Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 04, 1902, PART I, Page 7, Image 7
THE OMAHA DAILY BEEi SUNDAY, MAY J, 1002. EDWARD'S SECOND COURT Function Kore BrinAnt ln Many e9pecu tin the Tim One. AMERICANS VfiE PROMINENT GUESTS Aasrtaaaador CXolll. Rn4a lB nistln v") Dle;loa Wko VUlt the hb Pallet L0NDON, Mry Edward's eerond eoort wa hard this vnng Bucking ham palace. Leaden deprived of th picturesque tret spect,e attending this (unction, tb cort wa held la tha evening, bat inside the fcilee th seen much mora brilliant n formerly. Tha change In the time y holding the court met with the genera approval of those who attended the cerenarny today. Member of the royal family arrived at tha garden entrance of the paaaee. where they were received by the "White Stave" and conducted by them to the blt draw Ing room. Here the membera the royal ! family were Joined by the ting and queen. The prooeaelon to the ballroom tormed at 10:SO o'clock. , Joaeph H. Choate, the United 8tate am ifcassador. and Mra. Choato. Henry White, 'secretary of the embassy, and Mr. White, John R. Carter, aecond aecretary of tha ambaaay, and Mra. Carter, and the other member of the United States embaaay were fVnt. Mra. Choate waa presented to their ma 'Jestles. In the diplomatic clrclea were: Charlemagne Tower and Mra. Tower, Mr, and Mra. Payne Whitney of New York. Mra. Clorer. wife ot Commander Rlchardaon Clover, the United Statea naval attache at London; Mra. Whitney and Mra. Choate In the Inner circle were: Mlia De Young, uuuguier 01 m. ri. ue roung of Ban Fran claco; Mlaa Bancroft of Boaton and Mlia Tuckerman of Boston. ATTORNEYS COMPLETE BILL 'Veaara. Day and Bethea Take Another Step la Injaaetloa alt. ' CHICAGO, May 3. The bill for an In junction to restrain thr maaf nipkAr frnm unlawfully conaplrlng to fix the price ot Deei nas at last been completed by Dis trict Attorney Bethea and Lawyer William A. Day. Mr. Day left for Washington on the Pennsylvania limited to lay before At torney Oeneral Knox the document and affidavits on which It la based. Mr. Bethea also left Chicago tonight over the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern road, ostensi bly to go to New York and thence to Wash ington to attend the conference with At torney Oeneral Knox. The petition aa completed contains about 6,000 words. CRANCE GIVES UP PLACE Retire from Active Labor of Barling' ton After Forty-One Yeara of Service. ST. JOSEPH. Mo.. May I. (Special Tel cram.) Samuel E. Crane retires from tha active service of the Burlington railway Iter forty-one yeara' aervlc with that road, the laat eighteen of which he haa keen auperlntendent and ceneral sunerm. tendent of the Missouri lines. He waa born In Columbus. 0.. became a blarksmith then a freight brakeman for the Burlington In Chicago, then conductor and on un tha ladder. He Is a rich man and after June l riu give up active work and remain with in Burlington in an advisory capacity un til January 1, 1903. SUPREME COURTSYLLABI. lUBr Somera against Vlansey. Error No, 1 Aiiirmeu. Day, division I. Under section 28, chapter SO, Compiled Statutes, a petition for a license to e!l man, nyimuus ana vinous liquors Is sufn clent If sls-ned hv thlrtv rui.Um ar of the ward or villna-a m hm ,h- of such liquors is to take piaee. and In case there are less than sixty resident free holders In such ward or village, the peti tion la sufficient If signed by a majority of the resident freeholders of auch ward or I. Under section I, chapter 60, Compiled statutes, the right to nroteat nr ramnn. otrat against the Issuance of a license Is not confined to residents of the ward or village whero the Intoxicating liquors are sought to be sold. 8. Evidence examined and held to support the judgment. lim Iodence aralnst Petera. Appeal from Dawes. Judgment. Ames, C, divi sion No. 1. 1. An Intervenor whose net It ion Anmm nni atate facta sufficient to constitute a cause of action and who does not pray for any judgment which the court has Jurisdiction to render, should be dismissed from the netlon, and ,f he ob,ln judgment with which he is not aatisned an.1 mniiii ih.m. from thia court will render the judgment wiuto ougm io nave been rendered below. t By the constitution of this state, owners of real estate sold for taxes are guaranteed two years from the date of the sale within which to redeem and the ata::te provldea Sent Free to Fr Trial Package of this Nam Dig natiad to every Alan Sending Mam and Address Quickly Restores Strength and Vigor. ria trial packs sua of a fnnat remark. able remedy ar