Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 04, 1902, EDITORIAL SHEET, Image 13
( . .t The Omaha Sunday Bee. 5 3 PAGES 13 TO 24. ESTABLISHED JUNE 10, 1871. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, MAY 4, 1902. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. mm. Hds Certainly the facts bear out this menage. Never have we seen such colossal quantities of new, seasonable, high class dry goods, notions, cloaks, carpets and draperies, as have come in by the car load within the past ten days from the gigantic purchase of the TWO NEW YORE COMMISSION HOUSE STOCKS Las week we tol . . n the story of the purchase how, owing to the most unseasonable wet and cold in the east, hundreds of the biggest orders placed with these two largest commission houses being cancelled, they were com pelled to close. II A YD EN DUOS' STOT CASH OFFEK FOK EACH OF THE STOCKS WAS ACCEPTED. Last week, small consignments were put on sale, as they came in, but now every dollar's worth has been received and MONDAY, MAY 5th, AS PROMISED, THESE TWO ENTI1JE MAGNIFICENT STOCKS GO ON SALE AT LOWEK THAN THE LOWEST ItANKUUFT P1UCES EVEN PUT ON ANY GOODS BEFOKE. No matter what the expectations of the shrewdest and most economical buyers, they will not be disappointed. Every aisle, counter and shelf, in every department, is crowded with vast assortments of most stvlish and de $ .00 to $1.23 SILK FOULARDS AT 39 CENTS. Tlio Leading Dress Goods House in the West. Over 30,000 Styles to select from. He sure In buying black drm goods you get Prlestly's. And In colors for Voiles, KUmlnes. Mistrals and Eollennes, nothlg cornea up to Lupin's. FROM lO TO 18 A. M. Ton can buy any , tailor suiting marked from 11.60 to $5.00 a yard In the heavy weight goods only tor 98c a yard during the two hours. No blacks. FROM 2 TO 4 P. M. Tou can buy any Etamlne, Voile, hioll nnes or Mistral marked from 76c to $1.25 BE SURE AND ATTEND THIS BALE IF TOU WANT A WOOL DRESS. IT WILL BE TOUR LAST CHANCE TO GET SUCH A BARGAIN. Monday's Wash Goods Sale MONDAT THE GREATEST WASH GOODS SALE COMMENCES THE IMMENSE STOCKS FROM THE NEW TORK COMMISSION HOUSES AND OUR OWN ENOR MOUS STOCK. All now shaped for Monday's opening sale. There Is not a fabric, manufactured for summer wear that you cannot And at HATDEN'S. There is not a dry goods store In America where GREATER VARIETT 13 SHOWN and the saving on every piece of goods you have to buy at HATDEN'S la greater than could be expected in any store where their facilities do not permit their handling such great quantities as we do, direct from the mills. 5,000 pieces of the most handsome Ameri can Queen Batiste, printed In the most deli cate colorings, styles that are as fine as the high-cost French effects, yard......l5o 1,000 styles in the popular Wasting Fab ric. Sootch and Egyptian tissues, 82-in. wide, all colors, both plain and stripes, yard 26c Black or white 45o silk Moussellne de Sole, Monday, yard 25c 1,600 styles Anderson's fine 32-ln. Madras Cloth for shirtings and ladies' walstings, too quality, yard.... 18c 100 pieces 'fine embroidered Swiss, 45 inches wide, worth up to $1.00 per yard, all the new shades and a - special bargain, yard, 39c Vaistings From the The Shirtwaist weather is now on. Mercerised! Cheviots, regular 60c, for, yard 35c 8atln striped Madras, regular 60c, for, yard 35c Oxfords in satin stripe and plain, regu lar 60c, for, yard 35c Piques with open work and colored dots, regular 75c, for, yard 60c Piques from lOq to, yard 60c COLORED LINENS, REGULAR 40C, FOR TARD 25c WHITE DRESS GOODS FROM NEW TORK STOCK. French Batiste, 48-ln. wide, yard. 60c and .................65c Opera Batiste, yard, 35c, 45c and 60c Persian Lawn, yard, 26o, 85c, 40o and.. 60c Swiss Mull, yard, 85c, 45o and 60c Mercerised Mull, yard, 66c aud 85c Victoria Lawn. 40-ln. wide, yard, 11c and .....12V4o India Linens, 6c, sVic. 10c, 12Vic, 15c, 20c and 25c Checked Nainsook, regular 10c, tor, yard t 5c Dotted Swiss in white and all the latest colors, from 16o to, yard 50c Bagllsa long cloth, bolt of 11 yards.... 