Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 09, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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Eiowiug of Business Eelatioci in Light of
Tax Su t
)f,n Vhm' Record of Tasea mid and
(harifi ColWtvd ay the
Pablle Service Cor
' porattons.
if response to numerous requests (or In
formation as to the business ot the public
servlrs corporation! with the city of
Omaha the following statement, taken from
tae books of the city treasurer and city
comptroller, is given.
The statement shows the total amount of
money received by the city from the five
public service corporations for the ten
yfin ending December 31, 1901, and shows
the amount of money paid by the city 'o
the four public service corporations which
have contracts with ths municipal corpora
tion!. Berause of the nature of ths franchise ot
the Omaha Gas company it is possible to
give an exact ste'ement of the total rash
receipts of that company from the sale ot
pas to private consumers and the city.
The company pays a royalty of 5 per cent
on Its cash sales of gas, exclusive of the
smount received from the city. This ex
ception Is made because the city is fur
niched gas at the rate of 11 per 1,000 feet.
The statement is as follows:
Cava tonpasr.
Receipts of
Royalty Company
Paid Paid from Sale
Tears. by City, to City. of Qas.
Wl t 22.1H0.O7
1H3 21.7WS.06
20.670.M l.&n.M f 140,602 U
ln .m.0 7. 171. 91 lfi2.ft.13. 20
'. a l.2.0O 7.410.06 108.127.20
lxf'T 21.711.00 8.526.20
28,239 5 11, 07.74 250.194 45
18:0 2S.415.14 11,390. 04 2.V5.227.94
JyiO 29.421.04 11.948 14 2SS.2S3 .W
Uul 29.li67.16 13.062.33 291.2U.71
Totals 1241,821.64 $76,598.60 $1,729,817.47
Real Kstate
Taxes Paid.
.... 2.642.42
.... 2.642.42
.... 2.642.4J
.... 2.462.2)
.... 3.242.97
.... 9.5OO.O0
.... 10.640.00
.... 12.920.00
and Special
Taxes Paid,
t 1.73 91
1.818 50
19 0
Totals $58,274.74 $20,676.76
Electric Light Company,
by City.
.$ 28,198 41
. 174.97
. 28.864.25
. 31,619.41
. 30.417.74
. 33.1C6.T4
. f'i.ittj.41
. 43,269 88
. 44.019 86
. 44,179.71
$ 600
Taxes Paid.
....$ 706.10
m. On
.... 9J.36
.... 1.081.08
.... 1.640.00
.... 2,750.00
.... 1,080.00
.... 1, 740.00
Real Estate
and Special
Taxes Paid.
1,066. M
.176 00
1897 ,.
19i X)
Water Company.
Paid byl
City. ( Tears.
....I 78.818 56 1900
. ... 82.418 88119IU
.... M.680.6HI1R98
k6.564.81lU9 ........
.... 87.261.841
Paid by
1597 .....
.... Z,VU3.20 TOIS1
Taxes Paid.
$ 2.497.31
1.671. V
Real Eatate
and Special
Taxes Paid.
$ 6.605.85
6.850 8$
J 897
Good enough
for anybody!
All Havana Filler
of same value as tags from
'star: 'horse shoe:
'spearhead: standard navy:
'old peach a honey'
and J. T.' Tobacco.
Always rMictbiUt
Society Stationery
Our display U ths Urfrst
M Our gotxla the proper tttlng.
oototy BUUonara, UOI rarmasa It.
Marble rami. Bltt.r 6wt, Black Bock.
Library edition 96o each. Write ar call
or hat of bargalna. - - -
YjffO- "ffi'
m a a s i
.... lO.jnOOO
.... I1.7f no
.... !.
4.947 ,
Totals $70.696 63 i $a,01.$3
Telephone Compaay.
Paid byl
Paid by
City. Tears. city.
.$ 1.136 01 18 $ I.77J 21
. l.M VM 6.895 22
1.8.13 ti ll ....
6.416 88
1.9S6 98 1901 .....
1.4.4 M
2.464. 1J Total
Taxes Paid.
$ 298 4
346 46
794 86
747 63
71. 8
Real Estate
and Rper-ial
Taxea Paid.
$ 62617
921. 63
3. .2. 00
369 00
669 60
828 80
Totals $12,354.44 13,859 19
No real estate tax.
treat Railway Company.
Real Estate
Personal and Special
Tears. Taxes Paid. Taxes Paid.
