Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 07, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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Tiie omaha Daily Bee
t)Hr Bn (without bunday). One Year.t4.00
llly Mee and Sunday, una Year SW
Illustrated Kre. una Year 2.10
Puuday Bee, Una Year 2 00
Saturday Bee. Ont Year 1 o0
Twentieth Century Farmer, Una Year. l.U
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Communications relating to news and
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State of Nebraska, Douglas County, ss I
Oeorge B Tsschuck. secretary of The Bee
Publishing Company, being duly sworn,
ays that the actual number of full and
complete copies of The Dally, Morning,
Evening and Sunday Bee printed during
the month of April, UO'i. was aa follows:
1 20,5UO 16 2,IWO
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4 sei,Bio i sru.B.v
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Subscribed in my presence and sworn to
before me this 30th day of April, A. D.
&o2. .
(Seal.) M. B. HUNOATK.
Notary Public
With four score Indians In attendance
on tbe federal grand jury Omaha can
recall pioneer clays.
General Prosperity Is not yet prepared
to evacuate any of tbe territory In this
section that he has been occupying.
Decks are now cleared for another
chapter in the volume on Eighth street
occupation, with a Joint authorship by
tbe two disputing railroads.
From the- succession of rongresslonal
fatalities, It seems to be dangerous for
member of the lower house to serve
on any committee concerned with a
cemetery.. .......
The eruptive activity exhibited by the
volcano on Mount Pelee, in the Danish
West Indies, must be lu enthusiastic
anticipation of annexation to Uncle
Barn's dominion.
Clubs of colored women will be able to
gain admission to the national federa
tion by unanimous consent of the ex
ecutive board, but to get unanimous
consent will be the rub.
ine only wonder is how the alleged
beef trust managed to survive the era
when Nebraska's great trust-smashing
attorney general was dealing death
blows at tbe Standard Oil octopus.
When the peace arbitrators between
Boer and Briton In South Africa get
down to details they should not over
look tbe necessity of a clause In the
stipulations fixing the status of the
American mule.
The list of school census enumerators
Just made up by the school board in
cludes more women than men. We will
watch to see whether the feminine
matHemafics produces' better results
than the masculine.
News comes from Texas that recent
earthquakes have seriously affected the
flow of oil In the Texas gushers. They
will not affect the flow of oil stocks,
however, so long as credulous people
have money to burn.
Those club women might perhaps
have gotten around the color line with
less difficulty by adopting some sort of a
grandmother clause on the order of the
negro disfranchisement sections of
some oi our new southern state const!
Members of the Cuban senate and
house are Impatiently waiting for May
20, so they can begin tbetr legislative
grind. They would like to turn the
hands of the clock forward If the
American congress did not have a pat-
ant on that trick.
You can fool some people all the time.
you can fool most people some of the
time, but you can't fool all of tbe people
all of tbe time. Members of the city
council who imagine that they can fool
many people by playing fast and loose
with tbe Union l'aclnu foundry contro
versy will discover some day that they
underrate the Intelligence of tbe people
of Omaha.
Councilman Burkley has a clean
record, but an honest mau who does not
answer roll call when measures of vital
concern to the Interests of the taxpayers
are before tbe council and a good man
who does not raise his voice In protest
against bad measures and crooked deals
la of little value to the community. This
comment Is made with no unkindly feel
Ing for Councilman Burkley, but simply
to remind him that In the present crisis
the cltlxens and taxpayers of. Omaha
look to him to stand up and fight their
battla to the best of hla ability.
The State Board of Equalization, made
up of the governor, state auditor and
state treasurer. Is now In session at the
state capitol. Its most Important func
tion is the assessment of the property
of railroads, sleeping car and telegraph
companies. The board represents the
people of Nebraska In the exercise of
this function and should court the wid
est publicity. The announcement that
the Ixinrd proposes to hold Its session
within closed doors will subject that
body to the suspicion that It does not
want to take tbe public Into Its con
fidence and lias something to conceal
which the public should know.
