ebeek, Ut mn aa
greeerel ta aiiaktifd tt(r la car
f The Bm, Answer a aatdreeeeel will
a delivered nresentatlea mt lava
keek aaly.
WORK by tb day. 2031 Sherman sve.
y AM 151 If
M, ASTBU-vf tf E 'ttELf .'
GOOD messengers wanted: Increased pay.
A D. T. Co... 213 BuuUV 13ih. B-31
If you live lit ttia- oosntry or tn a (mall
town arrt , have a good toqu&imanct
among the farmers an. stocav raisers In
tht neighborhood yu can .make 16 easily
by tour or live- hours work. Write us
and we wlil end your uur proposition.
'Ine Bee P ubiisiung. Co., bulioliors' Dept.,
Omaha. Neb. . O-Mui
WANTED, a good man In every county to
take subscriptions for The Twentieth Century-
Farmer. Our. agents malts pood
wages everywhere, Reierenees required.
Address Twentwili Ceulury Farmer,
Omaha, Neo. '." ; B 614
... -
THREE or four good men wanted: 10O per
month. Call 6-'7 paxton Dlock. UiiJM
WANTKO, oalesmea M solicit orders on a
new proposition by which you can. earn
I to a a dayi'yojrig dien from U tu id
desired, who are bustiers and well recom
mended. , Boom lsfii, Omaha JLhe Bldg.
. . '-. ,. B-Mw
WANTED, a gentleman' desires to take
private lrasoni In. Trench, two evenings
each week. Must tail at my residence.
Address, stating method of teaching, X
42. Bee, ... .,., B M;0
O. R. RATHBUjtf glvVs private lessens in
bookkeeping. Room 16, COmmerciul , Na
tional bank. . B Ai
WANTED fwo rood gunsmiths at once;
steady work;' fcood wages. Address F.
Schumann, Memphis', Tenn. D H',1 22
WANTED Meh iq , etrn barber trade;
here la your chance, only et'gtit weeks re
quired; steady prattle', '.expert Instruct
tlons, lectures, toois presented, wages
Saturdays . diplomas krauted. positions
. guaranteed; catalogue mailed free.. Muler
barber College, lfel Farnam' Bt.
. ' ' ; . . . ,B-M80tf 15 ;'
THOROUGHLY ftJcpertejiPH stenographer,
rapid In notes and machine work, should
- also ' be a good penman and Competent
, to dd clerical work; salary. Itio. Apply by
pen-written Utter -to A It. Bee, giving
age, prevlou - etpetienca and reftnce(.
. " ''V .' '. x ' B-4o It
STRICTLY first-clas soda dispencer, also
combination Ice cream' and tandy maker
and a good brrl mari." ti. B. Oraham,
24th and Farnam, . , - A -li 8l
WANTED-rJOood barber at.' once: single
man preferred. K- C. .Deardurlt, David
City, Neb. . U-64 U-
WANTED, state, organizer for Nebrnska
and other atatr by old established lnsur
anca society; pas's slcknoas, accident and
death claims; plan popular and easy to
secure members;. salary and renewal con
tract. Write for terms." Address "So
cley, 70S N. Y. Ufe Hldg.. Kansas City,
Mo. Mention Ihls paper.. B 951 13
k MERCANTILE agency, awants repre
sentntlves; salary ajid commieJlon. lfox
D 2o6. Boulder, Colorado. J3 S90 17 .
JTRONC3 boy. of II to do packing, deliver
ing and general store work. Hlate refer
ences and salary expected.. Address, A 36,
Bee. . v--. U 138 16
WANTED A feood all-around bread an
caka' baker; good ' wages for the right
man; single man preferred.' . Address,
A 8.- Bee. ' . ' . ' B-137 14
WANTED--Yoana; man for general office
work; must have experience In shipping.
A 39, Bee. - B 133 14
WANTED Experienced carnat layer; good
wages for right m a u,. Apply Immediately,
W. It. Bennett Co. " ' B 134 13'
WANTETV everywhere;' "hustlers to tack
signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc.;
no cnnvHsslng; good pay. "Bun Advertis
ing Bureau. Chicago,' 111. " B M145 14
MECllANICS qualitjed. for advancement;
our free booklet. "Are Your Hands TindT"'
tolls how thousands- have doubled or
largely- increased their earning capacity
through our spare, time Instruction by
mall: write to the International Corre
spondence Schools,' box lmss, gcranton, pa
or call day or evening Omaha .office, (til
Paxton block. . B M144 14 ,
WANTED, men -orr" commissi on; rood ref
erences, to nein argsnice locally every.
Where the PenDls's Universal Trust. Ad.
dress Walter vrooman, 316 Century bldg..
jvauaaa uir,'o. , - il H"
WANTED. Stone masons." hrirlclavnra and
. tenders, fr work on' Vnlty Temple; steady
Work for iereraJ. months-"Apply to Henry
1a -urenning, ..pougut. vvyo, . u-aiw l
WANTBD;" txvy ;To restaurant;' state ex-
erleore, ff Sriv ant . wages expected.
. K. HemaiKiver, Red .CUtk, la , ,
B-M150 15 .
WANTETJ,-" a' gped, steady 'butchcY with
mall capital wlll.And a eplcndl.l. opening
in northeastern, town of Nebraska; a
t flrt-oMsM biiaches shop,'chfrally located;
I 3u vyacatett where a-Huoqrssfjil-bUHlae
lias Aeen ayne lor yoars. this is & sjiJea
did chanee for the right man. "For in
; formation adu: 2 60, Bee offli. .
- r B M1541
.SALESMEN- wan taa lor full -line of fruit
and ornamental trees; pay weekly; outfit
. iree, jawrtnee nuraary company, uw
X rapes, .Kaa.-,-. s.. . ? t . e-OeS
XUVl TUVVI a nutnKl nt apAnMa, In X?-
. braska and Western Iowa Where we use
i good man selling our -Jjlatnlard . 8tk
t iooa to Tarmere avnft leetlers; they mut
have teams and give full -time- to the
business;; tbey ; Buat. be meu. of high
tamilng. have , some. 4tnew1edge ef Uve
lock ana good .buaineae ability ; we fur
nish wagons for such men and offer ex
ceptional Inducements to permanent sales
men: bond required; sand for application
tiaubora 'Company,
. - MaT M2
Omaha,. Nea. -
WANTKIV-A -traveling salesman of good
appearance; middla-itged wan preferred:
one whose time is worth-less than HO
ir wotk wanted. . A 44, Bee. . - '
' i - -l3 13
WANTED, two young- lady students - to
learn halrdresaing, luanlwuriug and chi
ropody ard salecUOo tuanaagu. Call or
write Room tW, Be BUg. . C M
10 Qlrts. CalCaPaUlan pOlce, UU A Dodge.
C ebft
WANTED, dvaerylng young lady er gentle,
man te take life schularuhlp In Omaha's
best business and skortaand coUege and
pay for it when ; cuuraa is nnUhed-aud
position secured, v Address A 1, Bee. '
. . ,C 60
WANTED, -a- teaeher - to--Instruct the
French languagv to e . class of - three,
twice a week; state terms. Address
Z 34, Bee. ..., . , Cidi-A
LADIES Our ealalogue explains how we
teach halrdresslng, manicuring and facial
massage ia- four wavka, mailed free.