191 $ 2.824 65 $ 1,M 13
1W2 1.681 00 1.828 41
1'3 1.146-0O 2.682 04
1894 3.283 50 2.700.42
1896 $.138,OS 2 826.44
1896 J 2.621.69
197 3.790.8 6.481.29
1898 10.200.00 2.615 91
1899 10,625.00 2.84014
19-0 11. 9UO.O0 1.966 98
1901 16.150.00 3.323.29
A tabulated statement of the recelpta
from the city and the payment thereto by
the four corporations doing business with
the city Is as follows:
Paid paid In favor of
by City, to City. Company.
Oss Co $ 241.821.64 $155,549 20 $ 86.271 44
Flee. L,t. Co. M ?l ss " Air, Vi vrr io na
Water Co.... 880.227 43 76l229 60
Telephone Co 39.289.07 17.916.34 21,371.73
Totals ...$1,614,672 68 $313.602.80 $1,201,069.75
Three C'onnty Comnlastoacrs Take
Ills Rlar and DrtTe All
Peter Hofeldt, the 100-pound chairman of
the Board of County CommUsloners, ac
companied by Commissioners "Dick"
O'Keeffe and H. C. Ostrom drove orer the
north half ot Douclas county Wednesday
afternoon with Dr. W. H. Hancbett's phae
ton and pair. It was not due to the fact
that the county Is too poor to hire team
t a livery stable, but rather to the fact
that "Pete" Hofeldt made a mistake and
approprlatad the wrong team. The purpose
of the Junket was to inspect roads and
bridges, and necessitated a long, hard
drive. The seat was so narrow that one
of the trio bad to sit on the knees of the
other two, and at this they took turn about.
The springs, were bumping on the "ex"
most of the time.
Mesnwblle nearly everybody In any way
connected with the Incident was mystified
or vexed, or both. The doctor thought his
team was stolen, and was worried; the
police worked all the afternoon on the
same theory, and were baffled; the livery
stable manager of whom Hofeldt had en
gaged another team thought he had lost a
customer, and was provoked; the telephone
girls noticed their labors had lncreaaed,
and were weary; Dr. Hanchett's patients
thought he was never coming, and were
nervous, while the team went without its
dinner, and was hungry. As to the com
missioners, tbey found the vehicle was too
small, and were squeexed.
Asked If he were indignant because of
Hofeldt's blunder. Dr. Hanchett said:
"Well, I bad to make my calls on horse
back, and as I'm not used to riding horse
back I'm naturally a little sore."
Complavlnlngr Witness Falls to Make
Good for Prospective
New Trial.
James Leo Is again a free man after
serving one ot the thirteen years he was
sentenced to in the penitentiary at Lincoln
for robbery. Deputy County Attorney Ab
bott entered nolle prosequi In the case
against him yesterday because the com
plaining witness, Charles Duke, a saloon
keeper at Eighteenth and Leavenworth
streets, seems to have had change of heart
for reasons not clear and Is reported to
have said that he Is not sure Leo Is the
man who held up his place, with the as
sistance ot four others, in November, 1900,
as he originally testified. The police took
Leo back to Jail for the officers to hava
a last look at blm Inantiaipatlon of future
Detective Drum my said: "Leo belonged
to a bad bunch and waa the worst In It, He
bss been twice prosecuted here and the last
time Judge Baker sent him over the road
tor thirteen years. Leo has friends and
money somewhere behind him and engaged
lawyers, who persuaded the supreme court
that there was an error In the original pro
ceedings. He waa remanded for a new
trial, but in the meantime some strange
force had gotten to work on Duke and he
coudn't be relied upon, so the county had
to let Leo go.
"Of the four men who were with him In
the Job, Whltmore aad Parker took on an
other pal named Endman and the three
robbed St. Paul people of about $30,000,
winding up by fatally shooting a policeman
who caught them while they were at work."
Flicker Will Play with Omaha fa
First Game at Kaaaas
A dispatch from Peoria says that Manager
Rourke ot the Omaha Baae Ball club haa
aooealed from the decision of President
gexton In the Brown case to the Aeaocla
tlon ot Union Base Ball Clubs. Brown
claims that he did not sign a contract
with Terra Haute lsst yesr and Rourke
says the claim Is based upon a three-year
clause of a previous one. Brown will
pitch Omaha' opening gam at Kansas
On account of the serious Illness of his
father st Osceola. Neb.. Lieutenant La-
Vergne C. Gregg has been granted a leave
or absence or one montn.
