Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 09, 1902, Page 4, Image 4

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favi sell Iran.
Btockert elU carpet anil rug.
Wollmtn, scientific optician. 40 B'way.
Take home a brlcli of Metigers Ice
cream. Vanlla, 26c; Neopolltan. 16c.
Picture framing a specialty. C. R. Alex
ander 4 Co., LUXiroadway. Tel. J6.
Charles R Hannan returned yesterday
renlng from an eastern business trip.
Mly Camp Aid society will meet Friday
afternoon at the residence of Mn. J. Cralg-mlle,-
1U1 Eighth avenue.
Mra. Ellen F. Bryant of Moberly, Mo., la
auent of the family of her nephew, Justice
K. T. Bryant on Stutsman street.
Mrs. Hughes, who hss been visiting her
aunt. Mrs. Ewall of Washington avenue,
will leave for her home In Astoria, 111.,
Mrs. Lemen. wife of Rev. J. O. Lemen,
manager of the Christian Home, Is crit
ically 111 and feara for her recovery are en
tertained. The Woman'l auxiliary of Grace Episco
pal church will meet this afternoon In reg
ular session at the home of Mrs. Hunting
ton, 117 Vine street.
The Ladles' Aid society of the Fifth
Avenue Methodist church will meet this
afternoon at the residence of Mrs. Bpauld
Ing, 191i) Sixth avenue
Miss Agnea Carleton of New York, who
te filling an engagement at the Omaha Or
rheum this week, Is the guest of hr aunt.
Mrs. a. C. Whittlesey of Vine street.
Ladle of the Bankers' Union of the
World, lodge No. M!, will give an enter
tainment and lunch Thursday evening. May
t, at Marcua' hall. Admission, 10 cents.
C. B. Johnson of Earlham, la., and Mlsa
ftfarle Gulden were married yesterday
afternoon at the home of the brides
parenta In Underwood, jtev. 8. Alexander
of thla city officiated.
County Treasurer Arnd turned over to
City Treaaurer True yesterday $M26 43, the
clty'a proportion of the tax collections for
April, made up aa follows: Regular taxes,
S,"0.62; special taxes, $25.h.
The Council Bluffs Savings bank has ap
pealed to- the district court from the action
f the city council, sitting ae a board of
review. In assessing as part of Its capital
stock 191,300 of government bonds held by
the bank.
The lerter carriers have elected these
Officers: President, T. DeGroat: vice presi
dent, Frank Hober; secretary, C. F. Plnck
ney; financial secretary, Brandt Crocker;
treasurer, F. J. Joehendt; trustees, C J.
Koth, A. B. Kllen, E. bobaon; master-at-arms,
George Madison.
Jamee Toft, In charge of the Salvation
Army work In Iowa and Nebraska, will
lecture this evening In the Congregational
church on the subject. "In Darkest Amer
ica." The lecture will be Illustrated with
stereoptlcon slides showing the army's
work In the slums, dives and prisons.
Andrew Thompson, charged with break
ing Into and robbing Curry Bros.' store In
Underwood, waived examination when
taken before Justice Ferrler yesterday for
his preliminary hearing. He waa bound
over to await the action of the grand Jury
and In default of ball placed at $150 was
committed to the county Jail.
Ina Martha, the 13-year-old daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Wilcox, died yesterday
afternoon at the family home, 1144 Eaat
Pierce street, from typhoid fever, after a
prolonged Illness. Th funeral will be at i
o'clock Friday afternoon from the Broad
way Methodist church, of which she was
a member. The pastor. Rev. J. W. ('a I fee,
will conduct the services and burial will be
In Walnut Hill cemetery.
Charles Baker, ' colored, recently dis
charged from St. Bernard's hospital, be
came violently insane last night and was
taken In charge by the police, who sent
him back to the hospital. Baker, when ar
rested on Broadway, near Tenth street,
was yelling like an Indian and was labor
ing under the Impression that a band of
men were after him to lynch him. He had
to be handcuffed and shackled while being
takdtv to St. Bernard's.
Hin for All. -
For sale at low ' price and easy
payments, hornet In all parts of the city,
Including some of the nicest residences
and thoaa of moderate also. Also dwell
ings and business property In Omaha.
Farms bought and aold. It will pay you
to ae us at the office of J. W. Squire.
Arrangements for Exercises Delayed
Until After Kinsman Monu
ment Dedication.
Preliminary arrangements for the ob
servance of Memorial day were made last
night at joint meeting of the committee:
from Abe Lincoln post, Grand Army of tht
Republic and. the Womin'i Relief corps,
held In the office of Colonel John Llndt.
It was decided not to complete the program
of the day's exercises until after the cere
monies attendant on the unveiling of the
Kinsman monument on May 17.
