Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 11, 1902, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 15, Image 15

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The final week of the theatrical season
of 1901-2 la at hand, and with It comes
America's greatest actor, Richard Mans
field, whose appearance her, on Tuesday
Bight In his new play, "Beaucalre," will
be the culminating 'event of one of tha
most brilliant seasons known In the local
rlstory of the drama. It la a matter of
regret that Mr. Mansfield's engagement la
for so brief a period aa to give him an op
portunity of presenting It but a single
time. So great Is the demand for aeats
that many who would otherwise avail
themselves of the privilege of seeing th
really great artist, will--he prevented from
doing ao. Of course, there are a number
of aeata left, yet they are the least de
sirable ones In the theater and there are
many who would rather remain away en
tirely than be compelled to view the per
formance from an undesirable point of van
tage. The last week In local theatrical clrclea
proved somewhat more ptensant In an
ticipation than It did In realization. On
paper It looked like one of the best of the
season, but aside from the performances
of John Drew In "Tha Second in Command"
and Blare he Walsh In "La Madeleine"
It was a Disappointment. Both Mr. Drew's
play and his company were excellent, and
likewise both eiceeded tha most sanguine
expectations of his friends, aa did he him
self in the part of tha British cavalry of
ficer. Major Bingham. Miss Conquest and
Mr. Btanllng shared the honors of the sev
eral performances equally with the at sr.
and altogether the engagement was one of
th most satisfactory in every way of any
of tha present season. . Kathryn Kidder,
whose portrayel of the name part In "Mad
ame Sana Oeue" here some seasons afo and
that of Lady Teazel In "The School for
Scandal" with tha James-Kidder-Ward
combination left such plessant memorira
with those who saw either of them that
naturally her coming waa anticipated with
not a little delight. This waa the most
pleasant part of her engagement, for her
play and company proved to be lamentably
veak and although her efforts were those
of such an artist aa ahe really la. yet
they could not raise the performance above
the level of mediocrity. Of Miss Blanche
Walsh' engagement there Is little to add
to what has already been said In the gen
eral criticisms. "Janice Meredith" Is a
oart not for Mlsa Walsh. She Is above
such a trifling thing as this silly little
Ford heroine. Neither la the play one be
fitting the abllltr of a star of ber mag
nitude. "La Madeleine" la a part mora
In her line, although It does not give her
an opportunity to display the fullest limit
of her power and ability aa a tragedienne.
Miss Walsh baa been most unfortunate In
aecurlng a vehicle, suitable for the proper
display of her t&lont this season. Once she
does get a play that fits her style of acting
perfectly and her rise to the position of a
world-faraoua tragedienne will be rapid.
Until that time barnstorming Is likely to
be her vocation In the theatrical world.
The bill at the Orpheum laat week the
final one of this theater's season was one
of the many good onea of the year and
while tha attendance waa small, owing per
haps somewhat to the pleasant weather
which gave people an opportunity. of spend
ing their evenings out of doors, those who
did attend were amply repaid for the even
ing spent. The season just closed has been
one of the most profitable, aa well as other
wise successful, of this theater'a existence,
and while good vaudeville acta have been
acarce throughout the entire country, tha
Orpheum company baa kept up tha standard
of Its attractions remarkably well. Carl
Retter, who came to the city at the open
ing of the season last September almost
a total stranger to take the management
of the theater, haa proved a most efficient
man for the place. He baa made a host
of friends by his courteous treatment of
the patrons of tbe Orpheum and the busi
ness like manner of conducting the theater
and the announcement that he la to return
to the city with the -opening of next aeaaon
In September, to occupy tha same position
will be welcome news to all. Aa has been
previously announced In The Bee, the
theater will undergo a complete renovation
and redecoratlon during the summer months
and will be reopened on September 21, prac
tically at fresh and clean aa when It waa
A striking example of the forgetfulnesa
of the theater-going public of thia country
la shown In the fact that Madame Helena
Modjeska was allowed to close her long .and
honorable stage career under virtually ob
scure and trivial clrcumatancea one night
last week In Orange, N. J., and this de
plte the fact that Modjeska haa done per
haps mora during the period of her suc
cess, to popularize the heroine of Shake
speare In this country than any other ac
tress. Her repertoire of these parts In
cluded Lady Macbeth, Cleopatra, Ophelia,
Constance, Katherlne, Portia, Juliette and
Beatrice. The Brooklyn Eagle aays, edi
torially, In speaking of this matter: "It
Is a shame to New York that such an ac
tress, one of the three or four greatest
grtlsta of her time, should be allowed to
ay farewell at Orange, N. J. She should
have ft great farewell New York perform-
We Invite Those Who
Look for Quality to
Inspect Our Rigs . . .
