19 THE OMAHA DAILY HEE: SUNDAY, MAY 11, 1002. Tie Omaha Sunday Der E. ROSEWATER, EDITOR, PUBLISHED EVERT MORNING. TERM9 OF BUH8CRIPTION. f'ally Bee (without Sunday), One Year.t4.G0 lljr Mee anil ttunday. One "tear 00 Illustrated lire. One Year ' " Sunday une Year H 'J Saturday Hvr, one Year 1 ' Twentieth (,'entury Farmer, One Year. l.w . DELIVERED BY CARRIER. Pally bee (without Sunday), per copy.. 2c pally He (without Bunuayi, per wwn.-lac Xally Bee Oncluding Humlay), per week.lic fiunaay liee, per copy 6c i venlng Bee without Sunday), per week.luc Kvenlng Be (Including Sumiay), per week 15c Complaints of Irregularities In delivery Should te addressed, to CHjr Circulation iJcpartment. OFFICES. Omaha The liee Building. Boutb Omaha City Han ujlldlng, Twenty-fifth and M streets. . Council 1'luffs lu l'earl Street Chicago 1AW Unity Bulllliig. " Mew fork Temple Court. Washington 6ol Fourteenth Street. CORRESPONDENCE. Communications relating to news and dltorlal matter should be addressed: Oman Bee, tutorial Department. BUS1NEUH LE11EHH. Business letters and remittances should Its addressed: The Bee Publishing Com Ipany, Oman a, REMITTANCES. Remit by draft, express or postal order, , "payable to The Bee Publishing Company. 1 only a-cent stamps accepted In payment ot f man accounts, pnrsonai checas, except on (Umaha or eastern excnange, t accepted. XHU BKhi PLBL1B1U.U COMPAix 1. STATEMENT OF CIRCULATIOM. Stats of Metiraska, Douglas County, ss : Ueorga is 'laschuck, secretary u( i.u Bee "Pubiuning company, being uuiy sworn, ays thai the actual number oi fuil anu complete copies ot Ihe Daily, Morning, veiling aim Sunday Bee piinteu during the month of April, iHOi. was as tollowa: 1 u,suu 16 ai,fto uu,u;m it ,siw a ito.oau 1 iti,no - xt-.sio itt aii,f.r . ie,mnt j w,ww ' 3t,7X4 21 !SI,ftHO 7 Xlt.BlO U ai,OIK) 9 att.UMO u ai,ro XU.ttlU M it,4U JO UH,4tMt 26 il,-0 11 XI,MU ai,ni 2 ttt,47U Zi KW.HOH, II KW.NIO I'S ,o"M 14 KU.6NU lilt.oMO 06 X,4HO i KU.U'iO ' Total SK0.IM8 Jjtbi unsold and returned copies... IO.ioT Net total rales.... 8T,H.'S -Net dally average UEORUE B. TZ8CHLCK. Subscribed In my presence and sworn to before me this Juth day ot April, A. D. ixa. (Seal.) M. B. HUNQATE. Notary Public Now that the oleo bill has bocome a law, the cow has the limgli on the stt'cr. ... The coming week should see some thing doing In South Africa iu the di rection of peace. And now we are told that the Isthmian canal has !een laid on the shelf. It Haunt be a pretty big shelf. After all It Is the coinblue of the con sumers that is causing the alleged com bine of beef packers the most Immediate trouble. Three new stars added to the flag all lit one time would be Inaugurating a policy of expansion in' the azure square over the stripes. Omaha newspapers are not all they tould be. This Is not strange. The most perfect diamonds have flaws and even the sun has its spots. Omaha should now try to look Its prettiest. The state organization of photographers is about to invade its sa cred precincts. Perhaps it may be JtiBt as well, be fore buying any more West Indian Islands, to make Inquiry to ascertain whether we are annexing volcanoes or merely hurricanes. New York City boasts that seven former members of presidential cabinets are residing there. Iowa may furnish the live cabinet timber, but New York gathers in the dead wood. The official report upon the mule Industry at Tort Clialmette Is said to be ready for the public. Whether It stands by the mule or repudiates his preten tions, it is sure to occasion a kick. Now that the county commissioners have viewed all the streams and creeks In the county and found the places where new bridges can be planted and old bridges replanted to advantage, the figuring of the bridge contractors will begin in earnest Congressman ltoutell is to address a republican club banquet at Detroit on the subject, "The Financial Triumphs Of the Republican Tarty." No one will Venture to speak on the financial tri umphs of the democratic party. The democratic financial triumphs have all been deficits. rubllc business should be transacted before the public view. There is no more reason why the work of the State Board of Equalization should be behlud closed doors when fixing the assess tnents of Nebraska railroads any more than that of the city council when fixing assessments for Omaha's frauchlsed cor poratlons. jlowa has had unusual misfortune In the destruction of its state institutions by fire, and Nebraska has suffered much from the same cause. Fireproof con itruction should 1k the Invariable rule in til public buildings to which the lives of dependents or wards of the state are en trusted. No more tinder boxes for in aaue asylums or schools for deaf mutes. 