Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, May 03, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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00, making ft toot toss to hlra of about
Mr. an 4 Mr. Bougger ara highly re
spected people, having labored Industriously
DocreUry Marsh lUoemmendi a Law Bo- til they had accumulated enough prop
erty 10 eep UQem in ineir ria
Laat fall ba built ft Beat cottage la the
northeast part of town, moving Into tbe
name to spend tbe remainder of their dsyt
In comfort. The loss cost him a lW-acre
farm, which lesves the old couple largely
dependent on their children for aupport.
Mr. Bougger la 70 yeers of age and bia
-wife 61.
quiring Systematic Reports.
Mete Board of Irrigation Likely to
Hear Objeetlea ta t'eatlialna the
Water Rlftkt of Andrew
Arreets " Elopera on Washlaa-ton
taaaly taarthoaae Stepe and
polls a Wedding.
FREMONT, Keh., May J. (8peclal.)
required to report annually any change la Cb.rles Emery a Saundera county farmer
the peraonue. of the officer., method, of 7" J"
t.l H'elWu 1Va es-e1 heart tSa-SlTTt sk.
able a peraon to ascertain the number atr'.. . a .... TL .. Vii... ..Vi
. . ,. ..... ,v. I Infatuated with the man and the father aald
they had eloped.
Thla afternoon Sheriff Menke of Blair ar
rested the couple Juat aa they were going
up the courthouse atepa on their way to
ration. H. would have all foreign cor. ih wn, brought hm home ,n
Baandera county.
(From ft Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN, May I. (Special.) Several
aggeatlona contemplating amendmenta la
tbe Nebraska corporation lawa will be mad
to the next leglalatura by Secretary of Stat
Marsh. Ha would have the corporation!
active corporation In tbe atate and the
nanus of tbe officer and method of busi
ness of any of tbem at any time.
Mr. Marab would also have the law e
amended aa to provide specifically that not th- c , fo. a
lee. than three persona cu form ft corpo- ,lenMt ,riv mm
poratlona required to maintain ft branch of
fice In tba a lata.
From December 1, 1900, to May 1, thai
year, over $42,000 waa paid into the aeo
retary of auto's office aa fees by corpo
ration. Tbl amount la only 1400 In
ces of the total amount received by tbe
office during the four years of too fusion
eaatea Waa Aalaaased.
. Tba girl and Warner left home about t
o'clock thla morning and were met weat of
tbe city by mu with team.
D4( Owanty Martataara Iteeerd
FREMONT. Neb., May I. (Special.) The
following la the mortgage record of Dodge
county for the month of April: Chattel
mortgagee Hied, M, amount, 11.0S.0; re
Laat night's meeting of republican., held leased, R, amount, f 16,(39.13. Farm mort-
for the purpose of considering the propo-lgages Bled, 17, amount, $36,145.45; released
ttlon to extend the Lincoln nominating 22, amount, $24,(12.75. Town and ctty
system throughout the county, waa one of mortgages recorded, IS, amount. $11,932.50
tbe moot spectacular eventa la which the released, 22, amount $18,810.
republicans of tbl county have partlcl-1 Tbe county board met yeeterday and baa
pated for a long time. The proceeding devoted the most of Its time to ft couple of
throughout, however, were good-natured and road petitions, one for the straightening
marred neither by hot word nor angry I out of tbe road from Ames to North Bend
gesticulations. ftad tba other for the opening up of a road
The direct primary system may be ft fixed weat of Bcrlbner, both of which ar meet-
Institution for tbe republicans of thla city, l ltn considerable opposition.
but tha action of laat nlsht makes It a
foregone conclusion that It will not, for Favors Remaastraiore
some years at least, be adopted by the BEATRICE, Neb., May 2. (Special Tel-
county organisation. In fact, there is a I egram.) The saloon remonstrance case
growing sentiment among the republlcana of against tbe Paddock Hotel company, which
the city that tbe ayatem ought to be dls- was appealed from the decision of the city
continued from local politics and tbe con- council Wednesday, was beard by Judge
vention plan reinstated. Letton In district court this afternoon. The
By a vote practically unanimous the Judge decided In favor of the remonstrators
county republican central committee this on the ground that.where there was an ap-
afternoon decided to stay by the present peal Uken surety company bond for saloon
system of choosing candidates by delegate license waa not legal. In tbla event tbe
conventions and paas up tbe question of company will be obliged to take out a new
orlmarv nominations for the nresent. The "cense ana rum Ion ft personal bond In or
county convention waa also called to meet. aer t0 reopen the saloon, which has been
in Lincoln May 21. Thla action on tbe part cl0Bed Vr several days. Ths remonstrance
of the committee ends the agitation In local c"e of Bradt against Grimes waa aet for
circles for the adoDtlon of the "Lincoln." "earing may i
or popular vote system of nomlnationa.
