Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 12, 1902, Image 1

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Bonn of Operators in Hazleton Field Decide
to Mke It a Lockout.
Men Hold Meetings in All Towns to Select
Delegates to Convention.
Many Leaders in Soranton Field Opposed to
Calling General Strike.
Temporal-) nnlin Hit li' Hall
roada Hard Mini TIiomc HnnilliiiK
Coal I II) Oil' Train
HAZLETON, Pa., May 11.
thp action of their employed
Individual teal eonipu.ics hi
two of the
thin region
have practically locked out their men. Thl.i
step wan taken last night when Coxe Bros.
& Co., operating the Beaver Meadow col
liery, ami Calvin Pardee, Sons Ac Co., own
ers of the Lattlmer niln-s, notified their
employes that (hey need not report for
work until ordered to do so. This order
does not apply to engineers, firemen und
pump runners, whose services are neces
sary to keep the mines free from water.
These companies, It Is believed, expect a
long struggle and this belief Is strength
ened by the fact that al Lattimer work
baa been suspended on tho rebuilding of u
fan house that was burned last week, the
reconstruction of which was necessary to
prevent the accumulation of gases in one
part of the slope.
The Lehigh Valley Coal company an
nounced today that It will give employment
to all men who report for work tomorrow.
Miner Hold MeetlnK..
Meetings of the United Mine Workers'
locals were held In most of the mining
villages In the Hazleton district today and
delegates were elected to the convention
which meets hero on Wednesday for the
purpose of deciding whether or not to make
permanent the strike to be Inaugurated to
mo: row. It Is Impossible to ascertain tho
attitude of the locals on the strike ques
tion. The meetings were secret and the
delegates were ordered not to divulge their
Instructions until they Ret Into the con
vention. The district headquarters of the I'nlted
Mine Workers here were closed this after
noou and the leaders, who have Just arrived
home from Scranton, were out among the
men explaining the exact condition of af
fairs. Seventy-five per cent of the men em
ployed In the various collieries In this (the
Lehigh valley) district are organized and
operations throughout the region will be
lied up until Weduesday at least.
Plan to linn Ilrrakera.
It wbs reported, today that an effort will
bo made to Siart up tW Cranberry breaker,
operated by A. Pardee & Co., with non
union stripping mc, so that all the eoul
that was not sent to the surface on Saturdiiy
may be prepared for market. A poll of tho
stripping men today, however, would Indi
cate that this would bo difficult to do If at
tempted. These men say that they will con
tinue at work at the Bteam shovels, but
under no conditions would they take the
places of strikers at the mines.
Samuel Nedrey, a 'representative of the
American Federation of Labor, who arrived
here tonight, said the federation would ren
der all possible aid to the miners In their
Hard II'ot to Railroader.
SCRANTON, fa.. May 11 There will be
no coal mined In the Scranton end of the
anthracite region tomorrow. Even though
the Btrlke order was not certain of being
religiously obeyed, there would be no min
ing, as the companies agreed at a meeting
of the general managers and superintend
ents Saturday that no attempt would be
made to operate.
Pome of the companies, however, propose
to keep a few, at least, of their wusher
les running to Insure a supply of coal for
locomotive", hoisting engines and the like.
The companies will not admit that the
agreement to refrain from an attempt at
operating Is eventually to resolve Itself
Into a lockout should events at Hazleton
make such a thing possible.
The strike has already made Itself seri
ously felt In other lines of work. The
railroads have laid off four-fifths of their
train crews. In all about 100 men, and the
Erie shops at Dunsmore, where mine ears
and machnery are repaired, will shut
down Indrflnltely beginning tomorrow,
throwing 3(t0 men out of employment.
Meetings of all the locals will be held to
morrow to elect and Instruct the delegutes
to the Hazleton convention.
In tell lite u t Miner (Ipiiuif Strike.
I The sentiment among the more thought
' ful and Intelligent miners Is opposed to a
continuance of the strike. These men will
use as one ot their chief arguments the
significant fact that the company mine of
ficials are not soliciting their men to vote
against the strike, while at the same rel
ative time In the last strike these same
officers were working day and night to dts
courage the men from striking.
In the cathedral this afternoon Bishop
Ilogan asked the congregation to pray that"
the miners should be given light to do
what Is for the beat and that something
would Intervene to secure peace.
The story that the Morganized fleets will
be Uid to Import coal and prevent a fam
ine does not cause President Mitchell any
vldent ccueern. He dismissed It with
the remark that the United Slates la Im
porting coul to all parts of the world.
The Blue Ridge breaker of the Ontario
1 Western company. In an isolated settle
ment above Peckvllle, ws destroyed by
Are today. The. fire was caused by a for
est fire.
S1IA.MOKIV, la.. May 11. The local on
cers of the mines In the Shamokln d'a rl t
owned by the Philadelphia & Reading Coul
and Iron company, the Union Coal com
pany and the Mineral Railroad ar Mining
company were notltiid by their respective
companies last night not to hire men to
Cut cual during ihr aiispiuaica cf tb?
United Mine Workers.
The mine for -men were also instructed
to keep the boiler houses manned In case
the firemen now at work should remain
way from tha collieries.
