THE OMAHA DAILY I1KK: SUNDAY, MAY 11, 1002. 1 1 BASE BALL GOSSIP OF WEEK Omaha Holds Iti Lead Easily and Looki Good at Home. TEAMWORK THE SECRET OF ITS SUCCESS ladlvMaalltr t-ont la KfTaria Milif Prefer Machine aad Rrnalt . la Flue start la Ratt Doing fairly well. Five unifi out of sla at home and tlx raises out rf Seven abroad la not such a bad record. Acd what a howl the susress ef the 0 oah team has set up In some Quarters. One or two of the dopemakere for w.ter papers, whose eyes are turned Inward, have shouted a dally chorus ct "Walt till Denver gets there:" or "Walt till Kansas City romes!" We are waiting, and will welcome the Kent of both the Cowboys and the Grizzlies. Moreover, we'll guarantee them an hour or two rf real lively work every day they play In Omaha. It Is too much to expert that Omaha will win I! Its xames, but The Bee s'ands by what it said before the araon opened, that the team winning from Omaha will have to bustle all the time. No one could be more anxious than the Omaha fans for a clash feMween Omaha and Kansas City and Omaha and Denver on the home grounds. They know what the Rourkltea can do, and are srer to find out what some of the others are cspsble of. However, the critics of th Omaha team must not rely on the fact that It is all good luck that has given the vic tories credited to the leaders. Some mighty fine ball playing has entered Into that re suit. For example. In the tie game with APeorla on the Omaha grounds, the visitors 'made twelve hits and got two runs In twelve .Innmgs. In one game at Peoria the Plratee made fifteen hits and got but three runs. It takes ball playing of the highest order to produc such results. Batting Is not the strong point of the Omahas, yet they man age to scrspe together a few hits Just at the right time In each game. It is the field ing of the team, its perfect co-operation, that has made it the leader. All other Western league teams have been criticised for lack of concerted action. Among the Omahas this has been developed to a high point. Not a record player has a position n the nine; each uembet Is a hard work ing part of a whole. Errors do not come frequently, owing to the skill of the Indi vidual players, but when an error does e' up It la generally the re?ult of a hard try1 on a ball a record player would have shirked. Thla la the real secret of Omaha s fcu?ces. It Is ball playing and not luck, as some of the critics will find out before the summer la ended. It la not impossible that the history of IrOO wlU be repeated. Then Omaha's team made a atrong Jump forward In the early part of the season, only to fall back later. One thing Is absolutely sure, and that Is that any alump the team may take this season will not be due to the cause which wrought Its downfall In ISM. It was an open secret then that dissension in the ranks of the players and flagrant disre gard for the ordinary rules of base ball discipline were the contributing causes of Omaha's dreadful slump. No repetition of that discouraging experience is likely. Only the best of feeling exists among the playera, and each has the Interest of the learn entirely at heart as much as If It were his own. On these tacts the Omaha tana are 'building their hopea. Kansas City has made a good stand on the home grounds and Is holding second place by a nice majority. The aeries with Omaha means much to both teams and ought to prove intensely interesting to the public. Denver will have opportunity thla Week to discover the easy spots supposed to exist at Milwaukee and Peoria. After finishing there Omaha will give the Orlx tUa welcome and prepare them for the reception that awalta them at home. Den ver has not been playing the aort of ball eapected from the team, the infield show ing especially weak. Davis Is playing his usual careful game at first, but Delehanty, Radclltfe and Dundon have been con stant contributors to the error column. Parke Wilson la doing his beat to steady the boys. Kansas City has been putting in a fast, consistent game. The other Mini have been playing erratic ball, Colo rado Springs and St. Joseph being the chief Cenders. That Missouri supreme court came Just In time to give Jimmy Manning a lead-pipe itnch on Jakle Welner. If there ever waa a "rubber leg" protected by court decision that act Ilk the old darkey'a coon trap, fouthpaw Jakle is the one. First, he be longs to Manning under the Pennsylvania decision, because the reserve clause doea hold good, and then he belongs to Manning cinder the Missouri decision because the re- Sent Free TfTat Packaf oi this) Now Dia. . ovary Mailed to Every Man tonvUng Nana mod Addres Quietly Restore Strength and Vigor. Fvwa trial paekare of a moot remark febta rarnedr ar balna- mailed to all who rlta th BtaU Metfloai Institute. They ar4 ao raaajr tnea who bad battled for V I I0BINS0N. M. D C NU Medical Director rears against th mental and physical suf fering of lust manhood that the Institute (a decided to distribute (re trial pacta t o U who writ. It ia a horn treat font and all men who suffer with any ionn of eaauai woakrvre raaultlug front Ktithful fully, prematura lea of