Till: 6'MAUA DAILY UEE: THUItSDAY, MAY 1, 1002. rt ft,... , r ..Wvt frtf fit tr-tlftt I , . , . .f .... ,i . . . . ,,,,,?. f . -ft., ., ,x' .ttrtrr.rt (' fV - t I , ' ! if. I ( 0 en f , i,i 7-. If' I 4; t4-t V ff.' .-'. m vrf ttnH4 .-fy. t t . i4 4,4 .i,f 344i4 t. t4, f .v ,,of U'li'f i H . l e .,. .. 4.f 14 l . h 4 f s, rtr4o' fV'4- 4 tt m K V.le- f4 d.t.vff .444 44 ''.,-4 ' fftaS fy . . 4 4m 44 ll I4t4 4.A .. .. f A 4 . . s"4 n it.ya ftumf" . . 'ft ttt0 ft4tl,1 nif l, ft M plaA Mff ..- . f M'f f a fief Mlr"M ' -, -ff f fAt (Ti f S -"-.4 4 4ffi-f M f .' f 4-V 4-.fli4 ' K4I.4' 4'(H fM f.ffA H'(A .4 4' .f Miilf t4 ff,M M trfit 444 f4 I 4 f'4 Mf ftf .,,, Vft4 fs fff 4)4 f w-4 orfk 1 fit lf4 t m. 4 4llf, )4 fp, fA(4 ftf f tW fiflf tf1Tltt, 4 fl4 4t4 ft frwtf itt tmfm l4 f 4lfM 4lt.1f run in tH 4'ifn fmiff rlf Tti trKitf A tik MnlMff f ,f 4 4iHfft (tiKif b'fi 4 4lnt)fn4 Da4 4ffl.l pf.fr 4m f44 fnl4 t'M 411 iixf pfnt Hrltflf M fn'4M 14 44 Mlf04f hi. tk rMi 44, r. ' rir.l, i. rail (or bor4 n tfea 4 rvi)4 Mrtka rnr(pofslttl4 44 fram IbfffH 14 4f4la u'i 4)u4 frf lb4 ftaa4 1 ff4 :i upon 44 Mnk In th rff i fM.f Ha fwli4, lrwln4lB tbo4 ltla4 ika loiltMtial 4poIIa. fof Iba r.p of rvrtalnlna; Hot fftljr lb 414cl aiu ef ib tr"prr ih haaka. but U k 4lu of ik mnal'4 aa4 cr4lla ef tba !tlar4 TS:r. fo call ea lh4 whotfata twt 1 crDurrgrin( rtaMlahmnt rf -k. rttf to (.ro4'jr ihlr booka aal luak iil04 aa to m(uI vain. ' rn-$t'h. it tk up (irotrata aa lo In4l Hoal mn' upon tb lloa pr44fll4 tr Mr rirtl. at lb m4ln( of tba Iktar4 r( IU. alrlMita rrnbakl Kaltara. 'Tb U ntr prccrain. It mar nt ba car rl1 fif. aa mar ba wroe aa fo ear r"0 r'j--loa af tba but w dfl(lJ tkat ua4r ik trnna of that iDatramant ara ta aernaln tba baala tt raluatlon of all rorrtr la tba rlfr and to plaea tk aMainfit of tba corporatlooa upon ifcat ht To ararfila tba actual baala It rana alr la itaraaaarr for ua to com rr tba oovawat of aarb aaataatBaot witb ik actual alua of tba proparr ovtia4 by iparr. Aftrr mm tiava aacaf !aa4 tkia wa no fit tba a'aaaaaant of k roraaraMona arrordloa; lo tba tarna af tba ant. aa4 thia tttaia to ma to b tba aalr ar la bkb It ran b dooo with ;( to all. -A ta tba lalitr ef tba procaadloii) liatea t 4lt44. but bava aaerad h a4fa af go4 lavyvra aad bava a-ttM m.r rtaa la barmoar with tbetr Tb 'fr-n" brna about I IS o'clork all cMfcc1 ufltt! . IV, Jl4aa aa Waaaaa Wall. Tka rrrw 1 a ika cauacll cbambar at I II. "n,r ainri ia aauallr eallad o f4r. HiMtkn itr ika a aanal aa a aVKaaiia fram tba Iroa Mouldara' a ian. ataaibara of tba ""' aa praeaai. Tka club 4aa. Va ara UtA j Mra Gart Tll ta. pat4a. aaM kr ralU4 ta rt parHaawatarr aaa- 'f tba ' ' ara praaaat at tbJa t!ma Z.maa. Hwill trt aa4 My. It WM art.1 ia aatl a law Kiara fov mat- Karr la ra) la ta iHWHf4. Vm" th CoaacllfM Kntl ap. paar Ha t4 knrna4 aa1 avtdaatt k4 4Maabia a bta ata4. Appraacblac Havana Int. a (art tka 4Mxrilataa fr r.r aaf.1. baM a atlat k.nai4 raaaaraattaai wtta klaa a ad ka aWuatalr af arwaM kofk laft Ika torfl4ti) ta"ar. TVa rwPtoa4 lka MMt af anattrtlaia ?" taa ZlBiaaa. Laaaek aa4 tfc i a tba tav rapa4 tba kaaaa a4a a4 raila4 tba poll. Is waa a amaa4i fba aoni aa praaaat. Law aaatt ffta wva4 a aafl af tba bmtaa aaf Uka NfpMUf ina waa aaat awa o brlaaj ka aftaaiaa. aftap aaotkaf tiaptar af a- taw al paaamt aivS atill thara waa aa aw Pr Ma aoaaataaa. tka elara 4alta4 'k Pu ataloa bm aadi aaka4 kaa amrara aat tu aaatat la toa Wwalif auantioa wa aaitef t taa Sana a4 ta wa tka "via f ti!U oi ?efiw?i4 MTwflgtb, until soon they become srout wvi, rpbusf. All puny and languid children cx-cd thiA great bolder ct pure &nd rich blood. Ta perfectly fres to consult your family piyiiiia ca til thssa ib:ct3. He knows the fonr.u!.. fvf cur Sawparilla. .i ikxaaaA a raunm ai my Caovi ataafema. m.. - & S h? & . S Ma a . l k4 A- k . . Im i i mm I V --(''.