Vaklau In ! Holla.
WILKES BAR RE, Pa., May 11. The clerkj
employed at the various coal otlues In
this el'y were has:ily summoned from
their homes this morning and put to work
on the payrolls.
- It Is reported that ail the employes, of
tho mines lit this region will be paid In
full not later than Thursday and that when
tbey receive their euvelopes they will be
told that they ar no louger In the employ
Um company. Ths miners, fcawsver, do
not ppr-hcnd a lic-k'.ti'. Th y say if th
Hazlitoi, (onviMi.n should decide not to
ccntinue the trine t!i--r will be trouble
for the fil-1 hinil.i t- ge their places Ihi k.
The disiiiit s.ipci int -nd-tits of the e nal
pompnnics ii-fcic hi i:bo;:t tlx matter
bt Villi the f..ri ibai their elcriial force
were e,:il:e I 11 -y ut prmnt.
The r. rit.iui nt. as It exiils at pifKi'til. In
the v.ii:. y. is ilci i. illy in favor
if continuii.g the strike, and it Is thought
delegate's who will 'v elected tomorrow
from the I tilted M -1,, -Uors' assemblies
from ttiis .n tiiv Av ' Av istructid to
continue the sliia. "Vn '.
t on .. sslons from the".
Neuiiy fall the Romiti.
of the Scranton diairit t spok
today and their umarkj all
-e of any
ame tenor. It was claimed that t.
would bp h great calamity to the pv
of the anthra-itc region nnd that t?i
Hazleton convention should go about Us
work deliberately anil with the full knowl
edge of the great responsibilities that
rested upon It.
0M-rtr A rrnriulnar New rnte.
CARIJONDALE, III.. May 11. A confer
ence Is to be held a'. Chicago tomorrow be
tween the genera! officers of the Illinois
Centra! railroad nnd Its employes, repre
sented by the Order of Railway Telegraphs
crs, to adjust a new scale for the telegraph
operators over the entire system. The
order Is rcprefeuted by J. J. Dtrmody, gen
eral chairman, of Mounds; R. T. Shannon,
general secretary, of Anna, and Walter 1.
Sloan cf Carbondale.
liendlnur a Month by the Sennhore nnd
I iilti rnlfo with the
(Copyright, l!'".', by Press Publishing Co.)
PARIS, May 11 (New York World Ca
blegramSpecial Telt gram.) The king ot
Sweden Is spending a month at Biarritz,
hading u simple life -ln daily communion,
with the tea, one of his greatest friends.
A charming picture is given by a French
Journalist of the old man, , now T3, buying
trinkets from the various fakirs that line
the way (always providing that the mer
chant be young and pretty), and mani
festing his Interest In the pleasures of the
humblest. He explains his love for the
French by the fact that he Is virtually a
Frenchman, since his grandfather was born
In I'aria and his grandmother in Mar
seilles. He proudly wears two medals of
French origin, one for military distinction,
the other a life-saving trophy. Both were
bestowed by Napoleon III, the former In
18U1 on the Champ de Mars he received
In common with his brother as a Bernadotle.
The second was nn acknowledgment of his
personal valor. He saved two women In a
runaway by seizing the horse by the head
and stopping It la its mad career. Ills i
athletic training had made the king won
derfully strong and served him well.
On the political situation In France the
Swedish monarch Is animated. He believes
the Waldf nux-Rousseau ministry will re
main In power, but he doubts that Presi
dent Loubet will desire another term. "At
least he bus told me as much," is his con
clusion. "A good. loyal, Intelligent man
i of much cultivation and esprit," is his
tribute to the Krench executive.- - -
KinK Kdnard Itemenibera Kindness
Shown to the ltonl Knvoy
at I'nne'a Jnhllee.
(Copyright. 19"2, by Press Publishing Co.)
PARIS. May 11. (New York World Cable
gram Special Telegram.) King Edward
VII, according to a dispatch from Rome,
has Just sent a gift to each of the cardinals
and high functionaries who received his
envoy extraordinary last month on the oc
casion of the Jubilee of Leo XIII. He gave
them silver Inkstands, mounted In Ivory or
tortoise shell, bearing his monogram. It la
understood the king Is well satisfied with
the courtesy extended his envoy and with
the message sent by the holy father.
WIlhelinlnn'N Condition Continues to
Improve and I'li slelnim' Attend
ance o l.nnicrr Constant.
THE HAGUE. May 11. The bulletins Is
sued at Cattle Ijoo concerning tho condi
tion of Queen Wllhemlna have been re
duced to one a day and it i expected that
they will soon cease altogether. The
marked improvement of her majesty's con
dition continues and the constant attend
ance of her physicians Is no longer neces
Liverpool Paper Poalllve that Ameri
can Una the lllu Mnneliexter
LIVERPOOL, May 12. Tho Liverpool
Journal of Commerce asserts positively that
J. P. Morgan has arrived at some arrange
ment with the Manchester Ship Canal com
pany. Hey Ho lie" Bonnda la France.