beina- mailed to ail who WW the But Medical Institute, They aurad ao maoy men who had battled tor A. 1 lOBWSON. M.D.C1, Medical Director reara againat the mental and physical suf ring of loat manhood that the Inatltuti has decided to distribute free trial pack to ail who write. It la a home treat blent anil all man who aunr with an form of aeaual weaknea resulting from youinrui roily, premature loee of aire oat amaclatlua of parte can now cure them elves at home. The remedy haa a peculiarly grateful ef feot of warmth mjiA ama to mjst dlreol to the desired location Ivlna- atrena-th and development just where it le needed. It urea ail the ilia and trouble that nu from years of misuse of the natural tunc ion ana has been an absolute aucceae In 11 case. A rtxiuaet to the State Medical Institute, T7v Elektron Building, ft. Wayne lnd., etaUng that you dealre one of their free trial package will he complied with promptly. The Institute la deairoua of reaching that great daee of men wh are Unable to leave borne to be tree, tad and the free B&n,la will enable them to a a ho easy It is to be cured of sexual weak nee wben the proper remedke are em- f toyed. Tha Institute makes no reetrlo lone. Any maa who wniaa will bo Ml . fre sakapla. carefully eealed la a pUla parkage ao that Its recipient need have ao leer ot eaaberaaemeot or publloity. Itaad. ion hat a tax purchaser or his aslgne shall ot be entitled to foreclose his lien until fter the time of redemption has extilred. t follows that a petition seeking to fore lone a tax lien which does not show that ho lend hits been sold 'nr taxes snd thut t lesst two years have expired after the ate of the sale does not state facta con titutlr.g a cause of action, t. The objection that a petition la In ert n I to snd!. ?snnot be presented for the first time in this court. 4. An Instrument in writing properly exe- mut -kl h K.iwa iimtn Ifa lap. lhal I im ntetided to charge a Hen upon real estate o secure the payment or a special debt. Is iimclent to constitute a mortgage in tnis ate. 112SS. Poeesnecker against Entemann. Appeal from Ptsnton. Appeal dismissed. inina, t... division ro. . An application to a ois-rici court ny an xecutor or admlnlstrstor for license to ell real property Is not an "action In equity" within the purview of section 7&, Code of Civil Proeedure. Hence a final order made In such a proceeding is review able only by petition In error. Illll. ttiooe paving" nana aami ia tlonal Bank of Commerce. Error from Douxlar Affirmed. Duffle. C. dlvlaion No. i 1. A bank has the r e-ht to ePDrotirlate the funds of a denosltor to the extent of the Indebtedness due from him, but if the deposit, or any part thereof. Is a trust fund and the bank has notice of this fact. It will be lisble to the true Owner If it pproDrlates such fund to the dlschsrxe of an indebtedness due from the depositor. 1. In a suit againat a bank entries on Its books made by Its officers or bookkeeper in tne regular course oi its ouniness are admlssable in evidence on behalf of the adverse party when in the nature of ad missions. 1. A bank that aDDronrlates a deposit made by a customer to reduce hla Indebt edness due the bank, knowing the deposit, or a part thereof, to be a trust fund. Is liable to the true owner for a conversion of his money and an action at law to recover tho amount can be maintained. No. 10640. Blumer against Ainngnt. Ap peal from Dodge. Affirmed. Kirkpalrtck, C. Department No. 1. 1. A departure froi.i the homestead for the purposes of business, pleasure or health doea not constitute an abandonment thereof, unless coupled with such depar ture la the Intention not to return, and the wife cannot be denrived of her homestead right vnleas she participated In the Inten tion not to return. 2. Under the laws of this state tne ac knowledgment of the wife to a deed con veying the homestead Is essential to its aildlty. I. Evidence examined and held to sus tain the nndlnars of the trial court that the premises In controversy were the home stead of appellee and that she did not vol untarily execute the deed of conveyance. No. 11372. Fellno against Newcomb Lum ber Company. Error from Douxlas. Re- verseu. Aioert, J. uepanmeni a. 1. A provision In a real estate mortgage that In case of a default In the payment of the debt thereby secured the mortgagee hall be entitled to the immediate posses sion of the premises is valid as to the par ties and subsequent purenssers ana incum brancer chargeable with notice. Z. An action at law for tne rents ana profits will not He on behalf of a subse