Moler College,. it: Fmrnam Bt.
. i .".' iC-MS07 1S:
riR4T-CLA8tt waist- and skirt makers,
must be xperlencad, Tio other need apply.
Aaaress Maelilrs s Dressmaking Depart
ment., av u. - -. C 107 S
WANTED, girt; at 4u Hill -Side. lMh and
Dodge. . - t . C M14H 16
WANTKO. leaf he--, for remunerative
position, durttui vacauos: -permanent- if
aausiaciory. Address A 42,
i , , C MIS W
Rlp Wanted.
WANTiaV, -alrT tot senertJ . - housework
i"w aai aiaw y cor vara wma. (u
vitt, corner Mason. MU1 16'
VAN3 and.baggsfe aagjns. TL 11
I - n t'lijit a Vn -P!"re
s v ..... x t artaui, r "--.
UOI KFQ lH Prta of elty
The O.
F. Davis Co., 662 Bee BMg.
HOl'BEB. vtores. Bemls. Paxton block.
HOUSES and flats. Rlngwalt, Barker block
10-ROOM hnuse, with baeemont, nth and
Jackson, IJ.'; good location. . ( K.
Turklngton, 6 Bee. .. D M361
FOR RENT, 7-room house 22d and Cali
fornia tits., an moaern, in gooa repair,
large yard. Inquire at 607 N. Y. Life
building. D-2tt
FOR RENT, -room,- modern, detached
house, newly painted and papered. .).
2621 Capitol Ave. Tel. 873. B. IL RoMson.
D M3S3
BEE PA-YNr4. ROSTWICK CO. for choice
houses. l-2 N. Y. Life Bklg. A el. l'JIS.
UNEQC ALED, central, modern 4 and 5-
ruorn nais, . i naru, ajj n. mu ii, u swv
HOUSES,- etc F. D. Wead. 1SE4 Douglas.
CI IAS. E. WILWAM80N,. 203 Farnam' St.
Maggard .V. & .S. Co., J714 Webster. Tel 1496.
TOP. RENT, d-room ' modrn honsw rlesr
Farnam 8t, Ed. O, Hamilton, 211 Bo 17th
. Bt. Tel. A-U32. D-105 1
FOR RENT, 23111 Burt t., a large fine tv1-
aence, v. rooms, and tnnronjgniy modern,
hot water heat, steel rarure In kitchen,
large yard, with shade trees; will rent
to a flrst-clase tenant from Jufi 8 for $27
, per month.' Inquire on premises.
' D-M147 V
FOR RENT, residence, all trmAem, fill N.
PI., in ursirtioir irimnc, tA.DU. c
Hprrlns1. 707 N. Y. Life. . D M1&4 18
FURNISHED rooms, all modern. 820 N.
15th Bt. - bib& MIS
LEQANT rooms, finest location In the
city. :190V capuoi Ave. - kMiao
LARGE, also smaller room.. 808 N. 19th fit.
- - m iw iim
TWO housekeeping rooms, 18. 2628 St
Mary s. 'ti Mail M2
TWO well furnished south rooms. . 2015
Douglas. ' ' F-M273
FRONT room, modern, 18. 1717 Webster.
FOR RENT, ' a nice large furnished front
. room, wittr aicovc. ivi o. unin si.
THE I-ANOB HOTEL, fr04 8. 11th St.-
DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnam.
' . Jt iSS)
TWO beautiful -connecting barlor fur-
nisnen or unrurmsnea; moaern nome;
large lawn; privilege' of light housekeep
ing. 30Z3 Burt. E M804
THREE) nicely furnished front rooms, very
cheap. 408 N.- letn. tnira'iioor.
.i 15-821 13
NEWLY furnished rooms, with good bosrd.
HOT IS. Z5tn Bt. JU M6
TWO very desirable rooms, modern house.
private ramny. six mocks from center or
city. A 14. Bee. E-4M7 13
THE ROBE, 2020 Harney, rooms with board.
&4 Alia
FRONT room and board. 1222 California.
F170 M2
NICH rooms with good board; reasonable;
bath, gas, electric light and telephone.
411 N. 26th. : F MU3
Merrram, comfortable summer home. Tel. 85.
NICE eool south rooms, large front, fur
nished or unfurnished; others: fine loca
tlon.- Bl N. 23d. F-M146 15
DEBK room space, 15 per month, ground
floor room- In The Bee building, facing
Farnam street; ho expense for light, heat
or janitor service. A. C. Peters & Co.,
Rental Agents, Bee building. O 116
SUITE "of rooms, modern, housekeeping.
616 Georgia Ave. O Msal
FOR RENT, the building formerly occu
pied by The Bee at S16 Farnam St. It has
four stories and a basement which was
formerly used as The Bee press room.
This will be rented very reasonably, if
interested apply at once to C. C. Rose-
water, secretary, room iuu, Bee Duikiing.
. . 1-261
FOR RENT, store In first-class location:
rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Peters
Co., ground noor, ee mag. i zos
BTOREROOM, 701 B. 18th. R, C. Peters &
Co., Main .Floor, Bee Bldg. 1218
FOR RENT, desk room or large apace
suitable for merchandise broker or party
1 doing business In wholesale district. In-
. quire wene a co. vie arnam bt.
I , . 'I
AT ONCE, a good, reliable agent making
ell ' branches ofC, B. a Q. In southern
' Nebrsska to take a good side line on
' oumiruasiou Audreas Y 19. Bee
- J-M430 MIS i
WANTED, ' canvassing agents In ever
county to solicit subscriptions to TH1
. fU'irMTlirTU .-fHfWTIIPV
m . . m. . . . M a . . ... & A. . . h . . . ,
; steady employment With assured good
.'income; agents in' the- eountry with
. horse and froggy especially desired; can-
; vassers diiu eaauy ko to sum per month,
Addresa Century - Farmer Solicitors'
: Bureau, Bee building. Omaha. " -213
AOBNT8 wanted. With horse and -waaan
to make 13s weekly sellinr U farmers a
household necessity that they are glad to
ruy; clean, pleasant, prontaoie employ.
cunllle Syndicate, dept. J, Kansas Crry,
WANTED, to buy a gnod carriage team
Bviiiuoie tor a iaay io arive. Addiss
TE.1U rW llAABra . , . t . . X
. .. I. K M I A . j
WANTED-To buy a vacant fnslde lot. ht
iw, vil 'vpy lum. wiLnill 1 uiocaf a
' New York Life building. Give cash prlc
aua lucaiiun. jkuuress. A 'i nee.