Some low prices and a large assort-
Went to choose from. Think thia over,
Hugaiea, from to to 2o0
Runabouts, from too to
Burreys. from '5 to I3u0.
Stanhnpes, Huckboards, Park Phae
tons and all the novelties at all price.
A full line of Top and Open Delivery
Wagons and a variety of sizes in
everything, from the smallest Pony
Rig to the Heavy Teaming Truck.
With either stiam, gasoline or elec
tric motor power, from to t2,0u0.
Columbia, Edison and Victors, the
new patented ones, ranging In price
from 6 to 1160. About b,0i Columbia
Wax Records at -. Edison New
Moulded Htuords, 6oo each, 5 per
Come In and enjoy the free concerts.
ance, like that tendered to Lester Wallark.
Then she should play Constance, ft part In
which she baa never been seen In New
York, with a cast of the best actors In
America. Where are Mr. Jefferson, Mr.
Mansfield, Mr. Sothern, Mr. Drew, Mr. Skin
ner, Mr. Goodwin? Where la the boasted
chivalry of American manhood, that these
actors should let such a glorious light as
Modjeska's be sniffed out In tha obscurity
of Orange?"
Wltk the closing of the Friday night per
formance of "When Reuben Comes to
Town," at the Boyd, the doors of the thea
ter close on the current regular theatrical
season. The season has been the most
successful one under the management of
Woodward Burgesn. It covered a period
of thirty-seven weeks, opening September
( with "Florodora." During the season 105
attractions were presented and 372 perform
ances were given. But fifty dark dates
marked the season and they were In the
early part of It. Next season's" line of at
tractions promises to be even stronger than
this. Manager Burgess leaves for New
York early In June to make his bookings
for next season. Already a number of big
eastern successes have signed contracts for
engagements. The summer season at the
Boyd opens May 25 with the Ferris Stock
May Irwin, who waa to have closed the
seaton at the Boyd with three perform
ances starting Saturday was compelled to
cancel her engagement because of Illness
Her company has been disbanded and she
has returned to New York from Fort
Wayne, Ind., where she was stricken.
Coming- Event.
Richard Mansfield appears Tuesday night
at Boyd's in the extremely successful
"Beaucalre." The play is described as an
original comedy In five acts by Booth Tark-
Ington and Evelyn Oreenleaf Sutherland.
' It Is generally agreed that Mansfield has
not before had a more delightful character
than Beaucalre. It Is a role full of the
niceties of manners, the fopperies of an ex
qulslte, the heroism of a gallant, the ten
derness of a lover, the caustic repartee of
a wit and the dramatic expression coveted
by a dramatic master. He makes Beau
caira ft fascinating man of about 30, when
man Is most Interesting to a woman. It Is
a romantic part In tbe sense that there Is
an absorbing love story from curtain to
curtain, but It la also a character part.
Beaucalre speaks English only Imperfectly.
Mansfield's accent and manner are quite
different from any Investiture he or any
other actor has .before given ft Frenchman
Tha play la In five acts. Act one shows
the celebrated pump room at Bath when
that watering place was the rendezvous for
all fashionable England, under the social
supremacy of Beau Nash. The bladea and
belles are much agitated over the gossip
from France In regard to the flight of the
duke of Orleans, but this Is eclipsed by
newer morsel of gossip, the grave rumor
that Monaleur Beaucalre, who has obtained
entree among the fashionables. Is tha bar
ber of the Marquis de Mlrepols, ambassador
from France. Beau Nash accepts the rumor
and ft stirring scene leads to Beaucalre's
social humiliation and expulsion from the
pump room. The second act shows his
lodgings In Bath. He la an exile from the
centers of fashion, but the nobles and gen
tlemen frequent his chambers to play
cards. Among them la the duke of Winter
sett Beaucalre trapa him while oheatlng
and he uses hla power over htm as a lev
erage to make Wlntersett Introduce him
again among the elect. Tbe third act rep
resent Lady . Mary Carlisle on tha same
evening during the progress of her ball.
Wlntersett Introduces Beaucalre as the
duke of Chateaurlen and Lady Mary 1 an
Instant victim. There la ft flow of wit and
sentlmeat all through the act which culmi
nates in ft delightful piece of gallantry
after Badger'a attempt on Beaucalre's Ufa.
