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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 10, 1902)
TOE OMAHA DAILY BEEi BATTJItDAY, MAT 10, 1002. mm SATURDAY, THE BIGGEST BARGAINS OF ALL FROM THE TlVfl NEW YORK finnniSSinr nn I -m i I ' - - - - mm mm m m mmt mm m mm m m m m mm mm w W mm mm 11 ILkuS HOUSES. BANKRUPT PRIGES II On newest and best Dry Goods, Notions, Carpets and Draperies, Cloaks and Suits, soil those gigantic stocks. (AGENTS FOR IJUTTERICK PATTERNS.) mm mm Special sales on Shoes and Furnishing Goods, Cut prices on Groceries and Provisions. Read the Sheet Music sale. These prices will quickly Saturday in iho Bargain Room nATNOFAVFBa'i.VI PI THE NEW YORK STOCKS ON SATfR JlOOM. DEALtRS, PEDDLERS OR MANUFACTURERS SOLD TO IN THIS WHITE GOODS 1V India linen . at .. 5C .?'iViVi'iUI"""" I "C IIIUMI tllini, ftt J&o and 29c Imported white madras Oc Oc Oc Oc a,,VII . . ................... . , , .... . s. a ,. Imported Swiss lace stripes, . - ciotn at iSc Llnon stripes. WASH GOODS fine corded dimities, fast colors, regular J' 32c fine lawn, dimities, organdies and bat lu ffs, worth UVtc and 16c, C oc jrlxh, Bcotrh and French dimities, fine grades and worth lfto to 2Dc a lfl Jard, Saturday only, yard .IUC SILKS pver S.Onn pieces of Foulard silks, worth $1 yard, will be closed out Saturday OA. at, per yard 09C Juolre silks. In black and creams, regular II goods, on sale In. at hjG Bilks from 10c to 49c a yard on sale Satur day. HAMMOCKS AND COQUET SETS Be sure and attend our hammock and foquet set sale. CLOTHING Hoys' all wool suits, all colors and slses, worm up to o. on sale each at 11.75. $1.50, 1 45 and Hoys all wool suits, worth up to M. on sale at 11.26 and fjoya' all wool knee pants, double seats and knees, at 25c and toys' all wool long pants, worth op to 13.50, at Men's all wool panta, worth up to 14, at 11.60 and Grand Millinery Sale In Bargain Room Saturday we put on sals a big lot of fins American Beauty Roses, 3 la bunch, with foliage, on sals at, per bunch, 10c. Children's wreaths, In all colors and tries, at each; 10c. MO ladles': Blaok Straw Hats, In largs nd small shapes, at 10c. ' A great assortment of sailors on sale at 10c. The greatest millinery sale ever held In Omaha. ' Optical Dcpt Special low prices for first-class work. We guarantee every pair of glasses. Oold filled frames, guaranteed for ten years. $3.50 TAlue, $1.69. Alumlnoid frames, with floe quality lenses, fitted to eye, for 98c. EFFORT TO. BUY TESTIMONY W, E. Duquette and Wife Baj 0. 0. Porter ; ' tried to Bribe Them. WANTED SIGNERS FOR FALSE AFFIDAVITS Pol tee Believe They Know Porter's Whereabouts and Deputy Cotntf Attorney Bays Proaeontlon Will Be Pushed. The police believe they have located Oarnet C. Porter and are particularly plea led In view of recent disclosures made to Deputy County Attorney Abbott In the Affidavits of William H. Duquette and his wife, Julia, of 2519 Parker street. These affidavits tell of an alleged effort to buy false affidavits against Albert Edbolm, ac cusing the Utter of unmentionable offenses In an effort to dissuade him from pressing the prosecution of Porter. In addition to the Indictment for sending Obscene matter through the malls, returned against him by tbs federal grand Jury, the district grand Jury returned three against him, two for libel - contained In circulars he ( supposed to have sent out and In an article he had published in a South Omaha paper, and one for assault with Intent to do great bodily Injury to Mr. Edholm. Fred M. Hans, a railroad detective who bad been the hero ot some - of Porter's news novelettes contributed to eastern publica tions of . yellow, persuasion, went his ball for 1, 500 and Porter was to appear for trial during the February term of the dis trict court,' which closed last week. Porter failed to appear and now Hans says he Is Just as anxious as tbs officials to find tbs absentee. ' The fact that the Indictments vers knocked out by the recent ruling that