WANTED, new or second-hand mill work-
rrrg maeninery, 1 96-incn band saw, 1 80 or
22-lnch rip saw, 80-Inch plainer, 1 I or
s-inca Tnouiuiiig maenine, i jointer. J. j
iveeie, oioux tiiy, is. w Mitv 1
CHICAGO Furrrtture Co., 1410 Dodge. TeL
va. iMew and secooanana, oougnt, sold,
iwaanaeii. o u
FUll AA.t. tlOHIUS, . WAUOM, t lC
FOR SALE, buggies, phaeton, carriages
runabouts, new and secondhand, at .-in
prices. Repairing and trimming; alao. put
- uu ruooer urea, fieirxer, iila and Leev
owuria dib, . - , , P ass M-14
PAINTING and repairs on wagons, etc.
our specialty. H. Frost, 14th and Leav
enworth. Tel. 1147. Pili
SEVERAL fine driving ' horses. Waller
rueipa, room u, i. x. UI oldg. ..
FOR BALE A thoreughbred Imported
Diieiuanu pouy. inquire 01 A. . If. Bran-
aeia, aoaiun store.
FOR SALE A fine Brewster Governess
cart; coat tl&) a year sgo; thoroughbred
imported Shetland pony and hurneas.
IrHiuire of Uavrge ScbrOeder. Boatoa
ature erne. X st ao
FOR BALK, ebeapt good second-hand phaa
iuo. v.,, ra ma eTeomg, aim urn si.
.!-,- . f-MlSS 18
txm SALE, fine saddle koraa. knows
ride him; can be seen any evening a
v v.uv ai wi4i ana venter sis.
P Ml4
iDUANDaala chaapi ahiurti
FLE8CHER sells bicycles. 1S22 Capitol Ave.
y u
2DHAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1U re mam.
W 31
INDIAN goods and tellcs.
1111 Farnam
WIRE fenre for poultry, hog, lawn and
yaru, nitcn posts, tree guards. Wire
Works, 617 B. 16th Bt. Tel. lit".
Q-M972 July
100 STYLES trusses: catalogue free. Sher
man at Mcconneii urug Co., 16th and
Dodge, Omaha. , j 314
BALE, phonographs, superior to any
other rau
"- , uin, ii., w w y . i ii
tman Co., 1621 Farnam. W 31a
v it
BICYCLES and phonographs on easy psy
ments 1 down. l.5i per week; 2dhand
wneeia, o, and iiu; new wneeis,
Omaha Bicycle Co , 16th and Chicago Sts.
FOR SALE, scholarship In an Omaha
snorxnana scnoor, cneap. inquire fiz ue
Hldg. . . t , Q-MWg.
STAMP photea. le each. Velo. IS ft- Far-ro.
- t-673 MZ
BEABROOKE Wall paper. 408 N.'ISth St
U MH7 M24
FIR timbers for house movers, etcr40 to 71
"tv, rnuuing ana nog ience.- isji uougias.
TYPE WRITS RS, latest Hemlnirton. 6mlth-
r-remier. uensmere, replaced uy 1HE
UNDERWOOD; low price. Rentals. 2.50
3?..e,P" rnontn A. H. workman Co.,
1617 Farnam. 'Phone 2439.
- Q-M632
SAM'L BURNS for gas .fixturvs. '
.-'-,.- J M845 M2S '
BTEREOPTICANS and moving ploture
insiiuiin. . Ly. . vy urn, iro arnam bt.
' . ,. ' Q 414 M30 '
CLOSINO out household goods) and stoves
cneap. ion Loage Bt. . VI MJ SI3 '
8ECONDHAND billiard and pool tables-
Diuiaro tames repaired; a large stock of
cheap bar fixtures, cigar counters, etc.
Th Brunswick, Balke, Collender Co.,
407 Bo. 10th. - (J 616
NEW and 2dhand typewriters. ' lilt Far
nam. CI M763
GROCERS For sale, lot Of second-hand
ffMMn . .. l 1 J . 1 n .
orm. Scales sent on approval. Veryilow
prices. B. P.. Lewis, Council Bluffs. .
Q-P74 If,
FOR SALEv second-hand desks, .chairs and
wainut omce counter and railings. Wa
bash office, 1416 Farnam st. y-HMf
: Clairvoyant and Palmist ".
tells you all you want td know, every
hope, fear and wish of your life, faults,
quality, capability, trade or profession
you are best suited for: fortunate and
unfortunate periods of life; breaks evil
Influences; how to win the one you loye,
conquer enemies, restore' lost affect Ions;
advice on business, health, marriage,
divorce, etc. Hours, 8 to 9. S M6S8 JJ
MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant. 1614 Caaa St.
MME. GILMER, genuine palmist. SIS 8. 15.
MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N.15, 2d floor R. X.
T 72S-Ja'
MME. AMES, vapor baths, 124 N. 15th. r. T.
.... T Hf .117 MIS
Mlddlemtss, wall, paper cleaner. Tel. 1789,
. U-MJ42 JT .
DR. ROY, chiropodist, corns and Superflu
ous nair removea oy electricity, it. 12,
Frenser block. tU 328
PRIVATE hospital, before and during con-
iinvmeiii.; uiuicb auiuiieu. urant uc,
Mrs. Oardels. Tel. F-1182. - U 824
FLESCHER will fix your bicycle right.
- U-t-325 .
HAIRDRESSING, manicuring . and. chlro-
ody, tor laaies oniy, in connection with
he Bathery, 216-220 Bee Bldg. U 826
RUPTURE permanently cured In 30 to 60
uaji, seiiu lur uiuiar. yj, a, wood, Jtt.
V., 621 New York Life Bldg.. Omaha. Neb.
.-. U-827 .-.
ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, beat and
quickest. Mrs. A. C7 Mark, 17 A -Douglas.
U ae i
GRAMOPHONES and supplies, wholesale
ana rciau. woiiina a-iano CO., ia3 Uoug
las. .. . U 829
CHIROPODY a specialty. In connection
witn i no ijaiuery, rooms iia-ZM Bee Bldg.
TeL 1716. ' U 430
SHAMPOOING and halrdresslng, 26o, In
cunnet.-iuii wnii i uw ouLiiery, eio-nu lies
building. Tel. 1716. . U-331
M. H. NASH Your deal with Ed haa been
nxed. come noma. u. a. m. u o20 18
VIAVA, woman's way to health. Home
treatment, tieoaiei iree. Bee Bldg.,
viuaua. . U AOS.-
MME. SMITH, baths. 118 Jf. 15, 2d floor, r. 8.
. , . U M475 M16'
RUPTURB cured, no pain,, detention from
, Dusiness; eena tor circulars,. Empire
nopiura vuru io., .n.. I, iiie uing..
