CO THE OMA1TA DAILY BEE: SUNT) AT, MAY 4, 1002. SPECIAL NOTICES Aavertiaeaseata far taese lasaae arlll ke takea aatll It as. far la alas edltlea aa aalll : . a, far atralig aa laaday edltlea. Kates, 1 - war gret laaertlea, la a war thereafter. Netblaat takea far leee thaa SB far tha litt laser, tleau Taese agTertUeaaeata as sat ha raa aseeatlvelr". Advertisers, ar reejaaetlas; a aaa. tare eheek, aaa fcave aaewere a- rested ta m iiatrH letter la ear f Taa aaawara aa addressee! will a aellrerea aa greseataltaa taa heek a air. SITUATIONS WAITED. WANTED, position In city by man of IS; has had five years' experience In selling specialty roods, also bookkeeper; wojld not consider less than $l.ouu per year. Z 44, Bee. A-612 4 WASTED MALE HELP. OOOD messengers wanted; Increased pny. A. D. T. Co., 212 South 13th. B 231 u rnn mi.r a DAY'S WORK. If you live In the country or In a small town and have a good acquaintance among tha fanners and stock raisers In 1 tha neighborhood you can make o eushy by four or live hours' work. Write us and wa will send your our proposition. Tha Bee Publishing CO., ooucuors ut pi., Omaha, Nab. liMia WANTED, a good man In every county to take subscriptions for The Twentieth Cen tury Farmer. Our agents make good wassa everywhere. Relerences required. Address Twentieth Century Farmer, Omaha, Nab. ZZ THREE or four good man wanted; 1100 per month, call z? rexton dioc. a tam WANTED, salesmen to solicit orders on a pew proposition by which you can earn U to 16 ii day; young men from 33 to 23 desired, who are hustlers and well recom mended. Koom 106, Omaha Bee Bldg. B MS69 WANTED, a gentleman desires to take private lessons In French two evenings each week. Must call at my residence, Address, stating method of teaching, X 43. Baa. B M70 O. R. RATHBlTN gives private lessons In bookkeeping. Room 16, Commercial Na tional bank. B-!93 WANTED, deserving young lady or gentle man to take life scholarship In Omaha's beat business and shorthand college and pay for It when course Is finished and position secured Address Y 47, Bee. B-8S9 WANTED, registered drug clerk, single man; temperate. Address 1,31, Bee. B M407 4 AN AGENT and collector In every county In Nebraska. Address 823 New York Life, Omaha. B M434 4 CABINET makers, with experience, to work on bank and store fixtures; good pay, steady work. Fisher-Stevens f urn. Co., Charles City, Iowa. B M466 6 WANTED At once. I good house painters; steady work for right men. O. L. Nel- borg. West Point, Nebraska. B M466 4 WANTED Salesman for retail clothing store; must be bright competent man: state experience and references. Box 437, isortn ristte, d, b M4o 4 WANTED, men to learn barber trade; only eight weeks required: special Inducements Until May It; positions guaranteed; wages Saturdays; scholarship, board and tools to applicants from distance. Call or write Motor Barber College, 1623 Farnam st. B M4&6 8 WANTED 3S0 men for general ranch and labor work In southern California; also $40 men for R. R. and street car con struction work. Apply or write to Hum mel Broa 4fc Co., Employment Agents, 800 w. za t, ixs Angeies, cat. B-M482 4 WANTED, s night porter. Apply H. Paeples, manager Millard hotel el. B 4914 MAN residing In Nebraska to represent established Business placing stock; fair salary to start, permanent for right party; experience unnecessary. Belf-ad- flreased envelope. Manager Wlmmer, - rontiao ag., cnicago. jo ouz WANTED, a high grade specialty man to en our una to aenerai store trade. First- elaas proposition to light party. Address ui Manhattan tfiag., cnioago. B 601 4 CIVIL) service government positions; ,89 appointments made last year; probably 10,000 this year; only common school edu cation required for examination; cata logue of Information free. Columbian Correspondence college, Washington). LEARN proofreading: situations secured: 111 to weekly. Home Correspondence - ocnooi, rmiaaeipnia. t WANTED, clothing salesmen to open and operate sales agencies for America's greatest tailors; exclusive rights given; proper facilities furnished to right par ties; woolens in the piece for display pur poses supplied If required; samples fur nished free, also advertising matter and stationery. A number of our sales agents are making from 31.300 to 33.600 per year. 1 Write for terms and full Information. Address Agency, Dept. P., Lock Box S64, cmcago. a COMPUTING SCALE SALESMAN. W. F. Btlropson Co., llfrs., Detroit, Mich. Z3 WEEK and expenses for men with rlga to Introduce poultry compound: stralxnt salary. Imperial Mfg. Co., Dept. 64. Par sons, Kan. B oot 4- SALESMEN on Btx,ng Powder, $75 per month and travel in expenses; induce ments to dealers; experience unnecessary. runty co., cnicago. a uui ENEROETTC workers everywhere to dis tribute circulars, samples, booklets, eto. ; 00a pay; position permanent. uisi. League, Station E, New York. B-849 4 PERSONS everywhere to distribute sam ples, good pay, positively no canvassing: for particulars send 3 stamps. The Stand- ara, wens, cnicago. a eis ' WANTED Salesmen everywhere to sell our 1. 