the grand Jury's work waa Invalid does not. Attorney Abbott states, affect Porter's re sponsibility until ha has appeared In court 1.25 5c 95c 1.25 Where there s jx life there's hope 1MWf,v Never give up.T Even if you hare been trying a Sarsapariila and have not improved. It's not the slightest reason why "Aycr's " wiltnot cure you. "Ayer's" is not like ftiy other Sarsapariila. Doctors luiow this. vTh&y have our formula. That's why they filits Kcottimend "AyerV in preference ,to every othrvMnd. It's the oldest, 'sdesxiwnUib y Tom Sanaartlte4-.dcis a, blood aad flf" m atsesBa and a rtnstal larabw-Umx xi th whole body. I know it 4 the Ixt Uood-cleaaser.'siiil if tal tfosjrisj.wtNaderfpl eight of good. FROM IOiSO TO 11 A. M. We will sell the heaviest unbleached mus lin In the market, only 10 yards 41 to a customer at, per yard a"G FROM 8 TO SiSO P. M. We will sell Amoskeag apron gingham, regular 64c grade, only t yards to 0l a customer, at, per yard "b FROM SiSO TO 9 P. M. We will sail short lengths of dimities, batistes and orsnndles. and other wash goods, worth from 19c to 25c, not over 1 yards to a customer, 91 at at, per yard "G FURNISHINGS IN BARGAIN ROOM Ladles' and children's 25c And 5c underwear, at IOc One barsaln inuin of UiIIm' ' nA rhli dren's underwear In vests and pants, some with long sleeves, some with short sleeves and some without sleeves, all slies and worth up to 5c, A on sale at UC Ladles' 11 and tl.SO corsets, an. mostly W.C. C, on sale at Wl C Ladles' and children's fast black f. full seamless hose, at QC Children's 50c nightgowns, at , ISc Men's 50c underwear. 19c t 300 dos. men's Balbriggan shirts and ers.ln plain and fancy colors and worth up to 60c, on sale at Men's 75c colored laundered shirts at "... Men's 25c suspenders, at Ladles' 10c handkerchiefs, at draw- I9c 29c 121c ...3c ...5c Men's 26c string and bow ties. Ml ...,... A Silk Salo for I Hour Saturday Night Commencing at 8 o'clock and lasting un til 8 o'clock Saturday night, we will sell you the biggest bargain in Foulard Silks that you ever heard nf inn triMt OF THE NEWEST SPRINQ STYLES IN " ""iua mat came with the New York stock go on sale for first time Saturday night. Cheney Bros.' twill and satin foul- IT ?,rh.aUn worth $1.00. $l.J5, $1.86 and 1.50, hundreds of pieces In dress lengths, many full bolts. In svery color you can think of. all on sale for one hour Saturdav nlh ni. i. .v . - " --.o ib iu, ki est sale on foulards ever held, for the '"B" onerea are greater and the qual ities are better, than ever before placed on sale. You miss a big bar gain If you miss this sale; Foul- Aft ards worth $L $1.26 and $1.60 for UtlC Hair Goods We are headauart n t- " - .nilLUIl, 18-ln. switches, short stem, $1.23, 30-ln. switches, short stem, $1.48. 14-ln. pompadours, on special sale. Me. All natural hair. and after that it would nut. Aim as complaints havs been filed against him covering tbs same charges. Abbott further says that he Is determined to have the man and will prosecute. to the limit .The federal court has held back, with the ex planation that it wlahed the district ceurt iv nave nrsi cnance at hm. Evidences of Fake Affidavits, Detective Thomas Donohoe, who has been doing' considerable aulet wm-b . .. case ever since Porter's attack on Edholm, brought Duquette and bis wife to Deputy Abbott's office and a stenographer there took the testimony of both concerning the icr uiuann, uuqueite said that he was . formerly a lineman with th. t Distance Telephone company and that he inoi roTier nearly two years ago through Fred Hans.' The rest of bis story, Is, In substance, as follows: In the course of a chance meeting, July IS last. Porter said to him that he had "bad a llttla trouble over sending obscene matter through the malls and guessed he would go to Kansas City." Early In ths evening of January 7 they again met acci dentally at Twenty-fourth and Seward streets and Porter, who was on his way to nans nouae,- said he bad to have evi dence