Omaha,.- .... U 833
S) Proctor, fine pictures. . .618 St 16th. ''
.. -. - - U-SS3 J3'
ROOMS, B10H Bo. 10th Bt .'Phone 181J,
DRESSMAKING and cutting taught with
ivui.Luu juavuiuv Acauemy, iwji uoug
laa. U-M777 21
ELITE PARLORS, 615 8. 16th St.. 3d floor.
- , U M759 JT
DR. JAMES H. PEABODY has moved from
UADitoi avenue to . net over Uraham'a
drug store, northeast corner Twenty.
lourtn ana r arnam 'Streers. u alial 13
LOWEST PRICES In accordion and side
Pleating, ine uoioman.. Pleating Co.,
200 Douglas block. U M7bl
FOUND, best Ice cream eoda in city. Jo
: . ; ; u-8ajio
i ou onouid .ismoke tne .
.. ; Stoecker Cigari'
First, they are the best on the market,
The other plneteen we won t mention.
May iwt 10 tMl Mollle. U-MH1 14 '
4 PER CENT on buatnese property.
per cent on reeiaence property!
, Options to psy whole or part any time.
1 . W. B. MEIKLE, 401 S. lath St.
MONKY to loan on Impnvved Omaha real
estate. jsreonan-JUive Co, 9M ti. lith. '
. .. W S3
WANTED, city loan and warranta W.
Farnam bmitn Co., 1320 Farnam Bt.
, T ... W 33
FARM and city loans, low rates. W. H.
'Thomas. 1st Nat. Bank Bldg.; Tel. 1S4S. ,
w-w9 :
PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 837 N. Y. U
TV 414
I PER CENT loans. Gsryin Bros., 1604
carnaiu. w MO
PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead. U24 Douglas
LOW RATES. Private money.
Main Floor N. V. Life Bldg.
4V TO i P, C. money. Bemls, Paxton Blk.
v u
WANTED, city and farm loans; also bonds
and warrants. R. C. Peters A Co.. 1701
Farnam St.. Bee Bldg. w HI
ljunt-vi v rui-nie r-t i
' succ--..-r to J. W. TAYLOE.
& Pax tan Block. TtF. 14a.
To accommodate Jr COUNCIL BLUFFS
patrons we nave astabllahed elegant of
fice at ROOM 14. W1CKHAU bLDU
interaectloa Broadway - at - Pearl Hta
MONEY ioacad aa pianos, turnltere. eW-
auf, hot-sea, ouws. etc C i iiged, 3'9 8 la.
I I t I I
On Furniture, rtsnos, etc., and to people
noiaing a steaay . position, witoout puo
llclty or removing the property, and at
than elsewhere. You ean have the money
on the same day you ask tor it, snd the
loan ran be paid oft in easy weekly or
monthly payments, or as your circum
stances will permit, thus enabling you to
pay without Inconvenience or worry.
Come in and talk it over with ua.
Room 803, Third Floor, Paxton Block.
WE make loans on Furniture,
'Pianos, Horses, Wagons, Carriages
and other chattels.
. We make -
without mortgage to persons who
have permanent positions. You can
get the money on very short notice
and pay It back In one month, or
keep it longer, and pay for It only
what time you keep It. We are
leaders In low rates, quick and con
fidential service and courteous
treatment We Invite comparisons
of rates, time, payments, etc. We
Elve you the full amount of the
OAN1icash. Wa always "try to
119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 22a6.
(Established ls2). 806 Bo. 14th St
SALARIED FEOI'LK. merchants, team
sters, boarding houses, etc., without se
curity; easiest terms; 40 offices In pun
clpal cities. Tolman, 440 Board of Tnde
Bldg. X-849
MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried
people; Dullness connosntiai; lowest rates-.
614 Paxton block. . The J. A. Hutton Co.
MONEY loaned on furniture, live stock.
iewelry, to salaried people, foiey ian
;o.. sue. to Duff Green, i Barker Block.
X 350
TO GET in or out of business call on Wil
liams, Room ill, Mocague building.
FOR SALE, the best hardware stock In the
best agricultural section oi lowa; large
annual trade; stock will invoice about
110,000; profits large; must close up an
estate interest the only reason for selling.
Address V 40. Bee. Y-365
IF YOU want to BVY or SELL real es
tate call or write,.
4th floor N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha.
FOR SALE), a good, Clean stock of grocer
ies, queensware and notions, one oi tne
best stands in a live Nebraska town, do
ing a good business; reason for selling,
poor health. Address Grocer, Bee Office,
Council Bluffs, Y-M727
FORTUNES easily made by small but wise
investments; the small capitalists and
money savers' opportunity; write for our
"Guide to Wealth." Tralse A Co.. 238
Unity Bldg.. Chicago. Y-MSS8 M23'
86,000 for controlling Interest In a rapidly
increasing legitimate manufacturing Dull
ness, destined to be a very profitable
enterprise. Court closest Investigation.
J. H. Johnson, New York Lite.
STOCK of about 83,000 in good location.
. would take umana residence property
for about 11500. Address, Box 154, I te,
Iowa. Y-273 M12
FIR8T-CLABS Ideation fo hotel; also gen
eral store; can convince you or desira
bility. The Lexington Bank. Lexington,
Neb. . v-794 16
FOR BALE, furniture and lease, brick
noiei, lowa rown; nets ii,iw year, as
dress A 8, Omaha Bee.. . Y M815 IS
EXPERIENCED partner wanted In tent
and awning ousineea in good tnriving
western town. For particulars address
AS. Bee. .; ,.. -'r-MiW 17
FOR BALE Bakery and confectionery,
doing lio.ow ousiness yearly, ror ii.ouu
cash, worth $2,000.. Address,- Louis Wahl,
Le Mars, Iowa,- ' ' Y 923 24
WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange
, your business or property ouick, com
i munlcate with J. H. Johnson, 843 New
. York I Jfe. v. Y W0
FOR SALE, stock of shoes, dry goods, fur-
jiioiiiiiH k yjvm d, iiina, -.inimn oi o nuu
notions; low rent; population 4,700; rail
way center; good farming country; bar
gain If taken at once. Lock Box 337,
Ames, la. Y-M102 16
'We have a mine with ore in
paying quantities, and need a
small amount of cash to start
work. Failure impossible; the
property paid millions to its
former owners. . For particu
lars and bank references, etc.,
address G: W. V., Bee office.
FOR BALE, stock of hardware and har
ness in town or suu people in soutnwest
ern Iowa: stock will Invoice about $5,0u0.
Address A II. Bee. i MUS 38
;for exchange.