Mate Board to Hear Complaint.
It ia likely that tbe rehearing on tbe ap-1
plication of Andrew Rosewater , for per-1
Ashland Connrll Mcenaea Saloon
ASHLAND, Neb., May 2. (Special.)
The city council met Wedneeday evening
and organised for the ensuing year, Mayor
mission to use the water of tbe Platte'rlver Jeff Smith. Clerk Ira Sexton and TV....,,.,
above Ashland for power purposes will be Ernest Wlggenhorn being Installed. Drug
lUB ' """ eiore permits were granted to Lyman R
atead of before 8tate Engineer Dobaon, a. Brush, Alexander Laverty and H H Cone'
anticipated in tbe motion Died by Mr. Riley License waa granted John Moser for a sa-
cf Flattsmouth. who is contesting the ap- loon. A. D. Radeker and ftnii w.. -
propriatloo. Mr. Dobaon haa given the case a billiard hall and Fred Green and Waltar
thorough consideration and prefers to ad- Noddtnga for a bowling alley.
here to hi. former ruling allowing the
application. He aaya Mr. Riley expects to
bring several expert engineers from New
York to give testimony. If Mr. Dobson lis
tened to the testimony and argument and
then gave a decision adhering to his former
ruling ah Flattsmouth man would undoubt
edly appeal to tbe board. It la to save thla
possible extra expense and' delay that Mr,
Foar Start on Tour of World.
WEST POINT. Neb.. May 2. (Special.)
George Meier, Edward Clancy, Amandua
Krause and William Gefefe, four young
men or this place, departed at noon Thurs
day for a trip around th world on foot.
They took burrow with them for ft pack
Thar were earor'd nut- tf in am
uovmvn tavora u.vm, ico rrucarmg ueiur. i D th a.t v.. .,, fc
me uuaru wunoui lurmvr loriuaimva.
The Bertlllon system of measuring and
identifying criminals has been adopted at
the state penitentiary. The necessary ap-
Foar Ueanses at David City.
DAVID CITY. Neb,, May 1 (Special )
At special meeting of th city council
paratua wa purchased by the Stat Board . " 7,, " . .r"7 "
, a ......... . . resterday morning four saloon licenses
of Public Lands and Building, about a
month :ie.o and la now In working condition.
Tbla system Is a decided Improvement over
Kebrwka United Knight of the Grip Wel
comed to Grand Island.
Scores Present at Opealaa: Hoar aad
More Delegations Arrive to Par. -ttelpate
la Aaanal Baalaesa
Seesloa aad Festivities.
GRAND ISLAND, Neb.. May 2 (Special.)
At the hour of the opening of tbe annual
session of the t'nlted Commercial Traveler
of Nebraska, at 10 thla morning, over 100
member were present, with every train
bringing additional numbers. Many more
are expected on trains from all direction
thla evening. One of tbe officials of the
organisation aald that tbla session will
have tbe largest number of knights in at
tendance of any meeting In the history of
the organisation.
At 10 o'clock this morning ft parade was
formed at the Elks' hall, which la tbe in
formal headquarters of the convention, and,
beaded by Harrison's bsnd and participated
in, by nearly 200 visiting and local knight
of the grip, the committee and citizen,
marched to the Grand Army of tbe Repub
lic hall, where the program waa opened by
the Invocation, lead by Rev. L A. Arthur.
Mayor Jamea Cleary followed with an ad
dress of welcome, and aald:
I htm burn deala-natrd to nffer vou e-reat.
Ings. It is in the name of the people of
Grand Island that I bid you to enter our
gates. And while you are here w want
you to take charge of our ctty and con
duct It In your own way as long as you
choose to remain.
I confess that I find It difficult In talking
to you to find a nail to hang to.
I have great respect for the gentlemen
who compose the craft, for many reaeons.
