Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 11, 1902, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 20, Image 20

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Aflvertlaeaaeate far these eolaaaae
will be lakea til la m. for Ik
tttiUg flltloa mm !! "HO 9. mm.
tmr nurilii aad Sanda? 4Hm.
States, 1 1-Si a word Ural Ineerllea,
1 a ward thereafter. Kothlaaj takes
far less Ibaa 2A for the Aral lnrr
tlaa. Taeee advertleeaaeate aeaat ba
ra oaeecatleely.
AdTertlaera, by reqoeatlac
feared ebeek, nave aaawara ad.
Irrnti ta a a aa hired letter la eara
f Tba Bee. Aaawara a addreeeed will
1 delivered preeeatatlaa ( tba
kaak ealy.
POSITION In city hy advertisement sollcl
tor as salesman or solicitor; good reier
nce given; salary preferred. A 22, Pee.
A 117 11
WANTED, a position with some good real
estate agent to S'lp' rtnti nd sales nnd re
pairs; practical builder and draughtsman;
commission or (salary. A IS. B-e.
A-X33 12
OOOD messengers wanted; Increased jiay.
A. D. 'f. Co., 1LS South Uth.
If you live In the country or In a small
town and havs a good acquaintance
among the fanners and stock raisers In
tha neighborhood you can make u easliy
by lour or hve hours' worn. Write us
and wa will send your our proposition.
'.I lie bee Publishing Co., bollcllors' Dept.,
Omaha. Neb. B M.13
WANTED, a good man In every county to
take subscriptions lor Ttie Twentieth Cen
tury farmer, our agents make good
wages every where. I'.eierences requireu.
Aduress Twentieth Century Farmer,
Omaha, Neb, B 613
THREE or four good men wanted; tlOO per
month. Call 627 Paxton block. B M292
WANTED, salesmen to solicit orders on a
new proposition by which you cuu earn
11 to 16 t day; yojng men from 23 to ID
aeslreo, who are huaueiu and well recom
mended. Room lvu, Omaha Bee Blilg.
WANTED, a gentleman desires to take
private lessonr. In French two evenings
each week. Most call at my residence.
Address, stating method of teaching, X
CI. Bee. B Mj70
O. R. RATHBl'N gives private lessons In
bookkeeping. Kooin lfi, Commerclul Na
tional bank. B 293
WANTED, canvassers to sell the New Cen
tury lawn sprinkler; best seller on the
market; agents make H or more dally;
vend $2 for sample outfit and circular
matter; references, Dun or Bradstreet.
Tha Yost-Miller Co., Toledo, O.
B M720 20
4 AGENTS to solicit, one to collect, for
city and outside towns. Address Z 41,
Ilea. B M746 J4
WANTED, in a wholesale house, young
man from 17 to 20 years old. None but
good penman need apply. Address In
own handwriting. A 3, Bee. B M790 11
WANTED Two good gunsmiths at once;
steady work; good wages. Address F.
Bchumann, Memphis, Tenn. B M774 22
WANTED Men to learn barber trade;
here is your chance only eight weeks re
quired; steady practice, expert instruc
tions, lectures, tools presented, wages
Saturdays, diplomas granted, positions
Euaranteed; catalogue mailed free. Moier
arber Colltge. ltwtf Farnarn St.
B-M808 15
CANVASSERS everywhere; we have In
vented a wonderful household novelty;
everybody eees It, wants out: sample
free; send 25 cents to prepay exprcssuge
on sample. Baltimore Novelty Works,
618 W. Lexington St., Baltimore, Md.
B MS08 12
WANTED, for V. 8. army, able-bodied un-
married men between ag&a of 21 and 36,
cltliens of United States, of good character
and temperate habits, who can apeak, read
and write English, f or information apply
to Recruiting Officer. 18th and Dodge sts.,
Omaha, and poatoftka building, Lincoln,
WANTED, clothing salesmen to open and
operate sales agencies for America's
greatest tailors; exclusive rights given;
proper facilities furnished to right par
ties; woolens In the piece for display pur
poses supplied If required; samples fur
nished free, also advertising matter and
stationery. A number of our sales agents
are making from $1,200 to $3,500 per year.
Write for terms and full Information.
Address Agency, Dept. P., Lock Box Si8,
Chicago. B
GOVERNMENT positions. Where thev
are, how obtained, salaries paid. Ex
aminations soon in every state. Particu
lars free. Write for circular 151. Nafl
Cor. Institute, Washington, D. C. B
computTnq scale sIlesmanI
W. F. Btlmpson Co.. Mfra., Detroit, Mich.
THOUSANDS are successful, gaining bet
ter salaries and positions studying elec
tricity, mechanical engineering, mechan
ical drawing at home by correspondence.
Thomas A. Edison endorses Institute.
Book, "Can I Become an Electrical Engi
neer?" mailed free. Electrical Engineer
Institute, New York. B
CIVIL service government positions; 9,889
appointments made last year; probably
10,ou0 this year. Only common school
education required for examination. Cata
logue of Information free. Columbian
Correspondence College. Washington,
D. C. B
WANTED Men on commission, good refer
ences, to help orgnnlze locally, every
where, the People's Universal Trust. Ad
dress, Walter Vrooman, 818 Century
Bldg., Kansas City. Mo. B
WANTED Manager to handle our line of
goods. Exclusive territory. No capital
reeded. References required. Address,
The Hodges Co., Indianapolis, Ind.
B MO 11
WANTED everywhere, hustlers to tack
algns, distribute circulars, samples, etc.;
no canvassing, good pay. Bun Advertis
ing Bureau. Chicago. B-913 11
WANTED Salesmen to canvass this city
for bathing device. Experience not nec
essary, tjuick seller. Big profits. Best
thing ever offered. Address, A 12. Bee.
B 09 11
WANTED, a high-grade specialty man to
ell our line to general store trade; first
class proposition to right party. Address
1615 Manhattan Bldg., Chicago
B 9o4 U
WANTED Young man to do all kinds of
work in wholesale glassware house. Ad
dress, stating salary wanted, aire and
references. A 7, Bee. B ST J 11
Sood education and semi knowledge of
rawing wanted. Apply Fisher & Lnw
rle, Paxton block. B 94t 11
YOUNG men wanted, any dlsianee. cnpV
letters home evenings and return to us
We nay $10 per thousand. Se id addressed
envelope, particulars sod cowy. F. M C
Dept. 13d. Box Hll, Philadelphia.
