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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1902)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEEi THURSDAY, MAY 8, 11)02. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Grtini Hinge on Weather ind Prions Drop Off Ooniiderablj. WHEAT AND CORN LOSE OVER A CENT Vats Alia Depressed, bat Provisions Qalt (nrhaaged to Hlgtber Bolls Lose Heart with JlorHnttm tri Fair WMtkrr Iteporta. ' CHICAGO, Msy 7. Grsln speculstors traded on the weather map again today and pressed prices hard all around. July wheat closed lHc lower, July corn lo down and July oats He lower. Provisions cloned unchanged to 6c hlsher. Thers was a fair show of strength In wheat at ths outset on the Influence of ? yesterday's cash business and more rains ast night In ths over-wet northwest. Trad era changed their stand, however, on later reports of seasonable weather. The weather map showed clear weather southwest and what was still more Important an end to ths wet weather In the northwestern spring country for the Dresent. Both these locall ties sent In liberal selling orders on the weather news and their own markets were weaker. This caused local speculators to lose sight of bulltshly small rscelpts, Kan sas crop Damage reports ana iainy nrm cables. Longs deserted their holdings and threw stuff overboard, but Inasmuch as many shorts covered their accounts yea terday buyers were scarce, except at good declines. When the bears understood this position they besan to hammer the nit stiffly and prices broke rapidly. Trade generally was not very heavy and the mar ket showed a drasslna disposition most of the time. July opened '(tc to a shade tip at lbo to ?6Hy.'ic, dropped to 74c and closed weak, lH31c lower at A good export and cash business had little lnnuenee on tne maraei. iteceipis were si cars, t of contract grade; Minneapolis and Dulath reported log cars, making a total for the three points of 140 cars, against 139 last week and 220 a year ago. Primary re ceipts were 304,000 bushels, compared with 449.000 bushels last year. Seaboard clear ances In wheat and flour equaled 2W1.0U0 bushels. Chicago sold 20 loads for export. Corn started with a good show of strength on firm rabies and a fair cash Situation. The leading bull crowd also was buying some July snd selling September. The strength, however, was short-lived, for when whest broke the bulls began to consider the favorable crop reports and re duced their support. Bears Jumped Into ine marsei ana soia snort ana nroke prices over a cent. Trade waa not lane and the ; greater part of ths session the market araggea. juiy duii manipulation was still talked of. but Inasmuch as the supposed manipulation did not hold prices up many lost faith In the bull situation. July sold front He down to 60c and closed weak, H4e lower at SOSc. Receipts were 75 cars. Oats were dull and suffered from the de . presslon In com and wheat. Crop advices were favorable and the cash situation still good. There waa little support on the de cline and July sold from ibr. to a weak close, c down at 36Ho. Receipts were 157 cars. Provisions were dull and fluctuated nsr rowly. The weak hog situation at the yards offset the general disposition to buy when the market opened. Ribs snd lard were In good demand, ' especially by packers' brokers. The weskenlng grain markets also worked against the advance and the early gains were not held well. July pork closed unchanged at 118.96. July lard a shade higher at $10.10 and July ribs 6o up at Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat 80 cars; corn, 105 cars; oats, 140 cars; hogs, S8. head. ' - The leading futures ranged as follows: Articles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Close. Tes'y. Wheat May July Sept. Corn May July Sept. Oats May July b July Bept. V Bept. Pork May July Bept. Lard May July Sept. Ribs May July Bept. 75 Hih 7SM 73 Thq 74 74 W1 74H4J 74 73 3i( SI 1 69Vi 694 62WH 82H 6014. m, 60-H 61V 59 69W4 41 41 41 41 H 34V, 34V, ;j 33 S3S 29V4 2!v 28Hfi 2X Suv 30 SO 30Vn 1 85 18 85 18 80 18 80 18 95 17 05 16 95 16 95 17 00 17 10 17 00 17 02V4 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 06 10 15 10 05 10 10 10 12V4 10 20 10 13V4 10 20 52 9 62 9 130 9 60 9 4?H 9 55 47Vi 9 62tt 9 65 9 60 9 66 9 80 fio-H 61 'i 41 81 V4 29Vif?V ao'i 16 95 17 00 10 07H 10 10 10 15 47V, 9 50 65 No. t. a Old. b New. Cssh quotations were ss follows: FLOUR Steady; winter patents S3 90rt 4.00: straights. I3.20(f,3.SO; clears. $3.00(63 60 jprfng specials K20.irt.30; patents, $3.4od I.BO: straights, $2.404,3.30. r ' w 82cE ' ' prlng' "Sc; No. 2 red. OATS-NO. i 41HfJ42c; No. 2 white, 43 44c; No. 3 white, 43'443Vo. RTE-No. 2. 6Hc BARLEY-Falr to choice malting, 6S 8'EEp-No. 1 flax 11.64; No. 1 northwest ern. $1.76; prime timothy, 7; clover, con tract grade, $8.36. PROVIBIONS-Mess pork, per bhl $16 85 4316.90. Lard, per luO lbs., I'O 07M,(Slii 10 Short ribs sides (loose), $9.462.9.55. Ory salted shoulders (boxed 1. $8.00to5.25. Short clear sides (boxed. $10.0rvfjio.lo 1 WHIBKT-On basU of high wines. $1.80. The following were the receipts and ship ments yesterday: Articles. Rscelpts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 32.000 14.000 Wheat, bu 66.000 22.000 Corn, bu 18,000 Sy 1000 1.000 Barley, bu 27.000 Tjooo On the Produce exohange today the but ter market was strong; creameries, mri3c; dairies 18&30c. Cheese, easy. laaiaVAc Eggs, steady; fresh, 14c! WKW YORK GENERAL MARKET. (.notations of the Day on Vnrlons Commodities. NjTk.I?RK- M"y. FLOUR-Recelpt.. J9.886 bbls.; export. 1241 bbls. Ths wheat break discouraged buyers and ohly a mod- Tli -1 wm" dona ,n tOD a-rades. with the close eaay; winter straights. $3.708.8O; 'iJilMStinWni;i winter ex! l0C-. Minnesota bakers. $3.0u 30, winter low grades, 8Z 9063.15. Rve ."U'V' bbU.; faT? to g 3J6fl3.40: choice to fancy, $3.6003 65 CORNMEAL Easy; yellow western RYE Easier: No. 2 western, f. 0 b. lots"1 tat' 91S-,C c- 1 Nw Vork car- BARLEY-Qulet; feeding, 64S8e, c I. f.. $ork r malt,n '3c. c. i. t. New ',"J:AT-Rc,lu- Mt6T ": exports. r,663 bu: spot, weak; No. I red. 7T.cVW vator; No. i red, Ho. t. o. b.. afloat No. 1 northern Duluth, lac, f. o. b.. afloat- No 1 hard Manitoba, tAc. f. o. b.. afloat! Apart from an opening spurt, occasioned by firm cables, small northwest receipts rid 1 covering wheat waa active and heavy II day, notably new crop option. Stop loss orders were plentiful, also acUva short elllng helped by unfavorable crop news nd weaker late cables. The close was tieavy at Ltts net decline. May. Ti!t Siy; closed. 7o; July. 7ClHo: closed. 7yTc; September. 7b(J)c; closed, 7ic; aXK-ember, 79 l-16ClSo; cloMd. 7Wc. CORN Receipts. 19.870 bu.; exports. 1.038 bu.; spot, easy; No. J, mc, elevator, and 74o, f. o. b., afloat. For a time corn re sisted the wheat break, showing flrmness on higher cable anI light recelpu, but evidently It fell Into line and closed weak Ho lower: May, 67,c: closed. 6Mo; July, 6Mt,fi"ic; closed, tbc; September, tWHWHc; closed. 