City Engineer Rosewater has returned
from his business trip' to Oklahoma City,
brlnaina- with him Mayor Jonea of that
metropolis, who will be an Omaha visitor
lor a rew as vs.
A telegram to Rev. T. J. alackay atates
that his son, Odin C. MackSy, waaonerated
on for appendicitis at the Mssaacnusetta
general hospital at Boston. The condition
of the patient u saia to be satisfactory.
John Grant left leat nlht for ten days'
visit in new iora. Disclaiming inst lie
guee on any business mission. He will be
accompanied by his daughter, ldra. Edna
Cornell, wno naa seen visiting at her par-
ente nome nere tor nve wesae.
Mr. J. E. Clifford, ahead of the Plato
shows, la In Omaha making arrangemente
lor toe coming oi ni attraction next wee
Charles D. Thompson attrnded the ses
slon of the Nebraska Btste Press assorts.
tlon at Lincoln Wednesday. He reports a
tun attendance ana an interesting program
0. R. Rush, aaslstsnt district attorney,
has returned from St. Paul, where the cajte
of tn united mates saalnst Adam For
r ester waa iriusd and submitted. Forres.
:er wss convicted a year ao of selling
liquor to the Indians aud son fenced to a
year and a day In the penitentiary. He la
out on nana penning an appeal.
Mar'ln Sug&rman oi the county Judge's
office went to Chicago last night to be ab
sent a week. McKlnley lodge, of the Inde
pendent Order Bnal Hrith Is aendlng blm
as delegate to the district convention ef
the order, whlob will be In seaelon at the
Felmer nouse nest Mondsy, Tuesday and
Wednesday. The district Includes Illinois.
low neersaaa.
Compromise Fignrei on Dectric Light and
Telephone Froprtiei Aoceptod.
Hascall Introduces aad flecares Adop
tion of Special Rales Prorldlaa;
for Freejaeat Esccatlre Bes
sloas of tba Board.
Board of Board of
Equalisation Review
Ass m t. An m l.
New Omaha Thomson
Houston Electric Light
Co $176.0"O $117,600
Nebraska Telephone Co... 17j.iO0 109,310
There were two dlstintice features In the
hearing before the Board of Equalisation
Thursday. One was the acceptance by the
board of the compromise figures of $176,000
as the assessment of the electric light and
telephone companies; the other ass the
discovery during the sfternoon session that
the gas compsny had sent its books and
records to Philadelphia, thereby removing
them from the Jurisdiction of the court.
O. W. Clsbaugb, secretary of the eoraoany,
testified that his concern bed been running
for the last four months without ledger,
Journal or day book.
In the forenoon the board fixed the as
sessment of the electric light and telephone
companies at $176,000 each, being the
amount agreed upon In the conference be
tween the tax committee of the Real Estate
exchange and the corporation officers dur
ing the last two weeks. These figures
were announced early In the forenoon by
Attorney J. H. Mcintosh, representing the
complainants. After a discussion of an
hour the board went Into executive session
and In twenty minutes returned to the
council chamber, when President Karr read
this report:
Eight of the members of the Board of
Equalisation have determined that $175,000
is the proper assnssment to be made In the
case of the Nebrieka Telephone company
and also In the cane of the New Omaha
Thomson-Houston Electric Light company.
That being the case, the proper finding
and Judgment In each of said cases will be
written out and submitted to the board
within a reasonable time, upon which roll
call can be had.
The member who declined to accept the
compromise figure was Zlmman.
Councilman Lobeck made this explanation:
"We estimated," said he, "that the prop
erty of the electric light company was
worth $605,000. Deduct $100,000 from this,
as representing the value of the company's
property In South Omsha, and from this
result $76,000 more as the value ot the com
pany's real estate, and we have a balance
ot $430,000. Forty per cent of this ta $172.-
000. We raised this to $175,000 tn order to
make the figure even. In the case of the
telephone company, which has no bonds,
we figured that Its property in Omaha Is
worth $121,000, and that Its franchise was
worth $54,000."
The board then took a recess until S
o'clock In the afternoon, when the Investi
gation of the gas company's valuation
Crowd In Coancll Chamber.
There were about 200 men present when
at 10:15, the council wsa called to order as
a Board ot Equalization. Every councilman
was at his desk. Among the well-known
men Inside the rail were C. E. Tost, Frank
Murphy, W. W. Morsman, John L. Webster,
Major R. 8. Wilcox, R. S. Hall, B. R. Ball,
M. J. Kennard, William Fleming, F. D.
Wead, O. E. Prltchett, E. W. Nash, Wil
liam G. Shrlver, George F. Morton, Ell S.
