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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 3, 1902)
is" THE OMAHA DAILY ItF.E: SATURDAY, MAY 3, 1902. ! 1 IS I ri KELLEt'i ftTIGF.H dk CO. lore Opes, t 111 f30 gatardar Women's and chMdren's hosiery snd Jtntt underwear, lummrr weights, at prices that nvu touch to you. It l not necessary to pay a high price here to procure floe under wear and hosiery at this store. We offer tomorrow women-! plain or fancy drop-stitch domestic hosiery, fnt black, double heel and too, worth 25c pair cur aale price, 15c, 2 pair 25c. At 2ftc Women's fast black, cotton and lisle threat stockings, fancy lace patterns and drop etltch. Special bargains for Saturday.,- We have the largest and prettiest line of the popular lace lisle thread Blockings, ex clusive pattern!, white, gray and black, Im ported and superior quality, fast colors only BOc pair. We are headquarter for children's stock ings and rnlsees' school hose, faet black, double knee, beel and toe, wears well, good value, all sizes 16c pair. We have a large and complete line of children's fast biack ribbed stockings, our best bargains for Saturday"! sale, extra heavyweight school hose for boys, never wear out kind, floe quality, ribbed, maco soles or black foot, fancy lace, lisle thread, odd line of sli.s In COc fancy hose entire line on counter, only 25c pair. Women's fancy trimmed vests, fult taped, only 10c each. 2.1c women' sleeveless vests or wing sleeves, nice quality lisle thread, silk crocheted neck and arms, also umbrella ribbed pants with deep lace trimming, real bargains Saturday, 25o each. Women's pure Vega silk vests, lace trim mcd, pure white, beautifully finished, extra value. Saturday, 60o each. Women's union etilts, umbrella style, silk tapes, deep lace trimming, all sizes Sat urday, 60c each. Boys' balbriggan underwear, shirts long or abort sleeves drawers ankle or knee length, well made, all sizes, 25c each. . The "Munslng" summer union suits for boys and girls, long or short sleeves, also sleeveless, ankle or knee length, open or drop seat, best value In market, all sizes, COc suit. New psrasols, pretty pattern! for coach and street, French novelties, datntlest modes and materials $1.50, $2.00, $3.00, up to $15.00. Special purchase in children's parasols, 25c up to $1.50. Women'! all silk umbrellas, steel rod, paragon frame, very pretty and durable, natural wood handles, blue, brown, red, green, black, $3.00 values Saturday, $2.25 each. ORGANIZE AUTOMOBILE CLUB Ovraera of Horseless Carriages la This Vicinity Get To gether. An automobile club, composed of the owners of the new style of vehicles, Is in course of formation and so far the names of twenty-nine residing In Omaha, Council Bluffs and Fort Crook have been secured as candidates for membership. There was a preliminary meeting held Wednesday evening at the store of H. E. Fredrickson. who has fitted up temporary rooms where the people will meet pending the perfec tion of the organization. The object, aa stated by Interested per sons. Is for the purpose of popularizing the new machines as adjuncts to recreation and excursions. The club will work to have aet aside ' for the especial use of auto mobiles certain roads and boulevard! In the City and county under conditions which will not be onerous to the communities. . Relay atatlons, where refreshments can be secured, will be opened In the course of time along these routes and It may be that especial routes from one town to an other may be established. At first, how ever, the club will arrange a series of runs from the club rooms to parks in the neighborhood or to other towns. The next meeting of the members will be held at the club rooms Wednesday, May 14, at which time It Is hoped a permanent organization will be perfected, officers elected and committees appointed to pre pare a program for the season. Those who are taking an active Interest In the matter are: F. N. Conner, O. W. Patteraon, H. E. Fredrickson, John