These committees have been appointed tor
Memorial day:
General Committee John IJndt chair
man; Captain Beth H. Craig. Theodore
Gulttar, J. 8. Davis and Sam Johnson.
Finance Andy Graham, Ernest E. Hart,
N. P. Dodge, J. W. Squire and Charle
R. Hannan.
Treasurer E. L. Bhugart.
Invitations Edwin J. ADbott.
Carriages Theodore Gulttar. L. B. Cous
Ins, M. E. Weatherbee.
Platform and Docoratlons Cal Hafer.
O. B. Miles, Charles Lunkle. W. N. Mc
Crary. Edwin J. Abbott.
Instrumental Music Wallace McFadden.
gain Johnson, C. W. Foster. F. M. Davla,
J. B. Strain.
Speakers-John Lindt. Judge George S.
Carson, F. A. Barkett.
Flowers Members of the Woman s Re
lief corpa, women of the city, J. 8. Davis,
Edwin J. Abbott and T. T. Snow.
Evergreens J. R. Rice.
Water and Ice Gilbert Bros.. Council
Bluffs Coal and Ice company, J. P. Mul
tiolland. , .
Vocal Mualc I. M. Treynor, Ned Mitch
ell and C. B. Atchison.
Foresters Come to Connrll Dlnffa.
A telegram received here last night from
Harvey DeLong. one of the delegate from
the Council Bluffs court to the second bien
nial state convention of the Independent
Order of Foresters in 81oux City, announced
that the biennial convention for 1904 had
been secured by the Council Bluffs delega
tion for hi city. It also announced that H.
K. Smith of tbla rlty had been re-elected
high vie chief ranger.
Real E.iate Transfer".
Theae transfer were filed yesterday In
the abstract, title and loan office of J. W.
Squire, 101 Pearl street: '
A. J. Stephenson et al to Maggie
Buck, s4, lot 4. block 1, KtdJle s
subdlv, w d !.
Susan S. Farnam to Mason City A
Fort Dodge Railway company, lot
' 1, block 27. Riddle's subdiv, q c d ... 1
Nathan M. Puaey and wife to Sarah
W Wart nan Int 1. block 14. lia-
UV lr add. w d 1.600
J. W. Mluer and wit to josepn lu-x-hank.
lot 2. block 1. Judson's 1st
add. Neola. w d $
T. T. McPherrln and wife to Fred H.
Tometon. all of sw 8-76-42 lying
south of ral!cad. w d 7.141
Kama to same. swVi nw4 and nVi
swU ft-"&t2 lying north of railroad.
w d .-. .- 4.186
L. M. Mad.en and wife to E. M.
Smart. Dart of lot 23. Auditor's sub
div of Be aw U-75-40. w d $60
Seven trensfere, aggregating $16,427
- - - Carriage licensee.
Licensee to wad were Issued yesterday
to the fallowing i .
- Name and Residence Age
Dvld Olson. Counoll Bluffs 33
JBsasie Johnson, Cuunuti Bluff. 36
H. C. Roark. Council Bluffs 30
llavle J. borensou. Council Bluffs
Dyed and pressed Special attention
given ladles' earmenta. Also chenille
curtains neatly cleaned, dyed and
pressed. 'Phone L-41. Iowa Steam Dye
worn, mtt atruaanay.
Funera Director
(Succaaaor to W. C. Eatep)
M PEARL t Tat KMT. Theae tT.
Omtba Man Under Arreit for & Grim Com
mitted at Sidsej, Nab,
Man Who Wn Rmploye4 Wkca Ae
rates Applied for Work laentltes
Him aa the One Wanted
la Nebraska.
A maa giving the name of Patrick Ward
and claiming Omaha as his home applied at
the Children Bros.' factory Wednesday
morning for work and an hour later wa
behind (he bars at tht city jail. George
Wilson, employed in the factory, the minute
he sat eyes on Ward claimed to Identify
him aa a man wanted for murder In Sidney,
Neb. Wilson notified the police and Ward
was taken Into custody.
Robert McMullen was killed In Sidney
May 10, 1900, by a man named John Way
man, alias William Price. According to
Wilson, who says he was In Sidney at the
time of the murder. Ward I the man who
committed the crime. Ward Indignantly
denied the charge and said there must be
some mistake. He said he returned to
Omaha from Kansas on April 25 and, fall
ing to find work, had come over to Coun
cil Bluffs seeking employment.
Ward told Chief TIbblta that he resided
with his father at Seventh and Webster
streets, Omaha. The Omaha police were
notified and asked concerning Ward. They
did not give him a good character and said
his reputation was bad. Ward admitted
he had served a term of seven month In
the penitentiary at Lincoln, having been
sent up from Kearney oa a burglary charge,
but assert that it wa afterward shown
be wa Innocent and he waa released.
