Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 04, 1902, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 24, Image 24
24 THE OMAITA DAILY ItEE: SUNDAY, MAY 4, 1902. I STATIONERY AT COST. Clesaeat (tin Going Oat of Retail BlarM Deciding to continue onljr tbe printlsg nil engrarlng departments of mr business In connection with the Excelsior, I will sell during Mar mr stock of offlre supplies, fclank boons, Ink. leather goods, playing cards, Japaaese goods and novelties at ab solute cost. CLEMENT CHASE. :iJ 8. 16th St. See OaTles opening on society Pg Lertare Herltal. On next Tueedar evening. May 8, a lec ture recital will be given In Kountxe Me morial church on "Singers In Verse and Melody." The lecture will be delivered by Edward Trefx and the Illustrative songs will be sung by Mrs. Thomas J. Kelly, goprano; Mrs. Allen P. Ely. contralto, and Mr. John McCreary. tenor. The admls. alon will be only 25 cents, or tickets can be obtained to this and two succeeding events for 80 cents, at the H. J. Penfold Drug Co. and the Megeath Stationery Co. The following program will be presented Tueday evening: Lecture fllnsers In Verse and Melody (Illustrations) Ldward Trefs tinier Evening Song Uuck Mrs. Allen U. Ely. Tennyson Come Into the Garden Balfe Mr. John McCreary. Heine Du Blst Wle Eine Illume.......... Rubenstcln Mrs. Thomas J. Kelly. Klngflley-Oh, That We Two W" Maying Neldllnger Mm. Ely and Mr. McCreary. longfellow Snow-flukes Cowen Mrs. Thomas J. Kelly. Shelley Indian Sfcrenarte Coombs Mr. John McCreary. (a) Stevenson In Winter Nevtn (b) Field Little Boy Hlue D Hardelot Mrs. Thomas J. Kelly. Harte The Chimney s Song Orlswold Mrs. Allen P. ly. E. B. Browning A Hose Oni-e drew.... Von Hammer Mrs. Thomas J. Kelly. Moore Believe Me Moore Mr. John McCreary. Burns My Love Is Like a Red Roxe.... Hastings ' Mrs. Thomas J. Kelly. Car of Thanks. We wish to thank the friends and neigh bors and especially the old soldiers for the kindness and sympathy shown us In our late bereavement. MRS. ELLEN HENSMAN AND FAMILY, Best machine, Oldsmoblle. 1114 Farnam st. Tbe ladles of the W. R. C. are requested to meet with the U. S. Grant W. R. C. In the Continental block, Tuesday, May 6, at If, n. Business of Importance. MRS. ASKWITH. Department President. Don't Miss It. If you owned the road and the train, you could get no more In the way of comfort and convenience than will be provided for the guests of the Special Train party now being formed for a trip to the Rocky Moun tains In June. A ten days' trip for a price that anyone can afford. For full particu lars, address EXCURSION, 330 Board of Trade. Homeseekera' Excursions. Via Missouri Pacific railway will leave Omaha Tuesday, May 6, at very low rates for round trip to certain points In south west Missouri, Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas, etc. Stopovers allowed on going Journey. For further Information, rates. tamphleta. call on company'a agetats or writ T. F. Godfrey. P. T. A., southeast corner Fourteenth and Douglas streets, Omaha. Neb. There's only one 8tonecypher. He prints. A rimllT Win. Mr. James H. Pottle, a director In the I Brotherhood Wine Co. of New Tork, la In the city calling on bis numerous friends ' and patrons. The Brotherhood Wine Co. has mad hosts of friends In Omaha, and their patronage Includes many of the city's best families. Mr. E. R. Emerson, president of the company, has recently written, a book entitled "The Story of the Vine,' which has elicited much favorable com ment from many of America's leading papers.. Mr. Emerson has handled the sub ject la a masterly manner, and has laid before the general public much valuable Information regarding the vine and Its vari ous products. The