a THE OMAHA PAILV BEE: MONDAY, MAY 5, 1902. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL (Speculators Witness Qnit Day and PrioM in Grains Ease Off. PROVISIONS GO QUITE THE OPPOSITE Close Five to Ten tents I P. While flears Take Advantage ot Lull In Dealina an' Force Cereal, Down. CHICAGO. May 8. Many bulla chanced their sentiment on the araln situation tooay, and although the traie tor the most Dart was quiet and unimportant, lower prices resulted. At the close July wheat Vaa He lower, July corn Vac oown and July oat Ho lower, provisions were In dependently strong and closed 6c to 7V loo higher. At the outset wheat showed good Strength. Cabiee were Arm and Indicated a generally strong foreign position, especially when tne recent sales to r'rance wove con sidered. 'I here was too much rain north west to permit ot early spring wheat sow ing and the possibility of a retarded spring crop gave the bulls a higher price argu ment. The government reports still showed Karma 4na Nebraska suffering for the want of rain, un these Influences July wheat opened Wilc to '&Hc up at W Tic. Private me-sages, nowe.er, soon begun to arrive telling 04 rains In Kansas, this broke the market lor a time, but the foreign situation brojght another ratiy. Commission houses were on both sides of the market and slightly favored buying. The quiet nature ot the market, however, helped the bears, and when the Kansas rains were considered again they put a selling presaure on the cereal. July fell to 76 c and closed weak, He lower, at ifed Hmc. Receipts, 31 cars, 1 contract; Minne apolis and Uuiuth reported 267 cars, a total for the three points of 2M. against 186 last week and 233 a year ago. Australian ship ments were 12,i.iG bu., compared to 2o.utjO last year. Primary recalpta were 333,000 bu., against 372.oO a year ago. Beaboard clear ances equalled 411.0U0 bu. Corn was again weak, with commission houses selling on excellent crop news as their foundauon. Cables were compara tively firm and the wheat strength upheld corn prices. Conditions In the Jields, how ever, were all that could be desired, and the speculative confidence was badly haken. Holders of long property ail eemed desirous to selt. There was no at tempt made by the leading bull house to support the market and many commission houses were ai'vlalng sales. Kecelvers were reporting more disposition on the part ot country holders to sell their cash corn. Under these Influences prices gradually sagged oft. July, which sold early at b2".o, closed weak, vc down, at tilVfcC. Re ceipts were 146 cars. Oats were djll. with trade over a very narrow range. Crop advices Indicated a fa vorable situation and offerings were rap Idly Incieaslng. The cash situation was Improved and commission houses bought sparingly on this Influence. The market, however, felt the depression In wheat and corn, and July closed easy, c lower, at Stvtc. Receipts, 226 cars. Provisions were strong but quiet, with higher prices for hogs. A few scalpers sold oroducts. but they were readily taken up and prices made good advances. July ork closed 7H4Jue up at w.iori(.iz; uly lard 6c un at J 10. 20. and July ribs bait nigner at .fog.oii. Estimated receipts Monday: Wheat, 25 cars; corn, laO cars; oata, 236 cars; hogs, i2)0 head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Articles. I Open. Hlgh.j Low. Close. Yesy. swheat May July Bept. Corn May July Bept. Oata May July Bept. Pork May . July Bent. Lard May July Sept. Jllbe May July Sept. 7StJ 75' 74 6-Vu'nl 77 I 76t 75 75 764i 764i 75',7o4W so 61 0' 60 604 60-lJI 61 62tTW! 62Vi'4 61fcl 61 42 42 41 42 42 84 4 34 34 4 21ti2BlUJ Strfti 29 IS 90 17 06 16 90 16 90 17 12 1 17 06 17 22 17 15 16 90 17 12 17 17i 10 12' 10 20 10 27 I 17 02 17 U 10 07 10 16 10 25 42 9 50 65 17 12, 10 10 10 15 10 12 10 20 10 27 10 10 10 15 10 22 10 22 9 62 9 65-7 50 I t 67, 9 50 9 bi &7 9 66 I 9 66 No. i. Old. Cash quotations were as follows: KLOL'K Firm; winter patents, f3.9O04.Ou: straights, f3.2txb3.80; clears, $3.iX'Jj3.60; spring specials, f4.2uf4.30; patents, 13. 40 3. W; Straights. 2. WHEAT No. f spring, 7176c; No. 2 red, g3a4c. OATS No. 2, 42c; No. 2 white, 4444c; Ko. 3 white, 43fe44c. RTE No. 2, 5hc. BARLEY Fair to choice malting, 6S Hc. SEED No. I flax, 11.87; No. 1 northwest ern, (1.78; prime timothy, 17.257.35; clover, contract grade, f.35. PROVISIONS Mesa pork, per bbl., $16.95 6317.00. Lard, per 100 lbs., $10.110.17. Bhort ribs sides (loose), 19 SoojO tju. Dry salted shoulders (boxed), r7.75i3S.OO. Short Clear sides (boxed), fl0.10tffl0.20. WHIBKY On basis of high wines, 11.30 The following were th, receipts and ship tnents ysterdy: Articles. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls. 18,000 9,000 Wheat, bu 42,000 202,(W Corn, bu . 163,000 35,000 Cata. bu 241,000 167.000 Jtye. bu 2,iO 62.0"0 parley, bu 21,000 1,000 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market waa steady; creameries, 17 lc; dairies. 17420c. Cheese, steady, 12 lic. ggs, steady; fresh. 15o. HEW YORK GKXEHaL MARKET. Pl.otatlo.s of Us Day o Varlo.s Commodities. NEW YORK. May $.-FLOUR Receipts, fl.bbs bbls.; exports, 11.715 bbls.; sales, f.&U pkgs. 1 ne maraei was quid uut 111 in; winter straights, 63.70ft3.sO; Minnesota pat ents, WW-t.ll; winter extras, f3.103.15; Minnesota bakers, f3.0OQ3.30; winter low Kades, f2.903.1a. Rya flour, quiet; aales, t bbls.; fair to good, $3.15Q3.40; choice to fancy, fa.ryt.ei. COKN MEAL Steady; yellow western, tl.SO; city. II. at; Urandywlne, f3603.55. H YE Easy; No. 2 western. 63c, f. o. b.. Afloat; slate, Sltiic, c. I. f., New York csr- lBARLEY-Dull; feeding. 6468c, c. i f.. Ktw York; malting, 6;T3c, c. I. t.. New York. WHEAT Recelpta, 193,060 bu.; exports, BS.4&3 bu.; sales, sio.000 bu. futures, 24.UO bu. spot. Spot, steady; No. 1 red, $0c, elevator; No. red. 92c. nominal, f. o. b.. afloat; No. i northern Duluth, 86c. f. o. b., afloat; No. J hard Manitoba, KSVtC afloat. Opened firm and a shade higher, being Influenced by dry k annas weather and strength In the northwest, but efforts to take profits re vealed little good support and weakness ensued. Near the close prices rallied on a forecast for dry weather In Kansas and left off c net higher. May. glsfiSlUc, closed at 81c; July, tl lS-io2c. closed at Uc; Septemter, JijU ic closed at give; December, 82(8K2c. closed at 82c. CORN Receipts. U,iM bu.; exports, 40 tu. ; aales, 70.000 bu. Spot, steady; No. f, 814c,. elevator, and 69c, f. o. b., afloat. The option market opened steady with wheat and then yielded to bearish crop news, fair receipts, lower cablea and unloading. The market finally rallied with wheat and closed about steady at Qc net derllna May closed at 7c; July, 60V44jS7c, closed at ttic; September, 6tft'r6c. closed at SoV.a OATS Receipts. 163,100 bu. Spot, quiet; No. 1, 47c: No. J, 46c; No. f white. 62c; No. 3 whit.i, 61c; track mixed western. 