13. M and Ift accident and health in surance policies combined with registra tion; bis; commissions; I1S0.OXI deposited tnf protection of policy holders. Sales men making $10 to $25 dally. Travelers Identification Co., 367 Fulton St., Brook lyn, r. I, B 4v3Jr 4' WANTED, everywhere, hustlers to tack signs, distribute circulars, samples, eto.; ho canvassing; good pay. Hun Advertis ing Bureau, Chicago. B 6314 WANTED, a sober, industrious man to run engine and work in flour mill; state waves xiciea and experience. Humorrev Roller Mills, Humphrey, Neb. 6894 4 OOVERNMENT positions. Where they are, how obtained, salaries paid. Ex aminations soon in every state. Particu lars free. Write for circular 161. Natl Cor. Institute, Washington. D. C. B MECHANICS aualtfled for advancement. Our free booklet. "Are Your Hands Tied?" telle how thousands have doubled or largely increased their earning capac ity through our spare time Instruction by mall. Write to tha International Corre- suondence Schools. Box 1468. Hcranton. Pa., or rail day or evening, Omaha Of- nca, est raxton uioca. a aca - MEDICAL book salesman wanted by the leading firm In the business on a desirable proposition; atate full particulars of ex- bertenoa. r. u. box k. f nuadeipnia. B-6i 4 TOUNO men wanted, any distance, copy letters home avenlnga and return to us. Wa pay $10 per thousand. Send addressed envelope for particulars and copy. F. M. C. Deot. 134. Box 1411 Philadelphia. B 6S5 4" MANAGER wanted, every large county. "Oaane o' Skill" nickel slot machine for drinks and cigars; strictly lawful: takes nlaca or forbidden slot machines, thereby Piling a long-felt want; rented or sold on easy payments; sella at sight: forty thousand now In use. Conrad Jackson Desk Co., Cincinnati Ohio. B 663 4 SPLENDID opportunity for young men 8Pl.bNDID.We have hundreds of grad uates boldlns nrst-class positions aa bar bers or in business for themselves In Ne braska and adjoining etatea; only college endorsed by the barbers' craft; send for sueolal offer for May and graduates tes timonials. American Barber College, cor er 13th and uougias, cimana. Men. ( B-4 4 a AdENTl ta solicit, ons to collect. eltr and utaUla town. Address Zl WANTED MALE HELP. WANTED- Apprentice In machine shop; null b- of good alt and appearance. Ad dress Z 50. Bee. B 680 4 WANTED Bright, active. Intelligent solicitors; mndern Idea In accident Insur ance! low cost, liberal Indemnity; easily sold. Apply Progressive Mutual Accident Asa n. M N. Y Lire; 11 to 11 o clock a. m. B 674 4 ALMSMEN WA.1Ti;i), , SALESMEN wanted for full Una of fruit and ornamental treea; pay weekly; outfit free. Lawrence rsursery company, uw. renca, Kan. 58 Ji' WE HAVE a number of agencies In Ne braska and western Iowa where we ue food men selling; our Standard Stock ood to farmers and feeders; they must have teams and give full tlma to the bjstness; they must be men of high standing;, have some knowledge of live stock and good buslners ability; we fur nish wagons 'or such men and offer ex ceptional Ind.icements to permanent sales- inen, uiinu reiujiru. Brim iui nn uvn blank. The b, E. Sanborn Company, Omaha, Neb. M28? M26 CAN you sell Mttcrs as a side line? We nave spienuiu oner. tu n. zun, poutn Omaha. 617 4 WANTED, three Al salesmen willing to hustle six ciftys In the week and ten months In the year for an Income rang ing from $2,O,)0 to 36. )) net yr year; others are corning It; why not you? Kor full pHnlculnra write Bushway, Brltt Co., Decatur, III. SALESMEN to sell toilet soap to dealers; 3100 per month salary ana expenses; ex- Serlence unnecessary. Louis Ernst Co., t. Louis. Mo. WANTED, silesman; $60 monthly and ex penses: permanent. Perry Nursery Co., Rochester, N. Y. SALESMEN wanted; two experienced spe cialty siiesmen; positions permanent; staple, attractive line; trade well estab lished; responsible house. Men worth tiw per month, write with reference. Ad drees. Z 80, Bee. 68S 4 WANTED A shrewd, experienced travel- ins; talesman to nil vacancy; generni mTcantllo trade. Apply at once. M. F. Blxler & Co., Ltd., Cleveland, O. 530 4 SALESMAN wanted; hustling salesman for Nebraska, by well established wholesale house; high commission contract with $25 .00 weekly advance while traveling. Jess H. Smith Co., Detroit, Mich. 673 ' WANTED, salesman, only one with experi ence, to sen copying sales boons ana an kinds of printed matter. Apply In person, if possible. Nebraska Printing Co.. Lin coln, Neb. 623 6 WANTED, "by well established house, trav ellng salesman; very attractive, salable line, yielding large pronts; liberal and unique Inducements to retail trade; high- priced men Investigate. O. P. Blackatead, ii W. Atwater St., Detroit, Mich. 0S 4' SALESMEN Automatic copying bonk, new, needed by every business man; bonanxa for agents. Pershing Mfg. Co., South Bend. Ind. WANTED, salesmen by manufacturer of grocers specialties; good salary to ex perlenced, hard workers. Address Bos 617. Chicago, 111. WANTED, salesmen, 60 per month and expenses; immediate and permanent; no trlflers; we mean business. First Na' tlonal nurseries, Kocnester, N. y. WANTED, bright salesman to present old reliable manufacturers line to best mer chants. Address. Wm. Dlx, 119 Dearborn St., Chicago. -623 4 WANTED, wide-awake, energetlo travel ing salesman of good appearance and ad dress to sell dry goods and general store trade in tnis territory; an exceedingly attractive proposition; excellent oppor tunlty for a first-class salesman to se cure permanent position with a good house. In reply state age, experience and give references. Address box 014, Chicago, tat ' WANTED, by re'lable, well rated firm, ex perienced, up-to-aate traveling sales man, to sell staple line to general mer chandlse trade in this state; permanent position to man of push, energy and anility; must nave oeet or references ana give bond, box W, HI Louis. . ta 4' WANTED, experienced salesmen ta call on an Kinas or business nouses, manufactur ers, wholesale and retail stores and banks, to Introduce and sell our marntfl cent Advertising Calendars, comprising over 300 different styles, all original, late, handsome patterns, nothing like them ever seen before. Customers want and buy at once on seeing them: really no competition: wonderful works of art. We pay largest commission. Those