85o TABfcB LINENS FROM NEW TORK STOCK. E8-tn turkey red Damask, regular 25c, for, yard X6Vo 68-in. turkey red Damask.' regular 35c, for, yard . 25o SHOE SALE Shoes from the two big factories secured at 40o on the dollar sow on sale. Tha goods havs been coming for a week aa4 will go on sals Monday morning. All the ladles' shoes worth up to I Oft 14.00. la this sale for $2.50 and... .UU All the men's shoes worth up to I.GG 14.00 in this sals at $2.50 ana. All the misses shoes worth up to I Aft $2.00, to this sale liUJ Bole ageuta In Omaha for the celebrated Stetson and Orosett shoes tor MEN and the slROUKS BROS, and ULTRA shoes tor wemen. These goods represent the best that can be (tit Into any shoe. Ask to see them. CORSETS AND Dr. Warner's Rust Proof Tape Girdle tor Udles and misses. $1 quality on ftflf sale Monday at UUW Closing out a lot of odds In W. C. C. Amer ican Lady, Kabo and Dr. Warners cor- . sets, worth from $1.00 to $3 50, Sflja at y Ladles muslin underwear, worth $1.5 and $125. at 49c Ladles fine cambric drawers,' chemise, gewos, corset covers and short skirts, trimmed with . fine torchon and Valen ciennes laces and insertions and tine em broidery edgea, worth $1.60 and $1.15. at 49c Ladles' fine gowna, skirts, chemise, corset eovers and drivers, mads of fine long cloth, cambric or lawn, elaborately trimmed, worth $1.60 and $1.00, COc "This is the sirable merchandise, at the most sensationally low bargain prices ever dreamed of. In spite of the magnitude of these stocks we have taken pains to arrange them as conveniently as possible for selection and sale and have engaged the largest force of clerks, wrappers and cashiers ever employed by a Trans-Mississippi house, to wait on you while the sale continues. Every hour and every day new bargains will be added as fast as room is made in the selling departments UNTIL THESE TWO ENTIRE VAST NEW YOllK COMMISSION HOUSE STOCKS are finally disposed of. Shop early if possible. Sale opens at 8 o'clock a yard at 59c a yard. Black and colors. FROM 3 TO B P. M. Tou can buy any Mistral, Eollenne, Eta mine or Voile marked from $1.98 to $4.00 a yard rt $1.25 a yard. Black and colors. Several other specials on different lines during the day. French Printed Swles In exclusive de signs; no fabric made will give more sat isfaction than these; yard 49c 811k Swiss in designs which are to be had in Omaha only at our store; 75 select styles to choose from; yard '. 69c St. Gaul hand-loom Swiss, the regular $1.00 and $1.25 quality; all the new whites and blacks, etc.. In this sale; yard 69c Tour choice Monday of 75 pieces of fin est grades Genadenes in colors and solid black; worth $1.00 up to $2.50 per yard; guaranteed the greatest bargain of the sea son; yard 79c Pure Linen Etamine in black,- white and colors, all of the. very best weight and one of the most popular of high-class dress and walstlng fabrics; yard . 39c 6 cases of the $5o-grade Mercerised Chambroya for Monday at, yard 19c New York Stock 60-in. turkey red Damask, regular 65c, for, yard 49c 68-ln. bleached Damask, regular 36c, for, yard v 19c 68-ln. unbleached Damask, regular 35c, tor, yard 22 Vie 64-in. unbleached Damask, regular 60o, for, yard .-89c 66-ln. bleached Damask, regular 65c, for, yard 49c 72-tn. bleached Damask, regular $1.00, for, yard 72Vc 72-in. unbleached Damask, regular 98c, for, yard 72V4c Fringed Napkins, regular 35c, for, dox..23c Toweling, regular 6c, for, yard... 3c Three large Turkish Towels for 25c MUSLINS AND SHEETINGS FROM NEW TORK STOCK. 