Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 13, 1902, Page 9, Image 9

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    TTTT! flMATT A MAII V UTTY?!. TTTroriiV -.c ir 10 -enst.
i i ii " - - " . 1 F-y , j'ia 1 ijt ;rv; v j)
AlrtiilMit fr- ttti cola mb
will laws til IB ae. fee tmm
ealtloa mm aatll Ho a. aa.
WANTED, position with mme good rea!
estate agrnt to superintend sa'ea and re
pairs; practical builder and draughtsman;
commission or salary. A 16, lire.
A- -K3 12
GOOD messenger wanted; Increased pay.
A. D. T. Ctt.i W ftoulh. 13th. B-l
If you llvo In tha , country or In a amail
town and' 1vere a gocd acquaintance
among tha farmer and stock raiser In
the neighborhood you can make la eaiitiy
by four or 'live hour work. Write ua
and we will Bend your our proposition.
The Bee Publishing Co., Solicitors' Dept.,
Omaha, Neb. B M2i3
WANTED, a good fen an In every county to
take subscriptions lu The Twentieth Cen
tury Farmer. -Our agents majte good
wagee everywhere. References required.
Address 1 wentiatb Century Farmer,
Omaha, NeU. . . - . B ttu
THREE or four good tn en warned; tlOQ per
month. Call 6i7 'alon block. U i&lil
WANTED, salesmen to, solicit orders on a
near proposition toy which you can eaxn
(3 to fit a Uy; ycing men from 23 to J8
tlesirel, wh'i are husliera anC well recom
mended. Room luti, Omaha Uee Bldg-.
, L Me9
WANTED, a gentleman desires to take
private leasone. In. French two evenings
each week. Must call at my residence.
Address, stating method of teaching, X
42, Bee , , . .... . B-MH70
O. R. RATIJBUN gives private lessons In
bookkeeping. Room 06, Commercial Na
tional bank. . , , .' o 2i
WANTED, Canvasser to sell the New Cen
tury lawn sprinkler; best seller on the
market; agents malte llo or more dally;
send U lor sample outtlt and circular
matter; references. Dun or liradstreet.
The lost-Miller Co., Toledo, O.
-. -' : " , -, - ' B M720 30
I AGENTS to aollclt, one to collect, for
city and outside town. - Address Z 41,
Bee, - i J3-M746 J4
WANTED Two good gunsmiths at onoe;
steady work; good wages. Address k
Schumann, Memphis, Tenn. B Mi 74 22
WANTED Men- to learn barber trade;
here Is your chanoe only eight weeks re
quired; steady practice, expert Instruc
tions, lectures, tools presented, wuges
Saturdays, diplomas granted, - positions
guaranteed; catalogue mailed free. Moler
L'arber College, lua Farnam St.
B-M809 15
THOROUGHLY experienced stenographer,
rapid In notes ana machine work, should
also be a good penman and competent
to do clerical work; salary $60. Apply by
pen-written letter to A 11, Bee, giving
age., previous experience and references.
..''" ' ' B Mo 13
STRICTLY first-class aoda dlapencer, also
combination Ice cream and candy maker
and a good barn man. . II. B. Graham,
24th and Farnam. B 987
WANTED Good barber at once: single
man preferred. F. .C Deardurff, David
City. Neb. B 864-J-13
WANTED, state organfiera for Nebraska
and other state by old established Insur
ance society; puvs alckness, accident and
death claims; plan- popular and easy to
secure members; salary and renewal con
tract. Write for terms. AddreBs "8o
cley, 706 N. Y. Ufe Bldg., Kansas City,
MO.. Mention this paper. B 11 13
MESSENGER boy: wanted at the Pan-
torlumrjivrji. asth. , B-MUl-.
A MERCANTILE , agency wants repre
sentatives; salary, and commission. Boi
D 266, Boulder, Colorado. B 890 17
SIB WEEKLY . Introducing my beauty prep
arations; same rate part time. Mme. La
Flerre. deptf W. 430 W. )hlo,. Chicago.
B Ml 14 13
WANTED, 10 common laborers on shoot
ing grounds located at east end of Doug
las atruet bridge; . 60 days' work. Apply
to foreman On grounds. - B M127 13
WANTED, for U. 8. army. Able-bodied un
married men between ages of 21 and 85,
cltlsens of United State, of good character
and temperate habits, who can apeak, read
and write English. For information apply
to Recruiting Otflcer, lath- and Dodge at.,
Omaha, and ..postofllce building. Lincoln,
Neb. ......
SALESMEN wanted for full tine of fruit
?nd ornaraeotal trees; pay weekly; outfit
ree. Lawrefiea Nursery Company, Law
fence, Ktti-. : 688 Jl
WE HAVE a number Of agencies In Ne-
DrasKa ana westera loot where we use
good . men selling our Standard Stock
Food to farmers and feeders; they must
have teams and give full time to the
business; they must "be men of "high
landing, nave some knowledge of live
took and good business ability; we fur-
man wagone iur sum men ana oner ex
ceptional Inducements to permanent ales
men; bond required; send fur application
. blank. Ths F. E. Sanborn Company,
' Omaha. Neb. M217 W
SALESMEN Up-to-date, active, to sell
first-class groceries direct to consumers
at wholesale; trade la permanent and
profitable; first-class territory and liberal
Inducements.- Oeorge Meldrum tt Co.. 69
land 71 N, areen at.. Chicago, 111.
' M11S 13
WANTED two young lady students to
lrn baJrdressIng, tnahlcurlng and chl
rpody ard uieniino massage. Call or
write Room. Be Bldg. , C i4
loo atria. CaU'Csnsdlaa office, Uth Dodge!
' . . . ; , . c-b
WAJvTED, deserving young lady or gentle
ma to take life scholarship in Omaha's
bestv business and shorthand college and
pay for tt when . ceuree la finished and
position secured. AdUreaa A L Bee.
y- C-330
WANTED, S teacher to Instruct the
FrenclA language to a- olass of three,
twice k weeki; stats terua. Address
Z 4. Be. ' j. C-MtW
LADIES Our caULpgue explains how we
teach hatrdreesing,' mank-urlng and facial
massage In four weeks, mailed tree.
Moler Co'Uje. lt3 Farnam Bt.
iX . - ..' C-M4OT 15 '
WANTED, fifty girls to niake pants, shirts,
overalls, etc Apply to Byrne Hammer
Dry (ioode Cou (4 Howard Sta. -
t, , . . C lg 11
WANTED LSrty with Ideas, not under 26,
. resident of oil?, eduoatWn. good addreaa
riecesaaxy,. otiUng- U .sell. A 20. Bee.