collected, for his case. An hour later ne called at Duquette's house to tell Duquette that . If he could collect the evi dence he (Porter) wasted there would be money In It, but he did not give the details In .the presence of- the famiiv. . .n. again a week later, and. In the course of this call disclosed that his plan waa to secure signers tor several affidavits which he would have prepared, accusing Edbolm. such affidavits to be shown by his attor ney to Edholm's attorney in the hope that Edholm . would desist from appearing eiui mm ratner man endure a public parading of the charge. Porter Prodaeva Money. January 23 he called and submitted a man emaavii saying: "it you will sign that nd cet your wife to aim It I wilt you $50 apiece, and I will give you $26 or Sensational Sheet Music and Book Sale Commencing tomorrow we will place on sale the entire McKlnley edition of sheet music at Sc per copy. Including such popu lar pieces as "Flower Song." by Lang; "Fauat," "II Trovatore," by Dorn; "Fairy Dance," by Bohm; "8torm," by Weber; "Ave Maria," from "Cavallerla Rusticana" (vocal); "Second Rhapaodle," by Lint; "Flatterer," by Chaminade; "Intermesio" from "Cavallerla Rusticana," and hundreds of other selections. Books and studies In the well known Schrlner edition will also be placed on sale at 60 per cent off list prices. Such well knowa works as Mendelssohn's "Songs Without Words," regular price $1, our price 40c; Chopin's "Waltses." regular 60c, our price 20c; Chopin's "Nocturnes," regular 75c, our price 30c; Loeschorn Studies, Op. 6, books 1, 2, 3 60c esch, our price 20c; Loeschorn Studies, Op, 66, books 1, 2, 3 60c esch our price 20c Czerney Velocity Studies 4 books com plete In one, regular 0o our price 24c Same, four separate books, 26 each, our price 10c. Hers's Scales and Exercises, regular 60c our price 20c. Kohler's Studies. Op. 60, 161, 157, 190 regular 60 our price 20c. Clementl'e 12 Sonatas, Op. 36, regular 60c our price 20c Hohman's Violin Method, Books 1 and 2 regular 60c our price 20c Bach's two-part Inventions regular 40c our price 16c Kohler's Piano Method, Vols. 1 and 2 regular prices 75c our price SOo. When In need of anything In the Sheet Music or Book line, give us a call. We can savs you money on everything. Straw Hats A great line Just received at 25c, 35c, 40c, 45c and 60c. A alee line of men's straw tats In Pan amas, sailors and fedoras, at 60c. Our spe cial In straw bats for children at 15c is cer tainly a winner. Men's felt bats In derby, panama, fedora and pasha shapes, all colors, silk bauds, wide and narrow rims, high and low crowns, patent sweat bands, made un In all min.. to sell at 65c, 75c, $1, $1.25, $1.60. $1.76 $2, sz.zd, iz.fto, 2.75 and $3. Special sale on boys' hats. Great values in this sale In rmnVa Uses, satchels, etc. $35 for every affidavit you can furnish me. I want six or eight like that or similar." He laid tbe paper on the table and a roll of bills on top of It, and proposed that they go before a notary at once or call one to tbe house, taring further that he didn't believe either Duquette or his wife would ever be called Into court, but If they were he would give each $150 extra. The affi davit was in support of Porter's allegations concerning Edholm. Duquette read tbe affl davit and refused to sign It. saying he knew of do such occurrence, but Porter left the affidavit and told him to think over the offer. February 3 they met again In front of the poetofflce and Porter asked him to walk to his office, saying: "I've got to get out of this deal and you're tbe man who can help me out. I understand you are a friend of Fred Hans, asd Hans has referred you to me, saying that anything you did or started to do you went through with and came out best. You're just the kind of a man I want." Duquette repeated that hs wouldn't sign and that his wife bad refused to have anything to de with It. Porter asked to have the affidavit back and Duquette said he had burned It. Detective Hs Other Evldeace. He had not burned It, however, and De tectlve Donohoe secured It a few days later when called Into Edholm's store, where the Duquettes had called to let Edbolm know what Porter was doing. Donohoe stated yesterday that he knows ot two other similar affidavits and that one of them ha. been signed by an enemy of Edholm's. One Is in Sioux City and anothsr In Dead wood. Ths testimony of Mrs. Duquette is largoly corroborative of that ot her hut band, as given above. 