Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 10, 1902, Page 4, Image 4

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All DeprtmuU of Government Repre
sented it Obiequiei of Admiral.
President Rooirtfll at Services In
C'hnrrh Itfitff Hend of llonornry
rail bearer Mn, Sampson
Too III to Attend.
WASHINGTON May 9. With a pomp
anil circumstance exceeding tbat of any
naval funeral In this country, In recent
years at least, the remains of the lata
William Thompson Sampson, rear admiral
tn the United States naval forces on the
North Atlantic station during the war with
fipaln. wera today laid at rest.
Every department of the nstlonal gov
ernment was represented. The executive
by the president and his cabinet and many
prominent officials of the civil service, the
legislative by senators and representatives,
the judiciary by the United States supreme
court and the military and naval service
by officers of all ranks. The diplomatic
body, accompanied In many cases by their
ladles, attended the church services.
The military and naval features of the
ceremonies were brilliant and Impressive.
They were conducted under direction of
Rear Admiral Terry, commandant of the
Washington n.vy yard, assisted by Lieu
tenant Henry George. The funeral escort
gathered early. It was composed of the
light battery of United States artillery,
commanded by Captain Foote, and drawn
from Fort Myer; the naval cadets from
Annapolia, 247 strong, a corps that never,
baa paraded in Washington before save on
several occasions when a president was to
be Inaugurated; a battalion of blue Jackets
from the North Atlantic squadron, of which
Admiral Sampson formerly was comman
der. Assembly at ( bnrrb,
Former Admiral Terry, commanding the
escort, with hia staff, assembled at the
church at 9:30. The word of command was
given and the cadets swung Into line and,
headed by the Naval Academy band,
marched slowly from the church to the
residence ot the dead admiral on New
Hampshire avenue, about bait a mile away.
Here the honorary pallbearers were gath
ered, headed by Admiral Dewey. The re
mains, borne on the shoulders of eight stal
wart soldiers from the United States
steamrhlp Dolphin, were escorted to the
church. Here the battalion formed In line
on the north and silently saluted, as the
remains were carried Into the church and
placed on the bier In the chancel.
A prominent figure In the pews directly
In the rear of the diplomatic body was
' Lieutenant General Miles. There were also
Major General Corbla and the bureau chiefs
ot the War department. A notable figure
was Oeneral Longstreet ot the confederate
The president arrived at the church al
most simultaneously with the funeral es
cort. He was accompanied by Secretary
Cortelyou and Captain Cowles, his brother-in-law.
The supreme court had meanwhile
been seated and within a few moments the
soft playing of music by the Marine band,
stationed at the entrance ot the church,
gave notice ot the appearance of the funeral
Advancing alowly to the words of a psalm
delivered by Dr. Tennis Hamlin, the offi
ciating pastor of the Church of the Cove
nant, the party turned Into the main aisle.
' Behind the clorgymen and beaded by the
admiral of the navy, George Dewey, were
Bampaon's war captains, or so many of
them as are in the United States, and In
addition there were Admiral Remey, Ad
miral Watson and Admiral Walker, and
many other notable naval chiefs. The war
captains were In full uniform and wore
black sword knots of crepe.
As the casket, which was closely covered
with the blue field of the American flag
and banked with crimson roses, was gently
lowered upon the bier from the shoulders
ot the bluejacketa, the male quartet aang
"Lead, Kindly Light."
. Meanwhile the mourners, the family ot
the deceased, aave Mra. Sampson, who waa
too 111 to attend, were aeated, then fol
lowed the service, very simple. In fact,
little more than the funeral ritual of the
Presbyterian church.
. A bugle note gave the signal tor the
inarch and aoon the entire long funeral
procession was on Its way to Arlington.
As the Aqueduct bridge was crossed the
guns of the president's yacht Sylph boomed
eut a funeral salute ot minute guns.
The burial ceremonies were simple. As
the remains were lowered Into the grave
the Marine band played the beautiful
hymn. "Safe tn the Arms of Jesus," and
then followed the sounding ot "taps" by
a bugler, marking the last earthly cere
mony over the dead officer. The president
nd his cabinet did not go to Arlington.
