SPECIAL jjOTlCES AltrrlUrmfKi for these rolnmni be tnUra until 1J m. for the evening petition and until :to p. sa. lor morning and od edition. Rates, 1 nord II rat littrllna, le a word tbf rrnflrr. INolhlne; tikf a for Ira than 25a for the II rat Inaer tioa. Ihnc advertisements an oat ) ran rnnarrailtrlr, Advertisers, by reqeeatlBar a a Ba ttered rhecU, ran bate answers ad. '" to (aaikirrd letter la rara f The flee. Answers ao addressed will delivered mm ralalla at ta litk air. ITlATIO. HAKTKII, WASTF.H, a position with some koo I rea 1 estate as-ent to up.-rtnt nd sale-., anil re pairs; practical builder and )lrimhi.i!iinn; commission or salary. A 10, Be. A -::.! u AV A.Vl KIV-M ALU HLLr. UUCD rsf-ngprs wanted; Increased pay. A. U, T. Co., 2U Sou Hi Uih. 5 FUR HALF A DAY S WORK. If you iive in the country or In a small town and have a K"ul aiquaiiii.iini; among tl.e funnels ami stock raisers In the iielghoorhoou you inn make tasi.y bv lour or 11 vu injurs' work. rll us anil we will Bend your our proposition. 'Ihe Bee 'uolibhin Co., tioiicliors' j. I . . Omaha. Neb. 11 ALil WANTF-D, a good man' in every county to take subscriptions lor The Twentieth Cen tury 1-aimer. Our agents make ;ood waKt'S every where, p.cierencc-a re.uireu. Adurehs Iwinlleth Century Furmor, Omaha, Neb. Li Mi THRL'K or four nood men wanted; tlw per month. Call ti.V Paxtuti block. 11 M.jJ WAiNTKl), pali-smeii to solicit orders o.i a new proposition by which you can earn J to o a day; young men Irom J.J Ij Js uc-sii I'll, who ale hustlers and well locum mendi'U. Room It, Omaha ilee Biiif:. 11 Aii'i'J WANTKD, a gentleman desires to take prlvute Ichoom.- In trench two evenings each w.ek. Must call at my rcaid-iicc. Address, statin- method of teaehiiiK. 42, Hue. H Ali;o U. It. RATHBL'N gives private lemons in bookki-cplnij. ltooiu 15, Commercial Na tional bank. ii Z'Ji WANTED, canvassers to sell the New Cen tury lawn sprinkler; heft seller on the market; ugenta make flu or mure dally; aend i for Hutnple outllt and circular matter; n f.reiiccs. Iiun or Bradstrcci. The Yost-Miller Co., Toledo, O. U IKi) 20 4 AGENTS to solicit, one to collect, for city and outside towns. AJnr.-s . 41, Bee. H MT4tjJl WANTKD Two good gunsmiths at mice; steady work; nood ituiirs. Adorers F. Schumann, Memphis, Teun. B MT74 11' WANTKD Men to learn barber trade; here la yoir chance only eight weeks ic qulred; nloudy pruetiee, expert instruc tions, lectures, toois presented, wagm rial unlays, diplomas granted, positions guaranteed; catalogue malied free. .Mulc-r Harbor Colin fee, lt.J Farnuin tit. JJ-MS"9 ID CAN V'ASSL'RS everywhere; e have ln vonteil a wonderful hou.iehnld novelty; everybody sees it, wants one; sample free; send 2t cents to prepay cxpre.-sanu on sample. Iialtimore Novelty Works, 61l W. Hexington St., Haitliimre, Mil. Li MiA ii THOKOl'GllbY ixperlcnced Htcnogrnpher, rapid In ntites nud machine work, i hould also be H KOod penman and competent to do clerical work; s.)ary bii. Apply Ly pen-wrltlen letter to A 11, liee, Kiving age, previous experience and reie.Vncea, ll-Mj 13 BTHICTLY llrst-cl(us soda dlspeneer, also eombinarlon Ice cream and candy maker and a gonil barn mun. 11. II. Graham, litth and t'nrnam. H UfSj WANTKD Good bnrher at once; single man preferred, t'. C. Deardurff. David City, Neb. U WANTKD. state urganizi'ra for N'elmiaka and other states i.y old established insur ance society; pays sickness, accident and death claims; plan popular anil easy to secure members; salary and renew al con tract. Write tor terms. Address "So ctey, 705 N. Y. Ufe llldg., Kansas t'iiy. Mo. Mention this paper. H lijl 13 MKPHKNG Kit boy wanted at the Tnn torlum," A MEKCAXTINE aprncy wanta repre sentatives; salary and commission. Ilox D 2j6, Hotilder, Colorado. 1! .vuo 17 9Al.r:Slll WASTIiO. WANTKD. salesmen everywhere, salary or commission, paid weekly, to solicit orders In towns, villages and rural districts; terinaneiit; outlit free. Drown llros. Co., tochesler, N. Y. M71S 12 BALESMKN wanted for full line of fruit and ornamental ireea; pay weekly; outlit free. Lawrence Nursery Company, Law rence, Kan. 5SS J In WE HAVE a number of agencies In Ne braska and western Iowa where we use food men selling our Standard Stock 'ood to farmers and feeders; they must have teams and give full time to the business; they must be men of high standing, have some knowledge of live stock and good business ability; we fur nish wagons for such men anil offer ex ceptional Inducements to permanent aalcs mon: bond reuuired; send for application blank. The J?. E. Sanborn Company, Omaha, Neb. MS7 MJS W AVrKU 1 UM ALU IlfcXl. WANTED, two young lady students to learn halrdreasing, manicuring and chi ropody at d acicutlnu massage. Call or write Room 2--, He Hldg. C -94 100 Girls. Cull Canadian office, 15th & Dod"ge. C boo WANTED, deserving young lady or gentle man to tatte life scholarship in Omaha s best business and nhorihund college and pay for It when course is finished and liosltlon secured. Address A 1, Hee. C Sl WANTED, a teacher to Instruct the trench language lo a class of three, twice a week; state terms. Address Z St, Bee. C M46 LADIES Our catalogue explains how we teach halrdressing. manicuring; and facial massage In four weeks, mailed tree Moler College, 1M3 Karimm. til. C-Ml)7 15 'WANTED One assistant nurse In train ing school at Child having institute, lMh and Ohio streets. C MS01 12 l WANTED 1- Experienced salesladies ill glove and veiling department; only those with experience need apply. J. L. Hrmi tlels & bona. Boston Btore. C MSU 12 WANTED, fifty girls to make pants, shirts, overalls, ate. Apply to Byrne & Hammvr Dry Goods Co., 12ih and Howard tits. C MS 11 WANTED I,ady with Ideas, not under 26. resident of city, education, good adores necessary, nothing to sell. A 2i. Hee. C M4 W 3 DAILY copying; letters at home, either 1 sex; inclose two stamps with application Illinois Industrial I'nlon, Dept. 2. Ma sonic Temple, Chicago. C-V"3 li GIRL wanted for general housework. Ill N. ill st Ave. Apply Monday morning. t C-M? 12 KOlt UET-IIOISF.S. VANS and baggage wagous. Tel. l'.'