Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 12, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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plentiful Bullish Rew Aids Adv. in
Quiet Grain Market.
Yesterday's !Hrnctri In Product
Disappears, liat frfl Prices fialn.
Tbnniih Onsul l.lnaeis lor
(.mrranriil I rnp Report.
CHICAGO, May 1"' Marked sbacnre of
inv M'lllrm prunjrt" In grains ana ti con
tinued dpi Tease In h locks on I. una 'lit
jiuch toward bulling the very q.ii-t Brain
Jnarkcts today. Trade was tn 111 walling tor
the Kovernment report. July wheat im.-d
Vii'jc hit?hT. July mm o up una July
oat V Planer. Pr.ivlsiuti.-t nosed
Ji'-jc lower
hat sbon-r.l good strength nil session.
Vnscafi(.nab) v cold we a tin r iiorlhwsi,
with rains In sections and snows repunr i
In the lied Hlver valley, tirrn cables, small
receipts and prorpei is of a lair decline In
the government crop report slarted prices
Mjlher at the opening. Short covered
Ireelv, but the principal tailor was th"
absence nf selling pit-sti'c. which show. .1
a marked change in ihc s-nttment of ill-'
pit. commission house! bo.iglit 10 fmio
extent, but In tlie main th" pit was very
quiet, waiting for t !-- ijovei nmenl report,
which had la-en dolus, d There wax a talr
cash business and Miplwc trade and July
opened at v" lu ','' i: higher at 71,n to
li'n'Ac. Minneapolis ri ported such a
scarcity In the northwest that Interior
millers were buying stuff to take back to
their mills. All told, the tone of the rlt
was more b.illish, largely because of that
weather, which Is much too wet for further
pprlng seeding, ljflte liquidation took off
line of the gain, but July closed firm,
to'ia higher, at 7."iV.'T&aC. Kecelpts, 14
cars, 8 contract; Minneapolis and JJuluth
reported l curs, u total for the three
points of 174 cars, against ZM last week
end 2K1 a year ago. l'rlmary receipts were
03.0110 bu., compared with :t41,tna last yeur.
Bf Hboard clearances equalled 4PJ,("il bu.
Corn was lirmer to start with and made
a furthtr gain daring the nurse of its
rather dull trading The very favorable
Itrowing weather of the last week had
changed, much to the fears of tile shorts.
The chief reason for the firmmss, how
ever, was the ever present scarcity of
corn, notwithstanding the growth of pas
turage and the consequent curtailment of
the demand fur dry feed. The -cash de
mand was good and was n mainstay to
prices against the quiet speculation. The
bull combination still bought slutT and led
the "tailors" to buy. Hut in general the
etory of the market is tlint of a feature
less day. July sold up to ii'4c, but liqui
dation took off some of the gain late in the
cession anil July closed barely lirm, VsC
Up, nt Glc. Kecelpts, l7 cars.
A good cash demand and a scarcity of
CfloriiiBS developed a better and a fair
trade in cats. There was noticeable ab
sence of silling pressure that marked the
other pits, shippers and commission houses
bought liberally. The wet. cold weather
helped the bullish acntlment along. July
gold up to 37'.4C and closed tlrm, 'ae. up, at
E7c. Iterclpts were IV) cars.
Provisions lost much of the strength
that marked yesterday's strong market.
Locals liquidated liberally and the outside
sold to some extent. Packers, however,
Were supporting prices and worked hard
against declined. l'ork and lard were
higher early, but closed weaker. July pork
closed l-'jc down at $17.:in. July lard 7Vj'"
lower at $10.20 and July ribs luo down at
Kstlmated receipts Monday: Wheat. 1a
furs; corn, 90 cars; oats, l.W cars; hogs,
B.i,00 head. Kst limited hogs for next week,
J4.0(k) head.
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Article. Open. Uigh. Low. Close. Yes'y.
Wheat I III
May 7S 75 74SI 74 7l'i
July 74Vq'5 75lji741Ui'i,75Mi 74'4
Sept. 73'i)7(i 747'7Ji,'(l::4 71VI T3;a
Corn I , I
May 61 NK f,l m I 6oi
July 6' 62V4 t r,) til's,
Hept. W: 61s BOlVtj'VKHi'ij'Ni
Oats I
May 43 43U 43 IP,-,., 42:'t
a. July 3.-.', 3 I'm 85' 34-?
bJuly &'r 37'4 atvt, 37
a Sept. 2't 2. :'B129Vi'4
bBept. Zu il 31 31VS' ........
May 17 I7H 17 27H 17 20 17 20 17 30
July 17 45 17 50 17 22'4 17 3') 17 4."4
Sept. 17 47V4 17 60 17 25 17 27H 17 45
May 11 35 10 35 10 25 10 25 10 32'-.
July 10 324 10 37' 10 25 10 25 10 S2
Sept. 10 40 10 40 10 27 1U ii'i 10 3;'a
9 70 9 70 9 65 9 65 9 72' a
July 9 70 9 72! 9 6'.'4 9 9 72' j
Kept. 0 70 9 72 'i 9 65 9 Uu 9 7a
No. t. a Old. b New.
Cash quotations were as follows:
Fl.OUR Steady; winter patents. $3 .9flf7
t.00: straights,; chars, $3.00413 60;
prlng siiecialB, H.JiK(i4.30; patents, $3.4ix(;
I.SO; straights. $2.4t '3.30.
WHEAT No. 2 sprlnK. 75'ili7C'ic; No. 3,
73fi76c; No. 2 red, v,c.
CORN No. i yellow, tVi'c.
OATS No. 2, 43c; No. 2 white, VMt
ibc; No. 3 White, 44M liluC
RYE No. 2. nUc.
PARLEY Fair to choice malting. 6Si71c.
SEED No. 1 flax, $1.64; No. 1 northwest
ern, $1.77: prime timothy, $6.b0; clover, con
tract grade, $3.35.
PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., $17.25
('17.30. l,ard, per luo lbs., $lt.255j 10.30.
ghort ribs sides (loose), J'.t friiH 70. l)rv
tialted shoulders (boxed). $x.mnj.35; short
Clear sides (boxed), $10 1KI lu.20.
WHISKY tin basis of high wines. $1.50
The following were the receipts and Bhlpi
inenis yesterday:
Articles. Receipts. Shipments
Flour, bbls 15,ixm 6.000
Wheat, bu 67,cnO 1s3.ikio
torn, bu M.lnxi U.onO
Data, bu 165, H) 177, ouO
Rye, tiu 2,(
Uarley. bu W.trno 1,000
On the Produce exchange today the but
ter market was firmer; creameries, l.'HJc;
dairies, 17fi'2oc. Cheese, easy, LiyUc. Etufc,
pi . '
fresh, ltc.
asy ;
of the liar
on Various
NEW YORK. May 10 FIXUR Receipts
I.PW bbls.; exports, 12.42V bbls.; moderately
active anil steady witn wheat; winter pat'
nts, $3.lvr,(M.i,,; winter stralphts. $:t.7..-i( J.!)
Minnesoia patents, $3..iiru4.1a; winter ex
tras, .t.liif(i3..ti'. idlnnesoia liakers, $.'Umki
1.30; winter low grades, $2.9u'q3.16. Rye
flour, null; fair to good, $3.40; choice to
lancy, j jei3.nj.
CORNM EAly Steady; vellow
11.30; city. 1.2s; Urandywiiie, $.1 40.
Hi E Firm; No. 2 western, 6l,c
UA RLE Y Dull; feeling, ftPurtSc,
New York; malting, 67-.ii71c, c. 1.
f. o. b..
1. f .
WHEAT Receipts, W:,,0M bu.; exports
227,263 bu. Spot, tlrm; No. 2 red, Klc, ( leva
tor; No. 2 red. N1U.C, f. o. b., uMoat; No. 1
northern Duluth, SJ-'c, f. o. !.. artoat; No 1
northern Duluth, s.;i,c, f. o. b.. arlonf No
1 hard Manitoba, k,V. f. o. b.. alloat. C011
lderlng the narrow trade a strong advance
iook niace in wneat litis morning, stimu.
lated by a postponement of crop report tig
ures until Monday, higher English cabhi
covering cold wet w.aiher In the north
West and a bullish cash wheat situation
Hie close was very firm at mc nrt ad
vance. .May, Mi u-pv.TM v, closed at M'.i
July, bOWitMc, closed at Mc; September. 79
fTIC, closed at Tl'V; Ieceniber, W 9-16'y
O-i , tHIMII HI p-'nC.
CORN Kecelpts. 43 3oJ bu. : exports. IS.
s.u on. fiot, urni; no. ii'i,c, elevator
ana nfytiv-v. r. o. tv. alloat. option mar
ket was lirm and higher on unfavorable
westher news, the whinit upturn, aimil
receipts and covering. Closed nrm and 1
Ko net higher. May, 67 S 'j6; '(,e, closed at
hic; July. 6; i57V closed ut 67'i.c; Sep.
teinber, 66'c, clofed at wi'cj December.
