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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (May 3, 1902)
10 TOE OMAHA DAILY BEE: SATURDAY, MAY 3, 1902. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Corn Prices Safer on Aoconnt of Imprtmd Propecti in Kansas. OTHER LEADING CEREALS CLOSE LOWER wheat Makes f.nod Start, bat Wtfn .Later aad Previsions Make Early Iicrrup, hat ielt t chinifd to Five Oata I p. CHICAGO. May S.-Whrat pursued an rritlc course today, Influenced by news of a diversified character. The undertone In the main was strong, but fears of rains In Kansas and a slump la corn turned the market weak and July wheat cloned c lower. July corn lac depressed and July oat 'ic lower. Provisions closed unchanged to 60 higher. Firm cablea, too much rain In the sprina: wheat country and continued drouth In Kansas brought a slight upturn early In whent. Bears, however, soon attacked the market on the depression of a dull corn market and reports of excellent conditions in the wheat country, where rains had fallen. Prices slipped off, but were at once buoyed up again by Rood buying on the oecnne. asn Dusiness wa improving-, clearances were fair and experts had the Kansas crop damaged 75 per cent. Jury, which had opened a shade to H'sViC higher, at 77c to 77M,c and sold off to iKc, soon lumped to 77Ve. The early outside markets had been weak, but improvea somewnit, export business was reported good and material strength was manifested. Then came another attack by the bears on fears or rains in Kansas, corn conunuea to oe cllne and wheat sold off. July dipped again to 7Hc and closed weak, viTSc lower, at 16ysfJe. Local receipts were 44 cars two of contract grade, and Minneapolis' ana Duluth reported 348 cars, making total for the three points of 292 cars, against 134 last week and 260 a year ago. Argentine shipments were 1,01S, bu., compared to 920,000 a year ago. Primary recelpta were mono bu., against 12.000 last year. Sea board clearances in wheat and flour equaled 447,000 bu. The seaboard reported ten and a half loads taken for export. Corn was dull for the session and slumped badly. Wheat momentarily brought atrength, but the absence of a support was more than the market could withstand, considering the bearish news that was coming in from the fields. The weather was Ideal for the growth and farmers were sending their stuff to market more freely than of late. Cables were Indifferent and Argentine shipments bulllshly large. Late, after the wheat support had been lost, bears began selling short. July slumped from 63o to a weak close at the bottom Srice of the day, ISo lower, at ti142c. ;ecelpts were 184 cars. Oats were weaker by the depression In other grains. There was some fair buying by commission houses at times and wheat crave some support. The late weakness, however, pressed prices and in the view of good farm reports July closed weak, c lower, at 46ic Receipts were 138 cars. Provisions showed a marked Increase early, but lost much of the gain near the close on liquidation for profits. The hoe: rnirket was strong at the vards because or the light run of" hogs, there waa good covering of short accounts in products and packers also supported. July pork sold at $17.20 and closed 6o up at 117.024, July lard closed 6c higher at $10.16 and July ribs un changed at 30.60. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 35 cars; corn, 160 cars; oats, 206 cars; hogs, 13.OH0 head. . The leading futures ranged as follows: Articles. Open. Hlgh.l Low. Close. Tes'y. Wheat j j May 7BH 1 TC75H'frHi7BH4f', July 77 G TP 7BVi 7RVrffil76T'fr77 Bept. 76ig 76H 754,75! 76 mifr2 tn flo-1 oVs2 h July 3SV4 63H'62'3"4I624 S3Wfl : Bept. 62(44 62 61 81162(g 42 42 42 424 42 July 35Hff S5Hi 84 34 35 Sept. 30 80 29 29 30 17 05 17 20 17 02 17 02 1 97 Bejit. 17 20 17 30 17 10 17 12 17 07 Ma7 10 12 10 15 10 07 10 07 10 02 July 10 15 10 25 10 15 10 15 10 10 Sept. 10 25 10 32 10 22 10 25 10 17 42 9 42 42 42 47 July 9 67 9 67 9 46 9 60 9 60 Bept. 9 65 9 66 9 (2 9 65 9 67 No. 1 Old. Cash quotations were as follows: lAJulc Hteaay; winter patents, Vi.W&i.V winter straights, M .20,3.70; winter clears, t3.00tff3.60; spring specials, t4.10ft-4.20; spring patents, f3.3063.70; spring straights, 32.9a .20. WHEAT-No. S spring, 7576c; No. I red. R4c. CORN No. t yellow. 4c. OAT8 No. 2, 42ff43e; No. 1 white. 44 45c; No. 3 white, 4344c. RYE No. 2, 6c. BARLEY Fair to choice malting, 6? 71o. BEEP No. 1 flax, $1.67; No. 1 northwest em, $i.7; prime timothy, $7.107.20; clover, contract grade. 31.36. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., 316.80 rl6.r6. Lard per 100 lbs.. I10.1f?10.12. Short rlhs sides (loose), 39 451?. 55. Dry snlted shoulders (boxed), 37.75(38.00. Short clear sides (boxed), I10.10C10.20. . WHIBKY On basis of high wines, 3130 The following were the receipts and ship ments yesterday! Articles. Receipts. Shipments Flour, bble 18.000 19,0n0 Wheat, bu 60.000 ISO.OOo Corn, bu , 120.000 83.00 Oats, bu ;v 247.000 170,000 Rye, bu 2,000 Barley, bu 24,000 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was steady; creameries, 17 21c; dairies, 17j20e. Cheese, steady, 12V 13c. Eggs, easy; fresh, 16c SEW YORK GENERAL MARKET. Quotations of the Day oat Varloas ' ; ' Commodities. NEW TORK. May 1-FLOUR Receipts, 11.126; exports. 18.280; quiet and shade easier at the close; winter patents, 3SK64.05; winter straights, 33.7563.90; Minnesota patents. 13Kg 4 15; winter ex tras. 33. 10$ 3 35 ; Minnesota bakers, 33.00 433.30; winter low grades, 32.90) 3.16. Rye flour, dull: fair to good, 33.1533.40; choice to fancy, W.50J.S CORNMBAL Firm; yellow western, $1.30; city 31.28; Brendywlne. 33.80(53.66. RYE Firm; No. 3 western, 84'xic, f o. b., alios t; state, 611362c, c. L f. New York cur lots. BARLEY Dull; feeding, 6466c, c. t. f.. New York; malting. 675i73c, c. L f. New York. WHEAT Receipts, 244.276 bu.; exports, 83.158 bu; spot, easy; No. t red nominal, elevator; No. 3 red nominal, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba, 8Hc, f. o. b., afloat. A brief decline in wheat at the tart quickly gave way to strength, ad vancing prliea on bull crop news. At noon the market waa unsettled, followed by a rapid advance to high potnt of the day on Know s bullish report and then a late reaction under realising, the close con tinuing weak at 1fo net decline. May, fc!S5a T-lflo; closed, 81c; July, 81a 'io; closed, S3c; September. 81c; closed, 1V; December, 82VySW,e. Closed, 32e. CORN Receipts, ltOOO bu.; exports. 1.973 bu; spot, weak; No. 1 tto elevator and tto I. e. b., afloat. The corn mar ket was generally weak today, having no especulattve support, and news bearish. It closed heavy at lo net decline. May, 7Slcj closed. re; July. s7SSc; dosed, t7c; September, 6&u67c; closed. OATB Receipts. ,000 bu. ; exports, 5.250 bu.; spot, steady; No. 3. 