Brotherhood Co.'s bust Bess Ilea entirely, among private families, a notable exception being that of Sherman ft McConnel, who are carrying a full line of the former's famous brands. Genuine Imported beer on draught Maurer'i, 1306 Farnam street. - Ed Dr. James H. Pea body has moved from Capitol avenue to fiat over Graham's drug I tore, northeast corner Twenty-fourth and I Farnam streets. Tho l'sa of Rock Ballast on Railroads. The Lehigh Valley ha overcome the too common nuisance of dust met with In rail road travel, by having Its entire roadbed between Buffalo and New Tork ballasted with rock. The pleasure of a summer tour through the entrancing scenery along this rout la greatly enhanced by this added comfort of cleanllneai. Johason Bros., coal. Tel. 1062. A. B. Hubermann, only diamond Importer la west; lowest prices. Cor. 13th 4k Douglas. Oratassaese mi . Uargats. FOR BALE Latest model type, A. a combination traphopbone. which plays both large and small records; list price, 1 90. This Is especially designed for concert pur poses, having a thlrty-slx-lnch horn and stand. It also Includes twenty large Edl- aon records and carrying case of twenty- four records. Tbe machine Is entirely new and has never been used. Will sell at a bargain. Address X St, In ear of The Bee. Hamilton Warren, M. D., eclectle and magnetic physician, office at Victoria hotel. 1308 and 1310 Dodge street, till a suitable location can be found. Special attention to all long standing or lingering diseases of women and children. Notice to all votaries of Moqueddan Tem pi No. 83: Tou are requested to mset at Triune lodge No. 6. Be bldg., Tuesday eve.. May . Matters pertaining to our next ceremonial session June 14. There will also be a rehearsal. EDWARD WALSH. JOHN W. FTFE. Royal Vliler. Secretary. Our up-to-date, life-Ilk photos at 33.00 per aox. will astonish you; others charge 5 for aam. Williams, 1404 Farnam 8U Knneral Notice. All members of carpenter' union No. IT are requested to attend the funeral of our late Bro., P. 8. Piles, from under- taker's rooms, 20th and Cumlngs sts., at 3 o'clock p. m. sharp Sunday, May 4. By order of th B. B. ROBT. M'KINNON. Recording Secretary. OIKU. PHELAN Patrick, ared rears. Funeral Monday morning. May I, at (-Ml o clock, from the ra.nlly residence, 1M1 in.k.1.. u. .A 11.1.. v.n.liu fc...H.K Ktshteenth and Iaard streets. Interment I In Bt. Mary'" cemetery. South Omaha. Mr. Phclan haa lived forty-six years in Omaha. has been connected aa foreman In the 1'nlon I'aclHo vhops for thirty-five yeara. lie leaves to mourn his loas a wife, two I ns and threa daughters. OI4 Unloa fa The First Boara'laabease I Hlatorjr. Is the basis for a unique little story In the Feur-Track News for May. It la entitled "The Prophet's Chamber," Is appropriately Illustrated and contains Information that every farmer's wife In New Tork and New England should have. The Four-Track News will be mailed free to subscribers In the United States for 60c a year; single coplea, 5c. Ad dress Geo. H. Daniels, publisher. Grand Central station. New Tork. Have Root print It. Try the Chicago laundry. 'Phone 205. Bhcmpeolng and hair dressing, 25c, at the Bathery, 216-220 Bee Building. Tel. 1716. Send articles of Incorporation, notices of? stockholders' meetings, etc., to The Bee.1 We will give them proper legal Insertion. Bee telephone, 238. Shampooing and halrdressing, 25c, at the Bathery, 216-220 Bee Building. Tel. 1716. IWc Are ! Omaha's Busiest ; -r:i f Because We make the best fit- ting and wearing clothes at the reasonable prices. most (?) Paris Woolen Co., 1305 Farnam teaa tjn w. w Q w Positively all garments cut, (g and made In Omaha. fitted C D. H.'llECK, Manager. SNg4y,5ss'Ss; Dry Hard One Night Floors