giving ex clusive time to the work readily make sum to sioo every week, we guarantee them to be the best aide line for travel ing men ever heard of. Write at once witn rererencea. All commissions paid promptly. Success assured. American Novelty Co., Cincinnati, O. 681 4 WANTED PEMALB HELP. WANTED, two young lady students to learn nairuresstng. manicuring and chl ropody ara scientino massage. Call or write Room 320, Bee Bldg. c 294 100 Olrls. Call Canadian office, 15th & Dodge. c WANTED, deserving young lady or gentle man to take lire scnoiarsnip in Omaha s best business and shorthand college and pay for It when course Is finished and position secured. Address A 1, Bee. c w WANTED, a second girl: references. Mrs, V. B. Caldwell, H South ZOth. C 421 4 WANTED, a teacher to Instruct the French language to a class of three, twice a week; state terms. Address 34, Bee. O M42 WANTED, a 000k, at 1120 Park Ave. C 470 4 WANTED, ladles to learn halrdresslnr manicuring and facial massage; only four weeks required; join now and complete for summer resort work: also many posi tions waiting in city esianusnmenis. (. all or write Moier college, itii iarnam st. C M4S6 8 WANTED, skirt girls, helpers and appren tlce. Mccabe, Uuwni, room 427 Ramg building. C M490 4 WANTED, a cook at the Child's Saving institute, jin ana unio. Appiy to tn matron. C 492 6 DRES8MAKERS wanted. 10W Douglas. C 641 ACTIVE Catholic lady to work at home $34 paid for 13 days' trial; permanent If satisfactory. John Engwall, Lakeside Bldg., Chicago. C 603 4 LEARN proofreading: situations secured $16 to $23 weekly. Home Correspondence School. Philadelphia. C- LADIES wanted to do embroidery and Kattenberg at their homes; steady work. Chicago Crochet Co., Chicago, 111. C 39 TO $15 WEEKLY; no canvassing; If now employed sn hour or two evenings will add $6 to $6 to your weekly income. In close stamp, work mailed on applica tion, loth Century Mfg. Co., Toledo, O. C U 4 $1.00 DAY allowed apprentices while learn ing cutting, oasting, ooning ana nnisning a dress; complete French tailor system taught. Room 6. Patterson Blk.. 17th and Farnam. C 671 4 LADIES to do piecework at their homes; we furnish an materials ana pay rrom 37 to $12 weekly; send stamped envelope to Royal Co., 34 Monroe Be, Chicago. III. C 53S 4 LADIES Copy letters at home. $4 to $6 per week. Benu stampea envelope lor appli cation. Monarch Novelty Co., Dent. 93, Chicago. C-rT 4 $3 DAILY copying letters at home; either sex; enc ose two stamps wun applica tion. Illinois Industrial Union, Dent. 29, Masonic Temple, Chicago. C 505 i YOUNO ladles wanted, any distance, copy letters home evenings ana return tn us. Ws pay $10 per thojsand. Send addressed envelope for particulars snd copy. P. M C. Dept. 13s, Bos L411, Philadelphia C 64 4 WANTED, competent girl for general housework; good wages ana small family. 1041 Georgia ave. C M7o3 4 WANTED, girl for general housework. small family: liberal waans. Apply luj Duuglaa at. Mrs. G. L. Hammer. C-M697 I OIRL, German or Bohemian preferred, for geasrai aoysewor. Ua fa. sii Ave. C-M879 I WAJITED rEMALB HELP. WANTED, first-clans cook at once: wages $35 pes- month. Apply to Mrs. Oeo. A. Jnslyn. 3! Davenport St. C MH92 3 HELP WANTED. SOLICITORS wanted, mala or female. 4404 Star Art Co., 410 N. 16tn. COPTI8TS to do copying during apara time; enclose stamp for particulars. Co lumbian Mfg. Co. (V), 1244 N. 10th, Phila delphia. 689-4 WESTERN hustlers to handle new store lighting plants; simple and cHap; year's guarantee; exclusive terrier; Investi gate. Z 48, Bee. 414 4 $3 PER l.Ono for writing letters. Materials rree; send aaaressea sismpea envelope; mention this paper. Boston Optical Co., Burtaio, is. x. m 4 FUR RF.JfT-Ft HMJI1ED ROOMS. DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnnm. h. sob BEAUTIFUL rooms, furnished or unfur nished, for light housekeeping, modern, large lawn, private family. 2oJ Burt St. K 497 FURNISHED rooms, all modem. 320 N. E 639 M18 loth Bt. ELEGANT rooms, finest location In the E M835 city. 1909 Capitol Ave. LARGS, also smaller room. 808 N. lDth St. E-166 M2 TWO housekeeping rooms, $8. 2623 St. E M214 M26 Miry 1. TWO well furnished south rooms. 2016 F M272 Douglas. FRONT room, modem, $8. 1717 Webster. K 474 junei" FOR RENT, a nice large furnished froM room, witn alcove. 701 a. ztn st. E M476 TWO rooms for gentlemen; private fam ily; rent moderate; good location; close In. Z 42, Bee. E 619 6 FURNISHED rooms for light housekeep ing, zsoi Dodge. 1640 WANTED, a man and wife or two gentle men to occupy apartments in an elegant summer home, with a widow lady and daughter; convenient to best car service In city. Address Z 45, Bee. E 609 4 NICELY furnished room, modern. 2T80 E M703 10 Harney St. ROOMS, 610V4 So. 10th St. Phone 1811. E 6S2 J3 FIRMSHED ROOMS AND BOARD. DESIRABLE suite of rooms, first floor, The Pratt, 212 8. F 902 MS unfurnished, May 1. 25th St. ROOMS "The Farnam," 19th and Farnam. F 309 THE ROSE, 2020 Hartley, rooms with board. FRONT room and board. 1922 California. F 170 M26 NICE rooms with good board; reasonable; batn, gas, electric lignt ana teiepnone. 411 N. 26th. F M283 NEWLY furnished rooms with good table board; reasonable. 307 m. zotn. F M467 4 FRONT room, with alcove and board, In private family, at b. iitn Ave., all modern conveniences. F 472 11 FURNISHED room and board for one or two gentlemen; In good location; private family; references. Z 49, Bee. F 644 6 Merriam, comfortable summer home. Tel. 85. r ui FOR RENT UNFURNISHED ROOMS. DESK room space. $5 per month, ground floor room in ine Bee ouuaing, lacing Farnam street; no expense for light, heat or janitor service, it. c. meters & Co., Rental Agents, Bee building. G 116 SUITE of rooms, modern, housekeeping. 