THE OMA1IA DAiLV 1EK: riUtVAY, MAV'-V 1002. SPECIAL NOTICES lMltriM1i far these enlaian will be taken wntll IS an. tmw th eanlnar edition aalll SO as for maralaa ! Iir ralltaa. Rates, 1 i-ge. ifrl irrt lnrtlnn, la a ward thereafter. Pfathln) taken far lea than 8A far taa firat lner tlaa. Tift aaWertleeaaeats naast ka raa eonaecntlvely. Advertisers, kr reejneetln a ere rhrrk, raa kit aaawara n dreeaee! ta a aaaabtraa) letter la cara at Tka Fa, aaawara aa a1a4l will ka 4ellTer4 mm araaratatlaa ml tka keek 4aly. WASTED-MAI-E HKI.H. WANTKD, two or three men to work from our wage ns, steady work and good pay. C. F. Adami Co., 11-Hovard Ht. B 2?0 GOOD messengers wanted; Increased pay. A. D. T, Co., ZU South 13th. H-1 87FORHALF A DAY'S WORK. If you llva In the country or In a small town and have a good acquaintance among the fanners and stock raisers In the neighborhood you can make $" easily by four or five houra' work. N rile us and w will send your our proportion. The Hee Publishing Co., Solicitors' Dept., Omaha. Neb. B-M213 WANTED, a good man In every county 0 take subscriptions lor The Twentieth Cen tury Farmer. Our agents make good wiici everywhere. References required. Addresa Twentieth Century Farmer, Omaha. Neb. B 6tf THREE or four good men wanted; ll'W pT month. Call 627 Paxton block. B-M2W WANTED, aaleamen to aollcit orders on a new propoaltlon by which you can earn (I to $6 a day; yoing men from 23 to, 2a desired, who are huatlera and well recom mended. Room li, Omaha Bee BUIg W'AKTED. a gantleman dealres to .take private leaaona In French two evenings each week. Muat call at my realdenca. Addresa, atatlng method of teaching. X 42. Bee. B M!'70 O. R. RATHBCN gives private leaaona In bookkeeping. Room 15, Commercial Na tional bank. H2U WANTED, deaervlnc vooir lady or gentle man. tn take llf acholarnhlp In Omaha a leat bualners and shorthand college and pay for It hen course la finished - and position securec1 Addresa Y 6i, Bee. H MEN to learn barbsr trade; special offer May 1 to 15; board, room, scholarnhlp and outnt or tooia; eignt weet cnmpieies; lanHu nparMcji iHnprt Inst met IntiM rtnal- tlona guaranteed. Write today. Moler Barber Collese, 1623 Farnam street. B 316 Ml W A KTT rrkPUvfp itnitur nMrfiirmera at the urplieum tneater. u i.i4 z WANTED, registered drug clerk, single oian; temperate. Address I. 31, Bee. B-.M407 4 WANTED, at once, a good barber; steady Job. F. A. Floyd, Tarklo. Mo. WANTED, traveling salesman; must be fully experlenord In thla line; no othera tieed apply; state former business con nections; correspondence connaonuat. Nebraska Plumbing Supply Co. B 422 2 WANTED at once, a good barber; ateadv Job. F. A. Floyd, Tarklo, Mo. B-t416 M3 , ' i WANTED, two rood atock saddle makrrs ateadv Job and good wages, to right men. Address Al Furatnow, Box 117, Mllf City, Mont. B M440 3 - , t, I-'-' i r ' - PATTERNMAKER wanted. Wood. Also tembletmaker. State exptrlenoe - alut wages expected. Chicago Bridge A- Iron Co., lofith and Throop Hts., Washlrtgton Heights Station. Chicago, ill. u M4A. i WANTED, bright, active young jnen - to work in shop; experience not necessary. Chicago Bridge & Iron Co., luiith.and Throop Bt. Washington Heights Sta tion, Chicago, 111. B M43 2 AN AOENT and collector In every county In Nebraska. Address 822 N-w York Life, QmaJia..,,.. , .. ... . it-4-4 WANTED, an experienced sign writer; food salary, J. I.. Branaeis & Hons, iioa on 8tora, B 446 V CABINET makers, with experience, to work on hank and store fixtures; good pay, steady work. Fisher-Stevens Furn. Co., Charlea City. -Iowa. B M460 5 WANTED At once, 2 goml house painters; steady work for right men. G. I.. Nel burg, West Point, Nebraska. B M465 4 WANTED An, experienced house man at the Midland Hotel. Apply to M. J. Franck, Prop. BM4i2 2 - WANTED Salesman for retail clothing store: must ne bright, competent man; state experience and references. Box 637, isonn t-iaiie, rxeD. n m4mi 4 SALESMEN WASTED. GALFSMEN wanted for full line of fruit and ornamental treea; pay weekly; outfit free. Lawrence Nursery Company, Law rence. Kan. iSS J 19 WB HAVE a number of agencies In Ne braska and western Iowa where we use good men selling . our Standard Stock Food to farmers and feeders; they must have teams and give full time to the business; they must be men of hinh standing, have some knowledge of live tocK ana gooa Business ability; we fur nish wagons for such men and offer ex ceptional Inducementa to permanent sales men: bond required; send for application blank. The F. E. Sanborn.. Company, wmana, rsen. M2M7 M.o WAfcTED FEMALE HELP, WANTED, two young lady students ta learn halrdresalng, manicuring and chi ropody ard scientific massage. Call or writ noiim z-v, um mas. C 2M 100 Girl. Call Canadian office, 15th Dodge, ' . , c WANTED, deservlnt young lady or gentle man to lake life scholarship In Omaha's best business and shorthand colleite and pay for It when couise Is fiuiahed,-and,l position st'cureo. Aaaress A 1, Bee. C 1 WANTED, a girl for general housework; no washing; 6 per week; references re quired. W. A. A.ycrlgg.' 2: I.andon court, near i4tn and St. Mary a. C 423 1 WANTED, a second gttl: refenencea. Mr. V. B. taidweil. 67 buulh anh. C 421 4 WANTED, second girl and rook ta ma to ins country; wages, ia ana ju per month. Apply in Air Abbott, housekeeper, Mll- lard Hotel. C 41s 2 WANTED at once, an experienced sewing gin a neiper. nil ai -via ttarney. " C-411 2 WANTED, girl for light housework: fam ily of two. Mrs. Bell Jackson, 15e Wash ington avenue, council Blurts. ., . . . -. O-M460 ' WANTED, a teacher to Instruct the I rrench language to a class or three. twice a weak; state terms ,:Addresa S4. Hee. C M42 FOR RKT HOI EV H WEBSTER. 