Wilson bad In hi possession the card
sent out by Sheriff King of Cheyenne
county, Nebraska, at the time' of the mur
der of McMullen, and Ward answers the
description of the maa said to be wanted
for the crime. Governor Poynter, on be
half of the state of Nebraska, offered a re
ward of $250 for the capture of the crim
inal and Cheyenne county offered $50.
Ward wa released at a late hour last
night. In answer to a telegram sent to the
authorities at Sidney one waa received from
Sheriff S. H. Babb, In which he aald: "Un
less Wayman ha confessed useless to hold,
aa we have no evidence to convict." As
Ward den'ed being Wayman or Implicated
In any way In the crime Chief Tlbblt
ordered the man to be released.
Plumbing and heating. Blxby dt Son.
N. T. Plumbing Co., telephone 189.
InTltatlsna to Participate In Cere
monies Being tent Over the '
The program for the exercise attend
ant on the unveiling of the Colonel Kins
man monument In Falrview cemetery on
Saturday, May 17, ha been partially out
lined by the committee having the matter
In hand. The monument, which 1 of. gran
ite, ha reached the city and I now In
charge of Sheely Lane on upper Broad
way, who 'will have charge of It erection
in the Grand Army of the Republic bury
ing ground In Falrview cemetery.
General Grenvtlle M. Dodge, who per
sonally planned the monument and saw to
It construction, has notified Chairman Em
met Tlnley of the citizens' committee that
ho expect to arrive In Council Bluffs
Monday. He will act as chairman of the
exercises. Lieutenant J. A. Straight of
Washington, D. C, will deliver the eulogy
on Colonel W. H. Kinsman at the ceme
tery, where the exercise will be carried
out. There will also be an address by some
prominent speakerwho ha not yet been
elected, a well a muelc.
There will be a parade, the line of which
will be aa follow: Column will form at'
Bayltss park, march from Willow avenue to
Main street; north on Main street to
Broadway; eaat on Broadway to Second
street; north on Second street to Wash
ington avenue; weat on Washington ave
nue to Oakland, and north on Oakland
avenue to Falrview cemetery
Invitation to attend the unveiling of the
monument and participate in the exercises
are being sent out by the committee In
charge to all the surviving member of
the Fourth and Twenty-third Iowa regi
ment, with which Colonel Klnaman served
during the civil war, also to all the Grand
Army post within a reaaonable distance
of Council Bluff. The local military and
civic societies will also be invited to take
part In the parade and exercises. Company
L, Fifty-Brat regiment, Iowa national
guard, known as the Dodge light guard, In
honor of General Dodge, will act aa a
guard of honor and the High school cadet
will act as an escort according to present
Kinsman post. Grand Army of the Re
public, Dea Moines, named In honor of
Colonel Kinsman, la expected to send a
large delegation here and a number of
prominent member of the Iowa department
of the Grand Army are also expected to be
In attendance. State Commander George
Metiger ha signified hi Intention of b.
leg present If possible.
The committees expect to have tha pro
gram for the day' exercises completed In
a day or so, when It will be officially an
nounced. Gravel roofing. A. H. Read. 641 Broadway.
Davis sell gVaes.
Davis sell paint.
Mattera In District Court.
Judge Wheeler will take up the crim
inal docket nxt' Tuesday In district court
and yesterday made this assignment, of
case on the calendar:
Tuesday. May 13 State of Iowa against
Chrlstoflersoa.. State against Jons. State
against Petersoa and 8tat ag'at Badow
l. ' .
Wedpesday, May 14 Slate agalntt 8cbun,
State against Sheffler and others, Stat
against Llmeberger and others, Btat
against Carrigg and Btate against Inger
soil. Thursday. May 15Sute against May
Madsen, State statist Benjamin and Stat
against Hamilton.'
Friday. May 18 State agalnat. Jensen and
others. State against Caaaty, .State agalnat
Negetbon, State afloat Achat and Stat
&alut Dunn.
From th number of caaea asalgned for
each day, It I not expected that many of
them will be brought to trial thl term.
The criminal calendar wa materially lfght
ened at the opening of the term by a num
ber of th defsadaaU under Indictment
entering pita of guilty.
Th personal Injury damage suit of H.
Peterson against the motor company ha
been specially assigned for Thursday.
low IMnnane Dead.
SHENANDOAH. Ia.. May 8. (Special. 1
Th will e! the lata Joseph Bhaw of York-
town, this county, was admitted to probate
Tuesday. It disposes of $0,0K worth of
property, all but $4,000 of which 1 In lands
In this county, the $40,000 consisting of
money Invested In the Clarlnda, Cola and
Shenandoah banks. Mr. Shaw's funeral
waa held Sunday. He wa one of Page
county' pioneer, having located In this
county In 1SS8.