Colt man, B. L. Baldwin, A. I. Root, E. W. Lamoreaux. J. J. Derlght, F. II. ITorek, C. F. Showalter, O. A. Goodrich, J. N. West berg, E. E. Holland, Dr. Detwller, E. A. Packard, H. Sharp, O. Baysdorfer, D. Ris ley. all of Omaha; L. A. Caeper, H. H. Van Brunt, J. B. Atkins, Richard Stewart, M. Wollmann, J. Kimball, L. P. Madaen, F. L. Chllds, T. B. Lacy, jr., and Dr. T. B. Lacy of Council Bluffs and Captain Straub of Fort Crook. Purify the blood and put the system In order for summer work by using at this time a abort course of PRICKLY ASH BIT TERS; it la the greateat blood purifier oa earth. Notice to Housekeepers. The Union Meat Cutters have reaffirmed their intention of obeying the scriptures by not working on the Sabbath, and there fore call upon all fair-minded people to do their trading on Saturday Instead of Sun days and at such stores as keep closed Sundays. J I o) o inrxnrnrrrrs 51 1 Omaha's Most Popular Millinery Store Balance of Joseph Patterns $10 At ten dollars we offer the balance of our splendid "Joseph" Pattern Hat pur chase. The models represent the cream of the world's designers' very latest ef forts and were priced $25.00 wholesale only a few weeks ago $10 We elva tha facta anrf nam- !,- nl.. These are not days for foollsbneai, and "The isig store" baa no time for buncombe. Hay den Bros. Read our ad. on rage. 7. UTT WISHES THEM TO HURRY Commercial rinb Secretary Prods Tkose Intending to Jot Sooth Platte Eaearaloa. Secretary Utt of the Commercial club Is anxious to receive application! from per sona who will go on the trade excursion Into the South Platte country oa the morn ing of May IS. Ha saya that so far the applications have been aatlsfactory, but he desires to close the matter with seventy five applicants aa soon, as possible. Several houses will send not only the principal member of the firm, but Juniors and a number of traveling representatives. Others will aend two members and there la every reason to believe that the list will be complete before May T, the last date upon which applications will be received. SMOKERS' nonford'a Acid Phosphate relieve! depression, nausea, nervousnetm, wakefulness and other Ul effects from excessive smoking. It counteract! the Irritation caused by absorp tion of nicotine, and Induces restful sleep. It is a splen did nerve tonlo and system strengthener, increasing ca pacity for bard work, Ixuiat oa Laving Horfbrd'r Acid Phosphate Trimmed Hats at $5.00. We take a great pleasure in advertising our $5.00 hats, as we have found that each sale of one of these hats does more talking for us than a page of verbiage may do. In this grand aggregation we display the very latest Paris and New York market effects, including the famous Gib son. Du Barry and Auto, velvet ribbon, chiffon and lace drapes. We have an extensive assortment for your choos ing at y laiesi raris $5 , Ladies' and Misses' Trimmed Hats, S2.45 and $3.50. Here Is a collection of Trimmed Hats somewhat beyond our ordinary efforts in production. This assemblage contains an endless variety of braids, bodies and materials, and the same particular detail of attention Is employed In their design and construction which characterizes most of our swell efforts. Not a hat among the entire lot can be dupli cated elsewhere for less than fifty per cent more $2.45-$3.50 Ladies' and Children's Trimmed Hats, 98c and $1.50. 98c-$1.50 We have prepared an elaborate display of Trimmed Hats at 98c and $1.59 which ordinarily should command two or three times our prices. They take in a range of style and colors that are positively the cream of Dame Fash ion's ideas for spring and summer of 1902. Especially noticeable among this assortment is tbe splendid array of light summer shades 50c White Japanese Braid Sailors, 23.;. $1.50 Children's Patent Leather, 49. $1.50 Ladies' Keady-to Wear Hats. 49c. $2.00 Black and White Chiffon Hats, 98c. 50c School Hats with ribbon bands. 19c. $1.00 large size fine quality Leghorn Hats, 39c. 5,000 Bunches French Cherries. 