47(a4Sc; track white western, bu-d&c; track white state, b0ti&c. Options were dull aud lower becauae of favorable crop reports. FEED Dull; spring bran. $17.75; mid dlings. l.0uozl 50, winter bran, $20.00(321.00; city. tU.DO. 11 AY pull; shipping, 65lfJ6&c; good to HOPS Quiet ; state, common to choice, crop. lbVu2)c; 1900. 13'ijUc; olds, 4S6c. I'aclflc coast. 1901 crop, 1(j1bc; 1900. lid 14c; olds, 4;i 1 tic. HIDES firm 1 Galveston. to 25 lbs. ISc; California, tl to 26 lbs., 18c; Texas ary, si tj jv iu., uc. LEATHER Quiet; acid, 14i?c. WOOL-Qulet; domestic fleece, 1Mj29c. i iku loiuna-Awi, nrm; family, SIS; mess, fl3; beef hams, $21.004722.00; packet. , $16; city extra India mess. $23.wjtr24 (10. Cut meats, firm: pickled bellies. lu43'llc; pickled shoulders. eVofBic; pickled hams. J1lil2c. Lard, steady: western steamed. 110.00; May closed Slow, nominal; refined, nrm: continent. I1D 7v: South America $1110: compound, $S.0O3.i.. Pork, firm; family. $1 001 10.50; short clear, $lf.60fi21.0u; In 'Jt.'-ll la. BUTTER Firm: creamery. tOtfjnc; fac tory, 17u"o; renovated. IKfj2lc; Imitation creamery. lif:'lc; slate daily, 19vcT21c. CHEESE Firm: slate full creams, small early make, fancy colored and white, Lyf 144c; tun creams, larae lail maaa, fancy culo red and white. 12uHVc. METALS The local metal markets were steady, but prices unchanged. With the foreisn market closed, there was no special Inoemlve to do bualneas here. Tin waa quoted at $-' tuff? 6U for spot, Copuer was (tUOiaei si u.vvtiu.w og sisuuaiu, spot; lake, til. 20: electrolytic. $11; casting, $11.S7 61162. Lead stood at f4.12 and spelter at $4 42. Iron remained steady to firm, but not active. EOO8 Steady; state and Pennsylvania, 17gil7c; western, at mark, 16ijjl-; southern, at mark, is4ilftc. TALLOW Steady; city W per pkg.), M.C; country (pkgs. free), 6(g6c. RICE f'lrm; domestic, 4c; Japan. 4 6c. MOLAP8ES Firm; New Orleans, open kettle, good to choice, S3(r41c SEW YORK STOCKS A!D BONDS. Threatening; Break at Opening- Offset by Strong; Close. NEW YORK, May S. The net changes In today's stock market show little of the feverish and nervous experience during the two hours' trading. hen the market closed yesterday there was little realising of the nature of the financial troubles re flected In the collapse yesterday of the so called Webb group of stocks on the Stock exchange and In the curb market. Today opportunity had been given to make provision to avert the threatened failures and to provide for support in the stork market. The fact that no stocks are deliverable on Saturday under contracts, according to Stork exchange rules and that loans made on Friday carry over to Mon day, helped the efforts to avoid trouble. There was a threatening break In prices at the opening ot the stock market. In spite of a strong upward movement In Louisville & Nashville and Pennsylvania. These advances were lost, however, and the supporting orders at weak polnta were found necessary to check Indiscriminate liquidation. When St. Paul waa selling in loo-share lot, at 170 there were bids In the market for 1,000 shares at 170. The centralized buying was not followed up when It was seen that the selling was checked. After the bank statement ap peared the buying was renewed In a mora aggressive manner and the market de veloped a fairly buoyant tone, with the closing active and strong. Earlier losses were generally wiped out and net gains were quite common at the close. Of the stocks supposed to be Immediately concerned In the disturbance Rutland pre ferred fluctuated between 103 and 99, with the last sale at 100, compared with 102 last night. St. Lawrence & Adirondack waa variously quoted at 60 bid, 120 asked, at 75 bid and 120 asked, with the closing quoted quotation 60 bid and 100 asked. The Increase In cash shown br the banks was a total surprise, aa the heavy sub treasury absorption during the week Indi cated a loss of upward of $3,000,000. The re lief thus afforded was a welcome one, In view of the loan expansion of upward of $10,000,000. The sharp liquidation In the stock market. It Is hoped, has served to re lieve the tension of the money situation, al though an active money market is ex pected next week. The bond market has been affected by the late weakness In stocks and prices were In sympathy. United State, new 4s, regis tered, declined and the new 4s, coupon. per cent, as compared with the closing The following are the closing prices oa the New York Stock exchange: At-hlaon 7k1 80. Kallwar i do Dfd 7i do Btd at. Baltimore a 0 Texas a Pacific 4lv do ptd Canadian Pacific... Canada 80 Chra. A Ohio Chicago A A do pfd Chicago, lnd. A L. do pfd ijoiruo. Bl. 1- at w 11 .12SS! do ptd Si Union Pacific. . ia .I02H . 17 H . . 4i 11 H . H . 47 .200 .11 .200 . tf.V . I0H . 9 . RV, . M . 44 ! do pfd Wabash 764 IV do prd.... Wheeling A L. B. do 2d ptd Wla. Central do pfd Chicago A E. Ill lit Chicago A O. W.... J71aj do lat pro i... 7S Adams Ex. do 2d pfd 4v American Ex.. Chicago A N. W Ml it. 8. Ej... k", B- -------J,Welln-rarBo Ex. -'"il 1 wr, m ir.i iv do pfd J7 C. C. C. A St. L....1M4 Colorado 80 29 do lat prd 7: do 2d pfd 49Vi Dal. A Hurt too 176't Amal. Copper .. Amer. Car A F. do pfd Anr. Lin. Oil. do pfd Amer. 8. A R.. do rjfd Del. L. A W. . Anaconda Mln. Co. .11.1 Danrtr A R. O.... do pfd Erie do lit pfd do 2d pfd Great Nor. pfd.... Hocking Valley .. do pfd Illinois Central .... Iowa Central do pfd Laks Erie A W.... do pfd L. A N Manhattan L Met. 8t. Rjr Max. Central Mi. National .... Minn. A St. L Mo. Pacific, M.. K. A T do pfd N. J. Central .... N. Y. Central .... Norfolk A W do ptd Ontario A W Pennsjrlranla Heading do lat pfd do td pfd St. L. A S. r do lat pfd do 2d pfd St. L. South do pfd 8t. Paul do pfd Re. Pacini , Offered. 4 Brooklyn R. T (6 0H Colo. Fuel A 1 102V silicon. Oaa 2i4, vCon. Tobacco pfd....ll MHIOen. Electrlo ..124 . .Hi Hocklnx Coal .. 11 .. 20 .. 74 .. to :. w .. HH ..ira .. 4 .. S4 .. (6 ..13a ..lMi ..113 ..iroV .. a H .. 11 ..111 Inter. Paper . do pfd Inter. Power Lacld Oaa. u National Blacult 4 """ 1 National Salt 20 do pfd No. American .... PacISi Coast , Pacific Mali Peopie'a Qas Preiaed 8. Car .... do pfd Pullman P. Car.... Republic Btael .... do pfd Sugar Tenq. Coal A I.... Unloa Bag A P.... do pfd V. 8. Leather .... do pfd U. 8. Rubber do pfd V. 8. Steal do pfd Weatern Union ... Amer. Locomo..... do pfd K. C. Southern.... do pfd . .124V . T . 41 .103 . 44 . St .230 . la . TJ4 .1174 . . 16 . 14 . 4 . aj . 14 . (84 . 41 . 1 . tl . SI . . Us . . . B2' ..190 ..153H .. UH .. 8 ..169 .. MS .. 70 .. 7 .. 834 .. 72 .. 17V, .. it ..1V . .im4 New York Money Market. NEW YORK. May S.-MONEY-On call, nrm at 6 per cent, closing, bid and asked, at per cent; prime mercantile paper, 4S5 per cent. " ' STERLING EXCHANGE Steady, with actual business In bankers' bills mt $4 STti for demand and $4.86 .86 for sixty days; posted rates f4.8K(-o 4.88 and f4.S8(&4.89 commercial bills. t4.S44.854 to. tlrl5?"' 