Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 10, 1902, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee.
J i
fit, Pierre and Forty Thousand Inhabitant
Deitrojed by Volcano.
Appalling DiiMter Said to Be Without a
Parallel Except Pompeii.
All Fertoni Who Are on Board tht Fated j
Ships Are Buried in the Sea.
at rent Ion la Described a Storm of
Steam, Mad and Fire, Which
Wi First Apparent Last
ST. THOMAS, D. W. I., Mar It la new
estimated that 40,000 persons perished as a
Result of the volcanic eduptlon In the Island
pt Martinique.
BAN JUAN, P. R., May 9. The cabla offi
cials her have received advices from the
Island of Dominica that a schooner which
lias arrived there from the Island of Mar
tinique reports that over 40,000 people are
Supposed to have perished during the vol
canic disturbance In Martinique. The cabla
repair stfcamer Orappler, belonging to the
West Indian and Panama Telegraph com
Tjanv of London, was lost with all hands
during the eruption of Mount Peele at St.
Pierre. Martinique. Orappler was one of
the first ships to disappear.
Reports at Waahlaartoa.
WASHINGTON. May 9. A cablegram has
Just been received at the 8tate department.
as follows:
POINT A-PETRE, May 9. To Secretary
if State. Washington: At 10 o'clock a. m..
on the sth Inst., a storm of steam, mud and
fire enveloped the city and community. Not
mors than twenty persons escaped with
their Uvea. Klahtecn vessels were burned
ant) sunk with all on board, Including four
American vessels and a steamer from yue
bee named Koralme. The United States
consul and family are reported among th
Victims. A war vessel has come to Guade
loupe for provisions and will leave at t to-
gaon-ow. AlMb, consul.
The eonaul at Martinique la Thomas T.
prentice. He waa born In Michigan add
res appointed from Massachusetts as con
sul at Seychelles Island In 18TI and later
served as consul at Port Louis, Maurltlua,
Rouen, France, and Batavla. He was ap
pointed consul at Martinique In 1900.
The vice consul at Martinique Is Amaree
Restart, who was appointed from Louisiana
In 1808.
The latest available figure show the
total population of ths Island of Martinique
I 185,000 people, of whom 25,000 lived In
$U Pierre.
Saves Thirty Inhabitants
PARIS., May 9. The commander of the
prench cruiser 8uchet recently telegraphed
to the minister of marine from Fort Ds
France, Island pf Martinique, .under date
tt Thursday, May I, at 10 p. m., a follows;
Ilava lust returned from St. Pierre.
which has been completely destroyed J
an Immense mas of lire, which fell on the
fywn at about In the morning. The an'
lira Dooulatlon. about 26.000 souls, is sup.
rosea to nave penanea. i nave- Drougni
Back ths few survivors, about thirty. Ail
ths shipping In the harbor has been de
stroyed by fire. The eruption continues.
M. Btuguenot. a sugar planter of the
bland of Martinique, received a cable die
patch this morning from Fort de France,
teat by the manager of the Francala fac
tory, announcing that h had "tried to
l-each St. Pierre, but found the coast cov
red with ashes and ths town enveloped In
dust and could not land
The commander of the French cruiser
juchet, now at Fort ds Francs, ha been
ordered to return to St. Pierre, Martinique,
with all the speed possible and to forward
details of the disaster to the French gov-
crnment He cannot, however, be heard
Irom for twenty-four hours, as Suchet
kas gon to the Island of Guadeloupe In or-l
tier to obtain provisions,
It Is feared that M. L. Mouttel, the gov
ernor of Martinique, ha perished. He tele
graphed May T thai he was proceeding to
St. Pierre. Senator Knight Is also sup
posed to havs bsea at St. Pierre,
The State department has been receiv
ing dispatches from commercial bouse In
JVew York asking that a warship be sent
at one to Martinique to afford relief. The
gnatter le under consideration.
Little Excitement la Paris
The Parisians do 'not seem to realluthe
ftwtulnrss of ths disaster which has hardly
caused more than a ripple of ' excitement.
Thl waa mainly due to the meagernes of
the dispatches received here aad te the
total abaence of details. The only sign of
grief yet visible Is the half-mastsd Sag of
the ministry of ths colonies.
JThe Matin eaya It Is one of the most
frightful catastrophes recorded and that we
tnust go back to Pompeii to find a parallel
for such a calamity.
News Is Coas; rated la London,
LONDON, May 9. The eeloalal office here
fees received a dispatch from Sir Robert
Llewellyn, governor of the Windward
Island lu the Caribbean, dated from Kings
ton. St. Vincent, yesterday. In which the
governor aaya that the Soufriere volcano In
the northwestern part of ths Island of Bt
Vincent continued In activity. Earth shock
had recurred for a week past, but not ac -
tually In Kingston. On Wednesday a big
cloud of steam bung over ths Soufriere and
ths Inhabitants, who were greatly alarmed,
were flocking to Chateau Belalr. There!
srs already 100 refugees there who were
being fed by the authortlt
With the exception of a dispatch repeat
ing the new brought to the Island of Bt.