quent purchaser or incumbrancer against a mortgagor vno nas enterea upon ana re tslned possee.slon under such provision, but sjch mortgagor will be held to account therefor In an action to foreclose his mort gage I. Where an action to foreclose such mortgage haa been prosecuted to a decree and sale of the premises all the parties to such proceedings are thereby concluded aa to sucn rents ana pronts. No. 11463. Bartoe against Thomas. Ap peal from Bailee Reversed with Instruc tions. Holcomb, J. 1. W here Jand Is sold subject to a mort- fage existing thereon as between the par ies to the transaction the land Is the primary debtor and a sale thereof may be resorted to for the satisfaction of the In cumbrance. 3. A mortgage on real estate Is an Inci dent to the debt evidenced by the notes It secures and basses with an assignment of the debt, and an unauthorized release of the mortgage would not prevent the en forcement of the rights of the holder of the netee to a sale of the property In satisfac tion of the debt us to any ssve those who in good faith and without notice have ob tained title to sucn property, relying on the record which disclosed the apparent satisfaction of the Incumbrance. i. A grantee of land subject to a mort gage thereon fraudulently obtained an aa- lgnment of the mortgage and released the same, the notes secured thereby being un satisfied, held as agslnst an endorser of the notes, wno was compelled to take up the same because of his liability as sjch that ne release was unavailing to deprive mm ef his lien thereon and a sale of the pruu- erty could be had to satisfy the debt. 4. in a auit to reinstate a mortgage on real estate fraudulently released and en force the Hen created thereby It was al leged that after the fraudulent release of he mortgage the notes secured by the rams were transferred to a third party and suit caused to be Instituted against the ayee on hla liability aa endorser and that e was compelled because of such 'lability to pay for and take up such not?s, which he did. giving the amount thereof, the an swer alleged that If any money was paid thereon It was paid to some other and dif ferent person without the knowledge or procurement in any manner of the de fendanta. Held, in the face of such an al legation, the defendanta could not be heard to say ana prove mat tne payment ao made waa In compromise of the plaintiff's liabil ity as endorser and for their benefit In that It was agreed that no action should there after be maintained against the maker of the notes or to enforce the security pledged to tne payment or tne aeDt. 6. While a third party may maintain an action or a defense under an agreement between others made for his benefit it must appear that there waa an Intent by the promisee or person witn wnom tne agree ment was made to secure some benefit to such third party and alao that there ex isted aome privity between the promisee and the party to be benefited. a. wnrre a person purchases real estate with knowledge of a third party's equitable Hen thereon or with notice of sucn racta as would put an ordinarily pru dent man on inquiry, which, if Dursued. would lead to such knowledge, such person cannot be said to be a good faith pur chaser without notice and entitled to pro tection aa sucn. 7. In reviewing a cause on aoneal where the findings and decree of the trial court cannot be reconciled with any reasonable construction of the testimony the same will be set aside as unsupported by sufficient evidence. No. 11451. Lucas against Lucas. ADneal from Pierce. Affirmed. Holcomb. J. 1. Plaintiff brought an action for soeclne performance of a parol contract for the sale of real estate. The evidence discloses full performance of its conditions by the vendee and partial performance by the vendor, who had executed a conveyance of a part of the real estate Included In the contract, but refused to convey the whole of It because of the alleged failure of a part or tne consideration, to supuort which there waa 'no evidence. Held, that the statute of frauds would not prevent a court oi equity irom decreeing specinc perform ance. 1 Specific performance of a parol con tract will be enforced by a court of equity, where one party haa wholly and the other partly performed it, and Its non-fulfillment on the other hand would (mount to a rraua on in party wno nas perrormed It tvorua against nosicay, 41 Neo., 321. No. 114J. Howard axalnat Kaymera. An peal from Hamilton. Attrmad. Hastings, C. Department No. L L Where an execution haa been levied upon a fraudulently