So far as we ran comprehend there Is
really no ground whatever for star
chamber proceedings In the appraise
ment of railroad property. On the con
trary, It would seem that every word
spoken and every action taken before
that board should be public property.
The people have a right to know on
what lines the board Is proceeding in
arriving at Its conclusions of the valu
ation of the property of the corpora
tions, and the people have a right to
know and should kuow tbe position
each member of the board takes indi
vidually and how they vote collectively
when a vote Is taken on any proposi
tion. What applies to the action of tbe
board In regard to the appraisement of
railroad and telegraph properties ap
plies also to Its action with regard to
the equalisation of taxes between the
respective counties. Every taxpayer In
Nebraska Is vitally concerned In state
taxation and the distribution of the tax
burifc-iis and there Is no occasion nor
excuse for keeping the taxpayers In the
dark as to the mode of arriving at tbe
conclusions as the work of the board
The indications are that nothing will
be done at the present session of con
gress in regard to proposed army re
form. Indeed It Is said that the last
hope of the administration of doing any
thing at this session, and perhaps In
this congress, Is dead and past resur
rection. The plan at the opening of the
present congress was to have the bill
for the consolidation of the staff put
through the senate and the bill for fed
eralizing the militia put through the
house, so that the two measures would
not get In the way of each other and
that there would be no rivalry between
committees, the house having a separate
committee to handle bills affecting the
mllitlu as distinguished from measures
relating to the regular army.
The house committee was favorable
to the plan of militia reform recom
mended by Secretary Boot and reported
a bill for that purpose, but it was not
pushed In order to let tbe staff con
solidation bill be equally well started
by tbe senate committee on military af
fairs. Tbe latter measure seemed in a
fair way to receive favorable considera
tion when General Miles appeared be
fore the committee and declared bis op-
osltlon to the bill, since which time
nothing has been done In regard to It
and apparently jiothlng is likely to be
done at this session.
In view of the fact that the proposed
army reform bad the . endorsement of
Generals Schofleld and Merrltt and that
public discussion of the plan formulated
by tbe War department was generally
favorable to It, it la not easy to under
stand why the senate committee on mil
itary affairs should have dropped the
matter. No Important opposition to it
has been manifested except that of Gen
eral Miles and tbe reason for that was
largely or altogether personal. Of
course we can go on, perhaps with no
great difficulty, under the existing
method, but now Is an auspicious time
for adopting a system that would un
doubtedly be for the betterment of the
military establishment.
The senate republicans have wisely de
termined to defend the administration
and the army In the Philippines against
the accusations and Imputations of dem
ocratic senators. It had been the under
stood intention of the republicans to al
low the opposition to have a practical
monopoly of discussion, expecting
thereby to sooner reach a vote on the
Philippine bill, but the unfair and un
just statements and charges made by
the democrats could not be permitted to
go unanswered and tbe republicans will
show that they are unwarranted and un
just. The speech of Senator Lodge, on Mon
day, clearly and forcefully stated the re
publican position. The party In power
makes no defense of cruel practices In
tbe Philippines unauthorized by the
rules of civilized warfare and is doing
all that Is practicable to bring to pun
ishment whoever is guilty of or respon
sible for such practices. The president
acted promptly when the statements
came to him iu a way to command con
sideration and bis earnest purpose In
the matter is unquestionable. There Is
to be an unsparing investigation and
those who are shown to have committed
atrocities will be punished. But repub
licans reject the charge that the entire
array In the Philippines has been com
ruining cruelties and barbarities and
that the brave and patriotic soldiers who
are upholding the authority and the sov
ereignty of the United States In those
Islands are relentless savages. As was
said a few days ago by Senator Spooner
"Wherever officers are found to have
violated tbe rules of civilized warfare.
to have forgotten the honor of tbe sol
dler, they will be punished. The Amer
ican people will demand It Tbe Amer
ican people, however, will convict no
man without a hearing. Tbey will con
vlct no man on tbe Congressional Ilec
ord. The American people are not con
stituted in that way. They hear before
tbey strike. Tbey will demand condign
punishment upon those who deserve it,
but tbey will suspend Judgment until
the charges are proven.
