12 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, MAY 11, 1902. Ufn) mm- A Very Special Silk Sale ATE Lave a splendid assortment of white silks, including Japa ' nose silks 30 inches wide, corded silks, peau do cygne, em broidered inouHHeline de Lyon, Louisene, washable peau de Levant and grenadines in plain and broche effects. These dainty white fabrics are especially adapted for graduating dresses. The val ues we offer in this lot range up to ?2 a yard, our special prices are fiOc and 99c. 75c and $1 Foulards 35c ling t'l 67c $1.25 Crepe de Chine 6Ac, Betln and twilled foulards, 24 inches wide, All silk crepe de chine, 24 tnchef wli. err pretty pattern, imall add medium different shades. Including f'ack a designs. There la Juat enough in each white, the regular $1.25 q pattern for sq entire cog- fsaf special Monday tume, value are 75c and j " at, per $1 yd., apeclal price ' yard BLACK TAFFETA SPECIALS The following bargains in black taffeta merit an early call Monday: 20-inch black taffeta worth 50c yd., at .... 35c 22-inch black taffeta worth 75c yd., at.... 55c 24-inch black taffeta worth 98c yd., at" .... Goc 27-inch black taffeta worth f 1.25 yd., at. . . . 75c 3G-inch black taffeta worth ?1.39 yd., at ... . 89c Moire Velours Special Moire velours, moire antique and velours renaissance, very popular fabrics at about half their value. 21 inches wide, at, yard . . 49c 25 inches wide, at, yard ,. 88c 22 inches wide, at', yard . . 69c 27 inches wide, at, yard t. 98c w 36 inches wide, at, yard fl.25 .r. Silks on Bargain Squares At 49c and 69c yard we are offering silks that range in value up to $1.50 yd. The lot includes the famous Cheney Bros, foulards, fancy silks, yard wide washable china silks, black and colors, fancy peau de soie, moire velours, black A (in H(n grenadines, Shantungs and pongee novelties 4VC'07C New Summer Millinery 147E are daily in receipt of many new things in beautiful white pattern hats, white untrimmcd body hats, white leghorns, white sailors, white flowers, white wings, white breasts, birds and quills, and white pompons. These comprise the very newest ideas of the Paris and New York millinery world and represent Dame fashions, conclusive edict for the summer of 1902. . Pattern Hats $7.50 At $7.50 we offer you choice of several hundred hati, part of which have been on hand since the beginning of the season, and the balance being those left from our remarkable Joseph Pattern Hat purchase. Most of these hats commanded nearly four times the price we offer them at, so It can be readily seen what a genuine bargain surprise ' in store for all those who want a swell hat. 750 Ladies' Trimmed Hats $5.00 The Beit Values in America Again we offer an immense aaaortment of our grand Ave dollar haU. At this price you will find as hand.nm .n array of Trimmed Hats ! It is possible to get together. We repeat, that these bats ro positively the beet values In America, for the money. For Monday we have Included a line of large, beautiful drooping Newport baU, splen didly trimmed with soft flowers, velvet ribbon and lace, usually sold at, $7.00, for $5 Ladies' Trimmed Hats $1.00 and $2.50 OX MAIN FLOOR AND IN BASEMENT For Monday's rapid selling we have placed on our second floor and basement counters a large number of Trimmed Hats, which are some of the goods culled at random from our ana o.uu qualities ana oi wnicn we nave no more of the same materials, hence we must close tkem out at ........ 1.00-2.50 Children's Trimmed Leghorn Hats $1.00 Another big lot of those flse Leghorns tor children, trimmed with 4 f g chiffon, ribbon and flowers, sold everywhere at $2, for Xellvl Children' Trimmed Hats 69c IS dosen fancy braid pretty Flats, shapes for children, in all the good colors, trim med with pretty striped gause ribbons, never sold ior less than $125, for 59c .Orand clearance of Street Hats at 25c, 49e, . 