The garden of Mr. Banlston' country place
at ft point on the driveway near tha Diana
la the background of act four. It la a
moonlight night and the guest are leaving
after ft merry rout. Beaucalre' suit with
Lady Mary' prospers. He Is banding her to
her coach when Wlntersett' - henchmen
make an attack. They are beaten off, but
Beaucalre la wounded. Then Wlntersett
betrays hi promise and tell Lady Mary
that the duke of Chateaurlen I nqne other
than Beaucalre, the barber. The last act
Is tha assembly room ft week later. It
leads up to the return of De Mlrepols and
the revelation of the Identity of his royal
master to the assembled traducers.
It 1 ft coBsecutive and cumulative story
of sustained Interest. Tbe humor and sen
timent balance nicely and the action la
varied and the dialogue witty as could be
desired. By general conset the dramatists
have conveyed all tha charm of atmosphere
that permeated Mr. Tarktngton'a book Into
the play. There Is equally general consent
that Mansfield haa not before done anything
finer than the princely barber. The total
cast number twenty-six and there are aa
many mora trained player appearing In
action without line to speak. Tbe produc
tion Is moat elaborate, the representation
of eighteenth century fashion being ad
mirably accomplished. The curtain will
rlae punctually at 8.
"When Reuben Cornea to Town," a musical
The make with a reputation, in all
the IMS models, including Orient, Iver
Johnson, eUearna, World and many
others, sold on easy terms. A full
line of Sundries and a complete line
of Diamond Tires.
About Bicycle Repairing
"Do all work ao well that none can
better it."
These are the permanent Instruc
tion given to our repairers, going to
show what our repair shops stands
Besides enraging only the moat
competent and experienced men, we
surround them with conditions that
enablt them to give us their best
Auto Stables
A novelty in the west "We care for
machines and send them to your resi
dence or place of business when you
H. E.
Cor 15th and
Capitol Avenue
comedy on the order of "The Strollers,"
"Ths Burgomaster," etc., will be the at
traction at Boyd's Thursday and Friday
nights. It will be the last attraction of
the current regular season at Boyd's. The
comedy Is said to be a surprisingly clever
thing and to have made a big success In
New York, where it was originally pro
duced. Good reports of It come from all di
rections. The scenes of the piece are lnld
in New York and deal with the troubles
of a wealthy countryman, Rueben Norman,
while on a visit to his nephew. The piece
does not In any way smack of the rural
as Its title may suggest. A company of
fifty Is required to present the piece. Some
of the principals stand high In the profes
sion. Edward Nlcander, Douglas Flint and
Margaret Boy re- are three of the best
known. Herman Perley, brother of Frank
Perley, Alice Nlelson's ex-manager, wrote
not only the book,' but the music of the
comedy. One of the big features of the
piece Is the specialty of the Pajama girls.
Tho act Is to this piece what the sextet
was to "Florodora." Some of the very
catchy airs to be sung are: "Pajama Polly,"
"Under the Circumstances," "It's Just Like
a Scene In Play," "The Flirtation of the
Mlaco's Trocadero will have the king
pin of all burlesque attractions this week,
commencing with the matinee today, when
the American Burlesquers come. The first
burletta Is entitled "The School for Scan
dal" and bustles with pretty girls ensemble
end musical numbers. The vaudeville por
tion of the program Is furnished by Ather
and Ackerman, comedy acrobats; Burmant
end Van, the ginger girls; McFarland and
Murray, laugh-makers, and Marie Barney,
singer. The closing burletta consists of ft
good, clean, crisp comedy, Interspersed by
songs and dances. The engagement con
tinues the entire week, including Saturday
The Otto Floto shows, with it galaxy of
animal stars, begins a three-day exhibition
In Omaha Thursday, May 15, at Eighteenth
and Douglas. This will be the first white
canvas to spread here thus season In the
circus line. Nearly all the amusement In
the Floto show is furnished by animal ac
tors, although there are six midget clowns,
two "rube" bands and two military bands.
Among the entertainers are elephants that
ride bicycles, roll ten pins, play musical
Instruments and do some wonderful bal
ancing feats; beautiful little Shetland
ponies In drills, marches and tricks; monkey
comedians, firemen, bareback riders and
acrobats; clown dogs, trick dogs and leap
ing greyhounds, educated cats and eques
trian goats. Performing cats are very rare
and those with the Floto show are eald to
be unusually clever. Cats are the hardest
of all animals to train, not because they
lack Intelligence, but because they are too
smart, and knowing what Is wanted of them
are too wise to be "Jollied" Into doing It.