1 . At the federal building Assistant District Attorney Rush said: "Tbs Porter case will be called next week and if the defendant is not present we will declsre the bond for feited and Immediately proceed against ths bondsmen. We had dsclded to let the stats have ths first trial at the man. but If It Is to let the matter drag along ws will take a hand right away. I think we will be able to locate him and then we will have the active assistance of the bondsmen, as they will certainly be held accountable to ths government for his appearance." NEW PRESIDENT STEPS IN accessor te Rafael laleala Uatgf rated I'ader Peaeefal Coast, tloas la Costa Rica. SAN JOSE, Costa Rica. May . Asunslon Esqulvet was Inaugurated president of Costa Rica today. He was elected Febru ary 17. The country Is qulst and no trouble of a revolutionary character is expected. The retiring president of Costa Rica la Rafael , Igleslaa. He was elected to office for the second time In November of 1397. Valaaale Raima la Kaaaaa. PHILLIPSBURO. Kan.. May 8 (Special) The recent heavy rains la this county havs grsatly benefited wheat. In soms lo calities where wheat waa put la stubble ground it will be listed to corn, as th- dry weather during April du.d it tou.U- erably. Pastures ars In Sne condition since ths ralna. - The ladles wonder how Mrs. B. manages to preserve her youthful looks. Ths secret is shs takes PR1CKLT ASH BITTERS; It keeps the system la perfect order. Mortality Statistics. The followlnr births were rerjortad to tha Board ot Health for ths twenty-four hours edlug at noon Friday: Arthur HeOgwlck. 2aOT Pierce street, girl; Bernhardt Orunwalt. 963 North Twenty, fifth, boy; Burt Waugh. 3 Undaay ave nue, girl; Iaac M. Roman, 3n Davenport street, boy: Frank B. Wood. k gouth Twentrlath. bov: iituutw avlhv ut- teeaUt fta &lua, bo. Suits, Skirts and Waists. The best for the money In America. 175 suits worth $15.00 and $18.00, g QQ Hi suits In Venetians, broadcloths, home soune, cheviots. In all the leading styles; new bloime, Kton and other style Jackets lined throughout with Olver naud's taffetas, worth up A IF to $26.00; sale price OslO 240 suits, all the very best styles In the market: everything new In materials In mm tot, siia-iinea tnrougnout, worth u worth up 15.00 to jo.i"; sale price Waists. 600 SILK WAISTS Made of Olvernaud'a famous taffetas, warranted not to crock. In reds, blue, pinks, cerise and blacks, worth up to $10.00; 9 7C on sale at as I 0 60 doien women's white lawn waists, open front and back, beautiful garments, worth up to $2.50; Aft sale price 0fC 76 dosen waists in white and colors, trimmed with Insertion and Cf embroidery; $1.60 quality for wWS 60 dosen white lawn waists In all the leading styles, at M.0O, A flfl $4.00, $5.00, $6.00, $7.00 and WlUU Skirt Specials. Lot 1 Women's and misses' skirts worth up to $3.00; I nn for each IiUU Lot 2 Women's and misses' rainy-day skirts worth up to I AS $4.00, for each Iif0 Lot 3 Women's and misses' skirts In raJny-day and dress skirts, worth up to tfi.OO; your A nn choice for sslO Lot 4600 silk and wool skirts, rainy-day and dress skirts, worth M nn up to $10.00, for 4190 Lot 6200 women's silk dress skirts, worth Xr1.:: 10.00 400 women's spring Jackets, Ann worth $5.00. for "... C.oU Women's $2.00 I nn wrappers, for I.UU Women's 76o wrappers 25C 200 children's Jackets, I s wtfth $5.00, for I. 10 Attend the Great Uil linery Sale Saturday FORCES DOOR TO GET BODY Coroner Brailey Breali Into Boom Where Uonald Hler Lies. AUTOPSY PERFORMED