Lucia yesterday afternoon by the British
steamer Roddam, which announced the total
destruction of the town of St. Pierre, Island
f Martinique, by a volcanic aruptlon, ths
ngltsh merchants and shippers her having
trade relation with Martinique have re-
reived no direct new of the catastrophe.
Ivea ths owners of the Roddam. which
wa forced to slip her - aachorags at St.
Flerr le order to escape and which waa
badly damaged, seventeen of its crew being
killed, have not beard from the vessel'
Two Other Versions. '
A former resident of St. Flerre, now la
this city, saje there were about 1.000 whit
people among ths inhabitants of ths ds
atroyed town.
Otvernor Llewellyn et the Windward
llaada telegraphed today from the Island
of St Lucia t the Colonial office ae fol
No news from ths Island of St. Vincent
From What 1 haw an lh --mei tit Rt.
Lucls I rear the eruotlon of fcUiurrlere ta
very serious. The cables to Granada and
at. im-ent ars broken.
. At p. in. London Is suits cut
from communication with ths island of
Martinique, Ths cabls osmpaalsa have re
celved nothing except vague messages Hir
ing the cable Is Interrupted owing to the
volcanic eruption. The colonial office li
Uhou't word from Martinique, except that
a grave disaster, the extent of which la not
mentioned. ha occurred, and the receipt of
a repetition of the Roddam s news. The
belief noweitsti that the British West In
disn Islands of Dominica and Ft. Vincent
have also suffered severely. All mesesges
to these islanda are sent at sender's risk
and no cipher dispatches are accepted. It
Is expected that possibly news will reach
England tonight through steamer arriving
at the other West Indian Islands.
Kraptloa Drains Saturday.
A dispatch to the Reuter Telegram com
pany from Ttli irston, Jamaica, giving the
details of the Martinique disaster already
known, says;
Thousands were killed at St. Pierre,
where a terrible panic prevailed. The erup
tion began Saturday, May 3, when St. Pierre
was covered with ashes and appeared to be
enveloped In fog. The flow of lava con
tinued until Wednesday May T.
The message adda: In the Island of St.
Vincent the Soufriere (volcano) Is active
and earthquakes are frequent. But so far
no damage has been done.
In response to the request of Governor
Lewellyn of the Windward Islands, the
British second class cruiser Indefatigable
has been dispatched from the Island of
Trinidad to the Island of St. Vincent
A dispatch to the Dally Mall from
Polnte-A-Petre. island of Guadeloupe,
French West Indies, says:
The Monte Peeie (St. Pierre) crater
ejected yesterday molten rock and ashes
three minutes and completely destroyed
St. Pierre and the districts within a four-
mile radius. All the Inhabitants were
Paralleled Only by Pompeii.
A dispatch to the Dally Mail from Ja
maica says:
The flrat Intimation of a disaster at Mar-
tlnuqe was the breaking of the cables on
Tuesday. The French cable to Martinique
from Puerto Plate was broken Wednea
day. Cable communication with all the
northern Island la stopped.
The- survlver of the British steamer
Roddam .describe the scene at St. Pierre as
being "glimpse of hell." Roddam's men
were killed chiefly by molten lava
All the newspaper expres the utmost
horror of the disaster, which they say for
Its suddennes and magnitude Is only com
parable with that of Pompeii, and they ex
tend deep sympathy to the French nation,
BRIDGETON, Island of Barbados, Brit
ish West Indies, May 9. Volcanic ashes
from eruption In the Island of St. Vincent
are still falling here. The roads and houaes
are covered an Inch thick.
The laland of Barbados is over 100 mile
from the Island of St. Vincent.
Tom Is Entirely Destroyed.
ST. THOMAS. D. W. I., May 9, 9:30 a
in. The French cruiser Suchet arrived at
Point a-Pltre, Island of Guadeloupe, French
Weet Indies, from tort ire France, this
-nomg, bringing several refugee. It
confirmed the report that the town of St.
Pierre, Martinique, was entirely destroyed
at 8 o'clock on Thursday morning by a
volcanic eruption. It le supposed that moat
of the Inhabitants of St. Pierre were
killed, that ths neighboring parlshss were
laid waste and that the residue of the
population ta St. Pierre la without .food 6r
The British royal mall steamer, Esk,
which arrived at St. Lucta this morning,
reports having passed St. Pierre last night.
The steamer was covered with ashes
though It was five miles dietant from the
town, which was in Impenetrable dark
nes. A boat waa sent In as near as pes
sible to the shore, but not a living soul
waa ssen ashors. only flames.
Ths Quebee eteamshlp company's
steamer Poralma was ssen to explode and
Tovra Wrapped In Flames.
The commander of Suchet reports that at
1 o'clock on Thursday the entlr town of
St. Pierre was wrapped In flame. He en-
deavored to save About thirty persona, more
or less burned, from the vessel In the
harbor. HI officers went ashore In email
boats, aeeklng for survivors, but were un-
able to penetrate the town. TUey saw heaps
of bodies upon the wharves, and It Is be-
lleved that not a single person residing in
St. Pierre at the moment of the catastrophe
The governor of the colony and his start
colonel and wife wer In . St. Pierre and
probably perished. The extent of the catas
trophe cannot be Imagined.