13 DAILY copying letters at home, either
Sex; : -.close two stamp with application.
Illinois Industrial Union, Dept. 29. Ma
onlo Temple. Chicago. C-M W
GIRL wanted for genera) housework. Ill
N. list Ave, Apply Monday morning.
V C 3? 12
F1R9T-CLA83 waist and skirt makers,
S5t be experienced, no other ne:d spply.
Add rose Reeblrk 'a Dreaasnaking Depart
ment, Deadwood, 8. D. C 107 26
WANTED, gtrlf at W N, loth to work In
paper factory.. C 106 12
WANTED, head dining room girl; none
but the best need apply; state wages ex
pected. Merchants' hotel, Fsirbury, Neb.
C Ml 20 IS
WANTED, girl for general housework:
Sood wages; also boy Iur barn work.
ilh. corner Ution. U121 16
oh nt.s Ti iioiaus.
VANS and baggage wsgona. TeL 11S6.
D 23
TO MOVE right g Omaha Van Storage
Co.; office IAIIVs Ffrnsm. or Tela. liS6-3.
. D ai
11UUOLO F.-Lvis Co..- W Wl.lg.
Hate, 1 1-Sa a mmr a rat laeertlea.
Is war 4-ereafter. NethlaeT Ukta
far leea tfcaa IM far the Brat laser
ttaa. Tbttt atrvrtlaenaeate asaet mm
a. a) Mlflval.
Ag-ertleera, ky reaaretlasl a
fc?rad cliwk, aa aaawra aa
grease ta a ktrl Inter la aar
f Tae Bee. Aitwira mm aJgraaeea will
a aelt-ered areeeatat.aa. at (
--- aalf. '
I rnn b t ttni ire I . 1 . u - ' . TTr ""? . ,
' j ..u .i,,,. M,Kr Tfl LOA,-(HATTKI,. FOR SALE -RK At, ESTATE. .. DRKSSMAKtlO. M,Trr ,M,r.
HOUSES, stores. Bemls, Fsxton Mock.
D 291
HOUSES and flats. Rlngwalt. Barker block
u Jul
10-ROOM hotie, with basement, 28fh and
jnrKson. 1.5 1"1; good location. f.
Turklngton. 6 Bee. D M3l
FOR RENT, 7-room house. Ed and Cali
fornia Ft., an moaern, in good repair.
large yard. Inquire at 6u7 N. Y. Die
building. D 297
FOR RENT, e-room, modern, detached
house, newly painted and papered, 130.
2621 Capitol Ave. Tel. S7S. B. It. Rohlson.
houaes. 901-2 N. Y. L4fe Bidg. Tel. 11.
llWITnT' A 1 DTI ...itral mnHurn 4 - n4 K .
room flats, tlzard. tX N. 23d St. D 390
HOUSES, etc. F. D. Wead, 1624 Douglas.
D 3(4
CHA8. K. WILLIAMSON, 1203 Farnam 8t
D m
Maggard V. S. Co., ITU Webster. Tel H96.
FOR ' RENT, nice 4-room cottage, water
ana gas. ziuv N. ZKin Bt. I 769
15-ROOM unfurnished lodging hmwe, In
South Omaha. 8. Hanover, 1614 F.mmett
. St., Omaha. ' D M990 It
FOR RENT, J-room modern ' house neur
Farnam Bt. Ed. O. Hamilton, 211 81. 17th
Bt. Tel. A-1132. D 106 18
FURNISHED rooms, all modern. 820 N.
16th St. E 639 M18
ELEGANT rooms, finest location In ths
city. 19GS Capitol Ave. E M835
LARGE, also smaller room. 808 N. 19th 8t.
E-104 M26
TWO housekeeping rooms, $8. 2623 BL
Mary a. E M214 M26
TWO well furnished south rooms. 201S
Douglas. F M272
FRONT room, modern, $8. 1717 Webster.
E 474 junel
FOR RENT, a nlcs Urge furnished front
room, with alcove. 701 8, 26th at.
E M476
THE LANGE HOTEL 804 8. 13th st.
EM743 J6
DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnam.
E 306
TWO beautiful connecting parlors, fur
nished or unfurnished; modern home;
large Innn; privilege of light housekeep
ing. 3023 Burt. E MSOt
THREE nicely furnished rront rooms, very
Cheap. 408 N. 16th. third floor.
E-R21 IS
NEWLY furnished rooms, with good board.
307 N. 28th St. . E 846
TWO very desirable rooms, modern 'house,
private family, six blocks from center of
city. A 14, Bee. E 847 13
THE ROSE, 2020 Harney, rooms with board,
F464 M15
FRONT room and board. 1922 California.
F 170 M.'6
NICE- rooms with good board; reasonable;
.mil, pi., vievoiu Ulll 1UU iriepnone.
ix ri. 4oia. r
Merrlam, comfortable summer home. Tel. 83.
F 306
NICE cool south rooms, large front, fur-
iieiieu or uniurnisnea; oiners: una loca
tion. 516 N. 23d. F M100 13
DE8K room space, $S per month, ground
floor room In The Bee building, facing
Farnam street; no expense for light, heat
or janitor service. A. C. Peters 4 Co.,
Rental Agents, Bee building. O lit
SUITE of rooms, modern, housekeeping.
tun ueorgia Ave. - : t Moal
S ROOMS for rent 2618 N. 16th St.
U 622 16
FOR RENT, the building formerly - occu-
?ted by The Bee at 916 Farnam St. It haa
our stories and a basement which waa
formerly used as The Bee press room.
This will be rented very reasonably. If
interested apply at once to C. C. Rose
water, secretary, room 100, Bee building.
, I-4U
FOR RENT, store In-first-class location;
rent reasonable. Apply R. C Peters A
Co., ground floor. Bee Bldg. . . 1206
STOREROOM, 701 8. 16th. R. C, Peters At
Co., Main Floor, Bee Bldg. 1218
FOR RENT, desk room or large space
suitable for merchandise broker or party
doing business In wholesale district. In
quire llene & Co., 916 Farnam St.
AT ONCE, a good, reliable agent making
an uram-iien vi v., a. at 4. in southern
Nebraska to take a good aide line on
commission. Addreaa Y 19, Bee.
J-M430 MIS
WANTED, canvassing agents In every
county to solicit subscriptions to THE
steady employment with assured good
Income; agents in the country with
horse and buggy especially desired; can
vassers make easily 160 to $100 per month.