B-930 11
bTTPPLY man, railway; one who la . in
touch with the pjrchaslng agent of rall
wsvs and lnree corporations.
Vulcan, PoetoBlce Box 1249. New York
City. Bt-930 11
THOHrirnHl.T experienced stenographer!
rapid in notes and machine work, should
also be a good Den man and competent
to do clerical work; salary tW Auplv by
pen-written letter to A 11. Bee. giving
e, previous experience and rferem-ea.
B-845 13
WANTED, young men and woman to wr'te
for our free booklet. "Are Your Hands
Tied? Tt tells how we have he'ned
thousands to support themselves while
we qualified them for high salarl-d posl
tlone In engineering or architecture.
Write the International Correspondence
ficnoolB, Box 16611. Scranton, Pa., or call
day or evening at the Omaha OfW firl
Paxton block. B 98 11
WANTED, steady canvasser, either sex
alary or commission. A. Bee oftlce.
Council Bluffs. B 973 11
BOYS Send us vonr name and learn how
t get all kinds eoortlng good No
money necesnary. Noveltv Introduction
Co., t46 Broadway, New Tork
11-955 11
WANTED, man of good address as ur
representative; state particulars as to
age, previous employment and name;
references ss to honesty and ahllltv.
Allvn Romalne Co.,, IM Olive St . St.
Louis. Mo. B 85 !!
STRICTLY first-class soda dlsnencer. also
combination Ice cream ami cenrir maker
and a good barn man. iL B. Orehn.
tuh and, Farnarn. S 987
I WANTED, stork fond salesman or man of
!p;riieini wuriiiif( e perie ore to sell gen
eral stores, druggists, truer, etc., staple
goods; extra large commissions; mnnu-
1 fact ires with large capital; state traveling
experience. Auurm iv. Lm. tw nates bt.,
Detroit Mich. B 475 H
man preferred.
City, Neb.
barber st once: single
. C. ueardurrr, David
B 904 13
WANTED, state organlicrs for Nebraska
and other slates by old established Insur
ance society; pays sickness, accident and
death claims; plan popular and easy to
secure memoers; saiHry ana renewal con
tract. Write for terms. Address "So
cley, 7' N. Y. Life Bldg., Kansas City,
Mo. Mention this paper. B i51 J3
$22 A WEEK and all expenses for men with
Tien to Introduce Poultry ComDuund.
Straight salary. Imperial Mfg. Co.. Dept.
m, rarsons, Kan. a 953 11'
MANAGER wanted, every !arg e county;
"(lame o' Skill" nickel slot machine for
drinks and cigars; strictly lawful, tnkes
place of forbidden slot machines, thereby
filling a l"np-frlt want. Rented or so'd on
PHy payments; sells at sight. Forty
thousand now In use. Conrad Jackson
Desk Co.. Cincinnati, O. B 967 11
WANTED Experienced carpet layer; good
wages for right man. Apply Immediately.
W. R. Bennett Co. B 98 11
BUIOHT. smart young man to learn hard
ware business. Address A 26, Bee.
B-991 11
MESSENrjn-r. bov wanted at the Pan
torlum, d. loth. B M9U9
A MERCANTILE agency wants repre
sentatives: salary and commission. Box
D 2o.". Boulder. Colorado. B S90 17
WANTED, salesmen everywhere, salary or
coinnil.-sloii, paid weekly, to solicit orders
In towns, villages and rural districts;
permanent; outnt free. Brown Bros. Co.,
Rochester, N. Y. M718 12
SALESMEN wanted for full line of fruit
and ornaMental trees; pay weekly; outllt
tree. Lawrence Nursery Company, Law
rence, Kan. ' 6S3 J19
WE HAVE a number of agencies In Ne
braska und western Iowa where we use
good men selling our Standard Stock
Food to farmers and feeders; they msst
have teams and give full time to the; they must be men of high
standing, have some knowledge of live
stock and good business ability; we fur
nish wagons for such men and offer ex
ceptional Inducements to permanent sales
men: bond required; send for application
blank. The F, E. Sauborn Company,
Omaha, Neb. M2S7 M-'8
WANTED Salesman; thorough, experi
enced salesman to eell a line of premium
cdvi rtlnlng goods in small towns in Ne
braska; must be a hustler; salaried po
sition; state experience; Z 66, Bee.
M806 11
SALESMEN, up-to-date, active, to sell
llrst-c.ass groceries direct to consumers
at wholesale; trade Is permanent and
profitable; llrst-clnes territory and liberal
Inducements. Ueorge Meldrum & Co., 69
and 71 N. Green St., Chicago, 111.
M796 11
WANTED, salesman; $C0 monthly and ex
penses; permanent. Perry Nursery Co
Rochester, N. Y.
SALESMEN Automatic copying book,
new, needed by every business man;
bonanza for agents. Pershing Mfg. Co.,
South Bend, Ind.
WANTED, salesmen by manufacturer of
grocer's specialties; good salary to ex
perienced, hard workers. Address Box
d17, Chicago, 111.
WANTED, three Al salesmen willing to
hustle six daye In the week and ten
months In the year for an Income rang
ing from $2,000 to $5,000 net yer year;
others are earning it; why not you? For
full particulars write Bushway, Brltt &
Co., Decatur, 111.
WANTED, salesmen, $60 per month and
expenses; Immediate and permanent; no
trltlers; we mean business. First Na
tional Nurseries, Rochester, N. Y.
BALESMEN to sell toilet soap to dealers;
$100 per month salary and expenses; ex
perience unnecessary. Louis Ernst Co..
St. Louis. Mo.
WANTED, experienced salesmen to call on
all kinds of business houses, manufactur
ers, wholesale and retail stores and
banks, to Introduce and sell our magnifi
cent Advertising Calendars, comprising
over 200 different styles, all original, late,
handsome patterns, nothing like them
ever seen before. Customers want and
buy at once on seeing them; really no
competition; wonderful works of art. We
pay largest commission. Those giving ex
clusive time to the work readily make
$Ui to $150 every week. We guarantee
them to be the best side line for travel
ing men ever heard of. Write at once
with references. All commissions paid
promptly. Success assured. American
Novelty Co., Cincinnati, O. 933 11
WANTED, aggressive, ambitious salesman
10 represent tactory direct to best mer
chants; experience in line not essential;
expenses guaranteed; largest compensa
tion offered by any legitimate line. Ad
dress George Hill, care Tralse, Unity
Bldg., Chicago. S31 n
WANTED, by old established house, ex
perienced traveling salesman for Ne
braska: must have first-class credentials
and give bond; none other need apply.