- K a ' r. Tr'MtT. bllc'.iom. Mi int . 1 II. 4'.! p.ti 1 . t i r i nl bu7 of p- vj'n'i'ii ''i tL" f'll4 aiicnlflrano)' ' !be it.iM n Tf;c ( i.!y nif mt-r ft h faV.f :l fv:r not rrf"i ri'irKL v, Si ni K'i t to dp o'lt tin' il'.v. Vt o I'l''' l.ft'Pi k tiji'v.'.l il.nl the -nll f !.. !i. '.i' rfipcl At thn snio mn. T. u '"" t T '!'. fttnl .'iiriiti4u appi'.i.1 n-1 rrr f" I f-r !. Zl'innna ri'Ui' r(r4' t fhr rail ff lb b'ii. f nt'i l-i f..-' .-f f ntrc l-r.' nn"l 1 a .l' if In Mi m itn'reV fb'.I hi. at.! It J,., m'v; ("nlllrf tlmi' i iiMiicllii'rn out of lot in o-.l' r to i o"ip' 1 ttidr Bitcivlir.i'p " l1-4 r or.-! I It's mi-Ion. tbf rail ' f o! w m' rlp 1 an-1 tbP poUrr-non ifc'iV (rM tnt fli- r piTvli ri woiiM h dlv p.irft f-ti!ii'"l:"ti'lv 'toriirt the O'Vltlrll fft'iMlTIr) l,T.'lMr Ifin nlfeif. prln'-Ipil I'fm nf bttslpon whlih rf.' il f hifvd l'n rOnil 'lore 1 a'l thore hoed t finfirn" n'l fport of Whltehorn'g fimmlife oil file t'rlnn rd"lflo foundrf fX'i.'f1 Thi C'.iimlttee (thst of rnllwiiTH. rVtVfMpM dr) f folephnnfi) comprise Vl'Torr7. fritoflll linl TroHfler, nil of Ififfl Vfi!1 Ihenf. dfJ thori ii! no ono I'rffKfAf' tM fipnrf. f"lty Attorney Ton Mit. riii 14 prenf for I fev mlnnten. Itinnrl I .11, hiM thit Pporf. th effort of ritt? ,1 fi tttt thii fmindrf mattpr tn fB4 M4f difpftffmfnf or" r) opinion anif 1- 4f1Af M4f. ftmf nr)4 lit whloh fh 4tirMj 4f4 woMniy InfffOfJfM, IM f rf ft f4 n Miiwtd ordlnanof. a wpf ff fr Mf ttpotl arft pfrmellman'1 4. T fW r4 al iataral doromfntl ftrm fAi mafof fn M enftsMafM, on of folio. tf tb Jf-norfiNa tf f'lff rounrl! of fh4 fffr of fimh4: Oentlpmen (in flindiv. ApffT 17. fhe 4taf of Nbrilnt KUKtalnP'l a 4rof Ion lo fne iiittri of th.t i1l tottfi'l oflfi. ffon J Hferllnf Morton. If e4m ft m fht thr arinnid b n foii't opori fha fiofmnnenf offlril rororlo of f h nf tnpnUm of fhe etntf om epre- of ffi4 Man reaurf In whlrh ho fio) f Mi feii .w rltmem. an.1 of the fleeo aiffiw Whlfn fftr '"'I M demlo Mr Morton a mn of npionfllil Inrel lof ttnhiemiepe lnferlfy, Inilornlfhl r.Tifaa, iflMifi tnarltr n1 houn.lleea 4nr4 Aa n 4holar and atnlenman h htrx.i7 NbT4la unit rorte a nm for Mmlf amofia) fta arr4ft of cmr nation. fl lmpra4 Ma ehraetf an4 llfi upon o'ir Mf hi perhapa no other man haa l wot. 14 fhrfore a-iaaeaf that your hvnorbl hnAf laka aurri oflin a yon mr rleem pro(r to pluoe mmn the rrorila nf mif rlfr aoma fhni lo Ihe life and menv.rr of Ihla rmtnent XehriikBn. K (wilfully, rilANK E. MOOREB, Mayor. BIT STROiNO ON flib TAPE What Pharl Paaaaa Tktaha tf CJot rr aal Artlaai natrraar f Wpamlaa. At a:4a p. m. Tuaaday tba county jail aa talapboncd tbat pockatbook looking Ilka a womao'a band aatcbel waa being beld at tba In Ion atatloa for John Power and tba jail forca koaw right away that tba abaiifl bad roturnrd. Two aaeka ago laat Sunday he want to Ctanatoo. Wye., after William Heap, jr., charged with obtalolog money tinder falaa prelaaaea, and baa boon there ever alnce, waiting for the Wyoming offlclale to re- celTO requisition pa para tbat would meet tbelr faetldloua eiactlone. Heap waa wanted for trial on the charge of the Perry Commiaaton company of Bouth Omaha tbat ha had failed to deliver cattle on wblcb they had accepted a mortgage for $1,000, part of a turn advanced him after he had eatabllabed credit with them by prevtoua aatlafactory dealtnga. Heap ae eured an attorney, who Instated tbat Juris diction lay In Uinta county, where Heap lived, and tha matter had to be taken be fore a district Judge-, who declared It lay la Douglaa county. Although tha people generally were very gracloua. It seemed to tha Douglaa county sheriff tbat both Gov ernor Richards and Acting Oovernor Chat- terton were a bit atrong on red tape, for between them they managed to delay him two weeks longer than aeemed neceasary. Ha enjoyed hla etay. however, and re porta aa one of the novel eiperlences of the trip that be aaw it anow every day he waa there except last Sunday, and that when Omaha had Ita M degreea above, he waa enuggllng up to a Are. Tha puree he loet waa not found until tha ear waa batng cleaned here and the alter! 