alienated niece of real estate after a failure to find goods and chattels, the execution creditor Is entitled to proceed at once In eualtr to set aalda the fraudulent conveyance and enforce the lien of the execution. I. Where premises are claimed to consti tute a part of the homestead of a debtor because adjoining premises ar occupied aa a residence of debtors family It la neces sary to show a homestead right In the premises on which the family live. g. A mere permissive residence In the family of one's father-in-law, however long continued, will establish no homestead rig n is in tne iatner-in-ia w land. laasala-ratloa Record Brakes. NEW YORK. May I Reports from Ellla Island Indicated that by o'clock this even ing 11.000 Immigrants will have arrived In this city from Europe sine Friday morn ing. This breaks all previous two-dav ran. orda In the history of the Immigration uumu. Movesneat of Ueeaa easels. May S. At New York Arrived : Phllsdelphla, from Bouthamnton and ihi,rhniir- far,Ain irom uverpooi; L-ucania, from Liverpool and Queenstown: Phoenicia, from Uenoa and Naples; Columbia from Hamburg; Bulgarian, from Hamburg via Halifax; Hhela, from Bremen. At IJsard Passe .1: Kensington, from New York, for Antwerp; Pennsylvania, from New York, fur Plymouth, Cherbourg and Hamburg. At Queensiown Arrived: Campania, from New York, for Uverpool, and proceeded. At Prow Head-Passed: Campania, from Nw York, for Ousertstown and IJverpool. At Boston Arrived : New England, from Liverpool; Lltonla, from IJverpool. At Sydney, N. 8. W. Arrived: Aorangt, from Vancouver via Honolulu. At Madeira Arrived: Pembrokeshire, from Portland. Ore., for Queenstown. At Muroran Balled: Cymbcllne. from 8an Francisco. At Movllle Bailed: Astoria, from Olaa gow, for New York; Pretorlan, from Liver pool, fur Montreal. At London called: Ueaebe, for New Tara. OUR SU3AY FURNITURE AND CARPET SALE . . . A special purchase of rock ers enables us to offer an almost unlimited quantity of prettyj solid oak rockers nicely finished cobbler seat worth from $3.50 to $3 during May sale at 500 chairs highly polished full size seat and high broad back worth ?1.23 May sale price - 69c A solid oak dresser finish ed in golden open cheval with beveled French plate mirror worth $15.00 May sale price RAILWAY EARNINGS INCREASE Exceed Last Year1! for April by Over Beyen Per Cent WARM WEATHER STIMULATES TRADE Incite Vlgroron Dealings In Season able Goods Unprecedented Amoont of Strnctnrol Work In Progress, Though Steel Deliveries Slow. NEW YORK, May 8. R. O. Dun ft Co.' Weekly Review of Trade says: Trn lnrarn strikes scheduled to commence on May 1 were everted, at least tempo rarily, and a number of smaller ones were settled, but many new controversies have been begun, xnese jaDor icigi i .. ...t.ii.iii imf.unriihiii ones in tne in dustrial situation, exertlnj considerable Influence over the volume of tiansactlons and aUo tending to unsettle confidence. Ill seasonable mercnanaise, ibijcv,,..., drv geeds and clothing, warmer weather has stimulated dealings, while outdoor work is prosecuted vigorously. Collections are more prompt as a rule, fewer exten sions being asked. Hh'pment are less aeiayea oy iranio cn gjstlf.ii.and railway earnings thus far re ported hor April exceed last year a by 1.2 per cent. Consumers of finished steel products are compelled to place orders subject to the c-nvri ienco o manufacturers, ana it is thi cxci-itlon when any nearby deliveries are premised. An unprecedented amount of railway worg is oeing none, wuuo mo eiecM.m of new buildings would be much more extensive If material were available. Thl structural work is a record-breaking scale and promises relief to the situation hereafter, since most of the plants under construction will add to the productive ca pacity when completed. Pig iron nas m'nrliiwl un to a htzher nolnt. Bessemer commanding $20 at Pittsburg on deliveries within six montns, owing to tne iuu tun tracts held by the furnaces. Foreign deal era have shown much wisdom by making concessions in this market. A better volume of order taken by New England shoe shops is one of the most en couraging sign of the week. Concessions were made on a few grades, but the gen eral level of quotatlona la fairly well main tained. Jobber ar still slow to place fall orders, hoping that better terms may be fiossible next month. Steadiness In the eather market does not tend to encourage expectations of cheaper shoes, however, especially In view of the the firmness of domestic hides, with another rise in Im ported gradea. Export of