11 rooms, modern, lod; 11221 Barney, rooms, modern, 15. ell N. 21st, 4 rooms. X; others 3 to t7V Rlngwalt Bros., Barker Blk. 1 D-MWS VANS and baggage wagons. Tel. 119&. D-295 FOR KENT. T-room ho-is. 22d and Cali fornia Hts.. all modern. In good repair. Urge yard. ' Inquire at W7 N. T. Life building. D l TO MOVE right get Omaha Van B'orage Co.; office lsll ri rarram. or Ttls. liS k3. Uni ICPQ In all parts of city. Tie O. BLiUDLJ j,-. Davl Co., Ki Bee lldg. IS iXR RENT. 9-room, - modern.' letaeheo. house, newly painted and papered. I. 22l Capitol Ave. Tel. 673. 11,11 Roblson. DiM 1IOUBE8. store. Beml. Paxton block. D-I9s HOUE3 and flat. Rlngwalt. Barker block BEE PAYK'B. BOUTWICK CO. for choir aouses. 401-1 N. T. 1J Bldg. ' Tel. ln- ' D lsvROOU house, with bsmnt, tttb and jsrsson, J m; good location. TturaJugtan, u Bea. roit rkt hoi THREE A 4-rontn apartment. lis S. 1 St. D-6 M3 houses, etc. r. p. Wed, 1524 Douglas. D-3J TriJ Webster. Tel IW, I H Maggard V. 8. Co VERY desirable 7-room cottage, with mod ern conveniences. 1"M Georgia Ave. Im mediate possession; references required. Inquire W. C. Goes, Mr 4-ROOM houw. KM N. 25th "J,. UNFUl'ALLF.D 4-mom corner flat; S-room cottage, Hiard, 130 N. 23d St. D-3V) 4-ROOM house, cistern, city condition. 2o09 8. 2d at. . water, good D M t06 3 ' fiiM-m HfifKFfl FOR RENT. 'Kf, ttcHlae. rooms, modern., 125.00 :t a i&ih a rooma. modern except furnace, newly repaired ... ., 3o "0 S"4 N 251) . 7 rooma. modern 5K-i 2526 Charlea. 7 rooma city water, barn.. 17 00 41' 2 Nicholas, 7 rooma. city water, barn l.VtiO 2411 Cuming. 4-rnnm flat 1" lfl Mannn. 6 rooma. city water lo0 2213 N. 26th. cottage, city water . Will reparer and repair if needed. GARVIN BROS., 1B04 FARNAM BT. . D 420 1 5-ROOM house, city water 'and gas. 848 So. Mth. . D-417 2 Large 14-room manalon, with two lota and handaome ahade treea; suitable for a home or private hospital. THE OMAHA REALTY COMPANY. 1301 Douglas Street, Upatatrs. D-M44 3 THREE nice new and modern cottagea, on Hurt atreet. between nn ana mn avee : alx living rooma, atx gooa cioaets, wei appointeu nailinMiin, ennr-mci icimi, m.fendlri lot. nli porch: uD-todate and nil modern (except furnacs). Prlct, $2,X; i cnn; camnce io auii. I'AVNK INVESTMENT COMPANY, Tel. 1781. Main Floor N. Y. L. Bids. D M443 2 FOR, RENT, eight-room modern houae, 111 8 34th St.; Immediate po?aeaion. t.a J Hamilton, 211 8. 17th St. Tel. A-11J2. D-4o2 2 8HKRMAN APARTMENT HOUSE J-rm. apartment, zn. noor, cnoicesi in uiug., everything modern. I a montn. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Main Floor N. Y. L, Blug. D-457 CHA8. K. WILL.IAMSON, 120S Farnam 8t u it VKI1V fine 1(V-room atone front residence, 415 N. 25th .St.; hot water neat, two hlnck north and two west of H ah school, nn Harney atreet car line; keya one door soutn. Ji. L uiarKe, zt'j namge nioca. D M4nS -OH REJVT KinMSHED ROOMS. DEWKY European hotel, 13th and Farnam, BEAI'TIFCL. rooma, furnished or unfur nlshed. for light housekeeulng, modern large lawn, private family. 2iC3 Burt St. IT I J I Fl'RNISHED rooms, all 15th St. modern. 320 N E 639 M18 El.EOANT rooms, finest location In the, city. S09- Capitol Ave. . BMS35 LARGE, .also smaller room. 808 N. 19th 8t, E-lWi M26 TWO housekeeping, rooms," IS. 2823 Bt, Mary 'a, . E M214 M2B ROOMS. 1906 Capitot Ave. E-M288 r TWO well Douglas. . furnished south rooms, mil F M272 3 ROOMS and alcove, all mod. Inq. 116 Bo, 2uth St., vr 1303 Farnam Bt. - E M396 2 FlRMIUiED ROOMS AND BOARD. NICE home for young men. 101 S; 2Sttut F 3o6 DESIRABLE suite of rooma, flrat floor, unf jrnlehed, May l. .Tna Pratt, ziz t 2JU St. F-02 M8 ROOMS and board.. Glencalrn, 100 Douglas ROOMS VThe Farnam,': 19th and Farnam. THt? ROSE, 2020 Harney, rooms with board. , . . . f 404 MU FOR one o- two gentlemen, room and board, i&ti uougias. t .a ai- FRONT room and board. 1922 California. F-170 M26 NICE rooms with good board reasonable: bath. gas. electric c light and telepnone. 411. N. 25th. F-M283 NEWLY furnished room's with good table board; reasonable, jo in. ioin. r M487 t FOR REXT I'SFl RSISHED ROOMS. t DESK room space, 15 per month, ground floor room in l he itee Dunuing, lacing Farnam street: no expense for light, heat or Janitor service. It.- C. Peters Co., Keiual Agents, uee Duuaing. u lie 8UITB ' of rooma, modern, housekeeping. 41 MM1 16 ueorgia Ave. FIVE unfurnished room. 5619 N. loth. 026 M4 I ROOMS and alcove, all mod. Inq. 116 So. 26th Ht., or IMA t arnam at. n ussm 2 FOR REST STORKS AND OFFICE". FOR RENT., the building formerly occu pled by The Bee at ms r arnam Ht. it nas four stories and a basement which was formerly used The Bee press room Thl will be rented very reasonably. If Interested, apply at once to C. C. Rose water, secretary, room 100, Baa building. FOR RENT, store In first-class location: rent reasonable. Apply ti. c. refers at Co., ground floor,' Bee Bldg. 1266 LARGE room In the Paxton block to let suitable for lodge purposes. Apply room .-1 1 , . 1 . .. 1. . . , 1 - . 11 . .TO, raxiuii UIUV It, -VI , , . f AniAU SMITH & CO. . 