etrengta 4 memory, ek back, varicocele, or tsacte,Ua of part can now our iham ilvaa at home The rmAv h., - --ii-iw t,,l -f to Men. : f fJa Jf of wartnth andseama to act direct th desired location giving atrangth and evelopmeqj Just where It to needed. It urw all (ho ill aad troubles that coma ran rrs of misuae of the natural funo iona and he baan an absolute auoceae in se e vmm. a neuaei le tea enate aieaieai , inaiuuie, TN Efcaalroa Building, rt. Wayne U4.. slating that yau daalra est of thatr rta trtal backaaea will be eomDlUd with proenptlr. The InaUtuta to daalroua at "1t M throat claea of snea who ar tenable to loav bam to b traatad and tna tra aampla wtil enable them t aa bow aaay It U to ba cured of aaaual weak- P" - 'h peP" remediee are em ployed. Th lnatitut tnaka no rastrte ttona. Any maa who wriiaa will ba sent a free aumtl. carefullv Beaded in a nlmla fT o that Its raclptaat need have no Ear amDaraaamaat or publicity. M.y-wy4 t ,T4jr vu 1 LejKaWt sens clause doesn't hold good, and the player may play where he pleases. And still we bear talk of "orgsnited" base ball. It Is about as badly dlaorganlied Just at preseot as It well could be, and la getting no better fast. In the major leagues the hurdlers are still in practice. "Dummy" Jack Taylor, the pitcher, Jumped from Cleveland to New Tork, and Clarence Wright, also of Cleve land's pitching staff, leaped to Brooklyn. It is reported that a deal is being cooked up whereby Lajole will plsy In New Tork for Freldmsa, who la willing to pay Colonel Rogers a nice sum fof the release of this cause of litigation. Thla would doubtless be very welcome to Magnate Phlbe. who la coughing up $1,100 per month to see Larry get fat on the bench. There are many other rumors afloat and there is reason to expect other moves among the "out-for-the-stutf" bunch. One of the unpleasant stories told dur ing the week ia that Byron McKlbbon went to Toledo to tamper with Dale Dear's team. No statement as to his success has yet been given out, but for the good of the Western lesgue it is hoped that he will tall. 80 far Jones of Denver and Welmer of Kansas City are ths only known hurdlers In the Western and they are two too many for the honesty of the game. 8t. Joseph prob ably needs to be strengthened, but why not do It in a legitimate way? Duffy is find ing new material for his Milwaukee team in National and American league cast-offs and It certainly seems that McKlbbon could do as well if he would only try. The affair also has the color of a confession of weak ness on the part of the Western league, for in coaxing players away from the Kan sas City American team its superiority Is admitted. Thla course is certain to gain sympathy for the opposition. It wss hoped by patrons of the game on both sides of the controversy thst the test of strength between the two organizations would be settled fairly and without resort to any underhanded or dishonest practice. In ducing players to jump contracts Is mani festly unfair and amounts to nothing less than the encouragement of dishonesty. Omaha patrons need not worry about Pitcher Brown leaving the team. President Sexton's order in his dual capacity merely involves the payment of a certain sum of money In event It shsll finally be de cided that Terre Hautu Is entitled to the same. Manager Rourks Is willing to pay the money If the case Is decided against him by th board of arbitration. Terre Haute claim Brown under a three-year reserve rule. Brown did not sign a con tract for the current year with the Indiana club, and la in no sense a contract Jumper. He is subject to Omaha's draft, though, and if the board holds that Terre Haul had a claim on him, then Rourke will have to pay the draft price. In the meantime Omaha will have the aervlces of one of the coolest, quickest and most effective pitchers who ever atood In the box for the Western league. Papa Bill's Interest In the game la further shown by his allowing Stone to remain at Peoria for another week at least. Stone la doing splendid work, both with the bat and in the field, and is a tower of strength with the Peoria team. Hla pres ence would assist Omaha In the batting department, but there is some question as to whether he can be trusted in the field aa the tried and tested men who are now there. People at Peoria were loth to part with him, for he U quite popular there, and ao will remain until the Plratea have at leait met the Denver and Colorado Springs teama. It is not Improbable that he will be allowed to finish the season with Hart, One of the really delightful features of the Western season so far haa been tho rejuvenation of Willy McGlll. Willy Wil son, Harry Vaughn and Harry Truby at Peoria. There's a quartet whose 00m- btned agea would go mighty near 160 years, and they are playing like a lot of colta. The liveliest youngster on the team ia not a circumstance to that bunch. Bill Wil son's catching ao far has been superb and that old wing of his, which we all thought waa dead, aeema as good aa a new one. Vaughn at orst ana TruDy at second ar playing Ilk Aneon and Pfeffer In their best daya, and McGlll haa pitched