Senator Lodge stated that Presldeot
McKlnley had directed tbe army to
show the Filipinos the greatest gener
osity and that oliry was adhered to by
the present administration. The Filipi
nos themselves have acknowledged the
kind and humane treatment received
from American soldiers. Deny It as
they may, the effort of Bawlins and
other democrats has plainly been to be
smirch the army in the Philippines and
It Is useless for the Utah senator, now
that he finds popular feeling resenting
his assault upon the army, to attempt
to palliate his utterly unjustifiable
course and to pretend that It did not
have In view partisan ends, "but to vin
dicate the honor and Integrity of the
country," It Is a most extraordinary
method of vindication, surely, that Raw
lins adopted Id proclaiming to the world
from the floor of the senate that the
American army bad been guilty of
carrying on warfare marked by cruel
ties and tortures of tbe most brutal aud
barbarous nature.
The death of Rear Admiral Sampson
was not unexpected, he having been af
flicted with a disease which baffled the
best medical skill. The American navy
had few officers of equal acquirements,
he being imrtlcularly distinguished as
au ordnance expert, while In bis general
knowledge of naval affairs be bad per
haps no superior. Graduated from the
naval academy in 1861, Sampson saw
service In the civil war and made a fine
record for skill and courage. His pro
motion was in the regular course until
the war with Spain, when he was made
an acting rear admiral and given com
mand of the North Atlantic fleet.
In this command he demoustrated his
ability for organization and uutll tbe
unfortunate controversy that followed
the destruction of Cervera's squadron
Sampson possessed the undivided re
spect and confidence of the country. It
has never been quetitloued that his ar
rangement of tbe blockade at Santiago
was excellent, but at the critical moment
be was absent and then made the grave
mistake of claiming for himself tbe
credit for a brilliant victory that was
won by others. History will not deny
Sampson whatever credit attaches to
the preparations be made, but the ver
dict has been rendered, so far as public
opinion is concerned, that the glory of
destroying the Spanish squadron did not
belong to him.
Yet honor will be paid the memory of
Sampson as an able, brave and faithful
officer, who did his country good service
and aided in giving new glory to Its
According to City Attorney Connell
the city of Omaha can, under the eon
tract recently made with the Union Pa
cific Hallway company, compel It to re
open and operate Its foundry. The at
torneys of the Union Pacific contend
that the compact made with the city
does not compel the company to main
tain a foundry as part of Its machine
shop equipment, and President Burt as
serts that a foundry Is no part of a mod
ern machine shop.
The position of the city attorney is
that the foundry has been in operation
as part of the Union Pacific machine
shops ever since they were established
In Omaha and was a constituent part of
these shops up to the time the contract
was made, hence was regarded by the
city, as one of tbe contracting parties,
as an Integral part of the shops. The
position of the Union Pacific attorneys
Is that the contract does not specify ex
pressly the maintenance of a foundry
and that the company Is privileged to
abandon It at any time. In other words,
they Insist that because the word foun
dry was not written in the bond the
claim to its maintenance cannot be le
gally enforced.
The plain duty of the council under
the circumstances Is to take such Steps
as will enforce tbe city's rights. City
Attorney Connell declares that the city
can get Into court easily on the matter,
but when it will get out of court is an
other matter. He calls the attention of
the council to the litigation over tbe via
duct, which consumed six years of time
before the final decision was reached In
the supreme court. In that case it will
be remembered the railroads refused to
comply with the provisions of the char
ter that require them to pay the cost of
viaducts constructed over their tracks
for the protection of the public. Tbey
managed to stave off the viaduct taxes
snd charges, but in the end the supreme
court affirmed tbe right of tbe city and
they were compelled to foot tbe bill.
In the present controversy the city
either has the light to enforce Its con
tract, or its contract is a rope of sand.