leather continue larger than a year ago. Jobber In dry goods have felt the ef fects ot good weather and a brisk trade has been done at steady prices, although rio general advance haa followed the rise n raw cotton or the reatrlcted operation at woolen mills. Weak silver haa continued to militate against export to China. Overtime work at Independent mills is partially neutral ising the effect of the weavers' strike. Cereal prices hav been less Inflated by speculation than they were last week, but a high level was maintained and only tllght r actions occurred. The general tenor of crop news was much more enter, lalnlng. aside from Kansas dispatches, which indicate that wheat needs moisture, although corn and oats have good pros pect. Good foreign crop conditions wcr calcu lated to weaken the tone, yet export of wheat from the United States, flour In chu'ed, amounted to 6,579,037 bu., against i.742.337 a year ago. Recent attractive prlcee hav brought corn to market more freely than In preceding weeks, but re ceipt of 1.6S4.U50 bu. for the wetk fall far short of the I.37S.D64 In the same week last year. The comparison a to Atlantic ex port la still more striking, only 164.7U4 bu. Suing out auring tne week, against l.ZW. 11 a year ago. Cotton continued advancing until there was a gain of 18.10 a bale over last year's figure, when a trilling reaction occurred. uui me iuu cuuiuiuea strong. BHADITHEEri REVIEW OF TRADE, Favorable Weather Aid Deliveries ad Improves Reorder Baslacsa. NEW YORK. May I. BradstreeV say More seasonable weather throughout wide areas has helped distribution at retail and improved reorder business with whole salers, exceptions to tnis are round In some portions of the suuthwest where com. plaints of lack of rain affect crops, and alJo in iiuruani or tne nortnwest. wnere tne reverse is tne case, too much rain Interfer ing witn spring wheat planting. New rails at $2m are practUally unobtain able for prompt delivery and aome old rails fit for relsving are held H above tha nomi nal price of new rails. Canadian roads are buying heavily In England. Finished products are scare and biUaud boiu BiUlg ar bwked with widois 1.98 8.90 Iron Bed has brass top rod in head and foot also brass spindles and full brass ornaments worth ?9.50 Many sale, price 4.89 Onter Table solid oak 12x12 top golden finish our May sale price We sell out of town on credit far Into 1903. Light and heavy hardware is active. Some very large orders for structural materials have Deen placed this week. Bituminous coal Is In active demand. Deliveries of coke are larger and anthracite Is 10 cents higher at retail. In textiles the feature is the strength of raw cotton despite heavy realising on the sharp advance which brought spot cotton early In the week close up to 10 cents. Thi spurt was apparently on account or neavy buying at Liverpool. Exports continue heavy. Wool Is dull at the east, reflecting the curtailed consumption and Irregularity due to strikes. The imDrovement In the leather market Is still largely a matter of sentiment, but tildes are nrmer ana a larger outlines in leather had been done on the whole than for some weeks past. Shipments of shoes from eastern points are still shrinking and for tho four months are 4 per cent smaller than a year ago. The HDnroach of the season of large con sumption has Induced freer buying of raw sugar and quotatlona are slightly higher, i , i 1 BKn&y n n 1 1 1 tha UUL leillieu HUB L-ru Dimucu w twuh lowest prices In four years. Following liquidation, coffee is firming up slightly, but supplies are far ahead of previous years. Agricultural produce 1 on the whole steady. Climatic and otner causes nave maae ror anmller ronsumDtlon of meats, but re ceipts are still small and price show no weakness, although packers" supplies are reported accumulating. Hog product are higher on th week. Creamery products, particularly, are lower. Egg have been shaded again and potatoes have decreased in price, but are still very heavy, owing to small supplies. Large exports or cereais, parucumnv ui wheat, are looked for shortly, and product m mnvlnar abroad very freely. Increased Imports consist mainly of raw materials for manuracturers use, a BiBuniuani inuaaivn of the activity ruling In American manu facturing industry generally. Wheat, Including nour, exports ior mo week aggregate 6.490,000 bu., against l,463.5!0 last week and 6,100.7(3 In this week last uhMi eTDorts from July 1. 