8- 4 Unbleached Sheeting, yard 15o 9- 4 Unbleached Sheeting, yard 16Vio 8- 4 Bleached Sheeting, yard 16 Vic 9- 4 Bleached Sheeting, yard 18Vic Bleached Muslin, regular 6Vic, tor, yard 5e Unbleached Muslin, regular 6c, for, yard c Diamond Hill Cambric, regular 8c, for, yard 6Vic 1 yards Muslin for $100 1 Pillow Cases for 15c Remnanta of able Linen in , 2Vi and t-yard lengths at reduced ' prices. FURNISHINGS Men's 25c and 35c Socks at 10 cents 600 doa. men fins lisle thread socks in plain and fancy colore, every pair war ranted perfect and worth up to IflA 15c all on sale at IUC Men's 60c neckwear at 15c 800 dosen silk ties in all the new colors and styles for spring four-in-hands, shield bows, tecks, all worth up to 60c, IT. on sale at U C Meu's $1.60 and $2.00 madras flO shirts at UUC All the new styles in men's colored negligee shirts la the best makes, also white shirts, worth up to $2 all oa ale at .90c Largest Purchase Ue Have Ever ode" (E,lract ,rom Tel8rara- SI and SI.25 Foulard Silks on Sala Monday "Vilk at 39c All the silks from the great New Tork purchase are In and the bargains that await you here for Monday and all week are the greatest that were ever offered by any store In America. The most sensational silk sale that the city of Omaha has ever heard of takes place Monday, when the finest silks of all kinds will be sold for the price of cotton goods. No lady In the city can afford to refrain from visiting Hayden's silk department Monday and all week. It means money saved and the biggest silk bargains In all the world. ALL CHENET BROS'. FINE PURE SILK FOULARD, IN LATEST STTLES and colors, that came with the New Tork atock These silks are selling In Omaha today at $1.00, $1.25 and $1.35, and are worth It, but we bought them so cheap that every lady in Omaha can own a fine Cheney Bros'. Foulard Silk Dress at a price you would never dream of paying. Over 100,000 yards In all. In both satin and twill, sold on bargain tables Monday and all week. You can take your choice. Plenty for all and enough help to make buying rapid. We are prepared to handle great crowds, for this is the foulard QOa aensatlon of year's. Cheney Bros' high cost $1.25, $1.00 and $1.35 foulards at only WJC Black taffeta from the new fork stock at less than manufacturer's cost. Over 200 pieces on sale Monday at these most remarkable prices: Black taffeta, pure silk, 27 Inches wills, worth 85c, on sale Monday. at 47o Black taffeta, pure silk, 27 inches wide, worth $1.00, on sale Monday at 55c Black taffeta, pure silk, 27 inches wide, worth $2.00, on sale Monday at 95o Black taffeta, pure silk, 36 Inches wide, worth $2.50, on sale Monday, at $112 Black taffeta, pure silk, 45 inches wide, worth $3.00, on sale Monday at $U7 We fill all mall orders. If you buy and Women's Ready-Hade Garments The entire stocks from four manufac tures and two commission houses every spring and summer garment they bad bought by Hayden's at about 25c on the dol lar. Prices now slaughtered in the cloak department. Remember whenever Hayden Bros, secure a stock at V4 to Vi its value customers get the . benefit. There never was a time whea women's suits, skirts, waists and wrappers were sold as cheap as they' are now here in -Omaha at Hayden Bros. ' Do not pay any man $20.00 for a suit any more this season when you can buy it at Hardens' for $8.75, or $5.00 for a skirt when you can buy It here at $2.60. Turtle Felstiner'a $12.00 and $15.00 suits at $ 4.90 Shaft A Sllberman's $18.00 and $20.00 suits at 8.75 Iadlg, Burg t Murray's $40.00 suits sllk-llned throughout, far 14.75 SILK AND CLOTH DRESS SKIRTS. Crystal Bros.' $15.00 silk taffeta dress skirts