Another Interesting performer with the
Floto circus Is "Scotty," the champion hlgh
dlvlng dog of Jthe world. Unaided, Scotty
mounts a ladder to the middle of the "big
top," fifty feet from the ground, and then
plunge headlong Into a net below. Most
dogs will make a dive of eight or ten feet,
but few can be induced to drop over twenty
feet. There will be two performance each
day tbe show Is in town and a street parade
each morning.
Play and Player.
Tim Murphy was dined by the Press club
of Newcastle, fa., lasi weea anu numiucu
that be Is going to taae a any si iium
Beerbohm Tree will not come to America
next season to appear In "Ulysses." The
play will be presented by a company or
canlzed here.
The run of "Du Barry" at the Criterion
ihntr will pome to an end on May 31.
Mrs. Carter will spend part of the summer
in liar Haroor,
It Is reported that Charles Frohman has
nnn.haKA th Hrnmntlc rlehts in Hobnrt
Chatneld Chattleld-Taylorn novel, "The
Crimson Wing.
Rose Osborne, an old time actress, who
In her younger days was a member of Kate
(. lax ton s company, comramcu ouitiuo m
New York last weanesaay.
George Boniface and Bertha Waltzslnger
seem to have found their proper place In
the amusement world. They are playing
In vaudeville a sketch called "The Woman
Who Hesltatea is won.
Thomas W. Broadhurst has brought suit
against Clara Morris for $400, which he
claims remains unpaid on a promissory
note. Miss Morris has brought a counter
ult. alleging breacn ot contract.
Ellen Terry will more than likely not ap
iwRr with Sir Henry Irving when he tour
this country next season, but will take out
a company OX ner own, appearing in iiw
First Duchess of Marlborough."
Mn Pntrlrk Camubell. In an Interview In
Columbus, says she has not settled whether
she will return to mm country next season
at all. It depends whether she can secure
a release of ner fengusn contracts.
Virginia Earle, who for some time has
been suffering from a malady of the throat,
underwent a surgical operation last week
and her physicians believe that she will be
able to appear witnin a lonnignt.
Madame Helena Modjeska has announced
that she will say farewell to the American
stage at the performance of "The Mer
chant of Venice" by the Modjeska-James
company at Orange, N. J., next Saturday
Just before his departure for England
Sir Henry Irving lectured before the stu
dents of Princeton university. The faculty
forwarded him a check for U for his
services. Last week Sir Henry returned
the check with the request that the sum
be given to cnarity.
In JoseDh Jefferson's many years upon
the stage he delineated a vast number of
characters, rxow tnat ne is in ine sunset
of his days and beyond the necessities of
toil he acts simply to comply with popular
demand and to gratify that Insatiable
craving for the stage which la the trait of
all players.
Richard Mansfield made the announce
ment last week In Pittsburg that he will
devote himself entirely to the plays of
Shakespeare next season. Hy will present
.. t. . ii. " wit v, 1 1 . i " '"ria ...... , . .
of Venice." "Richard III ard "Henry V."
His season will open early In October, and
In December he will begin an engagement
at the Herald Square theater.
According to the records of Colonel T.
Alston Brown, the stage historian, the first
presentation of a dramatization of "Uncle
Tom's Cabin" occurred at Purdy'a National
theater. New York, on August 23. 1S52. The
version was by Charles Weston Taylor, and
was not a success. The first successful
version was produced at the Museum, Trov,
N. Y., on September V, 1X52. This waa tha
Aiken version. At the time a version
made by Mrs. Anna Marble was produced
in imcago.
George Snlnck Is the name of an actor
who has developed a talent for writing
catchy melodies of wide variety, from "rag
time" to marches, gavottes and waltzes,
and DeWolf Hopper is going to use some
of his tunes In Klein's dramatization of
"The Pickwick Papers." George Broad
hurst, the playwright, has signed a con
tract with Splnck whereby he secures all
the latter' compositions for the next two
rears. Charles Frohman took with him to
xndon several of Splnck's songs, and will
turn them over. It Is thought, to Edna May
and ElUUne Terriss. both of whom are
employed there In entertainments In which
he baa an Interest.
The attention of the student of every
branch of music 1 so earnestly directed
just now to the art of doing thlnga easily
that at the risk of repetition I wish to fol
low up in this issue the article which ap
peared In this column recently.