64"e. OATS Receipts. 138.400 bu.; exports, 8,196 u.; spot stesdy; No. 2, 44c: No. I, 46Vc; No. 2 white, WVic; No. 2 white, 60c; track mixed western, 4fVo47c; trsck whits, avit tc. Options fairly active and easier with other markets. FEED Dull; spring bran, $17 7S; mid dlings. $!.OwtfJ.a.&0; winter bran, $a).t321.00: city. $18 90. 1IAY Steady; shipping, 66g65c; good to choice. $7Woc. HOPS Firm: state, common to choice, 19UI crop. Iu00e: 13iMc; olds. 4:86c. paclflo coast, 1901 crop, lSialS'c; 1S00, lirt 14c; OldS, rflC. HIDES Steady: Oarveoton, 20 to 25 lbs . 18c; CaUfornla, to 26 lbs.. 18 W; Texas dry, 84 to SO lbs lie. LEATHER Steady: acid, 2403c. WOOL Quiet: domestic ftae- 3?e PROVISIONS Beef, firm; family, $16: mess, $13; beef heme. t'l.OOTO packet 15; etty extra India mess. $J4.Uu26 V. Cut meats, steady; pickled bellies. lOV&llc; ftckled shouUers, 8V00; plcklsd hams, llV,TtHHc. Lard, firm; western steamed $10 6i; May closed $' M, nominal; refined! firmer; continent. $10 15: South America, $ compound, $6o0176. Pork, firm; family, $19.n0; short cleax. til fOtfa.HU. metal, 17 4tjl8 . TALLOW Firmer; city ($2 per psckage), I'.c country, (packages free). 4tlc BUTTER Receipts, 4. til pkxs . firm; tste 4tlry. $l(14c; creamery, t-uci Imi tation, -J-3c; factory. Vaoa. CHEEXjK Roeelpts. 2.104 pkgs.: grm; IfcBo, .Uf(t 4-fiUioiuicy. small, guts. full cream, early make, colored and white, 13134C. EaG8 Receipts, 23.822 rkgs. weak; state and Pennsylvsnla, 17c; western, at mark, 1 r Hi. MOLAPSE8 Steady; New Orleans. 23fl41e. Pi U1.TRV Alive, steady; turkeys, 9c; fowls, 12c; dressed (Iced), Arm; fowls, 12Hc; turkeys, 13iil4o. M ETA t Ji The New Tork copper market was about Up lower, though active. Bales Included sn.ono pounds elecirolvtlc for Au gust delivery and efi.tniO pounds for Seotem- ber. all at $1170; electrolytic and casting ciosea a; isse at in Hiyiz nr. spot to August at $U.0""(fll SS. The lxindon copper market was Ss 9d lower, closing with spot and futures at 53 6s. Tin was a pnann nrmer nere, Closing wun spot St $..'8 40, bid; London closed 10 6d higher, with spot at 131 12s 6d, snd futures st 2H 5s: lead, steady here at 4Hc; London was unchanred at 11 12s d: soelter. steady at $4.40, and London Is 6d higher at ait ss bi. bngnsn iron markets were Arm, closing with Glasgow at 62s 9d and Mlddlf borough at 47s 7Vid. The locsl msr ket wss also Arm, but unchanged, with $19.0020 00; No. 2 foundry northern, $18.00 jjm.w; ino. 1 tounnry soutnern, jin.w; no. 1 rounary souuiern, sort, tn.w&is.oo. OMAHA WHOLES ALB MARKETS, Condition of Trade and Quotations on Staple and Fancy Prodnee, EOOB Including new No. 2 cases, 14He; cases reiurnea, 14c. LIVE POULTRY-Cblckens, Hc; old roosters, according to age, 4j0c; turkeys, 8uPllc; duck and geese, 7c 1 broilers, per ID., iCOC. BUTTER Packing stock, 16c: choice dairy, in tubs, KUtflna; separator. Z3c. FRESH CAUGHT FI8H Trout, 9e; crapples, 10c; herring, 60; pickerel, 9c; pike, 11c; perch, 6c; buffalo, dressed, 7c; eunflso, 6c; blueflns, 8c; whiteflsh, 11c; catflsb, 13c; black bass, 18c; halibut, 13c: salmon. 16c; haddock, 11c; codfish 12c; red snooper, 10c; roe shad, each, 60c; shad roe, pel pair, 30c; split shad, per lb., 10c; lobsters, boiled, per io. zic; lODeiers, green, per id, 200. PIGEONS Live, per doa., 75c VEAL Choice, d&so, CORN-4W. OATS 48 o. BHAN Psr ton. 217. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale Hay Dealers' association: Choice hay, No. 1 upland, $1000; No. 1 medium, $9.00; No. 1 coarse, $8 Rvs straw, K.50. These prices are lor nsy 01 gooa coin' ana quality. U6' mand fair. Receipts light. VEGETABLES. EOG PLANT Florida, per dox., $1.26. BUUA8H Florida, per dox., $1.001.26. CAULIFLOWER Southern, per do., $1.50. POTATOES Northern. $1.151.20; Colo- rsao, 41. so. GREEN ONIONS Per dox., according to else of bunches. 164i2ic. A8PARAGU8 Horns grown, per dox., 25 40c. CUCUMBERS Hothouse, per dox., $1.25 A. V. BPINACH Home grown, per bu., 608c. LETTUCE Hothouse, pe doa., 40S4&O. PARSLEY Per dox.. 8(Kg35c. RADISHES Per aox.. A25c; per box. WAX BEANS Florida, per bushel box. 40. ou. GREEN PEAS Per bu. box. 31.70(52.00. RHUBARB Home grown. tr :b., j4o. CABBAGE California, new, 3V4c. ojmioish onios, per bbl., $4.60; new southern onions in sacks, per lb., g3vc. TOMATOES Florida, per tv-basket crate, $3.00&3.b0. NAVY BEANS Per bu., $2. FRUITS. FIGS California, new cartons, $1; im ported, per lb., Ifrl4c. STRAWBERRIES Texas, per 24-at. esse. $3.54.00; Louisiana, per 24-qt. case, $2.26. Applet Florida, 30 to 36 count. $4.606.00. TROPICAL FRUITS. BANANAS Per bunch, according to stse. I2.25&2.75. ORANGES California navels, fancy, $4; budded, $3.00; Mediterranean sweets, $3.26 $.50. LEMONS Fancy, $3.50: choice. $3.25. MISCELLANEOUS. NUTS Walnuts. No. 1 soft shell. per lb., 12c; hard shell, per lb., HSic; No. 2 soft shell, 10c; No. 2 hard shell, He; Braxlls, per lb., 14c; filberts, per lb., 12c; almonds, soft shell. 16c: hard shell. 15c: pecans, large, per lb., Uc; small, 10c; cocoa nuts, per sack, $3.50. HON Ei rw z-secuon case, nxij-3.uu. HIDES No. 1 green, 6c; No. 2 green. 6Uc; No. 1 salted, 7ftc; No. 2 salted, 6Vtu; 1 veal calf. 8 to lbs., be: No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs., 60: dry hides, 812o; sheep pelts, foe; norss macs, n.uuui.. CIDER Nehawka, per bbl., 23.25; New York, $3.5a rUfWKJi-rer id., oc; sneuec, so. , St. Loale Grain and Provisions. ' ST. LOUIS. May 7. WHEAT Lower: No. 2 red cash, elevator. 81082Vte: track. May, 77c; July, 72c; September, 72Hc; No. 2 hard, 76Qf78c. CORN Lower: No. 2 cash. 61c: May. 69Hc; July, 60Hc; September, 6868Tc. OATS Lower; No. 2 cash, 43c; track, 4414&44Hc; May, 414c; July, 82c; Septem ber, 27c; No. 2 white, 45V4(gH5c. HIE-yulet at &c. FLOUR Dull "and heavy; red winter patents, $3.65d3.80; extra fancy and straight, 3.4iMy3.60: clear, $3.(KK&'3.20. BKt.l rimotny, nominal, CORNMEAL Steady, $3.15. BRAN Steady; sacked, east track, 97c. HAY Firm to strong; timothy. $13.00(3 15.50; prairie, scarce; not quoted. w rt ihiv x wteaay, IRON COTTON TIES Steady, 21.06. BAGGING Steady, 57A(&6Hc. HEMP TWINK-9C. PROVISIONS-Pork: Steady: lobblna. $17.55 for new. $17.05 for old. Lard: Higher at $10. Ory salt meats, steady; boxed lots, extra shorts, $9.75; clear libs, $9.62Vt: short clear, $9.X71. Bacon, steady; boxed lots, extra shorts, $10.JH; clear ribs, $10.60; short clear, xiu.76. METALS Lead: Quiet at S3.97UO4.00l Spelter: quiet at $4.12!. POULTRY Steady; chickens. fcgflc; turkeys, 7c; ducks, 9c; geese, 4H5c. BUTTER Steady; creamery, 1723c; dairy. 16a 20c. ituua Bteaay at 14c. RocelDts. Shlnments Flour, bbls 3.00 6,ono Wheat, bu 28.01 41.000 Corn, bu . 60,000. 66,000 Oats, bu 83,000 32,000 Liverpool Grata and Provisions. LIVERPOOL. May 7. WHEAT Soot. No. 1 northern, spring, quiet, 6s 4d; No. 1 California, dull. 6a 4d; futures, quiet; May, 6s l4d: July. 6s IVid: September, 6s 3d. CORN Spot, steady; American mixed, new. 6a 8d; American mixed, old, 6s 9d; futures, steady; juiy. bs tw. October. 