at '. $ 5.98 Crystal Bros.' $10.00 and $12.00 rainy- day skirts tor Brown 4b Hyman's $6.00 skirts for 3. Levin & Co.'s $4.00 skirts for... 2.98 2.90 1.50 SILK AND WOOL WAISTS. Fashion Manufacturing Co.'s $6.00 waists for 2.90 National Waist Co.'s 60c waists for.. 12Vio National Waist Co.'s $1.00 waists at. ...39c National Waist Co.'s $2.50 waists at....89o Max Roth waists, $3.00 value, at $ 1.50 The famous "Marquise" $5.00 waists in colors and white for 1.90 WOOL AND WASH PETTICOATS AND WRAPPERS. The Eagle Underskirt Co.'s $12.00 silk petticoats at $ 7.50 The Eagle Underskirt Co.'s $10.00 silk petticoats at 6.00 The Eagle Underskirt Ce.'s black mer cerised $2.00 petticoats for 69o Henry Ettelson's wrappers, $2.00 qual ity at ' 98c The Ettelson $1.00 wrappers at...... 49o Crystal Bros' 60c wrappers, at . 25c 60c sheet music, 19c. Big Sheet Music Sale The New Tork bankrupt stock of muslo Is now in and will be placed on sale Mon day morning The greatest opportunity ever afforded the musical people to stock up with all the latest hits of the season at about one-half the cost O t publishing them. Thousands and thousands of copies of nice, new sheet music; among this lot there are such favorite hits as "Dreaming Eyes," new two step by the same composers as "Creole Belle; "Down Where the Cotton Blossoms Grow." song; "I'll Be With Tou When the Roses Bloom Again," song; "Hello, Central, Give Me Heaven;" "The Tie that Binds," and "Its Not Always Bullets that Kill;" the above three are by Charles K. Harris and are tremendous hits. "Daisy and ths Butterfly." "Ths Good Old Days Gone By," "Whea the Gold is Turning Gray," "She Lives ia Alabama," "Tou'll Wish Me Back Soma Day," "Shore Acres" and "If I Thought Tou Could Make Him Happy." Every one of ths above songs are selling fins. "Creole Belle" and "Plcklnlnny Chris tening," cake walks Mall orders filled the earns day ws receive them. fin Iru M Black moire silk, all the rage, all the New Tork stock at halt price: Black moire velours, 20 Inches wide, worth $1.60, on sale Monday at.... 68c Black motre velours, 27 Inches wide, worth $2.00, on sale Monday at 87c Black moire velours, 36 inches wide, worth $2.50, on sale Monday at $1.25 Black moire velours, 36 inches wide, worth $3.50, on sale Monday, at $1.65 Sensational bargains from the New Tork purchase for Monday's sale: All silks from New Tork stock, in corded wash silks, white and all colors, in China silk, fancy silk, stripe, taffeta and brocade silks, worth 60c, 75c and OK I $1.00, on sale Modday ,uC 50 bolts white and black Jap wash silks from New Tork stock. One pure silk, war ranted to wash, 24, 27 end 36 Inches, sold for 75c, $1.00 and $1.25, QQf on sale WWW are not suited, return the silk and ws Hardware,' Stoves and Housefurnishings a Great bargains In Gasoline Stoves. We carry a full line ot Gasoline Stoves; as good as good. We can sell you a good three burner, with slip and oven, for $9.95 We have a few ot the Reliable Generator Cabinet Stoves; will sell them for.. ..$21.95 We have a car of Cabinet wood-burner Stoves that will be In this week, worth (2 burner) at the factory $2.96; we will sell them for $2.79 The Home Steel Range, a first-class ex tra heavy steel range, plain, not much nickel, worth regularly $35.00; we sell them for $24.95 A good No. 8 Cook, worth' $15.00; we sell them for $11.49 Special on Refrigerators this week; see them. Screen Doors plain, 65c; fancy 89c Adjustable Window Screen, hard wood.. 25c Screen Wire, per square toot IVio Poultry Netting, per square toot c, per 100 square feet 47c Specialties that you all need: 12-tlne Rake 13c Warranted Hose 9o Grass Catchers 49c Complete Cobbler's Outfit 45c Fancy wood Salt Boxes 6c No. 8 copper bottom Boiler.... 