painted with Sherwin-Williams 'or faints ary nara enougn to wain on in ONE NIGHT. This paint Is made in nine beautiful shades Call for color card. All ready to use "JUST STIR IT UP." Half pint can Family Paint 15c Half pint can Varnish Stain 30c Half pint can Screen Paint loo Quarter Dint can Eaamel Paint 20c Quarter nlnt pan RlrvrU Enamel 20c SOc EOc 15c 40c Half pint car Buggy Paint. Half pint can Bath Tub Enamel Half pint can Oil Stains One pint can Fine Varnish One quart bottle Saunder's Ruby Floor OU 40c COo One pound can Shtnon Floor Wax Ask for book about finishing floors. Sherman & McConnell DrugCo . CORNER 16TH AND DODGE. Not a Dream But a recognised fact that the CUT TING CUTTER of drugs sells every thing at non-competing prtcea. 60c Lleblg'a Extract Beef 11c Does this look like a trust? 25 Laxative Bromo-Qutnlne 9c Does this look like a trust? $1 Coke's Dandruff Cure 48c Does this look like a trust? $1 Wahoo Blood and Nerve Tonic 25o Does this look like a trust? 11 Magnet Pile Killer 750 Does this look like a trust? 60o Texas Catarrh Remedy 26o Does this look ilk a trust? 31 Jackson's Bed Bug Extermi nator 75o Dof-s this look like a trust? Our Mixed Paints made by the De troit White Lead Worka Co. do not require Rocky Mountain cement to make them stick but we will give you a bottle of this wonderful mender with each purchase of one or more gallons. 11.60 a gallon 40c per quart. Does this look like a trust? -Our 6c Ice Cream Soda's unexcelled. Does this look like a trust? PEYTON, Ph. G., Cutting Cutter of Drugs', 24th and Leavenworth Streets. Wii Do You Loan Your Money for S per cent when you can make from luO to 1,000 per cent. This will stand the most rigid examination. If you have from flOO to 11,000 to In vest, Investigate this. -w GEO, T. HALL. 3OS-210 Be Building. Omaha, Neb. Full Set of Teeth $3.00 ALL WORK GUARANTEED. We Do We AdTertlae, We Are Her to atar. mm niiHtxrrPUTCS Small charge for m.uri.1 only. Special free Clinic orlce until May 15: Teeth Cleaned FREE Teeth Kxtracrea milk Soft Fillings KHtB Oliver Fillings FKKK Gold Crowns --8o P.tlXLKSS rE-WTITR, 1K2S Douslas. Ono. Boston Store. Open dally Nights till 3. Sundays, 10 to IF YOU ARE NOT SMOKING THE. Try one, then notice the fine Tobacco ana compare it with high priced imported Cigars. F. IV Moo Mercantile Cigar C, Manufacturer, lit. Loui L'aloa Made. We Have Them All MEN'S OXFORD TIES. MEN'S BLUCHER OXFORDS. MEN'S COLONIAL TIES. PATENT KID, PATENT CALF. PATENT COLT, VELOUR CALF. BLACK RUSSIA CALF. VICI KID. THE LATEST STYLES. THE NEWEST SHAPES. THE LOWEST PRICES. $2.50, $3.00, $3.50, $4.00, $5.00 FRY SHOE CO. Formerly Carlwrifht & Co. N. C. Cor. I6th erdDouglas. Try It and See We get many letters from out of town people asking if we till mat' orders at our advertised prices. TRY L'S AND SEE. A strict rule of this store Is one price to everybody In town or out. The express age will not begin to eat up the saving be tween our prices and your home drugKlst who does not buy In the qanlity we do. TRY US AND SEE. Qquart bottle White Rock Llthta 20c Jl.'JO Uncle Sam's Tobacco Cure guar anteed 5oc ZSe Laxative Brnmo-Qulnlne io $1.00 I'eruna one to a customer 67c &c Omepa Oil 34c $1.00 Bromo-Seltier &sc lempianon ionic i.V $1.00 Sexlne Pills 75c. 25c Eage Hrand Condensed Milk 15.- $1.00 Wine Cardul one to a customer.. 45k $1.00 Butler's Female Regulator guar- niiimi r t Tot' $2.00 Cotton Root and Pennyroyal' "piils.JLUU WE NEVER CLOSE SCIIAEFEiTS CUT PRICE DRUG STORE . "41. S. . 