some excellent ball. Time works wonders, and one of them la to furnish ball player occasionally with a second time on earth. Th Official Guide of the National Asso ciation of Professional Baae Ball Leagues for the season or loz, known aa tne Minor League Guide," which haa been edited by T. H. Murnan of Boston, la out today. This is the first guide of the National Asso ciation of Professional Baae Ball Leagues and contains a complete history of ths minor leagues under the national agree ment, also the new national agreement now governing th minor league organizations. It contstns the official playing rulea, under which all games must be played, the aver agea of all the minor leaguea, th official minor leagu schedules and much othsr val uable Information. The book contains the portralta of the officers of the National as sociation, principal minor. league officials, etc. It Is published by A. O. Spalding Bros. New Tork, Chicago and Denver. ; CREIGHTON'S BASE BALL TEAM "Oanafca'a Owi" Bora Have Bets Male tag Great Record for Themaelvea. Th collegiate base ball season is at Its tenlth. A brief month mora and th stu dents diamonds will be deserted and grass aad weeda will spring up wtere bases were. Realising thla fart and realizing, also, that they have the material to make a champion team and hav a winning season th Crelghtoo university . boys ar exerting very effort to establish themselves as one of the cleverest collegia! aggregations ia th west. Th smaller college teams of th state hav easily fallen before th Omaha students, and ths fast Washburn college aggregatloa met Its defeat at their handa la a f to I game. The fact that Nebraska only run up T scores to Washburn's 1 shows how good Crelghton's feat waa and that the games between Nebraska and Crelghtoa toward the end of the aeaaon will prove very warm contests. Wisdom haa beta shown by securing Ed Lawler, the popular Original captain, -as special coach for Crelghton. Bealdea being able to play shortstop la a manner almost equal to tho averago professional Lswler la gifted with the beat powers for develop ing and rounding out a team. He inspires th players with coolness and nerve, coaches thsm up on ths scientific point of the game aad develops confidence and cer tainty ia every player. In tact, the Otig laala can thank Lawler for much of their good reputation and standing. Welch, who ba Uetm duiug such it twirling this season, had hla first ff day la th gam with th Nebraska Indiana. It waa a surprise to see steady old Harry go p la th air betori a band of tbfst aboriginal sluggers. Ia batting Welch leada lb team thla year with a percentage of .too. This la a surprisingly good record for a pitcher. At present Kthoe, th steady lltU right- fielder, I hla nearest competitor, with aa average of .100. Captain O'Keaf. whoa greet weakneee has always be, at the stick, is pulling up this year aad at present ranks fourth la batting averages. Lynch. Dlaecn. Clark and Bton ar also doing good work with the wUlow". It has beaa th object of the coaches t ktreagtbea the batting department of the team and they hav succeeded In developing one of the strongest hitting tesms In college uniforms. Bucklln and Colfer are making good show ings as slsb srtists. Colter's fine showing In the Indian game, where he pitched the last two innings, snd Bucklln's work on the eastern trip shows that both are prom ising young pitcher whose only needs are control and plenty of practice. Callahan, the brilliant little foot ball quarterback and last season's shortstop for the base ball team, has not msde quite the showing that was expected of him this aeaaon. The lad la quick, has a powerful arm, but Is some times troubled with "rattles." This Is due. perhaps, to the fact that he has been unwell this spring, and It Is not unlikely that he will pull back Into his old form before the sesson closes. Crelghton's abort eastern trip la over and now come heavy home games. On Msy 19 the swift Highland Park delegation will be taken in hand and it will require the Crelghton lads' mightiest efforts to conquer these penaant winning Hawkeyes. Then on Saturday, May 24. comes on of the biggest games of the Crelghton schedule. On that occasion "Omaha's Own" will have aa ad versaries the champion University of Ne braska team, and the event will undoubtedly prove the greatest In local amateur sport. This will be the first time that Crelghton and Nebraska have met In athletics and It is to be hoped that Omaha will hereafter be a frequent witness to contests between these two institutions. By Its strong show ing this sesson Crelghton has demonstrated ita right to play in faat company, in fact la the only college In the state that can In any way claim a team that has a chance ot success la a game with the university, and this opening with Nebraska Is a good omen. May SO will conclude Crelghton's home schedule by a game with Drake university. As yet Drake's strength has not been fully tested, but If It follows Its usual custom it will show the fans on the hill a very tine grade of ball. On May 31 Crelghton and Nebraska will meet at Lincoln in the clos ing