Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 07, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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Art Needle Work
An entire department bought at a low figure will be placed on
One of (lie large stores in a prominent city discontinue'!
their Art Needle Work department. We bought the whole
stock arid will sell it so cheap Wednesday that Wednesday
evening there will not be one item of this stock left. Below
we quote a few of the bargains. There are many other
items but the lots are too small to mention. We earnestly
solicit your attendance at this sale, as without question
it will be the greatest bargain giving event that has oc
curred for some time. The goods are of superior grades and
qualities and the prices are so very low.
SlO.OO Embroidered Sof.i Cushions, at $t.98
All the fine hand embroidered sofa cushions, all complete,
filled with fine down pillows, and finished with fine silk,
qprd and ribbon, worked with Brainard & Armstrong silk,
most of them are worth ?10, and none
worth less than $3, all go at, each
Hand Embroidered Center Pieces, $1.98 Each
All the finished center pieces on the finest
quality of linen, hand embroidered, with
Brainard & Armstrong silk, go at, each
Sofa Pillows, Worth up to $2.50, at 98c each.
All the commenced pieces in pillows, and natural linen
color center pieces, natural linen color
table covers, the linen alone is worth
up to $2.50, all at, each
All ,the commenced white linen
pieces that are worth up to $1.50,
go at, each .
All the stamped natural linen center
pieces that retail at $1.23 each,
go at, each i
All the stamped white fine German linen
center pieces that generally sell as
high as $1.00 each, go at, each
All the large and small stamped Battenberg fan
patterns, fhat retail as high as C
( vii v n, j;u tu, fill M . ......
All the finished laundry bags, shoe
bags, umbrella bags, etc., made to ,
sell at $1.00, go at, each
Fine doilies, stamped on pure Irish linen
of superior quality, made to sell as
high as 25c, go at, each
Bridge and Terminal Company Want State
' Board to Fix Ita Valuation.
C. J. Smyth Announces that He Is
a Candidate for the Faalon
domination fop
recent district declamatory contest held
at York. All three Judaea agreed to give
flrst place In the oratorical class to Clif
ford Wllktns of York, whose marking
were 90. 91 and 95, and second rlace to
Brooks Potter of Seward, who was Riven
, 87 and 85. The state contest will be
held May 23.
On account of the gtsat attractions, w j are cutting prices on
every pair oi snoes.
Money Centers Are Active After Demorali
f . jatioii of the Stock Market
Representatives of Two of Collapsed
Brokerage Fir ma Say They Will
Be ' Able to Meet All
Their Obligations.
NEW YORK, May 6. Wall street recov
ered very generally today from Its de
moralization ot the previous day. The stock
market made all around recoveries with
active trading at the cloee. Call money,
which rose to 20 per cent on Monday, did
not advance beyond 13 per cent and closed
at C per cent.
There were no Important developments
in the affairs of the Stock exchange houses
whose suspension followed thecollapse In
the securities controlled by Dr. E. Seward
Webb and Arthur U Meyer. The assignees
were at work on the books ot Henry Bros.
& Co., and Lockwood. Hurd & Co. Both
said they were unable to give even an ap
proximate estimate of liabilities and as
sets. It was intimated that assistance
would corns to both of these Arms, but
lust how or when waa not made clear.
E. T. Ferine, assignee for Lockwood,
hurd A Co., was quoted as saying that
the firm's obligations were not In excess ot
1500.000. Speaking (or the Arm, one of Its
confidential employes said this afternoon:
"Things look much brighter for us now
than they did twenty-tour hours sgo. In
fact the situation Is very encouraging and
we hope to pay 100 cents on the dollar and
Offenbach A Moore Open.
The offices of Offenbach V Moore, the
Stock exchange representatives of Arthur
L. Meyer and his associates, were open for
a brief time during the dsy. Robert Off
enbach, the board member, wss not In ev
idence, but Benjamin P. Moore, his partner,
was around for a little while. Bo also
was Mr. Meyer, whose offices are next to
those of Offenbach ft Moore.
An official of the Hackeneack Meadow
company said: "Dr. Webb and Mr. Meyer
had another meeting today and the pros
pects of a favorable settlement of all ex
isting troubles are excellent."