BEZIER3, France, May 11. Barnum A
Bailey's circus was the cause of a serious
riot here this afternoon. The crowd seek
ing admission to the performance wa
greater than the tent could accommodate
and those who were unable to enter began
stoning the circus employes, five of whom
were Injured. One had his skull fractured
and will probably die. The crowd num
bered about 7,ooo. They cut the tent ropes
and several thousand persons forced their
way to the seats. The troops were culled
out and restored order, finally driving the
rioters away.
Itrvolutlou In t'oata Hlca.
r.VNAMA. Colombia. May 11. News has
reached here from Costa Rica that the mili
tary element in the neighborhood of San
Jose, the capital, is in insurrection, refus
ing to recognize the authority of Asuncion
Esquivel. who was inaugurated president
May S. The insurrectionists are proclaim
ing Demetrlo Ygleslas, the former Costa
Itlcan minister of war, as president. Senor
Ygleslas has declined to tuke part In the
revolutionary movement.
Colombian Itruels Qalet.
PANAWA, May 11. News has been re
ceived here from Bogota to th effect that
the revolutionary situation In Colombia Is
quiet and that there are but few guerrillas
still In arms. These are said to be await
ing the outcome of the present situation on
the isthmus, where th revolutionists are
makiug their last stand against the govern-
l.lved More Thai a Century.
ST. JOHN. N. B . May 11. Word wss re
ceived today of the death at St. Martins.
B.. on Friday night of the death of
James Rosa, who wus 111 years old. On
the occasion or his lleth birthday the mu
nicipal council of St, Johns county pre
sented hlut with, an ttuy cimlr. II was
burled today.
Thousands Line Shores at Havana to Greet
llnlated fur 1 lr Time Over Indent
t'nullF llil Patriotic Demonstra
tion a Rennhltr'a I'liliire Il
rrntltf Knlrn llnrhor.
NllAVANA, May 11. A', twenty-three min
, .tee of f this morning a large Cuban fia;;
wits hoisted over Morro castle here.
' This was the pintial that the steamer
Julia, with President-elect Estrada Palma
and hs partv on board, had been sighted
and cheers went up fiom the thousands,
who, on the shore opposite Morro castle,
had pi: t lent I v awaited Julia's arrival since
d.iybrcnk. The crowd cheered for the new
president and for t flag, which was
hoisted over the famous fortress for the
first time. It was a moment of exultation
for the Cubans, nnd the fact that the stars
and stripes floated from Its customary fla;;
stafT beside the Cuban flu over tho castle
did not lessm their enthusiasm.
The Cuban flag flying over Merro was the
Fame one which was first, raised ocr tlr
senate chamber. It was cent to tho castle
yesterday and fastened to the halyards of
the flagstaff used to signal the nationality
of incoming vessels.
n tin n Haulier IIolleil.
When the smoke of Julia was seen In (In
direction of Matanzas the flag was hauled
up. As It rose the bands stationed alonrf
the water front played the Cuban national
hymn, steamers saluted and church bells
were rung. Two hours ', later, after the
last of the great fleet of vessels that had
gone out to escort Julia to the harbor had
returned past Morro castle, this Hag was
lowered and raised over the senate cham
ber. There was continuous saluting as Julln
sailed between the rows of decorated tvigs
and barges, and there were cheers from
the crowded wharves.
Several warships In the harbor were also
decorated. The stars and stripes floated
over the wreck of the Maine, and under
this flag the Cuban committee In charge
of the festivities had caused a black and
white pennant to be placed. The steam
tug Dauntless, the old flllbusterer. wa
glen the right of the line In the marine
Pill in H Wflciiinul ly Kstere.
When he arrived at the wharf the president-elect
wae welcomed by Vice Presi
dent Esteve in a brief speech. A pretty
feature of the reception here was Senor
Estrada Palma welcomed by twenty-three
,,,, ,,, ,iresed In costumes
representing the American republics. Senor
Durlo, who represented Cuba, delivered an
addresu and read a poem.
From the wharf the president-elect was
escorted to the palace by members of the
rural guard. Governor General Wood, his
taff and the secretaries received Senor
Palma at the palace.
From here the president-elect proceeded
to th municipal council building, where
peecbiis were made by h mayor of Ha
vana and Snor Zayas. Tho latter wel
comed Senor Palma in behalf of the peo
ple of all classes and all political beliefs.
Replying, Senor Estrada Palma said that
his reception wan a gratifying experience,
and Judging from what he had seen Blnee
his arrival In Cuba the people were unani
mous in support of the Incoming govern
ment. This, he eaid, boded well for the
republic. ,
VIxltM Gomes' Henldi'iiee.
General Wood accompanied Senor Es
trada Palma o tho residence of General
Maximo Gomez, where tho president-elect
will reside until his inauguration. May 20.
The municipal council gave a breakfast
In honor of Senor Estrada Palma at 1
o'clock this afternoon. He was seated at
the right of the mayor of the city, while
General Gomez was seated at the mayor's
left. At a dinner given tonight General
Wood, Senor Palma, General Gomez, the
archbishop of Havana, the secretaries and
a number of prominent Cubans were pres
ent. At a banquet given In honor of the prel-dent-elect
nt Matenzas last night tho toasi,
"The I'nlted States." was responded to by
Gonzales de Quesada, formerly Cuban com
missioner at Washington. The speaker re
ferred to the gratefulness of the Cubans
for the Improvements made In the school
system and In sanllatlon by the Ameri
cans since their Intervention.
