Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 06, 1902, Image 1

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    Daily Bee.
Chairman of Philippine! Bill Committee
Eeplie to Democratic Criticism.
Baji Minoritj Overdraws the EeporU of
Cruelty by American Boldiers.
Commend Policy of EooaeTelt, Boot and
Chaffee aa Humane and Just
yiassachasetta Venator Bays lulled
0taea Troop Have Suffered Intol.
arable Treatment and Been
" Provoked to Crifllr.
WASHINGTON, May 8. In vindication ol
the Americana' policy In tbe Philippines,
Mr. Lodge of Massachusetts, chairman of
the Philippine committee, addressed tbe
enate today. Long before be began to
peak tbe gtllfrlM were thronged with
people and the attendance on the floor of
the senate was unusually large. . Mrs.
Bowles, tbe president' sister, was an in
terested auditor.
His review of the situation In the islands
n4 of the utterances of the minority In
criticism of the condition was notably Inter
esting. He spoke with deep earnestness and
at times became eloquent. Mr. Lodge
warmly resented the Imputation cast on
the president, the secretary of war and the
army for tbe alleged cruelties and atroci
ties said to have been practiced In the Is
lands. He said every effort had been em
ployed by tbe officials In authority to pre
vent such cruelties as had been referred
to and measures had beea taken to pun
ish those guilty of them. Such things, hew
'wver, were Incidents of every war and could
gjot be prevented absolutely,
1 . Provocations for Tort a re.
He had no defense to make of many of
4 he ease of tortures which had been noted,
but the men of tbe American army bad
toeen provoked almost beyond human en
durance. He recited ecoree of Instance
jef tbe cruelties and torture practiced by
."the Filipino Insurgents on American prie
4ners. Men had had their ears cut off;
tad been disemboweled; had been driven
Into streams, and, while drowning, shot to
'death; bad been tied to trees and stoned
to death by women and children and burled
alive. Others bad been shot snd boloed
treacherously while succoring the wounded.
In the face ef these horrible atrocities the
American troops had been guilty of admin
istering the "water cure," but the Instances
of this kind were Isolated and no part ot
tbe general policy in tbe Philippines.
He warmly defended General ChafTee for
his conduct of military affair In the is
lands and paid a brilliant tribute to his
heroism and patriotism. A he concluded
Ms defense of the American army and the
American administration he drew cordial
applause from the galleries.
niawllns ntajnea Lodge.
In a brief reply Mr. Rawlins of Utah
(declared that tbe charges which had been
tnade war not against General Chaffee and
the army, but against the seoator from
Massachusetts (Mr. Lodge) and other who
were responsible for the present condition
In the Islands.
Both the sundry civil service and the
hill for the purchase of the Rosebud reser
vation were passed.
Soon after the senate conveaed today
the hill changing the term of the circuit
court of the United State within the First
circuit was passed.
Other bills wsre passed as follows: Re
lieving Harry C Mix from the payment et
(1,000 recognisance given for the appear
ance In court of A. F. Holt.
The amendment to sundry civil hill post
poning the St. Louie exposition has been
adopted by the senate.
A resolution offered by Mr. Proctor of
Virginia wis adopted, directing the secre
tary of war to furnlah the senate with
coplee of all reports of all officers of the
artillery made alnce January 1, 1900, aa to
tbe condtilon of the magazines and em
placements of seacoast gun mounted on
disappearing carrlsges.
The bill providing for the purchase ot the
lands of the Sioux Indians In the Rosebud
reservation In South Dakota then was taken
up, the pending amendment being that ot
Mr. Teller, eliminating the commutation
clause of the bill and providing that set
tiers, in order to make good their titles to
" the lend, shall live on It for Ave years.
The amendment offered by Mr. Teller
(Was agreed to and the bill was passed.
Jfew t'oamlasloa to Be Named.
Consisting of the secretary of the trees
ury, the postmaster general and the see
rotary of the Interior, a commission Is to
be named to select a site In Washington
for a hall of records, the limit ot cost ot
tbe cite being $500,000 and that tor the
building being 1500,000. appropriating $20,
000 to pay the salary and expense of twe
conmlsstoners to Investigate the resources
and expenses of South aud Central Amer
ican railroad and the feasibility ot estab
lishing aa intercontinental railway; appro
prlatlag $165,000 for repairs to the White
Houae la lieu of the 148.000 heretofore pro
vided, and appropriating $50,000 more tor a
temporary office building (to be uaed while
the repairs te tne v bite House are In
At I o'clock the civil eervlce bill wss
laid aside and Mr. .Lodge addressed the
aenate on the Philippine government bill
opening by saying he hoped the time would
come when measure In regard to the
Philippines would be discussed with a view
of getting the best legislation possible.
Objects f the Bill.
One o! the objects of the bill waa te
help the development of the island. Ths
opponents of tbs bill, be said, hsd charged
that it opened tbe way te exploiters, syn
dicates and carpet-baggers. . He was aware
of the general hostility of the democratic
party to any man who has made money or
la making money.