Box 614, Chicago. 830 11
WANTED, traveling salesmen to sell white
lead; active, wide-awake men now with
me are making $50 to $200 a week com
missions; good specialty or side line; su
perior Inducements to dealers and large
commissions paid to obtain good sales
men; no expense money advanced. Ad
dress D. T. Weir. Bt. Louis, Mo.
85J 11
8 FIRST-CLASS salesmen to leave city;
none dui gooa men need apply; no boys.
Call Sunday between 1:30 and 3:30, 637
Paxton blk. 944 11
BALESMEN wanted, two high grade ex
perUnced specialty men for best selling
line on the market; men of ability, worth
high salaries, can secure permanent and
profitable employment; experienced dry
goods, drug, grocery or assortment sales
men write with reference. A 18. Bee.
-954 11
SHOE salesmen at once; experienced
traveling shoe salesmen: name territory
ami llrm you last traveled for; full ref
erences and Information must accompany
application, or no attention paid; large
und reliable manufacturers. Address
Y 20, care Lord & Thomas, Chicago.
liSo 11
A LIMITED number of traveling sales
men by established, well-rated house; at
tractive, salable line. Elyslan Mfr. Co.,
Detroit, Mich. 8S9 11
WANTED, a phrewd. experienced traveling
totltsman to fill vacancy, general mercan
tile trade. Apply at once. M. F. Blxler
Hi Co.. Ltd.. Cleveland, O. 888 11
WANTED, by up-to-dute and large coffee
. ruasnng esiaDiit.nmeni. raving an already
establlfhed trade, u nrst-class salesman
or nuiiiierii -eiraKa ana part Houtn
Jiakota: salesman having established
trade preferred; give experience, and
references in first letter; good salary to
right party. Address A 4, Bee. 8X7 11
SALESMAN. Wanted, hustllnv salesman
for Nebraska by well-.'stabllshed whol--snle
house; high commissi n contract W'lh
$;:.! weekly advance while traveling.
Jess H. Smith Co., Detroit, Mich.
879 11
A.Mfc.4 i EM ALU llliLP.
WANTED, two young lady students to
learn iiuiruresslug, manicuring und chi
ropody fa 1 d scleniltio massage. Call or
wilta Room l'u, Bea Bldg. C 291
100 Q.rls. Call Canadian office, loth & Dodge.
WANTED, deserving young lady or gentle
man to lake life scholarship In Omaha's
best business and shorthand coll. go and
pay lor It when course la finished and
position secured. Address A 1, Bee.
C 890
WANTED, a teacher to Instruct the
Flench language to a clasa of three,
twice a week; state terms. Address
'.'. 34. Bea. C-Mt.6
WANTED, a cook. Mr. A. L. Reed. 36J0
Farnarn. C MTa9 11
LADIES Our catalogue explains how we
teach hairdressing, manicuring and facial
massage in four weeka, mailed free.
Muler College, 163 Fariuun 8u
WANTED One assistant nurse in train
ing school at Child Saving Institute, loth
and Ohio streets. C Mwl 12
WANTED Experienced salesladies in
glove and veiling department; only thoae
with experience need apply. J. L. Bran
dels Bjus, Boston 6 tor. C MS1J u
WANTED, competent girl for general
housework. Mrs. J. M. Cook, l.'.ll N. 34th.
Bouth Omaha. C M.99
WAVTE-rt P - 4 rl - n rrttm .Klr4.
, , . 1 llii; p 1 V ........ .., r.IO.D,
overalls, etc. Apply to Byrne A Hammer
Ary uooaa Co., izin ana uowara pis.
C 818 12
LEARN proofreading; situations secured;
lis to 2o weekly. Home Correspondence
School, Philadelphia.
LADIES to advertise face, tooth und tal
cum powder, baking powder and other
useful goods, $4, $i 50 and $5.00 per week
ana commission, rt. mj, isew York L,ire
C 928 11
WANTED Girl for light housework. 1813
"win bu C 925 11"
WANTED Iadv with ideas, not under 2&
resident of city, education, good address
necessary, nothing to sell. A 2o. Bee.
C 824 12
$3 DAILY copying letters at home, either
sex; inclose two stamps with application
Illinois Industrial Union, Dept. 29, Ma
sonic Temple, Chicago. C IM3 12
LADIES wanted to codv letters at home
during spare time evenings nnd return to
us. We furnish paper free and pay $10
iii.iusann. eni aaaressea envelope
for particulars and copy. F. M. C. Dept.
100, no 1411, i'niiadelphla. C 869 11
YOUNVJ ladles. $6 easily earned at home
evenaTgs wrltiVig for us. For particulars
Muuressea envelope. Klinert Mfg.
Co., Dept. 136. Box 1411, Philadelphia.
C S70 11
YOUNG ladles wanted, any distance, copy
letters home evenings and return to us.
v e pay $10 per thousand. Send addressed
riiveiui-e, particulars ana copv. M. C.
Dept 136, Box 1411, Pheladelphla.
C-931 11
LADIES, copy letters at home; $4 to $6 per
week; send stamped envelope for appllca-
111. 11. muuarcn isoveiiy CO., uept. 92, t hi
cago. C-933 11
$15 WEEKLY Introducing mw heantv nrer.-
a. rat Ions; san.e rate part time. Mme. La
xieire, urpu D1Z, 1J) w. Ohio, Chicago.
C 928 11
GIRL wanted for general housework; small
family, small house. 3016 Marcv.
C-835 lie
GIRL wanted for general housework. Ill
N. 31st Ave. Apply Monday morning.
C-837 12
LADY for office nnd take half Interest in
business that will pay $50 per week; $o0
half cash. A 10, Bee. C 841 11
WANTED, boys and girls under 15 years
old for salesmen In home town; onlv one
In a town. Inclose 4 cents postage for
particulars. Address W. J. Shrader Medi
cine Co., Omaha. Neb. 9:59 11
FURNISHED rooms, all modern. 320 N.
15th St. E 639 M18
ELEGANT rooms, finest location in the
city. 1909 CapUol Ave. E MS35
LARGE, also smaller room. 808 N. 19th St.
E 166 M26
TWO housekeeping rooms, $8. 2623 St.
Mary'". E M214 M26e
TWO well furnished south rooms. 2015
Douglas. F M272
FRONT room, modern, $8. 1717 Webster.