His remarks were well received. The
house has voted to accept the credentials
of th representatives from Malanzas. It
will meet tomorrow to effect the organiza
tion of a municipal council.
Mrs. Estrada Palma. wife of the president-elect,
will be welcomed officially when
she arrive here tomorrow. She left New
York May 8 on tho Wa-d liner Havana.
Force In lintanitna Mned.
MANILA, May 11. General Chaffee ar
rived today at Malabang, Island of Min
danao, where he waa met by General Davis,
the commander of the American forces In
the Islands. Generals Chaffee and Davis,
with an escort, at once started to ride to
Lake Lenao in the interior, which they wilt
reach tomorrow.
The American forces In the province of
Batangas, southern Luzon, have been con
centrated at several towns in the province.
This action Is taken because armed insur
gent resistance In the province has ceased.
More Cholera on Warren.
MANILA. May 11. Another case of
cholera has occurred on board the United
States army transport Warren. The ship
and Its passengers will be detained In quar
antine for an additional five days. Warren
has already been quarantined for cholera
for over ten days. Tbere have been !)t'3
cases and 736 deaths from cholera In Manila,
while the provinces report 2.710 cases and
1,750 deaths from the disease.
loiprUuumi-ul for Debt 4. hoi ihed.
MANILA, May 11. The United States
Philippine commission has passed a law
abolishing the law for Imprisonment for
debt, after the debtor has sworn to bank
ruptcy. Until this law goes Into effect the
expenses of those persons who are now in
Jail for debt must be borne by their prose
cutors and must be paid weekly.
Manila F.dllor to He Tried la AuKOit.
MANILA, May 11. The case of the editor
of Freedom, who Is charged with sedition
for publishing remarks cessuring the rule
of the United States Philippine commission,
will not be tried before August. The de
tente has notified the court thut it will
probably summon 100 witnesses.
Passport Hale Abolished.
MANILA. May 11. W. W. Sinister, cus
toms collector for the Philippine Islands,
has abolished the system which required
travelers to obtain passports before leav
ing the Islands, but the order compelling
them to obtain permits to remove their
bagtrag U aim la lore.
InUra ( i the
I he
M acli I ut r Morr 'I lit n
A.'. .i n f ii if v.
-An Intrr'si in:
rescme of the tr.:-le if tie United Sun
wiih Jipin 1.-st year Is aflorded by an c.
tri t from "Commercial Knlutions of p.-itl,"
which w,is made public today by Frederic
Emory, t'iiif of the Bureau of Fnreigu
Ccimmi r. f of (lie State ilepcrtnunt. The In
ability of ohen'- labor to compete with ma
chinery. U is -:tated. is slvwn in the fact the greater part of Japan's exports
lutlxrto has consisted of raw materials,
! while the largest Item of manufactured
I goods has bei n cotton yarn, which is
shipped almost exclusively to China, a
country noted ns well nt Japan for Its
(heup labor. One of the most hopeful fea
tures of the situation in Jaran today is tho
rt eounltmn of this fact by Us educated
classes. Prominent lawyers, statesmen an 1
business men are beginning to agitate ques
tions of policy with regard to labor, lnu
ihincry and foreign capital, and the agita
tion may be expected to bring about bene
ficial changes In the near future. Japan
will thus afford a growing market for ma
ibinery. The United States already leads In
the exports of electric -light apparatus,
mining machinery, i-npermn'itiig machinery,
watch movements and watch cases to Japan.
In machinery, spinning machinery,
file engines und pumps, tools and Impl"
menls of farmers and mechanics, sewing
machines and photographic apparatus we
hold second place, but oir proportion of
these exportations Is adviiiicing steadily.
( luince for Tii!e.
As the people of Japan come to accept
and act on the doctrine now being taught
by Its most thoughtful clt i.ens that Its
future prosperity depends largely on th"
substitution of machinery for cheap labor it
will need to purchase these lines of goods
in greatly Increased quantities and the
United States should bo alert to gain Its
share of the trade. Already Its commerce
with Japan. Including exportB und Imports,
is greuter than that of any other nation.
Inquiry made In Japan ns to the relative
merits of English nnd American locomo
tives proves that, general conditions being
equal, the American locomotive is pre
ferred. Japanese railway officials express
a preference for it If for no other reason
than that orders are more quickly filled
and more readily conformed to in details
of manufacture.
The United Slates sends nbout two-thirds
of the iron rails Imported to Japan and
the same proportion of the nnils, hnvlng
won (his last trade from Germany, which
five years ago controlled the market. We
also sent the largest valuation of iron pipes
and tubes to Japan last year, until then this
Import always had been greatest from
Great Britain.
In spite of the higher price of our flour
the Australian product cannot compete
with it and this trade In Japan Is expected
to Increase immensely as the use of this
cereal Is spreading among the people.
