Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 04, 1902, PART I, Page 10, Image 10
THE OMAHA DAILY TtEE: SUNDAY, MAY 4, 1902. Where Quality and Silks! Silks! Silks! Xfnuit dvkun and Price covht We Win price count M'lin Floor. Bennett's Shoe Dept. IYrlinps 0110 here smhI there hasn't Keen this hustling depart ment. It's where pul shot s are sold at prices that admit of no question as to their barjjainness shoes you can't scuff or ruin In a hurry are here galore. Ladies' Dress Shoes, laced, Goodyear welt, bottons made of Uooth's ideal patent kid the best on earth fC .per pair fcTvv Ladies' full dress lace shoes hand turned bottoms, the very latest style toes made of Booth's patent ideal kid the best on earth '"I EC" per pair JJVJ Ladies' full dress lace shoes flexible soles made of Booth's patent ideal kid ihe 3.00 best on earth, per pair Ladies' mannish Goodyear welt oxfords, made of patent colt that won't break a very nob by street shoe OO per pair kJKJJ Ladies' mannish Gocdvear welt oxfords, vici kid, with patent tip up-to-date per pair Ladies' ideal patent kid 4 strap Louis XIV heed sandals, per pair Ladies' Vici kid 4 strap Louis XIV heel sandals, per pair Ladies' vici kid patent tip, Irwin fit, narrow oxfords new and very chic , 2.50 2.50 1.50 3.00 Bennett's Hardware Department. Basement. MONDAY SPECIALS There's no finer ware In the world than the agate if exclusively used In the government service, peace or war, here, there and every where. Agate ware la a IT. 8. preference. Agate Windsor Dipper 1 and 1H fi quarts up from IOC ,10c Agate Coffee Pot 1 to 6 pints O A r, up from 4v Agate Rice. Boiler 1 to 6 quarts cq. up from UOb 79c 9c .Agate Water Pall 10, 12 and 14-quart up from .....98c Agate Stew Pan 1H to 10 quarts fn nn frum VFW 18c Agate Mllkpan 1 to 8 pint up from 4.o per ynrd Corded Taf feta flllks In pale blue, turquoise, cardinal, blue and marine bin make neat, pretty shirt waists 75c value Mondav iQn onlv Ok BLACK TAFFETA, .Vc per yard o pieces 20 Inch all silk Black Taf fetaregular 60c qual ity. Monday 38C 24-Inch CHINA SILKS, 4"o per yard all colnrs. Including black, white anil cream the kind that sells at 6c per lilt. 40c LIBERTY SATINS nt 65c per yard all silk Liberty Sitlna all col ors a good 5c value- Bennett's special 55c YVAMl ;onn IKPHTMK.T. 60 pieces of fine colored Dress Iwiwns the o quality at per 2C 60 pieces white ground Dimity colored ngures a pretty wasn goods f-c per yard vw 12ic per yard 100 pieces flne Imported Swiss Muslins white ground, colored fig uresalso black and white Swisses good values at 25c per yard Bennett s sntclal price IsSiSW 21p at the l.nre Counter. 60 pieces fine Swiss and Nainsook Tucklngs some with Insertion stripes Just the thing for nice shirt waists 50c and i.ic values Monday special per 29C life at the Domestic Counter. 100 pieces 36 Inches wide fine white Cur tain Swiss dots, figures and stripes gool 2ic values Bennett's special tOe per yard Ready-Made heeta and rillow Cases. 50 dozen Rennett special made Sheets 70x 90 torn and Ironed deep handkerchief hem this sheet is the quality of muslin that always sells at 6oo Ben nett s special each 50 dnxen Bennett's special made Pillow Cases 2x3i to match above sheets worth lc Bennett s special 7 only each IfcW 10c per yard 42-Inch bleached Pepperell Pillow Muslin special Monday tlr only per yard HJV lie each Rpeelal In Ton-els. 100 dozen linen, warranted absorbent Crash Towels very large size this towel In this size sells at 15c special for Mon- 11r day each 1 V 49c ud from Agate Preserving Kettle 1W to 8 quarts ud from Full line of Regal and Nickle Ware every piece guaranteed. " Visit the Hardware Department there's many handy Prices lower than the lowest. Mrs. Potts" Sad Irons per set up from , Agate Pudding Pan 1 to 8 quarts up from Dog Muzzles