60So: Me'can dollars, 41o. t.ve.d0.Vee.r.n?rent "teadyJ lnac' foTh ,'lo,ln Quotations on bonds ars as U. g. nr. la. res....lOtH I. a. v a. do eouoon do 8a. rs do coupon .... do 4a, reg do coupon .... do old 4a, rag. do coupon .... ..10 do la Ins ..Iu8 Minn. A 8t L. la .187 M . K. A T. a." ..137l do U ...lliklN. Y. Central Is.. UVa do gen. S4a.... ..inn v j V Si .. 31 .104 .1014 . S34 ..1044 .1094 .134 so aa, reg.. do coupon lVNo. Pac'ito 4s...;! Atthlaon gtn. 4a.. uu am 71 . 4 1 N. A W. con. 4a... .101? ,034Raadlng gen. ds.:!.. 00 adj. 4a Baltimore A O. 4a do 34 do conr. 4a Can. Southern 2a.. Central of Oa. ia. . MV st l a 1 u r. : ," ' ..loa .lot .110 . ae st. L. a a r' 1. " iZ7 01. I, south, la., do ta 34 1 do la Ine 8. A. A A. P. So. Pacito 4a l w: . A O. 44a. " . T- racino ta S&w .1084 ww m racinc la 121 , m. at b. r. . 4a.li4 T., Bt. L. 1 W d iaJ r T A flt I. . ia a. . ' ,..0t Ch tea at a Tmr. Am um I - 1174 ..111 .. T ..1H Colorado 80. 4b tt do deb"" Dnvr 4k R. O. 4..104Vi;Wet 0hor 4a. ri prior iivn w..,iiwV)nnMI, La. E rln saaaral la wat UM. ax . 3 "is, vvnirat a j Hocki0-v.ii.r- ;4;:;in uucco M w r f 1st ntui r,.. siv , Boston Stock Qastslleas, BOSTON. May $. Call loan, aoh cent; time loans. 4(&5 per cent Official Livonia v& mw.mm biiu DonQS. Atchlaon 4a loa Adranturs , ,. 114 . 34 .. U ..34 ,.34V .. la .. at4 ..11 .. It ,. 134 Oaa la S7 Allouat Amalgamau4 Bingham Calumet A Hecla. Centannlal Coppar Rang .... Dominion Coal . Franklin lala Royals Mohawk Old Dominion ..." Oaceola Parrot Qulnc " Santa p Copper..' Tamarack Trlnllr "' I'nltad 8ll a. . " Max. Central 4s tt N. E. O. A C ta Atchlaon 7S do pfd 37 Boaton A Albany.. ..141 Baaton A Ha in Boeloa Klavated ....1(44! N. Y . N. H. A H...339 ritrhhurg pfd 144 .. 344 .. 174 rnlon PaclBc 1024 Max. Central 3s A marl can Sugar IS' .. S3 do sfd 11' .. 4 Amerlcaa T. A T....1734 Dominion I. A t44 im .. J4 uen. Elactrlo ....111 ..lie Maaa. elactrlo N. al. O. A C. I'nltad Fruit , V. S. 8taa ... .. 114 .... 414 4 t tan 107 Victoria 4l I Winona 44 do pfd ... 74' WoW.rloe .. 14 .. 434 Westlngb. Common. .loa ilnited Copper" .. at Londov Storla, Market. LONDON. Mav 1 4 n. m rl.i.. Cone., money.. M 1J-U Norfolk A West. IS do account 96 do pfd tl Anaconda Mi! Ontario & Weat.. M Atchison fo Pennsylvania .... 7 do pfd liM) IReadlng 2 Baltimore A ffc ..liwli i- r.t A .? Canadian Pac....l2t' do Jd pfd!'.!'.I! ts Ches. A Ohio 4'Southern Ry $SV Chimin 3 W...S7 I Ar. C.. M. A 8t. V 174 'Southern "pac"" f7, Denver a u. u.. 43 Union Pacrflo 1041 do pfd 93 do pfd SO Erie $ U. 8. Steel 414 do lat pfd 7i do pfd V do 2d pfd 66 Wabash 2 Illinois rVnlral 1h;V I An r.lA aa, Ixula. A Nash. ..13714 Spanish 4s"!'.",'.'. 78 M . K A T..,,,, 2SiHand Mines 11 do pfd nSIDeBeer 44 4. 1. V rniiu.... 1 w y BAR SILVER bull; M Hd per ounce, iinvvv fc'. 'I.. ... - j. ........... - a i,w imio ui tin- ennnt In tnm nnn m a r u at ti.tr hAlk .. k. and three-months' bills Is ihtU- U-lt per VCIIL. 0 Condltloa ef tke Treasury. WASHINGTON. Mav t-Today's state ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the $160,000,000 gold reserve In the division of redemption, shows: Available cash balances, $ls4.UJ,03e; gum. av.ia.iaa. Weekly Bank Statement. NEW YORK. May $ The statement of the associated banks for the week ending todav shows: liana 1904.411600, Increase t M IrfV A. .1 - . n . . . I .i. 1 h.U A.At LinMAkA tl$i$ia,uuva Uulatioa $4,vi,u6, iucrease $7 nm; legal tenders $75.1.0oO, Increase $S7i.Jnn; specie $l.f0,4', lncreas $7M.4O0; reaerven t249,3on.io, Increase fl,433.fo- re serve required $242,147 4"0. Increase $3,410,760; surplus $7.44,0on. decrease $l,77.050. CASH TAKES A BIG JUMP Statement of Associated Banks Shows Week's fiala of About Four Millions. NEW YORK. May $. The New Tork Financier this week says: The official statement of the New York Associated banks last wck showed an In crease of $1,4.13,700 In cajth, Instead of a decrease of $2,601, SoO, as wss estimated from the traceable movement of money during the week. The striking feature of the official state ment was the large Increase of $10.7i.4oO In loans. This may be regarded as surpris ing, considering the fact that there was srood evidence of large eaiilng of loans early In the week. Incident to preparations for the disbursement of May interest and dividends, and considering also that there must be more or less liquidation of loans due to syndicate operations of some magni tude, posslblv resulting In part from the payment during the week of flO.OOO.Oi") for Pennsylvania bonds and of a like amount for Rock Island purchases. The deposits were augmented by $13,w, 000, or $l,44o,lfoO greater than was called for by the Increase In loans snd In cash. The statement was therefore out of harmony. The required reserve was Increased $3,410.70 by the gain In deposits. Deducting there from the Increase In cash, leaves 1.977,060 as the loss In surplus reserve, reducing this Item to $7.4M.OUO; a year ago the sur plus was $10,989.1ii0. The most notable changes In loans were by nine downtown banks, which showed a net gain of $8,800,000. Four of these banks Increased this Item f9.8nO.OilO, while two of the banks Indicate a decrease of f.o"?-"-Two Wall street Institutions gained $3,100,000 in specie, while two others lost f3.600,OiO. The olearlngs of the Associated banks showed an Increase of about t2l.0(O.000. It appears probable that, as was the caae In the prevl'-us week, the cash of the banks waa made up on rising averages, and, more over, the condition of the Institutions should Improve during the current week by reason of the fact that treasury dis bursements for Interest were latge on Fri day last, and payments by banks Into the treasury, on account of retiring circulation for May and also for the return of public deposits, were most likely completed at the end of the week. That the surrender of public montv by depository banks has been Important seems to be Indicated by the fact that the total In all banks were reduced fl.835.41S between April 2 and May 1, Inclusive. A compari son of the deposits In the banks show that Secretary Shaw did not succeed in dis tributing the surplus during April to the extent Intended, the deposits of public money Increasing In that month only f2.13, OnO. The secretary probably will make a strenuous effort to distribute his surplus during this month and may be more suc cessful. Bank Clearings. OMAHA. May . Bank clearings for the week ending today show an Increase of f257.833.lo' over those of the corresponding week of last year. The dally figures read: 1902. 1901. Monday $1,041,115 42 $1,156,705 04 Tuesday 935,135 61 1,047.691 73 Wednesday 1,110,022 67 1,141.168 99 Thursday ". 1,192,498 65 1,076,798 47 Friday 1.280,940 52 1,101,768 90 Saturday 1,269,706 5 1,047,562 86 Totals $6,829,419 62 $6,571,586 49 CHICAGO, May $. Clearings, $30,510,091 balances, $2,980,629; posted exchange, $4.S for sixty days and $4.88 on demand; New York exchange, 30c discount. NEW YORK, May 3. Clearings, $354,068, 777; balances, $13,116,574. BOSTON, Mav 3. Clearings, $25,067,416; balances, $2,460,713. ' BALTIMORE. May S Clearings, $4,084. 