1901. to date (forty-four weeks) aggregate 216,854.21 export aggregate 12S.7 bu., against S76.188 last week and 2.371,892 last year. From July 1 1901, to date corn export are 25.628,861 bu., against 156.433,711 last season. Business failures in the United State for the week number 174, a against 181 last week and 163 In this week last year. In Canada for the week, twenty-two, against twenty last week and seventeen a year ago. SAY ALL TROUBLE IS PAST Representative of International Power Share Bay Securities Ar Safe. NEW YORK, May S. A a direct result of th slump In International Power shares, tha stock market became alternately seri ously depressed and excited thl afternoon. Th stocks moat affected were those In tha so-called Webb group, controlled by Dr. W. Beward Webb and hi associate. The Included Bt. Lawrence A Adiron dack and Rutland railroad preferred, reg ular In the Stock exchange list, and th following "curb" or outside securities: Hackensack Meadows, Dominion Securt ties. North American Lumber and Pulp ana Storage Power. Local aecurttle wer most adversely af fected and for a time they 1 Its mil y went begging. Early In th afternoon It became known that th firm waa experiencing lomi dlffi culty In meeting It obligations. Com plaint had been mad by other Stock ex change firm that Offenbach at Moor, their representative, wer backward In their stock deliveries. Among tho who complained was J. M. Leopold. He sought th assistance of Pres ident Rudolph Keppler of th Stock ex change immediately after th market closed. Mr. Keppler at one conferred with Offen bach Moor, and subsequently declared that th situation was leas grav than h had been led to believe. H did not deny that th firm had bee a in trouble. The condition as they then existed, Mr. Kep pier said, called for no action, either offi cial or unofficial. A representative ot Mr. Moor mad this explanation: "W had a vsry Urge lot of 'curb' stock, to fact w hav been recently th largest dealer la 'curb' securities. It o happened that we wer unable to 'swing' ourselves because of the stringency on th money market. Th troubl Is over now and we expect to go ahead." Arthur L. Meyer 1 aa officer la aeveral of th Webb companies. H ha bee a prom lant la th stock malpuiaUoa of sob ot 35 c is now on. Much forethought, buying and work finds its culmination in thia gigantic furniture and carpet sal. We have out-done ourselves, and know that such value these hav never been offered before. Do you want credltT If so, w will arrange the term to suit your convenience. At any rat, convince yourself how cheap w ar selling well made furniture and high grade carpet. Couch golden finished frame or fringed covered in new pat terns of velours May sale price 7.90 Bed Boom Suit solid oak fin ished in golden French plate beveled mirror worth ?23.00 May sale price 14.90 OMAHA. them, notably Hackensack Meadow and Dominion Securities. Mr. Mever himself to Interviewers, but hi represen tative made thl statement: "All our se curities will be taken care of tomorrow." HILL SC0RES INJUNCTIONS Call Government' Plan a Subterfuge and Advocate Survival of Fit teat In Railroad Affair. CHICAGO, May I. "I believe in th survival of th attest In th railroad world, the same as I do in all nature and all af fair of men. It 1 th natural law and It operation I as inevitable as the original syndicate of man." This 1 on of th thing that James J. Hill said tonight In response to a question regarding his opinion ot th government's attempt to control railroad rates thrnueh the medium of Injunction Issued by th united State circuit court. . Th connection between th reply and the subject was soon mad plain by the celebrated railway magnate and financier. He explained that the Injunction method of 'attempting to cure tha evil that afflict tha trxfflo aad transportation world was imply a subterfuge and a futile attempt to arrest th progress of th natural law of the survival of th fittest. "Ha not the community ot Interests ef fectually arrested th operation of that law?" was asked. "Ther l no such thing a th commu nity of interest That I th merest rot end twaddle, a term originated and em ployed by th press of th country. The only community of Interest that can or ever will exist la th community of Inter est between th shipper and tha railroad. No, that community of lntesest Is not re ceiving It fullest exemplification, but it will as aoon as th law of tb survival ot tha fittest shall hav bad It sway in th railroad world." Asked what he thought of legalized pool ing a s panacea for rat 111, Mr. Hill forcibly exclaimed: "Pooling 1 Infamous; Infamous la any form. It never brings about the end ought, and It 1 (imply on of th sub terfuge of which I spoke to hinder th operation ot th Inevitable law of nature snd th universe." Mr. Hill passed through Chicago tonight n rout from New York to Bt. Paul. C. W. Iloatlagton Realgn. 