a few left the only muzzlo u. uok care enaure complacently lr aw up from. Lawn Mowers the famous Norka up from 2.25 things In It you heed. Bennett's Crockery Second Floor. We have Just received and unpacked a heavy shipment of RICH CUT AMERI CAN GLASS the largest line of brilliant cuttings ever handled at bargain prices you have yet seen. It's an exhibit we would like you to see. Charmingly laid out In our new electric lit alcove. English Decorated Dinner Plates English Jet Teapots OEP choice of slse acV 'English Blown Water Sets Fancy Color Water Sets Engraved Crystal Water Sets 6c 98c 1.15 "85c New English Print Teacups and Saucers set of ft for White Beml-Porcelain set of six for White Granite Porcelain sot of six for White Dinner Plates Plain and fancy Tumblers set of six.... 60c 50c .40c ... 5c ..10c Sporting Goods Department Base Ball Goods. Golfing GoodB, Tennl Goods, Fishing Tackle, Hammocks, Cro quet and Guns of all kinds. Ammunition to fit anything. .. ft...-, . r.'V ' fa :;Sy" X Bennett's Jewelry Main Floor. SPECIAL GOLD FILLED WARRANTED g85 FOR TEN YEARS. These are the popular 12 size, "a genllaman's watch" fitted with gen uine American 7 jeweled movement warranted. Bennett's Perfumery We have an elaborate and enchanting array of the world's richest and best perfumery productions. The very daintiest and choicest of European and Ameri can products are here. Perfumes that are pure absolutely free from any deliterl eus Ingredients that retain their original strength of bouquet. Here in refreshing and abundant, at prices that put them wl thin everybody's reach. Johns' Maria Farina Cologne the only genuine Cologne import a o 2Vi-ounce bottle OL . PERFUMES Plnaud's Violets, Rogers ft Oallet, all from Paris R cksecker's Eastman's. Baldwin's, Colgate's, American products. Fancy Toilet Soaps Plnaud's Lllaa de France enr 1 vw .""48c 25c Women's Wash Waists There Is scarcely an article In merchandise that so Interests women M the present time as SHIRT WAISTS It Is Impossible to describe such a mammoth stock as our in detail. There is hardly a style or material not represented on our tables. fo matter what the limit of your price, we can meet It. H Waists cake lttuce per cake ...... , , JSandal Wood Vlolette de Parme Persian Boquet and Carnation Plnk per cake .. Bennett's Medicinal Whiskies and Wines. In no department of our house Is quality ever sacrificed to price. A rigid Standard of quality is maintained all through, let prices fluctuate as they will. Our Wines, Whiskies, Liquors, etc., ars superlative values. Every Item thor- ougniy reuaoie una amiureu. Bennett's Callfornl Port or Bennett's Pure Kye per bot. Sherry the finest Calif or- nla has ever pro- COr luced per bottle u"w Dennett's building-up quality Claret per fillf bottle DUW glennett's Pure Malt Whls- u.y".p.!'! 75c 75c For Monday morning we offer 20 dozen of flne Black Lawn Waists and 18 dozen White Pique and Cord Waists that we think are excellent values 98C A lot of clean-up styles In fancy col orsworth from 11.00 to 2.50 make your choice selection 89C I. H. Harper 14 years old per doi- MM IIW White Mountain Malt, per bottle...... Pure 75c Monongahela Pure Bour- uen!r..b.,.f: 65c tie. Greer's O. V. R. Scotch ...1.35 Irlsh-lm- . 1.45 Imported In bottles Old Bushmill's ported In bottles jfjiJi mence JT"J Calico yw madra Jmr materl Come Children's Wash Dresses late duplicate pur are now In. We com the prices at 25c and zes from 1 year up. , percale, gingham, s and pique are the als colors warranted, and Inspect them. Fans! Fans! Opened and on sale now. Our 100 dozen Fancy and Black Folding Fans all new and perfect prices, 2 for Be, 6c, 7'jc, 10c, 15c, 20c, 2oc, 35c, 4Sc, 8c. Don't keep warm under the collar while you can get two nice, cooling fans for a nickel. Bennett's Monday we make special conces sions in our Millinery, for the main purpose of instituting Monday a special Ladies' Day. 10 per cent discount on all hats all kinds ranging in price from $15.00 to $18.00. 