A petition to have Offenbach ft Moore
adjudged Involuntary bankrupts was filed
In the United States circuit court today,
with claims from three individuals aggre
gating about $4,600 for money loaned. The
claim Is made that the firm, while Insol
vent, disbursed to certain preferred credi
tors the sum of $5,000. The appointment
of a receiver was asked by counsel for the
Dr. Webb was at his uptown office the
better part of the day, but declined abso
lutely to make any statement. In addition
to Mr. Meyer, Dr. Webb saw other persons
connected with the railroad and develop
ment companies.
At the downtown offices of the Webb
Meyer companies business was being con
ducted as usual. That the Dominion Se
curities company Is not absolutely without
resources was shown by the mailing of a
13.000 check to Halifax for lumber.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, May 6. (Special.) The State
Board ot Equalization listened today to
further -arguments against the increasing
ot the valuation ot the railroad property
for purposes of taxation, but adjourned
without taking any action, until 2 o'clock
tomorrow afternoon. Those who appeared
before the board were: Tax Commissioner
Cranton of the Northwestern, Chicago;
Peter Whitney, Elkhorn, Omaha; General
Manager Bidwell, Elkhorn, Omaha, and
Secretary Daniels of the Omsha Bridge and
Terminal company. Mr. Daniels contended
that the State Board of Equalization has
authority to fix thevaluatlon or sssessment
ot the Bridge and Terminal company prop
erty, notwithstanding that It all lies within
the county of Douglas. The other railroad
representatives confined their arguments
to the single proposition ot raising the val
uation, all Insisting that their property is
already assessed at a higher rate than many
other kinds of property.
A member of the board said this afternoon
that the work ot fixing the valuation would
probably be completed some time next
week. Each member declines to ssy whether
or not the franchises, cspttal stock, profits
or earnings ot the railroad companies will
be taken Into consideration in determining
the valuation.
State Editorial Association.
All officers of the executive department
of the state government open for the tran
saction of public business at 9 p. m., with
state officials and clerks at their desks,
wss a feature Incident to the opening of
the thirteenth annual convention ot the Ne
braska Press association in this city today.
This afternoon the word was passed around
that all officials and clerks be In their
places at 9 in the evening as a compliment
to the visiting editors and nearly all ot
them willingly did as requested. This fea
ture was planned by the State Board of
Public Lands and Buildings as a prelude
to the reception which wss afterward held
In the house of representatives ball.
The first session ot the convention was
held this afternoon in the senate chamber.
beginning at 1:80. President Will Maupin
with a few words, called the newspaper men
to order, after which the Divine blessing
was Invoked by Rev. II. O. Rowlands of
this city. The program Included the usual
opening formalities, with an address of
welcome by the president an a paper on
"Advertising" by L A. Williams of Blair.
At 6 o'clock the meeting adjourned and all
went to the state farm, where luncheon was
served and a short program rendered. To
night the association assembled for a round
table, which was conducted by Edgar How
ard, and at its conclusion the various state
offices were opened and the editors Invited
to visit them.
Smyth a Candidate.
While In Lincoln today C. J. Bymth made
the statement that he was a candidate for
the fusion nomination for governor. He
said: "I shall make an active canvass for
the nomination and will remain In the
fight so long as there is a possibility for
Governor Savage has appointed the fol
lowing additional delegates to the national
convention on charities and corrections in
Detroit May 28: Rev. T. M. Moore, Rev
and Mrs. E. Qulvey, Omaha; John Jeffries,
Mil ford; J. W. Seabrook, University Place;
John Reusing, West Point; Dr. Kern, Hast
Articles of Incorporation of the Oregon
Electric Power company of Omaha were
recorded today by the secretary of state.
The company Is capitalized for ($00,000.
Ita Incorporators are: Arthur L. Fernald,
Henry H. Andrews, Eugene A. Loomls
The company proposes to deal In water
rights for mining and mechanical purposes
Republicans Decide to Meet at Beat
rice Jane 16 to Nominate a
LINCOLN. May 6. (Special Telegram.)