OATS Receipts. l.D.OiMi b i.;
bu. Spot, tlrm; No. 2 47e; .No
exports. 2 Jo
3. 4 'k-; No. j
White, al'.c; No. 3 white. Mc;
western. 4M47c; track, white
tlons active and lirmer with
less favoruhle croti news.
trick. mixe I
, -i. I.VC. Ul-
coru and on
HAY' Steady ; shipping, &5iCc
Choice. STWOit'.'.o.
good to
HOPS yujet ; state( coiniuo.i to choice.
15''l I ", lT'ie, t, M.ii.V; Olds ,,.ic
J'aclrlc const, ltfol crop, la-jii-; l:i.'. lU'u
15c; olds, 5'i c.
HlIiES h irm; Galveston. In 25 lbs . ISc
California. 21 to 25 lbs., lsc; Texas dry '4
to 30 lbs.. IV. '
LEATHER Steady: acid. 21ii25c
WOOly Quiet ; rtoinestii! fleei e. z. li 'c
I'ROVISIONB neef. lirm: famllN, $16;
ixieus. $13; beet l.ants, .l i"'i .';: .). " aeki t,
$1!; city extra India mets, $j4.ou;i s . cut
meatn, steady; pickled bellies, ln' ("rllc;
i.lckled hhoiilJera. t i'v; pickled li.iins,
muL'c. lJrd. stemiy; western stemned
ll'i oo; May closed $lo ., nominal; r. rtn. ,1.
qulel; conluiriit, li K); South America.
(11.35; compound. lJu;.V Pork tlrm;
faintly. $i9 & i20.-J; short clear. $1 5o4j'.'l.U);
Wen, lis K") i 25.
ill TTER Firm; creamery. 21V(i2I'-e;
factory. 2S)tf31c; renovated. 1sii21'-.c, lmitH.
tlon creaiuiry, 2wj21Vic; elite dairy, A j
EGOS Firm; state and Pennsylvania,
17c; western, at mark, 17'.U7c; southern.,
at mark. 1 4a I b c.
t HEEitr. ! 11111; siaie 1117 creams, small
rur nuLka. luucv voioreu sua wcitti, Utl
1.Tc; full rrcnms, larfre fall make, fancy
co'ored Hnd whi'e. L.Lr,
TAI.IOW- Firm: city i$.' per rkg.), 67e:
country pks. free ). t.VuTc.
HH'K steady; domestic, fair to extra,
4' "'.'2e : Japan, IV"
N(i iI.ASSKS Ht aiiy ; New- Orleans, open
kettle, pi u l to choice, .l.'.'lto.
I il l.I 111 Alive, quiet; turkeys, ftc;
fowls, I.e. lii' ssed (lied), quiet; low Is,
U'v ' turkeys. l;t 1 1 to.
.M KTAI.S Today's market for nil metals
was quiet, with prices, however, about un
changed. Tin sold In a jobbing way at
J .: 7-V'i Ki for spot delivery. Copper sold
moderately at the following values: Stuid
ard, spot, to August delivery, Jli.l.V. 11...0;
'lii . II elect i olytl", lll.rnxii ll.i; casting,
; 1 Ui't 1 l.T'i. Lead was unchanged at 4'c.
s'pi Iter was quoted at $l.4u. Iron was quiet
and s!cud .
Condition nf Trade and Quotation on
Mople ntid l-'nnr r I'rodnce.
ir'JtlS Including new No. 2 cases, 14c;
cast s retui ned, loUc.
I.IVi: l ol. l.'l J;"l -Chickens, HV; old
roosters', aciouilng to age, 4nlc; turkeys,
:tJllc; UULkl Ul.d gi-uti:, ic( broilers, pt r
lb., 5c.
HL'TTIJU I'm kins stock, Itfc; choice
dairy, in Cibs, h'c.'m ; tc, arator, .lo..
fit K ill CAiijlir l-' I rout. 9o;
dapple.--, l'Jc; lieiiinK. 6c, pickerel, 9c; pike,
lie; perch, 6c, buft.uo. drc-fed, 7c: gutnish,
6e; bluelins, H-, wl,iellsli, lie; catfish, lj;
black bass, lv; halibut, 13c; salmon. li,e;
hailiioi k. Jlc; codli-h lc; led snanper, pic;
ro -, tut li. .mj; thad roe, pc, pair, ,tc; -nad, p-. r iu.. ;ec, iul.-tei. 1-oiied, per
.c; Inciters, i;reeii, per lh ijc.
'l IKu.Ns- I. He, per doz., 7jc.
VKAb- l'llOK, tijjjr.
CO I l.N dm;.
OATS io.
JtitAN Per ton. 11.
HAJf Prices quoted by Om.tha Wholesale
Hay Dealers' association: 'hotce hay. No.
1 upland, 110.00; No. 1 medium, Jli.ou; No. 1
coarse, H JHvo straw, xi.oo. Ttieso prices
are for hay of good coir"- ua quui;.. Ue
tuttnd fair. Kecelpts Hkht.
I' GO I'LANT Florida, per doz., "1.25.
hyl'AfH Florida, per doz., Ji.n0ii 1.5.
CAL'LiXbXOVViU Southern, per do..
POTATOES Northern,
radu, il 35.
J1.13&1.20; Colo-
UHEi-.N ONIONS Per doz., according to
size of Punches, l.'ui-'oc.
ASl'AHAUCS liome grown, per doz., 35
CL'CU.MBKl'.S Hothouse, per. doz., 1.2i(U)
fcPINAC'H Homo grown, per bu., .Vifpijc.
LK I 1 L'CIC Holhouse, doz., 4iif4uu.
PAllriLKY Per doz.. 3wii:i5c.
HAtiiailKS Per uoz.. ..iic; per box,
WAX PEANS-Illlnols, per box. J2 00;
1-3 wax, 75c.
(JKlil.N i'KAS-l'cr bu. box. $1.75'ij J.00.
HHUliAltH-liome grown, per lb., iic
CAHiiAiir- l.'alllornia. t.ew, 3'iC.
ON IONS Ohios, per bbl., "1.50; new
Bouthern onions in sacks, per lb., 3m3',c.
TO.M ATOKS Kloridu. per 6-baaket" crate,
tS.Zh'U'i.ab; choice, "2.75(Li3.O0.
NAV'l' BiiA.Ns-1'er uu., J2.
FIGS California, now cartons, II;
ported, per lb., lZuMc
STKAWHKHKIKS-Per 24-qt. case,
PINIi APPLKS-Florlda, 30 to 36 count,
BANANAS Per bunch, according to size.
OKA.NUiiS-Hudded, 3.00; Mediterranean
Bweelh.i J.iutfS.W. j.', $iiu; choice, J3.25.
HONEY Per 24-scctloti case, $2.75tf3.00.
UiOliit-Nehawka, per bbl.. W.i.. New
York, 3.60.
POPCOK.N I'er lo., fie; shullet:. 6o.
NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell,
per lb., 12c; hard shell, per lb., llVsu;
No. 2 soft shell, luc; No. 2 hard ahell, ite;
brazils, 1M.T iu., 14c; tillMirts, per io., ttc;
aimonds, eotl shell, 16c; hard shell, ijc;
pecans, large, per II)., Uc; small, 10c; cocoa
nuts, per sack, $J.5u.
HIDES No. 1 green, 6'c; No. 2 green.
5Vc; No. 1 Baited, 7c; No. 2 salted, 6Vac;
No. 1 veal call, 8 to K.4 lbs., !c; No. 2 veal
calf, 12 to lo lbs., 6c; dry hides, bUc; sheep
puiiti, mc; horbu hldea, x..-...
St. I.nula Grain anil Provisions.
ST. IX5U1S. May 10. WHEAT-Stronser:
No. 2 red, cash, elevator, 81c; track, s2.c;
May, 7c; July. i.'i7o',,c; September, 73'c;
No. 2 liard, 76'vU-n V.
CORN Stronger:
No. 2 cash, 62Hc; track,
July, 61'.-ic; Scpiembcr,
6Sc; May, 61Vc;
OATS Stronger;
No. 2 cash, 43c; traclt,
July, 33-i4c; September,
43' ic; May, 42c;
,.'c; No. -' white, 4
H Y E Nominal,
Fl.OIR Dull
red winter patents, $3 65
(fiJMi; extra fancy und atruigiit, $3.3oi3.ou;
clear. $3.lv3.2'J.
SEED 1 lmothv. nominal at $5.00j.25.
CORNMEALr-Stcady at $3.15.
1 IRAN Steady; Backed, east track, iAsJ
HAY Quiet; timothy, Jll'.OiK? 13.&0; prai
rie, scarce; In demand at recent quota
WHISKY Steady, $1.30.
IRON COTTON TIES-Steady, $1.05.
UAOOINU St cad v. uVu63c.
PROVISIONS Pork, lower; Jobbing, old.
$17.45; new, $17.95. I.ard, lower at $10,174.