5c Bunch. 5c Saturday we will place on sale 5.000 bunches of French Cherries 3 dozen to the bunch actual value 76c a bunch on sale at 6c a bunch -5c i New Knox Block Sailors 75c 20 cases of the correct Knox chape White Sailors, in the new fancy knotted Japanese braids, should be $1.25, go at... 5c Children's Trimmed Hats 69c 400 children's Trimmed Hats, artistic ally trimmed with flowers, chiffon, etc. trimmed to sell at $1.60 go at f0 Cases Untrimmed Hats 8c In Basement. 60 cases of Untrimmed Hats, thirty different styles, bought from Chicago jobbers at ten cents on the dollar. 75c 69c 5c KELLEV, STIGER A CO. Summer Wear for Men Fine Negligee Shirts Light Weight Underwear. FANCY HALF HOSE, NECKWEAR. Our Negligee Shlrti are tbe best in tho city. The celebrated Star Shirt is beyond comparison at $1.60. We have also a large line of Negligee ShlrtB In the new patterns for $1 each. Fine Balbriggan Underwear at 60c per garment, in blue and ecru. Better values at 75c and $1 per garment. Munslng Union Suits are always satis factory. See our special suit for $1. Extra quality Lisle Union Suit for $1.50. In men's Half Hose we always give the best value for the price. Lace Hose and fancy stripes at 25c, 35c and 50c. In Neckwear we have a very large and carefully selected stock. 75 dozen of the popular narrow four-ln- handa at 60c each. Store open till 9:30 p. m. Saturdays. KELLEY, STIGER & CO., Corner 16th and Farnam Sts. Shampooing snd hair dressing, 25c, at the Bathery, 216-220 Bee Building. Tel. 1716. Settle all doubt by seeing our bargains Saturday. ' They speak stronger than we can. Hayden Bros. Our ad. Is on Fags 7. Grapbopboa at a Bargain, FOR SALE Latest model type, A. O. combination grspbophone, which plays both large and small records; list price, $90. This Is especially designed for concert pur poses, having a thirty-six-inch born and stand. It also Includes twenty large Edi son records and carrying case of twenty four records. The machine la entirely new and haa never been used. Will sell at a bargain. Addreea X 36, in care of Tbe Bee. Send articles of incorporation, notices of stockholders' meetings, etc., to The Bee. We will give them proper legal insertion. Bee telephone, 238. Shampooing and halrdreasing, 25c, at the Bathery, 216-220 Bee Building. Tel. 1716. Publish your legal notices In The Weekly Bee. Telephone 238. SHOOT THE EXPENSEUPWARD Coal Wavgon Drivers Do So by Refne lag to Carry More Than One Chnte. Hereafter persons buying coal which Is to be stored in rooms which cannot be reached from a wagon with a twelve-foot chute will be required to pay for having the coal car ried into the storeroom. Heretofore there was no limit upon the length of chute which could be used, and drivers of wagoni were compelled to carry at times four chutes of twelve feet each for tbe purpose of reaching the placea where the coal was to be stored. At a recent meetlag of the drivers' union It was decided that hot more than one chute would be carried. To this the coal dealers agreed, with the result that the consumers will hereafter have to ar range for storing their coat within twelve feet of where the wagoa can be driven or pay the additional coat of carriage. GOES DOWN HILL TO INJURY Why Auiidt Bradley Pete l'a Five Tbeasaaa-Dollar Claim Against City. February happy little children slid down tbe Leavenworth street sidewalk oa their little sleds, shouting gleefully to paasersby to help them along. February 10 Amaada Bradley alld dowa the Leaven worth street sidewalk without any sled, shouting much less gleefully to paasersby to help her stop. At Fifteenth street she stopped without assistance, but at the cost of a broken femur. And that's why she Bled In court a petltloa for $5,100 damages. Are You Bothered with bed bugs, cockroaches, water bugs, ants or other Insects? You can com pletely annihilate the whole bunch if you will use our SURE DEATH; it comes in pint bottles at 15c, quart brittle at 25o, H-gallon bottles at 60c and gallon jugs at $1.00, and we give a nice pint oil can free with thu 50c and $1.00 size, or for 6c extra with 15c or 26c alien. DELIVERED WITHOUT EXTRA CHARGE. 