88c regular value $1 to $5. Untrimmed Lerhorn Hats J 9c and 75c 139 dosen Untrimmed Leghorn Hats for children and misses' purchased from New York Importers at about 40 per cent below regular prices. They are very fine quality and should Interest every mother who Is ready to purchase a Leg- 1ft. TC born hat OVC'ldC Annual May Sale of Flowers Our annual May Flower sale takes place beglnlng Monday and will last throughout the entire month. At this sale we offer the odds and ends of "V m New York Importers' stocks bought by us at less I I JC" aT than cost to Import per bunch W 4 Kj w To Remodel the Shoe Dept. Every Pair of Shoes Marked Down A Tremendous Shoe Sale We bars determined to remodel our entire shoe department to double IU selling room and make It the moat complete and up-to-date shoe store la the United States. Before tearing down and rebuilding we will sell out every pair of shoes la the entire stock, so as to reopen with all new lines. We cave remarked every pair. We have cut prices all the way from tea to fifty per cent. No matter how new the stock Is and most of our summer shoes are already la no exceptions have been made. The only difference being that when the lota are small or broken the prices have beea cut Just so much deeper. Each succeeding day will add excitement to the sale. Ou the mala floor the shoes are all in their original car. tona on the shelves, with the reduced prices marked in plain figures. In basement, however, most all are on bargain squares. In Basement on Bargain Squares 2,000 Pairs Ladies' Oxfords that we have beea Bell Ing for up to $3.00 a pair, go at ml 75c mm In Summary of Today's Advertisement tj VEUY department has news of unusual interest tomorrow. Opportunities for money sav ing were never greater or more plentiful. .Various reasons govern the selling of such de sirable and dependable grades of merchandise at reduced prices but rensons are of no con sequence to you you are absorbed in the fact that the prices are in your favor. The sales that' merit your most careful attention are the following: Sale of John Anisfield & Co.'s Cloak Stock. An exceptional Wash Goods Sale. May Muslin Underwear Sale. Sale of Laces and Embroideries. The Great Shoe Sale. Sale of Summer Millinery. The Special Jewelry Sale. The Sale of Silks. John Anisfield & Co.'s Cloaks TPHE Bale of this stock of fashionable outergarments offers untold advantages. We A bought it at 30c on the dollar and are selling everything the stock contains in about the same proportion Jchn Anisfield & Co.'s original prices still remain on the garments and the comparative values -we quote are based on them. Silk lined tailor made suits in the new Eton, Gibson and Illouse styles, made of the very best and newest fabrics, the skirts have silk drop lining. There is but one of each kind. All exclusive novelties, John Anisfield & Co.'s prices ranged from $40.00 to 150.00, your choice of all of them tomorrow at Elegantly tailored suits in the newest styles and of the best fabrics, including etamine, cheviot and Venetian, in all the popular shades. The skirts have silk drop lining. All exclusive gar ments, ranging in value from f30 to $40, your choice of the lot' at A IV 1SV..4V7J1 I MfV VA V goo The Jackets J. A. 6t Co. sold for $12.50 to $15 will be placed on sale tomorrow at $3.98 The lot includes Eton, Gibson and Blouse styles, in broadcloth, covert ana cneviot, in all colors and black, g silk moire and satin trimmed j The Jackets that J. A. & Co. sold for $15 to $20 will be placed on sale tomorrow for $7.50 These are silk Gibson and Blouse jackets, made of moire, taffeta and peau de pJ sole, stitched In white, chiffon stream- 1 era, white and black silk and satin A m J V M I'ned, for w SILK ULSTERS and RAGLANS T. A. & Co.'s 49.00 Silk Ulsters ?24.50 J. A. & Co.'s 42.50 Silk Ulsters $24.50 J. A. & Co.'s $35.00 Silk Ulsters $14.50 J. A. & Co.'s $30.00 Silk Ulsters $14.50 J. A. & Co.'s $17.00 Silk Ulsters $6.98 J. A. & Co.'s $15.00 Silk Ulsters $6.98 SILK, CLOTH and GOLF SKIRTS J. A. & Co.'s $50.00 Silk Skirts for $24.50 J. A. & Co.'s $45.00 Peau de Soie Skirts for ..... .