In tha mad rush for public appearance
the tendency ha been to procure a short
cut method of producing ton. But the tide
1 turning rapidly and the more reposeful
artists we hear the more we will demand
repose and abhor effort.
The presentation of a musical thought
must be aesthetic, net athletic
Many well knows professional singer
have shown much physical work la their
o-caHad art presentations, hut the wohlle
applauded because It knew no- better. Kow
ftdaya It know better and eves ft great
nam wtU not axons a thoroughly fur the
faults aa ft did evea a decade ago.
Thus, la so. "ease" way amain: with. It-
resistible and sliest force that will mark
a triumph for the art dlsctples who have
worked out their vocal salvation by careful
consistent teaching, earnest thoughtful dls
clpleshtp and tbe burning of midnight oil.
There can be no compromise In this mat
ter. Singing and playing must not be sug
gestive of physical effort. What we all
need la everything is repose. Alas and
alas, for the existence of the motto:
"You'll have to hurry!" Let us change it!
A recent article In the Springfield (Mas.)
Republican calls attention to the question
"Do our music teachers alwaya live up to
their responsibilities In tbe matter ot get
ting their pupils and acquaintances to at
tend concert?"
The paper named has one of tbe most In
teresting music columns in the country and
It Is an educational force. The question
asked is a most pertinent one. It is a good
thing for the pupil to get away once In
awhile from the keyboard or the mustc
rack and look about him, see what other
people are doing, bear what and how they
are singing or playing.
We can learn by comparison, but In lis
tening we should always put ourselves In
the other person's place. The attitude
should be one of sympathy and of helpful
nesa. Listen to a singer with ft view to
find good points not faults. Listen to the
amateur as you would listen to tbe artist.
But Is It not true, down deep In our hearts.
that we look for the much-heralded virtues
of the great artist and for the scattered
faults of the young beginner?
Achievement Is the result which Is
looked for today. The young man, tha
young woman, who "does things," Is the
successful one. In the words of that mu
slcal writer and simple-styled philosopher,
Rudyard Kipling, when he shows us Tom-
llnson standing at heaven' gate seeking
admittance, St. Peter Interrogating:
Ye have read, ye have heard, ye have
tnougnt, ne saict,
And the tale is yet to run:
By the worth of the body that once ye
Give answer What ha ye done?
It matters not that we should, plan things
in our circumscribed limits. The real busi
ness of musical lite Is to do things.
We can gain more good by patting a fel
low musician on the back than by sticking
a knife therein. The benefit Is two-fold
and reactionary. We please him and Justify
A recital will be given by Mr. Clement
Shaw at the First Congregational church
tomorrow night under the auspices ot the
Woman' club. Mr. Shaw will be assisted
by Mrs. Mcintosh, pianist, and Dr. Baet
tens. Mis Stella Brown and Mr. John Brown
will present the E minor trio of Mendels
A local weekly states that free recital
are being given In the First Methodist
church. This, like many other emanations
from that source, Is a pure and simple false
hood, and not even a funny one. If anyone
from that paper had attended the evening
service of the church, ahe would have
found this note on the program: "Note
In accordance with the rules of this church
no admission tea Is charged at the door,
but an offering from each auditor is ex
pected at the offertory."
And while I have my gentle hammer In
action I might a well nail another lie.
Some persons who are connected with All
Saints' church have busied themselves cir
culating an absolutely false and malicious
statement to tbe effect that the former so
prano soloist of All Saints' church, Mrs
Thomas J. Kelly, treated the church badly
inasmuch as aba applied for Increased sal
ary "a few days before Easter." She ap
plied In ft businesslike way before Lent
began and tbe chairman of the music com
mlttee know that well. I think it might
be good Idea for All Saint' people to ask
their organist, Mr. Slmms, who is a gentle
man, for the facta and avoid maltgntDg a
musician who served them faithfully, and
who left them for purely business reasons.
Marie Swanson, Harpist, 829 S. ISth St
Ante Room Echoes
Tangier temple. Nobles of the Mystic
Shrine, will hold a special meeting Monday
evening to consider matter which would
have been brought up at the meeting In
April on the night when the member were
kept from the hall by the storm.
There was a meeting of the way and
mean committee Thursday evening, at
which Cadot Taylor could not be preaent
on account of illness. The program was
not carried out, aa Mr. Taylor had the
papera, but reports were received from
several of the huBtlers to the effect that
the member ot tbe temple residing out
side of the city were coming in with their
cash rapidly, while subscription in Omaha
were satisfactory.