'As a democratic organ the Chicago Chronicle repudiates Tillman and as aerts that he is not a democrat, not a populist and not a republican, but be longs to a party of which he Is the Bole member. To get rid of Tillman n that easy way would doubtless be great relief to det-ent democrats, but they must not forget that at the late democratic national convention at Kan aas City, the South Curollna firebrand was almost the whole show. Ills voice promulgated the democratic platform, in formulating which his vote had been a deciding factor. The democrats may disown Tillman, but they caunot shake bim Iqom except with an effort FRANCHISE TAXES IN NE IV TOltK. Two years ago the New York legisla ture, at the Instance of Governor Roose velt, enacted a law linixmlng franchise tax upon corporations that controlled public utilities. The power of the courts was Invoked by the corporation to enjoin the collection of the special franchise tax and a decision has Just lwen rendered by the referee, ex-Judge Karl, on the constitutionality of the law. The findings are adverse to the cor porations on every point and It Is gen erally believed they will be sustained by the court of apieals. On the first ioint at Issue, regarding the violation of the United States con stitution In Impairing obligations, Judge Earl holds that the franchise tax takes away nothing granted, and Impairs no contract The Imposition of the tax is not on effort to exact more compensa tion for the franchises, but to compel the owners thereof to pay in common with other owners of property their share of the public burdens. "If the argument of the relators Is to be car ried to its logical results, then the state could never tax any franchises of any kind without impairing its contracts and the millions which have been taken from corporations under franchlsed tax laws from nil parts of this country dur ing the past twenty years have been taken in violation of the federal consti tution and have been illegally exacted." On the point raised that the fran chises cannot now be taxed because they were not taxable at the time they were granted, Judge Earl holds that they are not by ony law, or contract exempt from taxation. They were property of Immense value under the protection of the government and there was no reason for exempting them from taxation. There was no contract ex pressed or implied. They should, there fore, be compelled to bear their share of public burdens like other property. Regarding the claim that it is impos sible to value a franchise, Judge Earl declares it is proper to look upon a franchise as real estate and It Is not mposslble to find a tangible value. The assessment is undoubtedly attended with great difficulty, but It cun be made with such an approximation to accuracy as will satisfy all the requirements of the law and constitution. Suppose what constitutes a special franchise of any corporation should be put In the market for sale, cun it be doubted that it will sell for a substantial price and one which business men could determine with sufficient accuracy for business purposes? The Greater New York tax for 1900, upon which the litigation was begun, was $210,C79,351. The figures for the 1IH)2 assessment were $220,620,155. These figures represent the value of the franchises in Greater New York alone. The value of franchises in the various cities, villages and towns of the state of New York is computed to be greater thun that of the franchlsed corporations of New York City. For the present year the franchise tax in Greater New York will yield $5,500,000, or four times as much as all of the taxes imposed by the state of Nebraska for the main tenance of the state government and state institutions. THE PRESIDENT VRQINQ LEGISLATION. "President Roosevelt is said to have in formed the leaders in the senate and house of representatives that he is most earnest in his Intention to keep congress together until the Philippine bill and the Cuban reciprocity measure are passed. It appears to be clearly understood that If congress adjourns without action on these measures an extra session will be called. Regarding the passage of the bill for giving the Philippines a form of civil government and that for providing reciprocal commercial relations with Cuba, imperative, the president it is said, feels that he would fall in his pub lic duty did he not do all that lies within his power to secure affirmative action on those two measures. The republicans are anxious to reach a vote on the Philippine bill and en deavored Friday to fix a time for a vote, but the democrats insisted on further discussion, though what they hope to accomplish by it Is not apparent They have already covered the whole ground of opposition and further discussion can only be a reiteration of what has been said, but there are some democratic sen ators who want to go on record upon the question and they must be allowed to do so even though it be well under stood that they will have nothing new to submit. It Is therefore uncertain when a vote on the Philippine bill In the senate will be reuched, though it is pos sible It may be during the present week. Thut the bill will pass the senate when It comes to a vote there Is no doubt In regard to the Cuban reciprocity 1)111 no confident prediction can be made. Ml the Information respecting It is to the effect that the measure passed by the house will be very greatly modified in the seuate and perhaps an entirely new measure substitutedone