15 per cmt discount on all hats all kinds ranging from $20. 00 to $35. 00. Millinery Our system of marking every item in plain figures and our tvord backing it, insures these absolute advantages which go to make Double Bargains for Monday. $10.00 hats for 7.00 $5.00 hats for 2.98 Special trimmed hats for children 69c itoto line, of hats and caps for children. Bennett's Photo Frames Second Floor A fresh stock of Photo Frames, in white, gold, green, cherry and black, with brass corners. To flt one photo To flt two photos Picture Frame Mouldings In lengths per foot up from. 21c 35c ....2c To fit three photos.... To fit four photos. 48c 69c To flt five photos Passepartout Photo Frames 4sc, aoc, isc, 12c and. 85c 10c Bring your pictures for framing work first-class prices the lowest. Our Aim is to Place Merchandising Upon a Higher Plane then Ever Achieved in the History ot the Great West. Those superior trading methods that distinguish the home-makers' exposition are known and acknowledged by thousands of pleased customers. We make shopping a pleasure not a task! We 6pare neither effort nor expense to satis fy everybody and retain everybody's good-will. The opening of this im mense home supply center and its already established success is one of the brighest outlooks for the future splendid development of the west. Such must indeed interest everybody. We therefore expect you to honor us with a visit. We are confident of delighting you. Our varieties are elaborate and extensive beyond immediate comparisons. Our qualities admit of no question and our facilities for filling your orders are not even surpassed by the most ambitious and successful concerns of the east. Our principle of ready-cash selling joined to up-to-date concentration of departments, enables us to sell every line of dependable merchandise at prices lower than the most determined economist would willingly pay. Read this page advertisement closely. It speaks of fresh, new. just-received goods, that have passed by the most direct means from the factory to our counters. There's money in it for YOU! The One-Price Piano House BENNETT'S Have you seen the world's new standard piano, "THE EVERE1 T;" "the piano with a soul?" It is the BEST', the whole world of musicians is saying so for us. The Cincinnati Times-Star has this to say of the EVERETT, anent their world-renowned May Musical Fes tival: "Over 550 voice now training under the careful leadership of Mr. E. W. Glover are ac companied by nothing but one piano. It requires an instrument of MORE THAN USUAL VOLUME to properly support such a large number of voices and it is a significant fact worth remembering that the EVERETT has within the past few months taken a very high rank among the artist class, and is freely given first place among the great orchestral pianos. " We sell also the celebrated IVERS & POND, STARR, RICHMOND, SMITH & BARNES and other standard pianos on the EASY PAYMENT PLAN We are state representatives for the most renowmed of all self piano players, the "Uhase & Baker." This wonderful device will win your affections if you call and listen to it but once. Easiest to play the most beautiful of all machines, finished with choice veneers, high polish and hand carved case. We rent new pianos. Our tuners will take care of your piano. We absolutely guarantee their work and our charges are the very lowest. Bennett's Music Department Complete stocks of Schermer & Wood edition, including the classics in their famous editions at 40 per "cent off the publisher's price. Czerny op. 229, publisher's 1 price 23c our price "Dreamy Eyes," latest by the composer