Mr. Ledge, discussing the testimony of
Oovernor Taft. declared that be wae on
of the most candid and falr-mlndad ot
men, who had made great sacrifices to go
to the Philippines. He paid a high tribute
also to Acting Oovernor Luke Wright and
declared that If he and Governor Taft were
not to be trusted no American was to be
The attack of the minority, however, bad
, not beea confined to the Philippine com
inUslon. Democratic aenator had made an
Mtack on the army, because it had beea
charged cruelties had beea committed oa
ttepetltlea. ( Old Howl.
The army had been victorious, and la
ths Philippines it now meet the same
iCeaUnaed oa Second Pace.)
Wllhelmlna Generally Iteaarded by
I'nhllr Oat ot
THE HAOl'E. Msy B. "It is a great dis
appointment; but tbe queen is saved.
icti '.1 he
ne.. ',..
genersl feeling regarding tbe
veaterday evening. Ths ex-
If. nf fct. mmialw'm pnndt.
tlon was
'fVtw.wnn tne acuteiy
Infectious ma,
valeeclng and
sh was con-
on Involved
Imminent danger of
The operation necessity Jder such
conditions waa performed wit at difficulty
and without serious complications, which
often arise in such cases, supervening.
Consequently, the Intense anxiety felt
throughout the castle hss been replaced to
some decree of confidence, elnce the
queen's symptoms continue to indicate that
the danger Is no longer imminent.
Telesxama this evenlnc continue to pour
In from roval and other notable personages,
begging Information as to tbe condition of
Queen Wllhelmlna and expressing the most
encere sympathy with her majesty.
o Cause for Alarm.
The evening passed quietly at Loo palace,
but Or. Roesslngh and Pot hava remalnsd
at the queen's bedside. Baron Clifford,
master of the oueen's household, said to
night: "Her majesty's fever ha not in
creased and we are quietly and hopefully
awalilng the results of a good night's rest
for the oueen. There is no cause for Im
mediate disquietude."
At 10 o'clock tonight her majesty waa
reported to be sleeping quietly and at that
hour her condition was . practically un
changed. The Dutch newspapers rsther
strangely publish nothing concerning Queen
Wllbelmlna's Illness beyond the official
bulletins and brief expressions of thank
fulness that her majesty's lire has been
It 1 no longer concealed that the opera
tion which was performed late last night
was most dangerous and that for one hour
tbe patient' life hung by a thread.
Teat of ttueen'a Vitality.'
Even now, although tne queen' physi
cians are exceedingly reticent. It Is known
that her condition remains precarious aad
that everything depends upon the strength
of the patient's constitution.
There Is reasonable hope for her majes
ty' recovery, however, provided that hem
orrhage Is averted. It Is now said that
her majesty's doctors, being no longer em
barrassed by complications in tbelr pa
tient' condition, will be able to adopt
more efficient means In treating the tyhold.
It is held to be exceedingly fortunate that
the mishap of last night occurred when
It did Instead of a fortnight ago. It would
then almost certainly have proved fatal.
Great hopes are built on tbe fact that
the Dutch premier. Dr. Kuyper, was not
summoned to the palace tonight.
Publle Resentful at Secrecy.
The Dutch public Is strongly resentful at
learning that the truth of this case ha
been so long withheld and that reassur
ing bulletins were Issued while ber majesty
was known to be dangerous. This fact en
gender some suspicion and anxiety aa to
the reliability of the bulletins Issued today.
Queen Wllhelmlna, although of robust ap
pearance, baa always been somewhat deli
cate and ' her ' health, baf require very
careful attention. - 1 '
BERLIN. May t. The Illness of Queen
Wllhelmlna is watched with especial In
terest In eGrmany, because both the heir
apparent and the heir presumptive to the
Dutch throne are Germans. Under the law
of succession In Holland, which was adopted
In 1884, the ruling grand duke of the grand
duchy of Saxe Weimar, William Ernest,
Inherits the crown In the event of Queen
Wllhelmlna dying without Issue. It Is re
garded as certain that he would renounce
it, however, preferring to remain the reign
ing grand duke of the grand duchy.
The next heir to the Dutch throne Is
Prince Henry XXXII of the younger branch
of the Reuse family. eH is 24 years of
age and a lieutenant In the eGrman navy.
Have No Legislative Power latll
After the Formal Transfer ot
HAVANA, May 6. The Cuban senate and
house ot representatives resssembled at
noon today in the palace.
Governor General Wood made an address
wishing the legislators success in tbe work
they wire about to enter upon. He In
formed them that no legislative power
would be vested la congress until after
the formal transfer ot the government.
Their work now waa to paae upon creden
tial and to inform the military govern
ment officially who had been selected pres
ident and vice president and senators and
members of tbe house of representatives.
Ths senators met In the Palaclo Zgundo
and the representatives In tbe Comman
dancta General de la Marina building.
Herr Frledel, Member of the German
Helchatag, One of the
LEIPSIC. Germany. May B. 8hortly after
the express train left here tbl morning
tor Berlin an axle of tbe tender broke. The
train wa derailed, and Herr Frledel, a
member of the Relchatag, and two other
person were killed and six othsr injured.
Government to Esplnto Crime.