Garrett and C. F. Harrison.
The moment the gavel sounded Hascall
was on his feet with a motion. ' He moved
that C. C. Valentine be designated aa the
official teporter for the board. The motion
carried. He followed It at once with an
other, to the effect that a code of rules he
held In his band be adopted for the gov
ernment of the board. The code, which was
read by the clerk, follow:
Reeolved. That this Board of Eauallsa
tlon does hereby revoke, rescind and re
peal all existing rules and regulations gov
erning tne action of this hoard, and here
after its action shall be governed and Its
procedure regulated Dy sucn special rules
to facilitate and expedite Its DUHlness as
may be, from time to time, adopted for
mat purpose, or as may be determined by
a majority of Its members In all cases
where the special rules In force are not
(Special Rule No. 1 That durlna the hear
ing of the pending complaints, or of any of
them, no one shall be admitted within the
bar or tne council chamber when the board
is in session, except the members of the
board, the city clerk and his assistants
the city attorney snd the assistant cltv
attorney, the aergeant-at-arms and his as
sistants, a court reporter, comnlalnnnts
Bhiiver and Morton and their attorney, the
five corporations by their representatives
ana attorneys ana witnesses at the hear
ing when called and during the time they
are on the witness stand giving their evl-
Visitors Mast Behave.
Special Rule No. I Anyone mav nr.punv
the seats In the council chamber outside
na oar aurina ine sessions or the hwni
provided they preserve order and dn nnt
disturb the business of the board nor Inter
fere wun tne transaction of Its business.
A breach of this rule will subject the of
fender to removal from the connrii cham
ber and a forfeiture of any further right
Special Rule No. S Whn a cnmnlalnt
Is called for hearing the complainants or
their attorney may present any legal evi
dence or testimony he or they may have
iii,iauir io i iic rase to sustain tne corn-
Plaint. Tne nearina- shall nroreod with.
out delay to the conclusion, and to facili
tate the hearing when the complainants
ask delay to present further testimony, the
party complained of shall have the right
to proceed and Introduce any evidence that
said party has resdv for production: or.
tne board, on Its own account, mav fur
nish any evidence that it ilmnu matoriar
on sucn nesring. ir. However, the com-
plslnants, berore the termination of the
hearing, shall have further material and
legal evidence to produce and are ready
to do so, they shall be allowed that privi
lege, and the party complained of shall
have the same rlaht.
Special Rule No. 4 No roll call can tw
demanded except on findings and final de
termination and Judgment. If any differ
ences arise as to the admission of evidence
or any vital method of procedure, the
members of the Hoard of Equalization shall
retire to tne committee room and there
adjust and determine the matter; where
upon, they shall return to the council
chamber and the chairman of the board
shall announce the decision. The derision
thua made shall be binding upon the future
sctlon of the board and the point cannot
again oe raiaea.
Special Rule No. 6 Before any final vote
shall be taken on the findings, determina
tion and Judgment In any case, the mem
bers of the board shall retire to the com
mittee room and talk over snd consider
tne evidence in tne esse and the law ip
pllcabie tnereio, and ir they can agree
upon the proper Undines snd Judgment In
the matter, the same shall be written nut
In full and announced by the challrman on
return to the council chamber; and, there
upon, roll call ahall be had on their adop
tion. On a failure to agree at such con
ference on the proper findings and Judg
ment, the majority of the membera of said
board may agree on the aame and present
tne same to saia ooara tor us action.
Factional Llaea Drawn.
This afforded the first opportunity for the
drawing of lines between the two factions
President Karr announced:
"If tbsre s bo oojscuon, tneee rules will
be adopted."
Zlmman demanded roll call. The vote
Ayee Karr, Hascall, Trostlsr, Whltehorn
Mount 4.
Nays Burkley, Hoys, Lobeck, Zlmmsn 4,
Attorney J. H. Mcintosh, representing
Complainant Shrlver and Morten, explained
to the board -tljat there had been a con
ference between the complainants and cer
tain of the Ave public ssrvtc corporations
"The complainants, representstlves ef the
Nebrsska Telephone company and the New
Omaha Thocnaon-HoustoB Electric Light
compsny, and a number of substantial tax
payer of Us city, hav held several con
ference," said he, ''and. In order to ex
pedite matters and settle all differences as
promptly as possible, we sgreed upon a cer
tain figure a a fair appraisement of the
"We regard this as any other litigation."
answered Mr. Mcintosh. "The litigants
rsn sgree, and in such rases the court
usually screpts the agreement without fur
ther Inquiry."