Address Century Farmer Solicitors'
Bureau. Bee building. Omaha. ill
AGENTS wanted, with horse and wagon.
iu maae n weeaiy selling to farmers a
household necessity that they are glad to
buy; clean, pleasant, profitable employ
ment; particulars free. Address Mercan
tile Syndicate, Dept. J. Kansas City, Mo.
J-M736 13
WANTED to rent, space about 10x25 feet
wun iront window, gocxi location; give
price and location. Addrees' General
Agent, 2218 Douglas St., Omaha. Neb.
K 109 1
WANTED, to buy a good carriage team
uuaoie . iur m way to drive. Adarese
A 32. Bee. - N-1U
TEAM OF HORSES, 900 to 1,000 pounds, e 10 Jfeara oia, lor arayage. Ad-
A ntg. gi LZ9 13
OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, 8c; collars.
ic; culls, 4c. 17M Leavenworth, Tel. 647.
........ 475
FOR SALE, buggies, phaetons, carrlagea,
runabouts, new and secondhand, at cut
prices. Repairing and trimming; also put
on rubber Urea. Ffelffer, 27th and Leav
enworth Sis. . P est M34
PAINTING and repairs on wagons, etc.,
our specialty. H. Frost, 14th and Leav
enworth. Tel. 1447. P ilj
SEVERAL fine driving horses. Walter
Phelpa, room D, N. Y. Life bldg.
FOR SALE A thoroughbred imported
Shetland pony. Inquire of A. D. Bran
del, Boston Stord. P M779
FOR BALE A ' fine Brewster Governess
csrt; ct Sum) a yssr sso; thoroughbred
Imported Shetland pony and barneys.
Inquire of George . Schroeder. Boston
Store office.
FOR SALE, cheap, good second-hand phae
ton. Call In the evening, 2134 S. 34th st.
P M126 19
FOR SALE, fine saddle horse, knows all
. Jlt, s'ther lady or gentleman can
ride him; can be seen any evening after
( o'clock at 46th and Center sta.
P M124 19
ID HAND safe cheap, genwarts. 114 B. 18th.
FLESCHER sella bicycles. 162 Capitol Ave.
- Q-S1S
WIRE fjnee for poultry. hg. lawn snd
! bitSh P0'". tree guarda. Wire
Works, ill 8. U:b St Tsl. lii
ft-AU7J Julyf
1DHAND safe cheap. Delight, U19 Farnam.
W 816
l'W STYLES trusnes: catalogue free. Sher
man 4k McConnell Drug Co., 16th and
uooge, umaoa. (j 314
FOR SALE, phonographs, superior to sny
other musical Instrument; 86 up. The
. .tiiuusii tu., ioji g arnam. 4 sis
BICYCLES and phonographs on easy pay
ments 86 down. 81.60 per week; 2dhand
wneem, s, W and W; new wheels, ti5
Omaha Bicycle Co , 1Q and Chicago Sta.
. Q M3J0
INDIAN goods and relics. 1119 Farnam.
FOR BALE, scholarship In an Omaha
shorthand school, cheap. Inquire 232 Bee
xjiug. y Btsos
STAMP photos, lc each. Velox, 13 ft Far m.
W--8i3 Mil
8EABROOKE Wall paper. 40 N lth 8t
MS 1 9 Mt
FIR timbers for houre movers, etc., 40 to 71
feet; cribbing and hog fence. 901 Douglas.
TYPEWRITERS, latest Remington, Smlth
FrwOtl.T. Densmore. renlsrefi . hv TUB!
UNDERWOOD; low price. Rentals, 32.50
i m per monin a. 11 workman Co.
161 Farnam. 'Phons 2439. Q M632
BAM L BURNS for gas fixtures.
Q-M84S M23
STHREOPTICAN8 and moving picture
uiaeinue. a. r . n urn, i4os r arnarn St.
- Q-414 M30
CLOSINO out household goods and stores
cheap. 1314 Dodge St. Q M483 Jl
SECONDHAND billiard and. nnnt tables
billiard tables repaired; a large stock of
rneap nar nxtures, cigar counters, etc.
The Brunswick, Bslke, Collender Co.,
407-9 So. 10th. . Q 616
NEW and 2dhand typewriters. 1119 Fr
nam. Q M762
OROCER8 For sale, lot of econd-hand
?roCer' scales, even balance snd plat
orm. Scales sent on approval. Very low
prices. B. P. Lewis, Council Bluffs.
Q-974 13
A InfiO GRAND upright piano cheap; brand
new and strictly high-grade. Call or ad
. dress 2?12 Wirt pt. Q M 1 22 IS
Clairvoyant and Palmist -
tells yftu all you want to know, every
hope, fear und wish of your Ufa, faults,
quality, capability, trade or profession
you are best suited for: fortunate and
unfortunate periods of life; breaks evil
Influences; how to win the one you love,
conquer enemtea. restore lost affections;
advice on business, health, marriage,
. IF YOU want to BUY or SELL, real es-
MR8. FRITZ, clairvoyant 1614 Cass St. tats call or write,
. 4th floor N. Y. Ufe Bldg., Omaha.
MME. GYLMER, genuine palmist. 315 8. IS. Y-356
. 8322 1
1 ' FOR SALE, a good, clean stock of grocer-
les, queensware and notions, one of the
ELECTRIC TREATMENT. best stands In a live Nebraska town, do-
1 - - lng a good business; reason for selling,
MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N.1S, 2d floor R. 1 . poor health. Address Grocer, Bee Office,
T 728-J 5 Council Bluffs. . Y M7J7
MME. AMES, vapor baths, 124 N. 16th. t T. FORTUNES eaally made by small but wise
T M317 M16 Investments; the small capitalists' and
i money savers' opportunity; write for our
Guide to Wealth." Tralse & Co., 238
PERSONAL. Unity Bldg., Chicago. Y-M858 lA23
Mlddlemlss, wall paper clsaner. Tel. 1739, $6,009 for controlling interest In a rapidly
U M712 J7 Increasing legitimate manufacturing busf-
ness, destined to be a very profitable
DR. ROY. chiropodist, corns and euperflu- en'efPrlae. Court closest Investigation.
ous hair removed 'by electricity. R. 1J. J- H- Johnson, New iork Life.