47c; No. 3, 48ci No. 3 white, 61c; track, mixed western, 47tc48c; track white, 5fK(jf.Sc. options easier at first, but in the afternoon followed the wheat advance. HOPS Firm: state, common to choice. 19ol crop, l&jjMc; 1 crop 13iil4c; old &li e; Pacific coast. 19ul crop. 15l9c; 1900 croD 14c, old. 4tj6". , HAY Quiet; shipping, R5$96c; good to choice. 8.ilSc. HIDES Klrm; Galveston. 20 to "5 lbs 18c; California. 21 to 25 Iba., 18c; Texas dry, 24 to 30 lbs , 13c. LEATHER Steady; acid, 24j25c RICE Firm; domestic, (air to extra. 4s. Sfcc; Japan. 4ij5c. ' WOOI Quiet; domestic fleece. 2&S?9c PROVISIONS -Heef. firm; family 316 00: mess 313 00; beef ElW tiUb: packet. 15; city extra India nVe Sitf.tOf74 no. Cut meats, firm: pickled bel lies. lWUc; pickled shoulders (U,c; pick led hams. HWl2c. Lard, steady: western steamed. 310.50; May closed at 81035. nom inal; refined, flrra; continent.; com pound, 3a.6otj8.76; South America, 311 In Vorst firm: family, 319.uxb19.Su; short" clear. 320 ifl 00; mess. 318. l' TAL1X)W Firm; city t3 per package) Vr; country (packages free), 6j' fcrTTEIi-Roelpts. 3.8J9 pkgs; firm; state dairy. lM'2c: creamerv. !) S3c; June creamoiy. Imitation, Uyilc; fac- CHEi.SH Receipts. 3.065 pkgs.; firm; fancy, large, full cream, fall make, col ored and white. 12c; fancy, small, state, full cream, early make, colored and white. U'UlSWe. PoCLTRT - Alive, nominal; dressed, steady and unchanged. Arm; state and Pennsylvania, 17e; west ern, at mark, ll7o. MOLASBE8 Firm; New Orleans, M4lc. META1J4 The home and foreign market for tin was without important change. London closed with spot st 130 12s d and futures at 126 17s 6d. At New York the spot price was 328.JOSj 60. Copper wss ac tive at New York and steady at about yesterday's closing prices. Tbe sales In cluded 1"0 tons standard for July delivery at 311.1511.17, fifty tons September and fifty tons October at 311.15 and auo.oon lbs. electrolytic for June to September delivery at 31165. At London the copper market was 2s 6d higher, with spot snd futures at 52 15s 2d. Lead was steady here and at London. Spelter was firm st 34 42 here snd at London was 2s 6d better at 19 5a. Iron was steady to firm here, but un changed. Pig iron warrants was nominal; No. 1 northern foundry quoted at 319 0Tij 2.O0; No. 3 northern foundry, 318 OOaiS.OO; No. 2 southern foundry, 317 5of?18 on; K0 i soft southern foundry. 817.5on8 Of). The English markets were firm, with Glasgow at 53s 7d and Mlddlesborough at 48s 4d. OMAHA WHOLESALE MARKETS. Conditio of Trade aad Qaotatloas ea Staple and Fancy Fredace. EGOS Tr.eluding now No. I cases, 15c; cases returned, l'c. LIVE- POULTKY-Chlckens, c; old roosters, according to age, 4!g6c; turkeys, '"Silo; ducki and geese, 7ci broilers, per lb., 25c. BUTTER Packing stock. 16c; choice dairy. In tubs, 18ilSc: separator, 22c. FRE8H CAUGHT FISH-Trout, 9c; crapples, 10c; herring, 6c; pickerel. 9c; pike, 11c; perch, 6c; buffalo, dressed, 7c; sunflsh 6c; blueflns, 8c; whlteflah, 11c; catfish, 13c! black bass, 18c; halibut, 13c: salmon. 16c; haddock, 11c; codfish 12c; red snaoper, loc! roe shad, each, 0c; shad roe, pel pair, uc; split shad, per lb., 10c; lobsters, boiled, per lb., 27c; lobsters, green, per lb 860. PIGEONB-Llve, per dos., 75oT VEA I Choice, Wb CORN-sjo. , OATS 48c. I BRAN Per ton, 317. , HAT Price quoted hv Omaha Wholesale Hlf Dealem' okMi w 1 upland 39- No. 1 medium, 38 50; No. 1 r- y eiraw. xnese prices cuior avna quality. JJe- VBlKTiHi.ra SEED POTATOE8-Per bu!. Ohloa. 31.60; PO'TATpES-Nsjrthern, 3l.201.25; Colo- , k L WZir tcoraing 10 ii)Kir-m bu., 60c PA RRN'IPfl Pt Kit ASPARAGUS Home rrn-n n u ua. , ,v CUCUMBERS Hothouse, per dos., 31 60. BPINACH Home grown, per bu.. 76c LETTUCE Hothouse, per dog.. 40&46cT PARSLEY Per dos.. 3035c. RADIHHRH-Par iini !iifliE.. 1 yr uua. WAX BEANB Florida, per basket, 33. RHUBARB Home grown, per lb.. Jk24c. CABBAGE California, new, 8c. ONIONS Snnnl.h na. .r.A t'j . v. 1 per bbl., 34.50. TOMATOES Florida, per 6-basket crate. 33.0Ofa3.6O. NAVY BEANS Per bu., 33. FRUITS. T. T i. 11 , , . x- luo-aniornia, new cartons, II: Im ported, ner lb.. 12414c. . bTRAWBERRIES Texas, per 24-qt. case. 33.5OQ4.00; Ioulslana, per 24-qt. case, 32.25, TKUflUAli FRUITS. BANANAS Per hunch, armrriln. .1.. 2.25iy2.75. " rH A NirSTT.fil foKfApnla -.os.l- . . choice, $3.75; budded, 3; Mediterranean rrrciD, a. AVUI4J s). uv. lluuas-fancy, 3.60; choice, 33.25. MISCELLANEOUS. VTTTS Naw tmn u. 1 1111 r. X' . . shell, per lb., 12c; hard shell, per lb., lU4c: No. 2 soft shell, 10c; No. 2 hard shell, 8c; Brazils, per lb., 14c; Alberts, per lb., 12c; Imnnill anft ath,11 lilt. hanl KI . r . . pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, 10c; cocoa nuts, per sack, 33.50. rioiN cj i rer Z4-secuon caae, 32.75S3.00. . . . a n 1 - ii, v-t i7. ireen, 6c; No. 1 salted, 7c; No. 3 salted, 6c; jo. i veai can, s to lv lbs., gc: No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 15 lbs., 6c; dry hides, 8oU2c; sheep peiio, tot nuns mues, fi.lsxUA.o, CICER-Nehawka. per bbl.. 33.25; New York, 33.50. POFCORN-Per lb.. 6c; shelled, c St. Ioala Grain aad Provlsloas. ST. T.OTTTn XT a v tWUriTry..-., 2 red, cash, elevator, 81c; track, 82a44c: No. 2 hard, 77igi80c. CORN Lower, No. 2 cash, 64c; track, 66b66c; May, 62o; July, 63c; September, 61c. OATS Lower; No. 2 cash, 44c; track, 45JfH5c; May, 4?c; July, iic; September, 29f Ae: No. 2 white, 4646e. i n, r irm at cue. FLOUR Quiet: red winter natenta 7VHi 3.85; extra fancy and straight, 33.4003.50; clear, 33.0063.20. CORNMEAL 8teady, 33.15. BEED Timothy, steady. 36.0006.25. BRAN Firm; sacked. 936c. HAY Timothy, easier. Il2.75fi'16.00: oral. rle, scarce, firm, not quoted. WHISKY Steady. 31.80. IRON COTTON TIES Steady, 31.06. BAGGING Steady, 63C HEMP Twine, 9c. PROVISIONS Pork, better; lobbing, old. 316.96; new, 317.65. Lard, higher, 39.97. Dry san meats (Doxeai, steady; extra shorts. 39.75: clear ribs. 39.62A: short clear. 39.87. Bacon (boxed), steady; extra shorts, $10.62; clear ribs. $10.50; short clear, $10.75. oil. i a io nrm, J.iH(a4.oa spel ter, lower at $4.12. POULTRY Steady; turkeys, 8S10c; ducks, 10c; geese, 4!36c. BUTTER Steady; creamery, 1823c; dairy, 1620c. EGGS Lower at 14c. Receipts. ShlDments. Flour, bbls 6,000 6.CO0 Wheat, bu 87.000 Corn, bu 62.000 44.0 0 Oats, bu 96,000 88,000 Liverpool Grala aad Provisions. LIVERPOOL. May 2.-WHEAT-8pot, No. 1 northern, spring, steady at 6s 6d; No. 1 California, quiet at 6s 4. Futures, quiet; May, 6a 2d; July, 6sld; September, 6s 3d. CORN Spot, steady; American mixed, new, 6s 8d; American mixed, old, 6s 9d. Fu tures, quiet; July, 5s 2d; October, 6s ld. FLOUR St. Louis fancy winter, firm. 8s 9d. HOPS At London, Paclflo coast, firm, 3 16s4 16s. PEAS Canadian, firm, 7s. PROVISIONS Beef, strong: extra Indian mess, 100s 2d. Pork, strong; prime mess, western. 