9 didn't know of Ita absence until he received the telephone meaaage from tha depot. It contained hla paaaea, about VU la bllle, a picture of Preetdent Rooeevelt en tour asd eocne aamplea of the khaki need la making rough rider campalga tint WILL REPRESENT NEBRASKA Jaaeae) B. Wealwarl Laavee far St. raal ta PWrltataata a Oratwvsawl Cast aal. Jmm E- Woodard of Creightaa antvar Hy laft Taeeday aver tba Illlnota C4n tral for Si, Faal. where ha wilt represent Kahraaka a4 tka talersUta oratorical con laat be held la tkat city Thursday night. Ha waa eeroanpaalea by hie father. Assist ant Poatamaeter Woodard. by D. J. Hurlay aa tha representative from Crelghtoa. aad by fred J. Kerr aa delegate-at-large from Bellavwe college. Ia the Nebraska later catiaglata contest held at Crelghtoa uni versity hall aa March 21. Mr. Woodard. WKk tha eubject "Ia Chrastlanlty a Fall- ra? merited Brat place, thereby receiving tha honor ef representing tble atate. He will deliver tha earn e rat low in St. Paul, aad although he will aow be pitted agalnat sea of ateimer atuff, bla fellow-etudents aadj hla many frtende feel confident that he wilt acquit himself la a very creditable Good building material Stcss snd mortar. Day by day t! buildic grows, becoming U::r. broader, more solid. Tbo best bui!dinff material Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Day by day it males thia tad cala children 1 oo4 tha Ayar .raanarU'A waa tha I aua now paal 74 yaw a of age, anU i - rmmm ymmtm or w eVAa 1 14 ... J ' AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Organization of School Board Practicallj Peridfd Upon. JY LAVERTV IS TO BE PRESIDENT Knhnt for frrelsrr nnd Election of TrnrKm tn Ite Held F.arly In May la rrnaram ynvw Oatllned. Next Moti'lny nicht thf present Hourd of FMtn ntion wilt moot and close up Its affr,lr aod the .recently elected members. Iverty. Morrill and Bock, will be sworn In. Those new meinhors take the places of nulla, Ryan ami Flcenec. One of tha first acta of the new honM will be tha nele.'tlon of a president. It Is understood that Jay Lnvcrty In a stron. candidate for president, and It aeems to be pretty gen erally understood that he will he chosen for the place without opposition. Those who are on the Inside assert that Kubat will mirceed Ryan aa secretary. This po sition pays $rn a month and Is the only salaried office on the board. In times past the board haa dallied along until late In May or even Into June be fore electing teachers for the school year which follows the summer vacation. This dels has rinsed a great amount of anxiety on the part of teachers, who are naturally desirous of learntna; their fate aa soon aa possible. As already outlined, the plan of the reorganized board will be to lert teachers at a meeting to be held on May 12. Of course It Is not the Intention to select all of the teachers at this time, but perhaps eighty may be chosen and the bal ance of the places filled In at sesslona to be held later. One of the problems tha new hoard wilt heve to deal with will be the rholee of principal for the High school. Every year there la scramble for 'hla position. Last year Frank Seykora was removed and X. M. Oraham substituted. Thla year both rsraham nnd Seykora are working for the place. Oraham wanta to hold hla job, while Peykora. who la now In charge of the department of mathematics, whnta the place back. In hla fight Seykora la being backed by member of the Taxpayers' league and others. It la averted tbat noma of the members are already pledged to either one or the other of the candidate and the fight will prove