increas ing the turiff reduction on Cuban prod ucts made in the house bill and omitting the provision repealing the differential on re titled sugar. It is said that until the decision of the president to compel congress to adopt some measure for the relief of Cuba the matter hud almost been permitted to lapse by default the administration leuders apparently not caring to tuckle the problem presented lu the opposition of a number of repub licans to the house measure, but it ap pears now that this feeling Is changed and the ndmlulstrutlou meu iu the sen ate are said to be stirring themselves and speculating on what can be done. There Is said to be rather more atten tion thun hitherto to the proposition of the friends of the beet sugar industry to give a rebate to Cuba instead of a direct tariff concession, a plan advocated on the ground that It would be of more general benefit to the Cuban people than the proitosed reduction of tariff duties. The president la right lu Insisting that these mutters be disposed of at the pres eut session. The Philippine bill makes provision for the Islands which will mi- prove conditions there and should not be delayed. As to Cuba, If something must be done for her it may as well be determined nt once what It shall Ik. THE MAHTINNI E CALAMITY. The latest advices regarding the ca lamity In the Island of Martinique show It to be the most destructive disaster of the kind lu all history. If it be true, as now rcorted. that Ito.wio crlsbed from the volcanic eruption, the destruc tion of life exceeds that at Pompeii, when that city was burled under the eruption of Vesuvius more than eighteen centuries ago. The numlwr of Inhab itants In the ancient city has been va riously estimated by historians, but prob ably did not exceed 30,000 and most of these escaped the disaster. It appears that few got away from St Pierre, Martinique, and besides the loss of life there was greut destruction of shipping and other property. Assuming the facts as now reported to be approximately correct, therefore, the volcanic eruption in that Island is the most de structive ever known, greatly ex ceeding the Pompellan disaster. St Pierre was not burled, as was the ancient city of Campania, but It was swept away by fire, a fate quite as calamitous. The prompt action of the United States senate lu passing a bill appro priating $100,000 for the relief of the survivors of this terrible visitation will be appro vedV by the country and al though action on the measure was de ferred In the house until tomorrow there Is no doubt the bill will be passed at once by that body and promptly signed by the president so that there will be no delay In forwarding relief, which It Is provided may be done In United States steamships. It Is to be hoped later reports will show the calamity to be less terrible than now stated, but there is no doubt that the demand for relief is great and urgent SCATTERING TliVST STOCKS. One of the most dangerous features of the colossal corporations known as trusts Is the scattering of their stocks among small investors and wage workers. A notable example Is afforded by the well-matured organized effort of the Steel trust to dispose of Its stocks among the industrial classes as a sub stitute for savings bank certificates. During the past six mouths many thousands of dollars have been ex pended by the Steel trust in advertising extravagant prospectuses that make tempting appeals to American wage workers to invest their savings in Steel trust stocks in preference to placing their money In savings banks. Great stress is luid upon the fact that the United States Steel Trust corporation has been paying for the past two years quarterly dividends at the rate of 12 per cent per annum on all of its out standing stock, and it Is expected that this dividend rate will be Increused as soon as Its plants can be enlarged to meet the needs of a rupidly growing business. It is represented that as a rule stock In well managed manufacturing com panies is generally bought up by those in some way connected with their man agement and the outsider has little chance to purchase them excepting at a high premium, but the directors of the United States Steel company are anx ious to give an unusual opportunity to people of limited means to secure an investment already paying a large in comean opportunity such as is usually offered to capitalists only, so that the man with a few hundred dollars gets a chance to earn a higher rate of In terest upon his savings than he could possibly obtain from any other source. In view of the fact that the special edi tion of United States Steel company's stock is divided into blocks of treasury shares, fully paid, and non-assessable at par, for $5 per share, It is not the least surprising that vast numbers of the wage working class have become shareholders in the great Steel trust and will for the next few years be very vitally Interested In its prosperity. Barring the fact that this Is u very ingenious scheme ' for unloading hun dreds of millions of watered stock upon the American people, it Is also a very