While it is true that the interests of the
Union Pacific and those of tbe city are
identical In some respects, they are not
completely identical. It Is hardly prob
able that tbe Union Pacific would at
tempt to retard tbe growth of Omaha
by any Injurious policy out of mere
spite, knowing all of the time that It
would deplete Its own treasury by so
doing. But tbe mayor and council are
simply the board of directors of the cor
poration known as the City of Omaha
and their duty is Just as much to pro
tect Its Interests as that of Mr. Burt and
tbe other directors of the Union Pacific
to protect the interests of their corpora
If advices from Washington printed
in democratic papers are correct the ex
ecutive committee of tbe new demo
cratic congressional committee under
Ben T. Cable, which Is trying to crowd
out the national committee, beaded by
Chairman James K. Jones, is to Include
Lewis Nixon, the Tammany chieftain;
Richard Olney and 'Daniel 8. Laniont,
both members of Grover Cleveland's
cabinet, as leaven for the Kansas City
platform representatives. This array
make It look very much as If the new
crew was to have little of the Bryan
flavor. How this sort of democratic or
sanitation will keep In touch with the
populists In the fusion states will pre
ent a grave problem, since we all know
that populist fusion with gold-bug deui
Live Nebraska Towns
CENTRAL CITY Beautiful and Busy.
Central Cltr. the county seat of Merrick
rounty. Is a growing city of 2.000 popula
tion, in the broad, fertile valley of the
Platte, 130 miles west of Omaha. It Is
locsted on the main line of the Union Fa
clflc and a branch of the B. ft M., In the
hesrt of one of the richest' agricultural,
stock feeding and dairying sections of tbe
state, and Is the home of substantial busi
ness men, wealthy retired farmers and a
happy, prosperous and contented people. It
baa the best system of waterworks of any
town of Its size In the state, costing $40,000,
two large grain elevators of 60,000 bushela
rapacity each, an up-to-date roller mill
with a dally capacity of 125 barrela of
flour and 600 bushela of feed, a gas plant
under course of construction, a broom fac
tory, poultry packery, three banks, good
opera house and academy of music, three
newspapers, with other lines of business
suitably represented. It is the center of
the greatest stock feeling district of Ne
braska and thousands of fat cattle, sheep
and hogs are shipped annually from Central
City. Although a heavy corn producing
county, no corn is ever shipped out of Mer
rick county; It finds Its way to market In
the shape of sleek beeves and buxom pork
era and muttons. One feeder alone, Mr.
T. B. Hord, feeds annually from 15,000 to
18,000 head of cattle, 12,000 to 16,000 bead
of sheep and a large number of hogs.
Central City la headquarters of large grain
and live stock companies, carrying on an
extensive busineea throughout the state.
The city has two ward schools and a
commodious High school building, with an
enrollment of over 400 pupils, and an effi
ocrats has been decried as worse than
alliance with republicans. But how can
the demo-pop combination be maintained
with the democratic ship so maimed, ex
cept by the binding force of possible
spoils division.
The proposition of President Burt of
the Union Pacific, that his company will
throw its patronage to a foundry that
would employ 500 moulders if the Com
mercial club can induce such a coucern
to be established in Omaha, should not
be taken seriously. In the first place,
tbe Commercial club Is not In condition
to land a mammoth foundry iu Omaha
lu the near future, nor In the far future;
and In the next place, the Union Pacific
patronage and all of the other Omaha
patronage would not keep 500 men or
half of that number In work tbe year
Kansas City Is citing Omaha as an ex
ample to reinforce its demand on the
railroads to abolish the grade crossing
by the erection of viaducts at intersec
tions where foot and wagon traffic is
exposed to danger. Omaha bad to go
through a long and costly fight to get
its viaducts, but Kansas City Is wel
come to profit by tbe experience if it
can. In the meanwhile It is gratifying
to have Kansas City acknowledge that
Omaha Is ahead of it In one direction at
least '
We are reminded that a Judicial elec
tion must be held, this year to fill tbe
vacaucy on the district bench for this
district now being held by appointment.
As the present incumbent was named at
the request of the bar without respect to
politics, there is no reason why the elec
tion should not be made unanimous.
Cabinet Slse.
Chicago Tribune.
tnmm anneara to be the birthplace also
of several distinguished tornadoes.
Costly Senatorial Thrift.
Baltimore American.