.-i D 295 iOK Kjj.:T, i-rouni house, iiii and Cali fornia tils , til modern. In good rep tlr, large yard. Inquire at 6o7 N. . Life Duuumg. D .Ki TO MOVE rlgtit set Omaha Van Storage Co. j office liU t amain, or Tels. lS6n-a. D 2vi HOI IPC; m all parts of city. The O. . . W W WW t J,, Davis Co., Dee Hllg. D lo-ROtiM house, with b.ts.ment, 2Sh nJ Jackson. f; good locailon. i K. Turklugton, t Bee. D MJcl FOR HE NT, S-room. modern, d-taehed house, newly paint- d and paper, d. Pa -l Capitol Ave. Tel. 73. B. 11. U ..bison, D M ( liOUBES. stores. Bemis, Tsxton block. UOUSE3 and Oats. Hlngwalt, Barker M'-cg D-j1 i iiH niAT-noi sr.. :K PAVNK. r:ri3TWirK ' O f'.rrh'le linns, s. N. Y. Life l:ig. Tel. I'll. l.i J.C I.'NKiJl'At.KD. irntral. mod"rn 4 and room flats, 'lizard, .'jo N. -d st. D ij HofSE3, etc. F. D. We id, 1:24 Douln". I -3 ; CI IAS. K. WILLIAMSON, Fnrnnm "it? D 1 Maggar.l V. & 3. Co., 1713 Webster. Tel lit? D 3"! KOlt RENT, nice 4-room cottage, wnter and gas. 21'3 N. 2S'h Ht. D 7tM 15-RotiM imfun.lsheil lmlelnp hitie. In Kouth Omaha. S. llntiov. r, l'!14 Kmirt"lt St., tlraahit. D-.M:.'.! 13 Kelt HF:NT. fumlshert huri. during sum mer months. The O. F. Davis Co.. 5' Iter. Hldg. D Tin In FOR Hi:.T Kl RMIIEII ROOMS. FI'RMPHKD rooms, l..th Ht. nil modern. H2' N. E-i.T8 MIS ELEGANT rooms, finest location In the city. Capitol Ave. E MS35 LARGE, also smaller room. S08 N. Hit It St. E ltw M-J TV' housekeeping rooms, s. 2i;23 St. Mary's. E .M214 M2'i TWO well furnished Do iiglas. south rooms. 2015 K M272 FRONT room, modern, ts. 1"!7 Webster. E 474 Junel FOR RENT, a nlco large furnished fror.t room, with alcove. 7ul ti. 26th st. E-MI75 NICELY furnished Harney st. modern. 2"S0 E M7n3 lo THE LANGE HOTEL, C"4 S. 1?th t E M743 J DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Fnrnnm. K :, TWO beautiful connecting parlors, fur nished or ii n f i mis hed ; modern home; large lawn: privilege of Unlit housekeep ing. 2C! Kurt. E-JIvi THREE nicely furnished front rooms, very cheap. 4'iS N. lflth. third floor. E S21 13 NEWLY" f irnlshed rooms, with Rood board. 307 N. 2"th St. E-M"i TWO ery desirable rooms, modern house, private family, six blocks from ci nter of cltv. A II. Hee. E M7 FIIIMSIIKU lt()ni AMI HOARD. THE ROSE. 2i'20 Harney, rooms with board K 1."4 M15 FRONT room and board. 1322 California. F-17'j M2C NICE rooms with good board; reasonable; bath, gas, electric! light and telephone. 411 N. 20th. F MJM Mcrrlam, comfortable summer home. Tel.S5. F J'Jtj NICE cool south rooms, large front, fur nished or unfurnished; others; tine loca tion. r.lH N. 2:id. F Ml'l 1.1 FOR RENT I M'UIMSIIDII itllllHS. DESK room space, $5 per month, ground Hour room in The Ilee building, facing Farnain street; no expense for light, hi at or Janitor service. R. C. I'eters & Co., Rental Agents, Hee building. G-llti Sl'ITE of rooms, modern, housekeeping. GIB Georgia Ave. G M.Sol 5 ROOMS for rent. 2518 N. loth St. G S22 ir FOR IIE.T STORES A.D OFFICES. FOR RENT, the building formerly occu pied by The Hee at tflti Karnum tit. It has four stories and a basement which was formerly used as The Hee press room. This will be rented very reasonably, if interested apply at once to C. C. Rose water, secretary, room 100, Bee building. 1261 FOR RENT, store In first-class location; rem reasonaoio. Appiy it. o. i'eters & Co., ground lloor, Hee Hldg. I 2GB STOREROOM. 701 H. lGth. R. C. I'eters & Co., Main ioor. hco Hldg. 1218 FOR RENT, desk room or large space suitable for merchandise broker or party doing bUDlnejs in wholesale ilstrict. In quire Hone 6c Co., 1B Farnam St I-M2S4 ABKXTS WASTED. AT ONCE, a good, reliable agent making all branches of C, H. & Q. In Bouthern Nebrpska to take a good side line on commission. Address Y 19, Hee. J M430 Mlo WANTED, canvassing agents in every county to solicit subscriptions to THE TWENTIETH CENTER Y FARMER; steady employment with assured good Income; agents In the country with horse and buggy especially desired; can vassers make easily $) to $100 per month. Address Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau. Bee building, Omaha. 213 AGENTS wanted, with horse and wagon. io mane ,- wrrsiy selling lo farmers a household necessity that they are glad to buy; clean, pleasant, profitable employ ment: particulars free. Address Mercan tile Syndicate, Dept. J, Kansas Cltv, Mo. J M736 13 THE only authorized Life of Talmage, ln- roouciu.n uy ins son, itev. frank lie Witt Talmnge, D. D., contains over 5o0 pages, magnliicenMy Illustrated; retail price 2.(. Highest commission; freight paid; credit given; no capital required; experience unnecessary. Anyone can make 10 to $-5 per day easily. Beware of all other Talmuge books. The people want "The Only Authorized Ijite" and will have no other. Outnt free for 15 cents to cover postage. Order outlit to day. Address the John C. Winston Co., 71S Arch street, I'hlladelphla, nr 334 Dearoorn street. Chicago. J M777 12 WATr:i TO IllY. WANTED, to buy a good carriage team suitable fur a lady to drive. Address Z 67, Bee. N 791 FOR SALE FI RM XI HE. CHICAGO Furniture Co., 1410 Dodgo. Tel. 2o2t. New and secondhand, bought, sold, exchanged. O 311 I.Al SDHY. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, 8e; collars, 2c; cuffs, 4c. 1750 Leavenworth. Tel. f47. 