79c Hand Brushes 2c Crlstte S-knlfe set Garden Hoe Hardwood Hose Reels 14-ln. Lawnmowers 10-ln. Feather Duster Large leatherette Lunch Boxes., 13c 13c 49c ,....$2.25 10c 10c 42c 7c 39c 6-foot Stepladder Bet tipped Teaspoons Set Knives and Forks The only Ironing Board made that stands perfectly steady; folds up; has always been sold tor $3.00; we have a carload of them and will sell them Monday for 89c Optical Dept. Spectacles and eye glasses, with frames that fit and lenses giving proper correction. Gold filled frames, the $3 grade, at $1.79. Aluminold frames, $2 value, 96c. Glass eye protectors, 60c quality, at 21c. J Lb LIU L2) 100 pieces tucks taffeta from New Tork stock, fine silk taffeta tucks, In all colors, In black or white, in new and fancy de signs, for walets, sold regularly for $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50, on sale 57k Black silk from New Tork stock In armure, brilliant, 27-ln. taffeta, peau de sole, satin brocades, gros grains, moire, all kinds, worth up to $1.50, fill on sale Q 2Q Black peau de sole, 21 inches wide, one face, worth $1.60, on sale Monday .... 75o Black peau de sole, 24 Inches wide, two face, worth $2.00, on sale monday.. 92o Black peau de sole, 27 Inches wide, two face, worth $2.50, on sale Monday.. .$1.25 Black peau de sole, 36 Inches wlds. two face, worth $4.00, on sale Monday ..$1.82 refund your money. Carpets and Curtains From Now Tork stock. Highest grades, newest styles, at sensationally low prices. Brussels carpet, from New Tork stock, at 39c. 90c Brussels carpet, from New Tork stock, at 69c. Union Ingrains, worth 40c, at 25or C. C. Ingrains, worth 60o yard, at 39o. All wool Ingrains, worth 75o yard, at 49c. Wilton velvet carpets, some with bor ders to match, $1.25 quality, at 89c - $3.60 Smyrna ruga, $1.98. $4.50 and $3.60 Axmlnister rugs at $2.98 and $1.98. $2.00 Persian Wilton rugs at $1.25. Room size rugs. In Smyrna. Brussels, Axmlnister and Wilton, at $10.00, $17.00, $20.00 and $25.00, worth from $15.00 to $50.00. Lace Curtains Lace Curtains at all prices from 49c up. $2.50 lace curtains at 98c. 600 pairs lace curtains, fancy decorated, all new patterns, worth up to $3.60, at $1.69. Lace curtains that were $5.00 at $1.98. Fine lace curtains, new novelties, tam bour, Irish point, Brussels, etc.. worth up to $7.00. at $3.45. All the best $10.00 quality lace curtains in this sale at $4.98. Tapestry curtains, the greatest varieties ever shown, at $L98 to $4.85 per pair. Rope curtains, swellest varieties, at $1.75 to $5.00 per pair. Wall Paper and Paints Greatest variety and newest styles to select from at reduced prices for this week. S5o papers at 20c; 25o papers at 15c; 20c papers at 12Vic; 15c papers at 10c; 10c pa. pers at 7c; 8c papers at 6c; 6o and 6c papers at 2Vic. The best grade of ready mixed paints on the markets at 68c per gallon, worth 11.50 to $2.00. Bed Spreads from New York Stocks 39 cases New Tork stock bed spreads, to close out, less than mill prices. 8 cases ' good size extra heavy v crochet bed spreads, each 49c; mill price, 75c. 6 cases extra heavy full size crochet bed spreads, each, 59c; mill price, 85c. 7 cases Marseilles patterns, extra large and heavy, each, 89c; mill price, $1.25. 5 cases 10 different patterns, each, $1.25; regular price, $2.25. t cases full size Marseilles spreads, each, $1.60; worth up to $3.25. 1 cases fringed , cut corners Marseilles pattern, each, $1.60 and $2.00; worth up U $2.98. 1 cases fringe, extra heavy and large Marseilles patterns, each, $1.25; mill price, $1.75. Tea and Coffee Tou are saving money when you buy Tea and Coffee at Hayden Bros'. 