76s. Hams, short cut, 14 to 16 lbs., firm, 59s 6d. Bacon, firm; Cumberland cut. 26 to 30 lbs., firm, 60s: short ribs, 16 to 24 lbs., firm. 52s 3d; long clear middles, 28 to 84 lbs., lignt, nrm, ca sa; long clear middles, heavy. Arm. 35 to 40 lbs.. 62s 6d: short clear backs, firm, 16 to 20 lbs., 62s; clear bellies. nrm, it to in ids., dis &a. nnouiaera. square, Arm. 11 to 13 lbs.. 40s. Lard, nrlme west. em. In tierces. Arm, 61s 2d: American re fined, in palls, steady, 60s 9d. BUTTER Finest United States, firm. 69s. CHEESE Firm: finest American white. 68sj finest American colored. Arm, 60s. lAL.uuw-rnm city, nrm, 90s; Austra lian. In London. Arm at 33s. Receipts of wheat during the last three days, 191,000 centals, Including 80,000 Ameri can. Receipts of American corn during the tasi mree days, w.iw centals. Kaasas City Live Stack Market. KANSAS CITT, May 2. CATTLE Re ceipts. 1,900 natives, 60 Texans. 25 calves; market, steady to weak; choice export and dressed beef steers, 34.754f7.76; fair to good, 36.00ft4.70; Blockers and feeders, 33.00fc6.60; western-fed steers, $4.364U0; Texaa and Indian steers, $3.4ftj6.W: Texas cows, $2.60$6.40; native cows, 33.90M 60; native heifers, $3.0Oti.6O; csnners, $3,000 2.76; bulls, $X25.40: calves. $30086 70. HOGS Receipts. 6,600; market active, 10c higher, closing Arm to $7.60; bulk of aales, $.96i872S; heavy. $7.304t7.4O; mixed pack ers, S7.10ny7.30; light. $6.60(37.10; yorkers. $7 00r7.10; pigs. $6.06.90. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 750; beat, steady; others, easy; native lambs, $5 &ti?7.20: western lambs. 35.76dr7.15; na tive wethers. $S.60B.10: western wethers, 35.70ft'f.06; fed ewes, $3 95tf.70; yearlings, $6.0n4.30; Texaa clipped sheep, 34.754K.20; feeders, $3.10io6.00. 7 Kaasas City Grala aad PravUleas. KANSAS CITT. May I. WHBAT May, T2G'72c; July. 73Jj73c; cash, No 3 hard, 74c; No. 3. 73tv74c: No. 3 red. 79BOc. CORN May. 63c; September. 6c; cash. No. 3 mixed. 62a6c; No. 3 white, 684it9c; No. 3. 67i&tJSc. OATS No. 3 white, 47c. RYE No. 2. 6oc. HAY Choice timothy, $13 5OSU-00; choice prairie $13.00 BUTTER Creamery, 21c; dairy, fancy. 18c. EGG8 Higher; supply, moderate; at mark new No. 2. white wood casea. 14c; cases returned, 14c Receipts. Shipments. Wheat 17.000 4 800 Corn 48.0110 (4 giio Oats I.0U0 11, (M) Mllwaakee Grata Market. MILWAUKEE. May 2-WHEAT-Irreg-alar; No 1 northern, 7iWi'78c; No. 3 north ern. 77foT7c; July. 76c. RYE-I.ower; No 1. 6c. BAK LEY Firm; No. 3, 70(u70c; sam ple. 4ri0c. COR.N-July, 2e. ' Mlaaalls Wknt, riaar aad Bra a. JiSti Jwl. Itc. a lack, io, 1 rd, 79ci ' No. t northern, 7677o; No. I northern, FLOUR-Flrst tiatents. MOfVfH.lO; second pate its, n.l&a$t6; first clears. $2.90; sec ond clears. 8220. BRAN In bulk. 314 00. Philadelphia Predace Market. PHILADELPHIA. May J. BUTTER r irm, good demand; extra western cream ery, Z4c; extra nearby prints, 2tc. EGGS Firm, innd demand: fresh nearbv lc; fresh western, 16ii1Rc; fresh south western, isc; rcesn southern, l.vofinc. CHEESE Firmer; New York full creams, fancy small, 13c; New York full creams, iair to cnoice, iiii'izve. Toledo Grala aad Seed, TOLEDO, May I. WHEAT Active, steady; cash, JWc; May, 85c; July, 7c CORN Dull.' weak; cash, 61c; May, OATS Dull, easier: cash. 43c; May. 43c; amy. wrt-j crpirmwrr, 01 ( ' . SEED Clover, dull, steady; cash, 35.22 ""wr, ia.iii io. a, H K) lo . NEW KORK STOCKS AKD BONDS General Damplaa: of Stocks la Late Market Caaaes Break NEW TORK. May t-The stock market received a shaklnar out this .fi.r which had been considered overdue for some time by competent observers of con ditions. As usual the constriction of the money supply Is the Immediate cause of the fall In prices. Needless to say. the rirouna nas oeen prepared by the manlpu atlon of speculative pools and cliques, with a resulting inflation in prices which gave purely fictitious values in the most flagrant cases and a highly speculative range of values in the whole list. The abrupt break to par of Rutland pre- iriim, cuuinwHi wnn im yeateraay, waa the sufficient Indication on the Stock ex change of tbe state of distrust which had arisen. The dlsDlavin of nrHiis ahixh a nre nsia io oe discrimination against col .Tm. it?, iimns. nuapn m. iiveiv nisrurn. anee In the money market, which was In a ukui conamon. Some Of the lsrseat of the banks tnanaut very freely at an arbitrary rate of per I,, uui inn am not prevent an active demand at a higher range of ratea all the way up to 10 per cent. The forecast for a weak bank statement did not give prom ise of any immediate relief from the strained condition of the money market. Indications point to a loss of cash by the banks of nearly 33,000,000 In spite of re ceipts on balance from the Interior and J,w'nSto the subtreasury requirements of an,i.n,M. The weakness of the mark ... tested for a time, apparently by the ele ment which has led the speculation for some time. They had to contend with large western orders to sell. The notable jimigin or iouisviiie. which touched 129. was attributed to the maneuvers of the fact, and la aaM tn hsv K, oniu,Aj b.v the existence of a short line. The iiariiein in x-ennsyivania was also a help, In the late dealinaa all ttmr tn un. port the market waa abandoned and stocks were unloaded indiscriminately, causing a break in prices which reached as high as 3 per cent and under In the matorlty of active stocks. St. Paul suffered to the ex tent of 4. Canadian Pacific 3 and other c i-ouBpicuous stocKS rrom 3 , to 7. In ternational Power continued Its eccentrici- .. .,,. rxienuea irora jys to H, with a " .minis, nasty prcnt-taklng by the room shorts caused some spas modic rallies, but the closing was weak and semi-demoralized. Minor considera tions were obliterated by the Importance attached to the money outlook. . bod m'lrket shared the weakness of ..... "i'iv iiuiui, uui in a mucn less de-Pr1"'.!- JTotal BflrJ Par value, 33.220,01(0. United States bonds were all unchanged on were all unchanged on tne last call The following are the cloalna ni-Wa the New York Stock exchange: Atcblson do pfd Baltimore A O do ptd Canadian Pacific... Canada So Ches. A Ohio Chicago A Alton... do fd .. 7SH So. Railway do pfd Teias Pacific Toledo, St. L A W do nfd ..107 . 41Vj ..1S1H .. S3 Union Paclflo . do pfd Wabaah do nfd .102-4 . 87 . 64 . 41rt . 11. . So . so 471 .to .S2S .11 .110 . s . o . to . 34 . tt . i . hA .117 . V .101 .121 .11 .119 1HI . a U . M . to . 44 . is" . 10 . tl .12a . T , 41 .101 . 44-aj .230 . II , 74 i: , 47 1J Hi . 13 . m IT . tRV 41 tll 1 31 S H K .. sa .. 76 Chicago. Ind. A L. Wheeling A L. K.. do Dfd .. St ..19 do 3d pfd Wis. Central do pfd Adama Ri Chics go K. Chicago A O. do 1st pfd. do ii pfd.. Chirac A S. III... w... American Ex W. ,.HO ..170 .. to .. .7 inlted States Ex.. Welis-Fargo Ex.... Amal. Conner r K l A p Chicago Tar. A Tr. ao pfd C. C. C. A St. L... Colorado 8o Amor. Car A F.... do nfd Amor. Lin. Oil do 1st pfd do Id pfd ... Del. A Hadnon.,... D.l I. AW ,. 