Mall Clerk Griffin, Graves nnd Tnrk
Ala Injnred In Accident
at Ames.
DES MOINES, la.. May 8. A wreck oc
curred on the Chicago Northwestern at
Ames at 1 o'clock this morning. A tramp
wa killed and Mall Clerk Griffin of Dea
Moines waa seriously Injured. Mall Clerk
Grave of Chicago waa burled under mall
sacks and badly bruised and Mall Clerk
Alexander Turk of Chicago had hi arm and
hand Injured.
Train No. 10 was Just approaching tha
town limit from the west when the tender
of the engine, two mall cars and two ex
press car left the track, plowing Into th
gravel, but not overturning.
The track wa torn up for a distance of
200 yards and traffic 1 being delayed. The
tramp waa riding on the front coach.
Considerable mall matter was water
soaked and destroyed. A soft roadbed la
supposed to have been responsible for the
Condneter George Miller Killed and
Bridge nnd Three Cars
DES MOINES, May 8. (Special Tel
egram.) The breaking down of a tank car
loaded with oil on the Chicago Great West
ern caused the death of Conductor Georgo
Miller of St. Joseph, Mo., and the destruc
tion of the bridge 160 feet long over the
Grand river near Talmadge, fifty mllea
south of here tonight. The accident to the
tank car caused It to leave the rail and
It fell from the bridge, drggglng two
freight rare and the caboose with it. Con
ductor Miller wa in the caboose, but a
brakeman with him escaped. The otl took
Are and the three car and th,e bridge were
burned. The passage of trains over the
main line will be completely blocked for
forty-eight hour. However train will be
run over the Keokuk A Western from Dea
Molnea to Van Wert and firom Van Wert to
the main line of the Great Western at Di
agonal In Ringgold county.
State Convention la to Be Held en
Jnly SO at Dea
DES MOINES, la.. May 8. The republican
state central committee today fixed the
date of the atate convention for July 30
and Del Molnea aa the location.
Congressman W. I. Smith of Council
Bluffs wa chosen temporary chairman and
Herbert Remley of Iowa City for temporary
Mr. Smith was selected because the con-,
greselonal election I held this year and It
1 expected hi addresa will be along na
tional linen.
P. E. O. Annnnl Meeting.
AMES, la.. May 8. (Special.) There 1
already a big attendance at the annual
meeting of th P. B. O. grand chapter,
which opened yesterday afternoon. Dur
ing the day 178 delegate arrived, including
the following official:
Mr. Carrie P. Hapeman, grand president,
Mlnden. Neb., Mr. Walter Irish, president
Iowa grand chapter, De Moines; Mr. Wl
nono Reeves, Brat vie president, Keokuk,
la.; Mra. Georgia Darnell, second vice pres
ident, Centerville, la.; Mr. Llddle F. Rich
ard, recording secretary, Waterloo, ' la.;
Mr. Eva Slngley, corresponding secretary,
Moulton, la.; Mr. Ellla C. Buttles, treaa
urer, Burlington, la., and Mis Mary Os
mund, editor of the Record, the official
organ of th chapter, of Osceola, la.
Th following past president were In
vited a guests of honor: Mr. Alice Spill
man, Ottumwa; Mr. Lulu A. Hellenry, Dea
Moines; Mr. Walter Campbell, Oskaloosa,
la.; Mra. H. Lou Weber, Knoxvllle, la.;
Mr. Effle H. Roger, Oskaloosa, and Mr.
Anna P. Wilkin, De Moines.
An Informal reception wa held yesterday
evening at th home of Mra. W. M. Greeley
at 8 o'clock.
Yoang Women Hold Conference.
SHENANDOAH. Ia., May 8. (Speoial.)
The third annual conference of the Young
Women's Christian association of southeast
ern Iowa convened la College Spring. In
the aouth part of thl county and held
three day' session beginning Saturday
noon. Good sited delegation from tb var
ious college In thla section of the tat
were In attendance and a lively Interest
waa manifested throughout.
Iowaas 1st Archbishop Keans.
WEBSTER CITY, Ia., May 8. (Special.)
Twenty-nine' member of th Catholic
church In William bring suit agalnat Arch
bishop J. J Keane of Dubuque for the re
turn of $3,000 contributed by them for the
building of a church. This sum wa given
under certain condition with which It ia
alleged the archbishop did not comply.
Ep worth League Convention.
WATERLOO. Ia., May 8. (Special Tele
gram.) The seventh annual convention of
the Epwortn league of the Cedar Fall dis
trict closed today. The officer elected
were: J. O. Bohnaon, president. Cedar
Falls; G. C. Hubbs, vice president, Water
loo; Rev. C. E. Luce, secretary, Nashua;
O. W. Keeck, treaaurer, Rockford.
J. A. Freae IKnwied High Chief Ranger.
SIOUX CITY, Ia., May 8.v-(8pecial Tele
gram.) The high court of Iowa of the In
dependent Order of Foreaters in biennial
session here today decided to meet In Coun
cil Bluffs in 1904. J. A. Freee of Waterloo
was re-elected high chief ranger .and th4
other officers also war re-elected.