Dana-hters Hare Father Jailed.
COLUMBUS, Neb., May . (Special. )
Dennis Duggan ot Platte Center, an aged
inan and former Justice ot the peace, waa
bound over to the district court by Jus
tice Hudson In the sum ot $500 on a peace
complaint filed by his daughter Anna for
herself and her sister Nellie, both grown.
The women allege that their parent has
assaulted them several times, beating and
kicking them severely. In default of bond
Duggan was sent to Jail.
Women Dread
The disfiguration caused by skin disease,
even more than the tormenting irrita
tion which is so commonly associated
with it. The use of Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery
generally results
in a complete
cure of edema,
pimples, eruptions
and other forms
of disease which
have their cause
in an impure con
dition of the blood.
"Golden Medical
Discovery . abso
lutely purges the
blood of humors
and poisons, and
so cures the cuta
neous diseases
which bad blood
breeds and feeds.
I U I There is no alco
I hoi in the "Golden
, 'l I 1 Medical Discov-
l l ery" and it is en-
11 tirely free from
It I opium, cocaine,
I -1 j -ii i
j codes.
"I was troubled
with ecscma from the
of mv bead to ilia aulce of bit feat
writes Mrs. Kiia quick, oi lw city, ruacoia
Co.. Mich. Could not walk at times, aor wear
my hot. Thoht thcro waa as help for mo
at leaat the doctor said there was KM I went
to sec Imodi at Chrietmei Urn and there
heard of the good that Or. Fiercee Golden ksed
kal Discovery had dose for them, a ad waa
edviaed to try It at once. For fear that I might
neglect it my frteada sent to the village aod
tots hottle aod made mc promise that Iwould
ike it. I had beta retting wore all the time.
I took thineea bottle of the ' GoUee Medical
Discovery ' sad tea vtnle of Dr. fierce a rieaaaat
Pellet, and aeed the ' All Haaliog Salve.' which
mads a complete rare. It waa alow, be fame. I
waa taking the medicine about eight months.
a I areula aay to all who read this : Try Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery he far wast
ing lime aad money."
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellet assist the
actios of the Discovery. .
it worth while to save your
copies of The Illustrated
Bee? If yon had started three
years ago when the publication
was commenced, you would now
have a really valuable history of
the chief events of the life In the
central west during that time. Il
lustrated from photographs made
on the spot This In addition to
the many special articles prepared
exclusively for The Illustrated Bee
and the thousands of pictures that
have found a place in Its pages.
It is not too late to begin to save
the flies now. You will find that
It pays you. Each week's number
Is complete in Itself, but a full file
is priceless.
tradaPalma, is really Cuba's
old president, for he was first
elected president of the Cuban re
public on March 29, 1870. lie will
be Inaugurated at Havaua on
Tuesday, May 2U, amid appropriate
ceremonies. On the front page of
The Illustrated Bee on Sunday will
be found a tine picture of Beuor
I'alma, and along with it is printed
a short sketch of his life, which
has been dedicated to the cause of
his native Island.
tells about the literary tastes
and accomplishments of a number
of European rulers. Some pecul
iarly entertaining information is
given in this article concerning the
foibles and fads of royalty. What
they know and how they acquire
and exhibit this knowledge is told
by the writer, who has studied the
subject closely. The Illustrations
are made from photographs of a
number of well known, but not
often pictured crowned heads.
'1 subject of a special article by
Victor Koeewater, which will be of
service to all who are interested in
public library work. It covers one
of the problems of administration
which all library boards have to
contend with and gives the results
of actual experience with a book
bindery maintained by the public
library. The illustrations are from
photographs taken by a staff artist
especially for this article.
change with administrations.