6a FLOU id. HOPS At London. Pacific coast, firm. 8 16st4 15s. PROVISIONS Beef, strong: extra India mess, 100s. Pork, strong; prime mess west ern, 76s. Hams, firm; short cut, 14 to 16 lbs., 64s. Bacon, Arm: Cumberland cut, 26 to SO lbs., steaay, sa; snort riDs. 18 to 20 lbs., steady, 61a 6d; long clear middles, light, 28 to SO lbs.; 60s; long clear middles, heavy, 26 to 40 lbs., steady, Ms 6d; short clear backs, 16 to 20 lbs., steady, 51s 9d; clear bellies, 14 to 16 lbs.. 61s 6d. Shoulders square, 11 to IS lbs., steady, 39s 6d. Lard, Arm; prime western. In tierces. 61s 2d; American refined, in palls, steady, 61a. Hi i i feK nrm: nnesi united mates, 9us. CHEESE Amerlcsn finest colored, old. Arm, 6us6d; American finest white, new, steady, 65s; American finest colored, new, lienuy, dos. TALLOW Prime city. nrm. 20s: Aua. trallan In London, firm, 23s 2d. Kansas City Grata and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. May 7.-WHEAT-J14.V 716714c; July. 7H71Vc; cash, No. 2 hard, 73o ; No. 3. 71Viv5i'72c ; No. 2 red. 79c. I'UKN-stay, eivstsic; Heptember, 64Tc; tsh. No. 2 mixed. 63uti3Vfcc: No. 2 whits. M'1"; No. 2, 64'i-64c. OATS No. 2 white. 445Hc run in o. 3, Dwooyc. HAY Choice timothy. SIS SOai4 00- rhnl prairie $l2.604ilS.oo. BUTTER Creamery, 21c; dairy, fancy, 18c. EOOB Fresh, 14c. Receipts of wheat, 19 cars. EGGS Lower: new No. 2. whltwnnt cases Included, 14o per dosen; cases re iurnea, uvsc Receipts. Bhlp. Wheat 16.4) 6600 Corn 144.000 63.300 Oats &O.0U0 12,000 Toledo Grain and Seed. TOLEDO. O., May 7 WHEAT Fair, active; cash, 83 Wo. May, Uc; July, 7t4c; Beptember, iiic. CORN Dull, weak; cash. 60Hc; May, 604c; July, 61c; Beptember, 0c. OATS Dull, sasler; cash. 42c; May! 43c; July, S4Hc: Beptember, 2ie. BEED Clover, dull, easier; cash. 2Vi: Itctober, Sb au; November, $4 6-'; No. 2 timothy, 23.16. Pklladelphta Prodaee Market. PHILADELPHIA. May 7. BUTTER Firm; extra westerh creamery, 25c; extra nearby prints. 26c. EGGS Steady; fresh nearby, 16c: fresh western. 14oloc; fresh southwestern, lac; frevh southern, 15'2ltiStc CHEESE Firm. patents, 83. 6472 76; flrst clears, 22 86; sec ond ciesrs, $2.10. BRAN In bulk, $14 04314-10. Mllwaakee t4raln Market. MILWAUKEE, Msy 7. WHEAT Lower; No. 1 northern, TSWc; mo. 1 nortnern, ioc; juiy, .4 to. RYE Firm; No. 1. 61c. BA RLE Y Firm : No. 2, 61S"0c. CORN-July, 6otj6tHc. UR St. Louis fancy winter, firm, 8s Minneapolis WkMl. Klonr and Bran. MINNEAPOLIS. Msy 7. WHEAT Msy. 74Vc; July, 74Sc; Septsmber, 7lSc. On track: No. 1 hard. He; No. 1 northern, 74Sfre: No. 2 northern, 7fr74Vc f LOUIWunrst ituls. 24-N4.Ki second Dnlath Orala Market. tlfl.lTH. Mav 7. WHEAT Cssh: No. 1 hsrd, 78V,c; No. 2 northern. 73v,c; No. 1 northern. May, 76S4c; July, 754'S;irHc; Sep tember. TZHo. OATS Cash, 42'4)C; September, 29'c. ItEW YORK STOCKS ASD BOSDS, Weak Cereal Market Greatly Aids Grala Carry ln, Rsllroads. NEW YORK. Msy 7. Today's stock mar ket reflected an unavailing effort to arrest the downward tendency. Prophecies over anthracite labor settle ment continued very confldent from sources with every mesns of suthorltatlve Infor mation, but the flat contradiction of the rumors received from Bcranton, where the miners' delegates were in convention psusmI confusion and uncertainty, and t suspicion that the Wall street outgivings were In the nature of "tips" designed to Influence the stock market. As a matter of fact, Reading, which was accepiea as the Index of the anthracite situation, was lifted a shade above last night. The reports of the condition of the crops and the weakness of ths grain market were a help to the grain carrying roads, and they made a good advance In the course of the day's session. The contin ued sggressive strengtn or i.ouisviuh Nashville snd Chlcaso. Indianapolis A Louisville and various smaller subsidiary lines gained additional Influence from the rerponse in Southern Railway, which wss considered significant of closer relations In tne wnoie soutnern group, masiivuic, rhitinniMK A Hf Ixuls: Chicago A East ern Illinois and Evansvllle A Terre Haute all shared In the movement. Illinois Cen trsl wss heavy throughout, falling at one time m. The advance in Kansas City Southern was attrlbutea to me lormauuu of a pool in the stock. All of the, strons points, however, yielded to the liquidation during the last hour caused by the rslse In Reading to 24 under last night. Practically all of the gains were wiped out and the level of prices car ried below last night. Realizing sales were much In evidence In Chicago Great Western, which lost 2'4 of yesterday s 4 nolnt sain. Tennessee Coal lost 4 points on account of the annual report, which was considered discouraging. United States Bteel stocks did not es cape the depression notwithstanding the extraordinary exhibition of last year's transactions by tne company. The money market wss called easier to day, the maximum loaning rate reaching 15 per cent, with a subsequent recession to 6 per cent, but the decline In the foreign exchange rate ceased In response to easier money and discussion was renewea 01 goia exports. Country receipt J of Louisville A Nash ville stock from foreign holders are very large and represent requirements for for eign payments. The here are renorts of large loans during the week, made in the stock market for the account of outside Institutions, but It is unworthy of notice that $600,0(10 in cur rency has gone to New Orleans this week and New York exchange at Chicago ruled today at 20c discount. The market closed heavy. The tone of the bond market weakened In sympathy with stocks. Total sales, par value, $4,035,000. United States bonds were all unchanged on the last call. The following are the closing prloea 00 ths New York Stock exchange: o... Atchison do Dfd Baltimore A An Dfd Canadian Pacific.... Canada So Chca. A Ohio Chicago A Alton... 1.. tA uu Vm Chicago, Ind. A L... ao pia Chloafo A E. III... Chlcaio A O. W... do lit pfd do ltd nfd Chicago A N. W... r u 1 a. Chloafo Tar. A Tr. ao pia C. C. C. A St. L... Colorado 80 do lt pfd do Id nfd IMI. A Hudnon Dal. 1. a w Danrar A R. O do Dfd Erla do tat pfd An Id r.1A Oreat Nor. pfd., .v.. nocaing vane? .... do pfd Illinois Cantral .... Iowa Central An rttA Lake Erla A W.... do nfd l. A N , Manhattan L, Mat. St. Br MftiWn r..tMl Mexican National. Minn. A Bt. L Mo. Paelfle M.. K. A T do nfd N. J. Cantral N. V. Central Norfolk A W da nfd Ontario A W. .'!.!! Pannaylranls Reading do let pfd do Id nfd .. Bt. L. A 8. r do lat pfd do Id nIA t. I South w"!" do nfd t. Paul " do pfd .. 74,8o. Paelfle . v ; Bo. Railway .1071 do pfd . t&VTexaa A Paelfle .12ISS, Toledo, Bt, L a W . 02'il do pfd , 47H: Union Paelflo . 36l do pfd 4 iU'ihaah rm do prd . HSU Wheal. A L. B An 3d nfd Wla. Central da pfd Adama Cx American Ex ITnlted State IT weiia-rargo Ex.... Amal. copper Amer. Car A F do nfd Amer. Lin. Oil do prd Amer. 8. A R do ' pfd Anao. Mln. Co Brooklyn R. T Colo. Fuel A I Cftn flaa Con. Tobacco pfd.! uh. niecirio Hocking Coal Inter. Paper do pfd Inter. Power Laclede timm National Ulaeult .. national Lead National Bait ... An nfd No. American ..." raciao Coaat IvZ Mi" '"- Car.. ?97 do nfd i.5:P.uiln?" f- Car...: nepuono Bteel ... do pfd Sugar Tenn. Coal A 1... Union bag A P... do pfd V. 8. Leather .... do pfd V. 8. Rubber .... do WtlA v. b. BteeT:::::;: Weetern Union"": LeomotlTs do nM K. C. Southern:.: 1 do pfd .147 . 