Dry salt meats, steady; boxed lots, extra
oris, fiS7't, clear ribs, $9.75; short clear,
$10. liacon, steady; boxed loin, extra
shorts. lu.7ti; clear ribs, $10.62!; i-hort
clear. JloSiVi.
METALS Lend, steady. $3.97Mi. Spelter.
hljjh.r at $4.17'-.
1'ot i i li 1 steauy ; cmckens, 10c; tur
keys, c; ducks, 7!-..c; geese, 4!?35u.
Eiiiis Steady at He.
PUTTER Steady; creamery, 17S3c;
dairy, 16ru20c.
Receipts, enipments.
Flour, bbls 7.ik o.onO
hf at, bu 31,i)o 22,11)0
Corn, bu 2,ih) 43. (no
Oats, bu ia.000 zj.UaA)
Liverpool Grain unit Irovlsion.
No. 1 northern, spring, quiet at Cs4'Jil;
California, dall at 6 4d. Futures, quiet;
May, 6a l-'d; July, tiSl)d; September,
us ;i'd.
t Uii.N-spot, steady; .American mixeu,
ne w, iisSd; Americun mixed, old, 6s 8d.
Ir ulures, qulel; Jul, Du2!d; October, 6a
i'KAS-Canadian, firm, 6 ll'jd.
FI.OLH tit. Jjouis lancy winter, firm,
is Hd.
Mi 'PS At London (Pacitio coast), firm,
3 liir'4 15s.
PKoV ISIoNS Peef. slrono; extra India
mess, luls :id. Pork. Mtrong; prime mess
tt i surn, Ttis. Hams, slioi t cut, 14 to lii
lbs., quiet. Sis. Hucon, Cumberland cut, '
Jti to .id. lbs., steady, 4!s 9d, short rilis. ltj
ti J4 lbs., steady, 5Js; long clear mliidles,
light. 2: 10 31 lbs., stiady, 6Js; long clear
Huddles, heavy. ;5 to 4) lbs., steady, nls W;
sliort elenr backs. 16 to 2o lbs., quiet. i:s;
clear bellies. 11 to U! lbs., steady, 61s 3d.
Hhoulilers, square, 11 to 11 lbs., steady.
3!'s 6.1. Iird. American rellned. In pails,
steady, rJ- 3d; prima western, In tierc-'s,
qult, ojs.
JH T'l'Kll-Kin. st United States, firm. !)6s.
UU El.riE-T-'u in ; American finest white,
old. i.s; American tinoEt white, new, 61s;
American colored, old, tils; American
Must colored, new, 6T.M.
TAIXUU-Prune city, lirm, 20s.
KnimiiB ( It)' iruii and Provisions.
7Jv-(i2 ; July, 71-V.m 71 4c-; cash. No. 2
hard 7;i' -; No. 3, 7j'i'iic; No. 3 r-d.
7l..e, NoT 3, 'im.i7v'-c; No. 2 spring, 73e.
rOKN May. tilV-'d'i-c; September, o.".6,
fjoc; cash. No. 2 mixed. 02-u -oe; No. 2
white li' .i;; No. 3. bVilil!-C.
oATri No. 2 white, 4.'.c.
HV E No. 2. 5;. i'Jc.
HAY Choice timothy, $13 50ji 14.00; choice
Ill TTEK creamery, 21c; dairy, fancy,
KflGS Steady ; new No. 2 whltewood
cases included, 14c per doi., loss ott; cases
let urtied, K.!iC.
Iteceliits. Shipments.
Wh-nt. bu 27,21)0
l ,,, n, bu 6:i.iiv
uuis. bu li,uw 1S.0O0
Plillcdeliibla Produce Market.
Firm lair demand; extra westcru cream-
-l-v. J4o: extra nearby prints, 2'le.
F.tHiS -Steady. fair demand: fresh
nearbv. Io.-; tresh western. !.', 11 loVc; fresh
southwestern, lii'jli'e; fresh southern, lai
io'-vc . ...
i HEKSE-r am; New York, full creams.
fancy tunail, pi'jdf l'i'a-; New York full
ci cams, fair to choice. 11 a '-'
Toledo lirniu mid Seed.
TOI.FKO. May 10 WHEAT-Dull:
iii'4c; May, M'c: July, ..
771. r
I'oHN Dull and firm; cash. l'-,c; May,
illiic: Ju v. .c: sepieitipcr, "ic
OATS Hull and stroiu: casli, 44V4o; May.
id-: July. ;v. c;, .se.
SEED Clover, lirm; October, $C.l;
Milwaukee l.rsiu Market.
ket hlkher: No. 1 northern. ..Vac; No.
northern. 7ii-7oir ; July. 7"lo.
KYE-O'ill; No. 1, 6'-lt Osc.
llAKI.Ex llikher; No. 1, ijzoi,3c; sam
ple. IS- y ;-jc.
ColtN July, 67c.
allBBiespolla Vtbral, Floor ana Hraa.
Ta'.a'-"iki JJ'' iiTa J .Vc; vi.lciuivr,
No. 1 hard. 7Sc; Nn. 1
No. 2 northern, ;ii 75'4c.
atents, $3.V.il3.95: second
; lirst clears, $J !5; sec-
$14 K u 1150.
Ilnlnth I. rain Market.
M'M'TH. May JO .-WHEAT Cash. No.
1 hard. 79-V.c; No. 2 northern, 74V; No. 1
northern, i'Sc; May, Tu'c; Jjly, .6Sc; Sep
tember, 1 4 '
IIA'I s ChsIi, 44'2c; September, 30'c.
CORN' tie'ac
I'oorlil nsrket,
l'EORLA, May 10. CORN Firm
No. 3.
OATS Firm; No. 2 white,
WHISKY $1.30.
4-iViC, billed
Strike Order mid Poor Ilnnk shnnlnt
Kill Vpeenlnlhe Interest.
NEW YoRK. May 1". The effect of the
Ftrike order of th - authra. ue
era sistiiciI to kul speculaiivi
the st. nk market today. Piled
nunc worK
inti r st ,11
went lower
in some cases, the volum - of
was trivial ami was rather less In th
ers than ill some other depat imenis of the
There were some large Individual selling
orders In Union Paoliic, St. Paul and a
rumher of other prominent slocks in whb h
a speculative party his b"i 11 active re
cently, set minify on the assumption that
diviiicliil i'lel'i ases were to be looked lor
hi tho.-v slocks. The unexpectedly pom
shewing by the banks had nun h the sain -effect
on stocks, cousins struggling de
clines on light selling.
The opinion was heard that the anthra
cite operators prefer a strike nt this time,
if one is inevitable, rather than to have
it 001111 in the fall. This ia not consistent
with the confident assurance that has been
professed in Wall street that there would
be no strike at nil. The strike is not
taken very gravely even now, as la shown
by the effect on the stocks of the coal
carrying roads. The loss, of over
in cash reserves compared with estimates
based on the known movements of cur
rency repoitcd by the banks themselves of
about $2,000,1101). wa-s rather vusuely at
tributed to "local movements." The loan
contraction of $2.2u4,fciO showed but a
meager result of the stock market liquida
tion. There is nothing to show how far
th.- much discussed position of the trust
comnanies tray have been shown by the
weeks events. With discounts In Pulls
und lierlin below 2 per cent and time loans
for four and six months at 4'4 to 5 per cent
In New Y'ork and even higher for shorter
periods, the expansion in our loan obpea
tions in foreign money markets is naturally
increasing and represents a balance to be
met at Home future time.
The bond market has moved in sympathy
with stocky over a much narrower range.
United States 3s and the Is ib ilimd per
cent, as compared with the closing call of
hist week.
The following are the closing prices 00
the New York Stock exchanse:
Ati hlson
io fd.
Italtllimi n
do pfd.
. 7Tv So. Hallway
. '.'7'... do p;d
.liii'a Ti-xns Pailllo.
. 'Toledo. St. L. A
..KS-V do pfd
. b2' I'nloll I'.lelfle ..,
. 47 I do rfd
. ::ii W i1,b!i
. do pfd
. 7b'-, Wlieel. L. K..
. :l I do 2d pfd
. 2,HWia. Central ...
. Kv)4l do pfd
, 4H AdamB LIx
. 31 "
. I'."i
. 41
. 21
. 3M.
& 0..
' Pacini-
Canada Bo
Chen. Ohio...
Chii-aico & A....
no pfd
Chliago. lnd.
do .M
Chiiaeo & O
& L..
. . 211-n
. . 4S-.
do 1 pfd. .
do 2d itd...
Chlraco - N
'.'Si ; fc.x
C, K. I. & IV
Cblcago Ter. &
175 1 frilled Stau-B Lx...
Tr... 21 '4 Welia-Kargo Ex
to1-, Anial. Copper
L lo-pj Am.-r. Car Sc F
3'"4! do pfd
711 Amer. Lin. Oil....
t;i 1 do pfd
do pfd
C. ('. r. & St. L.
Colorado So
do irt r'ii
do 2d pfd........