I had high ambitions once myself and was
vain enough to think I could make myself
felt In the ranks of the traveling frsternlty
My hopes, however, were never realised. I
made my first trip by slow coaches as far
west as Kearney, when, after using all
the persuasive powers I had at my com
mand, I returned home thoroughly con
vinced that the task required more. skill
In the manipulation of the English vocabu
lary than I possessed and I have ever since
been the more willing to tip my hat to the
knight of the grip and to accord him all
the privilege he asks for.
Gentlemen, again let me say to you, In
the name of the cltlsens of this city, that I
am happy to welcome you and to assure
vou we feel honored In having you as
guests within our walls.
A very neat response was made by H. H.
Cherry of Hastings, who. addressing the
mayor, thanked him heartily for the cor
dial welcoois.
"Our order," said he, "In substance, Is
not, as might be supposed by many not
conversant with our doings, nor yet ac
quainted with us aa Individuals, made up
of a careless lot, and I aesure you, In the
name of our organization, that the freedom
of your city so liberally extended will not
be misused. And to you. Rev. Arthur. I
want to expreea the thanks of the organiza
tion for the sincere invoking prayer tn our
"The United Commercial Travelers has
been In existence for twelve years. Charity
Is tbe chlefest of It tenets. Ws aim to tip
lift ourselves and those nearest to us. You
will find no bereaved widow of a United
Commercial Traveler In want. We are glad
to be In Grand Island and ws again thank
you for your cordial welcome and your
thoughtful Invocation."
After a five minutes' recess organization
was effected, the body convened In execu
tive session and routine business under
taken. Commltteen on cerdential and rail
road were appointed. This afternoon
Grand Counsellor Walton wa met at the
depot and escorted to the hall. Election of
officers, which was to have been' held to
day, was postponed until tomorrow morn
ing. This evening the visiting and local mem
bers of the organization and ladles, to
gether with tbe members of the Elk and
ladle, enjoyed grand ball at Ancient Or
der of United Workmen hall. Ths ball I
splendidly decorated with lnslgnlaa of the
order, flowers and palms.
following mortgage record for April: Farm
mortgage filed, 27, amount. $70,22; re
leased. IS, amount, $71.H2. City mortgage
filed, amounting to tbe sum of 7,213. re
leased. $8,035.
Three Ureases at Ken'aard.
KENNARD. Neb.. May 2 (Special.) At
ft special meeting of tbe village board, held
last evenlnc. that body granted three sa
loon licenses. The license were Hied at
$800 ft year each.
Albion Man Violates (lame Law.
ALBION. Neb., May 2. Special.) Alex
Wilson of this city was arrested by State
Gams Warden McConnell and fined $10 and
cost for violating the game law of the
granted. Occupation tax waa paid by one
billiard ball, two bowling alley and two
broker. Joseph Calvin wa annointed
(ha. a-iM matt hrxA tt ilmnlw raw cirri I n if that 1 . . . .
, ... , " - - enter or police and water commissioner.
h i u h t w!aht nnlnr nf pAnvli-ti Knit fiaa I . . -
. j ---- . . ". I Qa J- u- enoies treet commissioner.
already served to identify several prla
oners whose criminal records have been
recorded elsewhere.
Stats Treasurer Stuefer will make the
Child Dies from Hot Tea. Barns.
ASHLAND, Neb., Msy 2. (Snecisl.)
n Kin l i m aiurier will 11 1 . r mi i . .
, ., . ... j vers, tne ll-montbs-old daughter of Mr
semi-annual apportionment of state fund. a . Mr. D olr
for th schools on May 20 and It 1 said
that the amount will bs far In excess of
and Mrs. Charlea R. Johnson, while play
ing around home In Ashland Tuesday pulled
th. apportionment for th. corresponding wist and J?' "a,
. V. i - ,v. breMt "a ,rml "r. Th. Infant died at
period last year. Only a few of ths coun
tic bav reported to the treasurer, how
ever, and It Is Impossible to give actual
Frank Boagajer of David City Worked
by Miscreant for Over Elsjfct
V Tkoasaad Dollars?
DAVID CITY, Nb.. May (Special.)
Frank Bougger, ft respected citizen of this
(lace, la victim of ft confidence man; who
1. an expert at ths buslnsss
Last fall a itrangsr cam to th bom
cf Mr. Bougger, then a resident of Center following
township, sis miles southeast of her, rep- granted:
relenting himself to bs ft cousin of Mrs.