71 do nfd .. 43 Amor. 8. A R ..176 ..JSJ do nfd Anac. . Dearer A R. 6.... .. 41ft Brooklyn R T...'.. Colorado Fuel A I. Con. Oaa do nfd Erie do lit pfd do M dm Con. Tnhuvn a.a.1 Oen. Eloctrle ...... Oraat Hor. pfd ..14 Mocking Coal Inter. Paper do nfd Hocklsg Valley ... do iM i. Illinois Central ..! .If. IX .. 4T ,. ,. (S .119 . I Inter. Power lowa cantral do pfd Lake Brie A W.... do pfd , LA N Lacleda Oaa National Biscuit .., National National Salt do pfd , No. American Paclflo Coast , Paclflo stall People's Gas , Pressed 8. Car do pfd Pullman P. Car Republic Steal do nfd Manhattan L. ..1M4 Met. St. H .150 Moa. Central . n M. National Minn. St. L Mo. Paclflc . la .111 . n M.. K. A T do nfd . 6 .1SS . t-. . M . 11 . 45 . S4' . 70',i, . 47i . SH N. J. Central , N. T. Pamir. I sugar Norfolk A W Tenn. Coal A iron., Union Bag A P do nfd do rjM Ontario A W 'PennsrlTanlai 8. Leather Reading to nfd do lat pfd do Id nfd U. 8. Rubber ! do nfd St. L. A B. F V. 8. Steal do 1st pfd do M nfd do nfit 72 Western Union""!!! Amer. Locomotive.. St. I.. Bouthw . J7 . it .171 .1M . M do nfd do nfd St. Paul K. C. Southern...!! do nfd do pfd So. Paclfle Offered. - New York Moary Market. NEW YORK. Mav 1 MflMFTn ..ti firm at e10 per cent; closing offered at i per cent; prime mercantile paper, 44 STERLING EXCHANOR-Kaalar .Ith actual business In bankers' bills at 34 Jl'i for demand and at 34.864,iij4.85 for sixty days; posted rates. 34.86 and 34.88fi4.89: commercial bills, 34.84.S'4.6&V SILVER Bar, b0c; Mexican dollars, 41c. BONDS Government, steadv; atntav In. active; railroad, weak. Tbe closing quotations on bonds are as follows: V. 8. ret. la. rag..., do coupon do la. rag do coupon do 4a, rag do coupon do old 4s. rag , do coupon , do ta. reg do coupon Atchison gen. 4a..... do ad. 4a B. St O. 4a do. ItH do coav. 4a JOSH .lot Vk ,m ,lo4 in 111 lliW .11514 ,10i4 1W4 ,101 . ,io: a ,10 10 110H , u 10H . t4 , 11414 in lit 1W4 , . 14 lt , M lM 11 I L. N. unl. 4s.... Mi. Central 4a do la Inc Minn. A 8t. L. 4a.. M . K. A T. 4a I do Is N. T. Central la da general ISa... N. J. C. gen. as.... No. Paclflo 4a do la N. A W. eon. 4a... 1014 1 41 104 ion, . aiik 1H ,ot lasv) 108 71H 101', M-4 lilt M . M silk . H 1 6H 111W .1214 sltt ,1044 ,10'4 U1 111 74(4 IK . MH 414 Reading gn. 4s.... st L A I M e. (a... St. L. A 8 P. 4s... St. L. 8. W. Is so la 8. A. A. P. 4a... Can. 8outhern la Central ot On. ta... do Is Int..... ("has. A O. 4Hs Chicago A . .., C. B. A J. a. 4a.. C. M. a 8. P. a 4a C. A N. W. a. la... C. n. I. A P. 4a... C C C A 8t L s 4a Caitcaga Tar, 4a Clwd to. 4a bo. raelflc 4a So. Rallwaw tm Tax. a Paiia la T.. Sa L. A W Am Union Paelfle 4s do eonv. 4s Wabaah u do to do dak. B Vest Shore 4a Wheal. A L. K. 4a. Wle. Central 4s Cos. Tobaece 4a.... near A R. O. 4s. Brts prior Itse 4s..., do sea arm I 4a P. W. a D. C. Is.. Hewkrng ValVay 4Ss Bestea Hack taetatleas. BOSTON. May 2. -Call loans. 3H4 per cent; time loans, iQA per cent Official closing of stocks and bonds: H. E. O. A C Atcklaoa d pfd Boatoa Albany.., Boston EleTatod..., N. T , N. H. A H. rttrtiburg pfd , t'aloa Pacific Mestcaa Central .. A mar Iran Sugar ... do pfd , Ameriraa T.-4V T.., Dominion I. A 8... Msaa. BJectrto ..... do pfd N. E O. A C , t'nltod Fruit U. S. steal , do pfd ,, Adventure Allouea , Amalgamated Bingham 'lnnet A Heels. Caatanalal . 4 . 144 ill . it: . I .11 . Wi . US, . Ir . 17 . l4Sk .in 1 . lt4 . 30(4 . . . (4 .1(4 1M .lid .lei Coppor Rang ..!! omiaioa Coal ..... rHsk 1 1 lala Rorala"'!!!!!!! xaonawk Old Dominion Parrm Quincy !'.'..".! "anta Pa Copper... . u . 4114 . IT iriiiuy t'nltMl BAmtmm I'tan .lOT-j . 41 . 14 Victoria Wlnnna woirtns ".'.!!!!!!! . II uaiy Wast Bid. Bask riearlaaja. OMAHA. Mav 1 Tlak .-j... 31,0.40.(3; corresponding day laat vear' 31 101 in to; Inrreaae. 317 1T1 82 NKW YORK. Mav 2 -aT'learina-. Ha r. 357: balances, 320.o31.CXl. BOSTON May 3Cleartngs. 330.396,030; balances, II 862.274 HAJ T,MOR,';vM,a7 --rings, 34.340. 8C; balances. 3511. 5o7; money, I per cent .aWJ,D?L,PHlA- M, x-larlngs. 33 47 324; balances. 3J.4o6.fa- money. 4U per cent. rnit-AU", bit I t lesrlngs. S3R.Ts3.tM: baUacsa, t3.tsv.uil; posted exchange, S4.M for sixty days, 34 314 on demand; New York a,vnka,v , rv i . ( I V ' T V W i T i w -.i a - t 700; monev, 4f7 per cent; New lork ex- rhanaa 1 m 1 - " 1 ' 1 r ri 1 1 11 111. ST. IXltrfB Mav t i-1aarr,ara ttarlllKM balances, tl,3,343; money, steady,' iti ,-. ri, iora exenange, c pre WEEKLY CLEARIKO HOV8R TABLB. rega.e Baalaess Traasaetea r tke Asaeelated Baaks. FvP.W VABtr -. m tat. a 1 1 1 , , - -" vnii, sir 2. line louowms table, compiled by Bradstreet, shows the bank clearings at the principal cities for the week andin, uu 1 ..i,k .k. np-.n tags or increase and decrease as compared with n n . . . . " raponoing wesa last year: CITIE1. I Clearings. Inc. Dec New York Chicago Boston Philadelphia .. fit. Louis Pittsburg Baltimore San Francisco. Cincinnati Kansas City... Cleveland Minneapolis ... New Orleans.., Louisville Inrtlaiwpolls .. Detroit 31,77.B32.31T 194,S2.SW 14,Mft.8.15 117.SM.038 M (ITS aU'?' ..l;4l 1 01 28.5, 44.334.732 22,837,873 25. 42.1001 1S.186.S30I 1.0 1.P,2( 1.1 11 144 11.01 ll.74.D76j 19.2 15 12.0H3.9O2 10.181.9S3 10,531.838 9.2H7.106 OMAHA , St. Paul , Providence 8.422.877 24 158 7-f .228.2001 1 S Milwaukee ..... RiiTals, 1.712.1J1 I.998.302 4.228,722 3.724.125 4.319.749 1.811.061 1.8 St. Joseph...... Denver 11. Richmond fllvinnah U.5 Salt Lake ClYy.!. Albany 3.774.147 3.M1.701 IS 3 una singeiea Kfamnhla 4.419.7WH 87.6 3.61 3.?8.3 Fort Worth."...".! Seattle Waahlnaln- . 3,M7.r 61.7 22 3.221.349 S.861.165 3.512. nx " av a.aa.a Hartford Peoria Toledo Portland, Ore Rochester ....1 7.1 2.iV),940 t.S 3.338. 802 2.506.706 .7 26.3 3.816.389! 3.S Atlanta 7lai a Mntnatai 1,761.891 1,901,532 1.6S3.988 1.9 . 28.8 . 9 6 . "i'.i . New Haven Worcester Nashville Rnrina-fleM Kfoaa 1.543.679 14.8 1.693,17 1.622.961 1.498.432 9.01 Norfolk '. Orand Rapids 14.1 1,660.648 . 1.491.4391. 1.438.6121. ncranton Portland Me 41 Sioux City 1 kna n 19.4 Syracuse Davton. ft . 1.158.2961 6.T 1,672,648 1,172.636 1.467.936 16.6 Tacoma i!i Spokane Davenport Wllmlnartnn riaal 60.8 43.8 4.71 18.8 1,237.1471 1 076 9651 Birmingham Augusta Topeka 1,061.9071 789.5341. 96H.4O0I 868.2741 846.4681 685.0 0 846.401 429,6041. 670,361. 675 0741 BTs.'OOOi! 02,7141 663,8281. 439.4361. 41.3 io!i kvanavllle Fall River Macon , IJttle Rock' 24.31 6.8 3.9! 47.6 Helena 11 Knoxvllle Iowell 'i'.i 1.7 Akron Wichita 6.0 Springfield, 111 Lexington New Bedford 10.2 748,4161 61.41 Chattanooga Youngstown Kalamasoo Fargo 508.212 608.678 477.564 20.3 23.3 18.01 402.2O4I 21.7 Hlnghamton Rocfcford 346,300 8.2 23.6 376.0O3I 397.0001 338.3101 Canton 16.71 40.2! 9.41 Jacksonville, Fla. Snrlnrfleld. O 289.732 Chester 286,3.151 11.7 43J Oulncy 321.111 Kloomlngtnn RlmiY ITnlla 821,255 218.365 8.4 Jacksonville, 111..., Fremont , Houston , Oalveatnn 165.4881 159,1501. 