PEKIN, May 5. The fear that the mur
der of the French priest at Chen Teng Fu,
Cht Li province, will retard the restoration
ot Tien Tsln to tbe Chinese is leading ths
government here to make strenuous exer
tions to sxplate the crime. An edict Just
published commands that Indemnity be paid
and that responsible Chinese officials be
punished. Letters have been sent to the
foreign minister assuring them that the
uprising In Chi LI will speedily be quelled.
Money for the Committee.
BERLIN. May 5. The Reichstag today
adopted what la dubbed tbe "tariff com
mittee's pocket-money" bill. The radicals
and social democrats voted with the mi
nority. The measure authorise the pay
ment ef 1.400 mark to each member of the
tariff committee.
More Water Car Testimony.
WASHINGTON. May t. The senate Phil
ippine committee heard Daniel i. Evans,
formerly a private In the Twelfth Infantry,
who testified to seeing the water cur ad
ministered to two Insurgent In northern
Luson to compel thea to give Information
concerning concealed arms. The informa
tion waa obtained. He said he saw Pri
vate Frank Koehler et the regiment strike
a water cure victim la the stomach forty
times. Aside from tk water cure, the
prisoner were treated humanely by the
United Slate oldlr. The committee
decided to eummoa Koehler aad adjourned
uxuu tomorrow.
Senator Allison Expressee Opinion Cuban
and Philippine Bill Will Be Pawed.
Supreme Court Appoints Referee In
Dlspated Boundary Case Be
tween Mlssowrl aad
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. May 5. (Special Tele
gramsSenator Allison, speaking today of
rumor In circulation that the reciprocity
bill for tbe relief of Cuba wa dead, said:
"The Philippine bill and the Cuban reci
procity measure must he passed by the re
publican party. We not only owe it to our
elve. but to countries that are vitally
Interested. The Cubsn reciprocity meas
ure Is not dead and I confidently expect it
to be enacted Into legislation that will be
beneficial to the island. The republicans
from this en propose to meet the chsrges
of tbe democrat with fact In relation to
the Philippine and we'll aggressively de
fend the men in tbe field."
General C. F. Manderson of Omaha la
expected to arrive In Washington tomorrow.
In all probabilities to appesr before the
senate subcommittee on relations with Cuba
charged with the Investigation of the condi
tions In that Island In relation to sugar.
General Manderson has been the attorney
for the beet sugar producers aad is said
to have made a very exbauetive study of
that question. Chairman Piatt of the sub
committee stated today that he had no
knowledge of General Manderson' appear
ance before the committee, but thought
that if the testimony waa desirable that
undoubtedly Senator Teller would ask that
he be called In opposition to testimony
given by Mr. Havemeyer.
Holds the Bondsmen.
The eupreme court in the case of Lu
clen Woodruff and others against the
Northwestera Life Insurance Company,
which was presented to the court eome
weeks ago by John M. Baldwin on behalf
of the plaintiff In error and by Howard
Kennedy, Jr., on behalf of the Insurance
company, today answered a question that
was referred to it by the circuit court of
appeals for the Eighth circuit, by stating
that tbe obligee in a bond which super
sedes an order confirming a sale of real
estate and directing Immediate execution of
a deed and delivery of possession thereof
to purchsser is entitled after the order has
been affirmed on appeal to recover a dam
ages for breach of obligation of bond,
rejjta and profits of the real estate during
tbe time the purchaser is kept out ot pos
session and use of the real estate by super
sedes bond and appeal la which It was al
lowed. Referees In State Boundary.
The supreme court also appointed today
Messrs. Hallett and Halliburton to Lake tes
timony and report findings of fact in the
disputed boundary case ot Missouri against
Albert Haslett. who has been annotated
on the part of Nebraska, la a well known
cttlsen of Bea'rlce,
Senator Mllisrd today, as hu been an
ticipated since it was announced that
John R. Hay of Norfolk would not be
a candidate for re-nomlnatlon to ohm
from the Third district, recommended that
gentleman to be postmaster at Norfolk,
vice Phil F. Spree her. The aenator also
recommended tbe reappointment of L. W.
Morgan aa postmaster at Fullerton. This
action was taken upon the personal recom
mendation of ex-Assistant Secretary of War
George D. Metklejeba, who secured Mr.
Morgan's appointment originally.
Recommendations for Land Oftlces.
Senators Dietrich and Millard Jointly to
day recommended the re-appolntment of F.
H. Young as receiver and Frank White
head aa register of the land office at Broken
Bow, tbe terms of these two gentlemen ex
piring on May 25.
Senator Millard, at the Instsnce of Post
master Crow, baa taken up the matter of
an additional substation in Omaha, to be
located la Clifton Hill. Petitions from the
Country club and Institute for the Deaf and
Dumb accompanied Mr. Crow "a letter, ask
ing for this action. The senator will do
all he possibly can to bring thla about, but
he Is afraid that he ha about exhausted
tbe number of substations In Omaha, In
view of hie having secured twelve new sub
stations a few day ago.
Roifkid Bill Passes Senate.