1-310 STOREROOM, 701 B. 16th. R. C Peters ft Co.. Main Floor, Be Bldg. 1-218 FOR KENT, desk: room or large, spaoe ultable for merchandise broker or party doing business in wnoiesaie district, in quire Hene i Co., til Farnam St. I-M2S4 DESK ROOM with -desk and "phone serv- lv. J. It. Jonason, su 1. Lire. , I M2T3 AGEXTI WATTED. WANTED, ig age county . to ollclt ! subscriptions to THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FAHAI r.K steady employment with, assured, gooi Income; agents In the country with horse and buggy especially desired; can vsssers make easily 160 to 1100 per month, Addresa Century. . Farmer Solicitors Bureau. Bee building. Omaha. - 211 AT ONCE, a good, reliable agent making all branches of l.., H. 4 y. In southern Nebrsaka to take a good side line on coaimlasion. Addresa Y 19, Bee. ' . J M430 M15 WANTED, man-with 45.000 oapllal to" take otie-fourtn Interest and management of a stock company of IJD.0UO paid cspltal. Must understand dealing with farmers and furnish good reference. Part out doors work and only eight months' work In year. Good salary and permanent position to right party. Address W 1112 Howard St., Omsha. Nrb. Mo5 4 WASTED TO BUY. WANTED. good secondhand furniture highest prices paid. Enterprise Furniture Co., v h ittn Tel. 22 N 9S1 M9 6X10 STEPHENS COOLER. Omatia Meat Co.. ew so. l.tth St. N 41! M4 FOR BALE FIKSITVRE. CHICAGO F-4rnJlura Co.. 1410 Dodge. Tel 2v2o. New and secondhand, bought, aoid achanged. O 311 WITH every 110 sale we will give FREE a beautiful oil painting. We have a com plete line of house furnishings, new and scconanana', pnrea nam. tniernnse. ur mure to., i-4 H. 14ib. Tel. 22. O 4V.1 Mt FOR SALE HORK., WAG05IS, ETC, GOOD citudebaker too buagy. cheao. Be A. W. Johnson, with Jeaa beere plow C. f-aM Ma' AI,E Hom., wAtiOX, KTtl. Fop. repair work on .hunt urn! heavy !on see I-mm, Hit) tun Uvcnnrui. F-312 FOR BALK, buggies, phaetons, carriages. runabout, new and wponunana, at cm prices Repairing and trimming; also put nn rubber tires. I'feiffer, 27th and Leav enworth Bts. P-WS Mil SEVERAIj fine driving hores. Walter Phelps, room D. N..Y. Life bldg. P M4"4 FOR S.AI.B MIC K.LI.AEOia. ino STYLES trusses: catalogue free. Sher man Ac McConnell Drug Co., inth ana Douge, Omaha. y 314 FOR SALE, phonographs, superior to any other musical Instrument; to up. ins Wlttman Co., 1621 Farnam. W 31 2DHAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1119 Farnam. W 3is INDIAN goods and telies. 1119 Farnam. W 3" 2DH AND safe cheap. Schwartz, 114 S. 13th. FLESCUER sells bicycles. 1622 Capitol Ave. WIRE fence for poultry, hog, lawn and yard, nltch posts, tree guards, wire Works, 617 S. 16th Ht. ' Tel. li.'jn. U M972 July FOP. SALE, scholsrshlp In an Omaha Inquire 232 Bee U-MiX shorthand school, cheap. Bldg. 8TAMP photos, lc each. Velox, 13 A Far m. W Mil FIR timbers for house movers. e,tc., 40 to 71 feet; crlbDlng and nog lence. J1 uougiaa. -13 BICYCLES and phonographs on easy pay- menia so anwn, si.oo per ween; unana wheels, lo, H and 110; new wbeela, u. Omaha Bicycle. Co, 1 tit h. and Chicago Hts. . y-M3.o SOL'TH DAKOTA MAP.; ofnclal, ahowlng boundaries and Ascriptions accordmg to government land olnce plats to date; free homesteads ahd, land to be opened for settlement; 2oc silver or 3"o stamps. Do partment j, Stale Pub. Co., Pierre, S. l. Q M4ti3 M2 TYPEWRITERS, latest Remington. Smith Premier. Denamor. replaced by 1 HE UNDERWOOD; low price. Rentals, J2.S0 to 14 per montn . A. it. workman to., 1617 ftarnam. i'none 34zy. u M633 GOOD round hay, 17.50 per ton. delivered. Wagner a Feed Store, 1 9 to 1911 Cuming street. y ms2 BEABROOKE Wall paper. 408 N. 16th St. Q-Mr79 M24 SAM L BURNS for gas fixtures. Q-MS45 M23 FRESH Jersey cow for sale. St. 1326 N. 3th y 38o Ml" 6X10 STEPHENS COOLER. Co., 60S So. 13th St. Omaha Meat Q M399 4 STEREOPTICANS and moving picture machines, is. t . w urn, 140S arnam St. Q 414 MC0 40 PER CENT discount on granhonhones. horns, etc. Omaha Bicycle Co., lbth and Lnicago. y aitoi CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant. 1614 Cass St. 8321 M.ME. UYLMER, genuine palmist. 315 S. 15. 8322 PROF. LEAH IE. PARLORS, 1619 DODGE ST.. ' Clairvoyant and palmist, tells you all you want to Know; every nope, tear ana wiea of your life, faults, quality, capability. trade or profession you are best suited for; fortunate and unfortunate periods of lite; nreaKs evil innuencea; now to .win the one you love, conquer enemies, re store lost affections; advice on business, health, marriage, divorce, etc. Hours, 9 to 9. 838(1 M3 ELECTRIC TREATMENT. ' '- ' " 1 " ' ') MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N.15, 2d floor. R. 2. , . , . A "H- Mo MME. AMES, vapor baths, 124 IS, 15th, r. 7. 1 nun mu PERSONAL. Mlddlemlss, wall paper cleaner Tel. 1739. u M.JB ah DR. ROY, chiropodist, corns and superflu ous hair removed by electricity. K- 12, Frenzer block. u 323 PRIVATE hospital, before and during con finement; Dames aaoptea. urn urant si. Mrs. Uardels. . Tel.. F-1182. V-324 FLESCKER will fix your bicycle right. HAIRDRESRING. manicuring and chiro pody, for ladles only, in connection with The Bathery. 216-220 Bte BUIg. U 326 RUPTURE permanently cured In 30 to 6) days; sena tor circular, (j. o. wood, m. D-, 621 New York Life Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. ' . U-327 ACCORDION pleating, cheapest, best and quickest. Mr. A. i. Mara, 1 Doug las. U 3 GRAMOPHONES and supplies, wholesal and ratal). Collins riano LO inzi Doug las. U 329 CHIROPODY a specialty, In connection with The Batnery, room Bi-za Bee Bldg. Tel. 1716. U 330 . RMAMIHDOING and halrdresalng. 