games of both their schedules. WHEELMEN FORMING A CLUB Loral Bicycle Riders Will Again Have an Oraaalaatlon to Con trol Their A ft Ira. So earnest haa been the revival In cycling Interest that it la now almost ensured that Omaha la to have a bona fide wheel club. an expression of athletics which -the city has not possessed in four years. That a city the aize of this, and a city which was once as good a wheel town as this, should be without a bicycle club at any time Is a condition that furnishes an excellent ex ample of bow dead this sport became; that the wheelmen will be successful in rein carnating the organized interest In their game shows plainly how keen the return of loyalty to the "tin horse" Is, and how lasting It la likely to grow. No name is yet announced for the new club, nor la Its organization completed. Officers will shortly be elected, however, and all the committees essential to Its con duct named. In ita purview the new club will be somewhat different from us pre decessors here. No track meets will be Included in its intentions, the nearest, ap proach to this being probable road races under the exclusive auspices of the club. Even this competitive feature, however. Is to be kept more or lees In the background. as the great object ot the club ia to be for pleasure purely, and road runs, evening ridea and picnic wheeling Journeya will be the matters upon which most stress will be placed and moat attention given from day to day and week to week. People in the small towns about have already awakensd to the fact that the bi cyclers from Omaha, who a few years ago kept their quiet streets awhlr with whiz zing wbeela, are again to vteit them. From Blair cornea a atandlng invitation from a hotelkeeper to a corking good dinner tor aa many aa will come whenever the run ia turned in that direction. This proposition has made a big hit with the wheelmen and they intend to put Blair on their acbedule very near the top of the list. That run from Omaha to Blair and re turn, by the way, funlshee just about the Ideal atunt for a day's wheeling by riders who are In good condition and who have been riding regularly long enough to get Into the awing of th action. It la twenty five mile up and Just about as many back. and the road offer about all In the way of level atretchea and hills here and there that can be desired by those who dislike monotonous runs. To take a day for a run of that length, with two or three hours for dinner and loafing at the Blair end. meana a degree of speed and a lack of strain ideal from a standpoint of real helpful exercise, pleasure and healthful profit generally. Thla le the most popular middle distance run about Omaha, and has been ao for year. In the heydey of the wheeling sport here many fierce road race were held over it. It means no heartbreak Ing, mankilllng "century" pace to cover it eaelly in a abort day. The rain last Sunday afternoon prohibited th ran which had been planned to Cres cent City, Ia., and return. A crowd of wheelmen th size of which waa extremely flattering to the future of the game here, was at the starting point, and the band gat away together Ike a amall army. Before the cycler were out of the city, however, the rain cut in and the run waa cut out till today. Thla afternoon the start will be made from Seventeenth street and Cap itol avenue, aa uaual, the time being 1:10. The exhibition of keen interest in road riding la extremely pleasing to the wheel men who are leadens In the local revival movement Every day, too, brings to notice another bunch of the oldtlmera who are taking a hand. Even the veteran Jack Kaatmaa la aeea again astride tho leather, and be seems to enjoy it as much as ha did years ago, though in a lesa violent form. It is expected that organisation of the new wheel club will be consummated thla week. In that event there will be a sched ule of evening rvns very soon now, for that feature will be one of the first to which the club will give ita attention. Thla will un doubtedly provj a moat attractive matter thla summer, and It would not be eurprta ing it the evening runa, which the long summer evenlnga will permit to be ot aome length, would be even a better drawing card than the weekly Sunday ridea. LOCAL HORSE NEWS OF WEEK Oesalp frana Track, Stable and Pad doek Akest the Harneaa Raerri. P. H. Height attended the recent sale of W. Chamberlain's korses at Clarka, Neb., and returned wlthwlght head. The pick of the lot ia Hopkins, 6-year-old, cheetnut gelding, pacer, by Taconn-t 11845, dam Sally Kopkiua bf Casitua M. CUjT. Jr., St. lisp kins la considered one ot the best green pacer in the atate. Another purchase was Union, a bay pacing gelding by Taoonnet, dam Thornanlne. out of the dam of Thorn -less. J: It; Little Thorns. Ml. and others, by Venture liTJ. a bob of Artatoe axa aaaa m. niuamee, anotnsr pure baa, la a yearling roaa oolt. paoer, by Taoonnet. dam Queen, dam of Tom Lee. t ltVa. by Captala Walker, son of Major EdsalL A yaarliag filly, full slater to Hopklna, waa purchased and looks promising. Another yearling par chase la the cheatnut filly Babatta. by Ta coonet, dam Payaetta, out of tha dam of Dob Payne. J ig, mad Chanolag. MS1, by Joe r. Pay a ITT. Aaotaar oa of th lot Is a bay yearling filly. Florian. by Tacon net. dam Alcanine, by Alrantaru. I aire of Altro. 