Interesting, nealataete Parkers' Katloaal Bask, Tha Board of Education haa designated the Packers' National bank as the deposi tory of the funds of the school district Thla action on the part of the board now permits the turning over Into the handa of Treasurer Howe the achool funda. At the present time there ia only about $200 In the fund, but within a day or two there will be plenty of money on account of the license fees coming In. Mr. Koutaky, the retiring treasurer, said yesterday that the achool district would bo In pretty good shape thla year, as It will take only about half of the amount of money derived from saloon licensee to take up the overlap of the district. This will leave a balance of about $45,000 to apply on tescbera' salaries next fall. City Hall Chaorea. In order to make room for the city tax commissioner, the railings and gratings in the city offices are being changed. The tax commissioner will have hla office directly In the rear of the treaauer's office. This will move the city clerk a little farther back, but It will give him more room, as the offices of the Inspectors have been consolidated and moved to the east end of the room. It la expected that the changea will be completed ao that Mr. Fltxgerald will be able to take possession of his office by Thursday. Brlarga Makes Detail. i f Brtgga of the police department yesterday made out a detail for the month of May. He will place alx men in uniform on duty days and Beven men at nlgbt. Two men will work in rltlxena' clothes, subject to the orders of the mayor and the chief of police. At the preaent time the force conalata of aeventeen men. While there la a demand for more patrol men, the funds do not warrant the ex pendlture at thla time, s Nearly all of the patrolmen will be moved from the beata they have been patrolling and be given different localities to look after. Elevealh Aaaasl Meetla. The eleventh annual meeting of the Ne braska State League of Local Loan and Building aasoclatloas waa held In tha coun ell chamber yesterday afternoon and even Ing. About two dosen delegatea were prea ent aad a number of addresses were de livered. A program had been prepared which called for epeechea and papera, and thla waa carried out as far as practicable. Fire Eeeapee. Since the Board of Education ha fallen into line and ordered Ore escapes erected oa the Central achool building, la com pllance with the ordara of tha daputy atata laker commissioner. It la presumed that owners of blocks in the buslneas portion ef the city will follow. Fire eacapes oa a number of buildings are badly needed, so the labor commissioner asserts, and be goea further and aaya that he proposes seeing thst they are erected. Ravlaias; Neaalatlaaa. Chief Etter of the Are department is at present engaged In revising the rules and regulations of the Are department. He haa aecured a ropy of the rales laid down for the government of the department In Omaha and with the exception of aome changea these will be submitted to the city officials for consideration. As the city officials have not taken any atepa toward building a brick fire ball In tha Fourth ward two hoaa companies are still stationed at No. 1 house on Twenty- fourth atreet. ROYAL ARCANUM STATE MEET Slsth Aasaal aaaeiaar Traasacte Ita aalaesa aad Elects Sew OMrers. The Nebraska grand council of the Royal Arcanum held ita alxtb annual eeaeloa Tuesday in the Royal Arcanum hall In The Bee building, with the largeat attendance In the history of the order in thle atate, there being alxty-one delegatea preaent. Varloua mod! Beat lone ware mads In the by laws, all of an Incidental character. Orand Regent Prank D. Burgeaa of Cedar Raplda, Neb., opened the aeaaion. but by reason of lllneaa waa obliged to retire. The mem bare expressed tbelr Interest by making hla room aweat with the perfume of many flowers. Vice