. The bill to ratify the agreement with
the Sioux Indian of Roeebud reservation
in South Dakota and throwing open a por
tion of the reservation to homestead entry
passed the senate today. Senator Teller's
amendment providing that no person tak
ing a homestead under the provision of
the act shall be allowed to commute was
carried on a yea and nay vote by 35 to 13,
After the adoption ot Senator Teller's
amendment. Senator Gamble had the bill
amended by striking out the price of the
lands which In the original bill waa fixed
at $3.50 per acre. In order that It might
conform to the amendment ef Senator Tel
ler. The bill baa been in active debate
for five day and took on a very much wider
consideration than the eenatora from South
Dakota had anticipated. It la somewhat
doubtful whether this fsature of the bill
will be accepted by the house, but now
that It ha passed the senate It will prop
erly be a subject for conference and tbe
senators from 8outh Dakota are hopeful
that something satisfactory to Intending
settler will come out of the conference
should the bill In Its present form be de
tested In the houae.
Wlllla J. Vandeventer ot Wyoming, as
sistant attorney general for the Interior
department, la greatly elated over the de
cision of tbe supreme court In a Minnesota
case, which was handed down today. Mr.
Vaadeventer made a brief in the case and
also submitted aa oral argumeat when
the case was before the court. The out
come of this Important litigation has re
vived the report that Secretary Hitchcock
will soon retire and that he will b auo
ceeded by Judge Vandeventer. The latter
atande very high in the estimation ot Presi
dent Roosevelt, who ha had Judu Vande.
venter' nam under consideration for soma
tlm In the event of a vacancy In the in
terior portfolio aad if a cabinet change I
mad soon Vandeventer I regarded ae cer
tain of being selected to eucoead Hitch
cock. Charlea J. Greene of Omaha te a gueat
at the New Wtllard. Mr. Greene la In Wash
ington oa matter before the Interior de
partment and also to look after aome caees
la the supreme court.
Congressman R. O. Cousins returaed te
Washington this evening from hie home la
Iowa, where he went to attend tbe congres
sional convention, which ha given hint a
unanimous reaemlnatloa.
Chalrmea Hepburn ot the Interstate aad
foreign commerce committee of the house
sCsted today that bia committee) would la
til probability tske up the Omaha Bridge
ft Terminal company's Mil In a very short
time and have it reported, a he understood
all opposition to the measure bad been
withdrawn. '
Major lloll Come to Omaha.
Major John A. Hurt has been re
lieved from duty as Julie advocate gen
eral of tbe Department of California and
ordered to Omaha for duty as Judge ad
vocate of the Department of the Missouri.
Postmasters appointed! Nebraska, A. J.
McDougall. Oconne, Platte county, vice W.
S. Muddock, removed. Iowa, J. W. Plcbner,
Case. Johnson county; C. W. Mesns, Rlggs,
Clinton county.
The comptroller of the currency has ap
proved the First National bank of Lin
coln and the National Park bank of New
Tork as reserve agents for the First Na
tional bank of Scotts Bluff. Neb., also the
Continental National bank ot Chicago for
the First National bank of Flandreau,
8. D.
Rural free delivery service will be estab
lished In Iowa on July 1 aa follows: At
Danville, Des Moines county, one additional
route; area covered, eighteen aquare miles.
At Latty, Des Molnea county,' one route;
area, twenty-tour square mils. At Me
dispells, Des Moines coonty, 'three addi
tional routes; area, sixty-nine and a halt
square miles. At MIddleton, DcMoIne
county, one route; area, twenty square
miles. At Mount Union, Henry county, one
route; area, twenty-four square miles. At
New London, Henry county, three addi
tional routee; area, forty-four square miles.
At Oakvllle, Louisa county, one route;
area, twenty-one square miles. At Roscoe,
Des Moines county, one route; area, four
teen and a half square miles. At Yar
mouth, Des Moines county, one route;
area, twenty-one square miles. Postofflces
at Lowell, Kossuth, Augusta, Des Moines
county, and Pleasant Grove, Henry county,
are to be supplied by rural carrier, and
postofflces at Northfield, Huron and King
ston, Des Moines county, will be discon
tinued. The postolfice at Haxel Green, Delaware
county, la., baa been discontinued.
Thomas F. Murphy ot Beatrice, Neb., haa
been admitted to practice before the In
terior department.
The postmaster general has ordered the
postmaster at Holdrege, Neb., to accept
tbe proposition of B. McElhinney to lease
the present postofDce quarter.
Adjusting Postal Salaries.
In tbe annual adjustment of postmasters
salaries the following changes have been
made in Iowa: Earlham, Esthervllle, Fay
ette, Increased $200 each; Akron, Alden,
Algona,' Alton, Ames, Arlington, Aurella,
Bedford Belle Plalne, Belmond, Bonaparte,
Charles City, Clarion, Clinton, Colfax, Corn
ing, Council Bluffs, DeWitt, Dows, Dysart,
Eldora, Extra, Fonda, increased $100 each;
Avoca, Charter Oak, Dyeravllle, Farming
ton, decreased $100 each; Corwlth, de
creased $200. '
Fred J. Rutbowskl of Custer, S. D., waa
today appointed clerk in the Rapid City,
S. D., land office.
Mrs. Annie P. Eager of Flandreau. S. D.,
has been appointed laundress at th Seneca
Indian school, Indian Territory.