605; balances, $697,282. For the week: Clear ings, $23,95,356; balances, $3,403,703. Money, 6 per cent. . PHILADEIjPHIA, May 3. Clearings, $26, 857,424; balances, $2,820,264. For the week: Clearings, $133,140,184; balances, $16,738,184. MsTyi$irMaT$.-Clear.ngs, $8,033,367; balancea, $1,818,442; money, steady, 4fc per cent; New York exchange at par. CINCINNATI. May . Clearings, $2,477. 300; money. 4g6 per cent; New York ex change, U15c premium. Foreign Financial. LONDON, May 8. Gold premiums are quoted as follows: Buenos Ayres. 140.70; Madrid, 36.57; Lisbon, 28.60; Rome, 8.10. Money was more plentiful and less wanted today, as usual at the week end. A mil lion pounds sterling was released by the maturing of London county council bills. Discount rates were thereby made easier. PARIS, May 8. Business was extremely quiet on the bourse today. Russian indus trials were weak. Rentes were dull. Inter nationals were dull and Kaffirs were Inac tive. The private rate of dlacount was 2 per cent. Three per cent rentes, lOlf 12; for the account. Exchange on London, lat 19c for checks. Spanish 4s, 79.45. BERLIN, May 8. Exchange on London, 20m 49 pfgs. for checks. Discount rates: Short DU1S, IVt Per rani, uirce inonioa' hills, lut ner cent. On the bourse today business was dull and unsatisfactory owing to New xork reports. tanaaian j-acincs were conspicuously weak. Locals reacted on realizations. New York Mining (gaotatlona. NEW YORK. May 8. The following are the closing prices on mining stocks; Little Chief Adams Con .. 11 ..32S ..II .. .. .. 13 .. IS Alice Brace Rrunawlek Con.... 4J (0 Ontario Ophlr Phoanlx Potoal Barage Sierra Nevada .. Small Hopaa Standard . 13 . s .145 . 73 .140 . ? . f Comatock Tunnel Con. Cal. A Va... Deadwood Terrs.. Horn Bllvar Iron BUrer Loadvlll Con St. Loals Grain and Provisions.' RT. LOUIS. Mav 8. WHEAT Lower: No. 2 red cash, elevator, 81c; track, 83 84c; May. 78c; July, 74c; BeptemDer, vbc; lo. 2 hard, 77879c. CORN Lower; No. S cash, 64c; track, 65c; May, 62c; July, 62ia2c; Septem ber, oc. OATS Lower; No. 2 cash, 44c; track, 44545c; May, 42c; July. 23c; September, 21k: ; rso. z wmie, wgitnc, KK-nrm at oec. FLOUR Dull: red winter patents. $3.70 $.85; extra fancy and straight, $3.403.50; clear. $3.003.20. eEKD 1 imotny, steaay, ao.wtoo.io. CORNMEAL Steady. $3.15. t BRAN About steady, sacked, 03c. HAY Tlmotny, quiet, easy, iio.uwaiuu; prairie, firm, $12.0014.00. , 1 1 I I O 1." V Q.arfu CI 40 IRON COTTON TIES Steady, $1.05. B AGOING Steady, 5JjJc H F1V1 V Twine ftc PBnvisiONS-lpo'rk. higher: jobblnr. old. $17.60; new. $17.66. Lard, higher, $10.02. Ury salt meats tooxeu, sironsi rna .hnria 19.75: clear ribs. $9.62; short clear. $9 87. Bacon (boxed), atrong; extra shorts, $10.62; clear ribs, $10.60; short clear, $10.76. METALS- L-eau: uuii at J..4Bi4w. Spelter: Firm at $4.12. , POULTRY Steady; chickens, c; turkeys, oVbsc; ducks, tuc; geese, BUTTER Steady; creamery, 1823o; dairy, lj0c EGGS-Steady at 14c. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 6,000 .oi0 Wheat, bu M.000 11.000 rw- h.. 33.000 611.000 rt.. bu M.000 23.000 Liverpool Grain and Provisions. LIVERPOOL. May 8. WHEAT-Spot: No. 1 red western, winter, no stock; No. 1 northern, spring, steady at s 6d; No.: 1 California, quiet at 6s 4d. Futures: Quiet; May. s td; July. 6s ld; Septem ber, 6a $d. . . CORN Spot: Steady; American mixed, new. 5s sdj American mixed, old. 6s fed. Futures: Quiet; July, 6s 2d; October, 6s ltd. PEAS Canadian, firm. 7s, FLOUR St. Louis fancy winter, firm, 8s $d. HOPS At London, Pacific Coast, firm, 3 16a4 16s. PROVISIONS Beef, strong; extra India m.as 100a. Pork, strons: Drlme mess west ern, 76s. Hams, Arm; short cut, 14 to 16 lbs.. 64s. Bacon, firm; Cumberland cut, 2d to 80 lbs., bus; snort rios 10 to zu ins., d.-s 2d; long clear middles, light, 28 to 80 lbs., 6'a; long clear middles, heavy, 36 to 40 lbs., 62s; short clear backs, 1 to 80 lbs., 62a; cleat bellies. 14 to IS lbs., 61s 6d. Shoulders, square. 11 to 13 lbs., firm, 89s d. Lard, firm; prime western. In tierces, 61s 3d; American refined, in palls, 61s. BUTTER Firm; finest United States, 5s. CHEESE Firm; American finest white, 68s; American, nnest colored,. 80s. TALLOW Prime city, firm, $os. Toledo Grata and Seed. TOLEDO. O.. May 8 WHEAT-Pull. weak; caeh. 86c; May, 84o; July, 7kc; September. 78c. . CORN Dull, easier; cash 61 c; May, Jc; July, 2c; September, 1:. OATS-Dull, easier; cash, 424c; May, 48c; SrJEbf'Invar, dull, steady; cash, $612; October, $6 30. Prime timothy, $3.30. PHILADELPHIA, May 8 BUTTER Firm; extra western creamery, 24c; extra nearby prints, the. EG' 5 8 Firm, good demand; fresh nearby, 16ci fresh western, 16o'; fresh south- weatern. injc, CiliLCaib-irUai Haw York tull tvoam. fancy small, 13c; New York full creams, fair to choice, 11312o. OMAHA WHOLES LR MARKETS. Condition of Trade and Qaotatloas an Staple and Fancy Frodaee. EOGS Including new No. S cases, 15c; cases returned, lJc. LIVE POULTRY Chickens, Sc; old roosters, according to age, 44100; turkeys. Hi lie-: ducki and geese, 7ct broilers, per lb.. 25c. BUTTER Packing stock, 16c; choice dalrv. In tubs, Wijc; separator, 22c. FRESH CAUGHT FISH Trout, c; rrapples, 10c; herring, 6c; pickerel, c; pike, 11c; perch, 6c; buffalo, dressed, 7c; sundsh, 6c: bluenns, Rc; whiteflsh, lie; catfish, lit:; black bass, 18c; halibut. 13c; salmon. 16c; haddock. 11c; codfish 12c; red snavoper, 10c; roe shad, each, 60c; shad roe, pei pair, vc; split shad, per lb.. 10c; lobsters, boiled, per lb , 27c; loosters, green, per lb. 25c PIGEONS Live, per doi., 75c, VEAI Choice, ft&a CORN Hoc. (IAT8-4SC. BRAN Per ton. 81 HA Y Prices, quoted by Omaha Wholesale Hay Dealers' association: Choice hay. No. 1 upland, $9; No. 1 medium, f8.50: No. 1 course, $8 Rye straw, I5.50. These prices are for hay of good color and quality. De mand fair. Receipts light. VEGETABLES. SEED POTATOES Per bu., Ohlos, fl.60; Rose, fl .25; Triumphs. $1.15. POTATOES Northern, tL20fil.25; Colo rado, fl 36. GREEN ONIONS Per do., according to size of bunches. 154j2oc. TURNIPS Per bu., 60c. PARSNIPS Per bu- SOc. ASPARAGUS Home grown, per dog., 40 gfyoc. CUCUMBERS Hothouse, per dos., fl 60. SPINACH Home grown, per bu., 76c. LETTUCE Hothouse, pe- doi., 40S45c. PARSLEY Per dox . SOtfSSe. RADISHES Per 001.. tJQZbc; per box, $l.bo. WAX BEANS Florida, per basket, $3. GREEN PEAS Per bu. box, $1.762.00. RHUBARB Home grown, per lb., Afj-40, CABBAGE California, new. 3c. ONIONS Spanish, per crate, $2; Ohlos, per bbl.. $4.50. TOMATOES Florida, per C-basket crate, $3.ifj3.oO. NAVY BEANS Per bu., $2. FRUITS. FIG8 California, new cartons, $1; Im ported, per lb., 12 14c. bTRAWBERRIES Texas, per 24-qt case, $3.50((i'4.00; Ixulslana, per 24-qt. case, $2.25. TROPICA! FRUITS. 