Frenzer block. U-823 ' T-829
PRIVATE hospital, before and during con- 8IPC. A,bot J,00 "00l '"cation,
flnement; babies adopted. 2308 Grant St 7" oul2 .m-ha. r"'ience property
Mrs. Gardels. Tel F-1182. U 324 ,or sbout $1,500. Address, Box 164, Ute,
; Iowa. Y 878 M12
FLESCHER will fix your bicycle right , T ' -
1J S2S rOR SALE Hardware and furniture
store, eastern Nebraska; good oppor-
HAIRDRESSING. manicuring and chlro- tunlty. Address Z 66. Bee. Y-M75T13
rhd.yBi?Lr12r6-220lyBe,.n gSvX? FIRST-CLASS locution tor hotel; also gen-
eral atore; can convince you of deslra-
RUPTURE permanently cured in 80 to 60 Vj"- Tne kelnet01 Bank. Lexington,
daye: send for circular. O. 8. Wood, M NeD- . Y-794 16
D til New York Life Bldg.. Omaha, keb. r0R SALE, furniture and" lease, brick
, u-ssr hotel, Iowa town; nets tl.800 Vear. Ad-
ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, best and A At' ""th- Bss.,.' , , Y M815 16
. quickest Mrs. A. C. Mark, 17 Doughs. EXPERIENCED partner wanted In tent
and awning business In good thriving
GRAMOPHONES and supplies, wholesale wBt"1 town For parcul?-r"?d.r,e.8
and retail, Collins Piano Co.. 1623 Doug- A 8- B'- -MiW 17
la' Vm ROOMING and boarding houses, from 7
CHIROPODY a Bpeclalty. In connection f 4.2.rooni, complei. ?, tu,rnl8hel. fine
with The Bather roomi 116-220 Beo Bldg lo,-at'0l". profitable, bualness, for
Tel. 1718. U-330 "J? u e, - ' J Y-961-1W
SHAMPOOING and halrdresslng. 25o, In v mnnT tflHfn -r ,,.. , '
connection w th The Bathery. 216-220 Bee AN ESTABLISHED concern dealing in se-
bulldlna- TeL 1716. tr?i curttles and contract wants to open a
puiioing. let, iiio, U-Va branch office in Omaha; $20,000 to $23,000
M H NASH Your deal with Ed hn k.. yearly, a fair Income. Required Invest-
& Com. hcSblig A. M. EdUhig20blC8V ."telphUTi' BIa"' Y-mu'
Vt4YtmnWt0nBon3kIet Yree 'pe. Bid FOR SALE-Bak.ry and confectionery.
Omaha! 03Klet Bee BWg., doln 10W1Q bUB,ntM year, tor $1
. . c worth $2,000. Address, Louis WahL
MME. SMITH, baths, U8 N. 15, 2d floor, r. 1 Ls Mars, Iowa. Y-923-24
i . U-M478 M16 WHEN you want to buy, aell or exchange
RUPTURE cured, no pain, detention from L0""'11!?.',",, 7 -F0i JLulciV, C,Sm"
business; send for circulars. Empire m"nJc , 'Jr. ith J "- JohnBon- 3 New
Rupture Cure Co.. 932 N. Y. Ufe Bldg., York .Life. Y 900
0r"h" U" FOR BALE, stock of shoes, dry good, fur-
SEE Proctor, fine pictures. 616 Bn ith nlshlng goods, clothing, chlnaware and
o- rr""r, une p.nures. oio o'V"1"; noUons; Tow rent; population 4,7uO; rall-
w way center; good farming country; bar-
KOOMS. 510H So. 10th St 'Phone 1811. ia'",fI.uken at unce' ' Locj' J"?,"7'
U jy Ame, IB. X -XrllUa.
DKon:,?acch!nn.d ;s:a,."my!'i7htDrugh. We have a min with ore in
ETE PARLORS, 616 S. 16th sZ 3
. U-M758 j? small amount of tash to start
DR. JAMES H. PEABODY has moved from i r- -i -i i
capitoi avenue to fiat ov-r Graham work. Failure impossible: the
drug store, northeast corner Twenty-
fourth and Farnam street.. U-M76I a property paid millions . tO tS
LOWEST PRICES In accordion and elds t r-
pieatmg Th., Goldman pieatinJ cJ' former owners. For particu-
200 Douglas block. U M781 ' '
LIBERAL religious literature free on appli- bank TeferenCCS, etC,
cation. Mrs. Carrie F. . Tretmore. 4431 AJJ. 11 I O CC
Sidney Ave., Chicago. u- address G. W. v.; Bee office.
FOUND, best Ice cream soda In city. 8c. ,, ...
Bhrader's Store, Uth and Seward. Y 104 14
; U-843 J10 , for SALE, stock of hardware and har-
THERE ARE TWENTY RKASONfl U'ifT ness In town of 800 people in southwest-
THERE AyR TWENTY REASONS WHY lowa stockwll, invoice sout.tyx
' v " O : , FOR SALE, three-chair barber shop; town
First they are the best on the market l.ouo; one other shop in town; price, $1.
The other nineteen ws won t mention. Address O. C. Haggart Mankato, Kan.
MOLLIE: Don't lose your switch. Page Y MU7 13
178 May What To Eat George. SMALL department store, all new goods;
V M1U 11 - Invoice about $6,000; good territory, best
. . T ,, , 77; " r part of Nebraska; death of owner com-
LIBERAL religious literature frea on ap- pels sale. Address A 83, Bee.
plication. Mrs. Carrie F. Weimore. 443J T M116 IV
Bldncy a ve , Chicago. U-M126 13 1 Mx" 13
4V. PER CENT on business property. ' v,.l1df ' .h.M1ff .f oalx wardrobe for
e per cent on residence property. folding Vd. N if. Bee. 2-M510
OVtlon to pay whole or part any time. ... . . . . .
W. B. kEIKLE. 401 6. 15th St 'W ILL exchange 41 loU rn Dundee place,
Wx Omaha, clear of Incumbrance for sult-
able Kansaa City property. Address, The
MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real I'nltsd Statas Trust Company of Kansas
estate. Brennan-Love Co., o 8. 13th. City. Mo. - 3-793 u
'. W 36 HAVE new piano; will trade for horse or
WANTED, city loans and warrants. W. team. Address letters A 9, Bee.
Farnam Smith A Co., 1420 Farnam St. Z 840 14
WAUl " '
TO EXCHANGE, clear property In Benson
FARM and city loans, low rates. W H. (?r Bood horM n1 bu'y- Inquire at 64
Thomas, 1st Nat Bank Bldg. Tel. 16J8. Paxton block. Z-49 14
W-839 1 '. 1
PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. U FOR SALE REAL ESTATE.