The republican central committee for the
Fourth congressional district met tonight
and by unanimous vote decided to have the
district nominating convention held In Be
atrice on June It. Ths meeting brought
out nearly a full attendance of committee
men as well as several ot the candidates
for the congressional nomination, among
them being E. H. Hlnshaw, J. D. Pope, C.
W. Sloan, Peter Youngers and E. J. Halner.
Falls City Official Named.
FALLS CITY. Neb.. May . (Special.)
The city council met In regular session
Monday evening. The mayor made the fol
lowing appointments: Cblef ot police, J.
M. Dewald; water commissioner, A. D.
Humbargar; city attorney, J. E. Leyda;
street commissioner. Oscar Maddox; engi
neer water works, H. C. Lapp.
We should say you were about
60, judging from your looks.
Yet you may not be a day over
40, gray hair is so deceptive.
If you are 60 and time has car
ried away nearly all the dark, rich
color of your hair, we can bring
it back to you.
In other words, Ayers Hair
always restores color to
gray hair, all the dark, rich color.
"X have used Ayera Hair Vigor for over 30 years, and
can testify to its wonderful merit. It keeps say scalp
tics from dandruff, makes the hair soft and glossy, and
has prevented It from turning gray."
Mrs. F. A. SoviE, BU!ir.f Mont.
1111 J
How Old I
Are You? )vfW mjJt'-'
v. rtCi
t f :
It. A
J. & ATI (4., LresU, J
Visits Droath-Strlckea Sections la
Nebraska, Doing Inestimable
Amaant of Good.
GENEVA, Neb.. May . (Special.) Sun
dsy's rain, measuring .SO of an Inch, did
much good to crops In this vicinity.
WEST POINT, Neb., May 6. (Special. )
Cuming county escaped the general rains
that have been falling the last few days
until last night, when hesvy showers fell,
completely soaking the earth. The very
cool weather of tcday Is highly beneficial
to small grain and grasses. The ground Is
in fine condition for corn planting, which
has already been commenced. The pros
pect for fruit Is not very promising, the
buds In many cases having been frost bit
ten and In others the trees are winter
killed, notably the peach trees.
FAIRFIELD, Neb.. May . Special.)
An all-day rain here today In addition to
that of yesterday has thoroughly soaked the
ground even to the subsoil. Conservative
estimates are now that Clay county will,
with favorable weather, raise from one-half
to two-thirds of a full wheat crop on about
the average acreage. A considerable area
will be planted to come. Alfalfa wilt make
a good stand on a largely Increased acre
age. Prospects for fruit of all kinds, ex
cept possiblv peaches, are considered flrst
class. Last year Clay county raised 2.250,
000 bushels of wheat.
SUPERIOR. Neb.. May 6. Good rains
fell here Sunday and Monday and ma
terially helped the condition ot the fall
wheat, which was suffering h-om the pro
tracted drouth. Well Informed grain men
ssy that the prospect is for two-fifths of a
wheat crop should conditions continue fa
vorable. The acreage la much larger than
BEEMER. Neb.. May . (Special.) The
best rain of the spring visited this section
yesterday. It came down steady aad thor
oughly soaked the ground. Everything looks
WINSIDE, Neb.. May (Special.) After
a fall of forty degrees Id the temperature
here within two hours on Saturday the
mercury gradually rose until Monday morn
ing when a gentle rain began to tall and
continued all day. Very little wind accom
panied the rain and an estimable amount of
good wss done. Wheat, oata and flax are
growing rapidly and farmera are plowing
for corn.
ST. PAUL. Neb., May I. (Special.) The
rain yesterday and today amounted to 1.22
Inches and effectually relieves the fears ot
drouth for the present.
HARVARD, Neb., May . (Special.) Ob
server Fleming reports rainfall for Sunday
and Monday to be 1.48 Inches. Today is
cool with a light wind.
FREMONT, Neb., May . (Special.)