WILL good oak wardrobe for
toiding Deo. n 4, lies. z. miu
WILL- exchange 41 lota In Dundee Place,
umana, clear or incumorance. tor suit
able Kansas City properly. , Address, The
Vntted Statee Trust company et Kansas
city, mo. ,, 4s,vt la
HAVE new piano; 'will trade for horse or
, team. Address tetters A . Bee.
I . Z-84014
TO KXCHANGE, clear property in Benson
for good horse and buggy. Inquire at 64
. i-sxLon Divca. om i
BIaACK walnut roller top desk, sectional
, bookcase ana balance casn ror piano.
! -Address, A 41, uee. it ui i4-
HOMESTEADS free to ail who have net
taken benefit of homestead law; Rosebud
reservation opened soon; Chamberlain
land office, where you register for chanca
and choice. Write A. R. Coffin, send 11.00
tor valuable information r no swindle;
perfectly straight. References, Bank of
lowa and yakota, cnamoenain, b. li.
'. -' RE 818 1S
BUY best house paints, varnishes, eto.
quality highest prices lowest National
Oil and Paint Co., lole Jones St
RE MS48 M28
HOUSES and lots In all parts of city; also
acre property ana isrm utnus. ids o. .
Davis Co.. Kooia bii. Bee building.
RE 381
IF YOU want one of the nicest l-roora
homes In Hanscom Place I will give you
a. bargain. uwnr nil tiiy, aiuai soli.
J. li. bherwood, 131 IX. X. Aa Bldg.
BEE PAYNE, BOSTWICK ft CO. for choice
bargain, sul-2 N. X. Life Bldg. Tel. Wit.
ALL ABOARD for California! 600.000 acres
government land In southern California
open for settlement; the largest Irriga
tion canal In America is now completed
through these iandet soli is very rich and
''tortile; finest alfalfa and cattle country
on earth; ua aui allowed each person:
permanent water rights sold on sasy
- terms: railroad through these lands will
.'be completed in snort time; send 10 cents
for books and maps and full Informa
tion. Raid ft Heber. aganta, 107 South
Broadway, Las Angeles. CL
i . -, , RE-.M470 Ml
THREE MILLION acres corn, wheat, gras
ing and Irrigated land for sale. E H.
Andrus, Agent Santa Fe System, room 6,
Union depot, Kansas City, Mo.
- HE M810 28
FOR BALE. Immediately, 6-roora house
and lot. With large barn..- O. Anderaoa,
iath and L els., two miles west of p. O.
- - . BE M119 Is
ALFALFA farm for sal; 19 acres. 4-in
alfalfajwejj unpreved; g?W -to Caaadg,
. write to Lit 5 lint,,n.
I Neb. RJ-v4 aUl'
GEORGE O. WALLACE, real estate, mort
gage, rentals, insolence. Drown mora.
., RK 35
HOt'8ES. lots, farms, ranches, loans; also
me Insurance. Bemls, raxton Moot.
RE 300
RANCH and farm lands for sale by the
Union Pacific Railroad oomnanr.' B. A.
McAllester, land commissioner. Union Pa
citlo Headquarters. Omabiar Neb.
i - RE 3i3 ..
FOR BALE, three lots, with SiX-room vot-
tsge; price, 11.800: owner leaving elty.
Ad.lres s Z 88, Bee offlce. RK M4S9
FARMS If you wish to buy a grain, fruit
or stock larm, get my list of western
Michigan (lower peninsula) bargains;
write today; they are going, rapidly. S.
V. R. Hayes. Grand Rapids. Mich.
RE M464 J3
THE PRICE of beef will keep up. Now Is
ine time to nuy cneap western grasing
lands; 400.000 acres tor sale at low figures
snd on easy terms. Call on or Inquire
of I. A. Fort, North Platte, Neb.
. RE M7 16
FOR BALE, 1,130 acres of good farming
tann. im acres in crops tnis year, at a
sacrifice. In central part, of Nebraska G.
H. Peterson, 622 N. lth. Omaha.
RE 6j8 Ml
RE 363
THE OMAHA REALTY CO.. 13ni Douglas
be, upstairs; small houses for sale; cheap
building lets. Call for catalogue and prlc
list. Private money to loan -on easy
terms. ... RE 367
More homes are being built In Benson than
in an otner Omaha suburbs combined.
This Is simply because It offers the ad
vantages. We have residence lots, acre,
five-acre and ten-acre tracts for sate.
RE M108 14
A beautiful country home of 20 acre with
8-room house, large barn and outbuild'
lugs, splendid water System, large lawn,
shade trees and fruit orchard, Three
miles from Omaha P. O., on paved street.
Will make t to 6-year lease to right party.
A 29, Bee. RE 108 18
COTTAGE with six large rooms on 80-foot
corner lot; tnree blocks from car; house
newly painted and has new roof. It Is a
bargain at 11,100 and can be bought with
payment down, balance to suit- O. E.
Turklngton, 6U6 Bee Bldg. RE 130 13
Boyd County
Our next party leaves May
20, 1902. The F. E. & M. V.
Ry.,now building in Boyd Co.,
will be completed this fall, and
at that time "lands will make a,
big jump. Better go now.
Write us.
420-21 N. Y. Life Bldg.
Telephone 470. ;
RE 133 15.
DR. PRIES, the acknowledged leading
specialist in diseases et women in umana,
would call the attention of suffering
ladles to his unsurpassed accommodations
before and during confinement and his
treatment for Irregularities, no - matter
what cause, can or address, witn stamp.
Dr. Pries. Arlington Blook. 1613 Dodge,
; Omaha, ' Mi
A, C. VAN BANT S school. 717 N. Y. Life.
BOYLES' college, court reporter principal,
NEB. Business ft Shorthand College, Boyd's
l neater. - ... . 367
P. MELCHIOR, 13th and Harney, ma.
cninisc MJ71
OMAHA Bafe and Iron Wr , make a spe
cialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors and
sates, u. Anareen, rrop., iia a. lwn at.
OMAHA Steam Paste Co., manuiactuer of
paste for all purposes; in. barrels and halt
barrels. Write tut prices. 2210 Cuming.
.' 25 '
LOST, mink- collarette at Rlverytew park
Sunday afternoon. Return to Bee office.
newara. . , losr, AJ.123 n.;
STRAYED or stolen, ' brown ' mar.- I.SS0
mi.. o , u uw, uiu, -kuc ii, i.ld, one
hip slightly- low, liberal ' reward. ,Wa.
worth-HUliker Co.,- VfUch stock yards.
oouin umana, - lst Mli 16.
CURED. Julia Vaughn. 430 Ramge Bldg.v
' . " -379
OMAHA Plating CoM Be,Bldg.- TeL
L. HENDERSON. 151 Farnam. Tel. 1251
Send for price Us tut flower s.n4 plants.