Tbe following national bank have been
designated aa government depositories to
the amount of $50,000: Nebraska, City Na
tlonal of Lincoln; Iowa, First National of
Davenport National Bank of Decorah, Cltt
sens' National of Cedar 'Falls, City Na
tional-of .Clinton, low "Nv.ional of Ot-
tumwa and Shenandoah National of fihen
Otey of Virginia Follow Camming
of New York to Great
WASHINGTON, Msy 6. Two desk were
draped In black and covered with flowers
when the house met today.
One was the old familiar place occupied
by Representative Amos J. Cumminga,
wboee public funeral was held In the house
yesterday, and the other wa that of Rep
resentative Peter J. Otey of Virginia, whose
death occurred at Lynchburg yesterday.
Dr. Couden, tbe chaplain. In his Invoca
tion dwelt upon the double aflllctloa that
had come upon the bouse and prayed for
the family and friends of Mr. Otey.
An urgency resolution making an addi
tional appropriation of $10,000 for the ex
penses Incident to the dedication ot the
statue ot Marah&l de Rochambeau was
Mr. Jonea of Virginia then announced the
death of Mr. Otey and offered the customary
resolutions of regret. In accordance with
the terms of ths resolutions the speaker
appointed the following committee to at
tend the funeral: Messrs. Johnson, Swan-
son, Rlxey, Hay, Lamb, Rbea and Flood
ot Virginia, Hepburn of Iowa, Meyer of
Louisiana, Jenkins of Wisconsin, Lanham
of Texas, Olmstead of Pennsylvania, De
Armond of Missouri and McCall of Massa
Then at 12:15, a a further mark of re
spect, tbe bouse adjourned.
Joseph H. Gilder Become Dlspntcb
Agent and Frank Wsdiworlh
an Embassy Secretary.
WASHINGTON. Msy 5. It was announced
at the State department that Joseph H.
Glider, a relative ot Richard Watson Glider
of New York, has been appointed United
Statee dispatch agent at London, filling the
vacancy caused by the death of B. F. Ste
The London dispatch agent handle all
the official mall of this government going
to and coming from Europe, Asia and
Africa, and the agency Is the recognised
rendesvous for army, naval, diplomatic and
consular officers enroute.
Frank Wadswortb of New York has been
appointed to succeed William Corcoran
Euatla aa third aecretary of tbe United
States embassy at London. Mr. Eustls'
resignation takea effect July 1.
Chinese to Be Deported.
WASHINGTON. May 6. The chief Justice
ef the United Statee supreme court today
rendered opinions in two test cases af
fectlng the transit of Chinamen through
the United States to other countries, sus
taining the governmental authorities in
having them detained at San- Franslsco.
There are said to be forty or fifty Chinamen
who have beea tbua detained in Ban Fran
claco for the last four or five months aad
who havs been very restless under the re
straint. The result of the decision will be
the deportation to China of Uie Chines de
Hluaarl'Psltnaittr illMhl
ALBANY. Mo., Msy f -George W. 8hoe-
by the sheriff today, charged with tor
notes ana noni wu iu ecnuoi runa.
Information filed by the prosecuting
term Destroys Mission Henaee,
ABILENE. Kan., May I. A cablegram
from Calcutta, India, says that all the
mission houses occupied by the Kansas
ntMlonartee there were destroyed by last
weeaVa slunu. The KsJiaaoa escaped.
Drouth it Broken fcj Generous Downfvrfr In
Moet Boctiona of State. " nr. nee.
n a. m Ri 1 p. m Bit
" A a. m. Rt 3 p. ni
M a. m ...... nri p. m '
" n. m Ml p. m ..... .
Reports from Kansas Indicate that 1" a. m fill p. nt ......
, ... ... II t, BT T p. m ..... . Bl
Rnln Extended Across that State ,a m RH m p, m Hi
aad Into Oklahoma and t p. m B'
Indian Territory.
From all over the atate of Nebraska,
Iowa, Kansas and aurroundlng territory
come sounds ot rejoicing. Tbey are send
ing In reports from every section of tbe
state that the precipitation ha varied from
one-half Inch to an Inch and a half. In
Omaha yesterday the record waa .69 of an
And the best of it all is that tbe rain
wa of that gentle, persistent kind that
sinks into the ground without wsshlng tbe
soil. It will bring tbe corn up with a
Jump and tbe winter wbeat and small grain
that had suffered some will recuperate ma
terially. It was the first real "soaker"
of tbe year.
Relieve the Farmers.
OSCEOLA, Neb.. May S. (Special.) The
long-hoped-for rain came to this vicinity
Sunday and today. Tbe downpour has re
lieved the anxiety of the farmer who were
agitated over crop condition.
SCHUYLER, Neb., May 6. (Special Tele
gram.) The cooler weather of Sunday waa
followed by a rainfall, beginning at noon
today, of three-quarter of an Inch.
LAUREL, Neb., May 5. (Special Tele
gram.) A drenching rain commenced to
fall at 1 o'clock thla afternoon and the
ground is thoroughly soaked. Grain, grasses
and all vegetables are in a flourishing con
dition. Tbe new waterworks plant is now
completed and operates effectively In a
trial of its force. Laurel hss organized
a Business Men' association and a Build
ing and Loan company are one of its first
ASHLAND, Neb., May 6. (Special.) The
first soaking rain In over a month fell here
yesterday and todsy. The gauge at the B.
t M. depot registered .30 of an Inch this
moralng and It la still raining this after
noon. There has been a drouth here dur
ing the month of April, only .94 of an inch
falling, according to reports from Dr.