About an Inch of rain fell here yesterdsy,
livening up vegetation of all kinds and
doing a great amount of good. The wind
of last week and the week before played
havoc "with the fields of grain which had
Just been sown and it is coming up in Irreg
ular patches. A tew fields will probably
be plowed. The acreage of beets in this
vicinity will exceed that of last year
though far below that raised In previous
years. About Ames and Leavltt more beets
are being put In than last year.
NORTH LOUP, Neb.. May 6. (Special.)
Three-fourths ot an Inch of rain fell here
yesterday, extending ovr large scope of
territory. Crops are looking fine.
CEDAR RAPIDS, Neb ; May . (8peclal.)
Rain here 8unday and today put crops In
much better condition. Corn planting Is
under way and alfalfa promises a large
LINWOOD, Neb.. May 6. (Special.) It
began to rain about noon Sunday and con
tinued until 6 o'clock. It rained nearly
all day Monday. The ground Is sosked to
the depth of about eight Inches.
LEIGH, Neb.. May 6. (Special.) Fully
an Inch of rain fell here yesterday. It be
gan to rain at 1:30 p. m. and continued
until 6 o'clock. The weather Is still cloudy,
and Indications are that there will be more
rain. Small grain Is looking good. .
State Lodge Convenes at Grand Island
with I.ara-e Kamber la
GRAND ISLAND. Neb., May . (Special
Telegram.) A session of the Eastern Star
order was called this afternoon at 2:30 by
Grand Matron Mrs. Matthews of Fremont
with a large number of delegates present
The Order ot the Eastern Star now has a
membership of nearly 7,000 in this state
with approximately 150 lodges. Of these
all but a few were represented and even
lng trains swelled the number of delegates
to over 300.
Upon assembling ths visitors were wet
corned by Mrs. Pederson, worthy matron of
the Andrew chapter of Grand Island, res
ponse being made by Associate Grand Ma
tron Mrs. Btreeter of Crete. The reports
of the secretary and treasurer followed.
The report of the secretary showed a good
Increase In membership during the last
year and the order la specially gratified at
the fine financial showing made by the
treasurer. Over $3,000 on hand compares
favorably with the record of former years,
Thts evening the Dawson chapter No. S3
of Lexington exemplified .the chapter of
sadness in commemoration ot the departed
of the order and It was a moat impressive
ceremony. Following thts Andrew chapter
of Grand Island received and entertained
at Masonic hall and a fine banquet was ten
Catarrh is Perhaps Responsible For It.
Hon. T. T. Markland. a well known busi
ness man of Cincinnati, O., writes from
3100 Woodburn avenue, as follows:
"I find thst in my rase Peruna Is a
flesh builder. I am now at work every day,
and have gained ten rounds. I took your
Teruna according to directions, and the
result wss more than I expected. I csn
now breathe with esse, and also my cough
Is stopped. I had It for six months) before
I took down with the grip. I took no other
medicine but Peruna, and It arcorr illshed
all. You told me in your first letter that
Peruna would cure me and It has. I am
seventy-throe years old and ran attend to
my work and business as usual."
What Medical Authorities ar mm to
the Itaasrer Line.
Some of the beat medical authorities say
that If a person loses one-third of his
weight, that the system will not have power
enough left to ever recuperate. That Is to
eay. If a man or woman who weighs 150
pounds In health should, for any cause, be
reduced to 100 pounds, they could not re
cover, but would shortly die. This flies the
danger line at 33 H per cent. Some say the
per cent Is a little higher, and some say It
Is a little lower. But this estimate Is
probably nearly correct.
Are you losing flesh? If so, do you not
know that It Is not only foolish but danger-
oust You need not continue to lose flesh
another day If you will use the proper
Peruna Is a great fleeh producer. It la
through the mucous membranes of the body
that all the nutrition must be absorbed. If
the mucous membranes are healthy, the
loss of flesh Is rapidly restored.
Peruna produces healthy membranes. Un
healthy mucous membranes Is known as
catarrh. Catarrh may be slight or severe.
Peruna always cures catarrh wherever
Catarrh of any of the vital organs leads
to loss of flesh. The catarrh may be so
slight ss to give no other warning save the
loss of flesh. Any one who Is losing flesh
for no apparent reason, can be sure thst
catarrh Is st the bottom of It.