The badge committee of the shrine has
ordered 1,000 common badges and 500 spe
clal badge to be worn by the members
on their visit to San Francisco and while
entertaining delegate enroute. - Tbe spe
cial badge will be given to member con
tributing a certain sum of money to the
entertainment fund and will be worn by
tha officers and visitors to the Imperial
council. , ,
The Elks' lodge ot De Moines has ar
ranged for cummer festival to be held
June 21 to 27. The object of the festival
is to raise money to build ft home for tha
lodge. The opening day will be known
a "governor' day." Governor Cummin
will open the festival with an address and
Governor Savage has been Invited to be
present. Tbe second day has been set aside
for tbe children, the third day for the mer
chants and fraternal societies, the fourth
day for the Elks themselves. . There will
be a parade, in which It Is expected that
600 Elk will be In line. Friday will be
Iowa and Saturday commercial travelers'
Lillian temple, Rathbone Sisters, will give
a dance Monday evening to members ot
the order and their escorts;
After Initiating a class of eight candi
dates, Omaha council No. 1, Royal and Se
lect Masters, of ths Masonic fraternity, held
banquet at Freemasons' hall, Friday even
ing. After the feast addresses were de
livered by Henry Hardy, A. Hugh Hippie,
John J. Mercer, C. N. Diets, J. B. Rahm and
Clan Gordon No. 63, Order of Scottish
Clana, held it regular meeting Tuesday
evening. Clansman R. O. WtUoa Kve
evidence ot hla ability as ft song artist, and
alone held the members spellbound with
the sweetness ot hi voice. Arrangement
were mad to hold ft free social Tuesday,
May 20, when all Scotsmen are Invited to
bring the women and have a good time.
Mr. Peter Kerr, royal secretary, is expected
to be present aa the occasion.
Can Crw Weather Beavs Pierre.
PltTRHB, S. EL, May 10. (Special. V
Fanners ta this swrtlnn at ths state re
port crop stmrilrlima gmr bet tar at thia
sessVm of the year. Ths ground ts full
of moisture. Cum pimitins- is ta progress
and ths acreage this year will axcaad that
planted for any former season. Stockmen
are aiao putting- In large acreage of sugar
cans, and other fodder crops.
Mrs. Astor Rapidly Gaining tha Ascend
ancy in Smart Bet of Trench Capital.
Mildred Aekerman, Formerly of Call
fornla, i'aenes a stir by Appear
ing; la Her Old Haunts wits.
a Third Ilnsband.
(Copyright, 19.12, by Press Publishing Co.)
PARIS. May 10. (New York World Ca
blegramSpecial Telegram.) Mrs. William
Murray, wife of ti prominent New York
contractor, bn reopened her pretty mansion
In Avenue Jena, having Just returned from
a short visit to her husbsnd, whose business
compels him to llvo iu New York. Mrs.
Murray la renowned in the American
colony as rather au original entertainer.
She Intends to take her first balloon ride
next week, accompanied by Major Rentier
Mott, the fascinating military attache of
tha American embassy.
It is authoritatively stated that the en
gagement of Mtsa Gebhart, the New York
heiress, to Duke de Cbaulmes, whose mother
was once so tragically connected with
Count (now Marquis) de Dion, Is broken.
Mrs. Astor has never entertained as con
tinuously on previous occasions. Dinners,
luncheons, theaters, etc., followed by sup
pers, have been given without ceasing. Mrs.
Astor, If possible, grows In social authority
every Paris season. Even the best French
families now consider It a great honor to
be counted among Mrs. Astor' familiars.
Until now Mrs. Harry Lehr has assisted
her In entertaining, though even Mrs. Astor
finds it hard to have Harry's champagne
connection accepted by the Faubourg St.
Germain aristocrats, who even held
Countess Castellane aloof on account of ft
similar mercantile offense. The laBt Astor
dinner was In honor of Prince and Princess
Radolln, the German ambassador. The
dazzling list ot guests will give an idea ot
Mr. Astor' prominence. Among them
were Duchess de Rohan, Marquis and
Marquise de Beauvolr, Prince and Princess
de Rohan, Dominique Radzwlll, Duo de Ora
mont, Prince Borghez, Marquis Degouy
D'Arcy, Baron and Baroness Sellllere and
Marquis and Marquise de la Steyrie.
Private letters received here from Mrs.