7 44 tt .. Jiv, ..106 .. IOVt .. im .. 434 ..174. ..JIM .. 4'iVi .. KVi .. St .. H .. 63V ..184 .. 1 .. SOS, ..16: .. 444. .. S6 ' .. wv ..ISO ,.U1 ,.1324 ..144i .. Ma ..10 ..l(t .. ta .. to .. S3H ..ISO", .. 45 .. 14 .. .. 4744 .. 3 .. V2 .. 37 .. n ..170U ..ISOVs1 CSV . 374 . 4m . Sl'a . 3Vi .1084, . T . I6H . . 4Vk .KK) .t .114 .200 . 47 .. 904 . to . t1i . 64 . 4f.4 . MVi .113 . f.4 ..103, .324 .131 .133 . T4 . 70 . 47 . ton . . lo . ts .122' . 71 . 3H 108H . 44 . (4 ..137 H4 73 I7ni 4H 15 14. 4 H HV 41-4 IS 1 li It 1H Trust receipts. OfTered. Ex-dlvr Hew York Mostew Market. NITW Vr.n v nrm at in -"0NET-On call. prnt f 25- A SKK ,4 Sl'f?i,op demnl nd at .6M for merial'WlsVU SILVER-Bar. plcf Mexican doUars. BONDS Government, steady at at. t active; railroad, wealc ' tu ln- foTlows"IO"ln "uolu,"' bond, are as steady. Operators on the Stock exchange were apathetic, pending the result of peace news. But the tendency wss good. Con sols were firm. Amerlcsns responded to the strength of New York snd were mostly above psrlty. Erica, Louisville A Nsshvllle snd Readings were the fen Hires Prices were easier. Canadian Pacifies were buoyant. Rio tlntos hardened. Kaffirs suf fered from inactivity. PARIS. Msy 7. prices on the bourse opened strong todsy owing to the Increas ingly encouraging prospects for peace In Bnuth Afrlcs. Most of the foreign securi ties were higher. Rentes were buoyed up by Investment operations. Sues canal shares were strong. Thomson-Houstnns were firm. Russisn Industrials declined. Rio tlntos rose under the Influence of Amer lcsn ptirchsaes and the satisfactory price of copper. The private rate of discount was 1,1-14 per cent. Three per cent rentes, ilfJ7lc for the account. Spanish 4s closed at727. BKRI.IN. May 7-Prlces on the bourse tday were Arm owing to favorable South African peace prospects. Bear covering, In view of the holiday tomorrow, caused some sdyanres. Canadian Pacifies were consider ably harder on New York advices. Some funds were slightly easier on realisations. Boston Stock caealloas. BOSTON, May 7 Call loans. 56 per cent; time loans, 44Q5 per cent. Official closing of stocks and bonds: N. KJ. o. A C Atchlaon do pfd Boeton A. A Hoeton A Me Boaton Elerated ... t'nlon Paelflo Me. Central American Sugar .... do pfd American T. A T... Oen. Electric Maa. Electrlo do pfd N. E. O. A C t'nlted rrult V. 8. Steel do pfd Weetinah. Common. Adventure , Allnnei Amalgamated ..".:::.' , 71 , "4 263 .1941, .143 1034 . 3 ,1V .lit I miH .433 4344 . t7V . 34 104 , 41V . MVii ,104 33 . 4H . 47 Bingham Calumet A Hi Centennial .... Copper Range Dominion Coal Franklin Iele Rovale ... Mohawk Old Dominion Oaceola Parrot Qulncr Santa Pa Tamarack Trlmoutaln Trinity United States Utah Victoria Winona Wolrerlns ... Daly West.... Copper. ... II ...r44 ... 14 ... llti ...137 ... nvt ... 14 ... 17 ... s ... 43, ... 3H ...129 ... 14, ...14a ... 4 ... 12H ... SIS ... IS ... Ii ... 144 ... M ... 46 New York Mintage (gaotattena. NEW YORK. May 7.-The following are the closing prices on mining stocks: I.lttle Chief Ontario .... Ophlr rnoentx .... Adama Con So Alice 44 Breece 60 Brunawlck Con 10 Cometocfc Tunnel ... 6S Potoal Con. Cat. A Va 140 Baraga Deadwood Terra...... 76 Sierra Nerads Horn SIlTer 140 Small Hopes .. Iron Silver 71 Standard Leadvlile Coo 1 .... U ...776 ...170 ... 4 ... to ... ... 10 ... 46 ...1(0 Bank Clearlnsrs. V. 8. rat. is, rag... do coupon do la, rag do coupon do 4a. rag do coupon do aid 4a. rag do coupon do 6a, rag do coupon Atchlaon gen. 4a.... do ad. 4e: . A O. 4a do ma do conv. 4a........ Canada So. 3a Central of Oa. 6s... do la lne , Choe. A O. 4fee Chicago A A. C, B. A Q. n. 4a., C. M. A S. P. g. 4l C. A N. W. e. Ta... C. R. I. A P. 4a.., C C C A at L g . 4a Chloage Tar. 4a Colorado Bo. 4s Denver A R. O. 4i Brio prior lien 4o.. do general 4a... F. W. A D. C. la lotH'Hock. Valley 4U.a. 22 Lr n. niT 4.!:?: IMS Max. Central 4s.... WS o la lne....".." ". at at. i. 4a T. 4a.. la. .13744IM.. K. A " ao is. .311 J4 If. T. Central 25 L"a J!".-s 101S do la . 4 N. A W. con. 4i".' .W Reading gen. 4a . MSst L 4 I II g. ii 104S Bt. L. A 8 r 4a . los Bt. L. 8. W. la... oS do Sa 7. v!8. a. a a. p. 4a:: .lOnVSo. Paelflo 4a ... . 4ki So. Railway 6a.... . 4 iTexaa A P la...... I.J14IST Bt. L. A W. 4a. .lto Union Pacific 4e..., .111 do conv. 4a .1034, Wabaah la , .. aa do Sa , .. 4 do deb. B ..104V West shore 4s...., ..loo'W. A L. II 4a .. I7S Wla Central 4m.'.'., . .114V0on. Tob. 4s ..111(4 ..1024, .. It .. I3S ..104' ..101 .. 13 ..IMI, ..10 . .lOf.4, .. 73 ..10144 .. .. I7T, .. 164. .-123 ..121 .. II ..104 ..107 ..HI ..1UU .. 7&S ..114 .. 3H Offered. Is4a atoek Market. LONDON. May T. 4 p. m-Closlng: Cosaola for Bkosoy.M so aocount Anaconda Atchlaon do pfd Baltimore A Ohio... Canadian PaelAe.... Cheeapeake A Ohio. Chicago O. W C . M. A St. Paul... Denver A SI. O do pfd Brio do lat pfd do Sd pfd Illlnola Central Loulavllle A Naah.. M . K. A T do pfd N. T. Central 16-14 Norfolk A Westers.. SWJ do pfd 6r) Northers Paelfle pfd. !, Ontario 4k Westers. ., 101 iPennarlvanla 111 Reading 130 do lat pfd 41 I do Id pfd 3 Southern Railway..., iiea. ao pro 44 MS SS tl 64 164 1444 . 34 i . SO 1US Southern Paelflo , Union PaclSo do nfd United States Bteel!:, so pid Wabaah , do nfd 'Spaalah, Hand Mines 6S 72 S4 S 7 14S 43-4 ss 41 4HH loe al 424, s 14 44H T4 21 BAR BILVER-Bteady at 23 lS-16d per ounce. MONEY-2V,tJ4 per eentr The rate of discount In tbe open market for both short and three-months' bills Is 2 per cent. N ferelgn riaavaelal. LONDON. May T.-Owlng to the flrmness of American holders bar silver advanced at the opening to II lS-ld. but later re acted and closed Irregular at 23d per ounce. India council bills were allotted today at Is S f-S3d. The amount of bul lion taken into the Bank of Kngland era balance today waa loO,0ua Gold premiums are quoted as follows: Buenns Ayres, 1SS 20; Madrid. M t; Rome, 17. There was a strong demand for money today, though, owing to preparations anticipatory to the pament of the call for the new consols the pressure did not equal expectations. The trend of the msrket depended almost wholly on the magnitude of tbe govern- nut. disbui'Ciutngii Plssguati wut OMAHA, May T. Bank clearings today, $1.24h.5"2 51; corresponding day last year, $1,085,931.82: increase, J162.671.19. CHICAGO, May 7. Clearings. J30.M4.393; balances, $1,706,102; posted exchange, $4.86 for sixty days, $4.86H on demand; New York exchange, 20c discount. NEW YORK, Mav 7. Clearings. $311,853, 395; balances, $13,138,824. BOSTON, May 7. Clearings, $26,166,384; balances, $1,576,138. BALTIMORE. May 7. -Clearings, $4,252, 694; bulances, $727,636; money, 6 per cent. PHILADELPIiaA, May 7. Clearings, $14, 277,822; balances, $2,491,347; money, i per CINCINNATI. Mav 7. Clearlncrs. $2823.