Peruna is sure to cure such cases.
If you do not derive prompt and satis
factory results from the use of Peruna,
write at onc,e to Dr. Hartman. giving a
full ststement of your case and he will
be pleased to give you his valuable advice
Address Dr. Hartman. President ot Tho
Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, Ohio.
Hon. Charles H. Turner, 601 O street, Washington, D. C, Is an Ex-Member of
Congress from New York City two terms: was bookkeeper of the National House of
Representatives for four years; Is a member of Tammany Hall, and is very Influential
In New York City. He writes:
"I have used your remedy, Peruna, as a general tonic with satis
factory results. I hive many friends who have testified to its virtues
and I fully believe you have a valuable remedy."
Mr. Jonathan F. Stark, Recorder of Scott
county, Scottsburg, Ind., writes:
"I was afflicted last fall with Indigestion
and bronchitis until I only weighed 119
pounds. Knowing that something had to
be done soon, I got a bottle of Peruna and
took It, and have now taken twenty bot
tles. After taking the first bottle I gained
four pounds, aad I kept on gaining at about
that rate until I weighed 140 pounds, and
am still taking Peruna. It is all right fcr
persons afflicted as I was."
Bnrarlars Escape with Fifty Dollars
Worth of Merchandise ot Hard
war Ooaeera.
NEBRASKA CITY, May (.(Special Tele
gram.) Burglar entered the hardware
atore of William Blschof on Seventh and
Main streets lsst night and made way with
about $50 worth of revolvers, cutlery and
goods of that character. The robbers
gained an entrance through a back window
which waa pried open. The tblevea left no
clue to their identity unless it waa a
broken-bladed pocketknife which was found
on the window sill.
It seems probable that the perpetrator
of the crime were boys.
This Is the second burglary that has been
committed here within a month.
Dodge Favors Holhrook.
FREMONT, Neb., May (.(Special.) The
Dodge county republican convection for
the selection of delegates to the state and
congressional conventions and the nomina
tion of a county ticket will be held June T.
The nomination tor county attorney is
conceded to R. J. Stlnson, provided his
health Is such that he will accept the place.
For representatives, B. W. Reynolds of this
city Is considered a strong candidate. He
has not been a partisan of either political
faction and Is favorably known throughout
the county. John Ross of Pleasant Valley
and numerous other persons have also been
mentioned.' The delegation to the state
convention will favor the nomination of
Hon. W. D. Holbrook of Everett for lieu
tenant governor.
Salooa Keener Dismissed.
BEATRICE. Neb.. May (.(Special Tele
gram.) The cass against Joe Johnson and
Martin Schlldlowski, two saloon men here,
who were arrested last week oa a com
plaint sworn .out by J. W. Grimes charging
them with selling liquor without a license,
wss called in county court this afternoon
and OlsmbEsed tor wui ot prosscuiion.
District CoorJ at Fremont.
FREMONT. Neb., May (.(Special.)
The Msy term of the district court con
vened yesterday with Judge Gri!s!sir. on
ths bench. The docket Is smaller thsn at
any term for the last fifteen years. Eight
civil and no criminal cases are set for trial.
The session will last about two weeks.
vYIIklas Wins York Contest.
YORK, Neb.. May (.(Special.) Superin
tendent of City 8c boots Atkinson has rs.
celval to marklfit of t&a JmUW ta thj
Carries Portion ot Corpse Throasjh
Ceresco aad Parties Arm Search
laa; for What Hemalas.
CERESCO, Neb.. May (.(Special Tele
gram.) This afternoon a dog was seen
coming through town with part of a human
body. The supposition is that someone baa
met with foul play and the dog haa dug
up the body, which has been hidden.
Searching parties have been organised
and a thorough investigation will be made.
Conarresjatloaalfats at West Point.
WEST POINT, Neb., May (.(Special.)
The annual conference of the Omaha As
sociation of Congregational Churches and
Ministers was opened in the Congregational
church In this city this morning with a
full attendance of clerical and lay dele
gates. The conference organised at 11 a.
m. and at ths afternoon session a devo
tional service, led by Ira E. Williams of
Beemer, preceded the consideration of re
ports from the various churches In the
district. J. B. Stocking of Wahoo addresed
the conference on "Evangelism for Today."