Hev. Iluntlnntoii ttf Lincoln Fraternal
Drlesate to Methodist
Church So.,
DALLAS, Tex., May 11. The four days of
(he conference ot the Methodist Episcopal
church which have Just passed were oc
cupied principally by preliminaries. Th?
determined effort of an active minority for
consideration of the "war claim" matter
rather retarded progress toward a settle
ment of other issues to come before the
conference. ,
Tomorrow night" Rev. D. W. O. Hunting
ton, D. I)., of Lincoln, Neb., chancellor of
the Western university, and Lieutenant
Governor John L. Bates of Boston, fraternal
deelgatcs of the Methodist Episcopal
church, north, will present letters of gree t
ing from that branch of the church, which
is the largest body of Methodists In the
world. This action is regarded as impor
tant, as it is possiblo that overtures for re
conciliation will be made.
OfUcers anil Snllora of blenuo Hate
a Good INuine I'. very here
but In Venice.
(Copyright, l!r, by Press Publishing Co.)
TRIESTE, May 11. (New York World
Cablegram Special Telegram.) The United
States cruiser Chicago leaves here for
Naples today, when Admiral Watson sur
renders the command of the European
squadron to Admiral Crowinshleld. The
Americans here and at Venice are grea'iy
irritated by tho unfair und partial ac
counts published cf the Incident at the
Cafe Em ope. The World correspondent Is
Informed by one of the officers con erned
thut they were victims, firm of an accident
nnd then of n:i ln.iitlt. A table was inad
vertently overt ut net! w hen passing by one
of their number. A needlessly demonstra
tive protest was made by Fotne Italians tit
ling by, who ignored the American c facers
dumb show expressions of regret. The
olDcera. stelng thev were wasting their
politeness, assumed an lndiflerent atti
tude, until thev were provoked by some
Insulting allusions to the Philippines and
were threatened with assault at the hands
of the excitable Venetians. This drew a
menacing crowd and the Americans in try
ing to force their way out were roughly
handled and set upon by the mob, led cn
bV a nollceinap and a ftremun. Anyone
acquainted with the excpable character of
these people, who lose all self-restraint
j when once roused, and the danger of
knives being used, can understand the
dilemma in wh'eh the officers were placed
nnd their natural resolve to fight their way
I out.
The ' men and effleers of Chicago dur
ing their week's stay here have been shown
'the utmost cordiality and made them
I selves as popular as they did everywhere
else In the Mediteranean an.l the Adriatic
until the unfortunate misunderstand ng at
PaHaenaer Tratllc on the Thaniea Too
IHrtleolt a Problem for
(Popyrlvht, lHo-. by Press Publishing Col
LONDON. May 11. (New York World
Cablegram Special Telegram, j Londoners
would welcome J. Pierpont Morgan warmly
if he were j,o take In hand the passenger
problem of the Thames. After years of
struggle with obsolete beats the Thames
Steamboat company has collapsed. There
will he no passenger bout service thin
summer. Imsi year the London county
council aked for powers to establish a
prop -r service, but the ministerial major
ity in the House of Commons refused on
the ground of Interference with private eu
terprife. Now It Is recognlied that J. Pier
pont Morgan Is the ouly man who can solve
the difficulty, but it Is feared it Is not a
big enough enterprise to attract his attention,
rrospert that ifr Will Ee Reached Some
Time During the Present Yeek.
Other Meinliei-a of the Committee
Pun lit that II Will Com.- thnt
Soon e crnl Speeches ct
to Be Mndc.
WASHINGTON. May 11. Senator Raw
lins, e.-nior democratic meml-cT of the sen
ale conimlttpc on the Philippines, toduv
expressed the opinion that a vote could
be reached on the Philippine government
bill towards the end of the present week.
Other numbers of the committee think the
diite of the vote may be postponed until
some time next week, but none of them
place the vote later than the "4ih instant,
two weeks heme. They say that whenever
the debate Is exhausted they will agree to
vote, but that they object to naming n dny
for a vote until they are quite certain that
there Is nothing more to say pertinent to
the subject.
The consideration of the bill this week
will be Interspersed with the consideration
rf appropriation bllla. Monday being set
apart for the fort illeat ion bill nnd Tuesday
for the agricultural appropriation 1 iii.
Neither of these measures will consume a
great deal of time and on each day It Is
expected there will be time left for the
e iii.siih rat ion of the Philippine bill.
Senator Foraker has given notice of a
speech on the Philippine subject on Mon
day and Sena lor Stewatt will speak Tues
day, both in support of the pending bill.
Senator Spooner also probably wi'l be
heard on the bill during the week.
Unions tr.e ki-ponents of the bill still to
be heard are Senators Clay ar.d Money. It
Is probable that considerable debate will
grow out of th.- speeches of Senators For
aker and Spooner.
Senator lodg" has given notice flint on
Tuesday be will move to meet at 11
o'clock each dav to facilitate consideration
of the Philippine bill.
I'oiimc Prnuriim.
WASHINGTON, May 11. Tomorrow Is
District of Columbia eiay in the house. Spe
cial orders have been made for the con
sideration of seve-ral bills to follow the
dispiisit ion of didtrict business. They In
clude the bill to authorize the Issue of
passports to residents of cur Insular pos-ses-iions,
the Adams bill for the reorgani
zation of the consular service end a clay
for the consideration of war claims. The
conference report on the omnibus bill will
also be considered this week. Such time
as remains will be devoted to the naval
appropriation bill.