Mansfelde's observatory. The rain comes
at a time moet needed for light garden
truck and early small grain.
COLUMBUS, Neb., May 5. (Special.)
One-third of aa inch of rain fell Sunday
and at noon today it is beginning to rain
, Harvard Rain Aldu.
HARVARD, Neb., May 5. (Special.)
Vegetation was greatly refreshed Sunday
and today by a rainfall of .58 of an Inch.
While continued dry weather aad hard
winds have materially dsmaged many fields
et winter wbeat, with favorable conditions
from this till harvest time, a fairly good
average yield may reasonably be expected.
A comparison ot rainfall for the first four
months of the year 1901 and this aa fur
nlshecfTpWeather Observer Fleming, are
aa fSlV . Tpr tbe year 1901, January, .21;
of an IncMLFebruary, .70; March aad April,
L85. Thlar, January gave -.70; Febru
ary. -'5; March t Inch and April .2.
DAVID CITY. Neb., May 6. (Special.)
After weeks of high winds and dust, rain
fell in David City and ail Butler county
yesterday to the extent of one-half inob.
The rain came steady, unaccompanied by
wind. The Indications for more rain this
afternoon are encouraging.
FAIRBURY, Neb., May 6. (Special.)
sixteen-hundredth of an Inch of rain fell
yesterday, and as much mor today, with
good prospect ot continuance. Wheat wss
damaged by the dry weather, but this
downpour will greatly benefit, it.
Tork Soil Saturated.
YORK, Neb.. May B. (Special.) Heavy
rain fell yesterday, drenching York county
thoroughly. Today rain la falling and in
dications are that It will rain all day.
The Importance of rain here has been
severely felt.
TALMAGE, Neb., May 6. (Special.)
Everybody in this part of Otoe county s
rejoicing over the fine rain which began
Sunday and still continues. 8o far, little
or no damage has been done to crops. All
small grain la dolag well. Some corn haa
been planted and will be up in a few days.
The ground Is thoroughly soaked.
STRANG, Neb.. May 6. (Special.) This
vicinity wa visited by rain Sunday and
.43 of an inch of water fell. About 9 o'clock
Monday morning another shower began and
It looks as though It would last the rest
of the dsy.
CHARLESTON, Neb., May 5. (Special.)
Charleston was supplied with a lona-felt
Want yesterday and today by receiving an
Inch of rain.
Halnlnsi nt Cedar Creek.
CEDAR CREEK. Neb., May (.(Special
Telegram.) A good rain fell here Saturday
night and Sunday and it Is still raining.
The farmers are feeling Jubllsnt.
BEATRICE, Neb.. May 6. (Special Tele
gram.) Rain began falling here thla morn
ing and has continued without abatement
moet of the day. About an inch of water
has fallen. Crops of all kinds will bs
greatly benefited a a result.
TECUMSEH, Neb., May S. (Special.)
Johnaon county was visited by a consid
erable fall of rain during Saturday night
and Sunday. Tbe wheat, which ha suffered
some from drouth, la benefited, a is oats,
gardens, etc., and the awful dust storm
which prevailed tor several day Is put to
an end.
CLAY CENTER, Neb., May 6. (Speclal.i
The first rain of any consequence to this
section of country since the first part ot
March fell Sunday and Indications ars for
more. Wheat has suffered much, but this
rein will be beneficial to th crop.
CULBERTSON, Neb.. May 8. (Special. )
This section waa visited by a little over
half an inch ot rain Saturday night. Fall
wheat ie looking better than In years. A
large acreage of sugar beet I being
planted under the numerous ditches In this
Over Two Iachee at Wlleos.
WILCOX. Neb.. May I. (Special.) This
country waa blessed wl'h over two Inches ot
rain Sunday, which put th winter wheat
In excellent condition. The acreage ia very
large, at least 70 per cent of the tillable
land waa sown In wheat last tall, and with
present prospects this country will harvest
ths blggeet crop In Its history.
RED CLOUD. Neb.. May (.(Special.)
The long drouth in this section was rs
lieved this moralng by one-half inch of
rainfall. Indications are favorable tor more
ot the welcome moisture.
8HELTON. Nsb.. May I. (Special.) A
Dice rata fell her 8unday. Dark cloud
gathered la the southwest aad tbe wind
changed to that direction from tbe north
east and Sunday morning rala begaa fall'
log and haa continued all the forenoon.
Thla is the most moisture which haa fallen
since the early part of April and tbe ground
(Continued oa Second Pace.)
Forecast for Neraeks Fair In
Showers In South Portion.
Temperature nt Omabn leslerilnyt
Distinguished Trelate Passe Away
Only Few Hoars After Is
suance of Hopttul Bulletins.
NEW YORK. Msy 6. Archbishop Corrl
yan died at 11:05 tonight. His death was
a great surprise. The last bulletin Issued
during tbe dsy gave substantial hopes of
improvement and up to 10:30 there was no
sign of collapse.