414 Georgia Ave. u Matu FIVE unfurnished rooms. 2619 N. 15th. O 268 M4 TWO pleasant rooms for light housekeep ing; walking oisiance. aui ieavenwortn. O 648 4 8 ROOMS and alcove, all modern convent ences; choice location, inquire lis a. 25th street. u 612 t FOR RENT 8 elegant furnished rooms. single or en suite. 1709 Dodge. Telephone A-2294. U 4 FOR RENT STORKS AND OFFICES, FOR RENT, the building formerly occu pled by The Bee at vis am am Bt. it has four stories and a basement which was formerly used ss The Bee press room This will be rented very reasonably. It Interested apply at once to C. C. Rose' water, secretary, room 100, Bee building. 121)1 FOR RENT, store In ftrst-class location: rent reasonaois. Appiy n. c. meters at Co., ground floor. Bee Bldg. 1266 LARGE room In the Paxton blook to let, suitable tor loage purposes, add v room 635, Paxton block, lock, or W. FARNAM SMITH CO. 1310 STOREROOM. 701 8. 16fh. R. C. Peters & Co., Main Floor, Bee Bldg. 1218 FOR rbnt, desk room or large space suitable for merchandise broker or party aoing Duoiness in wnoiesaie aiairict. in' quire Hene Co., 914 Farnam St. I-M2S4 1307-09 HOWARD STREET. THREE-STORY and basement brick: good location for PRINTER, also for jobbing or commission house. For terms of lease see PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, - Tel. 1781. Main tfloor N. Y. L. Bldg. 1-618 4 AGENTS WANTED. WANTED. canvassln sing agents In every Subscriptions to THE county to ollcit TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER steady employment with assured good . Income; agents In the country with horse and buggy especially desired: can v a users make easily $60 to $100 per month, Address Century Farmer Solicitors Bureau. Bea building. Omaha. 213 AT ONCE, a good, reliable agent making all branches of C., B. A Q. In southern Nebraska to take a good side Una on commission. Address Y 19, Bee. J M130 M15 WANTED, men with $6,000 capital to taks one-iourtn interest ana management of a stock company of $20,000 paid capital Must understand dealing with farmers snd furnish good references. Part out doors work and only eight months' work In year. Good salary and permanent position to right party. Address W 1112 Howard St., Omaha, Neb. M405 4 SALARY or commission to sell the Famous Gas Burner: an electric light on a kero sens lamp: a million In use; sample by mall oc; uiustraisd literature rree. mod arch Novelty Co., 311 N. W. Bldg . Minne apolla, Minn. J M477 4 AGENTS, dealers, nswest. esslest, quick est sellers: sample package and cata logues, 10c. B. F. Pierce. 1420 W. Monroe, Chicago. J-504 4 LADIES do embroidery at home; materials furnished, no canvassing: II to 12 dally send stamped addressed envelope for par ticuiars. iiome industry Aug. CO., u v, jus itanuoipn St., cnicago. J-600 4 WANTED, a competent man to represent an eastern company in Nebraska in tn sale of high grade Investment contract as Issued In connection with fraternal insurance, exclusive lonllury; easy seller UDerai terms to rignt man. z, u. tt-e. J 621 AGENTS Automa tie Washers sell them selves; one agent writes he exhibited his sample to ten women and took ten orders; time requires.. 46 minutes; profit over $50; fuaranteed to do a washing In 34 minutes; umlshes Its own power; requires neither labor nor attention; coata less than any other machine; free samples and exclu sive territory furnished agents; $50 a week guaranteed; thousands of testimonials. Automatic Wakher Co., Station U, Chi cago. J HOW I made $76,000 In three years; guar antes auccess If you take my advice; my plan for 20c In stamps; all publishers know me as reliable; employ too people; started without capital; rich today; chance for you. Frank ii. Carter, U East 4JJ street. AGENTS WANTED. AGENTS wanted, four bis sellers, 1M per cent pront, samples ires, dayman, pi. Louis, Mo. J AtJENTs Compelent salesmen to present attractive goods in towns ana country: liberal contract and gtiaranted unwork'd territory; state experience. The True Art Co., 150 Fifth ave.. New York. J WANTED Good live man of good address In each city, capable of employing and handling sub-agents for the sale of our New Improved Sidewalk Cellar Door Guard. Agents make from $6 to $25 per day. Circular on application. The Cellar Door Ouard Co., Cincinnati, O . 1 J-4U3 i ONLY authorised Life of Rev. T. DeWItt Taimage, by his eon, Rev. Dr. Frank Tal mage, and associate editors of the Chris tian Herald; book of 5u0 pages, magnifi cently Illustrated; retails st $!; ojtfll free; postage 20 cents; best terms; freight paid; premiums given; order Immediately and secure choice of territory. Union Book and Bible House, Denver, Colo. J-S6 4 LIFE of Rev. Dr. T. DeWItt Taimage free. The book war is on; to Introduce and ad vertise the only authentic Memorial edi tion, r00 pages, price $1.50, and to discour age the sale of spurious editions we will employ agents to give away to responsible people 6,0110 copies tn each state. We pay agents tjOc on each book given away. Agents can make $10 to $20 per day. Out fit free. Send 15c to cover postage. Be gin work at once. Address Monroe Book Co., Chicago. J-664 4 SOLICITORS WANTED I paid one of my agents one day last r-eek w, anotner one $10.75, another $12.25. which repre sented the commissions they received for work which occupied less than six hours' time in each case. My work can be done by either aex, can occupy all or only a part of your time, as you wish, and Is a kind of work which will provide you a comfortable living and give you a chance to savo some money every month as long as you live. The occupation Is thoroughly honorable