1 PINT SHERWIN A WILLIAMS' BATH TUB ENAMEL 75c 2Tic Mistletoe Cream j3o 25c I'oroue Strengthening Plasters -rv.. 7o $1 Newbro's Herpielde (If you want it) 6c "5c Coke's Dandruff Cure 3v0 11.00 Pe-ru-na (1 to a cuntimerl 25o Root Beer Extract, makes 6 gallons loc $1.00 Kilmer's Swamp Root 6ij 25c Laxative Bromo Quinine He 25c Westmal's Coldnlds, to close out.,. 11c 10c Frog In Your Throat fcc 11.00 Wine of Cardul (1 to a customer) 4itc 60c L1EBIG EXTRACT BEEF U'c We believe our customers have sense enough to know that THEY GET WHAT int. i a Dry run ann mat it would not Eay us to GIVE THEM ANYTHING iLSE. WE NEVER CLOSE SCilAEFER'S DRUG STORM Tel. T4T. S. W. lot. lth and Chicago, ml Li iJtlJv' lYVSa M III U There's an Attraction for particular palates In Meti Bros.' Beer that no other brew can offer. In TASTE, QUALITY. BODY and AGE it's what critics demand, and after one taste what you'll Insist upon having Aletz Bros. Brewing Co. Tel. IIS, Omaha. Or Jacob Neumayer. Agt., care Neumayer Hotel, Council bluffs, Iowa. Announcements of the Theaters, ' With matinee and night performances today the week will be brought to a clone at the Orpheum. The women and children who attend the afternoon performance will find much to entertain them. Fanny Rice, tbe vivacious little star, gives a series of character Imitations In a cabinet with au tomatons hung from her neck that are s genuine novelty that appeals to tbe little folks snd women. Another novelty, snd one that haa created a great deal of talk is the automatic doll exhibition by a young man who counterparts these mechanical fig ures so perfectly most people are led to believe It is an automaton. May De Sousa, the talented little soprano, who formerly made Omaha her home, has proven a big drawing card and theater parties have been in attendance at nearly every performance to hear her. Tbe Barrows-Lancaster com pany will be the headllners next week. They present tbe comsdy-drama entitled "Tactics." The other acts are varied. On the closing night of the season, which la Saturday,. May 10, an amateur show will be given after the regular bill. Like a great landslide does this sale sweep everything before It. Bargains that are bona Bde bargains that are bargains values that will live long in the minds of the people. Read about these bargains on Page 7 and come Saturday. Haydea Bros. Samuel Burns is selling a beautiful Havl- .i. .isiiamiiMiiaMUJ.ujLbiisi.iiu ..I .11 -' m minis. iL.isa-. ,n,,n.n, Ifl 01 r workmanship Is the ill I ot worth less than $15 I If I CLEARING SALE of WOMEN'S SPRING JACKETS SATURD'Y Clo(h Jaclrts that mid for 2.00 and 3.00, -4 ff Saturday leJU Cloth Jac&ets that cold fnr 7.S0 to 10.00, all wt up-to-date A Cf garnuentt, Etons, Gibson and blouse tffect, tialurduy T"vJ Silk Jackets that sold for 10.00 to 15.00, w qa Saturday vl Silk Jackets tliat sold at S0.00 to 3 ).00, jJ w- Saturday AT. A. KJ livery garment must be sold SATURDAY. A great The Shirt Waist season has opened with full force. Com paring records shows us that we have sold twice as many shirt waists to date as in like period of any previous eeaeon. Must be something about "Nebraska Waists" that is particularly "right." The women find out where the good things come from. There is not a bad style in the hundreds that we are showing. Our rigid rules of buying make the undesirable impossible. Some very Specials for Saturday: 95c-$1.45-$l.90 -2.90 Silk Skirt Purchase 475 woomerCs high, grade silk QL'lf dress skirts, Saturday morning P-' We bought from a prominent Eastern manufac turer his entire stock of women's high grade silk dress skirts at oOc on the dollar about 475 skirts In all made of the best TAFFETA and PEAU DE SOIE SILK handsomely trimmed with chiffon and satin ruffles (exactly like cut) fit and very best not a skirt in this 1 