Nairt lima Senator Money wishes to save
. .irk.t ho will sllD It Into a toy savings
bank and not try to hoard It on a street
Joltlnar Peace Treaty,
Washington Post.
The announcement that Russia Is about
to Invest $210,000,000 In new fortifications
t calculated to Jar public confidence in
some proceedings recently had at The
When. Silence la Golden.
Chicago Post.
t. it t,n a trifle peculiar that the demo-
.tin are so roundly criticising the
republican conduct of the war in the Philip
pines ar usually silent wnen some soutu
ern mob lynches a negro or burns him at
the stake T
Stately Reciprocity. t
Bt. Louis Globe-Democrat.
Mlaamirl haa always stood by Nebraska
In political matters and it la no more thaa
fair that Nebraska should do Missouri a
nelrhhorlv turn In the next presidential
campaign. Besides, It may be the salva
tion of the Kansas City platform.
Question ( Consent.
Springfield Republican.
It ought to be entirely satisfactory to
our people that tbe Danish Parliament
has made the final ratification of tbe treaty
providing for the sale of the Danish West
Indies to the United States, contingent
upon the consent of the Inhabitants of the
Good Poller for Lenders In War and
Army and Navy Journal.
Don't talk I That was Grant's rule, and
It Is the rule of other leaders who have
triumphed In war and politics. There Is
safety la silence snd peril in volubility.
Polonlus gave priceless counsel when he
warned hla son to give all men his ear, but
his thought no tongue. The principle Is s
wise one to follow In any vocation, and Its
value in the military profession la so great
that it might properly be printed In let
ters of red In the army regulations. For,
unfortunately, there are signs in various
quarters that this wholesome rule has been
violated in several Instances, with present
or prospective embarrassment to Individual
officers and to the detriment of the serv
ice In general. It la needless to particu
larise. Tbe personal equation may be set
aside altogether. Our observations are en
tirely general In character Yet It is no
toriously true that officers both her and
in the Philippines have in voluntary ut
terances, either spoken or written, re.
fleeted ungenerously upon their brethren In
arms. This Is unprofessional, unwise, un
just and subversive of discipline. Of course,
every officer has a right to his own opinions,
but experience ha shown that the tighter
he hold them until called for the better.
The art of keeping still is on of the prime
essentials of a soldier's training, and If
from present dissensions those concerned
derive a broader uaderetandtng of the mill
tary value of sllenc It will be worth more
cient corps of fifteen teachers. The Ne
braska Central college, the state educa
tional Institution of tbe Friends' church. Is
located here and ha attracted to the city
and vicinity a considerable colony of
Quakers, a quiet, substantial citizenship
that any city might be glad to welcome.
There are seven churches, representing the
leading denominations, which are sup
ported by strong and active congregations.
Central City has no saloons.
Old Lone Tree (now Central City) was
one of the historic places of Nebraska. It
was a stage station back In tbe '5us and a
noted place on the overland trail, known
from one end of the country to the other.
Later, when the town became conspicuous
on account of Us numerous and beautiful
shade trees, tbe citizens realized the Incon
gruity of the name and it wss changed to
, Central City, on account of its location
upon almost the exact geographical center
of the United States. Columbus and Kear
ney each make similar claim, but we
settle the dispute by splitting the differ
ence and locating the center at Central
City. The town has never been boomed,
has no state Institutions, nor Is It nursed
or nurtured by any railroad company. It
Is the trade center of a rich territory and
lta growth haa always been steady and
substantial. Central City Is Independent
and has no fears for the future; we wel
come good citizens who locate here, but
we are not giving any premiums to induce
people to come. It Is the prettiest town
in the state and there Is not a better com
munity of people under the shining sun.
Scenes and Incidents OlnrrTf d at the
National Capital.