and legitimate. Address for full particulars, free. W. M. GrifTin, Key 154, Fort Wayne, Ind. You don't have to let anyone know you are my agent and you won't need any capital, out tit cr previous experience. J AGENTS Amerlcus Leather Suspenders sell themselves; $25 to $TiO weekly easy; exclusive territory to hustlers; Introduced by agents only; samples furnished. Berry Mfg. Co., B. 93. Cincinnati, O. J- 4 AGENTS Big pronts; greatest household article on market; Dandy scraper cleans pots, pans, etc.; 10 cents. Dandy Mfg. Co., Newark, N. J. J 603 4 WANTED Men to control state agencies; latest Improvements; highest endorse ments; largo returns; permanent. Chem ical Fire Engine Co., Des Moines, la. J 695 4 AGENTS wanted; If you want to buy or sell farms, ranches, city or business property quirk, send 4c in stamps for Ear ticuiars. Western Supply Co., Broken low, Neb. J-674 4 WE PAY $22 a week and expenses to men with rlga to introduce l'ouitry compound. International Mfg. Co., Parsons, Kan. J-668 4 AGENTS, write now for free sample of work and terms. Htar Harness Menaer: best 2uc seller out. We make other quick- selling necessities; Columbia Mov. Mrs. Co., St. Louis. Mo. J-675 7 AGENTS start general merchandise busi ness with your own oto-page catalogue; sample, 26c; circulars free; everything furnished in your nnme. Dept. 64, Rapid Mfg. Co., Chicago, 111, J-6S0 4 WANTED, good live man of good address in each cltv. canable of employing and handling subagents for the sale of our New Improved Sidewalk Cellar Door Guard. Agents make from $5.00 to $25.00 per day. circular on application, ine Cellar Door Guard Co., Cincinnati, O. J-619 4 AGENTS Wonderful Invention. Just what Is wanted. Burner fits any lamp; makes own gas. Costs one cent dally. Sells It self. Brass model lamp free. Blx profit. Challenge Gaslight Co., Downing Bldg., New York, J-634 4 $76 A MONTH and expenses; no experience needed: position permanent; seir-seuer. Pease Sad Iron Co., Box 134, Cincinnati, O. AGENTS wanted: $100 weekly easily made; let us prove tnis to you. iNamepiates, numbers, slirns readable darkest nights: samples free. Right Supply Co., Eng!e- wood, ill. J us - AGENTS wanted, for the best and only positive skirt supporter ever invented liberal terms. Geo. N. Sceets, 1063 Monadnock, bldg., Chicago. J 606 4 AGENTS, everywhere, mall postal for copy of the NurBery world. f ree circula tion. Address publishers, Brown Bros. Co., Kocnester, JM. x. J 660 4 WANTED Manager In every city, county to nanaie best paying business Known; legitimate: new; exclusive control. Phoenix Co., 13 W. 28th BU, New York. J-667 4 SALESMEN wanted; big salary or com mission paid to seu our goons, py tarn pie, wholesale or retail. Address. Can- Dex Mfg. Co., Buffalo, N, Y., United Slates. J 666 4' AGENTS wanted to sell our beautiful art pillow covers: something new. handsome, artistic and Impressive; every lady buys one or more: anv one can sell them. Cyclone Hipper Co., Dept. 40, 111 Gilbert Bt., Bridgeport, conn. J 064 1 AGENTS We have what neonle want. Lamp that makes its own gas at cost of 1 cent a aay. Hens ror si. will send small model free to those wishing to work ror us. write our uept. B today, cm plre Gaslight Co., 150 Nassau St., New York. J 663 4 LADY agents wanted for a labor saving article ror women; new, low price, big profit, exclusive territory: write now; If convenient send stamp. Kent Mfg. Co., nacine, wis. 1 w eu t' WANTED TO RENT. WANTED to rent. 10-room house, modem conveniences; south side preferred. Krea Loewe, Boston Store. K 579 4 WANTED, 2 or 3 furnished rooms for light Housekeeping; distance no object ir on car line. Hanscom park neighborhood prererred. Address z 4, Bee. K-T8 4 "WANTED TO BUY. WANTED, good secondhand furniture highest prices paid. Enterprise Furniture Co., 103 s. I4tn. lei. m ia mi 3X10 STEPHENS COOLER. Omaha Meat Co., 608 So. 13th St. N 413 M4 WANTED, a riding pony, weight about 800 pounds, for girl of 12 years; must be per fectly geutie. Aaaresa . 41, aee. N-670 4 OOOD, strong horse, 20N N. 26th St. N-687 4 FOR SALE FURNITURE). CHICAGO Fjrniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel 2u20. New and secondhand, bought, sold exchanged. O ill WITH every $10 ssle we will give FREE a beautiful oil painting. We have a com plete Hue of house furnishings, new and secondhand: prices right. Enterprise Fur niture Co., 1U--4 o. tttn. iei. z.-wt. O 983 Mt PARTIE8 leaving city will aell household goods. Call Monday, Tuesday and Weui.esday of this week. 3614 Sherman Ave., over store. i 01a FOR SALE, at once. 4 Windsor foldin beds, carpet, matting, etc. 101 8. 26th St. O 693 4 FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS, ETC, OOOD Sttidebaker top buggy, cheap. Bea A. W. Johnson, with John Deere Piow Co, f eav PAINTINfl and ranatrs on wagons, eto. our apecialty. H. Froat, 14th and Leav enworth. Tel. 1447. r-au FOR BALE, buggies, phaetons, carriages, runabouts, new and secondhand, at cu prices. ReDalrlnx and trimming; also pu on rubber tlrea. Pfelffer, 27th and Leav enworth Sta. P 88 M24 BEVERAL fine driving horsee. Walter Phelpa, room D, N. Y. Life bldg. P-M404 FOR SALE Fast 6-year-old standard mare: also flue sorrel trap horae. W I trade phaeton for runabounl. E. E. Brando, 1415 Dodge. P-645 4 FOR SAI.R Absolutely safe ladles' horse 4 years old: almost new Stanhope, full leather top; harness, leather flynet, etc. I FOR SAI.B MIsCELLANEOl S. SDHAND safe cheap. aVhwarts, 114 FLE8CHER Balls bicycles. 133 Capitol Ave. -' - WIRE fence for poultry, bog, lawn and yard, hitch posts, tree gusrus. n ir Works. 617 8. fcth St. T...Ql9.jJuly. 