1 BANANAS Per bu'ich, according to size, $2.2o&2.75. ORANGES Callfon la navels, fancy, f4; choice, f3.76; budded, $3; Mediterranean sweets, f3.25(f)3.50. LEMONS Fancy, f3.50; choice, f3.25. MISCELLANEOUS. NUTS New crop walnuts. No. 1 soft shell, per lb., 12c; hard shell, per lb., llc; No. 2 soft shell, 10c; No. 2 hard shell, 9c; Brazils, per lb., 14c; Hlberts, per lb., Lie; almonds, soft shell, 16c; hard shell, 15c; pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, Juc; cocoa nuts, per sack, $3.50. HONEY Per 24-sectlon case. t2.753.00. HIDES No. 1 green, 6c; No. 2 green, 6c; No. 1 salted, 7c; No. 2 salted, 6c; No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 12 lbs.. 8c; No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 16 lbs., 6c; dry hides, 812c; sheep pelts, 75c; horse hides, tl.u' .i-.-'o. CIDER Nehawka, per bbl., $3.25; New York. $3.60. POPCORN Per lb.. 6c; shelled. c. Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. May 8. WHEAT Mav. 72c; July, 73c; cash. No. 2 hard. 734jT4c; No. 3. 72i73c; No. 2 red, 7980c. CORN May. 63c; September, 6S(g58c; cash, No. 2 mixed, 65&65c; No. 2 white, 67 (&ti7c; No. 3, 66c. OATS NO. 8 White, 467447C RYE No. 2, 60c. HAY Choice timothy. $15.50(314.00: choice prairie, $13.00. BUTTER-Creamery, 21c ; dairy, fancy, 18c. EGGS Steady; at mark, new No. 2 white. wood cases Included. 14c dox.: cases re turned, 14c. Recelnts. Shlnment Wheat, bu 22.400 1.600 Corn, bu 61.200 36,800 Oats, bu 9,000 3,000 Minneapolis Wheat, Flour and Bran. MINNEAPOLIS. May 8. WHEAT May, 75S75c; July, 76(tf76c; September, 73c; on track, No. 1 hard, 76c; No. 1 northern, 76&'76c; No. 2 northern, 74c. . FLOUR First patents. S3.9ofiM.00: second patents. $3.763.85; first clears, $2.85; second clears. $2.10. BRAN In bulk. $14.00. Dry Goada Market. NEW YORK. May 3. DRY GOODS The market today waa quiet and the amount of business small In the aggregate, owing to the early closing rule which has been generally adopted by the trade. Prices re main Arm and unchanged at previous quo tations. , j Milwaukee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. May 8. WHEAT Market easier; No. 1 northern, 77&7ic; No. 2 northern, 6c. RYE Steady. BARLEY Steady: No. 2. 70c: samDle. 600 70c. CORN July, 6161c. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, May 3.-COTTON-8pot closed aulet kc lower: middling UDlands. 9 9-16c; middling gulflands, 9 1-16c; sales, 303 bales. Futures closed steady at the decline; May, 8.16c; June, 9.18c; July, 9.17c; August, 9.03c; September, 8.47c; October, 8.22c; November, 8.16c; December and Jan uary, S.14C ST. LOUIS, May 8. COTTON Quiet, 1-1 00 lower; middling, 9 7-16c; no sales; re celpta, 678 bales; shipments, 1,015 bales; stock, 36,133 bales. GALVESTON, May 8.-COTTON-Qulet at 'c. LIVERPOOL. May 8.-COTTON Spot, lilet. Drices I-lod lower: American middllna- falr, 619-32d; good middling, 6 6-16d; mid dling. 6 3-lbd; low middling, 6 3-32d; good oruinary, i-aia; ordinary, 4 i-aa. 1 ne sales of the day were 6.0U0 bales, of which 6u0 were for speculation and export, and inciuaea i,ow American. Receipts were 7,tiv bales, Including l,4u0 American. Futures opened quiet and closed easy on near months, and steady on distant months. American middling, g. o. c. May, 6 2-64d, sellers; May-June, 6 l-64d, buyers; June July, 61j6 l-64d, buyers; July-August, 6d, buyers; August-September, 4 6-64d, sellers; SeDtember-October. 4 4i(-64d. buyers: Oc tober-November, 4 32-64d, sellers; November- December, 4 2-4fr4 M4d, sellers; December-January, 4 28-64fi4 29-64d, sellers; January-February, 4 27-64(6 4 28-64d, severs. NEW ORLEANS, May 8.-COTTON Easy; sales, 200 bales; ordinary, 8c; good ordinary. low middling, c; middling, 9c; good middling, 916-16c; middling fair, 10c; receipts, 3,266 bales; atock,l$3,874 bales. Futures, quiet and steady; May, 9.55c; June, f.52c; July, 9.54-iiS.ooc; August, 9.11fi9.12c; September, 8.56'u8.66c; October. S-lfinSllc; November, 7.9&4j8.0oc; December, 7.98S.0Oc. OH and Rosin Market. OIL CITY. Pa., May $. OIL Credit bal ances, $1.20; certificates, no bid; shipments, 98,288 bbls.; average, 103.775 bbls.; runs, 61,416 bbls.: average, 61,950 bbls. SAVANNAH. Oa., May $. OIL Turpen tine, steady, 42c Rosin, Arm; A, B, C, D, $1.15; E, $1.20; F, $1.25; G. $1.30; H, $1.55; K, (2.45: M. $2.85; N, $3.25; W. G., $3.50; W. W.. $3 60. TOLEDO. O., May 8.-OIL North Lima, 88c; South Lima and Indiana, 83c. NEW YORK. May 8. OIL Cottonseed. firm; prime crude, nominal, yellow, 4a'rf 46c. Petroleum, steady; renned new York, $7.40; Philadelphia and Baltimore, $7.35; Philadelphia and Baltimore, In bulk, $4.85. Rosin, steady; strained, common to good, $.62'(jl.6o. Turpentine, Arm. LIVERPOOL, May 8. OIL Turpentine spirits, strong, 33a Sd. Rosin, common, steady, 4s ld. Petroleum, renned, steady, 7d. Llnaeed, Arm, 31s 9d. Cottonseed, Hull renned, spot. Arm, 26s 6d. LONDON, May 8 OIL Calcutta linseed, spot, 53s 3d. Turpentine spirits, 32s d. Evaporated Apples and Dried Fralti NEW YORK. May 8 EVAPORATED APPLES The situation remalna about un changed. The market Is firm and offerings are light. Exports and Jobbing demand Is limited. State, common to good, 7(⪼ prime, 99c; choice, 910c; fancy, 10 bile. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS In J .runes new fruit Is steady and In fair obbJng request. Old fruit Is Irregular and lolders will probably make concessions to move stocks. Small frulta are in some de mand. Apricots and peachea are quite ac tive In a Jobbing way and steady to Arm. Prunes, 37aft6c. Apricots, boxes, 1014c; bags. 10ul2c. Peaches, peeled, 1416c; un peeied, eV, telle. Istsr Market. NEW YORK, May 8. SUOAR-Raw, strong; fair refining, Se; centrifugal, 96 test, $c. Molasses sugar, SUc. .ReAned, No. T, 4 &0c: Nu. 8, 3 95c; No. , 3 90c; No. 10. 8 5c; Np. 11, $.80c; No. U. 3.75c; No. IS, 3 75c; No. 14, 7ac; standard A. 4 oOc; confection ers' A. 4buc; cul loaf, 6.80e; crushed, 120c; powdered. 4.60c; granulated, 4.70c; cubes, 4.90c. NEW ORLEANS. Mar 8. -SUGAR Very strong; open kettle, 4'ffl l-lc; open kettle centrifugal. 8fi3c; centrifugal yellow, S4$ 815-lc; seconds. iViil'. Molasses, dull: IceutrtXugal, 7.u. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET All Kinds of Cattls Considerably Lowsr Than They Were a Week Ago. HOG MARKET HELD UP IN GOOD SHAPE Receipts of heep and lambs Have Been Light All the Week and De mand Heine In Hood Shape Prices Remained Steady. SOUTH OMAJIA, May 3. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Ofliclal Monday 2,4tW b.l'Jo Otlklal Tuesday .W3 12,8 ,13 Oniclal Wednesday 3,311 12.22 1 Otllclal Thursday l.txif Otticlal Friday 63 l.tM 2.101 Ottlclal Saturday ... 88 7.UI7 t Total this week 11.90 61,087 12.977 Week ending Arrll 26....14,4' 41.1J6 13,618 Week ending April 1!. . . .13.4J9 39,ty 2b.9iO Week ending April 12. ...16.371 41.941 16.306 Week ending April 6 16.817 44.233 22.547 Same week last year.... 14. WM 56,284 li,821 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hoga and aheep at Boutli omulia for the year 10 date and comparisons with last year: 1902. 