W HOMESTEADS free to all who have not
I PER CENT loana. Garvin Bros.. 1604 taken benefit of homestead law; Rosebud
Farnam. W 340 reservation opened -soon; Chamberlain
1 land oftioe. where you register for chance
PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1624 Douglas end choice. Write A. R. Coffin, send $1 Oj
W Jil fr valuable information; no swindle;
perfectly straight. References, Bank of
LOW RATES. Private money. Iowa and Dakota, Chamberlain, b. u.
Mala Floor N. Y. Ufa Bldg
W M40S BUY beet bouse paints, varnishes, eto ;
- . . - quajlty highest price loweat. National
44 TO I P. C. money. Bemls, Paxton Blk. Oil and Paint Co., loU Jones St.
W-841 RE M848 M21
WANTED, city and farm loans; also bond HOUSES and lot In all parte of city; also
and warrant. R. C. Peters 4k Co., I7ul sere property and farm lands. The O. F.
Farnam St.. Bee Bldg. W 841 Davie Co. Room 668.. Bee buildlnM1
MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. IF TOU want on. of the nicest S-roora
SALARIED I'EOPLE. merchants, team- I. li. Sherwood. 837 N. Y. C Blda
sters, boarding houses, etc.. without BJ Mill
curity; easiest term; 40 offloes in Dim-
rlpal clUea. Tolmao, 440 board of Trade HOUSES, lota, farms, ranches, loans- alas
Bldg. X Si fire luauranoe. BemU. Paxton block.- .
MONEY loaned on plain note ta ealarted -
,bun eonrtdentlal; lowest rates. OEOROE O. WALLACE, real aetata, mort
als Pastou block. The . A. Uutton Co. gage, rentals. trauc, Bruwn blk
I i,. . JU--
On Furniture, Pianos, etc., and to people
holding a steady position, without pub
licity or removing the property, ana at
than elsewhere. You can bavs the money
on the same day you ask for It. and the
loan can be paid off In easy weekly or
monthly payments, or as your circum
stances will permit thun enabling you to
pay witnout inconvenience or worry.
Come In and talk It over with us.
Room 9u3, Third Floor, I'axton Block.
WE make loans on Furniture.
Pianos, Horses, Wagons, Carriages
and other chattels.
We mske
without mortgage to persons who
have permanent positions. You can
get the money on very short notice
and pay It back In one month, or
keep It longer, and pay for It only
what time vou keeD it. We are
leaders In low rates, quick and con
fidential' service and courteous
treatment. We Invite comparisons
of rates, time, payments, etc. We
give you the full amount of the
LOAN in cash. Ws always "try to
119 Board of Trnde Bldg. Tel. 22tt.
(Established 1892. 806 So. 16th St
successors to J. W. TAYLOR,
633 Paxton Block. TEL. 745.
To accommodate our COUNCIL BLUFFS
patrons we have established eiegant of
fices at ROOM 24, W1CKHAM BLDG..
intersection Broadway & Pearl Sta.
TEU 8. X-464
MONEY loaned on furniture, live stock,
Jewelry, to salaried people. Foley Loan
Co., sue. to Duff Green, t Barker Block.
X 3W
MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew
elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, 819 8. 18.
. . X 348
TO GET In or out of business call on Wil
liams, Room 41L McCague building.
FOR SALE, the best hardware stock In the
best agricultural section of Iowa; large
annual trade; stock will invoice about
810,000; profits large; must close up an
estate Interest the only reason for selling.
Address V 40, Bee. Y 366
ALFALFA farm for sals; ISO sores, H In
alfalfa: well Improved; going to Canada,
Write to Erik Johnson, R. 2, Iexlngtnn,
RE Mil
' FOR 8 A LB.
7-room new all modern home, god barn,
paved street, north. Price. 82.&0.
Good 6-rnom cottage, bath, gas, sewer,
close in. t'nee, i..
Vacant lots at all prices.
RE 978 12
THREE MILLION acrea com, wheat, gra.
lng and Irrigated land for sale. E. H
Andrus, Agent Santa Fe System, room 6,
union depot, Kansas City, Mo.
' RE M810 2i
GOOD 6-room house, cheap, with barn,
fruit trees, plenty of room for garden
and chickens; owner leaving city. 4J'3
i-.mmeu. one diock norm or lenr and
Dumb Isutute. RE M9S4 13
BEH PAYNE, BOSTWICK aj CO. for choice
bargains, OUl-3 N. X. Life Bldg. Tel. 1014.
RANCH and farm lands for sale by the
Union Paclflo Railroad company. B. A.
McAllester, land commissioner. Union Pa-
cino uraaquarters, umana, feo.
k ,
ALL ABOARD for California! 6OO.000 acre
government land In southern California
open ror settlement; the largest irriga
tion canal In America Is now completed
through these lands; soil ls very rich and
fertile; finest alfalfa and cattle country
on earth: tiO acres allowed each rferson:
Permanent water rights sold on easy
erms; railroad through these lands will
be completed In short time; send 10 cents
for books and maps and full Informa
tion, rieia Hener, agents, 107 South
uroaaway, Los Angeles, Cal. -
RE M470 M16
TP A T? f Q I f vn.l m rlatt t r . .1
or stock firm, get my list of western
Michigan (lower peninsula) bargains;
write today; they are going rapidly. S.
v. n. nayen, urano ftapiua. Mien.
RE M4R4 Jl
FOR SALE, three lots, with six-room cot
tage; price, si.ew; owner leaving ity.
Aaurmi i, is, uee omce. K M4X
THE PRICE of beef will keep up. Now 1
me time to miy cneap western grazing
lands: 400.000 acres for sale at low flonirea
and on easy terms. Call on or Inquire
01 i. a. rort, monn 1 laue, in en.
RE M785 15
FOR SALE. 1,120 sere of rood farming
land 120 acres In crops this year, at a
sacrifice, In central part of Nebraska. G.
H. Peterson, 62$ N. 16th, Omaha.
RE 668 M19
WILLIAMSON, Fnfm street'
RE 363
THE OMAHA REALTY CO., 1301 Douglas
di., upeiairs; small nouses lor sale; cneap
building let. Call for catalogue and pries
list. Private money to loan on easy
terms. RE-357
More homes are being built In Benson than
m an oiner umnna suburbs combined.
This is simply because it offers the ad
vantages. Ve have residence lota, acre,
five-acre and ten-acre tracts for sale.
RE-M103 14
A beautiful country home of 20 acres with
9-room house,' large bam and outbuild
ings, splendid water system, large lawn,
shade trees snd fruit orchard. Three
miles from Omaha P. O., on paved street
Will make 8 to 5-year lease to right party.