Mlealonnrle to Convene. " -
SHENANDOAH. Ia.. May 8. (Special.)
The thirteenth annual convention of th
Women' Foreign Missionary society of the
Council Bluff district of the De Molne
conference will be held in Coin, thl county,
on Thursday and Friday of tbt week, May
8 and .
Vletlna Body Ideatlfled. '
DYERS VILLI. Ia.. May 8. (Speoial)
Th body of the old man found by the
track of th Illinois Central a week ago
baa beta Identified as that of James Reese,
h promluent contractor of Redmond, Ia.
Nominations by the President.
WASHINGTON. May T The president
today sent th following nomination to the
WASHINGTON. May 8. The president
for the district of Washington.
Navy Lieutenant Edward H. Scrlbner,
lieutenant commander; Pay Inspector Wil
liam J. Thomson, pay director; Second
Lleutbnant E. L. Matthews, marine corps,
first lieutenant; Aasletant Burgeon James
O. Field (retired, surgeon on the active
Hat with rank e' Uautanant.
South DakotaCharles W. Blgllnger,
Deposita Increase 5,000,000 Einoe the
PrcTioui 8utir ant in December.
Dental Association Condemna On of
Ita Members for Alleged laprs
feoslenal Corns' set In Mattera
Before Leglelatnre.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES, May 8. (Special.) Tha
auditor of atate today Issued a statement
of the condition of the atate and savings
banks of Iowa at the close of business April
8 last. There are 293 saving and 22S state
bank In the report and the reporta show
that the deposita have increased over $13,
000,000 since December 10 last, and there
has been a subatantlal Increase in the cap
ital stock Invested In these banks. a Tb
following 1 the statement of their condi
tion: State Bank Asaeta.
Rills receivable $48,451,220 08
Gold coin 672,84.80
Silver coin 223.W67
Legal tender, national bank
notes, etc 1.797.148-81
Credits subject to sight draft.... 11.OT1.4RS 23
Overdrafts 1.034.JS6.33
Real and personal property 69
Total asset $63.fi3,07S.Sl
Capital stock
Due depositor
Due banks and others...,
.... $10,031. MftOO
.... 60.0.2W8
.... 717.72.71
.... 1.30S.4R3.M
undivided profits
Total liabilities $3.S.i3.7641
Saving Bank Aaaeta.
Bill receivable I78,W.64S 82
Gold coin (XW.M7.00
Silver coin 208,869.23
Legal tender, national bank
notes, etc 2,144.229.47
Credits subject to eight draft... 14.043,461 .79
Overdrafts 718,467.40
Real and personal property 2,065.994.41
Total assets $98.39.202 92
Capital stock $10,139,100.00
Due depositor ,06O,0l.M
Due banks and others 140.262 72
Surplus 1.897.516.61
Undivided profit 1.362.232.01
Total liabilities $S8,3S9,302.93
The foregoing statement made at the
close of business April 6, 1902, show the
following changea In the condition of tha
bank a compared with their statement
made at the close of business December
10, 1901:
Bills receivable, increase $ll,ons,ln 60
Cash and cash Items, Increase... 942,883.04
Credits subject to sight draft.
Increase 2,688.963 22
Overdraft, decrease 118,848.80
Real and personal property, de-
crease .... 85,841.83
Total assets, Increase $14,420,807.14
Capital stock, Increase $ 891,0n0.00
Due depositors. Increase 13,23,4.ll
Due banks and others. Increase.. 2S25
Surplus. Increase 821 .483 .74
Undivided profits, . decrease 3t,3o6.78
Total liabilities, increase $14,420,807.14
Killed by the Care.
H. M. Simpson, a brakeman on the Iowa
Central, waa killed while engaged In
witching some car at Newburg. Ha tried
to catch onto a car while It wa In motion,
but fell under th car and wa killed. He
had pntil recently been employed aa a con
ductor on the Union Pacific at North
Platte, Neb., and had been employed on
the Chicago St Northwestern previously.
HI brother, a conductor on the Union Pa
cific, wa ent for and took the body to
North Platte for Interment.
Iowa "Heeler' to Orgnnlae.
A peculiar meeting la to be held In De
Molne June 11 for the purpose of organ
izing an association of miscellaneous
"healer" for elf-protectlon and to -cure
th favor of the law. A call for such
a meeting ha been Issued by O. P. But
ters, and In hla ca)l for the meeting he
give the name of nearly 200 peron who
are practicing healing In some form In
Iowa, but are not physician or recognized
by the law. Some of them are faith heal
er, other osteopaths, other magnetlo
healer, etc., but the call Is for all "natural
healer" to unite and organize to take ad
vantage of the new law which wa passed
to cover all case where healera do not
come under the law a to physicians of col
lege education.