The "eyes and ears" of the presi
dent are men who have grown up
In the service and have the special
training, added to natural adapta
tion, without which they would be
of no value. Only four of "the
old guard" in this service now re
main. A special article tells about
them and gives an idea of their
work and its importance to the
carrying on of the detail of the
president's dally routine.
always of interest. In his let
ter this week Frank G. Carpenter
recounts some of the numerous in
stances of personal courage he en
countered during his visit to the
Philippines. It is always a pleas
ure to tell of the coolness and de
votion of the American soldier, and
Mr. Carpenter does this very
gracefully. The photographs used
for illustrating the article were
made in the Philippines.
ried. An unusual number of in
dependent illustrations appear in
the forthcoming number, all of
which will be found of great in
terest. In addition, the regular de
partments of the paper have been
carefully looked after, and it will
be found one of the best numbers
in the history of the paper. If you
are not a subscriber, you should
order it at once from your news
dealer. The
Kidnaped mild la Safa Hands aad
Woman Held for American
CINCINNATI, May 9. Mra. May Tenoant
Taylor, the mother of Margaret, and her at
torney, Thomas H. Dsrby, have telegraphed
both President Roosevelt sad Secretary ot
Btate Hay at Washington, requesting them
to Instruct Ambassador Meyer at Rome to
ack that Margaret be turned ever t the
representative of the Commercial-Tribune,
who expecta to stsrt for Italy with the offl
esr bearing the extradition papers. The In
dications ars now that ths Taylor escort
from Europs will Include several newspaper
men besides ths officers.
A special from Washington says that the
State department has Just received a tele
gram from Conaul Pearson, stating that
Clara Taylor has been arrested by the Itsl
Ian police authorities and will be held for
the American officers. Little Margaret la
In safs hsnda, and her apeedy return to her
mother and father In Clnetaaatl Is now as
eured. The Taylors were Idealised by Con
sular Agent AmegUe of Saa Rt bo.
Osoeral Manderson Saji It it Railroad
Buiinew Which Calls Him to Capitol.
Civil Service Examinations to Be
Held for Yasag Men Who Desire
to Enter the Revenue
Marine Service.
From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, May . (Special Tele
gram.) Oeneral C. F. Manderaon expressed
very great surprise today when he was In
formed thst a rumor wis current that he
would be called before the senate sub-committee
on relations with Cuba to tell what
he knows about the beet sugar situation.
The general stated that If he was called
he would Insist that a subpoena should
Issue, to be served upon him In Omaha, so
thst he might get the mileage and per diem
allowance made in such esses. He said,
however, he had no Intimation whatever
tbat be would bs expected to sppesr in be
half of the beet augsr Interests. On .the
contrary, he said he was here for the pur
pose of looking after a bill now pending
In the committee on interstate and foreign
commerce of the bouss relating to enlarged
powers of the Interstate Commerce com
mission. He was also, here for the purpose
of filing definite maps of location for the
Burlington road from Billings to Great
Falls, Mont., a distance of about 200 miles.
Hs stated that a meeting for the purpose
of organisation will be held In Billings on
the 12th Inst, sad he would file the maps
Just as soon as received In Washington
after they had been passed upon at the
Billings meeting. "On this occasion, how
ever," said Oeneral Manderaon, "I am fol
lowing In train of Mrs. Manderaon, who la
regent of the Mount Vernon association,
which la holding Its annual meeting at this
time at the historic home of the first pres
ident." Mrs. Manderson yesterday preaented to
the association a rare and valuable curio
In the form of a plate of semi-china, made
at the time when It was desired to make
Mount Vernon the capital of the new na
tion. The plate, which was made by an
English Arm, la said to be the only one now
In existence and came to Mrs. Manderson
from ancestors In Massachusetts.
Cets Homestead BUI Throagh,
The bill to allow ths commutation and
second homestead entries' on the Oreat
Bloug reservation tn 8outh Dakota was
called up by Representative Burks and
passed today in the house. The bill ss It
originally paased the house did not provide
for allowing settlers who bad paid for
their lands prior to the passage of the free
homestead bill the tight to make a second
homestead entry. This feature waa at
tached by Senator Klttredge In the senate.
and as It came back to the house it was In
all essential particulars a new bill, parlia
mentary procedure being to send It back to
the committee or to conference. Represen
tative Burke, however, who had been closely
watcning the meaaure, was accorded rec
ognition by the chairman of the commit
tee of the whole to call tt up and, before
any objection could be made against Its
consideration, ths bill was paased. This
measure affscts a very large number, of
settlers In what was formerly the Slsaeton
and Wshpston and Yankton reservations In
south Dakota and gives settlers who paid
the Indian price for land previous to the
passage of the free homes bill ths right to
snter upon a second homestead wherever
the same may be found.