E 474 Juneie
FOR RENT, a nice Inrge furnished froi.t
room, with alcove. 701 S. 26th at
E M476
NICELY furnished room, modern. 2580
iiarney st. 1L MY03 10
THE LANQE HOTEL, 804 S. 13th st.
FOR RENT, furnished rooms, private
family; reasonable. 2207 Howard.
E-M784 lie
DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnarn.
K 306
TWO beautiful connecting parlors, fur-
msnea or unrurnisned ; modern home;
large lawn; privilege of light housekeep
ing. 202$ Burt. E M804
THREE nlclv furnished front rooms, very
cneap. os in. mm. tnira noor.
E 821 13e
S FURNISHED rooms, with permission to
uu ugni nouseaeeping. (29 a. 19th.
E 819 li4
NEWLY furnished rooms, with good board.
avi . i)in 01. J 846
TWO very desirable rooms, modem house,
private ramny, six blocks rrom center of
city. A 14, Bee. E 847 13
NICELY furnished rooms with gas and
pain. m narney Bt. E 956 11
FOR RENT. 8 elegant furnished rooms,
single or ensulte. 17u9 Dodge. Telephone
E 969 lie
NEWLY furnished, cool room, bath, gas.
1'iivnir Hume; easy walking distance;
gentlemen. Call 624 H. 17th. E 979 lie
THE ROSE. 2020 Harney, rooms with board.
l.rt Mia
FRONT room and board. 1922 California.
F 170 M.'6
NICE rooms with good board; reasonable;
bath, gas, electric light and telephone.
4U N. 26th. F M2S3
FRONT room, witta alcove and board. In
private family, at 1126 B. 3oth Ave., all
modern conveniences. F 472 lie
Merrlam, comfortable summer home. Tel. 85.
F 306
NICE cool south rooms, large front, fur
nished or unfurnished; others: fine loca
tion. 51$ N. 23d. F M800 lie
BOARD and room; also table board, $4.25
J"- l WCC. UW UU1 I. A1M4 11
IP YOU want family table, pleasant room,
in modern house, near All Saints' church,
address A 19, Bee. F 523 lie
THREE very nicely furnished rooms, with
oouru, ior rent. A zo, uee. Ir 980 11
DESK room space. $5 per month, ground
floor room in The Bee building, facing
Farnarn street; no expense for light, heat
or Janitor service, it. C. Peters & Co.,
Rental Agents, Bee building. O 116
SUITE of rooms, modern, housekeeping.
616 Georgia Ave. O M851
5 ROOMS for rent 2519 N. 15th St.
G-822 it
FOR RENT. 6-room basement, city water.
$7. 618 N. 41st Ave. G 84! lie
8 OR 4 unfurnished rooms, closets, water,
bath, good neighborhood, $8 per month.
&51 California at. (1 947 ji
FOR RENT, the building formerly occu
pied by Tha Bee at 916 Farnarn St. It has
four atorleji and a basement which wua
formerly used aa The Bee press room.
This will be rented very reasonably. If
Interested apply at once to C C. Rose
water, secretary, room 100, Bee building.
FOR RENT, store In first-class location;
rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Peters &
Co.. ground floor, bee Bldg. 1266
STOREROOM. 701 8. 16th. R. C. Peters &
Co., Main Floor, Bee Bldg. 1218
FOR RENT, desk room or large space
suitable for merchandise broker or party
doing bualnesa In wholesale district. In
quire Hene & Co., 91 Farnarn St
FOR RENT Second floor iioi-j:.'i tar nam
Bt. Apply Omaha Roofing A Supply Co..
12 Farnarn St. 1-918-11
FOR RENT Small etore. t4th and Seward
Born. Joth and Howard. The Putnam
Co., 5f4-5 New York Life I 4 11
AT ONCE, a good, reliable agent making
all branches of C. U. 4. n 1m km
Nabrsska to take a good "Ida Una on
commission. Addrea
1 19, Bee.
J-M430 M15(
AGENTS Competent salesmen to present
attractive goods In towns and country;
liberal contract and guaranteed un worked
territory: atate experience. The True Art
Co., Iu0 FlXtb ave., New York. . 4-
WANTED, canvassing agenta In every
county to solicit subscriptions to THE
steady employment with assured good
Income; sgents In the country with
horse and bugay especially desired; can
vassers make easily $6" to $1"Q per month.
Addresa Century Farmer Solicitors'
Bureau. Bee building. Omaha. 21J
AGENTS wanted, with horse and wagon,
to make $35 weekly selling to farmers a
household necessity thst they are glad to
buy; clean, pleasant, profitable employ
ment; particulars free. Address Mercan
tile Syndicate, Dept. J, Kansas City, Mo.
J-M736 13
THE only authorised Life of Talmage, In
troduction by his son. Rev. Frank De
Witt Talmage, D. D., contains over &0
pages, magnificently Illustrated; retail
price $2.00. Highest commission: freight
paid; credit given; no capital required;
experience unnecessary. Anyone can
make $10 to $25 per day easily. Beware
of all other Talmage books. The people
want "The Only Authorlied IJfe and
will have no other. Outfit free for 15
cents to cover postage. Order outfit tO'
day. Address the John C. Winston Co..
718 Arch street, Philadelphia or 834
uearDorn street, cnicago. J Klin
WANTED, solicitor In each county In Ne
braska, Iowa, Dnkotas and Minnesota for
Daniel's Mineral Water; absolute cure for
Indigestion, dyspepsia, rheumatism, blad
der and liver troubles; liberal commission
raid. Daniel Mineral Water Co., Omaha,
reD. J 844 lie
HOW I made $75,000 In three years; guar
antee success if you take my advice; my
plan for 20c in stamps; all publishers know
me as reliable: employ 100 people: started
without capital; rich today; chance for
you. Frank R Carter, 12 East 42d atreet,
new xork. J
SOLICITORS WANTED I paid one of my
agents one day last week $21.50, another
one $10.75. another $12.25, which repre
sented the commissions they received for
worg wnicn occupied less tnan six hours
time In ench case. My work can be done
by either sex. can occupy all or only a
part of your time, as you wish, and la a
Kind or work which will provide you a
comfortable living and give you a chance
to save, some money every month as long
as you live. The occupation Is thoroughly
honorable and legitimate. Address for full
particulars, rree. w. M. urimn, Key 154,
Fort Wayne, Ind. You don't have to let
anyone know you are my agent and you
won t need any capital, outllt or previous
experience. J
$75 A MONTH and expenses; no experience
neeuea; position permanent; seir-seller,
Pease Sad Iron Co., Box 134, Cincinnati, O.