Convention Called for Creeton.
The Eighth district congressional conven
tion is to be held In Creston June 10, and
W. P. Hepbtfrn undoubtedly will be unani
mously renominated for congress on the
republican ticket. The judicial conven
tion for the district, comprising the south
ern countle of the state, 1 to be held In
Ottumwa June 25. Four nominees for judge
will be named.
Preaentntlon of a Portrait.
A fine oil portrait of the late Judge
Francis Springer, who wis president of the
Iowa constitutional convention of 1857,
which framed the present constitution of
the state, was presented to the Iowa his
torical department today, th gift of sur
viving member of hi family. Tha pre
sentation wa by Rev. Dr. Salter of Bur
lington, for more than fifty year a preacher
in Iowa., and the response was by Governor
Cummins on behalf of the historical society.
Th portrait ia added to the large collec
tion of historical portraits In th gallery
of the historical hall.
Dentist Have m Warm Time.
Th Mission of the Iowa Dental associa
tion was enlivened today by a report from
a special committee on legislation. In
which the association waa congratulated on
no unfavorable legislation. At the
same time the committee reported
resolution sharply censuring Dr. F. A.
Lewi of Ottumwa. secretary and treaaurer
of the Btate Dental board for efforts al
leged to have been made by him to secure
a changa In th law which It Is asserted
would have ruined the law. The resolu
tions condemn Dr. Lewis' action a un
professional and an Insult to tha entire pro
fession In Iowa and they were passed over
the protest of Dr. Lewis.
iTrosblt In I ndertaklng Firm,
. Henry Ebank of the undertaking firm of
Shank Bros., which baa been la business ia
Dea Molne for many year, today filed ap-
1'5 the cost
Ot . lllwut
Rich cream
I Grape-Nuts
a charming dish.
plfcatlon in th district court for re
ceiver for the firm, alleging that hi brother
L. T. Shank, ha mismanaged the bualnee.
Three Wrik Companies.
Inspection officer of th Iowa National
guard have recommended that three com
panies be mustered out ot service because
of poor attendance at drill and consequent
poor average. The guard organizations
showing such lack of Interest are: D ot the
Fiftieth, at Washington; E of the Fifty-second,
at Hull, and B of the Forty-ninth at
Independence. Adjutant Oeneral Byer will
refuse to permit other companies to be or
ganized to take their place unlees the cit
ies making application meet the require
ment aa to armory.
1 Wrecking Delayed by a Crime.
Barney Graff, president ot th Chicago
Wrecking company, who ha been engaged
with a large force of men In razing the old
courthouse preparatory to tb construction
of tb new, wa yesterday sentenced to
th penitentiary at Jollet, III., for alleged
conspiracy In th burning of a cigar (tore
and stock of goods In Chicago, and unless
an appeal I taken, may now be on hi way
to prison. Fifteen men employed by Graff
at thl plac joined In a general strike thl
morning, claiming nerly four weeks' back
pay, and will do nothing more until they
are properly remunerated. A a result of
Oraff's alleged shortage work toward, th
construction of the new courthouse, which
ha already been delayed more than a
month, will necessarily be delayed that
much longer.
H. 8. Kneedler, formerly of Boone, and
the founder ot the Optimist, a monthly
magazine, who removed to Los Angeles sev
eral month ago, for the avowed purpose of
conducting hi magazine at that point, I
reported to be running a restaurant and
making money. Many subscribers to th
Optimist who received but a few number
of their subscription are Interested in Mr.
Kneedler' whereabouts.
Plcaanrs Seekers Lose Their Lives In
Collision of Tag nnd
TOLEDO, May 8. Seven young people,
member of a Sunday school class ot the
First Baptist church, were drowned tn the
Maumeo liver just below the city tonight
at 10 o'clock a the result of the naphtha
launch Frolic, on which they were taking
a pleasure ride, being run down by the
tug Arthur Wood of tb Great Lake Tow
ing company' fleet.
The dead are:
EDNA LOWE, aged 19.
When nearly abreast of the launch th
tug suddenly turned to the east In order
to make tb dock at Ironvllle and before
the launch could get out of the way It
was struck by the tug and turned over
and aunk about 100 feet from the dock.
Mr. Hepburn, owner of the launch, caught
hold of the tug and Mlsa Grace Lowe
grasped hi leg. Arthur Mark and Mis
Clara Mark were fortunate enough to grab
a piece ot wreckaga and were picked up.
The other seven member of th party were
drowned and the river la now being dragged
tor their bodies.