1901. Inc. Deo. Cattle 268.M8 228.296 40.5.2 Hogs 89,779 796,ooO IM.il!) Sheep 317,628 866.029 68.401 The following table shows the average price ol hogs sold on the South Oman market the past several days, with com parisons wltn tormer years: Date. I 1902. 1901. U00.l&99.18t. 1897. 1S6. April 16.. April 16.. April II.. April 18.. Airil April 20.. April 21.. April 11.. April 23.. April 24.. April 26.. April ib.. April 27.. April a.. April 29.. April 30.. May 1.... May 2.... May 3.... 96 I 91 I C 9o 8 I l I 8S eonjl 4 7 7 07 7 ll ! ""I l 7 ol',, 7 01,, 01 I b kM i 46 1 6 92 6a $ set 49 s 6 a 4, b sei 6 4o I 2 Sl I $ 80 6 36 6 k a U $ 77 i 5 77 0 3W 6 72 6 34 I 6 3i 6 65 I 6 64 , 5 32, 6 64i s 'Mt 6 71 1 i li 6 72, li tni 8 (7 172) j 8 8 8 0 4 il 4 SI I 2 7o 8 W 8 7i 8 73 2 72i 8 84 1 3 74, 3 7 I 8 a 8 71 8 o 3 84 1 8 67 1 8 79 8 b 8 79 3 W 3 79 ' I $ 881 3 61 I 8 601 3 90 2 lw 3 81I $ 80 8 3$ 8 Si 8 m 3 $11 8 te ' 141 8 91 8 H $ 85 3 8J 3 M 3 St 8 8V 3 82 8 28 8 831 $ M $ al $8l 8 71 3 26 8 7s 3 26 8 741 3 a 3 8 3 15 8 79 3 13 1 U i ill The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road waa: n vr a . t Cattle. Hogs. H'r's. C, M. & St. P 7 o. & st. l a I'nlon Pnclflc RvBt.m 11 C. & N. W 'j V., E. & M. V l 2S C, 8. P., M. & 0 7 B. M u V. C B. ot Q " C, R. 1. & P., east 10 1 C, R. L & P., west 1 Illinois Central t Total receipts , 8 loo 2 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purcnaslng the num ber of head Indicated: k D . Cattle. Hogs. Omaha Packing Co 273 G. H. Hammond Co dh7 Swift and Company vg Cudahy Packing Co j 1 474 Armour oi Co 2 621 Other buyers 1 Total "j 7,003 CATTLE There were practically no cattle on sale today so that a test of the market was not made. Fer the week re ceipts have been light. As will be seen from the table above there Is a decrease both as compared with the last several weeks and also with the same week of lam yar. Receipts at other points were also light, but In spite of that fact the tendency of prices waa downward all around. Beef steers made up the bulk of the re ceipts all the week, and the quality was fully as good as usual. Packers, how ever, pounded the market practically all the week with the exception of Friday, and as a result prices are considerably lower than they were a week ago. As compared with the high point, beef steers of all klndj range 25j40c lower. The greatest decline has been on the general run of medium cattle, while the choice heavy and handy weight cattle have suffered the least. There are more cases, of course, where cattle have sold 40c lower than where they were only 25o or 30c lower. The cause of the Improvement on Friday was the extremely light receipts. The cow market has also broke In bad shape during the past week, and Agured from the high point of the market prices are safely 6txy75c lower. In some cases the grades that sold for from $3.50 to $4.50 have declined even more than that. It now takes a choice cow or heifer to reach $5.60. though a few head of fancy cattle sold up to $6.00 during the week. Anything on the commonlfch order was very hard to dispose of at any price, and particularly was that true on -Wednesday and Thurs day. The veal calf market broke In bad shape and may be quoted $1.00 per hundred lower than a week ago. The best grades are now selling right around $6.00. The best grades of fat bulla held up In good shape and are only about 25c lower for the week, but the commoner grades declined more than that. Stockers and feeders declined about 15 25c during the week, and trade was very quiet all the week. The lack of rain caused farmers to ship some of their stock and prevented others from buying. The very choice cattle, of course, found an out let without any serious break, but aside from those the market was fully 15 25c lower. HOGS The receipts of hogs were mod erate today, there being a slight decrease as compared with yesterday, but a small Increase over Saturday of last week. The market opened fairly active at prices gen erally about steady with yesterday, though a few loads sold a shade higher, but the bulk of the trading was done on about yesterday's basis. The heavyweight hogs were ready sellers at fully steady prices and went mostly from $7.0G'g-7 25, and medlumwelghts went largely from K.hM 7.05. while light hogs, aa usual, were slow and sold from f6.95 down. The bulk of the offerings was out of first hands In good season, but on the close of the markettthere were a few light loads left which were hard to dispose of and sold a shade lower. As will be seen from the table of receipts above, there has been a good Increase In receipts this week aa compared with the last several weeks, but there Is a decrease as compared with the same week of last year. The week, opened with an advance which carried the market to the hlh point of the year. The next three !;-i the ten dency of prices was downward, but on Friday and Saturday there was some re action, so that the week closed a few cents higher than last week, but not as high aa the opening. Representative sales: No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Bh. Pr. a 177 160 70 71 221 160 7 00 72 175 80 6 80 67 252 ... 7 02 103. 82.. 76.. 62.. 86.. 46.. ...178 2S0 6 80 ...173 ... 80 ...1!6 40 86 ...200 160 ( 91) ...1U3 160 6 90 ...190 160 90 (2 za 1st 7 tre" 3 237 40 7 02 63.. 76.. 67.. 64.. 81.. 72.. 7.. .244 80 7 06 .253 120 7 06 .240 80 7 06 .229 160 7 05 ...2'i3 240 ...199 10 y 92 .2s6 34) 7 06 .236 7 06 79. 14. 73. 74. ...197 ... 95 229 160 7 06 240 160 7 06 240 80 7 05 .2ii3 l .196 80 96 67. 63 210 ' t 96 86 248 80 7 06 71 21 74 238 80 S 96 80 ( 95 72 2M 120 7 05 69 230 40 7 06 67 244 80 7 05 60 239 40 7 05 67 237 200 7 06 69 235 200 7 06 68 249 120 7 05 67 243 120 7 05 63 243 160 7 06 72 225 240 7 05 80 223 240 7 05 67 242 160 7 06 73 237 ... 7 05 61 256 160 7 07V 66 252 100 7 07 210 120 96 87 184 96 69 217 81 8 71 27 ... 96 40 S 95 40 95 77 210 80 8 95 ..207 80 97 212 80 t 97 .214 200 97 .216 40 7 00 .224 120 7 00 .210 ... 7 00 .227 120 7 00 70 ZM ... 7 00 61 2o3 ... 7 00 66 249 160 7 Ov 68 277 7 10 62 233 280 7 00 60. 75. ...252 82 7 10 83 22 7 00 .237 240 7 10 76 209 80 7 00 76... .27 80 7 10 40 7 10 73... 80... 71... 68... 69... 81... 92... 68... 61... 66... 83... ...224 160 7 00 ...213 130 7 00 ...233 160 7 00 ...231 130 7 00 ...249 120 7 00 ...233 80 7 00 ...191 ... 7 00 ...tta 240 7 00 ...220 80 7 00 ...204 80 7 00 ...2"7 160 7 00 40... 69... 70... 50... 67... 69 , , 61... 67... 66... 