Bougger. H visited several day with the
Bougger family. H said as . had com
from Germany tan years ago. He waa fa
'miliar with th family history, and after
establishing hi family relationship beyond
ft doubt in ths minds of Mr. and Mrs. Boug
ger, commenosd working upon religious
He declared be was ft member of the
asms church to which ths Bougger be
long, and stated that he bad an opportunity I etiambaugh, $17
8 o'clock Thuraday morning.
SkerlnT Jails Frank Moratee. 1
PIERCE, Neb.. May 2. (Sneclal.)
Sheriff Ben Jones arrested Frank Moravec,
aaioon keeper at Foeter, for alleged
aelllng of. liquors without license. When
Sheriff Jones searched Moravec's premise
he found two or three kegs of beer, corns
whisky and gin.
Tell Woald-Be Robbers a Plaaalble
Story aad Saves His
attempt to hold up the 'Frisco Pacific ex
press was made near Sellgman, the first
station north of here.
Two men boarded the train there and
under cover of darkness crept over the ten
der and, leveling their revolvers at the en
gineer, ordered him to reverse bis engine!
He told them that to stop hi train before
arriving at the next siding meant certain
destruction, aa he waa closely followed b
an extra.
When the train slowed up at Washburn
tbe robber becams frightened and fled Into
th timber. Two suspects bav. been ar
rested at Sellgman.
Depoeltora Aatltaled Over Report
Llqaldatloa Hasten to Draw
Oat Tkelr Money.
CRIPPLE CREEK, May I. A run was
started on th. Bimetallic bank of Cripple
Creek today and when the door, were
cloaed for th. day at o'clock there were
still many depositors In line. Over $50,000
was withdrawn between 10 a. m. and 1
p. m. . The run was caused by ft report that
tbe bank was about to go Into liquidation.
The Bimetallic bank was established tn
1892 and. Is. the oldest bank In the city.
Some months ago It was purchased by lta
present owners from D. H. Moffat of Den
ver. Tbe officers are: J. F. Hadley, presi
dent; Bruno Hobbs, vice president, and
E. P. Arthur, cashier.
Indigestion I tbe direct cause of disease
that kill, thou.and. of peraon annually.
Stop th trouble at the start with a llttl
tbe stomach and aids digestion.
New Lodft-o at Wakefleld.
WAKEFIELD. Neb., May J. (Special.)
Mrs. Scott of Hastings Thursday night In
stituted a new lodge of the Fraternal Life
association. Tbe new lodge Is called tbe
Wakefleld circle and It start out with ft
membership of over thirty.
Thief Sentenced at Seward.
SEWARD, Neb., May 2. (Spscial Tele
gram.) Dwigbt V. Polllck was sentenced
to fifteen days In th. country Jail today
for stealing a pair of trousers, ft bat and
pair of ahoes from ft hotel In Utlca yesterday.
York Firemen Entertain.
YORK. Neb., May 2. (Special.) Th.
York Fir. company gav. a banquet to the
mayor and city council and their wives snd
families at ths ctty hall. Nearly 200 were
In attendance. Av G. Brlcs was toastmas-ter.
War Sarvlvors Remembered by tho
General Government.
WASHINGTON. May 2. (Special. ) The
western pension hav been
Issue of April 12:
Nebraska: Orlslnal John T. nWi a,..
perior. ; Joshua B. Stiles (war with
Spain). Fremont. M: Walter V. Ri.nkUv
Cheney $. Increase, Restoration, Reissue!
Etc Phelps D. Bturdevant, Strang, W.
Broken Bow Hotel Sold.
BROKEN BOW. Neb.. May 2. (Special
Telegram.) The Grand- Central . hotel.
owned by Mrs. T. E. Wheeler, changed
band today, being aold to. Mr. Elliott of
Lead, S. D. Tbe consideration 1 $9,000.
idows Adalln Rovnlnn tfanw!!
accrued April 16), York, $8; Julia McWaln.
nuiu, so.
Iowa: OrlainaJ RJrharA T. Wnnlno ru
Molnea, $; Henry Bhowes, Sioux City. $8;
Adelbert H. Miner, Spenoer. $e; Theodore
H. Rosohe (war with SwUn). Dave n Dor t M:
Nelson E. Wlnans, Marshalltown, $10: John
H. Bayne, Agency. JA; John W. Davis.
New Block for Bralaard.