A correspondent of the New York Sun
throws a cruel harpoon into one of the
cherished political traditions of our day by
showing that the United States senate is
ot as rich a body of men as la generally
supposed. It does not come up to Its
reputation as a Millionaires' club. Ac
cording to statements ot individual sena
tors, repeated by the correspondent, only
eighteen of the eighty-eight senators are
worth $1,000,000 or more. Here is an even
dozen of tbe eighteen with their wealth set
out In plain figures:
William A. Clark, Montana $25,OPO,WO
Thomas Kearns, Utah lO.OfW.OPO
John Kean, New Jersey 4.0W,KH)
Jamea McMillan, Michigan o.OOO.nrio
B. B. Elkins, West Virginia 4.onn,noo
John Dryden, New Jersey B.oon.nuo
Redfleld Proctor, Vermont 3,noo.0"0
George P. Wetmore, Rhode Island 2.tmo,X
Nelson W. Aldrieh. Rhode Uland.. 2.000.M)
Marcus A. Hanna, Ohio 2."H).nuo
Chauncey M. Depew, .New York.... 2.0jo.n.m
Eugene Hale, Maine l.OOO.OvO
Now that la not a very formidable list.
It lumbers only twelve and the aggregate
of the estimated fortunes Is only G5,000,000.
There are five or six names that perhaps
should be added of senators who. If the
facts were known, might be able to squeeze
just within the $1,000,000 mark, such sena
tors aa J. B. Foraker of Ohio, Charles W.
Fairbanks of Indiana, Thomas R. Bard of
Califernia. A. O. Foster of Washington and
J. H. Millard of Nebraska.
A local dealer In firearms, says the
Washington Post, has sent out to members
of the house notice that he has one of the
finest lamlsated steel double-barreled shot
guns ever made in the United States, hav
ing rebounding hammers, French walnut
stock and all the other requisites for a fine
weapon. Delegate Rodey of New Mexico
received one of those letters. "I have
framed in my mind," said he, "a reply
something like this:
"There Is a fatality about life that
brings all things opportunely to those who
wait, hence your gun circular came In my
mall this morning. Hon. Francis W. CuBh
man Is not the only member of congress
who would like to go gunning for the mak
ers and enforcers of the house rules. I am
one of the delegates who have waited for
more than two months to have our 'privil
eged report' on the admission of the terri
tories to the union ferment Into a hearing
and therefore my patience Is exhausted. If
there Is any one thing more than another
that I have been wanting and am yearning
for It ia 'what Is said to be the finest
laminated steel double-barreled shotgun
ever made In the United States, No. 12 bore,
weight 7V4 pounds, with outside rebounding
hammers, French walnut stock, skeleton
butt-plate and finished In the finest style,'
together with 'a case, trunk style and re
loading tools, making a complete outfit, that
will be aold at half cost.'
"If my courage does not fall me, I will
come down and see It one of these days."
"Speaking of Justice, as she Is meted
out In the territories." said Senator Clark
of Wyoming the other day to a representa
tive of the Washington Times, "reminds
me of an exoertence I had while I was j
prosecuting attornev out In Wyoming be
fore we were admitted to statehood, and
it was with the chief iuctlre of the ter- I
ritory, too. A man who was the proprietor
of a saloon and a gambling house got
drunk one night and unon aolns- home with
a lag attacked hla wife with a bowie knife.
He slashed ber up badly and threw her out
of doors when the thermometer was 15 de
gree below zero.
"I prosecuted blm for assault and at
temDted murder. When the case came be
fore the chief justice he coolly Informed
me that I should have brought a case sim
ply for assault before a Justice of the
neace and not bothered the court of tho
territory with such a case.
"Well. I was verv anrrv. Here was a
scoundrel turned loose at a time when we
were trving to establish law and order In
the territory and doing our utmost to re
deem It from lawlessness and crime.
"I left the court, and shortly afterward
the chief Justice railed upon me at my
office and I ordered him out Into the street.
I meet him occasionally In Washington, but
we never neak aa we naas by."
"The senate Is the sreatest legislative
body In the world." said Senator Cockrell
addressing Mr. Spooner upon a bill that
was being considered.
"Oh, no," replied Mr. .Spooner. "This ia
not the greatest legislative body in the
world. It la onlv a part of one of the
greatest legislative bodies, but I will not
dispute that It Is the greatest part. In
fact," added Mr. Spooner. smiling, "I think
w all admit that fact."