-.- Ml3,
ALL kinds of carnenter work and rsnalrina
promptly attended to. ; j. T, Ochiltree,
win aiiu aaav airaaia, aiU
cesspools and vaults, removes garbage and
oeaa animate at reduced prices, azi is. 11
TSI. - 29
bailbOf AT li X,
GID E. ft AUCE JOHNSON, asteopaths.
bulla 616, N. Y, Ufa Bldg'- TeL 16641
- , 1 . " TJ88,
DR A. T. HUNT, (U lioCggue Bid. Tel.
8362. ie .
DR. MRS. MUSICKj Dee g las Blk. TeL 882.
MRS. MINER, children's photos specialty.
612 N. ltth. M16T 26
FOR shrubs, vines, - trees, eto., see the
Crescent City sales ground, south side of
Farnam and 81st fits. 'Phone 1626.
PACIFIC Btorage and Warehouse Co., 13
914 Jones, general storage and forwarding.
OM. Van Btor. Co., 1S11H frn. Tela. 1669-868.
O. R. GILBERT CO., tanners. 1124 Bo. 13th.
" - -873
JOE YOU8EN removed tolIUVi Farnam St
. i 31
OMAHA Hay Baje Tie Co.. AU North Uth,
; ' -374
EAGLE Loaa Office, reliable, accommodate I
leg; all buaiuaaa eoufalenyal. 1301 DuugiaA. I
IN FAMILIES. Mis Sturdy, taii Tarnam.
REDUCED prices In pleallngs, ruchings.
lui-nings ana appnqueing. for run in-
lormation inquire Ideal Pleating Co , lol
Howard St.
-771 J 7
A. B. ALriRN buys all Iron and metals.
i uougiaa street... . Phone 2474.
pnone wi. til south Thirteenth atreet.
MACFARLAND ft MAY. 806 N. Y. Life.
' 270 M27
THE GARDENERS protect old age aa well
as me. coartrr memnere rree. 1'articu
lars from Frank Rosewater, supreme
manairer. 222 Bee Bldg. 724
FRENCH, 8panlsh, fencing. 408 N. f:h et
suojeocto test ror tuoercuiosis. Hanitary
Dairy, 2016 Farnam. street; 'phone No. 411.
MS46 M24
OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, 8c; collars.
v( vuuo, A I OV asraTCIl wunii, XCl. D14.
...... 375
(Should be read DAILY by all Interested.
as changes may occur at any time),
Forelffll malld for (h H,.u anHlnff it..
IT, 19"2, will close (PROMPTLY in all cases)
at tne uenersi postomce. aa follows:
PARCELS POST MAILS close one i hour
earlier than closing time snown below.
Parcela boat malls for Germany clou. ,
6 p. m. Wednesday.
Regular and supplementary malls close
at foreign station half hour Utpr ih.n
closing lime shown below, (except that
supplementary malls lor Europe and
Central America, via Colon, close one hour
later at loreign iiauaiu.
Transatlaatlo Malls.
WEDNESDAY-At 6:30 a. m. for EUROPE.
f f' al- BU'i via aouthampton; at
:30 a, m. for EL ROPE, per a. s. Ger-
mSnlc-',v SueenBtowni l 10 o. m. for
! BELGIUM dlreot, per s. s. Southwark
(mall must be directed "per s. a. South
wark"); at 11 a. m. for DENMARK di
rect,, per s. s. Oscar II Ariail must be dl-
rA.(Arf "naff I l(i 1 1 " l
THUR8DA Y-At 7 a. m. for FRANCR.
U1MI.,nUAl, Bl'AliN. I -
4JUEZ; per s. a. La Lorraine, via Havre
(mail for other parts of Europe must be
directed "per s. n. La Lorraine"); at 7-30
a. m. (supplementary 9 a. m.) for KU
ROPE, per s. s. Klautschou. via- Ply
mouth, Cherbourg and Hamburg.
SATURDAY At f a. m. for FRANCE.
QUE., per s. s. I -a Champagne, via
Havre (mail for other parts of Europe
must be directed "per s. s. Ia Chim
pagne"); at 7:80 a. m. for NETHER
LANDS direct, per s. s. Noordam (mall
must be directed "per s. s. Noordam");
: st 9:30 a.v m. (supplementary 11 a, m.i
for EUROPE,' per s. s. Saxonla, via
Queenstown; aO:30 a. m. for SCOTLAND
direct, per a. s. Astoria (mall must be dl-
rected ''per s. s. Astoria"); at 10 a. m.
for ITALY direct, per s. a. Trave (mall
must be directed "per s. a. Trave").
takes printed matter, commercial papers,
and samples for Germanr only. The
, same class of mall matter for oilier parts
of Europe will not be sent by this ship
- unless specially directed by it
After the "Closing of the supplementary
Transatlantic malls turned above, addi
tional' supplementary mails are opened
' on the piers of the American, English,
French and Oerman steamers, and remain
open until within 10 minutes oi the hour
of sailing of steamer. .
Malls for South and Central America,
West Inales. Ete.
WEDNESDAY At 12:30 p. m. (supplement
ary 1 p. m.) for TURKS ISLAND and
nole. THUR8DAY At 6:30 a. m. for BRAZIL,
per s. s. Capri, via Pernambuco and Rio
Grande de Bui (mall for Northern Braxi!
must be directed "per s. s. Capri"); at
8 a. m. for CUBA. YUCATAN. CAM-
s. s. Esperansa (mall for other parts of
Mexico must be directed "per s, s. Enoer-
, ansa"); at 8 a. m. for BERMUDA, per
s. s. Triniaad; at jo p. m. ror Jamaica.
per s. s. Admiral Schley, from Boston;
at 11 -9A ' m V L-VCV-Ar-VIll 1 VII
- - .wv . . . .... . V ' . 1 . . . . . , , .
per a. s. corean, from Philadelphia (mail
' must be directed "per s. s. Corean").
FRIDAY At 10, a. m. for NEWFOUND
LAND direct, per s. a. Silvia: at 12 m
for MEXICO, per a. s. - Matansas, via
Taraploo .(mall must be dlreoted "per s. A
SATURDAY At a. m. for PONCE, per
; s. s. Ponce (mail for otlitr parts of Porto
Rlcd must be directed -"Per s. s: Ponce"):
I at 9 a. m. (supplementary 9:30 a. m ) for
PUJtxo ku.'o (except ponce), cukacao
1 and . VENEZUELA, per s. s.'. Pbiladl-
phia (mall for Ponce, SavanMla and Car
. tagena must be directed "per s. s. Phila
delphia"); at 4:30 a. m. (supplementary
10:30 a. m l" for LEEWARD and WIND.
: and FRENyH GUIANA per a. a. JPonta
' hella (mall for Grenada and THnlriuri
; must be directed ""per s. a. Fontabelle");
- at 9:30 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.)
. VAiNitiivv anq CAtt 1 A' a, per s. a,
' Altar (mall for Costa - Rica must be dl
; rected "per a. s. Altai")! at 9:80 a. m.