BRAINARD, Neb., May 2. (Special.)
James Matausek was today awarded tho
contract for the erection of a brick block
to be built by Sypal Pterslka. Tbla la
to b. tb finest business block In Bralnard.
1111am W. Vtolnrn.h
to Bftae ft ana oc mossy ny investing us X 3 . lui- "lm n'spetnes,
i.Bil hi. uw.M ... l """ i. yowen vv. Hursi, Haruora
- w w I ill AfflOl Wnrhf. r-Tt.I-ttnn
imci oc isoa irom im nuanersi
$8: Frederick
German who died la bis native coos try
estate, Chafer (special accrued April 17). Elberon.
wintry. t?- Ortglnal Wldowa. Etc. Catharine E.
T.... I Fraoer, Indiana. $; Ellsa Rvan (special
,..., . T-.. I eraser, Indiana, sa; mils a. Kyan (special
leaving ft large amount of land la Taxes, accrued Aim 1, McGregor, l Harriet K.
lonslnn- t- the sans chares, of Which nl4.ian' Renewal, Widows, Etc. Isabella
Ba proposed to establish ft sol say tkere bs- 1 Marshall. Wyoming, U: alary A. Hartlnger,
ort. Gf.
Mr Bauaaar rapoasd aonndanea la tba I Booth nakotat OrlrtnaL TtanfrarA suilA.
.uppoaedrolstlv. andjav. his. $!... the tJ?i-rui?2:
irasev w " i faanis, Pneau-naa. 1U; Inward V. Kllea.
Tbe stranger departed and nothing was I Wssaaiigtaa sTorlng. HA.
or beard of urn lor ronr or I VrTT--- ;"V '
montbs, wnsa He reiurnea. ne auiaa mat I Cbkmdo: Ongteai MetaotHon S. Vhrk,
b had Invested tb 14,000 In land, wnlck oioreoo wprinns, ; rwter Crawford, Rico,
w- a, . -. ... ki.k v . i I p. on aicjair. unaom. aa. ucmM. uco.
ne sao uispooxs m an artu- Kateao Eu-Josltu MrPaHanrf
lied $4,000 la profits. However, there waa I PneMo. Is. Orlrlnai widows. Etc. luary
a greater opportunity la store, he said. If - tsswc-Ai ccrn aptu u. wn
be only bad ths money to make tho pur- I iZ An n
Chase. I KriiraMkau Ortdnai ChartM B. fWvm.
Th amount required to make tb pur- Osashs, : bTtTfT. HamU-
chai. of ths tract of land which bo now iZZCvAti "
desired to secure waa azplalaed aad Mr. I H. Butr, Laoeola, s; Haory W. KWbols.
Bougger gav. up $,600 mors, makln. 8.o00 fJl g l'-.
IB ftH. I Oransrr. CetBHork. tU: WtTltam Omft
sar. Bousrsr raoalved a teller rrom in I nanm
fellow mail ad at Lincoln, which road
"Oood bye tuy dear, good friend, Mr,
Bougger. I thank' you very much for tbe
money which you gav me. I .hav never
seen T.xaa. ana you win never see or near i Vmrna. wtsuhmn, S.
from mi again. Oood bys." yseamsryri. . Incrrut. lfvartois.
Mr. Bo-r bad borrowed most of tbs ETlrr. ' iiZ'TJL'..
money ana tne interest amounted io anoui i anoH'ma. ux- J Witnaa. iam Csk,
six sjamwi nummB, rwsrm suutrs. m:
t&wnnra CsUhJUn. cilsriMnaL. Ar. Xmn-a Kna.
mvflip-M AauiM hMi.i-.rnn I . ' - . i.
Mil I Hr K liHli rrH V W rMX : .sm. s vtnrm. xut
. ..... ..... . W W . . , ... w . J. ,
Haatlnss. at; William T. Zook. Brorwns
vtUe. S: Joaonb Hardatk Maarraaoifi. Ca.
lambaa. til. Ortglnai Wldoes. Etsv Cnat-
uiiis l sarwt, t, .nisnbas, m.
lows: xrUrm e4sr W. Tons. AW
anom. W. Era i f3o. Mssmtv, ar WUtai
i IX Mvm. Bwrtwactss. as.- ei.V-i I. ft
Gxvai V. gasmk.
lor CkilSraa. Hothar Orar. tor mil a ears la the
IkilSraa's Mosm la Nw Yark, lratat chlMrsa suo
MwOiilr alik a ftoMdj. aw prum. a4 aie ta
Ik 4ru alaraa. 1M stotlMr Orars SMt PavSars
iklkilraa. Taar aie Sa.alliai aa aula, ataaaut
aartala mum lur Swuk
WMrtna a.4 I i mm SI aU CMwrtaia. c
l1 aaaaw aa walk aa- Saauila aau faaAV ja
sna iuaai ft. Oloaiaa. La avr. K. I.