The honorable justices of the supreme
court ar extremely exacting regarding the
way In which the brief of lawyers are
prepared tor them. All briefs must be
printed. Tbe court has carefully prescribed
the else of Iype, I b width of the spaclus
and the kind ot paper. The printing of
briefs on glazed paper la absolutely pro
hibited. The member ot tbe court read
these pamphlets for hours at a time and
glazed paper is very hard on their eyes, as
it reflects the light. Therefore they Insist
that all briefs be printed on rough paper
of a certain tint Tbe size of tbe pamphlets
1 also carefully prescribed.
Upon the mantel of the fireplace of the
office of the supreme court ia a great pile
o'. briefs which have been refused by the
justices because they did not come up to
tbe requirements la tn matter or printing
Th lawyers In these case were Informed
Don't take
Ayer's Sarsa
parilla if you
are well. Don't
take it simply
because you
are sick. Take it for what
the doctors recommend it
and you will like it, be
come fond it, for it gives
health, strength, vigor.
"I suffered terribly for twelve years. The doctors said my blood was al
turning to water. I then tried Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and soon my health was fully
restored." Mrs. J. . Fiala, lladlymo. Conn, 7
Sl-H. Ansreitlitt,
that they had not observed court rules and
thnt they would have to have their argu
ments reprinted If they wished the court to
consider them. The brief that are of
larger size than the rules of the court
provide are sent to a bookbinder and cut
down if their margins will permit: other
wise they have to Be reprinted. The
justices also absolutely refuse to read docu
ments written In long hand. Typewritten
matter is barred except In special cases.
"Crum," said ex-Speaker Reed, who is
in Washington to argue a case before the
supreme court, to Representative Crum
parker of Indiana, "I understand you are
hammering at my rules."
"Yes," replied Crumpacker, "I am taking
hack at them."
"Crum," the big ex-speaker said, reprov
ingly, "who are you that you should trifle
with tbe productions of genius?"
Sylvester C. Casney, the veteran engineer
of the Boston & Maine railroad, Monday
observed the fifty-second anniversary of his
employment on the road by running his reg
ular trains.
General Drummond, an old resident of
Guatemala, says of Godfrey Hunter that he
was so unpopular aa United States minister
that when he gave his last reception only
six Chinamen and a Pole attended.
President Roosevelt was one of the first
contributors to the fund for erecting a
monument to Mrs. Rebecca Salome Foster,
known as the "Tombs Angel," who lost her
life In the recent fire In the Park Avenue
hotel, New York.
Lord Kelvin favors the general adoption
of the metric system. He said before the
house committee on coinage, weights and
measures that 90 per cent of the people
who had ever given the matter any thought
were In favor of the change and the other
10 per cent he characterized as "stupidly
rrof. Henry W. Farnham of Yale has pre
sented to the University of Georgia a num
ber of revolutionary documents belonging
to bis ancestor, Abraham Baldwin, a cele
brated Georgia statesman, lacludlng a
speech delivered by Mr. Baldwin In Savan
nah In 1785 outlining tbe proposed Uni
versity of Georgia.
A department official In Washington says
that a few days ago he gave a job paying ti
a day to an old man who was a millionaire
but a few years ago. The old gentleman at
tended tbe national republican convention
at Minneapolis In his special car. Senators
who were his guests on that trip secured
the humble place for him.
This Is how a bellboy In a Washington
hotel described Governor Jefferson Davis of
Arkansas: "He's a large gentleman, with
a light Prince Albert suit, a big white bat
and a gold-headed cane. Ain't nobody In
Washington that looks like him. You can't
miss him, euh." And the description ex
actly fits tbe man of historic name.
Congressman Frank D." Currier of New
Hampshire urges that congress should ap
propriate money for a statue to Paul Jones.