DESPITE PROTEST Examination of Body Held Darin Absence of Jadge Eller and Against Protest ot Dead Boy's Bister. At 10 yesterday morning Dr. W. R. Lav ender went to the home of Judge Eller for the purpose of making a post mortem ex amination of the body of Donald Eller, Judge Eller was absent from home at the time and the doctor waa refused admlttancs to the room where the body lay. Coroner Brailey joined the doctor soon aftsr and insisted on being alloweJ to hold a post mortem. Miss Leone Eller, the judge's daughter, asked them to wait till her father. who had been telephoned for, should re turn, but they declined. Oa being refused the key. Coroner Brailey forced the door to the room where the body lay and Dr. Lav ender performed tbe autopsy. Dr. Lavender gave It aa his opinion that the boy died from peritonitis, the result of appendicitis. The coroner and doctor left the premlees berore tbe return of Judge Eller. Mlaa Eller'a Story. Miss Eller stated that when Coroner Brailey arrived she Informed him that her father had gone to town, but would be back in twenty-five minutes. "I told him that I would not admit him to the room during my father's absence," said Mlas Eller, "but that they could wait until his return. Tbs coroner said, 'We are In a hurry, and I know what he will say anyhow, so we will go on with the examination.' He thsa asked me for the key to the room and I refused U. He pulled the bolt on the door' and op-Eod It without breaking the lock. Both the doctor and the coroner then went Into the room and examined the body. Presently the coroner came out and asked me for some water to wash bis hands, and I gave tt to him, with the understanding that I was not assisting him. Later hs came for a bowl ot water and said he wanted to clean up the muss they had made In the room. I re fused him this and told him to let the muss remain. They did so. While the men were here my brother went across the street to the telephone and called for father and was told that he would be at home as soon as he could get here. I Insisted on the cor oner waiting until his arrival, assuring him that father would be hers In twenty-five minutes. He refused, however, and went on with the examination. Besides myself there was a brother and a nurse at the house." On returning home Judge Eller met ths coroosr and Dr. Lavender within a block of hla home, going to town. The men shook t(j!t'-W tlHeot Eaters 0) O) e 4 gain strength and Economy on Grape-Nuts J all Grocers. Special Grocery Salo I pounds graaulated sugar, .20 .,.$Ho lOo ....8Ho 2-pound can grated pineapple , 2-pound can early June peas....... 8-pound can pumpkin, only , 2-pound can sugar corn , 1-pound can table peaches 3 pounds fancy prunes , I pounds evaporated blackberries, 3,000 pounds California prunes on at, per pound 3 pounds tapioca 25c 25c ale ....Hc 10c 3 pounds navy beans 10c 3 pounds oatmeal. 10c IOc 3 pounds hominy, 3 pounds peas .., 10c One Wore Day off Lard Cheap 3-pound pall pure-leaf lard 86c 6-pound pall pure-leaf lard 68c 10-pound pall pure-leaf lard $1.16 Best brand bologna 6o Best brand welnerwurst 7C Home-made cork aauaaM f Best Wisconsin Llmberger cheese lle Fish Visit our fish department the largest Una of fancy cured fish In the market Imported mackerel, per pound 12He Imported herring, each 2c Choice family white fish, per pound 6c Scaled herring, 3 for lc When Tired Shopping: Oet a free cup of our delicious cocoa and a tasty, fresh crackers at our demonstra tion. We are Introducing our elegant cocoa and chocolate and pure, fresh crackers. Special Tea and Coffee New crop sundrted tee, worth 75c at. .85c New season basket-fired Japan only. ...38c English breakfast tea, worth 75c, only 40c Broken Java and Mocha, only..... 12 He Good whole coffee, worth 26c, only. ...10c Oreden Rio coffee igc High-grade Java and Mocha, 30c, or 4 pounds for $1.00 China and Glassware Specials FOR SATURDAY. $1.26 Imported Bohemian glass salads and trays,, all colors lOo $L00 hand