65... ..240 ...269 160 7 10 ..248 7 10 .268 80 7 10 .235 40 7 10 .JM 190 7 10 ..257 . .202 7 10 7 15 ..24 80 7 15 268 240 7 15 48 2!J 7 15 7 16 7 25 84 215 40 7 00 $4 S"0 61 297 70 ZX 80 7 00 ourirp Thara were no Sheen or lambs on sale today, which leaves the total re celpta for the week lighter than for the last several weeks, and a decrease la also noted as compared with the same week of ai yQasT The market haa been In good shapo all the week and packers took hold of the more dtslrable offerings freely and very satisfactory prices were paid. Boms of the commoner grades were neglected to some extent, but the situation is best described by calling the market for the week lust -kaiii aiandy. The faellnar on some days bas beta a little stronger than on others, bjt for the wsek there Is practically no qcrtsble change. Quotations for clipped slock: Good to choice lightweight yearlings, 86.0ivatf.25; fair to good. $5.75&.flO; good to choice weahera, $5 i.00: fair to good. $5 60i4i.76: aood to choice ewes, $6.0i&.25; fair to good, $4 M9 $ 00; good to choice lambs, $ 27rtti 40; fair to good, $5.756 15. Wooled stock sells about ifi.ti Mc anove cupped sto-x. inmce t'oin. rsdo wooled lambs, $8.90(37.00; fair to good, $6 6. i).(W. CHICAGO LIVH STOCK MARKET, Cattle Nominal and Hogs and Sheep Are Steady. CHICAGO. May 3 CATTLE Recelnts. 200 head; market nominal; good to prime steers, st.iixrt.jo; poor to mellum. 4 tn"i A AO .(nrbr. mA AA, Am,a $l.n'";(5.75; heifers. $2.oojftj'o0; canner's, $1.40 ns.i; nuns, ;.ib'(in D; calves, liivou bu; iexas ren steers, o 26US.Z6. HOGS Receipts, 8,000 head; estimated onday, 27,000 head; market steady; mixed M and butchers $6.757.22; good to choice heavy, $7 loft7.27; rough heavy, IS 854r7.(;S; light. $K.R56.&; bulk of sales, f6.BVff7.l6. SHEEP AND I.AMBB-Recelpts. 500 head; market steady; good to choice wethers, fS.60 (fi.20; fair to choice mixed, f4.7hfoft.50; west ern sheep, f6. 261741.20; native lambs, f4.75 6.60; western lambs. $5.256.60. Official yesterday: Receipts. Shipments. Cattle 1.023 8.832 I logs 17,633 2,71 Sheep 2,248 St. Ionls Lira Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. May 8.-CATTLE Receipts, 700 head, Including 525 Texans; market shows a decline for the week of from 26c to 75c for both natives and Texans; native shipping and export steers, $5.7Wi76; dressed beef and butcher steers f60O(itS.35; steers under 1.0) lbs., $4.5tVa.15; stockers and feeders, $2.754.75: cows and heifers, $2.25S.oft; cannem, $1.502190; bulls, $3 4W 6 25; calves, $300(S.10; Texas and Indian steers, grassers, $3 35fi4 25; fed, 4 5i&00, cows and heifers, $2 6"J4.26. HOGS Receipts, 1,500 head; market closed steady for the week- pigs and lights, $6 50 8 80; packers, $.M)&7.00; butchers, $6.90-9 7.30. SHEEP AND LAM R8 Receipts, 800 head; market active and steady; native muttons, $4 6"$ 35; lambs, $5.508 50; culls snd bucks, $2.6Ki6.on; stockers, $2.0oj3.50; western mixed sheep, $6. Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, Msy 8. CATTLE Re ceipts, 275 head; receipts for the week, 26.700 head: market steady: choice export and dressed beef steers, $6. 75(47.26; fair to good, $5.0mu.70; stockers and feeders, J3.0O-jf 6.50; western fed steers, $4.85ii6.10; Texas and Indian steers, $3.466 95; Texas cows, $2.60fi4.90; native cows, $2.o5U6.50; native heifers, $3,004(6.50; canners, $2.00(82.75; bulls, $2.25.g5-40; calves, $3.00a5.70. HOGS Receipts, 2,000 head; receipts for the week, 44,400 head; market steady; top, $7.30; bulk of sales, $9V7.26: heavy, $7.2'C(J) 7 30; mixed packers, $7.0567.2.; light, $6.60 7.10; yorkers. $7.007.10. SHEEP AND LAMBS No receipts today; receipts for the week, 12,900 head; market steauy; native lambs, $6.5iv67.20; western lambs, $5.75''a7.15; native wethers, $5.506.10; western wethers, $4.76&6.S0; fed ewes fft.OStf 6.70; Texas clipped yearlings, $6 0orjt 20; Texas sheep, $4.7035.60; feeders, I3.70fg5.00. New York Lira Stock Market. NEW YORK, May 8. -BEEVE8 Receipts 621 head; dressed beef unchanged at 9( 11c per lb. Cables steady. Exports today, 1,552 head ot cattle and 8,832 quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts. 4 head; market steady; veals, $4.00S5.60; city dressed veals, 8ftl0c per lb. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 782 head; sheep a shade lower, lambs unchanged; clipped lambs, $5.25$.76; unshorn sheep, $6.OO(&6.00; dressed muttons, 9allc per lb.; dressed lambs, ll13c; common lambs, 7'd 10c. HOGS Receipts, 2,903 head; feeling steady. St. Joseph Lire Stock Market ST. JOSEPH. May 8.-CATTLE-Recelpts 375 head; market nominal; natives, $7.1. 'ft 6.85; cows and heifers, $1.256.00; veals, $3.26 6.00; stockers and feeders, $2.00(95.25. HOGS Receipts, 8,400 head; steady: light and light mixed, $6.75y7.50; medium and heavy, $7.16(&:7.30; pigs, $4.60&5.00. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 600 head; market steady; western lambs, $6.156.90; western sheep, $4.86.15. Sloua City Live Stoek Market. SIOUX CITY, Ia, May 8. (Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 200; strong; beeves, $5.006.25; cows, bulls and mixed, $2.5u6.25; stockers and feeders, $3.00(34.60; yearlings and calves, $2.754.00. HOGS Receipts, (8,000; steady; selling at $6.76(7.10; bulk, $6.85.95. Stoek In Slgbt. The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at the Ave prin cipal markets for May 3: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha 88 7.107 Chicago 200 8,000 5C0 Kansas City 275 200 St. Louis 700 1,500 30 St. Joseph 875 3,400 6 0 Total 1,638 20,207 1,102 Peoria Market. PEORIA. May 8 CORN Lower ; No. 3, 61c. OATS Easy; No. 1 white. 43c, billed through. WHISKY $1.30 for finished goods. Dnlntn Grain Market. DULUTH. May S.-WHEAT-Caah. No. 1 hard, 79c; No. 2 northern, 74c; No. 1 northern and May, 76c; July, 76c; Sep tember, 74c. OATS Cash, 43c; September, 30c. Wool Market. BOSTON. May 1. WOOL Sales here since January 1, 1902, have been 81,712.638 lbs., against 48,910,556 for the same period in 1901. The Boston shipments to date are 89,179,821 lbs., against shipments of 82,730.916 lbs. foi the same period in 1901. The stock on hand In Boston January 1, 1902, was 77,340,463 lbs., and the total stock today Is 69,873,279 lbs. The stock on hand May 4, 1901, was 41,281, 666 lbs. 8T. LOUIS. May S. WOOL Unchanged; medium grades, 1417c; light Ane. 12itfl4c; heavy fine. 9 11c; tub-washed, 14(8 24c. LONDON, May 8. WOOL The closing of the second series of wool auction sales here has shown a fair Inquiry and there has been a moderate business at full to slightly dearer rates. The Armness of holders has restricted trade somewhat, but a general advance Is expected when the third series opens next Tuesday. The arrivals for the fourth series amount to 29,286 bales. In cluding 13.000 forwarded direct. The Im ports during the week were: New South Wales, 4,896 bales; Queensland, 8,026 bales; Victoria. 11,729 bales; New Zealand. 10,56 bales; Cape of Good Hope and Natal, 6.924 bales; China, 1,657 balea: Punta Arenas, 6,747 bales; elsewhere, 336 bales. engines'thrown in the air Hnrled from Track with Several Coaches In a Terrlfle Col lision on Alton. JOLIET. 