Several Pnaaea Oat Searching; the
Ceiatrr la Effort to
Find Her.
CHEYENNE. Wyo., May 8. (Special Tel
egram.) A general alarm wa sounded to
night and tha people arouied to search for
Mr. Andrew T. Clark, wife of ex-Alderman
Clark, who disappeared from her horns
early thl morning. Mrs. Clark wa seen
thl afternoon headed toward the Sliver
Crown mountain west of the city, and It
la feared she haa wandered away from the
traveled road and It may take several
days to find her. The weather la warm and
the woman will not suffer, unless it be from
thirst and hunger. In the morning several
posies of mounted men will scour th
prairie and hills In all directions. Mrs.
Clark haa been afflicted with demented
spells tor om Urn and this 1 not th
first time she ha wandered away and be
come loat on the prairie.
Ready for Bridge Bnlldlng.
LARAMIE, Wyo., May 8. (Special.)
The first load of timber for bridge on the
Laramie, Hahn'a Peak ss Pacific railroad
ha "been received here. The sawed atuS
for bridge over tha Big Laramie, Little
Laramie and Pioneer canals will be re
ceived next week, when the work of build
ing bridge between Laramie and Centen
nial will be commenced.
Coneervatlvee Defeat Attempt of
Nationalists to Reprimand
Speaker la Hoaae.
LONDON, May 8. The nationalist mem
ber of th Hour of Common unsuccess
fully attempted tonight to force a vote of
censure on the speaker ot the house, Wil
liam Court Oulley. In connection with the
suspension from th house for one week
of John Dillon, nationalist, who, March 80,
addressed unparliamentary language to
Josepn Chamberlain, the colonial secretary.
J. J. Mooney. nationalist, bad previously
given notice that be would move to censure
the speaker and when Mr. Oulley took the
chair tha conservative and liberal member
rose and greeted him with cheer. Tb
occupant of th Irish benches remained
Jndge Keyser Granta Restraining Or
der Against the Ezcclalor
Telephone Concern.
Judge Keysor granted yesterday after
noon a restraining order preventing the Ex
celsior Electric Signal and Manufacturing
company of South Omaha, or It agents
from purchasing material for us In build
ing a telephone plant, employing labor In
th construction of the same and from
stringing wires, setting pole, placing ap
paratus or In any manner constructing,
operating or maintaining telephones or tel
ephone business in South Omaha, pending
a hearing. May 14. oa the petition of former
Mayor Thomas H. Ensor for a temporary
Injunction. .
This Is considered aftermath of the tele
phone right-of-way atruggl in South
Omaba. and la reported to be done for the
Nebraska Telephone company' benefit En
or bought on sbsr of th stock ot th
Eicelslor company last month from W. M.
Babcock, now ot Chicago, but one resi
dent IS South Omaha a general manager
of (he Union Stock Yard company. This
on share gave Ensor a foothold and h
com Into court with th complaint that
th company has been spending money
without making a proper accounting and
that the president. W. 8. Cook, refuses to
produce the books for inspection. The Ex
celsior company had a right-of-way Into
the city under an ordinance passed In 1892
and the Plattsmouth company revived It
tor Its own convenience recently.
Misdloveelghta Msct.
SAN FRANCISCO. May $. A fight to a
one-sixth pure glycerin, is per
fectly transparent and contains
no impurities.
The delicate perfume of
natural flowers.
It is a toilet pleasure.
The pride of the makers is
to sustain its purity and high
Klrk'j Rain Wattr Maker Softens the Hardest Water J
Send ten cents postage for free sample I
Your Office
It la certainly an advantage to have an office In a building tb location of
which everyone knows. Everyone In the west will know where to find you If
you merely say your office Is In The Bee Building.
The accommodations of The Bee Buildlug cannot be excelled, with 1U all
night and all day Sunday elevator service, electric light, steam heat water In
every room, perfect Janitor service, all of which is Included In the rental price.
There are no poor rooms In The Bee Building. Some of the rooms which are
vacant are among the very best that are In the building. The best ones, how
ever, will not stay vacant long.
List of vacant rooms in
The Bee
vi ihl races seventeentn
-- ""- mum,
!lnV water end Janitor aervlce. It
wMuui uiiui iimi oavenieenm ai
M7ITB 101 1 There Is no finer office suite In Omaha than thla one. It la located
lust on the light hand of the great marble stairway, and has unusually
large windows looking upon the front entrance way of the building. It
fronts on Farnam stieet. One room is 17x1 and the other 8x18. It has a
burglar-proof vr.ult, marble mantel- piece, hardwood floors, and will be
frescoed to suit tenant Plica I7&.04
ROOM 104i This rjm Is just at the head of the main stairway on the first floor.