Alllaein Offer n Provision to Krcct
Olllee HuIIiIIiik lor Presi
dent. WASHINGTON. May 11. (Special.)
Senator Allen has offered an amendment
to the sundry civil bill appropriating $206,-O'-O
for peueral Improvement at the White
Hcuse, lticludlug the coiit-ti uetlon of it
temporary office, for the president on tho
White House grounds Just west of the ex
ecutive mansion to cost not more than
The temporary building is designed to be
used as the- president's olllee and to pro
vide cabinet rooms and quarters for the
clerical force, so that the rooms now used
for those purposes may be converted luto
private apartments for the family of the
president. It is to bo of brick, painted
white, and one story high, and will bo fur
nished at a cost of $10,000.
The Interior of the White House under
the present plan lis to be strengthened
and the entire second floor converted Into
private apartments. An elevator is also
to be furnished. The olllee building, it Is
said, can be constructed within thre:
months. The alterations and improve
ments in the Interior of the White House
will be cempleted before fall.
The debate on the Philippine bill degen
erated during the early days of the week
Into un old-fashioned bloody-shirt contro
versy, in which the civil war was fought
over again and during which Senator Till
man made another of hbi remarkable
speeches. It seems to be Impossible to
discuss any measure of general Interest to
the country without stirring up strife and
reopening the wounds which were supposed
to havo bpen healed.
Inveailve ConHned to Chniuhera.
To listen to the senators as they throw
Invectives across the aisle at each othe r, an
observer would Imagine that the most bitter
personal animosity exists between the two
divisions of the upper house of congress,
i And yet ten minutes after the hottest kind
1 of a debate senators who were throwing
j billingsgate at each other are frequently
; found in the restaurant dining together
with apparently no recollection of what
was just said on the floor.
All the bitterness of the last few weeks
has no meaning other than the desire of
each side to make political capital for the
coming campaign. While newspaper columns
are filled with reports of debate- which
might lead one to think that personal
encounters are Imminent no one who fol
lows these debates ever expects anything
to come of them.
The selection of General Bragg of Wis
consin to be consul general at Havana,
Cuba, by President Roosevelt caused no
surprise among the Wisconsin men who
knew of the estimation In which the sturdy
old warrior was held. It was the intention
of President McKinley. during his life, to
"do something" for General Bragg. In
fact, President McKinley twice tendered
him positions which he was compelled to
decline on account of 111 health.
The other consular positions In Cuba will
be filled at once. It will be unnecessary
to say that there are plenty of applicants
for them.
The appointment as consul general at
Havana woull also have been declined a
few ears ago. but owing to the cleaning
up of the city under American regime it
is no longer the unhealthy pest-hole that
It used to be considered and General
Piaeg's Wisconsin friends think that he
will accept the plaee for which ho is
recognized as eminently well qualified.
toinlnif Fort Koblnaoa After 'three
) ears' Service la
Cli ha.
NEW YORK, May 11. The M mson line!
steamer Olicda, which arrived this after
noon from Cuban ports, brought as pas.sen
gtrs P'. enlisted men of the Tenth cavalry,
U. S. A., who havo been stationed at Hol
guin, Cuba, for nearly three years. The
nien belong to troops B, D, I and K, and
are In command of Captain R. J. Fleming.
They are enroute to Fort Robinson, Neb.
There were also fifteen women and children,
families of noncommissioned ofUcvis, and
seventy-two discharged soldiers.
For Nebraska S i,-v i ami Cooler In
West; Fan- utnl Warmer in Por-te-ii
M--ti.;i , Tuesdiiv lull, Winds
Mostly Sei'.itb.
TciupcrHture pt Omiihrt leairrilnji
.. 4t
Hon r.
I p. m .
el n. m.
1 1
1 1
p. in
p. in.
p. in .
p. m .
P. m .
l. in.
p. m ,
p. n.
I. el
1 1
ii. in . .
a. in . .
a . m . i
Orthodox .lews In rw ork Take lis
ceptlona to Action of r
O lien n a CoilU-rcnce.
NEW YORK, May 11. The discussion
tonccrning the observance of the Sabbath,
which arose during tho annual session of
the Central Conference of American Rabbis
in New Orleans recently, has stirred up
more or less arx.iinent among the orthodox
He-brews in this city. Vigorous protest
lies been made against the liberal school
of rabbis who raised the question In the
conference to the extent of suggesting that
the Sabbath day should be changed.
The Talmud Torch committee of the Ohab
7.1 dnk congregation, this city, met and
alter denouncing the conduct of tho rabbis
at New Orleans sent,, through Louis Freed
man. chairman of the committee, a tele
gram to the conference at New Orleans
us follows:
nnppnpnit at Unuinsliwelg conference
said, "Fur tciirlni: itnwn not architects
are called, but unskilled laborers." Make
ii pesl.ih gess.ili iriulienl step.i. accept
Christianity and settk- it all.
A circular is being distributed among
the members of synagogues calling on the
Jews to remain steadfast to their tradi
tions and to aid lu founding schools to keep
tho faith alive. '
First Clnh In ew FiihIhikI
In III Honor ForanUr
the Nelirimknii.