475 FOR SALE HOHaES, WAtiONS, ETC, FOR BALE, buggies, phaetons, carriages, runabouts, new and secondhand, at cut prices. Repairing and trimming; also put on rubber tires. I'felffer, 2ith and Leav enworth tits. P-siS M24 PAINTING and repairs on wagous. etc., e.u, i-eaii . ii. rroBt, mn ana Le,av enworih. Tel. 1447. P 313 SEVERAL fine driving horses. Walter P-M404 FOR SALE A thoroughbred Imported Shetland pouy. Inquire of A. I. Hran deU, Hoktou Store. P M771 FOR SALE-A fine Brewster Governess cart; cost $150 a year ago; thoroughbred imported Shetland pony and harness. Inquire of George bchroeder. Huston Store office. P M7J 15 FOH SALL MIHKLLANKOIS. 2DHAND afe chsap. Schwartz, ill s. 13th. W wis FLEdCHER sells bicycles. 1033 Capitol Ave y a WIRE fence for poultry, b,og, lawn and yard, hitch posts, tree guards. Wire Works, 617 ti. 16ia St. Tel. 151. Q-M372 JulyJ JDllAND rafe cheap. DerlgUt. Ill Farnam. X Q 316 100 STYLES trusses; catalogue free Sher man & MeConnell Drug Co.. 16th and Dodge, Omaha. J 314 FOR SALE, phonographs, sjperlor to any other musical instrument; $3 up. Ths NWttman Co.. if; Farnam. y-iii BICYCLES and phonographs on easy pay-""ill-lJ down. $1 io per week; 2dhand wheels, fc. $a and $10, new whaela. $i. Omah Blc jcla Co . ltilb and Chicago Sts. AiiE OMAHA i nn xi.y Mist VNK.oi . INDIAN goods and tellc-s. 1119 Farnam W-317 Fur SALE, scholarship In nn otnnhs shorthand school, cheap. Inquire 2'2 Ii. e H.dg. W-.Ss STAMP ph jtos. lc each. Vekix, 13 ft Far m. CJ .72 M.'J SEAHRi 'OKE Wall paper. 411s N lot h St. g-Msva M-4 FIR llmbera for house movers, etc.. 40 to 71 feet; Til bins; and hog fence. SKtl I)oulas. (J-313 ITPKWRITKRS. latest Remington, Smlth 1'reml. r. Densmore. replaced by THE I'NL'ERWOOD; low price. Rentals, 2.j"j to $4 per month A. II. Workman Co., 1617 Farnam. 'Phone 24:1. v MoiJ SAM L 13 CRN'S for gas fixtures. Q-MM5 M23 STEREOrTICANS machines H. F. and moving; picture Wurn, Hos Farnam St. U 411 M3o CLOSING nut householij goods and Ftnves cheap. 1314 Dodge tit. Q M4S3 J2 PECMNDHAND billiard and pool tables billiard tables repaired; a large stock of flu op bur fixtures, cigar Counters, etc. The Hrunswlck, Halke, Colletidur Co., 4"7- So. 10th. ' y DIB NEW and 2dhand typewriters. 1119 Fir nam. (J M7ii GllocEFtS For snle, Jot of second-hand grocers' scales, even balance and plat form. S -ales sent on approval. Very low prices. B. P. Ix wis. Council HlufTs. Q-H74 1.T ( I.AIlt VOYATS. I'ROF. LEAHIE PARLORS, 1619 DODGE Clairvoyant and Palmist tells you all you want to know, every hope, fear ml wish of your life, faults, quality, capability, trade or profession you are ber-t suited for; fortunate and unfortunate periods of life; breaks evil intluences; how to win the one you love, conquer enemies, restore lost affections; aivloe on business, health, marriage, divorce, etc. Hours, 9 to LI. S MiWS J3 MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant. 1614 Cass St. S321 MME. GYLMER. genuine palmist. 315 S. 15. H-122 ELECTRIC TREATMENT. MM E. SMITH, baths, 118 N.15. 2d floor R. 2. T 72S-J 5 MME. AMES, vapor baths. 124 N. l.".th. r 7. T-M:I17 M12 PEHSO.VAI.. Middlemlss, wall paper cleaner. Tel. 173:. U M742 Ji DR. ROT, chiropodist, corns and superflu ous hair removed by electricity. R. 12. Frenzer block. U 323 PRIVATE hospital, before and during con finement: babies adopted. 23u6 Grant St Mrs. Gardels. Tel F-11S2. L' 324 FLESCHER will fix your bicycle right. L-325 HAIRDRESSING. manicuring and chiro pody, for ladles only, in connection with The Bathery, 216-220 Hee Hldg. U 326 Rt'PTURE permanently cured In 30 to 60 days; send for circular. O. S. Wood, M D., 521 New York Life Hldg., Omaha, Neb U-327 ACCORDION pleailng, cheapest, best and quickest. Mrs. A. C. Mark, 17 & Douglas U-32S ' GRAMOPHONES and supplies, wholesale and retail. Collins Tlano Co., 1622 Doug las. U 32 CHIROPODY a specialty, In connection with The B-Jthery, rooms 216-220 Hee Hldg Tel. 1716. U-330 SHAMPOOING and hnlrdressinr. 25c, In connection with The Bathery, 216-2'lj Bee building. Tel. 1716. U 331 M. H. NASH Your deal with Ed has been . fixed. Cunio home. C. A. M. U 520 la V1AVA. woman's way to health. Home treatment Houklet free. 346 Bee Hldg., Omaha. U 334 MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. la, 2.1 floor, r 2. U M473 M16 lU'PTURE cured, no pain, detention from business; serd for circulars. Empire Rupture Curo Co., 932 N. Y. Llfo Hldg., Omaha. U 332 SEE Proctor, line pictures. 616 So itith. V 6S: J 3 ROOMS, 510',4 So. 10th St. 'Phone 1811. U 62 J3 DRESSMAKING and rutting taught with Livingston Machine Academy, 16o7 Doug las. L' M777 21 ELITE PARLORS, 615 S. I6th St., 2.1 floor " L'-M75 .17 DR. JAMES II. PEABODY has moved from Capitol avenue to flat over Graham's drug store, northeast corner Twenty fourth and Furnam streets. U M752 22 LOWEST PRICES In accordion and side pleating. The Goldman Pleating Co., 200 Douglas block. U M7M LIBERAL religious literature free on appli cation. Mrs. Carrie F. Trctmore. -1432 Sidney Ave., Chicago. U 915 12 FOUND, best Ice rream soda In city 5c Shrader's Store, 24th and Seward. U 813 J10 THERE ARE TWENTY REASONS WHY Y'ou Should Smoke the Stoecker Cigar First, they are the best on the market. The other nineteen we wen t mention. GEORGE: My club toast won't scare me Puge 170 May What To Eat. Mollle. L' M1KW 12 MONEY TO WAX-REAL ESTATE. 4Sj PER CENT on business property, a per cent on residence properly. Options to pay whole or part any time. W. B. MEIKLE, 4ol ti. 15th tit. W-333 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. Brennan-Love Co., 309 ti. 13th. W 33G WANTED, city loans and warrants, W. Farnam Smith sic Co., 132!) Farnam St. W-33S FARM and city loans, low rates. W. 1L Thomas, 1st Nat. Bank Bldg. Tel. 164. W-339 PRIVATE money. Sherwood. 937 N. Y. U W-314 t PER CENT loans. Farnam. Garvin Bros.. 1004 W-S10 PRIVATE money. F. IX Wead. 1524 Douglas W-342 LOW RATES. Private money. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Main Floor N. Y. Life bldg W-M408 4"i TO 6 P. C. money. Bemls, Paxton Blk. W 343 WANTED, city and farm loans; also bonds and warrants. R. c. Peters & Co.. 17.2 Farnam St., Bee Hldg. W 341 mom:y to lo ax oii.n tkls. t MONEY! MONEY! S $ WHEN IN NEED OF MONEY $ $ DEAL WITH THE $ $ AMERICAN LOAN CO. $ $ LOANS FROM J10 TO $200 MADE $ On Furniture. Pianos, etc., and to people holding a steady position, without pub licity or removing the property, ana at much CHEAPER AND EASIER RATES than dsewhere. You can have ths money on the same day you aak tor It. and the loan can be paid off In easy weekly or monthly payments, or as your circum stances will permit, thus enabling you to pay without Inconvenience or worry. Cume in and talk it over whh us. AMERICAN LOAN CO., Room 3o3. Third Floor. Px:on Block. LARGEST Bl'SINKSH IN LOANS TO SAIVRIED PEOPLE, mcrchar.ta, team sters, boarding hous. etc., without se curity; easiest terms; 40 offices In prin cipal cities. Tolmau, 40 board of Trsda Hldg. X-.19 1 DAILY 1JKE: MONDAY, MOF.Y TO MM 4 'HATTEI.H. WE make loans on Furnltur". Pianos. H .rses, Wagons, Carriages a ml t her chattels. We make SALARY LOANS without mortgage to persons who have permanent positions You ran get the mon.y on v ry short notice and pay it back In one month. . r keep it lonter. and pay for it only what time you keep It. We are leaders in low rates, quick and con fidential service and court' ous treatment. V'e Invito comparisons of rales, time, payments, etc. We M O N E Y elf- you the full amount of tho LOAN In . cash. We always "try to pleape." OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO, 11:' Hoard of Trade Hldg. Tel. 22'.. (.Established 1M'2. 306 So. 16th St. X-347 LOANS on CHATTELS and SALARIES. PHOENIX CREDIT CO., succf ssi rs to J. W. TAYLOE, 6. a Paxton Block. TEL. 74.".. To accommodate ojr COl'NCIL BLUFFS patrons we have established eiegnnt of fices at ROOM 21. W1CK11AM HLDG.. Intersection Broadwuy & 1'earl Sts. TEU 8. X 454 MONEY' loaned on plain note to salaried people; business coniidential; lowest rates. 5j4 Paxton block. The J. A. Hutton Co. X-302 MONEY loaned on furniture, live stock, Jewelry, to salaried ople. Foley Ixian Co., sue. to Duff Green. S Barker Block. X 330 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. lU'ed, 319 S. 13. X-34S !...- llJ III SIM'.SS t II tMCES. TO GET In or out of business call on Wil liams, Room 411, MuCague building. Y-353 FOR SALE, the best hardware stock in the bst agricultural section of Iowa; large annual trade; Ktock will Invoice about H'hui; profits large; must close up an estate interest the only reusou fur selling. Address V 40, Bee. Y 356 IF VOl' want to BEY or SELL real es tate call or writo. NEW SNOW-CIII'RCII CO., 4th tl tor N. Y. Life Bldg., Omahn. Y-356 FOR SALE, a good, clean stock of grocer ies, queonnware and notions, one of the best stands in a live Nebraska town, do ing a good business; reason for selling, pour hep 1th. Address Grocer, Hee Olllce, Council Bluffs. Y M727 FORTl'NES'easlly made by small but wise Investments; the small capitalists' und monev nil vers' opportunity; write for our "Guide to Wealth." Traise Co, 233 Unity Hldg.. Chicago. Y Ms:.s M23 $5,0.0 for controlling interest In a rapidly Increasing legitimate manufacturing busi ness, destined to be a very profitable enterprise. Court closest lnvcslii;a I ion. J. 11. Johnson, New York Lift. Y-69 STOCK of about $3,000 in good location. Would take Omaha residence property for about $1,5.j0. Address, Box 154, I'te, Iowa. Y 273 M12 FOR SALE Hardware and furniture store, eastern Nebraska; good oppor tunity. Address '. 65. Bee. Y M757 13 FIRST-CLASS location for hotel; also gen eral store; can convince you of desira bility. The Lexington Hank, Ixlngton, Neb. Y 7!4 15 FOR SALE, furniture and lease, brick hotel, Iowa town; nets $1,.SOO year. Ad- .1........ 41. , 1... i ... -e 1 - dress AS, Omaha Ho 1 .tlOJU J.I EXPERIENCED partner wanted In tent and nwning business In good thriving western town. For particulars address A 5, Hee. Y M107 17 ROOMING and boarding houses, from 7 to 42 rooms, completely furnished, line locations, doing profitable business, for sale reasonable. See J. H. Johnson. New York Life. Y I 12 AN ESTABLISHED concern dealing in se curities and contracts wants to open a branch ofllco in Omaha; $20,000 to $25,000 yearly, a fair Income. Required Invest ment, $2,500. Address, Sloan, 1521 Chestnut St.. Philadelphia, Pa. Y-illl 12 FOR SALE Bakery and confectionery, doing .$l.i.i business yearly, for J1.5.M) cash, worth $2,000. Address, Joints Wahl, Le Mars, Iowa. Y H23 24 WHEN you -want to buy, sell or exchange your business or property quick, com municate with J. II. Johnson, hi:l New York Life. Y' Siio FOR SALE, stock of shoes, dry goods, fur nishing goods, clothing, chlatiaware and notions; low rent; population 4.710 ; rail way center; good farming country; bar gain If taken at once. I-oi k Box 337, Ames. la. Y Mlu2 16 Foil i:. HA.t;E. WILT, exchange good oak wardrobe for folding bed. N 49, Bee. Z M510 EXCHANGE or sale, finest ranch in north Nebraska, (l,.4 acres; will take part 111 farm, merchandise or hotel. T. M. Cline, 123S O at.. Lincoln, Neb. Z 61)3 11 WILL exchange 41 lots In Dundee Plac, Omaha, clear of Incumbrance-, for suit able Kansas City property. Address, The United States Trust Company of Kansas City, Mo. Z 7H2 15 HAVE new piano; will trade for horse or team. Address letters A 9, Bee. Z S40 14 TO EXCHANGE, clear property In Benson for good horse and buggy. Inquire at Gil Paxton block. Z K43 14 FOR SALE HEAL F.STATK. HOMESTEADS free to all who have not taken benefit of homestead law; Rosebud reservation opened soon; Chamberlain laud otlice, where you register for chance and choice. Write A. R. Coffin, send $1 00 for valuable Information; no swindle; perfectly straight. References, Bank of Iowa and Dakota, Chamberlain, S. D. RE-912 ! BUY best house paints, varnishes, etc.; quality highest, prices lowest. National Oil and 1'uint Co., 1015 Jones St. RE