2:11. and others. The only aged animal bought was the mere Song stress, by Protector 142T. son of Mamhrlno Patchen Ei. dam Louette by Kentucky Prince 2tT0, sire of forty-one; granddam The Smith Mare by Strldeamay 1955, tire of Pratt, 2:28, and others, by Princepa. Last Sundsy, sltbough s chilly day, found L. F. Crofoot at the track, and his pacer, which be then speeded for the first time thla spring, msde a remarkable showing He was taken right out of a buggr and hitched to a cart and driven a half-mile In I IS, the last quarter In SS seconds. After less than fifteen minutes' cooling out Mr. Crofoot drove him a quarter In seconds, a 2:25 gait. Mr. Crofoot'e horse Is a black gelding without a record and is called Gov ernor Taylor. W. A. Paxton In the next few days will be drlvina for the first time hla new r.r. rlage team. One of the horses is a rnarh horse which be haa owned for some time! the other Is Con a full hmiher in pnilv Fox. 2.29. bv The Conmiernr z-1?u H.m Senator'a Maid, with a record of 2:30, by HI Belden (thorouehbred). rranddam Hattle Brown by Dan Brown, 11574. Three horses arrived at the track last week from Hastings. The best known of the two is Tony W.. 2 18V. by E. W. M , 19852. son of Red Wing. 2:30, dsm Trinket by Toung Prlnceps, grandson of Prlnceps; granddam. Don Belts by a grandson of Hambletonlan. 10. Tony W. is owned by W. H. Crow, who has accompanied him to Omaha, where he will make hla first start. After a few weeks In the Nebraska circuit he will go east, probably as far as Cincin nati. George M. Babbitt has also accom panied an animal by Graham's Mambrino. dam, Maggie M. by Blue Buck. The third horse Is a 4-year-old pacer called Billy the Kid. the property of a Mr. Comstock of Hastings. H. J. Root has sold his trotter, St. Pet ersburg, 2:18, by Russia, 2.2'.i, a son of Nutwood; dam,' Neppy, by William Ryedyck. Clinton Brlgg's horses now stationed In Omaha are what Is left of a ten years' ex perience In breeding trottera. Mr. Brlggs bought a half interest In the horses of Ed Pyle of Syracuse, Neb., In 1892. One of the horses In the lot was a dun gelding that has since become famous and is now used on the Brooklyn speedway by a prom inent eastern business man. The gelding la Newsboy, by Brentwood, a grandson of Hambletonlan. 10. Newsboy haa a pacing record of 2:124, a trotting record of 2:2014, beelde a running and Jumping record and a proud list of victories In horse shows In different parts of the country. Another fast one at thla time waa Goldnote, a well known fast, cream-colored pacer. Still an other 'fast one was the gelding Falrywood, who won the Minneapolis trotting derby three times In succession. This derby Is a three-mile event and Falrywood got a three-mile record of 7:30H. He la now be ing used for ice racing In Toronto, Cansda. The two stallions at the head of the Alam Ito stock farm at that time were Hurly Burly and Alamlto. These two stallions were both raised at the Fashion Stud In Trenton, N. J., the once famous breeding establishment of the east, and have not ben parted since they left Mr. Brlggs' hands. Although they were sold at dif ferent times, they were both purchased by the same man in Austria and they are now at Vienna. Alamlto, 2:134, waa sired by .Eagle Bird, 2:21, son of Jay Bird; dam. Aurania, by General Washington, 1161. Hurly Burly had a record of 2:16. but It was no measure of his speed. He was aired by Rumor. 2:20; dam, Lucia, by Jay Gould, 197, granddam by George M. Patchen. From these two stallions haa come aome of the fast trotters of Nebraska and their blood still runs through a number of horses till owned in Omaha. BOWLERS MAKE SUMMER PLANS Post-Season Tnrneya at Ten Plna and Nine Plna on the Dooka at Preaent. Again have the local bowlers altered their plana. First they fixed it up to have a aummer one-man tenpln tourney aa a wlndup affair. Then they determined that a two-man tenpln tourney waa the proper denouement for the season Just ending. The lateat now ia to have two tournaments, a one-man tenpln affair and a one-man nlnepln contest. For these events full arrangementa have been completed and the nlnepln tourney, at least, ia now a cinch. It will begin thla week, probably Tuesday night, and twenty men will play. Four prizea are up and the entrance fee la $1. The tourney will con stat of a total of eighteen gamea of ten frames each. These will be played off three at a whirl, on Clark'a alleys, the contest thus consuming six weeks. Ten men each will play on two nlghta a week, thua get ting through the list. The entrlea to date are: J. J. Berger, Charlea French, George Chatelain, H. Beselin, I. S. Hunter, C. B. Orlfflths, C. H. Mullln. L. O. Shrader, George Forgan. W. W. Whlttaker. W. H. Emery. M. R. Huntington, W. J. Little. J. R. Snyder. Jamea A. Clark and B. B. Davla. These men are all nlnepln experts, many of them caring more for thla game than for tedptna Itself. Some ot them never