THTG Minnesota Mutual Life Ins.. Co. will
open a Indies' department In this city
June 1 and wants a first-class life In
surance woman to take charge of this de
partment. Will give her big contract.
Any fairly educated. Intelligent woman
can easily learn the work and earn more
money than in any other kind of em
ployment, can on jonn H. Bowman,
manager, suite 4JZ, uce mag. j
AGENTS Write for a free sample of our
new waierproor collar. Better tnan rub
ber or celluloid. Cost less than ItAc.
Fortune for summer season. Everlasting
voiiar o., 14 n,. zja Bt., ivew York.
J 922 lie
DOME-SHAPED, perforated fry pan cov
ers prevent grease splashing; on stove:
two styles. Other sellers. Amer. Novelty
Urn-Ia T ) T 1 r . 11.
.. v. n .1 , Avc&uma, x a, v) I 11'
AGENTS wanted: $100 weekly easily made;
let us prove this to you: namenlates.
numbers, signs, readable darkest nights;
samples free. Right Supply Co.. Engle-
woou, 111. J 908 11
LIVE AGENTS can average from $5 to $15
per aay selling imitation Onvx Soda
Fountains; selling price, $15 to $50; send
for catalogue. Fountain Department,
Acorn urass works, cnicago. j 906 11'
AGENTS wanted with horse and waaon
to make $35 weekly selling to farmers a
noushold necessity that they are glad to
buy. Clean, pleasant, profitable employ
ment. Particulars free. Address, Mer
cantile syndicate, Dept. J, Kansas City,
Mo. J 872 U
AGENTS wanted with horse and wagon to
mane .k wrriiijr selling id larmers a
hnnaahnlil n.n..alu . V. . . V. n .. 1
to buy. Clean, pleasant, profitable em-
iiu;iiiciu. i til ui:uinB irro, "ktiurenn.
Mercantile Syndicate, Dept. J, Kansas
City. Mo. . J-871 li1
to sell Manic Hat Bleach and Cleaner!
fluid; cleanses and bleaches all kinds of
straw and Panama hats; send 15c for
sample. Magic Hat Bleach Co., 169
Mercer Bt., New York. J 868 lie
YOU can avoid hot rooms by using the
cieu-iieaiing iron; -romrort ana economy
combined. Exclusive territory and good
commission to agents. Call or address.
General Agent, 2213 Douglas St., Omaha
Neb. J 861 U'
AGENTS Amerlcus Leather Suspenders
sen tnemseivcs; $25 to $50 weekly easy.
Exclusive territory to hustlers. Intro
duced by agents only. Samples furnished.
Berry Mfg. Co., B. 116, Cincinnati. Ohio.
J-863 lie
AGENTS WANTED Men and women can
make ten dollars selling our Gas Stove
nianues; saves wi per cent eas: retail.
25c. Gas Stove Mantle Co., 192 Michigan
St., Chicago.
J-929 lie
WE PAY $20 a week and expenses to men
wun rigs to introduce our Poultry Com
pound; send stamp. Javelle Mfg. Co.,
Dept. 137, Parsons, Kan. J 832 lie
AGENTS WANTED I am trying to con-
vince you mat i nave a plan which will
enable you to earn a hundred dollars a
month or more, but I have no means of
knowing who you are unless you first
send me your name and address. I would
gladly explain this new plan to you, as it
is one which reaulrea no canltal. outfit or
former experience; Is suitable to either
sex, ana no one knows you are my agent.
Ninety-nine per cent of the population are
your possible customers. Occupies all or
part of your time, as you wish. W. M.
Griffith, Key 164. Fort Wayne, Ind.. is the
address you should write to for free par
ticulars. The work Is permanent and the
profits accumulative. J
AGENTS wanted, either sex. for ready
ovnn tu guuu prom in every omce and
home; everybody buys; send 10 cents for
fjll-slxed sample, prepaid. Ed Madlgan.
Clarksvllle, la. J 897 lie
$8,000 PER year positively made at home
or iinveiing introducing cur just patented
fire extinguishers; marvelous invention;
big money-maker, great seller; enormous
demand; over 35.0no already sold; every
body buys. They save Insurance, prevent
big fires and protect Uvea; we give agenta
exclusive territory and help them In every
way. Write for catalogue and testl
mnnlals from largest corporations. Begin
a big business now. The Eagle Tool Co..
D 4S3, Cincinnati. O. J-8S5 lie
WANTED, manager In every city, county
iu nanuie orai paying ousiness known;
legitimate, new. txcluslve control, phoe
nix Co.. 15 W. 28th St. N. Y. J-8S4 lie
AGENTS, send for apeclal offert a-ood
health gum machines, which positively
closes July 1. 190? Orover A Haskell 19
Washington St., Boston, Mass.
J-8S8 lie
AGENTS, we have what people want; lamp
ni. iimnn nn twn Kan at cost or 1 cent
a day; sella for $1: will sell small model
free to those wl-hlng to work for us.
Write our Department B today. Empire
Gaslight Co., 150 Nassau St., New York
J-841 lie
WE PAY $22 a week and expenses to men
... ,iBs iu iiuruuur nrmry omnouna.
International Mfg. Co., Parsons. Kan.
J toO lie
AGENTS wanted, male or female; no out-
iii, capnai or experience needed; you can
devote all or any part of vour time to It
you wish; workers earn $100.00 per month
Address o. V. Adams, 107 White Block!
Coldwater, Mich. J 876 lie
WANTED Good live man of good address
In ei.Vi ,.. --n-klfl - i . ,
... . .. ,. oi'ii'ir .j. "-inpiuyiiig ana
handling sub-agents for the sale of our
new Improved sidewalk cellar door guard.
Auents make from $5 to $25 ner day.
C Irculars on application. The Cellar Door
-iili:illllBi, IHO. J WM ll
AGENTS Women reach for the Dandy
Hcrarier U ...fli. TA. i
pie. loc. Dandy Mfg. Co., Nswark. it. j"
J 962 lie
$1,200 CLEARED yearly, agenta wanted to
sen our union made l nlon suits for
v oraingmen; cut to measure; fit guaran
teed Price. $1 95. For particulars write
1 nlon Hull Mfg. Co., 154 5th Ave.. Chi
cago. 111. j95j u.
USEFUL article, sells at every house; sam-
4V ... inis. v ru ior information.