BOSTON. May 11. (Special TeleKram.l
A special from Thomnston, Me., announces
that the Jackson club, the first Bryan club
organized in th" country, has repudiated
the Nebraska!! nnd gilded its silvery ban
ner. When Bryan received the nominal Ion
in IS'.'H the democrats of Knox county.
Congressman Lit tie field's diMiict. organ
ized the J.ickson eiub. During the s x
years that Bryan has been a national llg
uro the club stuck to him and free silver.
It was the last political organization in
New England to Torsake 16 to 1. Dr. G.
L. Crockett, the club's president, says:
"Science has solved the monetary prob
lem and Bryan, like Clay, Calhoun and
Blaine, must die with an unsatisfied am
llelaller Muke an Attempt to Force
Down the Wholeaale Price
of .Meat.
NEW YORK, May 11. Firteen hundred
retail kosher butchers of tho East Side
met today to consider the advance In
prices of incut by the wholesale kosher
butchers. In an attempt In force down
the price today's meeting decided that
the retail Bhops should be closed all day
tomorrow and Tuesday and that no meat
should bo bought from the wholesalers on
those days. The question of the continu
ance of the refusal to buy meat will be
discussed at a meeting tomorrow night..
Mnn to Attend Petercn Trlnl.
SIOUX HALLS. S. 1)., May 11. (Special.)
Considerable interest Is being taken in
the preliminary examination to be held at
Viberg tomorrow of Wllbelm Peterse n, who
Is charged with assault with intent to kill.
Pending the result of the preliminary ex
amination, Petersen Is under bonds of
$2,ron. The defendant is a fanner liviim
near Viborg. On the night of May 6, during
a fierce street fight at Viborg, he seriously
cut and stabbed Anton Sorensen, a labor
ing man. The assailant, us well as his
victim, Is well Known and scores of farmers
will gather at Viborg tomorrow to attend
tho trial.
Mrs. Petersen Is an inmate of the Stite
Hospital for the Insane nt Yankton. Su
perintendent Sherrard of tho Stute Chil
dren's home, prevailed upon Petersen to
consent to the removal of the children to
tho home in this city. Some of Petersen's
neighbors Interfered and offered to provide
gonj homes for the littio ones and thts
effer was accepted and the children are
i ow being properly cared for.
Krone Vli. liowle Iui-k finlll.
SIOUX FALLS. S. D., May 11. (Special.) '
- F. A. Kruse. who was arrested at Sioux
City u few days atro by Deputy Sheriff'
Volsch of this city on tho charge of em
bezzlement, preferred by the officers of the !
Farmers' Elevator company of Humboldt, j
waived preliminary examination and was!
i bound over for appearam e at the next term
of stute circuit court. Kruse admits his j
guilt, hut states that he cannot even make .
an estimate of tho amount which he is
short. He disappeared last February, when
his shortage was discovered.
Pre pa rliia; for Colleae Comhnt.
HURON. S. D., May 11 (Special.) Ar
rangements are being completed for the col
lege athletic meet to be held here begin
ning May 22 at.d continuing two days. It Is
estimated that l.ono people will be here
from various parts of the state; 250 will
come from Urooklngs alone, and other col
lcg towns vi!l send large delegations. The
local athletic usuoeiatlon Is making exten
sive preparation for caring for the crowds
and much new apparatus for the sporting
events has been bought.
Oppose City Mater Plant.
SIOUX FALLS. S. P., May 11. (Special.)
Arguments have been concluded before
Judfra Carland of the United Slates court
In the cafe of the Souih Dakota Water
company, which furnishes the people of
Sioux Falls with water, against the city of
' Sioux Falls. The water company seeks to
prevent the city from establishing a mu
nie Ipal water works plant, for which tho
voters at a special election authorized the
expenditure of $216,0u0. To tbla suit the
city filed a demurrer.
Thurston llend Mlnlim
PIERRE, . D . May 11. (Special.)
Among the Incorporators of companies in
this s'ate the past week are ex Senato:
John M. Thurston of Nebraska and W. J.
M-Connell of Idaho, who have Joined to
gether in a mining venture, and will ope
rate in New Mexico. The name of their
corporation is the Sun Ygnaclo de Bora
Mining company, United, with a capital of
f 1.000.000. Incorpevitors. John M. Thurs
ton, W. J. MeCoi.uell, Ivan W. Goodner
and F. S. Wllliamd.
Neither Animal or Vegetable Life Eemains
in the Viciuitj of Mount Pelee.
Expert Commission Examines It Then and
Reports There is No Dangor,
Suddenly Becomes More Aotive and Over
whelms the Inhabitants.
ioea Through ttnlnir moke Into the
Inteime llent and Heirues Thirty
urlnrs nt t.
FORT DE FRANCE, Island ot Martinique.
May 11 Advii cs received here today from
the vicinity of St. Pierre, ten miles from
here, contain further detalli. of the terrlbln
volcanic upheaval which resulted In the
utter destruction of that town and the
death of nearly all Its Inhabitants.