play anything else. The competition In the tourney will be keen, the rivalry hot from the start, and the contest will be further Interesting because of ita being the first nlnepln tourney to be held In Omaha. For the one-man tenpln tournament things do not look quite so bright yet, and It will probably not be commenced till next week. For thla, again, twenty entrlea are desired. This will also continue alx weeka and there are alx prizea announced. The first Is a gold medal, the others, in turn, $10, $7, 15, S3 and $2. There will be two nlghta of play a week, alwaya on alleys No. 2 and I at Clark'a. Ten men will play a night, and each will play all evening on the aame alley, changing to the other alley the next night he plays. Ths entries to date are: C J. Francisco, M. R. Hunting. The uaTiie Itch King rightfully belonps to Eczema, for no other disease can approach it in the intensity and fierceness of its itching. It is an irresistible and overpowering itch, nnlike that produced by any other disease, or from any other cause. Eczema's itch is torture, ami, at times, so distracting that the sufferer scratches till the skin is broken and streaked with blood. Scratching does harm, of course, but the eczema patient is deaf to reason and reckless of conse quences when the itching begins . Eczema is caused by a too acid blood and the retention in the system of uratic and other waste matters which the proper organs have failed to remove, and, through the circulation, these irritating poisons are carried to the surface of the body, producing inflammation and redness of the skin, pimples, pustules and blisters, discharging a gummy, sticky fluid, which dries and AN UNENDURABLE ITCHING. I suffered for three years with Eczema on the lower part of ray leg and ankle, and it became ao badly swollen that 1 could not wear toy shoe and was practi cally a cripple most of the time. I spent a good deal of money without relief, and had about given up hope of ever getting rid of the tormenting disease, which at times itched almost beyond endurance. When my attention waa called to S. S. S. I decided to try it and began to improve at once, and in a short time was cured. The S. S. S. also built up my general health, and I feel better in every way. I am convinced S. S. 8. is the greatest knor'Ti remedy for Eczema. H. B. Sweet, 116 ralmetto St. Chattanooga, Tenn. the body is overheated, is almost unbearable. In Eczema the blood must be treated, and not the skin, if a permanent cure is effected. Local applications of washes, ointments or salves allay the itching aud burning to some extent, but do not reach the acid-laden blood, or cleanse the circula tion of the accumulated waste, but S. S. S. does, and by thus removing the cause, the irritating eruption disappears, the itching and burning ceases and the unhealthy skin becomes soft and smooth again. S. S. S. cures Eczema and all skin diseases of the Uric Acid type, restoring to the thin, sour blood all of its lost properties, making it rich and pure again. All parts of the of Blood Purifiers, is the only known medicine that conquers Eczema, the Itch King of skin diseases. Write us about j'our case, and our physicians will advise you without charge. Our illustrated book on skin diseases will be sent free to all who desire it. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, Atlanta. Ga. ton, H. L. Fowler, Tom Reynolds, W. W. Hartley, D. J. O'Brien. F. J. Bengele. Meanwhile the long awaited series be tween the German and American teams ia announced to begin thla week. It haa been decided to have four meetings, each man to throw three games ot ten frames at a session. Two nights' play will be bowled at Clark'a alleys, two at Lents & Williams'. Only one contest will be held a week, ao the match will continue four "weeks. As further proof that the month of May is yet to be the hotbed of more bowling than any period of the whole year comes the news that the Omaha league team, which won the league championship this season, has finally completed all arrange ments for Its matches with the Nebraska City champion team. There will be four meetings of these teams, two at Nebraska City first, then two here. Three games of ten frames will be played at each contest. In order to avoid making two trips each way or staying over two nights It has been suggested that the teams play In the after, noon, and again the same night. This will probably be done. The gamea in Omaha will be on Clark'a alleys. It Is said that the matches will commence next week. Charlea French has the last week rolled up twenty-eight points straight at ninepins, which is the best lob at thla game ever done In Omaha, and supposedly in Ne brsska, as no record of a mark aa good aa that la known to local followers of ths game. It la certainly a wonderful record and waa made In three gamea, not In four. French dropped the last two points out of thirty frames. Bowlers have been interested In the bresklng of the world's record for team tenpina, two men, thirty framea each, at Providence, R. I., last week. The Provi dence team in winning from the Fall River team bowled 1,607, beating