of ''Creole Relies," publisher's price 50c our price Bell Boy March, Caddy March, 'Varsity C.irl March, day Tally Ho March, Fencing CJirl March, by Asht'on publishers' price, each 50c our price 19c 19c V Tb-6'JiAftNtYT5. OMAHATJtiN. Bennett's Furniture Third Flor. Thrre"s dully transformation In furniture varieties snrt designs qualities and nw price are stanilsnl snd absolute oargaln prices sre th attr.i.Mlve Incidental. Head and (Hinder over the following magn tlcent Item. Qualities and bargain made of quarter-sawed golden oak fine shelves for hooks large writing leaf neatly arranged pigeon holes French bev eled plate mirror over top writing leaf supported with two brass hinges pol ish finish regular llS.Ort Q 7 J our sale price ROCK EH cobbler leather seat solid oak goliien Pt.ti h turned spindles high arms medium high back comfortable, strong and durable on sale Monday O let only sS.OO COfCH 3o Inches wide, 6 feet Inches long made two ways, plain top with Im perial roll edge or made In olght-row patent tufted these conches are mads with the guaranteed steel construction heavy oak frame polished covered with best grade Melgtan velours tow moss and cotton filling regular SO UEt price lltuio special IsS.OO 81 DKnOARD come In and look at It then see If you can do better elsewhere for IJO.OO our price Is $13.48. It Is hand somely carved swell top and front HANDSOME JARDINIERE STAND-ex-1 LBS- TJr..mlrr7.m ,-cry.. actly like cut-nude of golden oak or remember our iow n u mahogany finish a rich, neat nrke 10.0 r1..Blcrn t..Kn..rA. ..1. 1 atr.?"..r..:.v.'. IRON BEDS fancy enameled, latest scroll designs pretty, massive posts steel rails three colors of enamel, white, pea green and maroon beautifully finished serv iceable worth jr.oO our E O 4 price J"' SCREENS handsome made of solid oak- fitted with brass supports silkollne filled In colors of pink, blue. tan. green. etc. strong and durable 1 O .4 on sale Mondav at onlv !.( EXTENSION TAHLE8 made of the best selected solid oak rich and new In de sign beautifuly turned and fluted legs golden ouk finish superbly polished they can't make a better or stronger table our price for Monday Q Ot and Tuesday only 0.V DINING CHAIR solid oak frame high back brace arm hand caned seat back nicely carved turned posts and spindles strong and durable actually worth $1.S8 our price for this sale will Qg PLATE RACK of artistic beauty golden onk highly finished brass cup hooks thl piece of furniture certainly adds mrge ly 10 ine wan oeooranons in lug room on sale for Monday only at a din- .64c This handsome and rich BED ROOM SUIT exactly like cut golden oak fln Iwh new and beautiful In design dresser has a shaped French beveled plate mir rortop and top drawers swell front four drawers shaped legs bed nlcelv carved exceptional bar- 17 1Q gain at W.OO DININO CHAIR-golden finish large lza seat, measuring 17 Inches hand caned back carved a very strong clmlr on sale at M 79c 5.98 COUCH covered In fine velours button top, canvas bottom steel tapered springs oak frame claw feet f AH. our price HALL RACK made of quarter-sawed oak with artistic carving on front good size seat the mlrro is of the best French beveled plate brass hooks and a good saving, s fif rest assured price CUPBOARD glass doors golden fin ish two drawers bras trimmed castered best of workmanshln strong and durable last a lifetime on saie ior Monday only at CENTER TABLE an excellent piece of furniture exactly like cut made of best selected lumber finish golden oak size of top, 24 Inches square made strong and has a substantial under-shelf usual J2.60 or value our price Is I.V LIBRARY ROOKCASE-4 feet 6 Inches wide made of H oak two glass doors rounded top and corners shelve for books highly polished ball-hearing casters 44 on sale 1 1. 