Doctor Shoots Detective and Kills
Himself In Order to Escape
LOS ANGELES. May 5. In a fierce bat
tle with a detective late this afternoon
Dr. 'E. W. Aldrlch of Chicago wa killed
end City Detective Hawley seriously
Tbe fight occurred at the offices of Dr.
Aldrlch In the Hotel Savoy, at Fourth and
Broadway. Captain ot Detectlvee Bradish,
City Detective Hawley and a reporter went
to Dr. Aldrich' offices to serve requisition
papers which the governor had granted on
the request of the governor of Illinois for
the return of Aldrlch to Chicago, where
he wa wanted to answer charges of per
jury and bigamy. When the officers en
tered the room Detective Hawley imme
diately began reading the document. Aid-
rich stood in th doorway of his private
office. As soon as he realized the purport
of the paper he turned and seized a pistol
on his desk, but before he could level It
at the officers he was seized by Bradish
and Hawler. In the scuffle Aldrich placed
the revolver to Hawley's back and fired.
The bullet entered below tbe shoulder
blade and Imbedded itself In tbe muscles.
Shaking oft the officers, Aldrlch rushed
into his private office, locked the door,
seized a rifle and began firing through the
glass door. One ot the bullets barely
mlsaed tbe reporter and others Imbedded
themselves In the door. Bradish fired
through the door, the bullet striking Ald
rlch two inches below tbe navel, perfor
ating the bowels.
Seeing that he was cornered, Aldrlch
placed the muzzle of tbe rifle to his nos
trils and pulled the trigger. The bullet
entered the brain and he died Instantly.
His self-inflicted wound left not a trace.
Not much is known of Aldrlch in this
city. He came here some time ago and
opened finely furnished office in the Savoy
hotel, where he apparently conducted a
small business.
Dr. Aldrlch hss an unsavory record In
this' city. He came here In th '80 and
opened aa office on Farnam street opposite
the Pax ton, 'hotel, where he conducted aa
illegitimate practice. He professed to be a
Christian gentleman, held membership in
the church and made himself conspicuous
by liberal contributions to church work.
His medical practice was of a nature that
brought trouble Into many families and bis
private life was by no means exemplary.
The Bee-exposed his work with tbe result
that be waa driven from town in disgrace.
After he had gone a atone sign which he
had in the sidewalk In front of his office
was overturned by indignant citizen so
that th name on it went Into the dirt.
Score of People Injured and Several
Building; Demolished at
Marlon, Ind.
MARION, Ind., May 6. A building In
South Branson street occupied by Fansler's
drug store. Rowan'a grocery, John Dllday's
saloon, John Darnell' saloon and Hudson
A Otis' restaurant was demolished by
natural gas Just before noon today, injuring
at least a score of people. A number are
badly hurt.
The building was entirely demolished and
the loss will be heavy. Escaping natural
gas. Is supposed to have caused the explo
sion. As far aa known no one was killed out
right, although a search of the ruins is
being made.
A. list of the. Injured Includes: Cash
Fansler, druggist; George Rowsn, grocery
clerk, seriously injured; Dan Darnell, in
jured la tbe back and head, probably fa
tally hurt; John B. Dllday, hurt about th
face; Bampert, a boy, probably fatally
injured; B. L. Stevens, driver of laundry
wagon, leg broken and head badly cut ; Wil
liam Otis, seriously cut; Marlon Oakley,
colored, cut about the head; Lem Sallora,
bartender, cut about the head.
The lose on the buildings will reach
Burglars Thea Tnke Their Time In
Blewlag Open Safe In
CLEVELAND, Msy 6. Three masked and
armed safe cracker blew tbe aafe at the
Lake Shore freight depot, at the foot of
Watson street, early today and secured an
unknown amount of money, thought to be
about $500.
Th robber had a violent atruggle wtth
the night watchman and after overpower
ing him he waa bound and gagged. Then
the men took from him everything he had
before proceeding with the drilling of the
Tbe safe was bsdly wracked. There is
no clew to the robbers.
Waterspout Doe Greet Daninae In
the Vicinity of Aaadarko,
ANADARKO, Okl.. May 6. A report wa
received here this morning of a waterspout
at Foss, a town on the Choctaw railway,
in which It Is said twelve persons were
The Washita river is said to hav risen
ten feet. Anadarko people living ia the
bottoms fronting tbe river are hurrying to
higher ground.
Charges Uwrtr wtth Forgery,
ST. JOUEPH. May L -(Special Telegram.)
-George W. Shoemaker, poetmaeter at
Albany, Mo., a lawyer with a good practice
and one of the most prominent republicans
of the state, was armited today on a
charge of having two years ago forged and
sold a school fund bond fur $1. to a
farmer. The men were then friend, now
they ax enemies. Shoemaker is la chArg
of th aberUZ. U refuse U talk.
General Tederatian Delegate Vote for the
New York Compromise Plan.
Article Provide! Admission bj Unanimous
Consent of Director' Committee.
Nebraska Delegate! Jubilant Over Outcome
of Two Year' Fight.
Mr. C. S. Lollnler, Omaha, aad Mr.