$19.00 J. A. & Co.'s $35.00 Silk Costume Skirts for . . $15.00 J. A. & Co.'s $22.50 Silk Skirts for $10.00 J. A. & Co.'s $17.50 Silk Skirts for $6.98 J. A. & Co.'s $20.00 Cloth Skirts for $10.00 J. A. & Co.'s $10.00 Cloth Skirts for $3.98 J. A. & Co.'s $8.00 Golf Skirts for ... . . $2.98 TAILOR-MADE SUITS J. A. & Co.'s $25.00 Tailor-Made Suits for $10.00 J. A. & Co.'s $10.00 Tailor-Made Suit's for $5.00 John Anisfield & Co.'s Waists THIS is an excellent opportunity to buy waists. These are the newest styles and the prices average much less than half. Chicago Price $10.00 Our Price $2. 50 John Anisfield & Co.'s entire stock of waists, in black silk moire, black peau de soie and colored taffetas, in the new Gibson and Mili tary effects, not a waist in the entire lot sold for less EJf" than $10, and some sold up to $15 choice on main floor Chicago Price $3.50 Our Price 95c All of John Anisfield & Co.'s high-cost shirt waists in sheer India llnon, white pique, fancy Swiss, with lace and embroidery Insertion and trimmin. fancy tucked and hemstitched effects, fast colors, percales, sheer dimity, g E etc.. every waist in this lot sold in Chicago at 83.60, KJ T"l on main floor at t- w Muslin . Underwear and Corsets HPHERE is no need of making your own muslin underwear when you can buy such dainty and well-made garments at such figures. Every price we mention represents a great saving. The corsets have suffered the greatest price reduction, owing to the fact that they are odd lots. Read the news in detail, don't miss an item. Nif tit fowns, skirts, drawers, corset covers and skirt chemise they are trimmed with the finest laces and embroid eries and made of the finest muslins, cam. brie, and Ions: cloths. Many garments in tnis lot were maricea to sell at 12.00 each. We will place them on bar gain squares and price them Knit Underwear Women's and Children's Jersey Ribbed Vests, s!eeI, all sizes, some lace trimmed 19o value for. . .v 95c 10c Women's tine cotton aud lisle thread undcrvests, in white, cms and fancy colors, all sites, handsomely trimmed f with 5c qualities 1 J for Women's, misses' and boys' underwear. The women's under, wear are of fine lisle thread, Ecrvtlaa cotton and silk mercerized ' vests nave long and short sleeves sad some are sleeveless all sties. vests and pants worth 60c to 75c a garment choice for Corsets 59c Worth $1, $1.50, $2.00 All the high class corsets from the Chicago stock. No matter what the price was, in cluding Warner's, W. 13. American Idy and Gage Down, made of the finest light 25c weight batiste and French coutll. in the latest stylns. straight front effect la white, black and drab, all sixes, go at 59c High Grade Wash Fabrics MAIN FLOOR EXCEEDINGLY tempting quotations on the most fashionable summer lress fabrics note the reductions Pure White Motissellne De Soie 32 inches wide the usual ora filing price Is 65c a yard Monday's special price Mercerized Madraa-pure white waitings, a very handsome and or stylish fabric the 69c quality, per ysrd j)C E.'f m.lne -32 inches wide, puM white, very stylish for suits- rtc? the 60c quality, per yard 4 Sfj 50c and 75c Wash Fabrics 39c a yd. At this price we sre offering a number of the tnont beautiful and stylish fabrics, in eluding Bird's-eye Madras, Boul de Sole, Etamlnes, silk tissues, - v Grenadines, etc. regulsr 60c and 76o Jk fj goods ; -7 V Special Dress Goods Bargains 52-inch Mack Clcllllan Mohair -the tl.60 grade OCT P 'Ti OiDC Voile Etamine all colors, 44 inches wide $1. 