. C.I
. -t'.'-j
. nr.;,
. li.-.'ii
. 172
. 201,
. 74
. US
Pel. A liuiLiin...
.lT!. Amer. S. & H
.27li j ilo ptd
, jAiiae. Mining Co...
. ilrooklyn K. T
. ;ifi l olorado Fuel & 1.
. Con. lias
. 3 ,Con. Totiai-i-o pfd..
. lh3 lien. Klei-trlo
, 1,2 .Hooking Coal
, 9ii Inter. Paper
Au2 I do Pf'l
. 4i Inter. Power
. l.4 li.arlrde llaa
. tio 1 National HlBrult ..
.12il National Lead ....
.140 'National Salt
Pel. L. W
Pi-over & It. II....
do pfd
do lt pfd
do id i.rd
Creat Nor. pfd....
lloiklni; Valic-y ..
do pfd
Illinois Central ..
luv.a Central
do pfd
Lako line & W...
do pfd
L. & N
Mnimtlan L,....
.131i "do pfd
. 6'J''i
. 70
. 3'j'i
. 44
. a i Vj
rty si, No. Amerli-an
Mex. Central
I'ai-ific Coast
Mi x. Miitliiual
Minn. & St. L.
Mo. Pacific ....
M . K. fc T....
do pfd
N. J Central .
N. Y. Central .
Norrolk Ac W...
do pfd
Ontario A- V...
IV iniM.v Ivuiiia ..
do ll pfd
do 2-1 pfd
St. L & S V..
do lal p.'d
do J! pfd
St. L. Snulhw..
do pfd
St. Paul
do pf.l
So. Pacific
.... I1H
....llo' j
.... 9?',
.... 2i',k
.... tij
Pacinc Mall
I'eople'a (Jaa ...
Prmved s. Car..
do pfd
Pullman P. Car.
Hi public Steel .
do pfd
j)ii iTciiii. Coal ik
.. :(:-v,jl 'dun. linn 4i P..
..1411'al t1u Pfl1
.. 64;'4 t'- S. Loatiier ..
.. Ill I do pfd
.. t:''4;t'- J- I!i.!ilr ...
.. B:ii do pld
.. n t S. Steel
.. jo-u
.. H
. . 13 'a
.. 84
.. l'-'t
.. En'j
.. 41't
.. 7.,lii do pfd
si 1.
. -J7
. f.1
W.atrrn t'nlon o;
American Locomo.... Sli
do td UP,
K. C. Southern 2;il4
do pfd DK1.
i-it York Moi:ry Market.
NEW YORK. May 10. MONEY On call,
nominally. 1 per cent; prime mercantile
paper. 4'.iri per cent.
STKRUINU KXU1 1 ANGE Barely steady,
with actual business in bankers' bills nt
$l.s7at'i4.S7",. for demand and at $I.M'l4(fc-4.S5
for si.ty days; posted rates, $4.86 and
$(H'-.: ci mmerclal bills, JI.MMi l-Si'4.
S1UVEH Par, 50"sc; Mexican dollars,
PONDS Government, steady; state, In
active; railroad, easier.
The closlnc quoialions on bonds are a
follows: v
V. S. ret. 2a. feg
do coupon
do 3a, reg
do coupon
do new 4a, reg.
do coupon
do old 4. rag..
do coupon
.109ib. & N. unl. 4a m.'v,
.lOSiMex. Central 4a k
.10S'.1 do lat I lie HI
lnn'ii 'Minn. & St. L. 4..HH;,
...137'ti.M.. K. 4 T.
...137'-jl do 2a
...lli'HN Y. Central la.
...Ul'4 "do gen. .Sa....
...105-4 N. 1. C. g. fa
. S.1'4
. 73 i
. h't
. !
do da. rig
An rmitlOfl
ldiVN'o. Pacific 4a
Atchison gen. 4a 1"3H
do adj. 4a
Baltimore O. 4a.. .102H
do 3s
N. ft W. con. 4a.,
Reading gen. 4b...
St L & 1 M c. (a..
do couv. 4b.....
Canada 80. 2...
Central of Oa. 5a.
do ia luc
Chea. & Ohio 4n
.loa-'aJFt. L. At S P. 4a..
i01-, st. l. a. w. ib...
.li -J do 2a
... .7
... H'j
... S'
. Hi Ifl. A. 1 A. P. 4a.
Iu'1 fo. Paclfto 4a.
Ctilcago S; A.
C . U. & U. n.
l',!...!!',,. Hallway 6, 12:,
4a Vb m 'lex. 4fc r'ftcinc IB. ...121-
C, M at) P. g 4a U6H l . si. l.. w. 4a... s
C A: N. w. c. 7a. ..133 i-ntoa t'acinc in.-.',
C R I. P. 4b 111', do couv. 4a li:,
e'e C & ft L . 4s.l"3 Wwhaah la Ill)
Chicago ler. 4 'J "do 2a l.u'-i
Colorado So. 4a a-.'-n do dti. H ft'
Heaver & K. O. weal snore 4s ni'i
Eii pilor i leu a n"e . or u. r.. a-,
do general 4B a.', '. vt-nirai v,
tr v. A II. C. Is. ..114 luu. tobacco 4a tw)i
Hocking Val. 4'na. .. lllVil
Bid. Offered.
London stoi-w
LONDON. May 10. 4 p
m Closing:
Consols for money
5 3-H Norfolk A Western
do account
!lo 6-lli do pfd.
Aiiai nmla ,
b Ontario
Weateru.. 3
Atchison 1 l'enuylvanla
7" t
do pfd loo'a ueuau.g
rialiimnre & Ohio. . . .ll"1,; do lsl pia
laiidoian i'acidc 13ii , do pia
Chesai.eake Ohio.. 4i'' Southern Hallway
Chl.aao 11. W 31 -4 1 uo ''J
C, M. &
Paul. .174' Southern Paclde.
Ciiioii Paclll
. 3'j
. 7DL,
. Ill
. 21
. t l
do pfd
l ulled Statea Blaol.
do pfd
do pld
Spanish 4s
l.und Minaa
do let pfd
do 2d pid
tllirula Central
l.uuiMvillt' & Nash,
al , K. et T
do ptd
N. V. Central
UAH SILVER Quiet at 23 7-16d per
on ret.
M"NEY 22'i per cent. The rate of dis
count in the open market for both short
and thrro-months' bills is 2i per cent.
Button Stock tlHOtatloua.
POSTON, May 10. Call loans,
cent; time leans, i'Stfv per cent,
closing of stocks and bonds:
SijiS per
Atchison 4b
C.aa Is
Hni. Central 4a
N. E U. a C,
do pfd
...IM't Westlngh.
Common.. ZT4
. .. 94'-, Adveuiura
...S3 Alloue,
... f7 An.alraaiated
. .. 7 Itlngliaiti
... HI , Calumal Ifecla
. . .102 Copper ttang ...
1 'i.iiiiniuu (.'Oid ...
i..:'a Frankllu
...144 isle Koyale
...l' j, Mnhaak
... -'7', Old Pouiinton j
...111'', Csceula
...UK parrot
...lt4l Qullicy
... ti Sauia Fa Copper.
...I2D r.mara k
...43 Trlnwuniala .....
... si Trinity
... I ulted SUtas
...Iu;1 t'lab.
... 41 . .'iriorla
... Sl' tVluuda,
. 41
. HI
. I."
II. .mou v
lia-soin Ac
N. V . N.
Klti hbura
A I bany ,
Sle . . . .
H &
ptd ...
I' u l on pi
Mexican lei.tral
American Suaar
do ptd
A mem au T.
l.uulliilou 1. 4k
lien Kla.lr1e ...
Mass. Flectrle .
do pfd ,
N. E U a C...
Culled Krult ...
C. 8. te
do ptd
. i
. Ill
. HI
. 4,
Forelgs I'lasnelal,
LONDON. May 19. The amojnt of bul
Hon taken into the Flank of England on
balance today was 5i.iat. Gold premiums
are quoted: Kuenus Ayres,; Madriu
3tS2: Roma, 2 iK.
PARIS. Mav 10 Three tur cent rentes
l'lf l;lc for the account: SnanUli 4av 7o
()n the bourea todav securilli-s were nulet
and rather lirm. with Rio lint on in good da-
'.'r. On '.ruck:
noi iner',, Tt-'.r , ;
I'M 'L R I'lrst 1
patents, $:t.ti 11 t.;.i
uriil 1 b ars, $. a.
HHA.N-ln l ulk.
flKI.IV. M.iv la The weekly stati nu
of the Imperial I'.ank of (b riuany show:
the iollowiiin hances: Cash 111 hind, in
cr.a'e, J JJi'i
i r. a - e, 1 mi. v
c: ease, .", v
tlon. deer.:,
Oil I. (.till-. II.