Robert Goelet, now in Venice, aboard ths
Nahma, show that she found the palace
there, which she Is negotiating to purchase,
completely renovated. She Intends to make
It her winter quarters hereafter.
The dramatized version of Maupassant's
novel, "Boule de Sulf," In four acts, by
Metenter, has proved an enormous success
at the Theater Antoine.
Mildred Ackermann, the California beauty
whose elopement with Count Vladosl three
years ago created such a sensation in the
American colonies of Paris and London,
where she was a great favorite, haa sur
prised everybody by her unexpected return.
She I now Mme. Golbara, and Introduces ft
diminutive Japanese husband, aged 19, to
her former friends, laughingly explaining
that this Is her third marriage. Count
Vladosl died In Smyrna, where the couple
went after their memorable elopement, ex
actly 100 days after the wedding, leaving
a great fortune to the American wife. The
impulsive young countess then married a
British officer she met In Cairo. Husband
No. 2 was killed In the Transvaal eighteen
months ago. The widow then went to Eng
land and joined ft party ot tourist who
were going around the world. On this trip
she met Golbara, the aon at a wealthy
Yokohama merchant, who succeeded In
wooing her In his quaint broken English
In tbe brief space of three weeks. The
former Mildred Ackermann Is here buying
antique furniture and curiosities for her
home in Japan, where she will soon return
and permanently settle.
Countess Watchmelster, the daughter ot
Mr. Hubbell, tbe Iowa capitalist, and the
wife of the attache of the Swedish embassy
bere, speak enthusiastically over her tour
of America, whence she has just returned.
The Count and Countess Watchmelster
have been Invited to join the proposed
Vanderbllt party, which will go tiger bunt
ing upon the Invitation of the sultan of
Before moving from her old home In the
Rue Francois Premier to her new man
slon in the Rue Greuze, Mrs. Fanny Moul
ton, the well known New York society
leader, gave a splendid musical fete, which
concluded with dancing and a supper.
Another American who married a Cuban,
Mr. Sanchez de Larragoler, invited ove
600 persons, tbe flower of the Anglo-American
set, to a splendid costume ball. Mr.
Bradley-Martin, Mrs. Ogden Goelet, Mr.
Stuyvesant Ftah and Mrs. Astor were pre
ent. Ballet girls from the Grand opera,
costumed in Lout XVI dlrectolre atyle, fur
nished the various intermezzos, the minu.
etea and two marchescas. Various stars or
the theatrical firmament, including a team
of four clown, also furnished diversion,
The supper began at 3:30 ft. m. and lasted
until long after daylight.
Mr. and Mrs. William Laffan, head ot
the Laffan New agency, are J. Plerpont
Morgan'a constant companion at Alx Les
Bains. Mr. Bradley-Martin, jr., took a flying
trip there to engage apartment for his
mother and sister. Lady Craven.
Gladys Deacon, on the way from the
Riviera, stopped at Alx Les Bain just three
days, then unexpectedly rushed on to Paris,
where she Is busily engaged, In purchasing
things for the duchess of Marlborough. 8hs
111 shortly be In England, returning
hither for the grand prlx.
Compliments Both Manaaer of the
Production and General Wal
lace, the Anthor.
(Copyright, 1W. by Press Publishing Co.)
LONDON. May 10. (New York World
Cablegram Special Telegram) Queen
Alexandra, who Is an extremely ploua
woman, waa delighted with "Ben Hur,"
which she witnessed this week. She used
a royal box specially constructed for her
In the middle ot the pit so as to get the
full Illusion of the chariot race, which Is
somewhat lost If viewed from above. She sent
for Manager Collins after the performance
and said: "I congratulate you on most
beautiful production and I think General
Wallace deserve great praise for the
great reverence with which he treated
religious theme."
She rarely visit the theater, but she
aald she would f possible see "Ben Hur"
again. '
Plays First Violin la the Phllkamteale
Seelety ef His Xatrve City,
(Copyright. ISta. by Press Publishing- Co.)
VIENNA, May 10. New Tort World
Cablegram Special Telegram.) Kabeillr
has offered to undertake a Eoropeaa tour
with the Ptrrhannoalc society ot Pragns
at hi own expense. He will be tha fir it
violin and a member ot ths famous Bo
hemian string quartet- Nedbal will be
the conductor sad the Brat omussrta will be
given during; tha nnrrmaflnn festlvitl in
Ths town council of Prague has resolved
to oonfar a gold medal on Kubellk whan
ha return ta his natrra city
It npponla nt once to Rood singers nnJ v W sun fit trip leading
churches of Omaha, Council Bluffs, Tabor, Loffan and other towns today.