bright scheme for reconciling the in dustrial classes to the trust by making them individually Interested in its un curbed rapacity. The poor dupes, who have been made to believe that the trust would be able to continue to pay 12 per cent dividends for an Indefinite pe riod on $500,000,000 or $000,000,000 of common stock, besides paying on a billion of bonds and preferred stock, may at no distant day discover that their investment Is no better than If they owned mining shares in a Cripple Creek hole In the ground. In that event the ruinous effect of such a general scattering of trust stocks upon the whole country can scarcely be overestimated. The reaction and its disastrous effect upon Industry and com merce generally would be widespread. IN V1TINU IMMIORA TION. While Immigration to the United States is larger than for several years, the efforts of Canada to induce Immi grants to come to that country are not very successful. Recently the Domin ion parliament offered several hundred thousand dollars to be used in promot ing education and the government has agents abroad seeking immigrants, yet comparatively few are secured; although the Inducements offered are such as it would seem should prove attractive to many who are looking fot opportuni ties and homes lu this part of the world. The great majority of such, however, prefer this country, believing that their chances will be better here, where there Is abundant prosierlty, a good demand for labor and other advantages to be found nowhere else on the globe. The present Immigration may not be of the most desirable character. It is said that skilled artisans and agriculturists contribute comparatively little of it and this fact supplies those who want restrictions placed on Immigration with a text for urging their demand. It does not apjenr, however, that any of the Immigrants are not finding employment which must lie accepted as showing that there Is room for them here and that they will be. useful in contributing to the general prosierlty and most of them may reasonably be expected to become citizens. There would be no objection, of course, If some of these leople should accept the Invitation of Canada to settle there, but none who come here with the Intention to Im prove their condition by honest work and to obey the laws and conform to the customs of the country will be unwelcome. AKIV ISTHMIAN CANAL BILL. The bill providing for" the construc tion of an Isthmian canal Introduced it few days ago by Senator Hoar differs entirely from the pending bill and all propositions that have been suggested as amendments to that measure. It provides simply for the construction of a canal, leaving the matter of details to the discretion of the presideut. The bill makes It the duty of the presideut of the United States, "as soon as the same can economically and conven iently be done, to cause to be excavated and constructed a caual of such depth and capacity as will be sufficient for the movement of ships of the greatest tonnage and draught now lu use, and such as may be reusouably anticipated, from the Atlantic to the Pacific, by such route as may be selected by him, hav ing satisfied himself of the right of the United States to construct and protect such canal." The president also is di rected to have hurlors constructed ut both ends of the caual and he Is given authority to employ such agencies and obtulu such advice us he shall find necessary. Further authority Is given the president to determine the terms upon which foreign countries may use the cauul. The bill fixes the aggregate cost of the cauul at $180,000,000 and $10,000,000 Is appropriated for the be gluulug of work. Iu view of the Issue regarding routes, which threuteus to prevent cunal legis lation by the present congress, would It not be wise to adopt the compromise proposition Introduced by Senutor Hour? It may be objected to this as it wus to the Spoouer resolution that It sur renders the function oud duty of con gress to decide upon the route, but this does not seem to be a matter of very vital importance. The president is not committed to either route. It is not publicly known that he has a prefer ence. He Is most earnestly in favor of the construction by the United States of an Isthmian canal and thinks the work should be begun as soon as pos sible. Neither the advocates of the Nicaragua route nor the Panama route have any reason to doubt that Presi dent Roosevelt would be influenced in selecting the route by any other con sideration than the national interest while all would fee! If the matter were left to him that thero would be ho un necessary delay. The Hoar bill offers a simple and we believe a perfectly legitimate way of disposing of the canal question and as suring an early beginning of the great undertaking. All indications point to the coming summer as nu outdoor season beyond all else. Open air recreation and out door si)orts seem to have the call In all parts of the country as never be fore, while the country clubs ana tne various associations to promote special lines of physical exercise" are flourish ing on a