The captain of the British steamer Rod-
dam was very seriously Injured and 1 now
In the hospital at Lucia. All of hi officers
and engineers were dead or dying. Nearly
every member of the crew is dead. Super
cargo Campbell and the firemen on the
Roddam Jumped overboard and were lost.
KINGSTON. Jamaica, May 9. All the
Islands In ths neighborhood of Martinique
are Isolated, apparently by an earthquake.
Cable communication with Vincent, Bar
bados. Grenada, Trinidad, Demerara and
St. Lucia la Interrupted. Fears are enter
tained for the safety of ths cabls repair
steamer Grapples, which waa at Martinique
prior to the disaster.
Americans Anoil the Sufferers.
PORTLAND, Ms., -May 9. Nsws of the
catastrophe at St. Pierre, Island of Mar
Unique, waa of deep interest to the firm
of J. H. Hamlen Co. of thl city, which
Is said to be the only New England busi
ness house with an offios at St. Pierre.
Besides dealing In northern lumber, the
Hamlens are Intereated In the auger Indus-
try there, and bold considerable property,
I Their loss will bs heavy.
1 J. C. Hamlen. Us Junior membsr of the
firm, ssys thers wers no New England
people at the Island connected with the
business, and bs believe that none but
native wer killed. He also I of ths
cplnlon that no New England or American
vessels were In port, . as ths season for
shipping lumber, les and coal Is over.
There were three passenger on the Que
bec Steamship company's steamship Pora
lma. which la supposed to havs been lost
with all on board In the harbor of St
Pierre. These passengers were:
All live In the West Indies. At ths Que
bec Steamship company office hers no
new had been received either from Cap
tain Muggao, the commander of the vessel
or from any of the West Indian agents of
ths line.
At ths offices of ths Danish and French
consuls nothing bad been neara directly ol
lb f resent conditions In Jhe destroyed dis
Boashard City of Kan HlaaT Pa for
Three Hoars with Modern
HONO KONG, Kay 9 Advlcas received
here from Wu Chou say ths rebel bom
barded Nan Ning Fu for three hours April
off I XT. using modern field gun. From 100 to
I too of ths Inhabit, an la wer killed. Ths
I rebel subsequently withdrew U the bills.
Their Testimony in Tax Case Throw No
Light on Valuation.
lwm JItltt.ih'i Questions Fall to
Brine? Any satisfactory Informa
' - tlon Before the Hoard
' of Kejaallaatloa.
Four men Interested In the Omaha Oas
company, either a officer or stockholders,
or both, have thus far testified before the
Board of Equalization and the examination
ha occupied a day and a half, yet the en
tire volume of the information tbey gave
could be printed on a Columbian postage
stamp. Only one point of vital Importance
was brought out and that had to be ad
duced piecemeal, partly from the testimony
of President Murphy and partly from that
of George W. Barker, a stockholder.
Neither of these men would testify to the
value of the franchise, but nevertheless
this poftif" Is In evidence.' It came about
In tble way:
Mr. Murphy testified that tbe value of
the company's property. Including the fran
chise. Is 12.600,000. Mr. Bsrker testified
that the value of the company's property,
exclusive of the franchise, Is 11,500,000.
This makes tbe value of the franchise
Mr. Barker said he thought the franchise
was worth as much to ths city ss It Is to
the company, slncs tbe city would be sorely
embarrassed without gas.
Nearly every objection made by Attorn
Prltchett of the gas company, designed,
keep ths truth from coming out, bi'
Councilman Hascall to his feet wit'
speech in support of It, and once 7 f -i
afternoon he went so far a to make
Jection himself to one or Mr. Mf .V ,
questions. "
Clabaugh was recalled to the ' .
terday morning and his examine,. by
Attorney J. H. Mcintosh was resumed. " T he
brunt of the forenoon's hearing fell on the
question of the reorganization of the Omaha
Gas company, which occurred In 1S9T. At
that time Its name was changed from ths
Omaha Gas Manufacturing company to the
Omaha Gaa company. Tbe new concern as
sumed 1300,000 bonded Indebtednesa of the
old and sold 11,787,000 of bonds to raise
funds wherewith to reconstruct and enlarge
Its gas manufacturing plant, making the
12,087,000 of bonds now In existence. The
purpose of Mr. Mcintosh' question was to
ascertain If possible the valuation placed
upon the property at that time, but he met
with Indifferent success.
Prltchett Loaded with Objection.
Mr. Mcintosh was hampered in the In
quiry by-a! great avalanche of objection
Interposed by Attorney Prltchett, repre
senting tbe gaa company, most of which
were eustalned. According to a rule made
Thursday It 1 the province of Preeldent
Karr of the council to pass on all ob
jections and from these ruling the council
may appeal If It see fit. Most of the ob
jections are based upon abstruse legal
points 'governing the admission of evidence
and President Karr Is not a lawyer. - HJ
private system seems te be to sustain three
objections and then evsrruls the fourth.
Thursday City Attorney Connell sat behind
hi chair and coached htm on questions of
thl kind, but tbe attorney deserted bis
poet after Councilman Zlmman's objection
to the arrangement, and President Karr'
only assistance now comes from an occa
sional cue given by Mount or Hascall. Sec
retary Clabaugh, except that he Is troubled
somewhat by hyperaemia of tbe recollection,
makes a good witness. HI answers are
laconic and economical.