- 400; money, 6 per cent; New York ex' change, par RT T .f t T ' T CI Mav 7 naaHnaa HJflAII balances, $1,492,798; money, steady,' 4Vk4i4 per cent; New York exchange, 30c pre mium. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Beef Bteen and Oows of Good Quality Bold Higher Again Todgj. HOGS CASED OFF, BUT CLOSED STRONG Sheep Receipts Light, bat While Good Btatf Held A boat Steady, the Corn saoner Grades Were Slow Sale aad Lower. SOUTH OMAHA. May ' Receipts were: t'nttle. Ilni Sheen Ofllclsl Monday I lia 4 ttJ S.iS Ofllclal Tuwntv 2,361 9,si7 4,4" Official Wednesday 1.96J lG.&bo 2,i6 10,560 S.!.4i 10.114 19,479 13,0it 16.S10 19.UM 19.3U 2 1 . ( 5 20.360 21,992 Three days this week.. 6.41& Same days last week.... .1f2 Same week before B.KMS Same three wax-MS,7ol Same four weeks ago...ll.OU Same days last year 11,322 RECElf 18 KOB THE YEAR TO DATE, The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date ana comparisons with mm year; 1902. 1901. Inc. Dec, Cat tie 274.281 23i,t 36.416 Hogs 915.66 M9.o!4 tt.5t4 Sheep 8JS.1S7 891MA2 70.865 The following table shows the average price or nogs sold on the South Oms.ia mar set tne past several aays, witn com parlsons wltn former years: Date. I 1902. 1901. 1J00.189. 1898. 11897. UM. April 15.. April 16.. April 17.. April IS.. April i9.. April 20.. April ii.. April 22.. April 23.. April 24.. April 25.. April in.. April 27.. April ).. April 29.. April 80.. May 1.... May 2.... May I.... May 4.... May 6.... May 6.... May 7.... Mil l 1 w esiHi 8SI BDjhl 80-). 7 07H 7 03V, i 7 vim 7 011, 7 03 98 6 W 'S 01 I I 72 s s4 5 45, I 6 M it 6i r 72 ks t 4 I (Si 5 (.! b 44, 3 1I1 I b5 t 4o I 75 I tUi tp s 1 6 (W t 77 5 a 7 1 1 60! 6 4 6 64 6 71) 5 1 3 .) t 72 6 17 3 tk 6 861 5 26 3 681 6 22i S i t 68 3 61 6 69 t 21 7 t $0 I 3$ I 1 4i 1 77 1 I 3 72i -36 5 32! 1 7 I M f fcij b 39, 3 00 1 t 34 3 67 6 371 3 69 1 a 9i 5 321 6 26 3 61 1 It0 "l U 3 7i I 84 3 74 a I 71 3 84 $ 79 $ 791 a 7.1 SI 3 0 3 8 3 3 3 o I tVJ 3 is) S Sl s 111 l4 S B4I 3 S2 3 831 e I 81 $ 71 3 75 8 4 3 a 3 36 1 a e t 35 3 89 3 SO t 28 I 34 1 a e t 28 3 26 3 2 3 80 3 li 3 7 3 12 3 13 $ 711 3 121 t 26 3 66. 3 SO I 641 3 32 3 70 3 cO Condition of the Treasury. WASHINGTON, May 7.-Todays state ment of the treasury balances in the gen eral fund, exclusive of the S150.000.00ft n-old reserve In the division of redemption, shows. available cash balances, $168,501,929; gold $96,337,741. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. May 7.-COTTON-Spot cionea quiet, c nigner; middling uplands, 94c: middling gulf. 10c: sales. 267 bales. Ku. tures closed barely steady; May, 9.86c; June, 9.31c; July, 9.28c; Aug-ust, 9.09c; September, 8.52c; October, 8.27c; November, 8.19c; De- cemoer, 0.1, c: January, a.isc: Februarv. 8.18c; March, 8.17c. GALVESTON, May 7. COTTON Steady, 9-16c. NEW ORLEANS, May 7.-COTTON-Fu-tures. oulet and , stead v: Mav. Sfhff 4 K2o- June, 9.5559.67c; July, 9. 630. 64c; August, 9.13S9.14c; September, 8.6?8.60c; October, 8.1058.11c; November, 7.99(ijA.01c; December, i.9958.01c; market steady; sales, 2,460 bales; nnll tiu rv fia nrnA nrlna... t. 7 . ,A middling, 9v4c 'middling, 9Ho; good mid dling, 915-16c; middling fair, 10c; receipts, 4,496 bales; stock, 1181,521 bales. ST. LOUIS, May 7. COTTON Firm ; no sales; middling, 9Hc; receipts, 1,034 bales: stock. 34,8, bales. LIVERPOOL, May 7. COTTON-Spot, moderate business; prices l-16d higher; American middling fair. 574d: arnod mM. dllng, 511-32d; middling, 5 7-32d; low mid dling, 5Vud; good ordinary, 6d; ordinary, 4d. The sales of the day were 8,000 bales, of which 600 were for speculation and ex- rort ard Included 7,300 American. Receipts ,800 bales, all American. Futures opened steady and closed firm; American middling g. o. c, May. 6 6-646 7-64d, buyers; May ?nd June. 6 6-64d, sellers; June and July 6-646 6-64d, Duyers; July and ' August 6 4-64(86 6-64d, buyers; August and Septem ber, 4 63-64d, buyers; September and Octo- h A afl-OasI Km h... ..v. . . . . wiuurr na Novem ber, 4 39-64(84 40-64d, buyers; November and uecemoer. 18,-dw, Duyers; December and January. 4 86-64d, buyers; January and Feb ruary, a jo-ou, uuyers. Wool Market. BOSTON, May 7. WOOL Territory wools are dull. Choicest staple scoured Is quoted: Fine, 60(g&2c: fine medium, 47(848c; me dium, 45c. The ordinary territory grades are selling on the scoured basis of fine, 4748c; fine medium, 43346c, and medium, 3840c Fleece wools have had a fair In quiry, but sales have been very light. Ohio XX and above Is quoted at 27274o: X, 2324c; No. 1, 26ifie7c: Michigan X and above, 21ig22c; No. 1. 2S26c. Australian woola continue quiet; Queensland combing, 67(&68c, and Port Philip combing (70s) 74a 75c and (60-648). 6870c. ST. LOUIS, May : -WOOL Firm and active on new clip; medium grades, KkSl'tc; light, fine, 12gl5c; heavy, fine, 9i312c; tuh washed, 16240. LONDON, May 7-WOOL-The offerings at the wool auction sales today amounted to 13,738 bales. The attendance was large. A good aupply of Bcoured sold readily at an advance of 10 per cent. Merinos were In ac tive request at 10 per cent above the March average. A good selection of crossbreds sold at extreme rates. Cape of Good Hope and Natal aold spiritedly, the offerings being In better condition. Sales In detail: New South Wales, 2,600 bales; scoured, d3 Is Id; greasy, 3ad(81s Hd. Queensland, 1.200 bales; scoured, Is4d(61s8d; greasy, tWtflOUd. Victoria, S.KT0 bales; scoured, 7Vdls 7Hd greasy, 4d(81s Id. South Australia, 1 4i6 bales; scoured, HHdls6Hd; greasy, 34 ll'Ad. New Zealand. S.S00 bales; scoured. 5&7d; greasy. 4S10Hd. Cape of Good Hope and Natal, 700 bales; greasy. 6i4(S8Hd North America, 86 bales; greasy, TVtVstjHa. " Oil aad Rosin. OIL CITY, Msy 7.-OIL Credit balances, $1.20; certificates, no bid; shipments, 122 194 obis.; average, 103,623 bbls.; runs, 103 081 bbls.; average, 76,016 bbls. SAVANNAH. Qa., May 7.-OIL Turpen tine, firm. 43c. Rosin, quiet; A. B. C. D $1 20; F. I1.3U; O, $1.30; H. $1.55; I, $1.96; K M$2.86; N, $3.25; WO, $2.4&2.60; WW; TOLEDO, O.. May 7.-OIL-North Uma, 88c: South Lima and Indiana, 83c. NEW YORK, May 7.-OIL-Cottonseed. nrm. Petroleum, quiet. Rosin, steady. Tur pentine, firm, 464?46Vc. LONDON. May 7.-OIL Calcutta linseed, spot. 53a 9d. Turpentine spirits, 83s. Bvapor.ted Apple, a.d Dried Frnlts. NKW YORK, May 7. EVAPORATED APPLES Market was slightly higher on more active demand and limited offerings, with tone of the market Arm: stste com mon to good, 7i&9c; prime, 99V4c; choice. 9til0V.c; fancy, lo(tifjllc. ' CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUIT In prunes the situation remains about unchanged; new fruit holds steady on large slses. with some easiness noted on small fruit; old fruit moving fairly well; apricots and peaches In good demand by jobbers and south; prunes, S'tfrtiW; apricots, boxed 10(&14c; bags, 104t'tfl2Hc; peaches, peeled. 