MS48 M23 HOUSES and lots In all parts of city; also acre property and farm lands. The O. F. Davis Co., Room 552, Hoe building. RE 361 IF YOU want one of the nicest 8-roora homes In Hanscum Place I will give you a bargain. Owner left city. Must sell. J. H. Sherwood. S37 N. Y. U Bldg. RE MJ5J HOUSES, lots, farms, ranches, loans; also Are lusjrance. Bemls, I'axton block. RE 360 GEORGE O. WALLACE, real estate, mort gage, rentals. Insurance. Brown block. RE 359 ALFALFA farm for snle; lt acres, n In alfalfa; well Improved; going to Canada. Write to Erik Johnson, R. 2. Lexington, Neb. RE ol M2i FOR SALE. 7-room new all modern house, good bsrn, paved street, north. Price, $2,6 . Good 5-room cottage, bath, gas, sewer, close in. Price, $1.6n0. Vacant lots at all prices. J. II. SHERWOOD, H37 N. Y. LIFE. RE 97G 12 SEE PAYNE. BOSTWICK & CO. for choice bargains, oul-2 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 1011 RE-63 THREE MILLION acres corn, wheat, graz ing and Irrigated land for sale. E. H. AndniH. Agent Santa F System, room 6, Union depot, Kansas City, Mo. RE MS10 23 GOOD 5-room house, cheap, with barn, fruit trees, plenty of room for garden and chickens; owner leaving city. ji Emmett, one block north of Deaf and Dumb Istltule. RE MlM 13 tiAKc ii and farm lamia for sale by the Union Pacific Railroad company. B. A. McAllester, land commissioner. Union Pa citlo lleacquarters, Omaha, Neb. RE 358 FARMS If you wish to buy a grain, fruit or stock farm, get my list of western Michigan (lower peninsula) bargains; write today; they are going rapidly, ti. V. It. Hayes, Grand Rapids. Mich. RE-M464 JJ ALL ABOARD for California! 500000 acres government land In southern California open for settlement; the largest irriga tion canal In America is now completed through these lands: soil Is very rich and fertile: finest alfalfa and cattle country on earth; 32o acres allowed each person; ermanent water rights sold on easy terms; railroad through these lands will be completed In short time; send lo cents for books and maps and full Informa tion. Held at lleber. agents, lo7 tiuulh Broadway, Los Aug ties, C'al. HE-Mt70 tut MAV 1, 1002. K(W Ml.l'-lll'.tl. I'ATtTK, FOR SA LE. throe lots, with six-room cot tage; itl.'. $l.fioo; owner lc.nltig niy. AddrtssiZ ?. lice office. RE M ink THE l'RtCE of bef will keep up. N,,w is the tln to buv i heap wiiii ii gracing lands; iv.ui.i acr. s lor sale at low n ins and 0:1 easy term. Call on r inquire of I. A Fort, North Platte. Nib. RE-M7V, 15 FOR SAKE. 1.120 acres of good farming land. 12." arrrs In crops this year, at a sacrifice. In central part of Nebraska. G. H. 1'et. ttson. 6.2 N. 16th, Omaha. RE 65S Ml 9 WILLIAMSON, aiiSt.fJS: 1203 RE 363 THE OMIHA REALTY CO., lJnl Douglas ci.. low.iui, riniiii nouses ior sale; cfieap building lets Call for catalogue Hiid price list. Private money to loan on easv terms. ut; &o SPECIAL BARGAIN M.3o. cash, or part rash -For sale, occupied bv owner, leav Itm city, two-story, s-room house, in good repadr, Within one block of two car lines, recently painted, new roof, city water, gas. Jurttiaee, bath room, porcelain tub, open plumbing, hardwood floors (newi, store rooms, closets; will rent for $iu per month. Address residence, 27nl Doiliee street, or Nebraska Underwriters, l:is Furuajht street. RE M7S6 13 . BETJSON- More homes nre being built in Benson than In nil other Omaha suburbs combined This is .simply because it offers the ad vantages' We have residence lots, aire, five-acre and ten-acre tracts for sale BENSON A CAR .I It il A EL, 613 PAXTON BLOCK. RE-M103 14 MEDICAL. DR. PRIES, the acknowledged leading specialist in diseases of women In Omaha, would call tlie attention of suffering ladles to his unsurpassed accommodations bclore ami during confinement and his treatment for Irregularities, 110 matter what cause. Call or address, with stamp Dr. Pries, Arlington Block. 1513 Dodge! Omaha. JJ SIIOHTHAMI AMJ TYPEWHITIXG. GREGG Shorthand om. C. Col.,l;th & Doug. 361 A. C. VAN SAM'S school. 717 N. Y. Life. 365 UOYLES' college, court reporter principal. N. 1. Life. oTlG NElt. Husinesj & Shorthand College, Boyds 1 heater. XOTICK. PAPKH 1IAr;Kn. OMAHA Steam Pante Co.. mnnufactuer of pante lor all purposes; in barrels and half barrels. rite lor prices. 2210 Cuming STAMMERING AMJ STl TTERIXi. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 420 Ramge Bldg. 379 MCKKL PLATFVfi. OMAHA linting Co., Boo Bldg. Tel. 2513 37S FLORISTS. L. HENDERSON. 1519 Farnam. Tel 12',.t Send for price list, cut flowers and plants' M722 4'ARPEXTKflS M JOIMCRS. ALL kinds of carpenter work nnd repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree. 20th and Lake streets. 370 UAKUAUE. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO.. cleans cesspools and vaults, removes garbage and dead animals ut reduced prices. 621 N IB Tel. 1779. a26 ' OSTEOPATH Y. G1D K. & ALICE JOHNSON, osteopaths, Suite 615. N. Y Llfo Bldg. Tel. 1664 -263 DR. A. T. HUNT. 612 McCagua Bldg. Tel. 22. at;a DR. MRS. MUSICK, Douglas Blk. Tel. 2X23, 370 ' PHOTOGRAPHS. MRS. MINER, children's photos specialty 612 N. 16th. M167 2B A( Oltl)IO PLEA'l'IMi, REDUCED prices In pleatlngs, ruchlngs tucklngs and appliouiitiK. For full 111. formation inquire Ideal Pleating Co., i;,io iiuwuiu nr. 772 J7 TREES. FOR shrubs, vines, trees, etc., see the Crescent City rales ground, south Bide of Farnam and 21st tits. 'Phone 1626. j3 M22 STORAGE. PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co., 913 W4 JoneE, general storage and forwarding. 3hl OM. Van Stor. Co., 1511ft Farn. Tels. 15r,9-S63. 3)3 Kllll ATIOAL. FRENCH, Spanish, fencing. 408 N. 26th st MI6i AOl.CE.ME.TS. WATERS PRINTING COMPANY. Tele phone 2190. 