decorated china plates.... lOo Decorated toilet aets $1.39 hands, but said nothing of the examination The judge was with his son, who had waited for him at Fortieth and Leavenworth street and who was telling him of the action of the coroner when the men met. A few minutes later Judge Eller was seen at hi. home. He was very Indignant at the ac tion of the coroner. Jndge Eller Statement. "I expect to protect my rights as a cltl sen," said the judge, "and I Intend to make the stand right now. No coroner has a right to touch a body without tbe consent of the family, and when my door was forced open the law was broken. A coroner can view a body and that is all. A coroner had no right to hold an Inquest on a body over the protest of ths family, unless the coroner believed that murder has been committed. They bad no right to enter here and mutl late the body of my son and the law was clearly broken. Anyone who reads the statute can easily see that. I am ready at any time to obey a writ Issued from a court according to law. but I am not ready to obey orders which have no law back of them. I have been harassed for the last three years oa account of my belief and I Intend to stop right now and make a stand. Remember, I am not speaking for the church and tbe church Is not responsible for what I do. My religion Is the religion of my mother, and my wife and I am going to stand by It, "I went out of my office for a few minutes this morning and when I returned my office girl told me that some one had called up and asked for me, saying: This Is ths coroner.' The girl told him that I would be at home In a few minutes. 'Tell him be Is a d d brute,' said tbe voice, and the man rang off. I got home as quickly as I could and have just learned what was done. I shall see whether a man can come Into my house and force doors and mutilate ths body af my son," coatlnued the judge. 'They have broken ths law and I shall see whether I am to have my rights as a cltiien or not," The judge said there was no law In Nebraska In regard to a person dying from neglect. Will Prevent aa Iaaaest. When asked It he would allow the coroner to hold aa inquest and what course be Intended to pursue If aa laquest was attempted Judge Eller said: "I will not say what I Intend to, do at this time, but I will say this: I. Intend to be at home from now on and It is very likely that no Inquest will be held." Dr. Lavender stated that ho waa not aure whether the boy's life could havs been saved by a physician or not. "An operation would have been necessary and even this, Wednesday night, would have done no good. Had a physician seen the boy at first when he had appendicitis an operation might havs saved him, but of course there Is no telling." Whsa Informed of the doctor's statement Judgs Eller said: "I am glad to hear him say that; It gives me great relief." MAY IRWIN IS NOT COMING tckaess Conapcln Her tm Feres; An. anal Ccrasaaay ot Cioaiaa easoa at Boyd's. Because ef her -sadden Ulness Omaha patrons of the theater will not have the pleasure of seeing rotund, jovial May Irwin this seaaoa. The actress waa to have played at Boyd's Saturday and Sunday, May IT and 13, In "The Widow Jones. " Telegrams announcing her Illness and the cancellation ef all her engagements for the rest ef the seaaoa were received by Man ager Burgess of Boyd's. Mlse Irwin Is now on her way to New York for treatment at one of the hospitals. The nature of hay ladUpoaiUoa Ja not known. Hen's Underwear Men's $1.50 and $3.00 at Men's 75c Balbriggan at underwear J QQ underwear ar. 600 dosen men's fine Balbriggan shirts and drawers In plain and fancy colors; also black, fill slses; all the title make; every BHrmeni warranted perfect ana made to sell at 75c, on sale at.. Scriven's Elastlo Seam drawers at $1.60 and $2.00 SHIRTS AT ... , ....... ..... .... ... 