14fel6c; unpeeled, 8Vallc, Coffee Market. NEW YORK, Msy 7 COFFEE 8pot Rio, dull; No. 7 Invoice, 5 7-16c; mild, dull, 8V 12c. The market opened steady with prices unchanged to 5 points lorr and for the rest of the day was speculatively flat. Heavy Brazilian receipts, weakness ta foreign market, with tame spot demand and large clearances from the crop coun try for the United States, were depressing Influences: the market closed quiet and net unchanged, the bulls stepping In at the finish to sustain prices. Total ssles wsre but 1 250 bags; December, $5.45, and March at $5.70. Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK, May 7.-DRY OOODS-Oen-eral cotton goods market continues quiet throughout, with home buying of both staple and fancy dry goods on a moderate seals No rhangs In the attitude of the sellers and prices maintained. Print cloths continue Inactive and unchanged. Woolen and worsted dress goods quiet. Ma worsteds auiaj, pm gtuexaiJy.jtsU gold. Indicates Sunday. YESTERIIAVB 9HIPMIPKTS The following list shows the number of va, ui ircurn oiuppea io ine country yes terday and their designation: Curs J. E. Williams, Corona, Colo. B. A M.... : Oscsr Flood, Oakland, Neb. M. A O D. Hoist, Tllden. Neb. F. E ! NIc Thletse, West Point, Neb. F. E ! Sam Marts, Crelghton, Neb. F. E J. E. Jorgensen, Ells, la. I. C F. O. McKee, Renlcker, la. I. C 2 t: li. uroguen. Oenlson, la. I. C 1 u. tj. fc,. Johnson, Ha. Ian, la. R. I Fesnenitam TavW uiannnA I- kt ir Thomas Adams, Vail, la. N. W 8 r. f itssimmons, van, la. N. W The official number of cars of stock prougnt in today by each road was: Roads. Cattle. Hogs. Sh p. H'ses. C, M. 4 St. P. Ry 3 4 .. O. St. L. Ry 8 3.. Missouri Pacific Ry 1 2 .. j Union Pacific system.... 21 22 5 1 C. A N. W. Ry 4 9.. F., E. & M. V. R. R.... 17 46 4 C, Bt P., M. & O. Ry.. 5 16 1 B. & M. R. Ry 16 20 " C. , B. & Q. Ry 1 i,) C.. R. I. & P.. east 6 13 C, R, I. A P., west 1 3 Illinois Central 8 5 80 153 Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p Total receipts .. The disposition of the day's receipts was " , J"' "uyer purcnasing tne num ui ncevu jjiuiuaieu Buyers. Orhana Packing Co.. bwiii ana company Cudahy Packing Co Armour A Co ! Hammond Co Vansant A Co Lobman A Co W. I. Stephen Livingstone A Schaller... Hamilton A Rothschild.. B. F. Hobblck W. A Monan Other buyers 243 232 477 386 102 80 16 21 43 138 79 21 139 1,61a 2.8S3 1.9R9 3,928 560 583 726 660 697 762 S.308 light Totals 1.934 10,846 f? ATTT.1T Thaa, v . - . n u ..... auvmcr very llgni supply for the first half of this week ex ceedingly light, both as compared with the last several weeks and also with the same davs of Inst van r TKa , , - " , ; . wiimiiu wae xajriy good, so that the general tendency of prices wtier graues. Packers started out fairly early this morning and bid a little stronger prices on the good to choice beef steers. Tha very best grades sold about 6gU0o higher and cattle answering to that description are about lo&25c higher than they were at the close of last week. The less de sirable grades did not sell any higher today than they did yesterday, but still they ra t'ej higher than they were last week, l he demand, though. Is very light for the common grades and sellers found It a hard proposition to dispose of such kinds today at satisfactory prices. Prse- tlrallv evarvthlne lh,,ah .... -T.. -a i . hands In good season. ine cow market was also fairly active todav owtna? ta the, lih . J activity was principally on the better grades. The good to choice kinds w.r. right around 6j10c higher than they were VAHterdav. hut lha muii , . " .... u ,1, ma common gradea showed very little change from yes terday. Aa compared with the close of last " " pam coaay lor the best K!n?' were U,t bout 10260 higher, but still the market Is very uneven and com mon grades In partloular sell very un- f.Tfinljii tut ?i" thev v- Prices are a little higher than they were last week Bulls, veal calves and stags also sympathy with the advance of steers and cows. There were only Just a few oars of stock- gr snn tmtimrm In hs f a4 . a, 1. 1 , " tha market waa a little stronger. Any- eiiuu riu a. iikis nigner. but. of course, the commoner grades were more or lean nea.leM.tcM4 the. Mm . k:.: .:i'"." "'. . esier .w...a f. ..vjitvaaiiieiive sales; BEEF STEERS. to No. ii.'.'.! S4.... 1.... 1.... 4... SI.... I.... 1.... IS... 10..., 1.... 44..., SI.... 1.... SO.... 11.... $.... 10.... 14 ... is.!.'! At. 440 74 tH U 1140 40 , 171 7I .... M 144 441 44 1041 1104 1114 114 llot 1140 1030 UJ4 fill 1044 1041 1131 ...1110 Pr. S 00 s oo S 34 4 St 4 Tt 4 ft s oo I IS I SI I 44 5 II S 44 I 40 I TO S 71 I T5 I II I II I 46 I 00 I 10 I II I 14 I 10 I SO 4 10 I to No. II 11 II SO s 14 S 4 SO s II $7 14 S 17 10 SO 14 40 11 1 17 13 II 34 SI 40. Av 1134 1134 1044 1140 144 lts 1331 1131 , 114 .....1134 1371 1311 1317 1111 1117 Itt 1311 1334 1373 1314 1434 ins 1317 1371 1311 1411 1441 STEERS AND HEIFERS Pr. 4 M 11 It I 46 4 II I 40 40 44 5 41 I 41 10 I 10 I 40 I M I 14 I 40 I 44 I 44 44 I 44 I 44 I 70 I TO 71 4 71 I SO i 14 $ so i in $ M S loot I I CALVES. I IT 4 I 1 140 S no 1 10 I M 1 140 I 04 S U S 10 STAGS. I in 4 n it in 1 440 I on STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 1 440 I M I I IS 1 I"0 S M 4 l I It I Til I 11 1 I 4 IJ4 t 74 S W l 1 110 I 0 1 ino I 30 44 4W I K 1 S37 I I 1 7' I 00 STOCK CALVES. I lo I eo 1 !S I no 411 I 7 10 144 I 40 STOCKER9 AND FEEDERS. I 470 1 71 1 040 4 I 1 470 I 00 17 414 4 10 1 77 S W 1 7l 4 IS 1 411 Itt 14 171 4 71 1 123 I 34 1 10KI 4 71 1 ID 4 75 17 144 4 M II 1.11 4 15 II 741 4 40 17 T74 4 15 II I II I Ill 4 16 40 4 4 00 1 420 4 40 Relmers A D. Mont. 14 steers... .1(1.10 6 40 7 cows 98$ 4 I 2 bulls 1745 4 50 fo- IlOUS There wss a heavy rung of hog nere toasy, but prices neia up in good shape. Early advices from other points were unisvorsDie to tne selling interests. so that the market here opened rather slow, with bids ranging Sfflluc lower thsn yesterdsy. A tew hogs sold on thst bssls. but later on the feeling Improved, so that ine ouik or tne nogs did not sell over nickel lower than yesterday. Toward the Close trading became quite active and the better grades sold st right around steady prices with yesterday. Even though re ceipts Were liberal tndav anil the, nurkat wss slow in starting, everything wss sold in gooa sesson. Tne extreme lightweights were, of course, very hard to dispose of today, the same aa they have been all along. The bulk of the good weight hogs sold from $6 96 to $7.15 and as high aa $7.1H was paid, which was $Hc higher man yesterdsy s best price, but the top '"J was siriciiy prime, tne most of the medium weights sold from $6.85 to $6.95 and the light stuff went from $6.85 uuwn. representative sales: No. 10 74 71 61 70 II 1 101 40 45 ia 10 i si 74 II 44 77 ai 71 44 70 17 70 74 71 46 74 74 74 71 1 40 48 74 7 47 71 18 It 74 40 74 7 46 T4 II II 74 74 71 11 44 78 78 71 41 76 , 66 , 76 71 71 41 73 , 51 40 74 41 44... 71... II... Av. Sh. Pr. I 31 I 34 40 I 46 4 16 46 70 76 71 I 77H 40 40 60 10 I 40 so I lis I 16 I 14 4 45 I 16 II 48 I IS I 15 86 I IS IS I 48 I W I 46 I 46 87U. I7 171, I 87V, I 40 4 10 I o I 10 I 10 10 I 40 I 40 I M I 40 I so 4 80 I 10 I M 4 40 4 40 I 10 I 10 I 10 4 40 I to 10 10 I 10 I o 4 10 . 