basis of active membership that elves most widespread participa tion. While devotion to particular forms of sport may in some instances be properly classed among the fads, the general disposition to outdoor life for rest and recreation can hardly be In cluded under that name. If it conduces tn maintaining or building up a more robust health for the people It certainly will accomplish some tangible good aud deserve to be encouraged and promoted. The gratifying assurance has been given that the revolution in San Do mingo does not in any way affect the concession to the Omaha syndicate, that has obtained a franchise for the con struction of a railroad in thut country. The concession, we are told, wus granted by act of the Dominican congress in the usual way. Very much lu the usual way, we presume, that concessions are granted by a South Omaha city council. When that Bun Domingo railroad is completed we may confidently look for wurd to an excursion on the "Kentucky treat" plan. In which everybody pays for his own drinks, and every Juuketeer will proudly point to the motto on his badge, "Omaha to San Domingo, by Jingo." In response to an Insistent demand the committee to which the proposed consti tutional amendment for the election of United States senators by direct popular vote promises to report the resolution "at an early day." "An early day" iu the senate chronology is usuully a very elustie period. The people are steadily being more and more aroused to the ne cessity for a change in the method of electing senators, and although their pa tience may be also elastic, it has limits beyond which it cannot be tried. Bo Bans the World Away. Saturday Evening Post. While doubt stands still confidence can erect a skyscraper. Only Oas of Maay. Philadelphia Ledger. This country Is not elating much over the fact that it is making the medals for King Edward's coronation. It 1 getting used to doing odd Jobs for other nations. A Ksr-Krtrkrd Assamptloa. Louisville Courier-Journal. Five thousand club women are attending the federation meeting in California. "Probably," ssya a contemporary, "an equal number of men in various parts ot the country are thoughtfully considering the question ot horns rule." far-fetched asumption. Club women are by no means unanimous in hampering themselves with husbands. Poets Mast Xot Apply. Phllndelphta Tress. The new pension commissioner will prob ably have to make It clear at the outset ot his administration that writing poetry doesn't entitle a man to a pension. It only helps him gracefully Into ofn.ee. ,ott I.et Justice I nmaak. Washington Post. The learned members of the Vnlted States supreme court are now being Initi ated Into the mysteries of the straight front. When corset manufacturers fall out and fight something Is sure to give away. Dr. Hale's Hnle of Three, New York World. Dr. Edward Everett Hale's three working rules for lite given to a Chicago audience "Keep out In the open air as much as pos sible," "Have faith in your neighbor" and "Make a practice of engaging In conver sation each day with someone whom you know to be your superior" embody In won drouely little space much wise counsel for physical, moral and mental growth. It would be hard to Improve upon them. Fancy Profits of Syndicating. Ban Francisco Call. It Is believed that nothing la easier than syndicating and nothing pays better. For financing the steel trust the profits were $50,000,000; for combining the steamship lines they were $12,500,000; for converting the steel trust's $200,000,000 into bonds and raising $'.0,000,000 cash for the corporation they were $10,000,000. The profits to Mor gan and his associates from the Northern Securities merger are yet to be heard from. Keep Cluae to Shore. United States Investor. On the whole, our advice to the public In the matter of speculation would be not to get too far from shore. The next few months may furnteh s good market for "turns" If one has sense enough to know how to use the "turns." We certainly should not buy stocks for a long pull until we had a clearer knowledge than is likely to be obtained for many weeks of what the next harvest is going to be like. If the next harvest should turn out to be bad. we should rather be short of stocks than long, because, tinder such circum stances It would hardlv he Ilkelv that even all Mr. J. p. Morgan's skill would avail to keen the financial situation Intact. UOVEHXOK CIMM1VS SPEAKS OIT, Indication of the Trend of Pobllc Sentiment In the West. Philadelphia North American (rep.) What kind of strange doctrine Is this that Governor Cummins of Iowa is preaching to the republicans of the west? Does the ex ecutive of the banner republican state of the middle west, the state which furnishes his party with two cabinet officers, the speaker of the house of representatives and the wisest and most cautious strategists In the senate, appreciate the responsibilities that attach to him as a shaper ot public opinion in Iowa and In the nation? In a public address on the trusts before a republican audience at Minneapolis Gov ernor Cummins drops these heretical