Senator Allison stated 'today that' eon-
gress would, In all probability. Include In
ths general deficiency bill the amount of
$186,417, which Comptroller Tracewell of
the Treasury department had allowed to
the state of Iowa for refund of money nald
as Interest from July 1. 1861, to July 1,
issi, ana ror discounts suffered and other
expenses Incurred In procuring funds to
suppress the rebellion from 1861 to 1865.
Rev. Theodore Morning, pastor of the
Presbyterian church at Madison, Neb., is
In ths city, the guest of Representative
Roblnaon. Mr. Morning Is on his wsy to
New Tork to attend the general confer
ence of his church.
Chances la Revtsse Service.
Examinations under the direction of the
Civil Service commission will be held for
eligible candidates for appointment to the
grade of cadet In the revenue cutter serv
ice throughout all the states on Juns IT,
18 snd 19. In Nebraska examinations will
be held at Omaha, Grand Island and Beat
rice; in lows st Sioux City, Dea Moines,
Fort Madison and Mason City; In South
Dakota at Deadwood, Mitchell, Watertown
and Aberdeen, and in Wyoming at Chey
enne. Theee examinations will glvs young
men ambitious for a naval career and who
have failed to seours appointments to
Annapolis an opportunity to enter the civil
branch of marine service with practically
all the rights snd privileges of nsval offi
cers. Applicants desiring to taks the ex
amination ahould apply to the secretaries
of the local Civil Service board In any of
the places named for thta examination.
The salary of a cadet Is 1500 per annum
snd ons ration per day. Applicants must
be not less than 18 nor mors thsn 25 years
of sgs, nor less than five feet three inches
in height, of good morsl character and un
married. In mental examinations prod
clency In mathematics will count fifty
points In a posslbls 100.
Postal Matters.
Representative Burkett ststed today that
hs had rscelved information from the
Postoffice depnrtment that effective July 1
rural free delivery service would be estab
lished from Chaney, with one carrier and
an additional carrier from Humboldt. Ha
said further that an inspector had been or
dered Into Cass county. In hla district, to
taks up ths establishment of rural free de
livery routes.
Senator Millard received Information to
day that two additional substations of ths
Omsha postoffice, to be located at Twenty
eighth and Cuming strsets and Clifton
Hill, had been favorably paased upon by
First Assistant Postmsstsr Oeneral Wynne
Mrs. 8. L. Ushsr has been recommended
for postmistress at Hewitt, Sioux county.
Rursl free delivery routes will bs estsb
Ushed in Iowa July 1 next as follows: At
lsntic, Cass county, four additional routss;
arsa covered, ninety square miles; popu
lation, 1,100. Ooodell, Hancock county, two
routea; area, forty squars miles; populs
tlon. T5.
Ths following Iowa presidential postmas
ters' salaries have been Increased: Onawa
and Osage, )00; Harlan, Jefferson, Mil-
ford, Mlnona, Monroe, Moulton, Montslr,
Mount Vernon, Northwood, Ogden, Osce
ola. Psnora. Perry, Postvtlle, Prairie City.
Prlmghsr, Rsd Osk, Rolfs, Ruthven, 8so
City, Ssnborn, $100 esch. Ths salary of
ths postmaster st Pomeroy has been de
creased $100. The postoffice at Carson, la.,
will become presidential on July 1. The
salary of the postmaster will be $1,000.
The postomces at Green Center, Iowa
county, la., and Welshtown, Yankton
county, B. D., havs been ordered disco n
The comptroller of the currency has ap
proved ths Bankers' National bank of Cht
eago as a reasrvs sgent for the First Ns
tlonal bank of Esthsrvllle. Is.