4 10 ' 10 40 I I2U. 42 I 43 "4 I 13V, I I2V I 42 W I I3V loo .161 .111 .183 .141 .176 .178 .184 .118 .144 .1W .141 .14 .1X4 .l4 .31 .324 .117 .126 .116 .Ml .144 .too .144 .in .104 .loo .104 .134 .141 .123 .14 .336 . .Ill .121 .Ml ..111 ..330 ,..144 ..241 ..124 ..127 ..111 ..301 ..311 .. ..127 111 ..114 ..217 ..141 ..l ..111 ..103 ..214 ..121 ..143 ..114 ..244 ..114 ..321 ..231 ..121 ..147 ..130 .3.13 ..131 ..331 ..111 ill No. 14... 70... 71... II... 44... 71... 44... 70... 44... 74... 61... 64... 44... 44... 44... 41... 71... 44... 44... 44... 44... 41... 41... 63... 71... 66... 64... 74... 71... 41... 41... 48... 70... 44... 74... 64... II... 46... 41... 43... 66... 16... 61... 61... II... 8... 40... 43... 66... 71... 63... 44... 4... II... 67... 71... 70... 70... 66... 40... II.. 64.. 10.... 68.... 63.... 66.... 40.... 66.... 40.. A V. ...Ill ...144 ...124 ...144 ...121 ...MO ...330 ...330 ...141 ...141 ...111 ...121 ...137 ...131 ...144 ...141 ...345 ...323 ...1110 ...147 ...124 ...161 ...221 ...24 ...141 . . 0 ...344 ...244 ...181 ...331 ...131 ...148 ...164 ...147 ...121 ...167 ...141 ...140 ...145 ...384 ...170 ...141 ...151 ...171 ...Ml ...164 ...164 ...178 ...144 ...20 ...200 ...146 ...171 ...161 ...181 170 Ill 170 187 171 177 171 124 .....t4 .284 .101 .121 .10: in 160 II 363 66 131 Pr. I in I U' I IS I i, I IIV I 44 46 4 IS I 15 15 46 44 I 16 I 46 I II I II I 15 I 16 I 44 I 17V, 4 4T. I 17V, I I74j I 17 . I lit, 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 oo 7 oo 7 00 7 00 t 00 7 00 7 00 T 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 oo 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 oo 7 03V. 7 06 7 06 7 06 7 06 7 06 7 06 7 06 7 06 7 06 7 07Vj 07V, 7 10 7 10 7 10 7 livi 7 llV, 7 11 7 17Uj SHEEP There we a il-h v. here today, but the demand did not seem to be very heavy, and as a result the feeling was a lit Ha w.a u Tk. also rather undesirable which also helped to make Packers bearish. The better loads sold at right close to Bteadv nrl.. i.7.7 when It came to the less desirable grades the trade was slnw wiH .. - ,7..." lower. Heavyweights In particular were weak. As there wss nothing strictly prime on the market, the top prices do not look iT ' J"'" on paper. Most everything, though, was sold In fairly good season Quotations for clipped slock: Good to choice wethers. Sfi.fiff no- f.1- ...7 ., VH j6.75; food to choice ewes, $6.0O.5O; fair to good, 4.6o(66.00; good to choice lambs. $6 10 4U26; fair to good. $6.76.10. Wooled stock E.!ar,bi0'v!r7n0: ctrred culls $4.a CHnh51nn,a ". !. each. t. Joseph live Stork Market. ST. JOSEPH. Msy 7 CATTlaB Rccelpta, 4,5, strong to loc higher; natives, $.vVfvi .Lf0" ,nd h'lfers. $1 nodi's. 40; veals, : Mockers snd feeders, $12yn.4fH HOGS-RecelptA, ..), 5c to 10c lower; light and light mixed, KVp7l.p,; medium and heavy, $7.mti7 ; i Us. 44.26rf5 75. SHEEP AMI LAMiirt-Rerelpts SMI, stesdy to strong; weatern lambs, $o.00fl5.k0; western sheep, $o.00ti6.04. long City Live Stock Market. SIOVX CITY, !, Msy l.-(Speclal Tele grsm I CATTLE Receipts. 7(0; stork, steady; killers, lne higher: beeves, $o ife 6 6h; cows, bulls and mixed, $2.&fifA.i; yearlings ana calves, stackers, $3.00tj4.60 $3.va4 26. HOC.S-Receipts, $.) market lower at $6.70(ii7.06; bulk, $.754j8o. oSiOc stock In Slant. The following table shows ths rscslpt of cattle, hogs and sheep at the five prin cipal markets for May 7: lattie. Hogs. Bheep. South Omaha Chicago Kansas City . St. Louis St. Joseph .... Totals .. 1,960 ..ll.oio .. $.X .. 1.3-4) .. 476 10.9H6 30,000 9.6O0 4.400 13.0) 2.4(0 2. (mo 2,xi .17.926 Cl,6 21.96 Sngrar Market. NEW TORK. May 7.-8l'(lAR-Rnw, Arm; fair refining. Sc: centrifugal, 98 tst, 9Vc- molasses sugar, ic: refined, stesdv. NEW ORLEANS. My 7-rOAR Strong; open kettle. 2ifjJ 316c; open ket tle, centrifugal, 8d3V,c; centrifugal yel low, 3V4fi4c; seconds, 2VJ3V,e. MOLASSES Dull; centrifugal. lsgiAc BOER CAPTAIN IN OMAHA Former Member of General Delarey's Staff Will Speak Here Tonight. Captain H. C. Van Msndenbach de Rooy, a Boer fighter late of Delarey's staff, has arrived In Omaha to deliver an address to night at Germsnla Turner ball. Nineteenth and Harney streets. In behalf of his coun trymen. J. H. Boonstra Is to be chairman of the meeting and there are to be re marks by Rev. Thtels and perhaps others, and music will be furnished by tbe Ger man Singing society. Captain ds Rooy spoke In Council Bluffs Sunday night and will go from here to Sioux City and later, perhaps, to Lincoln. He has been In this country fifteen months and acquired fair mastery of the English language, though be give It many picturesque twist and turn when be warms to bis subject In an Interview he said: "I take no stock tn the rumors of peace. for now the Boers have all to win and nothing to less by continuing the fighting. Their bouses are gone and their families herded In camps, so they may as well re main tn the field, where they can draw on Kitchener for food supplies as often as they feel In a humor for raiding bis forces. If they surrendered now they would be paupers, wttb nothing attained by tbe sacA rifleea of the past. "Nor should the general public take much stock In the reports that come from the War office In London, as tbe censors there mutilate or distort reports as badly aa they dare. I believe Kitchener Is send ing In the truth about things, but tbe office doesn't dare to have that truth be known. As an Illustration of tbe exaggeration that is being Indulged tn, I remember that a London paper we found on a British officer we captured gave an account of an en gagement of ours and reported our losses aa 250. The truth was that we lost just four. I don't know wbsre they got the others unless they Included tbe dogs, monkeys and horses that may have been killed one way and another. "It is easy for anyone to gee) that King Edward wishes the trouble disposed of be fore his coronation and the Boers all chuckle to think what a good joke It would be to capture another Lord General 8o-and-So on tbe eve of that eventful day." sells aK,. kcX -L .: """.a. Choice Colorado wooled lambs UTMMsh good, $.50.75. Representative fair to sales: No. 8 cull ewes 61 cull ewes '" 10 clipped cull lambs ! 103 feeder lambs 1 II anrlna lamK- 149 yearlings and'lambs"..'.'.'.' 210 clipped ewes and wethers.. t western ewes 12 waatarn atwata. 286 Idaho Cllnned eVaathera 687 clipped lambs '.'.'."' 352 western lambs ! 20 spring lambs Av. . 83 . 92 . 67 . 58 . 47 . 67 . 100 . 126 . 101 a 92 a 78 . 76 . 50 Pr. $3 75 8 75 4 00 4 76 6 00 6 16 6 35 6 50 6 50 6 55 6 85 6 50 7 00 40 424 4224 4I0 434 0 1040 100 486 474 M0 410 710 141 447 4X4 1000 4M 1034 100 470 141 til Ill S 71 U0 I 71 433 in ...1041 S 74 1 S 71 COWS 1 71 S 04 S 10 I 10 S 10 S 6 S 10 I 60 S 76 S 71 I 4 S oo S 00 S 40 S II I 16 S 36 S IS I 40 I 40 S 10 S 10 I IX I 7 ...1134 1 SI.'.'.'.' is!.'.'.' II.... ii.!'.'. si.'