1 lb. Tea 13c 1 lb. C-lffee 8Vic I lb. beJ Rio Coffee 12Vic 1-lb. MocYia and Java Coffee, 30c, 4 lbs. for . $1.00 We will se.1 in this sale all grades ot Tea worth 60c at 38c Be sura and do not miss this snap. New York Stocks Monday in the Bargain Room. We have had many a great day in our matchless bargain room. But Monday will be a day to be long remembered in the history of Omaha's merchandising. Every counter will bo loaded with new and up-to-date merchandise from these two New Tork stocks at about one-half of the price paid for bankrupt stocks, and besides our counter bsrgatns, we will give eighteen thirty-minute sales, In which we actually almost give away goods. ' Everything as advertised. No dealers, peddlers or manufactures sold to In this room. DRESS GOODS Dress goods, 6c, 10c 15c, 19c, 25o and 39c, worth 19c to $1, yard SILKS $1.00 foulards, $1.25 fancies, 98c moires In all colors and 15 or 20 other different grades of silk worth up to $1.50 a yard, on sale at Kl Kl cords, regular 40c wash silks, on sale for Monday only at Silks, 10c 15c 25c, 39c and 49c yd., worth from 75c to $1.50 40c 29c 10c WASH GOODS Over 60,000 yards of wash goods on sale on the counters, shelves and bargain squares for Monday. Prices run as follows: 15o wash goods, all grades, WT at UC 19c wash goods, all grades, 7Jc at 19c, 25c, 35c and 39o grades of wash goods and white goods, including imported ba tistes. Imported mercerized wash goods and all the new goods for the spring of 1902. Nothing over 10c. Everything will go at 10c a yard tn this sale. This Is the moBt popular price for these grades ot wash goods ever shown In any store before. FURNISHING GOODS 85C UNDERWEAR AT IOC. One bargain square of ladles' and chil dren's medium and summer weight under wear la vests and pants, with long and short sleeves and, worth 35c, on I ft sale at lU- 15C HOSE AT 6C. 600 dozen ladles' and children's fast black, full seamless hose, every pair warranted perfect. These are worth 15o, , on sale at, a pair U" Our Famous 30 - FROM 9 TO OtSO A. M. We will sell 7Vio and 10c corded dimities, strictly fast colors, only 10 yards to a cus tomer, at, a If yard I" FROM lO TO IOiSO A. M. Ws will sell the regular 7Vic, 10c and 12c towels, only 2 pairs to a cus tomer, at, each .25c FROM 11 TO lli.lO A. M. We will sell the celebrated Hill's muslin, a little heavier and a little finer than Lonsdale, only 10 yards to a cus- Qlr tomer, at, a yard t-mm2 FROM 1 TO liSO F. M. We will sell yard-wide Percales and 32 Inch Percales, the regular 19o grades, dark and light colors, only 10 yards to Ol. a customer, at, a yard tm'2 FROM 3 TO 2iSO F. M. We will sell dress snd skirt patterns of $2.98 black Crepons, $1.60 and $1.98, 64 inch, black and colored Cheviots, 54-Inch, Besides these sales announced in the p aper during Intervals we will give 10 more special sales during the day, which will be announced on the floor as the sales start. We are headquarters for Hammocks and Croquet Sets. Be sure and see them. They are the best in town for the money. THE SALE OF Laces, embroideries, all-over laces, all over embroideries, handkerchiefs, ribbons, trimmings, veilings, at prices that cannot be equaled. $1.00 Fancy drape veils (The Gibson).. 4c $5.00 Silk all-overs 98a $7.00 Silk all-overs $1.98 50c Fine lace all overs i5o $1.00 Fine lace all overs 47c Fine embroideries, worth 15o to 60c, all go at one price, 10c. A 10c Embroidery Sale 15o embroideries from the N. T. stocks. 10c 20c embroideries from the N. T. stocks. 