'For my part, I shslt follow the advice
of the city attorney," said Mr. Mount.
Hascall ssld: "Let both sides, the real
estate people and the corporations, come In
snd ssy what Mr. Mcintosh hss said, and
maybe we can consider It."
Morsman Talks for Coin promise.
Attorney W. W. Morsman, representing
the telephone and electric light companies,
spoks in part as follows: "I hsv hesrd
what Mr. Mclntoeh has ssld, and his state
ment Is fully In accordance with the farts.
I csn see no legal objection to this board
accepting this decree. When two litigants
agree the court doesn't usually concern It
self with whether that agreement Is right
or wron.
"In the esse of the telephone company, I
will ssy thst we gave the tax committee of
the Real Estate exchange all the Informa
tion we could have given this board, and
more. We went Into the question thor
oughly. The tsx committee thought our
appraisement should be $200,000, and our
figure was $121,000; we finally agreed on
$175,000. The same facts are true In a gen
eral way of the conference between the
electric light compsny snd the complain
ants." City Attorney Connell said: "I do not
consider that this compromise figure Is
binding upon this board. My opinion Is
that this proceeding Is not a law
suit, In the strict sense of that
term, and that, under1 the supreme court'
writ, this board must take evidence, hear
testimony, bring In the books snd records
and do literally what the court commands
It to do."
Hascall moved that the question be taken
under advisement and that the board go
Into executive session to settle It. Lo
beck objected. Mount said: "The mem
ber from the Fifth needn't be afraid of the
executive session. If he wants to send
for anyone the city attorney or any cf
the corporation 'attorneys, or Mr. Mcin
tosh he may do so."
"That's all right. If you're in the ma
jority," retorted Lobeck. "But we in tho
minority were sat down upon pretty hard
last January, and you have been sat down
upon since. Now we'll play the rubber
and see how we come out."
The board went Into executive session at
11:40 and returned to the council chamber
at 11 o'clock.
It was reported this afternoon ttit the
Omaha Street Railway company had de
cided to accept the compromise figures fixed
by the Real Estate exchange tax committee
and consent to the raising ot It assess
ment from $550,000 to $1,800,000.
Current Literature
With Its issue for May the North Amer
ican Review begins Its eighty-eighth year
and a glance at the table of contents ot
the new number will show thst age has
been Impotent to wither the powers ot this
great periodical, which seems to grow
stronger and more alert with advancing
years. Count M. Mataukata. formerly
prime minister of Japan, explain the
Financial System of Japan" and makes It
plain that Its rapidly Increasing national
Income will abundantly suffice to enable
the Mikado' empire to perform any duty
that may tall to It in th new position It
ha assumed among the great powers. Sen
ator J. P. DoIUver axpeunds the "Signifi
cance of the Anglo-Japanese Alliance."
Andrew -Carnegie calls, attention to "The
Opportunity of the United State" to ac
quire unrivalled glory by acting toward the
Filipinos In the same way as toward the
Cubans. Mark Twain undertakes "A De
fense of General Funaton." Sydney
Brooks, after seveeej months ot personal
observation of the condition. of things in
the peninsula, describes "The Situation tn
Spain." Colonel W. H. Carter, assistant
adjutant general of the United States army,
inquires, "Will America Profit by Her Re
cent Military Lessons?" Senator J. T.
Morgan considers "The Choice ot Isthmian
Canal Routes" and give reason for his
preference for the route through Nica
ragua. will Carleton'a Magazine. Everywhers.
for May is one of the brightest and most
ntrtlnlnr numbers of that unique
monthly that have come to hand. There
are several contributions In the facile
poet's most charming style and many short
k.trhns and stories that tor grace, beauty
and real human Interest might have been
written by the brilliant editor himself. A
most timely and Interesting feature Is th
reminiscence of Rev. Dr. T. De Witt Tal
who was for many years Mr. Carle-
ton' neighbor and most intimate friend.
i ' i
"Der Prosess," by Roderlch Benedlx, and
trinoi- Muss Helraten." by A. Wllhelml.
edited by M. B. Lambert, boys' High
school. Brooklyn, have been printed in a
nt uttu hook this month by the Amer
ican Book Compsny. These two play are
among those recommended for elementary
reading by the Modern Language Associa
tion of America. They are excellent ex-
mniai nf the brief comedy, replete with
fun and sprightllness. They furnish prac
tir in cnlloaulal axoressions, and will be
of great help In teaching the Idiom of the
Urii.. The notes explain difficult
points, and the vocabulary Is complete. Ex
tremes for re-translatlon. based on th
:ext. afford material for thorough drill in
German pross composition.