( 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ra ti s
time liioiuh
' inaiks; tnasiirv poles, In-
' tllalks; other securities, ili'-
.'Vo mirk-; notes l-i oiroi'a-
. 21'. !m).i"io marks. I'. haiiKe
J-m 4:e .pfit for chi'i ks. I'i--for
hort bills. 1"4 pi r cent ;
-' bills. lT per c nl.
Vfit York Vliitr.a Wan in f lon.
NEW Y'ORK. M'iv pi The arc
the eh sl:u rices on mining stocas:
Adaina Con
tirunawtck ron ..
I imi(.t ii k l il'i : el
Con. l al A- :l . . .
I'r.ulwnnil Terra..
It. rn Iver
lion Silver
1 . u ulc I 'i :i
. li ll.ittle Chief ..
. 41 untarlo
.6.1 "lnr .'
. 11 T'hnctilx
. flu, 1'i.ti.pi
.l.'.H ;Sni.'iao
. i'. iSi.rra Nevmla
.141) Sn.Mll Hopea
. 73 i Standiird
. II
. I.".',
. S
. 4o
Ilnnk t Icarlnm.
OMAHA. May la.-l'.ank clearlncs for the
week iiillnn today show an Increase of
II. "7 over those for the corresponding
week of IjM yiar.
The daily
figures read:
I'.iil .
l.i . 1 ::'.:;j.n)
!'71.7 '. :'.)
Monday ...
'1 liesda V
clili'- day
P i i l I ?.(!: v .
I iM.iy
Saturday ..
.$1 'JSs JJ7.70
. l .l:U,7J7. II
. l.Jlv2.."-l
. 1.'J77.7-."..::j
. i;
. l.i:;..!!i.i.,
. . . .$7.3t;o,7;io..".ti $.;,ii o
10. t'icariims. $JI,r.t!M7i;
postetl exiliaiiKe, $l..M
balances, -'J. I.';4
for sixty
York ex
(lays and $!Mi'4 on demand; New
baiiee, joe vremium.
NEW YoltK. Mnv P Clearlncs,
4L-i.T!l; balatiies. $lu,7ur,H2S.
PHII.ADEl.PHIA. Mav lO.-CleBrlnus,
$21,(ljl.i!Hi; balances, $2,i.iu,4rS; clearlnKS tor
the week. l:!T.,'.yi,9"2; balances, $ls,4oS,9JS;
motiev. 4'2 p.-r cent.
HOSTON, May 10 Clearings, $Ji),2?S,717;
baiatn-es. $l,:Ld'M!)7.
BAI.TlMoKE, May 10. Clcarlnns, JS.SIa,
421; balances. $.":i."i.f.:)7; clearings for tho
week. $J.l.lsx.,J7C; balances, $3,40J,6i.j; money,
5 per cent.
ST. I.OU1S. May 10. Clearlncs, $7,nw,073;
balances, $7 lu.Iiuo; money, steady, 4'i'iit) per
cent; New York exchange, 3nc premium.
CINCINNATI. May in. Clearings, $J,1 1S,
Pf, money. :'i'.n; per cent; New York ex
change, pi 'ooiic premium.
Cotton Market,
closed eai-y; middling uplands, i'V; mid
dling ttulf, !iTe; sales, l,7"o bales. Futures
closed barely steady; May. li.'J7c; June,
I'. 17c: July, !i. 12c: August. S.7c; Sedemtier,
8.f:'.f ; ociober. S.lsc; November, S 13c; De
cember,; January, 8.12c; February,
GALVESTON, May 10. COTTON gulet,
Steildv, It 7-1"i'.
ST. I.OU1S. May R COTTON-DulI, tin
chanm'd; middling. 9 5-Hlc; sales, Jim bales;
receipts. 4oo bales; stock, 33,7lt bales.
quiet; prices 1-32 1 lilphi r; American mld
dllnir fair, 5 1-3J.I; Rood middling, 5v4d ;
inl.ltlliliK, &'sl; low middlinir, fil-HJd; (rood
ordinary, 4 Ji-3Jd ; ordinary. 4 21-3Jd. Tho
sales of the day were li.iHiu bales, of which
1 tut) were lor speculation and export and
included 5.7ne) American. Receipts. J.'i.oHl
bales, incluilliiK 21.700 American. Future
opened quiet and ciosiMl steady; American
tniddlinu, jr. o. c. May, u l-iild, sellers;
Miiy and June, fi'iia l-lild, sellers; Juno and
July, ."id, buyers; July and August. 4 63-lu
5d buyers; August and September. 4 OS-id
f4) MMild. sellers; September and October,
4 4l'.t'.i4 41-md. buyers; October and No
vember. 4 3.'i-i'.ld. sellers; November and
December, 4 ::j-td'(i4 M3-tdd. sellers; Decem
ber ii nd January, 4 31-fil74 32-iild, sellers;
January and February, 4 3u-tlicl 31-Wd,
AVnol Mnrket.
HOSTON. May 10. WOol Tho receipts of
wool in Huston since January 1. liioj, havo
been c,5,3r7,U'-r iiounds, against 6l,03-),iil7
pcuuds for the same period In lSul. Tho
stock on hand in lioston January 1, 12,
was 77,310,411.1 pounds, the totul stock la
W. 442. 44s pounds. The stock on hand May
11, i:Jl, was 41.492.02ti pounds.
ST. LOUIS, May RWoOL Strong; and
more active; medium grades, lfl&17Vc;
liaiht fine, lJrqloc; heavy line, 9t12c; tub
washed, l.i(i('24'ir".
LONDON. May 10. WOOI-The offerings,
at the wool auction sales today numbered
13.G73 bales. Competition was active and
prices lirm. Medium and line crossbreda
ruled 10 per cent above the March averago
price and good combine; merinos advanced
10 ier cent. Cape of dood Hope and Natal
scoured, were Id higher. America bought
n, few good greasy Victorian and some
medium crossbreds. Next week f.2.700 bales
will be offered. Following are the sales In
detail: New South Wales, S.iioO bales;
scoured. 7s 9d; greasy, 4s l'sd. Queensland,
2,0.10 bales; scoured. Is Nd ; greasv, 4'dlld.
Victoria. lifi hales; scoured, 9d!Qls7d;
greasy, 4ai''i Is 2'd. Tasmania, 4'" bales;
greasy, 54iKils. New Zealand, S,7) bales;
Bcourcd, 7dfi-lH TVjd ; greasy, 4'i'S.lOil. Capo
of Good Hope and Natal, lot) bales; scoured,
7'idiSil: greasy, tif!t7V.d. The arrivals for
the third series of pules amount to 61,420
bales, including 22. "eo forwarded direct.
Oil und Koain.
OIL CITY. Pa., May 10. OIL Credit bal
ances, 1.2c; ccrtilicatcs, no bid; shipments,,
luo47 bols. ; average, 10.430 bbls.; runs, b9,
U33 bbls. ; average. 80, Pi2 bids.
NEW YORK. May lu. OIL Cottonseed.
quiet; prime crude, nominal; prime yellow-
i.i4ic. Petroleum, steady: retined. New
York, $7.10; Philadelphia and Haltimorc,
35; Philadelphia and Paltimore. In hulk.
K46. KnMn. steady; siealned, common to
good, $1.65q1.57'i. Turpentine, steady, 4ti'4
i! 17c.
TUl.Klio. o.. May 10. OIL-North Lima.
SSc; South Lima and Indiana, S3o.
LIVERPOOL, Alav lo. OII-Turpentlne
spirits, nrm, jis im. riosin, common, steady,
4s l'-jd. Petroleum, retined, steady, 7'k'l.
Linseed oil, lirm, 32s tid. Cottonseed oil,
Hull refined, spot. firm. 29s.
l.M)i).N, May in. i ii I, Calcutta
seed, spot, 61s 3d. Turpentine spirits,
Evnporaleil Apples and Dried Frnlts,
APPLES There is little change in the eva
porated apple situation. The tone holds
firm, Willi exporters fair buyers. Offer
ings rather light. Prices us luat quoted.
State, common to good, ifutie: prime. 9''ii
S'.-o; choice. HVl'i' ,c; fancy, lou'ijiio.
prune market remains about unchanged
wiinotit piirucuiar icature. some lohbinir
demand is noted and prices hold steady
for new fruit. Old fruit continues irreg
ular. Apricots unit peacnes in modern tn
demand, with the tone of the market
steady. Prunes, .IV'i'j'Sc Apricots, boxes
It'VuHc: bags, 10!fillc. Peaches, peeled,
Htiliic; unjieelcd, bVsiullc.
Sugar Market.
firm; fair lelinlng. 3c; centrifugal. SM test
3'..c. Molnain s sugar. 2ac. Rellned. steady
No. 6, 4.16c; No. 7. 4.0.V: No. X. 3 Hoc: No. U,
3lic; No. 10, 3.S3c; No. 11, 3 S0c; No. 12, 3.73c;
No. 13, 3.76c; No. 14. 3.75c; standard A, 4. Doc;
roufectlont rs A. 4.o0e; mould A. 5. doe; cut
loaf, 62oo; powdered, 4.Hlc- arranulatcd.