The crater of Mont Pelee has been wear
ing Its "smoke cup" since May 3, but there
wns nothing until last Monday to Indicate
thnt there win the slightest, danger. On
that day n stream of boiling lava burst
through the top of the cruter Into tho
valley of the River Blanche, overwhelm
ing the Guerin sugar works and killing
twenty-three wotkpeople und the son of
the proprietor.
A commission whs appointed by the gov
ernor to investigate the outbreak, and It
returned a reassuring report on Wednesday
evening, but about 8 o'clock on Thursday
morning a shower of fire rushed clown on
St Pierre nnd tho coast, from Le Carbet,
which hud u population of 6.0UO, to Le
1 recheur, which had a population of 4,000,
burning up everything In Its path.
Throughout Thursday the heat in the vi
cinity of St. Pierre was so intense and
the stream of (lowing lava was so un
remitting that It waa Impossible to ap
proach the town during the early part or
the elay. As evening approached the French
cruiser Sue-bet, after a heroic battle with
the heat, sullociit ion und sulphur fumes,
succerde-d in making a dash toward the
shore, nearing the land close enough to
enable it to tuke off thirty survivors of the
disaster, all of whom were horribly burued
and mill Hated. '
Town ii nioklnu; Waste.
St. Pierre nt that time was an absolute
smoking waste, concealing 30.000 rorpses,
whose rapid decomposition necessitated, In
some eases, instantly completing their cre
mution, which was only partially accom
plished by the lava. The Inhabitants ot
Fort de France were panic-stricken, the
morning of the disaster, when the sky sud
denly blackened until It was as dark as
midnight. The sea shrank back thirty
yards and hot raiu began to fall, and gravel
of large sUo began to full onto thj town.
ThlB lasted fifteen minutes. About 450 sur
vivors, who were brought here from the
vicinity of St. Pierre by Pouyer Guertler,
came from the town of Le Precheur, where,
surrounded on all sides by flowing Isva,
they were nearly roasted to death and
expected momentarily to be engulfed. The
work of relief Is progressing here on the
most extensive scule possible, but, in an
ticipation of disturbances, the treasury
building and the warehouses are guarded
by troops.
The late-st reports received here showed
that lava continues to pour down the
slopes of the mountain, slowly engulfing
the whole north side of the mountain.
I while fresh crevasses are continually open
! ing.
I SurpnHNc Power to Conceive.
I PARIS, May 11. The Temps today, re
j ferring to the destruction at St. Pierre,
: says: We believe from the information
received here from the island of Mar
i tiniqui? (meaning doubtless the official dus-
patches) that the disaster surpasses all
i that imagination can conceive. The whole
! northeastern portion of tho island Is laid
waste. Three large communities, exclusive
of St. Pierre, have been destroyed. The
vie tim.' comprise two candidates for today's
ballotnge for members of the Chamber of
De-put ies.
A dispatch received here today from Fort
de France says: . All the hills surround
ing Le Carbet and Le Precheur (near 8t.
Pierre) are covered with refugees to the
r.umber of about a.duo, who are being taken
away gradually. In the meanwhile provi
sions are being conveyed to them.
in the thirty persons who were originally
rescue el by the French cruiser Suchet, the
majority we-re tearfully burned and nine
died while on their way to the hospital.
The corpses which are heuped in the
ruins of St. Pierre are not only completely
naked, but are frightfully mutilated.
The minister of murine, M. De LanesBan,
today received a cable dispatch from the
commander of the French cruiser Suchet,
dated Fort De France, Martinique, saying
that he conducted a search at St. Plena
yesterday. The captain reports that the
town Is now a mere heap of smoking ruins,
under which the victims of the catastrophe,
are burled. Suchet was able to convey
some of the Inhabitants of Lo Precheur to
Fort De France, but could not reach tha
noithern most part of tho Island on account
of the dense rain of ashes.
The captain of Suchet further reported
thnt tho Mont Pelee volcano still had a
threatening aspect esterday evening. Sub
terranean rumblings were still heard and were thrown out with immense force.
A lispateh received at the colonial office
i here today from Fort De France suys there
Is no doubt that Governor Mouttet and the
commander of the troops at St. Pierre.
Colonel Daln, are dead. Other dispatches
confirm the reports that the American and
British consuls and their families perished.
The waves of lava are still reported to
be flowing northward. They have extended
even lo Le Carbet.
The i ruter Ir, still nctlve as this dispatch
Is sent. The lava has destroyed several dis
tricts with their live stock. People art
fleeing to this town, streams are dried ut
and 'n many pluces a food and water famlnt
Is threatened. Tho government Is feeding
numbers of sufferers from the outbreak.
Great physical changes have taken place In
the neighborhood of the Souffrlere.
Several districts have not yet been heard
from and the scene of the eruption is unap
proachable. Every hour brings sudder news.
The nurses and doc tors are overworked. It
Is Impossible to give full details at present.
Ileaotlful as Well as Terrible.
KINGSTON, St. Vincent, B. W. I., Sat
urday, May 10. After numerous earth
quakes during the preceding fortnight, ae
eompanled by subterranean noises in thj
direction of the Souffrlrro volcano on the
northwest part of the Island, a loud ex
plosion from the crater occurred Monday