08KALO08A, la., May I. C. W. Hunt ington, superintendent of tb operating de partment of th Iowa Central, with office In thl city, ha resigned that position to becom general superintendent of tb Cen tral Railroad of New Jersey. Mr. Hunt ington has been superintendent of th Iowa Central since November, 1.94. IfilB A FA DM AM STOEFTS. 5-piece parlor suite choice of frames and upholstering new patterns, handsomely designed worth $13.00 May sale price 23.50 Chiffonier oak or mahog any finish with or without hat box highly polished worth $10 May sale price Gurney Befrigerators in all sizes and styles guar anteed ice savers one style worth $11 on sale to 5.90 Happy Childhood Knows What's Best Medicine that a child dislike, will not do it much good. Sensible par ents will give the little darling: medicine that tastes good and does good, and don't grip or gripe; the kind tbey like themselves. "I rely opon Caieants satirely :1a leeklag after our cblldraa." Un. CUaa Burwall, UU DItUIob St., St. tenia. My little boy Um run oil waa traablad with Dieaams fiii- " pern o i Dim ireu, and before ha ha iafcss en box, h ouud aud well." Caaearett waa aoua W. A. Gola.lOkstult, I. T "Uy ltttla danfhter complained of notfaelln all and baaan to vomit and bacama varr alck. wall and began to vomit and became vary alcS. A halt Catearet tablat wu (Iran her and In lata half C atearet tablat waa (Ivan her and In leal ihan half-an-honr ana mot np aa well aa svar, laacareta are a household nactRtlty." Tuoa. L. Moat, P.lM., Trentoa, Pa. Pa. M little alrl was rreatlv tronblad with worms, but after giving ner a tSc bos of Cas carets. she is entirely well." Mra. Jons F.BUay, Sudler St., Gloucester, Mass. Medicine forced on the little ones loses half its power. Nasty, sickening medicine is an injustice to the dear little innocents who can't protect them selves, makes them peevish and afraid of the dose. When a child hates the medicine, it will not be effective. . Children like Cascarets Candy Cathartic, ask for them and are kept healthy always and easily against the damages of childhood's ailments. flU. o BO . May 6-20, 1902 To many Points In Kansas and Nebraska. To many Points in Colorado. To many Points In Wyoming. To Ogden and Salt Lake City, Utah. To many Points In Idaho. Montana and Oregon. To many Points in Washington. To all Points In California. City Ticket Office, 1324 Farnam St, 'PHONE 316. Union Station, 10th and NATURE'S WONDERFUL GIFT TO UAH Price 1llTrei. a i s-ni ooTTiae HIE BEE fOR Axminster, moquette and velvet carpets with or without borders in new spring pattern! and colorings worth II 60 May sale prli 98c All wool ingrains every thread wool and patterns are the very newest, bright, cheerful colors th very choloeet In Ingrains worth 76c May sale price 48c Japanese Matting cotton warp made of very fine straw and closely woven Just received 100 roll of on pattern- worth regular 36c May sale pri 19c "I bar aarar d any raaadr that baa baea a rood aa CaaearaM. Have to kaap tham hid- den from my little boy, aa he seta tham like aaudy." Mra. Kobt, 11. ray. Oeea. Ohio. "I shall sever be wtthoot Caaeerets. My children ar alwara dellrhied when I (Ivathaot a portion of a tablet, and err for mora. Taay kavs a permanent place In my home." . -Mra, John riasel, Miehltan City, lad, We sae Caaeareta In par family and they era th children's friend." Mra. Jamea Uraanweed, Manaaha, wla. "I always keep Caaeareta In tha boss for th children at wall aa myself." . Mrs. Chaa. Root, l Lorain St., Cleveland. O. "For months I have nsed Casoareta. and my little ones require no other medicine." -Mrs. 0. 11. Hemmoud, &3J nth at., Minneapolis. Best for th Bowel. All druggists, toe, tj, joe. Never sold la bulk. The genuine tsblet stamped C C C. Guaranteed to cur or your money back. Sample and booklet free. Addraaa Sterling Remedy Company, Chicago or New York. tat HOMESEEKERS' RATES. QEFfl Plus $2.00 D T Marcy. 'Phone 623. DANIELS' NATURAL MINERAL WELL WATER Catarrhal aa Aaauattc Traablaa. Malaria ai,4 li. eon. file. ta.i r, unp- aaa iJeaieia xaearai aiiaarai Yt an elat ailll ear roe, aamyla raaa bottled dlreo from tbe well al Sweetwater. Taaaa, J euuvteee all eifiiewi. rite foe Uetlmoalala. Bola oal br A N I EL- all J K a A L W A Tl CO., Oaaeaa, JUS., ! Aawata. w v es-it nmt'ae ss wi. eineie retina M 1 ALL THE NEWS