4.c.fc: ctioi's. n.:tc.
tK O'xU.
Co flee Marie:
Rio, xso. , invoice, ti-,c. ailld, ouiei; I ir-
,1.... i. -r, io,. rri.u .ii.ri.,t ,.,.o,.u.i Hiu,iii
with prices unchanged. Jtooui shorts bid
prices up & points later in the morning, but
ut best the market was a tame affair, ( a
t.Ks from for.i-:n niarkets and statistlca
millions were quite as expected. The
close was Heady, witn prices net un
changed io 5 points higher. Total sales
wie 4.1.-1(1 baps. lneniiiiiK rupiemoer st
S.2...1 3.S..C; October, o.4uc; November. 5.10c
March, B.75c.
Weekly Hunk statement.
NEW YORK. May R The statement of
the associated banks for tho week einlinx
today shows: Io.hh ilcl.MiMi. decrease
J2.--2I.5mi: Uenoslts ;e; i.'235.ii, decr.-ase, J
tM'i; circulation i'l.--'". Increase J1",
::a; Peal tenders $7 i.t'.K.o. d crease $2.6,1.
5"1; bp- el" $17i"i.4i.,"'i. decrease rt.:i'.ia); re.
serve 1213 5m,'. j, decrease Itin.l.'iii; reserve
r. ipiir-d $Jto.ivH.i decrease ai.'.isi.onu; tsur-
liu.s JV!, I'd ,i.4jo, decrease i,U,uou.
Kiiiorta and Imports.
NEW York. .Mil- lo Exports of spec
from this port to all countries for this
week UMiMcpute $521,. wo sliver and $2.7
Hold. Tile inu.orts of specie this wee
were $2.1i2 Bold and 112.964 sliver. Tho im
ports of dry goods and merchandise at tlnj
;srt of New York for this week were
valued at 1,2.'9.42.'.
Dry Cooda Market.
The week in the market closed quiet with
out ( hai.tfe. print cloths inactive but
steMdy. Coi ton yarns were quiet this week
aid barvlv steady for hosiery yarn
w rated and woolen yarns firm; linen iarns
are atroiig.
Condition of the Treasury.
WASHINGTON. Mav 10. Today's state
ment of the treasury balances in the gen
eral fund. excljsLe of tho $'.50,ow,uon, kij
reserve, In the division of redemption,
shows: Available caail bttUrjee, (17,6o4,
2; sold, Jj;,y.,lji
Pnnnlsh securities were dull owlnc tri
delay in the votlna on th- bill rean
the Hank of Snain. Kfiflirs wire i
rat Cattle of DeiraMe Quality Are All
Hir-ber Than a Week A;:o.
Offrrlnx. of Miet'ii anil lainbs l.lh
All the Week and While I. nod Muff
Held Aliont Mend) tonmioii
Kinds Are a Mllle l.nvi r.
May R
Receipts w
: Cattle
lops. Sheep
Odlcial M ind
3 IH.'i
i iilii l ii
( iftii lal
Tllesdav. . . .
'i h.ll'S'l.lN-. .
b ituiday ...
,. 2,:;i
. 1. !'.'-
. 2. :''.
.. 2,:im
2.2 ii
Total this week R.227 4V72'1 137S
Week endini; M.iv 3 II. IO' el.'"7 L..ti
Week einllllK April 2H...14.4"i 41.1.1't UMf
Week etiliiu April 1!. . . l.t. I-SI 3!t.i4;.l 2...:'.'i
Week ending 12...1ti.37l 41.I--II l.3i.6
Same week last year PS.M.I 2i.'.i'.i
The following table shows the receipts of
cattle, hows and sheep at Sou: li iimilia for
the .Mar to uate aim cmnp. rt-u is with last
lJf-2. K"l. Inc. Ih'c.
Cat'le 27:i...:ii -;.l.'.iir. .M.I.O
Dous H :s. I-.7 M".i'.e 87,7s'J
Sheep 331,fiOj 4eS,S2 77,377
Tho foUowincr table shows tlio averaKO
price of hogs sold on the Omaha
market the oust several days, with com
parisons with tornier years:
Date. 1302. 19ol.;i;i,)
April 15..
April 16..
April 17..
April 18..
April 19..
April 1!0..
April a.,
April 22..
April 23..
April 24..
April 25..
April 2ii..
April 27..
April 2S..
April 2a..
April 30..
6 95!j
tt 1
ti MVa
ti Ml,
Oil IS 721 3 bi'l 3 801 S 31
4 6 45, 3 til. J
5 92 a 55i 3 72
3 91
3 e6
6 twj S 4a 3 6i 3
3 4S
l b, Hi, il 1 ,1
3 91
6 boi 6 4j 3 73,
3 tki
3 73
3 el
3 83
8 35
8 30
1 84
8 28
3 36
8 ol
3 2't
3 2b
I 5 42, 8 77
6 SS.,1
ti i,
1 03 ,
6 :-v,,
6 81 3 72
6 SO 5 36
& 7b 5 32: 3 67
6 77, 5 3 3 65
3 Mi
3 T4
3 82
3 83
8 71
3 84
3 79
3 7if
it 1 1 1 ti oil J b,i
0 72; 5 31, 3 67
3 SI
3 71
7 07V
I t 37i 3 lilf
7 0.1 .,i 5 6.5
6 9.Uai 6 64
i W
3 3 711 3 21
3 83, 3 8i 3 15
May 1
6 i"Ti 6 6-11 5 i'l
3 61
3 79;
3 12
3 13
5. . .
i 0i'., o . I; a lsi
7 01V 5 72 6 17
I o Ite Vilf
3 ui 3 o
3 ti., 3 t
3 71
3 72
3 5S,
3 62
3 64 i
3 9:!.
3 95
8 26
3 30
7 0.1
ti SS
6 93H
7 If)
7 os
7 07".
S 66;
6 6s
5 t.9, fi 21 1
5 f.l, r. lo;
D 65; 5 12
o 61 0 15,
3 91! 3 61 i 3 32
3 .sj 3 io, 3 c0
3 71: 3 19
3 Ml; 3 16
May lu...
3 60;
3 65;
3 62, 3 9j
3 6S '
Indicates Sunday.
The lollowlnir list shows the number of
cars of feedi rs shipped to the country yes
terday und their destination:
E. J. Million. Guide Rock. Neb.-R. & M. 3
William Pates, West point, Neb. F.
I. V. Pileisoii, Long Fine, Neb. F.
H. W. Neville. Duiilup, la. I. C
M. Hutton, Malvern, la. Wab
I. en Oviatt, Shenandoah, la. Wab..
F. Hi-party, Nuola, la. Mil
N. O. Silencer, Russell, ia. y
The olildal number of cars of
brought iu today by curb road was:
Caitle. Hogs.;
C, M. . St. P o
O. Ac St. L 1
Missouri Pacitio l
Union Pacilio System 11
C. A: N. W 7
F., E. Ai M. V 26
C, St. 1., M. & 0 1
Ii. Ai M 13
C, H. Ac -J 4
K. C. Ac St. J
C, R. I. oi P., east 13
C. R. 1. At P., west 1
Illinois Cet tral 2
Total receipts 2 96
The disposition of the dnv's receiiits was
as follows, euch buyer purchasing tho num
ber oi neau liiuicaieu:
Cattle. Hors. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co...,
Swift and Company....
l.'-oa ....
l,9uo ....
Ludahy Packing Co
Armour Ar Co
Cudahy. lrom Kansas City
Swilt, lroi.i Kansas (. liy..
Swift, from t-t. Joseph
i. Jt. iiammona Co
.obmaii Ac Co
Other buyers
Total 61 6,526 537
CATTL1-7 There were practically no cat
tle on aalo touay, so mat a test of the
market was not made. The supply for tho
week shows a light decrease us compared
with last week and a biii decrease is noted
as compared wilh tho same week of last
owing to tne iigni receipts mis week tne
market has shown considerable improve
ment. Tho u ndency of prices ha$ been
upward on all grades and such cuttle as
are pood tnoupti to sell irom b .ou io si.iu
are as high as they have been at any time
this year. J he grades that sell from 5 M
down are a Utile lower than the high time
but in most cases l' would cover ibe
decline. Tho commoner the quality the
less the udvance has been this week, so
that the very undesirable prudes may be
more than KXiiluo luwer than the high
1'he cow market has also improved tnis
week and the Hums as noted above for
beef steers, the best grades uro right close
to as high as they have been any time
this year. 1 he medium Eludes, tliou-li,
are probably 15'25c lower than the high
time, and dinners and cutters are worse
than that. The demand has been gooa an
the week for the better grades, bul the
common kinds havo beer neglected and
hard to sell at satisfactory prices.