A 19. Bee. RE 108 18
FOR SALE, Immediately, 6-room house
iiu iui, wiin iMige uarn. j. Anaenton,
48th and L sts., two miles west of P. O.
RE M119 18
DR. PRIES, the acknowledged leading
BpeciuuBi in uiseasea or women in umana,
would call the attention of suffering
ladles to his unsurpassed accommodations
before and during confinement and his
treatment for Irregularities, no matter
what cau.e. Call or addreaa,. with atamp.
Dr. Pries, Arlington , Blook, l&U Dodge,
Omaha. Bui
LADIES! Chichester's English Pennyroyal
ruie are in. ocei. Date, reuaDl?, raae
no ether. Send 4t stamps for particulars.
"Relief for Ladles,'' In letter by return
mall. Ask your druggist Chichester
Chemical Co., Philadelphia. Pa.
A. C. VAN SANT'S school. TT7 N. Y. Life.
BOYLES college, court reporter principal.
4-. . .lie. ZM
NEB. Business & Shorthand College, Boyd
i neater. 887
P. MELCHIOR, 13th and Harney, ma.
viiiiiivu Basil
OMAHA Safe and Iron Wks., make a spe-
j i ure escapee, snuiiers, doors and
a(ea. O. Andreen, Prop., 101 S. 10th St
OMAHA Steam Paste Co., manufactuer of
imsie tor an purposes; in barrels and bait
barrels. Write fofc prices. 8310 Cuming. -'
LOST, Coupon mileage book No.' 838,148,
j vv-iiiii, ueiween ..Teignton
theater and north side barn. Suitable re
ward for return to Bee office.
Lost 110 13
LOST, mink Collarette at Rlvervlew park
ouiiuay atiernoon. fteiurn to Bee office.
Reward. Lout M123 14
CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Rarage Bldg.
OMAHA Plating Co., Bes Bldg. TeL 1635
L. HENDERSON, 151$ Farnam. Tel. 1258.
oeuu iur price usi, cui nowers ana plants.
ALL kinds of carpenter work and repelling
juruuifn uruueu vo. vcnntree,
2uth and Lake streets. 470
cesspools ana vauus, removes garbage and
dead animals at reduced prices. &il N. lit.
Tel. 1779. ' .-926.
GID E. A ALICE JOHNSON, osteopaths.
duiio 9iot ti a. i xiiug. xet. ltxH.
DR. A. T. HUNT. (11 McCague Bldg. TeU
DR. MRS. MUSICK, Douglas Blk. Tel. 2H31
MRS. MINER, children's photos specialty.
O.J tt. io-.n. M1S( 3S
FOR shrubs, vlnaa, trees, etc., see the
Crescent City ralus ground, south side of
Farnam and list Sts. 'Phone 1.
MS M28
PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co., 918
(14 Jones, general storage and forwarding.
OM. Van Stor. Co.. UUH Faro. Tela. 16&S-SSS.
EAGLE Loan Offloe, reliable, accommodat
ing; all bualosas conndeutial. Isvl Duuglaa.
IN FAMILIES. Mlsa Sturdy, 1041 Farnam.
mi I io
NEW YORK Dresscuttlng academy; fash
ionable dressmnking done; shirtwaists a
specially. iwi imuglas. Mils 13
REDUCED prices fn pleatlngs, ruchlngs,
tucking and appllquelng. For full in
formation Inquire Ideal Pleating Co., 1610
Howard St. 7i J7
CHICAGO Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge Tel.
20. New and secondhand, bought, sold,
exchanged. O 811
phone $199. 611 South Thirteenth street.
170 M37
THE GARDEKERS protect old age as well
as life. Charter members free. Particu
lars from Frank Rosewater. supreme
manager. 222 Bee Bldg. 724
FRENCH, 8panlsh. fencing. 408 N. 26th st
subject to test for tuberculosis. Sanitary
Dairy, 2016 Farnam street; phone No. 4lL
M848 M34
O. R. GILBERT CO., tanners. J424 So. 13th.
JOE YOUSEN removed to 14UV4 Farnam Bt
455 Jl
OMAHA Hay Bale Tie Co.. 811 North 16th.
May 10th, 1902. Sealed proposals In tripli
cate will be received at this office until 11
o'clock a. Tn., June 10th, lit"2, and then
opened, for the construction of and altera
tions to the following buildings, Including
plumbing. heating and electric wiring:
Construction of one Artillery Stable, two
Cavalry Stables, two Gun Sheds one
Bachelor Offlcera' Quarters and two double
Officers' Quarters. Alterations In four
Cavalry Rarracks. Additions and altera
tions to three Artillery Barracks and two
Cavalry Barracks at Fort Riley, Kansas.
tuuoers win state in tneir bids tne time
In which they will complete the work, as
time will form an Important consideration
In the award of contracts. Full Informa
tion ana DianK rorms or proposals will be
furnlHhed upon application to this office.
Plans and Speclflcutlons may be seen here
also In Offices of Detmt (Jiiartermnnters at
Chicago 111 St. Louis, Mo., and Omaha,
Neb. I nlted States reserves the right to
accept or reject any or all bids or any part
thereof. . Envelopes to be endorsed "Pro
posals for Public Buildings" and addressed
"Captain G. O. Cress, Constructing Quar
termaster." D M10-L2-13-14-J9-10
STORES. Office Purchasing Commissary
U. S. Army, Army Building, Omaha, Neb.,
May 10th, 1902. Sealed proposals In tripli
cate for furnishing bacon, Issue, dry salt
cure, in crates and In 9-lb. net cans, bacon
breakfast, sliced, dry salt cure. In 1-lb. net
cane, and hams, dry salt cure, In tierces,
will be received at this office, ut the nm.
of the Purchasing Commissary U. 8. Army,
Chicago, III., and at the office of the Pur
chatang Commissary IT H. Armv k'nnna
City, Mo., until 11 o'clock a. m., Wednes
day, May Jlst, 1902, at which time and
places they will be publicly opened.
Articles of domestic production or manu
facture will be preferred to those of for
eign origin, cost and quality being equal.
cpei-incauons ns to quantities, dates and
places of delivery, blank proposals and
further Information furnished on applica
tion to either office. Envelope containing
uruimwii Knuuiu De indorsed "Proposals
for Subsistence Stores, to be opened Wed-
'i. "" . iJi, ana auciressen to
WM. R. GROVE. Captain. Commissary.
Purchasing Commissary, Omahu, Neb. -
Mayiuum-12-13-14-15-16 ,
posals, in triplicate, wlii be received at thl
office until 19 a. m., central time, May 15,
1902. and then opened, for furnishing oats,
bran, baled hay and bedding at Fort Sill.
nklannmn frnnanl. f .1 ..Tl .... . . .
points will be entertained. U. S. reserve!