611 South Thirteenth street. M459 ATTORNEYS. MACFARLAND & MAY, 305 N. Y. Life 270 M27 PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas 376 Fit ATEIlAL ORDERS. THE GARDENERS protect old age as well as life. Churter members free. Particu lars from Frank Rosewater, supreme inanac'.r, 222 Bee Bldg. 724 Flit DRESSING. O. R. GILBERT CO., tanners. 1424 80. rth 373 COWS. WILL TRADE CERTIFIED milk for cows, subject to lest for tuberculosis. Sanitary Dairy, 2016 Farnam utrcet; 'phone No. 411. -JIMS M24 TAILORING. JOE YOUSEN removed to 1411ft Farnam St. Jl BALK TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale Tie Co., 811 North 16th. 14 M A M F A CT I R I G. P. MELCIUOR, 13th and Harney, ma. chluisl." M371 OMAHA Safe and Iron Wks., make a spe cialty of tire escapes, shutters, doors and cafes. O. Andreen, Prop., 103 8. loth St. -MJ72 DRESSMAKING. IN FAMILIES. Miss Bturdy, 2o42 Farnam. ',10 foi n. FOUND. Man's bicycle on May 7lh. In quire bight watch, Bt bldg. Foimd-iUul 13 dim 1: UN men I .no 1 u !;. PRopuflA! S - FORT Ml LEY. KANSVS. May 1'tli, K.. Sealed propo-al in tnoli cato will be teceic.l at this otlice until II o'clock a. in. ju.e' POIi. 1 ..', nnd then opened, for tl,,. construction M end altera tion to the following biil.iltus. Including piUn.Mtitf. hcumi; ami eleeinc winn. c .a, si r 11 tion ,u ope Artillery St.ible, two Cavalry Stable. two Gin Sheds, one Ha. h. lor otticei t. Quarter and t m o double Oilieets' Q-mrti rs. Alt. ration in four t'avali v Barracks. Additions and alter i tlons to three At till, ry Hit rack and two Cavalry Hatnuks at Fort llilev, K.ni.is HI. Id. is will state in tin it- bid the tune in which tli.v iil cotni I. te Hie work, as time will Infiii an Important consider itlon In the award of contracts. Full luiorma tlon and blank forms of proposal will be furnished noon application to this otil. e. Plans and Specifications ninv be seen hero also in 1 iil'.e, s of Depot q larterm ist. 1 at Chicago, 111.; St. Louis. .Mo, and Omah 1, Neb. I nlte.l Stales ies. i v. s tie- rUlit to accept or reject any or all bids or anv pan thereof. Envelopes to lie i n dorsed '" 1 re posals for Public Buildings" nrd a.l.lnssel "Captain G. O. Cress, Constructing Quar termaster." 1) - Mlo-12-13-ll-,I.i-l.i PROPOSALS loll SUBSISTENCE STORES ottli o Purchasing Oommlssarv U. S. Army. Army Building. Omaha. Nib." M iv l"t li. P'2. Sealed proposals hi tripli cate for furnishing I mi. Issue, drv salt cure. In er.ites and in !i-ln. net cans, bacon breaktast. sliced, dry sail cure, In 1-lb. net cans, and hams, lirv salt cure. In tierces, will be rceelv, d at this ofll. c. at the otlice of the Purchasing- Ci n in!.' sat v I". S. Army. Chlcau-o. 111., and at the otlice of the pur chasing Commlssarv U. S. Arinv. K.inias City. Mo, until II o'clock n tn! Wednes day. May 21st, Pi2, at which time and places they will be lniblielv opened. Articles oi in. stlc production or manu facture will i. preferred to those of for eign origin, cost and qualilv being equal Specifications as to quantities, ilit. and places of deliverv, blank proposals and further Info tna'lon rurnlslvd on no, idea tion to either olllce. Envelopes contaliiln, proposals should he Indorsed "Proposal's for Subsistence Stores, to be opened W ed nesday. May "1st . I1.MJ." n,i addressed to M. It GROVE. Cai. tain. Comimss.irv, l'urch ising c'onimissarv. Omaha. Nib - Mav l"l IM-I2.:M I -15-lt', CII1 E F Q I'AKTKHJI A ST E 1 t'S o F E It E Omaha, N b.. April ::l. 1:i0' s. alcd pro poses, In triplicate, will be received at this i. ftlce until .i a. in. central time. Mav 15, 1:m:, and then opened, for furnishing oils, bran, baled hay and be.ldine, at I' .i t Sill. Oklahoma. Proposals for deiiverv at other points will be entertained. I", si", reserves right to reject or accept anv or all pro posals, or any part thereof. Information furnished on application to this .dllco. or to Quartermaster at Fort Sill, O. T. En velopes containing proposals should he marked "Proposals tor i-'orige," and ad dressed to JNO. V. PI'LLMAN. c. o M 21 25-'.v,-2v.M!2-ll CHIEF QUARTER:.! STl .11 S OFFICE. OMAHA. N. b.. April :!". I!n2.- Scaled pro posals. In triollrnte, subject to the usual conditions, will be r'-c'ived at this otlice until la a. m.. central standard time, .Mav 14. P'2. for Installing shower bath and doing necessary plumbing in connection thirewith In live barrack buildings, at Jef ferson Barracks. Mo. Full Information fur nished on application to this olllce. where s pec! Ilea I ions may lie seen, or to the quar termaster, Jefferson Barracks. Proposals to tie marked "Proposals for Shower Baths' and addressed to Major .IN'ii. YV. PULL MAN, Chief Quartermaster. HD.A:!cMl-lii-12 I.F.CAI. NOTICES. N ITICE. The annual meeting of the stockholders of the Fiiiiiotit. Elkhorn V Missouri Val ley Railroad company will be hid at the olllce of the companv In Omaha, Neh., on Friday, May 21, l' .'. at 10 o'clock a. m. for the t lection of dire, tors and tho transac tion of such oth'r business n mav come before the meeting. J. U. REDFIELD, Secretarv. MBdlst 1 . I'OSTOFI'ICE HiOTIC'I'.. (Should be read DAILY by all interested, as changes may occur at any tlniei. Foreign malis for the week ending May 17, 1H.I2. will close (.PROMPTLY In "II cases) at the General Postoillce, as follows: PARCELS POST MAILS close one hour earlier than closlag tune sliown below. Parcels post mails fur Germany close at 5 p. m. Wednesday. Regular and supplementary mails close at lureign station half hour later than closing time shown ladow, (except hat supplementary malls lor Europe, ad Central America, via Colon, closu one hour later at lureign slatiuiu. Trnnxutliiut lc Mnll. TUESDAY' At :.'W a. m. for ITALY di rect, per s. s. Nord America (mail must be directed "per s. s. Nord America "l. U EDNESDAY At 6:3u a. m. for EUROPE, per s. s. St. Paul, via Southampton- at S:3i a. m. for El ROPE, per s. a. Ger manic, via Quee nstown; at 10 a. m. for BEUilUM direct, per s. s. Soutbwark (mall