There I still a persistent rumor floating
about that the etreet railway company ha
agreed to have Ita assessment fixed at
11.100,000, the figure proposed to it by the
tax committee of the Real Estate exchange
a week ago, though tbe report cannot be
confirmed. The cempany'a assessment by
the Board of Review last January waa
1650,000. It le also reported that the street
railway compaay hae sent Its books to
Ashtabula to be rebound, though all the
officers of the company deny this.
Ths board was called to order for the
Friday morning aeaslon at 10:10 and Sec
retary Clabaugh returned to the stand. On
the table beside him lay a pile of old
books that looked aa though they had been
rescued from the dust and cobwebe of tbe
lumber room. Mr. Mcintosh reeumed the
'Did you bring the books of tbe compaay.
Mr. Clabaugh, a you were subpoenaed to
"No, air."
"Why not?"
"Because the book are not here."
"You brought some book, did you not?"
"Yes, lr."
"What one did you bring'"
"Well, the sundries saKs ledger Is here.
"What does ths sundries sales ledger
"It shows ths sales of gas stoves and fix
"Did' you bring the consumers' ledger?"
"No, because there la a sworn statement
of what tbe consumers' ledger contains now
In. ths office of ths city comptroller, and I
thought that, would do."
What does tbe coneumsrs' ledger stow?"
The number and names of ths con
sumers and ths' amount of gas tbey con
"Havs you here or la the Omaha office
of your company anything purporting to
how the assets and liabilities of ths gas
company T"
"No. sir."
"Or showing ths status of ths business
at any stated time?"
I think not."
When waa the last statement of thl
kind Issued?"
In 1197. I think."
Waa thl for the new or the old com
"The old company."
"Then, are we to inter from your
answer, Mr. Clabaugh. that the Omaha
Gas company be never Issued a state
msnt ss to Its earnlnga or as to ths eondl
Uon of Its property?"
Company Had lasaed Statement.
Mr. CJsbaugh said be didn't Intend that
auch an inference should be drawn from his
answers. Thers bad been a statement Is
tued showing the earnings of the company.
"When was this made?"
"In 1600. I think."
"Havs you a copy of that statement
about your offics where you could find it?"
"Well. then. I shall ask you to produce
It la evidence here after tbe noon hour."
The examlnatlea than reverted to the
fact that the general and principal book
of the gas company are la Philadelphia.
"Mr. Clabaugh, bow caa a coacera doing
business In Omaha accomplish the desired
results by sending Its books ts Philadelphia
to be audited?"
"The books are posted there. All the
Journal entries are made oa allpa s paper
(Continued oa Fourth Page.)
Measures Admltttasi Oklahoma, Arl
soaa and Sew Meslco Ceta
Throua-h Honse.
WASHINGTON, May p. The opposition
In tbe house to the bill for the admission
of Oklahoma. Arltona and New Mexico
collapsed at tbe last minute today and the
bill waa paased without division aa It came
from the committee, except tor a few verbal
amendments. The real test came on an
amendment offered by Mr. Over street of
Indiana to Join New Mexico and Arizona
and admit tbem ae the state of Montezuma.
It waa beaten, 28 to 106 and all opposi
tion then ceased.
The closing scenes of the debate wer
accompanied by a dramatic Incident, which
narrowly escaped being a tragedy. Dele
gate Mark A. Smith of Arizona, who hae
been fighting for the admission of his ter
ritory for a dozen years, had Just made a
vigorous speech against the Overstreet
amendment, when he was seised with a
rush of blood to the hesd. He was con
veyed to the lobby, where severs! physi
cians, who sre members , of the house, by
tbe prompt administration of powerful
heart stimulants, saved him from a stroke
of apoplexy. He later rallied and was re
moved to hi hotel.
Three Members Doctors.
Three member of the house who are phy
sicians, Mtssrs. Gllson. Sbowalter and Ball,
attended blm and for a time they feared
that serious results might follow. Mr.
Hjjith was conscious, but an examination
- .-v. physicians Indicated that he bad
P: featened with an aDOnlectlc attack.
? bill as passed today provides en-
I acts for Oklahoma, Arizona and
' Mexico, similar in form to former
oling acta, with the exception that the
institutional convention of New Mexico le
m powered to designate the name by which
the new state shall enter the union, and
In the case of Oklahoma the convention, by
Irrevocable ordinance, shall express tbe
consent of that state that congress at any
future time may attach all or any part of
Indian Territory to It.
The enabling acts differ from each other
chiefly In reference to tbe public land ap
prlated for educational purpose.
The latter pait of the session was devoted
to private pension bills, eighty-seven of
which wers passed, twenty-eight original,
fifty-four for Increase and Ave to complete
military records. .
Carmack and Dolllver AdJnst Dif
ferences nad Debatee Are
Leas Bitters
Washington, May 9. An effort was
made in the senate to fix a time for a vote
on the pending Philippine bill, but It was
unsuccessful. The minority said many sen
ators still desired to speak on the measure
and that it would not be proper to deter
mine at this time upon a vote.
Today's debate on the bill was mild. Mr.