'Parablea of Life," by Hamilton Wright
Mable. published by the Outlook company.
bringing up helpful lessons from nature
and experience. It Is a helpful companion
for a "blue" day, containing truth and
soothing thought that makes on feel
some of the good things In living. Th
chapter on "That Which Abides." only one
out of the many, closes with the follow
ing: "And while be doubted, a vole oarae
to blm saying: 'In thy heart thou didst
hate uncleanneas and love purity and that
only which we love abides.' "
Organisation Bearlac the Same of the
Late President Electa
Th McKlnley club effected a permanent
organization last night at Washington hall
by electing the following officers: Frank
Crawford, president; Harry Foster, Elmer
J. Neville and H. P. Leavltt, vie presi
dents; C. B. McDonald, secretary ; Clyda
Sundblad, treasurer; Jo Marrow, sergjaat-
at-arms; C. E. Morgan, C. L. Kcooard
Charles W. Fear, with th president and
the secretary, directors.
Ths meeting wss called to order by th
temporary chairman, Harry Foster, with
C. B. McDonald secretary. Th minute of
the last meeting wss read and tb books
opened for Joiners. Ths constitution, which
was adopted at tb last meeting, provides
among other things thst a day be set apart
annually to be known a McKlnley day, at
which time a banquet or suitable enter
tainment will be given In honor of tb dead
president. Th constitution also provides
thst n person over $1 years of sgs rsn
oecom an active member of ih club, A
Isrgs crowd wss present and tber was
much atausiasm.
MAY 9, 1901:.
So Effort Likely to Bo Mads to BetneM
tho Specitl Taiss Declared InTilid.
Fall to Take Any Aetloa on Trackers
r aerlaaj tbe Aa en Janitors Al
iased te Have Been Too Basy
wltk Politics.
In all probability tbe much talked of
matter of attempting a reassessment of
ths special taxes ot the city of South Omsha.
which have been declared Illegal, will never
be attempted. At the time the present char
ter of the city was drafted. It was the inten
tion of Mr. Lambert, who drafted the sec
tion pertaining to reassessment to so ar
range the matter that a reassessment of
the void taxes could be accomplished. How
ever during the time that Mr. Lambert was
city attorney the attempt to reassess the
special Improvements was never made, and
now that Mr. Murdock is city attorney 11
Is understood thst he has openly declared
that a resasessment could not be msde so
as to b legal and binding. This lesves the
special assessments that were made by the
city councils of the city prior to the year
189T In about the ssme condition that they
were at tbe time all of the suits to set
aside the taxes were started and in all prob
ability the last effort of the city to reim
burse Itself for the money expended on the
old grading, paving and sewer districts has
been made.
The extreme care In passing upon spe
cial Improvement petitions that was exer
cised by Mr. Lambert Is being followed by
Mr. Murdock, and every precaution I gelng
taken to provide agatnst future invalid pro
ceedings ct the council In passing ordi
nances providing for the special Improve
ments. The council when sitting as an
equalization board will hereafter be under
the personal supervision of the city attor
ney. It wss almost directly upon this one
question that the bulk of th special taxes
were declared Illegal, the court holding
that the council acted In an Irregular man
ner when acting as such board.
At the annual levy which will be mad
thla year ample provision will undoubtedly
be mad for the paving of Intersecting
alley and streets. Thus far there has been
insufficient money in the treasury to per
mit the council to allow special Improve
ment work to go on and the city attorneys
have refused to sanction such work until
sufficient fund were provided, as la dictated
by the present charter of theclty.
No Teachers Elected.
A great group of spectators was allowed
to leave the High school building last night
disappointed. If they went there expecting
to see much of importance accomplished.
Other than to name the census enumer
ators, nothing of Importance was accom
plished, and tbe subject ot ousting political
Janitors and electing teachers was not even
touched upon by the board, The school
board appointed the following census enum
erators: Mrs. Mary Newman, J. O. East
man, Mr. Mullln. S. E. Ralph, C. W. Wil
liams and P. A. Barret. A great many ap
plications for the position ot teacher
and Janitor were read by. Secretary Lott,
but other than to file them away, nothing
was done. It is expected, however, that
at th meeting Monday night, a number of
teacher wil be chosen. Schroeder was the
only member absent.