35c 49c 98c All the newest styles In men's negligee, an me latent colors ana all trie best makes, on sale at.... MEN'S 60c NECKWEAR AT doten men's silk neckwear In all new styles, bows, tecks, foir-ln-hands, all worth 50c. on sale at AT CQC LAUIE3' I6c STOCKINGS 3VO dosen ladles' and misses stockings In plain and fancy colors, every stocking warranted perfect and worth 25c, Cs on rale at IOC LADIES' 60C 8TOCKIN08. OC AT iOQ mu aos. isniee' nne lisle thread stockings, in piain ana iancy colors, every one worth 50c, on sale at ...25c Ribbon Salo Saturday Saturday Is alwava Ribbon Dav with ua. Elegant fancy IIIm ribbons IUD Elegant wash taffeta ribbons Fine liberty taffeta ribbons ...IOc ...15c 25c Extra wide fancy riuoons NEW NECK RUFFS. Th, largest, best assorted snd lowest priced line of new neck ruffs in the city from 60c to $25 each. NEW VEILINGS. Just received our new summer line of up-to-date fancy Special for Saturday in Shoes. Men's fine vlcl kid bals, welts, $3.00 and $3.60 values, $1.96. Men's fine box calf bals, welts, $3.00 and $3.60 values, $1.W. Men's fine velours calf bals, welts, $3.00 and $3.50 values, $1.96. Women's fine vlct kid, lace or button, kid or patent tip;. Saturday, $1 96. Women's patent' kid or patent calf; Sat urday, $1.96. These goods are sold for $3.00 and $3.60; Saturday, $L96. Misses' shoes. In calf, vtel kid and box calf, at $1.50, $1.25 and $1.00. Boys' shoes, youth's shoes and little gent's shoes, all leather, warranted to give perfect satisfaction, $1.35, $1.25 and $1.15; really worth 60c more. Sole agents In Omaha for the Stetson and Croesett shoes for men and .the Ultra and Brooks Bros.' shoes for women. Infants' moccasins, worth 35c, at 19c SHOES IN THE BARGAIN ROOM. Women's fine vlcl kid, worth $2.60 at 1 1.89. Misses fine vlcl kid. worth $2.00, at $1-86. Men'a satin calf bals, worth $1.75. at $1.00. STATUE OF WINGED VICTORY Senior Class Presents Marble Memor ial to the Omaha Hla;k School. Hundreds of High school students and their parents and friend, crowded into the lower hallway of tbe new administration building early Friday afternoon to witness the unveiling of the new statue of Winged Victory and to hear the ceremonies In con nection with ltsv presentation to tbe High school by the class of '02, the seniors who graduate this year. So large was tbe assemblage that tbe crowd overflowed the hallway and extended up the stairways and down the corridors. Watson Smith, president of the senior class, made tbe presentation speech in brief and neatly worded phrases and the response came from A. H. Waterhouae, principal ot the High school. Miss Msry Bedwell, vice president of the class, unveiled the statue, which proved to be of herole proportions and handsome and Imposing as well. It will be left permanently In the center of the main hall, where It stood during the ceremonies, an enduring monument to tbe class of '02. TO INVITE EDITORS EARLY Ak-Sar-Bea Governors Will Probably Take la Until Drivers This Month. Tha Board of Governors of tne Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben have under consideration the question of Inviting the editors ot ths papers In ths Omaha territory to visit ths den and become members of the order earlier In the season than they were In vited ' last year. ' A number ot the mem bers have suggested thst May 26 he the date on which Nebraska editor, will ba shown the mysteries surrounding the throne ot tbe merry monarch and that on the following Monday the Iowa editors be Invited. Members suggesting this plan do so, ac cording to their statements, for the reason that It will prove better to have the co operation ot the press In securing responses which will later be Issued to the business men of tbe territory covered by Omaha mercantile houses. Heretofore It has been customary to send Invitations generally to merchants and others before the editors have passed the secret veil of the den ani the result has been that I U Asoa 11 taJttiu mmm ( m 1 CORSETS Ladles' straight front summer batiste, ami ventilated worth rl. at Ladles' and mlsecV batiste girdles, worth 75o, at Dr. Warner's Rust Proof corsets, at The Nemo