W. II. Bailey, Iowa. Attract At
tention by Their Parts In
Audubon Session.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LOS ANGELES. May (Special Tele
cram.) After a two-year' discussion of
the admission of colored women to th
General Federation of Woman' Clubs, the
antl-colorlst won today, when the sixth
convention voted overwhelmingly to accept
what Is known as tbe compromise amend
ment agreed upon in New York everal
weeks ago. This I considered a victory
bv the southern delegates.
The adjustment of the color question has
taken precedence over everything els to
day snd while the delegations of the mid
dle west were supposed to hav been united
In tbelr support of the substitute com
promise plan favorable to the Massachu
setts faction, expressloni after the decision
Indicated that the malorlty of the women
had aanctloned It In support ot the posit on
tbelr officers had taken, rather than from
any personal sympathy with It and the
majority are Jubilant tonight over the out
come. The Louisiana Turchase memorial I the
next thtng of Interest, owing to the propo
sition that It Includes for permanent Gen
eral Federation headquarter aome place
In the purchase district. And it I expected
that thla aectlon will strongly oppose the
permission of the new charter, which woulif
establish General Federation headquarter
at Washington, D. C.
Nebraska will still stand for the plan
agreed upon at Wayne, pledging her share
to the amount necessary to erect a Jeffer
son monument.
A caoer on the educational value of bird
study presented by Mrs. C. 8. Loblngler
of Omaha at tbe Audubon eexslon this after
noon, reflected credit upon the Nebraska
delegation, while the membership commit
tee's report that Kansas was tbe banner
state, having added over alxty club to the
General Federation in the laat two yr
added further credit to the middle wc
Upon the opening day of the coaven
it was evident that a spirit of tolerar
would rule. There waa abaolutely no bl
terneas In the preliminary talk outside the
convention hall. Thla rooming, as pre
dicted, there wa auppretsed excitement
during tbe . consideration nf the . charter,
which- came up first, and whea Mr. A., O. '
Granger, president nf the Geergla fede--tlon.
moved that sec'lon 2 and t of art c'
II. parts of the proposed amendment, I
considered first, every one knew the battl
was on. When polnta ot order and Interro
gation points -flew thick and fast Mr. Lowe
retired from the chair temporarily, giving
Mrs. Denlson an onnortunltv to preside.
Section 2. which waa considered and finally
adopted, reads:
Sen I. aw Enacted.
From a state where a club Is a member
of th State Federation. It would also he
eligible to the General Federation, If recom
mended by the executive board of the
State Federation, the power of admission
to remain as given In article 11 of the by
laws as follows:
Section 3 of article II, which will come
up tomorrow, should be given now to help
to an understanding of the situation. It
The president shall refer all application
for membership to the committee on mem
bership appointed by the hoard of direc
tors for Its sctlons upon the same. Th
action of the committee on membership
shall be In writing, and a unanimous vote
of the committee shall be required to elect.
In case the committee falls to sgree. the
application shall be referred to tne whole
board, the written vote of two-thn-da of
which shall be necessary to elect to mem
bership. ' The color discussion hss entirety over
shadowed the preetdentlal race today, but
at the same time reports ar flying fast.
There seem to be a feeling that tbe Decker
force are gaining ground. A Colorado
woman stated tonight that twelve states
have already euted tbelr Intention of
voting for her.
Make I p Ticket Today.
At 6 o'clock tomorrow afternoon th nomi
nating committee 1 scheduled to meet lor
the making up of the ticket. Tbe rumor
that Mrs. Denlson ha withdrawn wa
promptly denied by her tonight.
Tbe report of the committee appointed
to secure a national charter, made by Mrs.
Mary Lockwood, called for much dlacua
Ion and entanglement. Tbl committee
wa Instructed to continue the work of
accepting the charter and perfecting It
under the new organization.
Tbe invitation made by Mn. William
Tod Helmuts of New York that tha next
convention be held la that city will. Ilk
the one from Minneapolis, be referred to
the board for action.
Tonight the education session waa a (tar
attraction, with President Dsvld Starr Jor
dan of Leland-Stanrord university as chief
speaker on "The Education ot Women "
A.ldress of Dr. Jordan.
The subject of the higher training of
young women may resolve Itself into three
First shall a girl receive a college edu
cation? Becund Shall she receive the same kind
of a college education as a boy?
Third Shall she be educated In the same
As to the first question: It must depend
on the character of the girl. Precisely so
with ths boy. What we shall do with
either depends on hi or her possibilities.
Tbe parent should not let either boy or
girl enter lire witn any less preparation
than the best they can give.
The hlKheKt product of social evolution Is
the growth of the i Ivlllxed horn, the horn
that only a wise, cultivated and high
minded woman can make. To furnish such
women la one of the worthiest function of
higher education.
Shall w give our girl the sam educa
tion a our boys? Yes and no. If ws
mean an equal degree or breaoth and tnor
oughnesa, an equal tltnens for higher think
ing and acting, yes, let it be the same. If
we mean this: Shall we reach this end by
exactly the same course of studies, then
my answer be no. For the same course of
study will not yield the same results with
different persons. .
in the university of todsy the largest
liberty of choice In Study Is given to the
There la. of course, certsln average dif
ferences between men and women audenu.
Women have often greater sympathy or
greater readiness of memory or apprecia
tion, greater fondness for technique. In
the languagea and literature, often la
uaibemaUc and history, tUey ax louaA to