the record by two plna. OFT OF THE ORDINARY. A strange rase Is that of Mrs. Mary Elvira GUWpie, who at the age of M haa Just been admitted to a hospital in Denver. She Is the mother of thirty-seven children, Including fifteen seta of twins, but all have drifted away from her and she knows not the address of one of them. A New York paper tells how the little daughter of a multimillionaire name not given is taken for a walk every pleasant morning. The child la accompanied by two maids, one walking on either side, and be hind these come two men servants, burly of build, of determined aspect and both armed with revolvers. All this because the parents fear their darling may be kid naped. The nine Wlrta brothers of Forest Grove, Ore., have formed themselves Into a baae ball team and stand ready to cross bats with any family nine in the world. The boys, all stalwart and athletic, are sons of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Wirts, who lived near Waukesha. Wis., from IMS to 1878, conducting a tavern. Then the family moved to Forest Grove, where Mr. Wlrta died ten yeara ago. The young men are all sound democrats, like their late father. George C. Carrie, a St. Iulsan 25 years of age. has what promises to become a great lytic tenor voir-e. He la a member of the choir of tha Grsnd Avenue -Presby. teiian church and sings two octaves and a half tone and goes to high C twenty times Beauty's Blood Deep How untrue the old adage "Beanty'a Skin Deep." How many women of beautiful feature marred by impure blood try in vain to get a pure complexion by doctoring the akin. The quickest, surest, only way to beauty is to cleanse the blood. "I tisva Wea tsklBff CufinU for ptaiplaa and hav frll bnfltd." Miftt Oortmcl Grant. Cambridge, Mast, au wrw wll wlta Casearsia. Tkar art t-s f : r tht ecmpisxi ' - " Mtu Cutirui C. Cbgmaa. . English. Ia. "Cnsrnrtt will eUar ths erkaanUstna of holla. ilmplrt nns b!ackba4a ravaaa br imparo A. a. urima. a. v.. ainkbiasais, Taiaa. "Caenru hav dona s great goal of good foe Ba nua far ail our faaullfT' - Mua Fionas Cook. Waastar City, la. How many, many young women are anaemic, pale, sickly-looking, perhaps with pimple on face and neck, owing to poor, unhealthy blood. Perhapa womanhood is approaching, that serious time of life when irregularities ar liable to break down a constitution. Tha first rule for purifying and enrich tag tha blood is to keep th bowels free and natural, gently but positively, without nervous shock, and Cascaret Candy Cathartic is the only medicine to do it. m . - a Beat for the Bewala. All 4rwf.gists, toe, sjc, Joe. Neva sol ta rVvVvVJ bulk. Tba genuine Ublct stamp C C C. Guaraatae to cuaf awariiafj Hardens into scales or bran-like particles, or forms into great sores or scabs. These highly inflammatory poisons break down the pores and glands of the skin, and cause it to harden, crack and bleed. This is one of the most inveterate and painful forms of this disease. Eczema attacks the head, face, arms, chest, back, legs and feet in fact, any and every part of the body. It niaj' come m sparcely scattered patches or break out in large spots, but whatever the form, or wherever located, the itching at times, especially after return? or when system take on new life, and all inflammation subsides under the influence of the nourishing, cooling blood. Chronic sufferers from any form of Eczema or other skin troubles will find S. S. S. a remedy that they can rely upon, no matter how severe the disease or how long it has resisted other treatment. S. S. S. contains no Arsenic or mineral of any descrip tion, but is guaranteed tmrelv vegetable. S. S. S.. the Kim? within ten minutes without perceptible fatigue. His range Is a full tone greater thHn that of Jean de Rcke, the world's most eminent lyric tenor. Keoently Mme. Lillian Nordlca, hearing him sing, said: "The young man has one of the most re markable voices 1 have ever heard." Thirty artlsta entered Into competition for designing and executing the equestrian statue of General George B. McClellan. for which congress at Its last session appro priated The competition Is now eloped and for two weeks all the modele will be on view in Washington. It Is pro vided that the statue must represent the character and Individuality of the subject. The commission having the matter In charge will ieot four models which are most meritorious. For each of tliese a prise of will be award' d. and final selection will be made from that set. Miss Lotta Greenup, who Is aiding her father, George W. Greenup, In his rnce for congress in the First congressional district of Kentucky, by playing on the violin and singing rag-time songs, says of her experience: "L have quit count ing my offers of marriage. One fellow out west wants me to 'Come, out to play the fiddle while he milks the cows.' He was sure that If I played they would give twice as much milk and then he would get rich In a short time. A law student wanted me to marry him so my music would help him through college, and then hla law would make us both comfortable." The spark of love for each other slum bered forty years In