Stockman la Injured.
J. B. Buckley of Btromsburg, a prominent
stockman at that place, was quite . se.
verely injured at the yard yesterday morn
ing. Mr. Buckley had brought stock to
the market, and a hs was about to leave
the .train a sudden stop threw him to the
floor. He waa carried to th office of the
Cox-Jones Commission company and a doc
tor was sent for. It-waa feared last
evening that he had suffered Internal In
juries, although th full extent ot hi in
juries could not then be determined.
Hot After Peddlers.
Tbe pollc are now dally arresting ped
dler who have failed to secure license
to carry on their traffic. An ordinance ot
the city council provides that before doing
business her they shall first secure th
proper license, and Chief Brtggs hs In
tructed his men to arrest all persons vlo.
latlng the ordinance. Two arrest were
mad yesterday.
Crowds Attend Horse Sale.
The horse sal which commenced at the
yards yesterday morning drew tn largo
crowd from Iowa, Kansas and Nebraska.
Some of the finest horse ever on exhibition
at th yard are Included tn this auction.
Th sal started Successfully yesterday,
with spirited bidding. Some of the stock
brought large prices. At the auction yes
terday afternoon. In addition to the buyers
present, tber were quite a number ot
spectators from Omaha and South Omaha.
Th sale will continue today and tomorrow.
Jess Barr Explains.
Chief of Pollc John Brlgg returned
from St. Louis yesterday morning, bring
ing with him Jesse Barr, the young man
who la charged with having mortgaged
property under assumed nsmes and then
having removed th same from the state.
Barr was seen at ths Jail during th after
noon and stated that the whole trouble
waa practically patched up and that he did
not think he would have to stand trial. He
stated that he was always ready to pay th
mortgage and was yet, but that now he
bad been brought back from St. Louis It
The Present Price of Beef
Emphasizes the fact that people can
get along with a great deal less meat.
takes every place of meat and pos
sesses some advantages over it it's
more healthful; gives the same
strengthening power at one-fifth the
cost, and it is delicious in flavor. The
users of Ralston have happily dis
covered these facts. You will get
the same results. Try one 15c
checkerboard package.
was demanded of him that he pay all cost
of the prosecution. M. D. Msnn, who In
dorsed the note for Barr, and who Is ssld
to have been Instrumental In the arrest,
stated thst he wss not anxious to be se
ver upon the young man; ttast he signed
the note with him merely aa an accommo
dation. Barr'a brother from Iowa came
yesterday and Is endeavoring to settle th
Kelly Inqweat Today.
The Inquest of John Kelly, tbe young men
who was killed at the Swift A Co. plant
Tuesday, has been postponed until this
afternoon. Tbe remains were removed yes
terdsy afternoon to the residence ot the
parents of the boy, Twenty-ssventh and
T streets, and the funeral will also be held
this sfternoon. It now sseans that be at
tempted to descend a stairway that had
been closed for repairs. Th first tep be
ing defective, be rolled to the bottom, strik
ing his hesd against a heavy timber, frac
turing th skull. He had beea employed at
the Swift plant for a long time.
At the Boyd.
"The Country Girl," a comedy In four
acts by David Garrlck. Produced for
the first time In Omaha Wednesday night
by Kathryn Kidder and her company.
The cast;
Peggy Kathryn Kidder
Allthea Marlon Aahworth
l-ucy Olga Filnck
Moody T. C. Hamilton
Harcourt IauIs Massen
fparkln Robert V. Ferguson
Hellville Orr 8. Cash
William Seymour Stratton
John Charles Palmer
Kathryn Kidder's revival of th play
made by David Garrlck from Wycherly's
story of "Tho Country Girl " csn fasrdly
be ceiled a success In any way, and it
I proved a keen disappointment to tbe rather
small audience which witnessed the Initial
Omaha presentstlon last night. Certainly
there Is nothing in It that merits the ad
vance ot the price ot admission, ss tbe
supporting compsny and production as well
are both rather ordinary. The play also
possesses little merit snd If Dsvld Gsrrlck's
acting was on a par with his efforts st
play-writing, plsygoers of the present day
should be thankful that his time was ot
an earlier century. It Is evident, however,
that some liberties have been taken with
the original version of "The Country
Girl," as It is hardly probable that a man
of Mr. Garrlck'a reputation and evident
good Judgment would allow a play of ao
little merit to be produced under hla name.