At the evening session W. J. Turner of
Norfolk spoke on "The Function of the
Church In a Democracy."
Weeleyaa Instructor Resigns.
(Special.) Dr. W. T. Cllno has resigned
from the department ot history of the Ne
braska Wesleyan university. Dr. Cline has
been at the head of the department of his
tory for the last four yesrs and during
moat ot that tims has had charge ot the
work In sociology and economics.
Teachers for Battle Creek named.
BATTLE CREEK, Neb. May (.(Spe
cial.) The school board last alght elected
ths following as teachers for the coming
year: D. H. Vantica, principal; Miss Ger
tie Wade, Mrs. C. F. Montross. Miss Mollis
Tsylor, Miss Idelle Taylor and Miss Eileen
Calambas Saperlatendent Named.
COLUMBUS. Neb., May (.(Special.)
Prof. W. M. Kern was re-elected superin
tendent of the city school yesterday after
aapa tor a period ef tw years,
Good enough
for anybody!
ll Havana Filler
of same value as tags from
'star: 'horse shoe:
'spearhead: standard navy:
"old peach 61 honey"
and Zl. T.' Tobacco.
White Ribbon Remedy
Caa be gives ia .lass of water, tea or
coflee without yatieat's kauwledae.
White Kitibon Remedy will cure or de
stroy ibtt 4!?!tsc ivymliim fur alcoholic
silmulauis, wrtcincr tiu pailciu is a con
Qruied Inebriate, "a tippler." social
drinker or druiikurd. ImpuitjiOia for any
one to have nu appeiue lor mcoholio
liquor alter using Unite Ribbon Kcuicdy.
baSunra n incuutu ul v . .. X. V.
, Mrs. Moore, Pres Superintendent of the
Wuman s christian 'i niierunco union,
Ventura, Ckl., wriiea: "1 nave tesivd V nils
Hioboa Kuruedy on very oL,Unale di unk
rd, and the cures have been many, la
many cases 1 be Kemedy was gien secretly,
i tfteertuily recommend and endorse While
UiuOuH Kemeuy. iaui:tt ut cur union srs
delighted to find a practical and economi
cal treatment to aid us in our leaiyerauc
Mr. M. A. Cowan, of the Woman's
Christian Temperance Union, states: "1
know ot so many people redeemed
(rum the curse ot drink by the use
ot White Ribbon Remedy that I -'rnestly
request you to give it a trial.' lrusttntu
or by mall, 11. Trial package free by writ
ing or calling ou Mrs. A. M. Towusend ((or
ears secretary or the Woman s Christian
Temperance union), 21s Tremont tel., Bos
ton. Mass. Sold in Ouiaba by
Prions 747. 8. W. Cor. ltth and Chicago,
fiwda delivered rR la anjr fart at at,
Your Office Location
It Is certainly an advantage to have an office In a building the location of
which everyone. knows. Everyone In the west will know where to find you If
you merely say your office Is In The Bee Building.
The accommodations of The Bee Building cannot be excelled. With Ita nil
night and all day Sunday elevator service, electric light, stonm heat, water In
every room, perfect janitor service, all of which Is Included In 1' . rental price.
There are no poor rooms In The Bee Building. Some of the rooms which are
vacant are among the very best that are In the building. The best ones, how
ever, will not stay vacant long.
List of vacant rooms in
ee Buildin
Ground Floor.
mow n P" Month,
nuun pis lSx feet. Paces Seventeenth street and has windows along the
alley. This is a large. Ugh, room, a:. d the rental price includes heat,
light, water and Janitor service. It has an entrance both on . Ths Bee
Building Court and Seventeenth street Price J03.C
First Floor.
UitTE 101 1 There Is no finer office suite in Omaha than this one. It la located '
Just on tne right nand of the great marble stairway, and has unusually .
large windows looking upon the front entrance way of the building. It
fronts on Farnam KUeet. one room is 17x11 and the other x)8. It has a
burglar-proof vault, marble mantel- piece, hardwood floors, and will be
frescoed to suit tenant Price 17S.0
ROOM 104 1 This room Is just at the head of the main stairway on the first floor.