and up to $20.00, they go on sale SATURDAY MORNING at one price $10 Come early and Ret first rick. I Wi. T 97 . ' W Nebraska Clothing is the lest clothing that highest sl ill can produce; it is artistic and thoxirougly tailored, and gives the snappiest appearance outside, and includes the careful, painstaking work inside that insures the longest possible existence to shapeliness and good looks. In purchasing Ne braska Clothing you get absolutely the best at the very lowest price good clothing can be soil for. Men's $10 and $12 Suits, $7.50 Suits that aro properly cut. properly made, pronerly lined suits that you can wear with that satisfied feeli'riK, knowing that you are well and properly clothed. This line embraces suits of fine thlbrls, un flnlfhed worsted", tweedH, striped worsteds, cheviots and cassl- meres. in all colors ann uaiierna; noi a buii in mm ii wnuii ought to be sold for less than 10.J, and most of them are worth more. Our special price Saturday enables you to buy them for.... 7.50 Men's $13.50 and $15 Suits, $10 This line you will find to be far ahead of your expectations, and never before have we sold anything to einial them Ht such a low price. They are actual $13.50 and $16.00 suits suits of finest Imported domestic tweeds, worsteds, serges, etc. No matter what your idea of k suit umy be ur lnw hard you are to K lease, we feel confident that one look at this M a f f ttndsome array ot suits will make a customer I lit 11 of you v Our Boys' Clothing Department is a wonderfully large and complete one. We could not be more careful, nor provide a better or more complete assortment of boys'1 clothing if we handled nothing else, as every garment has been selected by and prepared for us with expert judgment. Selling the best qualities at the lowest prices is one of the reasons w hy the Nebraska clothes so many boys. Children's Suits Mda of serjres, casstmeres, plaids and over plaids, checks and plain colors; perfectly tailored, with 3.00 Children's Suits Made up of a choice line of suitings, made to wear, correct in style and well made. They come In light and dark checks, plain and fancy patterns. They are made in double breasted or Norfolk styles, with patent waist band and buttons, well worth $3.75; Saturday 2.50 the best of Unlnns. They come in double breasted, Norfolks and three-piece aults that are well worth $4.00. Saturday Hats for Hoys and Children Our Hat Department for children Is complete In the widest range of high novelties and stayle Btyles, at lower prices than the ordinary store can sell for. Men's Shoes We ore expanding the trade In our men's shoe department by giving more for the money than Is obtainable elsewhere. Saturday we offer for your choosing several etyles of, men's shoes In light weight box calf selected velour calf In shapely lasts made with the late edges natural, black and cher ry. They are the product of the foremoBt shoe makers In America and are the name shoes that regu lar shoe stores sell for $3.50. Men who want their shoe money to flo largest service should Invest in these shoes Saturday, 2.50 Mett's Shirts In our men's Shirt department we are offering the greatest variety and best selections ever before shown. For Satur day showing we will offer a rpeclal line of men's fancy Shirts at $1; they are made of fine French percales and madras clothe not tbe kind you pick up promiscuously, but made to our own order. Tbe designs are especially de sirable, being neat figures and stripes, shirts that sell for $1.25 snd $1.60 by the regular furnishers. Saturday 1.00 Women's Oxfords We are showing a wide variety of woman's Oxfords, all the newest effects, plain or fanciful, and our prices are positively the lowest. We have one grade that we wish you would note particularly; they are the biggest values of ' them all and are being sold all around town for $2..0; they are made of first quality vicl kid, with patent leather tips, military or con cave heels, in turn or heavy soles, with yellow, brown