Regent Perfect of Omaha presided. The following were elected aa officers for tha ensuing year: Grand regent, Ed win R. Perfect of Omaha; vice grand re gent, J. M. Teegarden of Weeping Water; grand orator. Rev. T. J. Mickey of Omaha. past grand regent. F. O. Burgese of Cedar Raplda. Nab.; grand secretary. C. A. Orlm mal. Omaha; grand treasurer, A. E. Perm- oiea, Omaha; grand chaplain, N. F. Reck ard, Omaha: grand guide, H. H. Com d ton Cedar Rapids, Nab.; grand warden. Bea ms C. Kox, Lincoln; grand aantry, Wll nam n. Jones, South Omaha: trustees. George Powell. OmAhai C D. Jenklna, Nor folk, and. J. C. CleUnd. Fremont. The next session will ha held in Omaha DATES FOR AK-SAR-BEN SHOW Time rised for Openln t'aralval aad Flail. The date of Ihe fall festivities was fixed hy the board of governors of the Knlghti of Ak-Sar-flen last night and according to the schedule sdopted the first day of the fnlr aad exhibition will be Wednesday, Sep tember 24. continuing ten days and closing on the night of Saturday, October 4. Thla arrangement wltl give the managers of the festival aoclely and the people Interested advantage of two Saturdaya during the fes tival and will tend to Increase the average attradance. The times arranged for the special days are: Wednesday, October 1 Iay parade. Thursday, Ortober 2 Ak-Sar-Ben night parade and electrical pageant. Friday, October 3 Annual Ak-?ar-Ben bs.ll. Saturday, October 4 Close of the festi val. Aside from fixing the dates nothing was done toward the annual festival, but the fair committee will begin active operations In a short time to secure worthy attrac tions for the ten days' show. The ritual committee served notice on the board last night that on Friday even ing every member of the board would be expected to be present at tha den for the purpose of inspecting the arrangements made by the committee for the reception of tboae who will join the court of King Ak-Sar-Ben VIII and to pass upon the derision of the ritual committee as to hav ing no Initiation this year. At thla re view all of the arrangements for a demon strstlon on the plan of the committee will for the first time be complete, and the per sona who are to take part In the reception of members will be versed In the work they are to do aad the lectures they are te de liver, so that the members of the board can know exactly how the work will pro ceed on the first night of Initiations, which will be next Monday evening. FIREMEN TOJXET VACATIONS Leaves Be Taken at Sack Time aa Chief Sailer May Elect. The Board of Fire and Police Commission ers has accepted the resignation of Pipe man John S. Woods and has appointed John McOreal In his place. The resigna tion of Fireman George o. Farmer, to take effect May 1, waa also accepted. A ltcenae wa granted to the Pabat Brew ing company to conduct a saloon at 1307 Leavenworth street. The following leaves of absence, to be taken at such time as the chief of the fire department may elect, were granted: Cap tain John Coyle, Company No. 2, ten days; William Hartnett, truck No. 1, ten days; Chester A. Blake, hook and ladder No. .4, ten days; Captain Patrick Cogan, No. 9, ten days; Csptaln J. J. Lank, No. S, ten days; Lieutenant John Errlckaon, No. 1, thirteen daya; David L. Camp, hook and ladder No. 4. ten days; Captain H. C. Jaacks, No. 4, ten days; Engineer L. H. Wlnslow, No. 4, ten days; Patrick F. Connolly, No. 2, ten days; Johu F. Engel, No. 4, four and one-half days; Henry Kaufman, No. 10, seven dsys; John C. Wilaon, No. 1, five daya; Lieutenant John J. Onnsby, No. 8, (wo days; George O. Fanner, No. 2, flvo days. BUTCHERS HAVE AMPLE PROOF Declare Attorney General Shoold Call n Them for Evidence of Packers Trnst. KANSAS CITY, April JO. (Special Tele gram.) The retail butchers aasert that if Attorney General Crow really wants evi dence of the existence ef