hints: "The American people will no more sub mit to commercial despotism than they would to governmental despotism, and the tendency in the one case can be and will be as easily thwarted as the tendency la the other. "I suggest, first, that no corporation, whether Industrial or otherwise, should be permitted to issue stock unless paid for In money at its par value, "Second, I believe that some branch ot the government must be vested with the power to fix the prices of products or serv ice upon which monopoly or substantial monopoly has been established. "I believe, too, that some branch of the government must be empowered to remove the duties on Imports upon those com modities respecting which competition no longer exists in our own country. I believe that the consumer has a better right to competition than the producer has to protection. Competition we will have, that of our country preferred, but that of the world It necessary." These are only a few of the salient sen tences of the long address devoted entirely to discussion of commercial monopolies, but they Indicate clearly that the tide of public sentiment is turning, even within the republican party, against the do-nothing policy of congress. THB FUNERAL, SKRM05. A New Departure Taken by a Promi nent Chicasjo Minister. Chicago Tribune. Dr. Hlrsch'r announcement of his inten tions with regard to funeral sermons Is in keeping with the character of the man. Sycophancy is not one of Dr. Hlrsch't faults. If be has any faults they lie In the opposite direction. He Is inclined to say what he pleases, rather than to please by what he says. He says now that he will preach no more funeral sermons except with the under standing that what he says la to be con cerned not so much with the virtues of the deceased as with tbe general truths appro priate to the occasion. He is willing to deliver homilies on death. He la not will ing to deliver panegyrics on dead r. en. Oc casionally, no doubt, there would be a dead man about whom he could aay pretty things and still keep within the truth. Too often, however, the pretty things said a funerals are more in the vein of art for art's sake than in the vein of realism. The temptation to laud and magnify is almost Irresistible. The weeping family expects to witness a kind of canonization. Usually it is not disappointed. The minister comes with harp and halo and beatifies hts de parted patron without turning a hair. Hi self-possession la sometimes truly admira ble, and his power of .keeping his face straight almost Incredible. There sre two influences at work upon him: first, his con nection with the deceased; second, that mysterious softening effect which a death haa upon everybody. We have seen lately In a city not far from here how people can become hysterical over a dead man who certainly waa not tbe composite reincarna tion of all tbe great ones gone before whose souls be was said to inherit. The situation st the grave is always a trying one. Dr. Hlrsch does well to recoil from it Tbe funeral oration once had s use. When a Roman family listened to an account of the life of one of its members and to a summary of the deeds of its an cestors, public spirit was fostered and. In the absence of other contemporary records, the history of the times was preserved. Tbe funeral oration of the present day baa no such excuse. It is redundant. It could be spared. At any rate, it could be trimmed. There is no reason, perhaps, why it should be done away with altogether. It la appropriate that when a death nap pens there should also be a sermon. What Dr. Hlrsch suggests is that the tbesla of that sermon (hould not be the unsullied character, tbe spotless reputation, the illus trious public services and the general won derfulness of the man who is about to be burled. We have a surfeit of that kind or thing. Better and more truthful was the mining town epitaph: "Here lies Jim; be did some things that were mean; but then he did other things that were meaner." The funeral sermon should either be dis continued or it should be toned down. At present, ss the young lady said, "It is too utterly utter." ni,ASTS FROM RAM'S HOHI. Lights sre more Important than lamps. A creed may be made a casket for a faith. He loses all who Is unwilling to lose any. No man can run sway from his own heart. Heaven docs not wait for earth's ap plause. Every blessing received creates an obli gation. It takes a small breeie to raise a storm In a puddle. Crutches become a curse when we might have wings. The church fair does not help the fair name ot the church. It li a greater thing to prevent a disease than to invent its cure. The good shepherd thinks more of his flock than of his fleeces. The man who Is always figuring where he will come in will find himself rsst out at the end. PFRBOXAI, AM) OTHERWISE. The Industrial eminence of Chicago In the production of wind provokes an envious sneer In Gotham, coupled with eulogistlo remarks on water. A New Yorker claims eminence beyond the average of the town by opening ll.ono oysters In twelve hours. Thus doth fame attract the eccentrle General