It would be a very oeslrable office for some real estate man or con
tractor. Tbe floor apace la 16xls feet Price 120.04
Third Floor.
BOOH 3081 This room Is 21x8 feet and Is very conveniently located near the
elevator. A sign on the door can be readily seen In stepping off the eleva
tor Price 1S.0
'.to OS 4ioi roxU feet. This Is a light, pleasant room. It has been newly -decorated,
and like all rooms in The Bee Building, the price includes
light, boat, water and Janitor service Price 1.G
DOOM HMtt This room Is 17x3 feet and will be divided to suit the tenant.
This room is particularly adapted tor some concern needing large floor
space and is a decidedly handsome office, having an entrance lacing trie
court and windows looking out upon Seventeenth street. It has a very 1
large burglar-proof vault, hard wood floors and is one of the choicest offi
ces in the building Price ta i
Fourth Floor.
KOOM 44li 15x11 teet. This room is nsxt to ths elevator and faces court. It '
has a large burglar-proof vault and la well ventilated. Has good light,
and for tne pnee furnishes first-class accommodations Pri'.s (17.51
Fifth Floor.
I CITE till This Is a very large room, 17x13 feet. It faces west, but Is very
light and well ventilated. It Is very seldom that space of this sise is of- -fered
in Tbe Bee Building. It could be used to advantage by some Arm
employing a large number of clerks, or requiring large floor space a
wholesale Jeweler, or manufacturer s agent, who would like to be in a
fire-proof tiullding. or it will be divided to suit the tenant Price (60.01
BiiOM 521 1 Thts room faces the court and is 15x14 feet- It haa a burglar-proof
vault, and as it Is near the telegraph office and on the same floor with a
number of grain firms. It would be a particularly good room for a grain
firm desiring first-class accommodation Price 130. Ot
Sixth Floor.
BUTE AlOi This consists of two rooms, both lftHxllH. Each of them has a
large burglar-proof vault, have been newly decorated and are rooms
where any business or professional man may be comfortable. Price for
the two ISS 00
Rental Agents.
Ground Floor.
Bee Building.
1 iMiiMi
This avMkns hurt what
It says, raring 40 years
Krnctlce dtsuoverid as
ifalllblseurefor fteiuina!
and MereoDsrMbUlty.aad
ui seaa a ruu curauvt
eoarae of the Rsmedy, lastlug three roeatha, Vi
1 to
address. SuBarars trots Vartoooeli, blood Polaon,
Ho Cure, No Pay. Blmply seed your same ecd
A list of
The best furnished and unfurnlsbsd rooms
la the city will be found on the Want Ad
Page. Cut ths list out and take It with
TO frw !"0v start to look tog. m roan, ;
KapSara.KldiKiy, bladder ssd PrQ.tatis liieaaam.
rit. (or mr Home Treatment Pron, A.aU,
C, W1LUAAS. Health Odius. Wilton Bay, Wk
lying stories could be told regarding ths
outcome of mistakes in dlagnoniit made by
physicians in the matter of dlseaM-s ot
Women. S'omach and bowel troubles of
long ataridiiig, ciironic ccntmpaiion, result
ing finally In infiamation of tne Inlnstlnes.
have been the causes of headaches, "blues.'
bearing down pains and Irregularities more
often than have derangrment of the fetnile
system. The effect is lack of enrery; pafn
resembling that caused by ulenne prolauu;
a melancholy view of life and i's afTair;
headache; naUMru upon ruing in ihe morn
Inn. All symptoms easily to tx- mlkiKk-n
for those rauaed by f. male dlsi-aaes. Dr.
t'aldwt ll s Kyrup 1'eiln and Herb I Jix
live Compound gives instant relief. S1.1
by all druKgtsl In t eni and II oj UottW-r,
but never In bulk. We will be glad :o e tui
you a trial bottle and a Very interesting
little booklet on stomach troubles, If yu
will mention your symptoms. pipalu
Syrup Company, Jduatlcello, ills,