Teller occupied considerable time In op
position to the measured He contended
principally that the Filipino were capable
of self-government and of establishing
government quite equal to same .European
Some debate occurred ever the resolution
to discharge the commute on privileges
and election from further consideration of
the constitutional amendment providing
for the election of senators by the people,
Finally the resolution was withdrawn, as
surance being given that a report from
the committee soon would be made.
Mr. Carmack of Tennessee apologized to
the senate for the language he used yea
terday In reference to Mr. Dolllver. He
also said that he regretted the use of lan
guage he bad employed in characterizing
Bell, Chaffee and Smith and recognized
that epithets were not proper In debate,
no matter what his personal feeling
might be.
Mr. uouiver said he desired to express
regret if he bad said anything to wound
the sensibilities of the senator from Ten
Mr. Lodge, in charge of the Philippine
bill, asked unanlmoua consent that a vote
be taken on May 21 at 4 o'clock. Mr. Du
bole of Idaho objected. Mr. Lodge sug
gested that he no doubt would be reluct
antly forced to lengthen the sessions of
the senate. Mr. Dubois warned the sen
ator from Massachusetts that no progress
would bs made by using harsh methods or
unusual hours.
Mr. Lodge retorted that he would not be
deterred from doing bis duty by threat.
Discussing a solution of the trouble in
the Philippines, Mr. Teller said: "If w
can hold the Islands with honor and decency
to the Filipinos, even though it be to aoms
disadvantage to ourselves, I am In favor
of doing so, but I am not In favor of bold
tng them under the present dishonorable
conditions, particularly as we do not care
to tell the Filipinos what their ultimate
condition ia to be. If ever a people were
Justified in resisting a foreign power those
people are Justified In resisting us."
The bill reserving a tract of land from
the public lands in Oregon for a public
park was passed.
Eaaene Ware Nominated.
WASHINGTON. May 9. Tbe president
eeot to tbe senate tbe nomination of
Eugens F. Wars of Kansas, to bs com
mlasloner of pensions.
Oleemaracarlne Bill is a Law.
WASHINGTON. May 9. The president to
day signed the oleomargarine bill.
Has Not Been Oat of Denver, hat Was
at the Honse of a Per
soaal Friend.
DENVER, May 9. (Special Telegram.)
Abe Becker, the livestock commission man
who was reported to have departed sud
denly for Mexico, walked Into the Brown
hotel this evening and spent half an hour
meeting acquaintances. He was in seclu
sion for several day past at the home of
a friend on Capitol bill. Becker say the
stories as to bis extravagance have been
sxaggertsd, but no statement is being made
concerning the etatus of ths company's
business or ths heavy Indebtedneas which
Becker is said to havs contracted.
en Northern ParlSc.
Mont.. Msy 9. Westbound
Northern Pacific paasenger No. 1 early
today crashed Into a freight, whose length
necessitated leaving ten cars on ths mala
Una, at Bedford, between Helena and Town
seud. A box car waa knocked off the track
and the engine smashed. Tbe engineer and
11 re ma a eacaped Injury by Jumping. A flag
man bad been sent back to warn the pas
senger train, but did not get fairly started
before It came in eight, and ao great was
lu momentum that it could not be etopped
la time te avoid a collision. Beyond a ss
vsrs shaking up aoae et ths passengers was
Complete Tie-Up of Anthracite Xinei
ult of Long Deliberation.
Order Is Q,uallflrd So as to Make
Permaaency of Strike lacambeat
oa Action of Committee
SCRANTON. Pa., May 9. A general ttrlka
of the miners of the anthracite regions ha
been ordered tor Monday next, but the
order has a reserve qualification attached.
The question as to whether the strike is
to be msde permsnent is left to tbe de-
islon of a convention of delegatee of all
the local organizations of the mine workers
to be held st Hazelton next week.
The miners' executive committees of
hree districts met this morning and had a
three hours' discussion. At Us conclusion
President Mitchell gave out the following
RorOUa in nnr -imposition to submit the
entire question In dispute to an impartial
hoard rf RrrilLra.11011 nave uecn rri:ei-ju
from President Haer of the Philadelphia
Reading. President Thomas or tne r-rie
road. PrcBldent Truesdale of the Iacka-
wanna and President Olyphant of ths
ttalAwaro -4r Hudson, all of whom refuse
to Join us In the adjustment of the differ
ences between us by the methods we pro
At 4:30 o'clock ths committeemen again
assembled and remained In session until
7:30 o'clock. When the session concluded
President Mitchell prepared a statement
and, assembling the newspaper men at the
St. Charlea hotel, read to tbem as follows
from a typewritten paper:
President Mitchell's Order.
To the Anthracite Mine Workers of
Pennsylvania: Gentlemen The executive
committees of the anthracite mine work
ers, who were delegated by the Shamokin
convention to represent you In the ne
gotiations with the railroad presidents
and mine operators for the purpose or
obtaining Increased wages, shorter hours
and better conditions of employment, have
exhausted all peaceable, conciliatory and
honorable means at tkelr command, and
have failed to secure any concessions of a
tangible natjre, and while under the reso
lutlons adopted by the Shamokln .conven
tion authority was vested in the executive
committees, should they fall In the nego
tiations, to inaugurate a strike at what
ever time in their judgment neid. out tne
greatest promise or success, the commit
tecs, after three days or serious aellbera
tlon, feel that In Justice to the anthra
cite mine workers and those dependent
upon them, before a general s.rlke is in
augurated, the question should be further
considered by a delegate convention, in
which representatives from the various
local unions shall be fully Instructed by
their constituents and prepared to vote in
favor of or In opposition to complete cessa
tion of work.
