Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 04, 1902, PART I, Page 12, Image 12

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Sale of John Anisfield & Gos Entire Cloak Stock
Bargains in High Grade and Seasonable Outergarments That Are Without a
'"phis is the most notable clonk sale in the history of Omaha's retailing an
far the greatest In point of bargain giving. Strictly modish, high grade and desirable ontergai
and bv
are priced here in every instance less than half John Anisfield & Co. had them marked. It was very
fortunate for tlie women in and around Omaha that John Anisfield & Co. was forced to vacate. It gave
us the opportunity to buy the stock at 30c on the dollar and give you such remarkable bargains.
7 o a
ii i i i i 1 1 i l.i .ez i -
1 1 I III I u J v at r-j r .
r u -
J. A. & Co.'s $15 Sailor-Made Suits $5
John Anisfield & Co.'s entire stock of $15 suits, compris
ing all the Eton and Blouse suits, this season's styles, in
covert, homespuns, serges, Venetians, GI
cheviots and basket weaves, in black,
navy, tan and castors, all sizes, choice
in cloak department ;
J. A. & Co.'s $25 Tallor-Made Suits $10
'All the high-cost Gibson Maxim, Eton and Mouse
suits, many suits silk lined throughout, waist and skirt,
all guaranteed bought for this spring's business, all up-to-date
suits in broadcloth, etamine, basket weaves, granite
cloths and many other high-cost materials, in blues,
browns, oxfords, castors, tans and a large majority in
black. All strictly man-tailored, every Ql .
garment beautifully trimmed
with moire and taffeta stitching.
On sale on second floor .
majority in
J. A. & Co.'s $5 Children's Jackets 98c
J. A. & Co.'s $35 Raglans $14.50
All of John Anisfield & Co.'s highest-cost peau de soie,
silk moire velours and taffeta raglans
and ulsters, all elaborately trimmed
with lace, ribbon and white moire, nil sizes
on sale at
J. A. & Co.'s $17 Raglans $6.98
All of John Anisfield & Co.'s silk raglans and ulsters,
white moire trimmed they were
marked to sell in Chicago at $17.00
on sale at
J. A. & Co.'s $12.50 Raglans $5.98
John Anisfield & Co.'s entire stock of cravenette and
shower-proof raglans, all sizes r O
and all styles VO
at '
The entire stock of high-cost Jackets for children
and rulsscB, In broadcloth, Venetians, cheviots, etc.,
In reds, blues and tans, prettily trimmed, all sizes..
J. A. & Co.'s $12.50 Jackets $3.98
John Anisfield & Co.'s
John Anisfield & Co.'s entire
stock of black and colored
taffeta and fancy silk
petticoats go 3 50
All the ladles' high -cost silk Etons and
Gibson jackets, mads of peau de sole, silk
moire velours, taffetas, broadcloths and
coverts, lined throughout with white and
colored satin, with the new
white moire and lace trim
mings, all slzos, on sate at
J. A. & COv's $8.00 Jackets $1.98
All John Anisfield & Co.'b cloth Etons In
castors and black, many beautifully braided
and silk trimmed
also silk lined .
m Of
J. A. & Co.'s Skirts, $2.98
All of John Anisfield & Co.'s walking
skirt's and rainy-day skirts, made of
melton and golfing cloth C O
go at
J. A. St Co.'s $10 Skirts, $3.98
100 of John Anisfield & Co.'s high-grade
dress skirts in serges, Venetians, chev
iots and broadcloths O C O
go at O.VO
J. A. & Co.'s $17 Skirts, $6.98
All of John Anisfield & Co.'s high-cost
silk peau de soie and moire skirts, also
net skirts over drop linings, trimmed
with niching, lace and QQ
ribbon, on sale at O
J. A. & Co.'s $10 Waists $3.50
Anisfield & Co.'s entire stock of silk waists, in black silk
moire, black peau de soie, colored taffetas, all in the new
Gibson and military effects, not one waist in the entire
lot sold at less than $10, and
some up to $15, bUZf
choice on main m j-Jv
J. A. &Co.'s $3. 50 Waists 95c
All of John Anlsfleld & Co.'s high-coot
shirt waists in shHr India linen, white
pique, fnucy bwIm, with lac und em
broidery Irsortiou and trimmings, foucy
tucked anl h-;mMltclil eiTccis, fast
colors, percale, sheer dliuity, etc., every
waist In this lot sold In
Chicago at $3.50
on main floor at
John Anisfield & Co.'s
Choice of all John Anisfield
& Co's high cost petticoats
in French sateens and moire,
made in the lat
est styles, go at..