3.0 13,681.276 7.496.000 49.31 4.61 Columbus, O , Wheeling Wilkes Barre Beaumont Decatur, 111 7,491.0001 8 6 39.61 867.4631 895(k)0l 328.6T3I. 208.2341 Totals. IT. H... (12 K7? fr6 6761 IKS uutsiae INew xorK.... 844,493,3591 t.8 CANADA. Montreal 20.691,0501 17,096.7401 3.188.4371 1,770.2821 T66.556I 25.01. 39.. 72.91. 17.71. Toronto Winnipeg f. Hanrax Vancouver, B. C... Hamilton 8.21. 774,4691 57.498' 376.9731 1.686.5111 1,716,1941 22 8 6.8 22.3 St. John. N. B Victoria. B. C Quebec Ottawa -I- Totals, Canada. ...S 46,311,0091 29.21 Not Included In totals hern nan mniaio. Ing other Items than clearlnar. Not Included In totals because -of no comparison ior last year. I.ondow stock Market. LONDON, May 2.-4 p. m. Closing: Cona., money .. HI Norfolk A Weatern. do pfd Ontario A Weatern. PenaylTsnla Reading do 1st ptd do Id pfd Southern Ry do pfd Southern Paclflo.... Union Pacific do pfd V. 8. Steel do pfd Wabash do pfd Spanlah 4s Rand Minos DeBesrs do account 6 11 Anaconda Atchison .. eH .. il4 ..101 do pfd . 34- Baltimore A Ohio.. ..111 , 44 , IT ansdlan Pacific. ... ..1M1 Chesapeake a Ohio. Chicago O. W .. 1 M. a Bt. P ..11H di'4 Denrer A R. O.... .. 41. .. 94 (4 .. 4oS .. 71 .. 17 ...ST ..1944 .. 141k .. ..ltt ldl , to 41 do nfd Erie do let pfd do Id nfd M4 , IT 44H 114 -14 41Tk Illlnola Central Loulsvlllo A Naah M . K. A T do pfd N. T. Central BAR SILVER Quiet; 23t1 per ounce. MONEY 2H 03 Der cent. The rate of dls. count In the open market for both short and three-months bills Is 3 13-162T per cent. New Vark Mlalag (caotatloas, NEW TORK. Mav 2. The followinar are the closing prices on mining stocks: Adams Con A I lea Breece Brunswick Con... Little Chief ... Ontario Ophlr Phoenix Potoal Ravage Sierra Nevada Small Honoa .. Standard 11 m 1M a 1 is 4 115 . la Co mat or k Tunnel Con. Cal. & Vs.. .165 ,. 74 .140 Desdwood Terra.. Horn surer iron Silver LeadTllla Cea.... Forrlan Financial. LONDON. May I. Oold premiums are quoted: Buenos Ay res, 141.70; Madrid, 36.67; tome, 2.10. PARIS, May 1 Three per cent rentes. lOlf 7Hc for the account: exchange on London, 25f 18c for checks; Spanish 4s, 79.60. BERLIN, May 2. Exchange on London, 20m 48pfg for checks. Ceadltloa af the Treasary. WASHINGTON. May 1 Today's state ment of the treasury balance In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the 8160,000,000 gold reserve. In the division of redemption shows: Available cash balance, 8184,813, 70; gold. 3tO,i4,e. CasTee Market. NEW TORK. May t-OOFFEE Spot. Rio, dull; No. 7 Invoice, t T-lc; mild, q fief. Cordova. SfcfS'Uc. The market opened steady, with prices t to 10 points lower, under selling by longs and shorts started by weakness abroad and heavy Braslllan receipts. The bull clique snd Wall street Interests bought quite freely on the break; Importers and room bears aold. There was little change In the mar ket until near the close, when a spurt of covering and fresh buying by bulla rallied the whole Hat. The market was finally steady, with prices net unchanged to S fiolnta lower. Total sales were 26.0u0 bags, nciuding: July,; September, 35.26 fe5.35; October, 85 35fjo 40a December, 35.60 j6.60: March, S6.7laff4.75. The world's vlsl bls supply In April Increased 100,000 bags. Oil aad Hoala Market. OIL CITT. Msy 2 OIL-Central bal ances, 31.20. Shipments, 106.000 bbls; runs. 96.625 bbls. TOLEDO, O., May 2 OIL-North Lima, 88c; South Lima and Indiana, S3c. NEW YORK. May 2 OIL-Cotton seed, firm; petroleum, stesdy; rosin, stesdy; turpentine, dull. LIVERPOOL. May 2 Olla-Cotton seed, hull refined, spot, steady, 26s 3d. LONDON, May 2 OIL-Calcutta linseed, spot, 53s; linseed, 31s 3d; turpentine, spirits. 32s 7Ud SAVANNAH. Oa., May I. OI L Turpen tine, steady, 43c. ROSIN Steady; quote A, B, C, D. 81.20; E. 1125; F. 31 30; Q, 31 35: H, II 55; I, 11.95 K, 11 46; M. 32 86; N, S3 36; W O. 33.65; VV W, 33. eu. Pearla Market. PEORIA, 111., May I CORN-Easy; No. 8. oivjc. OATct-Easy; No. I white. 43c, billed through. WHISKT-On the basis of 8V30 lor fin ished sooda, OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Terj Light BaiceipU of Cattle and Btetrs Sold a Little Stronger, HOGS ADVANCED FIVE TO TEN CENTS Desirable Grades of Sheep Commanded Strong Prices, bat Feellag on 'Wool Lambs Seemed to Be a Trifle Weak ana Trade Mas Slow. BOUTH OMAHA. May 3, -JST' pl" WT': Cattle, Official Monday 3,469 Official Tuesday 3 9s2 Official Wednesday 3 311 Official Thursday l,6"7 Official Friday ba Five days this week.... 11,832 Fame days last week. ...13,69 Same week before 13,227 Same three weeks ago.. 16 314 fame four weeks ago. ..16.653 Same days last year 14.817 Hoi . Sheep, T 6.1 Ke ns 3,1X9 02 616 3 1,9 31 2.101 0 12,971 14 13.601 22 24.746 42 16.11 SI 22.536 17.S21 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The fOUOWlns: table ahnaia that racalnta n cattle, hogs and sheep at Houtn omana for the year to date and comparisons with last a 1902. .268,780 .317,6-' 1901. 227.&S3 7K.6!6 387,696 Inc. 40,897 Dec. Cattle Hogs Sheep $6,907 69 70 The following table shows the average price of hogs sold on the South Omaha maraei me past several days, with com parisons with former yeara: Date. 1803. 1901. 1900.lg9.18!a3. 1W7.189S April 16, 86Vkj ei 3 72 8 7 8 80 8 38 April 1.. April 17.. a i n is an l l ill I'll id t 841 6 4& i 8 81 I 92 k 65 8 73 8 9l 3 35 April 13. a MVkl S I 8 8 3 eoj 8 48 April i. April 3. s Ml 6 44i 8 71 3i, 3 U 8 73i 3 91 86 6 46 3 76 I 3 84 8 Si April 31.. 6 42, 3 77 8 83 3 W April 82.. I 81 I 6 36, 6 32i 3 72 3 67 3 84 4 Ml 3 30 Aprtl 23.. April 24.. April 26.. April 6.. April 27.. April 28.. April 29.. 8 80 3 74 a 3 71 3 84 3 82i 8 83, 3 28 3 86 S 81 6 96 1 03H 6 76, t 77 t 3i 6 77 6 39i 8 tv S 811 5 72 34 6 37 3 67 3 79 4 111 8 75 3 26 8 2 7 07V. 3 691 8 79 7 twu 6 66 8 79 8 "4 3 21 April 30.. May 1.... May 3.... 6 641 6 321 8 K3 1 N I 90W.I 6 64 5 26i 3 61 2 791 8 12 3 80 I 3 13 .7 7 011, 6 71 6 18 3 tl Indicates, Sunday. PACKERS' PURCHABE8. The followinar table shows the nurchases iiieus tuusy oy local pacKers: r'attlat Vtnara Rhoan uwirt and company 217 l.t30 200 Armour A Co 12 2,614 429 vunnny racking Co 178 2,457 Omaha Packing Co 32 1,435 TESTERDAVS SHIPMENTS. The following Hat ahowa the nnmhor nf cars or cattle snipped to the country yes terday and their destination: Pa,. i. AOKins, wayne. Neb. M. & O DrisKell, Wakeneld. Neb. M. A O.. E. D. I'eden. Cczad. Neb IT. P H. A. Hansen. Elkhorn. Neb. U. P M. Lamb. Cedar Ranlds. Neh IT P J. C. Hotchklss, Raymond, Neb. U. P.... C. O. Ohmon, Pllger, Neb. F. E Boyer Valley Cattle Co., Alnsworth. Neb. F. E .-. Jacob Kropf, Ells, la. I. C J. M. Latta, Logan, la. I. C E. E. Drlskell. Malvern. Ia. Wab 2 A. i. uagiey, Malvern, la. u 1 The Official number of cat's nf atnclc Drougm in toaay by each road was: Roads. Cattle. Hons. Sh'D. H'aea C. M. A St. P. Ry 7 -'. at Bt. u. ny Union Pacific system. 