25c. In connection wnn me Batnery, nn-iM nee building. Tel. 1716. U KU GO TO the Goldman Pleating Co. for all kinds of pleating. Iheir new machinery enables them to do better, cheaper, quicker wora man ever oeiore. zuu ixiug- la block. L-MSH VIAVA, woman' way to health. Home treatment. Booklet free. 346 Bee Bldg., umana. u J4 ELITE PARLORS. 615 B. 16th St.. 2d floor. U 927 M 7 MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. 15, 2d floor, r. 2. U Ml ,3 All6 RUPTURE cured, no pain, detention from business; nerd for circulars Empire Rupture Cur Co., 933 N. T. Life Bldg., Omaba. .... u u PRIVATE home for ladle before and dur ing confinement; bablea adopted. Zbju Burdette. Mrs. Burget. U M126 Mil EARN 12 pe day; dresBCuttlng by ma chine. itsTi Douglas. Boom 1. U-M777 M21 NEW OPPORTUNITY for ladles em ployed; call and Investigate, itf'7 Douglas, Hoom a. u taui Mil "Ask the Man" and he will tell you all about why th quality, flavor, etc., excel In THE STOECKER CIGARS. TJ-M247 Ml GEORGE Will you take me there? Page 17 May What to Eat. Mollle. U-M463 I MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. 44 PER CENT on business property. t per cent on residence property. Options to pay W. B. ME whole or part any time. IKLE. 401 15lh St. W-335 MONEY to loan 00 Improved Omaha real estate. Brennan-Love Co., S. 13th. W-W FOR SALE, choke mortgage loan. Garvin I Bros.. Ia4 Farnam Hi.. Omaha, w 337 WANTED, city loan and warrants. W. Farnans .Smith at Co., 1120 Farnam St. W-338 FARM and city loans, low rates. W. U. Thomas, 1st Nat. Bank Bldg. Tel. HM. W-339 WILLIAMSON, CHARLES E.t 1301 Farnam street. W 345 I PER CENT Liana. Farnam. Garvin Bros., I604 W J40 CHOICE FARM LOANS FOR BALK. R. C. PETERS CO., 1703 Tarnam St. W-M20 M7 fRIVATE mobjr. r. D. Wead, 1424 Dougia MOIKV TO I-OAJI-RKil. B4T4TK WANTED, pity and farm loans; also bond and warrants It. . . Peters At to., i.hj Fornam Pt., Pre Bldg. W-,141 1W RATES. Private money. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Main Floor N. Y. lAt Bldg. V-M4' 4Vj TO 5 P. C. money. Bemle. I'axton Blk. W 313 PRIVATE money. Sherwood, 7 N Y U W-314 !HOSEV TO I.O?l CHATTEL". S t I I I I I MONET! I I I I I I MONEY! I WHEN IN NEED OF MONEY DEAL, WITH THE AMERICAN LOAN CO. LOANS FROM $10 TO i: MADE t t On Furniture, Pianos, etc., and to people holding a steady position, witnout ruq llcltv or removing the property, and at much CHEAPER AND EASIER RATES hn elsewhere You can have the money nn the same flav von bsk Tor it. ana tne loan can be paid on in easy weeaiy or monthly payments, or as your clrcum etancea will permit, thus enabling you to pay without inconvenience or worry Come In and talk It over with us. American -u.. Room So3, Third Floor, Paxton Block. A Oil WR make loana on Furniture, M O Pianos, Horses. Wagons, Carriages and other chattels. We make SALARY I.OANB without mortgage to persons who have permanent positions. You can get the money on very short notice and Day it back in one month, or N keen It longer, and pay for it only ' what time you keep It. We are leaders In low rates, quick and con fidential service ana courtfous E treatment. We invite comparisons of Tales, time, payments, etc. We five you the full amount of the OAN In cash. We always "try to Y nlease." OMAHA MORTOAOR I1AN CO. 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 221.. lEstabllshed WJ'l), 306. So. Ifith St. X-347 LOANS on CHATTEL8 and SALARIES. PHOENIX CREDIT t-'U.. successors to J. W. TAYLOE, K.U Paxton Block. TEL. 74.V To accommodate ojr COI'NCIL BLUFFS patrons we have establisbea elegant or- nces at kuum 24. v ilmiaji nunu. Intersection Broadway & Pearl Sts. TEL. 2. X UA LARGEST BT'SINESS IN I1AN8 TO SALARIED .FKUtM-.;, merenanis, tearn- aters. boarding houses, etc., without se. nirllv: easiest terms: . 4U ofttces In prin- cipal cities. Toiman, w iioaru or i rim Bldg. A. 519 MONEY loaned on furniture, live stock, jewelrv. to saianea people-, roiev uonn Co., sue. to Duff Green, 8 Barker Block. MONEY loand on plain note t salaried people; business conlinentiau loweai raiea. 614 i'axton DiocH. ine.j. (v nunuii v u. MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture Jew elry, horaes. cows, eic. t.. r. Ateeu, iia a. w. y 1 BVSIXESS CHAXCES. TO GET In or out of business call on Wll- Hams, Room 411, MeCague building Y 353 WHEN you want to buy, ell or exchange hnslnesa or Droueriv nines ru miii- i,i, n who has the customers.' J. H. Johnson. S42 N. Y. Life.' 'Phone L-2270. FOR SALE, the best hardware, stock In the beet agricultural secnon nnnal Trade: -stock will invoice about $10,000; profits large; muat close up an estate Interest the only reason for selling. Address V 40. Bee, ' " 1 000 IF YOU want to BUT of SKLL real es- tate: tail or. write, i, ' NEW HN(JV-1-I IW.1 "J., ith floor N. Y. Life BldKj. Omaha. Y-356 arnrK of about 13.000 In good location. W ould taxe umana iotnn iu,iri i tnr ohm,) . 11 BOO. Address. Box l.