.. .w .v.v v. nvicu ""jr or all pro"
nnoal. f 11 . r n w t , n .. . . ,
w. k . iiinrui, tin orma ion
rnenlHoH nn knnll.atlnn . ,x . V. I .. . . n . . .
- 1'vHiiiii, ii, uio .iiiiitr, or lu
Quartermaster at Fort 8111. O. T. En-
. ...... n vuiimmiii. ll UJJUBn ! HI1UUIQ De
marked 'Proposals for Forage," and ad
dressed to JNO. W. PULLMAN. C. C. M.
Z4--2-ZX.M 12-13
Th. annual mMHnff " t V. atAnbk.M.u
of the Frrmont, Elkhorn & Missouri Val-
iny naiiroMu company win De neid at the
office of the company In Omaha, Neb., on
Friday-, May 28, like, at 10 o'clock a. m. for
the election in itlrArlnr. ..H k . . .
tlon of such other business as may corns
before the meeting. J. B. REDF1ELD,
- j oecreiary.
(Should be read DAILY" by all Interested,
a change may occur at any time).
Foreign malls for the week .mlin. Mou
17. 1902, will cloee (PROMPTLY In all cases)
PARCELS POST MAILS close one hour
earlier than closing time snown below.
Parcels post mails for Germany close at
i p. m. Wednesday.
Regulsr and supplementary mail close
t foreign station half hour later than
closing time shown below, (except Uiat
supplementary malls ior Europe and
Central America, via Colon, close one hour
Transatlantic Malls.
TUESDAY At 8:S0 a. m. for ITALY dl-
reci, per s. s. rsora America (mall mast
be directed "uer ' NnrH Aria"
WEDNESDAY At 8:30 a. m. for EUROPE,
vmr s. . oi. raui. via Southampton: at
8:30 a. m. for EUROPE, per a. a. 6er
manlc, via Oueenstown; at 10 a. m. for
BELGIUM direct, per s. s. Southwark
(mall must be directed "per a. s. Bouth
. wark"); at 11 a. m. for DENMARK di
rect, per a. a. Oscar II (mail must be di
rected "nee a a t icui tl"l
THURSDAY At 7 a. m. for FRANCE.
Dnirununn, 11AIY, KHAIN, PORT
QUEZ, per i. . La Lorraine, via Havre
(mall for other parts of Europe must be
directed "per . s. I -a Lorraine"): at 7 SO
a. m. (supplementary 9 a. m.) for EUROPE.-
per a. s. Klautschou. via. Plv.
mouth, Cherbourg and Hamburg.
SATURDAY At f a. m. for FRANCE.
QUEZ, per . a. Im. Champagne, via
Havre (mall for other parts of Europe
must be directed "per a. s. La. Cham
pagne"); at 7:80 a. m for NETHER
LANDS direct, per s. a. Noordam (mull
must be directed, "per s. a. Noordam"!;
at 9:80 a. m. (Supplementary 11 a. m.)
for EUROPE, per a. a. Saxonia, via
Queenstowni at 9:30 a. m. for SCOTLAND
direct, per s. s. Astoria (mall must be di
rected ' per s. s. Astoria"); at 10 a. m
for ITALY direct, per a. s Trave (mall
must be directed "per a. s. Trave").
lake printed matter, uiiiiukihi pawn's,
and (ample for Germany only. The
same class of mail matter for other part
of Europe will not be sent by this ship
unless specially directed by It.
After the closing of the supplementary
transatlantic inane namea aoove, addi
tional supplementary malls are opened
on the pltrs of the American, English,
French and German iti ameri. and remain
open uatll within 10 minute ol the hour
of sailing of steamer.
Malls tos Boat- sal Ceatral Asuerlea,
West ladies. Kle.
TUESDAY At 9:10 a. m. (supplementary
iu:su a. m.) ror t trn i mai. amkhica
(except Costa Weal and SOUTH PA
CIFIC PORT-, per a. m. Advance, via
Colon (mall for Guatemala must be di
rected ''per s. a. Advance"); at 6 80 D. m.
for JAMAICA, per . s. Admiral i a na
il ut. from Boston.
WNJi)AX-At 12:30 p. m. (supplement-
fry 1 p. m) fir TURKS J8INI and
THURSDAY At .,. a. m. for BRAZIL
per s. . Capri, via 1'ernamhuco and Rio
tlrande de Sul (mall for Northern Uraill
must be dlrcrtp.1 "cr . . Caprt")- at
a. m. for CI PA, YUCATAN. CAM
. s. K'peranra (mall for other parts of
Mexico must be directed "per s. s. Exper.
ansa"l; at 8 a. m for BERMUDA, pel
s. s. Trinidad: at 6: . m. f.r JAMAICA,
per s. a. Admlril Schley, from tiosron;
at 11: p. m for N KVF01NII.ANn
per a. s i'orean. from PhllailelphU tmall
must be illrecled "jicr a. s. t'orean").
FRIDAY At 10 a m. for NKWKOUN't
LAND direct, p. r s. s. "litis; at 12 m.
for MEXICO, per s s. Ms.ts.nxns. via
Tamplco tmall must be directed "per s. s.
SATURDAY At 9 a. m for PONCE, pel
a. s. Ponce (mall for other parts of Porte
Rico must be directed "per a. s. Ponce");
at 9 n. m. (supplementary 9:30 a. m.) fl
and VENEZUF:iA. per s. s. Phllari"l
phla (mall for Pones, Sitvnnllla and Car.
tagena must be directed "jwr a. s. Phlla
delphla"); at 9:: a. m. (supplementary
10:90 a. m ) for LEEWARD and WIND
and FRENCH GUIANA, per s. s. Fonta.
belle (mall ror Grenada and Trinidad
must be directed "per s. a. Fontabelle");
at 9:S0 n. in. (supplementary 10:80 a. m.)
VANILI.A and CARTAGENA, per s. a.
Altai (mall for Costa Rica must bo di
rected "per a. s. Altai"); at 9:30 a. m.
(supplementary 10:80 a. m.) for HAITI
and SANTA MART A. per s. a. Adiron
dack; at 10 a. m. for CUR A, per s. s.
Mexico, via Havana: st 12:30 p m. for
CUBA, per s. s. Parran. via Matanaa
(ordinary mall only, which must be di
rected, "per s. s. Parran' J.