Dh-tha C. Maris, roiam. rrtr r.rwln Csla
Kenaerr. H: JtajiM W. laaata. Oztixnrem. till
Jkhn Mart, finmsenrn. XIX
tVisrtn IiiJ-ni- Ovtatnal. Was- wffh sTpafa
(arnc E- ihjiaun, Farwn. tft.
Colorado: lnmM. Restoration. Rrlseue, r-rmncMco tieitran, Alamosa. 110; il
llam Thompson. Fruits. $13; WlUlam A.
Maxkbam. Denver 110: Oom Orav. Hur., (U; James K. ifcOlnnla, Boulder, fJi
Caaa Coaaty Mortgage Record.
PLATTSMOUTH. Neb.. May 2. (Special.)
County Recorder Schneider furnishes ths
To Be Followed by Fair Weather and
Booth Winds for Kekraskn on
WASHINGTON, May 2. Forecast i
For Nebraska Shower, and cooler Satur
day; Sunday fair; variable winds.
For Iowa Fair In east, showers and
cooler In west portion. Saturday, and at
night In east portion; Sunday probably fair
with cooler In east portion; variable winds.
For South Dakota Fair Saturday In west.
showers in east portion; cooler In eastern
portion; Sunday fair; variable winds. .
For Kansas Showers and cooler Satur
day; Sunday fair; south winds, becoming
For Miasourl Partly cloudy Saturday:
showers and cooler In northwest portion.
and at night or 8unday In' east and south
portion; south winds, becoming variable.
For Wyoming Fair Saturday and Sun
day; weat to north wind.
For Colorado Partly cloudy and cooler
Saturday and Sunday; variable winds.
Loeal Record.
OMAHA, May I. Official record of tem
perature and precipitation compared with
the corresponding day of the last three
. 1902. 1901. 1900. 189.
Maximum temperature... 88 76 69 79
Minimum temperature.... 68 M 45 M
Mean temperature 73 66 .62 68
Precipitation 00 .00 T .00
Record of temperature and precipitation
Marco l,
at Omaha for this day and since
. .13 Inch
. .13 nch
.1.66 Inch
8. S3 Inches
1.93 Inch
Excess for cor. period 1900 02 Inch
Reports frosa Stallone at T p.
Normal temperature
Excess for the day
Total excers since March 1..
Normal precipitation
Deficiency for the day
Total precipitation since March 1.
Denciency since March 1..
Deficiency for cor. period 1901....
Omaha, part cloudy....
Valentine, cloudy
North Platte, cloudy...
Cheyenne, cloudy
Salt Lake City, clear..
Rapid City, clear
Huron, cloudy
WUUston, clear f..
Chicago, clear
St. Louis, clear
St. Paul, part cloudy...
Davenport, clear
Kansas City, clear
Havre, part cloudy
Helena, part cloudy,...
Bismarck, cloudy
Galveston, cloudy
881 .00
2 .00
88i .00
72 .00
62 62 T
601 761 .00
721 80 .00
46' 62 .00
781 821 .00
80 861 .00
6 68 00
801 Kg .00
821 86 00
481 621 .08
461 46 T
2 641 .001
741 78 .00
T Indicates trace of precipitation.
. Local Forecast Official.
Tt- r rrr t
. i ncrc are icu,uuu nairs on an
average head, on your head. How
many of these have you lost since
yesterday ? Since a year ago ?
How long do you calculate it will
be before you will have thin hair, or
no hair at all ?
Better feed your hair and make it
stronger and more vigorous. There's
only one genuine hair-food, Ayer's Hair Visor
It stops falling of the hair, makes the hair grow,
and always restores color to gray hair.