100 STYLES trusses: catalogue tree. Sher man tt McConnell irug co., ioin Dodge, Omaha. Q 314 FOR SALE, phonographs, superior to any otner musical instrument, ta vy. Wittman Co., 1621 Farnam. g-815 IDHAND safe cheap., 1119 Frnarn. INDIAN goode and rellca. 1111 Farnam. FOR SALE, scholarship In sn Omaha shorthand school, cheap, inquire .u net Bldg. Q-M96S STAMP photos, lc each. Velox, 13 A Far m. t OI4 BM FIR timbers for house movers, etc., 40 to 71 feet; crloblng and bog fence. u uougias. Q-313 BICYCLES and phonographs on easy pay ments to down, 31.00 per weea; zonaita wheels, $5, $8 and $10; new wheels, IIS, Omaha Bicycle Co , 16th and Chicago Sts. Q-M320 BARGAINS IN PIANOS AT BENNETT'S MONDAY. Chickering, upright, rosewood case, good condition Sample piano, mahogany case 117 itepossessea tsmun t Barnes -ji Richmond piano, returned from rental.. 210 lightly damaged ivera Ac I'onci a These are all genuine bargains. W. R. BENNETT CO. Q-704 4 TYPEWRITERS, latest Remington, Smlth- remier, uensraore, repiacea oy ihk UNDERWOOD; low price. Rentals, $2.M to $4 per month A. H. Workman Co., 1617 Farnam. Phone 2439. O M633 GOOD bound hay, $7.60 per ton, delivered. Wagner's Feed Store, 1909 to 1911 Cuming at r.Ml O MMh2 SEABROOKE Wall paper. 408 N. 16th St. O M879 M24 SAM L BURNS for gas fixtures. J M845 MZ3 6X10 STEPHENS COOLER. Omaha Meat CO., 608 So. 13th Bt. Q M389 4 BTEREOPTICANB and moving picture machines. B. F. Wurti, 1406 Farnam SU Q-414 M30 CLOSING out household goods and stoves cneap. uit uodge tit. y M48 J3 SECONDHAND billiard and pool tables Diuiara tapies repairea; a large stock of cheap bar fixtures, olgar counters, eto. The Brunswick, Balke, Collender Co., 407-9 So. 10th. 4-616 FOR SALE, at a hare-sin. 1 mahoe-anv farlor divan, $11; 1 wardrobe couch, $8.50; baby carriage, $5; 1 kitchen range, with water front, 310. call 629 8. 86th St. Q-614 4 NEARLY new No. 4 Wllke kiln, gas or gasoune. Auarees 4 ij, en, si om r CLOSING out our entire stock of trunks at cost. Alfred Cornish, successor to Collins & Morrison Retail Harness busl- ners, 1210 Farnam. 'Phone 3314. Q 654 J3 DOUBLE stereoptlcon, moving picture ma chine, aouDie tank system of gas, cnarg- double key, finest lenses, screen, films anri artistic views for two-night stands; finest outnt on the market; snap; come quick. Address Y 63, Bee. Q Mm 4 CLAIRVOYANTS. GYLMER Scientific Palmist Only one more month In Omaha. After June 1 Mme. Gylmer Intends to leave the city for an Indefinite period. Her career in umana nas been nve years hard work, therefore she Intends to take an extended vacation. For the benefit of people who could not heretofore afford a reading Mme. uyimer win reduce her prices dur Ing the rest of her stay in Omaha. She Is unquestionably the greatest life reader wno nas ever been here, and those who have not already had a read ing cannot afford to miss thla opportunity 01 ine reaucea prices, rarion 310 bo, 15th, in Granite Block, 2d floor. 8-678 4 PROF. LEAHIE PARLORS, 1619 DODGE sincci, Clairvoyant and Palmist tells you all you want to know, every hope, fear and wish of your life, faults, quality, capability, trade or profession you are best suited for: fortunate and unfortunate periods of life; breaks evil Influences; how to win the one you love, conquer enemies, restore lost affections; advice on business, health, marriage, divorce, etc. Hours, 9 to 9. 8 M698 J3 UU1T HI T UVI) fit 1TDVAT1KT Past, present and future positively told; novice on an anairs or me; cnarges rea sonable. Parlors, 1610 Davenport. 8 M701 4 MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant. 1614 Cass St. B 321 MME. GYLMER, genuine palmist 315 8. 16. ELECTRIC TREATMENT. MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N.IS. 2d floor, R. 3. T 904 M6 MME. AMES, vapor baths, 124 N. 15th, r. T. 1 Ad 31 7 M13 PERSONAL. Mlddlemlss, wall paper cleaner. Tel. 1739. I U M78 Mb DR. ROY, chiropodist, corns and superflu ous nair removes oy electricity, it. 13, Frenser block. U 323 PRIVATE hospital, before and during con finement; bauics aoonieci. urant bl. Mrs. Gardels. Tel. F-11S2. U-324 FLE8CHER will fix your bicycle right U 32e HAIRDRESSING. manicuring and chiro pody, for ladles oniy, in connection with The Bathery. 216-220 Bee Bldg. U 324 RUPTURE permanently cured In 30 to 60 days; send for circular. O. 8. Wood, M. V., bzl New York Life Bldg., Omaha, Neo. U-S27 ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, best and quickest. Mrs. A. CT Mark, 17 II Douglas. GRAMOPHONES snd supplies, wholesale and retail. Collins Piano Co., 1622 Doug las. U-i CHIROPODY a specialty. In connection with The Bathery, rooms 216-220 Bee Bldg. Tel. 1716. U-830 BHAMPOOING and halrdresslng. 25c, In connection with The Bathery, 218-23) Bea building. Tel. 1716. U 331 NEW OPPORTUNITY for ladles em- & loved; call and Investigate. 1607 Douglas, oom L U-M777 M21 "Ask the Man" and he will tell you all about why the quality, flavor, etc.. excels tn THE STOECKER CIGARS. U-M347 M3 BABY girl and boy for adoption, 1 month old. &0 Burdette Bt. U 473 8 MOLLIE Can you bake a cherry pie 7 Page 177 May What to Eat George. U-M4S0 3 A SCHOOL teacher, also farmer, never married, would like to correspona wun a lady willing to marry; no trlflers need answer. Address Y 37, Bee. U 618 4 M. H. NABH Your deal with Ed has been fixed. Corns nome. c. a. . u tsv ia- GO TO the Goldman Pleating Co. for all kinds of pleating. Their new machinery enables them to do better, cheaper, oulcker work than ever before, tit Doug ?a. block. U-M333 VIAVA, woman's way to health. Home treatment Booklet free. 344 Bee Bldg , Omaha. ELITE PARLORS. 613 B. 14th Sty 'J7flMl' EARN $3 pa' day; dresacuttlng by ma chine. Jtvt Douglas. Room Mm un PERSONAL. MME. BMITH. baths. 