a beef trust he should summon them instead of the pack ers. They declare they can furnish him plenty. i The strongest evidence thej have la the uniformity of the wholesale price of beef at all of the houses and In the fact tbat the rise in quotations takea place slmul tanuously on Monday mornings. Another evidence cited is the blsck list system un der whlrh a dealer who misses the regular weekly payment of hie bill to one packing house la unable to buy any meat from an other until that bill la paid. While hla credit may be extended a short time at the house to which he Is obligated, he becomes entirely subject to that house in the price be pays for meat. The price of meat sometimes vsrles half a cent a pound at the dlflerent houses, but the butchers assert that when they order from tha houses quoting the low price they a-a told that their ordera cannot be filled. "Wa know what the packers will tell the attorney general," said a prominent Wal nut atreet butcher. "Let him come to ua and we will ahow that there la no com petition between the packer In Kansas City." ACTION AGAINST THE PACKERS Sperlfle Statas Will Be Laid Before Attorney General Today r Tan CHICAGO, April $0. Tomorrow or next day the specific status of the proposed pro ceeding of the government against the big packers will be laid before Attorney General Knox at Washington. While the actual drafting of the bill for the tempo rary Injunction haa not yet been begun, the allegations which this bill will contain havs to bs practically determined by Dis trict Attorney Bethea, acting with Special Government Counael Day. It Is not understood that the bill In It entirety will have to travel to Waahlng ten and then bock before Mr. Bethea can act. The understanding is that the line of procedure and the line of character of the evidence la to ba submitted to the attorney general for any suggestion he may dealre to make. This may bs done by Judge Day, who ia ahortly to return east. It Is said the bill will be filed In tha United States court next Monday. CARMEN READY FOR ACTION Will Take In Caaa of Employes Dropped for Joining Secret I'aloa. CHICAGO, April 10. Announcement that alx men or more had been dropped from tha payroll by the Union Traction com pany because tbey had joined the newly organised local ualon of atreet car em ployee resulted In a hurried meeting of the ofBcera of tha union and the executive board of the Chicago Federation of Labor tonight. Telegrams ware Scut to President Samuel Compere of ths American Federa tion af Labor aad to W. D. Maaon. presi dent of the Amalgamated Association of Street Car Employee, aaklng them to be preaent at a meeting Friday nlgbt. Both replied that tbey would accept. Lata tha Milan Casa Drop. WASHINGTON. April 10. It ia now be lieved that no further consideration will ba given by the president to the subject of retiring Lieutenant General Miles so long as ths commander of tba army continues bis attitude of reserve and the case will be. allowed to remain aa it la unleaa Gen eral Miles should take soma action to re vrva the recent determination of ih. nr..i. CASTRO IS BADLY CRIPPLED Loisi Valuable, ken and Territory in En deavor to Suppress Rebellion. EASTERN PART OF COUNTRY IS TAKEN Venesarlan Government la rorred by Inaaraenta to Defensive and Una o More Troapa tn Send Ont. TRINIDAD. Vcneiuela, April .m.