Miss Kidder herself U charming In th
part of tbe Uu&oijhlsticated country girt,
but even her ability as an actress and per
sonal charm could but slightly leesen the
disappointment. Louis Massen and Robert
V. Ferguson were the other member of
the cast whose work was acceptable. Th
play will be repeated tonight.
Captain A. Alice of Omaha Eleeted aa
Commander for Ensuing
Thirty member of th Military Order of
the Loyal Legion of tho United States,
commandery ot Nebraska, held their an
nual meeting and banquet In Omaha
Wednesday afternoon and evening. At t
p. m. there waa a business session in tb
commandery room In th Ramge block,
at which the following officer were elected:
Commander, Captain A. Allee, Omaha;
senior vice commander. Lieutenant George
E. Prltchett, Omaha; Junior vie com
mander, Capaln Lorenzo Crounse, Ft. Cal
houn; recorder, Lieutenant F. B. Bryant,
Omaha; registrar,. George H. Palmer,
Omaha; treasurer. Captain John T. Bell,
Omaha; chancellor, Dr. V. H. Coffman,
The following officer were elected a
members of tbe council: Lleutensnt O.
Home, Syracuse; Lieutenant Don C. Ayer,
South Omaha; Lieutenant Edward Updike,
Harvard; Captain D. L. Thomas, Omaha:
Captain John A. Manchester, Omaha.
Following the election of officer a ban
quet was given at the Millard hotel. Re
sponses were made to a number ot pa
triotic toasts.
Outline of Program for I'nvelllnsj of
Shaft In Memory of Com
pany L'a Dead.
The committee on unveiling ask all
Spanish-American war veterans to meet at
Tweoty-tourth and Parker street Sunday
afternoon at 1 o'clock to march to Prospect
Hill cemetery tor the services at the new
Company L monument. It Is preferred
that all appear In khaki uniform or in blue.
Custer, Crook and Orant posts, Grand Army
ot th Republic, are to rendezvous at tb
same place at the same time.
Judge Lee Estelle, now talked of for state
commander of the Grand Army of tb Re
public, I to deliver the addreaa of tbe day.
Rev. E. F. Trsfi will make the opening re
marks, Mayor Moores Is to be master of
ceremonies. General Bate, Department of
the Missouri, will be celled upon, aa will
also Governor Savage.
WASHINGTON, May I. The senate to
day made these confirmations:
Marshal S. J. Shine, northern district of
California; H. Z. Osborne, southern dis
trict of California.
Judges Court of Prlvste Lsnd Claims
J R. Reed. Iowa (chief Justice); II. C.
Sluss. Kansas; W. W. Murray, Tennessee;
F. I. Osborne. North Carolina; W. F.
Stone, Colorado,
Know bv the sign
Rheumatism, Neuralgia.
Sciatica, Lumbago, SprAlne,
Bruises, Soreness, Stiffness,
Xf yon would . have health
and energy In hot weather
you should see to It in the
early Spring thst your blood
Is pure and vital organs
strong snd sctive.
The efficscy of this remedy
n purifying the blood and
putting the system la order
Is without a parallel in the
medical world. Bo thorough
and far-reaching Is It thst it
carries Its great cleansing '
and regulating Influence to
every part o the body, cast
ing out Impurities that have
resulted from Winter diet,
purifying the bowels,
strengthening the kidneys,
liver and stomach, and pre
paring the em tire body to
resist ths dlsesse germs
which come vrlth warm
weather. Those who use
this great purifier during
the Spring months will
stand th heat better and be
free from tbe debilitating
ailments which Invariably
attack the body that Is
clogged up with Impurities.
PRICE, S 100.
S5.00 A M1W
Io all DI8EA8E8
ef WEN.
12 years la Omaha,
cured by ths QUICK
EST, eafeat and most
natural method that
ta yst been discovered.
Soon every sign and symptom disappear,
completely and forever.. No "BREAK INQ
OUT" of tbe disease on tb akin oi fao.
A oure that t guaranteed to be permanent
for life-
If IBiftflPCI C eured. Method new,
f AnluUOILLC without cutting, pain:
no detention from work; permanent cur
WEAK MIC Ft from Excesses or Vlctlmi
to Nervous Debility or Exhaustion. Wsst,
Ing Weakness with Early Ieoay In Toung
and Middle Aged, lack of vim, vigor and
strength, with organs Impaired and weak.
STRICTURE eured with a new Homi
Treatment. No pain, no detention from
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Consultation Free. Treatment by MatL
Dr. Sesrlas & Searles, Omsha, Neb,