or black edges. We con sider this Oxford superior to any and all others sold at $2.50. Our price Saturday 1.90 Men's $2 Hats You might find better, but not for $2.00, nor at $3.00. Our assort ment of fine fur felts, derbys and fedoras, In all the leading shapes and dimensions, at $2.00, are tbs best values producable. Careful and particular men come to this store to do their hat buying. We ore very anxious for you to make comparison for yourself. We know what your verdict will be 2.00 Farnam and 15th Sts Silver; Souvenir Spoon FREE. TO CUSTOMERS Saturday, (V2ay 3, 1902, At KUHlYS DRUG STORE, 23rd Annual Soda Opening. 15th and Douglas. A TRAINED NURSE As a convenience to the public we have arranged a register ' for nurses, which should prove helpful to all concerned. We have a number of the best nurses registered now and expect to have a complete list within a few days. ' When you need a trained nurse call upon us and we can doubtless supply your needs on short notice. Nurses sre invited to leave name and address. Myers-Dillon Drug Co., 16th and Farnam Sts.. Phone ISO N. B. Telephone orders receive prompt attention. HOMEMADE WINE. We hsve a very One homemade wine, from native grapes, grown in Douglas county. You'll like1 it gallon. $2.00. Don't forget that for Ukn" there is nothing better than our own brand of 12-years-old Maryland rye, "Jackdaw;" quarts, $1.25; California wines at $1.25, $1 60 and $2.00 a gallon. Fine whiskies at $2.50, $2.75 and $3.00 gallon. ' , Mets bottled beer in cases, delivered to any part ot city. Mall orders Blled. City orders delivered. CACKLEY BROS. Fine Wines and' Table Liquors. Opposite Postoffle. Telephone 11U. AGENTS FUR THB CELEBRATED HUN- -.. Tea ays. Our Children's Clothing Commands Admiration wherever it goes. WHY? BECAUSE IT HAS MERIT. It Is not made simply to sell, but has the STYLE, FIT snd tone to please customers snd the MATERIAL snd workmanship to wear well. frf ff CI TITC-"5,00 lg a popular price for boys' suits with most parents; ODUU jUllaJwlth this fact in view we have CROWDED ALL POSSIBLE! VALUES Into our $5.00 lines of SAILORS. NORFOLKS snd single and double-breasted coat suits. We have many for much less than $5.00 and some at a little more. TO OUTFIT THE BOYS. GIRLS AND BABIES AT THE CHILDREN'S STORE IS TO DRESS THEM CORRECTLY AND INEXPENSIVELY. JiUintutaMJ azaar Boys' Shoes will wear about so long, although the Drexel boys' shoes will wear longer than most any otber kind. Ws know this, because It has been demonstrated o ufleu. Yuur boy will like our shoes, and so will you, for at $150 we sell the best shoe that was ever made for $1.50. Saturday is boys' shoe day and we will have a special force of clerks that understand tbe fitting of children's shoes. There Is sa awful lot In the fitting of the shoes. Comfort and wear depend upon it Drexel Shoe Co., Omaha's l-t-alfe Shoe Heaee. 1410 FARM AM STREET. Talk ASStl ATA LOGL'E ON REQUEST. Baking Dishes In silver plate, "with porcelain lining". We are also showing some handsomp pieces In three and five-liKht t andelabras, Chafing Dlahea, Tea Bets, etc. Spend a few minutes at our store. Look for the name. S. W. LINDSAY, Tho Jeweler, 1R10 Douftlat St. (I) WAN A, .TAKER & BROWN "The Foremost Tailoring House of America." SaV U In Our new spring stock are many novelties for extra particular men. And this season the novelties are handsome which cannot be said ot novelties always. We Invite your Inspection. IIIT de to Cf ) 50 OLI 10 measure OIO.up Every yard of cloth guaranteed all wool. 122 S. 15th Si of Dosfi Men's Low Shoes are High If purchased at the ordinary shoe uteres. We have a complete line of men's low shoes and they er low In price, too-3.50 and $2 50 is the price always. Ordinary shoe stores ask $4 00 nd $i,,00 for th'ir equal. Do you not think it would pay you to try a pair of "Onlmnd" hoe? We manufacture "Onlmod" shoes that Ik the becrrt of our $3.50 and $J 50 price. nanlng the cur as atw&daat' U&d berry set for $3.00,