Mrs. Laura A. Cosnstock of Cheyenne has
bssa appolated a tescher at Rosebud ,(S.
D.) Indian schools.
Civil service examinations wUl bs held at
Atlantic, Tort Dodge, Davenport, Cedar
Frs, Charles City, Clinton. Orlnnell, la,
Beatrice, Grind Island, Neb., and Dead
wood, S. D., on May 28, Cedar Rapids snd
Creston, Is.. May 31 for the positions of
clerk snd letter csrrlers In postofuces at
these places.
Sew Conenl General Declarca He Re
stated from Poaltlon of Hie
Own Accord.
WASHINGTON. May . In view of the
published ststements to the contrary It
can be said on authority that Commis
sioner Evans' desire to sever his connec
tion with the pension bureau was not
prompted by any suggestion or promise on
the part of the president or anyone speak
ing for him. His resignation as commis
sioner was a voluntary act and entirely In
dependent of any, outside consideration.
After the announcement today that his
nomination as consul general to London
had been confirmed by the senste, Mr.
Evans made the following statement:
Much has been said and much has been
written sbout my retiring from the pen
sion bureau. I am exceedingly grateful
for the kind treatment and support I have
received at the hands of my superiors,
the generous support of the press, the
spproval of the people and the generous
and loyal co-operation of a trained and
competent corps of employes In the bureau
while holding the most trying position In
the government.
About 1.100,000 claims have been adjudi
cated during the period of my Incum
bency. There have been no scandals connected
with the service or any branch of It. The
disbursements through It various agencies
have amounted to over $70i.0U0,i0.
In view of the repeated assertions that
I had been forced out of office I desire to
say that such a statement Is wholly with
out foundation. President Roosevelt knew
from the first that I was anxious to give
up the office, and only watted a favorable
opportunity. I resigned of my own ac
(Continued from First Page.)
and ars aent there to be posted."
"Does your auditor or bookkeeper there
ever see your books here?"
"No, sir."
"Then how can he audit the accounts of
your company unless he has access to all
your books snd records without access to
your sundries sales ledger, for example?"
Attorney Prltchett objected to this ques
tion and President Karr sustained the ob
jection. "Have you the company's bank book
"Yes, sir."
"You msy produce it."
This was objected to ana a halt hour
was spent in arguing the point. The ob
jection wss finally overruled. Several items
were read from the book, one of which was
a single deposit of $91,000, msde In No
vember, 1901. It was sfterward arranged
that Mr. Clabaugh should get a sworn
ststement from the cashier showing the
compsny's bslsnce in the bank November
15, 1901. At 12 o'clock a recess of two
hours wss taken.
Doesn't Know Cost of Gaua.
The afternoon hearing opened at 2:20,
with Secretary Clabaugh on the stsnd.
'What waa the cost of the manufacture
of gas per 1,000 feet per month during
1902 T" asked Attorney Mcintosh.
"I don't know," answered the witness.
"Doesn't the company keep any data on
that subject?"
Attorney Prltchett objected to this ques
tion, President Ksrr sustained the objec
tion and Zlmman appealed from the ruling.
""I "call for a suspension of the rules,"
said he, "and demand to have the ques
tion put to a vote." . .
Hascall suggested that the board go lno
executive session Instead.
Zlmman objected to going Into executive
session. "I shall probably maka a num
ber of other objections to the chair's rul
ings during the afternoon," said he, "and
If we retire to the committee room every
time we won't have much time left for the
transaction of business."
Meanwhile Hascall, who stood close to
Zlmman, was speaking In support of his
motion to retire and the chair was rap
ping for order. The situation was becom
ing stralnsd.
"Will you sit down and be quiet?" ex
claimed Hascall.
Zlmman wiped hla face with hla hand
kerchief and retorted: "It's for you to
keep quiet, you you audible atomlrer."
The chair shouted for order snd an
nounced that the question would be settled
by a rising vote.
"All in favor of permitting this question
to be answered," said he, "will please rise."
Firs to Fonr, aa I anal.