$1.50 potticoats
and colors -go
in black
. John Anisfield & Co.'s Corsets
All the corsets from the John Anisfield & Co.
stock are offered at one price. The lot in
cludes American Lady, Warner's, Kabo, Gage
Down, etc. They come in all colors and all
sizes, in the newest styles, straight front, etc.
The regular retail prices are
$1.50, $2.00 all at one
Great Sale of Laces and Embroideries
TPomorrow's Bale of laces and embroideries is of the utmost importance. We are offering the very finest classes of goods, all
new and fresh, at specially reduced prices. The patterns are very pretty and come in a great variety.
Fine nainsook, cambric and swiss embroideries, in all widths,
handsome patterns, on sale as follows:
10c embroideries 5c a yard
15c embroideries at 7ic a yard
25c and 35c embroideries at 174c yard
Laces of every description, valenciennes, chantilly, net top
oriental torchon, etc., in splendid variety, also insertions, on sale
as follows:
10c laces and insertions at 5c a yard
25c laces and insertions at 10c a yard
Knit Underwear
Knit underwear for ladies, misses and boys
in every serviceable color and style, made of
fine cotton, lisle and mercerized, many of
these are manufacturer's samples, and come
to us considerable under price, the values
range up to oc per garment, on
sale at three prices, per
garment .... 10c, 15c and
Important Silk Sale Monday
The following special silk prices present great saving opportunities.
furthermore these are the goods the people are buying now. You
might as welFBave the difference in price.
$1.25 Black Silk Taffeta 75c
'A sale of high grade black taffeta,
the famous "Lyons" guaranteed
make. We secured another lot of
this very fine taffeta. They are per
fect in weave, have the soft mellow
finish, also the skirt fin- Er
ish, worth $1.25, go at, yd.- OL
$1.25 Crepe De Chine 67 c
We offer at a special price Monday 50
pieces new crepe de chine, 24-in. wide,
guaranteed all silk, including the new
fashionable shades of Gobelin, Keseda,
modes, grays, ceil, rose, cream, white
and black, the regular sell- fSln
ing price is $1.25, special O2C
Black and Colored Moire Velours 49c yard, worth $1.00
Over 25 different shades to select from, including white and cream. This
is a very popular fabric for the Gibson waists, the ordinary A r
selling price is $1.00 special, yard... trJC
Silks on Bargain Squares at 39c, 49c and 69c yard.
iWe will place on sale on bargain square a very large quantity of fine silks,
about 5,000 yards in all, including foulards, yard wide Japanese silks, peau
de soie, heavy rustling taffeta, black guaranteed taffeta, j
and a lot of fancy silks that sell for up to $1.50 yd., at'. . . O"C"4"C"0"C
75c and 50c Wash Fabrics 39c Yard
Monday we will place on sale at 39c a yard the following high class
jwashable dress goods. Their former retail prices ranged from 50c to 75c
embroidered madras
silk etamines
silk zepuyrs
rhM are all the latest effect la th e highest clas wash stuffs all at one price,
per yard i
White Wash Dress Goods.
Plain white Mouseline de Sol e, 65c grade, per yard 89c
White Etamloe for tub dresses, 32 Inches wide, 50o srrade, per yard .. 29 J
Madras siUin, white wash walstings, 60c quality, per yard 39c
Wash Dress Fabrics on Bargain Square.
Boul desole. silk moussellne, caatte chamhray, Dlraitle satin, Raye Moussellne de BhI, silk
corded unsuea, crepe ae sole; .5c, -4 CZ- Pt 1 etcln, azure bwlas, madras
.... iUw illuminated, 6Uc.73oalueB,yara.. a zr
34o and a6o values, per yard
Special Hosiery Sale. Veils and Veiling.