-4. I t ioWa. 1 -' V-271 M12 rriR rai.p!. a- aood. clean stock of grocer ies, queensware ana noun, one 01 me best stands In a live Nebraska town, do ing a good business; reason- for selling, poor health. Addrea Grocer, Bee Office, Council Bluffs. . . x i. 21 FOR SALE, cigar store doing a paying business. A nap, Auureas 1 oj, iee ,u- flce. Y-M791 FOR BALE, small Jobbing business; about 11,500 required ; m-isi go i once. Aniirni Y 63. Bee omce. am FORTUNES easily made by small but wife Investments: tne smau capitalists ana money aavrrs' opportunity; wrlre for our "Guide to Wealth." Traise & Co.. 223 Unity Bldg., Chicago. Y MST M23 FOR SALE, drug tore on 6th and Pierce Bts.. cheap. xwt nn- WANTED, responsible man with 11.000 cash; good position ana salary; can double money In six months. This Is a chance seldom found. Answer quick. Ad dress Z 28. Bee. Y 39 Ml GRAND HOTEL, furniture and three-year lease at llartlngton, neorasaa; tne pest paying stand in the west; thirty-seven room house: will sell by June 1. II. R. Rankin. - Y-M402 FOR SALE, established grouery business; good location. -Appiy w r. i. otag. tfiWU 6 WANTED, responsible man with IlO.ono rush: aood position and salary: can double money In six months. Thl is a chance seldom iouna. Answer quiva. dress Z 2S. Bee. - Y-39 M3 FOR SALE, goo4 two-chair barber shop and bath room, town 01 iw; a pargain. Addresa P. O. Box 118. Tlngley. la. Y-M441 3 FOR SALE or trade, doctor' practice and rtrn store Tor sale in western rsenrasaa; the only drug store In the county; must be for cash or will trade for cattle; a rood chance for a physician. Address Box 669. Cheyenne. Wyo. T-M910 M2 rOR EXCHANGE. WILL exchange good oak' wardrobe for folding bed. N 4, wee. , , . it aioiu HANDSOME 14-room house, al) modern; 2 lots, win exchange lor gooa iarm iana that Is unencumbered THE OMAHA REALTY COMPANY. Uol Douglas Street.. Upstair. Z M447 I TO EXCHANGE, a fruit ranch In Southern California for omana resiaence. 1. 31, Bee. Ji M469 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE, three 'lot and six-room cot-I tag In walnut liui. Auureas x, i), nee. THE OMAHA REALTY CO.. 1301 Douglaa St., upstairs; small houses for sate; cheap building lets. Call for catalogue and price list. Private money 10 loan on easy terms. . BE 37 RANCH and farm land for sale by the Union Paciflo Kaiiroaa company, is. A. McAllester, land commissioner, L nion Pa- clllo Headquarter, umana, itu. RE 358 GEORGE Q. WALLACE, real estate, mort gage, rentals. Insurance. Brown block. RE 359 BUY best house paint, varniane. etc.; quality highest, price lowest. National OH and Paint Co.. luU) Jones St. RE MV48 M23 ALFALFA farm for sale; Its) acres. H In alfalfa: well Improved; going to Canada. Wrli to Erik Johnson, R. 2. Lexington, Neb. REe'H M21 FOR BALE, .1.130 acre at good farming ana. 1JU acres in crop mis year, at sacrifice. In central part af Nebraska: G H Peterson, 23 N. lbth. Omaha. RE 658 M1J HO I' 81-'.8. lot, farm, ranches, loan; also Br InauraB'e. Beaais, paxton block. . RE 8) HOUSES and lot In all part of city; also cr property and farm lands The O. F. Davis Co.. Boom 6-2. Bee building. AiE-ta FOR HA IK-BE At FtTATK. iF TOl' want one ct the nicest -roora home In Hanscom 1'iac.e l win give you bans In. owner eft City. MUl sett. J. 11. tfherwood. M7 N. Y. U Bldg. ll a. aiim SEE PAYNE. BOSTWICK A CO for choice fi"l-2 N. Y. Llle Bldg. Tel. l"lt. ALL ABOARD for California' 5"0.ono '-res government land In southern 1 atirnrma nin fur settlement: the largest Irriga tion canal In America is now comnieien through tnese lHnds: soil Is very rich and fertile; nnest airalt ana cattle country on earth: 3J acres allowed each person; permanent water rlaMts sold on easy term? ; railroad through these lands will be completed In short time; send b cents for books and. maps and full Infortna- tlon. Iteid & lleber. agents, ill, outn Broadway. l.os Angeles. Cat WILLIAMSON, fa'rn'..- 1203 RE SK3 FOR SALE, cheap, or would trade foi a farm, one good io-room nouse ana two good barns with about one acre of around, on grade. 4ft blocks from P. O. three blocks from car line; have also one double beam Howe's scales, six-ton ca pacity, for sale cheap. Z 27, Bee, Kfc MJi? M3 FOR SALE, WO-ncre ranch; good stock Im provements and outside range, good son thlrtv miles south of Hnssett. Rock county; clear title. Price, I4,(. Address E. Howe, Spragg, Neb. RE M40 4 BUNCH of BARGAINS An eastern savings bank, which a few years ago owned a large number of prop erties in Omaha, authorises us to' close out the few which remuln at greatly re- djced nrlcea. These places are nl! In good condition and the prices are mane to eneci ouick sale. If there is anything on the list which Bults you. either for a home or for In-, vestment, call us up and ask for full par ticulars. Any of them will be sold on easy payments, with slight discounts . for all cash. 2923 Burdette. lot 36xlOfi. house 6 rooma. with cltv waier ana sewer; rents tor 1144, or 14.4 per cent per annum; reduced from 11,200 to 11,000. 2310 N. 21st, lot 29x140, house S rooms, with gaa, city water and sewer; nne cellar. two car lines; reduced from ll.two to J1.D00; easy terms. 3S10 Decatur, lot 60x130, house 7 rooms, with aaa. citv water, bath, cloaet. wash bowl. hot and cold water; reduced from 11,800 to ll.ts Rl. . 4ti25 Capitol avenue, lot 50x106, . house 8 rooms, witn gaf, city water, nam. closet. wash nowi. not ana coia water, mantel and grate and cemented cellar; reduced from i,Koo to i,tiu PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY Main Floor N. Y. Life. RE-M444 3 FOR SALE. Handsome 14-room house all modern, with two bds; close in. will Ken or exchange for good farm land that is unencum- lierert. THE OMAHA REALTY COMPANY. l.ioi uougiHs street, upstairs. RE M 446 3 f i I Sill." hav ,laht.rnnm r.-, mlurn hmiaA 119 S. 34ih St.: Immediate possession. Ed O. Hamilton. 211 S. 17th St. Tel. A-1132 RE 453 4 FARMS If you wish to buy a. grain, fruit or stork farm, get my list of western Michigan (lower ' peninsula) bargains: write today: they are going ranidlv. 