111., May 4 On of the strangest wrecks la local railroad history occurred yesterday on the Alton road. As the Cblcago-Sprlngfleld passenger wsa passing through tbs steel mill yards at tke rate of hitve.vjt tnllM an hour the locomotive encountered a switch engine running on the main track from a siding. The shock was terrific. Tbs engines were throws Into the air and overturned and the baggage and smoking cars were derailed and wrecked. The three remaining coaches stayed on the tracks. Ons hundred and fifty people were aboard the passenger train. Escaping steam from the engines envel oped the train and the passengers were panic-stricken, but beyond cuts and bruises of a minor nature, nons was Injured. Tbs men in the ensrlnes crawled from tbs wreck without serious Injuries. Tbs track was blockaded for hours. GRIEF OVER FRIEND'S DEATH Sorrow Prompts Aged Physician to Attempt Snlelda, bt His Plans Are Defeated. KANSAS CITY. May 4. Dr. D. Eitaing Dlokerson, one of the most prominent phy sicians In Kansas City snd a millionaire, died yesterday, aged 67 years. He was born In Watertowa. N. Y.. and during the civil war was In cbsrgs of all the hospitals of lbs Sixth United States army corps. Dr. J. W. Foster, aa sgsd physician nJ devoted friend of Dr. Dlckerson, attempted to commit suicide on bearing of the letter's death by taking morphine, but bis condi tion was dlsooTsrcd In Urns to save bis Ufa. LOUBET ACCEPTS INVITATION Commission is to Attend Eoohmbeau Memorial at Roosevelt's Request. SENDS LATTER REPLY IN CORDIAL NOTE Before Its Departare- for America the French Commission Is Addressed on Ita Mission by Preal. dent Lonbrt. WASHINGTON, May 4. Amhssssdor Csmbon presented to President Roosevelt today a personal letter from President Lou bet of France. It Is a rerly to a letter written by President Roosevelt ta the presi dent of the Trench republic. Inviting Eranre to take part In the Rochamheau statute exercises. The text of President Loubet s letter follows: To His Excellency. Theodore Roosevelt. President of the I'nltad States lcnr and Oreat Friend: Your excellency has been Ji I eased to Inform me that, in virtue of a olnt resolution of congress, you have been charged to Invite the French government and people to Join the government and people of the United States In Inaugurating on May 24 next, tha monument erected to the memory of Marshal de Hochambcau. I gladly accept this Invitation, In the name of the government of the republic, and In that of the entire French people. In fra ternally taking part In this solemnity the American nation once mora, gives evidence of its remembrance of those French cltlsens who shared Its dangers and glory In its struggle for Independence: It has. further more, desired to confirm the friendship and draw still closer the bonds which, since that moat memorable period, have united our two countries. France will hall this manifestation with deep emotion. In ten dering you. In her name, her stneerest thanks, I beg you to accept, dear and great friend, the fervent wishes which I enter tain for your excellency's own happiness and for the prosperity of the United States of America. KMILE LOUBET. Farewell to Ills Emissaries. PARIS, May 4 President Loubet Inst evening received the Rochamheau commis sion In farewell audience previous to Its departure for the United States. General Brugere, commander-in-chief of the army and head ot the mission, presented the various members of the party to M. Loubet, who shook hands with each of them. Ad dressing the mission the president said: "The bonds which so long united the gov ernments of the two republics, as well as the peoples ot the United States and France, render the mission which you are about to accomplish particularly impor tant. President Roosevelt has beeu good enough to become, at every opportunity, the mouthpiece of the sympathy uniting the two nations, and I am extremely pleased to let him know, through you, bow much I share these sentiments. The French government Is sending at the pres ent moment missions to England and Spain, and I myself am going to Russia. Your mission yields nothing to them In Impor tance and the Interest with which we shall follow It. You will respond fully to the sentiments which impelled me to send this mission, representing worthily, as you will, the army, the navy and the universities of our dear country. You are young and energetic men, invested with very high state functions, and you are going to a country where energy Is a religion and where youth la loved. I wish you the good welcome which that enthusiastic and mighty people beyond the ocean has ever reserved for those who have been there to represent France." ASTOR GIVES TWO CONCERTS Melba and Other Operatic Stars to Appear nil,! Nlnir for Society. (Copyright, 1902. by Press Publishing Co ) LONDON. May 4. (New York World Ca blegramSpecial Telegram.) William Wal dorf Astor will give two great concerts this week, one on Thursday evening, tho other on Friday night, at which Miue. Melba and other operatic stars will sing. Mr. Aitor has taken an opera box for only one night weekly during tha season, for which be pays the moderate sum of $2S5. Movements of Ocean Teasels, May .'!. At New York Arrived: Lii Rretngn-, from Havre; Rotterdam, from Rotterdam and Boulogne; Celtic, from Uverpuol. Sailed: Ryndum. for Rotterdam via Bou logne: Kalscrin Marie Thereriii. for Naples and Genoa: Furnessta, for Glaxgow; l'm bria, for IJverpool; Manltou, for Ixindnn. At Hong Kong Arrived: Moyune, from IJverpool, for British Columbia. Sallodl Chlng Wo, from Tacomu, fur London. At Liverpool Arrived: Campania and Taurlc, from New York. Balled: Buxonlu, for New York. At Glasgow Arrived: Pomeranla, from Boston. At Plymouth Arrived: Pennsylvania, from New York, for Cherbourg and Ham burg. At Antwerp Sailed: Vaderland, for New York. At Havre Sailed: m Torralne and La Champagne, for New York. At Southampton Sailed: Klautchou, from Hamburg, for New York via Cherbourg. At Cherbourg Sailed: St. Paul, from Southampton, for New York. At St. Johns, N. F. Arrived: Corean. from Liverpool, for Halifax and Philadel phia. At Queenstown Arrived: Cymric, from New York, for Liverpool, and proceeded. JOBBERS & MANUFACTURERS OF OMAHA MACHINERY AND FOUNDRY. Davis & Cowgill Iron Works. mxanAL RBrAiniNa a iOTAivn IRON AND IIUSS rOUKBaVML UM, ISM ia IBS Jaokaan MrHt, snaaa, Ren. Tel. SO. S takrlr-. Agent. i. M. CewgUa, llg RAE GO. IsT aha ntfnVtMa tnTjapam gal If aaniactsarer and JoDtxrt of Sto and Water Supplies Of Ail Kinds. S14 aand 14U4I OOCOaVAA T. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. YAesfern Electrical vv Company EUctrioal SvpplUi. gnostrts WVtUg Bells aa tni IAgtvtl a. W. JCHXsTON. Mgr. WIO Jtvwar hu AWNINGS AND TENTS. Omaha Tent and Awning Co., Oaa aha, Man. Manufacturers of Tents snd Canvas Goods. 0nd for Catalogue Nuasfear 99 BOYD COMMISSION COMPANY Room 4, Hew Tor it Ufa slide. GRAIN, PROVISIONS. STOCKS Bought and sold for cash or on margin. All telegraph, telephone or mall ordars will receive careful and prompt attention. Tslephooa im OUAiU. Ka.