1 or. lUth and I'lileaao. Ice Cream Soda Free We will give you free a glass of Ice cream soda If our soda for 5c Is not better than any 10c glass in Omaha. We sell all kinds of drinks, 6c Buttermilk, Egg Phos phate, Prince Henry Mash, Ec Buck Come Back, 5c High Tip, 6c Ice Cream, bulk, all flavors, 35c a quart pints, 20c. When dry come in. This la at Shrador's Drug Store, 21th and Sew .rJ Ms. All Drinks Onlv 5c. Carey Roof Good tor any cuiicing. Omaha Roofing an J Supp y Co., 542 Kamgc Building, OMAHA, NEBRASKA. Long Distance Telephone STL Just a Few $35 Cres cents Left for $22.50 Cash. $50 Spring Frame and Coaster Brake for Cash $35. Call in and see it Tribune, the easiest running bicycle made, S40 and $50. Coaster Brake Put On, $6. TIRES, $1.60. Louis Flcscher 1622 Capitol Ave. e "T" Aroma of our present Havana S J. 1 J I ! -tl, 11 '( ri'fV' "1 f jSTPSIIIPPIWSSKSB 1513 Dodge St Middle of the Block U "THE 99 One of the pleasures of tlie summer season is within the reach of every one with a little money and a small grass plot. r i ii to $2.05. A full line of recreation goods, including ham mocks, Spaulding's base ball goods, children's golf sticks, etc., etc. Bring your pictures here to have them framed. mi mm Impure river water when you can buy WHITE ROCK OZONATE LITHIA WATER at the prices we name. Its equal Is unknown, and It has the vim, life and sparkle, without the bite, burn and sting of all other charged waters. IN FULL CASE LOTS SO qnarts White Rook fM.RO lOO pints White Rook flO.BO lOO splits White Rock $ 9.00 12 half nations (plain water).. S.OO Liberal allowance for empty bottles. MYERS-DILLON DRUG CO., 16th and Fnrnam Streets. Omaha. IS". B. Call as op for m nurse. e D Keep Gool By wearing low shoes Our Drexcl specials at 33.60 an array of styles and leathers, larger than ever before We've added two more styles of pa tent leather, making ten separate styles In men's low shoes In black kid, black "Russia, velour calf, box calf, patent kid and the patent colt that we sold over 00 pairs of last summer, without a single complaint about wearing quality. See our Men's $3.00 Patent Leathers that have more style and wear than most 33.60 shoes that are advertised. Droxel Shoo Co., Omaha's ITp-to-daf Shoe) House, 1410 FARNAM STREET. ISaSBSESSBSBsa The Long focus Century Grand This is tbe latest camera on the market and the most up-to-date. It has six new features not to be found on any other. Fitted with triple con vertible, or planatlc lens, focal ca pacity 28 inches, with both front and rear extension bellows. List, $50 OUR PRICE. 140.00. Call and see or send for descrip tive catalogue. We carry all other good makes. PREM0S, P0C0S AND EASTMAN KODAKS. THE Robert Dempster Co., 1215 Farnam St. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEAL ERS IN PHOTO SUPPLIES. Bend us your films to develop. Wedding, Reception and Tea Invitations. Ota IMPRIXT STANDS FOR . PERFECTION IX EVERY DETAIL. Excellence In quality and workmanship and correctness to the finest details of pre vailing styles made and keep our reputa tion. Our Stationery Department especially desires to afford its facilities to those wishing the very best engraving. Only the finest engravers and printers are em ployed in the production of our work. Our prices for engraving, having in view the quality of the material and ths excellence of the work, are lower than elsewhere. oyer Stationery Co., 21iO A 222 (loath 10th Street. Special sale of fine Statuary, Domestic and Imported v G. GONNELLA. 1 712 S. 16th btreet. Omaha. 