8. V. It. Hayes, Grand Rapids, Mich. RE M464 J ' PIANOS. $2-?0 per week No risk In vour piano buying here. The factory guarantees It one price, 1250.00 no more, no leac. Piano dealers charge H60 to I 1-100 for same kind. INVESTIGATE. Term cash or F2.o0 per Week. New and beautiful up-to-date styles, lou can can auring auy or evening. 1'Ki.D K. WALTER, Mrgrs. Agent, 8112 California St. Walnut Hill Cara. SM 1 TR-EEI. TREES, shrubs, roses and vines of every variety, oaies grounds, lotn ano uouguts. frank it. oiariin, prop. jei. .ura. . 622 M4 FOR shrubs, vines, trees, etc., see the Crescent City sales ground, south side of Farnam ana 21st bis. T'hone 1026. 43 M22 SHADE and fruit trees, shrubs, etc.; TREKS PROPKKLY TRIMMED. P. L. Foivan. 314 N. 15th St. M269 M5 OSTEOPATHY. GID E. & ALICE JOHNSON, osteopaths. euiie oio, rs. 1. queuing, lei. it4. 364 T-- DR. A. T. HUNT, f2 MeCague Bid lg Tel. 2352. -S69 t DR. MRS. MUSICK, Dougla Blk. Tel. 3S2S, 370 STORAGE. PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co.. 91t- 914 Jones, general sturage and forwarding. 3S1 OM. Van 8 tor. Co., I6UV1 Earn. Tel. 1559-V63. snz M AN I FACTl RING. P. MELCHIOR, 18th and Harney, ma- chtnlst. , M371 OMAHA Safe and Iron Wks., make a spe cialty of escapes, snuuers, doors ana safes, u. Andreen, frop., va a. lotn Bt. M373 LOST. LOST, pocket book containing small amount or money ana two rings, iteiurn to nee office. Council Bluffs, for reward. Lost MIM 2 COWS. WILL TRADE CERTIFIED milk for cows. subject to test for tuberculosis. Sanitary Dairy, 2016 Farnam, atreet; 'phone No. 411. M846 M24 TAILORING. JOE YONSEN removed to 1411V Farnam St. 155 J l NOTICE, PAPER HANGERS. OMAHA Steam Past Co.. mfra. ot past for ail purposes, in puis, ana 1 dois. Write for prices 2il0 Cuming. ol 30 BICYCLES. STARTING May 1. 135 Crescent 122.60 cash; Tribune, easiest running bicycle mane. 140 and 150; best coaster brake put on, W. Louis Flescber, l22 cap. Ave. M212-M3 LAIN. DRY. , OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, 8c; collars. 2c; cutis. 4c. luU ieavenwortn. Tel. M7. 375 FIR DRESSING. O. R. GILBERT CO., tanners. 1424 So. ISth. 3, j KLI-tTHUAL t iih i kAuuhi. GRAND Electrte Co., 16 Jackson. Tel. 2t -MI'S SIIU BALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale Tie Co.. (11 North 16th. GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO., clean cesspools and vaults, removes garbage and dead animal at reaucea prices, e-i r. is. Tel. ii. COAL. MONROB Coal and Feed C. 'I'hon 971. 1 815 Ml ntnicAi, LADIES, If hopelees, worried or dlscour- Bgetl. write u It our regulator, one treatment guiranleed to relieve abnormal raee of suppression, any cause Ir. Mead Mem. tu, a uuincy t.. t nicago. MM9 M3 DR. TRIES, the acknowledged leading specirtlist in diseases ff women in Omaha. would call the attention of sufTertng Indies to his unsurpassed accommodations before and during confinement and bis treatment for Irregularities, no matter what cause. Call or address, with stamp, Dr. Pries, Arlington Block, IMS Dodge, Omaha. -sol MIORTIIAM) AD TtrKWHITIMl. oHEOO Shorthand Om. C. Co!., 17th A Dot A. C. VAN BANT'S school. 717 N. T. I.'.fr. 3t BOYLES' cohrge, court reporter principal. N. Y, Life. -Mi NEB. Business Shorthand Collego, Boyd a I heater "H7 DHE5SM AKI(i. DRESSMAK1NO In families or at home. Miss Sturdy. 2043 Farnam. 906 MS PAWNBROKER", EAOLE Ixian Office, reliable, aocommodat. ing; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. 3 FACTORIES. TRUNKS, traveling bags, suit cases-trunks repaired, om. irunk Factory, Farnam 374 FLORISTS. Ia'HENDERSON, 161S Farnam. Tel. 13. 3m) TYPEWRITERS. REMINGTON typewriter No. 2. tJO.Ot); must be taken at once, z 29, Bee. 387 M4 PHOTOGRAPHS. MRS MINER, children's photos specialty 17 M24 12 So. ICth. ATTORHEYS. MACFARLAND & MAY, 305 N. Y. Ufe. 2J0 M27 FHATF-RXAI. ORDERS. THE GARDENERS protect old i e as well aa lire. narter memoers tret . particu lar from Frank Rosewater, supreme manager, 222 Be Bldg, 724 MCKEt, Pl.ATIXU. OMAHA Plating Co., Bee Bldg. Tel. 2535. 371 STAMMERING AM) STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramge Bldg. 379 CARPENTERS AND JOINER". ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J. I. ocnntree, ' 2"t th and 1-ake streets. EDI CATION A I., FRENCH. Spanish, fencing. 408 N. 2th at. --M4W ANNOUNCEMENTS. WATERS PRINTING COMPANY. Tele- phone 2190. 611 South Thirteenth street. POSTOFFICE KOTICk (Should be read DAILY by all Interested, s change may occur at any time.) Foreign malls far the week ending Mar 3, 1902, will close (PROMPTLY In all cases) at the uenerai rostonice, aa follows: PARCELS POST MAILS close one hour earlier than- closing time shown below. Parcel poet malls for Uermany close at 5 p. m. Wednesday, Regular and supplementary mall close at turelgii station half hour later than closing time shown below, (except that supplementary mall tor Europe and Central America, via Colon, close une hour later at foreign station). Transatlantic Malls, SATURDAY At 7:30 a. m. for NETHER LANDS direct, per s. s. Ryndam (mall must be directed "per a. s. Rvndam": at 9:30 a. m. (supplementary 11 a. m.) for EUROPE, per s. a. I inbrla. via Queens- town; at 9:30 a. m. for SCOTLAND di rect, per a. s, l .irnessia (mail must be directed "per s. s. Furnessla"); at 9:30 a. m. tor l l Al-1 direct, per s. a. K. M, Theresla (mall muat be directed "per s. K. M. Theresla"); at 11 a. m. for DEN- hahk direci, per . s. Mekia (mall must be uirectea -per a. s. iiekia PRINTED MATTER. ETC.