118 N. 18. Sd oor. r. t W Jtlll MIV RLTTVRB cured, no pain, detention from a 1 aAK.i 4nt i-1 -ti I si r at JTmnlrs Rupture Cure Co., 932 N. Y. Life Bids., uraahfc. PRIVATE home for ladles before and dur ing confinement; bablea adopted. 3620 Burdette. Mrs. Burget. U-M126 Mil SUPERFLUOUS hslr. warts and moles permanently removed bv electricity; con sultation free and confidential: all work guaranteed. Miss Allender. 1613 Douglas. U GEORGE Don't gobble your food. Tegs .nn . . , 1 - , . . - . I ( 1 1 I 13- May 10 nl lu r mvmv. U- 643- 4 TONTINE Parties having policies In the Tontine Mercantile Association ran at Room 400, Ware Block, Fifteenth and Farnam. V 443 4 WEALTHY gentleman, with beautiful home, excellent character and liberally disposed, will marry for love and com panionship. Mr. Edgar, 812 Holland Build ing, St. Louis, Mo. U-601 4 DANDELION EXTERMINATOR; no cut ting or digging; sold under a positive guarantee; price. $L Address Geo. J. Adams. Hooper, Nebraska. U 99 4 MARRIAGE paper, best published, 20 pages, loc sealed (nothing free); con ducted successfully 6 years; 3,000 mem bers worth $100 to $100,000; bank reference. R. L. Love, Mgr., Denver, Colo. U-6W 4 "AFTER YOU, MY DEAR ALFONSO." TAKE ONE OF THESE Stoecker Cigars They are the beat on the market. save the bands, ror they are valuable. , U-M700 10 ENLARGE TOUR BUSTS, LADIES! No matter how young or old you are, we en large It 4 to 10 Inches; no appliances; no home treatment. Sealed particulars 4c stamps, CONWAY SPECIFIC CO., 16 Temple Place, Boston, Mam, U-693 4 WIDOW aged Zl, has farm and $16,000 cash, would marry man of ability and char acter. Globe, 161 Michigan St., Chicago. U-639 4 INTELLIGENT and attractive American lady worth $700,000 wants Immediately able, honest husband. Address Era, 113 Clark St., Chicago, III. U 633 4 MININO, civil and geological engineer, age 40, worth $600,000, wants sincere, home loving wife. Mr. Clark, P, O. Drawer 153, Chicago. U-638 4 TOUR fortune told from cradle to grave. What I tell you comes true; send dime and blrthdate. Prof. J. Hyers, Drawer 704. Chicago. U 634 4 RETIRED business man, Independently wealthy, never married, wants a poor but honest wife. Address Mr. Weller, Real Estate Board Bldg., Chicago. U-638 4 ECZEMA Parties who have written W. A. Paxton . In regard to the SALVE which CURED HIS FACE can now be supplied by ad dressing B. J. Scannell, 609 WARE BLOCK. U 684 4 YOUNG widow worth $25,000 wants to marry and financially aid home-loving husband; no agents. American, 78 La Salle St., Chicago. U-630 4 ATTRACTIVE and unincumbered Ameri can lady, age 30. worth $75,000, wants Kood honest husband. Address, Paclllc, I Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. U-429 4 THE GREAT PERSIAN ASTROLOGER, OMAR 11EHEZ, who astounded all Parts, Berlin and London by his wonderful pre dictions. He Is now located In New York. This great astrologer reveals the past, present and future by the recog nised science of astrology. He will ad vise you In Love and Marriage. America's greatest financiers consult him and are fuided by his predictions. Should you eslre to know what the future has In store for you send 10 cents and date of birth for partial horoscope and forecsst. Address, Omar Heres, 1267-1269 Broadway, New York- U-669 4 GASOLINE STOVES repaired or cleaned; work guaranteed; prices reasonable; stoves stored. Ne braska Stove Repairs, 1603 Leavenworth. 'Phone L-2894. U-668 4 A WONDERFUL French clairvoyant What he tells comes true. Send 10c and birthday. Prof. fcJ. Qarnot, Box 868, Provl dence, R, I. U-657 4 CLAIRVOYANT Advice on business, lovs family troubles, etc. Send dime, stamp ana questions. Mme. cuioit, itis za Ave. Ho., Minneapolis, Minn. u 683 4 SECRET SERVICE Private Work a Specialty. H. M. BOWERS. BOX 444. OMAHA BEST OF R&FERENCES GIVEN. U 616 4 BEE Proctor, fine pictures. 613 So. 16th. U-6S3 J3 WOULD YOU CON8IDER MARRIAGE? Widow 48, with means; widow 33, maiden 28, with means; widow 88, German de scent, with considerable means. Write for names and particulars, Omaha Mat rimonial Club, Box 663, Omaha, Neb, U-690 4 MATRIMONIAL JOURNAL sent free. Send 2c stamp. Box 663, Omaha, Neb. U 691 4 SECOND HAND SEWING MACH INES FROM 1.00 TO 15.00 We rent machines for 76c per week or $2 per month. We repair and sell parts for every ma chine manufactured. Corner Fifteenth and Harney Streets. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., Telephone 1663. 334 Broadway, Council Bluffs. Telephone B-618. 613 North Twenty-fourth, South Omaha. U fj-y4 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. 4 PER CENT on business property. 6 per cent on residence property. Options to pay whole or part any time. W. B. MEIKLE, 401 B. 16th St. W-33S MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. Brennan-Love Co., 3u9 H. 13th. W-336 WANTED, city loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith A Co.. 1320 Farnam Bt. W-333 FARM and city loans, low rates. W. H. Thomas, 1st Nat. Bank Bldg. Tel. 1648. W 338 PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 937 N. Y. L. W-344 I PER CENT loans. Farnam. Garvin Bros., 1604 W-340 CHOICE FARM LOANS FOR SALE. R. C. PETERS A CO., 17u3 Farnam Bt. W MK20 M7 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1634 Douglas W 342 WANTED, city and farm loans; also bonds and warrants. R. C. Peters A Co., 1702 Farnam St., Bee Bldg. W 34V LOW RATE8. Private money. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Main Floor N. Y. Life Bids. W-M403 414 TO 6 P. C. money. Bemts, Pextenpm, WILLIAMSON-CHAS. E., 1203 Farnam Bt W- LOST. BTOLEN. note and mortgage for about $2 2uO, held and endorsed by L. C. Gard, Atkinson, Neb. Do pot negotiate; pay ment stoppod. Inquire of Joumel-Stock-man. South Omaha. Lost 471 LOST, opal diamond pin, between 27th Ave. and Harney and 2ith and Howard Re ward, 3706 Howard alt -$ MONEY TO LOAN CHATTKL". $ $ $ $ $ MONEY! $ $ $ $ I I MONKV $ WHEN IN NEED OF MONEY DEAL WITH THE AMERICAN LOAN CO. ; LOANS FROM $10 TO $200 MAUK I On Furniture, Tlnnoa. etc., snd to people holding a steady position, without pub licity or removing the property, and at much CHEAPER AND EASIER RATES than elsewhere. You can have the money on the same day you ask for It. and the loan can be paid off In eaay weekly or monthly payments, or aa your clrcum stsnces will permit, thue enabling you tv pay without Inconvenience or worry. Come In and talk It over with us. AMERICAN IX.1AN CO.. Room $03, Third Floor. Paxton Btorjtj WE make loans on Furniture. Pianos, Horses, Wagons, Csrriages and other chattels. Ws make SALARY LOANS without morlgkge to persons who have permanent positions. You ran get the money on very short notice and pay It back In one month, or keep It longer, and pay for it only what time you keep it. We are leaders In low rates, quick and con fidential service and courteous treatment. We Invite comparisons of rates, time, payments, etc. e give you the full amount of the LOAN ln cash. We always "try to OY?AHA MORTGAGE LOAN CTV, 119 Board of Trade Bldg. , Tel. 22!. tEstabllshed 182). 306 So. Wthbt. X 347 M O N E Y LOANS on CHATTELS and SALARIES. PHOENIX CREDIT CO., successors to J. W. TAYLOE, 633 Psxton Block. TEL. 745 To accommodate our COUNCIL BLUFFS Satrons we have established etegant of ces at ROOM 24, W1CKHAM BLDG, intersection Broadway aV Pearl Sts. TEL. 3. X-464 LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team sters, boarding houses, etc., without se curity; easiest terms; 40 offices In prin cipal cities. Tolman, 440 Board of Trsde Bfdg. X-349 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed, 319 8. 13. X-848 MONEY loaned on furniture, live stock. iewelry. to salaried people. Foley Loan ;o.. sue. to Duff Green. 8 Barker Block. X-350 MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried people; business conlidentlal; lowest rates, lit Paxton block. Tha J. A. Hutton Co X 3M PIANOS. DEFINITE INFORMATION TO PIANO BUYERS. BUSINESS FACTS ARE ALWAYS INTERESTING. I sell for $250 no more, no less a piano that dealers charge 3360 and $400. I save you $100 to $150, because 1 save you store rents, retail dealers' profits and music teachers' commissions. INVESTI GATE MY STATEMENTS. You can call during day or evenings. Terms cash, $10 monthly or $2.50 per week. New and up-to-date styles to select from. FRED R. WALTER. 8113 California St Manufacturers' Agent Walnut Hill car. Beautiful Illustrated booklet on request. -647 6 MATRIMONIAL. YOUNG widow, no children, owns fins farm and other property, aUo $1A,ouO cash, wants kind, reliable husband. Hart 47 Park Ave., Chicago. 1HI, TREES, shrubs, roses and vines of every variety. Sales grounds, 18th and Douglas, Frank R. Martin, prop. Tel. 2983. -622 M4 FOR shrubs, vines, trees, eto., see the Crescent City sales ground, south side of Farnam and 21st Btt. 'Phone 1626. -843 M22 SHADE and fruit trees, shrubs, etc.; TREES PROPERLY TRIMMED. P. L. Forgan, 814 N. 15th St. M269 M5 OSTEOPATH V. GID E. 4k ALICE JOHNSON, osteopaths. Bulls U6. N. Y. Ufa Bldg. let 1664. -363 DR. A. T. HUNT, 613 McCague Bldg. Tel. 2J52. 369 DR. MRS. MUSICK, Douglas Blk. Tel. 2X23. 870 MEDICAL. DR. PRIES, the acknowledged leading specialist In diseases of women in Omaha, . would call the attention of suffering ladles to his unsurpassed accommodations before and during confinement and his treatment for irregularities, no matter what cause. Call or address, with stamp, Dr. Pries, Arlington Block, 1613 Dodge, Omaha. -So3 LADIES! Chichester's English Pennyroyal Pills are the best Safe, reliable. Take no oiher. Send 4i stamps for particulars. "Relief for Ladies." In letter by return snalL Ask your druggist Chichester Chemical Co.. Philadelphia, Pa. LADIES, use our harmless remedy for i laysd or suppressed period; It canu fall; trial free. Paris Chemical Co., M waukee. Wis. FREE cure for all stomach and bowel troubles. C. H. Rowan. North Milwau kee, Wis. -478 4 DR. W. HUTCHIN80N. specialist of women and children: 30 years' practice. Office, 2206 Cuming. Residence telephone, F-2790; office, B-2836. SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. GREGG Shorthand. Om. C. Col., 17th at Doug. -364 A. C. VAN SANT'B school. 717 N. Y. Life. -365 BOYLE8' col.ege, court reporter principal, N. Y. Life. -6 NEB. Business A Shorthand College, Boyd Theater. -367 GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO.. cleans oesspools and vaults, removes garbage and dead animals at reduced prices. 621 N. 16. Tel. 1779, -926 MANIFAOTIR1NG. P. MELCHIOR, I3th and Harney, ma chlnist -M371 OMAHA Safe and Iron Wks., make a spe cialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors and safet. O. Andrsen, Prop., 102 8. luth Bt. itl v l m COWS. WILL TRADE CERTIFIED milk for cows, subject to test for tuberculosis. Sanitary Dairy, 3016 Farnam street; 'phone No. 411. inHT Rut TAlLORI.1t. JOE YOUSEN removed to 14114 Fgmsm Bt -456 Jl STORAGE. PACIFIC Storage and Warehouae Co., 912 914 Jonas, general storage and forwarding. iii OM. Van Btor. Co., 1511H Farn. Tela. 16C9-M1. aj FIR DHtCaSING. O. R. GILBERT CO., tanners. 1424 Bo. 1?th 373 RLECTRICAL CONTRACTORS. GRAND ElectriO Co., 1$ sV Jackson. Tel. 7H Ml' MI0 ' ALB TIES. OMAHA Hay Bals Tie Co.. 811 North 16th. -374 LAINURY. OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, lc; collars 3s; cuffs, 4a. 17M Leavenworth. Tel. M .-7 i anooi New xork- t, si, nee, r i 1-