1 C. & N. W. Ry 2 F E. & M. V. R. R.. 6 C. St. P., M. & O..., 6 B. A M. R. Ry " 5 C, B. & Q. Ry 4 C, R. I. A P., east.. .. 15 6 33 10 12 8 9 Tota' receipts 24 106 The disposition of the day's repel nt a vnn a iuiiuwb, eacn Duyer purcnasing the nunv uer 01 n4j inaicatea: Buyers. Cattle. Hnn Rh'n Omaha Packing Co 32 1,440 Bwirt and Company 217 1,060 193 Cudahy Packing Co 176 2.457 495 Armour & Co 15 2,614 479 vsnaani ee to.,.. l Carey A B 3 w. i. Stephen 1 Hill A Huntalnaer 6.4 Livingstone A Hchaller 18 Hamilton A Rothschild.... 6 B. F Hobblck 6 timer buyers 41 91 l' 685 7.671 1.259 CATTLE Reoelnt a nf rattlaa m,aira iK. lightest today that they have been on a Friday In a lona- time and in fact th was hardly more than a Saturday's run. As will be seen from the table of receipts given above the supply for the week to date Is considerably short of the same days of the last several weeks and also of the same days of last year. The tend ency of prices, however, has been down ward at all points and the break In nrin. la the greatest that has been experienced in a long time. There were verv lew beef ateera on ..u this mornlna and as nackera haH a , orders they had to nil the market was a little stronger than yesterday and a few sales were made that looked 64tlOo higher thcan yesterday. There were so few cattle on sale, though, that a fair test of the market was not mnaiav Tha prices that were paid today, however, were juuy aH-mc tower man tne high time and In some cases the decline looks even more than that. The choice heavv .ynnrt miiu and the prime lightweights have not suf fered as much as the medium grades. The cow market did not show much of any change today as compared with yes terday. Recelpta were, of course, very light, but packets were not at all anxious for supplies, so that, even though offerings were limited, sellers were unable to get any better prices than they did yesterday The situation could best be described by calling It alow but steady. As previously mentioned the general market on xnaua a h heifers is safely 60S76C lower than the high time and some selasmen are quoting the decline even more than that. There was no particular change from yesterday in the Drices nal,1 for hull. .,..1 calves and stags, although the demand was limited. The Blocker and feeder trade continued very quiet today. There were very few cattle on aaie, but it is safe to say that for the week the market Is fully 15c5o lower. The demand from the country is very light and fewer cattle have been shipped out this week than for some time past. Only 14 cars were shipped to the country yesterday, but that Is more than on most days of this week. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. No. At. .. 740 .. 440 .. 400 ..1010 ..1044 .. 464 Pr. No. A. Pr. ..1046 f 10 I t 0 4 M 4 40 4 It I 40 4 06 ...182 ...1IS4 ...111 ...H17 ...1144 4 ti U li 4 U 4 M II... 1141 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 1014 I N COWS, .. 440 .. 740 .. 7 .. 444 ..10SI ..1IW ..1444 .. 704 .1110 .1064 I It t t6 I 60 I II I ft t 71 I 40 I 00 I H t 16 t 40 ..1040 ..1040 ..1044 ..1120 .. 4J ..1144 ..10ia) .. ti ..1140 .. 440 ..100 4 06 4 05 4 II 4 35 4 to 4 16 4 40 4 40 4 74 4 74 4 10 8 44 11!!!.' 4. ., . M M 1.. I 76 I. 1140 COWS AND HEIFERS. IT.. 41 4 40 4 76 744 8 44 t.. , M 40 414 714 474 HEIFERS. 16 I I It ' t I 60 ' 1 44 . 1... 1.. 4.. 446 460 760 4 00 4 00 4 t BULLS. ..1000 I 76 1. ...1070 ...1404 ... 660 .,.1460 ...1440 ...lM I 26 t tt 4 00 4 16 4 74 4 74 ..1034 I 04 1.... .. 4S4 I 00 I.... ,.1H0 t 40 1.... .. 444 I 14 1.... ..1124 I 10 I. ... 404 3 16 CALVES. 474 I 44 1.... 4 16 1.... 170 I Mi 1... 1... I 00 4 60 lit 1... STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 40 I 00 1 1066 1 00 tM J5 1 IH IM 464 t 16 4 776 I 10 404 I 76 1 1016 t M t 40 1 too I i 40 t to 1 170 I STOCK CALVES. 10 t 60 2 110 4 7f STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 444 I 6u 1 740 4 00 441 2-M 1 160 4 00 406 I to 4 40 4 04 1... t .. 1... M... 7... 1... 1... 11 441 I 4 HOG 8 There was a fair-slxed run of nvi here loaav. wnicn masea tna aunrtiv or the week heavier than laat week, but till receipts are snort or me sama days of laat week. The table given above will show tha exact figures. The market opened airly active mis morning st an advance I iVnllX' over yesieraay a auoiutlnna Psckers seemed to be quite anxious for uppiles, so mat iraae ruiea active from tart to finish and everything was out of rat Manas in iooo season, i tia aualliv nf he hogs was good here today and but few lightweight loaaa were received. The bulk I lb Heavy Jws seta irom 4i.lfrtf7.Se aad the medium weights went mostly from 3695 to 17.05, while the lighter loads sold from 36 95 down. Today"s advance makes up for the bulk of the decline ot yesterday and the day before snd carries the mar ket nearly hack to where It waa on Tues day. Rcpresentstive sales No. At, fa. Pr. Na A. Sh. ft. l 240 t SO M . ft . .v. 17. . 74.. J. . .. 7.. 1.. 71.. 74. . M.. 77.. .. M. . 7.. 47. . S . 7.. 67.. 45.. 44.. 7t.. 47.. 74.. T7.. .. .. 4... 74... 71.., !... St ... 7J... M... 44... I... TO.., ft... 71... 41... 7... 64... ti... 64... 71... 74... 16... 73... 6... 10... 11... 47... 44... 171 .. 4 Kl il. St. ....141 ....14 ....144 ...,14 ...14 ....lea ...ll ...,1H ....111 ...101 ...lit ...121 ,...t?4 ...111 ....111 ...116 ... 1M ....ft ....204 ...176 ....111 ....1ST ....ii ....211 ....124 ....IS6 ....mi ....117 ....111 ....ill ... I6 ...120 ....111 ...121 ....141 ....141 ....II ...ill a 0 if 40 130 mo so no 140 SO mo 4 74 SO 4 40 4 46 4 K 4 ft 4 IS 1714 XI 4 S1V 4 46 4 5 4 M n 4 M 4 M n 4 44 4 H 4 44 4 i 4 6 4 n 4 M 474 47M, 4 47V t m 6 rrv, 4 47V 4 471, 4 47S 7 00 T M 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 T 00 7 00 T 00 7 00 T OS t 00 7 00 7 s t 00 T 40 T Oa t 00 140 so so 144 t 0 7 00 T 00 7 o 1 7 so 7 00 7 0" 7 00 7 024 7 04 7 no 7 06 7 04 7 06 7 04 7 n 7 05 t 04 7 04 7 05 7 06 7 05 7 04 7 0 7 06 7 06 7 00 7 04 7 06 7 05 7 06 7 06 t 07V 7 074 7 10 7 10 7 IS 7 is 7 10 7 10 7 10 7 10 7 10 7 10 7 1 7 14 T 14 1 1 7 1 7 16 , t i 7 to 1 it .111 so.. 71.. 76.. 71.. 44.. !.. 4.. 41.. 70 . St.. 76.. 40.. 44. . lit. ... 44.. 41.. 46.., 44.., 47.., 47.., SI... 71... 44. ., 41... 41... 10... 71... 64... tl... 44... Ill m7 IH 171 ,....171 1.16 177 J44 17 ,....ti(l m ....JM .....176 174 ,....IM ....10 ....147 tft ...144 ....146 ....174 ....131 ....HI ....241 ....XS4 ....174 ....140 ....164 ....134 ....164 ....147 90 140 so n mo 0 io so 114 tio ito 0 0 o 10 'm ln so 40 110 so to "so 140 10 40 0 '4 'so mo so so 40 140 to 144 lto J0 lto so so 'so IN 110 . 40 10 lto 140 40 44 64 41 70 61 41 64 44 71 40 44 44 41 .161 .I7 .171 .7M l4 .111 .IM .164 .121 .171 .141 .174 ....124 ,...161 ,...126 ....140 ,...131 ,...110 ....mi ....126 ,...1.14 ....III ...161 ....117 ,...147 ...244 .171 140 SO so m 140 44 to 44 HI 46 M4 74 tro 44. ...... .Mi I 314 14 44 to (4 .. 