MacArthur presents an attrac tive substitute for the term "Insular pc:s serslons." He refers to the Philippines s t'ncle Sam's "tultlonary annex." New York and Chicago are rejoicing over the prospect of faster trains, which will enable people to get away from both places with delightful celerity. Standard oil people have distributed a spring dividend of 30 per cent. The owner of a bunch of that stock has abundant provocation for a vocal tribute to trusts. During one of his flights of ecstacy. re cently, John L. Sullivan bumped up against a pugnacious lineman and was thrashed Into s state of blissful unconsciousness. Old John Barleycorn la a daisy in his line. Bostontans are disposed to tolerate the blue laws as long as beans, codfish, pie and Ire cream are omitted from the expurgated list of Sunday stimulants. One must be of the manor born to carry such a Jag with a straight fare. The Kentucky girl who tried to fiddle her father into congress has retired from the contest. Too many suitors for her hand spoiled her .artistic touch, and the loathaome opposition accused her of "draw ing the long bow." Dr. Edward Everett Hale was recently asked to write a few words for the first Issue of a western college paper. He sent this condensed sermon: "Keep yourselves pure. Tell the truth. Keep the Ten Com mandments. If you have anything to say, say It. If not, no." An unknown postmaster In Illllnols swells the national conscience fund by $2, a sum he claims to have drawn from the govern ment without rendering any service there for. An epidemic of that kind among, fed eral officials would fatten the national surplus beyond precedent. The celebrated M. Arton, who was one of the central figures In the great Panama scsndal, and who, It will be remembered, was arrested In London and extradited at the request of the French government, is now a rich man. Last year he made be tween $200,000 and $250,000 by speculating on the Bourse. Robert Louis Stevenson's ward and step son, Austin, Strong, is turning out to be a genius. A boy Just out of school, he has come to the front of his profession, that of landscape architecture, by laying out suc cessfully one ot the greatest public gar dens In the ' world Cromwell park, In Auckland, New Zealand. He was 20 years of age when he accepted the commission. His father was J. D. Strong, one of the foremost artists of the older school in San Francisco, nnd his mother, Isabel Strong, writes snd Illustrates for the leading maga zines. The decision of President Roosevelt to direct the secretary of war to have the new Infantry military poet at Indianapolis named "Fort Benjamin Harrison" meets with popular approval, not only In Indiana, but throughout the United States. It Is understood in Washington that General Miles originated the Idea some time ago, It then being his desire to name the Indian apolis arsenal in honor of the late presi dent. When it was decided to abandon the arsenal tbe question of establishing a mili tary post near Indianapolis and naming It "Fort Benjamin Harrison" was called to the president's sttentlon and he approved of It Immediately. HENRY KSTABIIOOK IX BOSTON. Omaha Boy's Oratory Charms an Andlence at the Hob. " Henry Estabrook of Omaha and Chicago waa the chief orator of the banquet of the Middlesex club of Boston recently. Tbe occasion was the birthday anniversary of General Grant, and the theme, "General Grant, tbe Soldier." That the club was charmed and thrilled by Mr. Estabrook's oratory Is evident from this account ot tbe Boston Post: "Mr. Estabrook bad a theme which In spired him to his most splendid efforts the history of Grant as a soldier, whose natal day the club was celebrating. In language so vivid that it electrified bis hearers, with s wealth of splendid power, a grace of gesture and a magnificent voice, Vr. Eatabrook held the attention ot the cljb as no other speaker dared approach. Mr. Estabrook was generally referred to ss a 'second Grady.' "In silence so profound that tbe tinkling of a glass sounded like a rifle shot, the members listened ss Mr. Estabrook painted in moat eloquently beautiful language the God-gtven mission of Grant, with Lincoln, tbe savior of the union cause In rebellion's dark days. "In parts of Mr. Estabrook's oration he reached heights which literally pulled bis listeners from their charrs, and loud and long rang the applause, until the speaker was obliged to stop until the effect of bis matchless eloquence had passed away. And when be had concluded the gathering cheered and cheered snd cheered, stood upon the chairs snd literally yelled in frenzied enthusiasm. "Mr. Estabrook is known in Chicago as a great orator. The Middlesex club waa not prepared for such s wonderful speech as fell from bis Hps that nlgbt, even though they may have known his power. But one thing can be said that Grant, as pictured by Mr. Estabrook's magnificent imagery, will remain s never-to-be-forgotten mem ory. Other speakers there were, but they were overwhelmed in the glamour of the speech of Grant's eulogiier." In another department of ths paper the orator Is awarded even higher