In the meantime, all persons employed
In or around the collieries, stripping,
wsshertes and breakers are Instructed to
temporarily abstain from working, begin
ning with Monday, May 12, and continuing
thereafter until a final decision Is reached
by a delegate convention, which will con
vene Wednesday morning, May 14, at
Hazelton, Pa.
There is not a particle of question but
that the miners will religiously obey the
order and that on Monday next not so
much as a sbovelful of ooal will b mined
In the Lackawanna valley.
Charles A. Pierre, Tecamaeh.
TECUMSEH, Neb., May 9. (Special Tele
gram.) Charles A. Pierce of tbls place
died at the Presbyterian hospital in Omaha
late last night. The deceased was a prom
inent business man and citizen of Tecum
seb, having been cashier of the Tecumseh
National bank elnce 1892. He was born In
Havana, 111., in 1860. He was married to
Miss Mary Scott and the widow, with two
children, survive him, a also do two cbtl
dren by a former marriage. The funeral
will be held at Waverly Sunday afternoon.
Tecumseh citizens will attend on a special
train from here. Mr. Pierce was a Knight
Templar, also a member of the Jloyal High
landers. These orders, together wltb tbe
Tecumseh military band, will attend In
John Bentler, Hamboldt.
HUMBOLDT, Neb., May 9. (Special.)
John Beutler, son of one of Richardson
county's prominent farmers! died tbls
morning at bis home a few miles south of
town. Ths deceased was 28 years of age
and had been ill only a few weeks. The
funeral services will be held Sunday at the
German Reformed church, conducted by
Rev. Leher.
J. B. Brady.
ST. JOSEPH. Mo., May 9. J. B. Brady.
millionaire, head of the wholeaale carpet
bouse of J. B. Brady Y Co., died early tble
morning from paralysis. vMr. Brady had
been In business here for over thirty years,
was unmsrrled and leaves an Immense es
tate. He maintained for many years a
bachelor residence on a seal of lavish
L. I- Smith, Plalavlew.
PLAINVIEW. Neb.. May 9. (Special.)
L. L. Smith, a prominent citizen of tble
place, died Thursday at the home of his
sister, Mrs. Irwin, at Crelghton. Tbe
funeral will take plac here 8unday, under
the ausplcee of the Independent Order of
Odd Fellows' lodge of Plalnvtsw, of which
bs wss an honorary member.
. Mrs. O. W. Eatoa, Wood River.
WOOD RIVER, Neb., May 9. (Special.)
Mr. Eaton, wife of O. W. Eaton, vice prea
ident of tbe First National bank of this
city, died at ber home this morning. Mrs.
Eaton leaves, besides her husband, a son
and daughter.
Mrs. Prlscllla Wood ran", Beatrice.
BEATRICE. Neb., May 9. (Special.)
Mr. Prlscllla Woodruff died on Tuesday
afternoon, aged 65 years. Sh waa the
wife of Otla Woodruff, aa old resident of
Beatrice. Ths funeral was held Wednes
Aids la Wife's Elopement.
YORK. Neb.. Msy 9 (Special.) The
elopement of Mrs. A. A. Hawley, wife of
Gresham's popular postmaster, and Oeorge
Mauer, who was Mr. Hawley' deputy clerk
for a number of year, I exciting the peo
pie of Gresham. Mra. Hawley U mother of
two children, a girl 13 yeara old and a boy
14 yean cf age, and until very recently
Mr. Hawley has not suspected that bis
wife bad become Infatuated with Mauer. j
Learning of the Infatuation on Tuesday, be
gave bis wlfs money and household effecte
and she departed.
Robber Suspect Released.
NEBRASKA CITY, Neb., May 9. (Spe
cial.) John Armstrong, tbe man who was
arrested here the other day at the request
of ths Iowa authorities on ths charge ot
robbing ths boms of bis brother at Church
vllle. Is., was discharged from tb county
jail Isst night, as tbs officers from Do
Moines did not com for their prisoner.
Forecast for Nebraska Partly
with Possible Showers In North
Temperatnre at
Omaha Testerdayi
Hoar. rc.
Hoar. Den.
K a. m All
S) a. m BI
1 n.
.1 .
li p.
T p.
T a. at (II
a a. m (IT
n. m flT
0 n. sa HO
1 n. m. . . . n:t
m . .
12 m 6.1
Dsmsgt by F.arthqaahe In Guatemala
Not So Bad aa First
SAN FRANCISCO, May 9. Additional
news of the recent earthquake In Guate
mala has been brought here by the steamer
Newport, which left San Jose de Guatemala
on April 33. These advices show that while
the first reports of the seismic disturbances
were much exaggerated, still there was a
heavy loss of life and property.