Zlmman, Hoye, Lobeck and Burkley stood
"All opposed to its being answered will
Hascall, Karr, Trostler, Whltehorn and
Mount arose to their feet.
"The question will not be answered," an
nounced the chair,
"la It true that the common stock of the
compsny controls the company?" was the
next question.
This waa objected to and the objection
waa sustslned. Mr. Mcintosh said:
"We have a property here that Is worth
a little for purposes of taxation, not vary
much, but we want to get at what that
amount ia. When the city cornea to buy
It, as It will soms day, it will be worth
more, and then we'll have lesa trouble in
getting at the values. Now, the common
stock controls the election of officers, the
personnel of the directory, the salaries of
officers snd nearly a 1,1 other functions of ths
compsny, snd if this is true. It must fol
low that the atock has valus. I think ths
question Is material and pertinent."
The chair persisted In its ruling. Mr.
Mcintosh took exceptions.
"Can you tell anything about the coat of
the manufacture of gaa in 1901?"
"I cannot."
"Have you no information whatever in
that connection?"
"Who does know, if snyone?"
Haacall objected to thla question and ths
objection was overruled.
"Well, the comptroller of the compsny In
Philadelphia knows."
"Is there snyone In Omaha who knows?'
"I don't know."
Some Reorganisation Figures.
The examination again reverted to the
clrcumataaces sttendlng the reorganization
of ths company. It wss shown that In Au
gust, 1897, the gas company bought the
preaent plant, paying for It $1,700,000 In 5
per cent semi-annual Interest-bearing
bonds, $1,250,000 in fully psld up snd non
assessable preferred stock and $2,500,000 In
fully paid up and non-assessable common
stock, snd assumed a bonded Indebtedness
then on the property of $300,000.
Isaac Battln, treasurer of the gas com
psny, wss ths next witness on ths stsnd.
Hs said hs knew nothing ot the money
psld out for the Improvement ot the com
psny's plant, sines hs sxerclsed no au
thority over this department.
"Does your company keep any record of
money Invested In this way?"
Objected to snd objection sustslned.
Addressing ths chair.' Mr. Mclatoah asld.
"Can It bs this board thinks that tbla com
pany la so keen to discloss ths secrets of
Its management that the board must In
tercede to prevent such disclosure? The
province of this board ia to get at the
facts, yet, judging from the wsy I'vs bssa
hampered hers today, oas might think It
-ZT : ?t' :.r.
U : 'fTV.-e j V3r-j&i-
was more Interested In keeping the truth
The examination of Mr. Battln was re
"Is there sny way we can get at the
amount spent In Improvements from Au
gust, 1897, and November 15, 1901?"
Battln Knows Nothing.
"How many miles of gas mains have
"I don't know."
"When you want to know whether you
have a main In a street or not, bow do
you find out?"
"I look at a map."
("Please produce that map before this
board tomorrow morning. . Now, Mr. Battln,
haven't you had charge of the laying ot
malna since 1897?"
"Yes." ' J
"How many miles ot mains have you
lstd in that time?"
"I don't know."
"As many as five miles?"
"I don't know."
"As much as one mile?"
"I don't know."
"Mr. Battln, don't you think that a man
who says hs doesn't know when he does
Is telling a falsehood Just as much as s
man who answers 'yes' when the truth
alls for 'no?' "
Objections sustained.
"Mr. Battln, you may tell JuBt In a word
what you know about the Omaha Gas com
pany." "I can't tell what I know about the
Omaha Oas company." (Laughter.)
Mr. Battln testified that almost hla only
duty in connection with the management
of the company waa to countersign checks.
George W. Barker, a stockholder of the
gas company, was the next witness. He
testified that, so far as he knew, there had
been no change in the valuation of the
property since November, 1901. He esti
mated that the property of the gaa com
pany at the present time is worth $1,500,
000. The frsncbise be thought was value
less and the common stock had no intrinsic
valus and no value, perhaps, beyond a
possible "manipulative value." The bonds
had never aold at par, but had sold for
less than par.