Hulls and stags nave also auviiuceu tins
week In sympainy wun me iiigner pucen
ruling on steers and cows. Veal calves are
safely 25c higher for the week, but it now
takes a prime can io reacn o ..
sttockers ana ieeoers nave oeen m raui' i
light supplv all the week, and as the de
mand has shown an improvement since the
rains prices have advanced lMt25c on all
desirable grades. Even the medium kinds
are selling considerably higher than they
were a week ago, but of course the better
grades sell to the best advantage. Choice
stuff would now sell for $5.00 or better.
HOGS There was a nioueraie run oi
hogs on the market today, there being a
slight decrease from yesterday and Irom
Saturday of last weik. The mnrket pencil
with the bidding mron.T on goon, inaiv
hogs and steady on the light, trashy sluff.
Trie quality of tile general run touuy was
much poorer Hum it has been tor some
time which will make the market look
weaker than it really was. Good hogs
were ready sellers this morning at strong
prices anil ranged mostly from $7.15 to $7.25.
Medium weights were In fair demand an I
sold largely from $7.00 to $7.15. As usual.
there was not mucn oeiiiauu ior ngiu
wi Ight hogs and they sold at barely nteady
prices, ranging from $7.uo down. Late In
the morning the bidding weakened on a
few light loads that were left and the
treme close on this class of hogs was
somewhat lower than yesterday.
I he market for tne win compareu very
favorably with last week. On Monday
prices firmed up a little, but on Tuesday
and Wednesday the tendency of price
was downward. i ne loss, nowever. was
more thai regained the last half of the
week and in fact on Friday the market
reached the high point of the year, being
a shade higher than on April 2S. Repre
sentative sales:
7:i . . .
Av. Sh. Pt.
kl . .
I . .
bo. .
f. .
f.2. .
7.1. .
7 10
7 10
7 10
7 10
7 10
7 10
7 10
7 ID
7 10
7 10
7 lo
7 10
7 10
7 10
7 10
7 10
7 10
7 10
7 10
7 10
1 in
7 I"
7 IIP,
7 12',
,.r.i.i 2-'i i
. 240 a ')
..111 ... :"
..;.. to vs
... o'
..11 ... .' m
. .; d 40 7 is,
. . lj4 ml HI
. .2 'I " 7 (i'l
. .3,1) Hi 7 "1
..21 il 40 7 i)
. .-J , ... 7 I'l
. 40 7 i'-."i
..! ... ' '-"
..:u4 IM 7 rc i,
..2-,4 I'l 1 W,
. 2JJ 24) 1 On
..2.0 KH 7 nf.
. .2 .7 s t 7 o-j
..212 'i 7
..2.1 16 7 i-3
. .2,n ho 7 e.'i
..2,1 2 m 1 i
. .210 ... 7 (i
. .2' ! ko 7 "ft
..22,'. li.'i 7 i'i
. .alt. M 7 sr.
. .222 l'l 7 0",
. 240 12) J ci
..214 .. 7 o
. .2.5 M 7
. .215 7
. lit 40 7
. .222 bo 7 07 ,
. 223 ... 1 v: j
. 2..0 210 7 07' .
,..211 If'l 7 "1
,. .221 l 7 6?-,
...-. Pi-! 7 l-Ta
...211 240 7 1'7',
...-12 ... 1
.. 2',t 14 1 7 lo
S. J
74. . .
..2 '2
. .27
,. .2411
. . .224
. .2.i:
TI. .
v) ..
74 ..
ko. ..
M ..
70 ..
H2 . .
7 17',
7 17 :
7 211
7 2f
7 2i
1 2'.
2i. J
77 2' i ail 7 10
SHEEP As usual
Were no sheep or
leaves thu S.lpplv
ln.iaio Kciii i h. rt of
w im n
on sal.-.
tile Week a i. out
yur. tui a mile
m at ! r man mr
ttioiiJh. hs bun
a,l week. The ((Uall'V
rather comiuoii 011 tin
The maiket has been somewhat uneven
during- the week, but still there have been
no ery radical change. Hood stuff sold
readily all the week, but offering answer
luii to Ibul UvbcrliUou ct skarus. At
the clse of the week the letter frides
call t-c quoted Just about Stllldv With the
lose of hist link, but. owing t tin
deiiiaud tor the common KitiiO. tin
lu i rki t on s
. hi 'i-e wet In
ii.i.75; p.a ,1 t
h pi
"S Is
little lowir.
lor .
s $5 v
Ili ped still k : i ioo.l t.i
.nl oi; fair t- pood. $i : 0
- i es. t ..i" ti 5. .'('; t.llr
p-.o.l. Jt ik ';.'. (',
,16 25; faT to poo
( lis al out 25-1
Choice Colio-ad.)
Kid to choice lambs. $r, pi
1. J5 7.', . Hi I'l. Wooled sto. k
oc nt.ovo clipped stoi k
wool. . I lambs. $'1 7'',ii'l v .
fair to
$6.."nwi 6. (5. Kcprcscntative
i mi Aid) 1 1 i :
Tlt Iv M MIKI'.T.
tnttle onilnnl, llosx-i Hmna; anil
lllirhrr mill Miepp iend.
CHICAGO. Mav PV CATTLE - Rei-eljds.
2i head: nierket nominal; stcer. K'" !,
poor to medium. $ stoekeis iiil
f. edt rs. $2. 7.V, i .", ;::,; CWS, Jl 5e'oi; on; lielfers.
$2 7516, ;(; eanners. I..ri"i. 2.4ii; bulls, J25n'i
5 75; s. $2.mi'iifi oi; Texas fid Mc-rs,
1,1.2. .ii :.,.
Ill ICS- Receipt
12.HM head
tro'-g to ".c
' o7 p. o.I
Monday. 2v"0; 1, ft over. ."..'";
high. r: mixed and but.-liev, $6
to choice he,iy, f7:.""7 K; r
rough In a . .
buik of rales.
M '517.25: light. $6.751 r.M;
$;. '.J7.25.
FIIKKP AND LAMPS-R.'celpts. 1 ')
head; market steady; go, d 'o choice , til
ers. 15. 75.. 6. 15, talr to choice, $7.i:m 7. ':
western fhii'ii, $5 25 ('.. 15; native lambs. J-5 "0
6 5e; western lambs, $; w oul d
Cidornd-ies. id.'.ci.
OlMciiil ycsii rday :
Rccelpis. Shipments
Cattle 2 rot !.'.. 7
H.-ps 2 i ::. 'it
S!u i 5,'.'2o 2 :i 1
Kanans City 1 he Mock Market.
KANSAS CITY. May 10 CATTLE -Kecelpts.
50 bend; for ww It. H!.2oo head; mar
ket iiuchaiigeil ; choice export and dressed
beef steers, $6.75'j 7 ;1"; fair to pood. $5.1.v
6.75; stocki rs niid" feeders, $3.i.t'..6'); west
ern fed steers. $5.0o'u6 65; Texas and Indian
steers, $2.ic '(6 ii(; Texas cow s. ij;',',ii,'ii;
native cows, $2.5''it .no; native heifers. l i)
di6.3ii; cannefs, $1.75 it2.8.i; bulls, $;1.0("i(5. 15;
calves. $;",.( "is 40.
Hi HIS Receipts. 3.000 head: for week.
4n.iH head; market steadv to 5c hlcher;
top, $7.44i ; bulk of sales. $7.1'C'i'7 30; I'-'avv,
$7.2"'ff 7.4o; mixed puek( rs. $7.10)7.35; Ilvht.
$7.65l(7.72'i.; yorkers. $7.oo.i7.12V:; pigs, $i.75ij
SHEEP AND LAMI'S-Recoipts todav,
none; for weik, 17. ""o head: market un
changed; native lambs, $5 .45777. 15: western
lambs. $5.75'. 7. 15; native wethers, S5.4"-(Mi."i;
western Wethers, $I.So.(6 15; fed ewes. $vn
fn5i'.'i; Texas clipped yi arling4. $.'i.75:ii;.ii.-;
Texas clipped sheep, $1.5o(i 5.05; Ftockers
und feeders. 2.Smu 1.75.
cVew York Live Mock Mnrket.'
celpt.o, BO hea l;
dressed steady;
11). Cables last
steers n t 1 Ui I.'.e,
May 1 n. II E E V E S R e
dressed beef steady; city
native sides. y-ullii.c per
rccei-ed quoted American
dr.jiscd weight; refrigcra-
tor beef at 12c
pcr lii.; exports todny.
partly estimated. I.MiIi head beeves and
9, mo quarters ot beef.
CALVES Receipts,
calves sold at $6.25 pel
02 hend; ItuITalo
lo.) lbs. ; city dressed
vea is. id ne..c jier lt.
head; quiet, but at about steady prices for
sheep and lambs; clipped sheen sold nt $1.75
per l'l lbs.; clipped lambs at $5.5o'.i' 25; un
shorn lambs at $7.75; dressed mutton. :i'it
ll'..c per lb.; drcssoil Iambs, extreme range,
7(d 1 lo.
HOGS Receipts, $2.65.
Sioux Cl( Live Stock Market.