!!! is!!!! us 1110 , 1040 1131 1010 , 14 4l 141 1031 1130 1020 4M 1343 1140 1024 M36 1140 41 1000 1010 M0 1040 1070 1OS0 11W 1304 1110 COWS AND HEIFERS. .Ml 4 ao HEIFERS. ..1004 S 34 I in AV I 40 SO 44 .. 411 I 4 1 40 . 7M I 40 I TOO 4 44 1 170 4 34 I 4 16 S 10 4 40 BUIaUB. . TOO , 410 , 414 141 ,...ioo .... M 160 ....146 S 44 S 40 S 04 S 4 S 14 -S 46 S 4 S 4 M 1. ..114 .. 410 ..14a ..174 ..142 ..1604 .. Ma) ,.140 $.aaaaaaaaaaaal7S S fa) S 10 4 04 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 00 4 II 4 11 4 16 4 21 4 34 4 10 4 46 4 76 4 15 4 40 I 04 5 00 S 00 S 00 I 00 I 00 1 11 S 40 S 40 4 M 4 71 4 71 I 0 I 00 5 15 I 00 I 40 S II 4 00 4 II 4 34 4 10 4 6 I M I sa CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. fnttle Active and Higher noajs and Sheep Lower. . PHirAfin Man - nia.T r. haoo I. j ".J i Laaeceipts, 11,000 head; active. 1015c higher; good to LTai ,V.eer."' a6-". Por to medium. $4.76a.76; stoekers and feeders, $2.766 85: cows. Sl eOtiMifln- halru.. to tu.a tn. -IVl .40(62.60; bulls, umitj calves. KMfr.W; Texas fed steers. 15 2cflH SO ' HOGS-Recelpts. 30,0u0 head; estlmsted to morrow, 24.000 head; left over. 3.000 head; 6 iiuc lower, closing strong; mixed and fj. $o75(S710;'good to chSce heavy. $6.Hk&5.20; rough heavy. $807.05; light Soft 4141.90: hulk nf ..I.. tA iJnVJ. ' B w SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 13.000 w w iun rr , IB In DB ft DO lit steady; good to choice wethers. $5.7ofi.jft fair to choice mixed. $4. 764,6. 60; western western lambs. I5.25W.4S; Colorado lambs, Ofllclal yesterday; .,.-. Receipts. Shipments. Cattle a ic Hog i5S tm BhP 10,837 lj-TO Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, Msy 7. CATTLE Re ceipts, 8.000 natives, 2u6 Texans, 90 calveT Beef steers and cows, 15c higher; others, strong; choice export and dressed beef steers, $.&6S7.SO; fair to good. $5 0086' stoekers and feeders, $3 OuS.SO; western fed steers. $4.f'a.: Texas and Indian steers. $3.76fcino; Texss cows, $2.76fi 16; native cows. $3.2S6.60; native heifers $3 50 690; csnners. $2.0062.76; bulls, $3.00(66.60: calves, $2.256.00. HOOS-Recelpts, 9.S00; hogs, tc lower: pigs. 16c to 20c lower; top, $726: bulk of sales. $6 97(9716; heavy. 7 167 26; mixed packers, $o f&7.20; light. $6 wij7.00; york ers, $9n7.00; pigs, WO.euT SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2 40ft lambs, strong; sheep, stesdy to shade lower; native lambs, $6.(H7.15; western lambs, $5. 754(7.20; native wethers, (.4H4V6 0O; western wethers, $4 7044.16; fed ewes $4 90 ?6.66; Texas clipped yearlings. $6.90426 05 exas clipped sheep, $4.60lj6.65; stockeTs and feeders, $2.54,4.0. . St. Lonls Live Stock Market. ,ST O'i8' My T -CATTLE-Recelpts. 1,800; market, stesdy to strong; natlvs shipping and export ateers, W.5OW4 80; dressed beef snd butcher steers, $4.8&rt 50; steers, under l.Oiw pounds. HOoftaj tb stockera snd feeders, $2.75414.75: rows and heifers, $2.266.65; ranners, $1.60A2.90: bulla $3 264.40; calves, $60C.26; Texas and In dlan steers, fed, $4&4j.(i0: gransers, $3 40 64 36; cows and heifers, $2.664 26 HOGS-Recelpts, 4.400; market, 10c lower; pigs and lights. $ 504)6.76; psckers. M.eOtf 4.95; butchers. S6.9UU7 2u. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts 100O market, 26c lower; native muttons. $6 ooa ! 6 76; lambs, $6,604,7 00; culls and bucks 84 ia 64.76; stoekers, S3.OU4J3.60. 5ew York Live Sleek Market. FEW.J,ORK- Majr '-BEEVES Re ceipts. t.S3; steers opened slow and wesk and closed firm; bulls snd cows, stesdy to strong; steers. $6.104jr7.lO; bulls, $3 Ti3 $80; cows, $2 5oi6 00; few fancy, $6 60; ra bies, firm; shipments, 7 cattle and 3 666 quarters of beef. CALVES-Racelpts. 6,378; market, stesdy to 15c higher; veals, $4 0ufj7S; little calves $3.C63.5y; city dressed veals, firm at WS 10c per pound. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts Tl sharp, steady; clipped lambs of good qual ity, firm to 10c higher; clipped sheep $3 60 68 76; export sheep. M00&4K; unshorn htp, HtWv-OO; cUjpeti Uwba, KbvffUi)-, TAKES RUTH EWART WITH HER Mrs. Dodder Gets Conrt'i Permission for Child to Go to California. Ruth -Ewart, whose father, J. S. Ewart of Kearney, brought on habeas corpus proceed ings In district court hers by seizing ber and carrying her to Council Bluffs tn a somewhat sensational manner one Sunday morning last winter, bad her name In court again yesterday morning. In disposing of ths proceedings Judge Baxter bad ordered that the little girl be left in tba care of her grandmother, Mrs. Ruth N. Dodder of Omaha, for most of tbe year, and that she wss not to be taken out of the state without an order from the court The child's mother, Mrs. J. S. Ewart, is now reported to be so seriously 111 In Cali fornia that Mrs. Dodder must go to ber and she (tbe grandmother) has secured Judge Baxter's permission to take tbe child along for a six weeks' stay. Dead In n Bath lob. CHICAGO. Msy 7. Rev. Tlmothv Mc Oulre, pastor of St. Kevins Roman Catholic church, was found dead in a bath tub In the parish house of his church today. Death had been caused by drowning, Faller Syndicate Gets Road. BALTIMORE. Msy 7-Mavor Haves to day signed the ordinance transferring to the Fuller syndicate the city's holdings In the Western Maryland railroad. THE REALTY MARKET. INSTRUMENTS filed for record. Wednes. day. May 7. 1902: Warranty DeeeU. J. O. Herring and wife to C. P. Coy, lots 8 and 9. block 3. Waterloo 8 $09 C. W. Qlandt and wife to Fred Peters, lot iz, oiock i, Bennington tun Llnwood Park Land company to W. K. o Bfiaugnnessy, tot a, block 3. Comer too Nelson Purlnton to Frank Benak, nfe lot 3, block 108, South Omaha.. 8&0 Frank Benak and wife to Mary Benak, nV lot 3, block 108, South Omaha.. 660 M'nnte Stelnbrunner snd husband to T. 8 Kgsn, sVij lot 21, block 1. Brown park 150 Jsmes Forsyth and wife to F. D. wean, w za feet lot , biook Irs, Omaha 1 A. P. Tukey et al to R. W. Cham berlain, lot 7. block 7, Clifton Hill.. 1,600 South Omaha Land company et al to Herman Beal, lots 8 and 9, block 3, lots 1 to 4. Snrlna Iake park 206) Mattle C. Ellis to city of Omaha, n 9 feet sub lot 18 of tag lot in 16-16-13 260 Barker company to city of Omaha, sub lot 36 In tsx lot 6 in 16-lb-lS.... 7M Lucretla R. Seymour to Jessie 8. Btarkey, n zs feet lot 10, block a, Sevmour's add 1 J. D. Her and wife to O. W. Oray. lota I and . and part iota 7, 10, u and 14; lot 13, block 448; part lot 1 block 456, Grand view add 10,103 4ntt Claim Deeds. O M. Hitohoock and wife to Alex Beck, lot 4, blocs 4, oninn s add.... 1 Deeds. Master In chanoery to Hannah X. K. peck, s a isei gig lee lot MVi. Millard A C."a add 1 loo Master In chancery to P 3. "words. n 32 feet lot m. si mar a j. an isoo Sheriff to Ellxa W. Thomburg. lot 7. block 10, Kountse 4k it. s add l.sus Total amount of transfers.. .$24,766 BOYD COMMISSION COMPANY Room 4. Mew Yosk Lite Bid. GRAIN. PROVISIONS. STOCKS Bought and aold for cash or margin. AU telegraph, telephone or mall orders will receive careful and prompt attention, Tiho IMt OMAHA, htM, 1 1 I.