-Thls steamer lanes priniea mailer, commercial papers. and samples for Germany only. Th same clans of mall matter for other parts of Europe will not be sent by this ship unless eurcuiiiy uurciru u IL. After the closing of the Bunnlementarv H-........ , 1 n .,. . mala num- (. - . . I , , -1, inu-i. ....... .. ..' v, 11 , UU1- lioiiai supplementary mans are opened on the pier of the American, English, French and German steamer, and remain open until within 10 minute of the hour OI suiung ,oi sieumcr. Mails fag Soath asd Central America, West Indies. Etc KR1DAT--At 12 m. for MEXICO, per a. a Seneca, via Tamplco (mall must b di rected -per a. s. ueneca ). SATURDAY At 2 a. m. for ARGENTINE. URUGUAY and PARAGUAY, per s. s! Alnwick; at v a. m, (supplementary 9:30 a. m ) for PORTO RICO. CL'KACAO and VENEZUELA, per . a. Caracas (mall for Savanllla and Cartagena muat be di rected "per a. Caracas"-; at 9 a. m. for ST. KITTS, ST. MARTINS and ST. El'STATlL'S, and BR11 Ibll. DUTCH and FRENCH GUIANA, per s. s. Uller; at 9:30 a. m. (supplementary 19:30 a. in. I for FORTUNE ISLAND, JAMAICA, 8AV AN1LLA and CARTAGENA, per a. a. Al leghany (mall for Costa Rica mast be directed ''per s. s. Alleghany"); at 9:30 a. m, (supplementary 10;3o a. m.) for CAPE HAITI, PORT DB PAIX, GONA-TVF-8. BT, MARC. JEREMIE and SANTA MART A. per . s. Alps (mall for other parta of Haiti must be directed "per s. s. Alps"); at 10 a. m. for CUBA, per a. s. Mexico, via Havana; at 10 a. m. for HAITI, per s. s. Prin William 111 (mall for Curacao, Venexuela, Trinidad, Brit ish and Dutch Guiana muat be directed "per a. . Prin William III"); at 12.30 m. (aupplementary 1 p. m.) for TURKS 3 LAND and DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. per a. a. New York: at 12:30 CUBA, per e. s. Curityba, via in. for latanxas. etc. (ordinary mall only, which must be directed "per . a. Cuiityba"). Mall for Newfoundland, by rati to North nyaurjr, ana mencs oy sieamer, Close at thl office dally at 8 30 p. m. (connectlni m. (connecting Wednesday and uelon. bv rail in close nere. every ftionaay. v tar Saturday). Malls for Mlquelon. Boston, and thence by steamer, close at this office dally at 6:30 p. m. Mails for Cuba, by rail to Florida, and thence by steamers, are dispatched daily, ex cept Thursday, flual connecting close, for dispatch via Port Tampa on Mondays, Wednesday and Satur day at t:30 a. m., for dispatch via Miami, on Monday and Satur day at 6:30 p. m. Mall for Mexico City, overland, unlosa socially addressed for aispatcn oy steamer, close at this office daily except Hunoay at l.ja and 11:30 p. m , Sundays at 1 p. m. and 11 -V j, m Mslls for Costa Rica, Bellse, Puerto Cortes and Guatemala, by rail to New Orleans, and thenoe by steamer, ciose at this office dally excont bunday at 1:30 p. m.. Sun days at 1:0C p. m. (connecting closes here Mondays for Belxe, Puerto Cortex and Ouatemala. and Tuesday tor osta Rica ) IUglktred mail close at :00 p. ta. pre- vious aay. Trsaipsrlle Mall. Malls for China and JaDan. via Seattle and Victoria, B. C, close her dally at 6 80 p. m. up to April 2th, Inclusive, for dis patch per . s. Empress of China I regis tered mail roust oe specially aaaresaeq. Merchandise for the U. 8. Postal agency at Shanghai cannot ba forwarded via Canada). Malls for Tahiti and Marquesas Islands, via Han Francisco, close her dally a 6:3d p. m. up to April "Ath, Inclusive, fur dlspaicn per s. . Australia. Malls for China and Japan, via Seattle - close here daily at 6:30 p. m. up to April Aim. inclusive, tor aispaicn per . a Iyo Maru. (Registered mall must be dl reeled "per Seattle' ). ' Mall for Hawaii. Japan ana China (alee tetter mall and separately addressed perl- POSTOri lt K KOtlCE, cdlrals for the Philippine Islands, vis, Manila), vln San Francisco, close her dally at 6.30 p. m up to M.ty lib, in clusive, for d.sp.itcli per s. a. Nippon Maru. Malls for Hawaii, via San Francisco, cloe here daily at ." p. m. up to May th. Inclusive, for dlMtch Per s. s Alameda. Malls for China nd japan, via Tacoma, close here dally at . p. m. jp to May vth. inclusive, for dispatch per . s. Olvmpla. Metis for the Philippine Islands, via San Francisco, close here dally at .) p. m. up to May Ilth, Inclusive, for dispatch per U 8 transport Malls for Hawaii. China and Japan, via San Francisco, close here dally at JO p. m. up to May 12th, Inclusive, for dls i.atch ier a a. Peru. Malls for Australia, lexcept Wet Aus tralia, which is forwarded via Europe). New Zealand. Fiji. Samoa and Hawaii, via San Francisco, close here dally at t w p. m. after April Itith and up te May 17th, Incluaive. or on arrival af s s. Campania, due at New York May 17th, for dispatch per s. s. Ventura. Transpaclfla made are forwarded to port of sailing daily and the schedule of clos ing Is arranged on Hi preiun?tlon of their uninterrupted overtand transit. Registered mall close at :M p. m. previous dsy. Malls for Australia (except West Australia, which goes via Europe, and New Zea land, which goes via Han Francisco), and FIJI Islands, via Beattls and Victoria, H. C. close here dally at 6:;W n. ni, after May 17th and up to May ?4th, Inclu sive, for dispatch per a. a. Mlowera. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaeter Postoffice, New York, N. Y., April 25, 1902. GOVERNMENT -NOTICES. PROPOSALS FOR INDIAN SUPPLIES-. Department of the Interior, Office of In dian affairs, Washington, D. C. March 1. 