10c China Dsparfmsnt Extraordinary specials in our China uiassware in iruu aisnes, picme aisnes, uivui seia, etc., no ariicies worm less for tomorrow at All of our decorated porcelain-china and granite nappies, bakers, plates, cups and aaucers, fruit dishes, plattera, pickle, olive and spoon trays, soup cups, bowls. Jelly trays and 100 of other articles, not a piece worth less than 20 o up to $1.00; these goods sre all very finely decorated, fin. ished with gold lines; your choice ot them tomorrow at 8c Letting Down Prices on Groceries Evaporated apples 7Ve California evaporated peaches, choice. .10c Evaporated blackberries 9o Evaporated. California pears lOo Evaporated apricots 12 Vic Evaporated nectarines loo California loose Muscatel raisins lOo Cleaned seeded raisins lOo Cleaned patroua currants 7Vic Special bargain in California prunes. 8Vio 3 lbs. tapioca y0 3 lbs. sago tic $ lbs. oatmeal 90 3 lbs. peas ve 3 lbs. Hominy ,, Do I lbs. Flak hominy,. 90 $1.00 to $1.23 SILK FOULARDS AT af CENTS. One lot of children's gowns, worth I rt 50c, on sale at J Men's DO-ct. underwenr In shirts and drawers at Men's 39-ct. work shirts at Men's and boys' 25-ct. suspenders at 125c 13c Iflc Men's 25c silk string and and bow ties, at Boys' $1.00 shirt waists, size 14 years, at G MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING Bovs' all-wool suits, all colors I "f5? and sizes, worth $5.00, at I I J Boys' $1.60 and $4 00 all-wool I lf suits, all colors and sizes, at llWdJ va' all-wool suits, worth $4.00 fl 3" and $3.60, all sizes and colors, at.. faHfJ Boys' all-wool knee pants at PC Ti 40c and J Je nnys' all-wool pants with double seats and knees, allslzcs, at Pilar 40c and JU Boys' all-wool pants, double seats il ;p and knees, at 35c and "4 is Boys' 75-c and 60c all-wool pants with double seats and knees, V1C at, a pair fcW Boya' 75c and 60c all-wool pants Men's $3.00 and $2.50 all-wool I flf pants, all sizes, at. a pair llWW Men's $3.00 and $2.50 all-wool 1 5K pants, all sizes, at, a pair lsbJ Boys' all-wool long pants, worth up to $3.00, all sizes and colorr, at, a pair 95c inute Special Sales all-wool Scotch Tweds, 85c, all-wool Hen riettaa and thousands of other weaves, worth from 85c to $3.00 a yard, only 1 pattern to a customer, at, ORr a yard fcU FKOM 3 TO 3 1.IO F. M. We will sell waist and dress patterns, in $1.00 Foulard Silks, $1.00 Moire Silks, $1.25 fancies, 75c plain silks, and In fact a Una of silks ranging from 75c to $1.50 a yard) for 30 minutes only you can buy IQr 1 pattern at, a yard FROM 4 TO 4iS( F. M. We will sell Emoree LL, the heaviest yard wide unbleached muslin made, only 10 yards to a customer, at, 0r a yard sV2 FROM B TO BiBO I. M. We will sell white goods. In Nainsook checks and stripes, lace stripes, corded stripes, plain French Bastlstes and Or gandies; regular price is from 10c to 20o a yard; for 30 minutes only you can buy 10 yards at, a yard.... 2ic SALES MONDAY 25c embroideries from the N. T. stocks.10 20o embroideries from the N. T. stock. 10o 35o embroideries from the N. T. stock.. lOo Ribbons 25c Fancy ribbons 25 o Plain wash taffeta ribbons SOc Plain wash taffeta ribbons...... 30o Satin taffeta ribbons Pearl handle pens Fancy four-cornered handkerchiefs.. TVio 100 150 15o lOo 8s 190 lOo 25o 2Vio 60c Hand bags 25o Chatelaine bags . 60o Chatelaine bags Bias corduroy binding , Department. All of our crystal flre-pollshe4 sugar and cream, vasea, sauce dishes, condU man luc up to buc, your choice 4c Water Sets, 6 glasses, tray and pitch- ' 23o ' Cream Sets, 6 pieces ...,17o Decorated Cuspldores i0o The new patent fastening Victor Fruit Jar, absolutely air-tight. Before buying fruit jars see these. 3 lbs. green peas , 3 lbs. spilt Peas H 9o 10a 16o 3 lbs. rice 1 sack cornmeal Lard and Heals. 8-lb. palls pure leaf lard Faacy tender corned beef... Best brand boloaua 3So IVio Co 16o SVio Chipped dried beef, per lb , I Potted bam, per can When Tired Shopping get a free cup of our delicious cocoa, aud a tasty fresh cracker at our demonstration. We are introducing our elegant cocoa and chocolate and fresh purs crackers.