Malls for Newfoundland, by rail to North
Sydney, and thence by steamer, close at
this office dally at :80 p. m. (connecting
close. here every Monday, Wednesday snd
Saturday). Malls for Mlquelnn. by rati to
Boston, and thence by steamer, close at
this office dntly at 8:30 p. m. Malta fot
Cuba, by rail to Florida, and thence by
steamers, are dispatched dally, ex
cept Thursday, final connecting closes,
for dispatch via Port Tampa on
Mondays. Wednesdays and - Satur
days at 5:30 a. ni., for dispatch
via Miami, on Mondays snd Satur
days at 6:30 p. m. Mails for Mrxlco City,
overland, unless specially addressed for
dispatch by steamer, close at this office
dally except Sunday at 1:30 and 11:30 p. m ,
Sundays at 1 p. m. snd 11 n. m. Malls
for Costa Rica, Bnllie, Puerto Cortes snd
Guatemala, by rail to New Orleans, and
thence by steamer, cioes at this office
dally except Sunday at 1:30 p. rn . Bun
days at 1:0C p. m. (connecting closee here
Mondays for Bollae, Puerto Cortei and
Guaten.aln, and Tuesday for Costa Rica.)
Registered mall closes at :u0 p. m. pre- -vlous
Transpacific Mails.
Malls, for the Philippine Islands, via San
Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. m.
up to May Uth, Inclusive-, tor dispatch
per U. 8 transport.
Malls for Hawaii, China, Japan snd Philip
pine Islands, via Han Francisco, close
here dully at 8:30 p. m. up to May li'th,
Inclusive, for dlxpatch per a. s. Peru.
Malls for China and Japan, via Seattle,
cloee here dally at 6:3 p. m. up to Msy
14lh, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Kin- .
shlu Maru, (Registered mull must be
directed "via Seattle").
Malls for Australia, (except Went Aus
tralia, which ls forwarded via Europe),
New Zealand. FIJI, Samoa and Hawaii,
via San Francisco, close here dally at (t.10
p. m. after April "-tilti and up to May
17th. Inclusive, or on arrival of s. s.
Campania, due at New York May 17th,
for dispatch per s. s. Ventura, t
aleile for China and Japan, via Seattle and
Victoria, B. C, close here dally at 6 30
p. m. up to May "2iiih. Inclusive, for dis
patch per s. s. Empress of India treuls-
tered mall must be specially addressed.
(Merchandise for the U; 8. Postal agency
at Shanghai cannot be forwarded via
Malls for Hawaii, Japan and China (aUo
letter mall and semtrutely addressed peri
odicals for the Philippine Islands, via
Manila), vln San Francisco, close here
dally at 6:30 p. m. up to May 22d. In- '
elusive, for dispatch per s. s. Coptic.
Malls for China and Japan, via Tacoma,
close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to May
23d, 1'icluHlve, for dispatch per s. a.
Glenogle. v . .
Malls for Australia (except West Australia,
wnicn goes via tturope. ana New zee land,
which goes via San Francisco), and Fiji '
Islands, via Seattle and Victoria, B. if., .
cloee here dally at 6:30 p. m. after May
17th and up to May "HUh, Inclusive, for
dispatch per a. s. MIoweTa.-
Malls for Hawaii, vln San Francisco, elosa xv
here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to May 2Sth,
Inclusive, for dlppatch per s. s. Alameda.
Mails for Tahiti and Marquesas inland,
via San Francisco, close here dally at
6:30 p. m. up to June "4th. inclusive, fur
dispatch per s. a. Australia. .
Transpacific malls are forwarded to port
of sailing dally and the schedule of clos
ing ls arranged on the pnsumptlnn of
their uninterrupted overikjid transit,
Registered mall closes at 4:00 p. m.
previous day.
Postofflce, New York, N. Y., May 9, 1902.
BfS I Baanearaaaaa
4Xie1 J , I i ' 1 1
i ii i J'l'ft 'F'W'
AT 10 A.M.
FaTt HBw rn-HUH LIU-
" . ninety - Insured hi .very aota
tilOUCPn Century drtre. Commanded by
- Naval onWrt liwuiin Man
f WlnmOOP0W of War duclpllna. Luiuliou
aaaarJ rvnsAM comfurta. I'.rf ct cul.l n. Tola,
anu a-Jlfjr-CJSBI phoneilnMil.lua.
OlOafttOfS f-.pliTaiipar.tu.. Sailing, from
nfifaJuMfu'1' York ...rj Tburatlaj. Ifall
mXOIMMSIVBiy infoematlon rail or writ to
B. W. aOSIIaxKl.tMa. VJu.a(l., 1 1 S4. ,Cktaata,ar
I. g. M'NALLY, UU Karoaat St.. rirat Nat' I Bask.
OEOKOB B. ABBOTT, 1211 K.maia St.
H. S. JONkiS. 1M) raman St.
mm iJjiifel
Fast Twtn-Bcrsw Passehger Steamers ssll
log regularly from Boston, Portland sol
Montreal to Liverpool,' also 'Boston to
Mediterranean ports. Send ; for booklet,
"Mediterranean Illustrated." For rates,
etc., apply to local sgent or compasy's
Dearborn St- Chloasa, III.
Bailing rafularlr batwaaa
Baparlor aoeommodatlona, Exoallent Culalne, E vary
raaard for tba comfort ol paeuSs atudioualy aea
Id.raS an4 craotload. . .
Sin! or ttonnil Trie tlck.t. lamed bat-Ma Ka
York and Scotch. Eiigllili,- Iriah an all Principal
Coattnaoul polDts at attractlva rates, rof tkk.t
or (aaaral Information applr to HENOKRSOM BHOS..
Cklcaio. or any LOCAL A fie NT. - .
New York-Rotterdam, via Boulogne, , M.
New Twln-Bcrew a. a. of UOuO tons register.
Twin-Bcre- Unnrrfm
iiuuiuuiu - May 17. 10 a. sn,
Statendam May 14, 10 a. ns.
Potsdam May SI. 10 a. m
Apply to Harry Moores, 14J6 rarnarn
str-et; J. 8. McNaJhr, liZS Farnam streetj
H. 8. Jones, 1502 Farnam street! Loulg
Nssas. First NaUtmaJ lianfc. Omaha,
The Builders Exchange of 81 Paul,
Mlnnpta. will guarantee work for
the present seaaon at flrst-clasa
wages to 400 Carpenters, 160 Brick
layers, 160 Mason Tenders and Is
Hoisting Engineers.
Builders Exchange,
fyas Building, St Paul, Minn.
Business Stimulators