Box 948, Lincoln, Neb. J-Hslll
V I vaults, removes garbage and
. """"' al reauoea prices, (tl n. it,
1 Ml 1 , ?U ,..,.
mi tm
WANTED, bv a young woman, room and
board in rrivate family; Methodist pre
ferrtd. A 2. Bee. K-773 lie
WANTED, nice large room nnd board In
private family by single gentleman, with
in blocks of Hit h and Farnarn; will pay
good price. Address Z 67, Bee iffice.
K-"9 lie
HOUSE of six or seven rooms, furnished,
for the summer. A 15, Bee. K 848 11
A 7-ROOM furnished modern house for
summer or longer; three adults. Address
A 23. Bee. K-975 U
SECOND-HAND No. I Smith-Premier
typewriter; state price, condition and
time used. Address Box ool, Norfolk,
Neb. N-M782 U
WANTED, to buy a good carriage team
suitable for a lady to drive. Address
Z 67. Bee. N 791
CHICAGO Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel.
2o20. New and secondhand, bought, sold,
exchanged. O 311
FOR SALE, oak bed room suite; a bar
gain. A C Bee. , O 893 lie
FOR SALE, buggies, phaetons, carriages,
runabouts, new and secondhand, at cut
prices. Repairing and trimming; also put
on rubber tires. Pfelffer, 27th and Leav
enworth Sts. P 888 M24
PAINTING and repairs on wagons, etc.,
our specialty. H. Frost, 14th and Leav
enworth. Tel. 1447. P 312
SEVERAL fine driving horses. Walter
Phelps, room D, N. Y. Life bldg.
P M404
FOR SALE A thoroughbred Imported
Shetland pony. Inquire of A. D. Bran
dels, Boston Store. P M779
FOR SALE A fine Brewster Governess
cart; cost $150 a year ago; thoroughbred
Imported Shetland pony and harnesa.
Inquire of George Schroeder, Boston
Store office. P M780 15e
STALLIONS. Five of the best trotting
breed In American, headed by the great
Bannockburn, the largest and fastest
pacing stallion In the west, will stand for
service at 4021 N. 16th St. Will sell any
or all of them, with other fast stock.
P 878 lie
2DIIAND safe cheap. Bchwartz, 114 S. 13th.
Q 318
FLESCHER sells bicycles. 1622 Capitol Ave.
Q 319
WIRE fence for poultry, hog, lawn and
yard, hitch posts, tree guards. Wire
Works, 617 S. Uth St. Tel. 1590.
Q-M972 July9
2DHAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1119 Farnarn.
Q 316
100 STYLES trusses; catalogue free. Sher
man & McConnell Drug Co., 16th and
Dodge, Omaha. Q 314
FOR SALE, phonographs, superior to any
other musical Instrument; $5 up. The
Wittman Co., 1621 Farnarn. Q 315
INDIAN goods and relics. 1119 Farnarn.
BICYCLES and phonographs on easy pay
ments $5 down, $1.50 per week; 2d hand
1 - r o .. l , i r. . ..i i c , -
unco, mv, o biiu new wutreio, 4l,
Omaha Bicycle Co , 16th and Chicago Sts.
FOR SALE, scholarship In an Omahs,
shorthand school, cheap. Inquire 232 Bea
uiag. 0.--M96S
STAMP photos, lc each. Velox. 13 & Far m.
U 872 M23
SEABROOKE Wall paper. 408 N 16th t
Q M879 M24
FIR timbers for house movers, etc.. 40 to 71
leet; cribbing and hog fence. 901 Douglas,
Q 313
If von aff Innlc-incrfrir m-.nAv
we don't want to see you, but
it you want 2.00 worth of
piano for every dollar you pay,
see us this week. Look at our
big ad on page 7.
Schmoller & Mueller,
Manufacturers, Wholesale and Retail
Piano Dealers.
Q-938 U
TYPEWRITERS, latest Remington. Smith
Premier. Densmore. replaced bv THH
UNDERWOOD; low price. Rentals, $2.50
10 per montn a. H. workman & Co.,
1011 rarnam. rnone us. y M032
SAM'L BURNS for gaa fixtures.
Q-MS45 M23
STEREOPTICANS ' and moving picture
uiacmnea. a. r. w urn, 140S f arnarn St.
W 414 M30
CLOSING out household goods and stoves
vneap. uit uoage Bt. y JU4Ni Ji
SECONDHAND billiard and pool tables
billiard tables repaired; a large stock of
cneap Dar nxtures, cigar counters, etc.
The Brunswick. Balke, Collender Co.,
bo. jinn. j 616
NEW and 2dhand typewriters. 1119 Far
narn. IJMl6i
cellent condition. 209 N. 20th St. 'Phone
F-2273. Q M802 lie
TWO extra fine baby beds, almost as good
aa new, one brass, cost o0; one solid ma
hogany, cost $85; willing to sell very
cheap. Telephone B-2633. Q 817 11
All standard makes at popular prices, $5.00
down and $1.50 per week.
Cor. 15th and Harney Sts., Omaha,
$34 Broadway, Council Bluffs, la.
612 N. 24th St., South Omaha.
y 5o u
NEARLY new, elegant piano, perfect con
dition; Dargain. Auuress a ii, Bee.
Q-910 lie
FOR SALE. If you want the largest, finest
13. 1 . .. A . . I .. Ik. .. It k .- 1 . .
dL, uriiiniu una ii, inc n i m iu M L U1U.
Bo. 16th Su, or Penfold's drug store.
-836 lie
PHAETON and harness, also two-seated
buggy, very cneap. iziu Arbor m.
Q 900 lie
40 P. C. discount on graphonhones, horns,
etc. omn icycie oo., . lbtn st.
y io li
GROCERS For sale, lot of second-hand
grocers' scales, even balance and plat-
lorm. . Denies sent on uppiuvui. ery luw
prices. B. P. Lewis, Council Bluffs.
Q-974 13e
10 ACRES for sale or lease to honest par
ties, I miles from city, 6 acres bearing
v. . ,'.. i .i r ... i t arm n
DOUBLE stereoptlcon, moving picture ma
chine, double tang system or gaa, rnarg
lng apparatus for both gases, calcium
jets, double key, finest Tenses, screen.
Mima and artistic views for two-night
Lnds; finest outfit on the market; snap;
come quick. Address A 24, Bee.
Q.-981 lie
NEARLY new 8-drawer golden oak type
writer desk, disappearing top, and chair
for sale, at a bargain. 6ul N. Y. Life
bldg. Q 983 11
L. HENDERSON, 1519 Farnarn. Tel. 1!M.
Send for price list, cut flowers and plants.
ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing
promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree,
2uth and Lake atreala. 7K
Clairvoyant and Palmist
tells you all you want to know, every
hope, fear end wish of your life, faults.
Quality, capability, trade or profession
you are best suited for; fortunate nnd
unfortunate periods of life; breaks evil
Influences; how to win the one you love,
conquer enemies, restore lost affections;
advice on business, health, marriage,
divorce, etc. Hours. to 9. 8 M698 JJ
Scientific Palmist
From now until June 1 you can consult
Mme. Gvlmer at reduced price, after
w-hloh time she will leave Omaha for an
Indefinite period.
If you desire to know your future see the
gifted lndv. She predicts coming events
with absolute accuracy, te!ls you what
you are best adapted to. In fact, she
gives you a thorough Knowledge or your
self. Parlors JIB 8. 15th, in Granite blk,
2d floor.
8 992 It
MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant. 1614 Casa St.
8 J21
MME. GYLMER. genuine palmist, tit 815.
Past, present and future positively told;
advice on all affairs of life; charges rea
sonable. Parlors, 1610 Davenport.
R 99? lie
MME. SMITH, baths. 118 N.15. 2d floor R. 2.
MME. AMES, vapor baths, 124 N. 15th. r. 7.
T-M317 Ml!
Mlddlemlss, wall paper cltaner. Tel 1739.
U-M742 J7
DR. ROY. chiropodist, corns and superflu
ous hair removed by electricity. R. 12,
Frenxer block. U 321
PRIVATE hospital, before and during con
finement; babies adonted. 2306 Grant St.
Mrs. Gardels. Tel F-1182. U 324
FLESCHER will fix your bicycle right.
HAIRDRESSING, manicuring and chiro
pody, for Indies only. In connection with
The Bothcry. 216-220 Bee Bldg. U 328
RUPTURE permanently cured in 30 to 60
days; send for circular. O. S. Wood. M.
D., 621 New York Life Bldg., Omaha. Neb.
ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, best and
quickest. Mrs. A. C. Mark. 17 & Douglas.
U 328
GRAMOPHONES and supplies, wholesale
nnd retail. Collins Piano Co., 1622 Doug
las. U 329
CHIROPODY a specialty, in connection
with The Bathery, rooms 216-220 Bee Bldg.
Tel. 1716. U-330
SHAMPOOING and hntrdresslng. 25e, in
connection with The Bathery, 216-220 Ree
building. Tel. 1716. U-S31
M. H. NASH Your deal with Ed has been
fixed. Come home. C. A. M. U 620 18e
VIAVA. woman's way to health. Home
treatment Booklet free. 846 Bee Bldg.,
Omaha. U 334
MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. 15, 2d floor, r. 2.
U M473 M16e
RUPTURE cured, no pain, detention from
business; serd for circulars. Empire
Rupture euro to., va in. x. L.ire ttiog
Omaha. U 332
PRIVATE home for ladles before and dur
ing confinement; babies adopted. 2620
Burdette. Mrs. Burget. U M126 Mlie
BEE Proctor, fine pictures. 616 So 16th.
U-683 J3
ROOMS, 610Vs So. 10th 8t. 'Phone 1811.
U-6S2 J3(
DRESSMAKING and cutting taught with
Livingston Machine Academy, lwl Doug
las. U M777 21
ELITE PARLORS, 615 S. 16th at., 2d floor.
U-M759 J7
DR. JAMES H. PEABODY has moved from
Capitol avenue to flat over Graham's
drug store, nortneast corner Twenty
fourth and Farnarn streets. U M752 22
LOWEST PRICES In accordion and aide
pleating. The Goldman Pleating Co
200 Douglas block. U M7S1
A WONDERFUL French clairvoyant; what
he tells comes true; send loc and birth
day. Prof. E. oarnot, box Sic v, Boston,
Mass. u 2i n
TONTINE. Parties having policies In the
Tontine Mercantile association. rormriy
of Lincoln, call at Room 400, Ware block
Fifteenth and Farnarn. U 816 lie
LIBERAL religious literature free on appll
cntlon. Mrs. Carrie F. Tretmore. '432
Sidney Ave., Chicago. U 915 12
Parties who have written
W. A. Paxton
In regard to the SALVE which CURED
ins r ace can now be supplied by ad
B. J. Scannell,
INTELLIGENT and attractive American
lady, worth $700.0u0, wants Immediately
able, honest husband. Address, Era, 11
ciurk bt., cnicago, in. u 828 lie
ATTRACTIVE and unincumbered Ameri
can lady, aged 30, worth $7a.000, want
good, honest husband. Address, Pacific,
69 oearborn bt., cnicago, in. u bz, u"
RETIRED business man. Independently
weaitny, never married, wants poor but
honest wife. Address, Mr. Weller, Real
Estate Board Bldg., Chicago. U 826 lie
RETIRED banker, middle-aged, seeks af.
feetlonate, home-loving wife. Address
Mr. Hamilton, 4ua omana mag . Chicago,
U 907 lie
HANDSOME young' widow, Independently
wealthy, seeka kind, affectionate hus
band. Address Hen, 134 van uuren St.,
Chicago, III. U-906 lie
WEALTHY gentleman, with beautiful
home, excellent character and liberally
disposed, will marry for love and com
panionship. Mr. Edgar, 812 Holland Bldg.,
St. Louis, Mo. U-64 11
WIDOW, aged 27. worth $40,000, wishes to
Ilia I I jr Mild, iiuuroi arntiriiiaii U 1 UUDIIirFS
ability. Globe, 161 Michigan St., Chicago.
MATRIMONIAL We give apeclal Induce-
menta to matrimonial tadlea and gentle
men. Write for free aample copv of
paper. Strictly confidential. Mlsalng Link,
Campbell, Minn. U 937 lie
Private Work a Specialty.
U-967 lie
WHAT la your future? Complete charac
ter sketch from photo, date or birth and
handwriting. Membership coupon and
full particulars sent on receipt of 10
cents. Addrebs American Human Nature
Club, Detroit, Mich. , U 914 11
MINING, civil and geological engineer, seed
40, worth x&oo.ijou, wants sincere, home
loving wife. Mr. Clark, P. O. Drawer 158,
Chicago. U 833 lie
YOUR fortune told from cradle to grave.