'Many persons think." says Mr. Currier,
'that Jones was a rough privateer. Noth
ing could be further from truth. He was
a gentleman to his finger tips. No abler,
braver, more patriotic, brilliant, devoted
and unselfish man ever sailed or fought a
The late Dr. Charles A. Phelps of Boston
came near being the last aurvlvor of the
peculiar "Know-Nothing" era in Massa
chusetts. He was . one or the original
Know-Nothing" leaders. He later be
came presiding officer. In turn, of both
branches of the legislature and acquired an
Importance In polltlrs which resulted In
giving him office under the republican na
tional administration.
"Let the GOLD DUST
Slave if you will, but
housework easy, use
It makes home brighter
Made only by THE N. K.
Chicago. Maw York. Boston, St.
Da M AT, MM m, 11 II II sT M
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Philadelphia Catholic Standard: "Isn't it
silly for a woman to rrter to her new hat
as a 'duck of a bonnet?' "
"That's appropriate enough. A duck b is
a pretty big bill attached to it, you know."
Judge: "What cured him of gambling?"
"An unfortunate speculation In the sugar
"Then if ho Is sugar cured he ought to
stay cured."
Cleveland Plain Denier: "I see that Mav
Yohe' pet name for Captain Putnam
Iiracllre la 'Putty' "
"Putty soft, lHn't it?"
Haltlmore American: "After all," com
mented the unhappy customer, "business
Is largely a game of chance."
"Yes," agreed the pleasant butcher.
"Mont of the time wo are playing for high
Philadelphia Press: Clerk Well, I'm
tired. I've been working for all I'm worth
today. Don't 1 lobk it?
Kmployer Well, yes, you certainly do
look like 30 cents.
Washington 8tar: "Worryln'," said Undo
Kben. "doesn t do so much halim ef you
makes sure to worry 'bout sumpin' worth
Chicago Post: The boy looked up from
his book, puzzled.
"What b a dyspeptic, fathor?" he asked.
"A dyspeptic, my boy," was the reply,
"Is a man with a hypercritical stomach."
New York Sun: Teacher What was the
forerunner of wireless telegraphy?
Scholar The wink.
Chicago Tribune.: "They used to say,"
observed the professor, " 'In vino Veritas,"
but they have Improved on that In the
Philippines. When they want to get at
the truth they till a man with water."
Famous Poem of the Late Bret Harte.
Which I wish to remark
And my language ia plain
That for ways that are dark.
And for tricks that are vain.
The heathen Chinee in pecullaiV
Which the same I would rise to explain. .
Ah Sin was bis name.
And I shall not deny
In regard to the same t
What that name might lmplv,
But his smile It wan pensive arid childlike.
As I frequently remarked to Bill Nye.
It was August the third
And quite soft was the skies,
Which it might be inferred
That Ah Hin was likewise;
Yet he played It that day upon William
And me In a way I despise.
Which we had a small game,
And Ah Sin took a hand;
It was euchre. The same
He did not underatand;
But he emlled as he sat by the table.
With a emlle thut wutt childlike and bland.
Yet the cards they were Blocked
In a way that I grieve.
And my feelings were shocked
At the state of Nye's sleeve,
Which was stuffed full of aces and bowers.
And the same with Intent to deceive.
But thi hands that wero played
Hy that heathen Chinee,
And the polnta that he made
Were quite frightful to see
Till at last he put down a right bower,
Which the same Nye had deal unto me.
Then I looked up at Nyo,
And he gazed upon me;
And he rose with a sigh,
And said, "Can this be?
We are ruined by Chinee cheap labor,"
And he went for that heathen Chinee.
In the scene that ensued
I did not take a hand.
But the floor it was strewed
Like the leaves on the strand,
With the cards that Ah Bin had been hid
ing, In the game he "did not understand."
In his sleeves, which were long,
He had twenty-four pucka . .
Which was coming it strong,
Yet I state but the farts;
And we found on hla ualU, whloh were
What frequent In tapers that's wax.
Which Is why I remark.
And my language is plain.
That for ways that are dark,
And for tricks that are vain.
The heathen Chinee is peculiar.
Which the same I am free to maintain.
twins do your work."
if you perfer to make
and care lighter.
Louis. Makers oi OVAL FAIRY SOAP.
tbaa the cost.