240 T 1 rlHEKP Recelnta nf a Keen an4 l.mKa were light today, which leaves the re ceipts lor the week leas than for either last week or for the same week of last year, as the table above will ahow. Park. era Seemed to he falrlv imlnui ne sun. plies and started nut earlv mnA rM wnnA strong prices for desirable sheep. The quality of the offerings as a whole waa nothing extra, so that the market on paper P."J loolt verv nlh- The only thing that did not sell to good Advantage today Was Wool lambs. Rlivaara AA nnl o Ua. KaM of those In good shape and the feeling was it. vitjj v ran. Quotation for ,. choice lightweight yearlings, S6.00Hj25; fair i0?5 75 00! 8-ood to choice we hers, 3o.80aj6.00; fair to good, 35.604A76; good to choice ewes, S6.00io.26; fair to good. 84 Oip 5.O0; good to choice lambs, 36.254f6.40; fair to good, 35.75S8.16. Wooled stock sells about 25'q60c above clipped stock. Choice Colo- rnuo woo ra tamna. u wmi m1 fair ia mnnA - v-a,icTBiiiaiivo sales Av. .. 80 .. 53 .. 89 ..180 .. 62 ..130 .. 78 ..120 Pr. S3 60 6 25 6 26 6 75 00 25 60 7 00 6 clipped ewes ., i'i feeder lam ha 104 clipped ewes .. 1 wooled ewo .., 73 clipped lambs . 1 yearling 491 western lambs 1 wooled lamb ., CHICAGO LIVD STOCK ' MARKET. Cattle and Sheep Steady aad lloga Are Higher. CHICAGO. Mav 1 riTTI.P-R...ini. 1,000 head; steady; good to prime steers (nominal). S6.75iS7.30; poor to medium. 34.60 476.40: stockera and ferlr ft? nti. ce ws 31.40(66.75; heifers. 33.2586.00; cannem, 1.402.40; bulls, S2.256.26; calves, 32.0& 5.7n; Texas-fed steers. 35.25436.25. HOQ8 Receiots. 18.000 head- ilm.1.4 tomorrow, 12,000; left over, 3.000; market 5 Jil0c higher; mixed aud butchers, 3.76ig 7.15; good to choice heavy, S7.10h7.30: rough heavy, 36.85rd7.06; light, 8.65&6.95; bulk of h-Ips, 36.8S7.10. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 4.000 iieau; Mcnuy lamos weak; good to choice wethers. 35.50(36.26: fair to hnl. ni...i 34.76(g6.50; western sheeD. 35.26&.50: nal tlve lambs, dinned 14 7M ko. nn.l,. ac c r : a ' 11 u Official yesterday Receipts. Shipments. Cattle 7,139 2.923 27.935 4,699 .29 8,125 Hogs Sheep St. Lonls Live Stock Market. ST. LOITIS. Miv 9 r-1 tti tt t 1.100 head including ' 750 TexaT market dull and steady to easy- native shipping and extrart steers. IS (nvai stf.- L' !I f 2,1 btcn XeTB- W.O0'.eo'; steers under ti"-A 43 f 00: "lockers and feeder 32.75i?4.,0; cows and heifers. 32.25416 00: v-..,, uuiia, calves. M.uwatj ...w; Texas and Indian steers, grass- Z'S; ;ffVi eo- (& 00; cows and ssiavsD, sea. . iT" -w . aU , HOOfl-Rrfint. f V. t,.t. k.a. . . tlve and 6c higher; V,lg, and 'lights" W.i) 8 .6; packers, butchers, wissS BHEEP AND LAM BS Receipt s, 00head larket steady to strong for good sheen : common stuff and spring lambs lower culls and bucks, sJ.5o.doT sTocki iw iiiuiiuiia, eT.Waaj.2rt! Rmht fi; fe3.50. Kew York LIto Stock Market. iNtl.VV . YORK. Mav -Dnrufn .aim. on wi' j - ' t.o-ne- : iiT-avu, aieers. uuns ana cows steartv atau,r. ac et-. rj.: extra and export aradea. 17 tnam S4.0MT6.65; cows, 12.664.60 extra' 34 : cablea unchanaed! uhtrt- - L3M cattle and 8,892 au ,7. fT.7row' -JT A, -o-BecelPts. 648 head; steady to 1x5 lower: veala. 14 nr.a! an- v!r dressed veala .i.i., i',""' .' . cy HOOS-Recelnts. 8 286 h..H ':,""' state hogs. 37.10ia7.20: wmi. -.L," faviciru a art-. . ."..iiiifi 1. head: nelma. t, -T7."cl:T'P,7. , v vs 1 iiiiri IIUMilv iisi. nnrn lAaaf aAirtl.. j a' T . 1 ambs. neglected and 25 i:.V"..t"L,p5? heep, 34.006.00; clipned sheVr. m'KS w. clipper nh-?ep, $3.&0rS) lambs. 35.25,fi6 a.r .X'? '"'' .cupped ...wo, eacn, St. Joseph Lire Stock Market 8T. JOSEPH. Maw a c 1 -r.. celpts, 275 head; steady: natlvea is ?' cows and heifers, 4i.&)(nl.5; veals, 33.2501 etocKers and feeders, tit.- -Receipts, 4,600 head Bloax City Live Stock Market. BIOUX CITY. In.. Mav a r-... m i a -r-T-r rr, A T' "'r'l IBIS' ?;",U.r.';.r"ecolPl". . ; market l.r605.00r.7orker. an"' .""X" "i? yesrllna-s. 32.75H42K v"W w; HOGS Recelnta Ifion- km li.i . Stock la Sight. nfTi?.,.S"i.Trln 'S"1! now ,he receipts of cattle, hoaa and.aheen t k a... 7' clpal market for May 2: " Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha 2.101 4,000 750 00 8.6O0 Chicago Kansas City ., St. Louis , St. Joseph Total 4,288 89,931 1,061 Cottoa Market. NEW YORK. May t COTTON-Srot , " luuianiu, w L0-1SC aaiva. ruiurri ClOSeo a .... j . - at -w..- u.c.v., ST. LOUIS, May 3. COTTON Onl.t middling 9c; receipt.; hsbale.Thfp: mrn,i!ir1,1aBal'"L tock' -O bales. V .NLW ORLEANS. May . COTTON Quiet and steady; May, 9.634t65c- June 9 6.1.69. 65c; May. 9 67 68c; i AugusY 24 .25c; September, 86:rP663c; October. 8154? l1." I2vmber', -028.04c; December. 8 02 4j8.04c. Spot, quiet; sales. COO bales; ordl- amrkl.'n,!9 9,.V,bale: ""' iU ii ,'1I.VJFR.POOItl Mfy -COTTON-Spot limited demand; prices Ud lower; Amerl can middling fair, 6 21-32d; good mlddllna 5Asd: middling. 5Vd low middling? J V-uX' good ordinary 3-82d; ordinary. 4 6-32d' Tt? aiM ' ,h? dajr wr 7.000 bales, of which 600 were for speculation and a.nnr and Included 5.700 American Re?elptI S?ijo bale, including 1.7U) American Futures opened quiet and stesdy and closed steady American middling, g. o. c . May, 6 i64d sellers; May and June. 6 5-64.1 buvera: June and July 6 4-64Q5 6-64d. buyers"yj "v snd August. 5 4-64d. sellers Auauai and September. 4 62-64d. sellers; September tnd October. 4 43-64(84 44-64d. buyers October and November, 4 34-64d. buyers November and December, 4 43-64d, eellers Decmbel and January 4 29-64f84 30-64d. MllersTan' uary and February. 4 28-644 29-64d. sellers. Kisporaletl Apples aad Dried Frolts. NEW YORK. May !. EVAPORATED APPLES Buying Interest is senall. both for export and Jobbing account, but the tone of the market held steady at old prices; prime, 8V,8lc, choice. 9Wfil0r; farcy, loltjilc. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS-A mod erate iVting trade is noted la prunes,. sin aim ugni mixed. 36.85S715- m.Vn. ansHEEPy' hfi "a;VK M HHU.11.P AND LAMBS Receipts 8 600 head; steady; western lambs. 6 26QT ' to western sheep, S4.85&4.15. " owi.w. Cattle. OTaJ IU1 1.000 1S.000 1,350 4,500 1.100 3.3iiO 276 4.600 no verv ataarlv w- : June. 9.85c; July, .J0c; August. 8 16c: September. 8.65c; October. iWi Cia.' 8 21c: December. 