(supplementary' 10:3O a- m.) tor HAITI
and SANTA 51ARTA, per s. a. Adiron
dack; at 10 a. m. for CUBA, per a. .
Mexico, via Havana;' at 12:30 p. - m. for
CV'HA,' per s, s. Pafran, via Matansas
(ordinary mall only, which must be dl-
recteq per s. g.- Parran ),
Malls for Newfoundland, by rail to North
Sydney, and thence br ateamer. close at
this offloe-dally at (:30 p. m. (connecting
close here every Monday. Wednesday and
Saturday). - Malls for Mlquelon, by rail to
Bostoni and" thence by steamer, close at
this office daily at p. m. Malls for
. cuds, Dy ran to norma, and by
' steamers, sre dispatched dally, ex
cept Thursday, final connecting closes,
for dispatch via. Port Tampa on
Mondays, Wednesdays and- Satur
days at 6:30 a.. n., for dispatch
via Miami; on Mondays ano . satur
- days at 6:30 c. m.J Malls for Vexloo City.
overland, unites specially . addressed for
dispatch Dy stesmer, close at tnis omce
dally except Sunday at l:m and 11:30 p. m.,
Sundays at 1 p. m. and 11 " p. m. Mails
or Costa Rica, Bellas, Puerto Cortes and
Guatemala, by rati to New Orleans, snd
thence by steamer, closs at this office
daily excf-M Sunday at 1:30 p. tn., Sun
days at lr5 p. ra. (connactl-.g closes here
Mondays ror ueitse, i-uerto cortes and
Guatemala, and Tuesday for Costa Rloa.)
Kegisterea man closes at s.uu p. m. pre
vious cay.
f '-. Traaspaeiaa Malls.
Malls for the Philippine Islands, via Ban
f rancisco, cjose nere oany at .i p. m.
up to-May filth, iocluslva, for dispatch
per u. at- transport.
Malls for Hawaii. China, Japan and Philip
pine . Islands, via ban Francisco, coat
here dally at 6:30 p. ra. up to May M12t.h
Inclusive, for dlsDalch ner s. s. Peru.
Malls for China and Japan, via - Seattle,
close here dally at 8:30 p. m. up to May
14ih. Inclusive, for dispatch per a. a. Kin
shlu Maru. (Registered (nail must . be
directed "via Seattle").
Malls tor Australia, (except West Aus
tralia, which 1s forwarded via Europe),
New Zealand. Fiji, Samoa and Hawaii,
via San FTanclscu, close hare dally at 6:10
p. rn. after April Jiih and up to May
17th. inclusive, or on arrival of a. a.
Campania; due at New York May 17th,
for dispatch per s. s. Ventura.
Malls for China and Japan, via Seattle and
Victoria, B. C, close hers dally at 6.80
' p. m. up to May "zuih, Inclusive, tor dis
patch per s. s. Empress of India (regis
tered malt must be specially addressed.
(Merchandise for the U. H. Poetal agency
at Shanghai cannot be forwarded , via
Canada). - - '
Malls for Hawaii, Japan and China (also
latter mall and separately addressed peri
odicals for the Philippine Isisnds, via
Manila), via Ban Francisco, cloae here
dally at 6:80 p, m. up to May 22d. In
clusive, for dispatch per s, s. Coptic.
Malls for China ami Japan, via Tacoma,
. close here dully-st 6:jn p. m. up to May
d, inclusive,, (tor aiapaicn per a. a.
' Olenoglo., ,'
Mails for Australia except West Australia,
which goaevvla Europe, and New icalaiid,
which goes via Snn Francisco), and FIJI
lslsnfs. via Seattle and Victoria. B. C,
cli se here dally at 6.. p. m. after May
17l h and uu to Msv ?lth. inrluaiva. foe
' dlspalth ier s. s. Mlowera.
nans ror Hawaii, vis, San Franrlsco, rloe
rtcre dully at :' p. m. up to May "JMh,
Inclusive, for disrstch rer a. a. Alamnla.
Mnlla for Tahiti and Marquesna IslHnds,
via lln Francisco, rlos- here dally at
6:' p. m. up 10 June "4th, inclusive, for
dispatch per a. s. Australia.
Trsnsrsclfle mail, are forwarded to port
of snUlng dally and the schedule of clos-
their uninterrupted ovenand transit
Registered mall closes at 8:00 p. tn.
previous day.
1 -rn ' v 1.-1 1 1 - a viv roTT
Fustonoe, New York. N. Y.. May 9, 1903.
UOVKHNMINT NOTICEk. xi a 11 iuf dm vv viuaia .
May 10-th. 19i2. Sealed urcpoaiils In tripli
cate will be received at this cilice until 11
o clock a. m , June loth, 19"2, and then
opened, for the ronstructlon of and altera
tions t ) the following bullilings. Including
luumlilie. heatlnir and electric wiring:
Constr iction of one Artillery ritabla, two
Cavalry rotables, two Uun Sheds, one
lltichclwr Olllceie (Quarters and two double
twicers.' (Quarters. Alterations in four
Cavalrc Barracks. Additions and altera
tions to three Artillery Barracks and two
Cavalry Biirracks at Fort RUey, Kansua. '
Bidders will stale in their bids the time ,
In hli h they will complete the work, as
time Will torm an Important tonaiileratlon
in tne award 01 contracts, run informa
tion and blank forms of proposals will be
furnished upon application to this olniV .
Plnns ami Hnei-ltkutlons may be seen here
also in Offices of Depot Uuartermnsters at
Chicago, 111.: tit. Louis, Mo., and Omaha,
incd. united mates reawn the right to
accept or reject any or all bids or sny part
thereof. Envelopes to be emit red "I ro-
posuls for Public Buildings" and addressed
t npta. 11 u. u. Cress, Constructing Uuur
termas'.er." D-M10-12-13-H-J9-10
STOllliS Ottice Purchasing Commissary,
U. 8. Army, Army Building, Omaha, Neb.,
May Uth. 1K2. Scaled urorjosals In tripli
cate for furnishing bacon, Issue, dry salt
cure. In crtites and In 9-lb, net cans, bacon
breakfast, sliced, dry salt cure, In 1-lb, net '
cans, find nams, dry salt care, in tierces,
will be received at this office, at ths office
of the Purchasing Commissary U, S. Army,
ChiCHgi), III., and nt the office of the Pur
chasTnit Commissary U. 8. Army. Kansas
City, Mo., until 11 o'clock a. m., Wednes
day, May 21st, 112, nt which time and '
places they will be publicly opened.
Articles of domestic production or manu-
tacture win ne prererren to tnose 01 for
eign origin, cost and quality being equal,
Biieeincations ns to quantities
Places of delivery. blHnk tin
dates and
proposals and
?d on arollca-
further Information furnished on applies-
tlon to either office. Envelope containing
proposals should be Indorsed "Proposals
for Subsistence Stores, to be opened Wed
nesday, May 21st, isni2," end addressed to
WM. R. GROVE. Calitaln. (."nmmlaaarv.