wlf-reduclng corset, for stout figures, at Also a full line of W. B. Kabo and Corsets. In alb the new spring styles, at LADIES' MUSLIN UNDERWEAR LADIES' MfBUN UNDERWEAR In drawers, gowns, chemise, trimmed with fine embroidery and fine lace and in Insertion, worth 31. at HaQ Ladles' fine nightgowns, skirts, chemise and drawers, elaborately trimmed with fine Valenciennes lace and Insertion with fine embroidery, worth $1.50 flO and 12. at 3uC Children's fine gingham dresses, from 1 to 4years, worth 75c, 49 Q Ladles' fine combination suits and um brella rants, lace trimmed, AC worth W, at COG Children's parasols at 10c, 35c, 89c, 60o and ur. Ladles' fancy parasols In black and QA. colore, at 90C TWO-TONET COMPLEXION VEILINGS. Theee are the stylish, up-to-date Ko1a, regular 50r and 75c goods. On OOm sale Saturday, yard, only ............96 NEW BELTS. We have the choice of the latest novel- tlea in ladles' Bells 25 styles of the very inieni. Belts you pay 60c for, only 25c Belts you pay $1 for, Crt only OUC Belta you pay $1.50 for, IC only OC Big Job leather belts, in each IUC Boys' satin calf bals, worth $1.60, at 8c Touth's satin calf bals, worth $1.40, at 98c Women's serge slippers, worth 60c, at 29c. later In tbe season, after the editors had been initiated many of the business men who Ignored the Invitation were 'anxious to Join. They were hospitably received of course, but the plessure would have bean greater had tbey gone through with the party from their city or community. The question of the souvenirs of the year's work may be settled at tbe meeting of the board to be held Monday evening preceding tbe work at tbe den. Several designs have been submitted and the committee to whom the matter was referred may be ready to report at that time. It Is probable that at tbe meeting at the den Monday evening the buttons which are to be worn by the members of the order this year will be ready for distribution. The company making them expected to have them on hand in time for the first night, but wrote that they would be ready for de livery some time this week. These buttons are highly ornamental, the design showing fully the object of the society and the hopes of Its managers. During the week the rit ual committee will arrange for a speaker ct note to be present Monday and notice of bis engagement will be given. It la In tended to mske these weekly addresses a feature of the evening's entertainment. NOT QUIET AT BABY FARM Witnesses Against Mrs. Bnrajct Tell f Spanklacs aad Conse quent Hoirla The case of Mrs. Burget, charged with cruelty to two babies In hsr charge, waa called yesterday and after tbe testimony of several witnesses was heard, was con tinued. The substance of the tsstlmony was that Mrs. Burget had frequently spanked babies 8 weeks old, had given them too much paragorlc and that on one occasion she bad spanked an obstreperous young miss of 3 wesks and had then thrown It In a bed. One witness stated that the babies were given no attention during the night and the two babies In question bsd sores on their backs from neglect. Another witness testi fied that for five weeks shs had been unable to alsep more than an hour out of every twenty-four because of the . babies crying during the night. "Tbe only thing she eyer did for them," said tbe witness," was to give them whisky, and this seemed to make them worse." corsets, .100 2.50 W. C. C. .1.00 The Weak and the Convalescent find m positive) and rapid raatoratlTo la ANHEU3ER-B US CUTS vauta wi aj v -ths "Fccd-VrinWr Tfcla mull not fce judged by tho aamo stand ard aa alcoholio boworagoa with "tonic" title, fdalt-fiutrimt has 14.60 ef goaulno nutritive extract and less than 2i of alcohol. Ia absolutely a nonlntoxlcant and pool lively strenxthenlns and Invigorating. D actors prescribe It. Ali druggist salt tt. Prsparsd on bp Anheuser-Busch Brewing; Ass'n t. UuU, U. 8. A. VS"?'.'L ' " Baowoiaer. Michalak. Black e) Tan. Feast. Pale-Laser. Aahe . euaiue, fcaaert rale sad laasuu. I