50 erade r p p rrJ OOC Mohair Brilliantlne-fn pink, c-mtti. sky blue, black, cardinal AC and navy 75c grade special, per ysrd awasaBMeaaaBMasiBBBMBs) Jewelry and Belt Sale Ladies Belts, satin pleat, ed, velvet and elastic, with beautiful oxidized buckle?, in straight and pointed effects, with hark nnH nirlo I t. buckles to match, 1 Qp 50c and 75c values lVL A sample line of sterling silver novelties and manicure pieces. These are extra large sizes, all stamped and warranted 925-1000 fine. The stock comprises tooth brushes, nail brushes, files, curlers, button hooks, darn ers, scissors, cuticle knives, seals and bracelets values range from 50c to $1.00 on sale 15C 25C Fine ebonoid toilet articles with sterling silver trimmings, Including tooth brushes, darners, baby brushes, blotters, flies, button aw) hooks, salve Jars, match holders and pomades worth if' 25c each, at 'W In Wash Goods Section BASEMENT npiIIS department has earned for itself the name of "Always Busy Department," because in the wash goods section we are doing at present a most phenomenal business. We have fabrics just as soon as they come out. Tomorrow we offer some exceptional bargains in popular price wash goods. We will sell 250 pieces of corded dimity and One lot of plain batiste that have Just arrived they gener ally sell at 25c, at yd... fine corded dimity, in all the newest and latest patterns P7 nC that generally sell at 16o, nC we will offer them at, yd .... w One counter of regular 6c and 7 He corded lawns, we offer tomorrow at, yd One table of heavy oxford shirt ing that generally sells at 15c yd., we offer tomorrow, yd.. 2c 5c One counter of fine jaconets In the new linen color printings, with oriental stripes that are so popular. Most of them are selling at 12Hc yd. else where, we offer a big table of them tomorrow at, yd.... 5c At the White Goods Counter A superior quality of India llnon that would be cheap at 15c, and often sell at 19c, we offer tomorrow In full pieces at, yard Not more than one full bolt to each customer. .... 10c One large lot of white goods In lace stripe. satin effect, madras shirt waist effects, etc. regular price 19c and 25c all at, yard One large table of red and white prints, the regular 7Hc kind, at, yard 12c 3c One big lot of checked nain sook, the regular 1o kind, in full pieces, at, yd. One counter fine white plain lawns, regular 7Ho goods, go at, yd One lot fine 32-lnch wide percale, at, yard 3 3 'c c 5c Extra Special Odd Lace Curtains 25c One table of odds and ends of all kinds of lace curtains. These are from our regular line, but are In small lots, one and two and three pairs of a kind, all go tomorrow at, each 25c Lace and Embroidery Sale M ONDAY we will place on sale several lots of fine laces and embroideries at about half the usual selling prices. Embroideries of fine cambrio, swiss and nainsook In all width very pretty styles and patterns on sale in two lota 6Jc -17Jc for 10c and 1fic embroid. cries and insertlngs. for 25c and 35o em broideries and insert -ings. Laces New Irish Point, Venice and Batiste lace galoons, lace bands and me dalllon laces, exquisite styles. In white Arab and ecru t m P colors worth up to 11.00 a yard Z0C"iUC"0C New Black Silk Galons and me New Set Top Oriental Laces fine dalllon lacei a great variety worth up qualities, 8 to t inches wtde. In white and to 86c a yard C- ecru, worth up to at IMLf OL 60c. at 15, 10c, 5c French Valenciennes laces, insertions and headings a great variety 12-yd. bolt for 15c and 25c Very Special Drug Prices GREAT sale of perfumes Monday at 10c per ounce the regu lar 0c quality in the following odors: White rose, helio trope, white lilac, carnation pink, American rose, jockey club, violet, crab apple blonsom and others. IJring your own I fgi bottles but 3-oz. to a customer per oz Perfumed talcum powder, per can 3c 4711 White Rose soap, per cake 10c Pears' Unsceated soap, cake 9c Crad dock's Blue soap, cake Ac 1-lb. Absorbent cotton 19c 8-ox. bottle Witch Hssel 12c 25c Hair Brush for 9o Quart bottle pure Port Wine 29c Quart bottle pure 8herry Wine 29c Quart bottle Rye Whiskey ROc These prices sre Just half the usual prices. We have a complete line of pare wines and liquors for medicinal purposes. Quart botJe Wood Alcohol ....25c Any tooth brukh in the house worth up te 60 each tomorrow, for 15c BOSTON BTOnii . I J. L. BItANDEIS & SONS. EOSTOX STOKE. , I . J. h. BltAKDElS & 60X8. I BOSTON STOBE. I J. B. BBANDEI8 & 60SS. BOSTON STOBE.