At Quesaltenango 500 people were re
ported to have been killed or Injured out
of a population of possibly 40,000. Of this
number there waa but one white person,
Mre. Clara Klldare, the wife of a photog
rapher. Death and damage to property also Is re
ported to have resulted In the cities of Ssn
Marcus, San Pedro, San Juan, Ostancalco,
Tacana, Mazatenango and Cutuyango.
These cities have from 2,000 to 6,000 Inhab
itants each. Much damage was done on the
coffee plantation and at tbe port of Ocos
and Champerlco, on the Pacific. .
Newport wa at La Ltbertad when the
earthquake which wrecked Quesaltenango
occurred. Though the ship was anchored
In the harbor, those on board felt the shock.
Tbe vessel was at Ocos on April 19, when a
second shock occurred. A number of
bouses were thrown down and several per
sons were killed. Yawning crevices made
the street Impassable. A small stream
which emptied Into the sea near Ocos dis
appeared and the iron railroad bridge
which spanned It was telescoped. All
houses in Ocoe are deserted and the Inhab
itant are living In the open fields In tents.
Esalco, the burning mountain In Salvador,
has been extinct for ten month and during
that time there ha been frequent earth
quakes and tidal wave along the coast.
Brothers Will Be Burled at the Same
Time at Irrlit ton-on-Hudson.
NEW YORK. May 9. There was a meet
ing of relatives of Paul Leicester Ford and
Malcolm W. Ford today, at which E. H.
Kidder, Mrs. Paul Ford's father; Roswell
Steele, Worthlngton Ford and a sister were
Later Worthlngton Ford said there would
be but one funeral and that the service
would be conducted, by Bishop Burgess nf
Long Island, formerly rector of Grace
church, New York. Immediately after the
service the bodle will be taken to Irving'
ton-on-Hudsoa for Interment.
Dr. Munroe, tbe Ford family doctor, and
Dr. Barucb, who wa called in immediately
after the tragedy yesterday, said Mr. Paul
Ford bad rallied entirely today from the
hock. She I still weak, but 1 out et
Mr. Malcolm Ford, who sec ired a divorce
four year ago, visited Malcolm Ford's late
home and saw her 7-year-old boy, who had
lived with bis father.
Chlefe of Police Extend the Bonnds
of Membership to Other
LOUISVILLE, May 9. The police chlefe
of the United States and Canada today, at
their final aeaslon, changed their name to
the International Police Chiefs' assocla
Tbe matter of adopting a secret code was
referred to the executive committee.
New Orleans was then unanlmoualy se
lected aa the meeting place next year.
Ths election of officers resulted as follows:
Richard Sylvester of Washington, president;
Chief of Police Frank Cassaada of Elmlra,
N. Y.. first vice preeldent; Colonel M.
Grassel of Ontario, Canada, second vice
president; Harvey O. Carr of Grand Rapids,
secretary and treasurer.
For St. Paul's Methodist Church la
Lincoln In Memory of
NEW YORK. May 9. A chime of ten
bells, to be known ss the McKlnley
memorlsl chime, will be shipped today to
Lincoln, Neb., saya a Troy, N. Y., dis
patch to the Times.
It will be placed in tbe tower of St
Paul's Methodist church. The largest bell
bears the inscription: "Presented by tbe
citizen of Lincoln and vicinity in memory
of our beloved president, William McKln
ley, March, 1902."
The set cost $6,000, raised by popular
Little Fellow Carries Lighted
In Sleep aad Fatal Ae
rldeat Ocears.
PUEBLO. May 9. Walter Craddock, ths
10-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. W. I.
Craddock, died today from burns received
last night His sister, Edna, who was
burned at tbe same time. Is not expected
to recover.
Boon after midnight tbe boy left bis bed
in bis sleep, picked up a lighted lamp and
went to bis sister's bedside, where In some
manner the lamp exploded and ignited the
bedclothes and tbs children's nightdresses.
Heavy Prerlpltatloa In Northern Mln-
neaeta aad Bllaaard Threat
eaed la Wisconsin.
ST. PAUL. May 9. Dlspatchea from
northern Minnesota report a heavy snow
storm' this afternoon. Garden stuff Is said
to bs Injured to soms sxtent.
WEST SUPERIOR. Wis.. May 9. Snow Is
falllng here tonight and threatens to turn j dren and none of them suffered any In
to to a blizzard before morning. jury. At $ o'clock tbey wers gatherad
Deadly Dael Between Italians.
CHICAGO. May 9. Antonio Mechl has
been shot and killed in a rtol duel with
Joseph Deandre. Over eight shots were
tired between the two men and the dui-1
was witnessed b) the wives of both.
Deandre received a bullet wound In the
left breast and. It la aald. will die. The
police have been unable to learn ths real
cause of the murder, but the widow claims
thst Deandre murdered her husband be
cause he had refused to rent him rooms,
bulb are Italians.
Bute of Iowa Suffert Quarter Million Dol
lar Loti at Council Bluff.
Firo Department is Powerless to Stop the
Spread of the Flamei.
Superintendent Bothert Unable to Statt
Bow the Fire Start.
Many of Them Render Valuable As
sistance la nvlnT Property
From the Unreins;
The main building of tbe Iowa 6i liuol
for the Deaf, located three miles southeast
of Council Bluffs, was destroyed by fire
last evening, entailing a loss estimated a'.