I havs used Ayer' Hair Vigor for a great many years and always with most
satisfactory result. I hav recommended it to a great many of my friends, and
they aU My they ar satisfied with tt, too. Ws don't think yoa claim any too
much for if Mas. A. Eow Anita, San Fianciaco, Cai. 7
S1.M. ABsraolsta,
J. C AYES. COl, Lewail. Maes.
'I Will
Never Be
Saved Me
from the
a ills- -
LUlsir.Q ctoMACM
pelvc organs
A Heart t Heart Talk With
Women S. B. Hart man,
M. D.
IF ALL the sick mothers, invalid
daughter and diseased sisters In
this broad land would take the fol
lowing ladles' simple and direct testi
mony to heart and do as they have
done, no pen could describe the benefit
that would follow.
There are ao many women, especially
married women, who drag themselves
wearily around from year to year
without any particular disease, and yet
miserable beyond description.
They ache and tremble and throb,
growing more nervous, tired and de
bilitated every day.
For this class of sufferers Peruna
Is the most perfect remedy In existence.
It relieves. It soothes, it quiets, it
strengthen, and no tired, overworked
woman la the land should be without
Feruna In the house for a single day.
Pernna Brines Health.
Mis Inei Henderson, 664 Adelaide
street. Toronto. Ont., Financial Secre
tary of the Royal Templar, writes:
"There is nothing so good in Ufa
as health, and the on. who brings
you health should be your friend, and
. thla la how I consider Feruna.
- "For year I have been In delicate
health, and while not exactly sick In
bed I have been unable to enjoy life.
Frequent headache, earache, and a
drumming In my ear made ma realise
that there was something decidedly
wrong with me. My physician aald It
was a dasp seated catarrh and that to
be cured I must seek a different cli
mate. I felt pretty blue until reading of
the cures performed by Peruna I de-
elded to try it. I took four bottles,
which brought me great relief, so that
I kept on taking it for four months,
when 1 found that my head was clear
and all the unpleasant symptom
"avrd From the Grave.
Mrs. Sophia Hartful, of Bflencer
Brook, Minn., writes:
"I was very seriously sick last spring
sick enough to die and I did not
know what to do. I was looking over
one of your almanacs and found that
Ir. Hartman was the best one for my
trouble. I suffered from systemic
catarrh. I described my sickness to
Dr. Hartman snd he wrote me that I
should use Peruna. I did, and now I
am a healthy woman.
"I would now be In my grave '
hut Dr. Ilartmun of Ohio a.ived
me from death."
A prominent Club Woman of w
Orleans Heroin mrnda Pernna to
Worn-oat Women.
Mrs. M. Van Vrancken, Chalrlady of
Sick Committee of Lady Standard
Mutual Benevolent Association of New
Orleans, 821 Fourth street, New Or
leans, La., writes:
"In connection with my official work
I have repeatedly found Peruna a most
reliable remedy. In cases of catarrh
of the system there Is nothing which
will cure any quicker, and as a remedy
for worn out women it is superior to
anything I know.
"It restores a mother after sever,
child birth, and prevent pains and
Irregularities in a very short time. I
Imparts to Shirt Waists, Linens and Muslins a deli
cacy and freshness such as no other starch can give.
For aale by all first-data grooerY "
On account of Its frightful hldeousness, Blood Poisoning Is commonly called
ths King of all Dlsesses. It soar fee either hereditary or contracted. Once the sys
tem Is tainted with It, tha disease may manifest Itself In the form of Scrofula.
Ecsema, Rheumatic Pains, Stiff or Bwollsn Joints, Eruptions or Copper Colored
Spots on the Face or Body, little Uloers, In the Mouth, or on the Tongue, ekira
Throat, Swollen Tonails, Falling out of Hair or Eyebrows, and finally a Leprous
llks Iecay of the Kleeh and bones. If you have any of thees or similar symp
toms, get BROWN'S BLOOD CURB Immediately. This treatment is practically
the result of Ufa work. It contains no dangerous drugs or Injurious medicines
of any kind. It goes to the very bottom of the Llaesse snd forces out every
particle of impurity. Soon every sign and symptom disappears completely a net
forever. The blood, the tlasue, the flfsh, the bones and the whole system are
cleansed, purified and restored to perfect health, and the patient prepared anew
for the duties and pleasures of life. BROWN 8 BlOOD CUKE, 12 (to a bottle,
lasts one month. if AD 12 BY PR. BROWN. 835 Arch Street Philadelphia,
tola only by Sherman at McConnell Drsf Co., 16th and Uodars Bta., Omaha.