12- Sealed proposals. Indorsed ''Proposal' for blanket, wooleu and cotton goods, clothing, etc.," as the case may be, and directed to the commissioner of Indian affairs, Nos. 77 and 7. Wooster street. New York City, will be received until 1 o clock p. m.. of Tuesday, May 13, 194. for fur nishing for the Indian Service, blankets, woolen and cotton goods, clothing, notions, hats and caps. Bids must be made out on government blanka. Schedules tctvlng all necessary Information for bidders will be lurnlsbed on application to tne Indian of fice, Washington, D. C.s Nor 77 end 79 Wooster street. New York City; 2.16 Johnson, street, Chicago, III.; No. 816 Howard street, Omaha, Neb.; the rcmmissarle of sub sistence! U, S. A., at Cheyenne. Lraveu worth, St Loula, St. Paui and Sap Fran cisco; the postmasters at Sioux Clt, Yank ton, Arkansas City, Caldwell, Topeka, Wichita and Tucson. Bids will be opened at the hour and day above stated, and bidders are Invited to be present at the opening. The department reserves the . right to determine the point of delivery and to reject tny and all bids, or any part ot any old. W. A, JONES, Commis sioner. AprllioMay7 "OFFICE CONSTRUCTING QUARTER masier, 210 observatory Office Building, Des Molnea, Iowa. Muy 1, 1TO2. Sealed proposals, In triplicate, will be received here until 11 a. m., May 22. 1908. for the construction of water system, sewer sys tem, fencing and grading at Fort Des Molnea, Iowa. information furnished on application. ' U. 8. reaerves right to reject any or all bids or parts thereof. Envel opes containing proposals should be en dorsed "'Propoaala for " and ad dressed to R. B. Turner, Q. M. 6t-a-M-l-2-S-5-20-21 AILW AY TIME CARD. I MON STATION IOTH AND M ARC 1 , I slos Pacific. Leave. Arrive. a 9.40 am a 7:30 pm a 8:50 am a 8 15 pm a 4:25 pm all:30 pm a 4:35 pm a 7:00 am Overland Limited.. Fast Mall California Express I'acillc fc-xpri'ss Kastern Kxpresa... Atlantic Express Llncoln-Stromsburg Ex.b 4:05 pm bll:30 pm Grand Island Local b 6:30 pm b 9:35 am Chicago. Milwaukee St. Paul, Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm a 8:06 am Cnloago et omana cx..g 7:10 am d 1:40 pm Missouri Partite St. Ixyjls Express alO:00 am a 6:25 pm K. C. & St. L. Express. al0:50 pm a 6:15 am Wabash. St. Ixiul "Cannon Ball" Express ...a 5.15 pm a 8:30 am St. Ixiiila Local, Council Bluffs alO:00 am a 10:30 pm Chicago, Rock tali nd and Pacific. EAST. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Daylight a 7:W am a 9:35 pm Chicago Express bll:15 am a 5:06 pm Des Molnea Local a 4:00 pm bll:S0 am Chicago Fast Express. .a 4:35 pm a 1:2s pm Dca Moines, Rock Is land and Chicago a 7:40 pm a S:2S am WEST. Lincoln, Colo. Springs, Denver, Pueblo and West a 1:20 pm a 4:15 pm Colo., Texas, Cal, A. Oklahoma Flyer a 6:20 pm a 9:50 am Illinois Central. Chicago Express a 7:20 am a 6:10 pm Chicago, Minneapolis A . St. Paul Limited a 7:50 pm a 8:06 am Minneapolis & St. Paul Express b 7:20 am blO:S5 pm Chicago Express al0:35 pm Cblcaao 4t Northwestern. "The Northwestern Line." Chicago Special a 7:10 am all:20 pm Chicago Passenger a4;15pm a 8:00 sin Eastern Express a 10:55 am a 4 06 pm- Kustern Special a 4:55 pm a 4 06 pm Fust Mall a 8:0) pm a 2:40 pm Omaha-Chicago L t d. ..a 7:46 pm a 9:20 am Fast Mall a 8:30 am Cedar Rapids Pass a 6:30 pm Twin city Express a 7MB am aui:za pm Twin City Limited. , 7:56 pin a 8:40 am Sioux City Local, .a 6:15 am a 3:5o pm W EBSTER DEPOT 1ST H A W ERSTEIl Fremont, Elkhorn At Missouri Valley, Leave. Arrive, LBIack Hills, Dead wood, Hot Springs ...a g;oo pm a 0:00 pm Wyoming, Casper and iiouvias ,....(ii:uiBni 1 1 ui im Hastings, York, David City, Superior, Geneva, Exeter and Seward. ...b 8:00 pm b 5:00 pm Norfolk, Lincoln and Fremont p 7:;i) am pio: ant Fremont Local c 7:30 am. Mlsaoarl PaelSe. Nebraska - Ixieal, Via Weeding Water b 4:10 pm al0:2 am t hlcaao, St, Paul, Minneapolis Omaha. Twin City Passenger,.,. a 6:80 am a 1:00 pn bioux 1 uy j aeiiger.. a ;: pm aii:3V am ixicai d 0:10 pm o : am BURLINGTON ST ATION IOTH st: MASON Chicago, Rnrllnglon 4t Qnlney. Leave. Arrive. Chicago Special a 7:"0 am al0. pm Chicago Vestlbuled Ex.. a 4:00 pm 7 45 am C hlcago Local a :ao am a 4:06 pm Chicago Urn I ted a 7:60 pin a 7:4 am Fast Mail a J .40 pm Bnrllugton Jt Mlaaonrl River. Wymore, Beatrice and Lincoln ,...a s ei am Dii:sa am rlebraaka Express a 8:40 am a 7:38 pm lenver Limited ....a 4 34 pm a 8:04 pm Black Hill and Puget Bound Express a :oo pm a 8:48 am Lincoln Fast Mall b 8:00 pm a 9:17 am Fort crook and Platts- mouth b 8:20 pm bll:"5 an Bellevua at Pacific Jet. ..a 8:00 am Kansas City, St. Joseph at Coanrll Bluffs. Kansas City Day Ex. ...a 1:20 am a 1:06 pm SI, Louis Flyer a 4:10 pm all:15 am Kansas City Night Eg...al0;td pm a 615 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday, e Sun. day only, d Dally except Saturday. Dally except Monday. STEAMSHIPS. HOLUKD-AUERICA LIKE New York-Rotterdam, via Boulogne, L AC New Twin-Screw a. s. ot ll,0u0 loos register. Twin-Screw DvnAim ' Steamer iijiiuuui May. 10 a.m. Rotterdam May M. U a. m. May 17. 10 a. m. Twin-Screw Steamer Twin-screw Bleamer Apply ta Harry Moore. 1418 'Farnam treat; J. 8. AlcNaili, lili ("arnam atreet; H. tt. Jons, lau2-raroam atreet: Louis teeae. alrst National Bank. O, ANCIIOH LINK U. . MAlL-gTKAMKKi gains rsxuisrlr hMeaaa KSr roaK. LoNLsjMii.ftar vlahoow; HKW v6kK. (jIBUALTAK A MaVLhS. guserlar sreoaimeAstlMS, Siaallsat CuHloa. I,rr regard lor lbs owfuri t UM,,n stuawusly veu .S r4 SB Bli:li4. Sisals ar aeeaa Trip titkaU Uu4 katessa Kew York as turnk, KsflUS, Irl-k t4 all frlaelpal Ceai-aesul seiai al auractiva rt Vsr lu.i. r real laratiaa see If te (! UtO., C'luAa, e aay UN.AA, Au&Mf .