-The news of the defeat of the government troops nar San Antonio last Tuesday la confirmed. It now arprars that thla en gagement proved a disaster for the gov ernment. The death of the government general, Castro, Is also ronnrmcl. General Escalante, the second In command of the Venezuelan army, who was reported miss ing after Tuesday's light, baa 'been made prisoner by the Inaurgenta. He was one of President Castro's most faithful officers and wae formerly governor ef Caracaa. He came from Castro's native atate, I-oi Andes. The Veneiuelsu government la said to be In Ignorance of the whereabout a of the Insurgent commander, (Vrneral Monogas, who with a force of 800 men has not been heard from In six days. It Is generally be lieved that be has taken advantage of the battle of laat Tueaday to push hla com mand forward in the direction of Caracas. Government Is Weakened, NEW YORK, April 29. N. Bolet Mono gas of the revolutionary junta baa received from Caracaa the following riewa about the revolution in Venezuela: The revolutionary general, Rlera, at ths head of 2,000 men, la at the outskirts of Coro, capital of the state of Falcon, and la expected at any moment to take It. Gen eral Salalgne has taken the port at Tuc caseas, n the state of Barqulslmeto, which la an Important place where the revolution let steamei Bolivar can take coal and land ammunition fot the revolutionists of the In terior of the country. All the eastern part of the country Is lost to the government and taken by Generals Monogas, Rolando and Penalosa. The forces of Mendosa and other revolutionists have joined and are marching to attack the capital. The government Is intrench ing Puerto Cabello, aa General Montenegro of (he atate of Cojedes Is marching to ward that point. The government haa taken the defensive as it has no more troops to send out. TO CONTROL J0BACC0 TRADE Battle for Domination of World's Market by Merging of Giant Companies. NEW YORK, April 30. The World to morrow will say: An important move In the battle tor con trol of the tobacco market of the world will be made tomorrow, when the giant Contl netal Tobacco company and the American Cigar company will, through a new ar rangement, become practically one. This Is a long stride In the carrying out of President Duke's Imperial plan for the greater tobacco truat. Control of the to bacco trust of Cuba is aimed at and P resit: dent Duke baa been quoted as saying tbat the trust could afford to lose $5,000,000 to get control of the market of the British empire. That measures to realize the latter are now under way Is Indicated by the presence in the city of Ogdens, Britain's greatest manufacturer of cigarettes, in whose busi ness the American Tobacco company has already bought a big Interest. The new American combination, the Continental To bacco company and the American Cigar company, aa announced yesterday by the officers, is one by which the Continental buys the entire manufactured output of the American Cigar company and disposes of It through its own salesmen. Officials of the two companies who made the announce ment took occaalon to announce pointedly that the two concerns would continue to maintain separate organizations. Jamea B. Duke is president of the Con solidated Tobacco company, which controls tne American Tobacco company and the Continental Tobacco company, and ha la president of both the American and the Continental companlea. While the truat dominates the American Cigar company, J. B. Cobb ia president of the latter and It was said yesterday would remain at it head. WEATHER IN SCHLEY'S FAVOR Brlaht Day Permits Sontbernera to Give the Admiral Hearty Entertainment. MEMPHIS. April 30. Better weather to day permitted the program for the enter tainment of Admiral and Mrs. Schley to be carried out fully. At 10:30 o'clock a mili tary and civic parade moved through the streets, which were crowded, and Admiral and Mra. Schley were cheered continuously. The admiral acknowledged the cheers by waving hla hand and bowing. Arriving at Court Square, where reviewing atands had been erected, aa address of ' welcome was made by Mayor J. J. Williams and replied to by the admiral, after which the party went to the Cotton exchange, where mem bers of the exchange received the admiral. At t p. m. the admiral and Mr. Schley reviewed a regatta on the river, occupying the ateamboat Robert B. Lee aa flagship, and tonight a grand ball waa given in their honor at the New Gayoso hotel. Tomor row they will be the guesta of the Maaonlo fraternity. ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine Carter's Little Liver PUls. Must Slgnatur of FaoauWki Wi rts IUIJLCSL rea timutiu ni iiucttiim. rl TMMI uvu. rti ccKiTirATsei. ret uuiw tut. rCITIICOMPUXISl to tahs aassa CARTER'S IP SByspopsia CSupo Tbegfonr you itifTrr aftrr istlnif. l at frflln of fiillnr, fUiuirnrs) (wind on the stomach) anil lel('jHi la rauorJ t.jr ilccajr nf iitiil!ffccd food whlrh form a Ra that dlstomu the wall of II:c ntitiiarh aiwl rti n pressure ninl'ist all the Intcrnnl orrnns. Tlio -atlng: of mor food forcrs nut pnrt of thin c.n ami ratisfg iM'lrblntf. Just t.iko a lltlla Kodol l)rrr,iiA Cirk. It ill rolli-ve you at once. It urtrr falls' to pcrmanriitljr cure the wor-t case of lndiirrf Ion and ilysprpsln. "iHufTorpd tiutoid pain from intllufsi Ion which were alWiiM worse af tercattntf. Two hot tie of Knnoi. lvrrrM a t'ritr niailume a well roan ndllfo now eenis worth llTtnu. I'rte rShrrnian. No. Stratford, N. II." If can't help but do you nood Prepared by F. C. DeWItt A Co., 'In. ago. The favorite hotiBCtioltl rentnlv for rotiu - throat and lung troubles is ONE MINUTE Cough Cure. Vt cures aulc SPECIAL DISEASES CURED TO STAY CURED BY THE TV0 GREAT CURATIVE POWERS SPECIALISTS IN Longest Established, Most Succesa fufar.d Reliable Specialists In Dis eases of Men, as Medical Diplo mas, Licenses and Newspaper Records show. 3 ' . References, Best Banks nnd l.e ndlaar Hnslness Men In This City. Consultation Free and Confidential ' Office Honrs From 8 a. in. to 8 p. m. Sunders lO a. m. to 1 p. na. State Electro-Medical Institute 1308 Farnam St., between 13th and 14th Sts. OfHA, NEB. EOMkWLi-wLmtvmmmLiwkwm On ''THE OVERLAND LIMITED" Electric Lighted have tiled platforms, enclosed with brass and ornamental railings, large enough to accommodate all pasnengers. Libraries, writing desks, books, maguzinet and current literature of all kinds. Each oar has six compartments anrl a drawing room containing wanhHtaniL hot and cold water, electric curling Iron beaters, parcel rack and all toilet conveniences. Thla famous train reaches Salt Lake City 12 hours and San Francisco 16 hours ahead of all -competitors. If you eontempUt a trip to any western point ths Union Pacific offers you the highest degree of comfort and luxury, with no additional cost and a great sav ing of time and expenac. City Ticket Office. 1324 Farnam St. Telephone 316 Union 8tatlon, 10th and Marcy Sts. Tel. 629. Successful professional and business men have always been tenants of the Bee Building That Is why you should be among the number successful men seek each others' company. R. C. PETERS & CO- Ground Floor. Bee BuIIdlnf RENTAL AGENT HOWELL'S Ant It help- uaturv to iuMUh Ho all , Anil-Kent has saied huadrede 7, h.'mr.u?.U,h " Dfgoata tvliat yosj Cat The ft I.Hi le ronlalss I'i tlu.r the W. stse. hs. Voids, rrnurt. Lroiirhitia. tfrT DI8EASE8 OF MEN VARICOCLE, HYDROCELE, STRICTURE, NERYO-SEXUAL DEBILITY, CONTAGIOUS BLOOD POISON, RUPTURE. KIDNEY and URINARY DISEASES, and ail reflex complications and aisorinta ; dlreaaea and weaknesses or men. Young, Middle-Aged and Old Man call nt onr oflloes todny, or write for our book, PRKF! which will exDlaln the dlsensea we cure. and how tve cure them to stay cured when others rail. Wo make no charge for private counsel. and give each pationt a I.KHAL CON TRACT to hold for our promises. VATIOH i'urv-. hnariM'n' aol sore , throat quirklj and -omi.l-t lv. This U jut the kind of v eat her to tnuftv Inr4iuiuv lion of tin in nub rune of the thnuit and bronchial tube. natural ronditioti at ntv of lite lm ' "1 . settle ef a-K..t u- bfIMI aa lua laat Tueaday in ApilL 1WX 1 CUIlifJCK blASAOll,