1513 DodgeSt Middle of the Bltck CENT STORE" The Game of Croquet, is interesting and amusing. We are selling complete sets, balls, mallets, hoops, stakes, etc., in wood" box, for Goc. Others at 85c, 98c, REFRIGERATORS Have you examined our line of Refrigera tors? We are agents for the Challenge Iceberg; the Grand and the Alaska, White Enameled. Our prices will, we think, please you. We have them from 33.00 upward. Gasolene Stoves The name Jewel stands for all that Is best In gasolene stoves. We are Omaba agents for the Jewel line and have sold them for sixteen years. Prices from $2.50 to $28.00. JOHN HUSSIE HARDWARE GO. 2407-2409 Cumin? St., Tel. 1116. "If you buy It of Hussle It's right." WHAT CHEER IN A BEER that's a perfect brew ours. Made from su- fierior grade barley, malt and hops. Strlct y pure and properly aged, it is at once wholesome, nutritious, palatable. A strengthener for the weak, a boon to th weary. The Mets Is highly recommended for table use and medicinal purposes alike. Can't be excelled. Brewery's own bottling. Aletz Bros., Brewing Co. Telephone 110, Omaha. Or Jacob Neumayer, Agt.. care Neumayer Hotel. Council Bluffs. Ia. HOSE MONEY GRASS Three Important things Just now. We can sell you the best SEAMLESS TUBE Hose made, for the least money, ' and we are doing It every day, helping you to keep your grass green. Remember, we sell only Goodrich Hose, and every foot warranted. Jas. Morton & Son Go. 1!S 11 Dodge Street. Hardware and Lawnmower Pecple. G. A. LINDQUIST. Merchant Tailor. villi line of Enrlns: Suittnas. A new stock of goods at the new location. Phono 1KHL. 1410 FARNAM STREET. OMAHA, Hi 0ii will ba helJ this waak at tha ,vV bi--;S Mh ' I r ip Wednesday andJhursday we wlllBell Speed Horses. Single Drivers, Matched Carriage Teams, High Acting Cobs, Coachers, Saddlers and Children's Ponies. Thursday and Friday Business, Express and Draft Horses. All horses thoroughly broken and sold without reserve. Valnorth-IIilliker NEWS FOR GOOD (ill DRESSERS. 11 Ml( Hen's Finest SHOWING 1 SELLING! SATISFYING! Ia the Mory in our great Suit stock. And we mean to continue itto many men's satisfaction for what man could fail to be de lighted with the best styles and the best values. See our display of the new black and white and every other choice pattern. The Stein, liloch Co., Hack- ett, Carhart Co. and Hart, Schaffner & Marx Tailor Men's Spring Suits at a saving from fo.OO to $ 10.00 a suit. mien's Extra Stylish Suits. All perfect tailored, from the most fashionable mater ials, Scotch, black and white tweeds, imperial wor steds, strictly hand made throughout, the equal of made to measure garments that Mould cost you from $35 IC' nfl nnAGQO Kfl to $40.00 Special OlUiUU CllIUOsCaUU Extra Special Men's Pure Domestic Worsted Tweeds and New Cheviots, serge linings, hair cloth, shape retaining front, made by the best clothing manufacturers in America, and actually worth $12.50, all sizes, 33 to 44 'T fl Special price . liliU vlen's Fine Suits About 150 new 1902 spring styles, all made with hand padded under collar, hand made button holes, hair cloth fronts guaranteed to retain shape, every suit a real $18.00 to $20.00 value Special price....... HJ1 Selling the Host HEAD GKEAT We sel'. the MOST ELABORATE Phaetons, Stanhopes, Rockaways, Carriages, Runabouts and Depot Wagons. RIGHT PRICES TELEPHONE 65J IKi U LiI KINGMAN IMPLEMENT GO. r HELGREN & GRADMANN, Merchant Tailors High Grade Tailoring at Moderate 1'rices 309 South 16th Street 'Phone 203 (fANDBH SEN 151U-ia PILES CURED V..,'.iiimj ii i li i in i i mi j OUR ANNUAL COllDMATIOfi AUCTION SALE uiass tiorses UNION STOCK YARDS, Go. Graham, DBS. Spring Suits. oorrsiosT, 10 J J. . KIKKMBAtfU AO. $10.00 and SI2.50 Clothing in Omaha. SALES ON PAGE 13. 10th and FARNAM Sts - MILL ARB CO CAPITOL AVE CARRIAGES and HARNESS of UP-TO-DATE 8TYLE HIGHEST QUALITY At POPULAR PRICES ANDERSON-MILLARD GO. All diseases of the rectum treated without rutting, tying or burning. IjK. W. C. MAXWELL, graduate of Itellevue Hospital Medlral College, New Tork City. 624 lies Building, Omaha. SOUTH OMAHA. Proctor & Ream Co. -4 cL&o employe teae nouoe.