X t - - - .
Tor snle nt all music stores or sent, postpaid, by publisher on re
ceipt of 30 cents. i
Closing Week
The Distinguished Actor,
Prices, 50c to $2.50. Seats on
sale. Curtaiu rises at 8 p. ni.
The Bis; Musical Comedy,
When Reuben
Gomes to Town
Prlces-25c, 50c, 75c, $1.00.
niaco's Trocadero
Entire Week, Including Saturday Evening,
The American
The Cream ot Perfection.
In two new burlesques,
auK-umented by capable
comedians and large cho
rus, entitled,
A School for Scandal
A High Time on ths
oof Garden
Abler and Ackerman,
Comedy Acrobat.
Bernan and Van,
Two Little Qlnger Girls.
MeParland A Mnrrny,
Harbingers of Laughter.
Marie Barney,
Even In. 8:15. Teleohona 2iu aA .
ahow that will be an eye-opener.
and 6Jd St.
N. Y. City.
Ktrvnrwef Kedera
M .derate Bates Kselaatire
Ls tensive Ukrrwry Aereaaraae
Orcheatial Concert Every Eveniosj.
j m w m rmmm ine K.nsure
for descriptive Bookie.
jumtaO.N jLli V
Business Sti mula tars
Kountie Memorial
Mrs. 8otlemure.
Hlllslilr Congrega
tional lr. J. H. Wal
lace. First Presbyterian
Ml" Grace Northrup.
First Congregational
Miss Bertha Wil
liams. 8ewr.l St. M. E.
Ml" Mvota Schnlder.
Zlon Baptist Mr. O.
F.. Bradford.
Good Shepherd Miss
JesMe McCuney.
Trinity M. E. Mlsa
Zelma Carlson.
First Presbyterian
Mr. C I. Iewls.
St. Paul's Episcopal
Miss Ida Weiss Sey.
First Congregational
Miss Cora Schwarts.
Second Presbyterian,,
iurs. a. a. Novell.
Mrs. Dr. J. O. Wfeod,
Mlsa Emma Wil
kin s.
"It cost you less
To see tbe best."
The Great and Only
Otto Floto Shows
The most amazing aggregation ot
Animal Actors ever amassed la a
tented arena.
A Few of the Features.
100 beautiful trick and educated
Shetland Ponies, 60 performing Dogs
and Leaping Greyhounds, 25 Monkey
Comedians, Firemen, Bareback riders
and Acrobat, 6 Comical Midget
Clowns, 2 Funny "Rube," Bands, i
Monster Military Bands, the Only Bi
cycle Riding Elephant In the world,
"Nero," the biggest St. Bernard Dog.
alive, "Sapho,, the most beautiful of
all Shetland Ponies, "Peeja," the only
Pure White Sacred Monkey ever cap
tured, "Atom," the smallest Shetland
Pony in the world, and a host of
24 Hours of Continual Fun.
3 Days Only, beginning- II Y IK
2 Performances Dally (VIA. 13
A gorgeous, gold-gllttering spectacle
Street Parade each morning at 10
o'clock .
Ground 18th and Donsjlas Bts. I'
Campbell Bros. Great
Consolidated Shows
Will Bxhlblt at
South Omaha Monday, May 26
CnapprosMrhable in Wealth and
With an entirely new ahow new, eltx
gantly finished costume and wardrobes
The Last of HI Klnd"
Knows to exUt. As large as an elephant.
open at 1 and 7 p. m.
Thomas J. Kelly
Studlo-Davidge Blk.
Teacher f Mandolin, Galtar es Baajev
112 Ramie Bile, 15th and Haruey Streets.
Studio hours, io a. m. to $ p. m., except
Tuesday and Friday.
dMtqd.. Drtt, Caifortm. Lfa
sow Md br is tniw niu f ioC
" ',..V"H aiMv iinruuifliii vi
iu. liluArwiMi. wuuUi frit', l
Mil Sum S iBatrmatioB lor
imimi Bc 4- Bkffi ia Iuttrif
tT0 e HEALY. 61 Adssis St., Chlcsao.
to Wl Ut,mt M Mmm. SMI
Smji km k a.m."
12 :-JU TO t P. U.
SUNDAY 6 K P. It. bWv
ia a apeuial Mill!-
J. B. MA
C. H. Pet)!. 4
A.. U. CaveoiaM-i,