$250,000. Tbe loss Is complete, as the ststs
rnrrtes no Insurance on any of Ita build
ings. Aa far as could be learned last night
none of the 260 deaf and dumb pupils In
the school are Injured or missing. But
little of the furniture and effects of the
pupils and teachers was saved.
The fire started In an attic over tbe
chapel In the wing adjoining the main
building at the rear. This attic had been
used to store lumber In and was always
kept locked. The origin of the fire I a
mystery and Superintendent Rothert 1 un
able to advance a theory aa to Ita origin.
The flames spread rapidly and In a few
minutes the chapel wing, under which tho
dining rooms are located, was a seething
furnace. The blaze spread rapidly to the
main structure. At first there seemed
hopes of saving tbe two wings, but the
wind, which was blowing from the south
west, veered to the northwest and It wa
oon apparent that the entire main atruc
ture was doomed.
The Council BlutTw fire department. In
command of Chief Templeton. responded to
the call for assistance and was sen n at tbe
scene of the fire. Their efforts, however,
were hampered by the want of water pres
sure. The Institute ha a water system
of It own with a reservoir on an adjoin
ing hill, from which the water wa pumped
by mean of engine In the engine room
adjoining the wing of the building In which
the fire first started. The efforts of the
firemen were directed to keep the blszs
from spresdlng to the engine, aa had thl
happened there would have been no way ot
securing further water.
Eat a Into Unst Wins;.
About 7 o'clock tbe flames, wblcb bad
been gradually, but surely, eating their way
Into the east wing, despite the work of tbe
firemen and many willing helpers, burst
forth tn all their fury, lighting up the
aky until It could . be seen for miles. It '
was then evident tCat the east wing. Ilk
the west, was doomed and the work of the
firemen waa directed to prevent It from
spreading to the building In tb rear et
the main structurs. A few minutes be
fore 8 o'clock tbe east wall of ths east
wing fell out with a crash. By tbta tlm
there wa but little of the main ctructur
left but the outside walls, while the In
terior was a flrey furnace. Standing as the
building did on the top ot an eminence, the
flame could be seen for miles.
The building In the rear of tbe wing la
which tbe fire started Is occupied by a
laundry and kitchen in tbe basement, with
the private dining rooms tor ths teachers
and officers of tbe Institution on the second
floor. This waa badly damaged, but es
caped complete destruction.
The Institute bad within Us wall at tb
time tbe Are started 260 pupil and sixty
three teacher and officer. Tbey lost prac
tically all of their belongings, most ot
them saving nothing except tbs clothes
they had on. Superintendent Rothert's loss
is complete, as when the Ore was first dis
covered by blm be made no effort to save
any of bis effects, but directed hi whole
attention to getting his chargee out of the
building and In a place of safety and then
to directing .the fight against the flames.
Hi loss is considerable, a bs owned a
Urge library, a valuable collection ot sil
verware and a number of costly oil paint
Ing. the collection of a lifetime.
Good Start When Discovered.
The fire, which bad evidently by that
time made considerable headway under the
roof of tbe wing in the rear of the main
building, wak discovered by a email boy,
one of the pupils, who rushed- frantically
up and down the hall tn the center build
ing opposite Superintendent Rothert'e office.
Tbe noise made by the boy attracted tbe
attention of Mr. Rothert. who oo going Into
the hall noticed the smell of smoke. It
took blm but a few second to realize that
tbe building was on fire and be at ones di
rected bis efforts to getting tbs pupils and
ths attendant? out of tbe building. The
fire bell was rung, the whistle blown and
active preparations begun to fight tbe flames
with tbe means at band until assistance
should arrive from the city.
The building was soon emptied ot tho
pupils and teachers and then Superintend
ent Rothert. with a number ot tbe men
employed about the Institute commenced
tbe work ot saving the bedding and such
effects of tbe ouplls as possible from tbe
dormitories in the two wings.
Chief Templeton, with the book and lad
der company from No. 1 bose bouse, re
sponded to tbe call and were soon at tho
scene of tbe Are. At first their efforts
to save the two wings of the main building
seemed likely to meet with success, but
the wind changed and at o'clock ths
flames burst from ths center building Into
tbe west wing and In a few minutes it wss
biasing furnace. Chief Templeton, Cap
tain Te'ifer and Fireman Stevens wers
caught on the third floor of tbe west wing,
their escaps by the stairway being cut oft
and they bad to make their descent by tbs
Are-escape. All were more or less scorched
snd Chief Templeton wss for a short tlm
overcome by Inhaling smoke. He wss able,
bowevfr, in a abort time to resums tbs di
rection of tbe firemen.
Teachers Control Children.
Fortunately the teachers wers abls to
i exercise complete con'rol over tbe cbll-
I Into ths large brick two-story school
building east of tbe main building, where
they were given supper. Temporary sleep
ing rooms wsrs established In ths school
building for tbs girls aud in ths Indus
trial school for tbs boys.
Offers from St. Bernard's and ths
Woman's Christian association hospital
wer made to take care of a certain num
ber of the children, but for last sight
Superintendent Rothert decided to keep