Successful professional
and bueioeBB men have
always been tenants
of th
ee Buildin
That la why you should
be among the number
suooeasful men seek each
others' company.
R. C. PETERS & CO. Ground Floor, Bee Buildin;
hav. found It of much value, both as
a preventive of rolde and aa a tonic
when I've been feeling badly, and al
though I never given a testimonial for
anything I make ai exception In favor
of Peruna, as I consider It of excep
tional value."
Pernna Woman's Friend. .
Miss Nellie Lindsay, 30 Hattle Court,
Marinette, Wis., writes:
"My experience with Peruna haa
been such that I am very glad Indeed
to be able to recommend it. About
two years ago my health began to fall.
I lost my appetite, bad backache most .
of the time, and any over-exertion
would keep me tn bed a week or more.
I needed a good tonic to bring me back
to health and strength; but did not
know which would be of benefit. Pe
runa was recommended as woman's
friend and such It proved to me, for
when six bottles had been used I was
restored to health." '
Catarrh Sixteen tears.
Mrs. Elizabeth 8cherer, Mount Vista,
Colo., writes:
"For 16 years I suffered with catarrh
and stomach trouble. I doctored and
took patent medtclnea without benefit.
I read in one of your almanacs about
Peruna and thought it would perhapa
help me. I have used nothing at all in
the way of re'medles"except Peruna for
about two years, khi my health could
not be better than I now enjoy. This
remedy ia also good for nought ni
"I shall niVar be without, it,
ia my house. " " '
If you do not derive prompt and '.
satisfactory results from tbe use of
Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hartman,
giving a full atatemsnt of your case,
and be will be pleased to give you his
valuable advice gratis.
. Address Or, Hartman, President of
The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus,
Ohio. ' ,
Diseases aad Ulsuiasts s( Ham OaU
M Vsars' Eaperlenoe. 15 tVaasa 1st
VlDIPftPCI C cured ay a treatment
YAHIUUIilLL which Is ths QUICK. i-bT,
safest and most natural that has y.l been
discovered. Mo pain whatever, no cutting
and does not Interfere wltn work or busi
ness. Treatment at office or at noma and
a permanent curs guaranteed.
Hot Springs Treatment tor Sypnlli.
And all Blood Diseases. No-"BRJAKIN(1
OUT" on ths skin or fans and ail sxiamai
signs of the dlseuss disappear at onos. A
treatment that, la more successful and far
mors satisfactory than the "old form" of
treatment and at less than HALF TH1U
COST. A curs that Is guaranteed to Le
parmansnt for life.
nCD in nnnc eured of nervous
UlCJl sUUUUdebUity, loss of vitality,
ana su itnnaiural weaknesses of snaa
Strict ur. Uleet, Kidney and Bladder L la
ss aca, tfydraaela. cured permanently.
Treatment by mJX. P. O. Bos It.
Office over tlS . 14th street, between Tan
aaa and PaufU an. vlAHA. MJ&B.
"Children UMt
And Ask For It."
When a medicine Is so pure, ao palatable,
so speedily yet painlessly effeoUve, that
children Mice to take it snd will ask for
It, la not that good proof that It is a good
medicine I bueh a medicine Is
It Is ths only toulo laxative, and tha
only ons that builds up the system while
actlug ss an all-around Mood purifier and
toulo. It speedily clears the eoated tongue,
cheeks colds and simple fevers, and yr
fcotes sleep. Ths best Children's remeds
In ths world. Mothers are lta greatest
friends, they use tt sud recommend 16
Luaaola Is a only th. mou KcicM of tastily
rm4, but lb. auil scoaoiiucal, brau It cota
sin lw. m4cta fur on. arte, ttmtc and Uxativa,
All Srucf uta, ik aad $o, or IrM sampl. oi Tao
LAXAItGiA CO., ijj Numu Ur.-.i, N.
For ssls by Bharmsn Si McConnslI Drug t'l
Uiuaiinr reiru-
St.-.,l,KcL, (
mm SF V Jl SS7 Si MfrMituULlill tr .t,
TajtV. Fcuurroya., ih a sluf i fiiurc: totif eel. moat
etjailBjia ccs rcli.e4 lu a or. tun at
ftaeriuas aWCeasai) arusgLsut Mta ass bvoss sb