the breasts of Ir. Harry H. Price of 2 West Chelton ave nue, Oermantown, and Miss Susan Trum ball of Worcester, Mass , who were mar ried last Tuesday In Philadelphia. Ur. Price and Miss Trumball met forty years ago at a summer resort on the Maine coast. It was a case of love at first sight, and their friends looked for a speedy marriage. But when the doctor, who had fallen Into a comfortable fortune, attained hla ma jority, he fotind he had spent a good por tion of It. Before entering matrimony he determined to win another fortune, and this was slow work. Pr. Price waa seriously ill last January, and In his delirium he kept calling for Miss Trumball. She was sent for, hsstened to his bedside, and nursed him back to health. Then they determined to get married. The postmaster general has Issued a fraud order denying the use of the malls to lizzie Coffee of Hurnipe Corners, Mich., who ad vertised herself extensively throughout the country as a candidate for matrimony, stating that she had t60.(mo In cash, and wanted a "congenial companion and part ner" to help her spend it. According to letters received at the postofflce at Burnlps Corners, about 2o0 people a day discovered that they loved Miss Coffee and could be as "congenial" as desired under the condi tions named. It was found by postofflce Inspectors, who Investigated the case, that Miss Coffee hud one husband and no money except that received from her dally visitors. A copy of the charges was forwarded to the postmaster at Burnlps Corners, who returned the papers with the comment that Miss Coffee had left for parts unknown with a man other than her husband. About 6 proposals remained uncalled for at Bur nips Corners. Anyone would readily believe that a Philadelphia watchman would be likely to go to sleep on duty, but few will be pre pared for the Ingenuity recently displayed by a drowsy guardian In the City of Broth erly Ive. He is employed in a large mill at night and required to make a certain number of rounds while on watch. Be tween tlmea it la, of course, natural for him to go to sleep, but In order to avoid rotating his rounds ha fixes up a plan worthy of a Chicago man. He balances a wide plank, across a trestle and on one end sets a pall filled with water. A very amall hole has been punctured in the bottom of the pall, which enables the water to run out, slowly. As soon aa he finishes his round he lies down on the other end of the plank and i soon snoring. When the water has trickled out of the pall for twenty minutes his weight counterbalances that of the pall and he falls to the ground, wide awake, and in time to start on hla rounds again. "I ainat &i mj taattnnnlal to yonr valuable ateotcta Cararta for afUif-h troobla." Iran Atitrmti l f imuai air gar), m Waat t'KMautk fetraal. Maw Tork. "! wna tnf'srieg with '' haarfarh a rrat aal. but aftar taking- n hoi f Oaat-aretc. aia ntlrair eurea " UUa Clam Ktllblual, 6 ao. aa&duaky atroot. lalar Ohio. "f Mfirti did m s world of too. Mr Hti waa in ia4 ccudmua for tin and one sua curod ata " -Miaa Mahal Allan. Clara, Micklgna. ateaVa laasaeajr, wBMags af Naw Yaca. SBi THE ITCH -KING TORMENTED FOR FIVE YEARS. The doctors said 1 had pustular F.crema; it would break out in small white pus tules, mostly on my face and handa, discharging a sticky fluid ; crust would form nnd drop off, leaving the skiu red and inflamed. I was tormented with the itching and burning characteristic of the disease for five years, and duriug the time used various medicated soaps, oint ments and washes, but these applications seemed to mate me worse. After taking S. S. S. a short time I began to improve; the itching did not worry me so much. I continued the medicine, and aoon all the ugly eruptions disappeared and my skin is now as clear as anybody's; I have not been troubled with it since. F.. F,. Kelly, t'rbana, O. J Clark'sBowling Alleys 1313-15 Harney 8t. Biggest-Brightest-Best nS ABOUT Half Fare RATES (o Harrisburg, Pa. Philadelphia Washington, D. C. MAT 14 to 19, Good returning till June SO. Also ONE FARE FLUB U 00 ta Minneapolis and Return May It, It, 30. CITT OFFICE. laOl.iaoa Farwasa ttM Omaha. DR. McGREW (Ags 63) SPECIALIST. Dlaeaaaa as Ulauraan f Btoa Omly, Yeara' Kxpsrteaee. It) Yeara la VARICOCELE VESL uVip! safest and must natural that ha vat Won dteoovered. Wo pain whatever, no outtina an doe not Interfere wlta work or twist Boas. Treatment at ofnoe er at home aad a Dannanaot our ruarantea. Hot Springs Treatment tor Sypollls And ail Blood Ilssaaea. K "SltSAKIKCl OUT" on tba akin ar faee aad avll ezlantaj Siaa of tba duaaae dlaeppear at aaca. X traatmant that la mora succeeaful ana fax rnar aatlataeiory Uaa the "eld for rm ' of trastmeal aad at u tuaa HALF TUB COiT. A cur that 1 uaraniaad ta t permanent for 111. nuco on nnneasa ourd of ei nervosa UIU1 tUiUUUdebJUlt. loa ri Lain r ana ta uiuialuiei woaanea at Uirlctur. r, Oleet. cUdnay arid fcladd- Lua- ASK My areas I. eurad (, n manaauir. lUAsUittt LOW. COB SCI . . . iUI raVKas. Traatmant br a0. f. J. Bos 7sa, I Offio ever fa . lath atraet. batvaaa Faa j fcaaa aad Pontfe a"-, oat Ha. MsVai. iThiBeBforlirNews