must be directed "per s. s. South ward'); at 11 a. m. for DENMARK di rect, in r s. s. Oscar II (mall must be di rected "per s. s. Oscar II"). THURSDAY At 7 a. m. for FR NCR. SWITZERLAND. ITALY. SPAIN, PORT UGAL. TURKEY, EGYPT, GREECE. BRITISH INDIA and LORENZO MAR Ql'EZ. per s. s. Ii Iyorraine, via Havre (mail for other parts of Europe must b directed "tier s. s. Iji Lorraine "); at 7 :10 a. m. (supplementary 9 a. m.) for EU ROPE, per s. s. Kiatitsch.nl. via Ply mouth. Cherbourg and Hamburg. SATURDAY At 7 a. m. for FRANCE SWITZERLAND. ITALY. SPAIN, poRT UGAU TURKEY. EGYPT. GREECE, BRITISH INDIA und LORENZO MAR QUEZ, per s. s. La. Champagne, via Havre (mail for other parts of Europe, must he directed "per s. s. la cham pagne"); at 7:30 a. m. for NETHER LANDS direct, per s. s. Noordum (mall must be directed "per s. s. Noordam"); Ht 9:30 n. m. (supplementary 11 n. m.) for EUROPE, per s. s. riaxonla, via Queenstow n; at !:30 a. m. for SCOTLAND direct, per s. 8. Astoria (mall must be di rected "per s. s. Astoria."); at lo a. m for ITALY' direct, pi r s. s. 'lYave (mail must be directed "per k. s. Trave"). PRINTED MATTER. ETC.-Thls steamer lakes printed matter, commercial papers, und samples .for German' only. The same class of mall mailer for other parts of Europe will not be sent by tpls ship unless specially directed by it. After tlie dosing of the supplementary Transatlantic malis named uhove, addi tional supplementary malls are opened on the piers of the American, English French mid German steamers, and remain open until within 10 minutes of the hour Of sailing of steamer. Malls fur South auel Central America, West Indies. Etc. TUESDAY' At 9:30 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for CENTRAL AMERICA (except Costa Rlea) and SOUTH PA CIFIC PORTS, per R. s. Advance, via Colon (mall for Guatemala, must be di rected "per s. s. Advance"); at 6:30 p. m. for JAMAICA, per k. s Admiral Farra gut. from Boston. WEDNESDAY At 12:30 p. m. (supplement ary 1 ti. m) for TURKS ISLAND and DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, per s. H. Semi nole. THURSDAY At 6:30 a. m. for BRAZIL, per s. s. Cnpri, via Pernambuco and Rio Granele d tiul (mall for Northern Brazil must be directed "per s. s. Capri"): at 8 n. m. for CUBA, YI'CATAX, I'AM 1'ECIIE, TABASCO and CHIAPAS, p.r s. s. Esperanza (mall for other parts of Mexico must lie directed "per s. s. E.ipe-r-ana"i: at H a. m. for BERMUDA, p.r 8. s. Trinidad; at 6.3i p. m. for JAMAICA, per . s. Admiral S' hley. from Boston; at 11:30 p. in. for NEWFOUNDLAND, per s. s. Oorean, from Philadelphia (mail must be directed "per s. a. Oorean") FRIDAY At 10 a. m. for NEWFOUND LAND direct, p r s. s. Silvia; at 12 in. for MEXICO, per 8. 8. Matanzus. via, Tamplco (mail must be directed "per s. s. Matanzas"). SATURDAY At 9 a. m. for PONCE, p.r s. 8. Ponce (mall for other parts eif Porto Rico must be directed "per s. s. police-"); at 9 a. in. (supplemental v 9:30 a. m I for PORTO RICO (e-xoept Ponce), CURAC AO and VENEZUELA, pe-r s. s. . Phllad. I plili (mall for Police, Savnnllla and Car tagena must be directed "pe r s s. Phila delphia,"); at 9:3o a. m. (supplemental y 1":: a. m ) for LEEWARD and WIND WARD ISLANDS. and 1 1 RITISi I. DUTCH and FRENCH UUIA.NA. pur s. a. Font.i belle onHll for Grenada and Trinidad must be directed "per s. s. Fontab.-lle-" i ; at 9:3" a. m. supplementary M 30 a. in.) for FORTUNE ISLAND, JAMAICA. SA VANILUX and CARTAGENA, per s. s. Altai (mail for Costa Rica must bo di rected "per . s. Altai"); at 9:30 a m (supplementary lo.'lo a. m.) for HAITI and SANTA MARTA. per s. s. Adiron dack: at lo a. m. for CURA. per s. s. Mexico, via Havana: at 12. 3i p. m for CUBA, pe-r s. s. Parran. via Matanzas (ordinary mail only, which must be di rected "per . s. Parran' ). Malls for Newfoundland, by rail to North Bvdney. and thence by pteamer. close at this office dally at 6 10 p. m. (connecting close he-re every Moi.dHV. ''cinesday and Saturday). Mails for Miqoclon by rail to Boston, and thence bv steamer, i-lose at tiua ciirtre .lady at (;) p. in. Malls for Cuba, by rail to Florida, and thence by steamers, are dispatined ouily, ex cept Thursday, final connecting cloa s, for diDjydlcU Viet Purl luuipa ou I'tiliToi Kit i; no I'll E. W. . .1 vs mid )"ati:r for e'iMiateh ! t via Miami, on M u.iavs ami (ti,r. il.ivs at 6.3 p. t:. M.il.s for i tlco City, ov.rl.iod. jti-s sp.-eirtiiy ar.dr.-ssed for el. -ret! b bv sie.tntcr. e lo o at tin office Ca ..- .An pt Sunday at 1 : and lu.ui p m Mind. - at 1 p. in. and 11 .'to p m. Nlsdj for Cot-tit Kleii, B.-'lr-, Puerto Col tei and ti uat. -mi 1 i, ly rail to New Orleans, timl til me by M-inner, close at this eifflca on I v e-xiiot Mind uy at 'Ufo p. m , (,in iiy nt 1:V p. in. teon lectH-.i closes her .M -udavs 1. r Belize', 1 t.erto Cortes and ti i.it. n.al i. si:d Tu. sd.iy for Costa Rle.v) Re gisiered mail closes at b:u0 p. m. pre- iuu d.i y. Truiispne tl.e lnlls, V. ill for the Philippine Islands, via Srtn Francisco. cloe here dahv at 6.3" p. m. up to May il:h. Inclusive, ior dispatch p. r U S transport. M tile for Hawaii. China. Japan and Philip pine I v 1 mil, via H in Francisco, close lure dally at tl: M p. m up to May 13th, Inclusive, for dlsnati'h per s s. Peru. Malls for china and Japan, via Seattle, i lose he re dull) nt p. m. up to M.v 14th, iiiehisivi-. for dispatch per a. s. Kin sliiu Mara. (Registered mall must l-a uirei ti d "via S.-a 1 1 le"l Malls for Australia, texrept West Aus tralia, which Is forwarded via Europe), New Zealand, FIJI, Samoa and Hawaii, via San Francisco, c'osx hero dally at B:'I p m after April 2.ih and up to May i.'tli, Inclusive, or tin ii rrivaf of s. s. Campania, due at Nw York May 17th, - r o:-o ab h per s. s. Ventura M ills f. r China aiu' Japan, via S'att'a and, Victoria, H. C, close lu re daily nt 6 30 p. in up to May 2uh. Inclusive, for dis patch p. r s, s. Empress of In.lta (regis, let-. .1 malt must be speclaKy addressed. ( M.