praise. "At tbe Middlesex club Saturday night," says ths Post, "the greaiwt couiradicuon to the saying that oratory Is a lost art was pre sented. Henry D. Estabrook of Chicago, a lawyer unknown In tbe east, delivered tbe moet wonderful oration ever beard In Bos ton in recent years. I have heard Ioger soil, Bryan at bis beat, McKluley and Henry W. Grady's famous oration on "The New South," but none ot them, in my esti mation, approached tbe standard set by the modest blue-eyed gentleman from Chicago. His magnificent effort literally held the audience enthralled. A white-haired man who sat next to me leaned over as the orator finished and said: 'Wendell Phillips at bis best could sot surpass this man.' " BECll.AK SHOTS AT TUB PILPI' Washington Post: Oovernor Jrff !s has come to th eorrluslon that a manay be a Christian In Arkansas without bt a member of any church. And then he rifco fishing and play gnlf on Sunday wlhit being brought up on ihnrgos. New York World: Archbishop Oorrl's Mstcr had most to do with his rnteriiijjm priesthood. It was largely due to as ter's Infliierre that M. Kenan, the Bit French agnostic, grow up outside je church. Why is to little written ofie work of the sisters of the famous? St. Ixnils Republic: The late Archbip Corrtg.in of .New York was of the best e of churchmen, a scholar of profoundt talnments, an executive of rare abl)it;a Christian of the slncerest conviction. Is death leaves a vacancy In the Amern hierarchy which will not be easily filled. Des Moines Leader: The church :S hardly kept pare with the times. Vk which properly should belong to the chJi has been neglected by It and been takerp by other organizations. That church h may hope for the most In the future wile that whose work shall be extended out un the broad highways among a great d struggling humanity; which shall not cct It the chief aim of man to go to clun twice on Sundays, nor the chief aim c minister to preach sermons. DOMESTIC PLEASANTRIES. TVtroit Free Press: "Where did the . prcxNlnn. 'To look out for number o' originate?" "1 'suppose some bachelor said it" New lork Sun: Mrs. JaRRs John, wt are you doing down thero, turning doorknob round nnd round? " JHKKH-Dunno mdearst. Can't find r Kesli-nole. Uuesser mush be a stem-winii Atlanta Constitution:"" "John is so . mestlc In his u.st.s," enld tho Bllv matron. "He Is?" "Ves He's been all day In the hot s trving to kill a ruttU snake to get a rat for the baby!" Washington Stjir: "What do von th' or a man who would whip his wife'" 'Well," said Mr. Mockton, absent- mil edly, I Khould sny that he was n mint mean man and a pretty nervy tighter.1' Roston Post: "Haven't I married j before? asked the clergyman, pleasant or the ytuinK woman from Chicago was about to be Joined to the young n; from Oshkosh. "Only twice, " she murmured covly, t. the ceremony went on. Puck: He You must remember. d.N we are just starting out In life, and ' must economize. She But, don't you think getting U debt Is the best way? Then we'll have economize! . Detroit Free Press: Mr. Vopplngtoi Daughter, that yotniK Iitlngtriu you n mire so much is said to be lazv. Daughter Oh. papa, he isn't' a bit !n he told me nil about It. Hc'm just awfully intellectual that ho can t make living. Chicago Post: He had proposed. "P fore giving you my reply." ho sal "let us have a distinct tnnlerslandlng. I am to consider this seriouslv I will ha to say 'No,' but If it Is only A summer t sort engagement I shall be pleased to u cept you for the time being." ROOD MOHMV. TV. D. Nesblt In Baltimore American. He always said "Good mornln'," An' emphasized the "Kood," As If he'd make It happy For each one, if ho could. 1 "Oood mornln'!" Just "Uood mornln" ' To ev'ryone he met; He said It with a twlnklo ! That no ono could forget. He always said "flood mornln';" An' people used to say That one o' his "good mornin'a" Clung to you all the day, j An' made you alwavs cheerful. Just thlnkln' o' the sound It always was "good mornln'," 'Long as he was around. , He always said "flood mornln," j An glad an liappy-eyeil. Those were the words he whispered. The mornln' that he died. Those were the words he whispered. As cheerful as he could An' I beueve the nngels They emphasized the "good." The Fees of a Lawyer and Administrator in Handling Estates are Usually Very Exorbitant, and the tendencies of Courts and Pro bate Judges are towards excessive liberality. It often costs one dollar to even bandlo ten, and frequently very much more. The safest way to avoid these dangers and hazards is through an Installment Policy In the Equitable Life which will pay your Wife. Daughter or Son any desired sura, yearly or semi-annually as long as tbey may live. Equitable Life Bonds Guarantee5 per cent Net for Twenty Years Payable Setni-An-nually in Gold. They may be bought by yearly in. stallments. Tbey furnish a gilt-edge invest ment. Tbey furnish life assurance because in case of deatb ths unpaid Install ments are cancelled without affecting the title. A line to ma will bring you a de tailed description. H. D. Neely, ' f issk. Merchants' Xat. Jlaalc Bldar I