What 1 ten you comes true; send dime
and blrthdate. Prof. J. Myers, Drawer
704. Chicago. U 829 lie
FOUND, best ice cream soda In city, 5c.
bnraaer a more, mn ana eewara.
U 813 J10
Vn, fiHllilsl fin.,.!,.. ,Ka
Stoecker Cigar
First, they are the best on the market.
The other nineteen wa won't mention.
A SCHOOL teacher, alao farmer, never
married, wouia live to correspond witn
a lady willing to marry; no trltlers need
answer. Address Y 37. Bee. U-W 11
GENTLEMAN forced to live In Isolated
western location for the present, desires
to correspond with lady for pastime and
such benefits aa mty be gained. Addresa
Z 60, Bee. U M1 lie
Bend 20 stamp. Bos 663, Omaha, Neb.
MOLL1E; The toast to you. Page ll. May
What To Eat. -George. U s"i 11
MARRIAGE PAPER, best published. 20
pages. 10c. sealed (nothing tree!; con
ducted aiiccessfullv 6 vears; 2 members
worth $loo to $l"Oi0; bank reference. 11.
L. Love, Mgr., Denver, Colo.
U Sfi lie
YOUNG woman worth $15 mil wishes corre
spondence with respectable man who
would appreciate a good wife. R. x 2'..M
Toronto, Can. U 11
1.00 TO 15.00
We rent machines for 75c per week or $2
per month.
We repair and sell parts for every ma
chine manufactured.
Corner Fifteenth and Harney Streets.
Telephone ltW.1.
334 Broadway. Council Bluffs.
Telephone 11-61.
612 North Twenty-fourth, South Omaha.
U-sM 11
4V4 PER CENT on business property.
6 per cent on residence property.
Options to pay whole or part any time.
W. B. MEIKLE, 401 B. 15th St
MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real
estate. Brennan-Love Co., 809 S. 13th.
Farnarn Smith A Co.. 1320 Farnarn St.
FARM and city loans, low rates, w. II.
Thomas, 1st Nat. Bank Bldg. Tel 16R
W 339
PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 937 N Y. U
6 PER CENT loans.
Garvin Bros., 1W4
W 310
PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1524 Pouglaa
LOW RATES. Trlvate money.
Main Floor N. Y. Life Bldg.
4H TO 6 P. C. money. Bemts. Paxton Blk.
WANTED, city and farm loans; also bonds
and warrants. R. C. Peters & Co , 1703
Farnarn St., Bee Bldg. W 341
1203 Farnarn St.
$$$$$ $$$$$$
On Furniture, Pianos, etc., and to people
holding a steady position, without pub
licity or removing the property, and at
than elsewhere. You can have the money
on the same day you ask tor It. and the
loan can be paid off in easy weekly or
monthly payments, or as your circum
stances will permit, thus e.-t.Lllng you to
pay without inconvenience or worry.
Come In and talk It over with us.
Room 803, Third Floor, Paxton Block.
WE make loans on Furniture,
Pianos, Horses, Wagons, Carriages
and other chattels.
We make
without mortgage to persons who
have permanent positions. You can
get the money on very short notice
and pay It back in one month, or
keep It longer, and pay for it only
what time you keep it. We are
leaders in low rates, quick and con
fidential service and courteous
treatment We invite comparison
of rates, time, payments, etc. Wa
tlve you the full amount of the
OAN in cash. We always "try to
119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 2296.
Established 1892). 806 Bo. 16th St.
successcrs to J. W. TAYLOE,
633 Paxton Block. TEL. "45.
To accommodate our COUNCIL BLUFFS
patrons we have established eiegant of
fices at ROOM 24, W1CKHAM BLDG,
Intersection Broadway & Pearl Sis.
TEL. 8. X 454
SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team
sters, boarding houses, etc., without se
curity; easiest terms; 40 offices In prin
cipal cities. Tolman, 440 Board of Tride
Bldg. X-349
MONEY loaned on plain note to salarle.i
people; business conlldenllul; lowest ia ea
114 Paxton block. The J. A. Hulton Co.
X 32
MONEY loaned on furniture, live stock,
Jewelry, to salaried people. Foley Loan
Co., sue. to Duff Green, 8 Barker Block.
MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, lew-
elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Kee l.
319 .V 13
DR. PRIES, the acknowledged leadlr.
specialist In diseases of women In Omaha,
would call the attention of sufferlnj
ladles to his uiihu rpassed accommodations
before and during confinement and his
treatment for Irregularities, no matter
what cause. Call or address, wiih stump.
Dr. Pries, Arlington Block, 1513 Dodge,
Omaha. ' t'
LADIES! Chichester's English pennyroyal
Pills are the best. Safe, rellab'- Taki'
no other Send 4 stamps tor particulars
"Relief for Ladlee." In letter bv retui m
mall. Ask your druggist. Chlchesttff
Chemical Co.. I'hlUdeluhia. Pa.
DR. W. HUTCHINSON, specialist of
women and children; 30 yesrs' practice.
Office, 2205 Cuming. Residence tclophone,
F-2790; omce, B-2W6.
LADIES, use our harmless remedy for de
layed or suppressea perinns; it ennnot
fall Trial free. Paris Chemical Co.,
Milwaukee, Wis.
ATTRACTIVE and wealthy ladv for husl-
nesa reasons wants goon, nouesi nustani;
must be willing to manage property. Ad
dress, Bramt's Agency, Chicago.
4158 lie
OREUO Shorthand Om. C. Col., 17th A Doug.
A. C. VAN BANT S school. 717 N. Y. Life.
BOYI.ES' col'ege, court reporter principal.
N. Y. Life.
NEB. Business A Shorthand College, Boyd's
Theater. 367
LOST, gray leather chatelaine bag, con
taining money, memoranda, bill, etc.
Please retjrn to 7U2 Oeorgla Ave. and re
ceive rcwara
816 l'e
BROWN mare, blind In both eyea. If
- . . i li n, ilia vi m.i.
XOUna yicaBB waia fc A-. ium .
948 lie
POCKETBOOK containing $4 silver and
gold nana ring, preseniea to owner by
deceased mother, also picture on button,
lost Saturday morning between Boston
Store and Bennett s, possibly In either;
great value attached to ring. Return
ring at least to advertising department
W. R. Bennett Co. Lost NmO 11
OMAHA Steam Pasta Co., manufactuer of
paata for an purpoaea; in barrels and half
barraia. w rue (or prices, zjiu Cuming
CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Baraga Bldg.
OMAHA Plating Co.. Be Bldg. Tel jt.