8 19c? Jamor. n. IIAUIAOlun. Mav X IvtTTrkK- with steady prices for new fruits; Cali fornia fruit weak and Irregular; peaches In good demand and about steady; some Jobbing trade reported for Apricots; ac tual business light. Prunes, 874i7jjV4c. Ap ricots, boxes, ltyi4c; bags, Iovfn2c. Peaches, peeled, I4n16c; unpeeled, lfe'llc. Wool Market. P.08TON, May 1 WOOI Th Commer cial Bulletin will say In tomorrow's report cf the wool trade of the I'nited Slates; Wool is In moderate demand and prices are barely sustained. The long depression la telling on holders and there Is more pres sure to sell. Medium wools have sold at the lowest figures since laat January. Western markets are active, with spirited competition between buyers of the new clip and full prices paid everywhere, averaging 2c higher than last year. The grower is profiting through this competition. Foreign markets are firm and quiet, awaiting the opening of the London authentic sales Tuesday. The sales of wool In Boston slnco January 1, 1902, have been 81.712.638 lbs., against 48,910,556 for the same period in 1901. The Boston shipments to date are SH.ITS, lbs., against shipments of 82,730.916 Ilia, for the same period In 1901. The stock on hand In Boston January 1, 1902, was 77,340,463 lbs., nnd the total utock today is 69.873.279 lbs. The stock on hand May 4. 1901. was 41.281.- (66 lbs. ST. LOITIS. May 2. WOOL Stead V! me dium grades, 14,(9n7c: light fine, i2flfl4c, heavy fine, 9 11c; tub-washed, UG'Ug. Dry Goods Market. NEW TORK. Mav i DRY OOODtWon. dltlons In the msrket remain unchanged today. Business of moderate proportions has been transacted at current prices. Job bers report a little more activity, but the maricet ss a wnnie nas been quiet. MANCHESTER. Mav 8 DRY OOODS Quiet, little doing. Yarns, buyers Indifferent. Sasjar Market, NKW YORK. Mav 1-STTOAR- Raw. firm; fair refining. 8Hc; molasses sugar. 2ic' centrifugal. 96 test. SHc NEW ORLEANS, May 1. SUGAR Strong; open kettle. 2H1M 3-1 c; open ket tle centrifugal. 83t4c: centrifusal. vellow . 8H 18-16c; second. J'AfP'Vsc., molassel uiir, ouii; cemrnugai, ,nic, LOST DON. Mav 2 SimlR Fleet Mav. s 33 4d. Visible Supply of Cotton. NEW ORLEANS. Mar 1 Sseretarv Hester's statement of the world's visible supply of cotton shows the total visible ss 8.366,452 bales, of which 3,66,463 la graded American cotton. Dnlath Grain Market, DULl'TH. May l.-WHEAT No. 1 hartt cash, 80e; No. 3 northern, 76c; No. 1 north ern, May and July, 77c; September, 74c ua 1 b anvjc CORN 61 He. FOB TO RHEUMATIC PANGS. Warships Sheathed with Asbestos to Keep the Sailors Healthy. When the navv turned to bulldlna Ita ships of steel it was remarked that unless some device was adopted for offsetting the effect of heat condensing on the metal it would be only a matter of a short time before all our officers would be suffering from rheumatism. The Introduction of metal chairs, tables and other plecea of furniture followed a few years ago and now there Is not' a single piece of wood of any sixe to bo found in an officer's room on a modern war sl ip. He sleeps In an Iron berth, keeps his ciothcs In a steel chest, while the floor lUiiK ana walls nf his apartment are of the same metal. Since the adoption of the solid armor for the sides of the warshlrts a great deal of trouble has been experienced in malting nabitariie the quarters directly next to the outside covering. The heat of the room condensed on the cold metal and In a very short time1 the occupant would be on the hospital list with a bad case of rheumatism. This is now guarded against, by the use of a sheathing of asbestos v ru 1 a v iu 111, -,. mi,, uiriii ill nni tT by a framework. This Is found to absorb the moisture In a satisfactory manner. Care Is also taken to see that the bert-.s are not built agalnat the outside of the vessel, but against one of the side walls, so that the sleeper will be as far as possible from the metal that comes In contact with the water. IAILWAY TIME CARD. UNION STATION IOTH AND MARC Y. l aloa PaclflOa Leave. ..a 9:40 am ..a 8:60 am ..a 4:25 pra ..all:80 pm Arrive, a 7:30 pm a 3 25 pm Overland Limited..., Fast Mall , California Express. Paclflo Express Eastern Express.... Atlantic Express.... a 4:36 pm a 7:00 am Ltncoln-Stromsburg Ex.b 4:06 pm bl2:30 pm urana isiana locai a o:su pm b 8:36 am Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Paal. Chicago Limited a 8:00 pm a 8:06 am Chicago A Omaha Ex..b 7:16 am b 3:40 pm Missouri Pacific. St, Louis Express nlTrr) am a 6:25 pm a 6:16 am K. C. & Bt. L. Express. al0:50 pm Wabaah. St. Louis "Cannon Ball" Express a 6:15 pra a 8:20 am St. Louis Local, Council Bluffs al0:00 am a 10:30 pm Chicago, Rock Islrnd and, Paclflo. EAST. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Daylight a :() am Chicago Express bll:15 am Des Moines Local a 4:00 pm a 9:35 pm a 0:00 pm bll:50 am a 1:25 pm inicagn rasi express.. a 4:30 pm Des Moines, Rock Is land and Chicago a 7:40 pm a 8:25 am WEST. Lincoln, Colo. Springs, Denver, Pueblo and West a 1:30 pm Colo., Texaa, Cal. A Oklahoma Flyer a 6:20 pm a 4:16 pm a 9150 am a 6:10 pm a 8:05 am b!0:35 pm Illinois Central. Chicago Express a 7:20 am Chicago. Minneapolis A St. Paul Limited a 7:60 pm Minneapolis A St. Paul Express b 7:20 am unicago express.. iu:tt pm Chicago A Northwestern, "The Northwestern Line.' cnicago special a 7:10 am Chicago Passenger a 4:16 pm Eastern Express al0:bo am all:20 pm a 8:00 am a 4 05 pm Kaatern Special a 4:55 pm Fast Mail a 8:00 pm 4 00 pm 2:40 urn Omaha-Chicago L't'd...a 7:46 pm a 9:20 am Fast Mall. a 8 30 am Cedar Raplda Pass.. Twin City Express.. Twin City Limited.. Bloux City Local a 6:30 pm .a 7:05 am al0:26 pm a 7:55 pm a 8:40 am .a 8:16 am a 8:60 pm WEBSTER DEPOT 15TH A WED1TCII Fremont, Elkhorn A Mlssoarl Valley, Leave. Arrive. Black Hills. Deadwood, Hot Springs a 3:00 pm a 6:00 pm Wyoming, Casper and Douglas d 3:00 pm e 5:00 pm Hastings, York. David City, Superior, Geneva, Exeter and Seward b 3:00 nm b 6:00 Dm Norfolk. Lincoln and Fremont b 7:30 am bl0:25 am Fremont Local o 7:30 am Mlssoarl PaeiCe. Nebraska Local, Via Weeping w ater b 4:10 pm aio:26 am C'kicaao, St. Paal, Mlaaeapolis A Oaraaa, Twin City Psssenger....a 6 80 am a 9:00 pm Bloux city raasenger...a i w pm an am Emerson Local b 8:40 pm b 8:45 am Bl'ltlalNOTON STATION IOTH A MASON Chicago, Barllngton A (taincy. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Special a 7:00 am al0:20 pm Chicago Vestlbuled Ex. .a 4:00 pm a i 46 am Chicago Local a 8:80 am a 4:05 pm Chicago Limited a 7:50 pm a 7:45 am Faat Mali a 1:40 pm Barling-ton A Mlasoarl River. Wymore, Bestrlce snd Lincoln a a i am Du nosra Nebraska Express a 8:40 am a 7:85 nm Denver Limited a 4:26 pm a 3:00 pm Black Hills sni ruget Hound Exuress a 9:00 nm a 8:48 am Lincoln Faat Mall b 3:00 pm a 8:17 am Fort Crook and Platts- mouth b 3:20 pm b 11:05 am Bellevue A Paclflo Jet. ..a 7:40 pm a 8:30 am Bellevue A Paclllc Jet. ..a 8:00 am Kansas City, St. Joseph A Coaacil Blade. Kansas City Day Ex. ...a 8 20 am a 8:06 pm St. Louis Flyer a 6:10 pm all :16 am Kansas ciiy ignt tx...aio:i pm a 4 14 am Dally, b Dally except Sunday, c Bun- day only, d Dally except Saturday, e Dally except Monday. , BOYD COMMISSION COMPANY Kooaa 4, Mew York Life Bid. GRAIN, PROVISIONS, STOCKS Bought and sold for cash or on margin. All telegraph, telephone or mall orders rill receive careful and prompt attention, TslsiAoM Ms. . ft M Alia. a ( f