4o WALL POCKET-mado of golden oak has a handsome colored picture panel well made and strong and is a very useful article In fil every home sale price OJC Bennett's Groceries FreKEpW in a nutshell. every earner of our mammoth We Food Exposition characteristics In A MONDAY EXTRA Large, extra large, fancy lemon., 4 f a genuine bargain that cannot be duplicated, at per doz.. lOC Barataria Dry Shrimps- i-BTTZZTTmTTT per can iwl .iiu b i-uwuer Hand Picked Navy Beans-a H-pound can IJC per Pound C Fancy California Apricots Fancy Full Cream Cheese f7r. Per en per pounn. Assorted Pickles per bottle Standard Corn per can Mustard Sardlnes per can large 17c 9c 8c 9c Good Rice per pound Columbia Catsup pint bottle Soda and Oyster Crackers per pound ..15c ...5c 23c ...5c Bennett's Candies Main Floor. Such Candles as ours are impossible of quality improvement. goodness Is not matched anywhere. Our prices are untouched. Their purity and See! MONDAV SPECIAL Chocolate Creams, 4 fresh, delicious, per pound , lUC Cream Almonds per pound. Pineapple Slices per pound Mint Klsaefc per pound Snow Drops per pound OSf. Lemon Drops per pound 2flc Cren Mixed w w per pound ISc Tat Marshmallows w per package Rc Baited Peanuts w per pound ...15c .124c 5c . .15c Bennett's Cicars here ulnlTy. W le "d.Mo clga , thelr prlce pUh tftken out 3c Crem a Be cigar 1.50 La Jasslda - 1 a 5c cigar OJ C "iSr 1.70 Norma ' m a loc cigar for ow F,fory 2.40 Judge Day a 10c cigar r Qr good as Its name 50 for KJ JJ Red Indian Smoking Tobacco Alf 6c package... 3w Rpyal Mixture Smoking Tobacco - oc package JKt ..Oc .35c . 3c ,20c 15c Pipes- Standard Navy Chewing Tobacco cui xor. Per pound German Wood 4c pipe for. 2c pipe for Genuine Briar Pipes 26c pipe for 20c pipe for Bennett's Carpets and Draperies Some late arrival. lust opened, will be cut on sale new, seasonable goods. The finest production of the ever made. 75c Tapestry Brussels ywT.1"..'. 59c 96c quality guaranteed the best Brussels 70r made ptr yard 11.15 Velvet Carpet QDr per yard One lot of fiftO pair of Ruf fled Muslin Curtains, with colored bor dersper pr.. I cases White Nottingham 1.25 This will Include our full line of the best quality of Velvet Carpets. 40c quality Linen Fiber In grain per OCr yard Ofc 65c Union Carpet extra ?d.t'f.!r .39c Lace Curtains. worth up to $3.25 per pair special Ail at per pair l.C 2 cases Ruffled Bob net Curtains, lace Insertion for Monday's selling. All loom at the lowest prices 60c cotton Chain Carpet- best quality A&r Per vard "v7W 80c all wool Ingrain Car-pet-per fiSc yard 40c grade Floor Oil Cloth 1W and 2 yards OBp wide per sq. yd U W and edging, deep ruffle Sir 2.59 6 cHses of full slse Notting ham Curtains worth up to M .50 at 11 per pair 1J Drapery Department. Curtain Scrim per yard Curtain Swiss per yard Curtain Swiss colored stripe.. 5c . 7c 10c Pillow Cord Qi per yard Chenille Table Covers one yard square ""lOc each cv Japanese Bamboo Cur- tulns 4 ym eaxh Tapewtry Portieres three yards long f 'tO por yard l.OV Dr. Rowe's Stock Fod We Sell It in the Dru? Dept (Main Floor.) Here's something of special ralue to our fanner and stockman friends. Your horse, cow, sheep, goat or pig he whole family of eltbsr around you will "just lovs It." It'll gladden and ratten and PAT. All Its qualities are detailed on the package but 'the proof ot the pudding Is In the eat ing." Try It on your stock. Jr 4-pound JCn uavkago w w pavkag Where quality and price Gount ve Win feZ-' Harney Sts. Omaha! 166" Harney 5ts. Omaha. Good, seasoned Pine Tubs up from Bennett's Wocdenware hattment. 48c 15c and 13c 48c 18c 1.18 Good Pine Palls-each..' Clothes Racks up from Churns ' up from Clothes Hampers assorted sie i 6 and Splendid Una of Refrigerators e en and Iceboxes up from UiOU JVr 26-pound .2.48 Wsvhlng Machines up from ,2.98 FREE TELEPHONE EXCHANGE 30 PHONES-137.