Women's and children's hosiery in black, plain
colors and Uncles, fine cotton, linle and
laoe effects all well made hosiery. We offer
them at three prices and each offers con
lderable savings. I'er pair
10c, 15c and 25c
Keadymado streamer veils, of fine chiffon
and liberty silks, trimmed with silk lace
Silk chlffou and liberty silt and fancy ill
net veilings a great variety of -4 r
styles dUo value per yard lyC
Special Sale of Linens
Tote the comparative worths "we mention here and then come and set
' the qualities of these lines. The saving in every item, you will find is ;'ust"
as great as we advertise it.
lATlth the wholesalers the summer season is over fall goods
are coming in and room is required. A New York jobber
had on hand 50,000 yards of wash goods and was very anxious to
sell we bought the lot at a uniform prices and Monday they
will be placed on sale at five different prices. The goods are all
in full pieces, no remnants, absolutely new and fresh. The variety
of fabrics and patterns is very extensive and there isn't' an old
style pattern in the lot, all are this season's productions. The sell
ing prices are about i of what the values are.
We will get rid of the cheap good first. In tbe second lot we will put all the Jaco-
o will put In one lot all the dimity and nets, all the dimities, all the One lisle
lawns that wholesale at 6Hc - organdies that wholesaled
yard they are In dainty pinks, I 88 tlg'1 a 17c yar(1' absolutely
blues, etc., yard new, this season's styles, yard
At 10c yard we will sell all tbe finest domestic and foreign dimities, all the fast black
mercerized and brocaded sateen, all tbe Lawrence ft Co.'s tissue, all the fine white
dotted Swiss, all the fancy printed dotted swlas. and all other fancy
weave wash goods that wholesaled aa high as 22c a yard, all tbls
season's productions, yrird
At 15c yard we will sell one big counter of At 39c yard one big lot of all silk fancy
all kinds of fine nlk striped glngnams, gingham, madras, etc., that wholesaled
fine shirt waist, Madras, etc., that whole- at 62 He a yard they go on
saled at 27Vc ya. These are - main floor bargain
absolutely new. this season's I tC counter, at,
styles, per yard yard
One case fine 10c long cloth at 5c a yard
One case Atlas percales In dark styles, 36 inches wide, usually whole
sales at 7Hc, tomorrow we will sell the whole case at, yard
One case 32-inch wide fancy gingham 8Jc a yard
One case (Thambray gingham, A. F. C
gtnghamj all at, yard
ind Tulle ds Nolr
One case fine? checked and plaid nainsook. This lot Is In mill lengths,
price wsA 7Hc wholesale, at retail they sold for 10c, tomorrow we
will sell lie whole case at, yard
the regular
.... 35c
25c quality Turkey red damask, guaranteed
fast color, at, yard I2jc
89c quality heavy linen cream Scotch table
damask, at, yard 10s
50c all linen loom damask, silver bleached,
at, yard 25c
6oo quality all linen cream damask, 72-lnch
wide and 64-inch wide, all linen silver
bleached damask, at, yard 39c
75o quality 64-inch all linen cream table
damask, Barsley (roods, and 72-inch
bleached all linen satin damask, real
Irish goods, at, yard 50c
11.00 quality 71-inch all linen silver bleacher
German table damask, and 69-inch
blenched Irish satin damask, at, yard.... 69 J
tl.25 quality bleached all linen satin dam
ask, new and very attractive designs, ai,
yard 85o
$1.50 quality very high grade double satin
table damask, full bleached and 2 yards
wide, at, yard 08c
$1.50 quality large size napkins In bleached
and hull bleached all linen damask, at, a
dozen l.OL
$2.25 quality dinner size, all linen full
bleached satin damask napkins, at, a
dozen 1.59
One esse $2.50 quality 11-4 extra heavy genuine Maraaillea bed spreads, each , 1.29
Extraordinary Cutting of Prices
In Our Shoe Department
to enable us to make the proposed changes.
To make these changes, which include a complete alteration of the ar
rangement of the department, we will dispose of at least f30,000 worth of
shoes, bought for this season's trade, made to our own order, and with our
name stamped in each pair, and some 7,000 or f8,000 more of broken lines
of shoes. '
Extra special tomorrow Monday,
Men's Shoes that
sold for up to
$3.50 pair.
Women's Shoes
that sold for u
, to $150 pair.
All the broken lots of men's and women's shoas that wp have
hitherto sold for up to three dollars arid a half 3.50 0 on
sale tomorrow at one thirty nine. . '
At 75c, 89c, 98c
for broken lota ot women'. .hes and.
oxfords about 1,200 pairs which .
sold for up te $3.00 a pair.
J. L. BllAXDEIS & BO'S. 1
. tk