At 5 o'clock the board took a recess to 10
o'clock Monday morning.
Gond enough
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Onrost, Swollen Tonsils, Falling out of Hair or Eyebrowa, and finally a Leprous
like L)ecay of the Flesh and Bones. If you have any of these or similar symp
toms, get BROWN'S BLOOD CUKE immediately. This treatment Is practically
the result of life work. It contains no dangerous drugs or Injurious medicines
of any kind. It goes to the very bottom of the Disease snd forces out every
partlclo of Impurity. Soon every sign and symptom disappears completely and
forever The blood, the tissue, the flesh, the bones snd the whole system are
cleansed, purified snd restored to perfect health, and the patient prepared anew
for the duties and pleasures of life. BROWN'S BLOOD CURK, II 00 a bottle,
lasts one month. MADE HY DR. BROWN, 936 Arch Street Philadelphia.
hold only by Sherman A McCoanell Urns; Co., ltlth and Dodge its., Omaha.
l th open door to all dlaaaa.
Violent catbartica iaave yoa wares lhaa tkay ia4
yos. Tbara ia only ana aiadiclaa taal au eaalljr, rat
auraly, upon Ida bewsl wan acting aa a ionic, aa
contain valaaala aogatabla pro panics wklca act
apsa tha si aetata, Kvar, kidoeys ao4 sleea, ana last
medicine a
Laaakola ia sot only tka moat alBclaat af family
ramcdist, but tha snost economical, bocausa it com
bines two medicines, vis t laxative aad Ionic, and at
ana pi tea No otaer remedyef ivee ao much lor tha
money. At drug (isle, cc. aad soc , or send tor free
sample to lXAKOLA CO., y Xaasaa bircet, N V.
For sale by Sherman McConnell Drug Ca.
Ttils manna luak nkat
It says. Ituiiog aft years'
practice I discovered an
InfalHLIsenrafor Hamlnal
aod Nervous Dabulty. aad
will sand n fuU euratlvo
toorae of the Hssaedy. leurtlna- three moatba, to
any one oa trial, to be paid for If aatkJartory.
Ha Can, No I'm, fltauii aaad your name eui
address. SuOaraps from Vsiieooala. blood Peteoo.
Buptura.KldDey.Bladdaraod HmetaUa Istaeaae.
rlta for m v Bona TraatmanS rfaio. Add raa,
OS- WILLIAM, Health UAos. Waiuoaa Bay. Wis
4 i n i
I. l.Sr I ' " '
piezvsarvtlyf ,
quantv or supstance. In the process of
manufacturing figs are used, as they are
pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal
virtues of Syrup of Figs are obtained
from an excellent combination of plants
known to be medicinally laxative and to
act most beneficially.
To get its beneficial effects buy the
genuine manufactured by the
MKUrl :
new York.iM.Y.
Price. .fifty cents per- bottle.
DR. McGREW(Agi53)
Dlseaaes and Ulavsaseara of Mas Only.
B Tears' Esnerleneo. 15 Tones I -Ontnha.
VARICOCELE which leb'theQUlCKta
safest and most natural that has yet be,
discovered. Mo pain whatever, no euttli.
aod does not Interfere wlta work or Lu
neas Treatment at office or at home a
irnssxent cure guaranteed.
Hot Springs Treatment lor SypbiL
And all Blood Pisceses. Ns "BRhiAKlNU
CUT" on the akin or faoe and all eatarnai
signs of the dlaeaee disappear at ones. A
treatment that, la more euoooseful and far
more satlalnetory than the "old forss" of
treatment and at less than HALF TUB
COST. A cure that is guaranteed to be
permanent for life.
fit CD OH fl n n eured of nervous
Ultn ZU.UUU debility, loss of vitality
a.,a i unnatural weaknesses of toon,
Sirlctura, Uieat. Kidney and Bladder Ltlav
caaos. Hydrocele, eurod permanently.
I ti A rousts iAt. const XT ATIOSJ VsUCS.
Treatment by snllL P. O. ef 7S
Ofnoe over U let Street, Mter; fu
Last aad Wk ViAy