SIOUX CITY. Ia., May 10. (Special Tele
gram. I CATTLE Receipts. 2"i; market
steady; beeves. $5.iiiii6.5u; cows, bulls and
mixed, $2.5Vi5.25; stockers and feeders, S3.UU
ill il"; nnd calves. $l.n "u 1.50.
IP a'.S - Hen ipis. 4; strong to 5c higher
at $6.5( 4i7.15; bulk. $6.9o(u7.oo.
SHEEP In demanii.
St. Joseph Live Stock Mnrket.
celpts, 5o head; nominal; natives, $5.25 u'
7.25; cows and heifers, $1..5nfj6.5o; veals, $3.50
(li6o"; stockers and fieders. $2.5')'l5.5o.
HOGS Kecelpts, 5.6C') head; steady ; light
and light mixed, $'(i 7.22' ; medium and
licavv. $7.1ib-7.3ii: l'lps, $1.(1 '.,",. 25.
SHEEP AND LAMPS Receipts, none.
St. I.onls Live Stock Market.
ST. LOUIS, May Kl.-CATTLE-Recelpts,
lf) liKad; market strong, with scant sup
ply of beef cattle during week: native ship
ping nnd export steers, $5.5oo.i(i.!ii; dressed
beef and butcher steers. $5.ouio-6.7!; steers
under l.oou lbs., $l.0f"(6.4(i; stockers and
feeders, $3.(v(4 !iu; cows und heifers, $2.25i'i'
6.55; eanners. $1.5C(i2.'J0; bulls. 2.75'n4.5n;
calves, $5.(K I'd 7. On; Texas and Indian steers,
fed, $4.4!'i'5.65; grriBSers, $.;.!.', if 1.5t; cows ami
HOGS Receipts. 1,100 bead; market
strong, active; pigs and lights, $'i.65((Hi.U5;
packers. $6.9 117.10; butchers, $7.l)("ii 7.35.
SHEEP AND LAM US-Receipts. 1.6'i()
head; market dull, nominal; native mut
tons, $4 75''5.50; lambs, $4.5e',7 Oo; culls and
bucks, $4.0(ii4.75; stockers, $3.tKtr.i3.50.
Stock In Slglit.
The following table shows the roedp'.s
of cattle, hogs and sheep at the five prin
cipal markets for May lo:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
South Omaha 59 r..:M 5.7
Chicago ... 2id L'.oed l.'")
Kansas City 50 3D 0
St. Ixjuls ltd l.pi'l 160
St. Joseph 50 D.'4d
Totul 459 2S.IM9 3,127
Consul nt Havana Appeals for Cliiiiii-i
for Murder to American
HAVANA, May 11.
Spanlsh consul here,
military gnvcrnment
of Senor Vega, tho
-Senor Torroja.
has protested to
against the mu
lato president of
d -r
Spanish colony at San Juan, Partine, prnv
Ine of l'lnar Del Rio. Tho consul also
claims other Spaniards have been mur
dered In that province and that the mur
derers have been allowed to go unpun
ished. He savs the murder of Senor Vena
was the result of a political plot, the ob
ject of which was to break up the organi
zation of tho Spanish club.
The consul further asserts that two
former presidents of the club were atlackc!
and obliged to leave town In order to save
their lives. He alleges that high otncliils
are implicate! 111 tne crime, anu no usits
for protection for the Spaniards under the
treaty of Paris, which guarantees the llv.s
and property of the Spanish residents of
Cuba end says this duly has bei 11 forgotten
especially In tie province of Plnar Del
As cabled to the Associated Press from
Havana. Covernnr Genera! IVood lias of
fircd a reward of S3.0nO for t lie conviction
of the murderers of Senor Vega.
Mlclilucnn City Suld to Have Landed
the (irrat Player for
First llaae.
DKTROIT, May 10.-The News today
PKTROIT, May 11. Tho News Saturday
states that Napoleon Lajole, the cnjolia I
Philadelphia second baseman, has d
to play in Detroit and that Mr. McN'aiiiara
o." the lxtiolt American leanue bam will
fen to Philadelphia lj close tba deal with
li e Philadelphia owners, l.aji le is to ,ly
lirst base for Detroit, uccorillng lo lie
Mr M.-Nanaru admitted to the Asso
ciated Press that he would no to Phila
delphia, but denied that the dial was iv.uiy
to be closed, lie said thai while there li.ui
been ney 0ti.1t ions lookini; to La jole s l:'un-
ler to Detroit It Wojld be necessary to
thoroughly ii; over the h nal status of tie
matter letcre anything dclltdt" could be
I1111H anil M 1 11 ni-HOli, 'lie.
IOWA CITi', la.. May 11. (Spei la!.)
Mlntitsota find Iowa Med In tennis Hatur
oay, aeh unirsity winning i-n.- in.iii ti
In doubles and two in siRyli s. Minn. s. .1.1
r. fuse l to play olf the u,..
In doubles, the Hailiy brothers of Iowa
detca'e.l '-nian and Payne, n: Minnesota
and Northiup and lln.ik of Mil. to seta
d.'fer.ted Mal'-h and liull of low.i.
In "it mti s. M,: r h of low a 'let. a 1 d H u ck
i f Minn-sola, .lack liatb-y of i,)v.i del a'.d
Noithiu;. i l .Ml .lies. .la. Pavne nf .Mi -
sot. 1 deti-H'. ii 1.11 1. niiey or n.wa anu v. v
man of MiiiueButa defi-ateji Hull of l"W 1.
I'tiroier Cii.areaNiiiaii NoniiiiMleil.
f'llli'Ai'i1"). May 11 Former 11
W'l Ham was nominated -. tne ie
p.lbllcall eandidalM for congress f ..m I n
fc.xih district lu m Satjr lav.
r.. v , uruve,
This name muni appear on every bux of
the genuine Laxative Itromo-Qulnlne Tau
lets, the remedy that cures culj la on
day. ii ceuts.
"Tie m ar n, tKn 7a I
tm ciiyumiyi
Ali. Mav at; a TuLEr?
i -'.;
'.t.'. v -,
of 3d me value as tags from h
'star: 'horse shoe: I
'spearhead: "standard navk t
Anri ."I T" Tnhrr rrt'
W I I k4f ' . f . fWsSW'sla I 1
35.00 A BrIONTH
f Iu all DI8EASE9
v'i mem.
12 years la Omaha,
curiy! by the gUICK
ES T, fufest and ni,
natural method tl.
has yet been discovered.
Soon every slajn and symptom fluiappea
completely and forever. No "UREAUIV
OUT" of the dlscane on the skin or fae--A
cjre that Is guaranteed to be psrmano: '.
for life.
If 0 ftlOfiPCI IT cured. 'Jfethod ticn,
VkslibJuElLX without cuttlnr. pain,
no detention from work; permanent cur.i
V l:li. M17 from Excesses or Vletlmt
to Nervous Debility or Exhaustion. Vnjt.
Ing Weakness with Early Decay In Your
nnd Middle Aged. lack of vim. vigor anj
strength, with organs Impaired and weak.
STKICTIUE cured with R new Hnml
Treatrntnt. No pain, no detention front
buslm s:i. Kidney and Pladder Tioubles.
t onanlto tlon r ree. Trralintnt by MalL
CHARGE 1,01V. llt 8. I4tb St.
Dr. Si3?r;es h Scarles, Oniaha, Neb,
Irt? nnirll V
For Indiqiittion, Constipation,
Kiilsey Troubles.
m Works
. ;.n C...
rill- MACHlNHJilT.
IC01. I."tH anal 13 JaoVsaa (,
Omnba, Kei. 'lea. IM,
S. BabrDkle. Axont. J. H- C'WfiUI, ala
f co.
Manufacturers and Jobbers et
Steam and Water Supplies
Of Ail Kinds.
101 1 aoU 101U DOUCLAl ST.
stern ElesfrlcBl
Electrical Supplies.
Maotrte Wlrlif Bells 4 O UU
Q. W. JOHNdTON. Mr. W Howartj u
Omaha Tent and Awning Co.,
Oiualia, Ifrb.
Mavuufaciurers of
Tents anil Canvas Goods.
Send for Cotalonuo Nunibef 23
I California
and Back free
To tli" f rst liundred responslblo
ned iM'ineii wliu ask for full In- fj
m . ..i... ..t vin..v:iril nnd our
I(j; .1. i . i" " "
j.lai.n Ii T enlarulr.i? i'.. Write t-iday
not totu'.rro.
n V,
VIi.' yard.! Cr rpfirutloc.
1 - J -' liajwan
i-'r ifi' isi 'i
1! I'l.lliiir
Oadfumlta fj
iii.OMI 4, !c I.lfo IHdaf.
itourlit and m'.d for cash or on marirln.
A I leletrupll. telephone IT lllltll order)
vl.l riMitc caretul iilid i-rumpt bttentioiai
r,7,,i O.". ; &t
l-rt J
lOlai I
luabd fur local aUid tu.UaU ktcoUUU.