-r.ii indlse tor the I . S. Postal agency at S' ai.'-hal cannot he forwarded via 'a nulii i. Mils for Haw-all. Japan and China lal. I. Her mail and sepnately ad.lri ss.-d peri odicals to: the IMilllppirie islands, via Manila), vie San Francisco, close here daily at .;'.) p. m. up to May 22d, lu e luvlve. for illspaich per s. s. Coptic. Mails tor China and japan, via I'acoma. close- here dully at lieto p. m. up to Alay -Mil. inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Olollogh . Mads lot Australia (except West Australia, which goes via Europe-, and New .eiilanii, which goo via San lianeiseoi, and FIJI Isl mds. vii Seattle and Victoria, H. C, elos,. lure dally at 6.:o p. rn. niter May "Kill nud tip to May 21th. inclusive, for dis nt. h i ei- s s. Mlovvi ra. Mails lor llawaiV via San Franclsce. etoa here daily at ti:;w p. m. up to May 26th, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Alamedii. Malls for Tahlu and Marquesas Island, via San Francisco, e!os here daily at 0::.i p. m. up to June. Mth, Incittsivr, for ill: patch per s. s. Australia. Transpacific mall- nr forwarded to port o' calling dally and the schedule of clos ing Is nirnng.d on Hie presumption of their uninterrupted overitnrt transit. Ilcglster.-d mail closes at 6:00 p. m. previous dav. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster Poslollice, New York, N. Y'., May !), 1!2. R n All. WAY TI.MB C AR II. INION STATION lOTIi AND MARC Y. I nlen I'ncllle. Leave. Arrive. Overland Limited ft 9:10 am a 7:30 pm Fast Mall a 8:.0 am a 3 23 pm California Express a 4:25 pin l'aclilc Express all :30 pm Eastern Express a 4:35 pm Atlantic Express B4f:"" am Llneoln-Stromshurg Ex.b 4:03 pm bl2:30 pm Grand Island Local ...b 5:30 pm b D:35 am t lili-ngii, ililhvniikre A- St. Paul. Chiengo Limited a 6:00 pm a 8:03 am Chicago & Omaha Ex..b 7:15 am b 3:40 pm 7llNeilrl I'nellii. St IjO-jIs Express nl0:00 am a 6:23 pm K. C. iVt St. L. Kxprcs-.al0:a0 pm a 6:16 am W aliHsli. St. Louis ' Cannon Ball" Express a 6:13 pm a 8:20 am St. Louis Local, Council Bluffs al0:00 am a 10:30 pm llilcngei, Rock luirnd and i'aclne, EAST. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Daylight a 7;oo am a S.3o pm Chicago Express bllili am a 6 : 05 pm Des Ivloiiua Local a 4:u0 pin bll;a0 am Chicago Fast Express.. a 4:36 pm a 1:3j pm Des Moines, Rock 1b- lauid and Chicago a 7:40 pm a S:2j am WEST, Lincoln, Colo. Springs, , Denver, Pueblo and West a 1:30 pm a 4:13 pm Colo., Texas, Cul. & Oklahoma. Flyer a 5:20 pm a 9:50 ant Illinois I rut nil. Chicago Express a 7:20 am a 6:10 p.. Cnicugu. Minneapolis & St. ruul Limited a 7:50 pm a 8:05 am Minneapolis & tit. 1'aul Express b 7:20 am bl0:35 pm Chicago Express alu:3o pm Chicago tV. northwestern. "The Northwestern Line." Chicago Special a:10um all:20 pm Chicaap) l ussungur a4:lopm a k:w am Eastern Express alO:uj am a 4 (lo pm Eastern tipecial ...a 4:ua pin a 4 06 pm kiial Mall - l.vj urn a 2,40 pin omahu-c hliu-jo L t d. ..a 7:4u pm a 9:20 am Fast Man a t:J0 am Cedar napids Pass a b:30 pm Twin City Express a 7:05 am alo;25 pin Twin City Limited a V:oj pm a s;4cl am Sioux City Local a 6:1a am a 3:o pm WEBSTER DEPOT 10TII & W LUSTER Fremont, lilkhara & Missouri Valley. Leave. Arrive. Black Hills, Dead wood. Hot Springs a 3:00 pm a 5:00 pm Wyoming. Casper and Douglas d 3:00 pm e 5:00 pm Hastings, York, David city, aupe rlor, Geneva., Exeter and Sewurd....b J:00 pm b 6:00 pm Norfolk, Lincoln and Fremont b 7:30 am b 10:25 am Fremont Local o 7:30 am Missouri Pnclnc. Nebraska Local, Via W eeping Water b 4:10 pm al0:25 am tklcuitu, St. Paul, Mlnuraiiulii v Out ah ii. Twin City Passenger. ...a 6:30 am a 9:00 pm Sioux city PuBciiger...a 2:u0 pm ull:20 am Emerson Local ...u t:4u pm b l:4u tun HI It LING I ON STA'IIO.N lOTIi A. M ABO.X c lileago, nurlliiBtou A Quincy. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Special a 7:oo am a 4:o5 pm Chicago Veslibuled Ex..u a. 00 pin a 5:45 am Chicago Local a 9:30 am all-oo pm Chicago Limited a 7:00 pm a 7:45 am Fust Mall a 2:40 pm Hurling Ion A Missouri River. Wymore, Beatrice and Lincoln a 8:40 am bll:5o am Nebraska Express a 8:40 am a 7:35 pin De nver Limited a 4:25 pm (:lu um Blut-k Hills anil Pugel V Sound Express all:10 pm a 3:00 pm Colorado Vestlbuled Flyer a 3:00 pm Lincoln Fast Mull b 3:00 pm a 9:17 am Fort Crook arm Platts- rnouth b 3:20 pm bll:05 am Hellevue & Pacllic Jet. ..a 7:4o pm a b;2o am Bellevuu& l'aclilc Jet. ..a 3:00 am haulm Illy, ! Joseph cV Cosinoll IllulTa. Kansas City Day Ex. ...a 9 20 am a (:05 pm St. Louis Flyer a 6:10 pm all:15 am Kunsua City Nilit Ex...ulo:30 pm a 6:15 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, c Bun day only, d Dally except Saturday. Daily t IE AM Kill PH. AMiiUlt LINK U. B. MAIL ITUAMBHS Balling rasularly bAtweon NEW VOBK. LoMi.iNlJtiiHV In GLASGOW NtW iullh.. UlliUALlAU av NAPLLS. Euerlur accemtDeelatluDa, i:cIIaiit Culilna, Brars rc-Karil fur tha lomfurt of tiiigars atudinualf aoa- liter. id anil practlctid. blnila or Humid Trip ticket! laaurd batwaan Ka York and Siut- li, Kiisllth, Irlah auj ail Piioclpal Coiilliiental imjIhIii at attraeaiva rutva. fot tltikals or giiii-ml liifui-riatlnn anplv to llEXijKRSUN 01(08, Lbicaao. or aujr LOCAL A(jINT. HOLLAND-AMERICA LIKE New York Rotterdam, via Boulegee. "J. U New Twin-Screw s. . of ll.uuu to us recurtsjr! f;;s Noordam Twin-fecrew Clotnnim May 17..J0 a. m. Steamer 0 1 0 1 0 il U d iil May "4, 10 a. m. bteamer W Potsdam May 31, 10 a. m. Apply to Harry Moores. 1416 Farnam street; J. a MiNiuly, la Farnam strsst; II. ti Jones. 12 Farnam street: luula Keete. t lrst National Hank. Omaha. Postal Card Will Get It SAMPLE COPY OF THE Twentieth Century Farmer The Best Afiicultural Weekly, dress, Omaha, Neb. ! ! I