It would be a vary desirable office for some real estate man or con
tractor. Tb floor apace la ltxU feet Pile 130, 0
BOOM 808 1 This room la Ux8 feet and 1 very conveniently located near the
elevator. A algn on the door can be readily aeen in atepplng off the eleva-
or Price tli.Ce
ROOM iiltti roni feet. Thl la a light, pleasant room. It baa been newly
decorated, and Ilka all rooms In The Bee Building, the price Includes
light, boat, water and janitor service Price UtM
BOOH mutt Thla room Is 17x32 feet and will be divided to suit tha tenant.
This room la particularly adapted lor some concern neediug Urge floor
space and la a decidedly handaom ottice, having an entrance facing the
court and wlndowa looking out upon Seventeenth street. It has a very
large burglar-proof vault, hard wood floors and is one of the choicest offi
ces In th building Pries aw ot
Fourth Floor.
ROOM 401i Uxll feet Thl room I next to the elevator and faces court. It
has a large burglar-proof vault and la well ventilated. Uaa good light,
and tor tne price furnishes first-class accommodations Frige UI.H
Fifth Floor.
I CITE B14i Thla la a very large room, 17x43 feet. It faces west, but la vtrv
light and wall ventilated. It la very seldom that space ot this slse is of
fered In The Bee Building. It could be used to advantage by some firm
employing a large number of clerks, or requiring large floor space a
wholesale jeweler, or manufacturer's agent, who would like to be In
Ore-proof building, or It will be divided to suit the tenant Prlo. too. 04
RtlOM Bait Thl room face the court and la lxl4 feet. It has a burglar-proof
vault, and as It Is near the telegraph office and on the same floor with a
number of grain firms. It would be a particularly good room for a J5r'n
firm desiring flrst-clasa accommodation Pries 120.0
VITB 610i Thl consists of two rooms, both 1RH1'H Each of them has a
large burglar-proof vault, have been newly decorated and are rooms
where any business or professional man may be comfortable. Price for
the two 3
Rental Agents.
tween Jack Root and George Gardner, the
middleweight boxers. The men are to meet
In Nevada on a day between the 2d and (th
of July. A t6,0U0 purse la to be divided. 76
per cent to the winner and 26 per cent to
he loser. Tne men agr iu u i
nr. th. Amv nt I h flaht at ltio QtiUtldl.
give or take two pounds.
Mayor, District Jadces sad Others At
test Ob.eqs.les at Pros
pect Hilt.
Th. mavnr. cltv attorney, district Judges
and quite a number of local attorneys were
t the Burlington station yesterday au.r-
noon at 4:06 o'clock when the body of
Judge Oeorge Ambrose arrived from Chi
cago, where his death' occurred Monday.
Mrs. Ambrose came on the same tralu
ith friends aud will remain In Omaha a
few days.
The casket was taken to Prospect Hill
emeterv Immediately and the Interment
was made there. Rev. Mackay conducting
brief service. Judge ooane, judge v axe-
ley, Judge Eatelle and Judge Keysor acted
a th honorary escort.
Judge Ambrose took the district bench
her In 18KS and served until he moved to
rhw.n n.r.uaa of this the present dis
trict judge adjourned court for the after
noon out of respect to his memory end to
give them opportunity to attend the fu
neral. A committee to report resolution
staturdar morning baa been appointed
by Judge Baxter, the membera being former
Judge E. R. Duffl, E. Wakeley, A. N.
Ferguson, Joseph H. Blair acd W. 0. Bar
tholomew. Meveaa.ata Oecaa Vessels May T.
At New York Arrived Patricia, from
Hamburg. BalledPhiladelphia, for South
ampton; Majestio, for Liverpool; Frlesland,
for Antwerp. ... ...
Al fnjlaaeipma Arrived fteu.rlaua,
from Antwerp.
At Liverpool Bailed Teutonic, for New
York; Westernland, for Philadelphia.
At Vladlvostock Sailed Clavrlng, for
A Havre Arrived La Savola, from New
AC Cherbourg Balled Kaiser Wllhelm
dcr Grout, from Bremen and Southamp
ton, for New York.
At Shanghai Arrived Moyune, from
Liverpool, for British Columbia.
At Hons Kong Arrived Athenian and
Empress of Japan, from Vancouver.
At Southampton Arrived St. Louis, from
New York.
At L'.henitl Paaaed Pembrookahlre. for
Portland, Ore.
Per Monti
street ana nss windows along the
,ig in. rental price neat.
haa an entrance both on Th.
reel .
Pries Mi.cs
Ground Floor,
Bee Building.
Good enough
for anybody!
jAll Havana Filce
of same value as tags from
'star: 'horse shoe:
'spearhead: standard NAVK
and J. T.' Tobacco!
saSaAskasjLv ' .sWV" fl"r-fjv
fit I
l?$ .k'j ti'yZ. i