Purchaalng Commissary, Omaha, Neb.
The. annual meeting of the stockholders
of the Frrmont, Elkhorn ft Missouri Val
ley Railroad company will be held at the
office of the company In Omaha,- Neb., on
Friday. May 23. 1M, at 10 o'clock a. m. tor
the election of directors and the transac
tion of such other business as may coma
before the meeting. J. B. REDF1ELD,
t'nlon Pacific.
Leave. Arrive.
uveriana Limited
.a 9:40 am- a 7:30 pm
Fast Mall a 8:60 am
a 3 24 pm
California Express a 4:25 pm
Paclfla Express all:S0 pm
Eastern Express a 4:88 pm '
Atlantic Express a 7:00 am
Llncoln-Stromsburg Ex.b 4:06 pm bl2:30 pm
Grand Island Local b 1:80 pm b 9:86 am
Chleaa-o, Milwaukee et St. Paal.
Chicago Limited a 8 00 pm ' a 8:08 am
Chicago & Omaha Ex..b 7:15 am b 8:40 pm
Missouri Pacific.
Bt, Louts Express al0:O0 am a 6:28 pm
iv- c. 01 bt, Lt, .xpreait.alo:o pm a 8:18 am
St. Louis "Cannon Ball" ' - ;
Express ...a8:iipnv a :20 am,
Bt. Louis Local, Council '
Bluffs al0:00 am a 10:10 pm ,
Chicago, Rook Islcad and Pacific
Leave. : Arrive. -
Chicago Daylight a 7:00 am a 9:86 pm
Chicago Express bll:16 am a 1:06 pm
Des Moines Local a 4:00 pm bll:60 am
Chicago Fast Express. .a 4:35 pm a 1:28 pm
Des Moines, Rock Is- '
land and Chicago a 7:40 pm a 1:25 am
WEST. - .
Lincoln, Colo. Springs, .
Denver, Pueblo and ..'..
West a 1:30 pm a 4:18 pm
Colo., Texas, Cal. ft . v
Oklahoma Flyer a 6:20 pm a 8:50 am
Illinois Central.
Chicago Express a 7:20 am a 6:10 pm
Chicago, Minneapolis ft
St. Paul Limited a 7:50 pm 8:05 am
Minneapolis ft Bt. Paul
Express b 7:20 am b 10:38 pm
Chicago Express - .. al0;34 pro '
Chtcaa-o Northwestern.
"The Northwestern Line" -
Chicago Special , .a 7:10 am all :20 pm
Chicago Passenger a 4:16 pm a 8:00 am
Eastern Express ,.al0:55 am a 4 06 pm
Eastern Special a 4:56 pm a 1 06 pm
Fast Mall a t:oe Dm a 3:40 pm .
Omaha-Chicago L't'd..a 7;t pm a :20 am
Fast Mali a :30 am
Cedar Rapids Pass ' 'a o:30 pna
Twin City Express a 7:05 am al0;24 pm '
Twin City Limited,.;. ..a 7:55 pin a 8:40 am
feloux City Local ..a 8:16 am a 3:50 pm
Fremont, Elkhorn Miaaoasl Valley. '
- . ' Leave. Arrive.
Black Hills, Deadwood,. . ..
Hot Springs a 1:09 pm a 6:00 pm
Wyoming, Casper and
Douglas d 3:00 pm 5:00 pm.
Hastings, York. David -f - . ,w "
City, Superior, Geneva ' . -r '.-. '. .
Exeter and Seward. ...b 8:00 pm b 6:00 Dm '
Norfolk, Lincoln and Fm
Fremont ...... h.T:80 am bl0:88 am
Fremont Local ,.0 50 am .
Missouri Paolflo. ';, '
Nebraska Local, Via " " '
Weeping Water p ; pm al0;28 ant
Cbieago, li. fsslv K',afeespelli atj
Omaha. '.'.'.
Twin City Passenger.. ..a6:80 am 9:00 pm
Bloux City Passenger,.. 2:00 pm aU:30 am
Emerson Local.... ...... .b 8:40 pm b 8:46 fm
Chleaao, Barllastoa A Qalaey.
Leave. Arrive.
Chicago Special .'.a I:oo am a 4:06 cm
Chicago Vestibuled Ex.. a e:so pro a 7:4 am
Chicago Local ,.a 8:80 am all:ia) pm
Chicago Limited. a 7:6o-pm a 7:48 am
Fast Mali., r-40pio
Barllugton at Mlssoarl Rlvrr
Wymore. Beatrice and ." ."
Lincoln a 8:40 am 4)11:65 am
Nebraska Express.. ... a :4 am a 7:M pm
Denver Limited ,a 4u pm a 6.46 kin
Black Hill and pugel v . " ' T
Sound Express 11:10 pm a 8:00 Dm '
Colorado Vtetlbuled .
Flyer ,. a 3 00 Dm
Uncolrj Fast Mall. b 3:00 pm a :J7 am
Fort Crook and Platts- .
mouth b 3:20 pm bllidSam
Bellevue ft Paclflo Jet. ..a 7:40 pm a 8 2u am
Bellevue ft Pacific Jet... a 3.00 am m9 "m
Kansas City, St. Joseph A Coanell
lilnsTs. .
Kansas City Day Ex. ...a 9:20 am a 8:05 pm
St. Louis Flyer a 6:10 pm all li am
Kanaaa City ight Ex...al0:30 pm a ililS
a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. gJn
day only, d Dally except Saturday, a Dally
Nsw York-Rotierdam, via Boulogne, , M.
New Twln-ficrew a. a. ot U,0uu tons reguter.
Twln-Borew llnfirdem "
nuuiutim . May 17.18 n.m.
Stul8riUdiU May 24, 10 a. m.
Apply to
May 81. 10 a. m.
Harry Muoree, 1415 Faraam
Uaati J. 8
H. M. Jonas, lift Farnam aireet: Caul
haaaaa. First National BaoaX. Oniaha.
- AMCUOH LLNa U. g. HAUr-STkaitaKS
SaillBs sasulatla tatwaaa '
XSW VoKk. bimtHfAat ft MAyiAa. .
8 up rloa aasaaiauk4tliis, Kaeallaut Calalsa. avers
roau4 tur tUa aouiluri ( etaSiaualr eoa
slo-ra4 aa4 racUMe.
Single a lluuii Trip tlcluta iaaaat batawaa Site
Vara an4 skwtiu, atuslias, litas tu.4 S'l fruulMI
Cauilaaaial suivi al aairacUfa raita rue lu,t
er SMarai loiurmailau sm.It to HSaiiiaaUsl aaoa.
Celts, er aoj UuuU. AUONT. . , T
noxati, jra